Really! It's non of our business what they think of us, but when they smear campaign and all the lies they charmingly tell about us, rewriting their script against us, due to jealousy, malice etc. I shake that dust off of my feet, learn that lesson and move on.
That's not a very 'respectful attitude you have there, Eva B. If you don't give a little respect to others, they certainly won't give you the benefit of the doubt and give you any respect, either. Besides, certain people deserve respect by virtue of their education and/or profession. How would you like to be a Doctor who has patients who second guess or doubt you all the time, just because they are suspicious people? Don't you possess any empathy? If not, I pity you.
When a so called friend starts a political discussion then, expects you to agree with him. Then, insults you because you have contrary views. That is the biggest sign of disrespect. No friendship can survive that.
Respect yourself and everything else will follow….Life is too short and precious to waste your time on people who don’t respect, value and appreciate you. 🌻 🤩
Narcissists cannot do these things. They cannot respect anyone, including their SELF. I believe in what my Mother taught me. Two things come to mind right away. #1 To Mind My Own Business. She added, that if I was focused on what I was doing, truly I wouldn't notice others doings. #2. It is None Of My Business What Others Think Of Me #3 That I needed to use more discernment versus judgement. It's not my Job To Be A Judge until I complete law school, if that's what I want to Be. Discernment is a total different way to look at everything. It opens doors, not closes them, until I am ready to close a door.
Butting in! I used to jump in too soon, i thought it showed I really understood and empathize. Which I did but it came off wrong. Now I really wait until they are done speaking. I get so excited when we have so much in common its hard not to jump in!! Nodding yes and smiling with no noise is better!!
Actions speak louder than words seems to have lost priority in today’s culture, especially higher up the food chain a person is or perceives themself to be
I totally disagree with you. Yes you do have to have respect for yourself but respect others and that's how you'll earn respect for yourself stop the confusion. (Confucius got it wrong)
Never ever ever talk about people behind their backs. This is definitely a way for people to lose respect ✊ for you. I had a coworker in my last job who used to apologize for every little thing.
I was looking for this comment. I literally got a neighbor/ so called friend in my place of employment and she started gossiping about me as soon as she started. Needless to say I know longer work there but still see her in the community and I don't speak to her at all. I have no respect for her as a person.
If someone didn't have guidance in their life or no one that took the time to fill your life luggage with these pearls, well this man with this video did, big thanks for taking the time.
Boundaries aren't just crossed - they're completely ignored. Boundaries are very important for any kind of relationship, be it professional or personal. ... Communication becomes disrespectful. ... You no longer respect yourself.
For myself it was hard to put up boundaries. When I did I lost people. I realized they were not my friends and didn’t like the boundaries I put up. I wanted out…
In my opinion respect isn't something that's earned, it's something that should be given freely right off the bat, to a complete stranger or someone you know. Too many people say respect is earned, but then turn around and say "you can't get respect if you don't give respect". Besides giving respect to someone you don't know is a reflection of your character.. not theirs. One should always give respect until someone gives you a reason to lose your respect for them.
Fake people suck. The word friend is used way too loosely. A good acquaintance is fine but fake people often don't even qualify as good acquaintances. I look for genuine people, which is tough these days.
Ditto. My world has gotten pretty small because I just can't handle it anymore. Being around people is stressful for me and instead of continuing to fight it I have just tried to embrace it. It does get lonely sometimes but the trade off is worth it. Would rather spend time with dogs and husband (in that order!)
4:07 Number 8. Interrupting people is an epidemic all around. Narcissists interrupt people when they feel threatened by someone else's perceived competence.
The clarification of your statement, would be immensely helpful. Would the term "energy vampires" in reference to a person, be a better choice than energy weapons?
@@charlespackwood2055 Well, when you put it in that context, my dirty mind thought of something. It gives new meaning to being abused by energy weapons. 😁
People who just do things well and are helpful with a friendly demeanor get my respect. I find myself being too selfish, looking out for just yourself is not all it's cracked up to be. If life was great I'm sure I'd be a better person.
