Double Speak: A Blueprint to Control You

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
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  • @johnbuscher
    @johnbuscher 2 роки тому +69

    Given MSM calls Tim “I sit on the fence and wish-wash all day” Pool “far-right”, it’s definitely a case of “everyone we don’t like is far-right”.

    • @florbfnarb7099
      @florbfnarb7099 2 роки тому +2

      What do you mean, “sit on the fence”?

    • @3agle280
      @3agle280 2 роки тому +17

      Tim "its complicated" pool

    • @clintmatthews3500
      @clintmatthews3500 2 роки тому +16

      @@florbfnarb7099 Politically you have a right side and a left side with a proverbial fence in the middle. Sitting on the fence means not choosing a side. On the surface that sounds noble, but it's often disingenuous and cowardly.

    • @florbfnarb7099
      @florbfnarb7099 2 роки тому +2

      @@clintmatthews3500 - That's very Manichean of you.

    • @MrCenturion13
      @MrCenturion13 2 роки тому +7

      Tim is an outrage hustler. Riding the fence is how he does the job.

  • @tonygriego6382
    @tonygriego6382 2 роки тому +18

    This is why they don't teach real history in schools anymore. "He who does not learn from the past, is doomed to repeat it."

  • @Xbalanque84
    @Xbalanque84 2 роки тому +45

    Double-speak is nothing short of *psychological warfare.* I can only wonder how much longer any of us can tolerate it before responding with kinetic warfare...

    • @mattnevins8733
      @mattnevins8733 2 роки тому +3

      It’s only a matter of time.

    • @Xbalanque84
      @Xbalanque84 2 роки тому

      That's what scares me. Every single one of us has a violent screaming chimpanzee hidden deep in the recesses of our brains. And if you know anything about primates, you know how *_utterly pants-browningly terrifying_* they are. We go our entire lives trying to keep it caged and relatively calm and quiet.
      *_But these people..._* their every word, thought, and action seems designed to agitate our inner ape on the purest level. I'm not just talking about anger here, I'm talking about going against millions of years of hardwired evolutionary psychology. Absolutely everything they do is fundamentally *_WRONG_* to the point that it causes mental anguish in onlookers just trying to process it. And every time I see or hear about stuff like this my chimp starts screaming and throwing himself against the bars. He's nearly broken through the bars now, and I shudder to think of what he might do if and when he gets out.
      *I wish I was joking about this.* I don't think these quislings and iconoclasts realize what they're messing with. I have seen psychotic breaks before, *and they are terrifying to behold.* Knowing what any random _Homo sapiens_ is capable of when pushed too far only deepens the horror. And given what happened in Uvalde, it feels more and more like this is being _deliberately orchestrated en mass._ If so, whatever the guilty parties are planning is profoundly stupid. You know the saying "Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned?" Well, that's got nothing on the raw brutality of a man who wants to be left alone pushed over the edge. How much more than that one for whom all restraint is gone, lost in the bloody fugue state of "return to monke?"
      To follow from the logic of Japanese mytho-history, they are causing the level of hate and resentment that spawn _onryou._ And I don't mean weaksauce like _Ringu_ or _The Grudge;_ I'm talking _tatarigami_ level disasters, closer to the Plagues of Egypt than a standard haunting. The kinds that threaten the lives of the Imperial family directly. That causes former rivals, court officials, and royal heirs to drop like flies. That bring famines, epidemics, tsunamis, floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. That torment the guilty party with illusions until they lash out and kill their entire families. That intercepts the decapitating stroke with their teeth, bites down on the blade of the sword til it breaks, and even when the executioner finishes the job with another blade, their head _still won't let go of the broken blade in their teeth._ That daily manifests as a sparrow that _eats all the food in the palace before anyone can get a bite in._ That require being promoted to the rank of _kami_ (gods) in order to quell their fury. That, even centuries later, must be kowtowed to by the Japanese government and media lest people start dying under mysterious circumstances _if someone so much as looks at their shrines funny._ That spook American forces occupying their shrines so bad (and with good reason!) _that they pack up and relocate rather than press their luck further._ (And yes, these are all based on actual historical figures who allegedly became wrath incarnate after death.)
      Something has got to give. And even if things like onryou aren't actually real, humans are easily capable of that kind of unstoppable anger. If the last decade it has taught me anything, it is (ironically enough) depths of incandescent hatred and resentment I never dreamed myself capable of before. I am by no means a violent person, but daily I am subjected to treason, iconoclasm, perversity, and insult which in a sane world would be punished *_somehow._* Every fiber of my being cries out in agony, because it feels like human universals/fundamental laws of nature are being violated, all as the criminals responsible mock our collective pain and gloatingly ask "Whatcha gonna do about it?" knowing they've rigged the game entirely in their favor. Worse, (for them _and_ me) *not only do many of these offenses warrant the death penalty both by the letter of the law and my humble opinion, all of them have accrued so much interest on their manifold sins that they all crossed that Rubicon a long time ago.* I am profoundly glad I do not have access to weapons, because I seriously wonder if I have sufficient restraint _not_ to do something drastic about these reprobates if the opportunity presented itself to me.
      I know I'm not the only person who feels this way. The fact it has been brewing en masse (and not without good reason) is cause for serious concern. I fear one day our enemies will finally push someone too far, it will start a cascade effect, and by the time the rage subsides *we will no longer be able to properly call ourselves men.*
      These are the fears that keep me up at night. God save us all.

