The platypus rising from the dialectical struggle between a duck and a beaver was the single most brilliant metaphor for the dialectical process I've ever seen, and a brilliant joke, also.
This video triggered alot of Trump Supporters and it's really funny how they jumped to conclusions thinking that this video is "anti-Trump". But this is in no way this is "anti Trump" as far as I can see. The School of life is simply teaching philosophy, and how Philosophers' view on how we should we live our lives and how they theorize the world. This is not an "anti-Trump" propaganda, so stop saying this "anti-Trump" because it's not.
Robin Rogers damn ur really looking for conflict where there isn't one. this video just happens to be uploaded the same day as the inauguration but doesn't mention the holy orange's name. maybe to you its about trump, maybe to some its about the devastating wars in the middle east and the lack of hope. its not always just to push democratic buttons you know
Robin Rogers What the Hell are you talking about?. How am I drawing parallels to Trump's Inauguration and when did I even mentioned it?. Im just pointing out that this video is no way "anti-Trump propaganda".
Its not anti trump, but they obviously have a bias. Bias isn't intrinsically bad, I kinda agree with them that its sad he is our president but come on... They definitely have a bias against trump.
there is no bias here technically, this video can be interpreted in many ways, the person who is interpreting such is the one with the bias. This video was fairly general. What ever thoughts you have on your mind can be projected onto the ideas portrayed here. But either way the only thing to take from this videos is just the concept of dialect: thesis/antithesis/synthesis
There is a deeply sad but very valuable story that I will never forget. I have heard it on an interview with Hrant Dink, an Armenian journalist from Istanbul, a wonderful human being who got killed in Turkey in 2007. He worked for peace and reconciliation all his life and that was his end... He told this story about an Armenian grandfather: So before the genocide began in 1915, during the deportation, the old man remained until the last moment on his farm trying to repair a machine that is used for harvesting. When his son went to look for him and said: " Dad, we won't see the harvest, you know that they came for us, and we have to leave now. Why are you still repairing that machine?" The old man said " I have to. After we leave, other farmers will live here and they will make the harvest. We can't leave the machine broken. They will need it." He had been deported and killed after that. And he knew it while repairing the machine...How dignified is the man who leads a meaningful life until the very last moment!! So much of our own future is absolutely not in our hands. But if we could manage to be so virtuous as the Armenian grandfather , we could at least contribute to a better future after us. What Hegel says is definitely good news and there is hope. But may be not for us...Unfortunately I remembered a novel I have read by the German writer Ernst Glaeser, called " Born in 1902" . Hemingway called it a " damned good book". It is about a lost generation...Imagine what it means to be born in 1902. So from the age of 12 to 16 they had gone through the First World War, and then in their 30's they had to live through the horrors of the Second World War. What a life... So we can never know what is next for us...May be we will see the things getting better before we pass away. Or may be the days we have left behind were the best days of our lives already and we don't even know it yet. But at least here is some clarity: We benefit from all the sacrifices of people who came before us. Think of all the idealists in every field, who fought for a cause and died without seeing the fruits of their life's struggle. We are the ones who received those fruits. And most of them were ordinary people whose names are not written in history books... So we must do the same for the people who will come after us and therefore we must insist in believing in some kind of progress...
Hegel, a banal, void, disgusting and ignorant charlatan who mixes insanity and nonsense with unprecedented arrogance, what his partisans convey as if it were immortal wisdom held to be true by idiots ... condemned to ruin a whole generation of intellectuals . " Schopenhauer "While other sophists, charlatans, and obscurantists falsify and ruin only knowledge, Hegel has destroyed even the organ of knowledge, the intelligence itself."
@@randycunningham1952 And your opinion is a swing I hope goes the way of the dodo sooner rather than later. Baseless conspiracy theory to explain away failure is pathetic and dangerous.
He is ultimately a good for the wasteland as the NCR was doomed to repeat history by trying to resurrect the system that caused the apocalypse to begin with. Them two clashing is a good for the Mojave, even if the wrong people will be incharge if one of the two wins
You can apply Hegel's dialectic to almost any process, not just human history. Think of the nature of art: idea (thesis) + medium/tool (antithesis) : manifested art like a painting (synthesis). What's really cool is how synthesis becomes a new thesis. That painting inspires an idea in someone else and so continues...
Unfortunately this video is mistaken but it's still a useful way to conceptualize Hegel. Thesis, Anthesis, Synthesis was a Kantian explanation of Judgement which Hegel adopted but Fitche applied this to History. Whilst Hegel argued that this process continued through the Negation of Negation, so the Antithesis was negated not the Synthesis. Which means a true synthesis never fully occurred which is why we are moving from extreme to extreme until we reach Truth.
@@PerspectivePhilosophy So if a true synthesis never occurs as a result of negation of the antithesis, how does one reach truth? Personally, the examples used in the video, could've been better. For example they use the Roman republic, as the synthesis of the governmental system the Persians and the Greeks used. The problem with this is, America shows us the flaws of a republic system, the Constitution which is supposed to protect minorities, has been shown to be worked around in the past, we are also currently in a situation where people are demanding for parts of it to be removed, as we see with the second amendment debates. China, on the other hand is much more collectivist, and seems to be beating the Americans, using this system. I personally doubt synthesis can ever be reached, but it's nice to know you can get closer to it through mistakes.
This is amazing and so uplifting given the seemingly terrifying situation many Americans, including myself, are struggling with. How wise and beautiful to remember we are humans, living in an imperfect word, reflecting timeless truths, acting out necessary patterns. Thank you!
Schopenhauer: 'We should see the scientific, literary and artistic Zeitgeist declared bankrupt about every thirty years: for during this period the errors contained in it have grown to such proportions as to crush it by the weight of their absurdity, while the opposing view has at the same time been strengthened by them. So now there is a sudden change: but what often succeeds is an error in the opposite direction. To exhibit the periodical recurrence of this state of things would be the true pragmatic material of literary history.' 'In almost every age, whether it be in literature or art, we find that if a thoroughly wrong idea, or a fashion, or a manner is in vogue, it is admired. Those of ordinary intelligence trouble themselves inordinately to acquire it and put it in practice. An intelligent man sees through it and despises it, consequently he remains out of the fashion. Some years later the public sees through it and takes the sham for what it is worth; it now laughs at it, and the much-admired colour of all these works of fashion falls off like the plaster from a badly-built wall: and they are in the same dilapidated condition. We should be glad and not sorry when a fundamentally wrong notion of which we have been secretly conscious for a long time finally gains a footing and is proclaimed both loudly and openly. The falseness of it will soon be felt and eventually proclaimed equally loudly and openly. It is as if an abscess had burst.'
Nahh,still consistent with the world as will and representation. There's my will and your will and the result of the interaction whether it serves me,you,or ideally both of us.
@@beingsshepherd So we shouldn't feel bad when stupid people engage in widely accepted and equally stupid behaviors because eventually they'll get bored and move on to the next stupid behavior? No thanks.
Hegel never really used the "thesis - antithesis - synthesis" dialectic, the few times he writes about it is to refer to it as Kant's and describe it as "spiritless." the description of Persia as "despotic enemies of free thought" seems grossly inaccurate. While no state at the time could be described as "freethinking," the Persians were probably the most religiously tolerant. Socrates was put to death on charges of atheism and "introducing new divinities." you could've probably brought up Sparta as an alternative to Athens, though it's still a grotesque oversimplification of history.
@@ThomasRiggins That was a battle, not a war. And that's not what she is talking about. Besides, the Persians ended up burning down Athens some years after Marathon. Together with Sparta they crushed Athens, which never really recovered the same.
@@Galy Marathon was indeed a battle but it has become the symbol of the eventual Greek victory over Persia: "The Battle of Marathon was a watershed in the Greco-Persian wars, showing the Greeks that the Persians could be beaten; the eventual Greek triumph in these wars can be seen to have begun at Marathon."-- Wikipedia "Battle of Marathon"
I always found this sentence so accurate to our history, Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times
@@MrAcrobot Trump is weak, doesn't challenge the system, he flooded DC with corruption, and he enriches himself over his people. Strongmen will arise from his presidency, hence why this video sums up 2016-current
Individualists will always have the best arguments, but they will always be outgunned by tribalists. That mix is another equilibrium point to consider.