I didn't understand the "letting" people disrespect me part for the longest time. After all, people don't 'let' other's disrespect them. The people doing the disrespecting are responsible for their thoughts and actions. I would stand up for myself but I'd end up getting insulted, humiliated, embarrassed, and eventually fed up. I'd end up yelling so I somehow ended up being the bad person. I was 'right fighting' and I couldn't understand how no one sided with me when I did nothing wrong nor did I elicit their behavior. Years later, in hindsight, I can see how I continued letting these people be "friends" when they had absolutely no respect for me until I couldn't stand it anymore and would have yet another angry outburst. Even if I stopped talking to them for awhile, I'll still end up being way too nice to them again and let them use/manipulate me. That made everyone around us lose respect for me. It's still a bit triggering when I hear you guys say that, tbh. It's only now that I learned more about boundaries...incredibly helpful, lol.
I can totally relate to ur comment I am the most loyal friend awesome cud have but they don't have my best interest At heart ❤️. It seems THEZ days everyone is out for them selves and only their feelings are important ...BUT FOR THOZ ONES WE R SUPPOSE TO PRAY FOR AND ITS PEOPLE LIKE US THAT GIV OTHERS HOPE THAT NOT EVERYONE IS DISRESPECTFUL OR UGLY ON THE INSIDE AND THAT MAKES THE WORLD RECOGNIZE that there is GOOD SOLID PEOPLE STILL,, , ,THERE JUST AINT TOO MANY ALL THE MORE REASON TO TEACH OUR KIDS ABOUT RESPECT HAVING IT GIVING IT SHOWING IT and MORALS and VALUES.
I was in the Air Force reserves and people in my unit used to say things about me either behind my back or right in front of me and I always let it slide and all it did was invite others to say these things. When I finally retaliated they made me out to look like I was the bad guy. They had no respect for me because I thought I was weak and now they had no more respect for me because they saw me as toxic. Ain't that some s***. Human beings need social interactions but living today's times it just makes it so unappealing to be around people or get to know them or even like them. I'm out of the military now but I left ruined embarrassed and humiliated. I'm trying everyday taking baby steps to reintegrate myself in society on top of the pandemic but I said all that to say I relate wholeheartedly to your comment.
@@androssteague Hi, please get that book it will change your entire inter-action with people. Some people will always be idiots but once you have some new tools you will recognize certain types of people and hopefully have some different experiences.
I totally relate to what you’re saying, that’s exactly what happened to me. I try to be so nice that people take advantage and disrespect me. I stay quiet bc I don’t want t make a scene like them, but they get away with it and no one takes my side… it’s hard…I’m still trying to figure out how to handle each situation.
I disagree with them about apologising for everything, all too often people don't apologise for anything which is much worse. At least when someone says I'm sorry it means they acknowledge they were wrong which I would respect.
Doing it in excess is unnecessary tho. It devalues the weight of apologies which actually matter. Like if u make it a habit to always write emails with “sorry for the delay” for example, it starts to sound normal and over time will actually become offensive. Yes where it matters, for sure apologize and be humble enough to admit ur wrong, but u cant possibly be wrong so often that all u do is keep apologizing. Theres something off in this case.
Actually there is another point in it, That could makes the other people think Ov you as miserable person, some one who is full Ov shame and regrets which always feels sorry for his/her self.
I tend to overapologize because I feel bad about the situation..as tho it is my fault or I couldn't help you in a better way..but if people lose their respect over me being considerate or even remorseful..then what can you do about it🤷🏾♀️
I just focus on being high quality man. I can give a damn what anyone thinks about me or finds me respectable. I'm still gonna continue to grow no matter what.
3rd one Even if I follow all these they just don't give shit in my opinion I'm all ears for them but when I'm sad and wanna talk about something they just intrupt me and starts talking about themselves it's so disrespectful 😢😢😢 I feel hurt😭
That means for u now, you will never have an ear for that person again. Keep the boundary, they have to respect you. They will even lose, more respect for u, each time u give them a new chance. You will be good🙏💜
I'm told I always make excuses for bad behaviour, but it can be helpful - worth a try at least. So, are they thinking their story is a way to give advice to you? Or to show they understand? I mean you're not hearing it that way so perhaps they arent doing that and its simply the case that they don't have the capacity to hear you, in which case that's about them & their inabilities, not yours. Have you been able to tell them how their replies or their manner makes you question how much they are actually there for you? Have you asked them a direct question for advice say or simply their opinion? Or if its not advice your after have you asked them if they are available to hear you let rip over something that's bothering you? I hope things improve for you, and you find the support you need. It isn't easy I know, but know I'm rooting for you here in miserable wet NWest UK. Take care, and full respect for reaching out 👊🤜
I learnt hard lessons. 1, When someone disrespect you many times and you need very clean about your consequence boundaries. For me, I cut relationship with work bully group people because it is so hard to earn trust back and I dont need to. 2, learn assertive words and practise. 3, Time and energy is limit resource and dont need spend on the poeople who never even deserve.
