Thank God for Sowell's wisdom. I wish I was as honest, but I am hypocritical among many other flaws. It's something I'm willing to admit but not something I'm willing to be content with.
Confucius said something like, the honest man is like water, where the hypocrites are like grease. When you heat up a pan full of water, they can tolerate added grease. But when a greased pan is heated, it'll react violently with even one drop of water on it.
@@kalt7990 we all have our struggles and I try myself not to be a hippocrite. Just as a Christian I try not to sin however I am born of sin my only hope is Jesus Christ 🙏
As a teacher, I am forced to live with this every day. It's so sad, as the kids who actually put in the effort end up getting similar results (pass the course) to those who only show up for 30% of the classes in a semester. We are going to, eventually, kill work ethic because of this. There will be no need to strive for excellence. Kids aren't stupid - they will figure this out and will behave accordingly, and our society at large will suffer.
I recommend to any actually talented educators I come across to get out of the corrupt and degenerate government system. Engage with parents, sell your services to them directly. Talented teachers could build relationships with a dozen or so parents, and educate their children in a privately and collaboratively with the families; make an excellent income, paid directly by the families themselves. There is no need for talented educators to waste away their abilities in the “public system”.
@@bc5cda pretty good idea. When I'm a parent, I would rather my kid be tutored by a real teacher on the side rather than some clueless undergrad trying to get beer money. Granted, I'd be evaluating them with a fine tooth comb and get the one whose passion for learning is 110%, can inspire my kid, teaches effectively, needs more money, ect.
Eventually? Try hiring a typical kid from the current generation for a job. They'll show up to get their paycheck, and be honestly clueless as to why you need them to put in some work first.
This is what happens to Asian kids in NY. Denying the hard working efforts and simply canceling the way kids get into good school in the name of letting black kids have equal chance going to better schools. wtf😂
We're already seeing this. I see it in my neighbors two daughters. They have no goals or ideals that would lead to a personal fulfillment of whatever talents they may have been born with. They are an example of what the "right" to do nothing looks like. It's sickening.
I find it astounding that in the 24 years since he made this speech, things have only gotten worse, much, much worse...and every prediction made by this speech has come true.
@@whiskeytango9769 I was referring to the affirmative action ruling that happened a couple of days after you posted. I will concede that there are other aspects to this problem yet to be solved, but I thought the timing was funny is all.
MrG, you just were introduced to Thomas Sowell recently. How is that possible? I have been listening to this amazing brilliant man for years! I have to say better late than never.
Sowell is really exceptional in his thinking and inspiring. I'm a white man from an upper middle class background, but I think his underlying lessons about work ethic are important for everyone. He is a great American.
I am always amazed at how few blacks know of Thomas Sowell. I am white, 64 and but didn't find Thomas Sowell until a few years ago. How is this possible. A man this brilliant. Do the powers that be fear a man this much because he speaks truth?
Yes. Also, parents would do well, imo, to differentiate between justice and equality, and fairness which is more like modern "equity" . When the kid complains that " It's not fair" when older sibling gets to do something, because it's their birthday or due to the fact of their older age or maturity, that's not unjust of the parent. The younger child will be treated the same, when it's appropriate for them, too, someday. But, when a patient IS being capricious, unjust, etc., they should admit it, apologize and then decide if it's appropriate to make any change to your previous decision, or ammends to the child, as a result.
sorry, posing as a mascot of laissez-faire capitalism is hardly non-ideological note the repetitive tropes of debunked assertions about "communism" without a mention of systemic poverty, social inequity, and yes mass deaths from non-secret policing / unaffordable healthcare just a walk in the park for someone admitted to Harvard as a high-school drop-out yet refuse to acknowledge any "affirmative action" at play
Sigh however his reality does not seem to line up with actual reality... He promoted ideas that are based in ideology as a Christina I read of philosophy or science. They are easily debunked and heavily flawed by even the lightest of intelligent. :/
Social science can never have the equivalent of the laws of thermodynamics, ergo it is taught as though all is possible. Magic. Injecting the reality is difficult, yet Sowell always seems to do it with ease.
His reality is an ideologically based one; it's the same one used by Reagan, and he got it from the Birchers. What Sowell is doing is setting up a straw man that he can easily attack. So that's not reality, that's laziness.
We can make plenty mistakes without society setting us up for failure, drugs in our communities out there originally by the government, school to prison pipeline, corrupt policing with a judicial and legislative system refusing to call it out and right it’s wrongs, the prison industrial complex literally tearing apart millions of lives with their insistence on locking away the key and making money off this legal slavery than actually looking to actually rehabilitate I’m going on a tangent, but, we can still work towards equity (which is an equal START to the race, not equal outcome of the race)
Strict and fair teachers were my favourite. They always had clear rules, same for everyone so I knew exactly what I needed to learn to get a good grade. I excelled in their classes and learnt a lot thanks to them. I'd hate it if anyone lowered the standards just for me, what an insult that would be, suggesting I don't have what it takes to grasp the full material. If there's no struggle, no friction then you're not developing
Well said. That's the racism of the Left. They don't want minorities to learn, since education would be a way out of poverty for some of them. But they can't say that, so they promote reward without work so that they don't learn anything. I went to a state univ here in FL and everything was graded on the curve. You could not fail. Also, there were students there who were nearly functionally illiterate and couldn't even write a simple paper or presentation.
To this day I struggle with maths, yet my reading and writing is pretty good. But maths is my biggest weakness, it would take me years to become very good at it. Yet I want to become a teacher
@@moonknight4053 You can do it. I struggled with it too. But I did every problem, not just the assigned problems, and did the examples too. Also, I wrote every formula on the first line of the page that I was writing on when I did homework. Soon it became second nature. But you need good teachers. If you have a bad math teacher get in another class so you don't get discouraged. And that's all of the unsolicited advice from me. Hope that you keep trying.
@@moonknight4053 I also used to think I was bad at maths, and maybe I am, but I am not *scared* of it any more. Just keep practicing it, plenty of opportunity in daily life.
Observe that he said all this in 1999. Obviously, his words have fallen on deaf ears, for things have progressed in the opposite direction all this time. Still, his words are there to be heard and read. We can only pray that the people who need his wisdom will find it. Videos like this will certainly help.
@@obeb787 Ad hominem. Address the logic of his words, not his character. Do yourself a favor and type "logic" into your search engine. Then read, read, and read some more... haha!
@@MrBillybooth lol thats not even an ad hominem, it has nothing to do with his character! Lol But how did you even watch the video and not catch all the straw-men in it? Just the first sentence is a straw men.
In 1999 this would have come across as completely outlandish. All these years later, I can't believe how accurate he was...let alone why we're still having to deal with it.
The only thing that would have been outlandish about it then is if you had implied that it was done intentionally to create a class of people wholly dependent on govt. Here he’s saying people are doing the wrong thing for what they think are honorable reasons. That wasn’t outlandish to think in 1999. I think fewer people believe that now.
Slippery slope. It’s clear that with progressive ideas, once it goes down the lefties will keep pushing for more and more progressive ideas. No cash bail just passed in LA. Enjoy the decline 🇺🇸📉
@@JayM928 The real thief of human potential is "Imperialism the highest stage of Capitalism". The trillions of dollars spent on wars to defend foreign investors profit and property is staggering.
@@kimobrien. This may have been true 100 years ago, but the irony is that Capitalism has, and is, correcting itself; disproving Leninism along with the misunderstandings of Marxism. Further irony is that Imperialism is a symptom of right-leaning collectivism. The right/left paradigm is a false dichotomy. The real discussion should be between collectivism and individualism. And we've seen the results of both right collectivism and left collectivism.
@@csfischer007Capitalism correcting itself? Wages in the US became stagnant in 1973. Crisis of 2008 worst since the great depression. War in Central Europe and increasing capitalist competition between the American Imperialists and Capitalism with Chinese characteristics. The end of the retreat by labor in the US. The neo liberal theories were thrown into the trash barrel with the crisis of 2008 with the end of the Bush Administration and the earlier proclamation of a "New World Order" defeat of Nation building in Afghanistan at a cost of 2.3 trillion. Instead of the "End of Communism" and the quote "end of history." The revolution in Cuba continues despite every attempt by the American Imperialists to crush them.
@@treenelson4063 perhaps, although on the qwerty keyboard a and e are not side by side, nor designed to be struck with the same finger. I admit that I do read an enormous amount of comments in many genres, and find this 4th grade error extremely common in American retorts. I offer correction because I fully believe then/than are words purposely denied focus to our educational systems. Teacher for 16 years, make of it what you will. Words have power, and correct words offer validity to our communications.
@@jaymehatfield9540 I think you mean; ‘than’ and not ‘then’: two completely different words with completely different meanings. Proper punctuation is also important, and offers even more snobbish validity to communications.
@@treenelson4063 you could be right! I always tried not to belabor their lessons with too much of that. It is quite enough to see that spelling correctly and knowing the meaning in context for use helps combat "wiggle words". The current trends stretch meanings and historical definitions far beyond colloquial usages, and even directly change definitions in online dictionarys for political purpose. When you see young adults being blatantly deceived by language and struggling to meet the challenges of modern corporate employment, spelling becomes very important indeed.
Thomas Sowell discourse in this video is contaminated with neoliberal ideology. It is well constructed, and therefore even more dangerous for kids, that will have difficulty seeing the true intentions behind it.
To white conservatives. But black people haven’t listened to him since he argued the Civil Rights movement was wrong. Hell, economists don’t even listen to him and those are his academic peers
Thomas Sowell is awesome. He actually started off as a communist with victim mentality in his formidable years. It was only through his own experiences that he saw the realities of the matter. So he understands both sides of the coin very well
Too bad academics are fervently against following the words of this great man more closely. They've basically developed an allergy towards facts. They're deep down the rabbit hole of equity and can't accept the fact that the paths they're on, and are pushing kids down, is the exact same path as those followed by Hitler, Mao, Stalin and others like them... "I know what's good for the people, and I'm willing to punch you in the face, defame you, and even resort to killing you in broad daylight if you threaten my ideology" They literally can't see their own trajectory throughout history, and refuse to learn from atrocities of past. The kicker, just like Lenin, most of these people are well-off college graduates who have zero grasp on what it's like to be a lower income earner themselves. That, or people who've not yet even been required to live from their own wallets, but have credit cards provided them by their parents. Kids who are brainwashed into thinking they should be able to live from others' hard work without issue throughout their lives, in the name of fairness. Taking from another to give to yourself isn't fairness. It's slavery. It's theft. It's a crime against mankind.
Equity could theoretically lead to the dystopian nightmare depicted in Kurt Vonnegut's story "Harrison Bergeron" where anyone who excels in any area above the rest is deliberately and forcibly handicapped by the state or the authorities to make everyone perform exactly on the same level. In his story, this discouraged the expression of beauty, art, creative expression, innovation, and greatness just so that no one would ever be offended by becoming jealous or resentful of anyone else.
Meh. Why look to what equity could theoretically lead to by pointing to a work of fiction when you could look to what equity HAS ACTUALLY led to in reality? I get stories can be easier to swallow and remember than the multi million horror stories from Mao’s China and Lenin’s/Stalin’s Russia, but still…
@@hobbyist518 Ill give you this, many people ignore the deaths of millions. Ive had my own share of conversations with "socialist"/adj people, and they just ignore the deaths, or completely justify them, unless I mention starvation, etc, then they just deflect and bring up "capitalism" as some kind of rebuttal.
I use "2081," the film adaptation of Bergeron in my high school Philosophy class as the topic of our final exam/Socratic Seminar. Might be adding this, too.
@@francinebacone1455 and how have Marxist arguments evolved? Whenever someone looks to history to show how miserable of a failure Marxism was nearly everywhere it tried, your arguments always reduce to "well that wasn't real communism." How many times does it have to manifest in reality before it's real communism?
@@francinebacone1455 So point out how he is wrong. Keep in mind he's speaking from experience, he grew up as a poor black kid in the Jim Crow south and Harlem.
Sowell supported ever Imperialist war the United States has ever fought including the ones fought during his lifetime Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. So you tell me tell if falsehoods were not used to justify fighting those wars?
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
@@thatiswhotheyare "Level playing field." No such thing when you have capitalism. At best you can break down artificial barriers for entry into education and better paying jobs are try and measure and advance that with quotas. The overall goal must be to advance the unity of the workers of all nations against the capitalist by supporting the rights of those who are the lowest paid and least skilled. It is from the most oppressed that the most resolute fighters have emerged.
