dunno if anyone gives a shit but if you are stoned like me during the covid times then you can watch pretty much all of the new series on instaflixxer. I've been streaming with my gf these days xD
@@Seldonlair Not really pointless. Alot of Tau fans out there who play them still. Most 40k players play thier favorite army despite how good it is on the table. Even though Custodes sucked in 8th, I played them hard in 8thz just because I liked the lore and aesthetic.
@@venge1894 Likewise I began collecting Tau, and started Warhammer in 8th edition. Partly because I love mechs in anime and other media, and I have the old PS2 game Fire Warrior, which I have been meaning to play.
Why ultra marines? Not criticizing but they just lack personality. The other chapters have specific and unique play styles while the ultra marines are just a better standard marine. Like the raven guard, white scars, and salamanders have like their own distinct feel to them. I just don’t get why people like the ultra marines. Is it just cause they’re blue?
@@codmas3r623 if you start with a boxed set and paint it like the box art, and just keep going, you end up with 5000 points of Ultramarines. :P (And the whole Realm of Ultramar and the Tyrannic War bit is pretty cool.)
Good luck! Been fighting a crusade against a Tau friend of mine for a month now. Be afraid if your opponent plays Sororitas, we are 3 for 3 against the Tau.
My Jaw dropped when I saw the Psychic Awakening Farsight Enclave bringing back Cmdr Spam. I was so happy but I had to be VERY careful not to yeet my Cmdrs into my Opponent and have them get ez points lol
Indeed! I am at a slump on building/painting my Tau backlog because I do not know of any future buffs/nerfs to my army in order to create a fun list. I have a glimmer of hope that they buff stealth suits/Ghostkeels since I
@@GundamReviver or they can restrict weapon options for crisis battlesuits as the have done for plague marines (special weapon options are restricted by content of the box)
Bork'an will always have a place in my heart since if you bring pathfinders you can use their pulse accelerator drones to get your pulse rifles up to 42" range
i remember doing the "Triple tap" Bork'an Build near the start of 8th with my roommate's Tyranids. Yea he was not happy with that much dakka from Tau grunts ^_^
I'd love a tau series of videos on unit breakdowns with a comparison video after the 9th ed drops to see how the units fare in comparison and point for point effectiveness
Thank you for caring about Tau. I know we suck right now, but we get so little coverage. Here’s to hoping for a fun and balanced codex that is fun to play and to play against.
Small correction: the actual armour colour scheme of a model has been retconned to no longer matter unless you're building a 'Parade' army or a Sept garrison. Tau colour their armed forces according to their combat environment (bright white being... poor camouflage unless you're trying to sneak into a polar bears-only nightclub) and only the Sept markings 'have to' be in the original Sept tones. The white box-art scheme could be any Sept, it's the red markings that make it Vior'la.
One of the Tau septs I like is "Bomb'Via"; Hardened Warheads & Soldiers in Arms I like Up-gunned for Stealth Suits [Sept: Da'Kha] Also use the +4" to Assault with Breacher teams and Soldiers in Arms it's pretty funny. [Sept: Peu'Pew]
I'm surprised you didn't mention the Hybridized Weapons Custom Sept trait. It gives 4" of range to assault weapons across the army. 16" flamer Crisis teams are hilarious and decent at holding objectives.
Fusion blaster with 22" range (so 11" for melter range) is also super fun. Drop 9-10" away near enemy armour and your 3 man squad of crisis blows up everything
I have had plenty of fun with the Vior'La sept. It is always interesting to se the look on your opponent's face, when they come to the battle expecting a gun line, and then that gunline ends right up in their faces!
@@dominicparker6124 I usually run two squads of Breachers in Devilfishes, a few Piranhas with fusion blasters and a Coldstar Commander with four missile pods up one flank. Due to them being able to advance and shoot at full BS they are surprisingly fast. The rest of the army is usually a Strike Team to camp out on a home objective, stealth suits and crisis suits with whatever loadout I feel like on the day. The key is to keep moving. Well, except for the Strike Team, they sit still. It probably isn't the most competitive force, but it is fun to play, which is enough of a victory for me :)
Vior''la, represent! When you need to cover a lot of ground in a jiffy, our mobility is only surpassed by a Custom Sept that takes Turbo-Jets. But we are better shots than then when doing so.
I appreciate you calling out the T'au custom sept elements as being designed around individual units instead of being meaningful ways of playing the army. The Psychic Awakening rules for them were clearly designed to shore up failings in the codex where new datasheets were needed, but they couldn't do that without a full codex release. It gives me hope that GW recognizes how poor the Tau codex was designed even during 8th, and will fix them with the new codex.
Fluff-wise I absolutely adore Bork'an, my first batch were painted up in their colors and I still pull them out often. That said, I agree with Auspex that they're a bit lackluster at the moment, hoping that 9th codex spices things up a bit. Leaning into their love of prototype and experimental weaponry would be a great way of giving them a lot more tactical variety than "castle up in our deployment zone and kill you from three feet away"
I believe Farsight Enclaves is currently the best sept, with Tau Sept being a close 2nd. The way the game is played now simply doesn't allow for grinding castle gameplay.
imo every Sept has potential to be the best one, but they cannot flourish if no one wants to play with you because you play Tau.......JkJKJKJK ^_^ (I played tau proper with my roommate, lets just say, he does not admit it ,but he does no want to play with my Tau unless I change/handicap my list. Too boring to play against due to the amount of shield drone spam ^_^; )
I started a farsight enclaves army back in november as they were an army that I had wanted to start since I started playing and I wanted a speed painting project which they were perfect for. I think FSE is best purely off of the back of veteran XV8s which definitely should not be underestimated, I recommend if you're going to play tau and use XV8s at all, you should at least do a barebones enclaves patrol to make them vets. I run mine as a blob of six (thinking of expanding to nine), each armed with a fusion blaster and shield generator, with the shas'ui additionally taking a drone controller. Having eight marker drones with them, they should be able to on average hit full markerlights at a target, and if they do, at six inches you're looking at a reliable average of 13 damage before you also calculate the melta roll 2 discard 1. I also think it's worth taking shield generators on all suits other than stealth, it helps give you some staying power since the rest of the units are pretty fragile, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone thinks it's a waste of points.