Also, teasing someone will make people lose respect. That's true about letting people interrupt. Youre trying to be polite, but it can come across as too submissive. Funny, but true.
When you talk about people behind their backs, you cannot trust that person. That person will be exposed for the vile person that they are. If you are talking bad about others, in front of others, you will do the same to them when they turn their backs.
When you respect yourself, you stop non sense, you just make sense as regards that incidence. You don't bring yourself low, you'll be honourable. RESPECT YOURSELF.
3:57 I don't mind constructive criticism, but, I don't like people hanging on every word I say. When you're looking for my weaknesses and faults, then we have a problem! In other words don't constantly correct me on petty foolishness.
Respect goes both ways. You can give people respect all the time and not be giving respect in return. Respect begins with having respect for yourself. Every person have values and boundaries. If people can't respect you. You don't need them in your life. You don't have to be disrespected if you're not being disrespectful to them.
My in laws have a habit of the constant interrupting me when I’m talking my father in law is a constant culprit of this I got so annoyed that I replied; STFU. My brother has a habit of constantly butting into our business when he has no significance whatsoever. He says he’s not when in fact he does. We’ve tried telling him to mind his own business however he doesn’t seem to learn or understand why we get so annoyed with him.
It’s okay to tell someone to mind their own business, as long as it’s not used imperatively. Here are some polite ways to respond: “That does not concern you,” “Mind your own affairs,” “It’s a personal matter, and we don’t want to talk about it in public.”
Sometimes when I'm in a group conversation that someone is speaking at every moment and I can't find a time to get my word in. If my words are important I have to interrupt
Oh yes. True that respect is earned not given. It takes so much effort to balance all those things that qualifies one to be respected. Just like love, only a few or none to respect or love you. Sometimes you just have to be no matter what, cos to be respected or loved isn't much in your control....
True, though it is not hard to earn respect. We don't have to do anything spectacular. You be nice to me and I will be nice to you. I always remember that advice since I was 7 years old.
- [ ] Can you respect if they CUT you to bone? Like complaining about every minor detail like apologizing….Just so you don’t have to anymore … OMG- CANT RESPECT THAT. .
5:12 #10 struck a Nerve. People who impose themselves with no concern for your likes, dislikes or personal boundaries are passive aggressive and major league disrespectful. Don't care to be associated with anyone who feels they have a right to overrule mine as this runs into #11..allowing them to treat you in a manner that is unacceptable.👎
A friend told me once that sometimes it's because they know if they don't interrupt they'll forget that thought they had which was wholly relevant but if they wait for a natural break they just know they'll have forgotten it... cones across as being eager but not great in every situation I suppose like a work meeting - I have to write down my intended interjection so when the time is right I can say my bit... obviously not possible when chatting in the street or the pub ☺
Another one, so basic most people forget- is cleanliness. Always remember deodorant every day and not over-wearing clothes. Being smelly is a real respect-destroyer and a first impression of an unhygenic person can really linger. Im saying this out of my own experience- Ive neglected that in the past and it was wrong for me to do so.
- [ ] Reliability is respectable but …. Not forcing or pressuring or holding someone to their word to do something ESP IF IT WOULD PUT THEM IN DANGER. Get rid of the danger first? But not saying someone is forcing when THEY OFFERED? Sometimes you have to respect procrastination as NOT BEING IMPULSIVE.
Firstly, most people will treat you as you treat yourself. Talk to everybody in the same manner n tone of voice irrespective of whether they are rich or poor or their designations. Be kind and respectful to most except the diabolical.
I loved the way you make videos. Which software do you use for creating the animations and record voice? Or is it created by an automatic voice software? Kindly tell me. Thanks
I don't think you always have to be there for someone when you need to recharge your own battery especially if you're mentally or emotionally drained. I've learned people choose to deal with who they want..no matter the case..as respectful as I am to others..I am never shown that same respect which in turn leads me to act differently towards them or leave them alone. It's annoying to wanna deal with people all the time.
@@cymbolichuman433 some people do. Others just want ego strokes for what they already know, even when what they know has repeatedly proven to be false.
