✨Add the Heroes of Altheya to your next TTRPG adventure with these CUSTOM SCULPTED miniatures! Available in 32mm or 250% scale! 🔗only-games.co/collections/high-rollers ❤ A huge thank you to the incredibly talented DM Stash for sculpting the models! Check out their catalogue and get 70% off during April in celebration of their 3 year anniversary! www.myminifactory.com/users/DM-Stash?show=tribe#/
That's twice in one week for me. Got the same get out of the comments alerts for another Actual Play just yesterday. Those feels when your heart drops and you're going oh no not again! Two in one week just isn't fair.
Whenever Kim (or one time Mark when Kim was away) said their name was Gruffudd I quietly mumble "-of Tremorrew" She's made her character so iconic, I love the voice and personality so much
I will say one thing: MAJOR respect for everyone at the table, specially Mark and Rhi, for sticking to the rules. I've seen a lot of people, even in actual play, just come up with the most blatantly metagamy excuses when the dice don't go their way and for me that's just not fun. This just cements High Rollers as my favorite TTRPG show even more.
Fantastic episode once again. Really enjoyed the interaction between Gruffudd and the Knight. And Xantheus being consumed with power. Really cool, looking forward to the next episode to see what will happen. But about these fate dices And honestly my opinion is genuinely irrelevant given my complete lack of experience of DnD, but i'll voice it anyway. I like the idea of the fate dices, especially if used for some of the things Mark said in the past like to create a connection with an NPC and so on, or to do some of the really epic things like when Mark allowed Rowan to shove that huge xenomorph way back, or what Mark did this episode allowing Gruffudd to spend a fate dice to use his reaction to catch Ophelia . I think those are the moments where fate dices are the most interesting and engaging. However when used in general combat, like boosting attack rolls for players, and boosting damage rolls for the enemies, i think they become less satisfying. Boosting an attack roll, it can potentially help turn a near miss into a hit, and that may impact the party's chances of winning the engagement, but, and i'm happy to be proven wrong here, most of the times that the players used it, with the exception of the very first -test run - of this mechanic where Mark allowed the party to use fate dices after rolling, it didn't changed anything, because their initial roll was already enough to hit or they rolled so low anyway that the fate dice didn't gave enough to turn into a hit, very rarely does it happen that the fate dice actually turn what would be a miss into a hit. So they essentially waste a fate dice, and not only that, they gave a fate dice to the DM who will use it to boost his damage against the party. And this happens during the early levels of DnD, where the party has very few options for healing. Anyway, just my own uneducated opinion on this homebrew mechanic. So far, it feels like a mechanic that is overly punishing because the benefits of having a small chance turning a near miss into a hit, don't seem to outweight the amount of damage that the party takes due to how many fate dices they "wasted" on bad - or really good attack rolls that don't benefit from the fate dice.
Took the words out of my mouth. Overall I think the narrative benefits 100% outweigh the mechanical downsides, but I still don't love how in regular combat it's become "spend a dice that might not even help in exchange for guaranteed incoming damage later". Maybe if Mark had to call whether he's going to boost damage before even rolling to hit? End of the day, the party's having fun, and it's an entertaining watch no matter what. I'm sure there's been plenty of internal back-and-forth over the fate dice system, and if it doesn't change that'll be because the players are happy with it.
The thing is, Mark isn't super incentivised to use his fate dice without combat. The cool player driven moments are awesome to watch when the players do it, less so if Mark counters them every time with a 'gotcha' moment. It's not fun to ruin the player's plans every time with the dice. And although it may feel like the +d6 to hit isn't doing a lot, it's a 'free' bardic inspiration whenever they want. Killing enemies faster is always the best combat strategy and adding 10 to 60% chance to hit is too good to pass up on, especially if they're trying to hit enemies with huuge AC that they will do in a few levels. Even if they've been unlucky, eventually the maths will balance out. The concept of 'bounded accuracy' is a good one to look at for why random bonuses to hit are great. In the end, if they didn't want to suffer the consequences, they'd play more conservatively with them. I think it's fun with the flow of fate going back and forth as both sides desperately try to make use out of the resources they have, especially when they end in awesome sessions like this one. Not to say you're wrong in who you feel the mechanics have favoured and your prefered usage of the dice, just that I think that all the uses are great. The tension of a combat starting with Mark having 5 fate dice is great.