Just in general, I feel like the Tau need a bigger overhaul than a lot of armies. It isn't just that they're weak right now, such that they just need bigger numbers or cheaper costs or something. It's that their whole dynamic seems to reward castling up and staying put, which wasn't particularly interesting in 8th, and meshes horribly with 9th edition's focus on getting out into the battlefield. I'd love to see how Tau would play, for example, if the group overwatch part of For the Greater Good were removed and replaced by a buff to each individual unit's overwatch, allowing Tau units to operate more independently and move up the board with a little less fear of being effortlessly picked off by enemy melee.
Honestly scrapping marker lights and giving everything Bs3 would be a good start, giving kroot ork stats and giving xv8's and commanders melee options would help still more, and if you really want them to be OK give tau an AI base "psychic" phase.
@@GundamReviver those ideas of you two are both horrible. Good lord, that would completely fuck with WHAT and WHO the tau are. Those rules exist because the lore is this way. And you can play super agile tau if you want to.
I use hardened warheads with gifted pilots for my tau tank army. 32 seeker missiles, 15 SMS and a missile pod most on vehicles means great efficiency. basically its 3 ionheads, 2 devilfish, 2 piranhas, 2 skyrays, a barracuda and fusion coldstar and 4x breachers one with a turret, along with 2 fireblades and 2 tetras. though haven't had as many games As I would like considering the lockdowns i've perpetually been in.
Its Tau Sept for me, a big battlesuit like a Riptide or Ghostkeel taking the support system counterfire defense almost shoots as well as it does in the shooting phase in overwatch. It serves two purposes, deters incidental charges that would otherwise be used by your opponent to tie up a big shooter (for fear the unit will just die in overwatch), and if they do decide to charge they have to eat that crazy overwatch. This gives you some better durability on objectives than Farsight Enclaves.
@@dandyd1877 So 5+, rerolling all hits is as good as 6+, re-rolling 1s? That and Darkstrider is simply awesome to pop in a Devilfish with some breachers for +1 to wound. Also the JSJ relic on a Coldstar is a great way to play super aggressive yet still keep him safe.
My friend and I only started with 40k at the very end of 8th, and we didn't play our first game until 9th was out. He's playing Necrons and Death Guard, I play Tau. I'm a grown man of almost 35 years, and I believe the last time I cried this much was when my parents told me Santa isn't real. He was even kind enough to offer to let me play his Necrons/DG every once in a while if I want to, which only makes it sting even more.
Farsight Enclave is pretty much the way to go competitively. For fun and casual games I either go Bork'an or hardened Warheads and something else. Great comments, and I'm really looking forward to Tau getting a complete over haul in 9th, and I'm very interested to see what is happening in the lore with Farsight, Shadow Sun, and the Fourth Sphere all home....in the Silent King's territory.
This is old, but lately I've been experimenting with borkan and I actually like it alot, take Pathfinders with pulse accelerator drones and put them near your fire warriors with a fireblade and all of a sudden your rapid fire range on the rifles is 21" with volley fire so 3 shots a dude. In more than a few occasions I'd have 90 shots coming out from a ball of dudes, and the extra 6" range on things like smart missiles and plasma cannons actually comes in handy quite a bit. Not super competitive or anything, but it's fun trying to put range and put gun then rush in to swing the game back in turns 4 and 5. And then you have 42" marker lights which is fun
Have been running FSE + Custom: harden warheads + soldier in arms. Winning into the final round of the tournament with this list. 3cmdr: 1 4fusion coldstar for alpha strike, 1 deepstrike cyclic crisis, 1 missle crisis babysit a small group of broadsides. Also must be using a lot of MSU and the breachers have to do the heavy lifting of damage dealing in mid-field sometimes. Plus mixing up some vespids for 2nd obj. I mean this seems like the only viable and balance list atm for Tau. There could be more list with much greater damage output but you would be more susceptible to be tabled.
High powered incinerators and Gatling Burst Cannons currently is a thing not to be ignored lightly. Both can turn the tide of a battle if packed in a high model count Krisis team, especially when combined with an ATS for -1 AP. Especially when playing Farsight Enclaves, having a team of 8 bodyguards with 2 High Powered Incinerators and an ATS each combined with one defensive Iridium/Shield Gen/Airburst/Reactive Countermeasure can be really deadly at short range with the re-roll 1s to wound Sept rule. Not even to mention the ~42 S5 AP-1 hits in Overwatch and re-rolling 1s to wound being a huge turn-off to get into a melee with these guys.
The thing I hope for most from the new T'au codex is the ability to take Crisis Suits as Troops, and/or make the Veteran Cadre stratagem a regular points cost upgrade for as many Crisis teams as you want. I just love Crisis Suits, and it's a shame that they occupy the same force org slot that's inundated with arguably better options for every role.
Farsight is just so much better than the rest. Lack of etheral hurts but you get SO MUCH flexability with their army. It's always my recommendation for new Tau players, or people who can't afford more than 1 army list and want to play Tau.
@Tholt I think you can actually get around the lack of ethereal by taking another detachment in your list of lets say Vior'la with your Farsight Enclaves. Invocation of the Elements says for any T'au empire models it gives the Farsight Enclave detachment the buffs as well. And the Farsight Enclaves are not taking the ethereal so it is okay as far as I know.
The Eight seems initially kinda modest but seems to have a few really unique options. I'm a rather casual player, so I don't know how useful these would be, but I was looking over them a while back The named XV88, Ob'Lotai 9-0, has more abilities than it looks like he has at a glance. Explicitly, he has his abilities to reduce incoming damage by 1, to a mimimum of 1, and can advance and shoot in addition to his typical Velocity Tracker. That's obvious. What might not be immediately obvious if you just look over him casually is that, as a character, he can hide behind non-characters, and he shares the rest of The Eight's ability to Deep Strike in - Including his missile drones. Building on -that- he can benefit from Drop Zone Clear, the short-range Farsight bonuses, etc. These are things no other Broadside can do. it seems like deploying him with Torchstar (Who has a drone controller and markerlight drones) could be real nice Also it seems like you can give them Warlord Traits by using the Promising Pupil strategem; the wording is that it selects a Model, not a Unit, and none of The Eight except Farsight designate a warlord trait. Exemplar of the Kau'yon on the named Riptide to reroll all it's wounds, or Through Boldness, Victory to tie into the named Broadside's unique ability to deep-strike, could be quite oppressive... But this seems -fucky- and just kind of feels like you shouldn't be able to do that, even if I can't quite find why you could not. Overall even with those I think The Eight are kind of a unit with a few huge stand-outs (Like Farsight, Brightsword, and 9-0) mixed in with a few commanders who are kind of a mixed bag (Like Sha'vastos, who doesn't really excel at anything and who's bonus ability is also a relic and thus not actually unique)
I started off with Borkan, loving the lore and the extra range. switched to Tau sept when i could field a normal 1k army for the better overwatch. havent played 9th yet due to reasons so not sure whether viorla or FE would better. i am currently making up a set of modded minis for the Eight, so would be nice to use them in a game when im done.
