Sry but i think in about maximum 10 years or lot less i think i will obtain entirely about universal time. How kali yuga works along with universe secret and i have idea how you found about your idea.
doing LSD , I'm convinced these realms actually exist . The mind can create these abominations , and I'm glad the ancient Hindus assigned a place for them . Chant the Gayatri for life .
Does all these exist outside us or inside us. Like I was thinking does all this lokas represent the transformation in the mind of a being i.e. shifting from materialistic to spiritual world with evolution of oneself as time passes by. Cause we are in worlds that we create for ourselves.
I think they are pointing out towards our state of consciousness. Maybe as our conscious develops we go one plane higher and all these planes are interconnected.i.e they coexist just like dimensions. What is clear that they are not talking about planets or beings rather state of being like demonic or godly. It even correlates with 7chakras as well
Yes...they do exist externally....they are shape shifters, they come here allot....some spend some time doing tapsya, some are extremely wicked and devilish, and the Nagas a Favorite delicacy dish is human flesh, they like the parna.....
I think the way you're thinking is correct because I believe humans have over time learnt that whatever any religious text tells us is basically a path to finding ourselves....but I also believe these could very well be planes in physical nature... I guess the answer lies behind death or when you meditate...
🙏pataal is so mysterious All becouse of naags No one knows much about them but they knew that which even devas, Sidhhas,yogis don't know, Pataal is ruled by kind of naagas vasuki ,who is ornament of shiva. That mysterious knowledge was only and only received by naagas of pataal in the entire cosmos through shiva.
Vasuki Son was born In Jammu Kashmir known as Baba Dhansar...there is a temple which is known by his son's name in which Bhagwan Shiv, Mata Parvati n Bhagwan Ganesh resides not to mention the sound of Damroo which we can listen by striking ur palms onto the wall of that Bhagwan Shiva Cave🙏🙏
Depends on your thought... The 7 doors of Narayan represent the seven chakra, after opening all the chakras you enter the realm of the primordial energy of existence... Vaikunt.
Even in brahmaloka there is birth and death. BG 8.16. Krishna says unless one reaches his abode Vaikunta one has to be in the life cycle of birth and death.
I think there s saying that "we have 7 similar people like us in the world"....I think it s related with these lokas and denotes parallel universe?? Head rotates!!!
Nice one.... Plz make a video on the origin and entire history of yoga...its importance and application. ..and its compatibility with other religions....thank you..
@@sanjeetgill448 through vedas, ancient scriptures, through conseousness, through legends one can gather all the knowledge ...all tge knowledge are here... Its the matter of time how you gonna experience it...
@@sanjeetgill448 haha i hope you are just kidding around... You cnt travel to all these lokas.. These dny exist in this dimension.. The existence of these lokos are beyond these dimensions..
More money and high level production should be put in Indian cosmic mythology, this could give tough competition to Hollywood if Indian film makers decide to showcase it in sciencetific manner !
they;re not interested in all this, they mainly rehash the mahabharata, ramayan, hanuman shiva etc, they are in fact aping the decadence of hollywood, fiction has been written about indian mythology, but mostly twisted by their authors own fantasies, commercialized to make them sell, but your idea is truly profound, i have long wondered why this has not been done, look up kali yuga for that one ;-)
epified you videos are amazing but can you upload Hindi version too so that we can share it with our parents and elder relatives in easier way..reply if possible..
