If you’re unlucky to find their nest; that sounds totally backwards to me but hey I love BOP’s. Red-shouldered hawks are excellent at swooping down on prey on the ground. I have often seen them do it with extreme efficiency. By a crick I had the pleasure of watching them grab up a 3’ snake with out even landing; or pounce on a bird or rat, and crush it. They hunt like this all the time it isn’t uncommon to see them do this and fly off screeching to all about their victory.
So lovely
If you’re unlucky to find their nest; that sounds totally backwards to me but hey I love BOP’s. Red-shouldered hawks are excellent at swooping down on prey on the ground. I have often seen them do it with extreme efficiency. By a crick I had the pleasure of watching them grab up a 3’ snake with out even landing; or pounce on a bird or rat, and crush it. They hunt like this all the time it isn’t uncommon to see them do this and fly off screeching to all about their victory.