Defensive much. I would say the teacher 'forcing' comes under the parent 'forcing' example. Were you not paying close enough attention to this lesson on respect?
@@KidStarverHALVEDhisVote I teach college students. They're supposed to be adults. It's a huge frustration because the video accurately reflects the attitudes of some students towards learning. I don't really care if they respect me or not, but if they don't they won't learn what I'm trying to teach them. Their attitude makes it all seem pointless.
@@andrewwhite7210 I think we all have to be aware of the self fulfilling prophecy possibility. Here you sound combative (?) beat (?) Do you go to the classroom / lecture theatre believing not one student there respects your knowledge; not one contractually engaged / ready to engage; not one fully committed? Law of averages say there will be at least half (?) I think it's well accepted we all learn a little different from one another, but, yes at college we are expected to be self motivated - they're turning up... What alternative approaches or conversations have you tried? What's your subject btw?
The way to be respected is by not being afraid of what others people see you. Be yourself and your true self, don’t worry about how others feel or think. When one worries too much, they won’t be themselves and become unreliable and not trustworthy.
I have to admit i force people half of the time and half of the time i let them make their decisions i try to be as nice as possible but people still lose respect for me i do not understand limits sometimes i have to say that why people lose respect for i wish things were perfect for me and other too but me first im not happy that people lose respect for me
Losing respect is a DIRECT RESULT of what somebody else said to that somebody about me. Every. Frigging. Time. I’m deaf so I have absolutely no respect from even the homeless people because they say whatever the damn they want.
This video was definitely made by a person who has never served time in a maximum security prison. They would have excellent respect statements. Show me a video on respect by felons, anybody?
Here's my honest opinion on this, respect is a human right, anyone trying to take or give YOU respect, here's my question who do you think you are, your no better then me or anyone else in this world for that matter, you know who thought he was better then an entire race Adolf Hitler and he proceeded to exterminate them .... Don't be that respect everyone why? Because their a fellow human being
Betrayal and finding out they never cared about you. Sincerity is very rare.
Exactly ..
yes it is
Men shout at women because they love them; not because they love oppressing women !!
Shit hurts when they never cared.
I have read somewhere that most people will forget what you did, but people never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelo
@@E1LTSaves Exactly 100%
That's so true...
What if you're female and so have defective feelings / suffer from emotional disphoria !!
... and when you SHOUT?
@@elizabethk3238 😂😂😂💁💁💁
!! !! 😂
I still gave you a thumbs up 👍
Stop yelling
Respect must be earned. It's not given.
People I don't respect, or I don't like, really don't care what they think of me.
Really! It's non of our business what they think of us, but when they smear campaign and all the lies they charmingly tell about us, rewriting their script against us, due to jealousy, malice etc. I shake that dust off of my feet, learn that lesson and move on.
You should give it if you want to get it. Remember that you may only be respected as much as you respect others. What comes around goes around.
Do you mean to say that "respect has to be earned, not demanded?"
That's not a very 'respectful attitude you have there, Eva B. If you don't give a little respect to others, they certainly won't give you the benefit of the doubt and give you any respect, either. Besides, certain people deserve respect by virtue of their education and/or profession. How would you like to be a Doctor who has patients who second guess or doubt you all the time, just because they are suspicious people?
Don't you possess any empathy? If not, I pity you.
Me too...
I am who I am..
Take me or leave me!
Im polite and helpful but not a people pleaser.
When a so called friend starts a political discussion then, expects you to agree with him. Then, insults you because you have contrary views. That is the biggest sign of disrespect. No friendship can survive that.
Not keeping promises, procrastination, making excuses for not fulfilling responsibilities, taking advantage of people's kindness...
I agree, same here.
When out eating pay attention to the way your 'friend' treats the servers. It's very revealing of their true character.
I can relate. Being a nice, humble, and genuine person is about how you treat people.
Respect yourself and everything else will follow….Life is too short and precious to waste your time on people who don’t respect, value and appreciate you. 🌻 🤩
Narcissists cannot do these things. They cannot respect anyone, including their SELF. I believe in what my Mother taught me. Two things come to mind right away. #1 To Mind My Own Business. She added, that if I was focused on what I was doing, truly I wouldn't notice others doings. #2. It is None Of My Business What Others Think Of Me #3 That I needed to use more discernment versus judgement. It's not my Job To Be A Judge until I complete law school, if that's what I want to Be. Discernment is a total different way to look at everything. It opens doors, not closes them, until I am ready to close a door.