Honestly so fair about fate usage outside of combat, I don't think I put enough weight on that in my initial reply - and yeah, the math is going to favour the party more and more as levels increase: we might be having this same conversation for the opposite reasons in 100 episodes' time, even. Also, in retrospect, calling it "guaranteed" damage wasn't reasonable - it's not like he boosts every single hit, just the ones that'll ratchet up the tension, which makes for a better story. I will say that I'm not sure the party necessarily can play more conservatively to prevent fate consequences, as there's the looming threat of certain enemies siphoning fate points regardless, but the outcome is a much more exciting back-and-forth anyway, like you said.
Right, maybe in the future i'll have a different opinion of the fate dices. And obviously if the players are enjoying it, that's all that matters, and this is essentially just a pointless internet argument. I just feel that if I were using it this mechanic while playing, It wouldn't feel all that great using the fate dice when getting either a really high number on my d20 making the fate dice utterly pointless, or getting really low, and still not getting enough to hit, knowing that i very likely just gave either my character or another party member an extra d6 of damage for basically not benefit.
It's only pointless if we choose to take nothing away from it - and on the contrary, I feel we've come to a more solid grasp on what we like and what we'd change about the fate dice system, if we ever decide to implement it in our own games.
I'm calling it now, Gruff's self-assuring mantra is one day going to become his heroic battlecry before smiting foes as a brave knight and it will be glorious
I'll echo what Tom said, with both him and Trott yo-yoing on the verge of death, I would have never suspected Rhi to be the one that went down. Incredibly tense moment....
SPOILER: Oh man! If they were to go to the Duke and tell them that Ophelia has died from being attacked by demons in his city I imagine he would feel absolutely ashamed and would pay for the materials for her resurrection. As a prideful red dragon, an important foreign diplomat being attacked and killed in the streets of his own city by demons would be astoundingly embarrasing and shameful for him, and I'm sure he would worry about the implications from Ossius about one of their own, and an emissary no less, being murdered in his domain.
@@cammmdoit5693 Dude!!! If you see SPOILER in big text dont read below it! To me only the first line is visible giving no spoilers. Not my fault youre reading the comments section on an episode you havent seen yet where there are many comments telling you not to read the comments
Obviously this episode had a sick climax but I also just want to say that RP at the beginning with Gruff and the Knight was just absolute quality classic TTRPG and I love how Kim fucking nails her characters. TBF I could say this about all 6 of them but this one just stood out to me while watching this episode.
Glad someone said it -- total slam dunk on the overall look, her hair looks totally amazing, I couldn't stop looking at her! Shame about the back luck on the crit at the end, but super excited to see where they take it in the story, I think it will lead to a very cool/appropriate narrative. I'd actually love to see her cosplay her character (oh the outfit from the side quest ball!), she'd rock it so hard!
I get that Ophelia is not gone forever and that there were mistakes and bad rolls in the party, but I do feel like the number of creatures, the stupid amounts of on death no save damage, and high health of the enemies does point toward Mark still not being used to running combat with low level characters. Hope it improves in later episodes
1:46:27 I played with a DM that home-brewed that a nat 20 on a saving throw meant that the character takes no damage, even on spells that should cause half damage on a fail. Basically made it so that nat 20s weren't "wasted" on saving throws. It was cool.
I like Pathfinder 2e using degrees of success. Simply everything has crit fail, fail, success, and crit success. Sometimes they are the same (fail and crit fail do the same for example) and crit fail are rolling 10 less than the DC, while crit success are 10 above the DC. Rolling a Nat 20 no matter what increases one stage of success. So even if your wisdom is low and your total roll is only 20 and the DC was like 21 you still get a success, whereas if you had a +1 and rolled a Nat 20 it would automatically become a critical success. Confusing at first, but very rewarding and fair!
BROOOOOOOO I'm watching this at MIDNIGHT, HOW DO I SLEEP NOW?!?!?!?!?!???! Great episode you guys. Was on the edge of my seat every second, can't wait to watch next episode!
I love Mark’s “American” accent default is a deranged prospector from nearly 200 years ago that is balls deep in mercury poisoning madness. We should bring that accent back.
