Jem's interview: "It is a song about the things that 'they' say, whoever 'they' are that we listen to and we act on without questioning. [...] I had read in a New York guide, to not look people in the eye on the subway [...] I was really scared and literally would not look at anyone. Years later I was on the subway every day going to Brooklyn and I thought, 'Oh my God, it's fine!' I had completely believed this book. It made me think about all the things 'they' say."
the other one does perfectly🕵if you have eyes to see whats there in front of you hidden in plane sorry they do this?...what?enslave all on earth with space travell
and everything most believe,know,like,love,watch,listen to,history,science,the sun and moon,rockets with people flying into space,everything above our heads,under our feet,they-planned,controlled,destroyed,staged,covered up,got away with,killed endless people animals kids,places,under a lie and sorry they do this...they...not for much longer one can only hope...cheers!toto showed all in the emerald city...he pulled back the curtain to expose the lie and truth in plane sight...tricks pulleys,cogs,and an old greedy con artist putting on a cheap show....good job toto!💚🕵🍻
I really like this song, it's very different and there's something I find strangely haunting about it. She's alternative and a lot better than most female solo artists. I hope she's back with a new album soon.
This brings me back to the days when I used to discover music on MTV and at Barnes and Noble. This was/is one of my favorite songs of all time. I will always prefer this music video over the "official" one, that's set in space, which feels disconnected from the human behavior which Jem is critiquing. This music video is down to Earth, asking the question, why do we live like this and why do we perpetuate living like this through teaching our children that this is how the world is? Thank you for keeping this original music video up after 15 years, I feel it better communicates the point she makes in the song than the "official" video on her channel. EDIT: After rewatching the "official" video again, it's visually all about her and her body, which downplays the important message of this song. But that seems to be the theme of the 2000's in the U.S.- all about appearances and not about substance. I have a feeling it was not entirely her decision to have the space music video be the "official" one. But I remember seeing this version on MTV once in the 2000's!
Hi-ya.....i hope your well,safe and not not melted away if you live in the S.E part of the UK......Anyway just found a tune from back in the days which is kinda like Jem's style..You may or may not know this tune...Saint Etienne....Only love can break your heart....
I looovee this song! When I first heard it, all i really liked was the interesting style, but the lyrics, when you really listen to them, carry such a meaningful and frightening message... It's really incredible and I really wish I knew of more artists like her. :)
What an incredibly profound video. As a ups driver, I relate heavily with the opening shot of the construction worker and cop arguing. As humans we are all under a fair amount of stress, especially these days. It’s so easy to become shortsighted and not think about the people around us. I hope this song by Jem continues to change peoples perspective 🎶🤟
There was a brief stint were radio stations played this, & that was once or twice back in 04'!!! I haven't heard this until now, and it's been 7 YEARS!!!!
I think this is one of my favorite songs. I've never heard *anything* like it before, and it's so addicting. The Bach sample also goes really well too. I'm glad I have access to this song lol, because it seems like many have had trouble finding it.
My psychology professor played this video in class the other day to demonstrate the question of what reality actually is and who makes the rules.... 'they' apparently. :P
... I’ve been in this rabbit hole for the last 18 years... and I’ve been mind fucked and have had an insane spiritual journey to truth... and for whatever reason I have it, and from what I see, I’m one in a handful of people who actually connected the dots and hold the truth... I’ll make it as simple as possible even though it’s going to contradict everything of reality that we have been spoon fed, and I suggest you do your own research, but it’s so complex it’s impossible to even be able to explain all of it... but I’ll give you the simple answer the Illuminati do exist, but they are not the Illuminati(necessarily) they are the FREE MASONS... this is key to understand because they have so many psyop programs to confuse and prevent those who question the system from ever being able to identify them, so they can be known as the Illuminati, but once you start to go into that world you’ll get bombarded with bits of truth, some horrific stories/images about what they do and how they operate(some are lies just to make the mind traumatized/fearful) and then you’ll eventually be at a dead end with no solid idea on how you just got mind fucked, but if you focus on the FREE MASONS, you’ll have a similar experience like that of learning about Illuminati, BUT the FREE MASONS are not a secret society, there is an unlimited amount of information, books, knowledge that is confusing to navigate, but eventually can lead you to knowledge ... the occultist who control the FREE MASONS and the rest of the world, they use 3rd party representatives, like a lawyer speaking on behalf of his client in a court trial, or an agent working/speaking on behalf of a superior authority, or like a puppet and it’s master pulling the strings of a lifeless doll, animating it’s body while the master remains hidden from perception(another name for the Satan/the devil is the puppet master) and this is how they hide in plain sight, because they have other influential people/institutions/corporations operate under a completely different name/identity while covertly in control behind the scenes.... so who is owns not just the USA and the FEDERAL RESERVE banking institutions, but all of planet earth are the SAUDI ARABIAN ROYAL FAMILY... now I’m way to lazy to get into all of the various evidence and explaining the whole situation on what’s happening now and why and what the real agenda is... but as least it’s a starting point for you to research! ... look into knowing more about the free masons, ancient Egypt, Christianity, Islamic culture, and the Saudi Arabian Royal family
Increíble, pasaron los años y recuerdo tal cual el video. Tanto me costó encontrar el video porque lo vi de muy chiquita. Gracias por sus comentarios hoy aprendí algo, luego de 14 AÑOS!
