There is one serious flaw in all theories about the origin of the Goths: both scholars and people at large tend to regard Northern Poland and Southern Sweden as two places far apart and isolated from each other. They're not, they are right next door to each other. Our perception of early history is still heavily influenced by the 19th and early 20th century historians who all seem to have suffered from serious aquaphobia. Things look very different the moment we realise the sea is a highway, not a barrier.
Exactly, also, when it comes to migration, I think there should always be an analysis of the climate at the time. As soon as it is done, things become very clear.
"Look at the Goths and their amazing ship burials!" "Far from their homeland, they barely survived on an inhospitable foreign shore they have never heard of before with savage people lurking in the woods!"
Prehistorically they tended to be rather different: 1. In the Neolithic Scandinavia was settled by people from the West (Megalithic super-culture), via Denmark, and by people from the East (Diepr-Don), via Belarus and the Baltic countries. Later the Danish-South Swedish Megalithic peoples (similar to modern Basques) would influence Poland in culture (Funnelbeaker) but not in genetics, which remained of the "Sardinian" type instead. 2. When the Indoeuropeans (Corded Ware) arrived and had Poland (especially Kujawia) as their main stronghold, they also invaded Scandinavia but almost certainly via Denmark again (they were still the landlubber type, although I guess they may have began adapting, they were far from being great sailors). 3. Later Germany and Scandinavia, and even the Czech Republic, were strongly influenced by Bell Beaker culture (which is from SW Europe and thus probably Vasconic), but Poland wasn't. 4. When the Celto-Italics (Urnfields culture) expanded they did affect Poland (Lausitz culture) but not Scandinavia nor the likely Germanic homeland in North Germany and the Netherlands. So it's only with the East Germanics (veritable precursors of the later Varangians it seems to me) that both areas (Scandinavia and Poland) were *directly* connected by the same dominant ethno-culture for the first time ever (unless we count early West Indoeuropeans of Corded Ware culture, which were not directly interacting between Poland and Scandinavia but via North Germany and Denmark rather). It would not last, as the East Germanics moved southwards and the Slavics eventually replaced them.
The sea and the rivers. They waited for the right wind and sailed in a few hours travelled hundreds of miles. And the rivers was short cuts allowing to sail across the continent.
@@evoinception Yes. They brought down Rome and Attila allowing the modern world to arise. It would have been a much different world if the Eastern Empire hadn't moved against them.
Many typical Spanish Surnames like, Fernandez, Alvarez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Rodriguez ect are Visigothic in origin. As a Spaniard of Galician heritage, today I'm Christian and speak Castilian aka Spanish instead of Arabic praying to Allah 20 times a day thanks to Visigothic Nobleman Don Pelayo. Valiant warrior King of the North. King of Asturias. Crowned KIng by the loyal men who fought alongside him. Seeder of the Reconquista and their descendants who continued forming small Christian Kingdoms in the North, fighting and resisting for 700 years. Generation to generation. (Instead of running away into France) slowly expanding until the whole of Iberia was free of the peaceful messengers of islam in 1492AD, when the remaining Christian Kingdoms united to become Spain. 🇪🇸 (Except for the Kingdom of Portugal 🇵🇹 because they're special but I still love them.) Muslims like to brag how they "ruled Iberia for 800 years. " But what they fail to mention is that the Reconquista pretty much started straight away. And that the tiny Christian Kingdoms of the North were not part of Al Andalus. They also fail to mention that by the 12th century (1100s) half of Hispania was back in Indo European Christian hands. And by the mid 13th century 96% of Hispania had been reconquered. They fail to mention that the islamic kingdom of Granada was allowed to remain as long as they paid tribute to the Kingdom of Castile. Until they made the mistake of attacking a Christian settlement in the late 15th century. Today the gates of Toledo have once again been opened into Europa and the West... *Reconquista II Intensifies* DEUS VULT!
I'm from south-eastern Poland and have made DNA test. Turned out I have 30% DNA from central Sweden and only 40% eastern polish (and 6% western Ukraine). That's some strong gene seed considering how long ago it was. Goths still live today :)
@@dl3472 You don't know how genes are passed. In order to keep 30% it has to re-encounter periodically. My Brit friend mother was Irish and her DNA was 45% Irish but she married english. My friend as her son has only 15% irish. Fun fact his dad has only 3% scandinavian DNA... sooo you know about that "great" impact of vikings on Britain xD If any of people mentioning some short-time war as possibility then please, watch video in fully and make some brain thinking.
I'm from Spain. I dad a DNA test and showed modern connection with scandinavian people. After that, I did another DNA test wich compares your samples with DNA founded in archaeological burials and showed a direct connection with a visigothic buril in northern Spain. Also, included a connection wit an scythian burial i moderno Moldavia, where goths were too.
@Behemot_ I'm Spaniard too of Galician heritage haven't had a DNA test but I don't get dna tests, the main percentage Spaniards get is Iberian. WTF does Iberian even mean? Spaniards are predominantly R1b. Historically made of of Celts aka Celtiberians, Iberians, Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Germanic tribes. So wtf does it even mean to be 80% "Iberian" a blend of all of them?
Estamos todos una mezcla una ensalada yo soy de origen rumano pero con raises griegos me han llamado de todo italiano, hispano alemán ruso búlgaro hasta non blanco por ciertas extremistas hasta unos inmigrantes de Afganistán me han dicho que tengo rasgos arianos/ Bactria y Parsi 😅🤣 no hay una rasa somos todos miles y miles de años de evolución de migraciones y cambios políticos y sociales. Saludos desde Canadá.
The Goths , according to their own tradition, originated in Scania, and in three waves crossed to nowaday Poland, settling at Gothisk Anza, meaning Gothic bay, from which the placenames Danzig, or Gdansk are derived. By no means were they Thracians.
@@Thor-Orion Of course,"Thor". Scythians are a branch of the Eastern, Satem group of Indoeuropean languages, and are distantly related to Germanic peoples , who are part of the Kentum group.
The goths start with the visigiths in south Romania. There are no other goths older than in Romania and its like Iordanes says, they were getae dacians. But thats not all, the visigoths named Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Dacia in official documents, just google it 😂. Its because the visigoths are dacians and dacians are thracians. First writer of Sweden- Petrus de Dacia. Also these goths were not even germanic, they were 100% celts that spoke vulgar latin themselves. The gothic language was invented just to convert the germanics to christianity. Visigoths from Romania grew vineyard, wich is not germanic coulture but celtic(dacian), they wore wings on tgeir helmets like the gauls wich means celts and celts speak vulgar latin. Trust Iordanes when he says the visigoths are getae dacians of Decebal and Burebista. There is even the Daikones tribe in Gotland, literally dacians.
@@Christopher...G7 even Romans said this. (Stephani Byzantii Ethnica-I, Berolini, MDCCCXLIX, s. 578) also it was said that Dacians are Scythians, but we know that they are Thracians too, there are a lot of sources about this.
@@Christopher...G7 also direct descendants of these Thracians were Bulgarians "QUIA BULGARES, QUI JURE GENTILE PARIAM SUAM SUBJUGANTES"; also "Bulgaria before called Thracia according to the old monuments...",...
Gotland I have many Swedish DNA matches and have no Swedish ancestors, but I do have ancestors form Norway, Hanover area of Germany, Bavaria and Switzerland.
My family came from Hamburg, Germany, I have the I1 haplogroup. Family tradition say they were boat makes and settled along the Elbe River in the 9th century AD. Most likely they were Vikings looking for land to farm.
The funny thing about Bavarians: My dad is I1 and my mum is 66,5% Skandinavian both come from regions where never a swedish Soldier got lost in the 30 years war. If you upload their DNA to sime a-DNA site my dad is Lombard/Gepidic and my mum Visigoth/Gepidic (those 'Gepidic' samples all have high Balkanic and Celtic admixtures) Funny is the PCA: The statistical nowadays 'Austrian' and 'Southern German' are labelled with a distance above 8, while the skeletal remains clot around a distance of 5. So their nowadays closest relatives are in Southern France and Central and Northern Spain as well as in the Piemont, though we don't have 'real' relatives there, only DNA-Matches that come from perchance 'Population-genetics'. They also have lots of Skandinavian, Polish and Russian 'Matches' though more distant then the 'Lombard' and 'Visigothic' ones. Both of them are really closely related with the Skara Varnhem VK42, with 1900 and 1600 SNP's in a row, but we mused if this one probably was no Viking but a catholic priest.
Politically, the sucessor states to the Visigothic Empire, through the Principality of Asturias and the Kingdom of León, are the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain. All of Latin American countries and Brazil derive their political and social lineage from the Goths. In 410 Alaric the First sacked Rome. In 451 Theodoric the First, allied to the last Roman army, defeated Attila and the Huns, therefore laying the foundation for an independent Christian West. Amal and Balt royal lines had been the inspiration for the germanic religion and legends.
Exactly. Spaniards and Portuguese always remember the Celtiberians but forget about our Germanic ancestors. Apart from the fact that many typical Spanish surnames are Visigothic in orgin, like Rodriguez, Sanchez, Martinez, Gonzalez, Alvarez, Fernandez, Gomez ect, but the Suebi, Vandals, Buri, Alans also entered into Hispania. As a Spaniard of Galician heritage, today I'm Christian and speak Castilian aka Spanish instead of Arabic praying to Allah 20 times a day thanks to Visigothic Nobleman Don Pelayo. Valiant warrior King of the North. King of Asturias. Crowned KIng by the loyal men who fought alongside him. Seeder of the Reconquista and their descendants who continued forming small Christian Kingdoms in the North, fighting and resisting for 700 years. Generation to generation. (Instead of running away into France) slowly expanding until the whole of Iberia was free of the peaceful messengers of islam in 1492AD, when the remaining Christian Kingdoms united to become Spain. 🇪🇸 (Except for the Kingdom of Portugal 🇵🇹 because they're special but I still love them.) Muslims like to brag how they "ruled Iberia for 800 years. " But what they fail to mention is that the Reconquista pretty much started straight away. And that the tiny Christian Kingdoms of the North were not part of Al Andalus. They also fail to mention that by the 12th century (1100s) half of Hispania was back in Indo European Christian hands. And by the mid 13th century 96% of Hispania had been reconquered. They fail to mention that the islamic kingdom of Granada was allowed to remain as long as they paid tribute to the Kingdom of Castile. Until they made the mistake of attacking a Christian settlement in the late 15th century. Today the gates of Toledo have once again been opened into Europa and the West... *Reconquista II Intensifies* DEUS VULT!
@@edstar83well said ... If after 800(?) years our ancestors/we did not want you there it is because we (Christian Iberia) and you (Islam) have nothing in common in spite imbecilic propaganda driven DNA studies (which proved exactly the opposite) .... AND by the way, this "Al Andalus' is just "Vandalusia" The Land of Vandals... it is the distorted pronunciation to make it sound arabic.... stop saying/using the expression"Al Andalus'"; quash it! ... It is narrative vocabulary...
Hispania is a roman branding Iron, before them, some small Kingdoms, eg, Tartessos, and many state-towns existed. The Visigoths coming as religious-political regugees, in the absence of a local power by internal Rome conflicts, started ruling with their own authorities and traditions. The political unity reached by Isabel and Fernando came after centuries of Germanic peoples' kingdoms fighting each other and the muslims. But I'd say there is a genetic continuity between Spaniards of today and Atapuerca fossils. Spanish state and governement is actually alien to Spaniards, if you read Am J Hum Gen, dec 2008, about religious intolerance and male genetics in Iberian Peninsula, the pictures you get are even more complex.
@@edstar83Regardé la gelipolluá, nen, Europa la construyeron pueblos germánicos, el nombre es griego, pero habría quien al declararse 'europeos' querrían ser como el discobolo de Mirón o la Venus de Milo. El palabro 'amoto' tendría que ver con el uso de 'a' en lenguas prerromanas.
Most of the DNA evidences not suprised me. In general Poland was probably dominated by R1a haplogrup since 3000 BC and Corded Ware culture. Wielbark culture (read Vielbark) bringed some DNA from scnadinavia where Goths (mainly I1) mixed with some local people (R1a). Goth kings family probably migrated from Åmål village in Sweeden (on the coast of Vänern Lake) invading the region rich because for amber trade (close to city of Gdansk in Poland - probably originated from "Gothiscandza"). A fact that suprised me is G hapolgrup in Goth DNA.
The presence of the G haplogroup in Gothic DNA is indeed surprising and highlights the diverse genetic influences in these ancient populations. The G haplogroup is more commonly associated with populations in the Caucasus and Near East, suggesting that the Goths, like many ancient groups, had complex interactions with various peoples over time.
@@evoinception My hypothesis is that G haploroup is a remnant of neolythic farmers that migrated to Scandinavia from Anatolia thorough Danube and Elbe river valleys. but I am supriset that this DNA survieved in Scandinavia for so long. Cold climate naturraly prefers I1 and R1a haplogrups.
There is Haplogroup I and G because they are dominant in the Goths/Getae in Moesia and Thrace! Goths are NOT Germanic, they are NOT from Poland, please, this is a total, total falsification and this channel should be reported! Goths originated in today’s Bulgaria close to the Black Sea north from Varna. From there they migrated through BAVARIA north to Scane and Gothland!
G2a is a haplogroup of Neolithic Farmers and Basques forefathers that were exterminated and replaced by R1b. Today, G2a is dominant in Osetians(Alania)have 55% and Gorgians 30%. Neolithic Farmers have spread around Europe. They survived only in Greec and Montenegro each 6%. Similar % in Italy and Spain. G2a was a part of real ancient Greek, and were "Ancient Greeks", not today Greeks. Today Greeks are from Anatolia J2a and Caucasus R1b-ht35 part of R1b haplogroup that reached Caucasus. These Greeks invaded South Italy and Sycily. We have learned about Aristotel, Pithagora Siracusa and Magna Grecia. Today Greeks live in country and area that those South Italien Greeka invaded in Balkan from teritory setled by Greeks in South Italy.
@timadamson3378 An older Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1987 or so, has such a map in the macro history of Europe section showing tribal migration during the first millenia AD. Before that you need to piece together folk tales and be aware of the alterations of religion and politics of conquest have made. For example, the Snorri Sturleson Edda tells of Odin having been born in Anitolia, in the time before the consolidation of the Hittite Empire. He got assassinated by the King of Norway for contradicting Christian Dogma of the time. The Steppe tribes that came thru that way split and went southwest and northwest, the corded ware and earliest R1a and b their descendants. The Lebhar Gabalah Eirann tells of the history of people's coming to Ireland being from these folks in the case of four of these groups that came from the North, from Ionia and from the colonization efforts of the Mylesians. They are the People of Nemed, the Fir Bolg, and the Tuatye de D'anann, and finally the Mylesians, who were all cousins of the same migration group. Remember to be critical of time lines in respect to the contemporary religious and political lords of the times your informational resources were recorded.
Wish we had some freedom left in Scandinavia and in the cradle of our culture; the black sea population. Btw, the land was much higher close to the ice age. Whole people groups lived where the ocean cover parts of the North Sea, close to northern Europe. Meaning the dry land almost conected Scandinavia to Poland.
Quite the opposite. The Scandinavian peninsula had been pressed down by the ice and was lower than today with coastlines far inland today. It has been rising in different degrees in different parts of Scandinavia and at the same time sea levels were rising so sometimes Denmark and southern Sweden was a part if the European mainland, sometimes cut off like today. ~2000 BP the coast was a bit inland from present coastlines.
Just been watching Campei Flegrei in Naples, the crust is rising 2 centimetres a month, clearly a lot can change in two thousand years, 🙏 it is not an ominous sign because a super volcano is probably much more dramatic than an ice sheet, that being said there are some theories that when a super volcano goes off it causes an ice age to occur because the ash blocks out the sunlight for some time, if that is the case what happens to all those climate change theories 🤔.
Just a few simple questions - why the Jordan book is called Getica and not Gothica and why enormous ancient writers say the Goths, who were called before Gets/Getae (the famous and enormous Thracian tribe)
Germanic propaganda. They could not find R1b haplogroup among "Goths" therefore they worked out I1haplogroup, which is not Germanic but treated as Germanic. 30% of Norvegians carry R1a haplogroup. What is about this data. 29% Germans in Germany have R1a haplogroup and 15% of I2 hg more than I1. I1 haplogroup is getting and resenting as Germanic haplogroup.
Better ask why the visigoths named Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Dacia in official documents. 😂 First writer of Sweden- Petrus de Dacia, when Sweden was named Dacia. Why there are the tribes Daikones( dacians) in Gotland, Getsi, guttones... Its like. Iordanes says, they came from Dacia into Sweden.
@@ashlyirvyn2917 dominant was this R1a Slavic haplogroup within their gene-pool, and how reliable and wide was this sourced? I was under the impression that the Vandals were also Scandinavian, or at least Germanic. Thanks.
