The ending of this video is abrupt as I forgot to film the call to action! If you're interested in being typed or coached by me, or would like to learn more about type theory, head to :)
I enjoy watching your videos and I enjoyed this one as well, however there is a question I have about one of your points. You mention that the difference between dominant and inferior functions is not the strength of the function. My only contention with that is the strength of a function is often tied to its usage. The more you practice driving, typically the better you get in relation to what you did in the past. So for example, a Te-Ne ESTJ is a type known for constantly putting out fires and fixing minor errors in the workings of a system or project. They will still form an appreciation for Fi of course, they will still occasionally exercise that function from time to time because they do have strong values. My contention here is, if an ESTJ spends 80% of his time fixing project mistakes (Te) and 20% fixing moral ones (Fi), and due to the disposition of his functions he absolutely has to (because fixing project errors is an itch he must always scratch), not only is he more likely to make Te based decisions more often in the future, that Te function necessarily becomes stronger over time in relation to the much less practiced Fi. I would be happy to exchange thoughts on this matter! If you think I am wrong, just let me know where you think my thinking has gone wrong
@@ethanlynch8275 Soooo what you're referring to her is actually CPT attitudes! Essentially when an ESTJ is TeNeing they're simultaneously using FiSi divergently, as TeNe+ is on an axis with FiSi-. The 20% of the time you're referring to here would actually be a neat way of describing how much time they'll be shifting attitudes to be using FiSi convergently instead of divergently. This is what CPT means by functions being non hierarchical - it's not that ESTJs are using FiSi in the same way as INFPs, but rather that Fi in their position is just different (observed rather than interacted with). Definitely check out the videos on convergence Vs divergence for more information!
For the people in the comments who are becoming disillusioned by Jungian typology as a whole, what worked for me was actually reframing the way I understand what this is and what’s it’s trying to do. CPT and other variations of Jungian typology aim to discover ones COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS, not ones personality. Cognitive functions determine how you perceive the world, data, scenarios, as well as how you decide on said data. Personality is still unique to you, and always will be, because your personality is made up of way too many variables to predict. So while every TE dominant type (for example) will decide on the world the same way functionally because your minds work the same, the outcome itself is based on many more things. These “personality” indicators are simply a way to understand how your mind works more, but if you want someone on the internet to tell you who you are based on a code, you’d likely have more success spending that time with yourself and the people close to you analyzing your past, your goals, your environment, and everything that led you to this point today. -That one INTP guy who is trying to clear his mental tabs, and this one has been sitting there for a while
Best response I’ve seen in these comments, so far. If people are “disillusioned,” then why not simply stop wasting one’s own time on something that isn’t really helping move them in a more positive direction? I don’t get it. Basically my advice is “if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by typology things, and questioning every aspect of your identity by trying to ‘perfectly fit a type,’ then stop.” They have gotten as much use as they presently can out of typology, and should move onto thinking about who they want to be and what their long-term goals actually are. At the end of the day “identity” is just a construct we invent to prevent our own madness. It’s not even real, so just say “screw it,” and understand that we are dynamic entities who will change, devolve, and evolve overtime. Trust life experience to do its thing. I used to struggle more with “identity” (possibly an introverted feeling blindspot,) until I said “screw it,” and ironically the minute I stopped pretending like I “knew what I liked,” “understood my values,” or had a better sense of who I was, more objectively, many of the other “typology pieces” started to fall into place. Cuz I wasn’t trying to “define my personality in a super specific way,” or “adequately represent it,” anymore since I understood its futility. Then I started looking at it from the perspective of “how do i actually think? What is the process that is happening here? What are the most persistent patterns of thought?” (And etc,) then it all started to make a hell of a lot more sense “why” MBTi couldn’t adequately define my personality. You don’t really need to know your MBTI type (or any typology for that matter) to know yourself. Just sit with yourself, find your own process, and *listen!* How we think from a cognitive standpoint isn’t even “who we are” considering how little of our psyche is covered by our fully conscious awareness. Even neuroscientists don’t fully understand the phenomenon of human consciousness, or exactly “how it works,” allegedly, and even psychologists are still trying to understands the phenomenon we call “personality.”
ENFJ here (your polar opposite yet surprisingly similar lol), very well elucidated comment. I'll give an example here that kind of builds on Harry's GoT video: myself and my twin are both ENFJs (I'm typed by Harry as a divergent ENFJ where I lean into the TiNi divergent pairing). I can see why people get disallusioned whereby they conflate personality with cognition as on the face of it owing to personality traits & being different subtypes you'd think myself & my twin were antithetical CPT types. I throw in the Dany vs Cersei comparison here as a point of reference: I'm by far more cunning & calculated & probably have an elevated level of Machiavellian like traits comparative to my twin (not narcissistic as it's a completely different construct). Not in a woe is me way but comparatively I've experienced more trauma & have ADHD & bipolar that also add into the mix to make us very different characters & our world views are actually quite different. Hence I don't like systems like MBTI that seemingly misequate personality with cognition. People also need to appreciate the nuance of systems such as CPT which convey that intratype variation (eg subtype) can make two people of the same cognitive type look very different.
It’s taken me a while to work up to understanding your channel, but now I find it opens a whole new field of depth. All the types seem so much more expansive and nuanced than I thought, which has renewed my interest. I especially appreciate how you describe them in new ways that destroy stereotypes and challenge biases in ways that nonetheless ring true. People are all beautifully complex, aren’t they? (Btw, I’m an obvious INFP; I’ve never had to doubt it. All those traits hit me like a truck. It’s like you’ve peered into my soul.)
The flow of an inxp is really relatable. More specifically, the stress of being yanked away. I spend a lot of time on the computer in the kitchen area doing my own things some days and while I have timers to remind me to eat and take breaks, they are just that: reminders. I never let anything, even me from yesterday, dictate what I'll be doing in that moment. And I get big bursts of stress when my mum or dad waltz in and ask something of me on the spot. I've come to be ok with it happening a couple of times, but my parents are constant doers and actively push people around to get things done which makes some days a nightmare. They will spend all day doing things and consistently pulling me out of my bubble to make me do things when I wish they could just tell me what they wanted me to do before I got into what I had, or that they could just leave me a list of things and let me do them in my own time after I'm done being in my zone. I love them so much but I literally hate it when they do that and I don't know what to about it.
I'm not sure if I agree with your Ti dom description. In my experience and observations, Ti is much more about a sort of 'worldbuilding' rather than any sort of expertise. Yes, skill sets, knowledge bases, and general competence are part of this but only account for so much in regards to internal conceptions of objective information. Ti values a sort of awareness that it can be sure of in regards to the how and why of the world, which can lead to your common bookworms and intellectuals, but more commonly creates someone who values having a working model of the world's functionality. I find that Ti's attachment to intellectualism often detracts from what it is actually doing, which is much more interesting in my opinion.
I like that you're incorporating more of an almost psycho-analytic approach with type. That type is not something we are necessarily, but a collection of triggers, identifications, etc. That's been my struggle with type for a long time, and I really think the developmental side of type needs to be pushed more than the categorizational side. After all, humans aren't types but processess. That being said..I think my default type is ENFJ. I've struggled for a long time between the whole TiNi/NiTi thing and in the end the ENFJ cognition seems to be way more accurate. I am overwhelmed by finding and implementing my purpose-the reason I'm here on this planet at this time. I have a strong ability to put aside my ego for the sake of this "greater good." A heavy dose of willpower to aid me as well. I can see how I've been a heavily divergent subtype where thinking wasn't so much an active construction of logic, but a stockpiling of information. I read non-fiction books voraciously to keep up with solid information, all so I can help myself and other people. My Ni is much more the bulldozer than the muse, and uncertainty has been what's held me back the most. When I was younger (and still now but to a much lesser extent since my Se is way more developed) I would anxiously look for and rely on synchronicities to inform me on the 'correct' path I should take. I gravitated towards tarot and other esoteric methods (like astrology) to do so. I can really see that being a TiNi- thing. Now that Se is much stronger (as I've been overly focused on embodiment and healing dissociation) I'm finding Fe was never really the problem. It's really easy to use convergently, and I have a natural propensity for it. That all being said, I think the issue is that people are looking for (possibly on a subconscious level even) something much deeper than CPT can give. It's a cognitive type. It's all in the brain. Most people trying to understand themselves through type are on that "search for wholeness," that holy grail that will heal them of their psychic maladies. Ironically perhaps but the key to that lies in grounding into the body and getting out of the head, the cerebral theories only serve to take one further away from this point of integration and perpetuate a supression of deep, true feeling and embodiment. Although, cpt is still very useful in that regard. Type is by nature non-personal, like archetypes. It gives us something to identify with so we can examine our "false self" from a heightend vantage point. But then we need another level to do that with so we don't get stuck in an endless self-typing spiral. This is where I believe levels of consciousness could come into play and greatly aid that process. Type development is a personal, or horizontal development. We also need a transpersonal or vertical axis to really grow as individuals and transcend type and our limitations. The soul isn't found in the brain..but like in many Buddhist techniques, we can use the functions of the mind to transcend the mind. And I think that's the direction someone should take type to really get the most of it. Great video man!
Hi there I was typed by Harry as a divergent ENFJ. I just wanted you to know that despite you having worked hard on your self development even outside the sphere of typology you've still retained your TiNi+ (you've made some remarkable insights here) despite probably now being a more default variant. As for me I'm still tentatively trying to climb my way out of the TiNi+ labyrinth as I'm still continually stock piling information with no incentive to utilise it for the greater good. Wish me luck! 😊Your right typology can only go so far. As a mental health professional I'm constantly delving into psychological theorems & synthesising them etc but rarely do I take that knowledge & do anything Se practical with it. Yup the fear of uncertainty is still there!
Harry, It’s exciting how you immaculately emulated a facet of each child function. Most people get it wrong. One day we may conclude that the child function is more pertaining to one’s self, ego and expression than anyone imagined. Eventually the child function may be seen as responsible for style of speech/cadence, attitude, and influential in determining one’s desires. For example The ESFJ is a bubbly, carefree person, who loves to laugh and looks at life, with an almost child like wonder. The ESFJ lives for creative banter, portraying a witty sense of humour and a flair for the naughty. They have an Ne style of speech that comes across as random and lacking a timeline, almost scatter brained, when they are excited. This allows them to go from one story to another, conveying all the important details of their day, never missing a beat. The INTP is a calm, chill person that lives to relax. Depending on the comfort level obtained, the INTP will dislike being coerced to act. They are almost anti act. The main reason they don’t like authority, is not because they are rebellious, it’s because they don’t like being told when to act. The world is a place where authority wants to enforce action, and the INTP, just really, doesn’t want to move. Rules don’t apply, if you don’t move. Deep down, an INTP will despise being obligated to preform tasks for someone, they don’t want to be responsible for other peoples comfort. That’s why they preach independence, because they don’t want to take care of anyone else, let alone themselves. They are very child-like with their comfort, if someone is willing to take care of them, they will allow themselves to be mothered. They don’t like loud, emotional noises or being told troubling, detailed autobiographical stories, pertaining to one’s past. They don’t like to be hot or cold, and can have a strong sense of smell and taste. The INTP will be oblivious to ordinary household mess. They literally don’t notice most physical details, unless physically present in the moment or attached to an object or person. But its not all bad, if you don’t push on the INTP, they can be relaxed, chill, spontaneous, and witty, an overall joy to be around. They are willing to go with the flow as long as they aren’t pushed into unwanted action. When left alone, and not forced to act, the INTP can really shine. The INTP has a strong audio memory, that can obtain and absorb copious amounts of textual information, remembering details from conversations for decades. Almost everything read or heard is easy retained for the future.
