Still my favorite movie back in the days .. but the last part of the movie is not that good couse that was my thought when i was a wee bit younger. And that holds up to this day
There's one exchange in the movie I will always love; Izzy: Do you know what a semi-conductor is? Tai: Uh, a guy who works part time at a train station? Izzy: Sigh, never mind.
Izzy: Two mega level digimon beat by one lousy bug. Wargreymon quit like a coward. Tai: YOU SAY THAT AGAIN AND I'LL-! Izzy: I was reading an email from another kid! Tai: You didn't have to read it so *well*.
Even after watching the original japanese version of "Our war game", I still enjoy the US version. Guilty pleasure I guess. ^^; But the third part... uurgh, even as a kid I noticed how horrible it was edited.
The third part might have been at least better if Ken was there as he was easily the most interesting new character of 02, but even then not likely since the 3rd act was focused almost entirely on new character Willis. Which even with the original Japanese special I'm confused, why did they think a half-hour or so would be enough time to get attached to a character we'll likely never see again afterwards while the actual cast we know are just there to help him with his story? I mean, at least with most shonen filler movies they at least have 90 minutes of screentime to get invested in the new movie-exclusive characters. Usually doesn't work but at least it's more viable.
My sister and I loved Digimon growing up, so naturally we convinced our parents to take us to see this when it came out. We were no longer allowed to watch the show after they sat through that.
I enjoyed this review waaaaaay more than The Nostalgia Critic's review for the chief reason of he knew the show and thus knew what was actually going on.
It may have been said already at this point but I say it anyway. Thank you Sage, its so irritating that no one ever mentions the idea that sometimes no matter how terrible a movie might be from a technical or critical level. Sometimes there is a reason that movies are loved and remembered by a small following regardless of scenario. "Art is not experienced in a vacuum" if more reviewers understood this I think that there would be a lot more cult followings rather then universal internet hate of so many stupid (yet lovable) campy old films, games, ect. You sir earned yourself a subscriber.
I'm kinda surprised he didn't mention that while the plots of the 3 films were altered in the "Digimon movie", the plot of the last film, originally Hurricane Touchdown, is near completely changed.
15:55 uh Bennett not to be THAT guy, but that's not Cocomon, Cocomon is it's baby form's name, THAT is the Champion form known as Wendigomon. Yes I am that much of a digimon nerd....I regret nothing.
Yes, but it's still a flaw, since while the movie doesn't say it Bennett is reviewing it and even if you looked it up on Wikipedia it would say the same thing.
Wait really? I owned the movie as a kid, WAS a hardcore digimon fan,(The newer anime and games got me dis-interested and i left the fandom) and even I didn't know that until THIS VERY MOMENT.
Even in the original Japanese, Wendigomon was still called Kokomon by Willis/Wallace. Not sure why (probably similar to why they called Agumon Koromon in the original of the pilot movie), but that's what they did.
Wendigomon.. yeah, thanx, thats was it. Gosh, it's actually such an easy name if you thinka bout, if they would only mention it int he movie... Also, anyone else agrees that Wendigomon is the most underapreciated digimon ever? We see Terriermons from and all of cocomon's other forms oftens used, but Wenidgomon is no where to be seen. Like dammit, cyber sleuth. Screw Gargomon, I want the big brown guy with the belly blasters and the swinging dance moves.
10:01 You can take classes at a university or college while still going to school. Willis is still in elementary, but he's taking "classes" at Colorado state; which could mean he's either got college courses on the weekend or he goes to the college during the summer for courses. You don't "have" to be at college to take college courses. I know, "don't explain the joke", but this isn't a confusing concept.
Charlene Alyssa Ingram while I know digimon games are hit or miss, I would take the best digimon game over the best Pokémon game. Particularly the digimon World Series.
Yeah, Sage's critique put a good amount of salt in the wound, but even still.....Digimon Movie is one of my favorite childhood/anime movies of all time and that will never change. :)
joseph hawk I've wasted 2500 hour of my life watching digimon .....I've watched every eps about 10 times, it took me years I still don't remember what's any eps was about
So wait, was Summer Wars Hosoda's way to atone for the sins of this movie? Watching the 2nd act, I'm thinking, "I'm watching Summer Wars but with Digimon characters"
I'm just shocked that Hosoda worked on this. The art style looked reminiscent of his, but I thought it was just coincidence. Then after Sage made the Hosoda reference, I just had to look it up. It's a small world in the anime industry after all.
Watch the fist part with subs look for "Digimon Adventure OVA", it's the short film that started the franchise and the end with the final credits and the music allways give me nostalic teary eyes. It's almost a silent film. "And that's why I am here today"
Yup. I hated that show too, and the skit was beyond cringewothy. Most of the time you forget it was even apart of the film. It as a show though was bad, it was such a cliched premise that wasn't remotely funny.
Your nostalgia speech at the end of this episode really hit the nail on the head (^^) I couldn't agree more! Fantastic episode! It was a blast seeing you review Pokémon, Escaflowne and Digimon back to back!
My absolute favourite is the very first. Still bing watch it from time to time. XD Tamers, is one of my least favourite, it's too darka dn serious for my taste. What I can agree on is that it clearly has the best opening of all seasons. "Ich bin nur ein großer träumer, doch ich weiß es kommt der tag..." (I'm from germany btw.)
The sad thing is that the whole 'virus finding them in the real world' part is ridiculous but in the context of the show...made perfect sense. The problem is in adaptation. In some adaptations you have over-explanations where the movies try to hold your hand and walk you through everything that you should already know from the source material and then you have a movie like this which doesn't even bother. If you watched the shows, you understand, if you didn't then heaven help you. Added on top of that, i'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that the third portion takes place after a season that North America didn't even get. In the US editions we never see angemon and angewoman get their golden digi eggs, or see the evolved forms you see in that movie in the show. Because that portion never actually aired here. So even if you were an avid fan you're left going 'wait..what? When did that happen?'.
Matthew Daye Actually, this movie aired in the late 90's to early 2000''s, while trip didn't start until well into 2014. It is also being dubbed and released here as we speak on Crunchyroll, so NA fans can indeed view those films... I don't know why you'd want to though, because they are kinda meh.
kanchomerocks12 Then I have no knowledge of what he's talking about, because no suck show exists. If he's talking about the Wonderswan got me there. I have no idea what the hell is going on with those games.
...what are you talking about? No such show exists. Seraphimon and Holydramon/Magnadramon evolving and creating golden Digimentals/Eggs was just as nonsensical in Japan as it was here.
