Sometimes you never know the value of a moment -a moment to give greetings to Flowey -a moment to love with Toriel -a moment to laugh with Sans -a moment to believe with Papyrus -a moment to think tough with Undyne -a moment to study with Alphys a moment to dance with Mettaton -a moment to remember with Asgore we never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.
-a moment to confide in Asriel -a moment to cry with napstablook -a moment to learn with froggit -a moment to thank the rock -a moment to fangirl with catty and bratty -a moment to reform with loox -a moment to help the amalgamates and Alphys -a moment to scream with mad dummy -a moment to saver the pie -a moment to make instant noodles -a moment to give water to your enemy -a moment to reminisce with Onionsan -a moment to regret with burgerpants Even the small things that may be seen as just detours is your journey impact who you are. Be thankful for the little things
You got it right man, once i have friends that always be with me, laugh with me. Now, it's really hard to find friends like them before. I missed our moments together.
진짜 이때로 돌아가고싶다... 어릴때 학교 끝나고 빨리 학원같다가 집으로 달려가서 언더테일 했던거 생각하니깐 왜 개속 눈물이 나냐.. 진짜 울것 같애... 이 게임은 영원히 사라지지 않았으면 좋겠다. 내가 했던 게임중 언더테일이 가장 좋았다.. 그 시절 그때 순수하기만 내가 이 게임이 그리워질거라고 누가 알았겠어.. 너희들도 그때로 돌아가고 싶어? 나는 돌아가고 싶다 시간 참 빠르네
Here, in 2021, it's been 5 years since this was posted. If you're reading this, you've lived through literal hell. We've lost many along the way, and the shadow of grief is still near to us. And though it may seem that the light has been lost from the world, remember, even in the darkest depths of the underground, you can still see shining stars embedded in the sky. You can't give up just yet. Don't lose hope, and above all, "Stay Determined."
Sometimes, i seem to forget how many people still care about this game. Im glad one of my favorite games is still in so many people's hearts, even after (almost) 5 long years since its release.
I heard about the game a few years ago but I was too busy playing Minecraft and didn't care about any other games (I am that type of person that sticks to something and stays with that). I decided to try Undertale a few months ago, just because I was bored, and now I am cursing myself for not trying it when it was still fresh😥.
i don't know what i need to say... But something i do. I end game few minutes later and it's most wonderful what i see. day, month, year... some time ago anybody write a new comment here. Be happy and lucky:)
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that they took the time to animate each individual instrument, CORRECTLY may I add,and at the specific moments of the song. Absolutely fascinating
At first I thought these were just loops... Then I noticed Frisk doing all the appropriate fingerings and realized all the other characters were also playing their parts properly... You are insane, sir
* You tried to not cry * But it's refused. * Now, your filed with * Nostalgia and * D E T E R M I N A T I O N ❤️ Thanks, undertale, for making my life better. And, to give me an opportunity for meet awesome people. Thank you.
it’s sad the fandom had to kind of go down mostly because of the toxic fangirls and other things, we should take the chance of it being a new year to rebuild the fandom
*You take a moment to look in the mirror once again. *You stare into yourself and think about all of your adventures. *Mom... *Sans... *Papyrus... *Undyne... *Alphys... *Mettaton... *Dad... *Your Brother... *... *...Me? *But I'm dead. My story is over... *... *Huh...? *... *...if you insist, Frisk. *Damn. You really messed up my monologue, you know? Give me a second... *... *... you think of yourself. All of those RESETS, all of the DETERMINATION inside of you. Despite your mistakes and consequences of them... * _It's still you._
If you listen carefully, you can hear all the instruments. Each and every note they play, you can hear and understand how each note from them, together makes what you hear now. (I feel like this should stand for something...)
@@ilijaveselinovic8441 No. Around 2:00, again, listen carefully and you can hear the trombone faintly going "Du, Du, Du, Du." repeatedly over and over.
a year ago I found this, I accidentally deleted it from my watch history, and lost it :( this is my new UA-cam channel and I got it my recommended again :O
This just makes me cry because the story of under tail shows you a lesson to never give up and remembers how we all love each other and the importance of life and kindness
I love the attention to detail when it comes to each note. you can see toriels fingers moving for each different note, and when undyne hits a high note on the piano you can see her hands move up the piano. even alphys' fingers move to each chord
Hey, its been 7 years since this came out, its 2023, almost 2024. This is for everyone, myself included in the future. Don't forget who you were, don't forget the hardships you've been through, and all of the good times you experienced. You are worth everything, this year just proves it, you made memories, good and bad. Either by yourself or with people. The next year is another year to make more of those. So keep going, stay determined. Stay for the people who may come into your life Go for the dreams you had as a child or as of now Walk down the path that is forming right in front of you. We live only once, so make this life count. Love yourself Value yourself Care for yourself Because despite everything **Its still you.**
Time moves slower when this song plays. You stop and think about what got you to where you are. All the people you’ve befriended, or made enemies with. All the hardships, laughs, heartbreaks, and glorious moments that made you the person you are right now. It’s a freeing feeling, but once it stops, you know you gotta keep moving. Don’t wanna disappoint all of those people who believe in you, including yourself. That’s why I keep moving on. For those who put their heart and soul into making me a good person, but also for myself because I know I can always be better than yesterday. Im going to college soon and I’m ready for the next chapter, and I hope y’all are too. Love yourself, and the people around you. It’ll make a difference, trust me.