I never knew the name of this song. I actually found it while looking at Aerosmith songs, googled "It's Amazing" (looking for their 'Amazing' song) and found Jem. I listened to that and thought, WOW, that sounds really familiar and somewhat remembered the lyrics to this. I can't believe it's only from 2005' feels a lot longer
ALMOST 20 YEARS. I'll be 27 when this will be 20(!!!!!!!!!!! It will always remain relevant but old at the same time. I can't think of 2034, when it will be 30). LORD, MY CHILDHOOD VANISHED LIKE NOTHING. OH MY HEART ACHES... I MISS VH1, I MISS THIS MUSIC & THAT ERA :(
i keep coming back.... i have loved this song since it came out... before i was even a teenager.... it was the first song i tried to google the lyrics of... i cant believe i remember still how i was sitting in that room, so excited that i found it. i must have listened to it a dozen times that night. Q_Q
I pretty much have a grasp on what Jem is trying to say on her songs such as "They", "24", "Save Me", and "Just A Ride". It's crystal clear if you analyze the lyrics, conforming to "They" (I'm pretty sure most people here knows the "They" she sings about) perceiving reality, being distracted from what's really going on, allowing yourself to thrive in an ignorant blissful matrix, allowing yourself to be distracted for so long that you cannot react to events that might consume you.
Heard this song for the 1st time in a mall over the speakers in the store in '04 or '05. Had no intentions of buying any cd's other than dub or techno....long story short, I left the store with this cd
"Who made up all the rules We follow them like fools Believe them to be true Don't care to think them through And I'm sorry So sorry I'm sorry It's like this I'm sorry So sorry I'm sorry We do this And it's ironic too Cause what we tend to do Is act on what they say And then it is that way And I'm sorry So sorry I'm sorry It's like this I'm sorry So sorry I'm sorry We do this And who are they And where are they And how can they possibly know all this And who are they And where are they And how can they possibly know all this Do you see what I see Why do we Live like this Is it because it's true That ignorance is bliss And who are they And where are they And how can they know all this I'm sorry So sorry I'm sorry It's like this Do you see what I see Why do we Live like this Is it because it's true That ignorance is bliss And who are they And where are they And how can they know all this I'm sorry So sorry I'm sorry We do this"
Christ...I only knew the part from second 10-14 and searched for it 3 years. Never heard it anywhere since. Try to find a song that way, it's painstakingly hard. I mean really hard. Here is how it went the last 2 minutes: 1. Tried midomi with this part. Results were Good Riddance by GreenDay and so on... 2. Google search for "song in space..." google compelteted it with "...jam" 3. Brainwave! It was something with marmelade or traffic lights! Or... 4. Accidently misspelling the name Jem in google searching for "Jem song" 5. Finding this! 3 years later in just 2 minutes of constant brilliancy excess! 6. And I knew it was something with space. This video proves it. Not. But there is another version! :D
This was my riongtone for years, now it is Snoop Dog with Get a light. But I still pick up my phone if I hear this song on the radio :), I only searched for Gem, and then thougt "o it was with a J.".
+EpiKitten Of course it is strange, listen to the lyrics closely along with watching the images..... THINK ABOUT IT look up a few posts, there is someone who said the exact same thing you did, this is NOT a coincidence.!@#@!
