TTA Podcast 182: I Used To Believe Strange Things

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: www.naturebox.c...
    Many skeptics and rationalists come from religions, cultures and behaviors that stand far apart from their current relationships with reality. This show takes an entertaining look at the strange beliefs many atheists once held and explores how otherwise rational minds can entertain the irrational, the unusual and the bizarre.


  • @ReallyTwistedHumor
    @ReallyTwistedHumor 10 років тому +14

    That first message from the guy talking about him sons reminded me of my little brother.
    There's 10 years between us when he was 4 and I was 14 we shared a room in the attic, he was scared of the monster under the bed.
    I dealt with it by finding the biggest monster soft toy I could & hiding it under his bed, when he came to me again that night after having a nightmare I went into the attic, pulled the monster from under the bed then dropped it over the balcony & pretended to beat it with a frying pan....My brother wasn't scared of any monsters anymore.

  • @PluckySmurf
    @PluckySmurf 10 років тому +6

    The show topic of "Anger" is an excellent idea. I've dealt-with and am dealing with incredible anger over my childhood indoctrination and the damage done to me. It's extremely relevant to contend with this anger and find peace.

  • @kayzak5785
    @kayzak5785 10 років тому +10

    so....god has many penises? I always wanted to ask a Christian, "If we are made in God's image, does he have nipples?" That would sure explain why men have nipples if we didn't evolve.

  • @moneymikz
    @moneymikz 10 років тому +18

    Reading the whole bible lead me out of the faith...sounds familiar

  • @BandTiguysChannel
    @BandTiguysChannel 10 років тому +14

    Isn't religion just organized strange belief?

    • @jestermoon
      @jestermoon 7 місяців тому

      Mysterious ways I guess

  • @phoenixshade3
    @phoenixshade3 10 років тому +4

    Google's ad server algorithms could use some work. I just got an ad for a movie about Milton Bradley's Ouija Board. On a video about skepticism. Yeah, way to hit your target audience, G.

  • @steveb0503
    @steveb0503 10 років тому +15

    When I realized the idea of a god was a nonsensical one - I came to the conclusion that the most reasonable explanation for those kinds of beliefs throughout recorded history MUST have been "Ancient Astronauts" or perhaps contact of ancient peoples with some sort of "ascended being" or beings a la 2001 (or later: Stargate SG-1). I'm SO glad I learned what true skepticism was all about.

    • @kayzak5785
      @kayzak5785 10 років тому +1

      The impossible astronaut.

    • @kayzak5785
      @kayzak5785 10 років тому

      It totally makes sense. peace man

    • @steveb0503
      @steveb0503 10 років тому +3

      Kay Zak I guess I wasn't clear - I no longer believe in historical alien visitation either. While I accept that alien life - and more to the point: intelligent alien life - exists, I believe that we are so completely separated from it in both space AND time, we have not been (nor will we ever be likely to be) visited by aliens.

    • @screw0dog
      @screw0dog 10 років тому +1

      Those ideas are actually more likely than a god. Still not likely, but you were going in the right direction :)

    • @steveb0503
      @steveb0503 10 років тому +1

      Harry Ray As I said in a later reply: I failed to make myself clear - I no longer believe that "Ancient Astronaut hypothesis" (I refuse to call it a "theory" as one Ambassador Mollari impersonator I know of would like to) either.

  • @skellymom
    @skellymom 10 років тому +8

    1. Duck Dynasty star produces
    2. Left Behind movie
    3. Nicholas Cage stars in it
    Hollywood Flop Trifecta
    And...least holy vehicle and people to spread any word of a "loving"
    Couldn't they save all that money and put it towards feeding the poor, help heal the sick, etc???

  • @bradjbourgeois73
    @bradjbourgeois73 10 років тому +2

    When I was around 8 years old my grandma used to tell me that the devil would "pick my toes" if I misbehaved (whatever that means, lol). One night I woke up and felt I had something around my foot so, too scared to look I pulled the covers over my head and spent the rest of the night in deathly fear that the devil had his hands around my foot! When the daylight came I saw my foot had been in between the bed posts!

  • @grapheist612
    @grapheist612 10 років тому +4

    ***** How about Jephthah burning his daughter alive in exchange for victory on the battlefield? You could even put a modern spin on it: "I really want that business deal to go through, little Jimmy, so you better behave or I'll offer to sacrifice you for it!"

  • @ChollieD
    @ChollieD 10 років тому +3

    A Christian couple bought the house I was renting a few years ago, and were going to move in. So I had to find another place to live, and the one I picked became available for MY move at the last minute.
    So I got to see what this couple was up to when they moved in. They had torn up the carpet, and using big magic markers were writing Bible verses of protection on the floor-boards! They apparently believed that these magic spells or glyphs of warding would help keep out the evil spirits.
    I bought them a bottle of real French champagne on the occasion of their first house, and they told me that they didn't drink. I suppose I should have known. But they at least kept the bottle, and they seemed like very nice people.