@@chiffmonkeyThe hyper-Individualists of the modern era have no answer to the question of tribalism in the first place. Nearly every society and culture honors the achievements of great individuals. But to say we should all discard tribalism is absurd, as these individuals themselves benefit from living in a tribal society whose object it is to protect the individuals making up that tribe in the first place. Those who now make demands to end tribalism only seem to call for an end to tribalism among those tribes whose continued survival they are opposed to. The Atheist tells the Theist to ignore the basic tenets of his religion, the Anarchist tells the Patriot to abandon Patriotism, justifying it all by pointing to the excesses of Theism and of Patriotism, but watch as they wither when you state the obvious- that however loose they are, Atheists and Anarchists also act "tribally" (for the interest of protecting and promoting their own "tribe") and they too, are prone to excesses. Clearly, the dichotomy is a false one. Clearly, we can both have Theism yet still tolerate Atheism. Clearly, we can both have Patriotism, yet still respect the rights of the individual. But can an Atheist order permit Theism? Can an Anarchist order permit Patriotism? Can the more radical promoters of "Diversity", at the end of the day, permit the majority culture it's own identity, it's own agency, and it's own sovereignty? Clearly not, and the reaction to that currently establishment dogma is what we are seeing now, in all of the West. And along these battle lines, I do not see evil men- I only see people who think that what they are doing is what will be best for them, both as individuals and unwilling members of their tribes, whether they be theists or atheists, whether they be anti-state or statist, whether they be hispanic, black, arabic, asian, or white. And I also know that pretending that I am not a member of any of these tribes, and pretending to be "above tribalism" will only permit my abuse at the hands of the more assertive tribe among them, whatever tribe that turns out to be, in the end. I didn't get to choose who I am. But who I am is now a battle flag which is raised as long as I breathe. So my choice isn't between tribalism and individualism. It's between taking responsibility for who I am and determining my own fate, to whatever degree I can, or avoiding that responsibility, and pretending that I am not, in fact, a member of a tribe, while everyone else knows exactly what tribe they belong to, and what tribe I belong to, whether or not I like it. Imagine two soccer teams. One is well-trained, highly organized, disciplined and wants to win. The other have silly ideas, like how soccer is just a social construct, and soccer teams don't exist, and soccer isn't a zero-sum game, and soccer has no real winners or losers. It would be utterly absurd. And the more disciplined soccer team, the one that wanted to win, would win. And all the other soccer team would have are empty platitudes about friendship and togetherness, and how if you defeat the opposing soccer team, they win because they got you to compete, and competition is wrong because uh... Um...
Nuclear is the important word here. At no other time could a pendulum swing to the bad side destroy humankind with such swiftness and turn our pale blue dot into a radioactive wasteland. Optimism? Meh... "World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones."
All comes down to one question really: How far is too far and when do we know we've reached it? The world is now reacting. Some people have been too giving, and others have been suckling for far too long. Let's see what happens now. Sincerely, a Canadian.
+Kitsch Puffer Fish Oh is that so ? In east asia , we do not share the same circumstance as the western nations. Things could definitely be better i do not doubt , but politics is pretty much business as usual; that being: boring , not ridden with identity politics , not being treated like some sort of sports match etc. We also don't have many supposed "progressive" people actually going towards regression.
+1greenMitsi I dunno. We've built a pretty cohesive civilization here. We have a pretty good understanding about past civilizations and how to prevent it. With President Trump in office and potentially being allies with Russia...Russia + the US + the rest of the West...we seem to be in pretty good shape right now.
Ibrahim sheikh Life today is considerably better than it was in the past, but if this philosophy of prosperity followed by suffering and vice versa holds and is relative to the wisdom we have acquired over time. Then our inevitable oncoming period of chaos and pain will be one on a massive scale, because as things get even better they must eventually get even worse. In the end our lust for knowledge will destroy us.
this is the most brilliant idea i have heard of. i got to know Hegel's dialectic history in lectures and in this video. i think one can gain hope and patience through this prism, and gain a new understanding which frees one from his zeitgeist cage.
Hegel, a banal, void, disgusting and ignorant charlatan who mixes insanity and nonsense with unprecedented arrogance, what his partisans convey as if it were immortal wisdom held to be true by idiots ... condemned to ruin a whole generation of intellectuals . " Schopenhauer "While other sophists, charlatans, and obscurantists falsify and ruin only knowledge, Hegel has destroyed even the organ of knowledge, the intelligence itself."
So to summarize, there will be good times aswell as bad times. Rinse and repeat until you die and then your lucky kids get to go through the same thing. Awesome.
It was Fitche who argued History moved using the Kantian judgement of Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Hegel updated this method to include double negatives. This way the process moves from extremes and never fully Synthesizes until it reaches absolute truth which is why the movement of history continues rather than simply stop in a given paradigm.
i do not agree with Hegel's optimism. Our world today is different, since we face species wide extinction from either nuclear war or global warming. Both of these did not exist in the 19th century.
pramitbanerjee those events are unlikely to cause total extinction. the stakes are higher, yes, and as the population skyrockets mass death is inevitable at some point, which for some reason we find hard to tolerate, but our species as a whole will continue
may be our species will survive, but our way of life will die. The information we have collected will be destroyed, and we just the sum of our accumulated information. We will never recover because humans won't have the infrastructure to terraform the earth. It will be another million years before conditions return to normal.
pramitbanerjee yeah but there are also so many positive things that wouldn't be possible in the 19th century. technology and its ability to connect people from all over the world in a matter of minutes would see impossible at that time, just as the extinction risks you stated. i think as long as theres balance between good and bad, even if they're not directly correlated, it still supports hagel's idea
I don't think we should all start screaming and jumping out of windows, but I too do not think Hegel's optimism is viable. I am taking sides with Dostoievsky on this one. And he was very anti-hegelian. He wisely enough knew that no degree of progress will ever cure the humanity out of its misery. Humans are wired to be destructive. Even under the best of conditions, we will find an efficient way to screw things up. Call it boredom, selfishness or 'fallen human nature' it's simply the way things are and will never change. Now we have the means of mass destruction and the exact same nature we had 2000 years ago... 20 000 years ago... it's naive to think we are in any essential way superior to our ancestors.
A quote from john Steinbecks grapes of wrath which I will never forget - "everyone always wonders "what's the world coming to?" But the world never it just keeps turning " :)
This philosophy is referenced in Fallout: New Vegas, and it's the one of the main reasons that Caesar created his faction (arguably the biggest antagonists) modeled on the Roman Empire. Pretty crazy when you think about it.
I think Hegel statement is flawed however strong it may seem. Following the defiance between French Revolution (being thesis) and Napoleon Empire (being antithesis), Francis Fukuyama thought liberal democracy as "The end of history" (being synthesis) only to be dissapointed on his own views later on. On the other hand, if he (or rather say "we") succeded on that behalf, that would grant synthesis a total control over particular discourse. Someone might disagree, granting synthesis a thesis status when first iteration of dialectic being complete. But doing so would devaluate dialectic as an idea because what we see throughout the history is constant process of going from one extreeme to another combined with, say, peroids of serenity. In that regard, human history itself isn't linear, as Hegel suggested, it's rather circular. This could possibly explain why there's 3 "waves" of feminism, or why sexual revolution are knocking at our doors again, while also adressing neverending "right wing vs left wing"
We have to be brutally honest in assessing and correcting our contradictions. We have to remember our memory is not very good, so write it down so we don’t forget. We must create empathy, not ego from our suffering. We must be kind and patient in explaining this to our loved ones so they truly understand. If we get enough of us to push, we can shift the pendulum over time through kindness and understanding in a more positive direction.
I'm a friend of Hegel's thinking, but I think that you should also explain the critism of his Teleology. Karl Popper has good arguments against this kind of determinism of history. He thougth, that you should always be vigilant and you should always be fighting against tyranny no matter the state of the imagened pendulum.
i don't see the mention of teleology in this outline. In fact, i don't even know where you would find teleology in Hegels thought. I know it's in books about the history of philosophy, and in Poppers books of course, but i don't see teleology in Hegels work. Where is it? Where exactly do you find it?
@@1spitfirepilot yes popper was most active at politics in the cold war when everyone was all about the democratic ideal,and the entire politic system its based on that notion.on epistemology tho hes prtty relevant.
Have you heard the saying great minds think alike. I hypothesize that this saying came into being because people who think about topics a lot (like philosophers do, regardless if they recognize they are a philosopher or not) often end up with similar trains of thought, of course there will be variations, but usually when someone has a thought it is just a new incarnation of something that was previously thought. All the great philosophers did was spend a lot of time developing that train of thought and then publishing it.
I think that saying arose due to the psychological phenomenon known as confirmation bias. If someone has an idea you agree with then you are likely to perceive them as a reliable source.
The Hegelian Dialectic 1. PROBLEM 2. CHAOS 3. SOLUTION The same people who cause the Problem that creates the Chaos, then offer us the Solution, what they intended from the beginning. Example 1.Viral Pandemic, 2.Disruption/Confusion 3. ???????
He didn't but people of his time pretty much were always needed to be ready for the next plague to arrived. Every era has its own apocalyptic scenario.
@@beingsshepherd by the level of theistic truth He expresses on his views, bcoze God is Truth, whose philosophy bring others near to Truth, thats the best. Anothers are just speculating this is this this is that, we call empiric philosophers, cant understand that even some stars-planets are out of their camp of vision, what to say about try to measure God by mind and intelect? Hegel could understand it and told, withoput scriptures and religion, philosophy have no value.
