The Tornados - Hymn For Teenagers

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


    @RIGIBBONS 3 місяці тому +7

    Ah, the innocence of those times. I loved all of their music and still play it often. TELSTAR still moves me.....I'm still eleven years old......

  • @davidkelly5343
    @davidkelly5343 2 роки тому +44

    Bloody wonderful. Captures the mood of being a teenager back in the 60s.

  • @jaroslavchladek9513
    @jaroslavchladek9513 Рік тому +11

    I love this music.
    Wonderful melody.

  • @markpayne867
    @markpayne867 2 роки тому +18

    amazing what a time to live in with all that great music

  • @waltergeldof4923
    @waltergeldof4923 2 роки тому +9

    What a Very Wonderful Instrumental Number by The Tornados !!! I love this Beautiful Number. Thank you for Sharing my Friend 👍❤💯

    • @hazelwray4184
      @hazelwray4184 Рік тому

      Sharing your friend?
      Thank you for sharing, my friend.

  • @varsanyiilona3112
    @varsanyiilona3112 Рік тому +4

    Nagyon tetszik a dal szuper nagyon szeretem a dalait hallgatni ❤.

  • @richardlandis793
    @richardlandis793 2 роки тому +14

    The great music of the 50s, 60, and 70s. American Bandstand, Muscle Cars and mini skirts. And many great TV shows. Yeah, I know many great things have emerged since then, but these are unforgettable times.

    • @englishstark6100
      @englishstark6100 Місяць тому

      More like long Skirts and Bobby Socks

    • @richardlandis793
      @richardlandis793 Місяць тому

      @ I guess you don’t know anything about mini skirts.

    • @englishstark6100
      @englishstark6100 Місяць тому

      Mini Skirts took off 1966 Telstar 1962

    • @richardlandis793
      @richardlandis793 Місяць тому

      @ Tell me something I don’t know.

    • @englishstark6100
      @englishstark6100 Місяць тому

      @richardlandis793 💉 Safe and effective stops transmission fully tested

  • @nataliarobinson9514
    @nataliarobinson9514 3 роки тому +14

    They’re so cute! With the little dance

    • @ChristopherPlatt
      @ChristopherPlatt Рік тому +2

      There's not enough room on that tiny stage to do the usual "Shadows Walk".

  • @manchild3479
    @manchild3479 6 років тому +22

    a great tune from a great band.long may they live.............

  • @ric6383
    @ric6383 5 років тому +33

    First time heard this, great music.

    • @70sheaven
      @70sheaven 3 роки тому +1

      Same and i agree its lovely tune

    • @leonconnelly5303
      @leonconnelly5303 2 роки тому +1

      Nothing else sounds like this it’s remarkable. Sort of a pleasant mystical sound

  • @mariofazioli7534
    @mariofazioli7534 Рік тому +7

    One of the greatest bands ever, research Mr. Joe Meeks the brain behind all this era,,,.

  • @randallbanks896
    @randallbanks896 3 роки тому +8

    Thanks for posting this film clip from "Just For Fun' from 1962. Bobby Vee had a part in the movie where he sang the song, *At A Time Like This*. I met Bobby in 1984 at an Oldies Concert at Bull Run Park in Manassas, Virginia. I got his autograph. A great guy!

  • @stateofdreams1
    @stateofdreams1 8 років тому +33

    I have always loved this tune, and so glad to see this video of The Tornados. Thanks for sharing.

  • @mariofazioli7534
    @mariofazioli7534 2 місяці тому

    Yes this was true music that will live forever. I was 14 years old, now 77, and still love it. Mr. Joe Meek was a SUPER STAR of Stars. Check the movie TELSTAR you will understand.

  • @jozsefvarkonyi6770
    @jozsefvarkonyi6770 7 років тому +9

    Ha a Tornádost hallgatom ismét 19 ŕvesnek érzem magam.Koszonom, hogy oreg vagyok de aTornádos mellett az idogépukon visszamegyek 1962-be.Koszonet érte!!!

  • @corinneyaworski5274
    @corinneyaworski5274 5 років тому +28

    Hey they were really good. I love Telstar too.

    • @michaelasquith
      @michaelasquith 4 роки тому +2

      Telstar is played at my favourite football, or soccer team's home games, before the kick off. I wasn't born, in the 1960s, but the old songs are the best, and I am a Queen fan.

    • @sanderslongdrive
      @sanderslongdrive 4 роки тому +5

      'Telstar' was the first record I bought. Happy music days.

  • @jaimehudson7623
    @jaimehudson7623 4 місяці тому

    Amen! Being a teen was fun but also a tough time. Bless all the Teenagers on Earth!

