Why I'd like to apologize to all HBG users...

  • Опубліковано 24 лип 2024
  • After spending the entire evening trying heavy bowgun in Sunbreak, I have a new and profound respect for HBG players and speedrunners that I'd like to share with you all. This is also an apology to ‪@IDeVaste‬ who I made light of in a comment on his Valstrax speedrun from today- Seeing his response actually got me to take a look at things in a different light and in this video we'll dissect the heated discussion when it comes to hate on gunners.
    Will gunners deal more damage than you could ever believe as a blademaster? Yes, but that is by no means a simple or easy feat to pull off at optimal levels of play. It's just as hard if not harder to play perfect and we should be supportive rather than negative about hunters who do what they do best! Anyways I am genuinely sorry for bashing on gunners in previous and hope the comments don't get too heated xD
    IDeVaste's Speedrun:
    MR Valstrax has fallen and can't get up | MHR SUNBREAK
    • MR Valstrax has fallen...
    #モンハン #モンスターハンター #mhrise
  • Ігри


  • @IDeVaste
    @IDeVaste 2 роки тому +185

    Great video. Sorry if I was a bit harsh with my response and happens to hit you, but we get these comments on every single run for years after spending 20-30 hours on it. Im not arguing that guns aren't broken. Guns are completely unbalanced. But speedrunning is different. The goal is not to kill a monster in 2 minutes but the competition. If both players use HBG u basically both have the same advantage so you compete who gets 1 second faster. But the highest skill ceiling is getting all 7 tics of a bullet. because getting 3 tics instead of 7 is an actually 100% dps difference. It's indeed easy to pick up an hbg and kill monsters faster than melee weapons, but that's not ''optimizing''. So yeah thank you for pointing this out, well explained but also sorry. I respect much the fact that you went in, took your time and tried it yourself to get the Speedrun dps where other people would just ignore and move on.

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  2 роки тому +33

      No worries man, it's been an eye-opening experience after actually trying to attempt what you did. I actually understand what you mean when you talk about the competitiveness of this weapon now! Keep up the hunting, the time and effort that you and other speedrunners put in to perfect their craft is appreciated.

    • @uberuncle714
      @uberuncle714 2 роки тому +3

      I believe one of the interesting thing's about Bowguns that has gotten more and more ignored as time has went on has been resource management.
      LBG and HBG have been their since the first game but think MH2Dos 2nd gen. Their weren't farms back then so ALL ammo crafting materials were supposed to be gathered or bought (only the level 1/2 ammos) so as an average player while you were making the decision to shoot things from far away you were also thinking about just how much you're willing to sacrifice depending on the monster.
      This later evolved into something more time-friendly in 3rd and 4th gen. Now the management came from during the hunt rather than after. Do you want a combining skill or bring combo books? You can only carry 8 ammos and you also have to carry crafting supplies. Sadly because you only really build for one ammo this became more of a necessity than a decision between comfort and damage.
      World I believe has one of the best modern implementations of management. Because of that games Bowgun Mod system it was not only fun but also thoughtful to hit that balance of what you want and what you need. Unlike Rise; in World you sometimes had to live with bad recoil and deviation and work around that (because no easy to slot in armor skills) which was actually fun but you could also play chill mode stay far away at the cost of damage. Sadly World HBG was horribly balanced so going the full damage route made everything else kinda insignificant.
      Balancing has always been one of the main problems of bowguns despite them not being easy weapons to use at all.

    • @Chetooooooo
      @Chetooooooo Рік тому +7

      @@KazuYuuu this is the best UA-camr apology video, absolutely groundbreaking

    • @orochimarusrebirth6509
      @orochimarusrebirth6509 Рік тому

      i completely understand your frustration as well, i dont speedrun but i get pretty angry sometimes when people say bowguns are no skill. ive honestly been a few steps away from leaving a server a few times because of this. i may not speedrun unlike you, but i still work hard to get my stuff and farm my ammos in as little time physically possible. and above all else, its really fun and i have quite a passion for gunning (especially with cluster bombs on HBG this time around, these imo are the most addicting alongside wyvern shots and sticky) so its only natural that ive also gotten angry a number of times, and seeing a speedrunner whos way better than me get spit on like this i just find that much more distasteful
      i gun more casually and ive still gotten angry at junk like this so i know your frustration too well

    • @PapaRodeo
      @PapaRodeo Рік тому

      Very epic point Deva and Kazu!

  • @LuisEdGm
    @LuisEdGm 2 роки тому +48

    MH developers forced HBG into this, instead of giving better mobility or interesting mechanics in sunbreak they gave HBG Rising Moon and Setting Sun, basically saying "sit your ass down, use sticky+pierce and do even more DPS", Notice how speedrunners NEVER use Wyvernheart, the fun parts of HBG are incredibly sub optimal and are ignored by players because of it.

  • @VultureXV
    @VultureXV Рік тому +5

    I always found that the bowguns in these games switch the gameplay style on its head. No longer is it only about 1v1'ing the monster, now it's about item management, inventory planning, and becoming very acquainted with customizing radial menus.
    There's also a wider range of variety that bowguns (especially heavy) can utilize to have an edge that most weapons simply cannot compete with.
    I'm still kind of a mix up of whether I prefer a bow or HBG for applying status. I like both evenly and will be that guy in multiplayer that poisons > paralyzes > stuns > sleeps a monster. You will eventually find people like me, carry extra mega barrel bombs pls.