    • @Xbalanque84
      @Xbalanque84 2 роки тому +1

      @Muzi Nkosi
      See my previous post. While what you're suggesting seems increasingly necessary and inevitable, *_it is by no means something to be done lightly,_* else we could end up becoming bigger demons than even our enemies in the process. Furthermore, they have the system so rigged against us it would take *_overwhelming numbers_* to have a meaningful chance at victory.
      That also presupposes, as alluded to before, that anyone who goes down that route will have sufficient restraint left to stop once victory is achieved. I've already laid out how mad they've made me, _and I certainly don't trust myself_ to be strong enough to subdue my inner chimp once the rampage starts. Attempting to reign in roving bands of Khorne berserkers is going to be a logistical nightmare, both for those trying to restore order and the newborn psychotics themselves.

    • @patrickmontoya2604
      @patrickmontoya2604 2 роки тому +1

      @@Xbalanque84 khorne berserkers, this man is speaking Hersey itself this man is clearly tainted by the warp and should be dealt with by the inquisition.

    • @Xbalanque84
      @Xbalanque84 2 роки тому +1

      Don't shoot the messenger, I'm only pointing out how bad the situation on the ground is and looks to get far worse.

  • @marcinrobak6038
    @marcinrobak6038 2 роки тому +20

    As eastern european, I can say that we see it. This is the reason why Orban did win in Hungary, Pis in Poland, and ODS (conservatives) in Czech republic. We see how west is not a miraculous place that we saw it during cold war. That they are just... rich. It is the only thing that is better in them, Germany, France, Nordic countries, and even small Benelux countries looks down upon, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechia ect. People in western countries blame all bad crime, and low wages on Poles, Romanians, and Hungarians because we are white and chistians, and they have no courage to say the same things about their "colorful minorities". We see all that is happening about "Herzlig willcomen", this is why Poland did not accept any "refugees" in 2015/16, and it was important thing in elections that brought PIS to rule. The same did come to mind all easter europeans, for any of us former eastern block people it was for years very hard to go to west, get job even the worst payed. Many countries like Germany protecter their job market by refusing to open for eastern countries until 2011, 7 years after we did join EU. Just to see few years later, that they on only let people form far away in, but praise them. Hide all their "dimeanors", like in Cologne in new year of 2016 ect.
    We see it, this is why I did start watching anime again, K-dramas, and old shows.
    Western entertainment industry is dead.

  • @SimonJohnOwen
    @SimonJohnOwen 2 роки тому +27

    For me it all goes back to 2008 and the worst story ever written in comics, One More Day, in which Spider-Man sacrifices his marriage to Mary Jane in return for saving his aunt's life. Christopher Booker in 'The Seven Basic Plots' talks about the 'puer aeturnus', a negative aspect of the male archetype where a man does not grow up to embrace responsibility but stays like a teenager perpetually, and I feel this is what we see happen to Spider-Man in this story. In another way it is the Refusal of the Call in the Hero's Journey, a refusal to partake in the Journey of adulthood; symbolically, it is the refusal of the comic industry to develop their characters, to keep churning out the same stories that they had done for the previous 50 years. Gramsci said that when change cannot come you get 'morbid symptoms' and thats what we are seeing happening in the comic industry now - it's not dead but it's not alive either, it's stuck somewhere inbetween getting more and more rotten and decrepid.

    • @clintmatthews3500
      @clintmatthews3500 2 роки тому +6

      Thank goodness Joe Quesada is finally on the way out. That was his baby because he didn't think comics readers could relate to a happily married man.