@trollnerd - First, let me thank you for having the objectivity to ask a simple question. You are definitely part of the 20% from face book who illustrate the potential of what UA-cam can become. The worst injury to history is when figures are judged by one episode of their lives. Especially with those who are revered are an almost familial level . The Pareto Principle covers everything on the planet and 80% hold "I have a dream" sacrosanct. In fact, it is so defining, the other 20% (who are aware the Reverend Martin Luther King cheated on his wife every chance he got, often more than once in a day) ignores his hypocritical selfishness, because they fear the backlash of proximity affection. If everyone knew the truth of King ang Rosa Parks, the racial parade umbrellas, creating shadow victims of slavery, would be much less common; and, perhaps even denigrated for what they represent. Then black luminaries could be ranked based on their entire profile. If whites did that the world would realize Abraham Lincoln was the worst president in American history. Your thoughts?
No, he really didn't. The arrogant dipshit flagrantly argued that profit was infinite insofar as we could tell, and not even ten years later the rate of profit imploded and destroyed the world.
That's because social justice and crt have been around for decades in academia. He didn't use a crystal ball. He was talking about the same arguments made then, those arguments just hadn't reached a critical mass yet.
This man is an American treasure. His intellect is amazing, his delivery is the best, and when I start listening to him, I wind up spending all afternoon listening to one after another. Thank you Dr. Sowell.
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure. This talk was 24 years ago. How many more students have been deprived of the education they deserve? It is as they say, "The bigotry of low expectations".
It's not at all what he's pushed he's pushed with many of us have pushes the abolishment of the Department of Education and if you were to step back and take a look at what kids knew before the Advent of the Department of Education the graduation rates and the fact that people sent their children from around the world to learn here you might learn something but instead you take a misrepresented talking point and you spew garbage that's all the left ever does you don't think for yourself you don't step back and look at something you don't have deductive reasoning critical thinking or even the ability of self-reflection but maybe you should grow up being adult and give it a try I have seen what the department of education is done when I graduated high school kids knew a lot more than the kids that are graduating today thank God I never relied on the school to teach my children everything they needed in life I started them on critical thinking had a very young age my children went to kindergarten knowing how to do basic math up to division multiplication then your geometry the new history they knew reality because I saw the difference between my education and people that I knew that came 10 years after me and if you paid attention you would see that the Department of Education isn't about educating it's about dumbing down so people like you will fall in line and spew
@googlenazicompany5935 His point is that education might be 100 times better funded now, than when he went to school in the 1940s, but that it is far worse quality. Of course, you've never read a word his written or you'd know that.
@@RevoltingPeasant123 I think he has some good talking points ... but we have a different animal going on now than what he was speaking to . And he is obviously being used as a mascot these days depicted at 9:31 in the video.
My children give me much of the credit for their education. School became just a place to go, so the overseers could keep track of their whereabouts during the day...even into their late teens they were excited about coming home to crack the books!!!...they are very successful now. So, when i look at education I look at truly gifted people who dropped out and I am grateful to them for sharing.....
Thomas Sowell has a wonderful soul. I was the first one in my family to reach the seventh grade and I remember that my family made a huge deal about it. I was in Ozone Park Queens at the time. I've never heard of this man before but I am very interested in learning what he has to say. Quitting television many years ago was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Years ago I stopped my subscription to both Time magazine and the New York Times. And I must have watched CNN (which merely copied a local radio station - WINS - format) for for less than two hours. Always negative repetitive nonsense!
Ya know what I love about Thomas Sowell almost as much as his genius? I have never heard him even change the tone of his voice. Those of us who love his work could take a major cue from his demeanor and way that he treats even (and especially) those who disagree with him. Yet another reason why Thomas Sowell is a national treasure and not allowed to die.
Spot on Thomas. I coached football for 20 plus years. Our team policies were never intended to be fair, whatsoever. But we were faithfully committed to being consistent. If you were late to practice, you crawled on your belly for 100 yards. You may have stopped to help an elderly person who fell and needed medical care. We honor you for your goodness. Get your crawl in. You stayed late in class to make up a test. Great job. Get your crawl in. It was the same for all, always. We never wanted to know why you are late and we never held it against the player. Just get the crawl in and join us. If you cussed at practice, coaches included, you had ten down ups. Refuse the down ups meant turning in your gear. You could say ten f bombs. We did not care. That will be 100 down ups. If you did not bring a butt pad or any piece of gear needed to be legal to play in the game, you did not play. I still cry when I think of a kid who was from the toughest background imaginable. Mother abandoned him. Father drug addict. His bed was the closet of a ram shackle hut. Coach he said, I cannot play tonight. Why not I asked. I forgot one of my knee pads he replied. Choking back tears I said well Brandon go tell John he is the starting center tonight and do all you can to support him. End of story? Brandon is successfully driving truck for a major firm and is a successful family man and killing it in life. Same rules for everyone causes those who need the same standards the most to gain the most from them. Low standards perpetuates the pity party but does nothing to build character or confidence or ability. You might feel good inside because you think you are a great person with such compassion because you gave a disadvantaged individual a break. All you are really doing is breaking them. Real love is saying my friend by holding you to a high standard I am loving you even though it is hard for both of us. This is not only the best way, it’s not only the most helpful way, but it’s the only way to lift another with wisdom.
it is ironic to me how you laud this esample of crawling on your stomach as equality and dont see that it is by definition equity. regardless of the person or their abilities or circumstance they did the same thing. they all crawled and they were all on time, and they were all the same with the same result, without the ability to express diligance in being committed to your grades by making up a test, or sign of empathy by helping elderly who needed it. they all crawled all were on time, all were the same.
We’ll return to what Mr. Sowell was trying to demonstrate when he spoke of the teacher who maintained high standards for all students not matter who they were. That’s what we were trying to achieve with our team standards. There was not equal outcomes because those who got more playing time than others got that rewards because of merit - talent and hard work. But the character development would not have been nearly as great if we constantly made exceptions and adjustments for each individual case. The high expectations were minimal standards to be part of the team. And you can ask hundreds of young men who met those standards if it made them better people. Old coaches have since been replaced by new ones. They were very lax and made exemptions for every individual and attendance standards and behavioral standards were very lax and inconsistent. Our program went from winning a yearly average of .750 for two decades to winning only one game in 3 years. And kids stopped wanting to play. We once had jv teams of 42 to 56 and varsity teams of 35 plus. Now we can barely field two teams. Standards matter. Merit based rewards matter.
@@bowhunter1115 i see i see. so if say my family would not be able to afford shoes i would have to go barefoot. there is a difference between high standards and refusal to acknowledge reality, the making up the test is a great example. in it not a high standard to punish that kid for prioritizing academic eligibility over the sports, it is forcing equity on everyone. my point and all others who seek equity is not lower standards so everyone can pass. but making sure everyone has the tools they would need to pass if they have the talent or put in the hard work. you are against giving shoes to kids who want to be on your team because it would not be fair to not give shoes to everyone. treating everyone the same is not equal opportunity, it is equal threshold, and by denying the min support for a chance to meet that threshold you rob the opportunity of those who do not have the tools. equity is about giving a special needs kid a tudor to help them understand the lessons, it is not making the test easier for them to pass. if you had a person who needs ESL and you do not provide that class, why are they suddenly lazy or stupid for not keeping up with college level classes in high school. equity is giving the tools so that the opportunity is equal, those who lower the bar are not practicing equity, they are in the business of getting more aid money for the school.
Pretty judgmental. Not tooting my horn but if you knew how many kids I provided shoes gear money and rides to practices and rides home you might be surprised. Not a single person male or female was cut from our program in 25 years. Not one. Ease up my good friend. People can be both willing to provide a disciplined environment for growth and have compassion at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive things. And the other men I was honored to coach with were the most loving and compassionate people I have ever known. Sorry for whatever has caused you to be so judgmental of others.
No better argument AGAINST “ Affirmative Action “ policies has ever been stated. Thomas Sowell’s speech was spot on and based in fact and reality .. His story about his teacher was very powerful; she demanded excellence from her students and her students strove to achieve it. That is WHAT a teacher is supposed to do.
@@mewing9619 The purpose is equity which is clearly a destructive and ignorant policy meant to make people feel good instead of actually doing any good. Just as idiotic as the idea of reparations
@@mewing9619 Believe me, I'm not worried in the slightest. But please do arrive at the point Mr./Mrs. random internet person who actually believes they are more intelligent than Thomas Sowell. Now that should be compelling
One thing I really appreciate about these animations is they give incentive to WATCH as you listen. While I would normally have constant background noise no matter what I'm doing, with these I pause the video and STOP when I need to do something else because the illustrations are so insightful. It means there's some silent time and brain rest. I think it's helping with the addiction to my smart phone.
My father, God Bless Him, had me start reading Thomas Sowell approximately fifty years ago. There is no doubt in my mind if more educators were like him the US would be much better off. His ability to disect tough issues with a touch of gentle good humor has always amazed me. I have always almost pitied the people who have tried to debate him. The knowledge in his brain is encyclopedic. Live long Mr. Sowell. A long time fan.
@trollnerd Um, there are just an awful lot of pretty brilliant people out there in the world who tend to lean toward what they are naturally attracted to. If this means having more of a magnetic pull toward a Sowell than a Kendi, then so be it. There is no particular or perfect path to understanding or enlightenment. No-one owns this trajectory on behalf of anyone else. If my dad turned me on to Beethoven at the age of 3, it didn't spoil me for Bach simply because that wasn't part of his agenda. Lo and behold, your tag name might wind up suiting you. I love raspberries to bits. Biased, even. The gooseberries I avoid will just have to live without me. I suffer no dark age because of it. And anyway, no-one has to provide anyone with 'counterarguments' to Sowell. They're on the news every night. They're in the New York Times daily. They can be found in hundreds of thousands of university lecture halls across the nation. They are spewed endlessly across this very internet. They are ubiquitous, and they are everywhere. They can hardly be missed, unless you're living on the dark side of the moon, and even there, they are bound to bring a little moon dust in the back door.
@trollnerd Well there it is. When a Thomas Sowell is reduced to a useful tool of capital and white supremacy, and cannot be seen apparently as a free thinking individual who runs with no identity mob, then who in this sad and sorry country rises above our perceived abject collective failure? And how in hell can you sum up 400 years of history in which an entire group of Americans amounted to nothing more than something sub-human? I contend that there would be a startling lineup of over-achievers waiting to slap your ass: Baldwin, Mays, Davis, Holliday, Hughes, Redding, DuBois, and so on and on and on. All it ever took to rattle this chain and shake this boat was one honest individual who refused to play the victim card. And your 'theory' about my alleged grooming is an insult to far too many aspects and realities of that long evolution of my life. I contend that it is you who are firmly entrenched within your mindset. I have been critical of people in general from the age of 11 onward (albeit "baby steps" back then.) Words, actions, outcomes, impacts and measurements based on personal accountabilities. If we don't won't or cannot learn real compassion for the flaws and failings of humans - along with respect for actual accomplishments, if our judgement is clouded by narrow agendas, then the ghost of Mao possibly still clogs the socio-machinery of this land, and people do what people do - which is wallow in hubris that won't allow them to learn from history.
Ever so often, I watch a YT video in which I'm disappointed that I can't somehow give it many more "thumbs-up" than just one. 90% of those videos include Thomas Sowell. Thank God for this giant's voice and reason.
He means we'll and has great talking points; but he misses Jesus's message to focus our lives not on excuses for why we don't help the poor but on actions that will effectively help the poor. The fact that handouts are short-sighted and ineffective doesn't excuse us from being highly active in trying to help the poor gain the ability to take care of themselves.
@Planet of the Idiots No, he has a nice home that he purchased from money that he earned through the value placed on his labor and service. If he has a housekeeping, they earn a salary based on the value of their contracted duties. Both he and his employees pay taxes.
@@billydavis4252 There is a lot we as individuals can do to help the poor, which is what Christ wants us to do. "Helping" the poor with money taken from us by the government and then distributed by that same government as it sees fit isn't answering Christ's call.
This did an outstanding job of explaining what I'd recently realized: one of, if not the, biggest divisions in societies right now is the conflict between people who want to optimize their own lives and communities, and those who want to shape the world in a way they deem perfect. The latter group believes that given enough control, they could eradicate poverty, hunger, and discrimination, but in trying to take from some and give to others, they directly come into conflict with the people who are trying to build up their little corner of the world.
Like the child nobody wanted to play with in the sandbox because they destroyed other kid's sandcastles, but ironically cried the loudest when someone defended their castle with a soft punch
@@alergames147I understood this so that no one wants the poor and unemployed in their community and society because they demand a social security system and taxes so they can steal the money of the rich and working people with the help of the state.
Yes, if everyone received that same, without doing the work, they would be rewarded for doing nothing. What kind of lesson is that, apart from rewarding laziness, stupidity, or arrogance, which leads to depression and more failure.
Thomas Sowell is one of our greatest minds. I truly hope we haven’t already destroyed our prospects for raising similarly great minds in the future. Thank you for posting this clip. If it makes a difference for one young person it is worth it!