  • @necrosunderground
    @necrosunderground 5 років тому +2

    Holy shit, I remember that Bigfoot documentary! It terrified me too, Seth XD I think I was seven or eight, but yeah

  • @fdk7014
    @fdk7014 10 років тому +4

    Sadly, the Discovery Channel has completely jumped the shark. It used to be my absolute favorite channel back when I still was watching TV because it used to show somewhat intellectual and factual shows. Apparently that is mostly gone now, now they are focusing on ridiculous and obviously made up "reality" TV.

  • @wcrader60
    @wcrader60 10 років тому

    Seth, I think you saw a film called "The Legend of Boggy Creek" (1972). It's the documentary style (using re-creations and interviews) film about a sasquatch-type animal in Fouke, AR. directed by Charles B. Pierce who went on to make a more conventional exploitation film called "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" (1976) based on the true story of the Phantom killer of Texarkana, TX. I saw it in its original theatrical release when I was about twelve years old and it scared the bejeebers out of me.

  • @DreamcastGuy
    @DreamcastGuy 10 років тому +2

    I grew up very hungry. As punishment for being bad (though I cant remember misbehaving) my parents would starve me and refuse to feed me for days. After years of living in starvation mode I began to believe I had special organs that let me live with such limited food intake. This was a short lived belief but from probably age 9 to age 11 I did believe I was some sort of plant hahaha.

  • @natepepin09
    @natepepin09 10 років тому +5

    I came across some Alex Jones videos not knowing who he was. He had me convinced that Bin Laden was dead and that all those recent videos of him speaking were fake. About a month later I found a video which explained why he appeared fat in one video, and different in another, and I realized I fell for a conspiracy theory. Well, at least it was only for a month.

    • @Roedygr
      @Roedygr 7 років тому +2

      Alex can be convincing if you hear him only in small doses. If you listen for a while you hear him totally wigged out and you realise he just makes everything up to entertain is brain damaged audience.

  • @kendrixhavlik3051
    @kendrixhavlik3051 10 років тому +2

    43:42 That part with the man's newborn baby was really touching.
    First, because of cute father-baby moment, and second because you see the beauty of an incomplete, simplifying idea crumblin before the real experience, in this case, parenthood.
    Hell is a *child*'s idea of punishment - you do something wrong, you get time out! Just 'cosmic' time out because God is supposed to be huge and epic. But when you get older, you're supposed to realize that there is no such thing as punishment for punishment's of it, unless you're a psychopath or obsessed with revenge. - It's supposed to teach you, and help you become an adult. That never happens in christianity. There is no plan for men to become god's equals or even surpass him, they stay subservient children, and jesus always stays the cute kid in the crib or devoted young adult dutifully sacrificing himself fr his father's work, whom he is merely an extension of.
    A parent who sees a child as a doll to realize their own fantasy is not a parent at all, but someone playing with dolls. A child is a human being; It grows up and talks back to you.

  • @robburns4176
    @robburns4176 10 років тому

    When I was a kid there was a UFO show, Project Blue Book? It had an episode where a home is invaded by glowing aliens, and there's a scene where the mom is in the kitchen, doing dishes at the sink or something. There is a window right there at the sink, and she looks up and the alien is right there in the window. Scared me pretty good; for years I had reservations about looking in our kitchen window at night.