@ashlyirvyn2917 Slavs descended from the Scythians also R1a. Just like the Persians. R1a. Farsi is an Indo European language. Slavs, Germanic and Celts are brothers. Too bad the Persians didn't resist islam more. As a Spaniard of Galician heritage, today I'm Christian and speak Castilian aka Spanish instead of Arabic praying to Allah 20 times a day thanks to Visigothic Nobleman Don Pelayo. Valiant warrior King of the North. King of Asturias. Crowned KIng by the loyal men who fought alongside him. Seeder of the Reconquista and their descendants who continued forming small Christian Kingdoms in the North, fighting and resisting for 700 years. Generation to generation. (Instead of running away into France) slowly expanding until the whole of Iberia was free of the peaceful messengers of islam in 1492AD, when the remaining Christian Kingdoms united to become Spain. 🇪🇸 (Except for the Kingdom of Portugal 🇵🇹 because they're special but I still love them.) Muslims like to brag how they "ruled Iberia for 800 years. " But what they fail to mention is that the Reconquista pretty much started straight away. And that the tiny Christian Kingdoms of the North were not part of Al Andalus. They also fail to mention that by the 12th century (1100s) half of Hispania was back in Indo European Christian hands. And by the mid 13th century 96% of Hispania had been reconquered. They fail to mention that the islamic kingdom of Granada was allowed to remain as long as they paid tribute to the Kingdom of Castile. Until they made the mistake of attacking a Christian settlement in the late 15th century. Today the gates of Toledo have once again been opened into Europa and the West... *Reconquista II Intensifies* DEUS VULT!
The issue with this is before the European with a higher presence today, other ethnicities existed. In invasions, women usually survive, while men almost dissapear, but in some European places, old female lineages were also wiped out. An Spanish cartoon said: 'The Monroe doctrine? -America for Americans. And Europe? -for Americans too! If Spanish conquerors were able to speak baske to some local people in Canary Islands, Cuba, later, both in México and Perú, said one third of natives' language was Greek. Uapitis is White Pit; Te pito no te genua, native name for Easter Island is 'Navel of the World', in line with 'Vahine no te tiare', woman with flower, Gaugin inTahiti. Vahiné is cognate to vagine. 'Popol vuh' is 'People's book' Usw
Nah, the humans are mix from people from all around the world and any place. Down with these false romanticism that Europe was only like in the countryside, there were the cosmopolitan and diverse big cities too.
Goths are Getae The Getae (Greek: Γέται, singular Γέτης) was the name given to several Thracian tribes who lived in the region south of the Lower Danube. It is now known today as northern Bulgaria, and north of the Lower Danube, in Romania.
@@evoinception i feel you should qualify that with something like "current interpretations of evidence suggests".... to be honest, history that old is more art than science.
I think you're referring to two different cultural groups sharing similar sounding ethnic tribal names, like the Celtic Veneti of the far West Atlantic Armorica and the Italic Veneti of the North Italian peninsula or the Slavic Venedi of the Vistula.
what he forgot to mentioned but showing map - its that mtdna has been unchanged in Middle Ages and Bronze Age population of Poland and has it continuation till today, he also forget to mentioned that there is significant Slavic genes ( we should say Eastern) in Scandinavian population in Danes, Swedes , Norwegiand and Islandic. That's why Polish scientists are very careful as these findings , we also do not have samples ( people from cremations time - however I heard there are some to be tested). These dna didnt solve if Germanics moved out, it looks more like some of them did but also some of them stayed and assimilated.
You’re right that the absence of samples from cremation periods presents a challenge, but it’s promising to hear that some samples may soon be tested. These analyses could provide further clarity on the movements and interactions of ancient populations.
The author of the video treated the results of DNA tests from Wielbark culture burials very selectively - focusing only on the haplogroups of the male Y chromosome. A full DNA profile was examined, including the DNA of women (who, of course, do not have Y haplogroups I2, I1 or R1). These studies indicated mixing Scandinavian DNA with the DNA of inhabitants who lived in this area before the arrival of the Goths - male newcomers from Scandinavia had offspring with local women. There were 300-400 years of peaceful coexistence between the newcomers from Scandinavia and the existing inhabitants, before the Goths migrated further to the area of modern Ukraine. In this context, the stay of the Goths in Spain or Italy was rather short and coincided with quite turbulent times of wars and subsequent invasions of nomads from Asia or other non-Scandinavian Germanic tribes. Returning to the research on the full DNA of the Wielbark culture, they showed great similarity to the DNA of the inhabitants of early Middle Ages Poland.
It's worth noting that genetic studies show not only mixing but also cultural exchanges, as seen in the shared material culture and burial practices between the Scandinavian newcomers and local populations. This kind of integration is a testament to the complex social dynamics of ancient communities.Furthermore, while the Goths did migrate to areas like Ukraine, Spain, and Italy, their genetic legacy in these regions is more nuanced. The Goths' migrations contributed to the genetic diversity in these areas, but the impact was relatively small compared to the larger, more established local populations. This is especially evident in the turbulent times marked by wars and invasions, which led to further genetic mixing and dilution of any single group's genetic signature.Recent studies also highlight that the genetic legacy of the Goths, while detectable, is often interwoven with other Germanic tribes and migratory waves. This complexity makes it challenging to attribute specific genetic markers exclusively to the Goths.
However, the "name " of the people seems to have migrated with the Y chromosome. In short Gotland really is the ancestral and cultural start point of the Goths, just as the traditions would have it. Interestingly, the Goths are also the Geats of the Beowulf story
it was much different later on when Slavs needed an uprising to get rid of their control were winning then cheated on and so sides with Huns when these came, Goths brought destruction on themselves by themselves
@@evoinception The contribution of a reduced migration made with small boats,like the northern ones,does not matter.The place of formation of the gots as well as the slavs is Ucraine,Moldova,Romania.From here the slavs and gotes(who where not germanic but tracian) migrated.
@@evoinception Haha, you're welcome! I know I was facetious with my comment but I quite enjoyed your video. Looking forward to seeing more stuff like this.
They called it Gothland in the Scandinavian peninsula, because there lived Germans and Goths. The land where Goths lived was normally called Gothland. What you don't know is that in the 8th century, the Goths left Scandinavia and moved to Normandy. Did you hear of that??? The Normans didn't learn their funny French from the Franks, they spoke the same language they always had. And that is why when Normans conquered England, the English language become a mess of Romanian and German. Most of the "Latin" words in the English language are not Latin, they are Romanian. Want proof???.......I can bring plenty if they do not delete my comments, which the delete all the time.
@@ravenalbj I knew the Normans came from Scandinavia, but I haven't heard of the Gothic connection before. I've seen the Gothic language before, and it seems quite different from English, at least to me.
@@Danielscottrhoades Have you heard of all the Gothic style constructions done by the Normans???.......they were called Normans because they came from the North........what was their name before that???.......they were called Goths. Where did you see Gothic language? I have Gothic words from Procopius and they are pure Romanian. The only text I have is from the Bible translated by Wuilfila for the lesser Goths, and there is plenty of resemblance of English there.
Good narrator. Mellow voice, very clear and unfussy diction, good pacing - but best of all, good sentence intonation that “chunks” the meaning very well. And it’s obvious that care has been taken over place-names and technical expressions.
I am Spaniard and I have the haplogroup E-V13, which is common in the Balkans. It may be brought by the goths, but also greeks or romans. It is a mistery.
It's important to clarify that while Haplogroups R1a and I2 are indeed prevalent among modern Slavic populations, their origins and distribution are much older and more complex.
As for the Goths, this name is extremely similar to the name of the Guts, a Scythian-Aryan people from the Zagros Mountains. The name "Germany" was given to a friendly Scythian tribe that bordered the Roman Empire. When the Romans asked what people live behind you, they replied: the same as us. Therefore, the name Germans was given to all Scythian tribes north of Rome. This name was strenghed in the 19th century in order to consolidate the society of the Reich. Scandinavian legends were added and a national narrative was created for the people who arrived and mixed with Scythian natives in what is now Germany over the past thousand years. Byzantine architecture, incomprehensible language and Eastern cruelty indicate where most of them came from.
The Goths are generally recognized as a Germanic people who migrated from Scandinavia to areas around the Vistula River (modern-day Poland) and further into Europe. Their name likely derives from a Germanic root rather than a connection to the Scythian-Aryan 'Guts' from the Zagros Mountains.The name 'Germany' and 'Germans' comes from the Latin 'Germania,' a term used by the Romans to describe the various tribes living to the north of the Roman Empire. This term does not specifically relate to Scythian tribes but rather to the diverse groups of Germanic tribes in that region.
@@evoinception Germany (Niemcy in Polish means non speaking people) is an invented and previously non-existent nation consisting of conquered Slavs and Sassanid invaders, summoned by Rome in the 4th century to protect the empire from barbarians. Read about Stilicho's mission in Persia and it will clear you up. Besides, it is not true that the Scythians were only a Turanian population. The Scythian tribes also included Aryan tribes.
The name "German" came from a tribe west of the Rhine that was later known as the Tungri. The ancestors of the Tungri used the term "German" as a scare tactic while raiding Goul. The Romans later atributed the name German to many non celts that lived east of the Rhine. The only scythian influence that was left on the ancient Germans were the Cimbri who likely came from the cimerians.
@@evoinception GERMANUS in latin means " belonging to our same family, parents, The term germain is used by french genealogists to designate near " proches" cousins.
MorelyDNA told me that I am most likely I2a-L621 and additional three less likely I1-L41 haplogroups. Is it due to possible mixing of slavs and Germanic people as I have Ostrogoths, gepids, Franks and Thuringii on mytrueancestry?
Haplogroup I2a-L621 is indeed common among Slavic populations, while I1-L41 is often found in Germanic groups. Your mix of haplogroups likely reflects historical interactions and migrations, such as the movement of the Ostrogoths, Gepids, Franks, and Thuringii.
The region of Götland in present day Sweden bare the name as well as Gotland. But likely the groups and tribes described as gotha must have been a mixture of north germanic, germanic, slavic and celtic add up.
It's true that Gotland in present-day Sweden shares a name similar to the Goths, which has led to various theories about their origins. The Goths are generally considered a Germanic tribe, and archaeological evidence supports their migration from Southern Scandinavia, including areas like Gotland and Götaland, to the regions around the Vistula River (modern-day Poland).The Goths likely did encounter and mix with various groups during their migrations, including other Germanic tribes, as well as Celtic, Slavic, and possibly some Eastern groups. This mixture would have contributed to their diverse cultural and genetic makeup.However, the primary origin of the Goths is generally traced back to Northern Europe, particularly Southern Scandinavia. Their identity as a Germanic people is supported by linguistic, archaeological, and genetic evidence. While interactions with other groups certainly influenced them, the core of the Gothic population remained distinctly Germanic.Thanks for your perspective ...
While Burgundians came out of Bornholm Island, Goths were supposed coming from Island Gotland. Niccola Macchiavelli, in his history of Firenze, pointed these tribes, when resources were not enough for the growing population, had a third of them, men, women, kids, animals and authorities start travelling for a new settlement. Poland being a flat land, difficult to protect from invasions, Goths settled the Dniepr area; there was a Goth community in Krimea, preserving language and culture until around 13th century, when turcs, muslim huns, entered. On the abovementioned situation, Goths started moving southwards from Dniepr, in Balkans they had a clash with huns, and entered roman empire; after an initial 'foederati' agreement, Rome called them to fight the Attila huns, defeated in Catalaunic fields battle, Goth king Alaric defeated western roman empire. Under pressure from francs, Goths were Aryans, the french were catholic, around 300'000 Goths entered Iberian Peninsula, then 3 million inhabitants, in chaos as roman Geroncio, involved in an imperial fight, had open way to Alans, Swabians and Vandals running through Gallia. While Otzi, a term meaning 'Cold place' in a language close to baske, has a G haplogroup Y chromosome, the Henri who went from Béarn to Paris had a G2a haplogroup Y chromosome, lacking a fragment, and not found in people using today the Bourbon surname.
For roots in term 'Otzi', look at baske language dictionnaries and sites; there are several baske languages, not just one, and in some of it, mutual understanding does not exist. 'Batuak' is a construct, as Volapük and Esperanto. For genetics of Ötzi G Chromosome haplogroup, and G2a in head of selbergennanten Henri IV, the blood of guillotined Louis, of the so called 'dolphin', look at PubMed, Wikipedia, Google it. That Marie Antoinette had an H3am mtDNA, that makes me immune to VIH, pls look at Wikipedia and the web. I have no academic ambitions, no need for Thesis or minor Thesis, I have not the time to work for U
R1a is particularly common among Eastern European Slavic populations, but it also has significant presence in Central and South Asia. The spread of R1a is associated with various ancient migrations, including the Indo-European migrations that contributed to the genetic landscape of many regions.
I am 50:50 German/Polish, and actually descend from the Ostrogoths. In terms of my Y-haplogroup, I am R1a-M417 -> R1a-PF6155/M458, but I have autosomal in my Y-DNA I1-M258 (Wielbark culture), R1a-Z93 (Pontic Steppe) and R1b-L2 (Romano-Celtic), a mix that is definitely Ostrogothic. Funnily enough, my mother is strongly Visigothic, which also plays a strong role in my Gothic genetics.
I'm Albanian. My y-DNA is I2a M223L801 Uncommon for the region, result of Gothic migration. In A sample of 2000 participants, I was the only one carrying this haplogroup. i was expecting to be j2 but no... Gothic emigrant.-+
@datadata-hc4yz You should read more carefully next time.? I had something in mind when I wrote L 801 attached to M 223. 4% Of Soth Albanians and around 2% of North male Albanians belong to M 223 L701. Just me in subclade L801.
Why are you so excited about goths? They were probably a conglomerate of medieval people that didn't survive, while Albanians not only survived as a nation but they created their own state.
@@Hector-dk8iy I never thought I would have any remote links to North Europe. My family is through and through Albanian. Before taking the test, I was leaning between haplogroup J2 AND E V13 which consists most of Albanian male population. After I got the test results, I found all males of my haplogroup were living in North Europe. All because of fourth century Gothic invasions. In All 6% of Albanians come from them bot my haplogroup is really rare. -
@@lydhrabinojg9341 The protoform of Albanian language, once that split from Proto-Indo-European, was probably spoken by R1b men. The genetic pool of modern Albanian men is not made up only by R1b 18 - 20%. This means that genetic make up is not that important. J2b & EV13 men joined R1b protoalbanians and formed the Albanian speaking people. Long after germanic and slavic tribes R1a I2a came in Balkans and were assimilated by Albanian tribes. All these people including native women produced the modern Albanian Nation.
Goth, Geth, Gepid, German, Gertman, Garamant and basically all other so called Germanic tribes are just different names and factions of one and the same people. Countless ancient writers make this statement.
it is however way more than Tribes beginning with G, Germania was what Rome called all land north of the Roman Empire, Germanic people spread from Scandinavia before they spread into central Europe Celts dominated the area
@@veronicajensen7690 It includes all kinds of names, not just the letter G. Like Franks, Langobards or whatever, Suebi, Aesti, I think even the Slavs belong to the same group of people.
Getae dacians are the visigoth and gepids and ostrogoths. They are celtic not germanic. Ulfillas wasnt germanic too but thracian like the getae. The gothic language is germanic but wasnt the language of visigiths, gepids and ostrogoths. Because they were celts they spoke vulgar latin.
@@mihaiilie8808 Its not about languages but about ethnicity and culutre. In essence all these tribes belonged to the same civilization, culture and ethnicity, had largely the same religion. differences between celts and germanics are just categorizations of archaeological finds, of aesthetics. It doesnt mean celts and germanics were totally different people.
During the 1900s archaeologists have been very stubborn in denying even the most obvious conclusions if they bare even the slightest similarity to views that were uncomfortable. The most obvious example was with the indo-europeans, where they stubbornly said that it was the culture and language that moved, not a conquering people. Not only is there no example of that having occurred in historical times, there were no proof for the idea anywhere. But a temporary lack of proof for people moving was seen as a disproof of people moving. Intellectual dishonesty of a kind that can only be explained as politically motivated as they had to position themselves as far away as possible from anything the nazis believed. It took DNA research to convince people that it actually was people that moved and brought language and culture with them. But this is also a good example. 1. In Sweden there are legends and sagas about when the goths had to leave. 2. During the migration period the goths were seen as kin to the swedish geats who called them the travelling/riding geats, Reidgotaland was their kingdoms called, in contrast to the gotaland in Sweden. 3. The goths also spoke of their homeland being in southern Scandinavia. 4. Events among the goths are part of norse sagas and even mentioned on rune stones as late as the early viking age. 5. Archaeological finds show migration out of Sweden at the time. 6. They also show migration from Sweden to northern Poland. 7. You have the obvious cognates in jutes, geats and gutes, who lived in Jutland, Götaland and Gotland. This can be seen in the modern day name for Gothenburg as well. 8. The linguistic evidence supports that the split between the germanic branches happened during early iron age. But still, we need DNA for people to accept the obvious.
I see how difficult is to correctly pronounce the names of Polish archeological cultures Trzciniecka (Trzciniec ), Masłomęcka (Masłomęcz), Przeworska (Przewrorsk)
The reason may be that two of them fell victim to arbitrary renaming after WW2. An English-speaking guy would handle Willenberg and Rohnau a lot easier than Wielbark and Trzciniec.
@@longinzaczek5857 Ask a native English speaker. 😂 I fear he would have to get along with Masłomęcz and Przeworsk since there is no equivalent other toponyme.
@@maximkretsch7134 Anyway sometimes Polish names of arceological cultures are funny. Example Grobsko-Śmiardowsk culture - it kome from village names (Grobsk, Śmiardowsk), however could be translated to English as "stinking graves culture"
I forgot to add read origin text in latin of Thietmar's Chronicle he is writing about our first price tomb was written Mieszko as dux of vandalum, gothum and polanum this is same with his son Boleslaw, additionally Mieszko had Dagome name in baptism document which is of Scandinavian origin. Our sources about pagan time were destroyed by christianity you learn more about Slavs from Scandinavian sagas specifically Islandic ones - why nobody translated and pointed out these things ? That’s question
Gotland is a secondary place for Goths. Origins of Goths was in Central Sweeden (Västergötland , Östergötland). Then Goth migrated to the Island of Gotland giving the Gotland name of their tribe.