Yeah lets just be sure that young person is given the most, regardless of the color of their skin, or the land they were born on right? Right? or would that be... to much equity XD
I feel so sorry for what you have to go through. I retired before having to undergo that kind of brainwashing. Id hate to think Id probably pretend to go along with it.
Do what i did. I watched a couple minutes of similar training. Took note of everything wrong with it. Took my issues to HR and manager and explained why the training was bad, in a way they couldn't refute. I refused to do anymore of the training. They didn't make me do the training.
@@MRGoods89 Someome tried to do that at my previous job. He was fired less than a week later. Called him combative and problematic. Problem is is they are an addiction/mental health place that is completely funded by federal and state grants. So DEI basically owns HR. I got out of there a few months later, absolutely crazy.
As a Montessori teacher, I love hearing this. My professional organizations (AMI and AMS) have fully embraced the equity and gender theory standpoints. I finally decided to leave teaching after watching this destroy my classrooms. But I can assure you, it doesn’t matter what color of skin my student has or what their poverty level is… I can teach teach division into the millions and most of the parts of grammar before my student turns 6 and it isn’t even difficult. I love it. My students love it. They are capable of it. Children in the first plane of development (0-6 years old) have what Montessori called an “absorbent mind” and the child can learn more than we give them credit. She said after that age, the child just learn and put effort into his learning, but before that, he can absorb it! That’s why languages can be learned by little children so effortlessly! I love teaching, I hate that I can no longer find a way to use my skills because of what society has demanded of our learning institutions. If I had the money, I would open my own school but for now, I’ve opted to be a receptionist at a hair salon. I refuse to teach the way they want me too and therefor I am no longer accepted as a professional in the school system.
That's a shame, and it's a brewing crisis. School systems are systematically chasing out level headed teachers and inviting increasingly extremist ones. There's a reckoning coming on that account, but all it'll do is change standards so bad teachers can't actively teach this stuff. Hopefully things change soon enough for people like you to re-enter the field, because if they don't, then we're going to lose an entire generation of skilled teachers.
Look into an online program called Kolbe Academy. I think people with your standpoint on education will have a distinct advantage getting hired by their program
Well said. You're making a stand for the truth and I appreciate what you said. Thank you. I hope that one day you may return to the vocation that you love and benefit yourself and those children. 🙏⭐💞
I'm from the UK, and through primary school I was taught in a Montessori school, and that method of teaching was truly incredible. I was learning much faster than others my age, and after I left primary school I was accepted into a Grammar school after taking the 11+ exam. I am now expected to achieve top grades in my GCSE exams, which will put me on the path towards top universities. It's a shame that you are no longer able to apply your teaching methods in schools, it clearly works.
“A society that puts equality-in the sense of equality of outcome-ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end up in the hands of people who use it to promote their own interests.” ~Thomas Sowell
Ok people, equity here is misunderstood and misput. let me put it like this, in a school you have two students, ones mother just got cancer and the other is from a wealthy family with a tutor. Is it fair to put the same academic expectation on the 2 of them? The goal of equity is to account for people's starting position. Some people are placed ahead of the curve at birth, they could have more money, healthier lives or parents and the other student could have mental illness or stress. Putting them in the same room and having them take the same test with the same government provided resources would be equality. Equity would be providing more resources to the more disadvantaged students and weighting there test differently. Equity in education goes against alot of what we see, however if you ever here I want to be judged for my work and progress, that is equity. If you here I want to be judged for results, not the work I put in, that is equality.
@@alexlloyd5354 'Is it fair to put the same academic expectation on the 2 of them? ' Yes. It's not the fault of the fortunate person that the other person is unfortunate - why should he be handicapped or not benefit from an advantage?
OK, then you beleave that. However, this is much more arguable and more important t9 understand than the arguments given above. For example, I could argue that since the student who is disadvantaged has no control over his circumstances, he shouldn't be penalized by circumstance.
Thomas Sowell is wonderful. I wish we lived in a world where his teachings were commonplace. It's a shame too that because he's so old now he can't be on podcasts because that would be the best way to spread his message quickly and to the audience that would benefit most from this great man.
@@monique_pryce I hope that's the case and he's able. Because if so there are some folks willing to travel to him. Do you happen to know when the last time he was interviewed was?
Sowell should be an academic standard in schools from K-12, and in all higher education. He goes far beyond just a national treasure. He should represent the standard that our educational industry wants to inspire millions to achieve, and perhaps some, even surpass. The sad truth is that we now have millions of educators in this country who don't know that he exists, don't care, would be profoundly challenged by his insights and his glorious common sense, and whose first instincts would be to keep his enlightenment away from the charges they are hired to indoctrinate. Ah, but Sowell is still there for those who go looking, to find.
I happened to stumble across this video, and I'm amazed! I honestly had never heard this argument and seen it illustrated so succinctly. Thank you for the visuals and making this video. I'm rethinking some of my stances.
I have loved this speech of Tom Sowell's since I first found it 3 years ago... The illustrations help make his point very vividly, and always have an artisanal, complementary take on the subject that goes deeper than a basic illustration would have. Love it, great work.
@@askeladd60 how is affirmative action equality of outcome? is getting into college the actual outcome or the opportunity? It’s all based on your definition isn’t it? Plus we have to consider decades upon decades of prejudice in history. How would you repair that? What other method would you use that produces equality of opportunity?
This idea has been suppressed and shamed out of our bloated institutions, but we must be able to have this discussion if we are to restore balance and move forward. Please share this video. If you like this video, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. Thank you
There are 2 kinds of Socialism-Equality Of Opportunity & Equality of Outcome-& there are aspects of both that are commonplace throughout the Unite States today. Equality Of Opportunity includes things like public education, emergency medical care, & protections guaranteed in the Constitution; everyone regardless of income or citizenship status has the right to access these things. Equality Of Outcome includes things like the highways, the police & fire departments, & Social Security programs; everyone pays taxes to fund these things & we all get to use them because of this. So, the next time you encounter someone who says that socialism is bad, be sure to explain to them these things, & be sure to ask them if they think that they would be better without them.
I would like to offer some constructive advise for drumming up financial support. Treat us viewers as potential investors. Right now we get your content free. If we do nothing we still get it free. So you are asking us to do something, when we could do nothing and their would be no change. That is the hurdle. I would recommend making a video that shows how you make your videos. The issue would be making it entertaining to watch, while teaching us how much work goes into the production of these videos. Perhaps instead of just early access, you could sweeten the pot by showing the making of videos. Parts of the video that didn't make the final edit. Exclusive content. Another good tactic is to relate the price of the monthly subscription to that of a price of a drink and most coffee stores. Which is a good bargain for what you are offering. Another idea is to allow people to make one time donations, a tip jar if you will.
It's not "nuanced" it's magical. Sowell believes all of the inequities of the world can be fixed with good, but tough teachers or what he calls "good" education. This is simply not true. A kid with a low eye cue (I know) does not benefit from classroom education beyond a certain point which changes with eye cue. Eye cue is highly heritable and mostly based on your jeans (I know) with environmental effects mostly being on the negative (IOW, a bad environment can damage your eye cue but a good one will not raise your eye cue above what nature gave you in the first place). Education is not magic. Buildings are not magic. Books are not magic.
This in-fact IS NOT a nuanced idea at all. If you think the American form of "justice" is applying the same rules and standards to everyone is a reality, then you are being willfully ignorant. You are not a free thinker, you only "freely think" what Joe Rogan espouses. This channel has continued to deliver capitalist, classist, racist rhetoric for a while now, it's just embarrassing. It is now clear that you are in fact - lost - or where never found and just continued to illustrate words of others, wish they were better words.
This was an amazing visualization of Thomas sowell's speech. I felt like it really took the essence of what he's trying to get across. I love this message
Funny I retired at 47 was at santna row happy hour, they asked what I did Im retired i goof off.. They were shocked lotery winnings stock options?? Man you are lucky.. It kinda pissed me off I had a plan saved invested there was no luck just a plan and I did it.. They made every excuse in the known universe. It was depressing to hear all those feeble losers..Im going to start, or i could have done that..none stated Im on track to do that.. NONE.. Kicker they wanted free drinks from me??? Get lost im retired..
I love this guy...common sense, a clear lens and, most importantly, a voice critical and vital to every school on the planet. Thank you, Mr Sowell.God Bless.
I believe in equal opportunity for all but not equal outcome. Those who work the hardest and perform the best should get the oppurtunities they deserve.
@@pongkham143 not sure why this is so diffcult for people to understand. Americans just refuse to believe it. Gotta start at the beginning when you tell the story.
And in the video, Thomas argues that if his teacher had the cosmic justice perspective, he would’ve ended up way worse but because he was treated with equality and not equity, he was able to rise above and become great
I believe equal opportunity is not something that is smart. For example, if you want 5 children from your classroom to become a chess grandmaster , the preferred choice should be to pick the smart guys in the class , it's not smart to provide an opportunity to an average or dumb guy, because that would produce bad results. Take another example as , bricklayers, everyone knows that physical strength is required in this case and a man can perform better, so why give females the opportunity, when we know , if they join that's not gonna produce good results.
I am so glad I stumbled on this video. It really explains the larger impact and problems with social justice. I try to tell people to focus on the concept of Equity in DEI stuff and how bad it is in practice. We can shun equity and still help people. We don't need to stand by and fully embrace the concept of pure equality. Social programs are important and necessary but what we currently have with DEI and other sub programs revolving around it is hurting society economically and socially. Its breaking us as a society. Where each side sees the other as literally evil...
I had a professor in engineering school that may have known Miss Simon. On lab reports and papers that we turned in, we would loose 2.5% of our grade for each punctuation or spelling error. If we did additional work above and beyond the basic requirement, we were able to earn extra credit so if you had trouble spelling you could make some of that up with extra effort. My solution was to be very careful with spelling and punctuation while at the same time doing extra work. This extra effort enabled me to make good grades and improve my understanding of the subject material. I remember once when the highest grade in the class was 16 or 17%. The smart students weren't used to making those bad grades and they were angry. My professor simply stated that he was fighting grade inflation and that they were fortunate that his stated policy was to drop the two lowest scores at the end of the semester. I learned a lot from Dr Graff and it was partially due to his clearly communicated requirements that were precisely adhered to.
He is 92 and will die soon. I will try to attend. In a chaotic world of blk folks Thomas sowell stands out as a rationale man blk folks should achieve to be
We didn't appreciate Jesus or Washington, or even Eisenhower when they and many others wasted a lifetime of breath to warn us of ourselves. The dimwitted will sleep the sleep of the self assured. Oh well, so do beef cattle.
Thank you for this. I've listened to several of Sowell's books multiple times and this video still helped me understand his arguments better. The drawings are actually really helpful. Well done! Keep it up!
This is what the internet was meant to be. Hearing incredible wisdom from sources you would never have had access to. Kids would be better of quitting school and self educating with lessons from Sowell. SHAME on the Teacher's Union, administrations and teachers for selfishly pleasing themselves and leaving our children behind.
They left our children behind because they get so little financially out of it. Here in America, everyone is taught that money is king, and I think that detracts everybody, teachers included, from the work they are actually doing. And such, even if they care about their students, they will take the backseat when the paycheck becomes so lackluster. Again, this is my unbased opinion, which I would love to confirm or deny with logic and facts; please leave your thoughts here too
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
2 Things in response. 1. If you installed "equity" for airline pilots. That is.. everyone can be an airline pilot that wants to be. And this was made mandatory. Would you ever fly again? 2nd...You do not understand Conservatism at all. Conservatives want competition. Which is the opposite of Equity. We also want everyone to be productive and successful. This is TRUE! We support hard work, honesty and commitment. But we also realize everyone has different mental capacity and talent. So outcomes will never be equal. @@thatiswhotheyare
The Pareto Principle covers everything on the planet. 80% of the comments here are just superficial, vacuous back slapping that waters down the insight offered at no charge. Sadly, they are also the ones with the most thumbs up, because a "click" does not require any thought. As for the contributor leveraged sites; quora wants to forget politics, face box doesn't care about politics and yahoo doesn't know anything about politics.
“The vision of cosmetic justice is beneficial to those who hold it even if it is not beneficial to those who Otis intended to benefit. “ it is so true!
Awesome visuals added with his voice. No one can miss the important message. Dr. Sowell always explains so well, however, this presentation is flawless and could be a classic example for great instructional media design.
Exemplary teaching on all counts! Thomas Sowell is a genius of our time. He wastes few words. Splendid art work and animation. Bravo to all. Thank You, Cathy
This is excellent! Sowell's ability to clearly explain concepts cuts through the noise of those lost to petty politicking and rigorous dogmas. We need more individuals like him.
