Q&A: Where did evil come from? Tim Keller

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024
  • Timothy Keller was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminister Theological Seminary. He is pastor of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons. Today Redeemer has nearly six thousand regular attendees at five services, a host of daughter churches, and is planting churches in large cities throughout the world.
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  • @jamesgrosso4372
    @jamesgrosso4372 6 років тому +2

    My favorite preacher ever. That was a ridiculous answer. It was ordained by God for his Glory. Tim, come on.

  • @faithious1132
    @faithious1132 11 років тому +1

    Well.. Jesus Loves you Zenjetsu. At the end of the day, you will stand before my God of creation and have to answer to him. I pray that you find Jesus. God Bless Zenjetsu.

  • @TheWayofFairness
    @TheWayofFairness 3 роки тому +1

    There is a very simple answer. We evolved consciousness and free will.

  • @gandalfthegrey2171
    @gandalfthegrey2171 8 років тому +1

    Dang it! I was so excited for an answer to this question...

  • @ericday4505
    @ericday4505 8 років тому +1

    Ultimately, God will tell us about where evil comes from, no honest theologian can answer this, God ordained that it be here, I will always trust him, always. In a way that is not fully understandable to me, God ordained it , for his purpose. RC Sproul quotes a guy, German philosopher that says it is metaphysical, I didn't like how Sproul defined it, ultimately Sproul didn't like it either, but it was very interesting. The guys name escapes me.

  • @clementkoh5932
    @clementkoh5932 11 років тому

    Is your source wikipedia?

  • @Joel-bg3cf
    @Joel-bg3cf 3 роки тому

    Here’s a possibility. Wouldn’t “doing evil” simply be “going against God,” who is good? Evil METAPHYSICALLY exists always, in the sense that anything opposed to God (who is purely good) is evil. So even before “pride was found in Satan,” evil could be a possibility, but not yet a reality. Likewise, Adam can DO evil, despite being made good. He went against God’s command, a rebellion against God’s good, which is inherently off-track (especially if you think of it in a binary way). Maybe I’m missing something or oversimplifying, but that sounds to me like it fits. Thoughts?

  • @SergeantSquared
    @SergeantSquared 10 років тому +1

    The map that God gave me happens to include that spot, AND its easy at that.. Because, without that spot on the map, NOTHING else to Biblical christianity would make any sense.
    Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
    IF he did not create evil, WHY DID HE DIE FOR IT?!?!

    • @WolfeSandy
      @WolfeSandy 10 років тому

      ... to show us the way home, I think, so that free will would not consume us, but instead would set us free . . .
      I see evil as a disease, and our inoculation against it happens now.
      This would be sort of like Zenjetsu describes evil, but not a whim, rather the sound logic that creates form from choice.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 2 роки тому

    could not be a good, unless there was an evil......so is there evil in heaven.....or was there evil, before the fall....

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    for those of you who are still reading all of these paragraphs it is very true. God is a small child compared to it's real father the force of all life. i even know how they are created. every idea anything has every thought of starts in the realm of associations it is a place where ideas are formed with mix and matched every senario imaginable then one holy word is given more than the others around it and thus one of the children are made with all those ideas then given a universe and adversary

  • @Bricklinsv1970
    @Bricklinsv1970 8 років тому

    This one is very simple if you think about it. Evil comes from pain. Doesn't come from anyone or anything. Get real!

  • @boscomoons7742
    @boscomoons7742 Рік тому

    Evil is the opposite of God and it becomes real when the creature chooses to be the opposite of God. No disobedience no evil! Evil is created by any creature with intelligence & power of choice. If these creatures choose to obey God there can never be any evil, but when the opposite is chosen then evil exists. God never creates evil, but in case it comes in existence by His own creatures, He's able to handle the situation because of sovereignty & almightiness. Sin isn't created by God or self- existent! To be self-existent would mean it's god on it's own & God who's not a liar says that there's only one God. Sin can only be created by creatures choosing the opposite of God NOT God for God can't choose His own opposite.

  • @nevbillett7554
    @nevbillett7554 4 роки тому

    So he reckons scripture doesn't repeatedly say God created, originated, all things . I create evil Isaiah 45:7 the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which I called very good . "Shall evil befall a city and the Lord has not done it " Amos 3:6 Before the creation God formed a plan that required evil to be done to Jesus to demonstrate the pinnacle of Love. The book of Jeremiah alone records 30 instances of God doing evil or repenting of the evil he had planned to do.

  • @carybogue9991
    @carybogue9991 10 років тому +1

    "I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things." Is 45:7
    Isaiah 45:7
    When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it? Amos 3:6
    "Out of the mouth of the most High proceeds not evil and good?" Lamentations 3:38
    "And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who makes the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?" Exodus 4:11.
    "For it was of the LORD to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that he might destroy them utterly , and that they might have no favor, but that he might destroy them, as the LORD commanded Moses." Joshua 11:20
    "But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased." Psalm 115:3
    “What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory-“ Romans 9:22-23

  • @manutdfan4321
    @manutdfan4321 12 років тому


  • @yamahajapan5351
    @yamahajapan5351 6 років тому

    Isaiah 45:7 in the King James Version reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
    God created evil. God is evil

  • @theological7150
    @theological7150 5 років тому

    if you want the answer read or listen to book of enoch its there,love is truth truth is truth,we may not like it but the outcome remains ,evil and sin are two seperate but related things,evil is the result of sin and sin is the cause of evil,but without the law it is not sin,to no good and do wrong is both sin and evil