Butting in! I used to jump in too soon, i thought it showed I really understood and empathize. Which I did but it came off wrong. Now I really wait until they are done speaking. I get so excited when we have so much in common its hard not to jump in!! Nodding yes and smiling with no noise is better!!
Actions speak louder than words seems to have lost priority in today’s culture, especially higher up the food chain a person is or perceives themself to be
Respect yourself and others will respect you. - Confucius
Or will call you narcissist.
Yeah, Exactly!
Self Respect is that You Never ever Lie to Yourself. 💖😎👌🏼
I totally disagree with you. Yes you do have to have respect for yourself but respect others and that's how you'll earn respect for yourself stop the confusion. (Confucius got it wrong)
Totally👍agree 👍amen.
Never ever ever talk about people behind their backs. This is definitely a way for people to lose respect ✊ for you. I had a coworker in my last job who used to apologize for every little thing.
I was looking for this comment.
I literally got a neighbor/ so called friend in my place of employment and she started gossiping about me as soon as she started. Needless to say I know longer work there but still see her in the community and I don't speak to her at all. I have no respect for her as a person.
If someone didn't have guidance in their life or no one that took the time to fill your life luggage with these pearls, well this man with this video did, big thanks for taking the time.
Boundaries aren't just crossed - they're completely ignored. Boundaries are very important for any kind of relationship, be it professional or personal. ...
Communication becomes disrespectful. ...
You no longer respect yourself.
For myself it was hard to put up boundaries. When I did I lost people. I realized they were not my friends and didn’t like the boundaries I put up. I wanted out…
In my opinion respect isn't something that's earned, it's something that should be given freely right off the bat, to a complete stranger or someone you know. Too many people say respect is earned, but then turn around and say "you can't get respect if you don't give respect". Besides giving respect to someone you don't know is a reflection of your character.. not theirs. One should always give respect until someone gives you a reason to lose your respect for them.
And that's why I prefer being alone and introverted. Having friends sucks.
Fake people suck. The word friend is used way too loosely. A good acquaintance is fine but fake people often don't even qualify as good acquaintances. I look for genuine people, which is tough these days.
I also would rather be alone than around fake people that aren't good company. I hear you. Also, drama and conflict is stressful.
Ditto. My world has gotten pretty small because I just can't handle it anymore. Being around people is stressful for me and instead of continuing to fight it I have just tried to embrace it. It does get lonely sometimes but the trade off is worth it. Would rather spend time with dogs and husband (in that order!)
i take it your not very successful?
@@paulbunyun3663 eh?
Always Treat Others as You Would Like Them To Treat You.
Don't Do To Others You Don't Want To Do Unto You.
You mean- Don't Do Unto Others What You Don't Want Done To You, don't you?
4:07 Number 8. Interrupting people is an epidemic all around. Narcissists interrupt people when they feel threatened by someone else's perceived competence.
Another good one is keeping secrets that could help someone. Such as when someone is being abused by energy weapons or being stalked.
What's an energy weapon? That's like someone shooting you with a taser for fun, right?
Being abused by narcissistic behaviors of any kind add physical abuse.
The clarification of your statement, would be immensely helpful. Would the term "energy vampires" in reference to a person, be a better choice than energy weapons?
"Energy weapons " is kinda cute.
@@charlespackwood2055 Well, when you put it in that context, my dirty mind thought of something. It gives new meaning to being abused by energy weapons. 😁
Im re-learning self respect coming out of a divorce.
People who just do things well and are helpful with a friendly demeanor get my respect. I find myself being too selfish, looking out for just yourself is not all it's cracked up to be. If life was great I'm sure I'd be a better person.
I didn't understand the "letting" people disrespect me part for the longest time. After all, people don't 'let' other's disrespect them. The people doing the disrespecting are responsible for their thoughts and actions. I would stand up for myself but I'd end up getting insulted, humiliated, embarrassed, and eventually fed up. I'd end up yelling so I somehow ended up being the bad person. I was 'right fighting' and I couldn't understand how no one sided with me when I did nothing wrong nor did I elicit their behavior. Years later, in hindsight, I can see how I continued letting these people be "friends" when they had absolutely no respect for me until I couldn't stand it anymore and would have yet another angry outburst. Even if I stopped talking to them for awhile, I'll still end up being way too nice to them again and let them use/manipulate me. That made everyone around us lose respect for me. It's still a bit triggering when I hear you guys say that, tbh. It's only now that I learned more about boundaries...incredibly helpful, lol.