His philosophy was expressed a thousand years before by a great Vaishnav Acharya Ramanuja on his visistha-dvaita theology, The universe is like the body of God, but still God have got a independent personality in spiritual world, its also called panetheism, on contrary to pantheism, it says that God is in all natural things, but also outside everything, He is the smalles and the biggest at same time.
nah lmao name dropping Hegel doesn't make Legion/NCR a nuanced representation of the dialectic. It shows that Caesar's reasoning is deeply flawed and that his understanding of history is ass. Caesar is a pseud who read a book and thinks he knows enough to run the wasteland.
Hey, I really enjoy the videos about authors and wish you guys would post more of this kind. I read Camus beacause of your video on him and it changed my life :)
Much as I enjoy School of Life videos, this is a major inaccuracy. Hegel never actually referred to thesis-antithesis-synthesis, let alone at all three of them at the same time. Somehow this concept continues to be attributed to him, while it is a mere sub-product of his dialectic. There's an article in the Journal of the History of Ideas by Gustav Mueller titled 'The Hegel Legend of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis' which explains just that (DOI: 10.2307/2708045). Such a shame since I would expect these videos to be more well-informed, coming from a contemporary philosopher, but then again, this is the Internet...
Hegel is an optimist, in postulating that through the catharsis between thesis and antithesis some sort of progress will be forthcoming. All I see is a senseless pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other, only once in a blue moon passing through more peaceful and prosperous times. Take the Roman Empire as an example, which he regards as the resulth of synthesis between the disciplined Persians and the freedom loving Greek. Well, the Romans indeed were disciplined, but the freedom was only for the people high up the social ladder (patricians), while the common people (plebs), slaves and conquered people in general were worse of. The wealth the empire enjoyed was also due to ruthless conquest, while discipline was maintained with harsh measures (decimation among Roman legions, when a legion performed cowardly in battle for example, by which each 10th man was killed). Progress is in the eye of the beholder and the position he/she is in. If you are western, white, highly educated and with moderately wealthy parents, today's world is your playground and opportunities seem limitless. On the other hand, if you are a blue collar worker, you work many hours against low wage, no job security and barely able to pay the bills. If by some twisted fate you're also disabled to a certain degree, you're part of a minority or you're downright poor, today's world is hell or near to it. It is no coincidence that Marx took Hegel's dialectic view on history and elaborated on that, postulating that if nothing happened, history kept favoring the wealthy and moving in no positive direction for the less fortunate.
Very direct and great point of view! Commentors shouldn't jump into personalizing the heart of the lesson. But if it should make people mad, then hopefully it should also lead them to a synthesis of their own personal lives.
The writers of the Constitution were anti-utopians, generally speaking. That is why the document restrains ESPECIALLY the federal government. If they knew there could even be more inevitable corruption and death from power, they might have even listened more to the anti-federalists than simply the comprise of the Bill of Rights. We might be better off than the creeping socialism that accelerated after WWII.
That those with existing privileges are not willing to give up privileges by the reassurance that "everyone is better off". They observe their own loss of privileges and feel that things are worse off. Rather than great truths that have been ignored, I would prefer to say that some things take time for others to accept.
you see. you are part of the extremist problem. you are blind to the problem, calling out others are just stupid and that you will force them to whatever over time. but that's not how it works.
I may very well be wrong as it is based on my personal example. In primary school, I was one of the top few students. I was used to be the one people look up to and the one tutoring others. I wasn't prideful about it but I was used to it. During secondary school, I lost that privilege and became but an average student. I was angry over everything for several years till I eventually accept that everyone is average, in one sense or another. So in my opinion, it takes time for people with privilege to get used to become the average. And for me, I feel that the group of core supporters for Mr. Trump are the ones who have lost their privileges in life. I could be wrong of course. In elaboration (if you are still reading), a standard white American family is used to the idea of having one job for their entire life. Getting gradually better at this job means gradually higher income, this used to be the norm. However, in recent years, disruptive technology and globalization has greatly reversed that trend. This is not a movement or an exercise of a certain ideal but general progress. Neither Obama or Trump or anyone can stop technology from advancing or people from wanting to buy cheaper things (from another country if they have to). They can slow it of course, but people always manage to subvert rules. All we can do is getting used to it. However, people in my part of the world, for example, are used to the position of not being privileged enough to stay in one job for life. It is a shift in our normal, but a horizontal shift. However, to a people whose position used to be more privileged, it is a general reduction in term of quality of life. Of course they are angry, and rightly so. But I don't see how this anger will, in long term, change the general direction of human development. It is just like how my anger will not make me into the top student again. Thus, I feel it is about time. That they need longer time than us to get used to this new normal and thus should be given more time.
In layman's terms thesis, antithesis and then synthesis can be interpreted as simply, problem, reaction and then solution. Intellectuals tend to overcomplicate what this means because regardless of how smart one may be they can still be bound by it for it is the framework of human thought and emotion. It is the very box which one must learn to think outside of before they have a hope in hell of changing anything on a personal level or on the world stage. It has been and is being used as a trap that limits our potential because while it is simple to understand on it's face when it is employed as a means of controlling people it expresses itself as a problem that you can either conform to or rebel against which is the reaction. The solution is guided by agenda so neither reaction amounts to anything apart from it's original intended ends. We live in a world where this method of controlling hearts and minds is so prevalent that it represents itself as a cancer in metastasis and bombards us all through media, politics our parents, friends, it is even down to the level of manipulation that one receives from the marketing on a box of cereal at the grocery store and the worst part is that due to our inbuilt need to follow the herd it actually feels good to go along with it, good but empty. The greatest lie that one can tell themselves before they are free is that they are free because all of everything that most of us do and the motivations behind those actions exists within a box and we know not of it's presence. The best advice that I can give to the modern person is simply to be still, be quiet, close your eyes and open yourself to the truth that is your birthright for freedom exists within and all efforts to find it out there will end in suffering and eventually a reset that we commonly refer to as a mental breakdown.
reminds me of a Philip K. Dick interview where he talks about his views on a destructive god, and how an angel visited him to tell him that chaos and order oscillate back and forth to create better things in the end.
Yes, the dialectic is an argument (in the broader sense), but it is specifically a proceeding which presupposes opposites and their evolution. It derives from "dialegomai", which means "to converse". I think such connotation is relevant when discussing Hegel's philosophy of history
There are those who would take this concept and manipulate it for their interest at any cost. Why allow the synthesis to take its supposed "natural" direction, when you can control which direction it will go by manipulating the thesis and antithesis themselves?
This is what the world needs right now, a synthesis, because not enough people are willing to fine common establishment and are instead willing to push their own conflict in disregard to dialectic aspects.
In my opinion, this is too optimistic. I agree that there had been decadence before that led to the destruction of orders and complete civilizations. But I think we have come close to the final end. But when I look around the world around me, I think we deserved it.
It supposes that when you run an average over the ups and downs over the millenia we get a linear rise upward for Western civilisation, or perhaps humanity? Bollocks. It's an apologist's view of the current status quo, more or less saying all things considered (Stalin's murders, Nazi's, Maoism, Pol Pot, etc, etc) were necessary for us now to be enjoying this life and it's benefits of being in the middle of a pendulum swing. Pendulum schmendulum; Hegel, schmeygel.
I'm sure things do reach a synthesis in time but for individuals it's about making it through to that point in time with their lives and sanity still intact!
The School of Life unpleasant as in difficult and confusing (like Kafka)? Or is he honest and harsh; negative and pessimistic? Because I love negative and harsh writing but found Kafka too confusing with his structure and way of describing things
meatyburgers he isn't a novelist he's a philosopher, he writes super dense essays... his books are hard to read even with a proper philosophical education but they are good for the mind e spirit ;)
Difficult, confusing, needlessly verbose, hyper-intellectual to the point of basically making up words that amazingly didn't even further whatever point he was trying to make. But, as has been noted, his ideas are extremely interesting.
Is this Alain De Botton ? If it is, this man changed my life and introduced me to philosophy during a very hard time and shaped who I am.... If not, this guy sounds exactly like him.
Yep it is. I agree, he is an excellent speaker and philosopher. I highly reccomend reading some of his books as well. They soothe the mind and the soul.
@@raywilliams5352 he did a series on BBC I loved, short docs on Nietsczhe, Epicurus, Seneca, and Schopenhauer I saw awhile back that led me toward alot of the research that shaped my life during a time when I really needed to be introduced to philosophy. That path has made some of the suffering I went through a few years back tolerable, I looked at life completely differently after watching those videos. I definitely am interested in anything he does I didn't know he also is an author, thanks for the tip
I find too many social engineers clinging to this notion of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Seems like you can guide humanity';s history so long as you can provide an antagonist to every protagonist. While this is all well and good, it seems like the social engineers can determine the "field" or realm" of which these dichotomies plays out, instead of them happening "naturally".