How far are these lokas from earth plane . Can a rocket reach there . Narada and saptarshis can travel to all 14 lokas but why can't we . NASA should take up this as research
🌈 Thank you beloved #BodhiSattva. ✨ From November 30 to December 14/15 beloved #healer #Ophiuchus (#Rasalhague / #Hercules' #Rasalgethi) #constellation is behind Lord #Surya. Beloved Ophiuchus has become visible since #December 2012, said to be the end of our beloved #Maya-n calendar. ✨🌏✨ 💖Beloved #Rasalhague in #Scorpio is in exact mutual #drishti with beloved #Phact (#Dove of #Peace) in #Taurus. Rasalhague is near the most difficult #Gandanta or untying of the karmic knot in the entire #Mazzaroth. However, #fixedstars of #healing and #peace that passeth understanding also reside and aspect the same #bindu. 💖 The upcoming #GrandConjunction of our dearly beloved Lords #Guru and #Shani is happening really really close to the hidden #nakshatra of beloved Lord #Krishna, the #AbhijitNakshatra linked to the #FixedStar #Vega, which used to be our #PoleStar or #NorthStar, and will become our #Dhruva Star again if the #PrecessionOfEquinoxes continues in many thousands of years to come. ✨🎄✨ This nakshatra was visible during #Dvapara #Yuga. It was hidden as narrated in the #Mahabharata and #Vedas during our current #Kali Yuga. 💖The last 4 signs ruled by Lords Guru and Shani: #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #Aquarius, and #Pisces are linked to #SvarLoka. 💖 ✨🎄🙏 #healing to ever unveiling beloved one and all always🙏🎄✨ "All is #karma. Karma is all. All is well." #GeoffreyHodson 🌴 #Bible #Sisumara #MayanCalendar #AgeOfAquarius #DivinePlan #Lila #Maya #PrecessionOfEquinox #MahaVakyas #Upanishad #Evolution #NewHumanity #RootRaces #AhamBrahmaAsmi #OneLight #Om ✨🍃🌕🌏🌅🍃✨
They are within you and this universe itself is bhulok. So these are higher and lower planes of existence. They all coexist as well. But according to my perspective they mean our state of being. It can be godly or demonic. If we are only indulging in lust we are at atala lok of existence already or it's a state of mind.
There are total 21 lokas and above is True Amarlok. The five major things which Sahib Bandgi spiritual organisation has revealed as per the true Satguru Ideology are mentioned below: 1. This is the world of Kaal Niranjan (Mind) and he rules over the universe. 2. Yogis have to struggle really hard to reach up to the abode of Niranjan (i.e. Shunya - the 14th lok, which is present in every human-being). In Vedas Niranjan is being referred as Nirakaar, Aad Niranjan, Onkaar, Paar-Brahm, Nirgun Brahm etc. 3. Rishi, Muni, Siddh, Saadhak, Peer, Paegambar, Yogi, Gunn, Gandharv etc had reached up to the 14th Lok (Shunya) only, but all failed to attain permanent salvation from the circle of birth and death i.e. could not escape from the territory of Niranjan (Kaal Purush‐ Mind). 4. Beyond Shunya there is the creation of Maha-Shunya. In Maha-Shunya there are 7 Loks where no articles exists.These 7 Loks are : • Achint lok • Sohang lok • Mool-Surti lok • Ankur lok • Ichha lok • Vani lok and • Sahaj lok. All 21 Loks (i.e. 14 Loks up to Shunya plus 7 Loks of Maha‐Shunya) up to Sahaj Lok comes under great dissolution. For more details visit at
Yamraj resides in which Lok? We knew that he the king of Patala and keeps an account of all our deeds . After death he decides our journey in Swarj or Naraka based upon our good deeds. Please explain this
S Roy The Bhagavata Purana describes Naraka as beneath the earth: between the seven realms of the underworld and the Garbhodaka Ocean, which is the bottom of the universe. It is located in the South of the universe-wikipedia
It would be helpful to know the spiritual or qualitative significance of each level. You mentioned that in the first 2 but I was curious about the rest as well. Just a thought :) I loved the 7 lokas above video...
There is no need of Mantra, there are many secret doors in all over the world, you just have to find that doors with the help of "Anjanam", but practically the doors Guarded by Powerful beings like Asuras, you must have power of Bhima to cross them all.
@@earth686 Asuras in this context is your own vices in the form of useless thoughts, lust, greed, ego, anger.. all from within U that stops u from goin there and being Bhim to cross it means raising higher in your consciousness thru control of ur mind (thoughts, words, actions) ! It’s metaphorical.. the higher on the consciousness you are.. the higher plane of ‘to be’ state you achieve when u shed your body! Thru meditation, when you zero your mind from thoughts and desires, you reach infinity (God or supreme consciousness) by detaching ur true self atma from body and mind! Purans are metaphoric/symbolic.. this is why they say, when I searched for God, I found only myself.. when I searched for myself, I found only God! The answers r within you.. seek your own soul.. why do u think great sages went in solitude for meditation to reach God? Do u think they literally travelled to some door or plane and fought literal demons? 🤪
Yes, Bro that's true, All UFO (Unknown Flying Objects) are from theses Loka's and not only these Loka's have these Vimans, A island Under the Ocean have these Vimanas, but this Island is on Earth, and this is 100 Yojanas(1300kms) far away from Rameshwaram, It is called as "Swarna Lanka" Ruled by Many Kings Like Indra, Kubera, Ravana and "Now" currently ruling by Ravana's brother "Vibhishana", this Island has special powers, humans can't see with humans eyes until they go inside(Like Wakanda in Black Panther, Amazon in Wonder woman and in Palace in Chronicles of Narnia), this island was built by Great Engineer Lord Vishwakarma, Order Gaven by Heaven King Indra.