I can totally relate to ur comment I am the most loyal friend awesome cud have but they don't have my best interest
You teach people how to treat you.
Get books by Dr. Henry Cloud and John Townsend. Boundaries. They will change your life for the best!
I was in the Air Force reserves and people in my unit used to say things about me either behind my back or right in front of me and I always let it slide and all it did was invite others to say these things. When I finally retaliated they made me out to look like I was the bad guy. They had no respect for me because I thought I was weak and now they had no more respect for me because they saw me as toxic. Ain't that some s***. Human beings need social interactions but living today's times it just makes it so unappealing to be around people or get to know them or even like them. I'm out of the military now but I left ruined embarrassed and humiliated. I'm trying everyday taking baby steps to reintegrate myself in society on top of the pandemic but I said all that to say I relate wholeheartedly to your comment.
@@androssteague Hi, please get that book it will change your entire inter-action with people. Some people will always be idiots but once you have some new tools you will recognize certain types of people and hopefully have some different experiences.
I totally relate to what you’re saying, that’s exactly what happened to me. I try to be so nice that people take advantage and disrespect me. I stay quiet bc I don’t want t make a scene like them, but they get away with it and no one takes my side… it’s hard…I’m still trying to figure out how to handle each situation.
Love this. Thank you🌷
I disagree with them about apologising for everything, all too often people don't apologise for anything which is much worse. At least when someone says I'm sorry it means they acknowledge they were wrong which I would respect.
Doing it in excess is unnecessary tho. It devalues the weight of apologies which actually matter. Like if u make it a habit to always write emails with “sorry for the delay” for example, it starts to sound normal and over time will actually become offensive. Yes where it matters, for sure apologize and be humble enough to admit ur wrong, but u cant possibly be wrong so often that all u do is keep apologizing. Theres something off in this case.
Not in excess
Actually there is another point in it,
That could makes the other people think Ov you as miserable person, some one who is full Ov shame and regrets which always feels sorry for his/her self.
I tend to overapologize because I feel bad about the situation..as tho it is my fault or I couldn't help you in a better way..but if people lose their respect over me being considerate or even remorseful..then what can you do about it🤷🏾♀️
I think you missed his point...
Thanks for Reminding us!
I just focus on being high quality man. I can give a damn what anyone thinks about me or finds me respectable. I'm still gonna continue to grow no matter what.
3rd one
Even if I follow all these they just don't give shit in my opinion I'm all ears for them but when I'm sad and wanna talk about something they just intrupt me and starts talking about themselves it's so disrespectful 😢😢😢 I feel hurt😭
Maybe they are narcissists or toxic people. That's not your fault at all! Find some new friends! ...I know it's hard...
That means for u now, you will never have an ear for that person again. Keep the boundary, they have to respect you. They will even lose, more respect for u, each time u give them a new chance. You will be good🙏💜
I'm told I always make excuses for bad behaviour, but it can be helpful - worth a try at least. So, are they thinking their story is a way to give advice to you? Or to show they understand? I mean you're not hearing it that way so perhaps they arent doing that and its simply the case that they don't have the capacity to hear you, in which case that's about them & their inabilities, not yours.
Have you been able to tell them how their replies or their manner makes you question how much they are actually there for you? Have you asked them a direct question for advice say or simply their opinion? Or if its not advice your after have you asked them if they are available to hear you let rip over something that's bothering you?
I hope things improve for you, and you find the support you need. It isn't easy I know, but know I'm rooting for you here in miserable wet NWest UK. Take care, and full respect for reaching out 👊🤜
I learnt hard lessons.
1, When someone disrespect you many times and you need very clean about your consequence boundaries. For me, I cut relationship with work bully group people because it is so hard to earn trust back and I dont need to.
2, learn assertive words and practise.
3, Time and energy is limit resource and dont need spend on the poeople who never even deserve.
I love the sentence ,would u rather be right or respected
Also, teasing someone will make people lose respect. That's true about letting people interrupt. Youre trying to be polite, but it can come across as too submissive. Funny, but true.
When you talk about people behind their backs, you cannot trust that person. That person will be exposed for the vile person that they are. If you are talking bad about others, in front of others, you will do the same to them when they turn their backs.