The best part about this is that the animator actually took the time to work out the notes for each character, for example, the slide on the trombone, the finger placement on the ukelele and flute and the timing of the drum. I think it's amazing and this is a beautiful price of work. Thank you
때는 2016년이였습니다. 엄청 어릴 때부터 게임을 좋아하는 것을 넘어서 만들고 싶어한 중학생 아이가 있었죠. 그 아이는 게임 프로그래머만 되겠다는 다짐만 있었지만 언제 다시 또 진로가 바뀔지 불투명한 상황 이였습니다. 주변의 압박이나 커서 뭐 될거냐 라는 말도 있을거구요. 더군더나 당시 아이들과 잘 어울리지도 못하고 방황하며 외톨이 신세를 지내면서 내심 불안정한 시간을 보냈죠. 장난 이였을까요. 이 게임이 한국에서 점점 유행해지자 그 아이도 덩달아 접하게 됩니다. 정말 대단한 이야기들, 그리고 음악들. 이 한 사람 이서 만들었다는 이야기. 분명 남들이 봤을 땐 아무것도 아닌 한 순간 이였겠지만 자신에겐 확실하게 마음을 다지기로 약속했습니다, 바로 게임을 만드려는 것 이였죠. 그렇게 중학교 시절부터 계속 찾아보고 만들어보고 그랬지만 환경 상 그렇게 쉽진 않았어요. 그래도 고등학교 진학 하면서도 잊을 만 하면 이 음악으로 절 달래기도 했죠, 음악 자체에서도 감동적인 선율과 희망찬 구성을 갖추듯이 말이죠, 하지만 전 제게 특별하게 느껴지는 하나의 경우는, "너도 만들어 볼 수 있어, 너도 할 수 있을 거야, 힘을 내렴." 이였어요. 당시에도 많이 우울하고 불안정 했던 제게 더더욱 느껴졌답니다. 그야말로 학창시절 내내 달래줬던 존재였죠. 그렇게 노력도 하고 대학교도 가서 게임학부로 입학하고 코로나도 이겨내고 무사히 군대도 다녀오고 복학 하면서 동기들도 어울리는 동시에 제대로 게임에 대해 배워 나가고 만드는 걸 배워보고 있는 제 모습을 돌이켜 보니 저도 정말 노력 하면서 살아왔다는 발자취가 보이네요. 2024년, 전 이제 대학생이지만 이 음악을 들으면 아직도 이 게임에 대해 전하는 메시지를 읽은 어린 아이가 되는 느낌이에요. 제게 격려와 도전 그리고 희망을 준 것이기에. 결코 잊을 수 없을 것 같아요. 만약 제가 게임을 성공적으로 만들고 사람들에게 이쁨 받고 사랑 받는 작품을 만들게 된다면 꼭 언더테일에 감사를 표합니다.를 적고 싶습니다. 이 작품을 만들어준 토비 폭스님에게 감사를 표합니다. 그리고... 2016년 때 이 영상을 처음 봤던 시절을 되새기며 알고리즘에 이끌린 제가 다녀왔음을 적고 갑니다. 여러분들도 하시고자 하는 일이 잘 되길 바라면서요.
6 years ago, this amazing game came out. But yet here it is, still going decently strong, even though there isn't the best community for when it comes to arguments, there is still light in the air. Stay good while you grow, and love as you go Stay Determined
* Despite all that happened last year. * It's still you. * The fandom is growing once more * The power of this video fills us, not just you with DETERMINATION. * 2020. * File saved! * 2021.
You came back too an old era... the feeling of fresh peaceful air in the room, and the sounds of a familar tune you loved too hear. It fills you with the DETERMINATION
undertale is a bedtime story its first soundtrack named "once upon a time" its last ost named "good night" *its like toby is telling us a bedtime story*
*너는 인생이 참 힘들다. *아무일도 일어나지 않았다. *너는 발버둥쳤다... *아무일도 일어나지 않았다 *너는 옥상위에 올라갔다. *아무일도 일어나지 않았다. *너는 옥상 끝자락에 섰다. *세상이 고요했다. *하지만,너가 가진 작은 힘으로... *무언가를 추억할 수 있을것 같다. 「추억하기」
I love how so many different people who speak so many different languages can come together over a game and song and animation. This is what Undertale did.