If you take farsight enclaves, you can use veteran cadre and find a way to get five markerlights on whatever you shoot at and you’ll be hitting on twos re rolling ones which is just fun. Points efficient, maybe not, fun, yeah.
I'm hoping that veteran battlesuits become their own kit, along with weapon options for fusion blades and onager gauntlets, since if they're going to advance the T'au lore, then the current prototype weapons should start going into mass production (also FSE gets supplied by smugglers from other septs, so it would be perfectly valid for them to have them, as well as having O'Vesa who's a genius among the earth caste). They would have to make the relic versions stronger though.
*grabs crisis suit and mobile suit Gundam 0079 manga* Seriously though my Gunpla, Gundam manga (Viz), and Tau are all displayed close to each other. My other Warhammer armies are together elsewhere.
I've always been told it was a Daemon blade, so I felt like an idiot when suggesting that the Farsight Enclave should be made flavorful by having a unit that follows in Farsight's path and bond with Daemon weapons, effectively becoming brutal melee fighters in exchange for their chance at a peaceful afterlife.
The planet of Arthas Moloc was home to an ancient civilization that understood the warp and had many countermeasures to fight it. The relics of this old tech was what brought ork looters to the planet, and ork looters are what brought farsight's forces on the planet. They fight inside this ruined city and they spill blood on a plaza where ancient ruins spring to life. The plaza is also surrounded by artifacts that seem to repel the demons, also many buildings have runes that keep them far away. So it's probable that the plaza where the demons burst forth was a training ground\trial ritual for the members of that society. The dawn blade is made of the same alloy of which the dispelling artifacts are composed. So it surely isn't a demon blade, neither a c'tan artifact or other. It's the last legacy of a long forgotten civilization that knew how to master an resist the warp.
@@ferdjur4195 the question is when that lore bit was written. I pretty sure the original story when farsight was introduced was that the blade was strongly hinted at being from Ctan origin.
Honestly, I love my farsight crisis nuke. 5+ crisis bodyguards veteran cadre, 1 with shield gen, iridium armor, afp with countermeasures relic, and a drone con, the all rest of the suits with 2x CIBs+ATS. Depending on how many I take and how well I roll, I can pretty much drop *ANYTHING* in the game.
@@exmaplecore4559 71pts each for the CIB suits (6x S8 AP-2 d3D possibly hitting on 2s with rr1s to hit and wound) and 63pts for the "sacrificial" suit but that suit is T5 3W 2+,4++, and 5+++ (fnp with a strat) and it ignores AP-1 and AP-2. It really isn't *that* good, but it's kind of the best Taj have at the moment. Plus I get 12x S5 AP-1 melee attacks, hitting on 4s, rr1s if farsight is near by. Again, it isn't much but it's the best Tau have atm.
Did this come out before psychic awakening: the greater good? He missed hybridized weaponry which gives assault weapons +4” range. That’s amazing for breachers and fusion blasters. 11” for half range on meltas, and your breachers get a 9” close range weapon profile.
He already covered Custom Septs. He skipped Hybridized Weaponry for other ones. Also, Hybridized Weaponry only works on the Long Range profile of the Pulse Blasters. It's already been explained in the FAQ since last year.
I used Sa’cea a fair bit in 8th just cause the reroll builds up with enough volume of fire. Local meta means a lot more than tournament meta imho because in my local group my Tau and one of my friends Nids are the strongest armies and some forces like blood angels which were considered the strongest for tournaments struggled
@@Milenos You get the melta bonus if you're within half range. +4" range to a blaster makes it a 22" range, so it's half-range becomes 11". Dropping 9" away with this trait still lets you roll an extra damage die & pick the best.
I tend to run up gunned to give my stealth suits or battle suits given advanced targeting systems. S5 Ap -2 burst cannons aren’t the best things in the world but they can do the job
I'd say Farsight ally, with the fact that you can use most of its rules, bar you cant take farsight nor a second comander i believe, but you can take its tenet AND have an ethereal will be a devastating combo
@@ilisan I read it as standard so two slapped together are fine as they're standard. It's the sniper variants. Rules as written vs rules as intended. I let people know and let them decide if they agree.
@@Paddzr Sounds fine to me and probably to most of your opponents. To be honest, I don't understand that ruling anyway, they should've at least included all assault variants. As it stands now, I just wouldn't bring it to tournaments.
@@ilisan yeah, I should clarify I game only with friends and we have good understnading and house rules are fine if they make sense. As for tourneys, well, i wouldn't bring Tau to begin with lol.
I like the Farsight lore but the Viaor'la colour scheme. I currently collect Space Wolves, and if I were to collect a second army it would be Farsight or Orks.
I have a longterm goal to create sizable Tau armies for every Sept, and painted accordingly. I say "longterm" because obviously Warhammer miniatures are a very expensive hobby. I don't even have the right paints for even a single Sept, just Tau skin tone paints and primer lol As far as models go, I can maybe form a decent Farsight Enclaves army because I just built the Eight (though again, they're unpainted). I don't know when I'll try to play matches again. For all I know, it could be 10th Edition when I start playing (and I started collecting during 8th Ed.).
that's what I play. I just dump piles of kroot on objectives and see if my opponent can kill them all. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. but either way my opponent and I have fun.
