Story of Sylvanas Windrunner 1/3 - Warcraft 3 to BFA/Shadowlands (in gameplay & selfmade stuff)

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @dagerry
    @dagerry  4 роки тому +6

    All videos of Sylvanas' story: (playlist)
    - Warcraft 3 (W3 2002 / (Third War) Year 20 after the opening of the Dark Portal => Orcs (Horde) entering Azeroth) - The Burning Crusade (2.0 TBC 2007 / year 26)
    0:00 Lament of the Highborne (TBC)
    2:50 Prince Arthas and King Terenas Menethil II in Lordaeron (W3)
    5:18 How the Forsaken were born / the Burning Legion which created the Scourge / Varimathras and the other Nathrezim/dreadlords. The Lich King, the dreadlords are talking about in the beginning, is Ner'zhul who tries to break free from the Burning Legion with his death knight Arthas.
    In life, Sylvanas was an Alliance High Elf (Quel'dorei "Children of noble birth", decendents of the Highborne), fighting against Amani Trolls and defended Quel'Thalas against invading Orcs (Horde) in the Second War. When the Scourge invaded in the Third War and conquered and corrupted the Sunwell to get its power, 90% of the high elves were slaughtered. The defenders of Quel'Thalas called themselves Sin'dorei (Children of the blood). Other survivors were opposing the corrupted magic, left Quel'Thalas behind and stayed close to the Alliance (like Vereesa Windrunner) & much later some became Ren'dorei (Children of the Void) including Alleria Windrunner who had perished in the Second War driving the Horde back through the Dark Portal with the Alliance of Lordaeron (the statues in front of Stormwind), we found them on Argus and they were exiled from Silvermoon and rejoined the Alliance.
    In undeath, Sylvanas still felt a deep love for her homeland (Song "Lament of the Highborne") and helped the blood elves to fight the rest of the Scourge in Quel'Thalas and also got them into the Horde (TBC). She blackmailed them later to help her against Arthas in return though.
    Lordaeron is the whole northern subcontinent (incl. Quel'Thalas and Gilneas) & was a human kingdom and its capital city (today Undercity).
    Optional Book: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. Mostly the W3 story, books usually provide an insight into her thoughts and how she feels, so it was quite interesting to see her as a living elf and how she turned into a banshee (slave of Arthas).
    - Wrath of the Lich King (3.0 WotLK 2008 / year 27)
    11:41 Arthas the Lich King
    14:48 Sylvanas the Ranger General of Silvermoon / Quel'Thalas. Optional story: Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun (page 5 for Sylvanas)
    17:14 Introduction to the Forsaken
    18:56 Hallows End Speech (yearly event around halloween)
    20:37 The Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate (Varimathras & Putress betrayal), Alliance leader: Bolvar Fordragon and for the Horde Dranosh Saurfang.
    24:59 The Battle for the Undercity (getting the city back) The line: "You have failed me Varimathras" was confirmed to be the voice of Sargeras, the dark titan, creator of the Burning Legion.
    31:03 Undercover mission in Icecrown (all dungeons: )
    31:53 Frostmourne & Sylvanas vs Lich King
    39:02 Saurfangs son & Tirion Fordring vs Lich King (Whole ICC story )
    42:57 Fall of the Lich King and Bolvar Fordragon
    46:42 Sylvanas' Vengeance complete
    Must read: Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night (Page 6 for a look into the Maw!)
    - Cataclysm (4.0 Cata 2010 / year 28)
    47:23 The Forsaken after the Fall of the Lich King
    (optional read: )
    48:40 A subtle hint of what the Dark Lady has planned for the rest of Azeroth.
    49:05 The difference between Sylvanas and the Lich King
    52:06 Sylvanas tells her Story
    55:08 The Battle for Gilneas City (Epic version: !)
    58:08 Godfrey's Betrayal & the Val'kyr
    - Mists of Pandaria (5.0 MoP 2012 / year 30-31)
    01:02:51 Garrosh
    01:03:41 Sylvanas and Lor'themar in Vol'jin's Revolution
    & an important event from before: the Horde drops a manabomb on Theramore (Proudmoore Territory -> fleeing to Kul Tiras)
    01:04:39 Fall of Garrosh, Vol'jin becomes warchief & the Alliance gives the Horde one last chance
    Optional book: War Crimes, mostly about Garrosh and his trial + escaping to an alternative timeline/parallel universe, but it contains a side story with Sylvanas meeting her sister Vereesa and shows how deeply wounded Sylvanas can be by her undeath.
    - Warlords of Draenor (6.0 WoD 2014 / Year -4 alternate timeline & Year 31-32)