Everyone Gangsta untill, we all experience all 14 actually exists. Pfff...! Jokes aside i really doubt if realms are impossible to exist, _i mean we only Perceive a mere fragments among all the 1OOs of 1OOOs of possible frequencies, who are we to Judge._
Why Naraka isn't included in this 7 Lokas..?? According to Bhagvata Puranana it is situated in the south of the universe and according to Vishnu Purana it is situated below the cosmic waters at the bottom of the universe. I want to know the reasons of not including it in 7 Lokas below Bhu Lok...
hell is far below the earth planet when your done suffering for your bad karma you return to earth maybe not as a human but a lower life than incarnation will help you eventually become human again. We on the surface of the earth are lucky because we get suffering so we don't get carried away by maya and we can turn to god after that we reach the ultimate planets were there is enjoyment far superior to anything infinitely if you want to know more about those planets tell me i will share a link. The demons are not so lucky in there next birth
Not going to lie, Atala and the second circle of hell in dante's inferno do share a lot of similarities, in both worlds/circle, the punishment is for lust, which might reflect a global human unconsious about morality in all religions
The one supreme sovereign being is in all the worlds, in all the beings and non beings, but he is asleep in deep sleep like the narayan under the ocean...
Does religion mention there r other copies of us in other worlds/ universe. Just like how the hypothesis of quantum physics that mentions million copies of us in million other worlds.
शास्त्र रचने वाले तीनो काल और तीनों लोक के ज्ञाता थे इसलिए उन्होंने सभी काल के सभी देशों को अलग लोक के रूप में दिखाया। सतयुग देवताओ का लोक है जिसे विषनु या लक्ष्मी नारायण का लोक बी कह सकते हैं या भी इन्हें विश्व महाराजा महारानी का टाइटल देते हैं और इनके सिर पे ताज दिखाते हैं ये सतयुग के ही महाराजा महारानी थे और इनके राज्य में सभी 33 करोड़ देवी देवताओं। का राज्य था। लंबे समय तक देवी देवताओं का राज्य चलने के बाद देवताओं का पतन हुआ और उनकी पॉवर ओर क्वालिटी खत्म हुई जिसकी निशानी में कुछ मंदिर भी बने जिसमे देवताओ के गन्दे चित्र ओर काली मूर्ति मिलती हैं यानी ये दिखता है कि वो किस तरह नीचे गिरे। फिर दूसरे राजाओं ने राज्य किया विक्रमादित्य का राज्य आया जिससे विक्रमी संवत सुरु हुआ उसके बाद दूसरे धर्म आये और उनके अलग अलग देश बन गए वो भी जैसे अलग अलग लोक ही हैं।
These all lokas come within the material universe thus they have an ending when the universe will destroy they'll destroy too ..only spiritual lokas outside material universe eg. Vaikhunth, Saket,kailash( not the earth's), goloka, ..are permanent
Why you'll be broke there too lusting over a secret powers avatar wanting riches more and more that you won't achieve ..and you wont have any woman they will be slaves of luxury controlled by a malicious entity..and youll be miserable which will force your soul lower in the next life..there's no love on any of these planes
Well that's really cool but modern science says there are a number of solar systems present in the universe, there are something like 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, so if 10 per cent of them have planets there are around 30 billion planets in our galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe... Isn't 14 lokas or relams too small? That's it? Enlighten me plz...!!
There is difference between planets made of matter or atoms and planets without matter or atoms..they are higher planes of conciousness.Milky way etc comes under the category of Time and Space.I might be wrong btw.
@@jotjot1565 these all lokas lies in our universe only . There distance is also given in Vedas and their exact location in universe but it's impossible to go there without Siddhi or advance equipements that only very few human civilizations have possessed since earth came to be .