@@NobodyBasically In the movie "Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals", T.K. and Kari's Digimon digivolve to Seraphymon and Magnadramon to release the Digi-Eggs for Willis and Davis .. So, yeah, it was just them digivolving for the first time to mega. And making the egg, so that they could have magnamon and rapidmon show up.
I still have my VHS copy! Used to play it for my sister when my parent's went to work. Good memories with this one. The first season of the show is brilliant and I still watch them and the movie now and then.
Damn, lol. Only you could rip apart one of my favorite childhood movies and yet remind me why I loved it in the same video. Keep up the good work man, looking forward to the next review.
The latinamerica version of the show didn´t have the digi-rap. Instead we got a beautiful and badass version of Butterfly, which lives fondly in our hearts. ... I was utterly confused by that song in the movie.
I feel like the digimon movie gets over scrutinized and nitpkicked...for a kid and fan its a great film...fuck everyone else who cant a kid I followed along and enjoyed it...cant you as an adult...its fun and funny...just lay attention...its not that bad
One of the best things about the internet is that you can find an HD reconstruction of this movie. Yes, Digimon: The Movie does exist in 1080p...sort of.
I rewatched Digimon in it's subbed form; you get a lot more out of the movies and show from the sub than you do the dub. Mind, yes the Digimon movie went through a nostalgia filter for me as a kid.
21:35 - 22:17 I think that perfectly sums up how all the parents who were dragged into the theater felt. (And how I felt watching it again years later.)
What Sage said about the nostalgia of this film hits home so hard for me. I was 13 when the Digimon movie came out on VHS. My dad promised me a copy for my birthday so my best friend, my sister and myself sat around watching it on a tiny TV/VCR combo on my dining room table. We ate pizza and birthday cake while chanting the theme song. To this day we look back on that weekend with fond memories. it's a dumb movie but I'll always remember that feeling of happiness getting to watch with my best friend and sister.
Dumpster fire is too generous. This is more like that prank that kids play where they fill a bag with dog shit, leave it on your front porch, set it on fire, ring the doorbell and run away.
+MrBubbleBox correct.... even after all these years i STILL like this movie..... the salt that this movie review put into my wounds hurts..................
And that movie still managed to suck. Just significantly less. It basically was a rehash of the second special/part of the 'movie', stupid plot points and all. Just replace Digimon with fursonas and avatars and the difference is damn near uncanny (shit, wasn't there some hackneyed romance subplot in the digimon bit as well?)
I feel as though you missed the point of Summer Wars. It was more about the closeness of the family and how in tragedy family is who you can count on the most to help, even if you feel like the outsider of it. The world ending bit was... stupid. but it was more a means to bind the family together. Mamoru Hosoda probably liked what he did in this film and wanted to do it again but better and found Summer Wars to the best place to include it vs his other works.
I really don't get why people dislike this movie. I love the snarky dialogue and the music and I actually think they improved the plot with the changes. Some examples of what I think was improved: 1. They gave Diaboromon an actual motive for his actions, adding a tragic dimension to his character, and giving a reason for him dialing all those phones, not to mention giving him more lines, and, by extension, an actual personality, along with a reason for him existing in the first place. 2. They provided an actual reason for why Willis/Wallace's digimon got transformed. 3. They cut out the sub-plot of Wendigomon kidnapping and de-aging the season 1 kids. It's especially good considering that they never showed what happened to them afterwards in the original. 4. They improved Cherubimon's death scene with him thanking Willis/Wallace. 5. They improved the scene before Omnimon's creation with this line. Tai to Wargreymon: "I don't have a whistle to wake you." Tying together both shorts and adding more weight to the situation for Tai, perhaps the scene reminded of him what happened with Greymon and Parrotmon. 6. They improved Tai and Izzy's character interaction. Like in the scene where Tai attacks Izzy. In the original, it was just Izzy reading some rather lightly annoying emails, here it was one long and fairly nasty email without Izzy indicating they were someone else's words. They also gave Izzy a reason for needing to use the restroom, with the whole gag of Tai's mom's recipes instead of him just having too much tea. 7. This bit: "I'm Greymon now." "You can be whoever you want...big guy..." Cue roar and epic beatdown 8. This line: Izzy: YOU'VE!!! GOT!!! MAIL!!! followed by Diaboromon: "Connection...terminated..." 9. A lot of the music really helps give the movie more energy, for example: "One Week" because the music really fits the fast montage of daily life events and mirrors Tai and Sora's situation. "Here We Go" adds tension and importance to the situation along with Matt and TK's dialogue, really getting the audience to feel how everyone's hopes are pinned on the heroes and their determination to prevail despite the odds against them. "Let's kick it up." Especially the way the "Yeah!"s in the song synch up with Omnimon's blasting. "Hey Digimon" with the happy childlike feel to it, especially with the random children chasing them. It really adds a nostalgic joy of childhood feel to the scene. The English digivolution theme, during the fight between Parrotmon and Greymon. It sounds triumphant and it especially goes well with the fight, like it's saying "This is who we are and what we do." 10. Kairi's voiceover. While it could state the obvious, especially in the first segment, it mostly provides either humorous commentary on the events, or gives the audience information they wouldn't have had otherwise (e.g. what's with the phone dialing?). Also, I have a crush on Lara Jill Miller's voice... Don't judge me xD Now, I don't think the movie was perfect. They whole "pulling out Golden Digi-eggs from nowhere after suddenly being able to mega-digivolve" thing really makes no sense. I also thought Sora came off as being rather bratty and unfair, not coming to help Tai or even hear what was going on. But I don't think those ruin the movie. If anyone disagrees with me, I respect their opinion, but I think this movie gets an unfairly bad rap from it's critics.
"By the end of this you'll all realize why I am the way I am" ...*glaces at gabe**thinks back to sins of the sisters**thinks back to Apocalypse Zero* *thinks back to Mad Bull*Sweet Christ... this is gonna be good
The worst part is that the newer releases for *Pokemon the First Movie* don't include the cute opening shorts, but all copies of *The Digimon Movie* have that Angela Anaconda skit.