Once Again, what's you're doing is creative genius. I would imagine there a great many people that are mistyped simply because they type themselves based on their personality quirks and not their cognitive functions - how they think ad what they actually do irregardless of their persona. I'd know a lot less but if this video was around 4 years ago it would've saved me a lot of headaches in my own typing. Despite being an ESTP, I resisted typing myself as one because of the gross stereotypes that are perpetuated about this type. This is one the primary reasons it takes ESTPs so long to type themselves correctly.
Lions and tigers and types, oh my! Not the walking battery... Ni dominants' conservation, absolutely. Bandwidth is limited. Peak performance has been met and the needle can move no further. Ni doms the epitome of the phrase "work smarter not harder." Thanks, Harry for this breakdown. Very well illuminated!
I kind of agree about Ne Authority resisting 'certanty' in a way you described. I think another aspect of it, is that the INTP and INFP don't like when people put too much certainty into opinions, theories, hypothesis etc that they don't really know about, or didn't research into it, or infer their own personal biases into those opinions, presenting them as facts. Ofc everyone kind of gets this, but i think Ne Authority types are very apt to spotting these things right away. They don't like when someone just puts on the name/spins a narrative about something. Arrogance comes in as a big part of this behavior too. Myself and my brother (intp) are kind of like that. Although i maybe wouldn't say certainty, but short sightedness/stubborness? (not sure) I hope this makes sense
Off topic, but I just noticed that changing lighting and purposefully shifting setting. Makes the Ni aura! Seeing how much you've changed in general as far as eyes and ears can perceive from videos, there's definitely some hard work on Fi done. I repeat myself but its visibly an ongoing process that needs to be acknowledged, because it always deserves credit. The last two videos were made for me. They were answers to my thoughts, or should I say, questions. It gave me more confidence in my self perception. No restrictions, even if it doesn't make sense right now. Since a long time ago, I've seen more clearly the dominance of ENFP & ENFJ cognition. No rules and artificial behaviours attribution anymore. Tired of self-gaslighting. My theory: I am an ENFP at my core, but my Fe-centric environment pushed me into Fe-domness, therefore I've lost connection to my Fi and Fe is probably where I'm skilled most in some regards. Still, if you'd want to call the waters that I'm swimming in, it's a constant "curiosity and creativity hunt". It changes when I'm with people. I feel most comfortable just gathering informations, shifting subjects as I please, for hours. Bonus point: what I would WANT to have the most is what you said about Ti and even more so Fe doms. That sense of meaning is a priority but I always wanted that competence I think and to have that ongoing intellectual drive of a Ti dom, while I just give up on this and take a passive role due to the lack of self belief, oftentimes undeservedly. But I believe in making impossible possible! :)
I’ve been typed as an ENTJ four times using four different methods. I’ve started to accept this because if the same result keeps repeating itself then it’s probably the correct one. The common perception that this type is a workaholic who never relaxes really made me doubt it and think I’m some high Se type
I haven't even finished the video and I already know I'm an ESTJ 😂. This method is exactly what I've been looking for. It cleared up a lot of confusion I've had when trying to type using cognitive functions alone.
This is so true as an ESFJ i always find it intresting that alot ESFJs are being mistyped for ENFPs because of how chill we can be and our love for spontaneity, but as you said we love to leave our horizons open . I love to put a schedule to leave a room for open choices . Ne is very a part of dominant block of ESxJs and yes i hate things that can strain my freedom .
Thanks for the insights. I like your holistic approach. Like many, I started with 16Personalities. However, I dislike how they capitalize on the MBTI, while they are basically a Big Five assessment. This way is quite easy to understand, but is only surface level deep. I specifically mention them here, because most people who dismiss the MBTI as pseudoscience, do not even know the real theory and use these free knockoffs to discredit the MBTI. Greetings from an sx/sp 784 ENTJ.
7:20 Very interesting idea. I've found myself doing the opposite very frequently during adolescence. I used to deny what I was feeling, I denied my soft emotions in favor of the idea of being 'tough'. Later, I started to accept them, and I tell myself not to cope, to be realistic and stop denying reality. By doing so, I became tougher in certain areas and softer in others.
That description of the EXTP PoLR Fi function 💀💀 too real. I've known this about myself for a while of course, but it was still so spookily personal 😂 The funniest part is that I heard all of the other PoLR descriptions first and just went "mhmm, yes" and then at the EXTP one there was just... embarrassment 😂😂 hilarious (also: hello yes I am laughing away my feelings right now 😎)
Harry as always thank you for pointing out that say, being a feeling dominant doesn't = 'stronger' - I never would've accepted being a feeling dominant otherwise (I'm hardly a fuzzy 'feeling' force). Integration, expertise & consistency all made a lot of sense to me here which probably explains why I have prevalent ISTP & ISFJ networks from my ENFJ gateway. You've really explained here with regards to 'the 3' why I can be so stuck on refining concepts & very rigid in terms of being unwilling to listen to any other perspectives - quite the oxymoron when I'm trying to acquiesce people to my ENFJ Ti standards. Harry can you explain why my flow states (I have periods of time where I daydream & time elapses fast) are very intense, almost feeling real and very emotionally nuanced - what functions/networks would be at play here? I wouldn't say it's maladaptive daydreaming (it's like a switch I can turn on and off) as I resolve a lot of emotional baggage this way and it allows me to accept, compartmentalise & move forward, I'm just interested in whats at play here 😊. On a different note I always wander why an ENFP was attracted to me - I'm an uptight, serious, intense & tunnel visioned nightmare at times 😂.
Thank you very much for giving this useful information! Many people are very confused with different systems in typology, to the point which everything needs to be in a superficial correlation, but your approach seems more grounded. It's necessary to finding our types to go to the fundamental aspects of each group of types. I'm definitely an ENFJ, because of the Ni authority, and a collectivistic and abstract view of the world and the need of a constant path to improve it.
@@Violetskate I am actually working on an online test to go on the website, but it's going to be an *honest* one so won't make the claim of being super accurate and will be more of an indicator to help people hone in on the most likely types for their core cognition. It's kind of ironic that being trained in psychometrics only makes me more skeptical of tests, but I'll produce something that is reliable and hopefully useful too!
@@CognitivePersonality It's that most tests do not understand typology in a way that is unbiased, CPT is a much better method for typing that does not rely on stereotypes. There will always be a clear bias towards intuitives however actual people are a mixture of all of the traits in different ways
i really like that most of them are relateable determining true type (in my eyes) is not an easy task, because of it's open ended nature but sometimes, i think knowing the nature, the personality, the ability to understand and relate to it is more important that finding your own type... without diminishing like... the benefits or anything from finding your true type... looking forward for videos like this.. 👍
I've thought about what function pride serves, preservation of the subjective 'I'. It's how a character is built to stand the test of time. My favorite thought: "association is a powerful tool". Linking your 'I' with anything through pride is where a person is born. Cool. Also, thank you for your amazing content. I've been following you for years, read the book. It is very interesting. I've been doing some formula creating and been pretty obsessed with using calculus with cpt. Would love to hear some more principles or a deeper look into dynamics and the uses of the brain. I know it's not practical but creating a sort of theory of everything in a single formula concerning the character of a character seems a hilarious way to try and write fiction with.
I got so engrossed in this video - basically every point is something I can relate to. It's hard to say "what's dominant" and what's not. It feels like I engage with Ni and Ti quite often, but if I look over my life, it might've been more Ti dominance than Ni even though my engagement with the latter is pretty strong thanks to my religious upbringing. (Charismatic groups place a high value on internal revelations, an Ni trait. Fi is also strong, but I'm much more live-and-let-live with Fi as long as you're not hurting anyone.) I do struggle with energy levels, but maybe that's more of a physical trait instead of a cognitive one. On the days where I feel better, I usually find myself engaging quite often with the outside world (going for walks, playing music loudly, finding new foods to eat). My views on Computer Science, Philosophy, and basically any theoretical pursuit are: how can I apply this practically to my daily life? Does it make sense and can I relate it to something pragmatic? For example: Existentialism and Stoicism have some traits I consider helpful. The former for being able to control your own destiny even in the absence of inherent meaning. Stoicism for its focus on what's in the realm of your control. My trigger is also being embarrassed like the video mentions for IxTPs, which is why I go to great lengths to make sure my definitions and ideas are correct. When I wade into uncertain territory, I ensure to assert that I'm not 100% sure and welcome suggestions so that I'm not saying things that are untrue (as in, impractical). Thoughts? Maybe I'm just overthinking it and am Ni dominant after all. I do focus a lot on being nice to other people, but then again, that's not really related to thinking or feeling. I just think being a decent human being is a given and the most practical way to co-exist.
Art analysis. A nice green. Symmetry of the painting on the left is align as such to create an interesting contrast. It is not distracting nor overwhelming. One may say the light is a little bright, being primarily more white looking (blinding) on camera. A relaxing art. I like it. On topic of the video -- extremely useful. Thank Harry!
Guys, I'm out of this bubble of Personality Types now. I love Jung's teachings, but Personality types have a lot of BS spewed. CS Joseph, Nathan Glass, the two people of OPS, CPT, the whole chaos of Personality Database, all these are just too vague for me to catch... and I eventually realized that it's not worth it...
@@giantjupiter I respect that. The whole field can get people spinning their wheels for years and feeling no further than they were at the start. CPT tries to provide a more nuanced and fluid perspective but this can certainly make things more confusing for many! Best of luck to you going forward
And the fact that everybody has their own interpretations. Understanding everyone of them is not worth it. Worse is that I may have my own interpretation, may not be similar to these youtubers.. haha. In my opinion, Problem with understanding cognitive functions is how complicated it seems, when it is not. It is like riding a bike, when you look from outside, it looks like magic that they are not falling, but once you learn it, it's easy. You just need to get the intuitiveness of what these functions mean. Once you get what subject (I) vs object(E) is and what intuition, sensing, feeling, thinking individually are, then you know it all. People are just farming off it seeming all mystical and all.