I have long considered it odd that T'au have no melee firearms. The lore implies that T'au suffer in melee due to slower reflexes then humans, so it seems to me that weapons like flak cannons and sonic weaponry that you wield defensively when the enemy gets close to you would have popped up from time to time. Not quite a powerfist or thunderhammer but even orks would be hard pressed to survive a face full skull pulping sound, defensive drone systems for when you don't have a shield wall.
Custom, Hardend Warhead with Soldier in Arms is my go to so far...Might have other viable options with a new Codex. Otherwise Viorla or Farsight Enclave may be a decent option, in my experiance, for now.
Considering how weak Tau are in CC, I prefer Tau Sept for the 5+ overwatch. I also take it for Shadowsun being able to call Kauyon twice which is a big burst of damage.
I've been slowly building and painting the star pulse cadre mostly as a hobby project. I painted them in white with red accents and turns out thats basically the vior'la sept. I intend to play some kill team and I might play a some big boy 40k in the distance when I get the lot painted. Starting from star pulse cadre how would one build up to 2k with vior'la? Thanks
What? No love for Dal'yth? Paired with stealth suits and ghostkeels to infiltrate and squat on objectives, that 2+ save plus the -1 to be hit plus the cheap wounds makes it really easy to grab onto vp early on with engage on all fronts and raising banners while staying alive long enough to possibly cap some objectives.
I havnt played in years but always enjoyed the lore and mdoelling/painting aspect of 40k so I want tog et back into it. I like shooting aliens, so Guard or Tau for me but im not sure which. The tipping point will be how effective an '1500 take all comers' list will be for both, wha tcan you guys reccommend? cheers
Imperial guard are meant to be more competitive than tau at the moment as I understand it. I too struggled between the two and have decided to go with the tau (I’m military and the incompetence of the guard turned out to be far too much like work XD )
I’ve recently just got back into 40k (havent played since 5th edition) can someone explain these septs and the psychic awakening?? As this wasnt a thing in 5th edition
Where can you get the different colored decals for the tau? I got my pathfinder team today and it only comes with the red decals with the original color scheme
Had to do a double take when I saw Auspex doing T'au
It's a welcome change! More please!
Indeed Comrade ^_^
dunno if anyone gives a shit but if you are stoned like me during the covid times then you can watch pretty much all of the new series on instaflixxer. I've been streaming with my gf these days xD
@Brayan Emmett Definitely, been watching on InstaFlixxer for months myself :)
@Brayan Emmett yea, I have been watching on InstaFlixxer for years myself =)
Thank you for taking some time for Tau today! I know they aren’t the most popular faction, so I appreciate all the coverage I can get!
they are the most popular faction dont believe the news
It's really cool they're doing more Tau stuff
They aren't a popular faction right now because they don't have a codex. This video was pointless.
@@Seldonlair Not really pointless. Alot of Tau fans out there who play them still. Most 40k players play thier favorite army despite how good it is on the table. Even though Custodes sucked in 8th, I played them hard in 8thz just because I liked the lore and aesthetic.
@@venge1894 Likewise I began collecting Tau, and started Warhammer in 8th edition. Partly because I love mechs in anime and other media, and I have the old PS2 game Fire Warrior, which I have been meaning to play.
I've just started playing tau after I reached 5000pts of ultra marines lol and this was so helpful, starting our crusade in like 3 weeks
Why ultra marines? Not criticizing but they just lack personality. The other chapters have specific and unique play styles while the ultra marines are just a better standard marine. Like the raven guard, white scars, and salamanders have like their own distinct feel to them. I just don’t get why people like the ultra marines. Is it just cause they’re blue?
@@codmas3r623 if you start with a boxed set and paint it like the box art, and just keep going, you end up with 5000 points of Ultramarines. :P
(And the whole Realm of Ultramar and the Tyrannic War bit is pretty cool.)
Good luck! Been fighting a crusade against a Tau friend of mine for a month now. Be afraid if your opponent plays Sororitas, we are 3 for 3 against the Tau.
Farsight also lets your take 2 commanders per detachment. This is huge IMO.
Yeah, especially with the new detachment rules basically favoring fewer detachments in your army. Commander spam ho!
My Jaw dropped when I saw the Psychic Awakening Farsight Enclave bringing back Cmdr Spam. I was so happy but I had to be VERY careful not to yeet my Cmdrs into my Opponent and have them get ez points lol
OMG my army got an Auspex Tactics video! A good sign of things to come (like GW remembering Tau still exist)
I know right
I can't wait for the T'au codex
Well, you’re gonna have to, but judging by how the power creep is going, they may well be op af by the time it hits!
@@Eagle-eye-pie hopefully now spread out over all their units instead of 'TRIPTIDE ONLEH
Indeed! I am at a slump on building/painting my Tau backlog because I do not know of any future buffs/nerfs to my army in order to create a fun list. I have a glimmer of hope that they buff stealth suits/Ghostkeels since I
@@kerviuskuroshiba5120 least GW could do is an Xv8 weapon upgrade sprue so people don't have to buy them off shapeways and stuff all the time :')
@@GundamReviver or they can restrict weapon options for crisis battlesuits as the have done for plague marines (special weapon options are restricted by content of the box)
Omg Auspex covered Tau? This is something new o.o
This is no longer the darkest timeline
Bork'an will always have a place in my heart since if you bring pathfinders you can use their pulse accelerator drones to get your pulse rifles up to 42" range
That's insane and I love it
Too bad 9th only really cares about how good a unit is within 3" of an objective 🥲
i remember doing the "Triple tap" Bork'an Build near the start of 8th with my roommate's Tyranids. Yea he was not happy with that much dakka from Tau grunts ^_^
This is one of my favorite weird tau wombo combos like no one thinks about, its so funny
That was a favourite of mine well, and the sept fit nicely as the basis for my custom sept. Shame some of the other septs were way stronger.
I'd love a tau series of videos on unit breakdowns with a comparison video after the 9th ed drops to see how the units fare in comparison and point for point effectiveness
Thank you for caring about Tau. I know we suck right now, but we get so little coverage. Here’s to hoping for a fun and balanced codex that is fun to play and to play against.
I really hope each Sept gets the Farsight treatment in the new dex, really amp up the diversity and personality of each. Love seeing Tau on AT!