LOL, I think the ONE PIECE Rap is worse, but maybe it's because I'm a massive One Piece fan and anything involving the 4Kids Dub is just a constant kick to the balls. Thank goodness for FUNimation
Odex might possibly have a worst dub then 4kids with One Piece. 4kids overall is the worst one with the way they butchered the show with edits but Odex dub is almost equally as worst going off clips I've seen of it off UA-cam
If you think 4Kids is bad, just check out the old school Voltron dub. In that version, in addition to the usual 4Kids styled edits like dumbing down the show, taking out the violence and changing names, Pidge sounded like a gremlin, Sven (Shiro) sounded like the Swedish Chef Muppet, there is a Robeast that sounded like Stewie from Family Guy and to top off all of this weirdness off -- Lotor, one of the villains, is played by the man who voiced Scrappy Doo. It is one hell of a surreal series to watch to say the least. I swear it is like Proto 4Kids with all of the edits made in that version. At least it's fun to riff. Also, the subbed version, Go Lion, is super violent as well, being like a poorly written version of Berserk with blood and guts everywhere, using a lot of mature subject matter. If Go Lion got a FUNimation dub -- it would be rated R, hands down. Also, VLD, the Netflixs reboot, is awesome. xP But yeah, 4Kids is still the worst when it comes to edits. At least the new YGO movie was good and stuck more to the actual anime. They even showed guns in that movie. Never heard of Odex, though. I'm super thankful FUNimation exists.
Every time I see a review of this film, I have forgotten about the Angela Anaconda short and every time I am slapped by its existence like a gigantic wet trout.
I grew up on the third Digimon instead of Pokemon. All I remember was the leader always cried and at the end of the show, they evolved and mixed with their animals and were controlling them like EVAs. They were naked and you couldn't see their balls
I remember this movie from when I was REALLY young and was to little for the original anime but my brother showed this movie to me...long story short THANK CHRIST FOR DIGIMON TRI
I remember when I first found the unedited subtitled versions of the three movies that made this up. They're pretty decent went they aren't all trying to act as if there's a single nonexistent narrative between them.
So much nostalgia with the reference to the Digi-Bowl I still remember my frustration over the fact that it was a Digimon marathon playing /at the same time/ as a Pokemon marathon on Kids WB. That was the most stressful day of my childhood, having to decide between the two
The first thing I did after first seeing this "Movie" is I searched the internet for the 3 OVAs that FOX slapped together to make it and needless to say those were far more interesting.
I was subjected to 45 minutes of this pile of pigshit by the anime club I was in 2 years ago. It was because we couldn't find Spirited Away. Yeah, this is some Shakespeare level tragedy.
Sage, you've been fiddling around with my childhood for the pass few reviews. Pretty sure my childhood won't be left untouched.... I realize how bad my phrasing is....
Hey Bennett when are you going to review Gantz, I see you already have the dvds for it (if you're wondering where, I saw them in an earlier episode I had just watched)
I was like 7 when this came out, and watching it made me cringe even back then. (which was hella disappointing considering how big of a fan I was of the series) Go watch the movie Summer Wars. It basically did what the Digimon movie tried to do, but a million times better.
just got me the dvd some years ago. XD I actually watched the japanese version of "Our war game" (the second story), and while I enjoy quiet moments, in this case, I honestly prefered the parts with pop-music in it.
thelinedrive yeah. i have it on dvd from when it first came out and as long as I ignore the 3rd act I still love the movie flaws and all. I just skip the 3rd act and go right to the end credits
It's cringy in parts, but I'll admit the montage to the Bare-Naked Ladies track still warms a bit of my soul. It's weirdly inoffensive and oddly nostalgic.
I'm super glad that I caught it on TV as a teenager because it meant that I could follow the Team Four Star Abridgimon special, which is 10/10 100/100.
I know the thing as a whole is a dumpster fire, but what about the individual segments/thirds of this "film"? From what I remember and what I hear most often, the middle segment, "Our War Game" is often considered an incredible piece of animation for the Digimon franchise as a whole.
Foresight616 The first short film, Digimon Adventure, is what helped kickstart the franchise. It's great in Japanese. Watch the subbed version sometime if you can. Our War Game, the second film, is good as a standalone piece, but it's not without its problems. For starters, it doesn't have the same writer as the show, and it shows more than one would think at a glance (more on that in a bit). Also, the plot point about Tai and Matt going into the Internet is dumb no matter the language it's in. If you want to see an anime that takes a similar idea to this film done better, check out Summer Wars if you haven't already. It's written by the same guy, and he basically took the good parts of Our War Game and refined it. The third film, Hurricane Touchdown (or whatever the hell it's called) is just as nonsensical and incoherent in Japanese as it is in English. If you value your free time, just skip it.
Cartoon Critic Yeah the 3rd film was a mess partly because Digimon Adventure 02 was a total mess. Armor Digivolving itself made little sense in its own context. The Digimon became weaker and lamer(seriously, 3 armor digimons could not even give a sweat to Kokomon for 5 whole minutes while Angemon and Angewomon were able to tear its flesh with one blast?) Fusion became way too convenient a plot device(thank god this section doesnt have that. Great job 'movie' you did one thing right!!) that ruined the novelty of fusion we saw with Omnimon(like several other anime action shows). Davis needs to be taped across his mouth(whines WAYYY TOO MUCH), Yolei and that little kid(forgot his name) might as well not exist, TK and Kari get little growth from season 1 and the entire original cast get the shaft, having little relevance to the entire plot after being developed and grown so much that we loved them.
I remember my cousin bought this movie when I was a toddler and I swear it was a fever dream where I had no idea what was going on and forget about it until every once and a while people mention and I go "Oh right that thing that happened". I know more about Angela anaconda at the beginning of the movie than digimon than what digimon was because at least I watched her show!
Speaking of Saban, shame there wasn't a Mushrambo movie for them to butcher. I was hoping Sage would tackle Shinzo at some point, but that can't happen.
for Mushrambo there were two OVA's released that compiled both seasons into two ova's... only in japan. and that was back in 2008. also the english dub is butchered enough on it's own. seriously combining two episodes into one making it a giant mess, i will never let that go. thank god for the dutch dub for those episodes as they kept them separate and aside from minor details those are practically the same as the japanese original episodes. shame the dutch dub is rare to find uploaded on the internet. (dutch dubs tend to be kinda bad so it's not saying much, you heard one, you practically heard them all, they recycle voice actors a lot, especially older dubs.) but glad to see someone here at least remembers that show.
It wouldn't be too much different really. The first segment was just a prologue/promotional film. The second segment was legitimately good, but still took major leaps of logic. And while the dub hacked it into pieces for running time, the third segment was just as bad in Japanese. Probably even worse because most of the deleted scene lacked any explanation or character growth.
you know, i am REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY glad i grew up watching the german dub of digimon, because they translated directly from japanese one including the OST...the dub version is just sooooo bad...