With 2024 coming to an end in a few months I just want to say that we all may have had some hard times. We've won every game, we've lost every game. We've read every book and burned every book. Still finding more secrets about Undertale to this day. Have we found everything this game has to offer? Have we figured out the final piece to this puzzle? Have we figured out how our life will continue with us growing up with this game being a very important part of our life. This game taught me many things, I had so much fun playing it and looking for so many secrets. Thank you Undertale changing my life, and thank you Toby Fox for making this INCREDIBLE game.
You are filled with *INSPIRATION* You are filled with *HAPPINESS* You are filled with *SADDNESS* You are filled with *DETERMINATION* You are filled with *HOPE*
You are filled with *KINDNESS* You are filled with *BRAVERY* You are fill with *PATIENCE* You are fill with *JUSTICE* You are fill with *INTEGRITY* You are filled with *PERSEVERANCE* You are filled with *DETERMINATION* You are filled with *HATE* You are filled with *LOVE*
Here’s to a bigger brighter future for all of us, regardless of gender, species, race, preferences, etc, etc. here’s to a bright 2024! Remember everyone. Stay DETERMINED!
*Looking back at the last year, realising it is over, makes you feel hope, even though you know that it is not over and that the worst yet has to come, but this hope of a better future is what fills you with determination*
What’s really cool is if you pay attention to just one character at a time, it kinda helps you separate each instrument as you listen to it and you can both see and hear them play? That’s so freaking rad! I’m not sure why this wasn’t in my recommendations earlier, but I’m glad to finally see this! It’s beautifully done
*If you, Frisk, weren't here.. we'd be all still underground.* *With no hope of returning to the surface.* *But you arrived, we laughed, had fun, why do a Genocide route now?* *Without Frisk, there'd be no beat to keep steady of the music.* *_Without Frisk, we'd be no UNDERTALE._*
It’s been two years now? Wow... I remember pressing like when this came out half an hour ago. And showing it to my mum. I miss the old times... Too much has happened
You recall all of the meomories you had. Flowey's secret Napstablook's smile Toriel's kindness Papyrus's patience Sans's justice Undyne's bravery Alphys's awkwardness Muffet's perseverance Mettaton's Asgore's guilt Asriel's hope. You would do it all over again, despite the trouble. But you kept going on. You had bravery, kindness, patience, perseverance, justice, and integrity from all of the friends you met. You had hope, love, and curiosity. And most importantly, you had determination.
When the video is 4 years old but there are comments from 1 hour ago.... * Seeing that people still enjoy and explore Undertale fills you with *D E T E R M I N A T I O N* *
Sometimes you never know the value of a moment
-a moment to give greetings to Flowey
-a moment to love with Toriel
-a moment to laugh with Sans
-a moment to believe with Papyrus
-a moment to think tough with Undyne
-a moment to study with Alphys
a moment to dance with Mettaton
-a moment to remember with Asgore
we never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.
-a moment to confide in Asriel
-a moment to cry with napstablook
-a moment to learn with froggit
-a moment to thank the rock
-a moment to fangirl with catty and bratty
-a moment to reform with loox
-a moment to help the amalgamates and Alphys
-a moment to scream with mad dummy
-a moment to saver the pie
-a moment to make instant noodles
-a moment to give water to your enemy
-a moment to reminisce with Onionsan
-a moment to regret with burgerpants
Even the small things that may be seen as just detours is your journey impact who you are. Be thankful for the little things
@VAPenPap9 -A moment of love and hate
-A moment of peace with Monsters and Humans
A moment to kill everyone just so you can listen to some BEPIC music
-A moment to be nice to everyone
-A moment to reset
-A moment to literally do genacide just to do sans battle and here the fucking EPIC tunes
The moments never left. As long as you remember me.
The worst pain isn’t a cut or a bruise it’s watching people you’ve made memories with become memories
Too true man.. to fucking true
Too fing true
You got it right man, once i have friends that always be with me, laugh with me. Now, it's really hard to find friends like them before. I missed our moments together.
You're right
they were happy memories and im proud to have those memories in me. :)
Anyone here in Dec. of 2023??
[Edit] Happy 2024 everyone!!
Time never waiting 😔🥺❤️🔥
what a coincidence
The reason why Undertale is a masterpiece can be seen in the fact that people years later do not forget Undertale.....
2024년까지 보고있는 프리스크면 개추 눌러라 일단 나부터
Нифига, вовремя зашёл)
수ㅌㄹㄱㄹ 요청과 서ㄷㅌ 연휴ㅅ 열어 추😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
역시 언더테일의 위상
Everyone: *smiles* Frisk: -_-
Lol xD
Frisk: l )
Chara you here too
(-_-) (• - •) wtf
What about Toriel?
Stepts for listening to this song:
1. Press play
2. Enjoy the music
3. Try not to cry
4. Cry. Cry a lot.
"what did you catch?"
Me to I cried it's ok 😭😭😭
@@anime-tc2gt lmao it was also an undertale reference, it's what papyrus said to sans at the end of pacifist run
When a man cries it doesn’t mean he’s weak it means he has been strong for too long-itachi uchiha
그 모든 고난과 역경을 넘고 잠시 유튜브를 보려던 당신.