You are pointing it out well but i think what he is trying to say that when one voice faces subordination,with time , it comes back not necessarily as a protagonist but because it was not given due attention. So both sides could be antagonist or protagonist ,likewise we must learn and reduce the time taken to become reach a synthesis.
If you are interested in Hegels view on history, I recommend you the tragedy of man by Imre Madách, a relatively short drama where Lucifer attempts to make Adam commit suicide by showing him the future of humanity. It has a bit bitter feeling because of the plot, but it is a good presentation of the thesis-antithesis-synthesis system.
Dia is also a rapper, so the video could be talking about rap battles, which means rap isn't just a modern day phenomenon. it was part of ancient civilization.
Patrick Kilduff it isn't composed of 3 parts: those terms belonged to Fichte. According to Hegel the contradictions we experience in our thoughts are ironed out by viewing it on a grander scope. It's less of a resolution between parts and more of a transformation in the idea.
If you plan on unsubscribing from this channel, then just do it already. Nobody cares. I see some commentors equating this directly to Trump and saying this is propaganda or that they dont like it. I hate Trump but I cant help but to feel a lil bias as well but idc!! I was stuck on the ACTUAL philosophy during the video. Also, I watch videos that I find dont resonate with my beliefs but I still watch and dont cry because its good to see other peespectives on things. Stop acting like the SJWs that ya'll hate so damn much!
ShaiNaiStov Well, that's what you get with Trump supporters. Always screaming and insulting everyone. But when we actually criticize them, we are making "fake, biased news!" and we are "SJW's". It's just pure hypocrisy, nothing more. They try to make a "statement" by unsubscribing, but no one cares, we just laugh at it.
I think these people are completely missing the point. When major ideologies, ideas, or movements clash, it's a challenge, but time leads to progress and the synthesis of the truths from both movements. Are people really unwilling to concede that this is immensely applicable to today? Really unwilling to concede that America is immensely polarized and going through some really hard growing pains? This shouldn't be controversial, regardless of your political beliefs. The immediate reaction of repulsion to these ideas is just... Disgusting. Makes me wonder what these people were even doing learning about philosophy and Hegel to begin with, they clearly aren't very philosophically minded
I like Trump but I'm a Monarchist and disagree with a lot of what this guy says or how he frames things. I'll still watch , though. Because there is good and bad and agreement and disagreement in each video for myself and in relation to my own values opinions and held knowledge.
Let's not go that far as to say the best. I'm too much of a natural pessimist for that. But what you said reminds me of a quote from the play Arcadia. "It's the best possible time to be alive, when everything you thought you knew is wrong".
@1:49 did you see that! Anyway, Hegel’s philosophy led to a bloodbath as it was at one time believed a necessary step to move forward. (Still is in some quarters).
wow complete mistakes about greek history, the persian never defeated the greeks, quite the opposite (marathon at first, Alexandre at the end), and precisely because they were mere organised as a whole, there is no notion of individual freedom in ancient greek, the citizens are just part of the city, they don't conceive themselves as individuals, your argument on homosexuality is completely anachronic... on Hegel it's ok. Same mistakes on revolution history, Hegel is a pro Napoleon guy, for him napoleon makes the synthesis with formal freedom in the law with abolition of the orders, for him the restauration is a reaction, precisly what inspires his thought on dialectic reaction in history (the concept you developps in the video). I'm historian and i'm appaled by the level of the channel, you make highschools mistakes...
***** yes but since the marathon battle every confrontation led to a complete defeat from the persian forces, due to their weaknesses in tactics and the low motivation of their forces, although they were 2 or 3 times higher in number (even more in marathon). I've studied greeks history and they completely misunderstood that, and it is even contradictory with hegel interpretation of greeks history
This video is alluding on historical movement of the political wings. When the right wing screws up, left wing gains power; When the left wing screws up, the right wing gains power. And so on, and so on. It's the natural balance of things... cause, effect and reaction.
Yes, but the problem is, the next stage will be augmented reality, artificial intelligence, biological enhancement, robotics, nanotechnology, virtual reality in the midst of all of these nuclear weapons we've all amassed and that other countries are aspiring to develop. Try to swing out of that extreme humanity!
I suspect that the pendulum swing will be all the people that have been impoverished by Augmented Reality, AI, robots etc, slaughtering the people who are responsible for their plight.
The platypus rising from the dialectical struggle between a duck and a beaver was the single most brilliant metaphor for the dialectical process I've ever seen, and a brilliant joke, also.
I thought it was a fat mongoose or a muskrat. Didn't know it was a beaver until this comment.
Not really great biology tho’.
Most righteously hilarious indeed. I have a feeling the folks at the School of Life are Monty Python fans.
You mean an analogy not a metaphor 😅
True... And a hideous outcome indeed 😂
This video triggered alot of Trump Supporters and it's really funny how they jumped to conclusions thinking that this video is "anti-Trump". But this is in no way this is "anti Trump" as far as I can see. The School of life is simply teaching philosophy, and how Philosophers' view on how we should we live our lives and how they theorize the world. This is not an "anti-Trump" propaganda, so stop saying this "anti-Trump" because it's not.
Robin Rogers damn ur really looking for conflict where there isn't one. this video just happens to be uploaded the same day as the inauguration but doesn't mention the holy orange's name. maybe to you its about trump, maybe to some its about the devastating wars in the middle east and the lack of hope. its not always just to push democratic buttons you know
Robin Rogers
What the Hell are you talking about?. How am I drawing parallels to Trump's Inauguration and when did I even mentioned it?. Im just pointing out that this video is no way "anti-Trump propaganda".
Robin Rogers
And what makes you think I'm Left-wing?
Its not anti trump, but they obviously have a bias. Bias isn't intrinsically bad, I kinda agree with them that its sad he is our president but come on... They definitely have a bias against trump.
there is no bias here technically, this video can be interpreted in many ways, the person who is interpreting such is the one with the bias. This video was fairly general. What ever thoughts you have on your mind can be projected onto the ideas portrayed here. But either way the only thing to take from this videos is just the concept of dialect: thesis/antithesis/synthesis
There is a deeply sad but very valuable story that I will never forget. I have heard it on an interview with Hrant Dink, an Armenian journalist from Istanbul, a wonderful human being who got killed in Turkey in 2007. He worked for peace and reconciliation all his life and that was his end... He told this story about an Armenian grandfather:
So before the genocide began in 1915, during the deportation, the old man remained until the last moment on his farm trying to repair a machine that is used for harvesting. When his son went to look for him and said: " Dad, we won't see the harvest, you know that they came for us, and we have to leave now. Why are you still repairing that machine?"
The old man said " I have to. After we leave, other farmers will live here and they will make the harvest. We can't leave the machine broken. They will need it."
He had been deported and killed after that. And he knew it while repairing the machine...How dignified is the man who leads a meaningful life until the very last moment!!
So much of our own future is absolutely not in our hands. But if we could manage to be so virtuous as the Armenian grandfather , we could at least contribute to a better future after us.
What Hegel says is definitely good news and there is hope. But may be not for us...Unfortunately I remembered a novel I have read by the German writer Ernst Glaeser, called " Born in 1902" . Hemingway called it a " damned good book".
It is about a lost generation...Imagine what it means to be born in 1902. So from the age of 12 to 16 they had gone through the First World War, and then in their 30's they had to live through the horrors of the Second World War. What a life...
So we can never know what is next for us...May be we will see the things getting better before we pass away. Or may be the days we have left behind were the best days of our lives already and we don't even know it yet.
But at least here is some clarity:
We benefit from all the sacrifices of people who came before us. Think of all the idealists in every field, who fought for a cause and died without seeing the fruits of their life's struggle. We are the ones who received those fruits.
And most of them were ordinary people whose names are not written in history books...
So we must do the same for the people who will come after us and therefore we must insist in believing in some kind of progress...
Beautiful and poignant - as always. Thank you.
Lua Veli awesome comment :')
Bom día o filho do pescador! Muito obrigada:-) Um beijo.
Lua Veli Bom dia para você também :D :)
I absolutely agree: the swing is natural, the important thing is to not loose your head.
or the swings are all orchestrated...
Hegel, a banal, void, disgusting and ignorant charlatan who mixes insanity and nonsense with unprecedented arrogance, what his partisans convey as if it were immortal wisdom held to be true by idiots ... condemned to ruin a whole generation of intellectuals . "
"While other sophists, charlatans, and obscurantists falsify and ruin only knowledge, Hegel has destroyed even the organ of knowledge, the intelligence itself."
where was this advice when King Louis XVI was in power
@@kassidydietz3504 lmaoooooo i really giggled at this. good one!
@@randycunningham1952 And your opinion is a swing I hope goes the way of the dodo sooner rather than later. Baseless conspiracy theory to explain away failure is pathetic and dangerous.