    Story: Time travelling 35 years ago, when Draenor (planet of the Orcs & refuge for the Draenei after they lost Argus) was not the shattered Outland it is today (TBC), exploring an alternate timeline, continuing the story of Garrosh. And Gul'dan as a villain. This opens the way for the third invasion of the Burning Legion, when Archimonde pushes Gul'dan through the portal to finish the job on Azeroth.
    - Legion (7.0 Legion 2016 / year 32-33)
    Optional short story: Dark Mirror (Nathanos Blightcaller)
    01:06:22 The Burning Legion has returned
    01:09:39 Clash with the Legion at the Broken Shore (feat. Tirion Fordring 01:11:39 )
    01:22:46 Sylvanas becomes warchief
    01:25:02 Mission in Stormheim & Greymanes attack on the Forsaken fleet
    01:31:08 Odyn vs Helya, Sylvanas' bargain with Helya
    01:34:02 Audience with Eyir & Helya defeat
    01:37:36 After we defeat Gul'dan & Kil'Jaeden - Supreme Commander of the Legion - we travel to the planet Argus. And more importantly, we hear Varimathras' Prophecy in Antorus (seat of the Burning Legion's power) who still has a score to settle with Sylvanas.
    01:39:14 We free the Pantheon (titans who shaped Azeroth/Order) and defeat the corrupted world-soul of Argus, the Unmaker who tried to "End all things" and we imprison Sargeras (titan who wants to destroy Azeroth/Disorder). However, Sargeras tries to kill Azeroth (also a world-soul/titan), she is bleeding (Azerite) and so the battle for Azeroth begins - literally.
    Optional book to learn more about the Titans and other higher powers in the universe: WoW Chronicle Vol. 1 (cosmic forces: )
    01:41:33 Vareesa and Alleria talk about Sylvanas
    Optional comic: Three Sisters, contains reference to the War Crimes book, it's telling briefly what happened in the book (spoilers!)
    & reveals more of her plans
    01:42:33 Legion vanquished
    Ogmot's prophecy: (4th page = Sylvanas)
    Optional book: Before the Storm, Anduin vs Sylvanas - massacre in Arathi & her opinion about Varian & the sister of Arthas Menethil
    - Battle for Azeroth (8.0 BfA 2018 / year 33-35)
    01:44:56 The War of the Thorns MUST read novellas: Elegy & A Good War
    01:53:40 The Fall of Lordaeron
    02:07:31 The Stormwind Extraction
    02:17:29 Welcome to Zandalar!
    02:20:57 Rastakhan's Bargain with the Loa of Death Bwonsamdi
    02:23:48 Good time to take a break! Recap: What were we doing again?
    02:25:25 Right, war... The Arathi Warfront
    02:26:32 Nathanos' and Garona's motives
    02:28:42 The Alliance running out of soldiers? Saurfang wants his Horde back. And Thrall. The Banshee Queen is not amused.
    02:30:54 Time for justi...Time for some new Forsaken! (feat. Sira Moonwarden) And where is Elune?
    02:35:08 If you can't recall who Delaryn is: 01:48:30 , more information in the novella: Elegy
    02:39:03 The Darkshore Warfront begins
    02:42:27 Battle of Dazar'alor, Rastakhan's & Jaina's fate
    02:49:44 The new plan - raising a Proudmoore & what usually happens to newly raised Forsaken (feat. Lilian Voss, Zelling)
    02:56:07 Talanji becomes Queen and Horde (feat. Bwonsamdi's stance on Sylvanas)
    03:00:24 Who made Sylvanas warchief? Asking the Death Entities! (Bwonsamdi, Eyir & The Lich King)
    03:08:10 Baines Betrayal (reference to the Theramore Manabomb 01:04:08 btw)
    03:12:12 Bargain with Lady Ashvane & Azshara. No, no Old Gods in this Expansion, Xal'atath
    03:17:50 Baines rescue, which side do you choose?
    03:26:44 The Eternal Palace, oops freed an Old God...
    03:28:56 Saurfang vs Sylvanas, Rebels vs Loyalists
    03:41:32 Calia Menethil, Lilian Voss, Delaryn, Derek - the future of the Forsaken
    03:45:03 What is her plan?
    Optional book: Shadow's Rising - More about Nathanos' mission, Sylvanas has a rather small role.
    - Shadowlands (9.0 SL 2020 / year 35-37)
    03:45:50 Sylvanas vs Bolvar Fordragon
    03:51:05 The Afterlives
    The second video is an offer to understand the broader story of WoW (Burning Legion, Scourge, dreadlords, Old Gods, Titans) and all important characters (Kel'Thuzad, Prince Kael'Thas, Arthas, Uther, Anduin, Wrathion (main character in Dragonflight), Void & Blood Elf culture / Vareesa and Alleria Windrunner) as a preparation to understand the full Sylvanas Shadowlands story and everything beyond that. Pretty much what I cut out here to only show Sylvanas' view. It is not a standalone video and there are only few cinematics you have seen here! Or you skip to her Shadowlands story.
    Already mentioning: We got a book about Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands that is trying to wrap up her story.
    03:53:17 Credits with Lament of The Highborne 2019 from Patty Mattson (The voice of Sylvanas Windrunner)
    More details:
    WoW stories:
    WoW Years:

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  4 роки тому

      Sources (spoilers):
      Icy Veins
      Jardi-Gol The Heart Player
      Deathwish Nastt
      Good sources for trailers, cinematics, cutscenes, music, voice overs, etc:
      World of Warcraft (Official Channel)
      Lament of the Highborne
      Arthas Lordaeron Warcraft 3 Cinematic
      Warcraft 3 Gameplay by xLetalis
      Wrath of the Lich King Trailer
      Bloodelf Heritage Armor Questline, 8.1 by xLetalis
      Undead Intro Cinematic Vanilla - WotLK by VaygonGaming
      Hallows End Speech (Sylvanas) by sokarash
      The Wrathgate
      The Battle for Undercity Event (not ingame anymore) by Deathwish Nastt
      The Forge of Souls Dungeon Gameplay by MaximumGameplay
      Halls of Reflection Gameplay by DasGerry
      Shadowmourne Questchain by ArbiterHT
      Fall of the Lich King Cinematic
      Sylvanas' Vengeance Quest by SofaKingHanSom
      Undead Cataclysm Intro Cinematic played by DasGerry
      Silverpine Forest Quests Holland's Experiment, The Warchief Cometh, Lordaeron Quest by DasGerry
      with Forsaken Flame H Music
      Worgen Starter Quest The Hunt for Sylvanas by WCQuests
      Silverpine Forest Quest Cities in Dust - Sylvanas Death by angelada25
      The Battle for Gilneas City - Liam Speech by Silvan
      8.3 Worgen Heritage Armor - Liam Death by Noone182
      Mists of Pandaria Quest Intro Cinematic
      Selfmade Sylvanas/Lorthemar Voice Over Trailer from Siege of Orgrimmar Patch 5.4 with Theramore Manabomb Cinematic by DasGerry
      (without Manabomb)
      Mists Of Pandaria Siege of Orgrimmar Endcinematic
      Legion Feature Overview Trailer
      Legion Trailer
      Broken Shore Scenario by TheramoreIsTheBomb
      Broken Shore Cinematic (Alliance version edited into Horde by DasGerry)
      Sylvanas Warchief Cinematic
      Stormheim Introduction Questline by xLetalis
      Nathanos' boring WQ by DrSeckzytime
      Odyn Valajar Warrior Quest by ZaFrostPet
      Odyn wants Helya dead by xLetalis
      Sylvanas Helya Bargain
      Genn vs Sylvanas
      Helya Defeat by JardiGol
      Varimathras Antorus Raid edited with Voice Over by DasGerry
      Rise of Argus the Unmaker Cinematic
      Endcinematic Antorus
      Windrunner Sisters talk by xLetalis
      Epilog Legion Cinematic
      War of the Thorns Prelaunch-Event (not in the game anymore)
      Chapter 1
      Chapter 2
      Siege of Lordaeron
      War of the Thorns Malfurion vs Sylvanas by xLetalis
      Warbringers Sylvanas Cinematic
      Battle of Lordaeron Scenario by DasGerry
      WoW BFA Metallica Trailer - For whom the bell tolls (not available anymore on the official WoW Channel)
      BFA Launch Scenario by DasGerry
      Bwonsamdi's deal with Rastakhan Cinematic
      Embers of War Trailer, recap (WoW)
      Arathi Warfront by xLetalis
      Stay awhile and listen by xLetalis
      Lost Honor Cinematic
      Safe Haven Cinematic
      Tyrande's Night Warrior Ascention - All Cutscenes by xLetalis
      Terror in Darkshore Cinematic
      Darkshore Warfront (Alliance) by xLetalis
      Battle of Dazar'alor Cinematic, Jaina Defeat, Rastakhan Death by DasGerry
      A lot of 8.1-8.1.5 Storys by xLetalis and Noone182
      Derek torture, Talanji becomes Queen
      Return Derek
      Bwonsamdi wants Sylvanas' Head
      Baine returns Derek
      Who made Sylvanas Warchief
      Lilian Voss and Zelling Quest by J.A.Ratt85
      Sylvanas arrests Baine Cinematic
      Crucible of Storms Cutscenes by Noone182
      Selfmade Trailer with Rise of Azshara Cinematic and 8.3 Voice Over Bargain Sylvanas Azshara by DasGerry
      Rise of Azshara Cinematic
      8.2 Baine rescue by Noone182
      Baine rescue Scenario by DasGerry
      The Eternal Palace Raid LFR by DasGerry
      Eternal Palace Endcinematic
      8.2.5 War Campaign End Scenario by DasGerry with Forsaken Flame H Music
      & Noone182
      Reckoning Cinematic
      8.3 Voice Over Lilian Voss, Meeting Calia Menethil & Lilian Voss edited by DasGerry,
      Icy Veins
      Shadowlands Trailer
      Shadowlands Features
      Endscreen/Credits made by DasGerry with Music from
      Patty Mattson & Mark Scholl - Lament of the Highborne 2019 (
      Lament of the Highborne 2019 is on her UA-cam Channel

