Tiff really needs to chill in moment like those the reason most people watch this for the banter between friends not for something informative and facts
Mas Mar or you could fuck off and not try to dictate what people do and how they look because it doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever you weird ass
Trysha Luu With that being said. My wife is a bigger girl, and she barely eats and has been going to the gym, and losing weight really fast. And I actually wanted her to stay bigger
Darren brown has BEEN doing these things He got a few people to rob a bank a few years ago. It can all be explained though psychology, quite easily actually. It’s not some type of new research. It’s proving that through (in the simplest words) manipulation, the typical human can react to indirect and direct suggestions. Also these people in these types of shows (I’m speaking from previous Darren Brown shows) apply to be a part of a “show (with Darren Brown)” but they believe that they haven’t been selected so they just go on as normal. What I mean by that is they apply but they don’t know what the nature of the show would be. It’s not like they randomly pick a stranger on the street to target. Darren Brown is well known in the UK and knows the power of suggestions on people, so his shows are always very controlled and the contestants/victims are chosen based on their personalities and how susceptible they are to suggestions.
DOFT in the nicest way possible this does not have cameras in your face that have a sticker saying that it’s a tv shoe on them. Since you haven’t watched him or know about the research and theories behind it some of the things he does there is no way I can explain it to you other than this is planned over a very long period of time. I can only say that It’s orchestrated to be normal daily life. Like I said without you watching the show and being aware of the psychology behind it you can’t really say that. Yes, some people are more susceptible than others susceptible than others but that doesn’t mean you will figure it out and call the cameras out and know that he’s behind everything. It’s not a magic trick that you can tell it’s fake. This deals with how your human brain deals with information and the environmental factors that also affect that.
I feel like this show was entirely based off of this one experiment in the US during the 50s or 60s where they had people "shock" a dude and told them they'd pay no consequences over it. they kept increasing the wattage until it was at a point where it became lethal and a surprising amount people went ahead and "killed" the dude they thought was on the other side of the curtains (the guy didn't actually get shocked or killed but was just acting like he did). Anyways It was an interesting experiment about accountability and really makes you wonder how many people are just being nice for the sake of it and how many are doing it solely because of the consequences and accountability they're made to fear. This was a bunch of average people you'd see walking down the street or grocery shopping too. Really interesting stuff.
Husmook Comedy | It follows the same premise! I learned about that experiment is a psychology class - it was conducted by Milgram and it was to see if people would conform to an authority figure (the 'experimenter' who was telling them to continue shocking was in the room with them) even though the lethal voltage was clearly labelled 'lethal.' You can find the experiment on UA-cam too.
Yeah it really is crazy just how much people will do if an authority figure tells them they're not going to be held accountable for their actions or if the authority figure simply pressures them into it. While on the topic of authority I'm sure you've also heard of that prison experiment they did where a few people were made guards and a few were made prisoners. The results of that were also really interesting as those who were handed unlimited authority quickly became extremely abusive towards those that weren't despite being ordinary folks with no particular history of violence. Even though I'm sure those experiments break ethical codes by today's standards I still kinda wish they could somehow test these sort of things in a similar manner. It really reveals a lot about human nature and just how far it can be manipulated or drawn out.
Husmook Comedy You mean the "Milgram Experiment".... I remember watching a documentary about it edit: oops, you already said it, peachykeen, my bad... didn't read the replies before commenting
Husmook Comedy yea I remember doing a report on that experiment in my psychology class I was holy moly we actually have to be taught how to be decent human beings
hi malaysian here where can i find the prank? which episode? i just recently found out that jinnyboy actually collaborate with jknews which is cool (edit: nvm found it and it was awesome to see hitz fm actually collaborate with jknews)
I’m so glad Derren is getting more attention! He’s really an idol of mine because of how amazing he is when it comes to psychological skills. “The Push” is actually quite old and Derren has a series of other manipulation shows, they’re amazing.
It was such a good show! I wish they'd watched it before hand, because I think it would've been a very interesting conversation. Also, these edits are fire.
For anyone new to watching Derren brown I’d highly recommend the bank heist and the one where the audience is in control of decisions. I extremely enjoy watching Derren.
Darren Brown did a zombie apocalypse one where he tricked a guy into thinking he was stuck in one and it was a huge psych experiment. Also when casting for the show, Darren Brown makes sure the person is mentally stable enough to endure the psychological damage of the experiment
Seeing Derren Brown on the thumbnail had me liking this video before I watched it. Hes a treasure here in the UK, Ive seen him live twice and hes truly mindblowing
I didn't even know Derren Brown wasn't known outside of the UK. He's a really famous illusionist/hypnotist and he's done so many crazy shows. I'd definitely recommend them! They really make you wonder how you would react when put in those situations...