Back in 2012 when I first heard this track at a shopping mall there was no Shazam and I literally had to pay close attention to what words she was singing to be able to look it up online later. Jem on in 2023!
Before she hits the 1st hook of "They", she also says "we"; "I'm sorry 'we' do this", admitting her place in the illusion/delusion. Was she once a boy? In "I Always Knew", it seems as though there came a time when there were some things she didn't wanna play along with, and was threatened that it's over for her. She says she'll fight to stay in music, but then says at the end: "I've sold you a million, baby..." She concedes that staying in is not up to her, by her words, "GIVEN the chance, baby, I'll sell you a billion more". Looks like a compromise was in order. The question is: Who Is Baby? Because, THAT'S who she wrote the song to.
She is apologizing to the children for our complacency and our continued support for the corrupt system in which we are living. The children are being poisoned by big pharmas toxic chemicals and are being molested by people in high places whilst the majority continue to turn a blind eye.
Thank you. I agree with you. The ones who are "awaken" notice the symbols while the "sleepers" think we're crazy. People think that these songs are just coincidences or "just music" but there's more to the lyrics if people actually pay attention to what they're listening to.
Ansein and this was like back in 05. Although they started this trend ( making an alternative music video for the US audience) in the 90s...I think there should just be one video for all. :)
Seventh Heaven It would be nice, if there were just one video to relate to, but then you have to try to keep it interesting, while respecting the social limits of different cultures. Nobody makes videos like they used to back in the 70's and 80's.
I first heard this song when i was a little girl and I fell in love with it. I never could remember the name of it, I always remembered the singer was named Jem... but I thought it was spelled "Gem" I finally decide to look for it online and I couldn't find her... but I found Jem on wikipedia! YAY wikipedia is actually useful for once!!! I'm so happy I found this song again, I'm making sure never to forget it!
Also s real masterpiece! And where is this beauty comin' from? Again, it' s from Britannia, where the best music and sounds of the past decades is coming from!!
some TV show had this song years ago... a long time ago.. downloaded it back then as mp3 and still have it and listening to it on winamp.. ps. winamp for the win. all my friends use spotify, I'm too old school for that
Prelude No.12 in F Minor :) I recall hearing Hannibal listening to it in... Red Dragon, I think? It freaked me the hell out, because I hadn't heard the original in so long, it wasn't until that moment that I associated it with this Jem song.
MooreJulianne I AGREE!!! BEYONCE SINGS LIKE A LOST GOAT HER VOICE IS ANNOYING ! You heard one song by Beyince you heard them all same crap. Taylor Swift is your typical tall stick figure blonde blue eyed most desireable type of woman so yeah she is a sex symbol so is Beyonce
Why is everyone so naive? No, honey. This wasn't anti-illuminati and no, the illuminati didn't make the song less popular because of it. The song actually is hella deeper than that. If the illuminati was real and found a song that was against them- they'd delete it. But they don't. Because they don't. This song is anti SOCIETY. Or at least anti how stigma or first impressions will affect our decisions. Jem was moving to NYC and people kept saying it's dangerous there. Which, yes, in some sense is true. But she was paranoid because of what people told her and it wasn't true. Not everyone in NYC is an ass who's going to steal your car. She met really nice people there. That's why she wrote this song. It wasn't fair that those people could make her scared of a place neither of them had lived before, and it wasn't fair that she believed them without seeing it for herself. What we say about other people turns them into just that. And our lives would be easier if we didn't generalize but it's human nature to self destruct.
"anti-illuminati music, that's why she's not in the medias" ... what complete and utter tripe. If you think there is some NWO being plotted in secret underground chambers that has members in the higher ranks of various senates around the world, you really are bereft of any knowledge or understanding of how the real world actually operates.
Jem took the vocal sample from the 1961 album "Jazz Sebastian Bach" from The Swindle Singers, available on Spotify! It's a great album in which pieces from Bach are performed by vocals and a jazz combo.
18 years later this song remains legendary
Actually 300 years later. J. S. Bach, 1722
Jem's interview: "It is a song about the things that 'they' say, whoever 'they' are that we listen to and we act on without questioning. [...] I had read in a New York guide, to not look people in the eye on the subway [...] I was really scared and literally would not look at anyone. Years later I was on the subway every day going to Brooklyn and I thought, 'Oh my God, it's fine!' I had completely believed this book. It made me think about all the things 'they' say."
