Why Did the Buddha Deny the Existence of the Soul and Ego? So, What Reincarnates?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @jomtonjung
    @jomtonjung 3 місяці тому +4

    I was born in a Buddhist culture but I have earnestly studied Daoist teachings, Zen, and recently have great interest in Advaita Vedanta as well. With insights from Dao and Zen, I have learned NOT to rely too much on words, symbols, concepts, or intellects. As a result, I have found, with great delight, that all these tranditions really point to the same truth, only in different ways of expressions and different word definitions. Earnest spiritual practices in any of these traditions will surely lead to the same 'experiential' truth. The realization of Anatta or Shunyata in Buddhism is exactly the same as the realization that "Atman is Brahman" in Advaita Vedanta - the end of the illusion of an individualistic self, and with this realization the whole text of Lao zi's Dao De Jing will also shine the same truth so vividly.

    • @pratikpratik8495
      @pratikpratik8495 3 місяці тому +3

      exactly...on surface it looks Buddisam , Jainism, Advaid vedanta are different but when you study without any biasness it is pointing to same ultimate absolute reality only difference is it express that concept differently.
      Problem with human is he directly jump to God or ultimate truth and want to achieve it with his limited ability. First walk any of path diligently, once you go beyond your limitation you will become silence and can see ultimate reality which can't be express in word only you can experience. Words are mere empty translation

    • @saddha1
      @saddha1 2 місяці тому

      No these traditions don’t point to the same truth. Advaita and Taoism have a jungle of false views (Taoism less so).
      The very source of Advaita is Brahma a creator in 7 heaven who was cursed for lying and pretending to know about things he didn’t. Vedantists continue their tradition of lies from their father.

  • @saddha1
    @saddha1 3 місяці тому +5

    In Buddhism the true self is that which is earnestly developed in Dhamma or the Law!
    That’s why Buddha said those who see the Law (Dhamma) see the Buddha.
    The soul is our ability to reason to understand what is good for all of us as a whole. Reason and virtue feed off one another.
    We can lose this reasoning by following false teachings, losing our soul and turning into monsters, but regain it when we encounter a Buddha or Buddhas teachings.
    The Dhamma (Buddha nature) is there underlying all beings, but some don’t have the ability to reason to accept it and live by these laws of virtue.

  • @ratnabahadurgurung9850
    @ratnabahadurgurung9850 3 місяці тому +6

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu Namo Buddhaya.

  • @Shizzie-5k
    @Shizzie-5k 3 місяці тому +6

    Reincarnation is soul driven Rebirth is the transformation of consciousness! I think it's rebirth in buddhism

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому +1

      That's correct, it is called rebirth in Buddhism. but rather than transformation, it is your actions from your previous life that gives birth to a new mind and a new body in the next life. That is why you cant remember your past life because you are no longer that previous being. You are neither the same, nor yet another. It's like this, I'll use the example of the mango tree. You plant a mango and it grows into a mango tree, then it blossoms and produces another mango, you sow the new mango and it grows into a second mango tree. The first mango that was sowed would be your previous birth, and the new mango that came from the first mango tree is your new birth, it isn't the same mango, but not entirely different, because the second mango derived from the first. In this way rebirth occurs.

    • @jakedavis5148
      @jakedavis5148 3 місяці тому

      @@brahmanatman8576 in my mind, the mango only has first density consciousness, and the birthing of one mango from the previous does involve transmigration (in my mind)
      so, to me, it does not seem to be a apt comparison (?)

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому +1

      @@jakedavis5148nothing can transmigrate from the previous birth because you have now a different mind and body. You’re a different being now but you are the offspring of your previous karma from your past life. We all are the offspring of our previous karmic actions.

  • @SuperDewhurst
    @SuperDewhurst Місяць тому +1

    The Original Buddha Doctrine is different from these
    " Hindu/Jain" derived concepts, that are being spread all over the world, by people who have not entered the Path. That is why the Buddha reiterated that one should teach only after entering the Path.
    The Buddha spoke of ANATTA, which is basic in His Doctrine. It means NO SOUL. No me. No I. Which means there is NO person, except the senses - from smell. Sight. Hearing. Taste. Touch, Mind and memory.
    In the Dev DAHA Sutta, He Categorically states " If anyone says that, what one endures is a consequence of previous actions " that is NOT the Buddha Doctrine, but is Niganta (Hindu) doctrine. VERY CLEAR.
    -The Buddha-
    Bhawa means one thought. PUNAR Bhawa means the next new thought. Therefore it is the thought that follows one after the other.
    Therefore it is obvious that there is no me/l/ person to be reborn.
    The thoughts follow in a sequence and there is no KAMMA as described by the Hindu/ Jain faith, where there is reward on one hand and punishment or damnation on the other, as is the case in Christianity. This concept of damnation is questionable and will NOT last with intellectual dialogue.
    The Original Buddha Doctrine, before it was mixed with the Hindu faith, is Supra-mundane and Supra-cortical.
    Not these mundane false concepts such as rebirth of the person. Do your research and enter the Path, through " Cheto VIMUKTHI" which one could follow with NO fee, through “ Denageneemen Nivanata “ OR “ Buddha Intelligence “ via the Internet. Until one enters the Path to Nibbana, by entering the first stage ( Sowahn) it is incorrect to teach or preach, which is like BLIND LEADING THE BLIND.
    About time people used their own intellect without believing hearsay.