다가올 고난을 피하려 들어온 당신.
추억을 회상하고픈 당신.
그리고 지금 이걸 보는 당신.
그 모든것이 이뤄졌음에도,여전히 당신이다.
진짜 이때로 돌아가고싶다... 어릴때 학교 끝나고 빨리 학원같다가 집으로 달려가서 언더테일 했던거 생각하니깐 왜 개속 눈물이 나냐.. 진짜 울것 같애... 이 게임은 영원히 사라지지 않았으면 좋겠다. 내가 했던 게임중 언더테일이 가장 좋았다.. 그 시절 그때 순수하기만 내가 이 게임이 그리워질거라고 누가 알았겠어.. 너희들도 그때로 돌아가고 싶어? 나는 돌아가고 싶다 시간 참 빠르네
no hablo nintendo
맞춤법이... 아직도 중학생정도죠?
@@썬글로우 저 초1때 맞춤법...
...ㅠㅠ 여전히 찾는 사람이 있다니 ㅠㅠ
2020:recommended for you
Lol I got recommended in 2019 and 2020
laughs in 2018
Laughs in 2021
2021: пришло моё время (My time has come (I'm from Russia))
I got it every single year
Here, in 2021, it's been 5 years since this was posted. If you're reading this, you've lived through literal hell. We've lost many along the way, and the shadow of grief is still near to us. And though it may seem that the light has been lost from the world, remember, even in the darkest depths of the underground, you can still see shining stars embedded in the sky. You can't give up just yet. Don't lose hope, and above all, "Stay Determined."
* Despite what happened, it's still you.
Damn what a good line
Tem says thank you
l am always here...
February 2016: Its you.
December 2023: Despite everything, its still, you.
This is actually an amazing comment
Damn that's dark cos nothing changed
@@Darkside_truelegendActually a lot changed. The community is much more civilized than before.
i love this
Seeing all these comments posted just hours ago fills you with determination.
No, but seriously, that makes me so happy
It's because of filter
I'm think about family when I see and hear this song
몇년동안 비쁘게 살다가 진짜 갑자기 생각나서 왔음 언제 보고 들어도 좋네
아직 있구나 나도 이 밤에 갑자기 생각나서 왔다 요즘 너무 힘든데 이 노래 들으니까 뭔가 울컥하더라
나도 군대 와서 듣고있네ㅋㅋ
@@user-munjituligae 고생하시네요 그래도 힘내세요
Sometimes, i seem to forget how many people still care about this game. Im glad one of my favorite games is still in so many people's hearts, even after (almost) 5 long years since its release.
I heard about the game a few years ago but I was too busy playing Minecraft and didn't care about any other games (I am that type of person that sticks to something and stays with that). I decided to try Undertale a few months ago, just because I was bored, and now I am cursing myself for not trying it when it was still fresh😥.
Let me correct you
Over 6 years now and we still love this game
i don't know what i need to say... But something i do. I end game few minutes later and it's most wonderful what i see. day, month, year... some time ago anybody write a new comment here. Be happy and lucky:)
@@pipo6432 now 7 years
2 years passed since you wrote this comment... and we still love it.
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate the fact that they took the time to animate each individual instrument, CORRECTLY may I add,and at the specific moments of the song. Absolutely fascinating
My only gripe with the whole video is that Sans moves the slide for each note individually, and other than that this is perfection
At first I thought these were just loops...
Then I noticed Frisk doing all the appropriate fingerings and realized all the other characters were also playing their parts properly...
You are insane, sir
*seeing such new comments on an old video fills you with determination*
* You tried to not cry
* But it's refused.
* Now, your filed with
* Nostalgia and
* D E T E R M I N A T I O N ❤️
Thanks, undertale, for making my life better. And, to give me an opportunity for meet awesome people. Thank you.
stop it you made me get something in my eyes..
it was tears
@PixelPlayz01 nuu don't cry :c
💔but it's refuse,something happened for this but you filled with D E T E R M I N A T I O N
..."그 모든일이 있었음에도 여전히 당신이다."
"당신은 의지로 가득찼다."
"그런 표정 짖지마 chara.."
@@빅다닝 "월"
It's amazing how despite the game is already 4 years old, people keep commenting on this video.
Undertale is something so unique and so are its fans.
Im 9 year old so im not special XD
@@Kanna_Kizuchi you are
Liliek Liem who said your not special?
The game is older
And then there's the fontcest shippers
I haven't listen to this in years and it still makes me emotional
it’s sad the fandom had to kind of go down mostly because of the toxic fangirls and other things, we should take the chance of it being a new year to rebuild the fandom
I just can imagine undyne failing a note and them destroying the instruments and attaking eveyone
Right before Toriel’s solo, and
*plays wrong note*
Undyne suplexes the piano
She then hurled it at Toriel
Just right at the end and she just suplexes the piano screaming: "NYAAAHHHHHHHH!!" 😂
*Undyne suplexes a whole piano, just because shes mad
I didn't konw frisk played the guitar
Am I the only one who thinks undertale deserves an animated series? One for all three routes. It's a series I'd gladly watch.