  • @KarlAndArma4ever
    @KarlAndArma4ever 7 років тому +2

    I used to believe that you could literally lie about anything and not get in any trouble whatsoever for it. Let me explain...with a long-ass rant, because that's my style.
    This started both at home and at church. The church one was about God's existence and Jesus' undying love for humanity, both of which were taught at church (obviously) while the other kids my age would bully me to the point I literally hid under the table, preferring to be kicked over being verbally taunted and occasionally whacked over the head with a children's/mini Bible or hymn book while the teacher did absolutely nothing to stop their behavior. At home, it was the existence of Santa Claus, which I questioned after a few years of finding our Christmas presents hiding somewhere around the apartment when Santa was supposedly the one bringing these presents. At some point, I decided both God, Jesus, and Santa were all bullshit, but pretended they were real because my parents asked me to for the sake of my younger siblings.
    My family never did any vacation stuff growing up, and because me and my siblings were homeschooled and the aforementioned church problem, we never had any friends to hang out with for sleepovers or anything. The neighborhood kids only pretended to be friendly to get us to do questionable things (like breaking into someone else's house at around 6 years old), and they never seemed to get into any trouble for it while me and my siblings were no longer allowed outside of the house without strict parental/adult supervision. I eventually decided that the idea of real friendships were lies invented by TV and movies, and remain skeptical of friendly behavior towards me to this day.
    Because of my dad's rantings about finances, I eventually got it into my head that anyone who was able to afford a new car, new clothes, pets, and vacations that require traveling couldn't possibly be poor and were inherently spoiled beyond decency. So when we moved to a nicer neighborhood when I was 7, and the (thankfully nicer) kids at church and on our block started talking about going out-of-state trips to see extended family, going to Disneyland and on cruises, and even simply hanging around the house with friends, I figured they had to be lying, because none of them struck me as spoiled. Cue the lies about having friends from other countries (despite having no idea how the Internet worked), attending martial arts schools, etc.
    When my parents started talking about how sick my mom was, even going as far as getting out my dad's old tape recorder to record her voice on ("This might be the last message you'll ever hear in your mother's voice"), I figured they were lying, especially since the only time I ever saw her in any hospital was when my youngest sibling was born, and they primarily brought it up when it came to doing household chores. Cue the health lies I started telling around church and to the few non-church kids I talked to.
    And then my first period came when I was a month away from turning 13. My parents had warned me about puberty, but given that I thought every other word out of their mouths were lies, on top of being a massive tomboy and only going with "she/her/hers" pronouns and wearing dresses to church because I was asked to, I thought that would never happen to me. Then a month later, CPS came and took all us kids away. So I went from homeschooled Mormon to public-schooled whatever-religion-the-foster-parents-happened-to-be. Culture shock and an unwanted puberty pretty much wrecked my sense of reality, and I clung to my parents' faith purely for the familiarity of it. Being a compulsive liar who refused to adhere to gendered expectations (petty shit like sitting with my legs crossed and wearing "girl" clothes) didn't help.
    We were eventually returned to our bio parents after the State decided they had no further reason to hold us (with the requirement that we continued going to public school), but none of us were the same.
    So...long rant short, church member abuse, a bad neighborhood, and misleading messages from my parents lead to me believing that lying about anything was acceptable.

  • @constanceblair945
    @constanceblair945 10 років тому

    When I was a kid I thought if you fell asleep on the floor and you weren't holding onto something such as a pillow the devil would grab me and take me to hell. I'm so glad I don't believe that anymore!

  • @moneymikz
    @moneymikz 10 років тому +3

    For next week the story of Jepthah sacrificing his own daughter. Also everyone knows Job but emphasize that god ruined his life, killed his family just to win a bet with satan

  • @mattp.158
    @mattp.158 10 років тому

    Liked the caller's anecdote in minute 44.
    In a similar note, a few months ago during work (a store), I just overheard a conversation _in media res_ and a (black for context) child just looked at what was probably her grandma all wide-eyed and asked: *_"You mean god is a ghost?"_* (that loud too, like an epiphany)
    That just stuck with me because I don't know whether that child's curiosity was snuffed out right then and there.

  • @bradsclips15
    @bradsclips15 10 років тому

    hello seth, this was quite a strange episode for me, when i was younger i was always told strange stories, at the time i knew it was a lie but i didn't understand at the time why they would say it, but now I'm grown up and listening to your opinions and other peoples stories it makes sense now... thanks for everything ( Bradley, 19, UK)

  • @KC4RAE
    @KC4RAE 10 років тому

    Surprised to see another podcast already posted. I thought they started at 6:30 pm Central?

  • @Shangori
    @Shangori 10 років тому

    This show turned out a lot darker then I thought it would, looking at the title. Man, im happy I never had to go through this all, tho I had my fair share of strange believes.
    Strangest would be the idea that final fantasy 7 was based on reality. Was never brought up religious, but truly thought there was this lifeforce out there that would gather inside a person. When that game came out it pretty much solidified that idea. Took about a year or two before I shook that off. Just by learning more about reality did that; I was a strange kid, in my own opinion

  • @angelizdaboss
    @angelizdaboss 10 років тому

    When i was 6 my mom told me the story of the big bad wolf and told me if she ever caught me telling a lie she would call the wolfs mother and have her send the wolf to my house to eat me while im sleeping, it terrified me till i was 8. I legit cried at night thinking i was gonna die before i woke up. Same with the boogy man. She told me if i didnt keep my room clean, the boogy man, who lives in my closet, would take all the toys and clothes left out of place and strangle me, tie me up, and drag me into the closet. Scared the crap out of me as a kid but hey it got shit done

  • @BandTiguysChannel
    @BandTiguysChannel 10 років тому +7

    My favorite story was the one involving a bag of foreskins.

  • @MexieMex
    @MexieMex 10 років тому

    I think one of the strangest thing to believe listed on this show is the idea that Myth Busters is a good show. The whole premise of the show is if two mediocre sfx guys (or three children’s TV presenters, or whatever they are) can't do something quickly, easily, and most important of all cheaply, then it's TOTALLY impossible! I can understand creationists loving it, we already know they have no idea on how science works, but Thinking Atheists, really?

  • @SupaDr00g
    @SupaDr00g 10 років тому

    The calling information about a tv show reminds me of a story that when TV's were invented people thought they became heavier when switched on because they had a label on them saying switch off and unplug before attempting to move the set.

  • @WWZenaDo
    @WWZenaDo 10 років тому +2

    Ghost stories can be FUN!! If ya don't believe in them, that is...