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  4 роки тому

      **// Old wishlist //
      - Bringing in more about the blood elf culture for example trailer of 2.4 fury of the sunwell: (story of Kael'thas although this goes pretty deep into Illidan's story, so maybe too far away from Sylvanas. Have to wait how it plays out in Shadowlands.)
      - more of the Heritage Blood Elf questline: (death of High King Anasterian, Lady Liadrin)
      - 2.4 Sunwell Plateau raid (feat. Kil'jaeden endboss)
      - Arthas becomes the Lich King W3 Cinematic because it's another reference to Anduin 03:29:10 (I try to catch all references ^^ like 3:10 & 02:04:45 for example)
      - Adding more from Tirions Epic Speech into the Lich King fight (WotLK), so people are not clueless, when we meet him in Legion. Adding the death knight end event with Fordring & Darion Mograine (Knights of the Ebon Blade & Argent Crusade): for example an epic video like this (creator inactive, but made really good WotLK movies!); Maybe also remembering Uther the Lightbringer: (Tirions speech is also inside)
      - This is the most epic Battle for Gilneas City Video ever made, but content creator inactive for 8 year

    • @lyricalmoonraven
      @lyricalmoonraven 4 роки тому +2

      This is such awesome in-depth information! Thank you so much for all the hard work you have done to create this and bring us this bit of The Dark Lady's history. I smashed that like button for you and connected with you. I look forward to more!

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  4 роки тому

      @@lyricalmoonraven Thank you! :) That's all the important stuff I know about her, but I'm still researching if I missed something. Rather small things are left i think, but they could be nice details. For example I know that Sylvanas was against the Theramore bombing in Pandaria (Garrosh), because she feared that the alliance would retaliate and that she would lose Lordaeron. However, i never played Pandaria and up till now never saw a questline where this happens. So these are the things that still bug me :) But the main storyline is already in this video.
      I will update it when Shadowlands hits and we see more of her story. But I'm glad you like it, too. Maybe you wanna replay her story in one of your streams, looks like you were questing :P I actually wanted to replay her whole story so I could use my own footage, but I really don't like questing...

    • @johanheerman7685
      @johanheerman7685 3 роки тому


  • @tomasd7540
    @tomasd7540 Рік тому +3

    Her storyline by far is the saddest for me. They need to do a live action movie

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  Рік тому +1

      Live action? The voice actors performed a few scenes on stage at blizzcon a few years ago maybe with some cosplay?

    • @tomasd7540
      @tomasd7540 Рік тому +1

      @@dagerry the voice actress is amazing. She gives me goosebumps everytime

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  Рік тому

      @@tomasd7540 yeah Patty is great

  • @honkderhase8724
    @honkderhase8724 3 роки тому +5

    Why does Anduin Wrynn in the cinematics remind me of a young Brat Pitt so much?

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      I guess he is this good natured, young, golden boy who doesnt do anything wrong. And he is supposed to look like Arthas before he was the lich king. Josh keaton, his voice actor, did a reaction to his latest cinematic btw. (spoiler if you dont know the latest 9.1 story ) some comments said he looks like anduin too :D

  • @johnburn872
    @johnburn872 4 роки тому +8

    All the cinematic make so much more sense with all the context you provided here. You've done a great service here.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  4 роки тому

      I'm working to make it better but it will take more time :) There are more details and the more we learn about the shadowlands the more we can go back in time and understand what she was doing in the past!
      Edit: I just bought Rise of the Lich KIng (book from 2010) and I learned so much more about her and Arthas and even the Shadowlands. I actually thought it's not worth it because it's mostly the warcraft 3 story you can play as a game but I was wrong.

    • @loreaver3882
      @loreaver3882 3 роки тому +2

      Bfa in terms of Lore was actually pretty solid

  • @jeffjr84
    @jeffjr84 2 роки тому +2

    57:42 source of the corona virus :P

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      yea, haha :D 1:54:53 Goblin: "GAS MASKS, GET YOUR GAS MASKS!"