And yet the country of Turkey intregingly isn't named that way because turkeys lived there! Egypt isn't where gypsies come from either. Isn't that intreging? I've just read a DNA research paper that claims that cans didn't originally come from Canada. Thank goodness for science.
@@zipperpillow Only trouble with your 'reply' is, that is where the name comes from. Turks gave the name to Turkey, misunderstanding gave the Roma a handle that was not accurate and Canada, well, that needs your mommy to explain it to you.
@@longinzaczek5857 Unless there is an evolutionary branch we do not know about, NO ONE came from Gotland originally. Of course they came from Sweden, and yes, they had direct kin on the mainland that most likely migrated to other places with them. Gotland is a very productive place, just large enough to hold a decent population, but as any island, unlike the mainland, there is finite land. When there was ideal conditions families could grow exponentially, but there was no room but for one offspring to inherit the land. Without birth control, a healthy population could see families with 5, 7. 10 children. With only enough land for one to inherit, that would prompt the rest to seek a place of their own. On mainland Sweden, there was a little more land, but not enough also. It is quite imaginable that a large population move was needed before starvation set in. History saw waves of closely related peoples migrate from this part of the world over the centuries for the above reason and other reasons.
there is limited specific information about the particular subclade of haplogroup I2a found in the Trzciniec culture, if any one in community can share the info it will be great, sorry to be not able to answer this question of yours ..
@@evoinception The official study in Nature article says that 75% of Trciniec culture had I2a ydna, but it doesn't give the exact subclade in that article. Elsewhere I saw that they say that I2a subclade from Trciniec was I-L233, but I was just double checking with you if you know different since the official Nature article didn't have a specific subclade for the Trciniec I2a.
The following paper on the origin of the Balkans says that the barbaric invasions on Rome were indeed a kind of mix of the Goths and Sarmatians. The problem is that these groups were small, paramilitary and only men came, without women. In this situation, they could not survive. Or their remnants were overwhelmed by new migrations of the Slavs, which were massive. 12:4712:540:04 The ppl of Iron Age steppe + Bulan Koba culture (Western Huns) is a modern Volga Tatar people.
Nobody want to answer that question. But there is more!!! In the great poem Beowulf, when the hero Beowulf came from Skanza (Scandinavia) and presented himself to the Danish king he said; "I am a GEAT". The GAETI lived in Scandinavia with the Germans and they always had wars. In the 8th century the GAETI/GOTHS left the peninsula and moved to Normandy. After that the peninsula became all Germanic.
@@aleksanderwassilew8548 I studied just about all the antiquity books that survived and were translated to English. From my debates with the greatest historians on earth, I have the impression that I am the only one who did such an immense study!!! I see all sorts of stupid things all over the internet which claims to be true history. What I learned from all those antiquity books is that half of the history is understood wrong, and much of it is changed on purpose, by the manipulating Scholars. Therefore the history taught in Universities, is based on the historians of 2 centuries ago, and much of it changed by the new communist minded Scholars.
@@aleksanderwassilew8548 Can't tell anything, because my videos are blocked on You Tube and Rumble. I wrote books, but those books are not allowed to be mentioned on You Tube. My Pen Name is Raven Alb J and if you write this name on Google you will see the books I wrote.
Hello! I´m from Uruguay and my paternal grandfather was from Northern Italy. My Y-DNA is R1b-U106-L44.. it may be that my paternal ancestors were of Gothic or Longobardic origin...
Hello, it's great to hear from you in Uruguay. Your Y-DNA haplogroup R1b-U106-L44 is indeed interesting. This haplogroup is common in Western and Central Europe and is often associated with Germanic tribes. It's quite possible that your paternal ancestors were of Gothic or Lombardic origin, as both of these groups migrated through Northern Italy during their histories. Thanks for sharing your story...
Hello. I am from Ukraine and my DNA study revealed the haplogroup I-Y6045. As far as I know this subclade of I1 is associated with the Gotts while now it is present mostly among Slavs, especially Poles. Is it true that this is Gottic origin?
Their mitochondrial impact appears to be relatively modest. The Goths, like many migrating warrior elites, likely left a more significant mark on the Y-DNA (paternal lineages) than on mtDNA. This is because the migrating groups were often primarily male, with women from local populations integrating into their communities. As a result, the mtDNA of the regions they moved through and settled in remains largely reflective of the local populations before their arrival.However, there are some traces of mtDNA, particularly in regions where they settled for longer periods, suggesting some level of maternal contribution to the genetic makeup of these populations. This impact, though, is smaller compared to their paternal genetic legacy.
@evoinception This is why cultures with a maternal line designating heredity are small and have tended to fade into extinction. Some do remain today, like the Avestans (to be an Avestan, your Father and Mother must both be Avestan, or you are barred from holding a position like Priest and such. Example is Freddy Mercury who could have been one of the last Avestann Priests), and even the Rugii (my father and his sibs were pure bloods, though my mother was mixed with some Boii). This arrangement led to some historical consequences like the struggle for power after Atillas death. Atillas grandpa was Balamber, the Hun Chief, and to make a fealty with the Rugii and Boii tribes, he married his son Ewldin to a Ru filidess with the caviat that all of her offspring with Ru mothers would become ensuing Chiefs. Octar, whose mother was Skirlian made his children ineligible, and this is why his grandson Odoacer was denied, and caused him to seek revenge by gaining rank in the revived Roman army, and ruthlessly becoming the first Barbarian king of Italy. He set out to exterminate the Ru, and we were saved by Theodoric the Ostrogoths (a Boii) intervention. Zeno was falsely accredited with sending him against Odoacer.
Hello. I am from Ukraine and my DNA study revealed the haplogroup I-Y6345. As far as I know this subclade of I1 is associated with the Gotts while now it is present mostly among Slavs, especially Poles. Is it true that this is Gottic origin?
While it may have originated with Germanic groups, over time it spread to Slavic populations, especially Poles, through migration and admixture. So, while it has Gothic origins, it is now found more commonly among Slavs.Thanks for your participation in discussion, hope to you see around more ...
@@evoinception Yes. Geneticians say that it has a cousin haplogroup of I-S7655 and all of them come from the parental haplogroup of I-Y6340 that is still widespread in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. This cousin haplogroup is associated with the Jutes, who migrated to England, whose descendants then spread their origin into the USA. As the Jutes and Gotts in history are considered as cousins too, it is possible to guess that I-Y6345 is one of the Gottic subclades. It is interesting that I-Y6345 was finally split from its parental and cousin haplogroups in around 200-300 AD that is very close to the times of the Gottic migration.
I read a few genetic breakdown of the Wielbark culture and saw the biggest majority, almost 3/4 in one study were ydna I1. It was interesting hearing here about the Ydna breakdown of the previous cultures and very interesting the fewer graves in Gotland showing the migration. Going to watch again. Very good. I am I1 DF29 Z60 Z140 A196 Y6900 YF73314 Y199436. Descended from the Visigoths i am sure
If you refer to the Goths that these people think they were Germans, and by Balkans you mean North of Danube you are right. South of Danube were Thracians and it is true they were also Gete/Gaeti the same as all the Skits, the Sarmati, the Masagete, the Sigety and the rest who together made the great nation of the Gaeti also called Barbarians.
The people of the Balkans are more ancestral to Western Europe than the time of the Goth. Mesolithic (I2a) and before that the Upper Paleolithic where Hg I evolved in Western Europe 40,000 years ago.
@@JoshYouA-x7k Your genetic science is much crap, because you have no idea how to read it, how to chose people for the tests, and the whole thing is run by incompetents!!!
Again a lot of misrepresentations of the results - both by the researchers and this channel. One common lie - there is no other way of accurately identifying it - is that the I-y hg and its subclades I1 and I2 are "northern European"/"Scandinavian", when the I cluster comes from central asia, present-day Iran. Part of the "agriculturalist package". In the same fashion this video's authors claim that the G2 is also "part of a northern European cluster". The G2 are Anatolians who alleggedly brought the "agricultural package" through the Aegean. And this is how the asians became "white, native Europeans" instead of actual, native white Europeans", the R cluster with its subclades R, R1a and R1b.
the data in the video is based on research , if you have such strong views post links of other research that refute these results, personals whims are not accounted for in scientific research ...
@@evoinception Genius, the video is not a result of a scientific research to begin with and that is fine by you. Do not complain just because you disagree. Disagree with a counter-argument based on research, if you can find one. I will not ask you for references. I will research your claims on my own - like I just did to respond to your video. And will find plenty of evidence against it - like I have after suffering through your video. Won't be hard because it is obvious that you know nothing about the subject. Which is why you are - on a whim - defending it. You merely like these dumb and washed out empty claims. Research everything well before you venture into another round of self-deprecation. Don't do another sloppy job like with this video.
@@evoinception Care to lead by example before demanding things from other people that you yourself are not doing? I see your comments around and not a single one with ample references of any scientific research. "Any" being the keyword here...
So, where exactly the genetic traces of both gothic tribes are not minimal? If they are from Scandinavia with its short archeological history compare to the rest of Europe, where are the origin of Germanic tribes?
The Gothic tribes, like many Germanic tribes, have their origins in Scandinavia and northern Europe. Archaeological and genetic evidence suggests that the Goths migrated from southern Scandinavia (modern-day Sweden) to the regions around the Vistula River (in modern-day Poland) and further into Europe.The genetic traces of Gothic tribes can be found in various parts of Europe, particularly where they settled, such as Poland, Ukraine, Italy, and Spain. While their genetic impact may not be dominant in any modern population, it is detectable. For example, certain Y-DNA haplogroups like I1 and R1a, which were common among the Goths, are found in regions they migrated to.
@@evoinception And how it makes goths germanic? Where is the sample of their germanic writing at least? Where is the distinct gothic culture, isolated from the other tribes you mentioned? None. Zero. The myth created by Germanic elites to feel superior about themselves. BTW, here is something to read about vikings, another germanic myth: Now cutting-edge DNA sequencing of more than 400 Viking skeletons from archaeological sites scattered across Europe and Greenland will rewrite the history books as it has shown: Skeletons from famous Viking burial sites in Scotland were actually local people who could have taken on Viking identities and were buried as Vikings. Many Vikings actually had brown hair not blonde hair. Viking identity was not limited to people with Scandinavian genetic ancestry. The study shows the genetic history of Scandinavia was influenced by foreign genes from Asia and Southern Europe before the Viking Age. Early Viking Age raiding parties were an activity for locals and included close family members.
Poland is the origin of the gothic people. Polish ancient historians mentioned this fact in their chronicles. This is confirmed by genetic evidence from Italy. The R1a haplogroup in Italy is located in regions where the Goths settled. Same in Spain.
The origins of the Gothic people are indeed a topic of much interest and research. While some Polish historians have chronicled the Goths' origins in Poland, it's important to consider a broader range of evidence.Genetic studies do show traces of the R1a haplogroup in regions of Italy and Spain where the Goths settled, which aligns with the idea that some Gothic groups might have originated from areas around present-day Poland. However, the Goths were a highly mobile and diverse group, with genetic influences from various regions, including Southern Scandinavia, as supported by both archaeological and genetic data.So, while Poland likely played a significant role in the early history of the Goths, their origins and migrations were complex, involving multiple regions and cultures. Thanks for bringing this interesting topic to the discussion ...
The people you are talking about were Sarmati, who were part of the great nation of GAETI/GETE called Goths later. But they were not the GAETI/GOTHS that these Germans are claiming to be. However Sarmati had the same genetics, and language as these Goths. Sarmati controlled all the lands from Pannonia to the Baltic Sea and were immensely powerful. It was always demand of Sarmati Mercenaries as cavalry, because they were the best. That is where the Polish people love for horses come from. Slavs were never much on horses. None of the Goths were Germans, except the "lesser Goths" who were Germans mixed with Goths.
yes however he also said Southern Sweden Scania, that was Denmark until 1667 , and he said east and central Sweden that was Swedes, Gotland have also both been Danish and Swedish but also used a trade hub by Baltic people and I believe Germans although that is after the Goths left , I'm not sure if it belonged to Denmark or Sweden back then
@@veronicajensen7690 The south-central part of Sweden is called Götaland or Gautaland , the leading clans from there were defeated by the Svear around lake Mälaren (whose main outlet to the Baltic Stockholm sits on) , thus giving rise to the name Sweden, or Svea Rike. Then just north east of the Svear you have the Ros from where you have Rusland
No, goths come from Romania, the getae land. Getae are known as the dacians too. Thats why they named Sweden, Denmark and Finland Dacia. Thats why Sweden first writer is Peteus de Dacia 😂. Romanians( getae dacians) named Sweden Dacia. Read Iordanes to know where your ancestors come.
Goths are Thracians who originated on the Balkans. They are neither Germanic, nor Slavic Polish. They are not R1a1 but Haplogroup I which is shared between Scandinavia and the Balkans.
The origins of the Goths are indeed a complex and debated topic. While some theories suggest that the Goths may have had connections to the Balkans and the Thracians, the predominant view supported by genetic, linguistic, and archaeological evidence is that the Goths were a Germanic people.Genetic studies indicate that the Goths carried a mix of haplogroups, including I1, which is common in Scandinavia, and R1a, found in many regions, including Poland. The presence of these haplogroups suggests interactions and migrations involving both Scandinavian and local populations.While the idea of Gothic origins in the Balkans is an interesting hypothesis, the evidence largely supports their classification as a Germanic tribe with significant Scandinavian connections.
@@normsti000The Gothic bible has not been found yet , the one in Uppsala is not the Gothic Bible but a fake. Silver ink was non existent at that time.
I would agree there. The theory proposed in the video suggests that haplogroups R1a, R1b and I came to poland from a northern migration. But all three originate on the balkans and are common among the thracian genetic studies. Cremation, as it was mentioned as a gothic ritual was also known as a common ritual among the thracians.
Jordanes, a Goth by birth, same as Beade, were send to the regions mentioned with the mission to re - create history. Any doubts please due UNBIASE research.
Bede was an English monk and historian who lived in the 7th and 8th centuries, long after the Goths had settled in various parts of Europe. Bede’s writings focused primarily on the history of England and the church, not on recreating Gothic history.
Ostrogoths and Visigoths has nothing to do with Scandinavian Goths, which is proved by Y-DNA genetics. Scandinavian Goths carried I1, while Ostro- and Visi- Goths carried I2 haplogroups.
Add gepids too, they are the dacian goths from Transylvania and exactly like the visigoths, just slower of the battlefield😂. The visigoths started this and they are south east romanians, the getae dacians.
This is the best video I found about Goths origin,that match with my DNA results that allways put me in balkans and Poland and Hunyadi dynasty with no reason why,however I am from Portugal, LIKE
the germanic people originally like scandinavians would have a 30% 30% and 30% R1a R1b and I1.when they moved west they'd be predominantly R1b absorbing the celtic gene pool.and when the east germanic tribes moved east they'd be R1a .
The Goths ruled Italy for 60 to 70 years, under Thedoric and some of his descendants and later Gothic userpers (of Theodoric's descendants). The Goths control completely disappeared from Southern Europe after the 6th century. Italy was eventually wrested from the Goths by the Byzantines; Justianian and his successful general, Belisarious
You are absolutely right. The Ostrogoths, under the leadership of Theodoric the Great, ruled Italy for several decades, starting from the late 5th century until the mid-6th century.
Viminacium-related study is not so relevant for surrounding populations because was a significant center in Roman commerce and economy with people from many areas.
While the genetic diversity at Viminacium means it may not represent the local population exclusively, it does highlight the extensive reach and impact of Roman trade networks. Understanding the genetic contributions from such a central hub can help us piece together the broader genetic landscape of ancient Europe and trace the flow of peoples and genes throughout the region.
The Croats being referred to as Goths or Scythians by different sources highlights this point. These names could reflect the various influences and interactions the Croats had with neighboring cultures. Over time, as the Croats settled in the Balkans and integrated with the local populations, they came to identify primarily as Slavs, which is reflective of their language and cultural practices.It's important to understand that historical identities were often fluid and influenced by migrations, conquests, and cultural exchanges. This fluidity can lead to different groups being known by multiple names throughout history.
@@evoinception it was written about as time term Slavs was coined, there were no "Slavs" before that because at time there was a development of Old church Slavonic and going into Christianity(around 900AD), literally translated Sloveni(Slavs) = Worders. Term Slav is directly linked with going into Cristianity, and developing writing system, also lets not forget early Croat christians were Arian, duality based Christianity with priest calling themselves Grandfathers There is also a genetics of course Modern Croats distances to ancient people 1. *Scythian (3.746) 2. *White Croat (3.746) 3. Scythian + White Croat (3.746) 4. Ostrogoth + White Croat (5.097) 5. Gepid + Kievan Rus (5.565) 6. Ostrogoth + Kievan Rus (6.351) 7. Scythian + Kievan Rus (7.048) 8. White Croat (7.499) 9. Scythian (7.508) 10. Ostrogoth (12.14) 11. Kievan Rus (12.36) 12. Gepid (14.98) *White means west, colours were used for cardinal directions, so for instance Red Croats are Balkan Croats, same as upstairs, BelaRus(WhiteRus) = west Rus As you can see,Scythian, Ostrogoth, then later Croats, all similar groups, problem we have today is is 19. century German romantic nationalism, where lots of thing about history was faked and that history today is learned like it is legit. We dont get any Scandinavian, or Celtic admixture,which is prerequisite for being Germanic, Codedware + SkandinavianHG + Celts
@@mr.purple1779 "The New history" made by 19. century german school is unnatural, tribes had to have their precise beginning, and it revolves around nobility, rather then continuity that changes depending on historical circumstances, and different views(bias of foreign historians, or conquers). Its basically like late Empire model projected to whole history, where everything is inherited by noble blood. Like Hapsburg model, and the need to suck up to contemporary model of power. 90% of German school history is made up, no historical sources, that is made up historical sources that always have agenda of claim. Reality is completely different, in Rome for instance, its a rule of socio-economic power, whoever can raise most men for an army, becomes an emperor. Blood and heritage is completely irrelevant in Rome, therefore you had Emperors from various different heritage. Some peoples, especially in Eastern Europe viewed concept of nobility in completely negative light, as a factor of inequality and instability. Its the need to put everything into this "noble blood heritage" box is the basis of German and therefore modern school. For majority of human history, people are tied with culture, to land, to a common cause. This whole concept of noble blood heritage actually comes from Egypt and further spreads with Abrahamic religions who stem from Egyptian religion. Before it, Europe was culture of heroes, charismatics and capable people, and the names were more akin to political parties today, or even motorcycle gangs, its only after Christianity was needed to have a King, or basically the Pope had to give you legitimacy or rule, and that whole model started with Franks getting christian for west Europe, and development of OCS for east.
