SOMEONE SAYS THERE IS NO PREJUDICE Against Christian’s in the Middle East. In 1991 there were about one million Christian’s i iraq. There are now about two hundred thousands. Doesn’t sound like they are too happy there now. 5 percent of the Middle East are Christian now down from thirteen percent in early twentieth century. There was genecide against Armenians in turkey in the twentieth century. Armenians are Christian. Over a million Armenians were murdered . Of course Hamas, al Qaddafi , Isis , don’t represent all Muslims but these organizations tend to want a;l non Muslims destroyed or converted to Islam. About one hundred thousand Christian’s are killed every year because of their faith. Many of them are killed in the Middle East.
Christians have been in the Middle East for thousands of years, and they are present in abundance in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria. They enjoy full freedom and rights. Churches have existed for thousands of years thanks to Muslims’ interest in them and their restoration. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in peace and security under the Islamic rule of Palestine until the occupation in 1948, when the occupation came through colonial powers. The majority of Jews reject the establishment of the State of Israel because they consider it a violation of the texts of the Torah. They consider the occupation of Palestine to be colonialism. The Palestinian resistance is legitimate based on the legal texts of the United Nations, and every people has the right to resist the occupation. Israel admitted that it killed hundreds of Israelis by mistake through bombing on October 7th. ISIS is an American creation and was created to be a pretext for its intervention in the Middle East.
SOMEONE SAYS THERE IS NO PREJUDICE Against Christian’s in the Middle East. In 1991 there were about one million Christian’s i iraq. There are now about two hundred thousands. Doesn’t sound like they are too happy there now. 5 percent of the Middle East are Christian now down from thirteen percent in early twentieth century. There was genecide against Armenians in turkey in the twentieth century. Armenians are Christian. Over a million Armenians were murdered . Of course Hamas, al Qaddafi , Isis , don’t represent all Muslims but these organizations tend to want a;l non Muslims destroyed or converted to Islam. About one hundred thousand Christian’s are killed every year because of their faith. Many of them are killed in the Middle East.
Christians have been in the Middle East for thousands of years, and they are present in abundance in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria. They enjoy full freedom and rights. Churches have existed for thousands of years thanks to Muslims’ interest in them and their restoration. Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in peace and security under the Islamic rule of Palestine until the occupation in 1948, when the occupation came through colonial powers. The majority of Jews reject the establishment of the State of Israel because they consider it a violation of the texts of the Torah. They consider the occupation of Palestine to be colonialism. The Palestinian resistance is legitimate based on the legal texts of the United Nations, and every people has the right to resist the occupation. Israel admitted that it killed hundreds of Israelis by mistake through bombing on October 7th. ISIS is an American creation and was created to be a pretext for its intervention in the Middle East.