3:14 Like what Robotech did with Macross? 4:08 Dafuq was that?! 4:27 And then FOX Kids ended shortly afterward. Coincidence? I think NOT! 12:28 For some reason, I'm not surprised Terry Bradshaw would do this. Thanks for explaining why I never got into Digimon as a kid or teenager, Sage. I also watched Nostalgia Critic team up with JesuOtaku to "review" (more like eviscerate) this Frankenstein's monster of a movie, and I knew I was in for a treat when the Angela Anaconda intro made Jesu say "OH, FUCK ME!"
A $5,000,000 budget? Well let's see, purchesing the rights to the shorts, voice acting, advertising, licensing for the music, and hiering that one dude for the commerical.... that leave what, $20 to pay some dork to sit down for an afternoon and edit this mess together? Sure as hell seems that way. Abridging has shown us it's possible to take from several sources and edit them together and get something that's genuinely watchable.
Have exactly the same feeling. My best friend and I got a copy of this, and watched it on his dad's projector. It is a woeful film, but the childhood memories are not.
I literally watched this so movie so many times growing up that I can recite the script on command.
...I am not ashamed.
my younger self was able to do that. XD
But I still enjoy the movie to this day... well except the third part.
toongrowner1 yeah the 3rd part is where it fails. really i just skip to the end credits after the 2nd act. movie works much better without it
Klonoahedgehog I don't even remember it ending that way. I just love the animation. It was a big part of my childhood.
Klonoahedgehog i loved it so much i sketched Omnimon
Still my favorite movie back in the days .. but the last part of the movie is not that good couse that was my thought when i was a wee bit younger. And that holds up to this day
There's one exchange in the movie I will always love;
Izzy: Do you know what a semi-conductor is?
Tai: Uh, a guy who works part time at a train station?
Izzy: Sigh, never mind.
Izzy: Two mega level digimon beat by one lousy bug. Wargreymon quit like a coward.
Izzy: I was reading an email from another kid!
Tai: You didn't have to read it so *well*.
Our War Game (the middle part) is still the best part. Though if you wanna see it done better
Summer Wars. Go watch Summer Wars.
Yeah, summer wars is basically the exact same story just done better.
Even after watching the original japanese version of "Our war game", I still enjoy the US version. Guilty pleasure I guess. ^^;
But the third part... uurgh, even as a kid I noticed how horrible it was edited.
yeah, that third part is ... yeah ... I've never liked it, but since it featured the Adventure 2 cast, it had little hope of not sucking
The third part might have been at least better if Ken was there as he was easily the most interesting new character of 02, but even then not likely since the 3rd act was focused almost entirely on new character Willis. Which even with the original Japanese special I'm confused, why did they think a half-hour or so would be enough time to get attached to a character we'll likely never see again afterwards while the actual cast we know are just there to help him with his story? I mean, at least with most shonen filler movies they at least have 90 minutes of screentime to get invested in the new movie-exclusive characters. Usually doesn't work but at least it's more viable.
Lunar Templar director straight up ripped the story for his next movie
Scott Sandler i hope he does 4kids one piece
Scott Sandler DIGIMON!
Justin Sigler 😨😨😨😨
That's Mighty
"I was surfing the net and I wiped out"
Wow all these years of watching this movie and I just now got that joke
Caleb Faletogo the animation was so gorgeous, i didnt even realize anyone was speaking english
My sister and I loved Digimon growing up, so naturally we convinced our parents to take us to see this when it came out. We were no longer allowed to watch the show after they sat through that.
That sucks. My favorite season was 2, and Digimon Frontier's opening english theme is AWESOME!!
GOD, it's weird coming back to this and hearing Lara Jill Miller's voice after watching Beastars.
She also does the voice of Sandy the Squirrel from SpongeBob.
I enjoyed this review waaaaaay more than The Nostalgia Critic's review for the chief reason of he knew the show and thus knew what was actually going on.
"It might say 5 minutes but it feels like 5 years "
That's called time dilation. It happens when you get close to a black hole.
It may have been said already at this point but I say it anyway.
Thank you Sage, its so irritating that no one ever mentions the idea that sometimes no matter how terrible a movie might be from a technical or critical level. Sometimes there is a reason that movies are loved and remembered by a small following regardless of scenario. "Art is not experienced in a vacuum" if more reviewers understood this I think that there would be a lot more cult followings rather then universal internet hate of so many stupid (yet lovable) campy old films, games, ect.
You sir earned yourself a subscriber.
I'm kinda surprised he didn't mention that while the plots of the 3 films were altered in the "Digimon movie", the plot of the last film, originally Hurricane Touchdown, is near completely changed.
15:55 uh Bennett not to be THAT guy, but that's not Cocomon, Cocomon is it's baby form's name, THAT is the Champion form known as Wendigomon.
Yes I am that much of a digimon nerd....I regret nothing.
To be fair it's not like the movie makes it clear.
I didn't even know what it was called until I played Digimon world Dawn.
Yes, but it's still a flaw, since while the movie doesn't say it Bennett is reviewing it and even if you looked it up on Wikipedia it would say the same thing.
Wait really? I owned the movie as a kid, WAS a hardcore digimon fan,(The newer anime and games got me dis-interested and i left the fandom) and even I didn't know that until THIS VERY MOMENT.
Even in the original Japanese, Wendigomon was still called Kokomon by Willis/Wallace. Not sure why (probably similar to why they called Agumon Koromon in the original of the pilot movie), but that's what they did.
Wendigomon.. yeah, thanx, thats was it. Gosh, it's actually such an easy name if you thinka bout, if they would only mention it int he movie...
Also, anyone else agrees that Wendigomon is the most underapreciated digimon ever?
We see Terriermons from and all of cocomon's other forms oftens used, but Wenidgomon is no where to be seen. Like dammit, cyber sleuth. Screw Gargomon, I want the big brown guy with the belly blasters and the swinging dance moves.
I've waited so long for these day. Thank you my lord
You can take classes at a university or college while still going to school.
Willis is still in elementary, but he's taking "classes" at Colorado state; which could mean he's either got college courses on the weekend or he goes to the college during the summer for courses.
You don't "have" to be at college to take college courses.
I know, "don't explain the joke", but this isn't a confusing concept.
Digimon anime > Pokemon anime
Digimon games < Pokemon games
Digimon = Pokémon
And that's why Ash will never win another Pokemon League tournament.
Charlene Alyssa Ingram while I know digimon games are hit or miss, I would take the best digimon game over the best Pokémon game. Particularly the digimon World Series.