@@miller0079 that sounds interesting.But one question arises in mind that are these othe realms or lokas made of matter or atoms? As i heard that there are some sukhsm or astral planes where u dnt have all the five elements of matter.
@@jotjot1565 yes atoms are everywhere . They all are made up of matter and energy . Whole material existence is matter and energy . Shiva and Shakti . I hope this helps :D
All these billions of stars and planets are in this same plane only. They mean your state of consciousness not planets or universes. They might not even exist outside rather maybe inside you. When you get enlightened you go to satya lok but you are here only that means your consciousness teached that state not this body and mind.We have to look at its spritual meaning rather than stressing on science behind it because Vedas are books for spirituality not a science text book that we are expecting science here.
14 Levels of Consciousness.
From Head to Toe.
7 Spiritual, 7 Material.
We are the Man in the middle pulled by North and South poles of these Lokas.
Can you tell more about it?
I want to know
Everything about this was perfect! The voice, the pacing, the art, the music! 🙌🔥
Enormous Possibilities for Making Movies on These Topics.
😍😍😍😍thankyou @epified for making us aware about this all stuff,ur presentation n all..its simply awesome and addictive 😍😘
Thank you
This is a dialogue from a telugu movie.
Yes bro
You are right
It's a dialogue of telugu movie
Telugu is best
I can now figure out why this is kali yuga. Great work
P. S : perfect background music
Could you explain please?
Sry but i think in about maximum 10 years or lot less i think i will obtain entirely about universal time. How kali yuga works along with universe secret and i have idea how you found about your idea.
doing LSD , I'm convinced these realms actually exist . The mind can create these abominations , and I'm glad the ancient Hindus assigned a place for them . Chant the Gayatri for life .
You re the abomination
Now take my Sharp Shooter 4 3 days and experience HELL (Rasathal),🎯
@@shadpierre7416 I'm sorry you think that way about your self . Such a shame ...
@@shadpierre7416 those who judge in fact inhabit a hell on many levels. watch your mouth
do DMT and you will get all the answers you need
Came for quick knowledge stayed for the art!
I really inspired by the Epified videos.
Awesome videos...
Background music is so chilling 😮😧😧
Muy bien video, saludos .from Chile
Natives of my country also have the same beliefs like this from hinduism
amazing guys, never knew about this,v nive ingormative. thanks
gpo NB
We r so balanced in kalyuga.... Between the loka above and below the world....
Thats why this place is good for doing bhakti ..
@@SaktiSpiritualJourney Yes. Bhakti is all we need in this Kaliyug. I am not gonna miss my chance and lucky to have human body. 😁
Thank you very much!!🙏🏻
You people are just amazing... Love you all
What a drawing and creativity ❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍😇😊😇👍😇
After 2 years 😅
Does all these exist outside us or inside us. Like I was thinking does all this lokas represent the transformation in the mind of a being i.e. shifting from materialistic to spiritual world with evolution of oneself as time passes by. Cause we are in worlds that we create for ourselves.
I think they are pointing out towards our state of consciousness. Maybe as our conscious develops we go one plane higher and all these planes are interconnected.i.e they coexist just like dimensions. What is clear that they are not talking about planets or beings rather state of being like demonic or godly. It even correlates with 7chakras as well
Yes this is the world created for the souls to express its feelings, emotions, happiness, sadness and everything
Yes...they do exist externally....they are shape shifters, they come here allot....some spend some time doing tapsya, some are extremely wicked and devilish, and the Nagas a
Favorite delicacy dish is human flesh, they like the parna.....
Yes conseousness.. You got it right.... Could be possible...
I think the way you're thinking is correct because I believe humans have over time learnt that whatever any religious text tells us is basically a path to finding ourselves....but I also believe these could very well be planes in physical nature... I guess the answer lies behind death or when you meditate...
Beautiful voice and good information
The voice is so soothing and relaxing
Glad to know
perfect explanation
🙏pataal is so mysterious
All becouse of naags
No one knows much about them but they knew that which even devas, Sidhhas,yogis don't know,
Pataal is ruled by kind of naagas vasuki ,who is ornament of shiva.
That mysterious knowledge was only and only received by naagas of pataal in the entire cosmos through shiva.