Small correction: the actual armour colour scheme of a model has been retconned to no longer matter unless you're building a 'Parade' army or a Sept garrison. Tau colour their armed forces according to their combat environment (bright white being... poor camouflage unless you're trying to sneak into a polar bears-only nightclub) and only the Sept markings 'have to' be in the original Sept tones. The white box-art scheme could be any Sept, it's the red markings that make it Vior'la.
So could I have different units with different colors under one Sept? As far as game play rules?
@@PlagueHeart2012 absolutely. As long as the Sept markings (the stripes and leader helmets) are all in the Sept colour, you can do whatever you want.
Really appreciate seeing Auspex cover Tau
One of the Tau septs I like is "Bomb'Via"; Hardened Warheads & Soldiers in Arms
I like Up-gunned for Stealth Suits [Sept: Da'Kha] Also use the +4" to Assault with Breacher teams and Soldiers in Arms it's pretty funny. [Sept: Peu'Pew]
I may enjoy coming up with stupid names for sub-factions too much...
@@rantymcrant-pants9536 lol that is a hilarious name for a Sept.
I'm surprised you didn't mention the Hybridized Weapons Custom Sept trait. It gives 4" of range to assault weapons across the army. 16" flamer Crisis teams are hilarious and decent at holding objectives.
Fusion blaster with 22" range (so 11" for melter range) is also super fun. Drop 9-10" away near enemy armour and your 3 man squad of crisis blows up everything
I started collecting Tau as my lockdown hobby, very happy to see this video! Fair play to Auspex for looking at a "weaker" army in detail.
I have had plenty of fun with the Vior'La sept. It is always interesting to se the look on your opponent's face, when they come to the battle expecting a gun line, and then that gunline ends right up in their faces!
How do you run vior'la? I've not played 40k since 3rd and I'm sort of coming back to it.
@@dominicparker6124 I usually run two squads of Breachers in Devilfishes, a few Piranhas with fusion blasters and a Coldstar Commander with four missile pods up one flank. Due to them being able to advance and shoot at full BS they are surprisingly fast. The rest of the army is usually a Strike Team to camp out on a home objective, stealth suits and crisis suits with whatever loadout I feel like on the day. The key is to keep moving. Well, except for the Strike Team, they sit still.
It probably isn't the most competitive force, but it is fun to play, which is enough of a victory for me :)
Vior''la, represent! When you need to cover a lot of ground in a jiffy, our mobility is only surpassed by a Custom Sept that takes Turbo-Jets. But we are better shots than then when doing so.
I just had a heart attack auspex is doing tau
Pinch yourself, but it's true!
I appreciate you calling out the T'au custom sept elements as being designed around individual units instead of being meaningful ways of playing the army. The Psychic Awakening rules for them were clearly designed to shore up failings in the codex where new datasheets were needed, but they couldn't do that without a full codex release. It gives me hope that GW recognizes how poor the Tau codex was designed even during 8th, and will fix them with the new codex.
When’s the next codex?
@@KennedyA53 GW just posted an article saying Tau is one of the first ones next year, and it was leaked that they were probably dropping in January.
The best Tau sept, is the one that gets released with the 9e codex. Just keep them shelved like me until they become playable again
totally agree. in fact any army that does not have a 9th edition codex should be shelved.
I pray to the God Emperor for you every day.
I can't wait for GW to drop primaris tau. That being said, Bork'an is pretty cool. It would be cool to see them access to some more experimental mechs
Fluff-wise I absolutely adore Bork'an, my first batch were painted up in their colors and I still pull them out often. That said, I agree with Auspex that they're a bit lackluster at the moment, hoping that 9th codex spices things up a bit. Leaning into their love of prototype and experimental weaponry would be a great way of giving them a lot more tactical variety than "castle up in our deployment zone and kill you from three feet away"
@@SarajevoKyoto yeah it would be nice to see them have access to weapons the other Septs don't
I believe Farsight Enclaves is currently the best sept, with Tau Sept being a close 2nd. The way the game is played now simply doesn't allow for grinding castle gameplay.
imo every Sept has potential to be the best one, but they cannot flourish if no one wants to play with you because you play Tau.......JkJKJKJK ^_^ (I played tau proper with my roommate, lets just say, he does not admit it ,but he does no want to play with my Tau unless I change/handicap my list. Too boring to play against due to the amount of shield drone spam ^_^; )
I've been waiting for this exact video!
Can't wait to see the new Tau codex. I'll be doing the Fe'saan sept with my models :)
PSA: Xv25s are infantry (they can get boosted by "Hot-bloded")
I’ve heard the “Shelf” sept is quite good
ROFL Nice one I like it! GJ
Sad but true....
I started a farsight enclaves army back in november as they were an army that I had wanted to start since I started playing and I wanted a speed painting project which they were perfect for. I think FSE is best purely off of the back of veteran XV8s which definitely should not be underestimated, I recommend if you're going to play tau and use XV8s at all, you should at least do a barebones enclaves patrol to make them vets. I run mine as a blob of six (thinking of expanding to nine), each armed with a fusion blaster and shield generator, with the shas'ui additionally taking a drone controller. Having eight marker drones with them, they should be able to on average hit full markerlights at a target, and if they do, at six inches you're looking at a reliable average of 13 damage before you also calculate the melta roll 2 discard 1. I also think it's worth taking shield generators on all suits other than stealth, it helps give you some staying power since the rest of the units are pretty fragile, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone thinks it's a waste of points.
"prepare to manga" love it
Just in general, I feel like the Tau need a bigger overhaul than a lot of armies. It isn't just that they're weak right now, such that they just need bigger numbers or cheaper costs or something. It's that their whole dynamic seems to reward castling up and staying put, which wasn't particularly interesting in 8th, and meshes horribly with 9th edition's focus on getting out into the battlefield. I'd love to see how Tau would play, for example, if the group overwatch part of For the Greater Good were removed and replaced by a buff to each individual unit's overwatch, allowing Tau units to operate more independently and move up the board with a little less fear of being effortlessly picked off by enemy melee.
Honestly scrapping marker lights and giving everything Bs3 would be a good start, giving kroot ork stats and giving xv8's and commanders melee options would help still more, and if you really want them to be OK give tau an AI base "psychic" phase.