That second ones debatable Charlene. Both Digimon and Pokemon have their appeal in the game world.
thelinedrive I tried playing the first 2 Digimon games and they were just horrific to play. World 3 was good. Took forever to finish though. 😤
Wow...I've never seen the Digimon movie but with the 90's music and animation, I'm having a nostalgia blowout over here. Lol
oh shit look its my childhood
joseph hawk yeah this video hurts.... still not getting rid of my dvd.
joseph hawk Digimon is still a great show. I have fond memories of growing up with it and Digimon World 2
Yeah, Sage's critique put a good amount of salt in the wound, but even still.....Digimon Movie is one of my favorite childhood/anime movies of all time and that will never change. :)
joseph hawk
I've wasted 2500 hour of my life watching digimon .....I've watched every eps about 10 times, it took me years
I still don't remember what's any eps was about
i can never get enough of "in the mouth of madness" references.
seriously love that movie.
So wait, was Summer Wars Hosoda's way to atone for the sins of this movie? Watching the 2nd act, I'm thinking, "I'm watching Summer Wars but with Digimon characters"
jsCP94 Kind of. Summer Wars is the fully fleshed out version of act 2 through and through. though the American version is it's own beast.
Elwood Hellsythe so what's the Japanese version like?
I'm just shocked that Hosoda worked on this. The art style looked reminiscent of his, but I thought it was just coincidence. Then after Sage made the Hosoda reference, I just had to look it up. It's a small world in the anime industry after all.
Watch the fist part with subs look for "Digimon Adventure OVA", it's the short film that started the franchise and the end with the final credits and the music allways give me nostalic teary eyes. It's almost a silent film.
"And that's why I am here today"
MatAle Albiach does it have another name? I'm just getting results for the movie.
I remember when i went to see this. The cinema was slim on the morning it premiered and i got a Magnamon card
Fucking HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE Angela Anaconda.
James Bevan don't we all.
Yeah, much as I like Digimon (and majority of Fox Kids programming), I hated the Angela Anaconda skit and the cartoon itself.
Sign me up for the "I Hate Angela Anaconda" Club. I couldn't stand watching that dreck.
Same here, but I liked it as a kid. It's so unwatchable and I have no idea why I kept coming back to it.
Yup. I hated that show too, and the skit was beyond cringewothy. Most of the time you forget it was even apart of the film. It as a show though was bad, it was such a cliched premise that wasn't remotely funny.
Your nostalgia speech at the end of this episode really hit the nail on the head (^^) I couldn't agree more!
Fantastic episode! It was a blast seeing you review Pokémon, Escaflowne and Digimon back to back!
i can honestly say that i still love the digimon movie for how bad it is looking at it now and how hype i was watching it as a kid
Same here. I still love this movie.
It's a guilty pleasure
That NYC is a ghost town joke is fucking hilarious in 2020/2021.
Tamers is my favorite Digimon season!
Caitlin Brewer Heck yeah.
Caitlin Brewer
hell yeah
Mine too
1. Adventures
2. Tamers
3. Xros Wars
My list :3 Tamers was awesome!
My absolute favourite is the very first. Still bing watch it from time to time. XD
Tamers, is one of my least favourite, it's too darka dn serious for my taste. What I can agree on is that it clearly has the best opening of all seasons.
"Ich bin nur ein großer träumer, doch ich weiß es kommt der tag..." (I'm from germany btw.)
The Sam Neill joke is one of the best jokes you have ever made, Sage.
The sad thing is that the whole 'virus finding them in the real world' part is ridiculous but in the context of the show...made perfect sense. The problem is in adaptation. In some adaptations you have over-explanations where the movies try to hold your hand and walk you through everything that you should already know from the source material and then you have a movie like this which doesn't even bother. If you watched the shows, you understand, if you didn't then heaven help you.
Added on top of that, i'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that the third portion takes place after a season that North America didn't even get. In the US editions we never see angemon and angewoman get their golden digi eggs, or see the evolved forms you see in that movie in the show. Because that portion never actually aired here. So even if you were an avid fan you're left going 'wait..what? When did that happen?'.
Matthew Daye Actually, this movie aired in the late 90's to early 2000''s, while trip didn't start until well into 2014. It is also being dubbed and released here as we speak on Crunchyroll, so NA fans can indeed view those films...
I don't know why you'd want to though, because they are kinda meh.
Cartoon Critic he's not talking about Tri
kanchomerocks12 Then I have no knowledge of what he's talking about, because no suck show exists.
If he's talking about the Wonderswan got me there. I have no idea what the hell is going on with those games.
...what are you talking about? No such show exists. Seraphimon and Holydramon/Magnadramon evolving and creating golden Digimentals/Eggs was just as nonsensical in Japan as it was here.
@@NobodyBasically In the movie "Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals", T.K. and Kari's Digimon digivolve to Seraphymon and Magnadramon to release the Digi-Eggs for Willis and Davis ..
So, yeah, it was just them digivolving for the first time to mega. And making the egg, so that they could have magnamon and rapidmon show up.
I still have my VHS copy! Used to play it for my sister when my parent's went to work. Good memories with this one. The first season of the show is brilliant and I still watch them and the movie now and then.
Anthony Ospina i do the same. Brings a freaking tear to my eye.
Me too. Got the VHS copy off Amazon for a penny a long time ago. Also have a dvd copy.
Damn, lol. Only you could rip apart one of my favorite childhood movies and yet remind me why I loved it in the same video. Keep up the good work man, looking forward to the next review.
The latinamerica version of the show didn´t have the digi-rap. Instead we got a beautiful and badass version of Butterfly, which lives fondly in our hearts.
I was utterly confused by that song in the movie.
This was actually the first anime "film" I ever watched,
Blew me away as a kid! xD
oh my god i forgot about the fuckin digibowl
I didn't even know it existed.
I'm glad I forgot.
sawtoothgrin :D Cringe to the max and beyond.
Never forget..... it was an attempt to get kids to watch more sports through our nostalgia.
sawtoothgrin :D I only just learned about it watching this
I actually really like The Digimon Movie unironically
Pitchblende same here brother
I feel like the digimon movie gets over scrutinized and nitpkicked...for a kid and fan its a great film...fuck everyone else who cant a kid I followed along and enjoyed it...cant you as an adult...its fun and funny...just lay attention...its not that bad
Me too
Me too, man. One of the most nostalgic movies for me, I will never not love it no matter what anyone else says.
@@razkable Why is this typed out like a threat?
I swear to God, halfway through this video, there was an ad for an official Pokémon app.
How quaint.
The timing couldn't be better I received an alert for this video right as I finished playing digimon cyber sleuth
One of the best things about the internet is that you can find an HD reconstruction of this movie.