    • @Ryzen776
      @Ryzen776 Рік тому +2

      I like to say that while blademasters *fight* the monster, gunners *hunt* them.
      Gunner make ample preparation so they can get through the hunt with minimal risk and maximum reward. A hunt gone well will not leave their prey the chance to fight back, since it will rip them to shred in seconds. This is not the epic duel between man and monster blademaster like to fantasize about, this is mankind playing dirty against a foe that could one-shot them.

  • @Terminarch
    @Terminarch Рік тому +10

    HBG has OBSCENE DPS on a stationary monster in ideal conditions. But unless you're using speedrunner strats it doesn't happen all that often. How many times I've tried to status chain a monster in rando hunts and some guy's dog screws up the timing is just silly. Then I'm lining up for a pierce attack and the thing runs to the other side of the area to gore a blademaster. Then I try to use my special ammo and get 1-shot during the forced uninterruptable unload sequence. It's a mess.
    I can only really compare it to Adrenaline Rush melee builds in co-op when you WANT the monster to attack you and it doesn't for the whole hunt just to spite you.

  • @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666
    @SkoomaGodDovahkiin666 Рік тому +31

    Man, Compared to how the Souls community spergs out and rages at mages and meta users, The MH community is tamer by comparison and this is one of the reasons. Our fellow hunters have the balls to apologize. Great vid, dude.

    • @PerfectDarkly
      @PerfectDarkly Рік тому +7

      I think Souls games having not-entirely-consensual PvP elements might have something to do with that at least lmao. But yeah for a purely PvE game like MH, there's little reason for vitriol against weapon mains. Doesn't stop it from ever happening, though. Rise Long Sword in particular got so much verbal hatred that they neutered a lot of its strongest moves after the expansion, something I bet wasn't much appreciated by LS players who minded their own business exclusively hunting solo and offline anyway

    • @albertobernal2537
      @albertobernal2537 Рік тому +2

      @@AsuraTheBass I don't condone the LS having been nerfed somewhat, but I wouldn't empathize too much with LS users... Just look at Gunlance, now that's painful. LS, for the past 2 games has been a blessed weapon through and through. Nothing lasts forever, boys ;)

  • @zarathustra0256
    @zarathustra0256 2 роки тому +13

    This is a great video. I played LBG and HBG almost exclusively since MH3rd. you know, the one with Zinogre as a flagship monster. Thank you for trying out my favorite weapon which always misunderstood.
    Gunners DPS is ridiculous I agreed. We can dished out very high damage very consistently when compare to blademaster weapon. But gunner trade all that with a play-style that almost didn't allow for a mistake as we can get one-tapped out of nowhere. It's easy to get start with gun, but I think It's kinda hard to master, especially with HBG where you lacked the mobility to make up for you lack of defense. There's also a matter of lining up shot in case of pierce ammo or stick to monster's face with spread ammo. all of these require skill to actually pull off as well.
    also, on the note of getting one-tap. I think this is also a key for gunner's dps as well. As far as I remember, gunner would use skill with high risk high rewartd like Heroic or something along that line as their main skill as well. because we'll get one tap anyway, so we would use skill like these to maximize our dmg. I think this is one of the main reason why gunner dmg is so outlandish in most cases.
    I says this from a casual player perspective though. I'm not good enough to try the speedrun like everyone else. My favorite part of being a gunner would always be that little heart attack whenever monster move though. it's always a matter of life and cart every time the monster did something.
    anyway, thank you for trying out gunning. I also try to learn to play Longsword in MHrise and your video was a great help. keep up the good work!

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  2 роки тому

      Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the video! It really is scary being a gunner and trying not to cart at all in 5-10 minute hunt. I'm pretty good with tackling through roars but positioning is difficult and tackling through monster attacks is hardly worth it most of the time.. So even if my DPS is much higher gunning I have far less survivability than with LS, which has at least 3 different answers for any possible attack a monster can throw at us xD

    • @zarathustra0256
      @zarathustra0256 2 роки тому +4

      @@KazuYuuu there’s always 2 answer for any attack from monster as a gunner. First is to jump out of the way and second is to just let go of your controller, make peace with yourself and accept your fate. Which make it kinda fun for me. There’s always something about being a glass cannon that I really enjoy.

    • @gavinerickson9392
      @gavinerickson9392 Рік тому +2

      RIP Medium Bowgun.

    • @daltongarrett3393
      @daltongarrett3393 Рік тому

      It should also be mentioned that monster aggro prioritizes both players that are doing the highest DPS, and players who are using ranged weapons. So not only are you more vulnerable, but you also tend to take the brunt of the monster’s aggression compared to melee teammates, especially if you’re playing well enough to output good damage

  • @KoAkaiTengami
    @KoAkaiTengami Рік тому +11

    The irony is that even without the water vent trick, the HBG would destroy the Longsword's speedrun time.

    • @PerfectDarkly
      @PerfectDarkly Рік тому +4

      I dunno about that, you saw how little damage those piercing element shots started doing when Valstrax was allowed to stand up and enrage? A lot of speedruns operate on a "rich get richer" kind of snowball where more damage = more topples = even more damage. Forcing Valstrax into two topples with softened hitzones before letting it enrage seems pretty crucial to chew away most of its health in the first 30 seconds. After that, you totally lose the advantage, and possibly control of the fight. At least melee weapons with big burst options can still loop his chest explosion ad infinitum.