  • @FrancescoAlcozer
    @FrancescoAlcozer 9 років тому +8

    Grandi Tornados: ci hanno regalato tante emozioni con la loro musica.....spaziale!

  • @Stella-ri5ex
    @Stella-ri5ex 5 років тому +14

    I wish the Telstar video was as clear as this video...great group....Joe Meek was a true talent..tragedy struck him...I guess a lot of groups suffered similar fate.

  • @marksolarz3756
    @marksolarz3756 4 роки тому +4

    The Meek shall inherit the earth! Like the marching step they do! Paul Revere and the Raiders did it the best! Never heard of this! But now watch it........once a week! Very Cool! Ventures.....same......just flowed with cool sound!

  • @ErikBerdeaux
    @ErikBerdeaux 17 днів тому

    Beautiful SG...

  • @stephen11633
    @stephen11633 3 роки тому +18

    They was every bit as good as the shadows brilliant band

  • @geraldtempleton2963
    @geraldtempleton2963 2 роки тому +1

    Wonderful music lads

  • @ChristopherPlatt
    @ChristopherPlatt 3 роки тому +3

    Pop Music Before The Beatles? That's a great idea. But I don't do Facebook. If you ever make a website I will be glad to visit and participate.

  • @tiplady44
    @tiplady44 2 роки тому +4

    Good happy days 👍

  • @lizdoyle7158
    @lizdoyle7158 5 років тому +3


  • @retsiembrU
    @retsiembrU 4 роки тому +6

    Golden memories

  • @sergefernandez8171
    @sergefernandez8171 3 роки тому +6

    Quelle époque bénie du dieu de la musique♥️♥️🍾

  • @KenR208
    @KenR208 6 років тому +6

    Don't ever recall having heard this track in Australia!

  • @markpayne867
    @markpayne867 2 роки тому +1

    wow so awesome

  • @ahabbellamy8098
    @ahabbellamy8098 4 роки тому +9

    Matthew Bellamy playing guitar when he's serious lol. Same looks.

  • @TobyRossFun
    @TobyRossFun 4 роки тому +5

    the classical line up!

  • @Stella-ri5ex
    @Stella-ri5ex 5 років тому +20

    Joe Meet composed almost of the songs for the Tornados when he was with them..talented bloke..The Tornados weren't the same without him.

    • @michaelstubbs5191
      @michaelstubbs5191 4 роки тому +3

      Christophe - Have you watched the movie - Telstar. Story of Joe Meek ?

    • @michaelstubbs5191
      @michaelstubbs5191 4 роки тому +2

      Totally agree. I bought most music by Joe. He was a legend. There is a very good documentary on You Tube made by his family after this movie was released.

    • @mikesaunders4775
      @mikesaunders4775 3 роки тому

      @I DON'T CARE I DON'T CARE I must agree. The film was an absolute disgrace, they couldn't have made a worse job of it if they had tried.

    • @zog97xy
      @zog97xy 3 роки тому +1

      He didnt compose he was not a musician

    • @silvo-sings
      @silvo-sings 2 роки тому +8

      He hummed some of the tunes in a kind of tone deaf way did Joe.. the musicians and often Geoff Goddard would translate to music in most cases, although Geoff Goddard wrote some great mudic👍 Joe Meek was a “sound” genius and a pioneer in recording!👍😎

  • @billscott4080
    @billscott4080 6 місяців тому +2


      @RIGIBBONS 3 місяці тому

      Me too, without a doubt. I still play all their music.....

  • @TobyRossFun
    @TobyRossFun 4 роки тому +7

    Go Heinz go!

  • @yonkieponkie
    @yonkieponkie 2 роки тому +4

    the video is telstar with the music added afterwards

    • @thekitowl
      @thekitowl 2 місяці тому

      Definitely a Telstar type beat from Clem .

  • @capaodaonca18
    @capaodaonca18 22 дні тому +1


  • @nicomedy2010
    @nicomedy2010 2 роки тому +2

    happy belated birthday (11/11) in heaven Roger Lavern [Jackson] ;-)

  • @markpayne867
    @markpayne867 9 місяців тому

    incredable group

  • @robertshoals7883
    @robertshoals7883 3 роки тому +4

    Do you think this is the beginning of like mind control

  • @wuchi51
    @wuchi51 4 роки тому +6

    they arent playing what we are hearing tho

  • @stewartsnape1231
    @stewartsnape1231 3 роки тому +6

    Great soothing instrumentals by the tornadoes, you dont get this quality music today, telstar is their greatest hit, teenagers hymn is good too although the video doesnt match the music as the drum roll by clem doesnt show in video

    • @zog97xy
      @zog97xy 3 роки тому

      It doesnt match because this is film not video of telstar and they are miming.