  • @johnburn872
    @johnburn872 4 роки тому +10

    Man, thank you so much for taking the time to make this. This is exactly what I was looking for and I wouldn't even know where to start or where to find half this stuff so thank you so much. I know it must have taken a while. Thanks again man.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  4 роки тому +1

      No problem it's part of my own learning experience about her ^^

    • @28ferbb94
      @28ferbb94 2 роки тому

      j ị jjj jj

    • @28ferbb94
      @28ferbb94 2 роки тому

      j ii j i i jiii j i i iiiij i i i iuiiiii i iiiii i iii ị i

    • @28ferbb94
      @28ferbb94 2 роки тому

      i j ji i iiii iii i i i j iij i jii iooii i o iiiii jiii iiij i ii i i ii j i ịu j i i i i i i i i iii i ii ii jijii iii iiiiii

  • @erika-it4zk
    @erika-it4zk 3 роки тому +5

    47:23 poor guy in the chat lol

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      0.8% drop chance :D

  • @thanosrabbit
    @thanosrabbit 2 роки тому +2

    56:07 Legit an army of like... 25 people... lmfao

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому +1

      I actually had to take this scene, because when I re-recorded it, there were only 10 :D And the quest is pretty bugged unfortunately. People all talking over others and the end cinematic where Greymane stands at Liam's grave and swears revenge, the camera showed the environment but not the grave scene haha. SO I'm just glad there were actually 25 people here :P

    • @thanosrabbit
      @thanosrabbit 2 роки тому +2

      @@dagerry Awh hah! Still a really cool vid ! Really appreciate the effort and work that went into it. Subbed to ya, keep it up. Relaxing to watch too ♥️

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      @@thanosrabbit Thank you!

  • @JoshuaPeterrr
    @JoshuaPeterrr 3 роки тому +2

    I fell asleep watching Internet Historian, how did I end up here?

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      Oh haha, I think I know how: Asmongold biggest Wow streamer reacted to Internet Historian videos in the past :D (The cost of Concordia and the No man's sky engoodening (loved that one!)) And good taste btw :D
      Edit: It's also kinda fascinating to observe the youtube algorithm. First of all the viewer counts goes up very steadily (like exactly 300-500 views per day for a year now) and it constantly searches for new videos where people could click on it. If it finds an unrelated video there are a few dislikes coming in and then it stops and the likes continue.

  • @TaldrenMGMoonGuard
    @TaldrenMGMoonGuard 3 роки тому +8

    This is very nicely done! I used to be able to play both Horde and Alliance and see both sides when I was younger. Having 2 jobs I had to pick a faction to play because there is so much content in WoW. I hadn't seen the Horde cinematics in BfA, a lot of this I'm seeing for the first time. Thank you for putting this together. I know it's not easy.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +2

      I tried to play 4 characters in the beginning of Shadowlands because I wanted to see all 4 stories but SL was not as alt friendly as I thought it would be. So yeah usually I already have enough to do with 1 character :D
      And now that you say it, I also didn't play Alliance in BFA. I actually watched those long cinematic compilation videos from others
      ( Xal: ,
      Athelarius ,
      and this funny recap of course ).
      edit: I think there was a horde raid on some alliance cities in boralus which were only in the Alliance story. I never really found it in game though. So Horde players didn't even know about it :D
      Probably those videos inspired me to do this video. I think I packed in to many details from BFA, I will shorten it in a future version, but this video was made when we only knew the trailer of Shadowlands and I tried to catch every little hint of what Sylvanas could be up to in SL.
      The Horde also split up into Saurfang and Sylvanas fans if you missed that (Saurfang's story: )

    • @TaldrenMGMoonGuard
      @TaldrenMGMoonGuard 3 роки тому +1

      @@dagerry I loved this video! You definitely did NOT pack too much into them. I was drawn to this one because it had most of what I missed not being able to play Horde, and it was awesome. I personally would love to see more videos like this. I've watched all the videos you linked and they are also very awesome. Athelarius has some of the best WoW content out there both in lore and humor. I still binge watch Nobbel87 and started back in Legion because I knew there was no way I was going to be able to do ALL the class halls and every expansion after that I binge watch his videos especially those focused on Horde because I haven't been able to play Horde in so long. It's sad. From TBC up to Mists I was able to play multiple toons on both factions even without the easy leveling system we have now in Shadowlands. On both Alliance and Horde back then I had a tank/dps and a healer all max level. I had a friend I met in WoW who taught me how to fast gear after he saw how fast I could level a character. With work and being a single mom I could max level a character in 10 hours. After he showed me how to fast gear it only took me 2 days to max level and gear. It was about 8 hours leveling and 8 hours gearing using heirlooms. It's not like that anymore, and it's okay I don't mind. I still love this game.
      Again, I would love to see more videos like this that are packed with detail. I understand where you're coming from when you got your inspiration because like me you had to choose a faction and a character because you didn't have enough time to do more. Thank you for making this video. I have subbed and I look forward to seeing more of your fine work.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      @@TaldrenMGMoonGuard Oh I meant too many details for a Sylvanas story, I actually only really care about the Sylvanas story in WoW not necessarily the BFA story in general :D So xLetalis BFA might also be something for you as Zandalar was completely different form the alliance side, unfortunately he stopped playing and never made the story after 8.0.
      And too long because in the end N'zoth doesn't even seem important for her story except causing more deaths. Or the Zandalari / Bwonsamdi story turned out to be her enemies but only in the book "Shadow's rising" Now they don't really play an important role anymore.
      The thing is whenever I ask myself "why am I so interested in the Sylvanas story" I come to the conclusion that she must be really up to something in a much larger sense of the universe. Like she doesn't really care about "Life" she is playing with the big forces of the universe or rather she is annoyed that the big forces are playing with her & us - I guess. Whatever might come in the future (Jailer / Death, Dreadlords / Sargeras Burning Legion, Titans, void lords, void and light (already represented in her sister Alleria and her husband Turalyon). And it's just fun to speculate what it will be and searching for hints in her story.
      It's like "yea there is a story of Sylvanas conquering Andorhal" ( ) but it was not really important in the long run. And maybe I underestimated the dreadlord & Arthas story in warcraft 3, we'll see what the dreadlords in 9.1 will do in their comeback.
      I'll definitely have to wait how the story progresses to see what is important or not. And then I can make a new version of this. I guess the Sylvanas book in November will also explain some things. I don't plan to do other videos like this for other characters in the future, just about stories/characters I'm very passionate about ( at the moment Sylvanas), maybe more blood elf & sylvanas stuff in the next version to show more of their culture. But Athelarius & Nobbel pump out those story videos on a regular basis :D