Yes, Digimon: The Movie does exist in 1080p...sort of.
I rewatched Digimon in it's subbed form; you get a lot more out of the movies and show from the sub than you do the dub. Mind, yes the Digimon movie went through a nostalgia filter for me as a kid.
Gotta admit, I tend to get a lot less.
Digimon in subbed form is vastly superior.
@@ElFreakinCid the dub is better in comedy and music
I can't watch this without the TFS Abridged version popping up in my head.
21:35 - 22:17
I think that perfectly sums up how all the parents who were dragged into the theater felt. (And how I felt watching it again years later.)
What Sage said about the nostalgia of this film hits home so hard for me. I was 13 when the Digimon movie came out on VHS. My dad promised me a copy for my birthday so my best friend, my sister and myself sat around watching it on a tiny TV/VCR combo on my dining room table. We ate pizza and birthday cake while chanting the theme song. To this day we look back on that weekend with fond memories. it's a dumb movie but I'll always remember that feeling of happiness getting to watch with my best friend and sister.
Dumpster fire is too generous. This is more like that prank that kids play where they fill a bag with dog shit, leave it on your front porch, set it on fire, ring the doorbell and run away.
Honestly, Bennett should have gone the Zaibatsu route and make the title card a burning dumpster
nah that would imply it's irredeemable. nostalgia redeems it.
correct.... even after all these years i STILL like this movie.....
the salt that this movie review put into my wounds hurts..................
Wild Kiva: I don't think this movie's nearly as brain drilling bad as Omikron, though.
However, in Omikron's favor, it has David Bowie, so I dunno.
It's not that bad.
Hewy Toonmore brought me here with this movie he reviewed back in 2010!
Yeah. I really liked his review. And Nostalgia Critic and JesuOtaku's review of this movie was funny too.
Yohoho take a bite of these nuts . Sage 2017.
Nice review Bennett; it was informative and I loved the humour throughout. ^_^
Summer Wars is like the good part of the Digimon Movie, but with CARD GAMES ON INTERWEBS!!
And that movie still managed to suck. Just significantly less. It basically was a rehash of the second special/part of the 'movie', stupid plot points and all. Just replace Digimon with fursonas and avatars and the difference is damn near uncanny (shit, wasn't there some hackneyed romance subplot in the digimon bit as well?)
I feel as though you missed the point of Summer Wars. It was more about the closeness of the family and how in tragedy family is who you can count on the most to help, even if you feel like the outsider of it. The world ending bit was... stupid. but it was more a means to bind the family together. Mamoru Hosoda probably liked what he did in this film and wanted to do it again but better and found Summer Wars to the best place to include it vs his other works.
beside the movie had card game, a digi fight and a flying whales.. what not to like. I haven't mention the best grandma in anime
I guess you could say that The Digimon Movie DIGIVOLVED INTO Summer Wars,
card games on motorcycles
I really don't get why people dislike this movie. I love the snarky dialogue and the music and I actually think they improved the plot with the changes. Some examples of what I think was improved:
1. They gave Diaboromon an actual motive for his actions, adding a tragic dimension to his character, and giving a reason for him dialing all those phones, not to mention giving him more lines, and, by extension, an actual personality, along with a reason for him existing in the first place.
2. They provided an actual reason for why Willis/Wallace's digimon got transformed.
3. They cut out the sub-plot of Wendigomon kidnapping and de-aging the season 1 kids. It's especially good considering that they never showed what happened to them afterwards in the original.
4. They improved Cherubimon's death scene with him thanking Willis/Wallace.
5. They improved the scene before Omnimon's creation with this line.
Tai to Wargreymon: "I don't have a whistle to wake you." Tying together both shorts and adding more weight to the situation for Tai, perhaps the scene reminded of him what happened with Greymon and Parrotmon.
6. They improved Tai and Izzy's character interaction. Like in the scene where Tai attacks Izzy. In the original, it was just Izzy reading some rather lightly annoying emails, here it was one long and fairly nasty email without Izzy indicating they were someone else's words. They also gave Izzy a reason for needing to use the restroom, with the whole gag of Tai's mom's recipes instead of him just having too much tea.
7. This bit:
"I'm Greymon now."
"You can be whoever you want...big guy..."
Cue roar and epic beatdown
8. This line:
Izzy: YOU'VE!!! GOT!!! MAIL!!!
followed by
Diaboromon: "Connection...terminated..."
9. A lot of the music really helps give the movie more energy, for example:
"One Week" because the music really fits the fast montage of daily life events and mirrors Tai and Sora's situation.
"Here We Go" adds tension and importance to the situation along with Matt and TK's dialogue, really getting the audience to feel how everyone's hopes are pinned on the heroes and their determination to prevail despite the odds against them.
"Let's kick it up." Especially the way the "Yeah!"s in the song synch up with Omnimon's blasting.
"Hey Digimon" with the happy childlike feel to it, especially with the random children chasing them. It really adds a nostalgic joy of childhood feel to the scene.
The English digivolution theme, during the fight between Parrotmon and Greymon. It sounds triumphant and it especially goes well with the fight, like it's saying "This is who we are and what we do."
10. Kairi's voiceover. While it could state the obvious, especially in the first segment, it mostly provides either humorous commentary on the events, or gives the audience information they wouldn't have had otherwise (e.g. what's with the phone dialing?). Also, I have a crush on Lara Jill Miller's voice... Don't judge me xD
Now, I don't think the movie was perfect. They whole "pulling out Golden Digi-eggs from nowhere after suddenly being able to mega-digivolve" thing really makes no sense. I also thought Sora came off as being rather bratty and unfair, not coming to help Tai or even hear what was going on. But I don't think those ruin the movie.
If anyone disagrees with me, I respect their opinion, but I think this movie gets an unfairly bad rap from it's critics.
21:39 Cartman: That movie has warped my fragile little mind.
I fricking love this movie even today just cause of the soundtrack
"By the end of this you'll all realize why I am the way I am" ...*glaces at gabe**thinks back to sins of the sisters**thinks back to Apocalypse Zero* *thinks back to Mad Bull*Sweet Christ... this is gonna be good
The worst part is that the newer releases for *Pokemon the First Movie* don't include the cute opening shorts, but all copies of *The Digimon Movie* have that Angela Anaconda skit.
Holy shit i forgot almost all of this Digimon crazy shit that wasn't actually just the show.
Good God Fox and Saban, Your making 4kids look Dignified.
4kids is still worse at one piece and other anime dubs that aren’t top bangers like Yugioh and Pokémon.