Spoiler warning . . . . . There's a moment after Ophelia dies and I think you can see Rhi's face holding back some emotion. It absolutely broke my heart. 😢
Right I was waiting for something bad to happen in the dungeon dudes as well! Monty was throwing around disintegration rays so it could have easily happened!
@@cammmdoit5693I'm way behind on DD so that would be weird. Also, those are established characters with a lot of political entanglement. Ophelia is a pretty new thing....?
Holy crap. Kudos to Mark and Rhi. I know those situations happen in home TTRPG, but they often get fudged in streaming games. I know there'll be a tasty narrative spin on this! (Hopefully better than carting Quill's corpse around Aerois).
I have caught up! I was like 50 episodes back from the end of Aeoris and finally made it here 😁 I would like to say, you could up the volume for the opening! It is amazing and the volume goes down for it, don't be scared to deafen us!
Sheesh, y'all really lived up to the "High Rollers" moniker this week! So many crits on both sides of that encounter (except Katie, hope your luck is better next time >_
I think maxing dice + rolling damage in Natural 20 within early periods of adventures seems cool for the players but its massive when it deals damage to them. Natural 20 just use double dice damage (I know what if damge rolled was 1).
Not having dealt with minis before, and having a background in architecture, at first my dumbass thought: "250%? A 20ft tall statue of Rowan?!" Still didn't deter me
Oh my gosh, I have to laugh otherwise I'm going to cry but did anyone else notice that this week the numbers 9 and 1 seem to be pretty dang unlucky between this episode's death and a certain event over on episode 91 of Critical Role?
I know it can suck but i feel like you have to honor a pc death. Theres already so many ways to bring a character back and it makes for a good story. Plus, ophelia in particular dying opens the door for so much cool roleplay
This is so tense. I don't want the episode to end but keep checking how long is left because I want them to make it to the end...15 mins to go! Edit: Oh shit...
Just because I'm a maths nerd, I will say, for Tom's d18 it IS a decent enough option if you are good with the risk. 3d6 has a bell curve that makes 10 and 11 have a 12.5% chance each and 3 and 18 both having 0.46% each. Meanwhile a d18 is 5.56% for each face. Which includes 1 and 2, which DOES make your odds of lower numbers stronger. It's basically worse because it provides 2 additional possiblilities that are awful for the benefit of only 18 permutations. Very swingy. Same logic of a greatsword vs greataxe using 2d6 vs 1d12 Would I use it? Oh God no. But it is a fun dice option to have for the gimmick 😂
Soul knife cannot make the bonus action attack without making the action attack, like any other two weapon fighting works. It’s incredibly clear in the wording of the feature
Just caught up. Usually I don’t complain about the events of a game of d&d because its just cool just being able to watch. But i really feel that the fate dice combining with homebrew crit rules is insane. Combining that with the loss of typical healing methods (potions) and like yikes. Ironically, from my view, this is the type of rule set where “super hero” style pcs would more typically excel at vs the type of “everyday-isque” pc. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to revive a character in D&D so I do not necessarily see this being a long term thing. But it definitely fees meh as of now. Still good overall.
When you just finished c3 e91 from critical role and the first thing you read in the comment youtube shows on mobile is "dont read anymore comments, you don't want spoilers for this one" I am so very worried
Well this encounter was little too hard.. Fate dices added to ton of damage rolls aswell bit unbalances things . Expecially for an Aassasin characters. However good roleplay and good episode!
........................welp if i was either of them i would float the idea, its grave father or nothing. from both sides. the saints and scions might not want to or be able to help, or at least the clerics dont. but also she would not accept a call from them.
Bloody hell, what an episode! I have got a query but it is major spoilers so look away! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earlier in the episode when somebody rolled a nat 20 Mark said that the critical roll didn't affect the poison so it wasn't increased but then when he rolled a nat 20 right at the end to kill Rhi, he mentioned it was because of the nat 20 and when asked said it was poison damage. Are these instances the same thing or is it a different kind of damage because I am majorly confuddled!