People who over apologize have been abused. They aren’t annoying, they need understanding, and healing.
When you respect yourself, you stop non sense, you just make sense as regards that incidence. You don't bring yourself low, you'll be honourable. RESPECT YOURSELF.
I do let people interrupt me but that's because I'm really polite.
Thumbs up !
Thanks for sharing !
thank you brainy dose...love always to hear your advice thanks for sharing.
I don't mind constructive criticism, but, I don't like people hanging on every word I say. When you're looking for my weaknesses and faults, then we have a problem! In other words don't constantly correct me on petty foolishness.
Respect is earned. respect others if you want to be respected
Thank you sir! The truth hurts some people out there on respect!
Respect Is Everything
Respect goes both ways. You can give people respect all the time and not be giving respect in return. Respect begins with having respect for yourself. Every person have values and boundaries. If people can't respect you. You don't need them in your life. You don't have to be disrespected if you're not being disrespectful to them.
My in laws have a habit of the constant interrupting me when I’m talking my father in law is a constant culprit of this I got so annoyed that I replied; STFU. My brother has a habit of constantly butting into our business when he has no significance whatsoever. He says he’s not when in fact he does. We’ve tried telling him to mind his own business however he doesn’t seem to learn or understand why we get so annoyed with him.
It’s okay to tell someone to mind their own business, as long as it’s not used imperatively.
Here are some polite ways to respond: “That does not concern you,” “Mind your own affairs,”
“It’s a personal matter, and we don’t want to talk about it in public.”
Or “don’t worry about it” “that’s not important”
Sometimes when I'm in a group conversation that someone is speaking at every moment and I can't find a time to get my word in. If my words are important I have to interrupt
Thank you!! I learned alot!!
Yeah...pretty much stay by myself...people are work...
Live the Golden rule, DO NOT DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO UNTO YOU. Be Sincere and Honest
Yes there are some i have to work on. Thank u soo much.
Yup! Sorry all the time is annoying af
For me someone lose respect when he/she disrepects me
That's really helpful sir. ❤️❤️❤️
Wow!! This video just changed my life.. NEVER AGAIN THESE MF WILL DISRESPECT ME!!!
Thank you soo much for this video!
Great lessons.....
Thanx a lot, very very useful life teaching ...
Oh yes. True that respect is earned not given. It takes so much effort to balance all those things that qualifies one to be respected. Just like love, only a few or none to respect or love you.
Sometimes you just have to be no matter what, cos to be respected or loved isn't much in your control....
True, though it is not hard to earn respect. We don't have to do anything spectacular. You be nice to me and I will be nice to you. I always remember that advice since I was 7 years old.
@@DavidLopez-jl2ug good that.
What happened when you were 7 and made you learn about respect?
@@maggiewanjiru2807 Hi Maggie, I remember my second grade teacher saying that at the beginning of the school year. I am 48 now.
Amazing 😻 Videos guys… !!! Keep up the good 👍🏼 work
- [ ] Can you respect if they CUT you to bone? Like complaining about every minor detail like apologizing….Just so you don’t have to anymore … OMG- CANT RESPECT THAT. .
New subscriber
🙊🙊.. You explained everything about me
Regarding #7, defensive approach. Depends who is criticizing you.
very informative...great thanks sir...
5:12 #10 struck a Nerve. People who impose themselves with no concern for your likes, dislikes or personal boundaries are passive aggressive and major league disrespectful. Don't care to be associated with anyone who feels they have a right to overrule mine as this runs into #11..allowing them to treat you in a manner that is unacceptable.👎
Wonderful video that's the truth learned a lot amen. Thank you.
Wonderful Information to know Thank you Brainy dose
I need to work on my interruption for others when they talk... I just get excited about what they are saying 🤭
A friend told me once that sometimes it's because they know if they don't interrupt they'll forget that thought they had which was wholly relevant but if they wait for a natural break they just know they'll have forgotten it... cones across as being eager but not great in every situation I suppose like a work meeting - I have to write down my intended interjection so when the time is right I can say my bit... obviously not possible when chatting in the street or the pub ☺
same here and I always get into trouble for interrupting
@@KidStarverHALVEDhisVote yes, that happens to me
Another one, so basic most people forget- is cleanliness. Always remember deodorant every day and not over-wearing clothes. Being smelly is a real respect-destroyer and a first impression of an unhygenic person can really linger. Im saying this out of my own experience- Ive neglected that in the past and it was wrong for me to do so.