Respectfully I wouldn't be putting CPT in the same bracket as OPS, Love Who etc, as Harry stated CPT is by far more granular and nuanced and is actually predicated on cognitive fluidity and thus personal growth. I've had the pleasure and displeasure of numerous typing services and CPT trumps the others any day of the week. If you put the work in upfront understanding the system going forward is relatively straightforward; no ubiquitous behavioural stereotypes like the likes of OPS, LoveWho etc. The typing services are also pretty deterministic: they had me down as an INFJ based upon seemingly weak Se, being a social introvert (as they work in binaries) and the stereotypes that go along with being a supposed INFJ, plus I paid nearly 2 fold compared to CPT for the displeasure. I wasn't best pleased indeed they just posed more questions. I really hope you give CPT more consideration.
It has its uses. Like, how else would you find particular kinds of people? Psychology doesn't sort likeminded people unless they can be deemed "sick". Typology doesn't compete with some perfect scientific method of creating communities based on cognition, but literally with nothing because there's no other way
Easy Solution☆ Search Wikisocion and determine your Reinin. It only consists of dichotomies. After that you just do statistics. Cause to each of that dichotomies all types are devided by two. At the End you know your functions☆
Hey, I know this may sound weird, but would you please tell me what program do you use create your type presentations? I find the colors and animations really engaging. I mean the previous videos, not this one.
This was such a helpful video! It would be great if you could display the cognitive functions of the types as you are talking about them for reference. My mind still has to do a lot of calculating to work out what ESXJ means, for example. It would aid the education process if the info were on the screen. But really, thanks so much for this very elucidating video.
It is also intriguing how you’ve made connections between “conspirology thinking” and ESTP’s TiNi “Matrix”. I guess, in case of ESFP (FiNi) you can call it “magical thinking”.
The way I understand it, the authority function is generally passive-aggressive compared to the inferior function, because we have less of an incentive to act on it. For example, an istj would have to eliminate negative possibilities as fast as possible, but they can bid their time and make more subtle efforts to fix inefficiencies.
@@ma-cg1il I like that - I liken the position to a slow twitch muscle fibre, whereas the opp/inferior is fast twitch and therefore more explosive (and easily tired)!
@@GamingGee-nw6xn I believe it can be useful as a self-reference tool but I do not believe core traumas are as clear cut as the system makes them out to be nor that they are limited to what the system describes. I like the direction the system goes in but it is a bit either/or and overly prescriptive
Narrow conclusions that is set in place that hasn't considered the big picture. Example what I can think of in the movie Jaws is when the mayor still opened the beach, even through countless warnings that there is a shark out there lurking in the shallow waters hunting for its next prey to feast on. It's more triggered by narrow conclusions without considering the contingencies surrounding the outcome. Which totally sounds like a manifestation of Ne. Since externally Ne is more aware what's going on in the background than it is the foreground.
how do you distinguish between a need for a purpose that serves the community as a whole and the need for a purpose that serves other things? I'm asking because I've noticed (and it has been confirmed through research) that one of the major lacking needs people experience when dealing with some kind of mental distress is a sense of purpose. Not all of those people will be Fe doms though. I'm still not willing to accept behavior as an indicator for type or cognitions. Too much can force a person to behave a-typical of their true self and for such a long period of time that it ends up feeling like that's who they are, which then results in mental distress because it's not who they are at their core and that contradiction takes its toll after years or decades. So how do you distinguish the various forms of 'need for purpose'? Because... self-reflection requires an almost brutal type of honesty and in my experience most people can't do that. That's not a jab at them, but it's just extremely difficult to do. Most people will fall in the trap of wishfull self-delusion. Not because they actively seek to do so, but because they are human. Am I making sense? It sounds good in my head lol
@@MysticaAriYena It's a really good question! There are venn diagrams absolutely everywhere here and for good reason. Fe dominants are definitely more likely to find a sense of purpose that would be related to what people need, but this wouldn't necessarily be explicitly social. And as we're talking about traits I definitely wouldn't say purpose is a strictly Fe dominant thing, but across qualitative data it does seem to be something they often have in common more than other types. Meaning as embedded in rather than distinct from humanity is another way to frame it
@@CognitivePersonality I'm biased as an Fe dom myself and so having a purpose to the greater good seems a natural thing to have for me. However, I have noticed that others (who are definitely not an Fe dom) tend to speak in those terms as well. How does research check for ingraned political correctness upon questioning subjects? My own experience examining academic inquiries always leaves me somewhat dissapointed at the lack of adherence to basic scientific rules (the one most often violated being the "no leading questions or statements"). And, also from experience, one can train oneself in answering long inquiries that repeat the same questions in different ways. It's a practice often used in HR recruitment procedures too. Once you are used to it, it's easy to fall into the traps less. I dunno, maybe I'm just paying more attention to this than to other things, but it seems like everyone I talk to has this desire to 'help people'... Very often it triggers my bs alarm, but then who am I to dispute their reason for doing something. But that's not very scientific lol. I would hope that research does account for that bs with something more than the traditional outliers and margins of error. Some time ago, it occurred to me that if behavior is to be used as an indicator, it should be observed by a highly skilled and insightful observer. It happened to me on a walk with my Psych friend, who noticed that I always step out of the way for others, even when they are not anywhere near us yet and even when there is plenty of space without me having to move. I wasn't even aware I did that. These kind of things can't be re-enacted, they only happen by accident or natural occurence. If anyone were to ask me if I always shove myself out of the way for others, I'd say no. Because to me it doesn't feel that way. In my mind I'm just being considerate, not self-whatchamacallit... But from my friend's perspective I was not claiming the space I had a right to. (sorry, ENFJ going off course again LOL I'll shut up now )
@MysticaAriYena it's really difficult to scientifically account for people lying in such a self-report related system. The theory is the theory, and its application is always gonna be difficult, but I don't think that means you should control for emotional intelligence or honesty in any sort of way. If you did that, you'd probably end up off by a factor of a trend associated with that level of emotional intelligence or honesty.
This is a nice, new, way of self-assessment I have to say and it does highlight some of the typicalities (is that a word? lol) for each element in their respective positions. I'm not sure I understand each one fully, but I definitely can relate to some to some extent. (related to ENFJ or INFJ specifically, as I don't claim to understand the others in general :) ) That is, if I interpret it correctly in the first place.
Should I interpret the ExFP's Te agency as using external facts and data points as a jumping off point for creativity? Instead of using the rules as a guideline, they might create a maze of loopholes to follow their whims. Or am I very off beat? :P
I am really grateful you are making these more introductory, light style videos. i've been watching your content for the past few years, and the deep articulate stuff is wonderful. Thats why this addition is great for those of us who are not as good with theoretically dense stuff
If I understand it right, Si-Ti framworks are usually build for a very specific event, expecting a very specific outcome. Ti-Si frameworks instead have more parameter, build for a specific event(?), aims to predict as many outcomes as possible with single framework? Thus to gain the information for frameworking, the Si-Ti tends to repeat(recreate?) the event (for more controllable/less parameters), while the Ti-Si tend to stand aside observe or consult others, to see what constants in their frameworks are in fact variables?? I can only the grasp the difference between these two pairings via traits tho, kinda struggle with the abstract Ti-Si-Ti theory, eventho I know their priority are not the same. So thanks for the trait video!!!! (dispite traits are kinda wishy-washy
Harry what do you feel about our inferior function coming to our rescue and battling for us when our dominant function fails and our child function is pushed on? Example: entp cuts someone off driving, the person get road rage and the entp tries to tell the person to calm down. Isfp working in a factory makes a mistake but tells the boss the steps in a linear progression that he followed, the ones that he was given and followed, so it’s not his fault. Intp doesn’t do his job and gets reprimanded but says I want to be part of the team and that he enjoys working there. ESTJ makes a poor plan that offends someone, but the ESTJ turns it back to himself by saying my relative is sick so I’m not on the ball. Isfj gets asked why his production is low. She will give 5 random things that went wrong, in a random Time sequence.
@@Padawan_Rangebender I believe axial rotations like that can be related to a fight or flight response and take a lot of energy, and I do think we rotate a lot more in high stakes environments, though not across the board
Your videos are great, but i find them difficult to follow a lot of times, due to a rapid flow of information that needs some time to process. How do you feel about that?
I've been having doubts about whether I'm an INFP or an INTP for a while now because I'm fairly certain that I'm on the Ne/Si axis. I can relate to inferior Fe a lot although you'd probably say that the way it's described is not really accurate. I can also relate to inferior Te, but a little less. Various cognitive function tests have given me INFP or even ENFP as a result when I find myself relating to Ti a lot more. Why is this happening?
Is it normal for an ENTP to be somewhat okay with meaning? :D Perhaps I misunderstood-- but I do have a few personal meanings for some things that I observe - like I can see the 'deep' meaning behind what a character says in a movie, I can say some of my family relationships have more meaning to me as to how they helped me in my life. Or I can say that some things in life have more of a 'personal meaning' to me than the others because I can see that they are universally broader and ever-encapsulating like laws of physics and origins of life etc. :D And I say 'personal meaning' for this because I have become aware that this isn't how all people think or feel, despite me thinking that these things are just bigger than any other thing that a single person can care for because they encapsulate the existence of all things... Sounds contradictory to some, but I don't actually believe in a meaning behind a person's life necessarily, or don't believe that there is necessarily a meaning to life - because I think the concept of 'meaning' is a human construct. But I know what things are more valuable to me because it's impossible not to see my mum's importance and meaning in my life for instance lol, or that some things are much more feeding to my interests and curiosity than others
Depersonalization works better than resist meaning. Although it's more like stoic non attatchmemt overlayed with intellictualized feelings and reward seeking play. If you are an entp, then it might be hard for you to understand the difference other than feeling that everyone else is weirdly attached to someone elses ideas. Entps do constantly perceive meaning, but it's rarely the same experience of meaning as a fi dom or fi 2nd. In fact, detatchment from these "meanings" allows for the style of cross context pattern seeking entps are known for. "Meaning" is just another idea. Esfp and enfps experience of meaning is synonymus with their definition of authenticity. Maximal attachment. Detatching from it to play with your own and others concepts of self is something that is alien to them. Entp and enfp clarity of thought and talent for pattern forming comes from opposite places.