Yeah Kim's character in light fall is like episode 3 or 4 something very early but I think that was also a bit of fresh players at the time didn't have all the where with all they have now
SPOILERS: . . . . I kind of love that they just got minis for everyone, and Ophelia died immediately after. It's so... classic DnD of the dice to do that.
Not only rolling a 1d18 is not the same as 3d6 as far as the numbers go (from 3 to 18 on 3d6, from 1 to 18 in 1d18) but also the probabilities are all wonky. But Tom is committed to the bit!
Ever since Mark started homebrewing so many rules I have struggled to enjoy watching. Especially the combat with all the extra chip damage thrown in, don't have fun when it feels like not everyone at the table is. May be out after this one.
Theoretical with fate dice and death saves. Say I use fate while on 1 fail and get a 20 and a 1. The 1 causes 2 failures but 20 revives. Am I an undead now?
✨Add the Heroes of Altheya to your next TTRPG adventure with these CUSTOM SCULPTED miniatures! Available in 32mm or 250% scale!
❤ A huge thank you to the incredibly talented DM Stash for sculpting the models! Check out their catalogue and get 70% off during April in celebration of their 3 year anniversary! www.myminifactory.com/users/DM-Stash?show=tribe#/
If we want a file to print them ourselves is there anywhere we can go for that?
Hey I'm about to watch, I can't wait to get my Ophelia mini!
"Gonna be one of those episodes", says Mark to start things off.
What could possibly go wrong? 😋
That's twice in one week for me. Got the same get out of the comments alerts for another Actual Play just yesterday.
Those feels when your heart drops and you're going oh no not again! Two in one week just isn't fair.
@@MorinehtarTheBlue I can imagine all the players at Dimension 20 are really watching their backs now :D
I now say "Hello, my name is Gruffudd" quietly to myself whenever I need to feel centered. Thanks Kim for the unintentional mantra.
Whenever Kim (or one time Mark when Kim was away) said their name was Gruffudd I quietly mumble "-of Tremorrew" She's made her character so iconic, I love the voice and personality so much
Thats wild, since i do the same with Rustages "If you could change your fate" from One Piece DnD
I'm so fascinated by Tom's secret abilities. They seem so interesting and I would love to apply it in my own games
For my two cents, i think that this fella...has a piece of Felite stuck deep in his chest cavity.
I will say one thing: MAJOR respect for everyone at the table, specially Mark and Rhi, for sticking to the rules. I've seen a lot of people, even in actual play, just come up with the most blatantly metagamy excuses when the dice don't go their way and for me that's just not fun. This just cements High Rollers as my favorite TTRPG show even more.
Fantastic episode once again. Really enjoyed the interaction between Gruffudd and the Knight. And Xantheus being consumed with power. Really cool, looking forward to the next episode to see what will happen.
But about these fate dices
And honestly my opinion is genuinely irrelevant given my complete lack of experience of DnD, but i'll voice it anyway.
I like the idea of the fate dices, especially if used for some of the things Mark said in the past like to create a connection with an NPC and so on, or to do some of the really epic things like when Mark allowed Rowan to shove that huge xenomorph way back, or what Mark did this episode allowing Gruffudd to spend a fate dice to use his reaction to catch Ophelia . I think those are the moments where fate dices are the most interesting and engaging.
However when used in general combat, like boosting attack rolls for players, and boosting damage rolls for the enemies, i think they become less satisfying. Boosting an attack roll, it can potentially help turn a near miss into a hit, and that may impact the party's chances of winning the engagement, but, and i'm happy to be proven wrong here, most of the times that the players used it, with the exception of the very first -test run - of this mechanic where Mark allowed the party to use fate dices after rolling, it didn't changed anything, because their initial roll was already enough to hit or they rolled so low anyway that the fate dice didn't gave enough to turn into a hit, very rarely does it happen that the fate dice actually turn what would be a miss into a hit. So they essentially waste a fate dice, and not only that, they gave a fate dice to the DM who will use it to boost his damage against the party. And this happens during the early levels of DnD, where the party has very few options for healing.
Anyway, just my own uneducated opinion on this homebrew mechanic. So far, it feels like a mechanic that is overly punishing because the benefits of having a small chance turning a near miss into a hit, don't seem to outweight the amount of damage that the party takes due to how many fate dices they "wasted" on bad - or really good attack rolls that don't benefit from the fate dice.