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
@@primeryai nope you need to look into wealth protection industry. Mr. Sowell is a patron. Simple maxims. “If it makes sense to me it must be true.” It’s deeper than your confirmation bias.
Thomas Sowell is brilliant. Society seems to have been lulled into the trap of only listening to those that tell them what they want to hear, and exiling those that tell them what they need to hear.
Here's the thing I learned about him in college from my black sociology teacher. He mentioned that he was a "sell-out" and I naively believed him. 20 years later I learned the opposite and I realized that college campuses are nothing more than the liberal left indoctrination.
Thank you for adding the imagery to this presentation - it only further highlights the spectacular enlightenment of Dr. Thomas Sowell, a man who has a credential and an education from a time when these things actually matter. So sad to see PhDs become so irrelevant.
Very very well done. I’m a student of Thomas Sowell; explaining his ideas to others is so hard. Recently, I started writing to explain disparate ideas shared by him into a story. And this lecture delivers it beautifully. The visualisations take the story telling to a whole new level. Thank you so much. 👏🏽🙏🏽 I’ll make a donation!
Life is unfair...the end. Keep grinding and doing what you need to do, help others along the way if you can, learn to recognize good moments and savor them when they come, treat others the way you expect to be treated even if they don't deserve it, and give as much time as you can to the people you love.
@@alwayshavefaith8394 Please explain to me how people born with disabilities made that choice? What about people who die in random circumstances like a mass shooting or in natural disaster; they also chose that?
@@kusheen... being born with a disability doesn't mean you can't thrive and be happy,the rest of my answer UA-cam won't post I guess because it has to do with gun control.
Thank you Thomas Sowell for telling us the truth. It really hit like a ton of bricks concerning the judicial process. This is why we cannot have any justice anymore. Very sad.
This speech is from 1999 and we can see how far equity has changed the America in the last 25 years. The artists sketches provide excellent visualization of the content.
@@chuckles9767 The current construct has not been brought to you by forces that care anything for the vast majority, other than that they continue being gamed of their agency. ;)
@@chuckles9767 Agreed, Chuck. And it is a conundrum...maybe *the* conundrum. Perhaps someday the entire hominin species focuses on the contribution we all can have/give. Right now we're diminished by in-group preference, and ancient source code "survival realities" (real, or imposed by our current control constructs) via living on a spaceship with competition for limited resource inputs. Only future alien archaeologists know if we overcome that or not. Here's to hope 😉 ... Cheers.
@@friedmandesigns I personally do not understand it. People so stunted by myopia and unable to see past their microcosm. On a macro scale, it is so evident the multiple impediments to efficiencies, productivity, and and progress caused by this disunity and hyper individuality. Also, that’s my issue with Thomas Sowell, he does not give enough acknowledgment to these systems of inequality that result in those who are disenfranchised by such systems. Without an active balancing effort, the whole concept of meritocracy becomes nothing more than a cruel joke.
Disagree with both. There will always be people, that indeed need help. It's perfectly fine to do good to those in their hour of need. If an earthquake destroys a city, give tents, water, food for a while. To abstain from that, is in fact immoral. Anything that's new, is tried and practiced. There's no shame, but rather praise, for aiming for (trying for) being virtuous. Once perfection is reached, the trying is over and the virtue is established.
Just the idea the world could have not had a Thomas Sowell gives me chills, thanks for hard teachers. I am a couple décadas younger than him and was sent to an experimental school where children were left to find their level, even spent 3rd grade in , what they called "non grade" so as not to warp mi personality a pretty smart kid I coasted my way through with as little work as possible resulting in a poor education that I never recovered from so I was never really able to study anything in the science field which was what I wanted. I have lived a good life but always wondered what could have been
I haven't done any scentific research on this, but its only over if you quit. There is so many MOOC's available, the goal is still within reach my friend.
I'm afraid this phenomenon is not an organic accident. Accepting the role of the victim, sentences someone to a life excuses. Those at the top have known this truth since the public school system was conceived. What we are discussing is the desired outcome. The creation of an elite, ruling class. Divided from their serfs by an impenetrable jungle of ignorance. As soon as we awaken to this fact, we have two choices. Continue to make excuses and play the victim, or stand against the machine with every ounce of what you are. I choose the path less taken!
My personal experience much different than his and your comment resonates. It is not set up to bring all to their personal potential and anything that falls on either side of so called normal.. falls to the wayside. Homeschooling has been good but they weren't doing that in the sixties. Love and Light 💫
Equity requires the destructions of distinctions. Distinctions are an intrinsic part of reality. This would mean that 'Equity' runs counter to reality, and no matter to the timeframe, reality always wins. Reality always wins. edit: Thomas Sowell, a great man of our times.
"Equity requires the destruction of distinctions" Quite the opposite, It requires the analysis of distinctions, than remedy for the ones producing inequality, and improvement for the ones signs of a better potential.
@@robertodesimone2823 No, i am correct. Equality of outcome quite literally requires the destruction of distinctions. Your own comment proves me to be correct.
@@iambob6590 Equity is NOT equality of outcome. Stop using this misleading misreppresentation. Equity is removal of external obstacles and inequality to garante real equality of opportunity.
This video is a masterpiece. By far the best use of my time today. The doctrine of equity is concerning and growing in America. This video did a wonderful job at sinking equity. As a college student I can say that equity is taught and pushed on students while equality is deemed as being a problem. We need awareness of what equity actually is practically, so history does not repeat. Amazing video.
He would have been a better boxer than Mike Tyson and Ali if his P.E teacher had higher standards and did not embrace cosmic justice or at least win a gold medal in the Olympics in boxing All he needed was one good PE teacher who had high standards And we would have had two Michael Jordan’s
@Daniel I get what you are saying, it’s just not what anyone else is saying. Although many people are saying that a person would be healthier with a PE teacher that pushed students despite their failures and weaknesses instead of given students head starts and rewards because of their failures and weaknesses.
"The vision of cosmic justice is very beneficial to those who hold it even if it is not beneficial to those who it is intended to benefit. This is why people are so reluctant to give it up." That stuck with me. You see that exact mindset in social activists all the time.
He is one of my favorite thinkers and I admire him so much. It's horrible to see how nuance is lost nowadays and that so many Americans don't know his name. I'm not American myself.
I also recommend Coleman Hughes, Shelby Steele, Jason Riley, John McWhorter, Walter Williams, Glenn Loury. Ayaan Hirsi Ali's, "The Market for Victimhood".
Wow! Never heard of Thomas Sowell, sadly this message will be ‘highly problematic’ Reminded me my teachers also had no thoughts for my ‘feelings’ either, and I’m very grateful! Awesome animation ❤
“It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.”
~Thomas Sowell~
I wonder if he was thinking of Jesus Christ?
Thank God for Sowell's wisdom. I wish I was as honest, but I am hypocritical among many other flaws. It's something I'm willing to admit but not something I'm willing to be content with.
Confucius said something like, the honest man is like water, where the hypocrites are like grease.
When you heat up a pan full of water, they can tolerate added grease.
But when a greased pan is heated, it'll react violently with even one drop of water on it.
@@kalt7990 we all have our struggles and I try myself not to be a hippocrite. Just as a Christian I try not to sin however I am born of sin my only hope is Jesus Christ 🙏
@@alvargas5095 I don't know but Christ is a great example with him and the pharisees!
As a teacher, I am forced to live with this every day. It's so sad, as the kids who actually put in the effort end up getting similar results (pass the course) to those who only show up for 30% of the classes in a semester. We are going to, eventually, kill work ethic because of this. There will be no need to strive for excellence. Kids aren't stupid - they will figure this out and will behave accordingly, and our society at large will suffer.
I recommend to any actually talented educators I come across to get out of the corrupt and degenerate government system. Engage with parents, sell your services to them directly. Talented teachers could build relationships with a dozen or so parents, and educate their children in a privately and collaboratively with the families; make an excellent income, paid directly by the families themselves.
There is no need for talented educators to waste away their abilities in the “public system”.
@@bc5cda pretty good idea. When I'm a parent, I would rather my kid be tutored by a real teacher on the side rather than some clueless undergrad trying to get beer money. Granted, I'd be evaluating them with a fine tooth comb and get the one whose passion for learning is 110%, can inspire my kid, teaches effectively, needs more money, ect.
Eventually? Try hiring a typical kid from the current generation for a job. They'll show up to get their paycheck, and be honestly clueless as to why you need them to put in some work first.
This is what happens to Asian kids in NY. Denying the hard working efforts and simply canceling the way kids get into good school in the name of letting black kids have equal chance going to better schools. wtf😂
We're already seeing this. I see it in my neighbors two daughters. They have no goals or ideals that would lead to a personal fulfillment of whatever talents they may have been born with. They are an example of what the "right" to do nothing looks like. It's sickening.
I find it astounding that in the 24 years since he made this speech, things have only gotten worse, much, much worse...and every prediction made by this speech has come true.
Well that didn’t age well lol
@@maxwellirving2683 Really? It's as true today as it was then.
@@whiskeytango9769I think max meant it didn't catch on, or people just ignore this kind of thinking. But yea, I agree, it's such a good speech now
@@whiskeytango9769 I was referring to the affirmative action ruling that happened a couple of days after you posted. I will concede that there are other aspects to this problem yet to be solved, but I thought the timing was funny is all.
Oh in that case you will love Lenin. Almost 100 years since that man's death and everything is still going like he predicted.
Came back to say thank you. This video introduced me to Thomas Sowell. As a black man, my life is changed for the better IMMENSELY. THANK YOU
Glad to be of service! You're welcome!
MrG, you just were introduced to Thomas Sowell recently. How is that possible? I have been listening to this amazing brilliant man for years! I have to say better late than never.
Same here, brother. I will be sharing this with my friends and family.
Sowell is really exceptional in his thinking and inspiring. I'm a white man from an upper middle class background, but I think his underlying lessons about work ethic are important for everyone. He is a great American.
I am always amazed at how few blacks know of Thomas Sowell. I am white, 64 and but didn't find Thomas Sowell until a few years ago. How is this possible. A man this brilliant. Do the powers that be fear a man this much because he speaks truth?
"If there's anything worse than unfairness, it is make- believe fairness."
~ Thomas Sowell
I loved this quote.
That quote made me pause and tell others
That got me!!!
Yes. Also, parents would do well, imo, to differentiate between justice and equality, and fairness which is more like modern "equity" . When the kid complains that " It's not fair" when older sibling gets to do something, because it's their birthday or due to the fact of their older age or maturity, that's not unjust of the parent. The younger child will be treated the same, when it's appropriate for them, too, someday. But, when a patient IS being capricious, unjust, etc., they should admit it, apologize and then decide if it's appropriate to make any change to your previous decision, or ammends to the child, as a result.
But Mark McGuire was juicing. Lol
What I love most about Thomas Sowell is his fight for "reality" against "ideology." It's the common thread in all his books.
sorry, posing as a mascot of laissez-faire capitalism is hardly non-ideological
note the repetitive tropes of debunked assertions about "communism" without a mention of systemic poverty, social inequity, and yes mass deaths from non-secret policing / unaffordable healthcare
just a walk in the park for someone admitted to Harvard as a high-school drop-out yet refuse to acknowledge any "affirmative action" at play
Sigh however his reality does not seem to line up with actual reality... He promoted ideas that are based in ideology as a Christina I read of philosophy or science. They are easily debunked and heavily flawed by even the lightest of intelligent. :/
Social science can never have the equivalent of the laws of thermodynamics, ergo it is taught as though all is possible. Magic. Injecting the reality is difficult, yet Sowell always seems to do it with ease.
@@minihunt4093 Excellent debunking. You totally changed my mind.
His reality is an ideologically based one; it's the same one used by Reagan, and he got it from the Birchers. What Sowell is doing is setting up a straw man that he can easily attack. So that's not reality, that's laziness.
I would rather fail and learn something than pass and learn nothing.
We learn more from mistakes compared to 'successes'.
We can make plenty mistakes without society setting us up for failure, drugs in our communities out there originally by the government, school to prison pipeline, corrupt policing with a judicial and legislative system refusing to call it out and right it’s wrongs, the prison industrial complex literally tearing apart millions of lives with their insistence on locking away the key and making money off this legal slavery than actually looking to actually rehabilitate
I’m going on a tangent, but, we can still work towards equity (which is an equal START to the race, not equal outcome of the race)
But when someone older and has significantly more experience in whatever I’m doing gives pointers, suggestions and warnings I do listen.
You don't have to virtue signal here.
Sowell is a national treasure. He's not only the most brilliant economist, but he's the most honest intellectual in any room.
International treasure
@zeldagoblin agreed, though we're proud to claim him as American! ☺️❤️🇺🇲👍
We need more Thomas Sowell in our society. He is not just a "black" philosopher, his words have power for everyone on the planet.
He’s black?