  • @kamalkantgautam1287
    @kamalkantgautam1287 3 місяці тому +4

    Thanks giving details information

  • @cliffordeg
    @cliffordeg 2 місяці тому

    What most construe as Buddhism are really Daoist philosophies. This video is one of the rare exception that is like a gem one stumbles across.

  • @renaudli5834
    @renaudli5834 3 місяці тому +4

    Enlightening! Thank you!
    One question though: How do the name and form get to transfer from the deceased body to a new one?

    • @EgoPodcastenglish
      @EgoPodcastenglish  3 місяці тому +1

      in this video we have given explanation: Reincarnation & Rebirth Explained - Buddhism and Quantum Science

    • @renaudli5834
      @renaudli5834 3 місяці тому

      @@EgoPodcastenglish Thanks, I'll have a look.

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому +2

      I will explain this to you from the teachings of the buddha. In short, it is neither the same mind nor the same form that gets transferred from one life to the next. Check this out, the dialogue between the king Milinda and the Venerable Nagasena, who was a Buddhist sage during 150 BC," King Milinda questions:
      “Venerable Nāgasena, does rebirth take place without anything
      “Yes, O King. rebirth takes place without anything transmigrating.
      “Give me an illustration, Venerable Sir.
      “Suppose, O King, a man were to light a light from light pray,
      would the one light have passed over to the other light?
      “Nay, indeed, Venerable Sir,
      “In exactly the same way, O King, does rebirth take place without anything transmigrating.
      “Give me another illustration.
      “Do you remember, O King, having learnt, when you were a
      boy, some verse or other from your teacher of poetry?
      “Yes, Venerable Sir.
      “Pray, O King, did the verse pass over to you from your teacher?
      “Nay, indeed, Venerable Sir.
      “In exactly the same way, O King, does rebirth take place without anything transmigrating.”
      Again King Milinda questions:
      “Venerable Nāgasena, what is it that is born into the next existence?
      “O King, it is mind and body that is born into the next
      “It is this same mind and body that is born into the next
      “O King, it is not this same mind and body that is born into the
      next existence, but with this mind and body, O King, one does a
      deed - it may be good, or it may be evil - and by reason of this deed
      another mind and body is born into the next existence.
      “Venerable Sir, if it is not this mind and body that is born into
      the next existence, is one not freed from one’s evil deeds?
      “If one were not born into another existence, one would be freed
      from one’s evil deeds but, O King, inasmuch as one is born into another existence, therefore is one not freed from one’s evil deeds.
      “Give me an illustration.
      “O King, it is as if a man were to take away another man’s mangoes, and the owner of the mangoes were to seize him, and show him
      to the king and say - ‘Sire, this man hath taken away my mangoes’;
      and the other were to say, ‘Sire, I did not take away his mangoes. The
      mangoes which this man planted were different from those which I
      took away. I am not liable to punishment.’ Pray, O King, would the
      man be liable to punishment?
      “Assuredly, Venerable, Sir, he would be liable to punishment.”For
      what reason?
      “Because, in spite of what he might say, he would be liable to
      punishment for the reason that the last mangoes were derived from
      the first mangoes.
      “In exactly, the same way, O King, with this mind and body
      one does a deed - it may be good, or it may be bad - and by reason
      of this deed another mind and body is born into the next existence.
      Therefore is one not freed from one’s evil deeds.

    • @renaudli5834
      @renaudli5834 3 місяці тому +1

      @@brahmanatman8576 Could you provide me the name of the sutta? Thanks

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому +1

      @@renaudli5834 Of course, check out chapter 29 of the pdf book," The Buddha and His Teachings. By Venerable Narada Mahathera. You can find it online for free in pdf format

  • @rajk9965
    @rajk9965 2 місяці тому

    Belief in soul strengthens one's ego thus creating conflict everywhere. Everyone thinks he is either superior or inferior to others, when in actuality everyone can be seen as same if one annihilates this soul concept and dissolves one's illusionary ego.

