Q&A: Does prayer really change things? Tim Keller

  • Опубліковано 21 лют 2011
  • Timothy Keller was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminister Theological Seminary. He is pastor of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons. Today Redeemer has nearly six thousand regular attendees at five services, a host of daughter churches, and is planting churches in large cities throughout the world
    This is a free download from Redeemer.com


  • @haydensinthailand
    @haydensinthailand 7 років тому +19

    Well said: God gives us what we would have asked for if we had known what He knows.

  • @kab00mKap0w
    @kab00mKap0w 6 років тому +9

    I could listen to this guy all day. Wise words and smooth delivery.

  • @jaskss1975
    @jaskss1975 12 років тому +13

    I love this clip. Prayer is powerful. I have been told no to many things and today I am so grateful. Soli Deo Gloria. All things work together for your good and His Glory. God will not give you something if He is not going to get glory from it. Be grateful for the no's He has something better for you. Just be Patient.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 3 роки тому

      your god is a stupid egotistical asshole. did you even read what you wrote you dumb bitch?

  • @enosthapa
    @enosthapa 4 роки тому +3

    Prayer changes us. God and his plan is perfect and does not need changing. However prayer changes us in a way to understand the will of God and to become close to Him. Prayer is the means of sanctification, which is a lifetime event of becoming like Christ, i.e., the image of God.

  • @johnsparrow4627
    @johnsparrow4627 2 роки тому

    He is a good example of when in preaching the truth mixed with false.

  • @DouglasLeavitt
    @DouglasLeavitt 4 роки тому +6

    If you don't think too hard, prayer works...

  • @richardf3210
    @richardf3210 5 років тому +7

    James 5 says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.

  • @robertlight5227
    @robertlight5227 Рік тому

    Prayer? Magical thinking.

  • @arwensouthworth
    @arwensouthworth 3 роки тому +1


  • @isaachob
    @isaachob 2 роки тому

    Not fully but truly Devine and truly God. The former violates the basic or fundamental elements of the law of logic: law of non- contradiction.

  • @Evija3000
    @Evija3000 11 років тому +2

    I'm still in the apologetics stage =p

  • @elenamendoza9560
    @elenamendoza9560 8 років тому +4

    i really need this job because i hate my current job ,please pray for me..........

  • @davidthomspson9771
    @davidthomspson9771 6 років тому +6

    it does work....

    • @heliaalves9062
      @heliaalves9062 5 років тому

      Yes it does, but not for everything unfortunately. I guess God knows better than to give us something that wouldn't truly make us happy.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 4 роки тому

      @@heliaalves9062 yeah, ending world hunger or children's suffering is out of the question.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 4 роки тому

      as much as watching paint dry does.

    • @heliaalves9062
      @heliaalves9062 4 роки тому

      @@louiscyfer6944 that's not what i meant. God will make everything right in His own timing, always respectinh the free will He has given us all along.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 4 роки тому

      @@heliaalves9062 i know. when a woman is being raped, god will just stand back and watch, can't interfere with the freewill of the rapist. he will punish the rapist later, unless he repents. curious don't you think?

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 8 років тому +2

    God is timeless, so Prayer cannot change anything he does, for the obvious reason that doing something takes time and he hasn't got time!

    • @ryanbuikema3102
      @ryanbuikema3102 6 років тому +5

      But, if prayer does not change things, then why pray? Jesus himself prayed. He withdrew for intense times of prayer.
      I have seen prayer work. I was unable to walk for 3 yrs. No test came back with anything, I had 2 spinal taps in 3 weeks. Many, many tests. I kept praying. Kept on my face, and asked if God would use this for His glory. One day, I was able to walk. Now I am able to play sports again. I use that story to you as well as to others to prove prayer works. Its everyware in the Bible. Joshua the sun stood still. Elijah prayed it would not rain and it did not rain until he prayed it would rain again. In the NT the lepar " Lord if your willing ( petition) make me clean" In Acts Peter prayed for Tabitha and she was healed. In Matthew Jesus meets a Centrerioin and he implores ( petition or prays) to Jesus and his child is healed. I could go on and on and on, but yes prayer is powerful and does work. If it did not the Father would not desire us to pray. HE wants us relying on Him rather then ourselves. That is ultimitaly the reason for prayer.

    • @enosthapa
      @enosthapa 4 роки тому

      Prayer changes us. God and his plan is perfect and does not need changing. However prayer changes us in a way to understand the will of God and to become close to Him. Prayer is the means of sanctification, which is a lifetime event of becoming like Christ, i.e., the image of God.