Я специально посвещу жизнь чтоб сделать мультисириал по этой игре
it’s been 3 years but still there are people here, congrats. I hope everyone is doing good and don’t forget to stay Determined
Always determinated. ♡
I hope everyone here is able to stay Determined
Truly amazing
Many years passed, still I have undertale in part of my heart..😢
*You take a moment to look in the mirror once again.
*You stare into yourself and think about all of your adventures.
*Your Brother...
*But I'm dead. My story is over...
*...if you insist, Frisk.
*Damn. You really messed up my monologue, you know? Give me a second...
*... you think of yourself. All of those RESETS, all of the DETERMINATION inside of you. Despite your mistakes and consequences of them...
* _It's still you._
It’s you!
despite everything, it’s still you
Undertale is still alive I cant belive it :)
@@GoldLynther always has been
Too much text
Still, it somehows hurts
Surviving the last 5 years fills you with 𝔻𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟.
*File Saved 2⁰²¹*
@@deathplays2847 HDY dont understand? Hes sayin you hav determination and we hav survived 2020
I don't know if I have any Determination left
I'm here in 2024 and, Undertale came back with Undertale Yellow and had Deltarune, Spamton is cool :D
Spamton is a good character but Sans is the funniest skeleton i know
If you listen carefully, you can hear all the instruments. Each and every note they play, you can hear and understand how each note from them, together makes what you hear now. (I feel like this should stand for something...)
yes you correct, but, what i good hear, sans dosent make any sound
@@ilijaveselinovic8441 No. Around 2:00, again, listen carefully and you can hear the trombone faintly going "Du, Du, Du, Du." repeatedly over and over.
Yeah true
@@plumintwins7818 (It’s not a trombone, these instruments are not near accurate.)
@Involten oh yeah lol I totally forgot XD
this song never gets old and still makes you either sad or happy every time
It generates a feeling of sad, but hopeful anyway.
Why is this getting recommended to us *NOW?* WE NEEDED THIS 4 YEARS AGO
a year ago I found this, I accidentally deleted it from my watch history, and lost it :(
this is my new UA-cam channel and I got it my recommended again :O
This just makes me cry because the story of under tail shows you a lesson to never give up and remembers how we all love each other and the importance of life and kindness
@@olived8620 perfecc
@@guitargaming142fun2 undertale*
I love the attention to detail when it comes to each note. you can see toriels fingers moving for each different note, and when undyne hits a high note on the piano you can see her hands move up the piano. even alphys' fingers move to each chord
Same with Frisk
I love how people of a good chunk of backgrounds are just uniting in this comment section over their love for this game
Hey, its been 7 years since this came out, its 2023, almost 2024.
This is for everyone, myself included in the future.
Don't forget who you were, don't forget the hardships you've been through, and all of the good times you experienced.
You are worth everything, this year just proves it, you made memories, good and bad. Either by yourself or with people. The next year is another year to make more of those.
So keep going, stay determined.
Stay for the people who may come into your life
Go for the dreams you had as a child or as of now
Walk down the path that is forming right in front of you.
We live only once, so make this life count.
Love yourself
Value yourself
Care for yourself
Because despite everything **Its still you.**
I'm here bro...
Ty for making me cry bro
This is the first comment to ever make me cry
8 years by now
Thank you friend
Time moves slower when this song plays. You stop and think about what got you to where you are. All the people you’ve befriended, or made enemies with. All the hardships, laughs, heartbreaks, and glorious moments that made you the person you are right now. It’s a freeing feeling, but once it stops, you know you gotta keep moving. Don’t wanna disappoint all of those people who believe in you, including yourself. That’s why I keep moving on. For those who put their heart and soul into making me a good person, but also for myself because I know I can always be better than yesterday. Im going to college soon and I’m ready for the next chapter, and I hope y’all are too. Love yourself, and the people around you. It’ll make a difference, trust me.
this is the best thing that i ever read :")
@@nicolasramirez327 Aw thank you so much
Reading this fills me with a fair amount of determination. Good luck with the college, pal
@@solizgonzalezmateotisiano6193 thank you
I actually feel a sudden nostalgia while reading this, this is probably gonna boost my motivation and gonna keep me strong, thanks for the words!
이 음악을 처음 접한게 언제였더라.. 5년전인가 6년전인가
동심으로 가득찼던 아이가 이젠 수험생이되어 현실과 마주보고있네
어린시절과는 모습도 생각도 전부 다 다르지만 그럼에도
그 모든일들이 있었음에도, 여전히 나이기에
의지가 가득찼다
Can we just appreciate the fact that sans is blowing through his teeth while smiling.