  • @RighteousMonk-m1m
    @RighteousMonk-m1m 3 місяці тому +2

    Tye best explanation ever I have learned from this channel. 🙏

  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    @user-gr3oo5ux9x 3 місяці тому +1

    No self is true self, author Jed mckenna

  • @tstecksuan
    @tstecksuan 3 місяці тому +1

    Another good presentation only to be cautious that the Dharma object (or the software) of the mind cannot again be regarded as a permanent entity (Alaya 8th Consciousness of the Consciousness-Only school) migrating from one body to another which violates the principle of Dependent Origination once again.🙏

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому

      That is correct, the mind is not a permanent entity, because with every birth that comes, a new mind and a new body will be born. And yet it is with this mind that one can achieve his own liberation.

  • @AmbassadorAusar
    @AmbassadorAusar 2 місяці тому +1

    Wasn't this one of the questions the Buddha did not answer? You can't affirm that Buddha taught that there was no soul or that there is a soul. To say and attempt to believe that there is a soul or that there is no soul is another belief system that the Buddha said in the Brahmajala Sutta is wrong view.

    • @abcabc-m1q
      @abcabc-m1q Місяць тому

      Please read the Anattalakkhana Sutta. The concept of Anatta rejects the notion of an eternal unchanging soul.

  • @user-gr3oo5ux9x
    @user-gr3oo5ux9x 3 місяці тому +1

    The infinite always is incarnating into the dreamstate

  • @johncraftenworth7847
    @johncraftenworth7847 3 місяці тому +2

    I'm getting my popcorn :D

  • @continentzero7572
    @continentzero7572 3 місяці тому +1

    Once the material body dies, the emerging reality we call "space-time" no longer emerges. Therefore, any description, in terms of spatial-temporality, of what is happening outside space-time... leads reasonable people to insurmountable paradoxes, and irrational people to ridiculous beliefs.
    Each spiritual doctrine is nothing but a perspective, among many others possible, proposed by a Master in order to clarify disciples' minds. Unfortunately, most followers adopting a Master's perspective repeat the letter without really adhering to the Spirit, which leads to a cascade of misinterpretations. At the end, theories about reincarnation, afterlife, soul, etc., are too numerous to allow anyone to point their attention in the relevant direction. From there, endless debates arise.
    Life, death, reincarnation, are Mysteries, in other words unspeakable realities the mind cannot understand. Talking about it should only be poetry, not administrative reporting.

  • @Sanmayce
    @Sanmayce 3 місяці тому +1

    For those believing in soul, consider whether dragonfly has it?
    My favorite passage from Old Testament is Ecclesiastes 3:20-21
    All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
    My current understanding (despite the too many "proofs") is that soul equals consciousness and as such is very elusive to be defined, once prof. Minsky (on an UA-cam discourse) said that he encountered around 11 "definitions" of consciousness - all faulty, at least he was aware how snobbish most scientist were.
    To me , soul is not existent, what "reincarnates" is another dive into material world of consciousness - non-individuated but somehow deriving from previous experience of before-living and now-living consciousnesses. An informational inheritance, simply put.

    • @saddha1
      @saddha1 3 місяці тому

      In Buddhism soul is virtue the ability to see and reason and practice virtue. This is called Buddha nature.
      Every being has some level of understanding of its place in the world, while a dragon fly does its duty, to that level he has a soul.
      In Buddhism the true self is that which is earnestly developed in Dhamma or the Law!
      That’s why Buddha said those who see the Law (Dhamma) see the Buddha.
      The soul is our ability to reason to understand what is good for all of us as a whole. Reason and virtue feed off one another.
      We can lose this reasoning by following false teachings, losing our soul and turning into monsters, but regain it when we encounter a Buddha or Buddhas teachings.
      The Dhamma (Buddha nature) is there underlying all beings, but some don’t have the ability to reason to accept it and live by these laws of virtue.