  • @bggal1988
    @bggal1988 3 роки тому +2

    God is an infinite spectrum in both directions in every area. Science: There are believers with complex understandings (Paschal, etc.) yet simple enough for a child. Love that surpasses understanding while still simple. Atheists (and some professed believers) base their position on their human capacity to explain or understand God. Christianity is NOT a manmade religion. It is a faith based belief based on a very simple truth. God is God. He loves us and has given us the choice to accept or reject it. Believers respond to God's call. He speaks to everyone in some way... in our humanity, emotions, how the natural world works. At some point everyone questions and explores the meaning of their existence. They place their faith in God or someone/something else. There's a lot of evidence God provided that's hard to ignore. Nonbelievers consider the Bible the greatest book of wisdom and work of literature in history. Trying to scientifically "prove" God's existence is a paradox. If God could be totally explained we could surely figure out science. Instead... if you follow science you see it constantly shift toward God. The reverse never happens. The finite cannot explain the infinite. Sometimes I press the button on a machine and it does not work as planned. Plants, animals, humans are more complicated. So certainly God is. If I were actually trying to base where I put my faith based on evidence. I'd still believe in God. The Bible contains undeniable wisdom about science, human nature, how we should love and care for each other and even the earth. The complexity of everything in existence...No 2 snowflakes, dna, etc...Chaos does not create complexity. There's a vast amount of reality I'd need to throw out to place my faith in the opinions of some "smart" people who insist since they think some things in the Bible are impossible I'm stupid to believe any of it. Some people seriously discuss the scientific possibility of aliens as superior beings, a superior race that existed before humans, etc... while insisting Christians are idiots to believe in God.

  • @JoseAlvarado-uj1xk
    @JoseAlvarado-uj1xk 4 роки тому +2

    The concept of prayer is complicated.

  • @CerberusCheerleader
    @CerberusCheerleader 11 років тому +2

    To summarise: prayer works although it doesn't.

  • @issacjohnson4379
    @issacjohnson4379 4 роки тому +1

    Christian yoda

  • @stephengalanis
    @stephengalanis 6 років тому +4

    "If you believe, you *will* receive whatever you ask for in prayer." -- Matthew 21:22
    "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I *will* do it." -- John 14:14
    "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it *will* be done for you." -- John 15:7
    Is that the reality we inhabit? No it isn't. This video doesn't face up to these verses, and more can be given. Keller is quite happy saying "you don't always get what you ask for", and rationalizes it in a few ways... but that's not what Jesus said. This must raise the question of why Jesus allegedly said the things he did, quoted above. He's lying. What Jesus said isn't remotely true, and Keller knows that.
    What Keller offers is confirmation bias. If God seems to answer pray, great - it increases faith! If God seems to not answer prayer, also great - God has something better for you! What Keller says is not what the Bible promises, but ad hoc rationalization. Does anyone really take John 14:12 as true? As a reflection of the real world? No, of course not. Believers (and not just a special few, but "whoever believes") ought to be able to do even greater signs and miracles than are attributed to Jesus. It simply isn't the case. None of this is real... and we all know that. Even Christians don't act as if it's real.

    • @vincenttong1764
      @vincenttong1764 4 роки тому +1

      Those verses have a disclaimer --they must be in Jesus' name, that is the caveat. As a signatory stamp of approval, prayer requests must be asked in accordance to the character of Jesus' stamp of approval. It must be something that is in line with his revealed character. It is therefore possible to ask amiss with wrong motivations: out of greed, selfishness, or within the wrong spirit, and therefore disqualify the petitioner's request. The second is that those who believe must be part of God's family. Those who get to ask, get to ask out of privilege. Therefore the asking is based on a relationship. The relational primacy also means that the omnitpotent Father in love towards his children, may delay or deny a request out of omniscient love.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 4 роки тому

      @@vincenttong1764 asking to end world hunger is definitely not in line with jesus' character.

    • @vincenttong1764
      @vincenttong1764 4 роки тому

      @@louiscyfer6944 Firstly I never went so far as to make that conclusion. I only said that requests made in Jesus' name would be answered definitively. As to whether or not ending world hunger is in line with Jesus' character, that is another thing to unpack.

    • @louiscyfer6944
      @louiscyfer6944 4 роки тому

      @@vincenttong1764 obviously that claim is implied in your post, otherwise the prayer to end world hunger would be answered. of course,thefact that your god is stupid enough to need to be prayed to for this, and not know it on its own shows how fucked up your god is. luckily it is only a literary character.

    • @vincenttong1764
      @vincenttong1764 4 роки тому +1

      @@louiscyfer6944 Read what I wrote again. That's not what I implied. Then again, I can tell you are not really up for a discussion, just writing it off by calling it all "stupid". So I guess this is my last reply to you.

  • @jabezraju9840
    @jabezraju9840 3 роки тому

    The golden sentence among Christians is I am praying for you, for years together you pray but nothing happens that's the bitter truth

    • @jabezraju9840
      @jabezraju9840 3 роки тому

      @Chicken Nuggets oh boy.......😃
      I respect your opinion though
      My personal experience is not similar to yours

    • @sorrenzz3610
      @sorrenzz3610 2 роки тому

      @@jabezraju9840 Gods timing is quite the thing. And sometimes His good is meant for many. Sometimes it’s like a Job moment when everything really doesn’t seem to make sense. We need to remember that God’s Wisdom is soo much more greater than ours. We need to not let our hearts become harden and we need to follow His ways knowing that it brings good fruit. His good doesn’t always match up with our good.

    • @jabezraju9840
      @jabezraju9840 2 роки тому

      @@sorrenzz3610 No doubt he's deceitful and manipulative God
      I am happy I am not a blind sheep anymore
      Bible is full of bullshit
      Bible is far from reality

  • @oneguyontheinternet9998
    @oneguyontheinternet9998 4 роки тому +2

    Nice video, but I'm sure that the speaker will agree with me that you can't learn (or teach!) all about prayer in a 5 minute video.
    If you want to learn about prayer, study the life of George Mueller. He raised about 10,000 orphans over a period of 66 years, never asking a human for anything. He only asked God, and everything that he needed showed up. He understood prayer extremely well!