  • @Aphetorusbull
    @Aphetorusbull 10 років тому +3

    Please do the Duck Dynasty video!

  • @tyendanega
    @tyendanega 10 років тому

    I watched the 1978 movie The Manitou when I was a kid. It was about this young woman who has a lump on her back that turns out to be an evil Native American spirit trying to manifest into our world after being in the spirit world for however long. Yeah, it was stupid, but my being under the influence of religion--I was about 8 or 9 at the time--made me believe that evil could do something like that, and I couldn't sleep without the lights on for over a week! I believed that evil, with the help of Satan, could do these incredible and scary things.

  • @nmikloiche
    @nmikloiche 7 років тому

    I remember watching surgery on Discovery Networks. Those were the days!

  • @gaillewis5472
    @gaillewis5472 6 років тому

    I watched your recommendation of Nicholas Cage losing his sh*t. Priceless. He's the perfect example of the nut cases who would be left behind after the mythical Rapture. Now I have to watch it to see if he wigs all the way out.

  • @RWU3125
    @RWU3125 10 років тому +1

    Although I grew up (and still live) in a christian family, I never really believed in the whole "God" thing and church was mostly boring to me. I did believe some weird stuff: the book of revelations was what iread in church and i believed that would happen for real (stars falling on the earth and all that stuff). Also, when I first saw Terminator 2 (with the changing robot) I was afraid he would come into my room, although I knew it was a movie.

  • @shannonwrighttreesandbutte390
    @shannonwrighttreesandbutte390 6 років тому


  • @stiimuli
    @stiimuli 10 років тому

    The craziest thing I ever believed lasted only a single night. One weekend when I was 7 or 8 I had seen a warehouse full of gas powered go-carts with all kinds of specialized bodies on them like corvettes and monster trucks etc. and I was enthralled. I wanted one *so* bad I could taste it! When telling a friend what I had seen that day he told me that if I wish upon a star just as the sun is going down then that wish might come true by morning. Call me crazy, call me stupid, call me drunk with possibilities but I believed him. At sunset I stood in our driveway staring up at the sky and wished as hard as I could wish on the first, brightest star I could find....and then on the second star I could find just for good measure. Mom found me standing out there and told me that it doesn't work like that. "Its an old myth just for fun" she said. I refused to believe her and yelled at her that my wish would come true. I barely slept the entire night wondering how the go-cart would arrive. Would I hear it roll into the driveway at some specific time? Would it suddenly appear in my room after I fell asleep? Would a little midget delivery man bring it in the morning? I wouldn't even consider the possibility that the wish would not come true. Obviously morning came and no go-cart could be found anywhere. I was crushed but I learned a valuable lesson that morning about magic and about believing something just because I want it to be true.

  • @tracythompson4798
    @tracythompson4798 5 років тому

    I grew up Canadian Anglican. We have women priest and ordain homosexuals also. Ordaining homosexuals has been more recent and has torn the Anglican Church apart. The minister at the local church is a female Episcopalian minister. Maybe she's glad to be in Canada in the age of Trump.

  • @scorpiaflueman8344
    @scorpiaflueman8344 8 років тому

    When I was little (and still a believer), my dad would tell me that when you go to heaven, you can travel to any place you want to. Like if I wanted to live in Hawaii after I died, then I could, and I could travel to China in a couple of minutes

    • @purplesabbath9057
      @purplesabbath9057 7 років тому

      That would actually be pretty awesome. It sounds a lot cooler than what my idea of heaven was.

  • @Lewa500
    @Lewa500 10 років тому

    I also went through a similar alien phase at around the same age. It really was traumatizing at the time. It was so bad at one point that during nighttime, every time I went to the toilet, I would hallucinate aliens (of the types that are in the movie Signs).

  • @Swempa78
    @Swempa78 10 років тому

    Thanks for another podcast, you're awesome as always Seth! :)

  • @djbryant77
    @djbryant77 10 років тому

    Good Show, Thank you!

  • @kendrixhavlik3051
    @kendrixhavlik3051 10 років тому

    My new-agey neopagan phase thankfully didn't lead to me actually doing anything worse than improvising little witch rituals in my room and sprouting some incorrect history about pre-christianization gender roles - there never WAS any sort of utopia, and your basic 'wiccan version of the story' does some large reorganizing of the original myths/ make up a lot of stuff from thin air.
    I'd seriously wander about my day and half-seriously consider wether this or that wasn't some subtle magic, including a time where I wondered wether some random chick who looked a bit like my classmate wasn't a vision o her future self.
    Much later, I learned how such experiences are actually quite common and repeatably induceable in a lab, auditory hallucinations being nearly as common as optical llusions etc, which loosened my internal denial about having been serious about this long after I had long since abandoned it. ("This is the same internal logic as homeopathy, and I know homeopathy's bogus", was my sixteen-year old's rationale, I think)
    I still feel a certain tenderness for those ideas, as a story/idea but I don't need to think it's real to appreciate the fantasy as a fantasy. I'm not saying that has to be it for everyone, but for me, it was a teenage thing/overcompensation against my father's unsucessfull attempts to drill orthodox christianity into my head. I wanted to feel like being a girl made me special instead of lesser, because duh, common childhood fantasy. Sort of like I used to dress completely in black entirely to convey certain feelings/ideas, and while I still like to ocassionally, I also like to wear lots of other stuff/aesthetics.
    I don't want to trample and depreciate the feelings from back then, but I obviously know this kind of thinking could lead t soliciting the lots and lots of con artists out there, and that I'm an adult now. I no longer think there is any such thing as the supernatural, but I don't wanna devalue the huge thought-buildings some people have - just seem them for what they are, which are thoughts that tell us more about the human minds they're from than any external insight of any kind.