You still on here?
Relevant to today, all these lockdowns and not questioning things around us. We will be saying “I’m sorry to our kids” for letting this all happen.
@@wheelerone totally agree
How can they possibly know all this?
Who Are They
"Who made up all the rules? We follow them like fools ...." Thank you Jem for making such a lyrical and beautiful protest!
It speaks out to us life challengers
@@tomfitzpatrick7335 Whyd you reply so late my guy
@@Yearlybreeze because that's how long it took for me to get the ability to comment on UA-cam videos :) lol
This song is the legend of music. I always wonder how many people know this melody and they don't know title or author of this song.
@@CleopatraJones79 and the Swingle Singers. It’s a song inspired by/sampling a song that was inspired by Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in F minor….
Because this is One Hit Wonder. They often have the same destiny.
I'm one of them. Been searching for this for over 15 years. Finally found it in 2022
@@mashyngver1 It's Amazing? She's at least a two-hit wonder!
It took me 16 years to find this
Somebody needs to call all the radio stations and spam this song like they did back in the early 2000's
This version is so much better than the spaceship version. Fits with the lyrics perfectly.
the other one does perfectly🕵if you have eyes to see whats there in front of you hidden in plane sorry they do this?...what?enslave all on earth with space travell
and everything most believe,know,like,love,watch,listen to,history,science,the sun and moon,rockets with people flying into space,everything above our heads,under our feet,they-planned,controlled,destroyed,staged,covered up,got away with,killed endless people animals kids,places,under a lie and sorry they do this...they...not for much longer one can only hope...cheers!toto showed all in the emerald city...he pulled back the curtain to expose the lie and truth in plane sight...tricks pulleys,cogs,and an old greedy con artist putting on a cheap show....good job toto!💚🕵🍻
@@mikemiller2054 oh i see you're a man of culture as well
There's another version to this record? This is the only one I know as it appears on her album.
@@p-jaywade1333 The one that was banned in the United States, allegedly for being too explicit
I really like this song, it's very different and there's something I find strangely haunting about it.
She's alternative and a lot better than most female solo artists. I hope she's back with a new album soon.
14 year later , we still hoping xD
Sadly I don't think she's coming back.
@@PerceptionVsReality333 Who knows. Her last single wasn't too long ago in 2016, and she seems to be doing well. Maybe a new album will appear.
This should be an anthem for what's going on in the world today
keeps me coming back and listening again...
One of the earliest UA-cam uploads...
This brings me back to the days when I used to discover music on MTV and at Barnes and Noble. This was/is one of my favorite songs of all time. I will always prefer this music video over the "official" one, that's set in space, which feels disconnected from the human behavior which Jem is critiquing. This music video is down to Earth, asking the question, why do we live like this and why do we perpetuate living like this through teaching our children that this is how the world is? Thank you for keeping this original music video up after 15 years, I feel it better communicates the point she makes in the song than the "official" video on her channel.
EDIT: After rewatching the "official" video again, it's visually all about her and her body, which downplays the important message of this song. But that seems to be the theme of the 2000's in the U.S.- all about appearances and not about substance. I have a feeling it was not entirely her decision to have the space music video be the "official" one. But I remember seeing this version on MTV once in the 2000's!
Your spot on....well said.....Respect
Hi-ya.....i hope your well,safe and not not melted away if you live in the S.E part of the UK......Anyway just found a tune from back in the days which is kinda like Jem's style..You may or may not know this tune...Saint Etienne....Only love can break your heart....
Totaly agreed with you kinsey.
Vh1 always played this song on Saturdays and MTV played this before I went to school
Snowden has revealed how they can possibly know 'all this' and the song has more relevance than ever. Im just saying.
2024, still listening 🎵
Off course
Ayeeee!! 🎉
I looovee this song!
When I first heard it, all i really liked was the interesting style, but the lyrics, when you really listen to them, carry such a meaningful and frightening message...
It's really incredible and I really wish I knew of more artists like her. :)
2016 and still an amazing song!!
Because its Bach
2020 & I agree with you.
@@davidanunez2 Still good
This song randomly popped up back in my head. I had to listen again after all these years.
Love this song! The chorus is sampled from Prelude in f minor by the swingle singers if anyone was wondering !