@@somethingelse2814 I tend to enter the realm of 'feeling the meaning' and experiencing it but I can easily exit it to see different possibilities if it makes sense. In fact often good for my mental health to do so I don't know if this is just a human thing that applies to anyone-- but as you said detachment from these meanings opens up new theoretical 'potentials' and 'possibilities' to explore ime. But I can find some of them more satisfying than the others Not sure if you used the word 'stoic' in the sense of the actual philosophy but funny enough it's one of the philosophies that have worked quite well for me :D thanks for the response btw
@@Harrypoterswizard Here's a question: Which of the following best reflects your experience when you feel like you have the most agency over your immediate life or control toward a successful end? When you are staying true to a known heirarchy of personal meaning that provides resolve and freedom to be confident and uninhibited toward whatever comes your way? Or when your fixation on the mechanisms of truth, aka intellectualization of everything, becomes a useful, meta-sense of meaning that greatly increases your ability to influence and do good by other people? Ti-Fe preference should generally favor stoicism over existentialism. For example, growing up, I was very interested in philosophy, but I didn't study it at all. I pieced together principles over time, an organic approach to a productive perspective. My philosophy ended up being very similar to stoicism. Whenever I first heard of stoicism and buddist non-attatchment, I was surprised to see my thoughts and thoughts I had yet to think reflected externally.
@@somethingelse2814 I reflected over your question, and the second answer's proved as the clear answer considering the past patterns in my life, as well as now. Intellectualisation/(detachment of the things to also add) consistently made me feel as though I had 'agency' over my life, and were the only times when I had the most clarity and certainty about things. In fact when I don't do this, things start going wrong for me I don't really have a personal hierarchy of meaning, however every now and then I am able to boost my spirits up and feel more optimistic by doing things that I find 'more meaningful', and this is also good for my mental health... thanks for sharing your experience and walking me through this btw. I sort of know what you mean about Stoicism. I did read about philosophies before, though not much in depth, but discovering Stoicism I thought 'this is it, it's actually just this clear, this is nuanced enough to be used as a solution to most problems'. Interesting thing that I observed is that a lot of people that I know find this quite harsh or unsustainable as a core mentality
I think any attempt to categorise types together based upon commonalities will produce some identifiers of whether a person belongs to one category or another. Same with Socionics quadras and CPT axes etc. But the interaction styles are more connected to behavioural traits than cogniitve attributes so I wouldn't say they're massively reliable.. But as with any type-clumping they can still be useful used alongside other things
The description of Si agency is dead on. I hate being bothered while I’m just “existing.” But then I get lonely/depressed and then I want someone to bother me lmao.
Hi Harry Emma B (sorry me again). I relate to the concept of integration & was speaking to a confirmed ISTP about this who had similar leanings (I think he also has a very fluid axis and relates to a lot of fictional ENFJ characters). We both concluded re integration that we're both not necessarily interested in integration with the collective but rather with individuals/small groups for the most part. I think integration with the collective is something we all aspire to some extent which I guess network theory would support & our basic need for belonging. Re integration on a singular or 'small group' level would in the case of the ENFJ & ISTP would this be due in part to the specificity of FeSe? Primarily we both agreed we tend to find individual people intriguing (whether that's intellectually, romantically etc) & will pursue integration on that level which supersedes a need for collective integration. Again, I guess simultaneously we all have this need as human beings as well but I've noticed as a general trend over a very long time span that this is particularly pertinent to ENFJs & ISTPs. Also my son an ESTP is also incredibly picky about who he spends his time with/where his gaze focuses. Is there any validity in what I'm saying Harry? Both myself & my ISTP friend agreed it's not an obsessional interest in an individual but rather an instinctive curiosity. We're both incredibly curious about each other intellectually speaking and I'm wandering if this has anything to do with being mirror opposite types in part? I'd love a video on mirror opposites at some point. ISTPs are a highly underrated type in terms of their social observation skills; a broad generalisation but I find them incredibly astute & perceptive. That coupled with their 'need to know' stance & FeSe intensity that they share with ENFJs as codec dominants means I find many of this type very intriguing.
Amazing and much needed video! But I wish you would go indepth on each of functions in their different placements... Especially their behaviour when mixed with other functions placements within the same type. For example, the Se inferior, you mentioned about energy conservation... while that is true, it has a lot more other aspects to it than "energy saving" alone especially with respect to their other function placements in the same type.. For example they tend to overcompensate, as if they have unlimited nonhuman energy when they care about something, tho not all the time but they are very much not "energy saving" when it comes to their competence and performence, they will go all out... So your description of it is so overly simplified, and contradicts other aspects/traits of Se inferior function and will be taken to face value by your audience, thinking anything that contradicts your description of that function is wrong, when in fact, it has paradoxical aspects to it which most people don't much care to dive into other than oversimplified definitions/descriptions, but I guess that can't be helped since nobody cares that deep into the psyche... This includes almost all the function placements you described in the video not just Se in the inferior placement. I wish you could make another long elaborate video for every short overly simplified videos like these.. But I guess you have a life like everyone else. Thanks again for the unique post as always (tho I wish you'd dive deeper than the surface level stuff)
Dude this coulda been a 5 sentence paragraph. Or less. Anyway idk if Harry's keen on putting that stuff in UA-cam videos, especially when these are already edging on 25 minutes, and designed specifically for the generalizable purpose of self-typing. You might wanna buy the ebook or check out the wiki if you want more information on CPT's view on those finer aspects.
@@judael5605 I mean this video looks at cognitive traits so isn't meant to be function descriptions anyway. But yes the CPT wiki and online course are where I go deeper, whereas UA-cam videos are generally more effective and appreciated by the audience at this kind of level
So, Ti “Correctness” of EXFJ is mostly behavioural, right? Thereat Te “Perfectionism” of IXFP is more related to desired outcomes. Also, magnificent video!🎉
I was typed by *you* back in 2021! After doing some further research into the functions I settled on the type you gave me, which was ISFP. For so long I went back and forth on it and ended up getting so confused because of all these different perspectives and stereotypes that I just didn't fit into. Eventually I stopped listening to all the noise and different perspectives and went with what fit the best, which explained how I view the world and information, rather than all these social stereotypes. That's why I like the CPT approach the best. It's much more encompassing.
I have one question just answer this question and then I’ll know. (If you are sure your either Infj or Intj) The question is - you have Ni right. How do you see that Ni being Used. Do you use your Ni in a more like “manipulate people to be liked” or “manipulate people to be right”? Also one bonus question. Do you struggle with self worth?
In another video I remembered you talking about a particular type or types having mental images of different archetypes or characters in their minds that they envision themselves as, which is something I relate to. Do this point to a specific type or am I mistaken?
How do you do this if you don't mind me asking? Do you have a constant character that you envision yourself as, that is static and always at the back of your mind ? Or do these characters change often, and you only think of it once in a while?
@Harrypoterswizard These characters change. Sometimes I envision myself as a superhero with powers, or a skilled and well known athlete, or hardened criminal, or a philosopher, or someone skilled in a foreign language, or an idealized version of me that is older, wiser, and intellectual. With a beard.
@CognitivePersonality If you don’t mind me asking, do you mean in an Fi-Ni way, or Ni-Fi way. Is what you said enough for me to decide on a type, or could there be more analysis?
That was a little hard to follow. For those of us who aren’t experts, could you possibly put on the screen with each letter stands for and when you say something like “E dominant“ could you write what that means? Thank you.
Your trying to relate what he says to what fits you. Don’t do that. Just think how you learn something all the time. You don’t do what you do when you watch mbti videos. Just chill relax and let your thoughts come to you. Start typing people instead of yourself. And then just see if you work out with them or not. If you do well then you probably have compatible function stacks or something like that. Just experiment. I mean it is vague and just a theory. Like breath bro. Like damn do you walk in to things all the time. Or do people have to be like cmon dude let’s play sport. Or like do people see you as a cry baby or a guy who don’t understand emotions. Do you sit down and talk to people and actively like “omg I want to talk to them” or are you like bro just like met me like get comfortable first. Well congrats that’s Si
CONGNITIVE FUNCTIONS: MBTI is based on JUNGS CONGNITIVE FUNCTIONS. He believed we are born with them. The way we are raised makes a little different. Jungs finding on schizophrenic make me think retraining the brain is posable with out medicine. He also said that if your told / made to stop positive stuff we poke it into our shadow. I'm slowly starting shadow work. I keep dreaming about my German Shepherd Dog an myself at a beautiful lake doing stuff. My shepherd passed 26 years ago. I dream of big building with many rooms full of different stuff. I've spent time studying dreams. I understand what it means. know what? The truth is i will teach me how to understand. If i say it out loud its easer. I think others will understand themselves if they give Yung a lisson. PS FINDING A REAL LIFE PERSON TO CHAT WITH ABOUT JUMG ISN'T EASY.
The ending of this video is abrupt as I forgot to film the call to action! If you're interested in being typed or coached by me, or would like to learn more about type theory, head to :)
I enjoy watching your videos and I enjoyed this one as well, however there is a question I have about one of your points.
You mention that the difference between dominant and inferior functions is not the strength of the function. My only contention with that is the strength of a function is often tied to its usage. The more you practice driving, typically the better you get in relation to what you did in the past.
So for example, a Te-Ne ESTJ is a type known for constantly putting out fires and fixing minor errors in the workings of a system or project. They will still form an appreciation for Fi of course, they will still occasionally exercise that function from time to time because they do have strong values.
My contention here is, if an ESTJ spends 80% of his time fixing project mistakes (Te) and 20% fixing moral ones (Fi), and due to the disposition of his functions he absolutely has to (because fixing project errors is an itch he must always scratch), not only is he more likely to make Te based decisions more often in the future, that Te function necessarily becomes stronger over time in relation to the much less practiced Fi.
I would be happy to exchange thoughts on this matter! If you think I am wrong, just let me know where you think my thinking has gone wrong
@@ethanlynch8275 Soooo what you're referring to her is actually CPT attitudes! Essentially when an ESTJ is TeNeing they're simultaneously using FiSi divergently, as TeNe+ is on an axis with FiSi-. The 20% of the time you're referring to here would actually be a neat way of describing how much time they'll be shifting attitudes to be using FiSi convergently instead of divergently.
This is what CPT means by functions being non hierarchical - it's not that ESTJs are using FiSi in the same way as INFPs, but rather that Fi in their position is just different (observed rather than interacted with). Definitely check out the videos on convergence Vs divergence for more information!
@CognitivePersonality Sounds good, I'll check it out, thank you again for the clarification
Edit: Roughly what time do you think the test will be out?
@@ethanlynch8275 Hopefully later next month!
For the people in the comments who are becoming disillusioned by Jungian typology as a whole, what worked for me was actually reframing the way I understand what this is and what’s it’s trying to do. CPT and other variations of Jungian typology aim to discover ones COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS, not ones personality. Cognitive functions determine how you perceive the world, data, scenarios, as well as how you decide on said data. Personality is still unique to you, and always will be, because your personality is made up of way too many variables to predict. So while every TE dominant type (for example) will decide on the world the same way functionally because your minds work the same, the outcome itself is based on many more things. These “personality” indicators are simply a way to understand how your mind works more, but if you want someone on the internet to tell you who you are based on a code, you’d likely have more success spending that time with yourself and the people close to you analyzing your past, your goals, your environment, and everything that led you to this point today.