  • @bradjbourgeois73
    @bradjbourgeois73 10 років тому

    My great uncle claimed he sold his house by burying a statue of the virgin Mary in his front yard, lol! Fantasy Island used to scare the crap out of me too!

  • @brian-8814
    @brian-8814 10 років тому

    "So did you learn anything?" Awesome parenting.

  • @jeremybowser7690
    @jeremybowser7690 9 років тому

    I love the show and videos seth but I skip forward during the nature box plugs. Someday I might give the snacks try, not today though. : )

  • @EPrimeify
    @EPrimeify 10 років тому

    I tried to go to the live show today but there were errors *___*
    See you next Tuesday.

  • @patrickslavin5253
    @patrickslavin5253 10 років тому

    Please make a video on Nick Cage, it would be fantastic!

  • @phillipblanc4846
    @phillipblanc4846 10 років тому

    great episode.

  • @ZerqTM
    @ZerqTM 10 років тому +2

    I miss the old discovery channel when it was for the nerds!!!
    now its been invated by mainstreamist reality zombies!
    I miss beyond 2000 (later called beyond tomorrow) that show really instilled faith in the future and technological development which i think is important.... it wasent exactly a gadget show.. product placement wasent a major factor it was mostly just intresting technology... and fun mad stuff....

    • @ZerqTM
      @ZerqTM 10 років тому +1

      If i was in charge at disovery i would dump all the reality bullshit, and start a colaboration with make magazine

  • @flamechick6
    @flamechick6 10 років тому

    Now I want snacks!!! We're all Pavlov's children, lol

  • @ZerqTM
    @ZerqTM 10 років тому

    the inset thing was intresting... and might be a reasuring thing he can turn to later in life as well.. even if he knows the monsters of his youthfull belife where fake he will likely have a positive assosiation with the insets he wouldent otherwise have had... which can be handy...
    that was kind of a genious move...

  • @larrytemp3063
    @larrytemp3063 10 років тому


  • @brynpookc1127
    @brynpookc1127 6 років тому

    Information (411) is still in operation. They are not expecting your call.

  • @Dejawolfs
    @Dejawolfs 10 років тому

    Nick did better than the bible in leaving las vegas, he was filled with spirits instead of the spirit.

  • @CyriilB
    @CyriilB 10 років тому

    I'll probably watch the left behind film but only cause I love Nick Cage's cheesy acting

  • @peterripson
    @peterripson 10 років тому

    Ironically, the Left Behind series of books were some of the last books I read before completely shedding god belief. I confidently doubt that Nick Cage's performance is going to, in any way, change the critical thinking that lead me to this conclusion. But I say have at it hoss!

    • @sakamuk
      @sakamuk 10 років тому

      Really???? I wish that happened to me :-(. I needed to listen to Robert Ingersoll for the light bulb to go off that maybe this Revelation stuff isn't true and the more I listened I was like this revelation stuff can't be true but it is still an interesting read :-P

    • @peterripson
      @peterripson 10 років тому

      The first book maybe but everything after was crap. I feel ashamed that I wasted so much time, knowing all along what the "ending" contained.

    • @raywilliams5352
      @raywilliams5352 4 роки тому

      I remember reading them as a kid and saying to my father, "I hope when this happens I AM left behind to lead as many people to Christ as possible to save them."
      But when you are no longer a child... you put away childish thinking.
      The books WERE objectively better than the Kirk Cameron monstrosity haha.

  • @SuperTonyony
    @SuperTonyony 4 роки тому

    "What if God was one of us?" Well, for one thing, he would be much nicer. Most humans I know would never curse babies with brain tumors or send hurricanes to wipe out whole villages.

  • @jjthegrimwolf
    @jjthegrimwolf 10 років тому

    i love your laugh :)
    keep up the good work!
    best wishes from germany

  • @MaoRuiqi
    @MaoRuiqi 10 років тому

    Wondering if the rationale as to why so much of the US takes to the KJV as gospel isn't because so much of the country, in particular the Bible Belt region, by and large, are infamously unilingual. Without the metaknowledge of having to read and translate one language into another leaves them living in a vacuumous bubble.