    • @HelderLevi-co3nc
      @HelderLevi-co3nc Рік тому +1

      @@PerfectDarkly i agree a gs can always stagger a monster to oblivion regardless of were he is. it's mutch more versatile for the average runner, i am currently on valstrax urgent quest and as a main hammer (wich is shitty in sunbreak) i started playing LBG, and had fun for a like 20 hunts or so without failing, still learning the gun and making gear for it but when valstrax came i got 1 shot 2 times in little to no time so i aborted and took a break. Try playing as gunner normally grinding solo if u're blademaster, it's not as ez as it looks.

  • @CloneReaper
    @CloneReaper 2 роки тому

    What's that sparkling circle thing at 1:36

  • @BrandoCalrizzien
    @BrandoCalrizzien Рік тому

    Once I beat the game, where should I begin in order to increase my skill and maybe speed run on my own a bit?

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  Рік тому +1

      I recommend watching speed runners, it'll open up your eyes on a lot of the nuanced mechanics and strategies hunters use. There's different youtubers for each weapon, so it depends on what you main but that's a good place to start

    • @BrandoCalrizzien
      @BrandoCalrizzien Рік тому +1

      @@KazuYuuu thanks for the tip!

  • @Fade_ToBlack
    @Fade_ToBlack Рік тому +16

    As a solo + MP HBG main, I appreciate this video. I see so many comments talking about how easy or broken HBG is, and I challenge those ppl to try to solo a high level MR fight like the new raths or lucent. Solo HBG is acc quite hard, it takes a lot of skill to time our rolls and not get absolutely clapped by the monster.

    • @DawnSentinel
      @DawnSentinel Рік тому +1

      Depends. Granted I'm still going through Rise, so I have less experience with that, but in World and IB I did blademaster for both campaigns. I then got into trying out HBG in base World tempered elder farming (which was the whole endgame at that point). HBG completely trivialised those fights through massive status application and KO + massive damage from cluster mortars. It absolutely took less skill than blademaster weapons as the whole point was that you just CC the monster for the whole fight, and it never got a chance to move. I also hated HBG as gunner players would consistently use clusters, knock their other 2-3 blademaster teammates away from the monster and lower overall team dps hugely.
      Iceborne came out, I went through all the stuff again as a blademaster, then started messing around with Zinogre HBG. You could either go no shield and do easily 30-50% more damage than with a melee weapon, or go shield, and do the same dps as you would trying you heart out with a melee weapon, but it's absolutely fucking braindead and takes no effort. I then dropped it again for being boring and started experimenting after I'd finished Fatalis. At this point I was much better as a player, and I tried out special scope no shield, max damage setups. It is OBSCENE. I was thinking 'oh I'm a squishy gunner, It's going to be hard to stay alive', but in practice, I did so much fucking damage that I was just chain staggering monsters with partbreaks, flinch thresholds, and completing hunts in around 3 mins generally iirc (which was very close to blademaster speedrunner times). People also went on and on about how hard special scope is to use. I imagine it's rough on controller, and if you aren't used to shooters, but I was primarily an FPS gamer for years, so tracking monsters and flicking to their very large heads was pretty trivial for me.The one caveat is that I didn't use HBG on either Fatalis or Alatreon. I couldn't be fucked to make the elemental setups and I was more concerned with getting good at them using other weapons at the time. The other thing to consider is that these were both without practice at HBG. For any other weapon that's not a bowgun, even bow, you have to learn combos. With melee ones, you have to learn which move you can fit where and it's a dance with the monster that takes a lot of time to get decent at, then even more to perfect. With bowguns, you click the button and do damage. It takes out so much of what takes time to learn, so that mixed with the insane DPS meant I was able to smash my melee blademaster performance with essentially zero effort, where comparatively I had been playing with melee weapons and trying to improve for about 7-800h. I just walked in with a bowgun and immediately invalidated all that practice, outside of learning the monster movesets.
      The two places this doesn't entirely apply is during story progression, as some weapons simply get shafted for a long time. A good example is Bow in World and IB, it was usually pretty shit in the story, then lategame you got access to stamina management skills, actual builds where you could fit ele attack, and access to crit element, then they suddenly became broken as fuck. Depending on the selection, there could well be points in the story where your damage output isn't high enough to slap monsters around, but with access to lategame gear in World and IB, it was absolutely THE most broken, no skill way to play the game.
      Now, in the context of speedruns, none of this matters. You could use the easiest or hardest weapon. The difficulty is in being better at it than other people using the same weapon, as there are categories. The only thing that impacts that is the skill floor and ceiling of the weapon. I don't know enough about the scripting of runs, let alone HBG to comment at all on that, I'm purely talking about more casual play.

    • @mhj626
      @mhj626 Рік тому +1

      @@DawnSentinel iceborne is a completely different story tho

    • @grimreefer213
      @grimreefer213 Рік тому +2

      While I think the skill floor to do a lot of damage with ranged weapons is generally much lower than for melee weapons, I do agree that it takes some level of skill with ranged weapons to play effectively because you do take a hell of a lot more damage than melee users if you make a mistake

  • @emibertancini2952
    @emibertancini2952 2 роки тому

    what is the mod for the horns please? it looks amazing

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  2 роки тому +2

      EBB Rajang armor, it's on nexus mods for MH Rise

    • @emibertancini2952
      @emibertancini2952 2 роки тому

      @@KazuYuuu thank you!