Took the words out of my mouth. Overall I think the narrative benefits 100% outweigh the mechanical downsides, but I still don't love how in regular combat it's become "spend a dice that might not even help in exchange for guaranteed incoming damage later". Maybe if Mark had to call whether he's going to boost damage before even rolling to hit?
End of the day, the party's having fun, and it's an entertaining watch no matter what. I'm sure there's been plenty of internal back-and-forth over the fate dice system, and if it doesn't change that'll be because the players are happy with it.
The thing is, Mark isn't super incentivised to use his fate dice without combat. The cool player driven moments are awesome to watch when the players do it, less so if Mark counters them every time with a 'gotcha' moment. It's not fun to ruin the player's plans every time with the dice.
And although it may feel like the +d6 to hit isn't doing a lot, it's a 'free' bardic inspiration whenever they want. Killing enemies faster is always the best combat strategy and adding 10 to 60% chance to hit is too good to pass up on, especially if they're trying to hit enemies with huuge AC that they will do in a few levels. Even if they've been unlucky, eventually the maths will balance out. The concept of 'bounded accuracy' is a good one to look at for why random bonuses to hit are great.
In the end, if they didn't want to suffer the consequences, they'd play more conservatively with them. I think it's fun with the flow of fate going back and forth as both sides desperately try to make use out of the resources they have, especially when they end in awesome sessions like this one.
Not to say you're wrong in who you feel the mechanics have favoured and your prefered usage of the dice, just that I think that all the uses are great. The tension of a combat starting with Mark having 5 fate dice is great.
Honestly so fair about fate usage outside of combat, I don't think I put enough weight on that in my initial reply - and yeah, the math is going to favour the party more and more as levels increase: we might be having this same conversation for the opposite reasons in 100 episodes' time, even. Also, in retrospect, calling it "guaranteed" damage wasn't reasonable - it's not like he boosts every single hit, just the ones that'll ratchet up the tension, which makes for a better story.
I will say that I'm not sure the party necessarily can play more conservatively to prevent fate consequences, as there's the looming threat of certain enemies siphoning fate points regardless, but the outcome is a much more exciting back-and-forth anyway, like you said.
Right, maybe in the future i'll have a different opinion of the fate dices. And obviously if the players are enjoying it, that's all that matters, and this is essentially just a pointless internet argument.
I just feel that if I were using it this mechanic while playing, It wouldn't feel all that great using the fate dice when getting either a really high number on my d20 making the fate dice utterly pointless, or getting really low, and still not getting enough to hit, knowing that i very likely just gave either my character or another party member an extra d6 of damage for basically not benefit.
It's only pointless if we choose to take nothing away from it - and on the contrary, I feel we've come to a more solid grasp on what we like and what we'd change about the fate dice system, if we ever decide to implement it in our own games.
I'm calling it now, Gruff's self-assuring mantra is one day going to become his heroic battlecry before smiting foes as a brave knight and it will be glorious
Mark wasn't my first dm but quickly in campaign one he become one of the best story tellers there is. Even with a chaos cast it's always a blast
I'll echo what Tom said, with both him and Trott yo-yoing on the verge of death, I would have never suspected Rhi to be the one that went down. Incredibly tense moment....
is this the first time in history a dm has been able to eleminate a barbarian?
Did Mercer ever kill Grog? In CR campaign 1?
@@CVRDnBLOOD290 kind of twice but not like this. Kraven edge and the deck of many things managed to take him out.
Oh man! If they were to go to the Duke and tell them that Ophelia has died from being attacked by demons in his city I imagine he would feel absolutely ashamed and would pay for the materials for her resurrection. As a prideful red dragon, an important foreign diplomat being attacked and killed in the streets of his own city by demons would be astoundingly embarrasing and shameful for him, and I'm sure he would worry about the implications from Ossius about one of their own, and an emissary no less, being murdered in his domain.
Should they do this.. Definitely... will they... ehhh
DUDE. Hit enter a few more times to hide the actual spoiler!!!!!
@cammmdoit5693 doubt it's your first time on UA-cam, you should know better than to look at the comments before watching the video.