  • @r.connor9280
    @r.connor9280 2 роки тому +12

    Everything is reddit karma
    A fate worse than death

  • @DavidFoxfire
    @DavidFoxfire 2 роки тому +17

    Double Speak? Nowadays I can't see anything that resembles a rainbow that is not the ROY G BIV style of rainbows, and not think of someone snapping into attention, raising an arm, and going 'Seig Heil' because they don't want to be stomped to death by the people in power.
    I'll be thinking of that _A Lot_ in June. And it breaks my heart.

  • @1dcondave
    @1dcondave 2 роки тому +25

    Somehow this reminds me of ya boi Zach's comments from a few years ago about building an ark or a spaceship to save comics, right before he started publishing. Good stuff, RJ!

  • @elonmudd
    @elonmudd 2 роки тому +18

    Comics and entertainments as we see it now is an empty husk of its former glory if I were part of the mainstream I'd be trying to figure out how to get comics back into younger readers hands

    • @LeeroyPorkins
      @LeeroyPorkins 2 роки тому

      I call them Vaginal Commiecs because the Feminists and Communists took over.

    • @TripBlindside
      @TripBlindside 2 роки тому +14

      I'd be trying to figure out how to keep the current mainstream trash out of young readers hands.

    • @ryszakowy
      @ryszakowy 2 роки тому +5

      @@TripBlindside i'd be trying to keep modern trash out of everyone's hands not just the mainstream

    • @elonmudd
      @elonmudd 2 роки тому +5

      @@TripBlindsidethat goes without saying I'm talking about creating media young people might be interested in

    • @73elephants
      @73elephants 2 роки тому +5

      @@elonmudd... and is worthwhile, of course, rather than corrosive or subversive.

  • @thisguy8741
    @thisguy8741 2 роки тому +9

    "Far Right" only means:
    "Anyone who disagrees with us."

  • @anonygent
    @anonygent 2 роки тому +12

    That's okay, BUT I would still like to see some attempt at rescue and resuscitation of the old heroes. I don't just want Superman to be replaced, I want Superman to be taken back from the left.

    • @Xbalanque84
      @Xbalanque84 2 роки тому +4

      These iconoclasts have desecrated Superman's temple. Propriety demands we repair and restore it.

  • @YarugumaSou
    @YarugumaSou 2 роки тому +8

    Off topic, but I really miss that Supergirl costume.

  • @thebluewind5733
    @thebluewind5733 2 роки тому +6

    Remember Sana Amanat did say lifestyle brand so that could be what actually help kill the comic industry.
    It's just a thought.

  • @MarkOakleyComics
    @MarkOakleyComics 2 роки тому +15

    Damn. Another excellent video.
    -It reminds me that the Yodas and Castaneda sorcerers and such tell us that the spiritual predator has to announce its intentions up front. For reasons of Free Will, you can't consume soul energy unless the victim agrees to it on some level, so they give you these little previews of how it's all going to go down.
    The entire fall of the comics industry and the fall of the West, was played out in Junior High for me. I remember seeing how this kind of social power worked. Certain girls and their beta followers were wickedly hungry for power and subverting rational, merit-based systems. Evil, evil, evil.

  • @jbbrolic
    @jbbrolic 2 роки тому +22

    This is the main problem I have with the channel Comics by Perch (who I think seems like a nice guy and don't overall find has bad intentions.) It is completely outside the realm of possibility to him and many others than maximizing revenue simply DOES NOT MATTER to comic companies, and assuming it is leads to thinking they are just stupid and not doing things that damage sales intentionally for motives outside of profit. One of the problems caused by people thinking Occam's razor and Hanlon's razor are concrete laws of physics and not just ideas/theories of pie in the sky philosophers, which have the side effect of causing people to avoid seeing obviously evil actions of the powerful as malice.

    • @florbfnarb7099
      @florbfnarb7099 2 роки тому +2

      So…Hanlon’s Razor is wrong, and malice is more common than incompetence?
      This is just you saying you don’t like having bizarre conspiracy theories contradicted.

    • @APsychicMonkey
      @APsychicMonkey 2 роки тому

      @@florbfnarb7099 Why do you love being a slave so much?

    • @nealheadley50
      @nealheadley50 2 роки тому +6

      @@florbfnarb7099 not even remotely what he is saying. Have you never been treated with malice disguised as stupidity? I have. Honestly, people act and react on a subconscious level that they themselves may not even be aware of, but their intentions are true. Not everything is a conspiracy, but to say there are none is ignorance.