  • @dr.subhasishthakur8076
    @dr.subhasishthakur8076 3 місяці тому +3

    There is hardly any difference between Buddhism, Jainism, & Hinduism. All believe in reincarnation. According to Buddha, the resultant of each birth moves on to the next, till the illusion regarding permanence of the name & form is removed. Hinduism & Jainism, use the term soul, which moves from birth to birth till it reaches the end of ignorance, which is akin to this fictitious entity " name & form ", the Buddha speaks of. That is perhaps the reason why, Hindus consider Buddha an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

    • @EgoPodcastenglish
      @EgoPodcastenglish  3 місяці тому

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment, @dr.subhasishthakur. You bring up an interesting point about the similarities among Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism, especially regarding the concept of reincarnation. Indeed, all three traditions share a belief in some form of rebirth or continuation of existence beyond a single life.
      Your explanation of how these traditions conceptualize the continuity of life is insightful. While Buddhism does not support the idea of a permanent, unchanging soul (anatta), it does discuss the continuation of consciousness in a stream of conditioned experiences until enlightenment is achieved. This contrasts with Hinduism and Jainism, which both posit a soul or self that eventually achieves liberation.
      The comparison you make between the "name & form" in Buddhism and the "soul" in Hinduism and Jainism highlights a subtle but significant philosophical divergence about the nature of self and liberation.
      The view of the Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism is indeed a fascinating aspect of how these spiritual traditions can interweave and interpret each other in a culturally integrative manner.
      If you have further insights or questions about these comparisons or other aspects of the teachings, I’d love to continue this discussion. Understanding these subtle differences and similarities helps deepen our appreciation of each tradition’s unique perspective.

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому

      The only difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is the concept of the self and Nirvana. In Hinduism they call it reincarnation because they believe that we have an indestructible soul that reincarnates into a new body from one birth to the next. In Buddhism the proper term is called "Rebirth" and Not reincarnation because they don't believe in the existence of a permanent self or soul. The Buddhist view on this is that with this mind and body that you have now, you do good deeds or bad deeds, and these actions or karma are what gives birth to your new mind and body in the next life. The reason you cant remember your previous life is because you are a different person with a new mind and body. But you are neither the same nor yet another because your new birth is derived from the actions and karma of your previous birth, basically you come from the same tree or stream that your previous birth had come from. but at the same time you are also another different being altogether, Its just that you are the fruit of your previous karma from your past life. The differences are more metaphysical. Now as far as the Buddha being an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, The Buddha would have denied this, check this out from the teachings of the Buddha, it is a dialogue between Gautama The Buddha and a Brahmin named Dona,
      "Once a certain brahmin named Dona, noticing the characteristic marks of the footprint of the Buddha, approached Him
      and questioned Him.
      “Your Reverence will be a Deva?”
      “No, indeed, brahmin, a Deva am I not,” replied the Buddha.
      “Then Your Reverence will be a Gandhabba?”
      “No, indeed, brahmin, a Gandhabba am I not.” “A Yakkha
      then?” “No, indeed, brahmin, not a Yakkha.” “Then Your
      Reverence will be a human being?” “No, indeed, brahmin, a
      human being am I not.” “Who, then, pray, will Your Reverence be?” The Buddha replied that He had destroyed Defilements which condition rebirth as a Deva, Gandhabba, Yakkha,
      or a human being and added:
      “As a lotus, fair and lovely,
      By the water is not soiled,
      By the world am I not soiled;
      Therefore, brahmin, am I Buddha.”
      The Buddha does not claim to be an incarnation (Avatāra) of
      Hindu God Vishnu, who, as the Bhagavadgitā charmingly
      sings, is born again and again in different periods to protect the righteous, to destroy the wicked, and to establish the
      Dharma (right).
      According to the Buddha countless are the gods (Devas)
      who are also a class of beings subject to birth and death; but
      there is no one Supreme being, who controls the destinies of
      human beings and who possesses a divine power to appear
      on earth at different intervals, employing a human form as a

    • @jakedavis5148
      @jakedavis5148 3 місяці тому

      @@brahmanatman8576 this implies that mind is discreet to the person in question... this is not clear to me - i would like to think that mind is perhaps universal (mind of non-duality)

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому

      @@jakedavis5148 Yes, the mind can be universal. it just depends on how much an individual has realized through spiritual practice. Mind is limitless and has a lot of potential, especially when it becomes liberated from all its limitations and suffering.

    • @jakedavis5148
      @jakedavis5148 3 місяці тому +1

      @@brahmanatman8576 i think that mind is always universal, it's just that the individuations are unaware

  • @WisdomEnlightened
    @WisdomEnlightened 3 місяці тому

    Sadhu sadhu

  • @sdrawkcabssa9004
    @sdrawkcabssa9004 3 місяці тому

    Can be observed in the gene expression of behaviors and tendencies transmitted to offspring in evolutionary progression 🧬

  • @jakedavis5148
    @jakedavis5148 3 місяці тому

    i am having trouble with the concept of 'name'... what are some other terms for this, please? 'identity' perhaps? i think that identity 'dies' with the body (form)
    or is it 'forgotten', or hidden behind 'the veil'...?