JK if you guys enjoyed Push watch Derren Brown Apocalypse. He convinced a guy that a zombie apocalypse had happened. It's entertaining and you can watch it on UA-cam.
The mentalist stuff is very interesting. David Blaine did the "touch the other person" deal with Will & Jada Smith & Jamie foxx & his daughter. I didn't look up how he did it but by watching it I feel it's not true mentalist shit. Check out Keith Berry (he had a tv show called "deception" on Discovery) or Lior Suchard (he's been on James Corden a few times). Basically they know how to read non-verbal cues and how to INFLUENCE (which is the part that REALLY freaks me out) your answers with subtle cues. They are just able to tap into things that we don't realize we are communicating.
Damn it jk news, I just had my dentist take out two of my teethes and now it hard for me to smile or laugh since it hurts but damn i just couldn't hold it anymore especially when I saw David disgusting face when he drank that juice of some sort😂😂
The edit of tiff's face when she gets cut off lmaoo
Blamh time stamp?
too adorable lol
Time stamp?
Tiff really needs to chill in moment like those the reason most people watch this for the banter between friends not for something informative and facts
MLGmonkys she gets cut off a lot of times a day because they make several videos so I get why she would get frustrated
I fucking love Vince as the editor.
Captures funny shit David does.
David drinking that coffee - why're you doin that to yourself man 😂
Thavy that was one of my favorite parts lmao!!
super hot coffee
I can't Stop Laughing At That lmao
lol how can it be hot its iced
green house Hot coffee wouldn’t come in those cups. It’s probably just super strong/black lol
David drinking the coffee legit had me dead😂😂
David just stop drinking the coffee omg
Mas Mar or you could fuck off and not try to dictate what people do and how they look because it doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever you weird ass
Trysha Luu well if david has a heart attack and dies cause hes overweight ill be sad
black hustle pretty sure none of us are his doctors tho so maybe don’t talk on what we don’t know
Trysha Luu Even being 40lbs out our healthy weight range puts significant stress on our hearts.
Trysha Luu
With that being said. My wife is a bigger girl, and she barely eats and has been going to the gym, and losing weight really fast. And I actually wanted her to stay bigger
So a mentalist, an illusionist, and a hippopotamus walk into a bar...
Nikki should be a permanent person on this channel now! you guys go well together
Sometimes I think it's a reupload because I hear it from Phillip DeFranco first lol
Darren brown has BEEN doing these things
He got a few people to rob a bank a few years ago.
It can all be explained though psychology, quite easily actually.
It’s not some type of new research. It’s proving that through (in the simplest words) manipulation, the typical human can react to indirect and direct suggestions.
Also these people in these types of shows (I’m speaking from previous Darren Brown shows) apply to be a part of a “show (with Darren Brown)” but they believe that they haven’t been selected so they just go on as normal. What I mean by that is they apply but they don’t know what the nature of the show would be. It’s not like they randomly pick a stranger on the street to target.
Darren Brown is well known in the UK and knows the power of suggestions on people, so his shows are always very controlled and the contestants/victims are chosen based on their personalities and how susceptible they are to suggestions.
Who’s Darren Brown
Sounds fake to me. if i signed up to do something and something weird happens later then I'd figure it was correlated.
DOFT in the nicest way possible this does not have cameras in your face that have a sticker saying that it’s a tv shoe on them.
Since you haven’t watched him or know about the research and theories behind it some of the things he does there is no way I can explain it to you other than this is planned over a very long period of time. I can only say that It’s orchestrated to be normal daily life.
Like I said without you watching the show and being aware of the psychology behind it you can’t really say that. Yes, some people are more susceptible than others susceptible than others but that doesn’t mean you will figure it out and call the cameras out and know that he’s behind everything.
It’s not a magic trick that you can tell it’s fake. This deals with how your human brain deals with information and the environmental factors that also affect that.
Cyrus K the guy who this whole story is on...
hmm... k, I'll take your word for it.
Tiffs face looked like that fish in spongebob loool Aww bless her
Jihan N.S I ripped my pants
shouko Yes
That collective conscious thing explains how every elementary school kid knew about the ICUP trick
I miss when one of them would talk to you at the end. I felt special 😅😆
"i pushed all of you, all of you are dead"
😂😂😂😂I cant hurt a fly..well don't touch my food and we're fine😂😂
The edits are on point, keep it up!