I'm surprised he's still smiling
He's playing a trombone without lips
Now that's talent
And asleep
The best part about this is that the animator actually took the time to work out the notes for each character, for example, the slide on the trombone, the finger placement on the ukelele and flute and the timing of the drum. I think it's amazing and this is a beautiful price of work. Thank you
Lol I agree. Also I play the flute so I would check and see if the notes and fingerings were right, out of curiosity but I'm too lazy right now lol
The fingerings for the flute aren’t right but WHATEVER, this is really amazing anyways
@@uuaupa9288 thank you lol. But this is still pretty amazing
*As you play in harmony with your friends...
*You’re filled with determination.
*Your HP was maxed out.
때는 2016년이였습니다. 엄청 어릴 때부터 게임을 좋아하는 것을 넘어서 만들고 싶어한 중학생 아이가 있었죠. 그 아이는 게임 프로그래머만 되겠다는 다짐만 있었지만 언제 다시 또 진로가 바뀔지 불투명한 상황 이였습니다. 주변의 압박이나 커서 뭐 될거냐 라는 말도 있을거구요. 더군더나 당시 아이들과 잘 어울리지도 못하고 방황하며 외톨이 신세를 지내면서 내심 불안정한 시간을 보냈죠.
장난 이였을까요. 이 게임이 한국에서 점점 유행해지자 그 아이도 덩달아 접하게 됩니다. 정말 대단한 이야기들, 그리고 음악들. 이 한 사람 이서 만들었다는 이야기. 분명 남들이 봤을 땐 아무것도 아닌 한 순간 이였겠지만 자신에겐 확실하게 마음을 다지기로 약속했습니다, 바로 게임을 만드려는 것 이였죠. 그렇게 중학교 시절부터 계속 찾아보고 만들어보고 그랬지만 환경 상 그렇게 쉽진 않았어요. 그래도 고등학교 진학 하면서도 잊을 만 하면 이 음악으로 절 달래기도 했죠, 음악 자체에서도 감동적인 선율과 희망찬 구성을 갖추듯이 말이죠, 하지만 전 제게 특별하게 느껴지는 하나의 경우는, "너도 만들어 볼 수 있어, 너도 할 수 있을 거야, 힘을 내렴." 이였어요. 당시에도 많이 우울하고 불안정 했던 제게 더더욱 느껴졌답니다. 그야말로 학창시절 내내 달래줬던 존재였죠.
그렇게 노력도 하고 대학교도 가서 게임학부로 입학하고 코로나도 이겨내고 무사히 군대도 다녀오고 복학 하면서 동기들도 어울리는 동시에 제대로 게임에 대해 배워 나가고 만드는 걸 배워보고 있는 제 모습을 돌이켜 보니 저도 정말 노력 하면서 살아왔다는 발자취가 보이네요.
2024년, 전 이제 대학생이지만 이 음악을 들으면 아직도 이 게임에 대해 전하는 메시지를 읽은 어린 아이가 되는 느낌이에요. 제게 격려와 도전 그리고 희망을 준 것이기에. 결코 잊을 수 없을 것 같아요. 만약 제가 게임을 성공적으로 만들고 사람들에게 이쁨 받고 사랑 받는 작품을 만들게 된다면 꼭 언더테일에 감사를 표합니다.를 적고 싶습니다. 이 작품을 만들어준 토비 폭스님에게 감사를 표합니다.
그리고... 2016년 때 이 영상을 처음 봤던 시절을 되새기며 알고리즘에 이끌린 제가 다녀왔음을 적고 갑니다. 여러분들도 하시고자 하는 일이 잘 되길 바라면서요.
Буду за тебя❤
6 years ago, this amazing game came out. But yet here it is, still going decently strong, even though there isn't the best community for when it comes to arguments, there is still light in the air.
Stay good while you grow, and love as you go
Stay Determined
After a long time.
UA-cam broke the system and recommended nostalgia.
So sad
Me : Uhhh, why are you crying?
UA-cam : Watch this **sob**
Me again : **Cries internally**
Hearing this masterpiece again after many years fills you with
Despite everything thats happened this year, it's still you.
This music feels you with...
Memories.. Good memories..
Ah yes, determinsation.
* Despite all that happened last year.
* It's still you.
* The fandom is growing once more
* The power of this video fills us, not just you with DETERMINATION.
* 2020.
* File saved!
* 2021.
Stay safe friend..
This gave me so much serotonin... thank you, and *stay determined*
Oh shit
hOI im TeM
@@temmiethetem3699 and this my friend.... Temmie!!
*this music fills you with determination*
❤Save? dont save?
I pick save
I pick...
Save ❤
You came back too an old era... the feeling of fresh peaceful air in the room, and the sounds of a familar tune you loved too hear. It fills you with the DETERMINATION
Let's not let the UNDERTALE fandom die...
can we just appreciate the how they played the instrument actually syncs up with the music
Wow everyone got this at the same time. Well welcome back it’s been five years. Miss the fandom?