    • @florbfnarb7099
      @florbfnarb7099 2 роки тому

      @@nealheadley50 - I don't think anybody says there are no conspiracies, but I can tell that some people lean towards conspiracy and malice as an explanation rather than groupthink and stupidity.
      And of course I've been treated with malice disguised as stupidity...but I've run into genuine incompetence a lot more than actual malice, and I see groupthink far more often than I see actual conspiracy.

    • @theinvisibleskulk4563
      @theinvisibleskulk4563 2 роки тому +3

      As a regular viewer of his it comes across to me as psychological projection. He's shockingly open about saying he only cares about his own comfort and profits, so he can't imagine anyone else would care about anything else or consider his priorities to be evil.

  • @bumface1810
    @bumface1810 2 роки тому +7

    Never stop doing what you're doing RJ. IMO this is one of the absolute best channels on youtube. I wonder what the enemy thinks of your content?...., because they can't deny you are speaking the truth about them.

  • @marcinrobak6038
    @marcinrobak6038 2 роки тому +8

    Only hope for us is to create culture, second market, like in eastern block, there were whole underground publishing houses that illegally printed "1984", "Animal farm", and many other culture creations that were forbidden by goverment. Now it is easier, publishers won't face prison, at least not now, but support for real culture is important. Only real culture will stand for ages, we still read ancient authors, autors from middle ages, and rennesaince, ect. even when their creations were banned, it withstand the test of time, at the same time, all propaganda, all "message" from goverments, of USSR, III-rd reich, Tzarat, or other temporary creations are dead. In polish culture we have almost a 100 year gap in literature, whole big group of writers that did create literature about nothing, literature that was seen "apropriate" by Tzarat, and now no one rememers those writers.

    • @solibra5608
      @solibra5608 Рік тому

      What are some of the literatures you wanna see published to the mass?

  • @philospeak7265
    @philospeak7265 2 роки тому +17

    I think traditional comics won't survive via the mainstream companies (and/or retail), but perhaps through niche models like comicsgate and other outlets (substack/patreon type models where strong enough individual creators/personalities generate digital and physical products). If comics survive this woke and low-quality era (via this niche channel), they may find a small but passionate following in much the way physical Vinyl records do in music. There, for the most part, only compelling artists and/or quality works sell, thriving on the nostalgia or old-school “club” sensibilities of the hobby and medium. A sustainable niche, but also a very limited and exclusive niche.

    • @BladeMasterIcarus
      @BladeMasterIcarus 2 роки тому +3

      interesting take do you think the same will happen to video games again. I kind of want it to return to being a bit of a niche hobby again. we got better quality games that way.

    • @APsychicMonkey
      @APsychicMonkey 2 роки тому +4

      @@BladeMasterIcarus Passionate small teams produced far better games than these giant mega corporations ever could.

  • @didierfavre2356
    @didierfavre2356 2 роки тому +4

    You've defined the present day culture war. On one side, the progressives convinced having found the Truth (note the capital T) made of man made ideas. On the other side, (I suppose) we are convinced that the Truth (same capital T but a quite different thing) can be reached and discovered. Each of us pursuing that idea and acting upon it is within the definition of hero.
    In my opinion, it doesn't have to be a fantastic building or rebuilding of our relation with reality to be heroic. It needs to be any of us establishing a contact somewhere and somehow with the thing outside our minds that is reality.
    That thing is way bigger than our minds. It is not under our control. It not our creation. It is what it is.
    It is to be discovered, encountered, loved and even being loved by it. It is hard and constant work without any end in sight.
    Each time I make a step in its direction it tells me in its way where the next step is.
    Ironically, we are all in the idea that Truth or Truth is to be our ruler. In the progressive one, it means submitting to the creators of their Truth regardless of my feelings about it. In mine, it means submitting to anything I meet because I love it and I love myself. even hope meeting other humans having met that same truth and establish a bound, a common understanding on that common ground.
    To the progressives, what I wrote is perfectly meaningless, irrational, arbitrary and oppressive. Meaningless because it is beyond what we humans can create. Irrational because it entails things beyond human reasoning. Arbitrary because what I meet can not be predicted or it is a known truth if not a figment of my imagination. Oppressive because it does not submit to the human mind, the creators of the progressive truth. It does not fit the narrative.
    They do have narratives we are expected to submit. We do have stories we can relate to. We can have humor because surprises are expected. They can’t. It would be like making fun with 1 + 1 = 2. Btw, it is considered racist. Joking about is is hard and badly eyed because it would be making jokes from an expression of racism.