@@duje44 The fact of the matter is that you have no continuity, you do not take the beginning there. This is not your history, not your culture. But as they say, there may be a distant external influence.
btw if you would see genetic DNA of today modern Polish people you would be very surprised of findings, on average they care around 40% dna similar of what was consider Swedish Vikings ( we knows Swedish Vikings were mixed themselves).
And the visigoths were also at times friends with the huns. Thats how the elongated heads of the visigoths wifes resulted. And if you look in Toulouse France, up until recently there were people with elongated heads there and it was called the Toulouse deformity. Thats was from the visigoths wich brought it from the huns.
Hunowie wyginęli i nie ma dziś w Europie ani jednego z nich. Słowianie ani Finowie nie mają nic wspólnego z ludami turkijskimi pod względem genetycznym. To są całkowicie osobne grupy ludności. Jedynie Węgrzy byli koczownikami. Twój komentarz ma obraźliwy wydźwięk i szerzy nieprawdziwe informacje.
@@e.h97 The visigoths are celtic not germanic. They are the getae dacians and spoke vulgar latin, grew vineyards( non germanic coulture), had celtic names like the gauls, ending in Ric and they even had wings on their helmets like the gauls. I live in Buzau, Romania, the place from where my ancestors got to destroy the Roman Empire and at museum here, you can see they practiced eleongated heads and thats a feature imported from the huns. They just made Gotland a colony of Dacians, in order to spread christianity to the real germanics.
@@e.h97 Thats why we say in Romania,, those visigoths were migratory tribes not us,,. Because we like the romans but in reality, the visigoths are the free dacians from the part of Romania that was never conquered by the romans. About the language, you are right were all related because germanic, slavic, latin languages and albanian too, are all indoeuropean coming from the same language. Albanian is very old, secomd oldest language after romanian language( its the thracians celts language). Massagetae from Romania, migrated over Yamnaya and reached India, killed Cyrus the Great, the founder of the First Persian Empire and they spread romanian language in India and Iran, where it became Sanscrit. Romanian language is not just older than Latin, its older and the ancestor of Sanscrit thua is the ancestor of all the indoeuropean languages.
@@e.h97 True but albanians are pelasgians, and related to thracians. Albanese is very old, has a lot in common with romanian language. But romanian is not latinised, doesnt comes from latin. Latin comes from romanian and the celts got it to Italy through the alps, where there still is romansh language. Etruscans are celts so do the trojans. Slavs are Yamnaya, steppe people, cow herders, that got,, civilised by the getae,, romanians,,. Yamnaya steppe people turned from burial to incineration like the celts ( thracians). But the getae got further, reached India and Persia where the Massagetae queen Tomiris killed Cyrus the Great. So Indians and persians learned romanian wich became Sanscrit. Sanscrit speakers, budhist monks in China, hindu priest, know its the language of the Massagetae, that comes from the getae. So the slavs are also indoeuropean, they speak a soird of romanian language, the germanics, all the celts and even a big portion of asians( farsi in Iran, languages in punjab and the north of India are coming from romanian). Romanian is the proto indoeuropean thats the ancestor of sanscrit. Albanian is the second oldest. In the end we are all related, slavs, germanics, latins, our ancestors spoke the same language. Steppe people migrated in europe but the getae also migrated east, reached India and Iran. Thats how India and Iran got people with I2 haplogroup( albanese and romanian).
Were the occupants of what is now Poland Slavic or Germanic prior to the Goths settlements? Would a Slav or a German have looked much different to outsiders back then, or was it a linguistic and cultural difference?
Prior to the Goths' settlements, the occupants of what is now Poland were primarily part of various cultures, including the Corded Ware culture, which is considered a precursor to both Slavic and Germanic groups.Back then, the differences between Slavs and Germans were mainly linguistic and cultural rather than physical. They would have spoken different languages and had distinct cultural practices, but to an outsider, they might not have looked significantly different. The genetic and physical diversity within these groups would have made it hard to distinguish between them based on appearance alone. Thanks for asking...
@@evoinceptionCorded ware is also the precursor to the Celtics and the Pontic Steppe Aryans like the Sintashta. The corded ware culture is probably the single most important piece of understanding the genetic and cultural makeup of Europeans ever since their own time.
E-V13 is indeed a haplogroup commonly associated with the Balkans, particularly with ancient Thracians and Dacians. However, genetic studies have shown that E-V13 was present in the Wielbark culture as well. This suggests that there were complex interactions and migrations between different groups in ancient Europe, leading to a more diverse genetic landscape than previously thought. The presence of E-V13 in the Wielbark culture could be due to various factors, including trade, migration, and intermarriage.
@@nathanaelpereira5207 you are welcome, with more advancements in genetics , things will be clearer in coming days, science learns from its mistakes and gets better all the time
The isolated race of scandinavian hunter-gatherer were constantly invading inland Europe since prehystoric times. In fact, germanics, celts and other northern and central european cultures were a mix of those scandinavians and local populations. Goths were just another one of those invasions. A famous one though. This is why sometimes you can see inland europeans with heavy scandinavians features. Cool information 👍.
@@mihaiilie8808 Yes, E is older than I2, but not older in the European and Balkan theatre. I2 was there back to the upper Paleolithic. Upstream haplogroup I is the only indigenous paternal marker in Europe. Cheddar man was I2. I2 was all over Europe and dominant at one time. Pull up an old I2 map, or even earlier a Haplogroup I map. Albanians have a much higher Haplogroup EV-13 and J admixture percentage. The Bosnian Croats (Dalmatians) are 70% I2. The Sardinians also have a high percentage of I2. The Proto Germanic-Nordic I1 is also old in Europe. J is not older than I. IJ was a single haplogroup that split. I went into Europe. It split near the Danube delta. T is an outlier and minimal in frequency as is G and H.
@@ancientillyrian6385 The thracians that got out from under the Black Sea when it was flooded, didnt had haplogroup I2. Because I2 its too recent and possibly caused by the conditions from the flood. But they did had haplogroup T so haplogroup T is in europe before haplogroup I2 even existed. Its also possible that haplogroup T evolved under the Black Sea so it could be native european like I2. Who do you think it built Gobekli Tepe ? There was no haplogroup I2, or R1b back then. And this haplogroup T is found in high numbers in Romania and also in Toulouse and Occitania, where the visigoths migrated. Varna chief is haplogroup T.
Polish towns were Goths lived have specific names: Radogoszcz, Małogoszcz, Bydgoszcz, Goszcz etc were Goszcz probably is an ancient form of nowadays world gość meaning guest, so they lived as a guest in territory of Poland and at this point the story that Slaves came later should end.
While these place names might suggest ancient settlements or cultural influences, there isn't concrete evidence directly linking these specific town names to Gothic settlements.
Los españoles tienen descendencis gótica ,muchos nombres y spellidos vienen del visigodo, Ramir, Ramiro ,Ramirez , hijo de Ramiro ,terminacion en ex dignifica hijo de Gonzalez, Godo gunzal ,español gonzalo ,gonzalez hijo de Gonzalo, Roderich, Rodrigo en españolRodriguez hijo de Rodrigo, así cientis de nombres y spellidos wue no son latinos ni ceiberos,Rodrigo , Gonzalo , Slfonso ,fernando , hernando, Ximeno,Ramiro,Adolfo,Manrique , Rodolfo etc
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Tienes razón en que muchos nombres y apellidos españoles tienen raíces visigodas. Los Visigodos, que gobernaron gran parte de la Península Ibérica durante varios siglos, dejaron una fuerte influencia en la cultura, la lengua, y los nombres. Nombres como Rodrigo, Ramiro, Gonzalo, y apellidos como Rodríguez, Ramírez, y González tienen origen germánico, proveniente de los Visigodos. Es fascinante ver cómo estas raíces se han mantenido a lo largo de los siglos en los nombres y apellidos españoles. ¡Gracias por compartir esta información!
The Arab invasion of Iberia resulted in big piles of chopped off heads on Gothic warriors : a large part of the male DNA ended there during the so called Golden Age.
The Spanish GOTHS never surrender in full to the MUSLIMS and their Swift Arab Stallion Cavalery.... The GOTHS kept on fighting.... Until Spain was regained for CHRISTIANITY again... As the RECONQUISTA Soon began... The GOTHS not only saw the ugly sight of Spain... But kept on fighting until they won final VICTORY in Granada in 1492.... They never gave in... Always kept on fighting... From King Don.Pelayo....until Isabel of Castile and King Fernando of Aragón finally prevailed...
The true Gothic people (who arrived in Spain and Italy) were formed in Romania and Ukraine, where the majority were followers of the Dacians (with whom they lived for 150 years and from whom they adopted the dacian folk clothes and customs), not in Scandinavia and Poland...
The origins of the Goths trace back to Scandinavia, particularly areas like Gotland and Götaland in modern-day Sweden. From there, they migrated south through Poland and into other parts of Europe. The Gothic tribes, such as the Visigoths and Ostrogoths, formed their distinct identities during these migrations and subsequent interactions with various peoples, including the Dacians.So, while their time in Romania and Ukraine was crucial in shaping Gothic culture, their roots and early formation as a people began in Scandinavia.
In Romania( the original visigoths) we are ashamed by the visigoths because they destroyed the Roman Empire and brought 1000 years of dark ages and also they had a heretic religion, arian christianity. So we say,, they were migratory tribes not us,, but in real they were just geto dacians. The onlt revered visigoth is Saint Sebas the goth from Buzau( the capital of the visigoths) , a christian martir and a church singer. Romanians like the Trojan column more than our badass ancestors and theres also the heretic religion that was wiped out from our history.
Their origin millennia ago are Berber Germanic tribes. Over millennia they came to Gutia in east anatolia and Iran. Neighboring Elam to their south. Then they went to Armenia and invented eastern Arrian christianity and Gothic architecture. Then they came to north easter europe in more modern times.
The Goths are generally considered to be a Germanic people who originally migrated from Scandinavia to the regions around the Vistula River (modern-day Poland) during the late Roman period. From there, they moved further south into areas such as Ukraine, where they were part of the Chernyakhov culture.While the Goths did have interactions with various cultures, including the Romans and possibly some Eastern influences, the majority of evidence points to their origins in Northern Europe rather than North Africa or the Middle East. Gothic architecture and Eastern Christianity were later developments that occurred after the Goths had settled in various parts of Europe.
@@evoinception The goths are the same as scythian getae. The royal goths are called Massagetae. Their brothers the Dacians are also called Dehae, who I think is same as Dan. I dont think germanic berbers originated in “Germany”. Ger means Rex/Reg ie royal.
Just look on Pietroasele treasure of Athanaric on patera and you will see the visigoths grew vineyard. They are celtic because germanics in gotland didnt grew vineyards( because its too cold in sweden). These celt visigoths wore wings on their helmets like the gauls wich is the most celtic thing to do along with the vineyard coulture. The visigoths names ending in ric, Athanaric, Alaric, Theodoric, are all celtic like gauls names, Asterix and Obelix. Being celts means they spoke vulgar latin not germanic. But they put Ulfillas to write the bible and invent even the runes, in order to spread christianity to the germanics. Ulfillas himself as well as the visigoths are thracians from romania, known as the getae. Trust Iordanes!
Visi and Ostro just means East and West. Ric and Rix is a suffix meaning King or Chief in the common language of the Easterners that were all called Keltoi by the early Mediterranean. Wake up from your Romanian 'dream'. The Runes were revealed to Odin as a code of relationship from the lake of Mimer. They have mnemonic value, but were never intended to become an Alphabet... Fugarth, but simply a tool for divination. So far, the only thing you have been correct on is that Ostro-Goths aided the Huns, and especially the Rugii tribe, when Odovacer tried to kill them all off after the death of Atilla (his grandmother was a Ru, who married Hun Chief Balambers' son Ewldin, and sealed a fealty where only her male progeny would lead the Huns, which left cousin Odoacer out. His attempted genocide was a plotted revenge foiled by Thedoric of the OSTRO- Goths, long time partners with the Ru.). You got to get your history streight.
@@johnruge1218 Ric and rix ending is celtic like the gauls and its basically vulgar latin like essen, escu, O and A prefix of the irish and moldovans. So the visigoths, ostrogoths, anybody with vulgar latin name, spoke vulgar latin. Rex means king but the sufix has nothing to do with rex. The ostrogoths spoke vulgar latin, celtic language, they had celtic names like the visigoths and the gepids and were basically same coulture, getae dacians. The visigoths at times were friwnds with the huns, thats why the visigoths adopted the elongated heads from the huns, but only for womens. You can see in Toulouse France, where the visigoths settled, the Toulouse deformity wich was that up until recently people had elongated heads there. If your hungarian you dont even speak an indoeuropean language so its harder for you yo understand celt languages. All rivers and mountains in Europe have celtic names, from Ireland to the Gange river in India, from. Sweden to the south of Italy. Celtic language means vulgar latin and oldest vulgar latin is romanian thats the proto indoeuropean. To put it short, all mountains and rivers in Europe have names from romanian language. And even your hungarian dna is romanian, celtic. These getae or dacians, got really far, deep into India not just in Europe and over the Yamnaya. Sanscrit, the language of budhism comes from vulgar latin from the getae, the romanians. It got to India then later spread into China. Read why there are 80 million speakers of romanian language in Asia. Thats what indian sanscrit speakers say,they come from the getae and sanscrit comes from romanian or the language of the getae.
@@johnruge1218 And what does Odin has to do with the goths? Odin comes from Old Norse mithology but the goths are 700 years before that. There was no Odin when the visigoths lived in Gotland! The goths are much older than the norse and the first runes are the gothic runes( letters) that were invented by Ulfillas( a vlach from bulgaria) in the region of Muntenia, valachia, south Romania- more exactly in my city of Buzau wich was the capital of the visigoths. The visigoths are arian christians, they had bothing to do with Odin or nordic mythology. Before being christian, they had gods, Dyonissus ( bachus), Diana and later Zamolxis.
What on Earth is incredible about this genetic origin ?..That they move a couple of thousands of miles over centuries !..What would be incredible is if they originated in Oceania or the Americas..If you want to talk about incredible migration then I fear we are just now getting started
That they were from Gotland. A lot of people tried to say that such suggestion was far fetched and that they would have other origins, like North Germany (which is the urheimat of Germanics, not Scandinavia) or even Poland itself, where they would not be even Goths or Germanics but maybe "just Polish" or something else altogether. Linguists may be also puzzled because East Germanic and Old Norse are not suppossed to be directly related, etc. It's credible but goes against what many people have been arguing for many decades.
The Goths did not originate from Africa. They are generally considered to be a Germanic people who originally migrated from the Scandinavian region, specifically areas like Gotland and Götaland in present-day Sweden. From there, they moved south to the regions around the Vistula River in what is now Poland and continued to migrate across Europe.
Europeans descend from Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. Africans are the descendants of Ham, another son of Noah whose grandson Canaan was cursed.
There are more problems and unknowns with the Goths. One of the problems is the Gothic Bible or the remains of the Bible, also known as the Codex Argenteus. The first fact related to the book itself is the problem when it was created. This problem is of a technical nature. At the time when this book was "created", the production technique used was not known. This technique was created centuries later, which raises serious doubts about the originality of the book itself. If we know this fact, shouldn't we be careful when explaining who the Goths are? If we start from the assumption that Jornandes wrote that history and take the dogma that the Goths are Germans, we are informed in advance what to look for. What if the Goths are not Germans? What if the Goths are Slavs? What if the Goths are a mixture of Slavs and Germans with a higher percentage of Slavs or with a higher percentage of Germans? If we start from the assumption that the Goths are not Slavs, we will never find them among the Slavs. If they started from the assumption that the Goths were not Germans, we would not have looked for them among the Germans and would never have found them among the Germans. Unfortunately, science starts from assumptions in many things. The proof that man came from apes is similar to the proof that the Goths are Germans. In both cases, it starts from an assumption, so evidence is only sought afterwards. It's not a problem to find something that looks like evidence if we don't doubt the evidence.
@@evoinception Unfortunately, everywhere I see the influence of politics or interest groups in science. Not only in historical science. The science of genetics, biology, global warming, economics, etc. I hope that what I wrote will help someone.