This is what Caesar talked about in Fallout: New Vegas regarding the NCR and the Legion
He is ultimately a good for the wasteland as the NCR was doomed to repeat history by trying to resurrect the system that caused the apocalypse to begin with. Them two clashing is a good for the Mojave, even if the wrong people will be incharge if one of the two wins
Duck = thesis, Gopher = antithesis, Platypus = Synthesis
That in itself is a brilliant summary and made everything instantly understandable for me.
You can apply Hegel's dialectic to almost any process, not just human history. Think of the nature of art: idea (thesis) + medium/tool (antithesis) : manifested art like a painting (synthesis). What's really cool is how synthesis becomes a new thesis. That painting inspires an idea in someone else and so continues...
You obviously don't get it, it's actually backwards antithesis synthesis thesis, the thesis is a transcdental reality
In what way is the medium/tool antithetical (i.e. the opposite) to the idea for the artwork?
Unfortunately this video is mistaken but it's still a useful way to conceptualize Hegel. Thesis, Anthesis, Synthesis was a Kantian explanation of Judgement which Hegel adopted but Fitche applied this to History. Whilst Hegel argued that this process continued through the Negation of Negation, so the Antithesis was negated not the Synthesis. Which means a true synthesis never fully occurred which is why we are moving from extreme to extreme until we reach Truth.
@@PerspectivePhilosophy So if a true synthesis never occurs as a result of negation of the antithesis, how does one reach truth? Personally, the examples used in the video, could've been better. For example they use the Roman republic, as the synthesis of the governmental system the Persians and the Greeks used. The problem with this is, America shows us the flaws of a republic system, the Constitution which is supposed to protect minorities, has been shown to be worked around in the past, we are also currently in a situation where people are demanding for parts of it to be removed, as we see with the second amendment debates. China, on the other hand is much more collectivist, and seems to be beating the Americans, using this system. I personally doubt synthesis can ever be reached, but it's nice to know you can get closer to it through mistakes.
@@AhsimNreizievThe tool is the limiting factor that must be finagled and fought with in order to represent hopefully a fragment of what was imagined
Some of the best videos on the net are right here. Cheers guys - you really do an outstanding job.
I must praise your optimism. It is refreshing.
This is amazing and so uplifting given the seemingly terrifying situation many Americans, including myself, are struggling with. How wise and beautiful to remember we are humans, living in an imperfect word, reflecting timeless truths, acting out necessary patterns.
Thank you!
Hegel said there'll be days like this
There'll be days like this, Hegel said
Hath Hegel said about days like this
So no one told Hegel life was gonna be this wayyy
I'll always remember that😂
Hegal and Mama both were right 🤔
*Schopenhauer has left the chat
Life sucks, and then you die. - A. Shopenhauer.
Schopenhauer: 'We should see the scientific, literary and artistic Zeitgeist declared bankrupt about every thirty years: for during this period the errors contained in it have grown to such proportions as to crush it by the weight of their absurdity, while the opposing view has at the same time been strengthened by them. So now there is a sudden change: but what often succeeds is an error in the opposite direction. To exhibit the periodical recurrence of this state of things would be the true pragmatic material of literary history.'
'In almost every age, whether it be in literature or art, we find that if a thoroughly wrong idea, or a fashion, or a manner is in vogue, it is admired. Those of ordinary intelligence trouble themselves inordinately to acquire it and put it in practice. An intelligent man sees through it and despises it, consequently he remains out of the fashion. Some years later the public sees through it and takes the sham for what it is worth; it now laughs at it, and the much-admired colour of all these works of fashion falls off like the plaster from a badly-built wall: and they are in the same dilapidated condition. We should be glad and not sorry when a fundamentally wrong notion of which we have been secretly conscious for a long time finally gains a footing and is proclaimed both loudly and openly. The falseness of it will soon be felt and eventually proclaimed equally loudly and openly. It is as if an abscess had burst.'
Nahh,still consistent with the world as will and representation. There's my will and your will and the result of the interaction whether it serves me,you,or ideally both of us.
@@beingsshepherd So we shouldn't feel bad when stupid people engage in widely accepted and equally stupid behaviors because eventually they'll get bored and move on to the next stupid behavior? No thanks.
'An intelligent man sees through it and despises it, [...]'
Hegel never really used the "thesis - antithesis - synthesis" dialectic, the few times he writes about it is to refer to it as Kant's and describe it as "spiritless." the description of Persia as "despotic enemies of free thought" seems grossly inaccurate. While no state at the time could be described as "freethinking," the Persians were probably the most religiously tolerant. Socrates was put to death on charges of atheism and "introducing new divinities." you could've probably brought up Sparta as an alternative to Athens, though it's still a grotesque oversimplification of history.
Thank you! Atleast someone is writing it in here and also, this comment should be pinned!
Fichte used the "thesis - antithesis - synthesis" not hegel.
also i might add that the reason was not only introducing new divinities but also degrading the youth.
It was the Athenians who defeated the Persians (Marathon).
That was a battle, not a war. And that's not what she is talking about. Besides, the Persians ended up burning down Athens some years after Marathon. Together with Sparta they crushed Athens, which never really recovered the same.
@@Galy Marathon was indeed a battle but it has become the symbol of the eventual Greek victory over Persia: "The Battle of Marathon was a watershed in the Greco-Persian wars, showing the Greeks that the Persians could be beaten; the eventual Greek triumph in these wars can be seen to have begun at Marathon."-- Wikipedia "Battle of Marathon"
I always found this sentence so accurate to our history,
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times
Kramaticulus wrong not strong men but bad people do that, u can have a strong people but they can be also good :) and week Man can also be bad. :)
Hard times often create bad people
@@artmasterpl weak men are inherently bad.
Nice but what is the meaning of hard? What is the meaning of strong and weak?
@@MrAcrobot Trump is weak, doesn't challenge the system, he flooded DC with corruption, and he enriches himself over his people.
Strongmen will arise from his presidency, hence why this video sums up 2016-current
Well, I hope he's right. We're still in many ways tribalistic primates, only nuclear armed.
Individualists will always have the best arguments, but they will always be outgunned by tribalists. That mix is another equilibrium point to consider.
@@chiffmonkeyThe hyper-Individualists of the modern era have no answer to the question of tribalism in the first place. Nearly every society and culture honors the achievements of great individuals. But to say we should all discard tribalism is absurd, as these individuals themselves benefit from living in a tribal society whose object it is to protect the individuals making up that tribe in the first place.
Those who now make demands to end tribalism only seem to call for an end to tribalism among those tribes whose continued survival they are opposed to. The Atheist tells the Theist to ignore the basic tenets of his religion, the Anarchist tells the Patriot to abandon Patriotism, justifying it all by pointing to the excesses of Theism and of Patriotism, but watch as they wither when you state the obvious- that however loose they are, Atheists and Anarchists also act "tribally" (for the interest of protecting and promoting their own "tribe") and they too, are prone to excesses. Clearly, the dichotomy is a false one. Clearly, we can both have Theism yet still tolerate Atheism. Clearly, we can both have Patriotism, yet still respect the rights of the individual. But can an Atheist order permit Theism? Can an Anarchist order permit Patriotism? Can the more radical promoters of "Diversity", at the end of the day, permit the majority culture it's own identity, it's own agency, and it's own sovereignty? Clearly not, and the reaction to that currently establishment dogma is what we are seeing now, in all of the West.
And along these battle lines, I do not see evil men- I only see people who think that what they are doing is what will be best for them, both as individuals and unwilling members of their tribes, whether they be theists or atheists, whether they be anti-state or statist, whether they be hispanic, black, arabic, asian, or white. And I also know that pretending that I am not a member of any of these tribes, and pretending to be "above tribalism" will only permit my abuse at the hands of the more assertive tribe among them, whatever tribe that turns out to be, in the end. I didn't get to choose who I am. But who I am is now a battle flag which is raised as long as I breathe. So my choice isn't between tribalism and individualism. It's between taking responsibility for who I am and determining my own fate, to whatever degree I can, or avoiding that responsibility, and pretending that I am not, in fact, a member of a tribe, while everyone else knows exactly what tribe they belong to, and what tribe I belong to, whether or not I like it.
Imagine two soccer teams. One is well-trained, highly organized, disciplined and wants to win. The other have silly ideas, like how soccer is just a social construct, and soccer teams don't exist, and soccer isn't a zero-sum game, and soccer has no real winners or losers. It would be utterly absurd. And the more disciplined soccer team, the one that wanted to win, would win. And all the other soccer team would have are empty platitudes about friendship and togetherness, and how if you defeat the opposing soccer team, they win because they got you to compete, and competition is wrong because uh... Um...
Nuclear is the important word here. At no other time could a pendulum swing to the bad side destroy humankind with such swiftness and turn our pale blue dot into a radioactive wasteland. Optimism? Meh... "World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones."
Caesar? Is that you?