-That one INTP guy who is trying to clear his mental tabs, and this one has been sitting there for a while
Best response I’ve seen in these comments, so far. If people are “disillusioned,” then why not simply stop wasting one’s own time on something that isn’t really helping move them in a more positive direction? I don’t get it.
Basically my advice is “if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by typology things, and questioning every aspect of your identity by trying to ‘perfectly fit a type,’ then stop.”
They have gotten as much use as they presently can out of typology, and should move onto thinking about who they want to be and what their long-term goals actually are.
At the end of the day “identity” is just a construct we invent to prevent our own madness. It’s not even real, so just say “screw it,” and understand that we are dynamic entities who will change, devolve, and evolve overtime. Trust life experience to do its thing.
I used to struggle more with “identity” (possibly an introverted feeling blindspot,) until I said “screw it,” and ironically the minute I stopped pretending like I “knew what I liked,” “understood my values,” or had a better sense of who I was, more objectively, many of the other “typology pieces” started to fall into place.
Cuz I wasn’t trying to “define my personality in a super specific way,” or “adequately represent it,” anymore since I understood its futility. Then I started looking at it from the perspective of “how do i actually think? What is the process that is happening here? What are the most persistent patterns of thought?” (And etc,) then it all started to make a hell of a lot more sense “why” MBTi couldn’t adequately define my personality.
You don’t really need to know your MBTI type (or any typology for that matter) to know yourself. Just sit with yourself, find your own process, and *listen!* How we think from a cognitive standpoint isn’t even “who we are” considering how little of our psyche is covered by our fully conscious awareness.
Even neuroscientists don’t fully understand the phenomenon of human consciousness, or exactly “how it works,” allegedly, and even psychologists are still trying to understands the phenomenon we call “personality.”
ENFJ here (your polar opposite yet surprisingly similar lol), very well elucidated comment. I'll give an example here that kind of builds on Harry's GoT video: myself and my twin are both ENFJs (I'm typed by Harry as a divergent ENFJ where I lean into the TiNi divergent pairing). I can see why people get disallusioned whereby they conflate personality with cognition as on the face of it owing to personality traits & being different subtypes you'd think myself & my twin were antithetical CPT types. I throw in the Dany vs Cersei comparison here as a point of reference: I'm by far more cunning & calculated & probably have an elevated level of Machiavellian like traits comparative to my twin (not narcissistic as it's a completely different construct). Not in a woe is me way but comparatively I've experienced more trauma & have ADHD & bipolar that also add into the mix to make us very different characters & our world views are actually quite different. Hence I don't like systems like MBTI that seemingly misequate personality with cognition. People also need to appreciate the nuance of systems such as CPT which convey that intratype variation (eg subtype) can make two people of the same cognitive type look very different.
Thankyou intp guy from a thankful INFP-T girl
It’s taken me a while to work up to understanding your channel, but now I find it opens a whole new field of depth. All the types seem so much more expansive and nuanced than I thought, which has renewed my interest. I especially appreciate how you describe them in new ways that destroy stereotypes and challenge biases in ways that nonetheless ring true. People are all beautifully complex, aren’t they?
(Btw, I’m an obvious INFP; I’ve never had to doubt it. All those traits hit me like a truck. It’s like you’ve peered into my soul.)
The flow of an inxp is really relatable. More specifically, the stress of being yanked away. I spend a lot of time on the computer in the kitchen area doing my own things some days and while I have timers to remind me to eat and take breaks, they are just that: reminders. I never let anything, even me from yesterday, dictate what I'll be doing in that moment. And I get big bursts of stress when my mum or dad waltz in and ask something of me on the spot. I've come to be ok with it happening a couple of times, but my parents are constant doers and actively push people around to get things done which makes some days a nightmare. They will spend all day doing things and consistently pulling me out of my bubble to make me do things when I wish they could just tell me what they wanted me to do before I got into what I had, or that they could just leave me a list of things and let me do them in my own time after I'm done being in my zone. I love them so much but I literally hate it when they do that and I don't know what to about it.
Say it to them, you own that right
I'm not sure if I agree with your Ti dom description.
In my experience and observations, Ti is much more about a sort of 'worldbuilding' rather than any sort of expertise.
Yes, skill sets, knowledge bases, and general competence are part of this but only account for so much in regards to internal conceptions of objective information.
Ti values a sort of awareness that it can be sure of in regards to the how and why of the world, which can lead to your common bookworms and intellectuals, but more commonly creates someone who values having a working model of the world's functionality.
I find that Ti's attachment to intellectualism often detracts from what it is actually doing, which is much more interesting in my opinion.
I like that you're incorporating more of an almost psycho-analytic approach with type. That type is not something we are necessarily, but a collection of triggers, identifications, etc. That's been my struggle with type for a long time, and I really think the developmental side of type needs to be pushed more than the categorizational side. After all, humans aren't types but processess.
That being said..I think my default type is ENFJ. I've struggled for a long time between the whole TiNi/NiTi thing and in the end the ENFJ cognition seems to be way more accurate. I am overwhelmed by finding and implementing my purpose-the reason I'm here on this planet at this time. I have a strong ability to put aside my ego for the sake of this "greater good." A heavy dose of willpower to aid me as well. I can see how I've been a heavily divergent subtype where thinking wasn't so much an active construction of logic, but a stockpiling of information. I read non-fiction books voraciously to keep up with solid information, all so I can help myself and other people. My Ni is much more the bulldozer than the muse, and uncertainty has been what's held me back the most. When I was younger (and still now but to a much lesser extent since my Se is way more developed) I would anxiously look for and rely on synchronicities to inform me on the 'correct' path I should take. I gravitated towards tarot and other esoteric methods (like astrology) to do so. I can really see that being a TiNi- thing. Now that Se is much stronger (as I've been overly focused on embodiment and healing dissociation) I'm finding Fe was never really the problem. It's really easy to use convergently, and I have a natural propensity for it.
That all being said, I think the issue is that people are looking for (possibly on a subconscious level even) something much deeper than CPT can give. It's a cognitive type. It's all in the brain. Most people trying to understand themselves through type are on that "search for wholeness," that holy grail that will heal them of their psychic maladies. Ironically perhaps but the key to that lies in grounding into the body and getting out of the head, the cerebral theories only serve to take one further away from this point of integration and perpetuate a supression of deep, true feeling and embodiment.
Although, cpt is still very useful in that regard. Type is by nature non-personal, like archetypes. It gives us something to identify with so we can examine our "false self" from a heightend vantage point. But then we need another level to do that with so we don't get stuck in an endless self-typing spiral. This is where I believe levels of consciousness could come into play and greatly aid that process. Type development is a personal, or horizontal development. We also need a transpersonal or vertical axis to really grow as individuals and transcend type and our limitations. The soul isn't found in the brain..but like in many Buddhist techniques, we can use the functions of the mind to transcend the mind. And I think that's the direction someone should take type to really get the most of it.
Great video man!
Hi there I was typed by Harry as a divergent ENFJ. I just wanted you to know that despite you having worked hard on your self development even outside the sphere of typology you've still retained your TiNi+ (you've made some remarkable insights here) despite probably now being a more default variant. As for me I'm still tentatively trying to climb my way out of the TiNi+ labyrinth as I'm still continually stock piling information with no incentive to utilise it for the greater good. Wish me luck! 😊Your right typology can only go so far. As a mental health professional I'm constantly delving into psychological theorems & synthesising them etc but rarely do I take that knowledge & do anything Se practical with it. Yup the fear of uncertainty is still there!
Harry, It’s exciting how you immaculately emulated a facet of each child function. Most people get it wrong. One day we may conclude that the child function is more pertaining to one’s self, ego and expression than anyone imagined. Eventually the child function may be seen as responsible for style of speech/cadence, attitude, and influential in determining one’s desires.
For example The ESFJ is a bubbly, carefree person, who loves to laugh and looks at life, with an almost child like wonder. The ESFJ lives for creative banter, portraying a witty sense of humour and a flair for the naughty. They have an Ne style of speech that comes across as random and lacking a timeline, almost scatter brained, when they are excited. This allows them to go from one story to another, conveying all the important details of their day, never missing a beat.
The INTP is a calm, chill person that lives to relax. Depending on the comfort level obtained, the INTP will dislike being coerced to act. They are almost anti act. The main reason they don’t like authority, is not because they are rebellious, it’s because they don’t like being told when to act. The world is a place where authority wants to enforce action, and the INTP, just really, doesn’t want to move. Rules don’t apply, if you don’t move. Deep down, an INTP will despise being obligated to preform tasks for someone, they don’t want to be responsible for other peoples comfort. That’s why they preach independence, because they don’t want to take care of anyone else, let alone themselves. They are very child-like with their comfort, if someone is willing to take care of them, they will allow themselves to be mothered. They don’t like loud, emotional noises or being told troubling, detailed autobiographical stories, pertaining to one’s past. They don’t like to be hot or cold, and can have a strong sense of smell and taste. The INTP will be oblivious to ordinary household mess. They literally don’t notice most physical details, unless physically present in the moment or attached to an object or person. But its not all bad, if you don’t push on the INTP, they can be relaxed, chill, spontaneous, and witty, an overall joy to be around. They are willing to go with the flow as long as they aren’t pushed into unwanted action. When left alone, and not forced to act, the INTP can really shine. The INTP has a strong audio memory, that can obtain and absorb copious amounts of textual information, remembering details from conversations for decades. Almost everything read or heard is easy retained for the future.
Once Again, what's you're doing is creative genius. I would imagine there a great many people that are mistyped simply because they type themselves based on their personality quirks and not their cognitive functions - how they think ad what they actually do irregardless of their persona. I'd know a lot less but if this video was around 4 years ago it would've saved me a lot of headaches in my own typing. Despite being an ESTP, I resisted typing myself as one because of the gross stereotypes that are perpetuated about this type. This is one the primary reasons it takes ESTPs so long to type themselves correctly.
I'm rarely impressed by new mbti content. But I'm impressed by how good the descriptions in this video are.
With this explanation I finally accept my ENTJ typing. The parent and inferiors explanations were things I have almost exactly thought myself.
Lions and tigers and types, oh my! Not the walking battery... Ni dominants' conservation, absolutely. Bandwidth is limited. Peak performance has been met and the needle can move no further. Ni doms the epitome of the phrase "work smarter not harder." Thanks, Harry for this breakdown. Very well illuminated!
Just here to say. You had the most clear precise take on my personality, the male ENFP. Thank you.
🖐 a high five from another ENFP!
@@MysticWizardMan Nice man!, and your all, mystically n shit. One, tip of a spellcaster hat to you good sir!