The so-called Gothic Bible has been examined. The manuscript dates back to the 6th century. There is nothing unusual in the technique used, although it looks like a printed book. This is not a 16th-century forgery. The origin of the Goths is certain. Many features of the Wielbark culture are of Scandinavian origin. Genetic studies fully confirm Gothic origin. It's not preassumption . The fact that the Gothic language is closer to Bavarian than to today's Scandinavian languages is the result of the fact that this language developed fully somewhere in the vicinity of other Germanic peoples (Vandals, Marcomanni, Quadi, etc.). Doubts are raised by those who want the Goths to be Slavs or the ones who claim that there weren't any Goths on the area of Wielbark culture. This is constantly happening in my country. I am Polish.
@@Viator1 You do not agree with the facts I have presented and you as a person have the right to do so. The problem is that your claims are not true. The fact that you are Polish does not change these facts.
@@naserivic4018 The Silver Bible is not the only codex containing fragments of the Ulfilas Bible. One of the Codices Ambrosiani also contains fragments of commentaries on the Gospel of John in Gothic. The Codex Gissensis found in Egypt in 1907 contains two paragraphs in Gothic. Only copies exist, because it was destroyed in 1945. The Codex Carolinus is a palimpsest. The Gothic fragment from the 6th century is overwritten with Latin text from the 12th/13th century. Codex Vaticanus (3 leaves) etc. In 2015, several inscriptions in Gothic, written in the Gothic alphabet, were discovered in Crimea, which contain quotes from one of the psalms and a prayer. The inscriptions are dated to the mid-9th century. Now you have to prove the forgeries in the remaining cases. Will you succeed? What technique could be unknown in the 6th century that is characteristic of the Codex Argenteus? The Silver Bible is an example of exquisite calligraphy, but upon careful examination one can notice slight differences between the same letters.
There were no Germanic peoples. The primordial people in Europe were the Getae who stretched from the north of the Sea of Azov to the Carpathian area and south of the Danube. Through the inflection of the name, Getii de vin Goths at the beginning of the 3rd century, due to the damnatio memoriae imposed by the emperor Caracalla who decreed the death penalty for the use of Getic derivatives. The Geti continue their history under the name of Goths, this representing the white page of our 1000-year history. ''' Until the time of Deceneu, the Goths were called Geti and were called by several names, being divided into several powers. The Ostrogoths, those from the east, the Visigoths from the west of Europe, in any case their main residence being Dacia ( actual Romania ) , which today we call Wallachia and Septem Casta (Transylvania). Nicolo Zeno, Italian historian 1557, in the "Books of the Getis" about the genealogy of the Getic people, from the biblical origins. And other authors describe the same historical realities. The Goths were the ancient Getae, with a modified name. They migrated to western Europe and northern Scandinavia and under the name Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths gave birth to other nations. Many documents. Excluding Germanic peoples, invented by Western historians, without roots in antiquity, in order to have an ancient ancestry. (The Goths did not conquer Dacia but returned to the motherland.)
The prevailing historical and archaeological evidence shows that the Goths were a Germanic people originating from Scandinavia, specifically regions like Gotland and Götaland in modern-day Sweden. They migrated southward through what is now Poland and into parts of Europe, including modern-day Romania and Ukraine.The claim that the Goths were simply renamed Getae is not supported by the majority of historians and archaeologists. The Getae were a Thracian people living primarily in the area of present-day Romania and Bulgaria, distinct from the Germanic Goths. The Goths and Getae may have had interactions, but they are recognized as separate groups with different origins.The idea that Germanic peoples were invented by Western historians is also not accurate. Germanic tribes, including the Goths, have been well-documented through ancient texts, linguistic studies, and archaeological findings. These sources provide a clear distinction between the Germanic Goths and the Thracian Getae.
@@evoinception Yes, they are an invention and people should finally educate themselves on this. Goth is another name for Getae and also Jats. This is Bulgarian and Romanian history. Why dont you just look at pictures showing Goths and Dacians and see if there is any difference. Just look on wikipedia. What is documented, the fake Bible called codex Argenteus or the cyrrilic script that they see as "german". Jordan was a Goth from Bulgaria. Not the first time Thracian history is stolen, the last time was during WW2 and Hitler that stole the Aryans that were also Thracians. When people steal history they should be aware this could be very dangerous, millions died because of this!!! The real descendants of the Aryans killed noone but the fake did. Read a book Goter oder Bulgaren and see. I have several other books in Bulgarian as well. Swedes have no idea about anything when being asked, they just repeat Gotland but show us zero prove about any prehistory there. Well, a mighty tribe always has prehistory. This is about science, not about we waz Goths. If you are naive and think history is not politics then you should open your eyes. This will help you understand history and politics at the same time. Good luck! "He also says that Urphilas19 brought over as settlers to the Roman territory a large body of persons who had been driven out of their ancient abodes for the sake of their religion. These came from among the Scythians, north of the Ister, and were formerly called Getae , though now they are better known as Goths… This multitude of converts were located by the emperor in the different parts of Moesia…” - Philost.Eccl.Hist.5. "When many Scythians, who are called Goths, had past the river Ister, in the time of Decius, they wasted the Roman empire. 9. Theophanes, under the year 370, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: for that the Scythians are in their tongue called Goths, Trajanus Patricius relates in the history of his own time. 10. Georgius Syncellus, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉: the Scythians are also called Goths in their own language. 11. Jornandeso always speaks of the Goths, Getae, and Scythae, as one people, and uses the names synonymously. 12. Isidorus thus begins his Chronicle of the Goths in Spain, Gothorum antiquissimum esse regnum certum est, quod ex regno Scytharum est exortum. 13. procopius repeatedly calls the Foederati, so well known in the Lower Empire, Goths. Suidas in voce calls them Scythae. 14. Ammianus Marcellinus, lib. xxxi. mentioning the death of Decius who fell in the battle against the Goths, or Getae, calls them Scythicae gentes."
Getae (गेटी/जेटी) or Getai (गेटी) or Gets (गेट/जेट) was the name given by the Greeks to several Thracian tribes that occupied the regions south of the Lower Danube, in what is today northern Bulgaria, and north of the Lower Danube, in the Muntenian plain (today's southern Romania), and especially near modern Dobruja. This was in the hinterland of Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast, bringing the Getae into contact with the ancient Greeks from an early date. Scholars have suggested that "Getae" is the Greco-Latin variant of "Goth".[1][2][3][4] Alexander Cunningham advocated, "Jat is the same word as Getæ, in all probability."[5] “Getae qui et nunс Gothi, Getarum, sive Gothorum, Geticus quasi Gotticus”. “Rome should have no longer any Getic peril to fear; for they say that the Goths are of the Getic race.” - Proc. Bello Gothico, V.XXIV.29. "It is proper first to shew that Scythae, Getae, Gothi, were but different names for one and the same people; as we call them Spaniards, whom the French call Espagnols; the Italians, Spagnuoli: or as the French call the English Anglois; the Italians, Inglesi."
Cremation skews this video to the "unknown". The Swedes wanted to be Thervingi, then Vikings and now Goths- I wonder if this will workout for them this time around.
Thank you for the informative video. It is interesting to think that both our Gothic and Slavic ancestors were assisted in obtaining a written language, due to the efforts of individuals who highly valued the collection of 66 books we call, "The Bible." Ufilas c.311c.e.-- c.382c.e., Cyril & Methodius in 864,865 c.e. Sadly the weeds that Christ Jesus foretold that would arise in the Church, which individuals, the Apostle Paul referred to as "wolves," who would not treat the flock with tenderness, but would speak twisted things, had gained control with the passing of the Apostles. Thus it comes as no surprise, that the Church condoned the forced conversions of our pagan ancestors and adopted a number of their pagan traditions and practices. Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 Acts 20: 17, 29,30 1 Corinthians 6:15
I want to clarify that at no point in the video did I confuse Goths with Slavs. The video clearly distinguishes between the Goths, who were a Germanic people originating from Scandinavia, and the Slavs, who have their origins in Eastern Europe.While the modern borders of Poland have indeed changed over time, the region known as Poland has a deep and long history, with Polish statehood dating back over a thousand years.
@@evoinception The Gothic people who setteld in Balkans later asimilated for example those who lived close to Slavs Slavinized Those close to Albanians Albanized
All these haplogroups "suggest" boredom. I wonder what's supposed to be ... how to say ... significant ? And I noticed a picture where, once again, the scythians are depicted small mongoloid people. The goths interacted with daco-gete people, that some ancient historian said they were ancestors of goths.
Some geneticists and historians argue that the goths did originate from sweden and poland but once they started the migrations into the black sea they picked up and assimilated large groups of other eastern germanic tribes as well as scytho-sarmatians , some alan groups , dacians , thracians (hence the getae affiliation with the gothic origins mentioned in jordanes ) and some early proto slavs as well as captured slaves and other minorities joining the gothic confederation from cappadocia (modern day turkey ), balkans , greece , even some huns joined and slaves joined them from italy as well which could have been a mixture of gallic - germanic and north african and Mediterranean slaves .. once they got into france and the iberian peninsula they were already had a substantial mixture as hinted in some manuscripts that alot of goths were of arian faith and others were pagans ( most if not all goths in the 5th century would have been arian christians indicating those of other ethnicities still practiced paganism ) . Also genetic evidence shows that some of the haplogroups they would have brought to the iberian peninsula and italy would be not as much of germanic origin but also r1a and more Mediterranean haplogroups (further indicating the likelihood of them assimilating many balkans and greeks and byzantines .
You're absolutely right, gothic migrations were complex, and they assimilated various groups along the way, which is reflected in their genetic diversity by the time they reached places like the Iberian Peninsula and Italy. The mix of different peoples and cultures, including Scytho-Sarmatians, Alans, and others, contributed to the unique Gothic identity we see in history. Thanks for bringing this up...
Haplogroup I1a is the oldest European DNA coming from the middle east ...Haplogroup I and middle eastern Haplogroup J had genetic fusion....together.....proving to be proto semitic.
There is one serious flaw in all theories about the origin of the Goths: both scholars and people at large tend to regard Northern Poland and Southern Sweden as two places far apart and isolated from each other. They're not, they are right next door to each other.
Our perception of early history is still heavily influenced by the 19th and early 20th century historians who all seem to have suffered from serious aquaphobia. Things look very different the moment we realise the sea is a highway, not a barrier.
Exactly, also, when it comes to migration, I think there should always be an analysis of the climate at the time. As soon as it is done, things become very clear.
"Look at the Goths and their amazing ship burials!"
"Far from their homeland, they barely survived on an inhospitable foreign shore they have never heard of before with savage people lurking in the woods!"
Prehistorically they tended to be rather different:
1. In the Neolithic Scandinavia was settled by people from the West (Megalithic super-culture), via Denmark, and by people from the East (Diepr-Don), via Belarus and the Baltic countries. Later the Danish-South Swedish Megalithic peoples (similar to modern Basques) would influence Poland in culture (Funnelbeaker) but not in genetics, which remained of the "Sardinian" type instead.
2. When the Indoeuropeans (Corded Ware) arrived and had Poland (especially Kujawia) as their main stronghold, they also invaded Scandinavia but almost certainly via Denmark again (they were still the landlubber type, although I guess they may have began adapting, they were far from being great sailors).
3. Later Germany and Scandinavia, and even the Czech Republic, were strongly influenced by Bell Beaker culture (which is from SW Europe and thus probably Vasconic), but Poland wasn't.
4. When the Celto-Italics (Urnfields culture) expanded they did affect Poland (Lausitz culture) but not Scandinavia nor the likely Germanic homeland in North Germany and the Netherlands.
So it's only with the East Germanics (veritable precursors of the later Varangians it seems to me) that both areas (Scandinavia and Poland) were *directly* connected by the same dominant ethno-culture for the first time ever (unless we count early West Indoeuropeans of Corded Ware culture, which were not directly interacting between Poland and Scandinavia but via North Germany and Denmark rather). It would not last, as the East Germanics moved southwards and the Slavics eventually replaced them.
The sea and the rivers. They waited for the right wind and sailed in a few hours travelled hundreds of miles. And the rivers was short cuts allowing to sail across the continent.
It's worse than that.
People talk about the Goths like they are extinct. Many of us still carry their legacy.
its a wonderful legacy indeed ...
Here, here!
@@evoinception Yes. They brought down Rome and Attila allowing the modern world to arise. It would have been a much different world if the Eastern Empire hadn't moved against them.
I had traces of his DNA too.
Many typical Spanish Surnames like, Fernandez, Alvarez, Gonzalez, Sanchez, Martinez, Rodriguez ect are Visigothic in origin.
As a Spaniard of Galician heritage, today I'm Christian and speak Castilian aka Spanish instead of Arabic praying to Allah 20 times a day thanks to Visigothic Nobleman Don Pelayo. Valiant warrior King of the North. King of Asturias. Crowned KIng by the loyal men who fought alongside him. Seeder of the Reconquista and their descendants who continued forming small Christian Kingdoms in the North, fighting and resisting for 700 years. Generation to generation. (Instead of running away into France) slowly expanding until the whole of Iberia was free of the peaceful messengers of islam in 1492AD, when the remaining Christian Kingdoms united to become Spain. 🇪🇸 (Except for the Kingdom of Portugal 🇵🇹 because they're special but I still love them.)
Muslims like to brag how they "ruled Iberia for 800 years. "
But what they fail to mention is that the Reconquista pretty much started straight away. And that the tiny Christian Kingdoms of the North were not part of Al Andalus. They also fail to mention that by the 12th century (1100s) half of Hispania was back in Indo European Christian hands. And by the mid 13th century 96% of Hispania had been reconquered. They fail to mention that the islamic kingdom of Granada was allowed to remain as long as they paid tribute to the Kingdom of Castile. Until they made the mistake of attacking a Christian settlement in the late 15th century.
Today the gates of Toledo have once again been opened into Europa and the West...
*Reconquista II Intensifies*
I'm from south-eastern Poland and have made DNA test. Turned out I have 30% DNA from central Sweden and only 40% eastern polish (and 6% western Ukraine). That's some strong gene seed considering how long ago it was. Goths still live today :)
you carry a wonderful legacy , thanks for sharing ...
It could be some 17century swedish soldier gens also.
lol still majority Slav not Goth
Thats more likely from the great northern war in 1721
@@dl3472 You don't know how genes are passed. In order to keep 30% it has to re-encounter periodically. My Brit friend mother was Irish and her DNA was 45% Irish but she married english. My friend as her son has only 15% irish. Fun fact his dad has only 3% scandinavian DNA... sooo you know about that "great" impact of vikings on Britain xD
If any of people mentioning some short-time war as possibility then please, watch video in fully and make some brain thinking.
I'm from Spain. I dad a DNA test and showed modern connection with scandinavian people. After that, I did another DNA test wich compares your samples with DNA founded in archaeological burials and showed a direct connection with a visigothic buril in northern Spain. Also, included a connection wit an scythian burial i moderno Moldavia, where goths were too.
well that is very interesting, thanks for sharing ...
National Geographic Geno2.0 found average Spaniards have some 18% Northern European genetics, a similar East Asían,...
@Behemot_ I'm Spaniard too of Galician heritage haven't had a DNA test but I don't get dna tests, the main percentage Spaniards get is Iberian. WTF does Iberian even mean? Spaniards are predominantly R1b. Historically made of of Celts aka Celtiberians, Iberians, Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Germanic tribes. So wtf does it even mean to be 80% "Iberian" a blend of all of them?
Estamos todos una mezcla una ensalada yo soy de origen rumano pero con raises griegos me han llamado de todo italiano, hispano alemán ruso búlgaro hasta non blanco por ciertas extremistas hasta unos inmigrantes de Afganistán me han dicho que tengo rasgos arianos/ Bactria y Parsi 😅🤣 no hay una rasa somos todos miles y miles de años de evolución de migraciones y cambios políticos y sociales. Saludos desde Canadá.
Hi, could you tell which dna test brands did you use?
The Goths , according to their own tradition, originated in Scania, and in three waves crossed to nowaday Poland, settling at Gothisk Anza, meaning Gothic bay, from which the placenames Danzig, or Gdansk are derived. By no means were they Thracians.
Do you know who the Scythians were?
@@Thor-Orion Of course,"Thor". Scythians are a branch of the Eastern, Satem group of Indoeuropean languages, and are distantly related to Germanic peoples , who are part of the Kentum group.
The goths start with the visigiths in south Romania. There are no other goths older than in Romania and its like Iordanes says, they were getae dacians.
But thats not all, the visigoths named Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Dacia in official documents, just google it 😂.
Its because the visigoths are dacians and dacians are thracians.
First writer of Sweden- Petrus de Dacia.
Also these goths were not even germanic, they were 100% celts that spoke vulgar latin themselves.
The gothic language was invented just to convert the germanics to christianity.
Visigoths from Romania grew vineyard, wich is not germanic coulture but celtic(dacian), they wore wings on tgeir helmets like the gauls wich means celts and celts speak vulgar latin.
Trust Iordanes when he says the visigoths are getae dacians of Decebal and Burebista.
There is even the Daikones tribe in Gotland, literally dacians.
@@mihaiilie8808 Yo
@@mihaiilie8808 briganties of EU from Anatolia pythains who said to be Thracia or from Armenia
It appears the proto-Goths spent a lot of time getting to know their neighbors
thanks for your continued support to channel and interest in topic
In Spain, the Goths switched from Aryan beliefs, they knew Jesus through Ulfilas, to Roman Catholic Church to be the same as Iberians
@@josega6338 they were Arians not really Western Catholics you think about today lol quite different
no tv in those days;
The second image shown in this video are of armor-plated Sarmatians, not Goths.
Sarmatians Scythians and Alans are part of Thracian people and also goths are related to the Thracian tribe getaes, so they're all the same.