One can bet their bottom dollar that UA-cam has de-emphasized all of his speeches & clips like this one.
He's BLACK?!?!?
@@rjlovell1 yeah,I know!!!
I don't think anyone but you thought he's just a black philosopher.
Strict and fair teachers were my favourite. They always had clear rules, same for everyone so I knew exactly what I needed to learn to get a good grade. I excelled in their classes and learnt a lot thanks to them. I'd hate it if anyone lowered the standards just for me, what an insult that would be, suggesting I don't have what it takes to grasp the full material. If there's no struggle, no friction then you're not developing
Well said. That's the racism of the Left. They don't want minorities to learn, since education would be a way out of poverty for some of them. But they can't say that, so they promote reward without work so that they don't learn anything. I went to a state univ here in FL and everything was graded on the curve. You could not fail. Also, there were students there who were nearly functionally illiterate and couldn't even write a simple paper or presentation.
To this day I struggle with maths, yet my reading and writing is pretty good. But maths is my biggest weakness, it would take me years to become very good at it. Yet I want to become a teacher
@@moonknight4053 You can do it. I struggled with it too. But I did every problem, not just the assigned problems, and did the examples too. Also, I wrote every formula on the first line of the page that I was writing on when I did homework. Soon it became second nature. But you need good teachers. If you have a bad math teacher get in another class so you don't get discouraged. And that's all of the unsolicited advice from me. Hope that you keep trying.
@@moonknight4053 I also used to think I was bad at maths, and maybe I am, but I am not *scared* of it any more. Just keep practicing it, plenty of opportunity in daily life.
Observe that he said all this in 1999. Obviously, his words have fallen on deaf ears, for things have progressed in the opposite direction all this time. Still, his words are there to be heard and read. We can only pray that the people who need his wisdom will find it. Videos like this will certainly help.
For now they are, at least. There are plenty of people who would gladly change that given the chance.
Indeed.. a very, very wise man.
This is just not the case, stop lying to yourself! He’s just being used as a toke
@@obeb787 Ad hominem. Address the logic of his words, not his character. Do yourself a favor and type "logic" into your search engine. Then read, read, and read some more... haha!
@@MrBillybooth lol thats not even an ad hominem, it has nothing to do with his character! Lol
But how did you even watch the video and not catch all the straw-men in it? Just the first sentence is a straw men.
Such a wise and truthful sage. I thank God for this gift at this time to humanity.
In 1999 this would have come across as completely outlandish. All these years later, I can't believe how accurate he was...let alone why we're still having to deal with it.
The only thing that would have been outlandish about it then is if you had implied that it was done intentionally to create a class of people wholly dependent on govt. Here he’s saying people are doing the wrong thing for what they think are honorable reasons. That wasn’t outlandish to think in 1999. I think fewer people believe that now.
Slippery slope. It’s clear that with progressive ideas, once it goes down the lefties will keep pushing for more and more progressive ideas. No cash bail just passed in LA. Enjoy the decline 🇺🇸📉
@@JayM928 The real thief of human potential is "Imperialism the highest stage of Capitalism". The trillions of dollars spent on wars to defend foreign investors profit and property is staggering.
@@kimobrien. This may have been true 100 years ago, but the irony is that Capitalism has, and is, correcting itself; disproving Leninism along with the misunderstandings of Marxism.
Further irony is that Imperialism is a symptom of right-leaning collectivism. The right/left paradigm is a false dichotomy. The real discussion should be between collectivism and individualism. And we've seen the results of both right collectivism and left collectivism.
@@csfischer007Capitalism correcting itself? Wages in the US became stagnant in 1973. Crisis of 2008 worst since the great depression. War in Central Europe and increasing capitalist competition between the American Imperialists and Capitalism with Chinese characteristics. The end of the retreat by labor in the US. The neo liberal theories were thrown into the trash barrel with the crisis of 2008 with the end of the Bush Administration and the earlier proclamation of a "New World Order" defeat of Nation building in Afghanistan at a cost of 2.3 trillion. Instead of the "End of Communism" and the quote "end of history." The revolution in Cuba continues despite every attempt by the American
Imperialists to crush them.
If there's anything worse then unfairness its make believe fairness. Wonderful statement all in its self.
I think you mean THAN, not then. Two completely different words with completely different meanings.
@@jaymehatfield9540 Perhaps a typing error.
@@treenelson4063 perhaps, although on the qwerty keyboard a and e are not side by side, nor designed to be struck with the same finger. I admit that I do read an enormous amount of comments in many genres, and find this 4th grade error extremely common in American retorts. I offer correction because I fully believe then/than are words purposely denied focus to our educational systems. Teacher for 16 years, make of it what you will. Words have power, and correct words offer validity to our communications.
I think you mean; ‘than’ and not ‘then’: two completely different words with completely different meanings.
Proper punctuation is also important, and offers even more snobbish validity to communications.
@@treenelson4063 you could be right! I always tried not to belabor their lessons with too much of that. It is quite enough to see that spelling correctly and knowing the meaning in context for use helps combat "wiggle words". The current trends stretch meanings and historical definitions far beyond colloquial usages, and even directly change definitions in online dictionarys for political purpose. When you see young adults being blatantly deceived by language and struggling to meet the challenges of modern corporate employment, spelling becomes very important indeed.
Too bad a course on Thomas Sowell is not mandatory in high school & college. He's a national treasure.
I despise him, he just a male Candice Owens but pretending to be more academic
Thomas Sowell discourse in this video is contaminated with neoliberal ideology. It is well constructed, and therefore even more dangerous for kids, that will have difficulty seeing the true intentions behind it.
To white conservatives. But black people haven’t listened to him since he argued the Civil Rights movement was wrong. Hell, economists don’t even listen to him and those are his academic peers
Thomas Sowell is awesome. He actually started off as a communist with victim mentality in his formidable years. It was only through his own experiences that he saw the realities of the matter. So he understands both sides of the coin very well
Too bad academics are fervently against following the words of this great man more closely. They've basically developed an allergy towards facts. They're deep down the rabbit hole of equity and can't accept the fact that the paths they're on, and are pushing kids down, is the exact same path as those followed by Hitler, Mao, Stalin and others like them...
"I know what's good for the people, and I'm willing to punch you in the face, defame you, and even resort to killing you in broad daylight if you threaten my ideology"
They literally can't see their own trajectory throughout history, and refuse to learn from atrocities of past. The kicker, just like Lenin, most of these people are well-off college graduates who have zero grasp on what it's like to be a lower income earner themselves. That, or people who've not yet even been required to live from their own wallets, but have credit cards provided them by their parents. Kids who are brainwashed into thinking they should be able to live from others' hard work without issue throughout their lives, in the name of fairness.
Taking from another to give to yourself isn't fairness. It's slavery. It's theft. It's a crime against mankind.
"If there's anything worse than unfairness, it's make-believe fairness." Gold!
Equity could theoretically lead to the dystopian nightmare depicted in Kurt Vonnegut's story "Harrison Bergeron" where anyone who excels in any area above the rest is deliberately and forcibly handicapped by the state or the authorities to make everyone perform exactly on the same level. In his story, this discouraged the expression of beauty, art, creative expression, innovation, and greatness just so that no one would ever be offended by becoming jealous or resentful of anyone else.
yes! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of that story when equity comes up.
Meh. Why look to what equity could theoretically lead to by pointing to a work of fiction when you could look to what equity HAS ACTUALLY led to in reality?
I get stories can be easier to swallow and remember than the multi million horror stories from Mao’s China and Lenin’s/Stalin’s Russia, but still…
@@hobbyist518 Ill give you this, many people ignore the deaths of millions. Ive had my own share of conversations with "socialist"/adj people, and they just ignore the deaths, or completely justify them, unless I mention starvation, etc, then they just deflect and bring up "capitalism" as some kind of rebuttal.
I use "2081," the film adaptation of Bergeron in my high school Philosophy class as the topic of our final exam/Socratic Seminar. Might be adding this, too.
Only applies to whites.
This was recorded over 20 years ago. Man seemed to have a crystal ball to see what's going on today.
And I thought "social justice" was a new term
Or conservatives don't change their arguments no matter how wrong they are
@Smdn Snnd This.
@@francinebacone1455 and how have Marxist arguments evolved? Whenever someone looks to history to show how miserable of a failure Marxism was nearly everywhere it tried, your arguments always reduce to "well that wasn't real communism." How many times does it have to manifest in reality before it's real communism?
@@francinebacone1455 So point out how he is wrong. Keep in mind he's speaking from experience, he grew up as a poor black kid in the Jim Crow south and Harlem.
Word. Unfortunately Dr. Thomas Sowell and others who speak the truth are ignored by those who benefit from falsehood.
Sowell supported ever Imperialist war the United States has ever fought including the ones fought during his lifetime Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. So you tell me tell if falsehoods were not used to justify fighting those wars?
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
@@thatiswhotheyare "Level playing field." No such thing when you have capitalism. At best you can break down artificial barriers for entry into education and better paying jobs are try and measure and advance that with quotas. The overall goal must be to advance the unity of the workers of all nations against the capitalist by supporting the rights of those who are the lowest paid and least skilled. It is from the most oppressed that the most resolute fighters have emerged.
“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.” - Robert A. Heinlein
@trollnerd - First, let me thank you for having the objectivity to ask a simple question. You are definitely part of the 20% from face book who illustrate the potential of what UA-cam can become. The worst injury to history is when figures are judged by one episode of their lives. Especially with those who are revered are an almost familial level .
The Pareto Principle covers everything on the planet and 80% hold "I have a dream" sacrosanct. In fact, it is so defining, the other 20% (who are aware the Reverend Martin Luther King cheated on his wife every chance he got, often more than once in a day) ignores his hypocritical selfishness, because they fear the backlash of proximity affection.
If everyone knew the truth of King ang Rosa Parks, the racial parade umbrellas, creating shadow victims of slavery, would be much less common; and, perhaps even denigrated for what they represent. Then black luminaries could be ranked based on their entire profile. If whites did that the world would realize Abraham Lincoln was the worst president in American history. Your thoughts?
One of the greatest thinkers, philosophers, and writers in the history of humankind. May God bless Dr. Thomas Sowell.
You need to read, gringo. Education is free.
He just concisely explained 2023 in 16 mins all the way back in 1999.
No, he really didn't. The arrogant dipshit flagrantly argued that profit was infinite insofar as we could tell, and not even ten years later the rate of profit imploded and destroyed the world.
@@nevermorebouquet3681 Fiat was doomed to fail from onset, it always fails, its a scam.
He sure did. Accurately too. Excellent man. ❤
Difference being in 1999 most ordinary people treat social justice as a joke, but now they are thinking that's the real justice..
That's because social justice and crt have been around for decades in academia. He didn't use a crystal ball. He was talking about the same arguments made then, those arguments just hadn't reached a critical mass yet.
Professor Sowell is the most insightful, intelligent and IGNORED intellectual of our day. This ignorance is to our shame and doom.
should have been "president sowell".
speak for your self
@@chrhadden do we need a president sowell instead of this one?
@@soonersciencenerd383 i can tell he isnt being fake .hes one up already.
@@soonersciencenerd383 i oh i see what happened i replied to the wrong person sorry
This man is an American treasure. His intellect is amazing, his delivery is the best, and when I start listening to him, I wind up spending all afternoon listening to one after another. Thank you Dr. Sowell.
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure. This talk was 24 years ago. How many more students have been deprived of the education they deserve? It is as they say, "The bigotry of low expectations".
Liberals are the biggest example of having the bigotry of low expectations.
It's not at all what he's pushed he's pushed with many of us have pushes the abolishment of the Department of Education and if you were to step back and take a look at what kids knew before the Advent of the Department of Education the graduation rates and the fact that people sent their children from around the world to learn here you might learn something but instead you take a misrepresented talking point and you spew garbage that's all the left ever does you don't think for yourself you don't step back and look at something you don't have deductive reasoning critical thinking or even the ability of self-reflection but maybe you should grow up being adult and give it a try I have seen what the department of education is done when I graduated high school kids knew a lot more than the kids that are graduating today thank God I never relied on the school to teach my children everything they needed in life I started them on critical thinking had a very young age my children went to kindergarten knowing how to do basic math up to division multiplication then your geometry the new history they knew reality because I saw the difference between my education and people that I knew that came 10 years after me and if you paid attention you would see that the Department of Education isn't about educating it's about dumbing down so people like you will fall in line and spew
@googlenazicompany5935 His point is that education might be 100 times better funded now, than when he went to school in the 1940s, but that it is far worse quality.
Of course, you've never read a word his written or you'd know that.
@@RevoltingPeasant123 I think he has some good talking points ... but we have a different animal going on now than what he was speaking to . And he is obviously being used as a mascot these days depicted at 9:31 in the video.