Vasuki Son was born In Jammu Kashmir known as Baba Dhansar...there is a temple which is known by his son's name in which Bhagwan Shiv, Mata Parvati n Bhagwan Ganesh resides not to mention the sound of Damroo which we can listen by striking ur palms onto the wall of that Bhagwan Shiva Cave🙏🙏
can we relate this to 7 doors of padmanabh swami temple.
apoorv agarwal great thought !!
Great thought indeed
Depends on your thought... The 7 doors of Narayan represent the seven chakra, after opening all the chakras you enter the realm of the primordial energy of existence... Vaikunt.
Even in brahmaloka there is birth and death. BG 8.16. Krishna says unless one reaches his abode Vaikunta one has to be in the life cycle of birth and death.
I think there s saying that "we have 7 similar people like us in the world"....I think it s related with these lokas and denotes parallel universe?? Head rotates!!!
Nice one....
Plz make a video on the origin and entire history of yoga...its importance and application. ..and its compatibility with other religions....thank you..
is there any where we can travel to such lokas??? How do they know the existance of lokas
@@sanjeetgill448 through vedas, ancient scriptures, through conseousness, through legends one can gather all the knowledge ...all tge knowledge are here... Its the matter of time how you gonna experience it...
@@pratikshyamohapatra I still can't wait to travel to other loka for tourism, visiting, I wish it will happen
@@sanjeetgill448 haha i hope you are just kidding around... You cnt travel to all these lokas.. These dny exist in this dimension.. The existence of these lokos are beyond these dimensions..
मार्गदर्शन के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद
Beautiful drawings BUT I would have really appreciated a little more detail on each loka
The art is great!
this channel is epic
More money and high level production should be put in Indian cosmic mythology, this could give tough competition to Hollywood if Indian film makers decide to showcase it in sciencetific manner !
they;re not interested in all this, they mainly rehash the mahabharata, ramayan, hanuman shiva etc, they are in fact aping the decadence of hollywood, fiction has been written about indian mythology, but mostly twisted by their authors own fantasies, commercialized to make them sell, but your idea is truly profound, i have long wondered why this has not been done, look up kali yuga for that one ;-)
Thanku ❤
epified you videos are amazing but can you upload Hindi version too so that we can share it with our parents and elder relatives in easier way..reply if possible..
awesome! i love your videos:)
Then where does yamalok come?
Background music is scary
Very interesting.
very nice. Watched ARYAM SECRET SPIRITUAL SCIENCES on the same topic. Good work.
This proves the Hollow Earth Theory and human accounts of encounters with worlds underland.
Maya in modern time we also know them as maya the great arichtecs.and you draw maya as one spooky character but they are many maya beings.
How far are these lokas from earth plane . Can a rocket reach there . Narada and saptarshis can travel to all 14 lokas but why can't we . NASA should take up this as research
Exsalent ❤🎉🎉🎉
Can you tell me about your sources?
Thank you beloved #BodhiSattva.
From November 30 to December 14/15 beloved #healer #Ophiuchus (#Rasalhague / #Hercules' #Rasalgethi) #constellation is behind Lord #Surya. Beloved Ophiuchus has become visible since #December 2012, said to be the end of our beloved #Maya-n calendar.
💖Beloved #Rasalhague in #Scorpio is in exact mutual #drishti with beloved #Phact (#Dove of #Peace) in #Taurus.
Rasalhague is near the most difficult #Gandanta or untying of the karmic knot in the entire #Mazzaroth. However, #fixedstars of #healing and #peace that passeth understanding also reside and aspect the same #bindu.
The upcoming #GrandConjunction of our dearly beloved Lords #Guru and #Shani is happening really really close to the hidden #nakshatra of beloved Lord #Krishna, the #AbhijitNakshatra linked to the #FixedStar #Vega, which used to be our #PoleStar or #NorthStar, and will become our #Dhruva Star again if the #PrecessionOfEquinoxes continues in many thousands of years to come.
This nakshatra was visible during #Dvapara #Yuga.
It was hidden as narrated in the #Mahabharata and #Vedas during our current #Kali Yuga.
💖The last 4 signs ruled by Lords Guru and Shani: #Sagittarius, #Capricorn, #Aquarius, and #Pisces are linked to #SvarLoka.