  • @danielolsson7621
    @danielolsson7621 2 роки тому +1

    thx for that :) that was fuki g great:)

  • @Warcetor
    @Warcetor 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for the great work! :D very nice!!!!

  • @Riku1234
    @Riku1234 2 роки тому +3

    The effort on this is incredible. If you do this for more characters I will be there every step of the way.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому +1

      If you like watching "WoW movies" regulary, I can recommend Athelarius, very detailed and well recorded and search for your favorite charcters. Or people just do expansions cinematics movies "story of Pandaria" or something like that.
      Thought about it in the past (I also like Varian & Anduin Wrynn, Lor'themar Theron and Garrosh), but other characters have rather simple stories and actually you can already see their most important moments in here (or the playlist). I made this video because we were wondering what Sylvanas would do in the Shadowlands due to her complex arc over the last 20 years (!). Took over a 100 hours for sure to make this video, but people watched it for over 50k hours in the past 2 years. :)
      (SPOILERS) I'm a bit disappointed at the moment, because her ending was like "oh I was wrong, bye" after 2 years of cliffhangers and following her xD And the Jailor just suddenly exists and was a major player in the last 20 years? ...

    • @Riku1234
      @Riku1234 2 роки тому +1

      @@dagerry So great to see the amount of time that went into this. Sort of wish I saw this sooner prior to the Shadowlands ending because...well.
      Up to the end of your video I think the storyline of Sylvanas was extremely solid. The long duration of her story however did lose some power, but seeing it all here together makes it all the more powerful and exciting. But the ending to Shadowlands has me even more heart broken after watching this video. So much depth and story telling prior to Shadowlands and the outcome was so upsetting.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      @@Riku1234 At least she got some important stuff done.
      In W3 and later she wanted to find a cure for the undead ("we're still undead, sister, still monstrosities" 09:26 ). All that evil stuff the Forsaken did, happened because the undead could almost only feel negative emotions ("missing soul"). From a human point of view they were always evil. Forsaken were only sad when their families shunned them.
      Still in Legion she was searching for a future for the Forsaken, she also thought about making Vereesa undead so they could be together haha. And then she just partnered with the Jailer to remake the Shadowlands into something just. Got betrayed, got suddenly her missing soul back, so now the old Ranger-General kicks in. And the players defeat the Jailer of course, so we rescue her. The new Arbiter will be a just one and not send souls to the Maw anymore. So that is done, too. And now she's rescuing souls from the Maw (what we also did the whole expansion) and has a chance to find Nathanos there. And it seems like Anduin is in contact with her. And dialog suggest that she will be back in the future.
      Lilian Voss is probably a good fit as a Forsaken leader in the mean time, but I think Sylvanas needs to be back as the real leader (not as a main character, not as an evil character, more like the original ranger-general). Probably there will be an allied race for the Forsaken who follow Calia Menethil (lightforged Forsaken?).
      Ok, the next expansion reveal is starting in a few minutes, can't write more xD

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      ​@@Riku1234 I did it! Your comment made me aware that we need another 5 hour video with other characters. It is still linked to Sylvanas' story but you might like it! :D haha

  • @shadowcaster1358
    @shadowcaster1358 3 роки тому +2

    very good man thanks, nice to have a good WOW movie to watch while i play.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +2

      Athelarius has a whole channel of good wow stories in excellent quality. He is not a Sylvanas loyalist though, but I really liked his warcraft 3 movie (more about Arthas of course, sylvanas was rather a sidecharcter)