Dropped whatever I was doing when I saw the notification
LOL, I think the ONE PIECE Rap is worse, but maybe it's because I'm a massive One Piece fan and anything involving the 4Kids Dub is just a constant kick to the balls.
Thank goodness for FUNimation
Odex might possibly have a worst dub then 4kids with One Piece. 4kids overall is the worst one with the way they butchered the show with edits but Odex dub is almost equally as worst going off clips I've seen of it off UA-cam
We do not speak about Odex
Alex Olinkiewicz You're right. The less said the better to avoid horrible nightmares of terrible dubs
I love the rap un ironically
but that's because of how meme worthy it got
If you think 4Kids is bad, just check out the old school Voltron dub. In that version, in addition to the usual 4Kids styled edits like dumbing down the show, taking out the violence and changing names, Pidge sounded like a gremlin, Sven (Shiro) sounded like the Swedish Chef Muppet, there is a Robeast that sounded like Stewie from Family Guy and to top off all of this weirdness off -- Lotor, one of the villains, is played by the man who voiced Scrappy Doo. It is one hell of a surreal series to watch to say the least. I swear it is like Proto 4Kids with all of the edits made in that version. At least it's fun to riff. Also, the subbed version, Go Lion, is super violent as well, being like a poorly written version of Berserk with blood and guts everywhere, using a lot of mature subject matter. If Go Lion got a FUNimation dub -- it would be rated R, hands down. Also, VLD, the Netflixs reboot, is awesome. xP
But yeah, 4Kids is still the worst when it comes to edits. At least the new YGO movie was good and stuck more to the actual anime. They even showed guns in that movie.
Never heard of Odex, though.
I'm super thankful FUNimation exists.
Every time I see a review of this film, I have forgotten about the Angela Anaconda short and every time I am slapped by its existence like a gigantic wet trout.
I grew up on the third Digimon instead of Pokemon. All I remember was the leader always cried and at the end of the show, they evolved and mixed with their animals and were controlling them like EVAs. They were naked and you couldn't see their balls
Ale Titan just say genitals. one of them was a girl you know
Ale Titan series? THAT'S what you remember? Not Impmon's amazing character arc? Not the years worth of nightmare fuel?
Funfact Tamers was handled by the team that made NGE. And wow did it show. XD
I love how you wrapped up the ending, the Digimon movie was a big part of my childhood but I must admit the plot is lackluster.
I had forgotten how 90's this movie was ... and yeah, I can say that I would 've look back and not hate this movie as much as I should've .
I remember this movie from when I was REALLY young and was to little for the original anime but my brother showed this movie to me...long story short THANK CHRIST FOR DIGIMON TRI
I remember when I first found the unedited subtitled versions of the three movies that made this up. They're pretty decent went they aren't all trying to act as if there's a single nonexistent narrative between them.
So much nostalgia with the reference to the Digi-Bowl
I still remember my frustration over the fact that it was a Digimon marathon playing /at the same time/ as a Pokemon marathon on Kids WB. That was the most stressful day of my childhood, having to decide between the two
But which did you pick?
now I just need to see him review the yugioh movie, pokemon, digimon, yugioh, they were all part of my childhood
For me, those were the original *Big 3* shows to watch as a kid.
Jake Smith nah, the big 3 are Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon and DBZ or One Piece
kanchomerocks12 Dbz definitely, though I wasn't as in to one piece, but I did watch it. But Dbz was a big one for me ^^
jemel41 awww yeah, review the fuck outta the yugioh movie 😜
@@KariIzumi1 and review both the dub and sub of it.
For me, Digimon the Movie is a guilty pleasure
Oh boy here we go
"ohhho ohhho ohhhohho"
ah memories 😃
Did it ever feel weird hearing the song in the movie and finding out there were more words than that?
... I used to call it the "ohh ohh ohh song" as a kid, so yeah lol
The soundtrack of this movie is awesome.
Goddammit, Bennett...I'm never gonna be able to listen to Kari's voice the same way again.
Hold on. If you leave him now, you'll take the biggest part of me. No, small person, please don't go.
That said, the English dub of the first Adventure 03 movie got a different VA for Kari, so no more Rule 63 Butters.
This has and forever will be my guilty pleasure.
Going to have to apologize to my dad for this. . .
we all do...
Oh wow, the Digi-Bowl. That was a memory that I had apparently literally blocked from my mind until now.
The first thing I did after first seeing this "Movie" is I searched the internet for the 3 OVAs that FOX slapped together to make it and needless to say those were far more interesting.
I loved the movie's soundtrack but my head spun as a child
I was subjected to 45 minutes of this pile of pigshit by the anime club I was in 2 years ago. It was because we couldn't find Spirited Away.
Yeah, this is some Shakespeare level tragedy.
how do you go from wanting to watch one of finest things anime has to offer to one of the worst?
Thomas Jenkins Let's just say someone failed to bring the copy of Spirited away and for some asinine reason this was the next best option.
lol, i'm not doubting you or anything. that's just a huge leap down in quality.
Thomas Jenkins Don't worry about it. Still, talk about torture.
It's only a Shakespeare-level tragedy if everyone died at the end.
I never knew Greymon tore off Parrotmon's lower jaw with it's horn until I watched the Japanese version.
Sage, you've been fiddling around with my childhood for the pass few reviews. Pretty sure my childhood won't be left untouched....
I realize how bad my phrasing is....
anime king Your childhood has now been touched by Suave
Hey Bennett when are you going to review Gantz, I see you already have the dvds for it (if you're wondering where, I saw them in an earlier episode I had just watched)
I learned about Gantz and Beserk from HBI2K's 2 abridged series's. Also Escaflowne.
*Sees notification* Time to sit back and watch Sage tear it a new data port
I too loved this movie when I was kid just as much as I loved the tv-show. But yeah it hasn't aged well.
I was like 7 when this came out, and watching it made me cringe even back then. (which was hella disappointing considering how big of a fan I was of the series) Go watch the movie Summer Wars. It basically did what the Digimon movie tried to do, but a million times better.
They're by the same person too.
Yup! It sure is! I was pleasantly surprised when I first found that out. :>
Idk why my comment duplicated
Nope. Seen Summer Wars, and still think its overrated. Has unneeded excess subplots and a very very slow start.
It's still a better movie than Digimon though.
The digi-bowl... that was a thing? Oh my god I've never been so happy to miss out on something
Honestly? The final product could of been much worse than it turned out and the sound track still makes it an easy watch.