Fandom is still alive
Yup surprised its still alive
I was just lurkin
Nah ı just like the songs
이제는 다시 오지않을 이야기를 기다리며 이노래를 듣는다
*All your friends play in harmony, they look happy*
This fills you with *determination*
The best thing about the animation is that the hand movements of the characters are in sync with the song.👍👍👍👍
I cant believe people are still watching this in 2020 Im so proud of this community
@@LeeSato111 XD
@@Waverly_ppl ? What no ?
@@fungibletokenkeng7984 No
undertale is a bedtime story
its first soundtrack named "once upon a time"
its last ost named "good night"
*its like toby is telling us a bedtime story*
3 different stories
One gives you a good dream
The other gives you a nightmare
And the other...
Lets just say it didn't happen
An extremely long bedtime story
A very long, potentially murderous bedtime story
Thats actually true..a bed time story
@@mewenai8505 lol tru
*너는 인생이 참 힘들다.
*아무일도 일어나지 않았다.
*너는 발버둥쳤다...
*아무일도 일어나지 않았다
*너는 옥상위에 올라갔다.
*아무일도 일어나지 않았다.
*너는 옥상 끝자락에 섰다.
*세상이 고요했다.
*하지만,너가 가진 작은 힘으로...
*무언가를 추억할 수 있을것 같다.
"Care about yourself kid,because someone really cares about you."
- Sans -
Realy an amazink comment
그립다 너무 그 시절이
2016: no
2017: no
2018: no
Surprisingly. UA-cam only reccomended the best stuff in 2019.
Is anyone will be seeing this in 2024?wish am not alone
I in 2025
@@ZweTayzang hi some ppl from da future :P
going through my old liked videos. It was a fun time watching this again. I wish i could meet more people like you again. bye
Your not alone, were still here^^ 🌸
@@cash5394have fun 🌸
Several years has passed and this game still holds it's special place in my heart
ㄹㅇ 추억임...
And in my Heart too. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
*You hear this after 5 years.
*It fills you determination*
I got this in my recommendation and I don’t regret it !
I’m so glad people still enjoy Undertale content, this fandom is amazing
We are soooo enjoy UNDERTALE.
The fandom is not amazing. People who make this kind of stuff is amazing, but the majority of the fandom is terrible
Sam Goes Bam!!! I’m talking about how dedicated the fandom is you absolute goon
@Sam Goes Bam!!! | Most of the fandom is great actually, but people have a tendency to hone in on the bad stuff.
UA-cam: Alright let's recommend this 8 years later
Why that specific number on like every old video tho
Despite everything...
It's still you.
Happy almost 5 years Undertale!!
2023년, 이젠 스무 살 어른이 되었지만 가슴 속엔 영원히, 공허로 떨어진 작은 의지로 가득 찰 것입니다.
I love how so many different people who speak so many different languages can come together over a game and song and animation. This is what Undertale did.
Skitteryboo [Skitt] sii (yeah)
Ты прав! ;)
You are right mi hermano!
With 2024 coming to an end in a few months I just want to say that we all may have had some hard times. We've won every game, we've lost every game. We've read every book and burned every book. Still finding more secrets about Undertale to this day. Have we found everything this game has to offer? Have we figured out the final piece to this puzzle? Have we figured out how our life will continue with us growing up with this game being a very important part of our life. This game taught me many things, I had so much fun playing it and looking for so many secrets. Thank you Undertale changing my life, and thank you Toby Fox for making this INCREDIBLE game.
See you all in 2025!
I like how papyrus just periodically manifests and demanifests every second or two
ThePotatoArmy Same xDDDD
You are filled with *INSPIRATION*
You are filled with *HAPPINESS*
You are filled with *SADDNESS*
You are filled with *DETERMINATION*
You are filled with *HOPE*
To the 6 people that liked this *STAY DETERMINED*
You are filled with *KINDNESS*
You are filled with *BRAVERY*
You are fill with *PATIENCE*
You are fill with *JUSTICE*
You are fill with *INTEGRITY*
You are filled with *PERSEVERANCE*
You are filled with *DETERMINATION*
You are filled with *HATE*
You are filled with *LOVE*
This was posted 4 years ago yet still people are commenting
*This fills you with determination.*
January 2023 - it’s you!
December 2023 - despite everything. It’s still you!
Here’s to a bigger brighter future for all of us, regardless of gender, species, race, preferences, etc, etc. here’s to a bright 2024! Remember everyone. Stay DETERMINED!
@@ZenithPeak1This is a famous quote.
Would you watch this video?
A. Heck yeah
B. Heck yeah
C. Heck yeah
D. Heck yeah
I chooose D
E. No...
*Looking back at the last year, realising it is over, makes you feel hope, even though you know that it is not over and that the worst yet has to come, but this hope of a better future is what fills you with determination*
진짜 이 수채화로 그린 몽글몽글하고 구름을 떠다니는 것 같은 감성 너무 좋다 기존 언더테일의 감동적인 것때문인진 모르겠지만 몇십년이 지나도 명작일것 같음.. 3년 전에 봤던거지만 아직도 머릿속에 기억되고있을만큼 300년이 지나도 끄떡없을 명작 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Even after 8 years, it's still you.
