National anthem of Canada with vocals and lyrics! Hymne national du Canada.mp4

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @hecdc
    @hecdc 12 років тому

    I'm a Canadian of immigrant descent, I consider myself a nationalist and patriot above all else, but I never mix race with what Canadian nationhood means.
    If we did, then our aboriginal brothers and sisters have the best claim out of any of us.
    For that matter, Canadianism revolves around ideals, beliefs, history and values... not one criteria is race.

  • @epsilonkleiner0
    @epsilonkleiner0 11 років тому

    I was listening to this in the background, wondering, where all the negative votes came from. Glad I double checked before giving my thumbs up.
    What has your opinion (which you, as far as I'm concerned, can express if you like) to do with Canadas national anthem?

  • @Alex911TheCanadian
    @Alex911TheCanadian 13 років тому

    I see your point, but it is wrong in most respects. Canada needs to maintain its culture, while allowing immigration. Canada has a British culture (represented militarily and politically), French culture (represented by Quebec) and Aboriginal culture (represented by Nunavut). Nothing, and no one can take that away from Canada.
    God Save Canada and God Save the Queen.

  • @gregory2355
    @gregory2355 11 років тому

    No. Im Canadian and I have absolutely nothing against any other race I believe that all should be equal and that less than 0.5% of canadians are like this. Believe me. I know SO MANY people who except all immigrants and other races.

  • @bohdanmelnuchuk9740
    @bohdanmelnuchuk9740 12 років тому

    Interesting thinks and I agree with most of them, but please create version with slower thesis change because for me as not native English speaker is hard to read & understand as fast.

  • @TakingAndChanging
    @TakingAndChanging 12 років тому

    How dare you bring shame in the name of Canada
    -Hallow Greetings from England, United Kingdom

  • @Alex911TheCanadian
    @Alex911TheCanadian 13 років тому

    @1776Matthew Simple answer, "White countries" accept these people because they understand their countries are failing them. They come here to live the way we do because it is better. I understand their ways of life are not the same, and in some cases, "wrong". I agree that some cultures need to accept ours if they come her to live, but we should do it in a manner that does not discriminate.

  • @thecyanlizard
    @thecyanlizard 12 років тому

    Please no. I don't know what Canada has done to other countries, All I want is peace. Why can't everything stay the it was. If those men didn't fight in 1812 and World war 2 I woulden't be singing the Canadian anthem and i woulden't see the flag rise eveyday I'am awake, We are helpful, we had been on the americans side in the darkess hours. please not trying to be hostile, Just want some peace in the world.

  • @Carpediem8110101
    @Carpediem8110101 11 років тому

    I don’t care for simpleminded patriots that worship the flag, the state, but not the people that created the nation!
    “this country was built by immigrants from overcrowded and underprivileged nations”
    So were these people Indian, chinese, Africans, or perhaps Arabs? Or perhaps white men and women from Europe.

  • @Alex911TheCanadian
    @Alex911TheCanadian 13 років тому

    @1776Matthew What country were you born in, and what is your heritage?

  • @allogicid
    @allogicid 12 років тому

    "Muslim countries for Muslims"
    I laughed my ass of!

  • @MarkusXC94
    @MarkusXC94 12 років тому

    I understand, but I feel like the US and Canada are two very unique nations as mixing pots. I do believe that if you come to a new country, you should retain your culture, but should assimilate into the mainstream society. Nations like Germany are trying to play to too many cultures instead of just German. I'm not saying that immigrants should leave, but they should intend on becoming part of the national image. States like California over here are playing too much to the Latino population.

  • @mybabypeter88
    @mybabypeter88 12 років тому

    And I am NOT anti-white, so don't try to call me a racist to cover up your discriminatory ideals. I simply believe in multi-culturalism. Canada is a country that accepts many different ideologies, such as socialism, liberalism, conservatism, etc, but certainly NOT FASCISM, RACISM, WHITE SUPREMACY, ULTRA-NATIONALISM, RACIAL HOMOGENEITY. You seem to be a follower of neo-nazism. Don't try to say you're against it just to cover up your real ideals.

  • @teunis1704
    @teunis1704 11 років тому


  • @teunis1704
    @teunis1704 11 років тому

    Oh Canada

  • @MarkusXC94
    @MarkusXC94 12 років тому

    You're entitled to your opinion, but I just feel that Canada is a great nation, with a diversity of peoples. Of course you'll have those few losers that are going to abuse the welfare systems of the state (trust me, I've met quite a few of them), but immigrants are good for the country. Those who really want to help the nation, will do their very best. You don't have to stop immigration, but having stricter immigration laws will help (I'm assuming you're from Ontario?).

  • @Carpediem8110101
    @Carpediem8110101 12 років тому

    Of course, what about you .)

  • @pokemonzoroark100
    @pokemonzoroark100 12 років тому

    ofensa a meu pais canada o verdadeiro nort

  • @mybabypeter88
    @mybabypeter88 12 років тому

    You are the one who doesn't know much about history. Canada is a country that has been populated by immigrants, starting with the natives, followed by the White, and then the Asians recently. The idea of keeping the population homogeneously white makes no sense for a country like Canada. Facism has more to do with ultra-nationalism. You are, no doubt, a ultra-nationalist and a believer of white supremacy. Accusing others of being racist (anti-white) doesn't make you seem less racist.

  • @bolek-trolek
    @bolek-trolek 12 років тому

    I am slovenian and i truly believe that white countries should stay WHITE and only white!!! and i am glad every time i see somebody with similar views on that issue ^^. god bless white canada!

  • @justinlee9861
    @justinlee9861 12 років тому

    america has all races

  • @HentaiJinx
    @HentaiJinx 11 років тому

    This will be taken down.

  • @leoh5744
    @leoh5744 11 років тому

    Canada is a "white country"? I know native Canadians of every colour and I know plenty of white immigrants, too.

  • @ninamarieamidao4647
    @ninamarieamidao4647 12 років тому


  • @HiYoJoe
    @HiYoJoe 11 років тому

    I came here for O Canada, I left because of the rhetoric and shit propaganda, and dropped a dislike on the way out.

  • @andreapaquette
    @andreapaquette 11 років тому

    Wow... sucks if your Native born Canadian eh? Won't be any room for us with all these immigrants coming in!! This is disgraceful

  • @aliaabd4127
    @aliaabd4127 11 років тому

    Muslim is not a race :) and there are many white Muslims. Please educate yourself.