  • @Ze_N00B
    @Ze_N00B Рік тому +8

    I'm an ex HBG main and new Lance/Gunlance/HH main.
    Personally, I find the insane damage underwhelming long term.
    The real challenge is just figuring out what ammo to use when and where.
    Spread ammo from the side, pierce from the head/tail and sticky against the head for stun.
    That and the other half of the "challenge" is just spending a lot of time gathering ammo gunpowder for the higher ammo types and levels, which doesn't really feel satisfying in the end.
    I'm already spending hours grinding for parts to get new weapons and armour. Adding another half hour gathering the ammo for one hunt until I find the current games in-hub source of ammo feels unnecessary since its a lot of tedious work that requires little skill.
    I'd prefer it if they did away with gatherable ammo and coatings all together.
    Add armour and deco with skills that unlock the ammo or upgrade it and have the bow-gunners just start with infinite ammo.

  • @zakerywaite6397
    @zakerywaite6397 Рік тому +4

    Ranged weapons get killed if u In one hit all the time unless maxed out endgame stats maybe 2 hits melee can get hit a few times so with heavy and light bow guns and bow you have to not make any wrong moves melee can live if they mess up at least once.

  • @zero1343
    @zero1343 Рік тому +12

    And outside of speedrun, hbg is just so fragile due to the commitments you have to make. Very much the glass cannon archetype.
    And while I don't have the data to back it up, I would very much assume that at least when getting started with the weapon, gunners will have much longer clear times compared to blademasters apart from maybe those learning greatsword.
    More advanced players who already know the monsters and their movesets will change things too of course.

    • @slayer31397
      @slayer31397 Рік тому +3

      Its more just a lot of dying until you can effectively move with it out. Then steadily becomes a focus of how and when to position for hitzones. I vastly prefer spread for versatility and still very high damage. Hitzones are generally easier to manage but elemental forces you into a very narrow playstyle. It's satisfying for awhile but becomes tedious when you factor in ammo crafting, needing near perfection to deal the full dps potential, health drain, bloodlust, it all just makes the process tedious. Managing health is not fun when you dont run the quest perfectly

  • @LAKANMusic
    @LAKANMusic Рік тому +1

    i cycle through all weapon types in my mh playthroughs so i don’t have a problem with gunners per se since i use guns myself, what i actually take issue on would be inconsiderate people in a hunt (e.g. cluster bombers, wyvern fire/ammo, bullet barrage, etc.) in multiplayer, other than that everyone can enjoy whatever they enjoy (unless it’s ruining everyone else’s fun)

  • @mups4016
    @mups4016 Рік тому +6

    I just have one question. Why do you care? Why does ANYONE care that gun do big number? Never in my life have I seen weapons competing directly in TAs with the exception of full game speedruns. I guess I'm physically incapable of grasping where the salt comes from exactly. The way i see it, it's like a pole vaulter getting angry at a 100m dasher.

    • @jor8025
      @jor8025 Рік тому +1

      what pisses me off is the philosophy behind the new dumbass silkbinds, yeah use 2 wirebugs to put 2 hoops to shoot through to buff pierce hbg the most boring one note playstyle in the whole game, yeah nice very fun very engaging, such wasted potential. I wanted to get into hbg but I'm not even gonna bother if this is the direction hbg is going.

  • @leogregory8670
    @leogregory8670 Рік тому +1

    I’ll echo the same. Great video and thank you for examining things from another perspective. We’ll done.

  • @FatalisEXE
    @FatalisEXE Рік тому +2

    This is just something I’ve never known about. As someone who has played for over a decade I never noticed there was ever any disdain for gunning. Guess I’m just oblivious.

  • @michaellara4462
    @michaellara4462 2 роки тому +1

    I love all weapons in Monster Hunter, Albeit unequally. My favorites vary from game to game. I can safely say that in all the games I have played Charge Blade was my main weapon (Other than 3U) I can say that HBG in most games is my favorite ranged weapon. I specifically love Crouching fire, it makes me feel so powerful. World didn't have it so I was bummed about that, but then Rise brought it back eventually and I once again liked HBG. Too bad it is a bit too nerfed imo. I would like a little help to it, otherwise I feel like it could be kept in check. What I think is that crouching should give HBG a dps advantage over LBG, but that is just what I think. Obviously depending on the bullet type

    • @urm9m703
      @urm9m703 2 роки тому +1

      One thing people don't take into account when saying crouching shot is useless (not saying you did but it is a popular thought atm) is that you do not have to reload for a crouching shot, so it can be higher Burst DPS during a knockdown to fire your bullets down to 1 in the magazine then go into a full crouching shot volley - delaying the reload and pumping out more shots during a downed window of opportunity.

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  Рік тому

      @@urm9m703 that's a useful tip I didn't know about!

    • @gavinerickson9392
      @gavinerickson9392 Рік тому

      Turns out HBG is the strongest Weapon period followed by Bow and then LBG, I think player bias shifts what people think, but raw data doesn't lie. Greatsword and Swax are the strongest Blademaster weapons as well. In normal play I think they're all about even, in multi-player a Magmadron takes about 6 to 10 mins, and offline at takes me at most 2.

  • @cixotrmGaming
    @cixotrmGaming Рік тому

    Awesome points!

  • @meowsquared
    @meowsquared Рік тому +7

    HBG is a high risk high reward weapon that rewards great positioning, aim and game knowledge while heavily punishing just about every mistake, and rather severely, at that. While I understand how it must look to a melee player to see us dumping huge amounts of 'easy' damage in a monster from a range and getting fast times, I really do think a ton of melee players tend to undervalue the skill that goes into playing HBG at a high level. ESPECIALLY when it comes to time attack runs where those mistakes are even more impactful. The gunner hate in general is kind've toxic to the game's community in my opinion; I've gotten plenty of dismissive comments or outright disrespectful statements and accusations directed at my by strangers purely because I admitted I use HBG.
    All of this to say seeing someone humble themselves and really apologize to another player while also analyzing their own prejudices was a very refreshing feeling, and I have a lot of respect for your ability to do that.