What’s really cool is if you pay attention to just one character at a time, it kinda helps you separate each instrument as you listen to it and you can both see and hear them play? That’s so freaking rad! I’m not sure why this wasn’t in my recommendations earlier, but I’m glad to finally see this! It’s beautifully done
This is the good side of the fans of undertale
The Emerald nuisance yes
Yes 😊
The good part
The lovely part
I am not crying 🙂
What!? There's a bad side!?
*If you, Frisk, weren't here.. we'd be all still underground.*
*With no hope of returning to the surface.*
*But you arrived, we laughed, had fun, why do a Genocide route now?*
*Without Frisk, there'd be no beat to keep steady of the music.*
*_Without Frisk, we'd be no UNDERTALE._*
We would have no UnderTALE
이 노래를 듣고 있던 아이는 컸습니다.
과거를 기억하지 못할정도로요.
하지만 어느분의 장난이었을까요
과거에 있던 조각은 제 앞에 나타났습니다.
그립군요. 좋아했습니다. 고마웠습니다.
씹덕감성 미치네요 7점 드리겠습니다
*The video was made in 2016.
*The comment section should have died by now.
**but it refused.*
Damn UA-cam really knows how to make us cry 5 years later
I agree with you
I’m really surprised Undyne didn’t smash her piano
same lol
ta true
I think its not the right ensturment for Undyne i was expecting something harsher
@@vinci4720 in the game she plays piano-
THIS SONG FILLS YOU WITH.........................
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I miss Undertale
And so do you
Roses are red
That part is true
Violets are violet
Not fricken blue-
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Boy do I have
Some great news for you
Roses are red
Hey something new
And it's name
Is DeltaRune~
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Mr. Minako,
yes... I do...
It’s been two years now? Wow...
I remember pressing like when this came out half an hour ago. And showing it to my mum.
I miss the old times...
Too much has happened
Time flies
**Papyrus continuously phases in and out of existence**
Lolo Lawl You just got a subcriber!
Just like my life
[당신은 무엇인가를 떠올린듯 하다]
'살아갈 희망과 행복한 추억' 을/를 얻었다.
[당신은 미소 지으며 오랜만에 언더테일을 킨다]
1분만에 끈다
*The relaxing sound of nostalgia fills you with determination*
hella true
*Watching this video after a long time fills you with NOSTALGIA.
*Don't give up wherever you are.
**Stay determined*
*the comment fills you with Determination *
*give this comment a like? *
_You are filled with..._
_and with a bunch of...._
*LOVE* (Not Level Of Violence)
Did you mean love because LOVE means "Level of Violence".
@@yu1pika973 top 10 anime plot twist
And no
You forgot about HOPE
오늘은 2024년 10월 5일 토요일.. *당신은 어김없이 이걸 보려왔다*
”힘들때 어김없이 여길온다.“
같은 날 9시 30에 보러 왔습니다. ㅎㅎ
*여전히 영상은 재생된다
너 뭐야
*Listening to this calm music fills you with DETERMINATION*
You recall all of the meomories you had.
Flowey's secret
Napstablook's smile
Toriel's kindness
Papyrus's patience
Sans's justice
Undyne's bravery
Alphys's awkwardness
Muffet's perseverance
Asgore's guilt
Asriel's hope.
You would do it all over again, despite the trouble. But you kept going on. You had bravery, kindness, patience, perseverance, justice, and integrity from all of the friends you met. You had hope, love, and curiosity. And most importantly, you had determination.
so heartwarming
@@spitzeer Mettaton's legs
M E T T A T O N ' S
@@rosalindaespanola3002 I'd die for dem legs
When the monsters are telling you the story the endings always makes me sad
“Aren’t you happy?”
Aren’t you excited?”
“You’re going to be free”
Strongfish91 Undyne F dude that hit me in the feels,I haven’t heard that in such a long time.That just made me cry.👌🏻
힘든 시기에 도피하듯이 시작했던 게임이지만 게임 속 모든 캐릭터들이 그때의 나에게는 너무나 큰 즐거움과 위로가 되었어서.. 마음의 고향처럼 주기적으로 찾아오게 되는 게임
When the video is 4 years old but there are comments from 1 hour ago....
* Seeing that people still enjoy and explore Undertale fills you with *D E T E R M I N A T I O N* *
UNDERTALE is love,
2/3 years passed..
i will Forever love UNDERTALE!
Now that is true
Me too...😪😪😪😊😊😊
chara,asriel,tu-toriel (xd),Asgore,alphys,undyne,sans, papyrus,frisk and mettaton (NOT EX)
Can we all just appreciate the fact Undye can play a piano with out throwing it out the window...
Littlestar Yeah.... I’m not that good with English..
"당신은 추억으로 가득 찼다"
"당신은 그리움으로 가득 찼다"
"당신은 생각으로 가득찼다"
"당신은 의지(으)로 가득찼다"
"당신은 슬픔으로 가득찼다"