Jem's music always makes me smile like an idiot. She always makes it so beautiful and touching,
my early UA-cam years........Love from Malaysia !
timeless. This is one of the rare songs/videos that i can watch over and over. It penetrates.
I definitely remember this video and song! Absolutely loved it then. Still love it now 🎉 so happy I found it.
The actual merry-go-round of life as we know it.
She played her cards stunningly here. Bless ❤
Wow, haven't seen this in forever. Brings back many memories. I had the biggest crush on her back in the day. lol
this was uploaded before Vevo started to exist, even before youtube itself started to gain popularity outside the US.
+Knightwalker Scarlet This was uploaded the same year UA-cam was founded
Knightwalker Scarlet it's ironic that it's uploaded from outside the US
Fuck you too & your shit-hole country.
What's really odd is that the "official" video is THIS one:
Песня моей юности в России. Спасибо,пришел по наитию сюда. the truth, Denis. Is Putin a good person or is that just our propaganda media spreading lies?
@@kats7045 propaganda. Hi is terrorist,and our sitizen in Russia afraid KGB.
for over 10 years I've been trying to figure out the name of this song. and then it 0lays in the first episode of Grey's anatomy.
Same here! I felt so fulfilled.
nickypop leaverton tell that to Las Vegas the tv series.
nickypop leaverton Grey's brought me here too haha
I kept the cd that i burned in 2005 that has this song.
For me I thought it was rem for the longest time until pandora played one of her songs. Blissful
For what might be considered a poppy song with such a singer, it has an amazingly strong message.
I want that jacket.
Sukajan jacket
Did you end up getting the jacket?
What an incredibly profound video. As a ups driver, I relate heavily with the opening shot of the construction worker and cop arguing. As humans we are all under a fair amount of stress, especially these days. It’s so easy to become shortsighted and not think about the people around us. I hope this song by Jem continues to change peoples perspective 🎶🤟
MTV 2006 every morning before i go to school 🥺🥺🥺
The N every other commerical break.
Got to see her in Chicago when she first came out! Best road trip ever! 🤣
There was a brief stint were radio stations played this, & that was once or twice back in 04'!!!
I haven't heard this until now, and it's been 7 YEARS!!!!
Great lyrics. Totally agree with every word she says. It's nothing but
4 years took me finding this song and I'm glad i finally did it. I know it was good but the lyrics astonished me. It is better then I remembered.
Underrated song ! This song Should be speaking to everyone . But feels like no one listens 🖤
love this song so much from saudi arabia!🇸🇦
An incredible song--one of the best pop sings from this century.
Gotta love that bup Budda bup Budda buh buh in the background.
i used to listen to this song when i was younger...
i found it very strange
very old youtube video though.
+Labdog Johnson Of course it is strange, listen to the lyrics closely along with watching the images..... THINK ABOUT IT
DOGECORDS same, for some reason I remember her in space lmao
Timmy Desaint there’s another video where she’s in space :)
uploaded in 2005 amazing
I think this is one of my favorite songs. I've never heard *anything* like it before, and it's so addicting. The Bach sample also goes really well too. I'm glad I have access to this song lol, because it seems like many have had trouble finding it.
Vrhunska stvar!!!Isto je godinama pokušavam naći.Greetings from Republic of Srpska
My psychology professor played this video in class the other day to demonstrate the question of what reality actually is and who makes the rules.... 'they' apparently. :P
the1975grimes lucky
your comment is very interesting. would you add a litte of what you learned?