    • @lablunt6190
      @lablunt6190 Рік тому +1

      Exactly. For me playing HBG in Sunbreak is equivalent to me play DS genre of game.

  • @catalystgreenhorn9184
    @catalystgreenhorn9184 Рік тому +3

    There's a prejudice against gunners?
    Looks like I'm picking up LBG.

    • @doubled6995
      @doubled6995 7 місяців тому

      Players are complaining for Gunner weapons dealing insane dps and uptime in newer MH titles.
      For those who were playing older MH titles, a lot of players were complaining on Great Swords and Lances for stunlocking monsters to death.

  • @akskazama8465
    @akskazama8465 Рік тому +1

    I loved HBG in IB (clusters) but in rise is meh.

  • @iHCSx
    @iHCSx Рік тому +2

    Back in the day gunners were loved.

    • @doubled6995
      @doubled6995 7 місяців тому

      Players in new MH titles were complaining for gunner weapons having insane dps and uptime.
      In older MH titles, a lot of players were complaining with Great Swords and Lances for being able to stunlock monsters to death although HBG is objectively the fastest killing weapon already.

  • @marcogarcia1610
    @marcogarcia1610 2 роки тому

    Salute Kazu. Great job man.

  • @steeds52
    @steeds52 Рік тому

    Respect still for making this

  • @jokes_on_me3482
    @jokes_on_me3482 Рік тому

    From my experience decent gunner Vs decent Blade master 8times out of 10 blade master will do quite a bit more DMG. Unless you go sticky.
    But with optimal playstyle gunner will be stronger 💪

  • @doubled6995
    @doubled6995 7 місяців тому

    Gunner weapons are super big issue in the newer MH titles (MHGU since) because of the stupid dps they can bring in casual hunts and the crazy uptime. In the older MH titles, community are complaining with Great Swords (punish draw builds and stagger values from draw attacks were insane before) and Lances (deals piercing-type damage before) a lot for stunlocking monsters to death from insane staggers which requires timing.

  • @JustSpag
    @JustSpag Рік тому +4

    as someone whose played HBG(but not speedrun) HBG over the years, part of the divide is where the skill expression is.
    Gunners plan. I don't mean inventory management things. The way you gear and optimize your gun is about 1/3 as in-depth as an entire blademaster weapon build. Imagine if you had to plan outt a build for your main weapon...with 33% more moving parts. Also, Gunner HVZ can be kind of shit sometimes.
    But Blademasters don't understand this. they see that we aren't doing complex inputs or dodging ten thousand monster attacks to find an opening and assume we and so we arern't "Practicing skill", but still bring high damage. The expression is just different.
    That said, Gunner damage is and largely always has been overtuned.

  • @randommaster06
    @randommaster06 Рік тому +1

    HBG hunts are sprints, not marathons. Even casually, If the monster gets to start running around, you're going to cart.
    HBG hunts are either going great or terribly, and people usually don't share the terrible ones

  • @vincentender1486
    @vincentender1486 Рік тому

    I once joined a random hunt and instantly there was a message from another hunter to 'kick the hbg user'. They didn't, hunt went well and no one else complained. Can't wait till my other friends can get Rise so we can have our group hunts and sometimes troll each other for the luls.

  • @BrokeNSings
    @BrokeNSings Рік тому +2

    For valstrax spawn área, he prob just modded and locked his spawn point. Most Speedrunners do that

  • @Gamegurlz94
    @Gamegurlz94 2 роки тому

    Yea looking at my bow buddy with his sucide bow build he is pretty nut with his numbers

  • @xXCaosmoSXx
    @xXCaosmoSXx Рік тому

    You''re using CSP... I forgive you :*

  • @umi.chissoku
    @umi.chissoku 4 місяці тому

    Rly you're either not good enough with it or haven't tried gunner if you complain about the skill required to use any of the weapons in that category, loved your video as a HBG main

  • @ShadowmanZ92
    @ShadowmanZ92 2 роки тому +2

    As a Normal 3 LBG main, I can assure you my damage is the most average of all time. I get blown out by most weapons. But what I do have is safety. Few commitments, great evasion, solid range depending on switch skill. Not all gunners are speed running, most of us are having fun or memeing.

  • @peepeestorm3187
    @peepeestorm3187 Рік тому +6

    I'm okay with the gap between melee and ranged weapons because ranged player can not make mistakes.
    A light breeze can cart them, I feel like that is an acceptable trade-off.

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  Рік тому +1

      yeah, if you're a bad gunner you get punished a lot more than as a blademaster

    • @daltongarrett3393
      @daltongarrett3393 Рік тому +2

      It should also be mentioned that monster aggro prioritizes both players that are doing the highest DPS, and players who are using ranged weapons. So not only are you more vulnerable, but you also tend to take the brunt of the monster’s aggression compared to melee teammates, especially if you’re playing well enough to output good damage

    • @Jsobone
      @Jsobone Рік тому +2

      @@daltongarrett3393 indeed, when I hunt with my buddies I'm always having to reposition and dodge. HBG especially.

  • @LordViettner
    @LordViettner 2 роки тому +5

    respect for this, HBG still OP tho xD
    definitely agree that gunning has both a higher skill floor and skill ceiling!