They're almost certainly related.
@thecatsariwhaa is that true
@@Christopher...G7 even Romans said this. (Stephani Byzantii
Ethnica-I, Berolini, MDCCCXLIX, s. 578) also it was said that Dacians are Scythians, but we know that they are Thracians too, there are a lot of sources about this.
@@Christopher...G7 also direct descendants of these Thracians were Bulgarians "QUIA BULGARES, QUI JURE GENTILE PARIAM SUAM SUBJUGANTES"; also "Bulgaria before called Thracia according to the old monuments...",...
Gotland I have many Swedish DNA matches and have no Swedish ancestors, but I do have ancestors form Norway, Hanover area of Germany, Bavaria and Switzerland.
you carry a wonderful legacy, thanks for sharing ...
My family came from Hamburg, Germany, I have the I1 haplogroup. Family tradition say they were boat makes and settled along the Elbe River in the 9th century AD. Most likely they were Vikings looking for land to farm.
@@justanamerican9024 you have a wonderful legacy , thanks for sharing ..
The funny thing about Bavarians: My dad is I1 and my mum is 66,5% Skandinavian both come from regions where never a swedish Soldier got lost in the 30 years war. If you upload their DNA to sime a-DNA site my dad is Lombard/Gepidic and my mum Visigoth/Gepidic (those 'Gepidic' samples all have high Balkanic and Celtic admixtures) Funny is the PCA: The statistical nowadays 'Austrian' and 'Southern German' are labelled with a distance above 8, while the skeletal remains clot around a distance of 5. So their nowadays closest relatives are in Southern France and Central and Northern Spain as well as in the Piemont, though we don't have 'real' relatives there, only DNA-Matches that come from perchance 'Population-genetics'. They also have lots of Skandinavian, Polish and Russian 'Matches' though more distant then the 'Lombard' and 'Visigothic' ones. Both of them are really closely related with the Skara Varnhem VK42, with 1900 and 1600 SNP's in a row, but we mused if this one probably was no Viking but a catholic priest.
Politically, the sucessor states to the Visigothic Empire, through the Principality of Asturias and the Kingdom of León, are the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain. All of Latin American countries and Brazil derive their political and social lineage from the Goths. In 410 Alaric the First sacked Rome. In 451 Theodoric the First, allied to the last Roman army, defeated Attila and the Huns, therefore laying the foundation for an independent Christian West. Amal and Balt royal lines had been the inspiration for the germanic religion and legends.
Exactly. Spaniards and Portuguese always remember the Celtiberians but forget about our Germanic ancestors. Apart from the fact that many typical Spanish surnames are Visigothic in orgin, like Rodriguez, Sanchez, Martinez, Gonzalez, Alvarez, Fernandez, Gomez ect, but the Suebi, Vandals, Buri, Alans also entered into Hispania.
As a Spaniard of Galician heritage, today I'm Christian and speak Castilian aka Spanish instead of Arabic praying to Allah 20 times a day thanks to Visigothic Nobleman Don Pelayo. Valiant warrior King of the North. King of Asturias. Crowned KIng by the loyal men who fought alongside him. Seeder of the Reconquista and their descendants who continued forming small Christian Kingdoms in the North, fighting and resisting for 700 years. Generation to generation. (Instead of running away into France) slowly expanding until the whole of Iberia was free of the peaceful messengers of islam in 1492AD, when the remaining Christian Kingdoms united to become Spain. 🇪🇸 (Except for the Kingdom of Portugal 🇵🇹 because they're special but I still love them.)
Muslims like to brag how they "ruled Iberia for 800 years. "
But what they fail to mention is that the Reconquista pretty much started straight away. And that the tiny Christian Kingdoms of the North were not part of Al Andalus. They also fail to mention that by the 12th century (1100s) half of Hispania was back in Indo European Christian hands. And by the mid 13th century 96% of Hispania had been reconquered. They fail to mention that the islamic kingdom of Granada was allowed to remain as long as they paid tribute to the Kingdom of Castile. Until they made the mistake of attacking a Christian settlement in the late 15th century.
Today the gates of Toledo have once again been opened into Europa and the West...
*Reconquista II Intensifies*
@@edstar83well said ... If after 800(?) years our ancestors/we did not want you there it is because we (Christian Iberia) and you (Islam) have nothing in common in spite imbecilic propaganda driven DNA studies (which proved exactly the opposite) .... AND by the way, this "Al Andalus' is just "Vandalusia" The Land of Vandals... it is the distorted pronunciation to make it sound arabic.... stop saying/using the expression"Al Andalus'"; quash it! ... It is narrative vocabulary...
Hispania is a roman branding Iron, before them, some small Kingdoms, eg, Tartessos, and many state-towns existed.
The Visigoths coming as religious-political regugees, in the absence of a local power by internal Rome conflicts, started ruling with their own authorities and traditions.
The political unity reached by Isabel and Fernando came after centuries of Germanic peoples' kingdoms fighting each other and the muslims.
But I'd say there is a genetic continuity between Spaniards of today and Atapuerca fossils.
Spanish state and governement is actually alien to Spaniards, if you read Am J Hum Gen, dec 2008, about religious intolerance and male genetics in Iberian Peninsula, the pictures you get are even more complex.
@@edstar83Regardé la gelipolluá, nen, Europa la construyeron pueblos germánicos, el nombre es griego, pero habría quien al declararse 'europeos' querrían ser como el discobolo de Mirón o la Venus de Milo.
El palabro 'amoto' tendría que ver con el uso de 'a' en lenguas prerromanas.
except differently Christian lol
Most of the DNA evidences not suprised me. In general Poland was probably dominated by R1a haplogrup since 3000 BC and Corded Ware culture. Wielbark culture (read Vielbark) bringed some DNA from scnadinavia where Goths (mainly I1) mixed with some local people (R1a).
Goth kings family probably migrated from Åmål village in Sweeden (on the coast of Vänern Lake) invading the region rich because for amber trade (close to city of Gdansk in Poland - probably originated from "Gothiscandza").
A fact that suprised me is G hapolgrup in Goth DNA.
The presence of the G haplogroup in Gothic DNA is indeed surprising and highlights the diverse genetic influences in these ancient populations. The G haplogroup is more commonly associated with populations in the Caucasus and Near East, suggesting that the Goths, like many ancient groups, had complex interactions with various peoples over time.
@@evoinception My hypothesis is that G haploroup is a remnant of neolythic farmers that migrated to Scandinavia from Anatolia thorough Danube and Elbe river valleys. but I am supriset that this DNA survieved in Scandinavia for so long.
Cold climate naturraly prefers I1 and R1a haplogrups.
There is Haplogroup I and G because they are dominant in the Goths/Getae in Moesia and Thrace! Goths are NOT Germanic, they are NOT from Poland, please, this is a total, total falsification and this channel should be reported! Goths originated in today’s Bulgaria close to the Black Sea north from Varna. From there they migrated through BAVARIA north to Scane and Gothland!
@@goldliongoldlion5336 You wrongly use the word "falsification"
G2a is a haplogroup of Neolithic Farmers and Basques forefathers that were exterminated and replaced by R1b. Today, G2a is dominant in Osetians(Alania)have 55% and Gorgians 30%. Neolithic Farmers have spread around Europe. They survived only in Greec and Montenegro each 6%. Similar % in Italy and Spain. G2a was a part of real ancient Greek, and were "Ancient Greeks", not today Greeks. Today Greeks are from Anatolia J2a and Caucasus R1b-ht35 part of R1b haplogroup that reached Caucasus. These Greeks invaded South Italy and Sycily. We have learned about Aristotel, Pithagora Siracusa and Magna Grecia. Today Greeks live in country and area that those South Italien Greeka invaded in Balkan from teritory setled by Greeks in South Italy.
Fantastic information, but I'd love to see a map showing the various migrations over time.
thanks, i will add it in a future episode
@timadamson3378 An older Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1987 or so, has such a map in the macro history of Europe section showing tribal migration during the first millenia AD. Before that you need to piece together folk tales and be aware of the alterations of religion and politics of conquest have made. For example, the Snorri Sturleson Edda tells of Odin having been born in Anitolia, in the time before the consolidation of the Hittite Empire. He got assassinated by the King of Norway for contradicting Christian Dogma of the time. The Steppe tribes that came thru that way split and went southwest and northwest, the corded ware and earliest R1a and b their descendants. The Lebhar Gabalah Eirann tells of the history of people's coming to Ireland being from these folks in the case of four of these groups that came from the North, from Ionia and from the colonization efforts of the Mylesians. They are the People of Nemed, the Fir Bolg, and the Tuatye de D'anann, and finally the Mylesians, who were all cousins of the same migration group. Remember to be critical of time lines in respect to the contemporary religious and political lords of the times your informational resources were recorded.
@@timadamson3378 just read Getica. It is detailed and short enough to draw the map yourself.
Wish we had some freedom left in Scandinavia and in the cradle of our culture; the black sea population. Btw, the land was much higher close to the ice age. Whole people groups lived where the ocean cover parts of the North Sea, close to northern Europe. Meaning the dry land almost conected Scandinavia to Poland.
thanks for your perspective on the topic ...
Quite the opposite. The Scandinavian peninsula had been pressed down by the ice and was lower than today with coastlines far inland today. It has been rising in different degrees in different parts of Scandinavia and at the same time sea levels were rising so sometimes Denmark and southern Sweden was a part if the European mainland, sometimes cut off like today. ~2000 BP the coast was a bit inland from present coastlines.
They had boats! It was faster to travel by sea than land because they didn't have cars and roads.
Just been watching Campei Flegrei in Naples, the crust is rising 2 centimetres a month, clearly a lot can change in two thousand years, 🙏 it is not an ominous sign because a super volcano is probably much more dramatic than an ice sheet, that being said there are some theories that when a super volcano goes off it causes an ice age to occur because the ash blocks out the sunlight for some time, if that is the case what happens to all those climate change theories 🤔.
Just a few simple questions - why the Jordan book is called Getica and not Gothica and why enormous ancient writers say the Goths, who were called before Gets/Getae (the famous and enormous Thracian tribe)
Germanic propaganda. They could not find R1b haplogroup among "Goths" therefore they worked out I1haplogroup, which is not Germanic but treated as Germanic. 30% of Norvegians carry R1a haplogroup. What is about this data. 29% Germans in Germany have R1a haplogroup and 15% of I2 hg more than I1. I1 haplogroup is getting and resenting as Germanic haplogroup.
Better ask why the visigoths named Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Dacia in official documents. 😂
First writer of Sweden- Petrus de Dacia, when Sweden was named Dacia.
Why there are the tribes Daikones( dacians) in Gotland, Getsi, guttones...
Its like. Iordanes says, they came from Dacia into Sweden.
Because they were dacians.
Talán tőhajlítással fejezték ki a többesszámot. (pl. men - man)
@@amaldalai748 envious on romanian history? 🤣
Great, thanks! How about something on the origin location of the Vandals next?
i will keep your suggestion in mind for future episode ...
Vandals(Veneti) carried R1a Slavic haplogroup, not R1b Germanic or Scandinavian I1 haplogroup.
@@ashlyirvyn2917 dominant was this R1a Slavic haplogroup within their gene-pool, and how reliable and wide was this sourced? I was under the impression that the Vandals were also Scandinavian, or at least Germanic. Thanks.
@ashlyirvyn2917 Slavs descended from the Scythians also R1a. Just like the Persians. R1a. Farsi is an Indo European language.
Slavs, Germanic and Celts are brothers.
Too bad the Persians didn't resist islam more.
As a Spaniard of Galician heritage, today I'm Christian and speak Castilian aka Spanish instead of Arabic praying to Allah 20 times a day thanks to Visigothic Nobleman Don Pelayo. Valiant warrior King of the North. King of Asturias. Crowned KIng by the loyal men who fought alongside him. Seeder of the Reconquista and their descendants who continued forming small Christian Kingdoms in the North, fighting and resisting for 700 years. Generation to generation. (Instead of running away into France) slowly expanding until the whole of Iberia was free of the peaceful messengers of islam in 1492AD, when the remaining Christian Kingdoms united to become Spain. 🇪🇸 (Except for the Kingdom of Portugal 🇵🇹 because they're special but I still love them.)
Muslims like to brag how they "ruled Iberia for 800 years. "
But what they fail to mention is that the Reconquista pretty much started straight away. And that the tiny Christian Kingdoms of the North were not part of Al Andalus. They also fail to mention that by the 12th century (1100s) half of Hispania was back in Indo European Christian hands. And by the mid 13th century 96% of Hispania had been reconquered. They fail to mention that the islamic kingdom of Granada was allowed to remain as long as they paid tribute to the Kingdom of Castile. Until they made the mistake of attacking a Christian settlement in the late 15th century.
Today the gates of Toledo have once again been opened into Europa and the West...
*Reconquista II Intensifies*
Europe for Europeans
The issue with this is before the European with a higher presence today, other ethnicities existed.
In invasions, women usually survive, while men almost dissapear, but in some European places, old female lineages were also wiped out.
An Spanish cartoon said: 'The Monroe doctrine? -America for Americans. And Europe? -for Americans too!
If Spanish conquerors were able to speak baske to some local people in Canary Islands, Cuba, later, both in México and Perú, said one third of natives' language was Greek.
Uapitis is White Pit; Te pito no te genua, native name for Easter Island is 'Navel of the World', in line with 'Vahine no te tiare', woman with flower, Gaugin inTahiti. Vahiné is cognate to vagine.
'Popol vuh' is 'People's book'
@@josega6338 nope we clearly know who was here and all of them were from here, European can be seen in DNA test period
Nah, the humans are mix from people from all around the world and any place. Down with these false romanticism that Europe was only like in the countryside, there were the cosmopolitan and diverse big cities too.
@@YagaKimIsolda59 I take it you aren’t European then …..or a self hating woke liberal
Goths are Getae
The Getae (Greek: Γέται, singular Γέτης) was the name given to several Thracian tribes who lived in the region south of the Lower Danube. It is now known today as northern Bulgaria, and north of the Lower Danube, in Romania.
the Goths were a distinct Germanic people who originated from Scandinavia ...
@@evoinception i feel you should qualify that with something like "current interpretations of evidence suggests".... to be honest, history that old is more art than science.
I think you're referring to two different cultural groups sharing similar sounding ethnic tribal names, like the Celtic Veneti of the far West Atlantic Armorica and the Italic Veneti of the North Italian peninsula or the Slavic Venedi of the Vistula.
what he forgot to mentioned but showing map - its that mtdna has been unchanged in Middle Ages and Bronze Age population of Poland and has it continuation till today, he also forget to mentioned that there is significant Slavic genes ( we should say Eastern) in Scandinavian population in Danes, Swedes , Norwegiand and Islandic. That's why Polish scientists are very careful as these findings , we also do not have samples ( people from cremations time - however I heard there are some to be tested). These dna didnt solve if Germanics moved out, it looks more like some of them did but also some of them stayed and assimilated.
You’re right that the absence of samples from cremation periods presents a challenge, but it’s promising to hear that some samples may soon be tested. These analyses could provide further clarity on the movements and interactions of ancient populations.
The author of the video treated the results of DNA tests from Wielbark culture burials very selectively - focusing only on the haplogroups of the male Y chromosome. A full DNA profile was examined, including the DNA of women (who, of course, do not have Y haplogroups I2, I1 or R1). These studies indicated mixing Scandinavian DNA with the DNA of inhabitants who lived in this area before the arrival of the Goths - male newcomers from Scandinavia had offspring with local women. There were 300-400 years of peaceful coexistence between the newcomers from Scandinavia and the existing inhabitants, before the Goths migrated further to the area of modern Ukraine. In this context, the stay of the Goths in Spain or Italy was rather short and coincided with quite turbulent times of wars and subsequent invasions of nomads from Asia or other non-Scandinavian Germanic tribes.
Returning to the research on the full DNA of the Wielbark culture, they showed great similarity to the DNA of the inhabitants of early Middle Ages Poland.
It's worth noting that genetic studies show not only mixing but also cultural exchanges, as seen in the shared material culture and burial practices between the Scandinavian newcomers and local populations. This kind of integration is a testament to the complex social dynamics of ancient communities.Furthermore, while the Goths did migrate to areas like Ukraine, Spain, and Italy, their genetic legacy in these regions is more nuanced. The Goths' migrations contributed to the genetic diversity in these areas, but the impact was relatively small compared to the larger, more established local populations. This is especially evident in the turbulent times marked by wars and invasions, which led to further genetic mixing and dilution of any single group's genetic signature.Recent studies also highlight that the genetic legacy of the Goths, while detectable, is often interwoven with other Germanic tribes and migratory waves. This complexity makes it challenging to attribute specific genetic markers exclusively to the Goths.
