Two-Rock Crystal 22 Demo - Clean sound (no pedals)

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • On se rend compte que quelque chose nous plait quand on ne peut plus s'arrêter de l'utiliser... Voici donc ma première après-midi avec mon nouvel ampli, le Two-Rock Crystal ! Ça faisait longtemps que j'en rêvais et c'est fait, j'ai un Two-Rock ! N'ayant pas encore vu de vraie démo de cet ampli sur UA-cam, j'ai joué directement dans l'ampli sans pédales d'effet et avec tous les réglages à midi. Pas de fioriture donc, juste le son de l'ampli avec différentes guitares (micros simples et doubles) en alternant jeu aux doigts et au médiator. Ma première impression : il est vraiment au dessus du lot cet ampli ! C'est du son pur de chez pur ! Pas un bruit, volume très progressif, réglages bien étagés, une réverbération qui tue, enfin le top quoi ! Vivement que je finisse de monter mon énorme pédalier pour le tester avec quelques bonnes pédales boutique ! ;-)
    We realize that we really dig something when we cannot stop using it... So, this is my first afternoon with my new amp, the Two-Rock Crystal! I've been dreaming about it for a long time and it's official, I own a Two-Rock! I did not see many demos of this amp on UA-cam yet so I played directly into the amp without pedals and with all knobs at noon. No tricks then, just the sound of the amp with various guitars (single coils and humbuckers) playing with fingers and plectrum. My first feeling: this amp is really above the lot! It is pure tone final dot! No hum, very progressive volume, large range settings, a killer reverb, top of the top! I can't wait to finish setting up my huge pedal board to test it with some fine boutique pedals! ;-)


  • @seekup919
    @seekup919 10 років тому +2

    Okay so I finally figured out the EQ and gain structure and now this thing has turned into pure magic. I think also because I've been playing it a lot more that it finally got broken in. Absolutely the best amp I've ever played and I couldn't be happier

    • @gnguyenb
      @gnguyenb  10 років тому

      Happy to read this! For me as well, this amp is pure tone magic with our without pedal! I'll try to make a demo with the new pedal board asap. Keep rocking my friend!

  • @seekup919
    @seekup919 10 років тому +2

    My 100 watt Two Rock Crystal just came yesterday. Let me tell you, this thing is amazing. The cleans are absolutely unbelievable. If you want the Mayer tone this thing nails it. I got the 2x12 cab but instead of the Celestion Alnico Golds I had them put in the Celestion G12-65's. Best amp I've ever played hands down especially for clean tones. I also bought a JHS Double Barrel and that nails the Mayer boost and overdrive tones. Your demo was one of the things that helped me decide to get it so thank you for putting it up especially since they're aren't a lot of demos if it on here

    • @gnguyenb
      @gnguyenb  10 років тому

      I'm very happy that my humble demo helped you make this very wise move! ;-) I totally agree with you, this thing is amazing! The clean sounds are indeed unbelievable and for me too, it's the best amp I've ever played. I personally use a Klon KTR for boost and a Free The Tone Matt Schofield SOV Special for overdrive. But this beast takes any pedal with a smile! Have fun my Two-Rock brother! :-)

  • @seekup919
    @seekup919 10 років тому +1

    The Crystal is actually my first experience with Two Rock. I had always wanted one then when I could finally afford one this baby had just shown up at namm it was like fate haha Do you like the Golds? I keep wondering if maybe I should have went with the Golds instead of the G12-65s. I'm after that Mayer tone like in Gravity or Slow Dancing. I was surprised to see how deep this amp is compared to most of the other amps I had ever tried but it's a good kind of deep. I'm just having a little trouble finding the perfect balance between bright and deep. Mayer has that perfect balance. I'm wondering if maybe a compressor pedal is the missing ingredient here. What do you think? I have the Mayer sig strat(sunburst version pre black1) so I feel like I'm almost there haha it's just missing a little something

    • @gnguyenb
      @gnguyenb  10 років тому

      Same thing for me, first Two-Rock just after the Namm show! A lifetime dream comes true! ;-) To be honest with you, I love the Golds! I really like Celestion speakers anyway (all my amps are loaded now) but the Golds are very high end ones and if they choose them, it’s not a coincidence… I think you should give them a try if you have the opportunity, just to compare. It's very personal anyway but if you keep wondering, you should clear this doubt someday! I'm a big fan of the Mayer tone as well but don't forget that the guy has a fucking Dumble with his Two-Rocks on stage. This makes a big difference I'm sure! Personally, I'm playing a hand wired Blackface Deluxe Reverb to underline the Crystal at the moment. For your balance search, you may be right about the compressor. I'm using a Diamond one which is very transparent and subtle but makes all the difference in the world. Then, a very dynamic overdrive, a good clean boost and a nice delay and that’s it! I try to reduce the number of pedals at the moment. Less is more and especially with this kind of amps which sounds perfect by themselves. I’ve got a black1 (as you have seen on the video), another last minute opportunity when a collector sold 2 of them one day when I was in Paris. I could not pass it and I don’t regret it at all! ;-) The quest of the tone will always keep us searching for the new gear but I just want to play this new amp and dig the sound! Gear is fun but the tone is in your hands! Keep playing my friend and enjoy this beast of yours!

  • @Alexmag24
    @Alexmag24 10 років тому

    Thanks for the response, best of luck with the amp and let us know if it's the holy grail of TR tones for you and how it sounds with pedals. I tried a SP35 a long time ago and thought the clean was too sterile and hifi but loved what it did with one of my pedals

  • @Alexmag24
    @Alexmag24 10 років тому

    Thank you for this!
    Did u have a chance to compare it to a 6L6 50 watt ?
    I'm just wondering what the sonic differences are if any.

    • @gnguyenb
      @gnguyenb  10 років тому

      You're welcome, it was a real pleasure! ;-)
      No, I did not try the 6L6 50 W which btw comes only in head format.
      I suppose with the 6L6s, the amp should have much more headroom. But for a home use, this is more than enough.
      I'm just discovering the amp for the moment and I really enjoy it! :-)
      Thanks for the comment!