  • @alexandralamond347
    @alexandralamond347 Рік тому +3

    Im very confused ... 92% of the community plays LS ... a weapon that physically doesnt even allow you to take damage ... (And im talking about pre MHRS ......) A weapon that now litterally makes no more difference to being afk in MHRS ... What does the opinion of people playing the most skillless weapon in the game matter??? U guys sit there taking 10+ min for a Great Baggi then u start commenting on top 0.1% speedrun videos ... what a joke lmao ... Absolutely everyone can use HBG and do well ... no doubt ... but absolutely nobody can pick up LS and not instantly be immortal lmao ... HBG at least has a skill ceiling ...

  • @SidewaysGts
    @SidewaysGts Рік тому +3

    I think its a case of "Respect the skill, but dont respect the weapon that makes these things possible in the first place".

  • @Pokénite_Enthusiast
    @Pokénite_Enthusiast Рік тому

    I just use lbg now cos hbg got extremely boring for me

  • @ebonysoldier
    @ebonysoldier Рік тому +2

    It is the mark of an honorable man to admit when he's wrong. Rock on MH is for everybody slay dragons, make weapons and armor, repeat. I'm just an old hunter who started in kakoto

  • @urm9m703
    @urm9m703 2 роки тому +1

    Wouldn't the set spawn mod work for forcing an area 6 spawn? I'm ignorant to how it works as I don't use it, but I would have to assume most speedrunners use it to ease the consistency and scripting of their runs. Roughly agree on your skill to dps chart, though for random gunners in hunts it seems the first mountain is "knowing which ammo to shoot with the gun you're using" 😳 Not that random blademasters in hunts are overwhelmingly better, but at true Wood tier, anyone can swing a sword around by pressing buttons even with no knowledge of combos and do a bit of dmg but someone going into a hunt and shooting shrapnel 2 ammo or running a spread gun without Spread Up 3, things like this, result in your Wood Tier players being much better with blades than guns. How much of the active playerbase falls into Wood tier? Well that is up for debate, but if you use the "join random hunts" feature on the quest board, you will not have much faith in it being a low number.

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  2 роки тому +3

      I'm not sure how speedrunners feel about mods like that which affect the randomness factors in the game, I guess it is similar to using a charm editor for a god charm where you save yourself a lot of time and remove an unnecessary element of RNG in the game. Personally I wouldn't be against it but I'm sure their are runners who pride themselves on playing vanilla or just on switch.
      Honestly I hardly hunt with randoms since I'm fortunate enough to have friends to hunt with, but I have seen a few "wood tier" players who literally pull single digit DPS in a hunt (which is kind of impressive in how low that is) if you placed MH players in tiers, I think gunners come out way on top for bronze/silver tier players who have a general idea of what they're doing and managed to pull through Sunbreak by themselves. For wood/iron tier players who really are just headless chickens running around, gunners are actually be a lot worse since they won't have proper armor skills, don't know hit zones, get 1 shot, and will probably triple cart the hunt! Using HBG/LBG without the proper recoil down and reload speed is like using longsword without quick sheath 3, it's night and day worth of difference.

  • @Mephistopheles-I
    @Mephistopheles-I 2 роки тому +4

    I think a lot of players always look at MHW when they think of gunners and that's not a problem because that is a lot their first experience with a monster hunter game, so when their only experience with gunner weapons is seeing them at their most op version it can give them a certain view about said group of weapons. But if you look back a MH4u and prior games blade weapons and gunner weapons clear times were completely different. In MH4u for instance Insect Glave and Great Sword averaged the fastest speed run times (gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/762804-monster-hunter-4-ultimate/72936200 the data is from 6 years ago, but I haven't seen any update) HBG was still in the top 5, Bow averaged in the middle, and LBG was 2nd to last only beating the HH. LBG was so bad it was considered a support weapon along with HH. Monster hunter has never really been balanced out for speed running, so there is always going to be a big difference in what weapons are going to have the best times.

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  Рік тому +3

      That's a good point, IG and CB were pretty insane when they first came out and balance between the weapons varies between the MH games. Guns are really strong in Sunbreak but that wasn't always the case in previous titles so we should be a little more lenient when it comes to balance or a lack of it xD

    • @honoro7520
      @honoro7520 Рік тому +1

      back in the days ranged weapons had their own armor sets with half the defense compared to meele armors.

  • @OtoriDaisuke
    @OtoriDaisuke 2 роки тому +4

    As someone who plays all weapon, hbg/lbg does require less skill to play in group and in solo it does require some skills to play. Once u learn where to shoot and know the threshold of knocking an enemy down, its just a matter of getting the timings right. People hates/find it boring to play range because all they need todo is just shoot majority of the time while melee weapons require you todo some inputs like a combo. I dont hate range but i find speedrunning is easy on them.
    However the challenge in getting a better time than other fellow hbg/lbg however is a challenge.

    • @shadowkhan422
      @shadowkhan422 Рік тому +1

      Super late reply but you arent an average player (speedruners are different) . I also play multiple weapons . What I noticed with ranged is that I either dominate a monster or get clapped so hard its not even funny. With melee you can out heal the damage if you struggle with some specific target. With ranged , in lot of cases you just die before you can heal . Ranged are the definition of a glass cannon , high damage but you get one shot by harder targets. Speedruners dont get hit so you dont care about that part , average players do and thats where the balance comes in (even if the balancing is indeed not great)

    • @FrostThorn
      @FrostThorn Рік тому

      Less skill? Guess you're a LS bot

    • @OtoriDaisuke
      @OtoriDaisuke Рік тому

      @@FrostThorn when u dont read and assume someone as LS bot. Lmao i play all weapon with over 3k hunt during the time of post, git gud kid.