  • @AcheliusDecimus
    @AcheliusDecimus 2 роки тому +2

    Really well put together I for the first time understand more of the lore.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      Nice! Of course this is only a small part of the whole WoW story, people called the last expansions "World of Sylvanascraft" :D And many are tired of it.
      So for Dragonflight they will continue the story of Cataclysm I think - there were...5 dragonflights. (Platinum WoW - Everything you need to know about Dragons:
      he also made a very funny summary for the shadowlands story but I guess you already understood that part of the story if you watched my Sylvanas video & an explanation video why the story of Shadowlands flopped unfortunately )
      It is also incredible to understand the warcraft 3 story for the first time because it is the foundation of the whole lore. With the Night elves (tyrande, malfurian), Illidan & Naga, Scourge, dreadlords, orcs vs humans etc. Someone put a lot of love into explaining the story a few months ago he had 200 subs when I watched it now he has 3000 and produced a 300k views video :D I really enjoyed it!
      Otherwise, most importantly, for a very fast (you might have to turn the speed down haha!) summary of the whole wow story I recommend watching:
      Not sure which of those suggestions interests you the most or is yet too confusing if you don't know the story. ^^

  • @DrewPicklesTheDark
    @DrewPicklesTheDark 3 роки тому +1

    WC3-Wrath: Isn't it so awful we were killed, turned in to undead, and forced to serve our enemies against our will? It's a fate worse than death!
    Cata+: .....umm, muh Horde?

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      Yea, blizzard always got a lot of hate because her personality seemed to totally change in Cata (and many also disliked her transition into BFA and "suddenly" being completely evil; also the whole discussion about the Wrathgate in 2018 where Blizzard said that her story is actually consistent and that she was always pretty "evil", creating the plague and so on, it's all linked in the timestamps).
      What helps is to remember that she was actually done with her "life" after Wrath (read Edge of Night short story) but found a new purpose in Cata after she died 2 times (1 suicide, 1 Godfrey betrayal). Death/the Maw was so horrible that it was rather about surviving with her val'kyrs back then (making new forsaken so they don't die out 50:50 , obviously she needed the horde as protection against the alliance, especially gilneas/genn greymane).
      In Legion she was doing a lot of things behind the scenes, we still don't know everything, but she was talking about stopping death 01:26:42 and she made deals with allys of the jailor (helya / mueh'zala (made her warchief)). She got pretty angry/frustrated with us in BFA because we just "don't lose hope" :D and she felt betrayed by the Horde/Saurfang and that we just don't see what she is seeing. Now as we see "death" she is talking about tearing the whole unjust system down (the shadowlands) and tries to win over Anduin for this cause.

  • @louisvandermeer1617
    @louisvandermeer1617 3 роки тому +4

    Very well done gave me parts of the story I never knew existed or I only party knew of. Also gave perspective to other stories and lore.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      It's crazy that even this video is rather a short version of her story. Sure I covered the highlights and her "main" storyline, but there are always more details if you play through warcraft 3 (dreadlords/Arthas), Stormheim (Odyn/Helya stuff for example dreadlords and Odyn will be part of 9.1) or the creation of the blight in WotLK - it's mostly reading quest texts though, so not very interesting in a "movie".
      I have a few of them already in my playlist, but I'm still finding more for example the whole MoP storyline with Lor'themar:
      And a whole new world opens up, if you read the books and short stories.
      Edit: I also included her wiki link if you ever wanna learn more :D

  • @dagerry
    @dagerry  4 роки тому +1

    That first like just made my day ^^ (and it's my birthday in a few minutes :) this is actually my own birthday present! xD) I hope you'll all like the video, even if it's not always good quality (really old footage in here you know!), I also hope that all the footage contributors are okay with the video and the credits given, because most of them are inactive or didn't have a mail to contact them and ask for permission. But I did reach the most important ones I think :) I hope it can stay online!

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      Some stats after 2,5 years
      15.06.2022 (german format, and you might change , and . for numbers):
      ~150 subs
      watched for ~80.000 hours
      ~1,8 million impressions (youtube recommended it to other people)
      made in over 100 hours 13.12.2019

  • @gingfreecs6537
    @gingfreecs6537 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you, great work!!

  • @lukaslefevre8007
    @lukaslefevre8007 3 роки тому +1

    Man what the fuck happened to her and just wow in general, thanks for the video genuinely great

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      Thank you! I can't wait for the mage tower and legion m+ :D it was my first real expansion with raids and everything. (I was a noob in classic-wotlk). It's a shame that a lot of Sylvanas' story is in books, not sure how many read them. And some say she is different in the books too, so I guess a lot of different people write her story :D