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 2 роки тому +6

    "Literacy, in its broadest sense, describes "particular ways of Thinking about, and doing Reading and Writing" with the purpose of Understanding, or Expressing Thoughts, or Ideas in Written Form in some specific Context of use.
    In other words, Humans in Liiterate Societies have sets of Practices for Producing and Consuming writing, and they also have Beliefs about these Practices. Reading, in this view, is always reading something for some purpose; writing is always writing something for someone for some particular ends.
    Beliefs about Reading and Writing, and its value for Society, and for the Individual, always influence the ways Literacy is Taught, Learned, and Practiced over the Lifespan."

  • @Gladerunner2113
    @Gladerunner2113 2 роки тому +16

    Nature evolves in two ways - immortality, or replication. But because life is often fragile, replication is the only viable way. Older comics that stand the test of time become immortalized by the fans, and hard to get copies increase in value. Trade paperbacks immortalize entire runs. Manga does this also - Issue 1 is often restocked as its the springboard for everything. Anything worth immortalizing is worth replication.
    Woke comics however, are oddly enough, not quite either. Almost no woke comics are immortalized, and the only replication they do is appropriating mantles and storylines and attempting to reinvoke nostalgia. I almost pity SJW writers, because the only way of thinking they are allowed is post-modernist criticism, whilst never being allowed to appreciate what makes comics engaging to the average person or the old school fan. They will always be parasites, only able to operate in existing infrastructure, but never anything they have built from the ground up.

    • @nagillim7915
      @nagillim7915 2 роки тому +1

      They aren't even effective parasites. A parasite that kills its host is an abject failure.

    • @dontebennett6098
      @dontebennett6098 2 роки тому +1

      Truer words have yet to be spoken.
      We are in an age of debasement, hollow iconoclasm and, as you said, intellectual parasitism. All these new-wave writers can do is ape the greats, appeal to their very, very small niche and shame the average person for not fervently supporting their dogshit.

  • @thekaiser3815
    @thekaiser3815 2 роки тому +8

    The current comic book industry is like the late Byzantine Empire. A shell of a state dead in all but name, irrelevant but still under the illusion it has any real power.
    I wonder, dose that makes the Indi craters the invading Ottoman Turks braking down the wall with There mighty guns? Any thoughts?

    • @WhiteManOnCampus
      @WhiteManOnCampus 2 роки тому

      I think the analogy falls apart there since the Turks were known for being very...let's say "grapey" while most indie creators wouldn't touch a modern Marvel/DC creator with someone else's dick - and they'd still get hepatitis by proxy just from the thought.

  • @dannik9932
    @dannik9932 2 роки тому +4

    Great video, but I think you need to be a little clearer on the connection between the business model and political. Some might say, "yeah, but if they keep losing money and customers, then the company will die." Normally this would be true, but that assumes that the customer is the person buying the product or service, but that isn't necessarily true. While a portion of that money does come from the consumer, the companies see that revenue as secondary to the true revenue...1) government action in the form of A) regulations preventing competition, B) subsidies based on helping victim groups, C) grant money (endowment for the arts...), D) bailouts when secondary revenue dries up AND 2) Corporate political circles (primarily ESG scores at the moment) that peddle influence or create essential cartel-style stonewalling/gifting. Corporate bundling also can lend a hand: consider CNN, it is propped up not by viewership so much as the fact that they get a cut of every cent spent on cable TV packages (you pay for CNN even if you do not watch it).
    Politicians/activists ARE their target consumer...but not the source of revenue...your tax dollars or purchase of seemingly unrelated products (indirect money) are the primary drivers. They don't need you to buy things directly because you will pay for it regardless.

  • @AGdesigns878
    @AGdesigns878 2 роки тому +4

    It’s June which means happy super straight month XD

  • @Luis-jl6oh
    @Luis-jl6oh 2 роки тому

    All they used to care was money, this town deserves a better class of writer.
    It's not about money, it's about sending a message.

  • @NeinBreaker
    @NeinBreaker 2 роки тому +3

    I really need to get off my lazy backside and try to write something.