    • @FrostThorn
      @FrostThorn Рік тому +1

      @@OtoriDaisuke oooft only 3k you're definitely new to the franchise probably started in world, 3k is literally nothing 🤣

    • @OtoriDaisuke
      @OtoriDaisuke Рік тому

      @@FrostThorn yup, u r either illiterate or troll replying. Go back to school kid, good luck getting more reply kid.

  • @grimreefer213
    @grimreefer213 Рік тому

    I find myself having kind of a prejudice against ranged users as well, although I do use ranged weapons myself but only for repetitive farming, not for going through the story or for fun.
    I saw a reddit post the other day of a new player who picked up Rise and said he wanted to use the LBG, and I nearly left a comment saying please don’t use bowguns. But I refrained from saying anything just to be respectful. I guess I thought you’d be missing a large part of the MH experience by choosing a ranged weapon as a new player, because they are a lot less complex and rewarding to play in my opinion. To each their own though i’m not judging anyone for how they want to play.
    At times I feel like ranged weapons don’t belong in MH, I know there’s always been bowguns in MH from the beginning, so maybe it’s not my place to make that statement. But I feel like playing ranged is a particularly brutal and inhumane way to play, for whatever reason I feel that playing melee is a little less brutal, and generally takes more investment to learn your weapon and how to use it effectively.
    That being said i’m not downplaying the skill of ranged users in the context of speedrunning, I know personally I will never be able to top a ranged users speedrun times because i’m just not good enough with those weapons. However I still can pick up a ranged weapon and destroy my times with melee weapons, which is kind of sad because I have way wayyy more experience with melee weapons yet I can pick up one of the ranged weapons and destroy the monster with much less time invested. I guess melee users are just kinda salty that we’ll never be able to compete with ranged weapons, and we kinda look down upon them because we feel that we had to invest a lot more to even be somewhat competitive with those weapons, yet still are out of reach.
    So yeah I find myself kinda looking down on ranged weapons as well, because I feel that I had to invest a lot to become skilled at my melee weapons, yet I still can’t compete with a ranged weapon. But I try to be respectful of everyone else and remind myself that whatever way you want to play is valid and as long as you’re having fun then you’re playing the game correctly.
    One last thing, there is a risk/reward aspect to playing ranged, because you take way more damage than melee weapons. So although you tend to be safer when playing at a distance, if you get hit once or twice then you can get hyperclapped and sent back to camp quickly. So there is some skill involved in it for sure. It’s kind of like playing a glass cannon build, so I respect ranged users in that regard

    • @theoperator3712
      @theoperator3712 Рік тому

      Did you start with World or Rise? I ask because most what you're talking about really only makes sense in the context of those two games. Prior to World gunners were op, but the animation commitment definitely increased the skill floor(absolutely no shooting while moving). The fifth gen reworks to gunner weapons also simplified stuff like ammo to the extreme. Prior to that different levels of ammo were better in certain situations. Although, Pierce did tend to win out over all other ammo types in most respects(save cost). Gunning was also a lot more expensive, because combines for ammo weren't so easy to get.

    • @grimreefer213
      @grimreefer213 Рік тому

      @@theoperator3712 Yes I don’t know much about gunning in the old games, but in World and Rise they are pretty overpowered. The hbg can still be pretty dangerous to use though, I wouldn’t want to use it when going through the story where you don’t have access to better gear to mitigate the mobility issue, but certain weapons like safi’s burstcannon were downright broken because you can use such a powerful shield to mitigate all damage and still delete monsters in minutes.

  • @nomisangle4233
    @nomisangle4233 2 роки тому

    Bowguns are broken but LBG is much broken than HBG.

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 Рік тому

      Why does it matter though, it's a PVE game 😂

  • @MrNegative101
    @MrNegative101 Рік тому

    Got owned

  • @60dgaming81
    @60dgaming81 Рік тому

    For me it is just not as fun🤔

  • @maclegend9169
    @maclegend9169 Рік тому

    Wtf is a blade master?

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  Рік тому

      Any of the non-gunner weapons; GL, Lance, HA, LS, CB, SA, etc.

  • @doomfuls
    @doomfuls 2 роки тому

    wholesome kazu

  • @andreacalcagno1991
    @andreacalcagno1991 Рік тому +1

    we dislike gunners because when melee weapons are broken we get sunbreak katana, when hbg is broken we get the zinogre shield tank dps-check stun 3d printer of death that we had in iceborne.

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 Рік тому +3

      tf are you talking about lol

    • @andreacalcagno1991
      @andreacalcagno1991 Рік тому

      @@pumpkin7446 zinogre hbg

    • @vikingvarn4919
      @vikingvarn4919 2 місяці тому

      ​@@pumpkin7446the Loyal Thunder glutton build that ran 3 shield mods with guard 5. Legit had 12 shots of spread ammo that combined with Spare Shot and the Impact Mantle meant you could guarantee a death via stunlocks before the mantle ran out

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 2 місяці тому

      @@vikingvarn4919 I wasn't clear. My bad.
      I know the gun/strategy. My problem is:
      'We dislike gunner players because of a design made by the game developers,' always has been and always will be the weakest, and most immature gaming mindset to me.
      If you separate yourself from other community members (in a PVE game no less..) because of playstyle, it's your right. But flaming other players for weapon choice will always make someone sound like an idiot imo. Or at best childish

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 2 місяці тому

      @@andreacalcagno1991 okay and

  • @Instagram.knightluz
    @Instagram.knightluz 2 роки тому

    I'm a lbg user n long sword main

  • @Thundah_Dome
    @Thundah_Dome Рік тому

    I'm mostly gunner, and the only blade that I use is gunlance. I'm american. I use anything involving Gun.