@@cammmdoit5693 Dude!!! If you see SPOILER in big text dont read below it! To me only the first line is visible giving no spoilers. Not my fault youre reading the comments section on an episode you havent seen yet where there are many comments telling you not to read the comments
@@Alybobson yeahyeah whatever man you did what i said so you knew you you did it wrong. hope you learned something.
Hey, you. Stop reading the comments. You're gonna want to see this one unspoiled.
Thank you...and holy moly
Fr. Wow
That was friggin wild
Commenting to push up
I keep seeing your comment in the little preview bar and every time I go to idly read the comments I see it. I am keeping strong so far thank you.
Obviously this episode had a sick climax but I also just want to say that RP at the beginning with Gruff and the Knight was just absolute quality classic TTRPG and I love how Kim fucking nails her characters. TBF I could say this about all 6 of them but this one just stood out to me while watching this episode.
Just want to say: Rhi looks absolutetly stunning... even more than usual.
I had the same thought when I saw her
Glad someone said it -- total slam dunk on the overall look, her hair looks totally amazing, I couldn't stop looking at her! Shame about the back luck on the crit at the end, but super excited to see where they take it in the story, I think it will lead to a very cool/appropriate narrative.
I'd actually love to see her cosplay her character (oh the outfit from the side quest ball!), she'd rock it so hard!
@@katiew4156 Same, it's usually Kim for me but Rhi looking 🔥
She has me downbad _sooo_ badly...! 🤭😳
She is drop dead gorgeous
Also the thumbnail with the minis was SICK, good stuff. Excited to see where the story goes from here 👀
I get that Ophelia is not gone forever and that there were mistakes and bad rolls in the party, but I do feel like the number of creatures, the stupid amounts of on death no save damage, and high health of the enemies does point toward Mark still not being used to running combat with low level characters. Hope it improves in later episodes
Get this weird bird guy to the TOP
If any episode needs a spoiler barrier this is it
This bird needs to be at the top. Everyone comment and like so it will be
Commenting to push
Man, those big minis are SO PRETTY!
1:46:27 I played with a DM that home-brewed that a nat 20 on a saving throw meant that the character takes no damage, even on spells that should cause half damage on a fail.
Basically made it so that nat 20s weren't "wasted" on saving throws. It was cool.
I like Pathfinder 2e using degrees of success. Simply everything has crit fail, fail, success, and crit success. Sometimes they are the same (fail and crit fail do the same for example) and crit fail are rolling 10 less than the DC, while crit success are 10 above the DC.
Rolling a Nat 20 no matter what increases one stage of success. So even if your wisdom is low and your total roll is only 20 and the DC was like 21 you still get a success, whereas if you had a +1 and rolled a Nat 20 it would automatically become a critical success.
Confusing at first, but very rewarding and fair!
I do something similar on initiative. Nat 20 gets an extra bonus action or 10 ft movement first round
BROOOOOOOO I'm watching this at MIDNIGHT, HOW DO I SLEEP NOW?!?!?!?!?!???!
Great episode you guys. Was on the edge of my seat every second, can't wait to watch next episode!
This hit me like a truck
"If you spend a Fate Dice, you can Cuddle as a free action" might be the most DnD thing I've ever heard
I love Mark’s “American” accent default is a deranged prospector from nearly 200 years ago that is balls deep in mercury poisoning madness.
We should bring that accent back.
Spoiler warning
There's a moment after Ophelia dies and I think you can see Rhi's face holding back some emotion. It absolutely broke my heart. 😢
@burkemd when it looked like Rowan might die I thought Trott's face was starting to quiver 🫶🏼 little did I know what was about to happen..
16:51 this, this here is the best moment of the campaign
that feeling when u hit Notify Me and yt is too busy watching Highrollers to notify you
Holy hell. First CR and now HR. Wow what a week.
Right I was waiting for something bad to happen in the dungeon dudes as well!
Monty was throwing around disintegration rays so it could have easily happened!
@@cammmdoit5693I'm way behind on DD so that would be weird. Also, those are established characters with a lot of political entanglement. Ophelia is a pretty new thing....?
Rough week for D&D
"If the danger's on your doorstep, then it's too late." How poignant!