I kind of agree about Ne Authority resisting 'certanty' in a way you described. I think another aspect of it, is that the INTP and INFP don't like when people put too much certainty into opinions, theories, hypothesis etc that they don't really know about, or didn't research into it, or infer their own personal biases into those opinions, presenting them as facts. Ofc everyone kind of gets this, but i think Ne Authority types are very apt to spotting these things right away. They don't like when someone just puts on the name/spins a narrative about something. Arrogance comes in as a big part of this behavior too. Myself and my brother (intp) are kind of like that. Although i maybe wouldn't say certainty, but short sightedness/stubborness? (not sure)
I hope this makes sense
Off topic, but I just noticed that changing lighting and purposefully shifting setting. Makes the Ni aura! Seeing how much you've changed in general as far as eyes and ears can perceive from videos, there's definitely some hard work on Fi done. I repeat myself but its visibly an ongoing process that needs to be acknowledged, because it always deserves credit.
The last two videos were made for me. They were answers to my thoughts, or should I say, questions. It gave me more confidence in my self perception. No restrictions, even if it doesn't make sense right now. Since a long time ago, I've seen more clearly the dominance of ENFP & ENFJ cognition. No rules and artificial behaviours attribution anymore. Tired of self-gaslighting. My theory: I am an ENFP at my core, but my Fe-centric environment pushed me into Fe-domness, therefore I've lost connection to my Fi and Fe is probably where I'm skilled most in some regards. Still, if you'd want to call the waters that I'm swimming in, it's a constant "curiosity and creativity hunt". It changes when I'm with people. I feel most comfortable just gathering informations, shifting subjects as I please, for hours. Bonus point: what I would WANT to have the most is what you said about Ti and even more so Fe doms. That sense of meaning is a priority but I always wanted that competence I think and to have that ongoing intellectual drive of a Ti dom, while I just give up on this and take a passive role due to the lack of self belief, oftentimes undeservedly. But I believe in making impossible possible! :)
@@Viviennitta I appreciate it!
I’ve been typed as an ENTJ four times using four different methods. I’ve started to accept this because if the same result keeps repeating itself then it’s probably the correct one. The common perception that this type is a workaholic who never relaxes really made me doubt it and think I’m some high Se type
Be careful with type descriptions. Every type has a different definition for what they consider work.
I haven't even finished the video and I already know I'm an ESTJ 😂. This method is exactly what I've been looking for. It cleared up a lot of confusion I've had when trying to type using cognitive functions alone.
This is so true as an ESFJ i always find it intresting that alot ESFJs are being mistyped for ENFPs because of how chill we can be and our love for spontaneity, but as you said we love to leave our horizons open . I love to put a schedule to leave a room for open choices .
Ne is very a part of dominant block of ESxJs and yes i hate things that can strain my freedom .
Here's to another really good video & to CPT never facing stagnation! (ISFP here)
Thanks for the insights. I like your holistic approach. Like many, I started with 16Personalities. However, I dislike how they capitalize on the MBTI, while they are basically a Big Five assessment. This way is quite easy to understand, but is only surface level deep. I specifically mention them here, because most people who dismiss the MBTI as pseudoscience, do not even know the real theory and use these free knockoffs to discredit the MBTI. Greetings from an sx/sp 784 ENTJ.
7:20 Very interesting idea.
I've found myself doing the opposite very frequently during adolescence.
I used to deny what I was feeling, I denied my soft emotions in favor of the idea of being 'tough'.
Later, I started to accept them, and I tell myself not to cope, to be realistic and stop denying reality.
By doing so, I became tougher in certain areas and softer in others.
What’s your mbti type
That description of the EXTP PoLR Fi function 💀💀 too real. I've known this about myself for a while of course, but it was still so spookily personal 😂 The funniest part is that I heard all of the other PoLR descriptions first and just went "mhmm, yes" and then at the EXTP one there was just... embarrassment 😂😂 hilarious (also: hello yes I am laughing away my feelings right now 😎)
Harry as always thank you for pointing out that say, being a feeling dominant doesn't = 'stronger' - I never would've accepted being a feeling dominant otherwise (I'm hardly a fuzzy 'feeling' force). Integration, expertise & consistency all made a lot of sense to me here which probably explains why I have prevalent ISTP & ISFJ networks from my ENFJ gateway. You've really explained here with regards to 'the 3' why I can be so stuck on refining concepts & very rigid in terms of being unwilling to listen to any other perspectives - quite the oxymoron when I'm trying to acquiesce people to my ENFJ Ti standards. Harry can you explain why my flow states (I have periods of time where I daydream & time elapses fast) are very intense, almost feeling real and very emotionally nuanced - what functions/networks would be at play here? I wouldn't say it's maladaptive daydreaming (it's like a switch I can turn on and off) as I resolve a lot of emotional baggage this way and it allows me to accept, compartmentalise & move forward, I'm just interested in whats at play here 😊. On a different note I always wander why an ENFP was attracted to me - I'm an uptight, serious, intense & tunnel visioned nightmare at times 😂.
Good video man, enjoyed that!
@@GeorgeMatthewMusic Thanks dude!
Thank you very much for giving this useful information! Many people are very confused with different systems in typology, to the point which everything needs to be in a superficial correlation, but your approach seems more grounded. It's necessary to finding our types to go to the fundamental aspects of each group of types. I'm definitely an ENFJ, because of the Ni authority, and a collectivistic and abstract view of the world and the need of a constant path to improve it.
Lol, I can't believe I wasn't subscribed to you on this account. Fixed. Always good hearing your thoughts. Take care. 🤗
Thank you for another great video ! ❤
Can you make a personality test?
i swear he know the fatal weakness of standardized personality test (like every test web)
@@Violetskate I am actually working on an online test to go on the website, but it's going to be an *honest* one so won't make the claim of being super accurate and will be more of an indicator to help people hone in on the most likely types for their core cognition. It's kind of ironic that being trained in psychometrics only makes me more skeptical of tests, but I'll produce something that is reliable and hopefully useful too!
@@A.A-z4g Good thoughts! The literature indicates self-reporting is moderately reliable, but when combined with an informant report it goes way up
@@CognitivePersonality It's that most tests do not understand typology in a way that is unbiased, CPT is a much better method for typing that does not rely on stereotypes. There will always be a clear bias towards intuitives however actual people are a mixture of all of the traits in different ways
@@CognitivePersonality FANTASTIC!
i really like that most of them are relateable
determining true type (in my eyes) is not an easy task, because of it's open ended nature but sometimes, i think knowing the nature, the personality, the ability to understand and relate to it is more important that finding your own type... without diminishing like... the benefits or anything from finding your true type...
looking forward for videos like this.. 👍
@@mnimeion So true! The more we can relate to in others the more of ourselves we can develop a relationship with
I've thought about what function pride serves, preservation of the subjective 'I'. It's how a character is built to stand the test of time. My favorite thought: "association is a powerful tool". Linking your 'I' with anything through pride is where a person is born. Cool.
Also, thank you for your amazing content. I've been following you for years, read the book. It is very interesting.
I've been doing some formula creating and been pretty obsessed with using calculus with cpt. Would love to hear some more principles or a deeper look into dynamics and the uses of the brain.
I know it's not practical but creating a sort of theory of everything in a single formula concerning the character of a character seems a hilarious way to try and write fiction with.
I got so engrossed in this video - basically every point is something I can relate to. It's hard to say "what's dominant" and what's not.
It feels like I engage with Ni and Ti quite often, but if I look over my life, it might've been more Ti dominance than Ni even though my engagement with the latter is pretty strong thanks to my religious upbringing. (Charismatic groups place a high value on internal revelations, an Ni trait. Fi is also strong, but I'm much more live-and-let-live with Fi as long as you're not hurting anyone.)
I do struggle with energy levels, but maybe that's more of a physical trait instead of a cognitive one. On the days where I feel better, I usually find myself engaging quite often with the outside world (going for walks, playing music loudly, finding new foods to eat). My views on Computer Science, Philosophy, and basically any theoretical pursuit are: how can I apply this practically to my daily life? Does it make sense and can I relate it to something pragmatic?
For example: Existentialism and Stoicism have some traits I consider helpful. The former for being able to control your own destiny even in the absence of inherent meaning. Stoicism for its focus on what's in the realm of your control.
My trigger is also being embarrassed like the video mentions for IxTPs, which is why I go to great lengths to make sure my definitions and ideas are correct. When I wade into uncertain territory, I ensure to assert that I'm not 100% sure and welcome suggestions so that I'm not saying things that are untrue (as in, impractical).
Thoughts? Maybe I'm just overthinking it and am Ni dominant after all. I do focus a lot on being nice to other people, but then again, that's not really related to thinking or feeling. I just think being a decent human being is a given and the most practical way to co-exist.
Wonderful introduction to cognitive functions with concise description and a fresh perspective!
Art analysis. A nice green. Symmetry of the painting on the left is align as such to create an interesting contrast. It is not distracting nor overwhelming. One may say the light is a little bright, being primarily more white looking (blinding) on camera.
A relaxing art. I like it.
On topic of the video -- extremely useful. Thank Harry!
@@HoraceWah-pole-ry4qk Thank you!
Guys, I'm out of this bubble of Personality Types now. I love Jung's teachings, but Personality types have a lot of BS spewed. CS Joseph, Nathan Glass, the two people of OPS, CPT, the whole chaos of Personality Database, all these are just too vague for me to catch... and I eventually realized that it's not worth it...
@@giantjupiter I respect that. The whole field can get people spinning their wheels for years and feeling no further than they were at the start. CPT tries to provide a more nuanced and fluid perspective but this can certainly make things more confusing for many! Best of luck to you going forward
And the fact that everybody has their own interpretations. Understanding everyone of them is not worth it.
Worse is that I may have my own interpretation, may not be similar to these youtubers.. haha.
In my opinion, Problem with understanding cognitive functions is how complicated it seems, when it is not. It is like riding a bike, when you look from outside, it looks like magic that they are not falling, but once you learn it, it's easy. You just need to get the intuitiveness of what these functions mean. Once you get what subject (I) vs object(E) is and what intuition, sensing, feeling, thinking individually are, then you know it all.
People are just farming off it seeming all mystical and all.
Respectfully I wouldn't be putting CPT in the same bracket as OPS, Love Who etc, as Harry stated CPT is by far more granular and nuanced and is actually predicated on cognitive fluidity and thus personal growth. I've had the pleasure and displeasure of numerous typing services and CPT trumps the others any day of the week. If you put the work in upfront understanding the system going forward is relatively straightforward; no ubiquitous behavioural stereotypes like the likes of OPS, LoveWho etc. The typing services are also pretty deterministic: they had me down as an INFJ based upon seemingly weak Se, being a social introvert (as they work in binaries) and the stereotypes that go along with being a supposed INFJ, plus I paid nearly 2 fold compared to CPT for the displeasure. I wasn't best pleased indeed they just posed more questions. I really hope you give CPT more consideration.