David’s reaction to drinking that coffee cracked me up! I couldn’t pay attention to Joe at all, plus I kept repeating it about 20 times lol! 😂
peep David's Rick and Morty pickle Rick shirt...
You late af
Nathaniel Palladino a
I'm running out of Netflix shows
then walk
Have u watched altered carbon?
Elle no is it good ?
WYNOLLO TV yea it's really good watch the trailer first though
Zombie nation, travelers, stranger Things, vampire diaries, 10000 bc, walking dead
I feel like this show was entirely based off of this one experiment in the US during the 50s or 60s where they had people "shock" a dude and told them they'd pay no consequences over it. they kept increasing the wattage until it was at a point where it became lethal and a surprising amount people went ahead and "killed" the dude they thought was on the other side of the curtains (the guy didn't actually get shocked or killed but was just acting like he did). Anyways It was an interesting experiment about accountability and really makes you wonder how many people are just being nice for the sake of it and how many are doing it solely because of the consequences and accountability they're made to fear. This was a bunch of average people you'd see walking down the street or grocery shopping too. Really interesting stuff.
Husmook Comedy | It follows the same premise! I learned about that experiment is a psychology class - it was conducted by Milgram and it was to see if people would conform to an authority figure (the 'experimenter' who was telling them to continue shocking was in the room with them) even though the lethal voltage was clearly labelled 'lethal.' You can find the experiment on UA-cam too.
Yeah it really is crazy just how much people will do if an authority figure tells them they're not going to be held accountable for their actions or if the authority figure simply pressures them into it. While on the topic of authority I'm sure you've also heard of that prison experiment they did where a few people were made guards and a few were made prisoners. The results of that were also really interesting as those who were handed unlimited authority quickly became extremely abusive towards those that weren't despite being ordinary folks with no particular history of violence. Even though I'm sure those experiments break ethical codes by today's standards I still kinda wish they could somehow test these sort of things in a similar manner. It really reveals a lot about human nature and just how far it can be manipulated or drawn out.
Husmook Comedy
You mean the "Milgram Experiment".... I remember watching a documentary about it
edit: oops, you already said it, peachykeen, my bad... didn't read the replies before commenting
Husmook Comedy yea I remember doing a report on that experiment in my psychology class I was holy moly we actually have to be taught how to be decent human beings
Its funny cos Derren Brown also showcased the Milgram experiment in one of his shows. He was inspired by the orginal, look it up on youtube
Omggg I remember that prank on Bart and Joe in a radiostation in Malaysia xD
hi malaysian here where can i find the prank? which episode? i just recently found out that jinnyboy actually collaborate with jknews which is cool (edit: nvm found it and it was awesome to see hitz fm actually collaborate with jknews)
A double blind experiment means both administrators and recipients don't know what/how an experiment is being sampled
This is such a old special. You guys are like 3 years too late.
so? you can still enjoy it lol
Probably cuz it’s a Uk thing
I've had Netflix since they were sending out DVDs. You're like 13 years late. Psh.
no its new on net flix
In the show, they took his phone by the door before the “auction” happened! Mind blowing show, you guys should watch it
I love the gunshot sound edits!
Joey will be the next Hirohito
David being entertained by joe always makes my day
The video is cool and all but , that face David is making when drinking that juice or something 😂😂😂 on point
thank you for your hard work tiff
Again one of David's friends stories. LOL this guy is good!
I was having the fkn worst night and god i've never laughed this hard. You guys are craaaaaaaaazy.
Let tiff speak
hahha david staaawpppp sipping the tea!! this is the second video you sipped the tea and have to chug water afterwards :P
I very much appreciate the close up cuts of everyone’s faces... esp davids 😂
Lol. The moment that guy had a heart attack. I would've started CPR
Effing love Derren Brown, all his shows are amazingly mind boggling
😂😂David moves out of bed when he hears the ice cream van 😁😁
I’m so glad Derren is getting more attention! He’s really an idol of mine because of how amazing he is when it comes to psychological skills. “The Push” is actually quite old and Derren has a series of other manipulation shows, they’re amazing.
David Shooting that gun was such a badass edit
Amazing Video as always
I need David So shirt 😭😍😍
The zoom ins KILL ME i love ittttttt
Lmao! I feel you tiff! Not 1 person was paying any attention. All you can do is 😃. Nice editing by the way!
All the booms, lol. Those close up edits, lmaoo.