@@GundamReviver those ideas of you two are both horrible. Good lord, that would completely fuck with WHAT and WHO the tau are.
Those rules exist because the lore is this way. And you can play super agile tau if you want to.
A TAU VIDEO?? FROM AUSPEX?? Is it Christmas? 🥲
I use hardened warheads with gifted pilots for my tau tank army. 32 seeker missiles, 15 SMS and a missile pod most on vehicles means great efficiency. basically its 3 ionheads, 2 devilfish, 2 piranhas, 2 skyrays, a barracuda and fusion coldstar and 4x breachers one with a turret, along with 2 fireblades and 2 tetras. though haven't had as many games As I would like considering the lockdowns i've perpetually been in.
Its Tau Sept for me, a big battlesuit like a Riptide or Ghostkeel taking the support system counterfire defense almost shoots as well as it does in the shooting phase in overwatch. It serves two purposes, deters incidental charges that would otherwise be used by your opponent to tie up a big shooter (for fear the unit will just die in overwatch), and if they do decide to charge they have to eat that crazy overwatch. This gives you some better durability on objectives than Farsight Enclaves.
Nah, Enclaves sept bonus applies to Overwatch as well which makes it just as good
@@dandyd1877 So 5+, rerolling all hits is as good as 6+, re-rolling 1s? That and Darkstrider is simply awesome to pop in a Devilfish with some breachers for +1 to wound. Also the JSJ relic on a Coldstar is a great way to play super aggressive yet still keep him safe.
Really liked this in-depth guide! Helps me figure out what to use in Tau
Receive my gift of watchtime. Im painting up a kelshan army atm:)
My friend and I only started with 40k at the very end of 8th, and we didn't play our first game until 9th was out. He's playing Necrons and Death Guard, I play Tau. I'm a grown man of almost 35 years, and I believe the last time I cried this much was when my parents told me Santa isn't real.
He was even kind enough to offer to let me play his Necrons/DG every once in a while if I want to, which only makes it sting even more.
ap custom sept is my favourite. it just gives so much more additional killiness across the board
The cowards sept
@@dandyd1877 coming from "we don't fight in melee" Tau any Sept is a cowards Sept. 😜
Farsight Enclave is pretty much the way to go competitively. For fun and casual games I either go Bork'an or hardened Warheads and something else.
Great comments, and I'm really looking forward to Tau getting a complete over haul in 9th, and I'm very interested to see what is happening in the lore with Farsight, Shadow Sun, and the Fourth Sphere all home....in the Silent King's territory.
This is old, but lately I've been experimenting with borkan and I actually like it alot, take Pathfinders with pulse accelerator drones and put them near your fire warriors with a fireblade and all of a sudden your rapid fire range on the rifles is 21" with volley fire so 3 shots a dude. In more than a few occasions I'd have 90 shots coming out from a ball of dudes, and the extra 6" range on things like smart missiles and plasma cannons actually comes in handy quite a bit. Not super competitive or anything, but it's fun trying to put range and put gun then rush in to swing the game back in turns 4 and 5. And then you have 42" marker lights which is fun
Have been running FSE + Custom: harden warheads + soldier in arms. Winning into the final round of the tournament with this list. 3cmdr: 1 4fusion coldstar for alpha strike, 1 deepstrike cyclic crisis, 1 missle crisis babysit a small group of broadsides. Also must be using a lot of MSU and the breachers have to do the heavy lifting of damage dealing in mid-field sometimes. Plus mixing up some vespids for 2nd obj.
I mean this seems like the only viable and balance list atm for Tau. There could be more list with much greater damage output but you would be more susceptible to be tabled.
High powered incinerators and Gatling Burst Cannons currently is a thing not to be ignored lightly. Both can turn the tide of a battle if packed in a high model count Krisis team, especially when combined with an ATS for -1 AP. Especially when playing Farsight Enclaves, having a team of 8 bodyguards with 2 High Powered Incinerators and an ATS each combined with one defensive Iridium/Shield Gen/Airburst/Reactive Countermeasure can be really deadly at short range with the re-roll 1s to wound Sept rule. Not even to mention the ~42 S5 AP-1 hits in Overwatch and re-rolling 1s to wound being a huge turn-off to get into a melee with these guys.
The thing I hope for most from the new T'au codex is the ability to take Crisis Suits as Troops, and/or make the Veteran Cadre stratagem a regular points cost upgrade for as many Crisis teams as you want. I just love Crisis Suits, and it's a shame that they occupy the same force org slot that's inundated with arguably better options for every role.
Farsight is just so much better than the rest. Lack of etheral hurts but you get SO MUCH flexability with their army. It's always my recommendation for new Tau players, or people who can't afford more than 1 army list and want to play Tau.
Also 2 commander suits are allowed instead of an Ethereal which gives them a big boost
@Tholt I think you can actually get around the lack of ethereal by taking another detachment in your list of lets say Vior'la with your Farsight Enclaves. Invocation of the Elements says for any T'au empire models it gives the Farsight Enclave detachment the buffs as well. And the Farsight Enclaves are not taking the ethereal so it is okay as far as I know.
I got absolutely bodied last night in my first game against Tau, your timing is appropriate
The Eight seems initially kinda modest but seems to have a few really unique options. I'm a rather casual player, so I don't know how useful these would be, but I was looking over them a while back
The named XV88, Ob'Lotai 9-0, has more abilities than it looks like he has at a glance. Explicitly, he has his abilities to reduce incoming damage by 1, to a mimimum of 1, and can advance and shoot in addition to his typical Velocity Tracker. That's obvious.
What might not be immediately obvious if you just look over him casually is that, as a character, he can hide behind non-characters, and he shares the rest of The Eight's ability to Deep Strike in - Including his missile drones. Building on -that- he can benefit from Drop Zone Clear, the short-range Farsight bonuses, etc. These are things no other Broadside can do.
it seems like deploying him with Torchstar (Who has a drone controller and markerlight drones) could be real nice
Also it seems like you can give them Warlord Traits by using the Promising Pupil strategem; the wording is that it selects a Model, not a Unit, and none of The Eight except Farsight designate a warlord trait. Exemplar of the Kau'yon on the named Riptide to reroll all it's wounds, or Through Boldness, Victory to tie into the named Broadside's unique ability to deep-strike, could be quite oppressive... But this seems -fucky- and just kind of feels like you shouldn't be able to do that, even if I can't quite find why you could not.