They...I have been 'Reborn', I'm in like OMG OMG, I NEED KNOW More
... I’ve been in this rabbit hole for the last 18 years... and I’ve been mind fucked and have had an insane spiritual journey to truth... and for whatever reason I have it, and from what I see, I’m one in a handful of people who actually connected the dots and hold the truth... I’ll make it as simple as possible even though it’s going to contradict everything of reality that we have been spoon fed, and I suggest you do your own research, but it’s so complex it’s impossible to even be able to explain all of it... but I’ll give you the simple answer the Illuminati do exist, but they are not the Illuminati(necessarily) they are the FREE MASONS... this is key to understand because they have so many psyop programs to confuse and prevent those who question the system from ever being able to identify them, so they can be known as the Illuminati, but once you start to go into that world you’ll get bombarded with bits of truth, some horrific stories/images about what they do and how they operate(some are lies just to make the mind traumatized/fearful) and then you’ll eventually be at a dead end with no solid idea on how you just got mind fucked, but if you focus on the FREE MASONS, you’ll have a similar experience like that of learning about Illuminati, BUT the FREE MASONS are not a secret society, there is an unlimited amount of information, books, knowledge that is confusing to navigate, but eventually can lead you to knowledge ... the occultist who control the FREE MASONS and the rest of the world, they use 3rd party representatives, like a lawyer speaking on behalf of his client in a court trial, or an agent working/speaking on behalf of a superior authority, or like a puppet and it’s master pulling the strings of a lifeless doll, animating it’s body while the master remains hidden from perception(another name for the Satan/the devil is the puppet master) and this is how they hide in plain sight, because they have other influential people/institutions/corporations operate under a completely different name/identity while covertly in control behind the scenes.... so who is owns not just the USA and the FEDERAL RESERVE banking institutions, but all of planet earth are the SAUDI ARABIAN ROYAL FAMILY... now I’m way to lazy to get into all of the various evidence and explaining the whole situation on what’s happening now and why and what the real agenda is... but as least it’s a starting point for you to research! ... look into knowing more about the free masons, ancient Egypt, Christianity, Islamic culture, and the Saudi Arabian Royal family
@@camerontaylor7471 have you ever also stumbled upon the letter 'Q' in your research? :) I think it's gonna be interesting to you.
Increíble, pasaron los años y recuerdo tal cual el video. Tanto me costó encontrar el video porque lo vi de muy chiquita. Gracias por sus comentarios hoy aprendí algo, luego de 14 AÑOS!
Jajaja pues cuántos años tienes??
Porque ya te ves cómo de 36🤣🤣
this tune was so addictive back in the day. I over played it so much. great beat and lyrics
Jem is a genius lady, i'm glad she understands, questions and thinks about these IMPORTANT things.
I heard this song for the first time 8 years ago. It came with my Sony Ericsson walkman phone.
I also. Dont remember the model no. Its having numerical key pad
Sagar Inamdar Mine was I guess w800i. Not sure though.
Rahul Siyanwal yes mine was the same
Cost was 12000. Lol
Sagar Inamdar hahaha! yep..
I never knew the name of this song. I actually found it while looking at Aerosmith songs, googled "It's Amazing" (looking for their 'Amazing' song) and found Jem. I listened to that and thought, WOW, that sounds really familiar and somewhat remembered the lyrics to this. I can't believe it's only from 2005' feels a lot longer
Nesto JR I know right, I grew up around 2005-2008 so this song brings me to tears. It was my past. You cant get that back 😢
Bach's Prelude in F minor from Book II of the Well-Tempered Clavier
OMG x3
OMG i had no fu##ing idea. Thanks men ;-D
Prelude no. 12, recorded by The Swingle Singers (1963)
I chose this piece to play in highschool for a recital cause of this song
I hear this soooo many times over 10 yrs ago.... Glad to remember it and hear it on repeat
Wow, nostalgia from when I was 13... And now hearing the song again, HOLY LYRICS.
2016 - still listening.
I LOVE this video!!!
aww q linda! she reminds me of myself a few years ago.. i used to have that haircut ^___^
ALMOST 20 YEARS. I'll be 27 when this will be 20(!!!!!!!!!!! It will always remain relevant but old at the same time. I can't think of 2034, when it will be 30). LORD, MY CHILDHOOD VANISHED LIKE NOTHING. OH MY HEART ACHES... I MISS VH1, I MISS THIS MUSIC & THAT ERA :(
i keep coming back.... i have loved this song since it came out... before i was even a teenager.... it was the first song i tried to google the lyrics of... i cant believe i remember still how i was sitting in that room, so excited that i found it. i must have listened to it a dozen times that night.
one of the oldest youtube link i ve ever seen :) awesome song ^^ good times 05' :)
I pretty much have a grasp on what Jem is trying to say on her songs such as "They", "24", "Save Me", and "Just A Ride". It's crystal clear if you analyze the lyrics, conforming to "They" (I'm pretty sure most people here knows the "They" she sings about) perceiving reality, being distracted from what's really going on, allowing yourself to thrive in an ignorant blissful matrix, allowing yourself to be distracted for so long that you cannot react to events that might consume you.
still listening in 2015
+Giss Loconte 2016
+Angel I. me too
Heard this song for the 1st time in a mall over the speakers in the store in '04 or '05. Had no intentions of buying any cd's other than dub or techno....long story short, I left the store with this cd
Jem its amazing, papara papara papara papara pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!!!