✨🎄🙏 #healing to ever unveiling beloved one and all always🙏🎄✨
"All is #karma. Karma is all. All is well."
Why are the evil trapped in the 7 lower lokas ??????
They are not devil or satan, they are the hell dwellers. Devil or satan is in our realm, among us, devil is different from them.
i love your channel bro
Are these on earth or somewhere in the universe
They are within you and this universe itself is bhulok. So these are higher and lower planes of existence. They all coexist as well. But according to my perspective they mean our state of being. It can be godly or demonic. If we are only indulging in lust we are at atala lok of existence already or it's a state of mind.
Another dimensions.
@@samarthbarshi1916 but that's while we're alive what about when we die do we go there!?
Please complete the Mahabharata series please
Demon king Bali as in Samudra manthan.
Can you guys make a video related to "Oldest Religion of World".. TY
From Srimad Bhagavatam 5th canto. Can read Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami's translation. Best
I'm a bit confused! Isn't Patala loka the abode of Yama?
+Phaneendra Boosala no
Bhaskar Maity then how does patal lok differ from narak?
+Phaneendra B The Devi Bhagavata Purana mentions that Naraka is the southern part of universe, below the earth but above Patala.
+Phaneendra B its a bit complicated to explain - could you please send me your explanation, I would love to read it. Thanks!
There are total 21 lokas and above is True Amarlok.
The five major things which Sahib Bandgi spiritual organisation has revealed as per the true Satguru Ideology are mentioned below:
1. This is the world of Kaal Niranjan (Mind) and he rules over the universe.
2. Yogis have to struggle really hard to reach up to the abode of Niranjan (i.e. Shunya - the 14th lok, which is present in every human-being). In Vedas Niranjan is being referred as Nirakaar, Aad Niranjan, Onkaar, Paar-Brahm, Nirgun Brahm etc.
3. Rishi, Muni, Siddh, Saadhak, Peer, Paegambar, Yogi, Gunn, Gandharv etc had reached up to the 14th Lok (Shunya) only, but all failed to attain permanent salvation from the circle of birth and death i.e. could not escape from the territory of Niranjan (Kaal Purush‐ Mind).
4. Beyond Shunya there is the creation of Maha-Shunya. In Maha-Shunya there are 7 Loks where no articles exists.These 7 Loks are :
• Achint lok
• Sohang lok
• Mool-Surti lok
• Ankur lok
• Ichha lok
• Vani lok and
• Sahaj lok.
All 21 Loks (i.e. 14 Loks up to Shunya plus 7 Loks of Maha‐Shunya) up to Sahaj Lok comes under great dissolution.
For more details visit at
Is this where Dante's levels of hell or Islamic levels of hell came from? Their interpretation of the 7 Underneath Lokas?
Different metaphoric expressions of human metaphysical experiences. You can read René Guénon for more knowledge.
Lokas are not hell.
Which one is yamlok from the above
maybe thats saperate loka
Yamraj resides in which Lok? We knew that he the king of Patala and keeps an account of all our deeds . After death he decides our journey in Swarj or Naraka based upon our good deeds. Please explain this
S Roy The Bhagavata Purana describes Naraka as beneath the earth: between the seven realms of the underworld and the Garbhodaka Ocean, which is the bottom of the universe. It is located in the South of the universe-wikipedia
Yamraj living in mahar lok above to swarg lok.
Yamaraj was not living in narak lok
As above, So below!
It would be helpful to know the spiritual or qualitative significance of each level. You mentioned that in the first 2 but I was curious about the rest as well. Just a thought :) I loved the 7 lokas above video...
ls it possible to travel to some loka? any mantras?
@@paxonite-7bd5 Cuz it's cool yo! Duh!
There is no need of Mantra, there are many secret doors in all over the world, you just have to find that doors with the help of "Anjanam", but practically the doors Guarded by Powerful beings like Asuras, you must have power of Bhima to cross them all.