Overall even with those I think The Eight are kind of a unit with a few huge stand-outs (Like Farsight, Brightsword, and 9-0) mixed in with a few commanders who are kind of a mixed bag (Like Sha'vastos, who doesn't really excel at anything and who's bonus ability is also a relic and thus not actually unique)
I started off with Borkan, loving the lore and the extra range. switched to Tau sept when i could field a normal 1k army for the better overwatch. havent played 9th yet due to reasons so not sure whether viorla or FE would better. i am currently making up a set of modded minis for the Eight, so would be nice to use them in a game when im done.
Bork’an represent!
If you take farsight enclaves, you can use veteran cadre and find a way to get five markerlights on whatever you shoot at and you’ll be hitting on twos re rolling ones which is just fun. Points efficient, maybe not, fun, yeah.
Joke's on you, I'm always ready to manga.
Also, in my native language, borkan means jar, so you could have an army of pickled aliens if you wanted to.
Shouldn't the k be a c for that to be 100%?
@@gliscaradu1424 Romanization is an obscure craft.
There need to be some dedicated melee units for Farsight Enclaves, at the very least plasma bayonets or something
I'm hoping that veteran battlesuits become their own kit, along with weapon options for fusion blades and onager gauntlets, since if they're going to advance the T'au lore, then the current prototype weapons should start going into mass production (also FSE gets supplied by smugglers from other septs, so it would be perfectly valid for them to have them, as well as having O'Vesa who's a genius among the earth caste). They would have to make the relic versions stronger though.
@@captainweekend5276 speaking of plot advancement, when will our empire stop being relegated to an insignificant spec of the galaxy
With the Fifth Expansion Sphere it became *two* insignificant specks!
@@HighlyImprobableName y a y
Plasma bayonets would be so cool! Like miniature fusion blades under the barrels of the ranks' weaponry.
*grabs crisis suit and mobile suit Gundam 0079 manga*
Seriously though my Gunpla, Gundam manga (Viz), and Tau are all displayed close to each other. My other Warhammer armies are together elsewhere.
Since Tau do not technically have a Titan, Let's PH the MSA-0011 [Bst]Deep Striker as our Titan :D
Also, Gunpla panel markers work really well on drones and crisis suits. :D
The septs are cool and all but I have really liked custom with hybridized weapons and up-gunned with a near all stealth suite army. Been fun so far.
My favorite was the N'Dras sept. there colur scheme was very unique and they also dont trust anyone that much even their tau brothers
Kroot, that's the right Sept to play.
thank yoooooou would love to see more tau content :)
My favorite Tau sept is Space Marines
"Potentially tainted by chaos"
Last time I checked it was a C'tan Necron blade... did GW retcon that?
It’s ambiguous, but he finds the blade while fighting off a Khorn demon invasion so perhaps where Auspex got that from.
I've always been told it was a Daemon blade, so I felt like an idiot when suggesting that the Farsight Enclave should be made flavorful by having a unit that follows in Farsight's path and bond with Daemon weapons, effectively becoming brutal melee fighters in exchange for their chance at a peaceful afterlife.
The planet of Arthas Moloc was home to an ancient civilization that understood the warp and had many countermeasures to fight it.
The relics of this old tech was what brought ork looters to the planet, and ork looters are what brought farsight's forces on the planet. They fight inside this ruined city and they spill blood on a plaza where ancient ruins spring to life.
The plaza is also surrounded by artifacts that seem to repel the demons, also many buildings have runes that keep them far away. So it's probable that the plaza where the demons burst forth was a training ground\trial ritual for the members of that society.
The dawn blade is made of the same alloy of which the dispelling artifacts are composed. So it surely isn't a demon blade, neither a c'tan artifact or other. It's the last legacy of a long forgotten civilization that knew how to master an resist the warp.
@@ferdjur4195 the question is when that lore bit was written. I pretty sure the original story when farsight was introduced was that the blade was strongly hinted at being from Ctan origin.
@@Pers0n97 the lore bit I refer to is from "empire of lies" from Phil Kelly, the last book for the farsight series.
Honestly, I love my farsight crisis nuke. 5+ crisis bodyguards veteran cadre, 1 with shield gen, iridium armor, afp with countermeasures relic, and a drone con, the all rest of the suits with 2x CIBs+ATS. Depending on how many I take and how well I roll, I can pretty much drop *ANYTHING* in the game.
How many points?
@@exmaplecore4559 71pts each for the CIB suits (6x S8 AP-2 d3D possibly hitting on 2s with rr1s to hit and wound) and 63pts for the "sacrificial" suit but that suit is T5 3W 2+,4++, and 5+++ (fnp with a strat) and it ignores AP-1 and AP-2. It really isn't *that* good, but it's kind of the best Taj have at the moment. Plus I get 12x S5 AP-1 melee attacks, hitting on 4s, rr1s if farsight is near by. Again, it isn't much but it's the best Tau have atm.
@@zakleclaire1858 like you said it’s the best they have atm. I really want Tau to be good in 9th but it’s just not there :(
I can’t wait for your review of the new book!
Did this come out before psychic awakening: the greater good? He missed hybridized weaponry which gives assault weapons +4” range. That’s amazing for breachers and fusion blasters. 11” for half range on meltas, and your breachers get a 9” close range weapon profile.
He already covered Custom Septs. He skipped Hybridized Weaponry for other ones.
Also, Hybridized Weaponry only works on the Long Range profile of the Pulse Blasters. It's already been explained in the FAQ since last year.
Thanks, as always, for the breakdown.
Yeah for 8th edition. Farsight is the only Sep that I can see in 9th. Hope we get more in farsight
I used Sa’cea a fair bit in 8th just cause the reroll builds up with enough volume of fire. Local meta means a lot more than tournament meta imho because in my local group my Tau and one of my friends Nids are the strongest armies and some forces like blood angels which were considered the strongest for tournaments struggled
Dear Gue'la,
You say that we can't melee? Interesting, neither can you when shot from three miles away...