    • @lukaslefevre8007
      @lukaslefevre8007 3 роки тому +1

      @@dagerry yess looking forward to that, it really does feel like alot of people write her story and does people dont talk together its really odd.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      @@lukaslefevre8007 Yea, it's also a long timespan, like her story goes over 20 years. In books she is mostly written by Chritie Golden & co-authors. In game the lead narrative is Steve Danuser at the moment, but I don't think he always had this position (maybe since Wod/Legion? because her story also has "chapters"). The original wow story was based on warcraft 3 and was pretty much finished with WotLK. I think that was the overall story by Chris Metzen. So her story enters new chapters in Cataclysm and Legion. The short stories of her are from other authors too. I also heard that Alex Afrasiabi wrote a lot of her character who is now gone because of the scandal. And Madeleine Roux told us in an interview that Blizzard has dossiers with all details of the characters to keep them consistent, but she also learned a lot from fan wikis. And even she didn't know where her story would go further. So the authors also have to learn the story from scratch. They also have to press their story into 3 minute cinematics in game and some quest texts nobody reads, while the books are usually very detailed.
      I think sometimes they really hit the nail with details, for example when she says to Anduin "a choice she was never given" in SL, she said that exact thing in a cata quest.
      But other times we just have to forgive them, that they don't remember details themselves I guess. In the first books her eyes were white, and then they suddenly were red, and thinks like that. At least they are blue now, like high elves, although I'm not sure if she had golden eyes originally because special high elves had golden eyes.
      The personality jumps are probably worse.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  2 роки тому

      @Lukas Lé Fevre Oh there we have it, it got leaked that Afrasiabi wrote the burning of Teldrassil without having a plan and Danuser tried to repair it.

  • @Dramaa911_fut
    @Dramaa911_fut 4 роки тому +4

    Wow, just wow.
    Great video, the start and everything else that followed. You've clearly put in a lot of work into making this. I hope there's more to come.
    I applaud your efforts.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  4 роки тому

      Thank you thank you :) Yeah, it took a long time but I really enjoyed learning about her story. I just like her character so much that I wanted too see something like this. I'm trying to make it better and even more detailed but the main storyline is already in here.
      For her new Shadowlands story there are lots of other youtubers already speculating and you can already see spoilers in the alpha/beta. I was just watching the Accolonn review of Shadow's Rising which has some spoilers for her plan in Shadowlands, if you're interested in that ( book spoilers obviously :D ). I'm rather covering the old stuff which leads to shadowlands to explain her past so far.
      But I will surely release a new full version when her story finishes somehow (probably at the end of Shadowlands). At the moment it's rather a pain to work on it because the sheer amount of data is too much for my little editing program, so it just crashes all the time and I recorded more than 200 GB again which needs to be cutted and so on... it's terrible xD I'm an editing noob tho :)

  • @ltra42
    @ltra42 3 роки тому +4

    17:14 I'm pretty sure he said "..b!tch king.."

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      :D I wonder if Sylvanas still hates him. She's pretty similar to him for awhile now. Arthas slaughtered the high elves to get power, she slaughtered the night elves. And with the recent cinematics...

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      @@branislavanenadovic3529 She even did the lich king pose :(

  • @cyrusol
    @cyrusol 3 роки тому +1

    Missing the scene where she jumped off Icecrown after Arthas' defeat.
    Kinda an important scene because there's a theory that it was then when she bargained with the Jailer for the first time.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      Yea that's really important, but does it exist in the game? As far as I know it's only described in the short story "Edge of Night". Thanks for mentioning :)

    • @cyrusol
      @cyrusol 3 роки тому +1

      @@dagerry I'm sure I've seen a video of it but it could be some fanmade animation.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      @@cyrusol I know what you mean, there are fanmade cinematics of it, but nothing official in game. For example Nobbel reading the story

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому +1

      @@cyrusol For fanfiction... well.... WHY does this video come up in my mind now the whole time, whyyyy.... don't watch it, it will be stuck in your head forever... :D I warned you!!

    • @cyrusol
      @cyrusol 3 роки тому +1

      @@dagerry You used some reverse psychology on me. It was very effective. I saw the thumbnail and immediately smiled :D.
      But it has to be remade into an Anduin ❤️ Sylvanas story. ^^

  • @chriswhatley9080
    @chriswhatley9080 3 роки тому +3

    Big sad this only has 1500 views... 1:56:00 Chills.

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      I kinda like that this is only found by those who really search for it :D (& only likes so far :)

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      OK shouldn't have said that, promptly got my first dislike :D love you anyways lil dislike

  • @jannieschluter9670
    @jannieschluter9670 3 роки тому +1

    Masterpiece of a work!!! Thx!

  • @marlymutos1000
    @marlymutos1000 3 роки тому +1

    Great work 👏

  • @reddragonstudios1
    @reddragonstudios1 3 роки тому

    An IQ of 143, yeah people lie on the internet lol

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      Feels like this comment was written under the wrong video :D

    • @reddragonstudios1
      @reddragonstudios1 3 роки тому +1

      @@dagerry I Believe your right.... why did I post this ? lol

    • @dagerry
      @dagerry  3 роки тому

      @@reddragonstudios1 :D your unconscious wanted to help me with the youtube algorithm