It has its uses. Like, how else would you find particular kinds of people? Psychology doesn't sort likeminded people unless they can be deemed "sick". Typology doesn't compete with some perfect scientific method of creating communities based on cognition, but literally with nothing because there's no other way
Easy Solution☆
Search Wikisocion and determine your Reinin. It only consists of dichotomies. After that you just do statistics. Cause to each of that dichotomies all types are devided by two. At the End you know your functions☆
Hey, I know this may sound weird, but would you please tell me what program do you use create your type presentations?
I find the colors and animations really engaging.
I mean the previous videos, not this one.
@@nazarenoalmiron526 Adobe suite, mostly Photoshop for graphics :)
This was such a helpful video! It would be great if you could display the cognitive functions of the types as you are talking about them for reference. My mind still has to do a lot of calculating to work out what ESXJ means, for example. It would aid the education process if the info were on the screen. But really, thanks so much for this very elucidating video.
Okay Harry your timing is scary.
Tryna find my type like hell right now!
Just know that your type isn’t everything to you!
@@Weavileiscool valid point! Thank you
s tier video
This is why I have started to dig into other personality tests like ennanagrams, to add on to the mbti i know
It is also intriguing how you’ve made connections between “conspirology thinking” and ESTP’s TiNi “Matrix”. I guess, in case of ESFP (FiNi) you can call it “magical thinking”.
The way I understand it, the authority function is generally passive-aggressive compared to the inferior function, because we have less of an incentive to act on it.
For example, an istj would have to eliminate negative possibilities as fast as possible, but they can bid their time and make more subtle efforts to fix inefficiencies.
@@ma-cg1il I like that - I liken the position to a slow twitch muscle fibre, whereas the opp/inferior is fast twitch and therefore more explosive (and easily tired)!
There are always exceptions, and it's unlikely you aren't one! There will always ve something that doesen't fit, and that's a good thing.
I did a test and got Te=Fi>Si>Se>Ni>Ti>Ne>Fe and typed as ISTJ…. But it seems like I’m more Te/Fi dominant?
Excellent video.
Some types tend to see themselves having most of these traits, but an interesting video still.
Hey, I wanted to know if you believe in the enneagram
@@GamingGee-nw6xn I believe it can be useful as a self-reference tool but I do not believe core traumas are as clear cut as the system makes them out to be nor that they are limited to what the system describes. I like the direction the system goes in but it is a bit either/or and overly prescriptive
Thank you
I didn't quite sieze how certainty is the trigger for aux Ne types. If anyone can explain to me with concrete examples.😊
Narrow conclusions that is set in place that hasn't considered the big picture. Example what I can think of in the movie Jaws is when the mayor still opened the beach, even through countless warnings that there is a shark out there lurking in the shallow waters hunting for its next prey to feast on. It's more triggered by narrow conclusions without considering the contingencies surrounding the outcome. Which totally sounds like a manifestation of Ne. Since externally Ne is more aware what's going on in the background than it is the foreground.
how do you distinguish between a need for a purpose that serves the community as a whole and the need for a purpose that serves other things?
I'm asking because I've noticed (and it has been confirmed through research) that one of the major lacking needs people experience when dealing with some kind of mental distress is a sense of purpose. Not all of those people will be Fe doms though.
I'm still not willing to accept behavior as an indicator for type or cognitions. Too much can force a person to behave a-typical of their true self and for such a long period of time that it ends up feeling like that's who they are, which then results in mental distress because it's not who they are at their core and that contradiction takes its toll after years or decades.
So how do you distinguish the various forms of 'need for purpose'?
Because... self-reflection requires an almost brutal type of honesty and in my experience most people can't do that. That's not a jab at them, but it's just extremely difficult to do. Most people will fall in the trap of wishfull self-delusion. Not because they actively seek to do so, but because they are human.
Am I making sense? It sounds good in my head lol
@@MysticaAriYena It's a really good question! There are venn diagrams absolutely everywhere here and for good reason. Fe dominants are definitely more likely to find a sense of purpose that would be related to what people need, but this wouldn't necessarily be explicitly social. And as we're talking about traits I definitely wouldn't say purpose is a strictly Fe dominant thing, but across qualitative data it does seem to be something they often have in common more than other types. Meaning as embedded in rather than distinct from humanity is another way to frame it
@@CognitivePersonality I'm biased as an Fe dom myself and so having a purpose to the greater good seems a natural thing to have for me. However, I have noticed that others (who are definitely not an Fe dom) tend to speak in those terms as well. How does research check for ingraned political correctness upon questioning subjects? My own experience examining academic inquiries always leaves me somewhat dissapointed at the lack of adherence to basic scientific rules (the one most often violated being the "no leading questions or statements"). And, also from experience, one can train oneself in answering long inquiries that repeat the same questions in different ways. It's a practice often used in HR recruitment procedures too. Once you are used to it, it's easy to fall into the traps less.
I dunno, maybe I'm just paying more attention to this than to other things, but it seems like everyone I talk to has this desire to 'help people'... Very often it triggers my bs alarm, but then who am I to dispute their reason for doing something. But that's not very scientific lol. I would hope that research does account for that bs with something more than the traditional outliers and margins of error.
Some time ago, it occurred to me that if behavior is to be used as an indicator, it should be observed by a highly skilled and insightful observer. It happened to me on a walk with my Psych friend, who noticed that I always step out of the way for others, even when they are not anywhere near us yet and even when there is plenty of space without me having to move. I wasn't even aware I did that. These kind of things can't be re-enacted, they only happen by accident or natural occurence. If anyone were to ask me if I always shove myself out of the way for others, I'd say no. Because to me it doesn't feel that way. In my mind I'm just being considerate, not self-whatchamacallit... But from my friend's perspective I was not claiming the space I had a right to. (sorry, ENFJ going off course again LOL I'll shut up now )
@MysticaAriYena it's really difficult to scientifically account for people lying in such a self-report related system. The theory is the theory, and its application is always gonna be difficult, but I don't think that means you should control for emotional intelligence or honesty in any sort of way. If you did that, you'd probably end up off by a factor of a trend associated with that level of emotional intelligence or honesty.
@@Caleb-zl4wk then how can you possibly rely on the outcome of that survey?
This is a nice, new, way of self-assessment I have to say and it does highlight some of the typicalities (is that a word? lol) for each element in their respective positions. I'm not sure I understand each one fully, but I definitely can relate to some to some extent. (related to ENFJ or INFJ specifically, as I don't claim to understand the others in general :) )
That is, if I interpret it correctly in the first place.
Just watched so I’ll be back soon to rewatch. Then rewatch again just to make sure I understand 😂
Should I interpret the ExFP's Te agency as using external facts and data points as a jumping off point for creativity? Instead of using the rules as a guideline, they might create a maze of loopholes to follow their whims. Or am I very off beat? :P
I am really grateful you are making these more introductory, light style videos. i've been watching your content for the past few years, and the deep articulate stuff is wonderful. Thats why this addition is great for those of us who are not as good with theoretically dense stuff
If I understand it right, Si-Ti framworks are usually build for a very specific event, expecting a very specific outcome. Ti-Si frameworks instead have more parameter, build for a specific event(?), aims to predict as many outcomes as possible with single framework? Thus to gain the information for frameworking, the Si-Ti tends to repeat(recreate?) the event (for more controllable/less parameters), while the Ti-Si tend to stand aside observe or consult others, to see what constants in their frameworks are in fact variables??
I can only the grasp the difference between these two pairings via traits tho, kinda struggle with the abstract Ti-Si-Ti theory, eventho I know their priority are not the same. So thanks for the trait video!!!! (dispite traits are kinda wishy-washy
@@杜昭-n1m Yes! Awesome. SiTi is more algorithmic whereas TiSi is like a decision tree of do and do not
Very thank you, cool man
Harry what do you feel about our inferior function coming to our rescue and battling for us when our dominant function fails and our child function is pushed on?
entp cuts someone off driving, the person get road rage and the entp tries to tell the person to calm down.
Isfp working in a factory makes a mistake but tells the boss the steps in a linear progression that he followed, the ones that he was given and followed, so it’s not his fault.
Intp doesn’t do his job and gets reprimanded but says I want to be part of the team and that he enjoys working there.
ESTJ makes a poor plan that offends someone, but the ESTJ turns it back to himself by saying my relative is sick so I’m not on the ball.
Isfj gets asked why his production is low. She will give 5 random things that went wrong, in a random Time sequence.
@@Padawan_Rangebender I believe axial rotations like that can be related to a fight or flight response and take a lot of energy, and I do think we rotate a lot more in high stakes environments, though not across the board
Hmmm, the SI oppsitional position of ENXP...
could someone further elaborate on it, I didn't quite understand.
As well as the NE authority of INXP...
Your videos are great, but i find them difficult to follow a lot of times, due to a rapid flow of information that needs some time to process. How do you feel about that?
I've been having doubts about whether I'm an INFP or an INTP for a while now because I'm fairly certain that I'm on the Ne/Si axis. I can relate to inferior Fe a lot although you'd probably say that the way it's described is not really accurate. I can also relate to inferior Te, but a little less. Various cognitive function tests have given me INFP or even ENFP as a result when I find myself relating to Ti a lot more. Why is this happening?
Is it normal for an ENTP to be somewhat okay with meaning? :D
Perhaps I misunderstood-- but I do have a few personal meanings for some things that I observe - like I can see the 'deep' meaning behind what a character says in a movie, I can say some of my family relationships have more meaning to me as to how they helped me in my life.
Or I can say that some things in life have more of a 'personal meaning' to me than the others because I can see that they are universally broader and ever-encapsulating like laws of physics and origins of life etc. :D And I say 'personal meaning' for this because I have become aware that this isn't how all people think or feel, despite me thinking that these things are just bigger than any other thing that a single person can care for because they encapsulate the existence of all things...
Sounds contradictory to some, but I don't actually believe in a meaning behind a person's life necessarily, or don't believe that there is necessarily a meaning to life - because I think the concept of 'meaning' is a human construct.
But I know what things are more valuable to me because it's impossible not to see my mum's importance and meaning in my life for instance lol, or that some things are much more feeding to my interests and curiosity than others
Depersonalization works better than resist meaning. Although it's more like stoic non attatchmemt overlayed with intellictualized feelings and reward seeking play.
If you are an entp, then it might be hard for you to understand the difference other than feeling that everyone else is weirdly attached to someone elses ideas.
Entps do constantly perceive meaning, but it's rarely the same experience of meaning as a fi dom or fi 2nd. In fact, detatchment from these "meanings" allows for the style of cross context pattern seeking entps are known for. "Meaning" is just another idea.