  • @LoisMB16
    @LoisMB16 10 років тому

    52:50 , (Sarcastic) Amen!!! I've been saying this same thing for sooo long! A friend of mine even goes to a "diverse" church; some BS hippie gathering with a rainbow on the logo. I'm always like: "Damn, b*tch!! You're smart, I know you!"

  • @micheal49
    @micheal49 10 років тому

    at 7:30, referencing Duck Dynasty -- aren't those DucNasty guys just actors who don't really subscribe to the stuff they are spouting?

  • @Dorvin55
    @Dorvin55 10 років тому

    Is it bad that I'm listening to the podcasts while I play Guild Wars 2 or WoW? I just find it soothing and interesting something to think about while I play? Some people think I am o_O

  • @Dave-mk9st
    @Dave-mk9st 10 років тому +3

    Pffff....heck I used to believe that pagan magic was real and that spells could actually do things...took me a couple years to tune up my skepticism.

  • @moneymikz
    @moneymikz 10 років тому

    Nick Cage owes the IRS a bazillion dollars so he'll do anything for SAG minimum

  • @Mrz-sb1hw
    @Mrz-sb1hw 5 місяців тому

    I wanted to be a goodie werewolf. Hunt down vampires and goblins. Silly nonsense now. Like Christians being nice people, a myth, but there are a few good Christians.

  • @jakewilliams1344
    @jakewilliams1344 10 років тому


  • @Lewa500
    @Lewa500 10 років тому

    Nicolas Cage is a joke now, but of course they would want him - because they can afford him.

  • @davebautista
    @davebautista 10 років тому

    A show about why atheist are angry. Yes please.

  • @TheOnly1Zalo
    @TheOnly1Zalo 10 років тому

    I don't think that cage video is a good idea.

  • @QueenBoadicea
    @QueenBoadicea 6 років тому

    7:20 No film starring Nicholas Cage is going to convert anybody to religion. It may, however, convert people to atheism. Hey, atheists, I hope you dragged your religious friends to see this!

    @MOPEDBRAD 10 років тому

    You mean if I don't accept Jesus Christ into my heart, I go to hell? Shit, give me two Jesus Christs... On the rocks.

  • @Romany1111
    @Romany1111 5 років тому

    Smarmy attitude and voice. Can't even get to the "meat" here, he's so full of himself.

  • @seandavison3916
    @seandavison3916 10 років тому

    to be fair the original stories of the bible weren't written in greek or hebrew...

    • @00deathcap
      @00deathcap 10 років тому +1

      They were written in Latin or Arabic.

    • @seandavison3916
      @seandavison3916 10 років тому +1

      pretty sure that its impossible to know what the originals were written in, personally I'd wager on Sumerian. christianity has been evolving since around 1200 BCE. The oldest manuscripts we have a copies themselves.

  • @cuzinevil1
    @cuzinevil1 10 років тому

    I use an incense called Heather and yet my demon ex-wife still shows up.

  • @nightforest355
    @nightforest355 10 років тому +2

    Okay If I Ask you how is created you... and born you in usa not canda for example.....
    So How is created you and give to you this body eyes hand etc...
    Why you are not animal.. Why you are a Human ... why you can not created your self ...
    The Main questions is who are you ... who is created you and why he created you in USA by your family...
    sometimes you talking with yourself How am I? you looking in mirror see your face eyes hair etc....
    then you answer to your self how created my here why I'am created in here why not in other country why I'm not animal???
    not fish??
    see there is same big reason about he created you human he selected you to come a human!!
    that is miracles,, I ask so many Atheists no body answer my question !!
    I ask only Atheists...

    • @koltirasrip5775
      @koltirasrip5775 10 років тому +3

      There is no one out there deciding where you're born or who your parents are, or even whether you're human or not. Sentience is a crazy thing and we're still studying it, but it's essentially fact that your existence is basically just a fluke.
      "We are the ones who get to die, and that makes us the lucky ones." -Prof. Richard Dawkins
      Of all the millions of sperm that come from a single ejaculate, and all the thousands of eggs that could come from an ovary, you are the unbelievably lucky winner of an insane cosmic lottery (figuratively speaking.) But there's no such thing as a version of you that exists outside of your body. There's no hat that you reach into before you're born that decides whether you're a human or an earthworm or a raspberry bush. You just are. Be grateful for it. Don't ruin the majesty of your existence by reducing it with primitive mythology. "You" will never exist again.

    • @nightforest355
      @nightforest355 10 років тому +1

      Richard Dawkins , he still not answer my points ,my point every one now but they try to found of the reason , and in fact you also not answer rightly, because you try to found the fact, that is good , see the self or ourself there is no any atheist now where is coming his self and why coming you human why not come animal or fish! or why not coming as black ,,
      that is big reason there some thing only know creating yourself and kept you to and born in usa or canda for example..
      I asking "yourself" why you came as human not animal or fish or any things , that is fixing yourself to human he know only the reason , that i searching about it ,
      I know the atheist is believing every things like materials and cells etc... i know that story, but i asking yourself why coming in this cell why not coming in another cell like animal or fish
      some atheist said the brain his main of your life and yourself .. that is right no problem , but still not answer about created self to human or any other thing ,why you human not animal not other things , the secret is here!

