Can You "Induce" a Spiritual Experience??



  • @zfid
    @zfid 6 місяців тому +2

    You, sir, are a nutter....subscribed!

  • @zenjazzplayer
    @zenjazzplayer 6 місяців тому +1

    1. Nice swords!
    2. Cool editing with all the video and audio effects!
    3. Thank you for correctly stating "What is the sound of one hand?" rather than the usually misquoted "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
    4. Why are koans described as "problems?" and "problems to be solved?" Maybe "I" am the problem to be solved. Am I a problem to be solved? Maybe "tools" are a better description of koans? And I don't work on koans; koans work on me. Are they like sculptors' chisels that transform the shape of this empty form?
    5. I wonder whether taking comedy improv classes might help in sanzen by increasing flexibility and openness to acting more intuitively. Last year I watched a video of a group class improv exercise where, if I remember correctly, you look at an object, then look at another object and simultaneously say the name of the previous object. So, for example, look at a lamp. Then look at the computer monitor and say "lamp." Then look at the wall and say "monitor," etc. This scared me because it was a process of disconnecting language and knowing what things are called from the perception and recognition of things, and I was afraid I might forget the names of things and it might generalize and become semi-permanent and I would be unable to communicate with other people.
    6. During my massage today, as the therapist was massaging a leg I realized kangaroos and lizards have legs. She said "Most animals have legs. Snakes and worms have no legs." I felt sad for them. Also, I wondered how I lived this long without realizing I have a body.
    7. The most important things in swing dancing, which is the only kind I do, and probably in other kinds of partner dancing, are "frame" (form) and connection. When I click a link in the browser, the status bar reads "Connecting."
    8. Ah, later in the video you said "a koan is a tool to work with a zen master." That's two hands clapping. What if you don't have access to work with a zen master and you work on koans? Is that the sound of one hand?
    9. Martin Buber: "The world is not comprehensible, but it is embraceable: through the embracing of one of its beings." and
    Sounds like sanzen to me.
    10. Thank you.

  • @joeg3950
    @joeg3950 7 місяців тому

    I got these koans: Mu, True Face, Baizhang’s Fox, then my favorite “Why are you here, sitting zazen? Why this practice?” That was fun. I intellectualized it because I thought I knew my answer. Nope, not until hadn’t slept, couldn’t eat because of stomach issues, didn’t run to sanzen/dokusan - I hobbled, went into see the techer. I won’t give you my reply but his. He smiled and gave me a cup of tea.
    Yes, I think induce is a good word but that person should remember that we follow the schedule/practice/directions that elicit: craft, or better yet, manufacture. The thing is that I had to throw myself into the practice and the moment.
    Yet, we have to let go of these experiences/practices. They’re gone. That’s it. Who cares?!
    I found my love of improv helped me connect with koans.
    Have fun! Thank you for the content and video. They’re quite good.

  • @chrisb9832
    @chrisb9832 7 місяців тому

    I always thought of Zen koans as a clever technique to loosen the strangle hold the rational mind has on our ability to experience reality without filters, a tool that can lead us right up to the threshold of a direct experience, but not one that will induce it without the practitioner's complete surrender to what turns out to be the most ironically obvious realization of all: everything exactly as it already is.

  • @tinadeemc8728
    @tinadeemc8728 7 місяців тому

    Ooh, excited for this video. I originally loathed working with koans, and a year or so later I credit them for a huge chunk of my personal growth and sense of peace and acceptance. Even all the wrong answers have sparked change in my perspective and emotional intelligence.

  • @gregtry3767
    @gregtry3767 7 місяців тому +1

    Hey Jack, Robert Aitken Roshi spent 21 years working with MU before he 'passed' it. Just sayin......

  • @kakamarioluigi
    @kakamarioluigi 7 місяців тому +1

    Great editing job on this video Jack !!!

  • @tegeuscromis8947
    @tegeuscromis8947 7 місяців тому +1

    That's all well and good, but i still don't understand what "to manifest" means. Based on your example about the snake, is it a bit like interpretive dance?

    • @zenconfidential25
      @zenconfidential25  7 місяців тому +1

      That's a really good question. It's definitely not like an interpretive dance. But what is it?

  • @pearlyung
    @pearlyung 7 місяців тому +1

    When a revered master requires one to think, the answer is, don't think. The master knows! Moooo

  • @jethrobradley7850
    @jethrobradley7850 7 місяців тому

    I'm so glad you pronounce koan as koan and not "cone" like some zentubers. It's a small thing but it brings me great happiness

    • @zenconfidential25
      @zenconfidential25  7 місяців тому +2

      I think if I ever heard someone pronouncing it cone I would cry sadly into my gyokuro green tea.

  • @richbriones-colman7252
    @richbriones-colman7252 7 місяців тому +2


  • @fhoniemcphonsen8987
    @fhoniemcphonsen8987 7 місяців тому

    Thanks. Is it fair to equate die with surrender?
    Zen Brad answered my question from last time via synchronicity. It's karma diata? aka inheritance of action.