@@earth686 Asuras in this context is your own vices in the form of useless thoughts, lust, greed, ego, anger.. all from within U that stops u from goin there and being Bhim to cross it means raising higher in your consciousness thru control of ur mind (thoughts, words, actions) ! It’s metaphorical.. the higher on the consciousness you are.. the higher plane of ‘to be’ state you achieve when u shed your body! Thru meditation, when you zero your mind from thoughts and desires, you reach infinity (God or supreme consciousness) by detaching ur true self atma from body and mind! Purans are metaphoric/symbolic.. this is why they say, when I searched for God, I found only myself.. when I searched for myself, I found only God! The answers r within you.. seek your own soul.. why do u think great sages went in solitude for meditation to reach God? Do u think they literally travelled to some door or plane and fought literal demons? 🤪
Whats the source of this information
Here after reading FBI archives stating this is where ufos are from
huh? What archives? have you got a link
Aah? O.o can u plz send the link?
Yes, Bro that's true, All UFO (Unknown Flying Objects) are from theses Loka's and not only these Loka's have these Vimans, A island Under the Ocean have these Vimanas, but this Island is on Earth, and this is 100 Yojanas(1300kms) far away from Rameshwaram, It is called as "Swarna Lanka" Ruled by Many Kings Like Indra, Kubera, Ravana and "Now" currently ruling by Ravana's brother "Vibhishana", this Island has special powers, humans can't see with humans eyes until they go inside(Like Wakanda in Black Panther, Amazon in Wonder woman and in Palace in Chronicles of Narnia), this island was built by Great Engineer Lord Vishwakarma, Order Gaven by Heaven King Indra.
@@ProblematicBitch FBI Archive >> Unexplained Phenomena >> UFO >> Section 1 >> Page 22
Can you provide a link instead?
Where can I get that drawing?
I'm believe because have some finding.????🙏
You didn't mention all the 7
Everyone Gangsta untill, we all experience all 14 actually exists.
Pfff...! Jokes aside i really doubt if realms are impossible to exist, _i mean we only Perceive a mere fragments among all the 1OOs of 1OOOs of possible frequencies, who are we to Judge._
Where is vital lok?
these are state of mind
Why Naraka isn't included in this 7 Lokas..?? According to Bhagvata Puranana it is situated in the south of the universe and according to Vishnu Purana it is situated
below the cosmic waters at the bottom of the universe.
I want to know the reasons of not including it in 7 Lokas below Bhu Lok...
I think narak and pataal aree just two different name for hell.. MAYBE
Nevie niekto tomuto dať české alebo slovenské titulky? Konečne by som pochopil kde vlastne my ľudia sme...
Patala = netherworld
Naraka = Hell (Yama lives here)
ThePranav Hello Sir, can you please elaborate this please.
hell is far below the earth planet when your done suffering for your bad karma you return to earth maybe not as a human but a lower life than incarnation will help you eventually become human again. We on the surface of the earth are lucky because we get suffering so we don't get carried away by maya and we can turn to god after that we reach the ultimate planets were there is enjoyment far superior to anything infinitely if you want to know more about those planets tell me i will share a link. The demons are not so lucky in there next birth
Pls help me get 10 000 subs share link
Yamaraj not live in narak ,
He living in mahar lok above to swarg lok.
So we are living in Vitala
anyone after Beypore Sultan's myth behind onam ??? comeondra makale
ये सभी लोक अलग अलग काल के समय से जुड़े अलग अलग देश की स्थिति दिखा रहे हैं। कुछ की condition तो आज की contries से मिलती भी हैं।
Bolokha not just Earth but the whole Cosmic Existence,,, and how many Earth like planets are there ?😎
Bhulok in general means this plane of existence. This cosmos entirely
Where is hell ?
Not going to lie, Atala and the second circle of hell in dante's inferno do share a lot of similarities, in both worlds/circle, the punishment is for lust, which might reflect a global human unconsious about morality in all religions
Now go watch Paatal lok :p
The one supreme sovereign being is in all the worlds, in all the beings and non beings, but he is asleep in deep sleep like the narayan under the ocean...
I think those 7 "underworld" lokas are lower astral planes, hell regions above us frequency wise.
Does religion mention there r other copies of us in other worlds/ universe. Just like how the hypothesis of quantum physics that mentions million copies of us in million other worlds.