Esfp and enfps experience of meaning is synonymus with their definition of authenticity. Maximal attachment. Detatching from it to play with your own and others concepts of self is something that is alien to them.
Entp and enfp clarity of thought and talent for pattern forming comes from opposite places.
@@somethingelse2814 I tend to enter the realm of 'feeling the meaning' and experiencing it but I can easily exit it to see different possibilities if it makes sense. In fact often good for my mental health to do so
I don't know if this is just a human thing that applies to anyone-- but as you said detachment from these meanings opens up new theoretical 'potentials' and 'possibilities' to explore ime. But I can find some of them more satisfying than the others
Not sure if you used the word 'stoic' in the sense of the actual philosophy but funny enough it's one of the philosophies that have worked quite well for me :D
thanks for the response btw
@@Harrypoterswizard Here's a question: Which of the following best reflects your experience when you feel like you have the most agency over your immediate life or control toward a successful end? When you are staying true to a known heirarchy of personal meaning that provides resolve and freedom to be confident and uninhibited toward whatever comes your way? Or when your fixation on the mechanisms of truth, aka intellectualization of everything, becomes a useful, meta-sense of meaning that greatly increases your ability to influence and do good by other people?
Ti-Fe preference should generally favor stoicism over existentialism. For example, growing up, I was very interested in philosophy, but I didn't study it at all. I pieced together principles over time, an organic approach to a productive perspective. My philosophy ended up being very similar to stoicism. Whenever I first heard of stoicism and buddist non-attatchment, I was surprised to see my thoughts and thoughts I had yet to think reflected externally.
@@somethingelse2814 I reflected over your question, and the second answer's proved as the clear answer considering the past patterns in my life, as well as now.
Intellectualisation/(detachment of the things to also add) consistently made me feel as though I had 'agency' over my life, and were the only times when I had the most clarity and certainty about things. In fact when I don't do this, things start going wrong for me
I don't really have a personal hierarchy of meaning, however every now and then I am able to boost my spirits up and feel more optimistic by doing things that I find 'more meaningful', and this is also good for my mental health...
thanks for sharing your experience and walking me through this btw. I sort of know what you mean about Stoicism. I did read about philosophies before, though not much in depth, but discovering Stoicism I thought 'this is it, it's actually just this clear, this is nuanced enough to be used as a solution to most problems'. Interesting thing that I observed is that a lot of people that I know find this quite harsh or unsustainable as a core mentality
Hey Harry! Would you consider frequent rant about personal destiny as a sign of Ni-aux of ISXP? Cheers
Do you have any thoughts on Linda Berens interaction styles for typing I feel it has potential but not a fan of the boxing people in aspect of it
I think any attempt to categorise types together based upon commonalities will produce some identifiers of whether a person belongs to one category or another. Same with Socionics quadras and CPT axes etc. But the interaction styles are more connected to behavioural traits than cogniitve attributes so I wouldn't say they're massively reliable.. But as with any type-clumping they can still be useful used alongside other things
The description of Si agency is dead on. I hate being bothered while I’m just “existing.” But then I get lonely/depressed and then I want someone to bother me lmao.
Hi Harry Emma B (sorry me again). I relate to the concept of integration & was speaking to a confirmed ISTP about this who had similar leanings (I think he also has a very fluid axis and relates to a lot of fictional ENFJ characters). We both concluded re integration that we're both not necessarily interested in integration with the collective but rather with individuals/small groups for the most part. I think integration with the collective is something we all aspire to some extent which I guess network theory would support & our basic need for belonging. Re integration on a singular or 'small group' level would in the case of the ENFJ & ISTP would this be due in part to the specificity of FeSe? Primarily we both agreed we tend to find individual people intriguing (whether that's intellectually, romantically etc) & will pursue integration on that level which supersedes a need for collective integration. Again, I guess simultaneously we all have this need as human beings as well but I've noticed as a general trend over a very long time span that this is particularly pertinent to ENFJs & ISTPs. Also my son an ESTP is also incredibly picky about who he spends his time with/where his gaze focuses. Is there any validity in what I'm saying Harry? Both myself & my ISTP friend agreed it's not an obsessional interest in an individual but rather an instinctive curiosity. We're both incredibly curious about each other intellectually speaking and I'm wandering if this has anything to do with being mirror opposite types in part? I'd love a video on mirror opposites at some point. ISTPs are a highly underrated type in terms of their social observation skills; a broad generalisation but I find them incredibly astute & perceptive. That coupled with their 'need to know' stance & FeSe intensity that they share with ENFJs as codec dominants means I find many of this type very intriguing.
Amazing and much needed video! But I wish you would go indepth on each of functions in their different placements... Especially their behaviour when mixed with other functions placements within the same type. For example, the Se inferior, you mentioned about energy conservation... while that is true, it has a lot more other aspects to it than "energy saving" alone especially with respect to their other function placements in the same type.. For example they tend to overcompensate, as if they have unlimited nonhuman energy when they care about something, tho not all the time but they are very much not "energy saving" when it comes to their competence and performence, they will go all out... So your description of it is so overly simplified, and contradicts other aspects/traits of Se inferior function and will be taken to face value by your audience, thinking anything that contradicts your description of that function is wrong, when in fact, it has paradoxical aspects to it which most people don't much care to dive into other than oversimplified definitions/descriptions, but I guess that can't be helped since nobody cares that deep into the psyche... This includes almost all the function placements you described in the video not just Se in the inferior placement. I wish you could make another long elaborate video for every short overly simplified videos like these.. But I guess you have a life like everyone else. Thanks again for the unique post as always (tho I wish you'd dive deeper than the surface level stuff)
Dude this coulda been a 5 sentence paragraph. Or less.
Anyway idk if Harry's keen on putting that stuff in UA-cam videos, especially when these are already edging on 25 minutes, and designed specifically for the generalizable purpose of self-typing. You might wanna buy the ebook or check out the wiki if you want more information on CPT's view on those finer aspects.
@@judael5605 I mean this video looks at cognitive traits so isn't meant to be function descriptions anyway. But yes the CPT wiki and online course are where I go deeper, whereas UA-cam videos are generally more effective and appreciated by the audience at this kind of level
So, Ti “Correctness” of EXFJ is mostly behavioural, right? Thereat Te “Perfectionism” of IXFP is more related to desired outcomes.
Also, magnificent video!🎉
I was typed by *you* back in 2021! After doing some further research into the functions I settled on the type you gave me, which was ISFP. For so long I went back and forth on it and ended up getting so confused because of all these different perspectives and stereotypes that I just didn't fit into. Eventually I stopped listening to all the noise and different perspectives and went with what fit the best, which explained how I view the world and information, rather than all these social stereotypes. That's why I like the CPT approach the best. It's much more encompassing.
@@LucyGem98 Great to hear from you! So glad to know I helped you on your journey and of the clarity you have since achieved :)
I have a problem, I am a mix of INTJ and INFJ traits
Who am I really?
I'm soo mix
Let me type you. How old are you?
I have one question just answer this question and then I’ll know. (If you are sure your either Infj or Intj)
The question is - you have Ni right. How do you see that Ni being Used. Do you use your Ni in a more like “manipulate people to be liked” or “manipulate people to be right”?
Also one bonus question.
Do you struggle with self worth?
In another video I remembered you talking about a particular type or types having mental images of different archetypes or characters in their minds that they envision themselves as, which is something I relate to. Do this point to a specific type or am I mistaken?
@@justinsarfo829 This is often a marker of Fi convergence, especially when paired with Ni
How do you do this if you don't mind me asking?
Do you have a constant character that you envision yourself as, that is static and always at the back of your mind ?
Or do these characters change often, and you only think of it once in a while?
@Harrypoterswizard These characters change. Sometimes I envision myself as a superhero with powers, or a skilled and well known athlete, or hardened criminal, or a philosopher, or someone skilled in a foreign language, or an idealized version of me that is older, wiser, and intellectual. With a beard.
@CognitivePersonality If you don’t mind me asking, do you mean in an Fi-Ni way, or Ni-Fi way. Is what you said enough for me to decide on a type, or could there be more analysis?
@@justinsarfo829 Definitely more analysis needed to tell between but you'll probably be in that ballpark (either FiNi or NiFi)
If shes got a pulse im happy but im willing to take what i can get in this economy
Damn I was almost positive I was an Ni dom but after watching this I think I might be Si dom 🤯 halp
ISFP, apparently.
Now i can safely say i am an ENFJ
I really like your shirt
The hardest function for me to understand is either Te or Si..
That was a little hard to follow. For those of us who aren’t experts, could you possibly put on the screen with each letter stands for and when you say something like “E dominant“ could you write what that means? Thank you.
@@MFLimited duly noted!
Are you German? you sound like but your English accent is flawless
Swiping right a bunch ?
great explanation but honestly im more lost than before
Your trying to relate what he says to what fits you. Don’t do that. Just think how you learn something all the time. You don’t do what you do when you watch mbti videos. Just chill relax and let your thoughts come to you. Start typing people instead of yourself. And then just see if you work out with them or not. If you do well then you probably have compatible function stacks or something like that. Just experiment. I mean it is vague and just a theory. Like breath bro. Like damn do you walk in to things all the time. Or do people have to be like cmon dude let’s play sport. Or like do people see you as a cry baby or a guy who don’t understand emotions. Do you sit down and talk to people and actively like “omg I want to talk to them” or are you like bro just like met me like get comfortable first. Well congrats that’s Si
If you want me to type you just reply and we’ll figure it out. I will find out your type in probably 1 week depending on how fast you respond.
Btw I have a slight suspicion that you have Si in your top 3 functions, just a hunch
Your terms for the dominant are quite close to those of the Personality Hackers
The kind of complexity you use in your videos ,, for sure most of your users should be NT types ...or All types are of equal IQ level ?
Are you a enfp?
Type doesn't determine your intelligence. You can be an ESFJ and brilliant /an INTJ that is below average
INFP confirmed 😁
I knew it
CONGNITIVE FUNCTIONS: MBTI is based on JUNGS CONGNITIVE FUNCTIONS. He believed we are born with them. The way we are raised makes a little different. Jungs finding on schizophrenic make me think retraining the brain is posable with out medicine. He also said that if your told / made to stop positive stuff we poke it into our shadow. I'm slowly starting shadow work. I keep dreaming about my German Shepherd Dog an myself at a beautiful lake doing stuff. My shepherd passed 26 years ago. I dream of big building with many rooms full of different stuff. I've spent time studying dreams. I understand what it means. know what? The truth is i will teach me how to understand. If i say it out loud its easer. I think others will understand themselves if they give Yung a lisson. PS FINDING A REAL LIFE PERSON TO CHAT WITH ABOUT JUMG ISN'T EASY.
I sure appreciate these videos of finding our type ty