What a tremendous accompaniment of the insightful graphics and the words and wisdom of Thomas Sowell. This video should get an Academy Award.
Sorry Superman V got the Best Propaganda Award.
what? no! this is honestly fairly average for graphic accompaniments in this genre. to be fair, it's very good, but it's nothing outstanding
Great to see you doing Thomas Sowell talks! He is the absolute GOAT and literally a national treasure.
My children give me much of the credit for their education. School became just a place to go, so the overseers could keep track of their whereabouts during the day...even into their late teens they were excited about coming home to crack the books!!!...they are very successful now. So, when i look at education I look at truly gifted people who dropped out and I am grateful to them for sharing.....
Can you recommend a few books for my 13-year-old?
That's awesome.
Thomas Sowell has a wonderful soul. I was the first one in my family to reach the seventh grade and I remember that my family made a huge deal about it. I was in Ozone Park Queens at the time. I've never heard of this man before but I am very interested in learning what he has to say. Quitting television many years ago was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Roosevelt, Queens here my guy. Proud of you
Years ago I stopped my subscription to both Time magazine and the New York Times. And I must have watched CNN (which merely copied a local radio station - WINS - format) for for less than two hours. Always negative repetitive nonsense!
Ya know what I love about Thomas Sowell almost as much as his genius? I have never heard him even change the tone of his voice. Those of us who love his work could take a major cue from his demeanor and way that he treats even (and especially) those who disagree with him. Yet another reason why Thomas Sowell is a national treasure and not allowed to die.
Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas are NEVER allowed to die. It is forbidden.
Great teachers and warriors usually have great self control and awareness.
Thomas Sowell is an apologist for slave owners
Id prefer saying leftist justice than cosmic justice
He both speaks as he writes and writes as he speaks. What a man !
Spot on Thomas. I coached football for 20 plus years. Our team policies were never intended to be fair, whatsoever. But we were faithfully committed to being consistent. If you were late to practice, you crawled on your belly for 100 yards. You may have stopped to help an elderly person who fell and needed medical care. We honor you for your goodness. Get your crawl in. You stayed late in class to make up a test. Great job. Get your crawl in. It was the same for all, always. We never wanted to know why you are late and we never held it against the player. Just get the crawl in and join us. If you cussed at practice, coaches included, you had ten down ups. Refuse the down ups meant turning in your gear. You could say ten f bombs. We did not care. That will be 100 down ups. If you did not bring a butt pad or any piece of gear needed to be legal to play in the game, you did not play. I still cry when I think of a kid who was from the toughest background imaginable. Mother abandoned him. Father drug addict. His bed was the closet of a ram shackle hut. Coach he said, I cannot play tonight. Why not I asked. I forgot one of my knee pads he replied. Choking back tears I said well Brandon go tell John he is the starting center tonight and do all you can to support him. End of story? Brandon is successfully driving truck for a major firm and is a successful family man and killing it in life. Same rules for everyone causes those who need the same standards the most to gain the most from them. Low standards perpetuates the pity party but does nothing to build character or confidence or ability. You might feel good inside because you think you are a great person with such compassion because you gave a disadvantaged individual a break. All you are really doing is breaking them. Real love is saying my friend by holding you to a high standard I am loving you even though it is hard for both of us. This is not only the best way, it’s not only the most helpful way, but it’s the only way to lift another with wisdom.
This is the most remarkable thing I have read in a long time
it is ironic to me how you laud this esample of crawling on your stomach as equality and dont see that it is by definition equity. regardless of the person or their abilities or circumstance they did the same thing. they all crawled and they were all on time, and they were all the same with the same result, without the ability to express diligance in being committed to your grades by making up a test, or sign of empathy by helping elderly who needed it. they all crawled all were on time, all were the same.
We’ll return to what Mr. Sowell was trying to demonstrate when he spoke of the teacher who maintained high standards for all students not matter who they were. That’s what we were trying to achieve with our team standards. There was not equal outcomes because those who got more playing time than others got that rewards because of merit - talent and hard work. But the character development would not have been nearly as great if we constantly made exceptions and adjustments for each individual case. The high expectations were minimal standards to be part of the team. And you can ask hundreds of young men who met those standards if it made them better people. Old coaches have since been replaced by new ones. They were very lax and made exemptions for every individual and attendance standards and behavioral standards were very lax and inconsistent. Our program went from winning a yearly average of .750 for two decades to winning only one game in 3 years. And kids stopped wanting to play. We once had jv teams of 42 to 56 and varsity teams of 35 plus. Now we can barely field two teams. Standards matter. Merit based rewards matter.
@@bowhunter1115 i see i see. so if say my family would not be able to afford shoes i would have to go barefoot.
there is a difference between high standards and refusal to acknowledge reality, the making up the test is a great example. in it not a high standard to punish that kid for prioritizing academic eligibility over the sports, it is forcing equity on everyone.
my point and all others who seek equity is not lower standards so everyone can pass. but making sure everyone has the tools they would need to pass if they have the talent or put in the hard work.
you are against giving shoes to kids who want to be on your team because it would not be fair to not give shoes to everyone. treating everyone the same is not equal opportunity, it is equal threshold, and by denying the min support for a chance to meet that threshold you rob the opportunity of those who do not have the tools.
equity is about giving a special needs kid a tudor to help them understand the lessons, it is not making the test easier for them to pass.
if you had a person who needs ESL and you do not provide that class, why are they suddenly lazy or stupid for not keeping up with college level classes in high school.
equity is giving the tools so that the opportunity is equal, those who lower the bar are not practicing equity, they are in the business of getting more aid money for the school.
Pretty judgmental. Not tooting my horn but if you knew how many kids I provided shoes gear money and rides to practices and rides home you might be surprised. Not a single person male or female was cut from our program in 25 years. Not one. Ease up my good friend. People can be both willing to provide a disciplined environment for growth and have compassion at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive things. And the other men I was honored to coach with were the most loving and compassionate people I have ever known. Sorry for whatever has caused you to be so judgmental of others.
No better argument AGAINST “ Affirmative Action “ policies has ever been stated. Thomas Sowell’s speech was spot on and based in fact and reality .. His story about his teacher was very powerful; she demanded excellence from her students and her students strove to achieve it. That is WHAT a teacher is supposed to do.
You fail to understand the purpose, and so does he. Academic tunnel vision, and hubris.
@@mewing9619 The purpose is equity which is clearly a destructive and ignorant policy meant to make people feel good instead of actually doing any good. Just as idiotic as the idea of reparations
@@adamdrouin2295 missed the point, don’t worry about it though.
@@mewing9619 Believe me, I'm not worried in the slightest. But please do arrive at the point Mr./Mrs. random internet person who actually believes they are more intelligent than Thomas Sowell. Now that should be compelling
@@adamdrouin2295 I don’t believe you. I do see your limits though.
One thing I really appreciate about these animations is they give incentive to WATCH as you listen. While I would normally have constant background noise no matter what I'm doing, with these I pause the video and STOP when I need to do something else because the illustrations are so insightful. It means there's some silent time and brain rest. I think it's helping with the addiction to my smart phone.
My father, God Bless Him, had me start reading Thomas Sowell approximately fifty years ago. There is no doubt in my mind if more educators were like him the US would be much better off. His ability to disect tough issues with a touch of gentle good humor has always amazed me. I have always almost pitied the people who have tried to debate him. The knowledge in his brain is encyclopedic. Live long Mr. Sowell. A long time fan.
Thomas Sowell is an apologist for slave owners
God bless your father, you, and Thomas Sowell!
@trollnerd Um, there are just an awful lot of pretty brilliant people out there in the world who tend to lean toward what they are naturally attracted to. If this means having more of a magnetic pull toward a Sowell than a Kendi, then so be it.
There is no particular or perfect path to understanding or enlightenment. No-one owns this trajectory on behalf of anyone else.
If my dad turned me on to Beethoven at the age of 3, it didn't spoil me for Bach simply because that wasn't part of his agenda.
Lo and behold, your tag name might wind up suiting you.
I love raspberries to bits. Biased, even.
The gooseberries I avoid will just have to live without me. I suffer no dark age because of it.
And anyway, no-one has to provide anyone with 'counterarguments' to Sowell.
They're on the news every night. They're in the New York Times daily. They can be found in hundreds of thousands of university lecture halls across the nation. They are spewed endlessly across this very internet. They are ubiquitous, and they are everywhere. They can hardly be missed, unless you're living on the dark side of the moon, and even there, they are bound to bring a little moon dust in the back door.
@trollnerd Well there it is. When a Thomas Sowell is reduced to a useful tool of capital and white supremacy, and cannot be seen apparently as a free thinking individual who runs with no identity mob, then who in this sad and sorry country rises above our perceived abject collective failure?
And how in hell can you sum up 400 years of history in which an entire group of Americans amounted to nothing more than something sub-human?
I contend that there would be a startling lineup of over-achievers waiting to slap your ass: Baldwin, Mays, Davis, Holliday, Hughes, Redding, DuBois, and so on and on and on.
All it ever took to rattle this chain and shake this boat was one honest individual who refused to play the victim card.
And your 'theory' about my alleged grooming is an insult to far too many aspects and realities of that long evolution of my life. I contend that it is you who are firmly entrenched within your mindset. I have been critical of people in general from the age of 11 onward (albeit "baby steps" back then.) Words, actions, outcomes, impacts and measurements based on personal accountabilities.
If we don't won't or cannot learn real compassion for the flaws and failings of humans - along with respect for actual accomplishments, if our judgement is clouded by narrow agendas, then the ghost of Mao possibly still clogs the socio-machinery of this land, and people do what people do - which is wallow in hubris that won't allow them to learn from history.
@trollnerd agreed 100%
Ever so often, I watch a YT video in which I'm disappointed that I can't somehow give it many more "thumbs-up" than just one. 90% of those videos include Thomas Sowell. Thank God for this giant's voice and reason.
One of the most brilliant minds of our time. I have the utmost respect for this man.
@Planet of the Idiots If you really believe that your screen name fits you perfectly.
@Planet of the Idiots One of the biggest lies in this era is that opinions of ignorant idiots should weigh just as much as learned experts.
He means we'll and has great talking points; but he misses Jesus's message to focus our lives not on excuses for why we don't help the poor but on actions that will effectively help the poor.
The fact that handouts are short-sighted and ineffective doesn't excuse us from being highly active in trying to help the poor gain the ability to take care of themselves.
@Planet of the Idiots No, he has a nice home that he purchased from money that he earned through the value placed on his labor and service. If he has a housekeeping, they earn a salary based on the value of their contracted duties. Both he and his employees pay taxes.
@@billydavis4252 There is a lot we as individuals can do to help the poor, which is what Christ wants us to do. "Helping" the poor with money taken from us by the government and then distributed by that same government as it sees fit isn't answering Christ's call.
This did an outstanding job of explaining what I'd recently realized: one of, if not the, biggest divisions in societies right now is the conflict between people who want to optimize their own lives and communities, and those who want to shape the world in a way they deem perfect. The latter group believes that given enough control, they could eradicate poverty, hunger, and discrimination, but in trying to take from some and give to others, they directly come into conflict with the people who are trying to build up their little corner of the world.
Like the child nobody wanted to play with in the sandbox because they destroyed other kid's sandcastles, but ironically cried the loudest when someone defended their castle with a soft punch
@@albertfinkelstein I don't see what you mean by this.
@@alergames147 Turn on the light
@@alergames147I understood this so that no one wants the poor and unemployed in their community and society because they demand a social security system and taxes so they can steal the money of the rich and working people with the help of the state.
Yes, if everyone received that same, without doing the work, they would be rewarded for doing nothing. What kind of lesson is that, apart from rewarding laziness, stupidity, or arrogance, which leads to depression and more failure.
Thomas Sowell is one of our greatest minds. I truly hope we haven’t already destroyed our prospects for raising similarly great minds in the future. Thank you for posting this clip. If it makes a difference for one young person it is worth it!
Yeah lets just be sure that young person is given the most, regardless of the color of their skin, or the land they were born on right? Right? or would that be... to much equity XD
I'm working my ass off dont worry
@Shahzad Khan lol good boy. Feed your corporate superiors like a good peasant. Keep grinding away your life for them
Literally all of his sources are bullshit. Man's a fraud.
@@Medic81or, equality?
This needs more exposure. I am so thankful to the many wise people like Thomas Sowell in this world.
Damn!! I can NEVER get enough Sowell. He's just so brilliant.
Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whiteboard is awesome for everyone, made for idiots as MFI phrase goes 😁
I just had to endure equity and diversity training for work.....came here to heal my soul
I feel so sorry for what you have to go through. I retired before having to undergo that kind of brainwashing. Id hate to think Id probably pretend to go along with it.
I quit my job because of them. Ugh I’m sorry you have to deal with that!