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R11391.SG
0.04085254 Swedish
0.04121849 Danish
0.04206912 Norwegian
0.04306289 Shetlandic
0.04382194 German_Hamburg
0.04421438 Orcadian
0.04488088 Scottish
0.04583671 Irish
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10636.SG
0.02472813 Swedish
0.03157046 Norwegian
0.03438086 Danish
0.03843650 German_Hamburg
0.03967509 Shetlandic
0.04312379 Orcadian
0.04321628 Scottish
0.04342415 Dutch
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10634.SG
0.02298153 Swedish
0.02384278 Danish
0.02506617 Norwegian
0.03001237 German_Hamburg
0.03042431 Orcadian
0.03177979 Scottish
0.03178616 Shetlandic
0.03275869 Irish
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10633.SG
0.04259472 Swedish
0.04495309 Norwegian
0.04563897 Danish
0.05240925 German_Hamburg
0.05308442 Dutch
0.05348935 Irish
0.05370007 Welsh
0.05428056 Orcadian
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10631.SG
0.02114086 Norwegian
0.02171189 Swedish
0.02264402 Danish
0.02737383 Orcadian
0.02916545 Irish
0.02936881 Scottish
0.03185763 Shetlandic
0.03187308 Dutch
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10626.SG
0.02539197 Swedish
0.02601547 Danish
0.02675898 Norwegian
0.03265837 Scottish
0.03364711 Irish
0.03365813 Orcadian
0.03374867 Dutch
0.03396662 Shetlandic
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10625.SG
0.04681236 Swedish
0.05236644 Norwegian
0.05332145 Danish
0.05534564 German_Hamburg
0.05731085 Slovakian
0.05816326 Polish_Silesian
0.05858155 Finnish_Southeast
0.05976458 Dutch
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture.SG:R10620.SG
0.02823558 Danish
0.02866479 Swedish
0.02927759 Norwegian
0.03245428 Dutch
0.03256657 German_Hamburg
0.03417540 Scottish
0.03546705 Orcadian
Distance to: Poland_Weklice_WielbarkCulture:R10618.SG
0.03647261 Swedish
0.03695723 Danish
0.03730740 Norwegian
0.04328868 German_Hamburg
0.04378620 Dutch
0.04542937 Welsh
0.04561004 English
0.04618270 Scottish
Stolarek et al. (2023) tested several individuals buried in Wielbark culture cemeteries. This observation agrees with the autosomal results, as the individuals analysed were shifted towards peoples inhabiting Northwestern Europe, so that much of their ancestry had a Scandinavian origin.
However, the "name " of the people seems to have migrated with the Y chromosome.
In short Gotland really is the ancestral and cultural start point of the Goths, just as the traditions would have it.
Interestingly, the Goths are also the Geats of the Beowulf story
it was much different later on when Slavs needed an uprising to get rid of their control were winning then cheated on and so sides with Huns when these came, Goths brought destruction on themselves by themselves
@@evoinception The contribution of a reduced migration made with small boats,like the northern ones,does not matter.The place of formation of the gots as well as the slavs is Ucraine,Moldova,Romania.From here the slavs and gotes(who where not germanic but tracian) migrated.
Goths came from the place named after them, who'da thunk it.
thanks for your perspective ...
@@evoinception Haha, you're welcome! I know I was facetious with my comment but I quite enjoyed your video. Looking forward to seeing more stuff like this.
They called it Gothland in the Scandinavian peninsula, because there lived Germans and Goths. The land where Goths lived was normally called Gothland.
What you don't know is that in the 8th century, the Goths left Scandinavia and moved to Normandy. Did you hear of that???
The Normans didn't learn their funny French from the Franks, they spoke the same language they always had. And that is why when Normans conquered England, the English language become a mess of Romanian and German.
Most of the "Latin" words in the English language are not Latin, they are Romanian.
Want proof???.......I can bring plenty if they do not delete my comments, which the delete all the time.
@@ravenalbj I knew the Normans came from Scandinavia, but I haven't heard of the Gothic connection before. I've seen the Gothic language before, and it seems quite different from English, at least to me.
@@Danielscottrhoades Have you heard of all the Gothic style constructions done by the Normans???.......they were called Normans because they came from the North........what was their name before that???.......they were called Goths.
Where did you see Gothic language?
I have Gothic words from Procopius and they are pure Romanian.
The only text I have is from the Bible translated by Wuilfila for the lesser Goths, and there is plenty of resemblance of English there.
Excellent report with much food for thought and further research.
thanks for your support to channel ...
It is all fake crap.
@@ravenalbj This is science based factual information. "Fake Crap" is what you get watching MSM.
Good narrator. Mellow voice, very clear and unfussy diction, good pacing - but best of all, good sentence intonation that “chunks” the meaning very well. And it’s obvious that care has been taken over place-names and technical expressions.
thanks, for a second i thought i had started an English language channel :lol
It's a computer.
Dude, it's AI..... Not good pronounciation
I am Spaniard and I have the haplogroup E-V13, which is common in the Balkans. It may be brought by the goths, but also greeks or romans. It is a mistery.
And also I have a 1% of Scandinavian DNA and several connections to Germanic tribes according to mytrueancestry
wonderful legacy you carry, thanks for sharing ...
African genes.
so in short, the goths were black africans and the fact that "black" and "goth" share absolutely no common letters is evidence of a cover up
We was Indo Europeans n * * * *
Everywhere was populated by black Africans at one time. They even built the face on Mars!
My ancestor was Halfdan the Black.
It was Vandals who settled in North Africa, not the Goths.
Das rite
R1a and I2 are modern Slavic grpups, are you linkig the facts¿
It's important to clarify that while Haplogroups R1a and I2 are indeed prevalent among modern Slavic populations, their origins and distribution are much older and more complex.
@@evoinceptionWhat branch or subclade of I2a was found for the Trciniec Culture as you stated. I'm I2a Balkan slavic that's why I ask.
As for the Goths, this name is extremely similar to the name of the Guts, a Scythian-Aryan people from the Zagros Mountains. The name "Germany" was given to a friendly Scythian tribe that bordered the Roman Empire. When the Romans asked what people live behind you, they replied: the same as us. Therefore, the name Germans was given to all Scythian tribes north of Rome. This name was strenghed in the 19th century in order to consolidate the society of the Reich. Scandinavian legends were added and a national narrative was created for the people who arrived and mixed with Scythian natives in what is now Germany over the past thousand years. Byzantine architecture, incomprehensible language and Eastern cruelty indicate where most of them came from.
The Goths are generally recognized as a Germanic people who migrated from Scandinavia to areas around the Vistula River (modern-day Poland) and further into Europe. Their name likely derives from a Germanic root rather than a connection to the Scythian-Aryan 'Guts' from the Zagros Mountains.The name 'Germany' and 'Germans' comes from the Latin 'Germania,' a term used by the Romans to describe the various tribes living to the north of the Roman Empire. This term does not specifically relate to Scythian tribes but rather to the diverse groups of Germanic tribes in that region.
İskitler açık ve kesin olarak Türktür.
@@evoinception Germany (Niemcy in Polish means non speaking people) is an invented and previously non-existent nation consisting of conquered Slavs and Sassanid invaders, summoned by Rome in the 4th century to protect the empire from barbarians. Read about Stilicho's mission in Persia and it will clear you up. Besides, it is not true that the Scythians were only a Turanian population. The Scythian tribes also included Aryan tribes.
The name "German" came from a tribe west of the Rhine that was later known as the Tungri. The ancestors of the Tungri used the term "German" as a scare tactic while raiding Goul. The Romans later atributed the name German to many non celts that lived east of the Rhine. The only scythian influence that was left on the ancient Germans were the Cimbri who likely came from the cimerians.
GERMANUS in latin means " belonging to our same family, parents, The term germain is used by french genealogists to designate near " proches" cousins.
MorelyDNA told me that I am most likely I2a-L621 and additional three less likely I1-L41 haplogroups. Is it due to possible mixing of slavs and Germanic people as I have Ostrogoths, gepids, Franks and Thuringii on mytrueancestry?
Haplogroup I2a-L621 is indeed common among Slavic populations, while I1-L41 is often found in Germanic groups. Your mix of haplogroups likely reflects historical interactions and migrations, such as the movement of the Ostrogoths, Gepids, Franks, and Thuringii.
How one person can have two different haplogroups?
The region of Götland in present day Sweden bare the name as well as Gotland. But likely the groups and tribes described as gotha must have been a mixture of north germanic, germanic, slavic and celtic add up.
It's true that Gotland in present-day Sweden shares a name similar to the Goths, which has led to various theories about their origins. The Goths are generally considered a Germanic tribe, and archaeological evidence supports their migration from Southern Scandinavia, including areas like Gotland and Götaland, to the regions around the Vistula River (modern-day Poland).The Goths likely did encounter and mix with various groups during their migrations, including other Germanic tribes, as well as Celtic, Slavic, and possibly some Eastern groups. This mixture would have contributed to their diverse cultural and genetic makeup.However, the primary origin of the Goths is generally traced back to Northern Europe, particularly Southern Scandinavia. Their identity as a Germanic people is supported by linguistic, archaeological, and genetic evidence. While interactions with other groups certainly influenced them, the core of the Gothic population remained distinctly Germanic.Thanks for your perspective ...
their bible was in one Germanic language
Goth is one old Germanic world for warrior. It can describe the tribal name or a person, so it is not always a tribal name.
While Burgundians came out of Bornholm Island, Goths were supposed coming from Island Gotland.
Niccola Macchiavelli, in his history of Firenze, pointed these tribes, when resources were not enough for the growing population, had a third of them, men, women, kids, animals and authorities start travelling for a new settlement. Poland being a flat land, difficult to protect from invasions, Goths settled the Dniepr area; there was a Goth community in Krimea, preserving language and culture until around 13th century, when turcs, muslim huns, entered.
On the abovementioned situation, Goths started moving southwards from Dniepr, in Balkans they had a clash with huns, and entered roman empire; after an initial 'foederati' agreement, Rome called them to fight the Attila huns, defeated in Catalaunic fields battle, Goth king Alaric defeated western roman empire.
Under pressure from francs, Goths were Aryans, the french were catholic, around 300'000 Goths entered Iberian Peninsula, then 3 million inhabitants, in chaos as roman Geroncio, involved in an imperial fight, had open way to Alans, Swabians and Vandals running through Gallia.
While Otzi, a term meaning 'Cold place' in a language close to baske, has a G haplogroup Y chromosome, the Henri who went from Béarn to Paris had a G2a haplogroup Y chromosome, lacking a fragment, and not found in people using today the Bourbon surname.
is there any research that carries the info you are sharing, will be great to go through it ...
@@evoinception For what specific comment you want references?
For roots in term 'Otzi', look at baske language dictionnaries and sites; there are several baske languages, not just one, and in some of it, mutual understanding does not exist.
'Batuak' is a construct, as Volapük and Esperanto.
For genetics of Ötzi G Chromosome haplogroup, and G2a in head of selbergennanten Henri IV, the blood of guillotined Louis, of the so called 'dolphin', look at PubMed, Wikipedia, Google it.
That Marie Antoinette had an H3am mtDNA, that makes me immune to VIH, pls look at Wikipedia and the web.
I have no academic ambitions, no need for Thesis or minor Thesis, I have not the time to work for U
R1A group, that's the Slavs, Afghanistani and Indians now isnt it?
R1a is particularly common among Eastern European Slavic populations, but it also has significant presence in Central and South Asia. The spread of R1a is associated with various ancient migrations, including the Indo-European migrations that contributed to the genetic landscape of many regions.
we are all from original R1a plus r1b plus some minor ones group
I am 50:50 German/Polish, and actually descend from the Ostrogoths. In terms of my Y-haplogroup, I am R1a-M417 -> R1a-PF6155/M458, but I have autosomal in my Y-DNA I1-M258 (Wielbark culture), R1a-Z93 (Pontic Steppe) and R1b-L2 (Romano-Celtic), a mix that is definitely Ostrogothic. Funnily enough, my mother is strongly Visigothic, which also plays a strong role in my Gothic genetics.
you carry a wonderful legacy and great knowledge of genetics, i welcome you ..
I'm Albanian. My y-DNA is I2a M223L801 Uncommon for the region, result of Gothic migration. In A sample of 2000 participants, I was the only one carrying this haplogroup. i was expecting to be j2 but no... Gothic emigrant.-+
you carry a wonderful legacy, thanks for sharing ...
@datadata-hc4yz You should read more carefully next time.? I had something in mind when I wrote L 801 attached to M 223. 4% Of Soth Albanians and around 2% of North male Albanians belong to M 223 L701. Just me in subclade L801.
Why are you so excited about goths? They were probably a conglomerate of medieval people that didn't survive, while Albanians not only survived as a nation but they created their own state.
@@Hector-dk8iy I never thought I would have any remote links to North Europe. My family is through and through Albanian. Before taking the test, I was leaning between haplogroup J2 AND E V13 which consists most of Albanian male population. After I got the test results, I found all males of my haplogroup were living in North Europe. All because of fourth century Gothic invasions. In All 6% of Albanians come from them bot my haplogroup is really rare. -
@@lydhrabinojg9341 The protoform of Albanian language, once that split from Proto-Indo-European, was probably spoken by R1b men. The genetic pool of modern Albanian men is not made up only by R1b 18 - 20%. This means that genetic make up is not that important. J2b & EV13 men joined R1b protoalbanians and formed the Albanian speaking people. Long after germanic and slavic tribes R1a I2a came in Balkans and were assimilated by Albanian tribes. All these people including native women produced the modern Albanian Nation.
Goth, Geth, Gepid, German, Gertman, Garamant and basically all other so called Germanic tribes are just different names and factions of one and the same people. Countless ancient writers make this statement.
it is however way more than Tribes beginning with G, Germania was what Rome called all land north of the Roman Empire, Germanic people spread from Scandinavia before they spread into central Europe Celts dominated the area
@@veronicajensen7690 It includes all kinds of names, not just the letter G. Like Franks, Langobards or whatever, Suebi, Aesti, I think even the Slavs belong to the same group of people.
Not a single "ancient writers make this statement". Germans used to be honest people!!! What happened to that???
Getae dacians are the visigoth and gepids and ostrogoths.
They are celtic not germanic.
Ulfillas wasnt germanic too but thracian like the getae.
The gothic language is germanic but wasnt the language of visigiths, gepids and ostrogoths. Because they were celts they spoke vulgar latin.
@@mihaiilie8808 Its not about languages but about ethnicity and culutre. In essence all these tribes belonged to the same civilization, culture and ethnicity, had largely the same religion. differences between celts and germanics are just categorizations of archaeological finds, of aesthetics. It doesnt mean celts and germanics were totally different people.
During the 1900s archaeologists have been very stubborn in denying even the most obvious conclusions if they bare even the slightest similarity to views that were uncomfortable. The most obvious example was with the indo-europeans, where they stubbornly said that it was the culture and language that moved, not a conquering people. Not only is there no example of that having occurred in historical times, there were no proof for the idea anywhere. But a temporary lack of proof for people moving was seen as a disproof of people moving. Intellectual dishonesty of a kind that can only be explained as politically motivated as they had to position themselves as far away as possible from anything the nazis believed. It took DNA research to convince people that it actually was people that moved and brought language and culture with them.
But this is also a good example.
1. In Sweden there are legends and sagas about when the goths had to leave.
2. During the migration period the goths were seen as kin to the swedish geats who called them the travelling/riding geats, Reidgotaland was their kingdoms called, in contrast to the gotaland in Sweden.
3. The goths also spoke of their homeland being in southern Scandinavia.
4. Events among the goths are part of norse sagas and even mentioned on rune stones as late as the early viking age.
5. Archaeological finds show migration out of Sweden at the time.
6. They also show migration from Sweden to northern Poland.
7. You have the obvious cognates in jutes, geats and gutes, who lived in Jutland, Götaland and Gotland. This can be seen in the modern day name for Gothenburg as well.
8. The linguistic evidence supports that the split between the germanic branches happened during early iron age.
But still, we need DNA for people to accept the obvious.
thanks for your largely accurate points ...
I see how difficult is to correctly pronounce the names of Polish archeological cultures Trzciniecka (Trzciniec ), Masłomęcka (Masłomęcz), Przeworska (Przewrorsk)
Yeah, it should be revised and spelling checked.
The reason may be that two of them fell victim to arbitrary renaming after WW2. An English-speaking guy would handle Willenberg and Rohnau a lot easier than Wielbark and Trzciniec.
@@maximkretsch7134 What about Przeworska culture?
@@longinzaczek5857 Ask a native English speaker. 😂 I fear he would have to get along with Masłomęcz and Przeworsk since there is no equivalent other toponyme.
@@maximkretsch7134 Anyway sometimes Polish names of arceological cultures are funny. Example Grobsko-Śmiardowsk culture - it kome from village names (Grobsk, Śmiardowsk), however could be translated to English as "stinking graves culture"
I forgot to add read origin text in latin of Thietmar's Chronicle he is writing about our first price tomb was written Mieszko as dux of vandalum, gothum and polanum this is same with his son Boleslaw, additionally Mieszko had Dagome name in baptism document which is of Scandinavian origin. Our sources about pagan time were destroyed by christianity you learn more about Slavs from Scandinavian sagas specifically Islandic ones - why nobody translated and pointed out these things ? That’s question
there seems to be some very interesting information here, i will have to go through it before replying, thanks ...
From the Island of Gotland. Look at the name, GOT-land, intregingly close to 'Goth"
Gotland is a secondary place for Goths. Origins of Goths was in Central Sweeden (Västergötland , Östergötland). Then Goth migrated to the Island of Gotland giving the Gotland name of their tribe.
And yet the country of Turkey intregingly isn't named that way because turkeys lived there! Egypt isn't where gypsies come from either. Isn't that intreging? I've just read a DNA research paper that claims that cans didn't originally come from Canada. Thank goodness for science.
@@zipperpillow Only trouble with your 'reply' is, that is where the name comes from. Turks gave the name to Turkey, misunderstanding gave the Roma a handle that was not accurate and Canada, well, that needs your mommy to explain it to you.
@@zipperpillow And Indian people from Kannada are not the same as Indian people from Canada.