    • @jeremybowser7690
      @jeremybowser7690 9 років тому

      Amusing, but I'll play. I was born in the US because my parents met here and porked (had sex). I am who i say I am and if you disagree with that, fuck you. As for my purpose, that is entirely up to me. I actually am an animal, Homo sapien, an upright walking ape that loves sex, violence, food, talking, and bogotry. If you don't like my answers keep thinking as you do, but don't pretend you one-upped anyone with cliche questions.

    • @nightforest355
      @nightforest355 9 років тому

      Jeremy Bowser your answer is cliche. without any science..and you said to yourself you are fuck lol , so that is your problem Jeremy not me, If you don't like answer so don't waste your time go and fuck with yourself ,
      and I'm not asking about your purpose ?
      I'm asking who is created u and why you are alive why u are here why you are not animal not fish not bird not plant etc...? Atheist said we know every thing!! with physical science and they said also we don't have Spirit ! so how them are still alive? If you don't have spirit so you will die or you are stone or sand ! so if no alive no spirit !
      then how is created world like that .. if this not interesting to you so don't answer... okay

    • @jeremybowser7690
      @jeremybowser7690 9 років тому

      FACT RAW I believe I addressed your cliche questions with cliche answers. You however have just repeated the very things I addreessed and ignored them because " If you don't like answer so don't waste your time go and fuck with yourself." Futhermore you have already assumed that you know, making it a rhetorical question (not really meant to be answered). Take your pseudo-socratic, grammatically incorrect nonsense and go troll somewhere else. : P

  • @furuleetsaingo
    @furuleetsaingo Рік тому

    Then the movie Alien comes out with the saying something like "No one can hear you scream in space "

  • @furuleetsaingo
    @furuleetsaingo Рік тому

    Go to the Philippines a country where transgender is a big thing and its a major Roman catholic country

  • @peterrivera8964
    @peterrivera8964 8 років тому +6

    Seth you forgot Ghost Rider he sold his sold to the devil and became a demon hunter

    • @snate56
      @snate56 4 роки тому

      ...And he rode with SAM FREAKIN" ELLIOT!!!

  • @natepepin09
    @natepepin09 10 років тому

    I came across some Alex Jones videos not knowing who he was. He had me convinced that Bin Laden was dead and that all those recent videos of him speaking were fake. About a month later I found a video which explained why he appeared fat in one video, and different in another, and I realized I fell for a conspiracy theory. Well, at least it was only for a month.

  • @DRayL_
    @DRayL_ 10 років тому +6

    The guy who mentioned his past childhood experience and the "what if I committed blasphemy" thing is SPOT on. I concur with that and experienced it as well. It really IS a form of child abuse. Even today, the caller is still somewhat affected by that past indoctrination. And right now, my sister's kids are in a christian school being taught this crap and there isn't anything I can do about it [not my kids]. It makes me sick to think about it.
    In fact, just last weekend my sister's son asked me "if I was saved". Just sickens me that they are being indoctrinated there.

  • @theresalammon2430
    @theresalammon2430 8 років тому +2

    I wanna tell you my strange belief that I held since a child and never really thought about. You know how you put bay leafs in sauces and soups and so on? And then when it's done cooking you take it out because you don't want to eat it. Well I never thought to ask why not just eat it and just assumed as a child well it must be poisonous and I believed this in the back of my mind for a long time. Stupid adult me finally thinks about it recently for a second and then comes to the conclusion that's a fucking stupid idea, if it was poisonous then why am I putting in my food at all?

    • @EthelredHardrede-nz8yv
      @EthelredHardrede-nz8yv 8 років тому +3

      Well I heard the same thing, so I decided to look it up.
      This is not true - bay leaves may be eaten without toxic effect. However, they remain very stiff even after thorough cooking, and if swallowed whole or in large pieces, they may pose a risk of scratching the digestive tract or even causing choking. There are multiple cases of intestinal perforations caused by swallowing bay leaves, and they should not be swallowed or left in the food before serving to prevent the occurrence of a possibly fatal surgical emergency.[8][9] Thus, most recipes that use bay leaves will recommend their removal after the cooking process has finished.[10]

  • @gravitydefyingturtle
    @gravitydefyingturtle 10 років тому +1

    How... HOW did you not mention Ghost Rider when talking about Nick Cage movies? He sells his soul to the devil in that movie and becomes an avenging demon!

  • @OrbitalAngel
    @OrbitalAngel 10 років тому +2

    I totally use to believe in Vampires and wanted to be one as a kid.