2019 and still listening 😁🎶🎵
omg her smile its hypnotic :O
"Who made up all the rules
We follow them like fools
Believe them to be true
Don't care to think them through
And I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm sorry
It's like this
I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm sorry
We do this
And it's ironic too
Cause what we tend to do
Is act on what they say
And then it is that way
And I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm sorry
It's like this
I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm sorry
We do this
And who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly know all this
And who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly know all this
Do you see what I see
Why do we
Live like this
Is it because it's true
That ignorance is bliss
And who are they
And where are they
And how can they know all this
I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm sorry
It's like this
Do you see what I see
Why do we
Live like this
Is it because it's true
That ignorance is bliss
And who are they
And where are they
And how can they know all this
I'm sorry
So sorry
I'm sorry
We do this"
The lyrics are most relevant now than before
👍 👍 👍 🙏 🙏 🙏
These lyrics slap so damn hard, especially in today's time.
Wow, love this song. Jem is just soo talented and has an incredible voice
I still remember this being in an episode of Radio Free Roscoe, only heard it for 10 seconds but I was hooked. Oh childhood memories
OMG SAME!! RFR was a treasure trove of new music for me.
2024 ???
Listening in 2017.
Christ...I only knew the part from second 10-14 and searched for it 3 years. Never heard it anywhere since. Try to find a song that way, it's painstakingly hard. I mean really hard. Here is how it went the last 2 minutes:
1. Tried midomi with this part. Results were Good Riddance by GreenDay and so on...
2. Google search for "song in space..." google compelteted it with "...jam"
3. Brainwave! It was something with marmelade or traffic lights! Or...
4. Accidently misspelling the name Jem in google searching for "Jem song"
5. Finding this! 3 years later in just 2 minutes of constant brilliancy excess!
6. And I knew it was something with space. This video proves it. Not. But there is another version! :D
This was my riongtone for years, now it is Snoop Dog with Get a light. But I still pick up my phone if I hear this song on the radio :), I only searched for Gem, and then thougt "o it was with a J.".
I think I did a similar thing to find this song, took me ages as well haha :) That was a few years ago
IIRC the only lyric I could remember was "do you see what I see". Not much to go off future, use the soundhound app
It was default sound in my Sony Ericsson W700i, also was my ringtone for years, but never heard it anywhere else. The sound back me at 2006 :(
I just love JEM. I listen to this album in my's the best music to listen to while driving.
This song brings up so many memories. I really enjoy listening to it again
Where is she these days?
It's 2022 and still no word from her
I LOVE JEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to listen to this when I was younger.. I found it very strange..
+EpiKitten Of course it is strange, listen to the lyrics closely along with watching the images..... THINK ABOUT IT
look up a few posts, there is someone who said the exact same thing you did, this is NOT a coincidence.!@#@!
Back in 2012 when I first heard this track at a shopping mall there was no Shazam and I literally had to pay close attention to what words she was singing to be able to look it up online later. Jem on in 2023!
Should be a theme song for "they live"
almost forgot this existed
"why is she so sorry?" - five year old brother.
It"s like this
Cause' we do this
Before she hits the 1st hook of "They", she also says "we"; "I'm sorry 'we' do this", admitting her place in the illusion/delusion. Was she once a boy?
In "I Always Knew", it seems as though there came a time when there were some things she didn't wanna play along with, and was threatened that it's over for her. She says she'll fight to stay in music, but then says at the end: "I've sold you a million, baby..." She concedes that staying in is not up to her, by her words, "GIVEN the chance, baby, I'll sell you a billion more".
Looks like a compromise was in order.
The question is: Who Is Baby? Because, THAT'S who she wrote the song to.
@@s.e.2018 to Satan
She is apologizing to the children for our complacency and our continued support for the corrupt system in which we are living. The children are being poisoned by big pharmas toxic chemicals and are being molested by people in high places whilst the majority continue to turn a blind eye.