Funny, I'm here because Fallout NV's Ceasar always brings up Hegel.
All comes down to one question really: How far is too far and when do we know we've reached it?
The world is now reacting. Some people have been too giving, and others have been suckling for far too long.
Let's see what happens now.
Sincerely, a Canadian.
Ugly Puppy *is this matthew santoro??*
Ugly Puppy although the demand for giving from the takers is a response to an overzealous free market that gave everyone shitty jobs at McDonalds.
+Kitsch Puffer Fish Oh is that so ? In east asia , we do not share the same circumstance as the western nations. Things could definitely be better i do not doubt , but politics is pretty much business as usual; that being: boring , not ridden with identity politics , not being treated like some sort of sports match etc. We also don't have many supposed "progressive" people actually going towards regression.
western privelidge will collapse one day
+1greenMitsi I dunno. We've built a pretty cohesive civilization here. We have a pretty good understanding about past civilizations and how to prevent it. With President Trump in office and potentially being allies with Russia...Russia + the US + the rest of the West...we seem to be in pretty good shape right now.
I am weary of such optimism, as it seems to me the pendulum is swinging much wider now than before and will continue to do so...
mephistopheles the silent chief and there isn't necessarily a guarantee that the pendulum will swing back. you made a good point!
Nah, eventually all things come to an end. What's more important to me is whether the pendulum will swing back in my lifetime. Probably not tbh.
mephistopheles the silent chief explain?
Ibrahim sheikh Life today is considerably better than it was in the past, but if this philosophy of prosperity followed by suffering and vice versa holds and is relative to the wisdom we have acquired over time. Then our inevitable oncoming period of chaos and pain will be one on a massive scale, because as things get even better they must eventually get even worse. In the end our lust for knowledge will destroy us.
mephistopheles the silent chief I understand, but do t agree, but I'm too tired to explain why haha
You are a british Morgan Freeman
Sergio Perez French
mayank sharma Swiss
Sergio Perez he french doe
I thought he was Swiss.
Thought he was Finnish.
this is the most brilliant idea i have heard of. i got to know Hegel's dialectic history in lectures and in this video.
i think one can gain hope and patience through this prism, and gain a new understanding which frees one from his zeitgeist cage.
a very reassuring and relevant post
Hegel, a banal, void, disgusting and ignorant charlatan who mixes insanity and nonsense with unprecedented arrogance, what his partisans convey as if it were immortal wisdom held to be true by idiots ... condemned to ruin a whole generation of intellectuals . "
"While other sophists, charlatans, and obscurantists falsify and ruin only knowledge, Hegel has destroyed even the organ of knowledge, the intelligence itself."
Maaaaan let me tell u something
The optimism is surely appreciable. Thank you for this video in such hard times 😊
As an Indian I can totally relate to you.
So to summarize, there will be good times aswell as bad times. Rinse and repeat until you die and then your lucky kids get to go through the same thing. Awesome.
Dusty Scrolls Just remember good times for some are bad times for others. Also the bad times can also span one's entire lifetime.
I haven't seen this opening in quite a while, thanks for bringing philosophy back into the game once again.
It was Fitche who argued History moved using the Kantian judgement of Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Hegel updated this method to include double negatives. This way the process moves from extremes and never fully Synthesizes until it reaches absolute truth which is why the movement of history continues rather than simply stop in a given paradigm.
i do not agree with Hegel's optimism. Our world today is different, since we face species wide extinction from either nuclear war or global warming. Both of these did not exist in the 19th century.
pramitbanerjee those events are unlikely to cause total extinction. the stakes are higher, yes, and as the population skyrockets mass death is inevitable at some point, which for some reason we find hard to tolerate, but our species as a whole will continue
may be our species will survive, but our way of life will die. The information we have collected will be destroyed, and we just the sum of our accumulated information. We will never recover because humans won't have the infrastructure to terraform the earth. It will be another million years before conditions return to normal.
pramitbanerjee yeah but there are also so many positive things that wouldn't be possible in the 19th century. technology and its ability to connect people from all over the world in a matter of minutes would see impossible at that time, just as the extinction risks you stated. i think as long as theres balance between good and bad, even if they're not directly correlated, it still supports hagel's idea
I don't think we should all start screaming and jumping out of windows, but I too do not think Hegel's optimism is viable. I am taking sides with Dostoievsky on this one. And he was very anti-hegelian. He wisely enough knew that no degree of progress will ever cure the humanity out of its misery. Humans are wired to be destructive. Even under the best of conditions, we will find an efficient way to screw things up. Call it boredom, selfishness or 'fallen human nature' it's simply the way things are and will never change. Now we have the means of mass destruction and the exact same nature we had 2000 years ago... 20 000 years ago... it's naive to think we are in any essential way superior to our ancestors.
Tom Brown not if bees die because of climate change. We need bees.
A quote from john Steinbecks grapes of wrath which I will never forget - "everyone always wonders "what's the world coming to?" But the world never it just keeps turning " :)
This is my new favourite place on UA-cam
This philosophy is referenced in Fallout: New Vegas, and it's the one of the main reasons that Caesar created his faction (arguably the biggest antagonists) modeled on the Roman Empire.
Pretty crazy when you think about it.
I think Hegel statement is flawed however strong it may seem. Following the defiance between French Revolution (being thesis) and Napoleon Empire (being antithesis), Francis Fukuyama thought liberal democracy as "The end of history" (being synthesis) only to be dissapointed on his own views later on.
On the other hand, if he (or rather say "we") succeded on that behalf, that would grant synthesis a total control over particular discourse. Someone might disagree, granting synthesis a thesis status when first iteration of dialectic being complete. But doing so would devaluate dialectic as an idea because what we see throughout the history is constant process of going from one extreeme to another combined with, say, peroids of serenity. In that regard, human history itself isn't linear, as Hegel suggested, it's rather circular.
This could possibly explain why there's 3 "waves" of feminism, or why sexual revolution are knocking at our doors again, while also adressing neverending "right wing vs left wing"
You can not be more wrong.
We have to be brutally honest in assessing and correcting our contradictions. We have to remember our memory is not very good, so write it down so we don’t forget. We must create empathy, not ego from our suffering. We must be kind and patient in explaining this to our loved ones so they truly understand. If we get enough of us to push, we can shift the pendulum over time through kindness and understanding in a more positive direction.
I'm a friend of Hegel's thinking, but I think that you should also explain the critism of his Teleology. Karl Popper has good arguments against this kind of determinism of history. He thougth, that you should always be vigilant and you should always be fighting against tyranny no matter the state of the imagened pendulum.
Leotro Popper's political philosophy is fairly poor stuff..
i don't see the mention of teleology in this outline. In fact, i don't even know where you would find teleology in Hegels thought. I know it's in books about the history of philosophy, and in Poppers books of course, but i don't see teleology in Hegels work. Where is it? Where exactly do you find it?
I like.
@@1spitfirepilot yes popper was most active at politics in the cold war when everyone was all about the democratic ideal,and the entire politic system its based on that notion.on epistemology tho hes prtty relevant.
Even then, wouldn't we be fighting tyranny on the base of the synthesis about the power of the government?
i was thinking about the same thing, and then i discover someone already thought the same way as me, great.
it's often like that with philosophers
Ledo4FUN (Lucas Ledo) cryptomnesia
Have you heard the saying great minds think alike. I hypothesize that this saying came into being because people who think about topics a lot (like philosophers do, regardless if they recognize they are a philosopher or not) often end up with similar trains of thought, of course there will be variations, but usually when someone has a thought it is just a new incarnation of something that was previously thought. All the great philosophers did was spend a lot of time developing that train of thought and then publishing it.
I think that saying arose due to the psychological phenomenon known as confirmation bias. If someone has an idea you agree with then you are likely to perceive them as a reliable source.
i love this channel!
The Hegelian Dialectic
The same people who cause the Problem that creates the Chaos, then offer us the Solution, what they intended from the beginning.
Example 1.Viral Pandemic, 2.Disruption/Confusion 3. ???????
3. N.W.O. 👁 ?
All are equal ! It’s just that some, are more equal than others
Hegel didn't have to concern himself with nuclear weapons.
J Howell lol great comment
J Howell counting bottle caps waiting for pendulum to swing back
Synthesis = no more humans
He didn't but people of his time pretty much were always needed to be ready for the next plague to arrived. Every era has its own apocalyptic scenario.
''Every era has its own apocalyptic scenario.''
Useless comparison.
This video makes me want to cry
What a great video. This helped me see (or hope for) reason in the confusion of today's world
This is extremely reassuring. Thank you, School of Life.
Thank you for this video. Its given me hope. I appreciate it
Shouldn't give you too much hope. The synthesis can take a long time to happen, and you might be well dead by then.
Hegel is, by far, the best among western philosophers
At what? How does one measure?
