Interesting. I’ve been using 303. Dang man, I didn’t know your kayaks saw so much sunlight 😂. I really need to scrub the whole thing. I’ve not done that yet since I got it lol. My PDL drive is covered with fish slime 😂
@@thatfishingnoob yea man I’m bad about actually cleaning them hahaha! Just started a couple months back and mainly plan to do it each year when it slows down a little!
Thanks. From Northeast Indiana!
@@brettgerber795 awesome thanks for watching! I’m hoping to travel more next year what’s some good fishing around you?
Phenomenal video!
@@ReelandRoll thanks man! As I say always the production quality on yours is amazing!!! Keep up the great work!
I have 303 for mine. I really need to clean it & service the fin drive more often.
@@aln.4918 I’ve been very bad about cleaning it so I really wanted to find something this year for cleaning and especially UV protection!
Interesting. I’ve been using 303. Dang man, I didn’t know your kayaks saw so much sunlight 😂. I really need to scrub the whole thing. I’ve not done that yet since I got it lol. My PDL drive is covered with fish slime 😂
@@thatfishingnoob yea man I’m bad about actually cleaning them hahaha! Just started a couple months back and mainly plan to do it each year when it slows down a little!