Apologizing too much. And getting offended easily.
When one knows, loves and respects oneself, there is no need to care whether one is respected.
- [ ] Reliability is respectable but …. Not forcing or pressuring or holding someone to their word to do something ESP IF IT WOULD PUT THEM IN DANGER. Get rid of the danger first? But not saying someone is forcing when THEY OFFERED? Sometimes you have to respect procrastination as NOT BEING IMPULSIVE.
Firstly, most people will treat you as you treat yourself.
Talk to everybody in the same manner n tone of voice irrespective of whether they are rich or poor or their designations.
Be kind and respectful to most except the diabolical.
Love the video🤗
Getting sick, sad but true. No one respects you when you are weak with illness.
I loved the way you make videos. Which software do you use for creating the animations and record voice? Or is it created by an automatic voice software? Kindly tell me. Thanks
Ty 💋
How about one way friendship? After a while got tired of it. Since time is precious I decided to invest it wisely and cut the one way lane!! Bye 👋
I don't think you always have to be there for someone when you need to recharge your own battery especially if you're mentally or emotionally drained. I've learned people choose to deal with who they want..no matter the case..as respectful as I am to others..I am never shown that same respect which in turn leads me to act differently towards them or leave them alone. It's annoying to wanna deal with people all the time.
Very correct.
So if someone jokes on me I definitely share my laugh but if the joke is somehow personal then I will give them silence.
Thank you
these are very important things
I need help for mostly all of them because i tried to stay away from everyone i do diagnose with seizures disorders.
Some people just don't respect you cause they don't like you!
Smile if you want a smile from another face 😊
I'm a teacher. I have to force people to do things they don't want to do. It's my job. You're telling me I lose their respect by doing my job.
People do want to learn. Try to have a little fun showing
somebody something new.
@@cymbolichuman433 some people do. Others just want ego strokes for what they already know, even when what they know has repeatedly proven to be false.
Defensive much.
I would say the teacher 'forcing' comes under the parent 'forcing' example. Were you not paying close enough attention to this lesson on respect?
@@KidStarverHALVEDhisVote I teach college students. They're supposed to be adults. It's a huge frustration because the video accurately reflects the attitudes of some students towards learning. I don't really care if they respect me or not, but if they don't they won't learn what I'm trying to teach them. Their attitude makes it all seem pointless.
@@andrewwhite7210 I think we all have to be aware of the self fulfilling prophecy possibility. Here you sound combative (?) beat (?) Do you go to the classroom / lecture theatre believing not one student there respects your knowledge; not one contractually engaged / ready to engage; not one fully committed?
Law of averages say there will be at least half (?)
I think it's well accepted we all learn a little different from one another, but, yes at college we are expected to be self motivated - they're turning up... What alternative approaches or conversations have you tried?
What's your subject btw?
Those who forced others to do harmful things.. to the hell they go..
Very true!
Stop trying to get others attention or respect.
Yes yes indeed!!!!
Yes yes indeed!!!!
Yes yes indeed!!!!
I do me and walk alone
The way to be respected is by not being afraid of what others people see you. Be yourself and your true self, don’t worry about how others feel or think. When one worries too much, they won’t be themselves and become unreliable and not trustworthy.
I have to admit i force people half of the time and half of the time i let them make their decisions i try to be as nice as possible but people still lose respect for me i do not understand limits sometimes i have to say that why people lose respect for i wish things were perfect for me and other too but me first im not happy that people lose respect for me
2:21 I think you explained 80% of Twitter
Losing respect is a DIRECT RESULT of what somebody else said to that somebody about me. Every. Frigging. Time. I’m deaf so I have absolutely no respect from even the homeless people because they say whatever the damn they want.
This video was definitely made by a person who has never served time in a maximum security prison. They would have excellent respect statements. Show me a video on respect by felons, anybody?
Respect yourself, and another's respect isn't needed.
Great points
Respect is a very hard bargain, like very very hard
When do you interrupt someone when they have gone on and on for 5 minutes!
Some of them but not all of them
Interesting 🤔
Here's my honest opinion on this, respect is a human right, anyone trying to take or give YOU respect, here's my question who do you think you are, your no better then me or anyone else in this world for that matter, you know who thought he was better then an entire race Adolf Hitler and he proceeded to exterminate them .... Don't be that respect everyone why? Because their a fellow human being