    • @jorgepurizaca4315
      @jorgepurizaca4315 2 роки тому

      I think the video is from All the Stars In The Sky

  • @edwardwilson7858
    @edwardwilson7858 2 роки тому

    Sounds like Telstar crossed with Unchained Melody!

  • @patrickdoyle6773
    @patrickdoyle6773 4 роки тому +1

    ☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️Great number
    📻📻📻📻📻📻📻📻yeah SUPER FAB

  • @markusEuro
    @markusEuro 5 років тому +3

    Heinz is from the same German area where Arminius the Cherusker was from 2000 years ago.
    Arminius was together with his brother Flavius a hostage in Rom. Kidnapped, he became a Roman knight and got a Roman education.
    His wife's name was Thusnelda. They had a son together. Later he was killed by his own people.
    Arminus betrayed his boss, General Varus and more than 17.000 Roman soldier were killed in a famous battle.
    The historical importance lays in that Therefore he prevented Germany to be romanized as a whole. For better or worse.
    The same with little young Heinz. Born 1942, and after his father died in war, his mother married a British citizen and they soon went to England.
    Music producer Joe Meek made him change his hair to Platium blond.
    He must have been unhappy in love with him.
    Heinz introduce his girlfriend to him, left a gun in his flat, and together with other circumstances led this to Meek's suicide. He also killed his landlord. He had unnecessarily been troubled about money and police investigations about a gay sex crime at that moment.
    For me, this is a sad story..past enemies not be able to become lovers.

    • @brittonbanks646
      @brittonbanks646 2 роки тому

      Thanks for this information

    • @davidjacobs8558
      @davidjacobs8558 Рік тому

      Heinz clearly stated that he was straight, and had no homosexual tendencies.
      Meek was infatuated with Heinz for some reason, which Heinz rejected.

  • @Stella-ri5ex
    @Stella-ri5ex 5 років тому +3

    In the movie "Telstar"...there was a scene in which Joe Meet and Burt Heinz kissed each other..was that true? They were both gay and were lovers?

    • @Restivo56
      @Restivo56 5 років тому +6

      Although Joe Meek was homosexual, Heinz wasn't. He just did what he had to do to get what he wanted.

    • @draxlerchronicles5851
      @draxlerchronicles5851 3 роки тому +4

      Heinz always denied there was a sexual relationship between them. The truth will never be known.

    • @brittonbanks646
      @brittonbanks646 2 роки тому

      Heinz Burt was not a homosexual but Joe Meek was and Joe was in love with him and told him so. Heinz told Joe that "he wasn't in to that sort of thing" and Joe left it at that and when the original Tornados broke up, Heinz was out on his own and he did not have much success. Sadly, Heinz died in 2000 of ALS and he is mostly forgotten.

    • @thekitowl
      @thekitowl 2 місяці тому

      @@draxlerchronicles5851both Roger & Clem claim Joe & Heinz were caught in the act more than once , although Roger said Heinz would often join him on escapades with the ladies. The interview is on the tube .

  • @joefarnell5672
    @joefarnell5672 2 роки тому

    Hey son, don't take anything too literally.
    The Lead singer/guitarist for Muse: "Ok, Pops!"

  • @stephanmunz2692
    @stephanmunz2692 2 роки тому

    Muse should do a cover of this gem

  • @19flipped1
    @19flipped1 8 років тому +5

    Dig the plastic music stand on the continental organ. So much cool stuff never reaches American soil sometimes. Only off color terrorist threats these days...

    • @MarkinDC
      @MarkinDC 6 років тому +1

      I had a Continental (English) organ in the 80's, and still have my Super-Continental (Italian) organ now. Yes, I know, I should have kept the English one, but I didn't know that then, please don't remind me..... Neither of those came with this nifty music stand. Never seen this before, probably not around in the US. Cool video with nice clear footage, great jackets as well.....

  • @stevemanleycbg.5232
    @stevemanleycbg.5232 7 років тому +6

    Why is there no footage of telstar being played live by original tornadoes.

    • @wahoospa1
      @wahoospa1 7 років тому +1

    • @jrgboy
      @jrgboy 7 років тому +6

      Cos it was electronically dubbed by Joe Meek using 2 different tape recorders to get the desired sound, it was impossible to reproduce it live in those days..

  • @barryrudge1576
    @barryrudge1576 3 роки тому +6

    Joe Meek really used Heinz as eye candy for the girls on a number of Tornado hits it wasn't him playing a guitar. Likewise because he had a weak voice some of his songs were overdubbed by other session singers.