I still own the cd of it.
just got me the dvd some years ago. XD
I actually watched the japanese version of "Our war game" (the second story), and while I enjoy quiet moments, in this case, I honestly prefered the parts with pop-music in it.
thelinedrive yeah. i have it on dvd from when it first came out and as long as I ignore the 3rd act I still love the movie flaws and all. I just skip the 3rd act and go right to the end credits
It's cringy in parts, but I'll admit the montage to the Bare-Naked Ladies track still warms a bit of my soul.
It's weirdly inoffensive and oddly nostalgic.
Ok what's next, Yu-Gi-Oh the movie, you've already attacked two of the nostalgic trio.
Shrek had the "All Star" song, and it used it better.
I'm super glad that I caught it on TV as a teenager because it meant that I could follow the Team Four Star Abridgimon special, which is 10/10 100/100.
Prometheus and Bob!!
I love the soundtrack. Pure gold even now !
I know the thing as a whole is a dumpster fire, but what about the individual segments/thirds of this "film"? From what I remember and what I hear most often, the middle segment, "Our War Game" is often considered an incredible piece of animation for the Digimon franchise as a whole.
Foresight616 The first short film, Digimon Adventure, is what helped kickstart the franchise. It's great in Japanese. Watch the subbed version sometime if you can.
Our War Game, the second film, is good as a standalone piece, but it's not without its problems. For starters, it doesn't have the same writer as the show, and it shows more than one would think at a glance (more on that in a bit). Also, the plot point about Tai and Matt going into the Internet is dumb no matter the language it's in. If you want to see an anime that takes a similar idea to this film done better, check out Summer Wars if you haven't already. It's written by the same guy, and he basically took the good parts of Our War Game and refined it.
The third film, Hurricane Touchdown (or whatever the hell it's called) is just as nonsensical and incoherent in Japanese as it is in English. If you value your free time, just skip it.
I'm familiar with Summer Wars, my nostalgia still gives me leanings towards "Our War Game"
Cartoon Critic
Yeah the 3rd film was a mess partly because Digimon Adventure 02 was a total mess. Armor Digivolving itself made little sense in its own context. The Digimon became weaker and lamer(seriously, 3 armor digimons could not even give a sweat to Kokomon for 5 whole minutes while Angemon and Angewomon were able to tear its flesh with one blast?) Fusion became way too convenient a plot device(thank god this section doesnt have that. Great job 'movie' you did one thing right!!) that ruined the novelty of fusion we saw with Omnimon(like several other anime action shows).
Davis needs to be taped across his mouth(whines WAYYY TOO MUCH), Yolei and that little kid(forgot his name) might as well not exist, TK and Kari get little growth from season 1 and the entire original cast get the shaft, having little relevance to the entire plot after being developed and grown so much that we loved them.
And don't get me started on the sorry excuse for an ending...
@@ElFreakinCid hey Matt x sora is what everyone wanted right....right?
I remember my cousin bought this movie when I was a toddler and I swear it was a fever dream where I had no idea what was going on and forget about it until every once and a while people mention and I go "Oh right that thing that happened". I know more about Angela anaconda at the beginning of the movie than digimon than what digimon was because at least I watched her show!
the sad thing is that saban and levy used to make good theme songs songs for cartoons
Awsomeisimo Yup. Used to. Used.
Speaking of Saban, shame there wasn't a Mushrambo movie for them to butcher.
I was hoping Sage would tackle Shinzo at some point, but that can't happen.
for Mushrambo there were two OVA's released that compiled both seasons into two ova's... only in japan. and that was back in 2008. also the english dub is butchered enough on it's own. seriously combining two episodes into one making it a giant mess, i will never let that go. thank god for the dutch dub for those episodes as they kept them separate and aside from minor details those are practically the same as the japanese original episodes. shame the dutch dub is rare to find uploaded on the internet. (dutch dubs tend to be kinda bad so it's not saying much, you heard one, you practically heard them all, they recycle voice actors a lot, especially older dubs.)
but glad to see someone here at least remembers that show.
@@IsiahTomas better than 4kids
That Sam Neil In The Mouth of Madness reference was PERFECT. lmfao
hey sage have you seen the three specials in their original version
It wouldn't be too much different really. The first segment was just a prologue/promotional film. The second segment was legitimately good, but still took major leaps of logic. And while the dub hacked it into pieces for running time, the third segment was just as bad in Japanese. Probably even worse because most of the deleted scene lacked any explanation or character growth.
11:05 You know, it's sad that I've been a fan of this series since I was a little kid, but only know that fact dawned on me...
Please watch Summer Wars...
If you want to see Hosoda do the "Our War game movie" right.
To think, I used to think this was the most epic thing in the world.
you know, i am REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY glad i grew up watching the german dub of digimon, because they translated directly from japanese one including the OST...the dub version is just sooooo bad...
At least the dub is fun in its awfulness, like the 60s Batman show with Adam West.
3:14 Like what Robotech did with Macross?
4:08 Dafuq was that?!
4:27 And then FOX Kids ended shortly afterward. Coincidence? I think NOT!
12:28 For some reason, I'm not surprised Terry Bradshaw would do this.
Thanks for explaining why I never got into Digimon as a kid or teenager, Sage. I also watched Nostalgia Critic team up with JesuOtaku to "review" (more like eviscerate) this Frankenstein's monster of a movie, and I knew I was in for a treat when the Angela Anaconda intro made Jesu say "OH, FUCK ME!"
And come on, Bennett, DNA Digivolution and Golden Armor Energize were awesome.
I know, right? Was the first time we saw a digimon fusion.
ImpossibleJackal I'm actually surprised he didn't give the movie credit for those parts. They were legitimately awesome & well animated.
Ya know when I watch this movie I couldn't close my mouth
Never heard of it/seen that before, and now I regret that I have, even briefly.
It was a sketch segment on a shortlived Nickelodian cartoon called Kablam in the mid 1990s
That's what I'd assumed from the episode, but wasn't sure. All I knew is it looked creepy as fark.
It was. Sage is definitely right Promethius and Bob was the best part of that show.
I agree with everything Sage says and yet I love the first half of this compilation of movies.
A $5,000,000 budget? Well let's see, purchesing the rights to the shorts, voice acting, advertising, licensing for the music, and hiering that one dude for the commerical.... that leave what, $20 to pay some dork to sit down for an afternoon and edit this mess together? Sure as hell seems that way. Abridging has shown us it's possible to take from several sources and edit them together and get something that's genuinely watchable.
Have exactly the same feeling. My best friend and I got a copy of this, and watched it on his dad's projector. It is a woeful film, but the childhood memories are not.