  • @viciousfiction1012
    @viciousfiction1012 10 років тому +12

    The more we know... the more it hurts... (Eccl. 1:18) But I choose to know anyway.

    • @moneymikz
      @moneymikz 10 років тому +1

      Ecclesiastes does have some pretty insightful poetry. Including my favorite verse Ecc 3:19 which pretty much confirms evolution. The creationists hate that verse

    • @viciousfiction1012
      @viciousfiction1012 10 років тому

      Totally agree. That's actually one of the verses that helped wake me up... Ecc. 3:19, but first it was 1 John 4:18. There was too much fear in the cult I was born into for it to be the product of the God of love. Then, onto Ecc.3:19. This helped me drop the myths entirely.

    • @tontossidekick1
      @tontossidekick1 10 років тому +2

      Isn't that the truth.
      ignorance is sometimes bliss.

    • @TheBrothergreen
      @TheBrothergreen 10 років тому +1

      M it's always the same:
      first, the christian makes up something, and justifies it with the bible
      then, the christian rejects any evidence that contradicts his nonsense
      then, getting angry now, the christian tries to suppress the evidence
      finally, the christian accepts the evidence and claims that he knew it all along... and justifies it with the bible, still ignoring the evidence.
      rinse and repeat.
      * P.S. it's Ecc 3:18 that confirms evolution.

    • @viciousfiction1012
      @viciousfiction1012 10 років тому

      Agreed about Ecc. 3:18,19. Totally.

  • @isgdre
    @isgdre 10 років тому +2

    Great show topic.

  • @wrekk
    @wrekk 10 років тому

    ... always find myself misty eyed listening to your show... damn you Seth!... JK..... Love what you do. Please keep the great programming going.

  • @DespairDoctor
    @DespairDoctor 10 років тому

    Child thief in Raising Arizona, crazed "demon possessed man/vampire" in Vampire's Kiss, Ex convict in Con Air, carries a bow and a quiver of arrows in The Weather Man, a clear threat not to mess with him for any would-be-chuckers-of-fast-food, fallen angel in City of Angels, Has a man assassinated for raping his wife and later kills someone while in the vigilante group that assassinated his wife's rapist. I could go on and on about the bad things Cage's characters have done in other movies.

  • @zencat999
    @zencat999 10 років тому

    "...I have godz penis and it needs a home...."LOLOILOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
    Im gona use that in a stand up comedy schtick!!! I was on the floor!lololol ;)

  • @rakingleaves8500
    @rakingleaves8500 10 років тому

    A. Cage is an actor - he didn't actually DO those things. B. He would be even more valuable as a tool for evangelism if he actually DID these things. Why? They'll just say, he was a horrible atheist when he committed those crimes, but he stopped for the time being and has accepted Christ's grace. That's how it works.

  • @216trixie
    @216trixie 10 років тому

    I was an atheist until seventeen. Then twelve years of born-again. That's weird enough. But later, after losing my faith, I spent some years still believing magical things, that took the form of esp. Telepathy, clairvoyance, "energy" chakras feng shui, etc. lol.

  • @RyujinZero
    @RyujinZero 9 років тому

    I recall believing in childhood, for some reason, that God looked kind of like Colonel Sanders--you know, old gent in glasses, wearing all white, with a short white mustache and beard. I wish I were joking. Where I got this idea or this mental image of God, I have NO clue.

  • @renragged
    @renragged 10 років тому

    42:55 This right here was a big problem for me for many years too. God loves us, but he would send us to hell for eternal torture? It was a problem that is, until I realized that it was a lie perpetrated by Satan. There is no hell, there is no eternal torture. If you're bad enough for God to forsake you, you just die. That's all. You die and cease to exist. You don't get to receive eternal life.

  • @screw0dog
    @screw0dog 10 років тому

    I'd go see "Left Behind" if they donated the proceeds to charity.

  • @torqasbell8698
    @torqasbell8698 10 років тому

    i wouldn't be opposed to an earlier time for the broadcast, i might actually be able to catch it live for a change, the time you had before was just not practical for me living in europe. although i understand why many of your main audience from NA might have a timing conflict with work-time, so i'm not sure... on the one hand i want to be able to catch the show live, but on the other hand i feel it more important to reach the majority of your audience

    @MOPEDBRAD 10 років тому

    You mean if I don't accept Jesus Christ into my heart, I go to hell? Shit, give me two Jesus Christs... On the rocks.

  • @ZerqTM
    @ZerqTM 10 років тому

    will the left behind moive be shown in the rest of the world?
    the result of that would be that all of europe would laugh its ass of...

  • @TheAAMoy
    @TheAAMoy 10 років тому

    I ask this daily, "What do we know about people? .... People are stupid!"

  • @manifold1476
    @manifold1476 6 місяців тому

    Podcast starts at 14:09
    First caller: -------> 23:04

  • @eddieking2976
    @eddieking2976 10 років тому

    45:00 mins. Would love to see Seth go “ape shit crazy",LOL.