It was such a good show! I wish they'd watched it before hand, because I think it would've been a very interesting conversation. Also, these edits are fire.
Omg I remember that video when Bart and Joe got pranked lol
I often find myself watching tons of JK News just cause Joe's commentary is always hysterical
What is the song they use at the end of the video?
I've watched it, and it's GOOD!
I love how David calls out Nikki like all the time
For anyone new to watching Derren brown I’d highly recommend the bank heist and the one where the audience is in control of decisions. I extremely enjoy watching Derren.
great editing Vince
Omfg best jk news ever! Sooo funny 😂 David drinking that coffee 😂😂😂👌🏾
Darren Brown did a zombie apocalypse one where he tricked a guy into thinking he was stuck in one and it was a huge psych experiment. Also when casting for the show, Darren Brown makes sure the person is mentally stable enough to endure the psychological damage of the experiment
Why does David keep drinking his Starbucks if he knows he doesn’t like it 😂😂😂😂
on a very brief account, a hypnotist gives people therapeutic treatments while an illusionist performs on stage for some sort of reason.
These edits are fuccing hilarious
Seeing Derren Brown on the thumbnail had me liking this video before I watched it. Hes a treasure here in the UK, Ive seen him live twice and hes truly mindblowing
I didn't even know Derren Brown wasn't known outside of the UK. He's a really famous illusionist/hypnotist and he's done so many crazy shows. I'd definitely recommend them! They really make you wonder how you would react when put in those situations...
The editing is top notch
Derren Brown once made someone think they were in a real zombie apocalypse and it was insane! I miss watching him on TV in the Uk.
Remember when Darren Brown made this guy believe it was the apocolypst ...that was crazy 😂
Damn the Edits!!! Like that zoom on Nikki
David 😂😂☕️
As soon as I read the title I knew what this was Gunna be about I LOVE DERREN BROWN I've seen all his stuff, the trick or treat series was great
anyone know where tiff's top is from??!!
Anyone know the vid where joe says he got choked out by jess
Netflix, Rick & Morty brand deals are going hard on this one damn
LOL at the editing
If that was me in the show They be like "this is madness!" And I'll be like "madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!!!" and kick everyone of the roof.
“This person doesn’t know he being Film”. Tons of spotlight on him no reason.
It aired in the UK on channel 4 in 2015
where did you buy that shirt david!?
JK if you guys enjoyed Push watch Derren Brown Apocalypse. He convinced a guy that a zombie apocalypse had happened. It's entertaining and you can watch it on UA-cam.
I remember when the radio show pranked Joe and Bart really vividly for some reason
For anyone who is impatient, show they’re talking about is called: The Push.
Love you guys
David is so funny I'm dying 😂
Talk about how Bobby Lee's gf admits to only being with him for his money LMAO LOLOL
The mentalist stuff is very interesting. David Blaine did the "touch the other person" deal with Will & Jada Smith & Jamie foxx & his daughter. I didn't look up how he did it but by watching it I feel it's not true mentalist shit. Check out Keith Berry (he had a tv show called "deception" on Discovery) or Lior Suchard (he's been on James Corden a few times). Basically they know how to read non-verbal cues and how to INFLUENCE (which is the part that REALLY freaks me out) your answers with subtle cues. They are just able to tap into things that we don't realize we are communicating.
Daves and barts british accents 😂😂😂😂
David's shirt!! Love it!
I watched this show and it’s a pretty great watch. It does make you think a lot about the daily interactions we have and the things we do all the time
piiiiicccckkkkeeeellllllllll riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! [david your shirt made my day]
David drinking that black ass coffee lmao
Wauw i clicked as soon as i saw the notification but i watched the first min before i commented :P
Just to get things straight, Joe and Bart insisted on not paying for the radio fees for the prank show. New memory
The gun sound effects are great
I love that radio prank they talked about.
Great show .. 👌🙌😊
Why David keep drinking that🤣🤣🤣
Tiff looking at the camera like she’s Jim from the office
Great sound effect! Lol 👉🏻
Nikki started to talk the same way as Steve haha
It's actually an old special, I was surprised to see it on Netflix.
Oh I remember that Malaysia prank, that was a while ago
There are many sociological experiments like this, like the university prison one, that one was crazyy
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt
Damn it jk news, I just had my dentist take out two of my teethes and now it hard for me to smile or laugh since it hurts but damn i just couldn't hold it anymore especially when I saw David disgusting face when he drank that juice of some sort😂😂
Is this a re-upload
Push and pull 😂😂😂😂