  • @gavinerickson9392
    @gavinerickson9392 2 роки тому +2

    It's ok, LBG is the actual skill-less weapon.

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 Рік тому +1


    • @FrostThorn
      @FrostThorn Рік тому +1

      Melee is skill less most thing can just one shot you as gunner one mistake normally ends up in a cart.
      Melee has so much room for error

  • @synysterdawn8913
    @synysterdawn8913 Рік тому

    I don't care much about speedrun beyond spectating, my only issue with the gunner weapons is that they still easily out-damage every single melee weapon even on a casual level and are generally way safer to use at the same time. Longsword was nerfed to hell and back for being the strongest melee weapon and is now one of the weakest, other weak melee weapons like Lance and Gunlance don't get nearly enough attention to better shine along their peers, meanwhile gunner weapons don't even budge in performance despite having always been stronger. It's just pretty tiring that gunner weapons are the strongest by far game in and game out, and at some point it stops being less of a balancing oversight and more of a deliberate decision for whatever asinine reason. Put in whatever time is necessary to just relearn the controls and know what hitzones to aim for and you'll cut your hunting times down by at least a minute when switching to a gunner weapon even if you faint, and that's just poor balancing to me.

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 Рік тому +3

      This video is basically giving out common sense advice: Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
      But at the same time, if you don't care about speedrunning, why do you care about DPS discrepancies? Just fight monster with teammate. Win fight together, etc lol
      Being rude to other hunters for weapon choices is just immature and pathetic. (not saying you are or have been, but I think this is what the video is addressing)

    • @synysterdawn8913
      @synysterdawn8913 Рік тому

      @@pumpkin7446 I care for game balance reasons, obviously. It's ridiculous that a weapons like Lance, Gunlance, Hammer, Hunting Horn, and now Longsword are weak as hell and put players using those weapons at a disadvantage in terms of questing, while the gunner weapons get to just point and click monsters out of existence. Longsword was the strongest melee weapon and got nerfed HARD, meanwhile the gunner weapons were always stronger than it and are STILL the strongest, no contest. If Insect Glaive were suddenly the strongest weapon and speedrunners used it to get the fastest times, I wouldn't bat an eye because that's just what they do, but if the 2nd and 3rd strongest weapons were nerfed instead while weaker weapons got 0 attention n a major update, then yeah I'm going to wonder what the fuck is going on.

  • @j3nki541
    @j3nki541 10 місяців тому

    Dunno why you would have to shame anybody for a weapon they like to play, but bowgun is objectively the most boring weapon type in the game. Mash RT -> Monster not dead yet? -> Mash RT more
    Before worlds, when you couldn't move while shooting it felt a lot more committal to fire a shot, limited ammo, still get oneshot by everything, but since worlds gunning just feels so one dimensional.
    Maybe its different once you get into the gritty of it, but for casual hunting... nah, never again

    • @themuffinprincesa21
      @themuffinprincesa21 2 дні тому

      Its more about the positioning being a very importsnt part & the payoff of preparation.
      Being able to create a load out of skills & mods to make a spread, peirce, normal, cluster, sticky, status bowgun build & then the prep for ammo consumption, when to craft mid fight with radial custumizing, knowing the right positions to use which ammo type into the correct hitzones, & finally having it all connect smoothly into making the monster nothing more than a speed bump if done correctly is satisfying. Especially knowing youre one of the only weapons that will get 1shot by most attacks from monsters if you mess up in endgame fights at all.
      Plus, killing giant mythical beasts because i made a gun out of another mythical beasts just satisfies a weird scifi urge in these games almost.

  • @DapimpBDSD
    @DapimpBDSD 2 роки тому

    You know, I'm an asshole, so I probably wouldn't apologize because HBG/LBG DPS is ridiculous, especially in groups.
    All this said, I can't say it doesn't take skill to use them but yeah if you think about it, it doesn't take much skill because sticky can just keep looping KOs and Pierce ammo works SO well on bigger Monsters, like the higher difficulty Valstrax

    • @KazuYuuu
      @KazuYuuu  2 роки тому +6

      Stickies were nerfed post-sunbreak, so it actually does take skill investment (dango slugger/bomber, slugger/dereliction blue scroll) to do decent KO damage and you would lose out on big DPS to fit that in. On the other hand, you can do a lot of damage (100-200 DPS) just doing elemental pierce and shooting in a line through the monster without aiming particularly well- but in reality to pull off speedrunner level DPS (which is 500+ damage PER second throughout an entire hunt) you need to be insanely accurate and extremely consistent with shot placement. I figured that out after trying to do it myself xD

    • @DapimpBDSD
      @DapimpBDSD 2 роки тому

      @@KazuYuuu I haven't tried much HBG in Sunbreak but Sticky and pierce ammo have been OP since MHW.

    • @pumpkin7446
      @pumpkin7446 Рік тому

      At least you admit you're an asshole. Maybe in the future you'll grow a bit.
      Signed, a Melee Weapon main.