@@beingsshepherd by the level of theistic truth He expresses on his views, bcoze God is Truth, whose philosophy bring others near to Truth, thats the best. Anothers are just speculating this is this this is that, we call empiric philosophers, cant understand that even some stars-planets are out of their camp of vision, what to say about try to measure God by mind and intelect? Hegel could understand it and told, withoput scriptures and religion, philosophy have no value.
His philosophy was expressed a thousand years before by a great Vaishnav Acharya Ramanuja on his visistha-dvaita theology, The universe is like the body of God, but still God have got a independent personality in spiritual world, its also called panetheism, on contrary to pantheism, it says that God is in all natural things, but also outside everything, He is the smalles and the biggest at same time.
Did Caeser teach me this is New Vegas?
Armoured Productions brilliant writing by obsidian
nah lmao name dropping Hegel doesn't make Legion/NCR a nuanced representation of the dialectic. It shows that Caesar's reasoning is deeply flawed and that his understanding of history is ass. Caesar is a pseud who read a book and thinks he knows enough to run the wasteland.
Yung Pattawan
And he should
Man, I love that game.
The tribes of the Narrows knew best
Thank you for this simple but depth information!
So we should mix western free thinking with eastern discipline. Sounds like a brilliant idea.
persimmon93 except, you know, there is also western ideas of discipline as well, but it’s not in vogue atm.
This video fits so much to the situation we all are in now. Thanks for the video
This knowledge is VERY useful in the year 2020. Thanks Hegel
trufiend138 don't jump to conclusions
Hey, I really enjoy the videos about authors and wish you guys would post more of this kind. I read Camus beacause of your video on him and it changed my life :)
Much as I enjoy School of Life videos, this is a major inaccuracy.
Hegel never actually referred to thesis-antithesis-synthesis, let alone at all three of them at the same time. Somehow this concept continues to be attributed to him, while it is a mere sub-product of his dialectic. There's an article in the Journal of the History of Ideas by Gustav Mueller titled 'The Hegel Legend of Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis' which explains just that (DOI: 10.2307/2708045).
Such a shame since I would expect these videos to be more well-informed, coming from a contemporary philosopher, but then again, this is the Internet...
Thank you, today I really need this video to be played over and over.
Hegel is an optimist, in postulating that through the catharsis between thesis and antithesis some sort of progress will be forthcoming. All I see is a senseless pendulum swinging from one extreme to the other, only once in a blue moon passing through more peaceful and prosperous times.
Take the Roman Empire as an example, which he regards as the resulth of synthesis between the disciplined Persians and the freedom loving Greek. Well, the Romans indeed were disciplined, but the freedom was only for the people high up the social ladder (patricians), while the common people (plebs), slaves and conquered people in general were worse of. The wealth the empire enjoyed was also due to ruthless conquest, while discipline was maintained with harsh measures (decimation among Roman legions, when a legion performed cowardly in battle for example, by which each 10th man was killed).
Progress is in the eye of the beholder and the position he/she is in. If you are western, white, highly educated and with moderately wealthy parents, today's world is your playground and opportunities seem limitless. On the other hand, if you are a blue collar worker, you work many hours against low wage, no job security and barely able to pay the bills. If by some twisted fate you're also disabled to a certain degree, you're part of a minority or you're downright poor, today's world is hell or near to it.
It is no coincidence that Marx took Hegel's dialectic view on history and elaborated on that, postulating that if nothing happened, history kept favoring the wealthy and moving in no positive direction for the less fortunate.
Very direct and great point of view! Commentors shouldn't jump into personalizing the heart of the lesson. But if it should make people mad, then hopefully it should also lead them to a synthesis of their own personal lives.
Hegel never knew of a world with nuclear bombs. When a reversal equals the extinctions of humans, it doesn't leave much room for further improvements.
Exactly what I have in mind!
MAD (mutual assured destruction) has had the opposite effect so far. Much like this thread of philosophy, gets it ass backwards.
But is MAD any use when you get someone with their finger on a trigger who just doesn't give a crap or just wants to see the whole world burn?
The writers of the Constitution were anti-utopians, generally speaking. That is why the document restrains ESPECIALLY the federal government. If they knew there could even be more inevitable corruption and death from power, they might have even listened more to the anti-federalists than simply the comprise of the Bill of Rights. We might be better off than the creeping socialism that accelerated after WWII.
Thank you Dr. Pangloss.
So, which great truths has the past era ignored, and which will the incumbent times correctly emphasize?
To make a start, perhaps: free trade and free movement have been over-emphasised. Locality and protection have been underestimated.
That those with existing privileges are not willing to give up privileges by the reassurance that "everyone is better off". They observe their own loss of privileges and feel that things are worse off. Rather than great truths that have been ignored, I would prefer to say that some things take time for others to accept.
The School of Life So I guess this is why we're watching Trump swearing in now right ?! lol
you see. you are part of the extremist problem. you are blind to the problem, calling out others are just stupid and that you will force them to whatever over time. but that's not how it works.
I may very well be wrong as it is based on my personal example. In primary school, I was one of the top few students. I was used to be the one people look up to and the one tutoring others. I wasn't prideful about it but I was used to it. During secondary school, I lost that privilege and became but an average student. I was angry over everything for several years till I eventually accept that everyone is average, in one sense or another. So in my opinion, it takes time for people with privilege to get used to become the average. And for me, I feel that the group of core supporters for Mr. Trump are the ones who have lost their privileges in life. I could be wrong of course.
In elaboration (if you are still reading), a standard white American family is used to the idea of having one job for their entire life. Getting gradually better at this job means gradually higher income, this used to be the norm. However, in recent years, disruptive technology and globalization has greatly reversed that trend. This is not a movement or an exercise of a certain ideal but general progress. Neither Obama or Trump or anyone can stop technology from advancing or people from wanting to buy cheaper things (from another country if they have to). They can slow it of course, but people always manage to subvert rules. All we can do is getting used to it. However, people in my part of the world, for example, are used to the position of not being privileged enough to stay in one job for life. It is a shift in our normal, but a horizontal shift. However, to a people whose position used to be more privileged, it is a general reduction in term of quality of life. Of course they are angry, and rightly so. But I don't see how this anger will, in long term, change the general direction of human development. It is just like how my anger will not make me into the top student again. Thus, I feel it is about time. That they need longer time than us to get used to this new normal and thus should be given more time.
In layman's terms thesis, antithesis and then synthesis can be interpreted as simply, problem, reaction and then solution. Intellectuals tend to overcomplicate what this means because regardless of how smart one may be they can still be bound by it for it is the framework of human thought and emotion. It is the very box which one must learn to think outside of before they have a hope in hell of changing anything on a personal level or on the world stage. It has been and is being used as a trap that limits our potential because while it is simple to understand on it's face when it is employed as a means of controlling people it expresses itself as a problem that you can either conform to or rebel against which is the reaction. The solution is guided by agenda so neither reaction amounts to anything apart from it's original intended ends. We live in a world where this method of controlling hearts and minds is so prevalent that it represents itself as a cancer in metastasis and bombards us all through media, politics our parents, friends, it is even down to the level of manipulation that one receives from the marketing on a box of cereal at the grocery store and the worst part is that due to our inbuilt need to follow the herd it actually feels good to go along with it, good but empty. The greatest lie that one can tell themselves before they are free is that they are free because all of everything that most of us do and the motivations behind those actions exists within a box and we know not of it's presence. The best advice that I can give to the modern person is simply to be still, be quiet, close your eyes and open yourself to the truth that is your birthright for freedom exists within and all efforts to find it out there will end in suffering and eventually a reset that we commonly refer to as a mental breakdown.
reminds me of a Philip K. Dick interview where he talks about his views on a destructive god, and how an angel visited him to tell him that chaos and order oscillate back and forth to create better things in the end.
Yes, the dialectic is an argument (in the broader sense), but it is specifically a proceeding which presupposes opposites and their evolution. It derives from "dialegomai", which means "to converse". I think such connotation is relevant when discussing Hegel's philosophy of history
There are those who would take this concept and manipulate it for their interest at any cost.
Why allow the synthesis to take its supposed "natural" direction, when you can control which direction it will go by manipulating the thesis and antithesis themselves?
This is what the world needs right now, a synthesis, because not enough people are willing to fine common establishment and are instead willing to push their own conflict in disregard to dialectic aspects.
In my opinion, this is too optimistic.
I agree that there had been decadence before that led to the destruction of orders and complete civilizations.
But I think we have come close to the final end.
But when I look around the world around me, I think we deserved it.
Hannibal Lecter The final end? Hardly.
leave it to Hannibal to be this edgy
It supposes that when you run an average over the ups and downs over the millenia we get a linear rise upward for Western civilisation, or perhaps humanity? Bollocks. It's an apologist's view of the current status quo, more or less saying all things considered (Stalin's murders, Nazi's, Maoism, Pol Pot, etc, etc) were necessary for us now to be enjoying this life and it's benefits of being in the middle of a pendulum swing. Pendulum schmendulum; Hegel, schmeygel.