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    The arc of the covenant that i just described below that is really just his skin flake rolled and melded down into a ball. his entire being resonates so vibrant that his son God the father took the concept of his father's Breathe of life which comes from his lungs that he gives conscience to yea that was already done by his father. He has many children they all think super fast and can handle any calculation but THE CREATOR LIFE FORCE is so infinite it simply exists already never had to make it

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    Basically what i'm telling you christens and catholics is that when this universe was created God who is but one of many of THE LIFE FORCES children was given a piece of his jewelry which was but a small mighty tiniest amount of it's power and had his breathe of primordial energy. it is also one of many of his jewelry pieces his Crown is actually a infinite arc of covenants with infinite grace and the most realistic sharpest v isual sunsets and sunrises with willpower and fate and every energy

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    if Life force wanted to it could send one of it's arc of the covenants to destroy the adversaries of it's children. you want to know what happened to god? God died or has been stripped his throne tainted. He was never suppose to neglect his universe he use to come down every day and help his creations he never came back use to be upbeat.

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    You all think this universe is the only one? no god the father is one of THE CREATOR LIFE FORCE'S children. they are each given a piece of power which is jewelry from thier father and his arc of the covenant is a glorious infinite grace every pure act there every is or ever will be. If you look at it you go blind you touch it and were ever impure you die. It has the power of an infinite big bangs the power of infinite universes and sounds like jet engines but more humming.It is his skin in ball

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    Believe me God the father is one of THE LIFE FORCE CREATOR's son/daughter they are all genderless and can think at ultra fast speeds and have inifinte actions and visuals in thier heads. after they grow up enough they are given thier own universe which they create and enter within it has a very durable hard husk so basically meaning they also are given an adversary to thier liking so that it is a challenge some universes are based upon other laws not even in this universe at all.

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    wow you christens and catholics think that God is the purest thing ever? no it is not it is one of many children of THE REAL LIFE FORCE which is so mighty everythig is already created and perfect so pure that nothing may look upon it's skin which can be flaked off into an arc of the covenant which has immense primordial big bangs think infinite blasts. yea god the father took the idea focused on his plants and own contraption designs combined with holy trinity jewelry given an adversary and lost

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    I don't know why the creator made the negative reflection of hisself off a mirror reflection it projected the anti everything the creator was with only a tinest ittiest micrometer of his power, but every since that time that source has made things suffer or currupted good things and turned them to it's ways. It should never have had ambition or satisfaction from dishing punishment and hatred it is parasitic and needs to survive off of suffering and destroying knowledge keeping it away from US

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    the reason why God isn't coming is becuase he has been stripped of his power and grace and his home heaaven is in shambles no flowers grow mansions broken institutionalized heaven that makes everything give constant narsistic praise to it's imposter who is really Life force's adversary which stole the jewelry from Life force the true father of all these immortal beings. God is the creator of this universe one of many children who think super fast infinite. greek/heaven earth/merkaba zen budda/

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    Evil was created from a mirror one day the creator The life force from the universe wanted to see what would every reality look like without life. so he took the smallest tiniest piece of his power made that mirror with untruth unknowing unlife basically everything that was to end life but he made it be a reflection of his self in a negative acspect. thus the source of all evil was created in a neutral way every evil act you can imagine comes from that single untruth unknowing.Light was first

    • @eddiegallegos7672
      @eddiegallegos7672 6 років тому

      Ask God to come into your life and forgive you of your sins.
      If you only have faith in that force, you have nothing to loose, but if God is real, He can have mercy on you and show you grace like He has done to me.
      Nothing to loose, eternal life to gain.
      REGENERATION - the spiritual change brought about in a person’s life by an act of God. In regeneration a person’s sinful nature is changed, and that person is enabled to respond to God in faith.
      The word “regeneration” occurs only in the New Testament (Mat 19:28; Tit 3:5), but the concept or idea is common throughout the Bible. The literal meaning of regeneration is “being born again.” There is a first birth and a second birth. The first, as Jesus said to Nicodemus (Joh 3:1-12) is “of the flesh”; the second birth is “of the Spirit.” Being born of the Spirit is essential before a person can enter the kingdom of God. Every biblical command to people to undergo a radical change of character from self-centeredness to God-centeredness is, in effect, an appeal to be “born again” (Psa 51:5-11; Jer 31:33; Zec 13:1).
      Great religious experiences like that of Jacob at the Jabbok (Gen 32:22-32), Moses at the burning bush (Exo 3:1), Josiah on hearing the reading of the Law (2Ki 22:8-13), or Isaiah in the Temple (Isa 6:1-8) might well be regarded as “new birth.” Thus, regeneration involves an enlightening of the mind, a change of the will, and a renewed nature. It extends to the total nature of people, changing their desires and restoring them to a right relationship with God in Christ.
      The need for regeneration grows out of humanity’s sinfulness. It is brought about through God’s initiative. God works in the human heart, and the person responds to God through faith. Thus, regeneration is an act of God through the Holy Spirit, resulting in resurrection from sin to a new life in Jesus Christ (2Co 5:17).

  • @Zenjetsu
    @Zenjetsu 11 років тому

    did you all know that you are all made on his tree of life or factory of ideas that dwell inside the jewelry of it's father the LIFE FORCE. the things that don't seem to fit in this universe came from it's siblings one thinks of greek mythology with realistic auras and things that ar based on honor and god politics. another thinks of the 12 realms which are perfect with dragons and other mythical beings from it's head. Vishnu/brahman and allah those are also children of LIFE FORCE they livebyGod