    • @debswatching
      @debswatching Рік тому +1

      And sadly, Joe committed suicide with the gun he confiscated from Heinz. Sad.

  • @nickyreynolds3326
    @nickyreynolds3326 6 років тому +3

    How does the bassist look so cool doing this little two step, but the guitarists look like a couple of clydes?

    • @manchild3479
      @manchild3479 6 років тому +3

      because the bass player is none other than the late great Hans Burt...........................

    • @carronadesandsmoke5560
      @carronadesandsmoke5560 5 років тому +3

      manchild3479 Heinz Burt

    • @wuchi51
      @wuchi51 4 роки тому +1

      no one is playing the notes we are hearing, the drummer was only hitting the high hat and the organist fingers were moving all over when there was a sustain

    • @draxlerchronicles5851
      @draxlerchronicles5851 3 роки тому +3

      Because Heinz was a poser and looking good was about all he was good at. At least the other two could actually play.

    @MARLEYCATLOST 3 роки тому +2

    Is it me or the footage belongs to another song?

    • @brittonbanks646
      @brittonbanks646 3 роки тому +1

      It is from another song, All the stars in the Sky!

      @MARLEYCATLOST 3 роки тому

      @@brittonbanks646 Thank you for letting me know

    • @thekitowl
      @thekitowl 2 місяці тому

      @@brittonbanks646knew it wasn’t that song they were playing to as Clem is doing his Telstar hi hat beat.

  • @claudiodean6363
    @claudiodean6363 6 років тому +3

    in bass

    • @michaelchandler7638
      @michaelchandler7638 6 років тому +1

      Heinz had left when this was recorded. The bass player is his replacement Brian Gregg

  • @youarewhatyouare
    @youarewhatyouare 2 роки тому

    The shadows on the gear

  • @FrankNewton-vh4fi
    @FrankNewton-vh4fi 3 місяці тому

    Did the keyboard player write the songs?

  • @jrgboy
    @jrgboy 7 років тому +6

    They are playing 'All The Stars In The Sky ' NOT Hymn For Teenagers, Also it's difficult to know who is actually playing on many of Joe's records as he often overdubbed using several different musicians..

    • @stephenedwards7692
      @stephenedwards7692 6 років тому +1

      No they are not

    • @KenR208
      @KenR208 6 років тому +1

      Wrong, this is a very different tune -while many tracks from this era sound similar this is not 'All the Stars in the Sky' - best take another listen.

    • @KenR208
      @KenR208 6 років тому +3

      ...OK, jrgboy, I think I now understand what you're saying - you're talking about the 'IMAGES', not the 'MELODY'! (it was not very clearly put into words) So, I suppose I can agree that the image for this clip, is lifted from the clip for the "Stars" track and used for this upload of "Hymn" (obviously no images for "Hymn" available) Cleaver, but yes, wrong.

  • @sklaboratory1000
    @sklaboratory1000 4 місяці тому


  • @19flipped1
    @19flipped1 8 років тому +3

    The drummer is miming some off syncopated adventure.

    • @RockinRedRover
      @RockinRedRover 7 років тому +3

      Pretty sure Clem was dreaming he was somewhere (anywhere!) else....

    • @wahoospa1
      @wahoospa1 7 років тому +5

      That drummer has been on more #1 sings than anyone, over 40 of them.

    • @ChristopherPlatt
      @ChristopherPlatt 2 роки тому

      Clem Cattini is still in demand today as a session drummer.

  • @fanciot
    @fanciot 4 місяці тому

    Is that keyboard called a 'clavioline'?

    • @RGM304
      @RGM304  4 місяці тому

      @fanciot No ,not in the video but most of the Tornados records were recorded using one

    • @fanciot
      @fanciot 4 місяці тому +2

      @@RGM304 In this video is that keyboard a Jennings Univox?

  • @skratman
    @skratman Рік тому +2

    No idea what they are playing on the video but it isnt this tune. Clem does it all on the hi-hat, despite there being several fills on the Toms 😂 and Roger's keyboard fingering doesnt match with the tune either.

    • @SolarisUrbinoFan
      @SolarisUrbinoFan 9 місяців тому +1

      In the film this is from, I think they play "all the stars in the sky". But also not live, probably.

  • @edzardblazey2997
    @edzardblazey2997 2 роки тому +1

    i like Heinz

    • @StephenUren-qb6ff
      @StephenUren-qb6ff 4 місяці тому

      You do realise he couldn't play a guitar! He was only in the group as 'eye-candy'!

  • @istvantakacs5444
    @istvantakacs5444 6 років тому +1

    Az a baj, hogy nem az megy a videón, amit játszanak.