Such a talented fox
Thank you. I agree with you. The ones who are "awaken" notice the symbols while the "sleepers" think we're crazy. People think that these songs are just coincidences or "just music" but there's more to the lyrics if people actually pay attention to what they're listening to.
Im one of the kids in this video
TheVOLTER88 Who are you, where are you? ♪♪♪
TheVOLTER88 You sure made the music video the way it was meant to be. FYI I saw it on VH1.
Kevin Piland damn what year was it on Vh1. I was in the video when i was about 8 Lol
Which one?
This video is better than the other one..
This is the original video for the song.
Ansein no this is the US version. there is an original UK/Europe video where she's floating in some sort of space machine.
Seventh Heaven
ok. That makes sense on different countries having different MVs.
Ansein and this was like back in 05. Although they started this trend ( making an alternative music video for the US audience) in the 90s...I think there should just be one video for all. :)
Seventh Heaven
It would be nice, if there were just one video to relate to, but then you have to try to keep it interesting, while respecting the social limits of different cultures. Nobody makes videos like they used to back in the 70's and 80's.
Wow this video was added 10 years ago?
I first heard this song when i was a little girl and I fell in love with it. I never could remember the name of it, I always remembered the singer was named Jem... but I thought it was spelled "Gem" I finally decide to look for it online and I couldn't find her... but I found Jem on wikipedia! YAY wikipedia is actually useful for once!!! I'm so happy I found this song again, I'm making sure never to forget it!
Also s real masterpiece!
And where is this beauty comin' from?
Again, it' s from Britannia, where the best music and sounds of the past decades is coming from!!
Mcdreamy brought me here
some TV show had this song years ago... a long time ago.. downloaded it back then as mp3 and still have it and listening to it on winamp.. ps. winamp for the win. all my friends use spotify, I'm too old school for that
Prelude No.12 in F Minor :) I recall hearing Hannibal listening to it in... Red Dragon, I think? It freaked me the hell out, because I hadn't heard the original in so long, it wasn't until that moment that I associated it with this Jem song.
Literally watching Napoleon (2023) and I thought I recognised the haunting melody.
Saw your comment and thought ... ahhh that would explain it.
Bach Prelude in F Minor Vocal brought me here
Anti illuminati music, that why she's not in the medias. She's so much better that beyonce miley taylor etc.
My thoughts too
MooreJulianne I AGREE!!! BEYONCE SINGS LIKE A LOST GOAT HER VOICE IS ANNOYING ! You heard one song by Beyince you heard them all same crap. Taylor Swift is your typical tall stick figure blonde blue eyed most desireable type of woman so yeah she is a sex symbol so is Beyonce
Why is everyone so naive? No, honey. This wasn't anti-illuminati and no, the illuminati didn't make the song less popular because of it. The song actually is hella deeper than that.
If the illuminati was real and found a song that was against them- they'd delete it. But they don't. Because they don't.
This song is anti SOCIETY. Or at least anti how stigma or first impressions will affect our decisions.
Jem was moving to NYC and people kept saying it's dangerous there. Which, yes, in some sense is true. But she was paranoid because of what people told her and it wasn't true. Not everyone in NYC is an ass who's going to steal your car. She met really nice people there. That's why she wrote this song. It wasn't fair that those people could make her scared of a place neither of them had lived before, and it wasn't fair that she believed them without seeing it for herself.
What we say about other people turns them into just that.
And our lives would be easier if we didn't generalize but it's human nature to self destruct.
doesn't take much to be better than Beyonce or MIley lol
"anti-illuminati music, that's why she's not in the medias" ... what complete and utter tripe.
If you think there is some NWO being plotted in secret underground chambers that has members in the higher ranks of various senates around the world, you really are bereft of any knowledge or understanding of how the real world actually operates.
2022 gang 😌
Respekt from Poland
Jem! I remember her I listened to her when I was a child and completely forgot about her but now I remember her name my god long time no hear
They know all these because they had internet and smart phones before we did.
GA season 14 episode 7
Johann Sebastian Bach, prelude 12 F minor (II vol.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bwv 881
Jem took the vocal sample from the 1961 album "Jazz Sebastian Bach" from The Swindle Singers, available on Spotify! It's a great album in which pieces from Bach are performed by vocals and a jazz combo.
Still love this after so many years
I never forget that music 🎶 video, in '05... it's been 12 years.