@B N Braughton Soren Kirkegaard hated Hegel because he excluded the inner life of people and thought it all on the externalities.
Challenging but necessary.
Perfectly put.
Thesis: Politically correct movement
Antithesis: Trump
Synthesis: Free speech, but without mindless ad hominems
That sounds like a great world to me.
iVideoCommenter great explanation bro you really did pay attention to the video unlike others who sees it and don't think understand it
@@americanIDOLfan11111 lol. You sound like a bot. Whether biological or digital. Still a BOT!
Thesis: Medieval
Antithesis: Politically correct movement
Synthesis: Trump
Well said.
I'm sure things do reach a synthesis in time but for individuals it's about making it through to that point in time with their lives and sanity still intact!
That is exactly my thoughts are.
Really great video, I'm not familiar with Hegel. Any books on him you'd recommend?
He's very very unpleasant to read. The Philosophy of World history is a place to start - but it's not a joy. The ideas are, however, fascinating!
The School of Life unpleasant as in difficult and confusing (like Kafka)? Or is he honest and harsh; negative and pessimistic? Because I love negative and harsh writing but found Kafka too confusing with his structure and way of describing things
meatyburgers he isn't a novelist he's a philosopher, he writes super dense essays... his books are hard to read even with a proper philosophical education but they are good for the mind e spirit ;)
Difficult, confusing, needlessly verbose, hyper-intellectual to the point of basically making up words that amazingly didn't even further whatever point he was trying to make. But, as has been noted, his ideas are extremely interesting.
hegel was a sophist according to schopenhauer
wow, a wonderful video
History has a strange way of repeating itself... All great things must come to an end.
I'm glad that my humanities professor recommended this video!
Is this Alain De Botton ? If it is, this man changed my life and introduced me to philosophy during a very hard time and shaped who I am....
If not, this guy sounds exactly like him.
Projekt_#710 It is.
Yep it is. I agree, he is an excellent speaker and philosopher. I highly reccomend reading some of his books as well. They soothe the mind and the soul.
@@raywilliams5352 he did a series on BBC I loved, short docs on Nietsczhe, Epicurus, Seneca, and Schopenhauer I saw awhile back that led me toward alot of the research that shaped my life during a time when I really needed to be introduced to philosophy. That path has made some of the suffering I went through a few years back tolerable, I looked at life completely differently after watching those videos. I definitely am interested in anything he does I didn't know he also is an author, thanks for the tip
It is.
I really needed this today.
I have already seen all the Philosophy vídeos... AND I WANT MORE
Kudos to Nietzsche.
thank you so much school of life. You make me smarter every day
I find too many social engineers clinging to this notion of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Seems like you can guide humanity';s history so long as you can provide an antagonist to every protagonist.
While this is all well and good, it seems like the social engineers can determine the "field" or realm" of which these dichotomies plays out, instead of them happening "naturally".
You are pointing it out well but i think what he is trying to say that when one voice faces subordination,with time , it comes back not necessarily as a protagonist but because it was not given due attention. So both sides could be antagonist or protagonist ,likewise we must learn and reduce the time taken to become reach a synthesis.
@@yrahull i think we need to be alternative explanations , even if we are wrong. Becuase we fall for this shit everytime.
You described politics.
The theory of thesis, antithesis and synthesis was first brought up by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, also a German idealist.
Yes, very reassuring to tell the soldier in the trenches that, hey you know, overall this is just part of progress.
This segment is so relevant to our current times.
Hegel told you that there would be days like these *clap *clap *clap
More Hegel videos please
i'm just so sad that Gabe died :(
Now this is the real news of today
I feel a little better about the world thanks to Hegel.
If you are interested in Hegels view on history, I recommend you the tragedy of man by Imre Madách, a relatively short drama where Lucifer attempts to make Adam commit suicide by showing him the future of humanity. It has a bit bitter feeling because of the plot, but it is a good presentation of the thesis-antithesis-synthesis system.
Beautiful video, thank you.
Hopefully the current polar climate will fix itself
May the anti-capitalists crush both imperial tribes.
Thanks again for making profound content.
I love how School of life perfectly balances logic and emotion!
Very timely, thank you.
If a dialectic is an argument comprised of three parts....shouldn't it be a trialectic?
'Dia' means 'across', not 'two'.
Dia is also a rapper, so the video could be talking about rap battles, which means rap isn't just a modern day phenomenon. it was part of ancient civilization.
Patrick Kilduff it isn't composed of 3 parts: those terms belonged to Fichte. According to Hegel the contradictions we experience in our thoughts are ironed out by viewing it on a grander scope. It's less of a resolution between parts and more of a transformation in the idea.
Great video!
If you plan on unsubscribing from this channel, then just do it already. Nobody cares. I see some commentors equating this directly to Trump and saying this is propaganda or that they dont like it. I hate Trump but I cant help but to feel a lil bias as well but idc!! I was stuck on the ACTUAL philosophy during the video. Also, I watch videos that I find dont resonate with my beliefs but I still watch and dont cry because its good to see other peespectives on things. Stop acting like the SJWs that ya'll hate so damn much!
ShaiNaiStov Well, that's what you get with Trump supporters. Always screaming and insulting everyone. But when we actually criticize them, we are making "fake, biased news!" and we are "SJW's". It's just pure hypocrisy, nothing more. They try to make a "statement" by unsubscribing, but no one cares, we just laugh at it.
I think these people are completely missing the point. When major ideologies, ideas, or movements clash, it's a challenge, but time leads to progress and the synthesis of the truths from both movements. Are people really unwilling to concede that this is immensely applicable to today? Really unwilling to concede that America is immensely polarized and going through some really hard growing pains? This shouldn't be controversial, regardless of your political beliefs. The immediate reaction of repulsion to these ideas is just... Disgusting. Makes me wonder what these people were even doing learning about philosophy and Hegel to begin with, they clearly aren't very philosophically minded
I like Trump but I'm a Monarchist and disagree with a lot of what this guy says or how he frames things. I'll still watch , though. Because there is good and bad and agreement and disagreement in each video for myself and in relation to my own values opinions and held knowledge.
this is comforting
Times like these? There has never been a better time to be alive.
Let's not go that far as to say the best. I'm too much of a natural pessimist for that. But what you said reminds me of a quote from the play Arcadia.
"It's the best possible time to be alive, when everything you thought you knew is wrong".
@1:49 did you see that!
Anyway, Hegel’s philosophy led to a bloodbath as it was at one time believed a necessary step to move forward. (Still is in some quarters).
The dark moments arent the end, until they are
Thanks for the subs!
America is going into the other direction in terms of civil rights
I can feel the Hegel this year
wow complete mistakes about greek history, the persian never defeated the greeks, quite the opposite (marathon at first, Alexandre at the end), and precisely because they were mere organised as a whole, there is no notion of individual freedom in ancient greek, the citizens are just part of the city, they don't conceive themselves as individuals, your argument on homosexuality is completely anachronic... on Hegel it's ok. Same mistakes on revolution history, Hegel is a pro Napoleon guy, for him napoleon makes the synthesis with formal freedom in the law with abolition of the orders, for him the restauration is a reaction, precisly what inspires his thought on dialectic reaction in history (the concept you developps in the video). I'm historian and i'm appaled by the level of the channel, you make highschools mistakes...
yes but since the marathon battle every confrontation led to a complete defeat from the persian forces, due to their weaknesses in tactics and the low motivation of their forces, although they were 2 or 3 times higher in number (even more in marathon). I've studied greeks history and they completely misunderstood that, and it is even contradictory with hegel interpretation of greeks history
"I'm historian and i'm appaled by the level of the channel, you make highschools mistakes" I'm an average person and I'm "appalled" by your grammar.
funny i just learned something about greek art and it's mentioned that the greeks finally defeated the persians so. yeah!
I think a better comparison between discipline and individual freedom is the comparison between spartans and atheans.
James Davies im french thats why... But you are right lol
great talk on Hegel! thanks!
This video is alluding on historical movement of the political wings.
When the right wing screws up, left wing gains power;
When the left wing screws up, the right wing gains power.
And so on, and so on.
It's the natural balance of things... cause, effect and reaction.
Followed by a synthesis of course.
Well timed. Thank you.
Yes, but the problem is, the next stage will be augmented reality, artificial intelligence, biological enhancement, robotics, nanotechnology, virtual reality in the midst of all of these nuclear weapons we've all amassed and that other countries are aspiring to develop. Try to swing out of that extreme humanity!
The trick is not going extinct beforehand.
I suspect that the pendulum swing will be all the people that have been impoverished by Augmented Reality, AI, robots etc, slaughtering the people who are responsible for their plight.
Thanks for the video. I like seeing different perspectives than my own, and your content reflects on my need to seek other avenues of reason.