  • @lucymiau5700
    @lucymiau5700 2 роки тому +4

    Each Industry is about Money, the question is who is the Customer that pays the Money. In the past, the audience who consumed the Comicbooks, Movies, Series etc.. Now, the real Customer is a kind of Intermediary and the audience has no direct influence anymore on the Entertainment Industry. Comicbooks are sold to Libraries, Movies and Series to Streaming Services which already have their subscriber base etc.. And the advertisement to sell the entertainment products to the new Customers are the Awards and Media Reports. Finally, the Industry is still there, but with new players. And the audience is a lesser part in this current Industry.
    How to fix? Don't put any Money into the system.
    As Kylo Ren said "Let the past die, Kill it if you have to".

  • @TheHulkbuster13
    @TheHulkbuster13 2 роки тому +3

    I first noticed this was going to happen in 2014 reading the Marvel Axis storyline when they recton Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch being Magneto's children which below is all the reasons why it doesn't work. I didn't understand about this Woke stuff until around 2017, but back in 2014, it opened my eyes that who ever owns the rights can alter the story in anyway they want.
    fact in the comics since the 80's,
    countless alternate universes have them as his children,
    Marvel had already done the mystery story of whom their father was when it was questioned that the Whizzer could have been their father,
    and the worst part, the story plot in the 2014 Axis storyline that confirmed that Magneto wasn't their father was because Scarlet Witch casted a spell that would kill those with shared blood with her, that killed her brother, and didn't do anything to Magneto, which means that decades of story telling could have been undone by something as simple as a blood/paternity test which considering that they're mutants as in they have powers based on DNA.

  • @odio3965
    @odio3965 2 роки тому +1

    SJW: **wearing the face of your loved one** Remember to eat your bacon, because not only is it a meat, but it is also a vegetable.

  • @ShiroiNihonjin
    @ShiroiNihonjin 2 роки тому +5

    Hey RJ, have you made a video about how woke comic writers seem to prefer creating child and teen characters over adult characters? It's something I think I've noticed, but I'm unsure how to articulate my thoughts about it.

    • @WhiteManOnCampus
      @WhiteManOnCampus 2 роки тому +3

      To offer my own perspective, I'd say that it's a combination of two things: first is that kids and teens are more easily forgiven for irrational and childish actions so the behaviors that so grate when they're written for adult characters by modern ideologues don't stand out as starkly. The second is the same reason why the 80s and 90s were so full of gorgeous women: people tend to write what they're attracted to, and there's no shortage of child predators in modern media.

  • @Joemantler
    @Joemantler 2 роки тому +3

    Hmm... Do you think an eight-legged unicorn could beat Sleipnir in a fight?

    • @ShinDangaioh
      @ShinDangaioh 2 роки тому

      The unicorn was the wooly rhino. A rhinoceros against a hors?
      Uni-one Corn-Horn One horn.

    • @Joemantler
      @Joemantler 2 роки тому +3

      That assumes Sleipner is an ordinary eight-legged horse. All things being equal, unicorn or rhino, it'd beat a horse.
      But Odin's horse? That's an eight-legged horse of a different color.

  • @jenpachi2408
    @jenpachi2408 2 роки тому

    Love your videos man they're badass

  • @patrickmontoya2604
    @patrickmontoya2604 2 роки тому +2

    I like how this I both upset with capitalism and LGBT people. It's a wild ride from start to finish.

  • @UToobUsername01
    @UToobUsername01 2 роки тому +3

    Love your channel. Hope your channel grows bigger and bigger. Keep up the good work. Comics are not dead. The younger kids are just buying Manga LOL I would like you to look up the stats on the sales of graphic novels in the west made by japanese artists/authors. Compare these to the american ones to show where all the money is flowing and how it's causing the SJW to attack the fans of manga and anime and even attempt to censor what the characters say in localised versions of the animation and manga. Clownfish TV has done video on the comic sales. Interestingly Todd Mcfarlane Spawn comic has had resurgence again with King Spawn. So people are thirsty for that 90s-era stuff.

  • @glitchygear9453
    @glitchygear9453 2 роки тому +13

    One thing I've always been confused about is how you uplift the 80s and 90s comics, but also seem to uplift the classical American definition of a hero (which is, itself, different from the classical European definition of a hero, which is, itself, different from the classical Greek definition of a hero). The 80s and 90s comics do not match the classical definition of a hero... they've got their own form of "hero", and that form itself helped lead into the modern definition of "hero", which is to say "self-actualization as heroism". The idea of "hero" has changed quite a lot over time, and the "self-sacrifice as heroism" version only comes about after the teachings of Jesus reach popular fiction in Europe, which is at least several hundred years after Jesus himself. The cultural "hero" before then was almost always a figure that was either physically strong (such as a warrior) or socially powerful (such as a king)... or both (such as a general). What do you say about this discrepancy?