Holy crap. Kudos to Mark and Rhi. I know those situations happen in home TTRPG, but they often get fudged in streaming games. I know there'll be a tasty narrative spin on this! (Hopefully better than carting Quill's corpse around Aerois).
aur naur, opheliaur
I need more of Katie yelling in Scottish. Wholesome and terrifying at the same time.
This one is a must watch!
The minis look awesome!
I have caught up!
I was like 50 episodes back from the end of Aeoris and finally made it here 😁
I would like to say, you could up the volume for the opening!
It is amazing and the volume goes down for it, don't be scared to deafen us!
Can’t believe I’ve caught up to this point and now have to wait to find out what happens next 😭 the anticipation is killing me
same wtf 😭
What an episode 🔥 tense and high emotions but awesome roleplay. Can't wait for the next episode!
Sheesh, y'all really lived up to the "High Rollers" moniker this week! So many crits on both sides of that encounter (except Katie, hope your luck is better next time >_
The mood dropped hard...
Wow what an episode. Don't mind me I'll be screaming into a pillow
Watched this live for the first time ever... I feel like I brought bad luck 💀
thems the dice fam, just know you're coming in at a really cool part!
Absolutely love the big figs too!
“If the danger is on your doorstep, than it is too late” is such a raw fucking line
I think maxing dice + rolling damage in Natural 20 within early periods of adventures seems cool for the players but its massive when it deals damage to them.
Natural 20 just use double dice damage (I know what if damge rolled was 1).
I think honestly the problem was using poison damage in such high amount which negates barbarian rage
Not having dealt with minis before, and having a background in architecture, at first my dumbass thought:
"250%? A 20ft tall statue of Rowan?!"
Still didn't deter me
Oh my gosh, I have to laugh otherwise I'm going to cry but did anyone else notice that this week the numbers 9 and 1 seem to be pretty dang unlucky between this episode's death and a certain event over on episode 91 of Critical Role?
Amazing episode!
I know it can suck but i feel like you have to honor a pc death. Theres already so many ways to bring a character back and it makes for a good story. Plus, ophelia in particular dying opens the door for so much cool roleplay
Caught up just in time
This is so tense. I don't want the episode to end but keep checking how long is left because I want them to make it to the end...15 mins to go!
Edit: Oh shit...
Mark really didn't pull any punches with this one, ouch.
Thats another reason that crit variant you use is very much more leathal for players!
Just because I'm a maths nerd, I will say, for Tom's d18 it IS a decent enough option if you are good with the risk.
3d6 has a bell curve that makes 10 and 11 have a 12.5% chance each and 3 and 18 both having 0.46% each.
Meanwhile a d18 is 5.56% for each face. Which includes 1 and 2, which DOES make your odds of lower numbers stronger. It's basically worse because it provides 2 additional possiblilities that are awful for the benefit of only 18 permutations. Very swingy.
Same logic of a greatsword vs greataxe using 2d6 vs 1d12
Would I use it? Oh God no. But it is a fun dice option to have for the gimmick 😂
How does the maths work out when you consider that he was meant to be rolling 3d8, not 3d6?
Rhi's new look is giving me Jennifer Coolidge vibes and I'm so here for it.
Rhi always wears such awesome outfits. I don't know how she does it
Would love to be able to buy the STLs of the characters. I just love printing.
Soul knife cannot make the bonus action attack without making the action attack, like any other two weapon fighting works. It’s incredibly clear in the wording of the feature
Is the needing to resist both damage types a Mark rule? I thought you would take each separately so you could resist one.
Usually it is separate with Mark's worlds too. This was a special case/ability.
Just caught up. Usually I don’t complain about the events of a game of d&d because its just cool just being able to watch. But i really feel that the fate dice combining with homebrew crit rules is insane. Combining that with the loss of typical healing methods (potions) and like yikes. Ironically, from my view, this is the type of rule set where “super hero” style pcs would more typically excel at vs the type of “everyday-isque” pc.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to revive a character in D&D so I do not necessarily see this being a long term thing. But it definitely fees meh as of now.
Still good overall.
All I have to say is...
Holy crap!
Hey Mark, as an American when you do start doing horrible American accents we will let you know. Keep up the spot on ones though. Yeehaaaw
To Kim: it is not the title that makes a knight, your actions decide your worth.