Bless your poor soul
Do what i did. I watched a couple minutes of similar training. Took note of everything wrong with it. Took my issues to HR and manager and explained why the training was bad, in a way they couldn't refute. I refused to do anymore of the training. They didn't make me do the training.
@@MRGoods89 Someome tried to do that at my previous job. He was fired less than a week later. Called him combative and problematic. Problem is is they are an addiction/mental health place that is completely funded by federal and state grants. So DEI basically owns HR. I got out of there a few months later, absolutely crazy.
As a Montessori teacher, I love hearing this. My professional organizations (AMI and AMS) have fully embraced the equity and gender theory standpoints. I finally decided to leave teaching after watching this destroy my classrooms. But I can assure you, it doesn’t matter what color of skin my student has or what their poverty level is… I can teach teach division into the millions and most of the parts of grammar before my student turns 6 and it isn’t even difficult. I love it. My students love it. They are capable of it. Children in the first plane of development (0-6 years old) have what Montessori called an “absorbent mind” and the child can learn more than we give them credit. She said after that age, the child just learn and put effort into his learning, but before that, he can absorb it! That’s why languages can be learned by little children so effortlessly! I love teaching, I hate that I can no longer find a way to use my skills because of what society has demanded of our learning institutions. If I had the money, I would open my own school but for now, I’ve opted to be a receptionist at a hair salon. I refuse to teach the way they want me too and therefor I am no longer accepted as a professional in the school system.
Go teach private pls people like you are only hope for kids in this days of madnes.
That's a shame, and it's a brewing crisis. School systems are systematically chasing out level headed teachers and inviting increasingly extremist ones. There's a reckoning coming on that account, but all it'll do is change standards so bad teachers can't actively teach this stuff.
Hopefully things change soon enough for people like you to re-enter the field, because if they don't, then we're going to lose an entire generation of skilled teachers.
Look into an online program called Kolbe Academy. I think people with your standpoint on education will have a distinct advantage getting hired by their program
Well said. You're making a stand for the truth and I appreciate what you said. Thank you.
I hope that one day you may return to the vocation that you love and benefit yourself and those children. 🙏⭐💞
I'm from the UK, and through primary school I was taught in a Montessori school, and that method of teaching was truly incredible. I was learning much faster than others my age, and after I left primary school I was accepted into a Grammar school after taking the 11+ exam. I am now expected to achieve top grades in my GCSE exams, which will put me on the path towards top universities.
It's a shame that you are no longer able to apply your teaching methods in schools, it clearly works.
Thomas Sowell is a true American treasure. His books change the way I think about almost everything.
Nature is the mother of equity 👉 The Connections (2021) [short documentary] 💖
Indeed. I'm reading through his "Vision of the Anointed" now and am loving it.
Can u recommend one of his writings?
@@ericruiz4404 I recommend Vision of the Anointed as I am currently reading it and loving it.
Consider yourself lucky for finding him. I do!
it's always a pleasure listening to this great professor.
“A society that puts equality-in the sense of equality of outcome-ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom, and the force, introduced for good purposes, will end up in the hands of people who use it to promote their own interests.” ~Thomas Sowell
And that is why that infamous unicorn, the "Real Communism" has never been tried, and never will be.
“Those who would give up essential liberty for safety will het neither liberty nor safety” -Ben Franklin
Ok people, equity here is misunderstood and misput. let me put it like this, in a school you have two students, ones mother just got cancer and the other is from a wealthy family with a tutor. Is it fair to put the same academic expectation on the 2 of them?
The goal of equity is to account for people's starting position. Some people are placed ahead of the curve at birth, they could have more money, healthier lives or parents and the other student could have mental illness or stress. Putting them in the same room and having them take the same test with the same government provided resources would be equality. Equity would be providing more resources to the more disadvantaged students and weighting there test differently.
Equity in education goes against alot of what we see, however if you ever here I want to be judged for my work and progress, that is equity. If you here I want to be judged for results, not the work I put in, that is equality.
@@alexlloyd5354 'Is it fair to put the same academic expectation on the 2 of them? '
Yes. It's not the fault of the fortunate person that the other person is unfortunate - why should he be handicapped or not benefit from an advantage?
OK, then you beleave that. However, this is much more arguable and more important t9 understand than the arguments given above. For example, I could argue that since the student who is disadvantaged has no control over his circumstances, he shouldn't be penalized by circumstance.
Thomas Sowell is wonderful. I wish we lived in a world where his teachings were commonplace. It's a shame too that because he's so old now he can't be on podcasts because that would be the best way to spread his message quickly and to the audience that would benefit most from this great man.
I’m sure he can get on podcasts…someone is just gonna have to arrange it for him. We need his voice
@@monique_pryce I hope that's the case and he's able. Because if so there are some folks willing to travel to him. Do you happen to know when the last time he was interviewed was?
Sowell should be an academic standard in schools from K-12, and in all higher education. He goes far beyond just a national treasure. He should represent the standard that our educational industry wants to inspire millions to achieve, and perhaps some, even surpass.
The sad truth is that we now have millions of educators in this country who don't know that he exists, don't care, would be profoundly challenged by his insights and his glorious common sense, and whose first instincts would be to keep his enlightenment away from the charges they are hired to indoctrinate.
Ah, but Sowell is still there for those who go looking, to find.
I happened to stumble across this video, and I'm amazed! I honestly had never heard this argument and seen it illustrated so succinctly. Thank you for the visuals and making this video. I'm rethinking some of my stances.
Excellent presentation. Really enjoyed the artwork. Thomas Sowell is one of the most intelligent men this country has had the benefit of.
I have loved this speech of Tom Sowell's since I first found it 3 years ago... The illustrations help make his point very vividly, and always have an artisanal, complementary take on the subject that goes deeper than a basic illustration would have. Love it, great work.
What do you love about it? His argument is actually false! Where is equality of output found?
@@obeb787 how about affirmative action you dolt
@@obeb787 Which part of his argument do you ignorantly believe is false?
@@askeladd60 how is affirmative action equality of outcome? is getting into college the actual outcome or the opportunity? It’s all based on your definition isn’t it? Plus we have to consider decades upon decades of prejudice in history. How would you repair that? What other method would you use that produces equality of opportunity?
@@adamdrouin2295 which part of his argument do you ignorantly believe is truth?
This idea has been suppressed and shamed out of our bloated institutions, but we must be able to have this discussion if we are to restore balance and move forward. Please share this video. If you like this video, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. Thank you
There are 2 kinds of Socialism-Equality Of Opportunity & Equality of Outcome-& there are aspects of both that are commonplace throughout the Unite States today. Equality Of Opportunity includes things like public education, emergency medical care, & protections guaranteed in the Constitution; everyone regardless of income or citizenship status has the right to access these things. Equality Of Outcome includes things like the highways, the police & fire departments, & Social Security programs; everyone pays taxes to fund these things & we all get to use them because of this. So, the next time you encounter someone who says that socialism is bad, be sure to explain to them these things, & be sure to ask them if they think that they would be better without them.
I would like to offer some constructive advise for drumming up financial support. Treat us viewers as potential investors. Right now we get your content free. If we do nothing we still get it free. So you are asking us to do something, when we could do nothing and their would be no change. That is the hurdle.
I would recommend making a video that shows how you make your videos. The issue would be making it entertaining to watch, while teaching us how much work goes into the production of these videos. Perhaps instead of just early access, you could sweeten the pot by showing the making of videos. Parts of the video that didn't make the final edit. Exclusive content. Another good tactic is to relate the price of the monthly subscription to that of a price of a drink and most coffee stores. Which is a good bargain for what you are offering. Another idea is to allow people to make one time donations, a tip jar if you will.
It's not "nuanced" it's magical. Sowell believes all of the inequities of the world can be fixed with good, but tough teachers or what he calls "good" education.
This is simply not true. A kid with a low eye cue (I know) does not benefit from classroom education beyond a certain point which changes with eye cue. Eye cue is highly heritable and mostly based on your jeans (I know) with environmental effects mostly being on the negative (IOW, a bad environment can damage your eye cue but a good one will not raise your eye cue above what nature gave you in the first place).
Education is not magic. Buildings are not magic. Books are not magic.
This in-fact IS NOT a nuanced idea at all. If you think the American form of "justice" is applying the same rules and standards to everyone is a reality, then you are being willfully ignorant. You are not a free thinker, you only "freely think" what Joe Rogan espouses. This channel has continued to deliver capitalist, classist, racist rhetoric for a while now, it's just embarrassing. It is now clear that you are in fact - lost - or where never found and just continued to illustrate words of others, wish they were better words.
This was an amazing visualization of Thomas sowell's speech. I felt like it really took the essence of what he's trying to get across. I love this message
I have never heard of thomas sowell but this was one of the most eloquent lectures ive ever heard
"If you want to help people, you tell them the truth. If you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear."
how it works in democracy?
Democracy have nothing to do with both
And which is this? A truth, or what people want to hear?
Love that quote to bits.
Funny I retired at 47 was at santna row happy hour, they asked what I did Im retired i goof off.. They were shocked lotery winnings stock options?? Man you are lucky.. It kinda pissed me off I had a plan saved invested there was no luck just a plan and I did it.. They made every excuse in the known universe. It was depressing to hear all those feeble losers..Im going to start, or i could have done that..none stated Im on track to do that.. NONE.. Kicker they wanted free drinks from me??? Get lost im retired..
Unbelievable that he was seeing this and speaking about it so clearly over 20 years ago. 🙏🇺🇲
I love this guy...common sense, a clear lens and, most importantly, a voice critical and vital to every school on the planet. Thank you, Mr Sowell.God Bless.
I believe in equal opportunity for all but not equal outcome. Those who work the hardest and perform the best should get the oppurtunities they deserve.
Yes, but not everyone gets the same playing field. This was the whole point of the vid. Equality/fairness is a lie & y this world is a mess.
@@pongkham143 not sure why this is so diffcult for people to understand. Americans just refuse to believe it. Gotta start at the beginning when you tell the story.
@@akrobatik7154 you need to rewatch the vid & understand what cosmic justice is.
And in the video, Thomas argues that if his teacher had the cosmic justice perspective, he would’ve ended up way worse but because he was treated with equality and not equity, he was able to rise above and become great
I believe equal opportunity is not something that is smart. For example, if you want 5 children from your classroom to become a chess grandmaster , the preferred choice should be to pick the smart guys in the class , it's not smart to provide an opportunity to an average or dumb guy, because that would produce bad results. Take another example as , bricklayers, everyone knows that physical strength is required in this case and a man can perform better, so why give females the opportunity, when we know , if they join that's not gonna produce good results.
I am so glad I stumbled on this video. It really explains the larger impact and problems with social justice. I try to tell people to focus on the concept of Equity in DEI stuff and how bad it is in practice. We can shun equity and still help people. We don't need to stand by and fully embrace the concept of pure equality. Social programs are important and necessary but what we currently have with DEI and other sub programs revolving around it is hurting society economically and socially. Its breaking us as a society. Where each side sees the other as literally evil...
I had a professor in engineering school that may have known Miss Simon. On lab reports and papers that we turned in, we would loose 2.5% of our grade for each punctuation or spelling error. If we did additional work above and beyond the basic requirement, we were able to earn extra credit so if you had trouble spelling you could make some of that up with extra effort. My solution was to be very careful with spelling and punctuation while at the same time doing extra work. This extra effort enabled me to make good grades and improve my understanding of the subject material. I remember once when the highest grade in the class was 16 or 17%. The smart students weren't used to making those bad grades and they were angry. My professor simply stated that he was fighting grade inflation and that they were fortunate that his stated policy was to drop the two lowest scores at the end of the semester. I learned a lot from Dr Graff and it was partially due to his clearly communicated requirements that were precisely adhered to.
You just loooste 2.5% points. Lol. Point taken, well-said.
Thomas Sowell is one of my favorite speakers. He has incredible insight that should be learned in every school
He is such a real, honest man and teacher. Thank God we have him.
He is 92 and will die soon. I will try to attend. In a chaotic world of blk folks Thomas sowell stands out as a rationale man blk folks should achieve to be
@googlenazicompany5935 A defender of American Imperialism who can not help gushing with pride. LMAO
We didn't appreciate Jesus or Washington, or even Eisenhower when they and many others
wasted a lifetime of breath to warn us of ourselves. The dimwitted will sleep the sleep of the self assured. Oh well, so do beef cattle.
Thank you Dr. Sowell. This is such a critical message for our day. I love the illustrations as well; very bold and well rendered.
What an American treasure Mr. Sowell is! I could truly listen to him for days!
Thank you for this. I've listened to several of Sowell's books multiple times and this video still helped me understand his arguments better. The drawings are actually really helpful. Well done! Keep it up!
When can we expect a comment on the 2008 "No Banker Left Behind Act".