    • @SimonJohnOwen
      @SimonJohnOwen 2 роки тому +3

      I disagree, I think we still have the same idea of hero in the 80s as we did before but the heroes are just more human and more flawed than they were before. Look at the Watchmen, they are still working on behalf of society, even Ozymandias (although we would not agree with his reasoning). In the 90s there is more emphasis on the anti-hero but this was just a continuation of making the hero more human - the anti-hero still has a code of ethics, even though it is largely their own, they aren't meant to be seen as villains. Similarly certain villains were brought closer to being heroes (eg Magneto) so we can see this as a move away from the '3 color comics' ideals of 50s Superman and 'cowboys and indians' to telling more realistic, human stories - just a progression of what happened in the 80s.

    • @PauperPeccator
      @PauperPeccator 2 роки тому +1

      Hmmm... by classical you must mean Greco-Roman correct? in that sense a definition of hero aligned with the Hellenic view would fit the one that describes the strong and socially powerful individual. Since you're bringing Our Blessed Lord into the conversation, you got me thinking over this question and I immediately thought about the Hellenic view and the Hebrew view of reality, and their coming together in marriage of Athens & Jerusalem in the Western/Church worldview. How hero came to mean "self-made man" is an interesting concept and one that still holds much from the Christian definition of hero, modernism with its origins in the protestant reformation that later led to enlightenment thought along with cartesian dualism (which practically divorced the material from the metaphysical), later coming to a head during the French revolution and culminating with this weird and current definition of hero as practically the stronger of two villains (just look at how ridiculous most of the 'heroic' figures of both world wars are). I think this article might be relevant to this question:

    • @strangereyes9594
      @strangereyes9594 2 роки тому +2

      While the figures that display the hero certainly changed, the values they incorporate stay the same. They are Sacrifice, Determination, Loyalty, Courage, Dedication, Compassion, Valor, Selfless, Conviction, Gallantry, Perseverance, Fortitude, Bravery, and of course, they have flaws.
      Different times put emphasis on different traits, depending on the context (King or General for example), but all heroes through all ages exhibit those traits in one way or another, otherwise, they would not be considered a hero. So, the idea of a hero hasn't changed at all. Some cultures put more weight on certain traits than others and if one does not know what the archetype of a hero encompasses, those changes might give the impression that the definition of a hero changed.

    • @UToobUsername01
      @UToobUsername01 2 роки тому

      @@SimonJohnOwen That's a good reply. I have always thought that the idea of anti-hero is just a good guy who pretends he is bad because psychologically he couldn't handle the loss of a loved one which drove them to madness and seek out vengeance for a release of their anger. Batman is this way, Max from the Mad Max movies, The Punisher etc Anti-heroes are just good guys that are coping with loss and so turned dark. Dark doesn't necessarily mean evil. Soldier who came back from wars are changed people and no longer act the same once they have witnessed horrors which they choose to not talk about. They lost their innocence and it changed and affects them. That is what antiheroes are like because they see the dark side of things and don't want to turn bad but realise that you don't have the luxury of being goodie two shoes in all cicumstances. Even Star Wars which the SJW say is merely a kids movie, tackles this concept where Luke Skywalker in classic hero fashion rescues his friends only to walk into a trap when he would have been better off finishing his training as his Master Yoda told him. This selfless sacrifice in short term was a set back in the long term. The "good guys" want Luke to train harder to be able to kill his own Dad in order to save the galaxy from a dictatorship but the good side of Luke questions whether being a pawn for two old men is in fact serving the galaxy's best interests rather than just thinking for yourself and freeing his own dad of mind control so there doesn't need to be a fight to the death between the two. (which will inevitably result in loss) It's complex stuff and that is why people like Star Wars because it is realistic in how it presents tough choice. What you see in Star Wars are two heroes (Darth Vader being traditional hero in his young days vs Luke who is the less-corrupted hero) confronting each other. Darth Vader is not 100% evil because he is an antihero due to his bad luck and loss of family and being used as a pawn by old men to right wrongs but without thought to what he wants. Eventually he snaps and becomes a selfish a-hole. Another example is Walter White in Breaking Bad who is made fun of as the nerdy guy until he realises his potential and value and stops beiong a doormat to his bossy wife. It leads to him gaining more power and status but at the cost of his soul. He is a antihero because he experienced no respect being a teacher that earns so little money that he can't afford to pay for his cancer treatment. He was destined to snap like Darth Vader, Batman, Max Rockatansky. This is realistic and not kid's only entertainment as the SJW wants people to believe. The antihero is a hero who recognises the straight path wasn't possible to keep 100% of the time and that is why we like them more than Superman since we can never relate to a perfect person.