  • @Stella-ri5ex
    @Stella-ri5ex 5 років тому

    If you watch "Telstar" done by seems to me it's not the same organist...

    • @pickledpizzaproductions2466
      @pickledpizzaproductions2466 4 роки тому +1

      Christophe roger laVern is in both of the videos. I actually think the bassist is different in this one

  • @laszlonyitrai9557
    @laszlonyitrai9557 7 років тому

    Lyssna till detta,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Här kan man vekligen sacka om "Analog Synth",,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    @SMOKINSHOOZ60 3 роки тому

    Where's the second drummer hiding

    @IBIZABIKE 4 роки тому +9

    Guitarist on the left is on drugs ,bouncing too much

  • @RC-Flight
    @RC-Flight 3 місяці тому +2

    Lol the the drummer is only
    playing the symbols and then you hear a load drum fill LOL too funny not the right video clip for the song that is playing LOL!!!

  • @CraigCo
    @CraigCo Рік тому

    I wonder what song they're really pretending to play.

  • @pabloflores2962
    @pabloflores2962 4 роки тому


  • @marygrace9117
    @marygrace9117 2 роки тому +8

    looks like they’re pretending to play, especially the drummer, he’s playing a completely different tune. Hysterical 😂

    • @patrickfeatherstone8464
      @patrickfeatherstone8464 Рік тому +2

      this clip is from the film Just for Fun where their playing All the stars in the sky.

    • @TrevorSmith-21
      @TrevorSmith-21 10 місяців тому +1

      Because it's not the video for this song.

  • @davidjacobs8558
    @davidjacobs8558 Рік тому

    the Guitarist on the left is over doing the moves.
    it becomes uncool.

  • @RichardPrescott-n1u
    @RichardPrescott-n1u 26 днів тому

    The innocent times back in 1962 music reflection to a time of optipisim remember leaving school when Harold Wilson was primeminister under a real Labour government back then yes real Labour not new Labour Harold Wilson wasn't a warmonger and he also was in touch with the average family yes tornado s were always great I'm a child again 12 years old and telstar is number one all over again the 60s were a colourful psychedelic age a few years down the line a huge change to the dull 50s and outdated old fashioned music yes I and many people believed that peace was going somewhere in that 60s decade somehow folk were just being nicer to one another but once hippiedom was comiciaised and fed back to the people all futuristic optimistic views for a better world for all disappeared very rapidly and all could see warmongers and warpigs back undoing any trace of peaceful times and a generation of hippie ideology was swept away and the rebelrisers returned uneasy times were yet again back at the fore yes tornado s always and ever my first feelings of optimistic vibes dwelling in me and the crest of the sixties preveiled ahead

  • @richardg9638
    @richardg9638 7 років тому +2

    instead of just notes, this band should have used lyrics and gotten a voice as well..
    their melodies are quite good and they would have been more popular

    • @thekitowl
      @thekitowl 2 місяці тому

      Wouldn’t be an instrumental then would it.

  • @ericlees7518
    @ericlees7518 3 роки тому +1

    no amps no guitars plugged in mmmmmm

  • @Stella-ri5ex
    @Stella-ri5ex 5 років тому +1

    Joe Meek didn't look too happy in this video..too bad he took his own life.

    • @draxlerchronicles5851
      @draxlerchronicles5851 3 роки тому +8

      Would help if Joe Meek was actually in the video.
      He was a record producer, not a member of the Tornados.

  • @stupullenchannel3525
    @stupullenchannel3525 Рік тому +3

    The track does not match the players

    • @acronsjaguar
      @acronsjaguar 5 місяців тому


    • @taffyjones281
      @taffyjones281 3 місяці тому

      Nope, it looks like the film for "Telstar" !!

    • @thekitowl
      @thekitowl 2 місяці тому

      @@taffyjones281all the stars in the sky looks most likely with the drum stabs at the beginning.

  • @576557
    @576557 3 роки тому

    Great. Telstar i like better

  • @MrDaves1947
    @MrDaves1947 4 роки тому +1

    drummer playing something else not this

    • @LesD9
      @LesD9 4 роки тому +1

      None of them seem to be playing this!

    • @SolarisUrbinoFan
      @SolarisUrbinoFan 9 місяців тому

      @@LesD9 Because they don't actually play. This is from a movie, where they play a different song.

    • @thekitowl
      @thekitowl 2 місяці тому

      @@SolarisUrbinoFanthink it’s all the stars in the sky their originally miming to.

    • @SolarisUrbinoFan
      @SolarisUrbinoFan 2 місяці тому +1

      @@thekitowl Yes, from the film "Just for fun" if I remember correctly.