This is what the internet was meant to be. Hearing incredible wisdom from sources you would never have had access to. Kids would be better of quitting school and self educating with lessons from Sowell. SHAME on the Teacher's Union, administrations and teachers for selfishly pleasing themselves and leaving our children behind.
They left our children behind because they get so little financially out of it. Here in America, everyone is taught that money is king, and I think that detracts everybody, teachers included, from the work they are actually doing. And such, even if they care about their students, they will take the backseat when the paycheck becomes so lackluster. Again, this is my unbased opinion, which I would love to confirm or deny with logic and facts; please leave your thoughts here too
@@eyobwalid2332 Sowell thinks the same thing. For him capitalism, "free markets" and private property are the best things since sliced bread.
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
2 Things in response. 1. If you installed "equity" for airline pilots. That is.. everyone can be an airline pilot that wants to be. And this was made mandatory. Would you ever fly again? 2nd...You do not understand Conservatism at all. Conservatives want competition. Which is the opposite of Equity. We also want everyone to be productive and successful. This is TRUE! We support hard work, honesty and commitment. But we also realize everyone has different mental capacity and talent. So outcomes will never be equal. @@thatiswhotheyare
The Pareto Principle covers everything on the planet. 80% of the comments here are just superficial, vacuous back slapping that waters down the insight offered at no charge. Sadly, they are also the ones with the most thumbs up, because a "click" does not require any thought. As for the contributor leveraged sites; quora wants to forget politics, face box doesn't care about politics and yahoo doesn't know anything about politics.
“The vision of cosmetic justice is beneficial to those who hold it even if it is not beneficial to those who Otis intended to benefit. “ it is so true!
Awesome visuals added with his voice. No one can miss the important message. Dr. Sowell always explains so well, however, this presentation is flawless and could be a classic example for great instructional media design.
Exemplary teaching on all counts! Thomas Sowell is a genius of our time. He wastes few words. Splendid art work and animation. Bravo to all.
Thank You,
Word smith. I love how he would sometimes just state one word with a pause before going into detail, exploring that word
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions"
This is excellent! Sowell's ability to clearly explain concepts cuts through the noise of those lost to petty politicking and rigorous dogmas. We need more individuals like him.
They forget to wave the American flag though this excellent work of propaganda. .
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
Wow!! I am amazed how honest & truthful this lecture was. I learned a lot!! ❤️🙏❤️
Absolutely brilliant speech, and it has aged so well.
Was separate but equal make believe also?
It amazes me how easily people fall for Sowell’s faulty logic. The “Level playing” is glossed over because it is the core fault in his argument. A level playing feild actually creates competition and innovation because it introduces a larger pool of human potential. Instead, Sowell misrepresents the argument and formulates this false notion of “cosmic justice” and “equal outcomes.” True equality has equal begins not ends, and is a real investment in the nations future. Instead, Sowell reverse engineers the argument to protect his Rich handlers. Equity would create greater competition for those Rich families and it is a threat to their wealth. Lack of competition as we know leads to stagnation, decreased innovation, and American as we see it today. Sowell argues against the core principle of competition while dressing up his argument in utopian clothes. It’s weak and transparent and we all need to see more clearly. This a common trope of the reactionary conservative elites fear of competition, while exulting its virtue for everyone but themselves.
@@thatiswhotheyarenah. you simply misunderstood the whole thing.
@@primeryai nope you need to look into wealth protection industry. Mr. Sowell is a patron. Simple maxims. “If it makes sense to me it must be true.” It’s deeper than your confirmation bias.
Thomas Sowell has is absolutely amazing. I love listening to him speak.
Thomas Sowell is brilliant.
Society seems to have been lulled into the trap of only listening to those that tell them what they want to hear, and exiling those that tell them what they need to hear.
Amazing speech and video...
This should be available in every language and have wayyy more views
It's painful to realize there are many Americans who do not know Tom Sowell.
just learned about him. glad to be here
And in the rest of the world. His message needs to be spread through the world.
US in general is probably the most disappointing country if you ever support and respected it.
Will be more painful to know that many of them hate him
Here's the thing I learned about him in college from my black sociology teacher. He mentioned that he was a "sell-out" and I naively believed him. 20 years later I learned the opposite and I realized that college campuses are nothing more than the liberal left indoctrination.
I love the re-branding of this classic talk: “Equity, the thief of human potential” So True.
Thank you for adding the imagery to this presentation - it only further highlights the spectacular enlightenment of Dr. Thomas Sowell, a man who has a credential and an education from a time when these things actually matter. So sad to see PhDs become so irrelevant.
Great to see this speech illustrated! One of my favourite Sowell speeches. Hope many are listening and watching.
This is powerful. And it so reflects the behaviors we see today. Thanks for sharing this excellent illustration of Sowell’s words.
Thomas Sowell is one of the finest human beings and Americans to have ever lived. I will be devastated when he leaves us.
This has changed my mind and opened up a new perspective for me. Thank you.
This 24 years ago 😲 amazing!! And as always thank you Afterschool for providing the images that are worth a million words 🙏
Very very well done. I’m a student of Thomas Sowell; explaining his ideas to others is so hard. Recently, I started writing to explain disparate ideas shared by him into a story. And this lecture delivers it beautifully. The visualisations take the story telling to a whole new level. Thank you so much. 👏🏽🙏🏽
I’ll make a donation!
Why try if the harder you work the more your punished.
Life is unfair...the end. Keep grinding and doing what you need to do, help others along the way if you can, learn to recognize good moments and savor them when they come, treat others the way you expect to be treated even if they don't deserve it, and give as much time as you can to the people you love.
Life is not unfair it's the most precious gift,you are the product of your choices,don't blame your environment.
Wisely said. Thank you.
..I don't know if there even is "fair", balanced, maybe..
@@alwayshavefaith8394 Please explain to me how people born with disabilities made that choice? What about people who die in random circumstances like a mass shooting or in natural disaster; they also chose that?
@@kusheen... being born with a disability doesn't mean you can't thrive and be happy,the rest of my answer UA-cam won't post I guess because it has to do with gun control.
Huge Sowell fan, I love his Anointed Ones book. I wish he was a more common household name. Massively underappreciated 😢
One of the greatest minds of this century.
If he is one of the greatest minds, then this world is truly doomed.
@@shredermn your world might be
@@RockbandDrummer321 Mine and 99% of Earth's population sure is.
Thank you Thomas Sowell for telling us the truth. It really hit like a ton of bricks concerning the judicial process. This is why we cannot have any justice anymore. Very sad.
This is Sowell gushing with pride in the capitalist future.
Love Thomas Sowell. Props to the artist, too. Very talented.
That production was very cool. A LOT of drawing!
This speech is from 1999 and we can see how far equity has changed the America in the last 25 years. The artists sketches provide excellent visualization of the content.
Thank you for the reminder. How true, how true.
You'll never encounter your true potential in a system of equity. In fact nobody will when you think about it.
Thankfully we have a system of equality
@@chuckles9767 The current construct has not been brought to you by forces that care anything for the vast majority, other than that they continue being gamed of their agency. ;)
@@chuckles9767 Who says inequality is the alternative? Besides you of course
@@chuckles9767 Agreed, Chuck. And it is a conundrum...maybe *the* conundrum. Perhaps someday the entire hominin species focuses on the contribution we all can have/give. Right now we're diminished by in-group preference, and ancient source code "survival realities" (real, or imposed by our current control constructs) via living on a spaceship with competition for limited resource inputs. Only future alien archaeologists know if we overcome that or not. Here's to hope 😉 ... Cheers.
@@friedmandesigns I personally do not understand it. People so stunted by myopia and unable to see past their microcosm. On a macro scale, it is so evident the multiple impediments to efficiencies, productivity, and and progress caused by this disunity and hyper individuality.
Also, that’s my issue with Thomas Sowell, he does not give enough acknowledgment to these systems of inequality that result in those who are disenfranchised by such systems.
Without an active balancing effort, the whole concept of meritocracy becomes nothing more than a cruel joke.
‘Do-gooders are the thieves of virtue.’ -Confucius
‘Virtue that tries to be virtuous, is not virtue.’ -Lao Tzu
Disagree with both. There will always be people, that indeed need help. It's perfectly fine to do good to those in their hour of need. If an earthquake destroys a city, give tents, water, food for a while. To abstain from that, is in fact immoral.
Anything that's new, is tried and practiced. There's no shame, but rather praise, for aiming for (trying for) being virtuous. Once perfection is reached, the trying is over and the virtue is established.
Just the idea the world could have not had a Thomas Sowell gives me chills, thanks for hard teachers. I am a couple décadas younger than him and was sent to an experimental school where children were left to find their level, even spent 3rd grade in , what they called "non grade" so as not to warp mi personality a pretty smart kid I coasted my way through with as little work as possible resulting in a poor education that I never recovered from so I was never really able to study anything in the science field which was what I wanted. I have lived a good life but always wondered what could have been
I haven't done any scentific research on this, but its only over if you quit. There is so many MOOC's available, the goal is still within reach my friend.
Exact same thing happened to me. Had to drop out of university mechanical engineering
I'm afraid this phenomenon is not an organic accident.
Accepting the role of the victim, sentences someone to a life excuses.
Those at the top have known this truth since the public school system was conceived. What we are discussing is the desired outcome. The creation of an elite, ruling class. Divided from their serfs by an impenetrable jungle of ignorance.
As soon as we awaken to this fact, we have two choices. Continue to make excuses and play the victim, or stand against the machine with every ounce of what you are. I choose the path less taken!
My personal experience much different than his and your comment resonates. It is not set up to bring all to their personal potential and anything that falls on either side of so called normal.. falls to the wayside. Homeschooling has been good but they weren't doing that in the sixties. Love and Light 💫
Equity requires the destructions of distinctions.
Distinctions are an intrinsic part of reality.
This would mean that 'Equity' runs counter to reality, and no matter to the timeframe, reality always wins.
Reality always wins.
edit: Thomas Sowell, a great man of our times.
"Equity requires the destruction of distinctions"
Quite the opposite, It requires the analysis of distinctions, than remedy for the ones producing inequality, and improvement for the ones signs of a better potential.
@@robertodesimone2823 No, i am correct.
Equality of outcome quite literally requires the destruction of distinctions.
Your own comment proves me to be correct.
@@iambob6590 Equity is NOT equality of outcome. Stop using this misleading misreppresentation. Equity is removal of external obstacles and inequality to garante real equality of opportunity.
@@robertodesimone2823 Once again you are wrong.
@@iambob6590 care to argument? Or you just have absolute "Truth" to your side?
This video is a masterpiece. By far the best use of my time today. The doctrine of equity is concerning and growing in America. This video did a wonderful job at sinking equity. As a college student I can say that equity is taught and pushed on students while equality is deemed as being a problem. We need awareness of what equity actually is practically, so history does not repeat. Amazing video.
He would have been a better boxer than Mike Tyson and Ali if his P.E teacher had higher standards and did not embrace cosmic justice or at least win a gold medal in the Olympics in boxing
All he needed was one good PE teacher who had high standards
And we would have had two Michael Jordan’s
Are humans just animals?
Ah shaddap
explain to me the "doctrine" of equity as you understand it
@Daniel I get what you are saying, it’s just not what anyone else is saying. Although many people are saying that a person would be healthier with a PE teacher that pushed students despite their failures and weaknesses instead of given students head starts and rewards because of their failures and weaknesses.
"The vision of cosmic justice is very beneficial to those who hold it even if it is not beneficial to those who it is intended to benefit. This is why people are so reluctant to give it up." That stuck with me. You see that exact mindset in social activists all the time.
He is one of my favorite thinkers and I admire him so much. It's horrible to see how nuance is lost nowadays and that so many Americans don't know his name. I'm not American myself.
He's incredibly stupid, and its amazing how gullible you are.
I also recommend Coleman Hughes, Shelby Steele, Jason Riley, John McWhorter, Walter Williams, Glenn Loury.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali's, "The Market for Victimhood".
Thomas Sowell is an endless source of wisdom.
What an awesome gift this man is to our America! A blessing to those who know they don't know everything.
Absolutely brilliant - a visionary man. Thanks also to the After Skool artist for such illustrations. May God help us all, Ciao, L (Veteran)
People have been ignoring this man to their detriment for decades.
Hopefully his teachings will continue gaining popularity.
Thank you for this amazing video and illustrations captured forever to educate us. Best wishes from England, UK.
Wow! Never heard of Thomas Sowell, sadly this message will be ‘highly problematic’
Reminded me my teachers also had no thoughts for my ‘feelings’ either, and I’m very grateful!
Awesome animation ❤
Problematic it is. It only benefits the already established elites and makes everyone else work harder for their benefit.
Thomas Sowell has a ton of great stuff here on UA-cam, so keep watching and spreading the word