  • @Malkav
    @Malkav 2 роки тому

    This kind of language is used in all HR departments at every corporation right now. To the unaware, it assuages them. But to those who have modicum of intelligence, it is absolutely infuriating.

  • @yardape99
    @yardape99 2 роки тому +3

    I gave up on comics as a reader when Marvel brought Jean Grey back from the grave. basically ruining the best storyline comics ever had. But even in probably the greatest comic book title, there were seeds planted for alphabet agenda in that book (Mutants = Alphabet people).Interesting how alphabet people often have multi-colored hair like in comic books, is it not? Propaganda to shape society for the future between the comic books, cartoons and movies? Comic movies in particular have been shoved down our throats to the point where I can't even watch them anymore. They are re-told stories, which amounts to nothing more than brainwashing with layers of wokeness.
    As far as the unhealthy industry goes, I don't know how anyone could read the same old crap for basically the last 30 years. There's nothing new or original. How many new characters have even been created with staying power? It's really sad from a creative stand point. The Marvel and DC creators stole archetype characters from pulps (Doc Savage, the Shadow, The Spider etc.). without being sued. They call it "inspiration" or a homage. Try that today and see what happens. Those same companies that never had any real ideas of their own, couldn't come up with new characters or ideas that had any traction since the 1980's.. Fanboys have been clinging onto characters that have run their course. It's not the 1980's any longer. The woke agenda in your face, is icing on the cake. It is all played out. One could even argue that all entertainment is all played out, as everything seems to have been done; "there's nothing new under the sun." Comic books will go the way of the pulps as it was always a means of reflecting the times we live in. All media, comics included, were intended to mold minds of the readers. Does anyone think that Stan Lee and Dr. Suess being together in the same military division is a coincidence? But you are right, none of the heroes are "heroes." The whole idea of "super heroes." come from the Nephilim/ fallen angels and the hero worship is just another distraction.
    With all that said, I enjoy your commentaries and insights on the industry and entertainment.

  • @FleetStreetBarber765
    @FleetStreetBarber765 2 роки тому +1

    Why do both sides have to be politically correct and woke if they wear to go out of business I wouldn't even care at this point wish we could have just comic story tellers again

  • @CorrectorAnna
    @CorrectorAnna 2 роки тому +1

    I knew the industry has been dead for years. Now is either a re-animated corpse or someone else pretending to be it🤔.

  • @HenriFaust
    @HenriFaust 2 роки тому +1

    I recently stumbled upon a feminist version of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey called "The Heroine's Journey," and I think you might get a kick out of it given how closely you follow this Marvel nonsense.

    • @RJStheFourthAge
      @RJStheFourthAge  2 роки тому +1

      Sure. post the link.

    • @HenriFaust
      @HenriFaust 2 роки тому


  • @teweldeambassajir4856
    @teweldeambassajir4856 2 роки тому +1

    RJ, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. Who is the female character that removed her skin mask off her face and flowed green light? Is she or it from Marvel? And what comic book is it from?

  • @TahishaArvo
    @TahishaArvo 2 роки тому

    Double Speak: How to Make a Video to Read Too Much Into Things
    it's not like environment and the planet have anything to do with living, i guess
    a specific pattern through history? at what point do you see the "alphabet people" act like victims unless it's actually so? it's not all about comics.. we're not all standing in shops waiting for the latest issue and complaining about how our lives are ending.. it's just not reality
    wow.. such a twisting of logic you present

  • @CooLin1stPlace
    @CooLin1stPlace 2 роки тому +1

    We're doomed! Dun dun dun...

  • @carlyellison8498
    @carlyellison8498 2 роки тому +1

    First First

  • @florbfnarb7099
    @florbfnarb7099 2 роки тому +3

    2:40 makes no sense. The comics industry is objectively and literally the comics industry because they’re in the business of producing comics for sale. That’s what a comics industry is.

  • @TwisterTornado
    @TwisterTornado Місяць тому

    You reported it, too. Weak garbage.

  • @mauricerose3082
    @mauricerose3082 2 роки тому

    ...response to climate change is a gesture...?