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому

      I will explain this to you from the teachings of the buddha. In short, it is neither the same mind nor the same form that gets transferred from one life to the next. Check this out, the dialogue between the king Milinda and the Venerable Nagasena, who was a Buddhist sage during 150 BC," King Milinda questions:
      “Venerable Nāgasena, does rebirth take place without anything
      “Yes, O King. rebirth takes place without anything transmigrating.
      “Give me an illustration, Venerable Sir.
      “Suppose, O King, a man were to light a light from light pray,
      would the one light have passed over to the other light?
      “Nay, indeed, Venerable Sir,
      “In exactly the same way, O King, does rebirth take place without anything transmigrating.
      “Give me another illustration.
      “Do you remember, O King, having learnt, when you were a
      boy, some verse or other from your teacher of poetry?
      “Yes, Venerable Sir.
      “Pray, O King, did the verse pass over to you from your teacher?
      “Nay, indeed, Venerable Sir.
      “In exactly the same way, O King, does rebirth take place without anything transmigrating.”
      Again King Milinda questions:
      “Venerable Nāgasena, what is it that is born into the next existence?
      “O King, it is mind and body that is born into the next
      “It is this same mind and body that is born into the next
      “O King, it is not this same mind and body that is born into the
      next existence, but with this mind and body, O King, one does a
      deed - it may be good, or it may be evil - and by reason of this deed
      another mind and body is born into the next existence.
      “Venerable Sir, if it is not this mind and body that is born into
      the next existence, is one not freed from one’s evil deeds?
      “If one were not born into another existence, one would be freed
      from one’s evil deeds but, O King, inasmuch as one is born into another existence, therefore is one not freed from one’s evil deeds.
      “Give me an illustration.
      “O King, it is as if a man were to take away another man’s mangoes, and the owner of the mangoes were to seize him, and show him
      to the king and say - ‘Sire, this man hath taken away my mangoes’;
      and the other were to say, ‘Sire, I did not take away his mangoes. The
      mangoes which this man planted were different from those which I
      took away. I am not liable to punishment.’ Pray, O King, would the
      man be liable to punishment?
      “Assuredly, Venerable, Sir, he would be liable to punishment.”For
      what reason?
      “Because, in spite of what he might say, he would be liable to
      punishment for the reason that the last mangoes were derived from
      the first mangoes.
      “In exactly, the same way, O King, with this mind and body
      one does a deed - it may be good, or it may be bad - and by reason
      of this deed another mind and body is born into the next existence.
      Therefore is one not freed from one’s evil deeds.

    • @jakedavis5148
      @jakedavis5148 3 місяці тому

      @@brahmanatman8576 thank you, i will study this further... but so far i'm not getting it any more than the king did (i don't feel like a mango)
      what i'm gathering from this, is 'name' = karma? or karma is carried by 'name'?

    • @jakedavis5148
      @jakedavis5148 3 місяці тому

      @@brahmanatman8576 if there is no transmigration, how is karma upheld? no 'material' transmigration?
      in my mind 'reincarnation' implies some form of 'spiritual' 'transmigration'... (?)

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому

      @@jakedavis5148it is difficult to understand this, I agree, but check this out, if this is difficult to understand, imagine trying to understand the buddhas enlightenment and his nirvana. That is the hardest thing to comprehend. The end goal. The Buddhist text don’t speak much on that experience because it is inexpressible and can only be understood by experiencing it ourselves. We need to have awakened to the buddhas enlightenment in order to fully comprehend these hidden mysteries relating to what is reborn in to the next life and so on. Other wise we will only get partial ideas of the truth and not grasp the entire understanding of this subject

    • @brahmanatman8576
      @brahmanatman8576 3 місяці тому

      @@jakedavis5148 It is difficult for us to fully comprehend these things. But Remember one thing, The Buddha got enlightened and then saw these truths. In other words unless we go through and realize the buddhas enlightenment, we cannot fully grasp these mysteries that the Buddha spoke of. Since we have limited knowledge, we wont be able to grasp much of these metaphysical answers to its fullest extent. Knowing the truth about rebirth and the origin of creation are not really going to benefit us at all. Instead we should all strive to achieve the Buddhas enlightenment, and then these mysteries will be made known to us. Its best to follow the Buddha dharma and put the Buddhas teachings into practice

  • @Blankarte
    @Blankarte 2 місяці тому

    The Dao / Tao is not "an entity" in any conceivable way. It is not equal to the christian deity

  • @SpodyOdy
    @SpodyOdy 2 місяці тому

    Why would you want to stop reincarnating? Is there a benefit or is it simply a form of suicide that ends it all?