It's literally the title that makes you a Knight. You can be the most worthy, heroic person in the world, but without the title you aren't a Knight.
aaaaaaahhhhhhhh i'm sure y'all will turn this into something awesome
My only gripe is that psychic whispers is not meant to be a group chat, the creatures are meant to be about to speak to the rogue but not each other
That was faster than in Aerois
I legit cried a little at the and of the episode..
Altheya mirroring Aerois beautifully. Awesome how far Rhi has come as a player as well
Rowan for the win!
Percival won't understand why Ophelia didn't come home : [
Im at 1:02:15 and I just want it to be known that I trust Genya implicitly
When you just finished c3 e91 from critical role and the first thing you read in the comment youtube shows on mobile is "dont read anymore comments, you don't want spoilers for this one"
I am so very worried
Well fuck, twice in one week feels ike a bit much... DX
To all future High Rollers: SPOLIER WARNING
Well this encounter was little too hard.. Fate dices added to ton of damage rolls aswell bit unbalances things . Expecially for an Aassasin characters. However good roleplay and good episode!
Rhi came in looking distractingly gorgeous this episode, my goodness
And then a one-eyed brown bird with a robotic wing descends from the sky in a thunderstorm "it's a dragon, it's an airship, it's a bird, it's Quil!"
Another book by A. Plumbus. The mysterious case of the book case
FAN ART PLEASE!! you know the scene.
OH I was not expecting that ending!!!! WTF
spoiler warning
man massive damage rules absolutely suck 😭😭
holy shit... the domino's was hilarious.... until the twist... (no spoilers)
- Spoilers-
You were warned.
It is the age of Percy.
Since dhampirs don't need to breathe, can she just not take the poison damage?
None of you can take next week off. Excuse me whilst I refresh youtube until the next episode airs
🔖 2:50:00
Xantheus got some explainin to do.
if i was either of them i would float the idea, its grave father or nothing. from both sides. the saints and scions might not want to or be able to help, or at least the clerics dont. but also she would not accept a call from them.
Bloody hell, what an episode! I have got a query but it is major spoilers so look away!
Earlier in the episode when somebody rolled a nat 20 Mark said that the critical roll didn't affect the poison so it wasn't increased but then when he rolled a nat 20 right at the end to kill Rhi, he mentioned it was because of the nat 20 and when asked said it was poison damage. Are these instances the same thing or is it a different kind of damage because I am majorly confuddled!
I am assuming the first one was a poison applied that was a saving throw rather than attack roll based, with the second instance being all attack roll
Ok. It's Gruffudd. But she says "Gruffuth" and has corrected Mark for saying Gruffudd.
Hic Sunt Dracones!
Just sayin’. DM leveled up Ofelia, would have had to have occurred prior to the thing? Couldn’t that have increased her max HP?
Wow every campaign mark kills someone. I think this is the fastest he has ever done this though
Lightfall is a lot faster :D
Yeah Kim's character in light fall is like episode 3 or 4 something very early but I think that was also a bit of fresh players at the time didn't have all the where with all they have now
I kind of love that they just got minis for everyone, and Ophelia died immediately after. It's so... classic DnD of the dice to do that.
Not only rolling a 1d18 is not the same as 3d6 as far as the numbers go (from 3 to 18 on 3d6, from 1 to 18 in 1d18) but also the probabilities are all wonky. But Tom is committed to the bit!
I love DMs that rip on their players to not metagame, but it do ALL THE TIME!
Anyone knows why the youtube page of the channel is down?
Death before episode 20
Ever since Mark started homebrewing so many rules I have struggled to enjoy watching. Especially the combat with all the extra chip damage thrown in, don't have fun when it feels like not everyone at the table is. May be out after this one.
Crazy stuff on High Rollers and Critical Role in the same week!
Noooooo not her! Not my blood thirsty best gurl
Theoretical with fate dice and death saves. Say I use fate while on 1 fail and get a 20 and a 1. The 1 causes 2 failures but 20 revives.
Am I an undead now?
The fate dice aren't advantage, they are adding 1D6 so there would only be 1 roll of the D20
@@monkeyismadd1825 ah. My mistake
250% scale?!? Wouldn't that be a 15 foot tall Ophelia?