शास्त्र रचने वाले तीनो काल और तीनों लोक के ज्ञाता थे इसलिए उन्होंने सभी काल के सभी देशों को अलग लोक के रूप में दिखाया। सतयुग देवताओ का लोक है जिसे विषनु या लक्ष्मी नारायण का लोक बी कह सकते हैं या भी इन्हें विश्व महाराजा महारानी का टाइटल देते हैं और इनके सिर पे ताज दिखाते हैं ये सतयुग के ही महाराजा महारानी थे और इनके राज्य में सभी 33 करोड़ देवी देवताओं। का राज्य था। लंबे समय तक देवी देवताओं का राज्य चलने के बाद देवताओं का पतन हुआ और उनकी पॉवर ओर क्वालिटी खत्म हुई जिसकी निशानी में कुछ मंदिर भी बने जिसमे देवताओ के गन्दे चित्र ओर काली मूर्ति मिलती हैं यानी ये दिखता है कि वो किस तरह नीचे गिरे। फिर दूसरे राजाओं ने राज्य किया विक्रमादित्य का राज्य आया जिससे विक्रमी संवत सुरु हुआ उसके बाद दूसरे धर्म आये और उनके अलग अलग देश बन गए वो भी जैसे अलग अलग लोक ही हैं।
33 types not crores
I wished the Abrahamaic religions had such a marvelously done, visually stunning short videos to explain their cosmology.
Oh yes we have...checkout "The Bible Project" Channel
These all lokas come within the material universe thus they have an ending when the universe will destroy they'll destroy too ..only spiritual lokas outside material universe eg. Vaikhunth, Saket,kailash( not the earth's), goloka, ..are permanent
Also nagloka
can you explain it more clearly
where is nark loka
Nark is not a lok
I think atal vital all are at 😊Las Vegas
I don't even know how I got to this video lol
How many of you want to go Atal lok😂
Atala Lok me majedar kata mal hai Maine padha hai vaha ki ladkiya sexy hai aur bina kisi problem ke sex karwa leti hai
@@AshaYadav-ki1pq first 4 not 4 kalyug humans 😂😂😂
Why you'll be broke there too lusting over a secret powers avatar wanting riches more and more that you won't achieve ..and you wont have any woman they will be slaves of luxury controlled by a malicious entity..and youll be miserable which will force your soul lower in the next life..there's no love on any of these planes
Max Zeek maybe your right, but id still try to kick that entity tf outta there and take all his snow bunnies for myself lol.
If you have made ur state of being like that then you are already in that lok. That's what this whole huge ass concept means in simple.
When you say below us, what do you mean?
Inside this earth , the underworld..?
Realms of awareness and spirituality only....... Hope they are not understood as geographical. .....😅😅
This is how western philosophers degrade hinduism by misleading these kind of concepts.
There are 14 lokas in total, and 6 lokas are above the bhul loka.
the is not under bharata varsha it under all of bhur loka the are many earthly planets here
Sounds like the subterranean civilizations that's been living inside of the earth. 🤔
Being a muslim it clarify my lots of questions which quran asked me to find out in previous scriptures.
Atala sounds good. Luxury and sexy ladies, what else do you need? What do you guys think about it?
There will be no love only lust
You will certainely go to pataal lok.😄
All these are names of 7 continents
Well that's really cool but modern science says there are a number of solar systems present in the universe, there are something like 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, so if 10 per cent of them have planets there are around 30 billion planets in our galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe...
Isn't 14 lokas or relams too small? That's it? Enlighten me plz...!!
There is difference between planets made of matter or atoms and planets without matter or atoms..they are higher planes of conciousness.Milky way etc comes under the category of Time and Space.I might be wrong btw.
@@jotjot1565 these all lokas lies in our universe only . There distance is also given in Vedas and their exact location in universe but it's impossible to go there without Siddhi or advance equipements that only very few human civilizations have possessed since earth came to be .
@@miller0079 that sounds interesting.But one question arises in mind that are these othe realms or lokas made of matter or atoms? As i heard that there are some sukhsm or astral planes where u dnt have all the five elements of matter.
@@jotjot1565 yes atoms are everywhere .
They all are made up of matter and energy .
Whole material existence is matter and energy .
Shiva and Shakti .
I hope this helps :D
All these billions of stars and planets are in this same plane only. They mean your state of consciousness not planets or universes. They might not even exist outside rather maybe inside you. When you get enlightened you go to satya lok but you are here only that means your consciousness teached that state not this body and mind.We have to look at its spritual meaning rather than stressing on science behind it because Vedas are books for spirituality not a science text book that we are expecting science here.
Living in a Crater, Indians can't leave this Prison either, eh?