I like the custom tenet that gives +4" to fusion blasters, letting crisis suits get the melta bonus out of deepstrike.
crisis suits already get the melta bonus out of deepstrike, fusion blasters are 18" range.
@@captainweekend5276 so they dont since you are not within 9" of an enemy.
@@Milenos You get the melta bonus if you're within half range. +4" range to a blaster makes it a 22" range, so it's half-range becomes 11". Dropping 9" away with this trait still lets you roll an extra damage die & pick the best.
@@AntonPNym i know it was a reply to the one that said he didnt need it, check who i replied to please.
@@Milenos Yes you are? being 9" away still counts as being within 9".
I tend to run up gunned to give my stealth suits or battle suits given advanced targeting systems. S5 Ap -2 burst cannons aren’t the best things in the world but they can do the job
I'd say Farsight ally, with the fact that you can use most of its rules, bar you cant take farsight nor a second comander i believe, but you can take its tenet AND have an ethereal will be a devastating combo
I do like the Up-Gunned with Warheads as custom scept. The FW hazard suits come with 4 burst cannons and they really have carried my games.
I like XV9, too, but they do not benefit from up-gunned. A faq specified that only standard burst canons get buffed.
@@ilisan I read it as standard so two slapped together are fine as they're standard. It's the sniper variants.
Rules as written vs rules as intended. I let people know and let them decide if they agree.
@@Paddzr Sounds fine to me and probably to most of your opponents. To be honest, I don't understand that ruling anyway, they should've at least included all assault variants. As it stands now, I just wouldn't bring it to tournaments.
@@ilisan yeah, I should clarify I game only with friends and we have good understnading and house rules are fine if they make sense. As for tourneys, well, i wouldn't bring Tau to begin with lol.
Thanks for doing this.
I like the Farsight lore but the Viaor'la colour scheme. I currently collect Space Wolves, and if I were to collect a second army it would be Farsight or Orks.
My first army was Tau... Sadly I had to move on due to not being able to stay on the table. I'm hoping I can play them again at some point soon.
I really wanna play Tau again now...
Great stuff! I like the White ones! 🧙🏻♂️
Custom sept with Hardened warheads/hybridized weapons. At end of the day, doesn't matter our sept, we still suck vs everything else right now LOL.
I have a longterm goal to create sizable Tau armies for every Sept, and painted accordingly. I say "longterm" because obviously Warhammer miniatures are a very expensive hobby. I don't even have the right paints for even a single Sept, just Tau skin tone paints and primer lol
As far as models go, I can maybe form a decent Farsight Enclaves army because I just built the Eight (though again, they're unpainted).
I don't know when I'll try to play matches again. For all I know, it could be 10th Edition when I start playing (and I started collecting during 8th Ed.).
I seriously want to see someone go daelyth and bring a kroot horde to the table just to see if its as bad as everyone says it is...
that's what I play. I just dump piles of kroot on objectives and see if my opponent can kill them all. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. but either way my opponent and I have fun.
I have long considered it odd that T'au have no melee firearms. The lore implies that T'au suffer in melee due to slower reflexes then humans, so it seems to me that weapons like flak cannons and sonic weaponry that you wield defensively when the enemy gets close to you would have popped up from time to time. Not quite a powerfist or thunderhammer but even orks would be hard pressed to survive a face full skull pulping sound, defensive drone systems for when you don't have a shield wall.
Space Pope. Love it!
Custom, Hardend Warhead with Soldier in Arms is my go to so far...Might have other viable options with a new Codex. Otherwise Viorla or Farsight Enclave may be a decent option, in my experiance, for now.
Best option is either FSE or FSE plus Vior La
Yeh! I name the Sept 'Bomb'Via', because I enjoy silly names...
The all Kroot/Vespid one.
Considering how weak Tau are in CC, I prefer Tau Sept for the 5+ overwatch. I also take it for Shadowsun being able to call Kauyon twice which is a big burst of damage.
I've been slowly building and painting the star pulse cadre mostly as a hobby project. I painted them in white with red accents and turns out thats basically the vior'la sept.
I intend to play some kill team and I might play a some big boy 40k in the distance when I get the lot painted.
Starting from star pulse cadre how would one build up to 2k with vior'la?
6:11 So... Sa'cea is just T'au Catachan.
What? No love for Dal'yth? Paired with stealth suits and ghostkeels to infiltrate and squat on objectives, that 2+ save plus the -1 to be hit plus the cheap wounds makes it really easy to grab onto vp early on with engage on all fronts and raising banners while staying alive long enough to possibly cap some objectives.
I eventually want to make tau ( I hope) even though they are not good so thank you
The Greater Good will prevail!
Yay Auspex T'au!
Personally I like Vior’la sept, I run a lot of assault and rapid fire weapons do they suit me well.
So is it ok to have more then one sept?
If I have a "unit" of 6 stealth suit models and I run them as sac'ea sept do each of them get to reroll a failed hit or only 1 of them?
AT is a content producing beast
totally unrelated question (and appreciate any answers) but can Chaplian Cassius take the Master of Sanctity warlord trait since he has the keyword?
I havnt played in years but always enjoyed the lore and mdoelling/painting aspect of 40k so I want tog et back into it. I like shooting aliens, so Guard or Tau for me but im not sure which. The tipping point will be how effective an '1500 take all comers' list will be for both, wha tcan you guys reccommend? cheers
Imperial guard are meant to be more competitive than tau at the moment as I understand it. I too struggled between the two and have decided to go with the tau (I’m military and the incompetence of the guard turned out to be far too much like work XD )
For the Enclaves! We don't brainwash, and we encourage up close fighting when required.
Lets go Farsight Enclaves!!
You missed the key point of taking Sa'cea Sept or Dal'yth Sept: their logo is a Death Star!
I’ve recently just got back into 40k (havent played since 5th edition) can someone explain these septs and the psychic awakening?? As this wasnt a thing in 5th edition
Can a T'au sept list with the 3CP Focused Fire take out Mortarion effectively?
Where can you get the different colored decals for the tau? I got my pathfinder team today and it only comes with the red decals with the original color scheme
eBay and Pinterest, mostly
Does anyone know what septs formed from the colony ships from vior'la?
What do you mean that Tau have Feel No Pain? The drones?