@@longinzaczek5857 Unless there is an evolutionary branch we do not know about, NO ONE came from Gotland originally. Of course they came from Sweden, and yes, they had direct kin on the mainland that most likely migrated to other places with them. Gotland is a very productive place, just large enough to hold a decent population, but as any island, unlike the mainland, there is finite land. When there was ideal conditions families could grow exponentially, but there was no room but for one offspring to inherit the land. Without birth control, a healthy population could see families with 5, 7. 10 children. With only enough land for one to inherit, that would prompt the rest to seek a place of their own. On mainland Sweden, there was a little more land, but not enough also. It is quite imaginable that a large population move was needed before starvation set in. History saw waves of closely related peoples migrate from this part of the world over the centuries for the above reason and other reasons.
Cool famous picture at 10:40 showing legendary Russian folk heroes Ilia Murovich and his two companions. Any relation to Goths?
i will check and correct it, if found unrelated, thanks for pointing out ...
Nice, subbed.
thanks for your support to channel ...
Do you know the particular subclade branch of I2a found in the Trciniec Culture?
there is limited specific information about the particular subclade of haplogroup I2a found in the Trzciniec culture, if any one in community can share the info it will be great, sorry to be not able to answer this question of yours ..
@@evoinception The official study in Nature article says that 75% of Trciniec culture had I2a ydna, but it doesn't give the exact subclade in that article. Elsewhere I saw that they say that I2a subclade from Trciniec was I-L233, but I was just double checking with you if you know different since the official Nature article didn't have a specific subclade for the Trciniec I2a.
Love this! Subbed
Thanks for the sub!
Slavs- Gete
The following paper on the origin of the Balkans says that the barbaric invasions on Rome were indeed a kind of mix of the Goths and Sarmatians. The problem is that these groups were small, paramilitary and only men came, without women. In this situation, they could not survive. Or their remnants were overwhelmed by new migrations of the Slavs, which were massive.
12:47 12:54 0:04 The ppl of Iron Age steppe + Bulan Koba culture (Western Huns) is a modern Volga Tatar people.
which paper are you referring to ?
@@evoinception "A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations" 2023
I2 is dominant in the Balkans.
Goths are living in the area of Getts -- Thracian tribe
Jordan wrote Gethica, and not Gothica?? Why??
Nobody want to answer that question.
But there is more!!!
In the great poem Beowulf, when the hero Beowulf came from Skanza (Scandinavia) and presented himself to the Danish king he said; "I am a GEAT".
The GAETI lived in Scandinavia with the Germans and they always had wars.
In the 8th century the GAETI/GOTHS left the peninsula and moved to Normandy. After that the peninsula became all Germanic.
@@ravenalbj It is possible.... In history there are only hipoesis.. ;)
@@aleksanderwassilew8548 I studied just about all the antiquity books that survived and were translated to English. From my debates with the greatest historians on earth, I have the impression that I am the only one who did such an immense study!!!
I see all sorts of stupid things all over the internet which claims to be true history.
What I learned from all those antiquity books is that half of the history is understood wrong, and much of it is changed on purpose, by the manipulating Scholars.
Therefore the history taught in Universities, is based on the historians of 2 centuries ago, and much of it changed by the new communist minded Scholars.
@@ravenalbj If You have explanation - tell us... but if You are the only one - it is sad...
@@aleksanderwassilew8548 Can't tell anything, because my videos are blocked on You Tube and Rumble.
I wrote books, but those books are not allowed to be mentioned on You Tube.
My Pen Name is Raven Alb J and if you write this name on Google you will see the books I wrote.
Hello! I´m from Uruguay and my paternal grandfather was from Northern Italy. My Y-DNA is R1b-U106-L44.. it may be that my paternal ancestors were of Gothic or Longobardic origin...
Hello, it's great to hear from you in Uruguay. Your Y-DNA haplogroup R1b-U106-L44 is indeed interesting. This haplogroup is common in Western and Central Europe and is often associated with Germanic tribes. It's quite possible that your paternal ancestors were of Gothic or Lombardic origin, as both of these groups migrated through Northern Italy during their histories. Thanks for sharing your story...
It seems they were rather Francs or Germans from the Saint Roman Empire.
Hello. I am from Ukraine and my DNA study revealed the haplogroup I-Y6045. As far as I know this subclade of I1 is associated with the Gotts while now it is present mostly among Slavs, especially Poles. Is it true that this is Gottic origin?
What was the mitochondrial impact of the Goths?
Their mitochondrial impact appears to be relatively modest. The Goths, like many migrating warrior elites, likely left a more significant mark on the Y-DNA (paternal lineages) than on mtDNA. This is because the migrating groups were often primarily male, with women from local populations integrating into their communities. As a result, the mtDNA of the regions they moved through and settled in remains largely reflective of the local populations before their arrival.However, there are some traces of mtDNA, particularly in regions where they settled for longer periods, suggesting some level of maternal contribution to the genetic makeup of these populations. This impact, though, is smaller compared to their paternal genetic legacy.
@evoinception This is why cultures with a maternal line designating heredity are small and have tended to fade into extinction. Some do remain today, like the Avestans (to be an Avestan, your Father and Mother must both be Avestan, or you are barred from holding a position like Priest and such. Example is Freddy Mercury who could have been one of the last Avestann Priests), and even the Rugii (my father and his sibs were pure bloods, though my mother was mixed with some Boii). This arrangement led to some historical consequences like the struggle for power after Atillas death. Atillas grandpa was Balamber, the Hun Chief, and to make a fealty with the Rugii and Boii tribes, he married his son Ewldin to a Ru filidess with the caviat that all of her offspring with Ru mothers would become ensuing Chiefs. Octar, whose mother was Skirlian made his children ineligible, and this is why his grandson Odoacer was denied, and caused him to seek revenge by gaining rank in the revived Roman army, and ruthlessly becoming the first Barbarian king of Italy. He set out to exterminate the Ru, and we were saved by Theodoric the Ostrogoths (a Boii) intervention. Zeno was falsely accredited with sending him against Odoacer.
Placenames and names from southern Sweden: Götaland (eastern and western), Gotland, Göteborg, Göta älv, Göte, Göthilda and so on.
thanks for your perspective on the topic ...
There were people living there before them
Hello. I am from Ukraine and my DNA study revealed the haplogroup I-Y6345. As far as I know this subclade of I1 is associated with the Gotts while now it is present mostly among Slavs, especially Poles. Is it true that this is Gottic origin?
While it may have originated with Germanic groups, over time it spread to Slavic populations, especially Poles, through migration and admixture. So, while it has Gothic origins, it is now found more commonly among Slavs.Thanks for your participation in discussion, hope to you see around more ...
@@evoinception Yes. Geneticians say that it has a cousin haplogroup of I-S7655 and all of them come from the parental haplogroup of I-Y6340 that is still widespread in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. This cousin haplogroup is associated with the Jutes, who migrated to England, whose descendants then spread their origin into the USA. As the Jutes and Gotts in history are considered as cousins too, it is possible to guess that I-Y6345 is one of the Gottic subclades. It is interesting that I-Y6345 was finally split from its parental and cousin haplogroups in around 200-300 AD that is very close to the times of the Gottic migration.
I read a few genetic breakdown of the Wielbark culture and saw the biggest majority, almost 3/4 in one study were ydna I1. It was interesting hearing here about the Ydna breakdown of the previous cultures and very interesting the fewer graves in Gotland showing the migration. Going to watch again. Very good. I am I1 DF29 Z60 Z140 A196 Y6900 YF73314 Y199436. Descended from the Visigoths i am sure
That is a very interesting observation about Ydna I1 and the Wielbark culture, it is clear you are a very dedicated researcher!
Goths originated on the Balkans! Their Haplogroup is Haplogroup I!!!!!!!
If you refer to the Goths that these people think they were Germans, and by Balkans you mean North of Danube you are right.
South of Danube were Thracians and it is true they were also Gete/Gaeti the same as all the Skits, the Sarmati, the Masagete, the Sigety and the rest who together made the great nation of the Gaeti also called Barbarians.
The people of the Balkans are more ancestral to Western Europe than the time of the Goth. Mesolithic (I2a) and before that the Upper Paleolithic where Hg I evolved in Western Europe 40,000 years ago.
@@JoshYouA-x7k Your genetic science is much crap, because you have no idea how to read it, how to chose people for the tests, and the whole thing is run by incompetents!!!
Again a lot of misrepresentations of the results - both by the researchers and this channel. One common lie - there is no other way of accurately identifying it - is that the I-y hg and its subclades I1 and I2 are "northern European"/"Scandinavian", when the I cluster comes from central asia, present-day Iran. Part of the "agriculturalist package".
In the same fashion this video's authors claim that the G2 is also "part of a northern European cluster". The G2 are Anatolians who alleggedly brought the "agricultural package" through the Aegean.
And this is how the asians became "white, native Europeans" instead of actual, native white Europeans", the R cluster with its subclades R, R1a and R1b.
the data in the video is based on research , if you have such strong views post links of other research that refute these results, personals whims are not accounted for in scientific research ...
@@evoinception Genius, the video is not a result of a scientific research to begin with and that is fine by you.
Do not complain just because you disagree. Disagree with a counter-argument based on research, if you can find one. I will not ask you for references. I will research your claims on my own - like I just did to respond to your video. And will find plenty of evidence against it - like I have after suffering through your video.
Won't be hard because it is obvious that you know nothing about the subject. Which is why you are - on a whim - defending it. You merely like these dumb and washed out empty claims.
Research everything well before you venture into another round of self-deprecation. Don't do another sloppy job like with this video.
Care to lead by example before demanding things from other people that you yourself are not doing?
I see your comments around and not a single one with ample references of any scientific research. "Any" being the keyword here...
So I am a Goth after all! Atta unsar thu in himinam!
So, where exactly the genetic traces of both gothic tribes are not minimal? If they are from Scandinavia with its short archeological history compare to the rest of Europe, where are the origin of Germanic tribes?
The Gothic tribes, like many Germanic tribes, have their origins in Scandinavia and northern Europe. Archaeological and genetic evidence suggests that the Goths migrated from southern Scandinavia (modern-day Sweden) to the regions around the Vistula River (in modern-day Poland) and further into Europe.The genetic traces of Gothic tribes can be found in various parts of Europe, particularly where they settled, such as Poland, Ukraine, Italy, and Spain. While their genetic impact may not be dominant in any modern population, it is detectable. For example, certain Y-DNA haplogroups like I1 and R1a, which were common among the Goths, are found in regions they migrated to.
@@evoinception And how it makes goths germanic? Where is the sample of their germanic writing at least? Where is the distinct gothic culture, isolated from the other tribes you mentioned? None. Zero. The myth created by Germanic elites to feel superior about themselves. BTW, here is something to read about vikings, another germanic myth: Now cutting-edge DNA sequencing of more than 400 Viking skeletons from archaeological sites scattered across Europe and Greenland will rewrite the history books as it has shown:
Skeletons from famous Viking burial sites in Scotland were actually local people who could have taken on Viking identities and were buried as Vikings.
Many Vikings actually had brown hair not blonde hair.
Viking identity was not limited to people with Scandinavian genetic ancestry. The study shows the genetic history of Scandinavia was influenced by foreign genes from Asia and Southern Europe before the Viking Age.
Early Viking Age raiding parties were an activity for locals and included close family members.
Poland is the origin of the gothic people. Polish ancient historians mentioned this fact in their chronicles. This is confirmed by genetic evidence from Italy. The R1a haplogroup in Italy is located in regions where the Goths settled. Same in Spain.
The origins of the Gothic people are indeed a topic of much interest and research. While some Polish historians have chronicled the Goths' origins in Poland, it's important to consider a broader range of evidence.Genetic studies do show traces of the R1a haplogroup in regions of Italy and Spain where the Goths settled, which aligns with the idea that some Gothic groups might have originated from areas around present-day Poland. However, the Goths were a highly mobile and diverse group, with genetic influences from various regions, including Southern Scandinavia, as supported by both archaeological and genetic data.So, while Poland likely played a significant role in the early history of the Goths, their origins and migrations were complex, involving multiple regions and cultures. Thanks for bringing this interesting topic to the discussion ...
The people you are talking about were Sarmati, who were part of the great nation of GAETI/GETE called Goths later. But they were not the GAETI/GOTHS that these Germans are claiming to be. However Sarmati had the same genetics, and language as these Goths. Sarmati controlled all the lands from Pannonia to the Baltic Sea and were immensely powerful. It was always demand of Sarmati Mercenaries as cavalry, because they were the best. That is where the Polish people love for horses come from. Slavs were never much on horses.
None of the Goths were Germans, except the "lesser Goths" who were Germans mixed with Goths.
So Sweden and Poland.
Goth and wandal comes from sweden ok
yes however he also said Southern Sweden Scania, that was Denmark until 1667 , and he said east and central Sweden that was Swedes, Gotland have also both been Danish and Swedish but also used a trade hub by Baltic people and I believe Germans although that is after the Goths left , I'm not sure if it belonged to Denmark or Sweden back then
@@veronicajensen7690 The south-central part of Sweden is called Götaland or Gautaland , the leading clans from there were defeated by the Svear around lake Mälaren (whose main outlet to the Baltic Stockholm sits on) , thus giving rise to the name Sweden, or Svea Rike. Then just north east of the Svear you have the Ros from where you have Rusland
Yes, but they were not Germanics!!!
No, goths come from Romania, the getae land.
Getae are known as the dacians too. Thats why they named Sweden, Denmark and Finland Dacia.
Thats why Sweden first writer is Peteus de Dacia 😂.
Romanians( getae dacians) named Sweden Dacia.
Read Iordanes to know where your ancestors come.
The Goths settled in Spain and Northern Italy
right, thanks for your comment ...
Goths are Thracians who originated on the Balkans. They are neither Germanic, nor Slavic Polish. They are not R1a1 but Haplogroup I which is shared between Scandinavia and the Balkans.
The origins of the Goths are indeed a complex and debated topic. While some theories suggest that the Goths may have had connections to the Balkans and the Thracians, the predominant view supported by genetic, linguistic, and archaeological evidence is that the Goths were a Germanic people.Genetic studies indicate that the Goths carried a mix of haplogroups, including I1, which is common in Scandinavia, and R1a, found in many regions, including Poland. The presence of these haplogroups suggests interactions and migrations involving both Scandinavian and local populations.While the idea of Gothic origins in the Balkans is an interesting hypothesis, the evidence largely supports their classification as a Germanic tribe with significant Scandinavian connections.
Going to disagree here, we have Wufilia's Bible which is written in a Germania language, not a Thracian or Dacian.
@@normsti000The Gothic bible has not been found yet , the one in Uppsala is not the Gothic Bible but a fake. Silver ink was non existent at that time.
No they are not, Goths clearly originated from Scandinavia
I would agree there. The theory proposed in the video suggests that haplogroups R1a, R1b and I came to poland from a northern migration. But all three originate on the balkans and are common among the thracian genetic studies. Cremation, as it was mentioned as a gothic ritual was also known as a common ritual among the thracians.
Jordanes, a Goth by birth, same as Beade, were send to the regions mentioned with the mission to re - create history. Any doubts please due UNBIASE research.
Bede was an English monk and historian who lived in the 7th and 8th centuries, long after the Goths had settled in various parts of Europe. Bede’s writings focused primarily on the history of England and the church, not on recreating Gothic history.
Ostrogoths and Visigoths has nothing to do with Scandinavian Goths, which is proved by Y-DNA genetics. Scandinavian Goths carried I1, while Ostro- and Visi- Goths carried I2 haplogroups.
Add gepids too, they are the dacian goths from Transylvania and exactly like the visigoths, just slower of the battlefield😂.
The visigoths started this and they are south east romanians, the getae dacians.
I once took an entire semester course in these people. To this day it remains my favorite goth course. We always took a break at tee time too.
looking forward for your contribution on topic, thanks ...
Fun fact: The DNA of the Goths is 98.8% identical to the DNA of chimpanzees.
not just for goths ...
Please read the Bock Saga, then you know wy.
@@evoinception That makes me angry.
I would have loved the Scandinavians to be special.
@@jesperlykkeberg7438 All the "Viking Superman wannabes" are wetting their diapers.
This is the best video I found about Goths origin,that match with my DNA results that allways put me in balkans and Poland and Hunyadi dynasty with no reason why,however I am from Portugal, LIKE
thank you for kind kind words and support , means a lot ...
The first there r1a indoeuropean
the germanic people originally like scandinavians would have a 30% 30% and 30% R1a R1b and I1.when they moved west they'd be predominantly R1b absorbing the celtic gene pool.and when the east germanic tribes moved east they'd be R1a .
The Goths ruled Italy for 60 to 70 years, under Thedoric and some of his descendants and later Gothic userpers (of Theodoric's descendants). The Goths control completely disappeared from Southern Europe after the 6th century. Italy was eventually wrested from the Goths by the Byzantines; Justianian and his successful general, Belisarious
You are absolutely right. The Ostrogoths, under the leadership of Theodoric the Great, ruled Italy for several decades, starting from the late 5th century until the mid-6th century.
Viminacium-related study is not so relevant for surrounding populations because was a significant center in Roman commerce and economy with people from many areas.
While the genetic diversity at Viminacium means it may not represent the local population exclusively, it does highlight the extensive reach and impact of Roman trade networks. Understanding the genetic contributions from such a central hub can help us piece together the broader genetic landscape of ancient Europe and trace the flow of peoples and genes throughout the region.
Byzantium Bishop of Diokletia writes this.
The Croats, while some called them Goths in past, and others Scythian, call themselves Slavs...
The Croats being referred to as Goths or Scythians by different sources highlights this point. These names could reflect the various influences and interactions the Croats had with neighboring cultures. Over time, as the Croats settled in the Balkans and integrated with the local populations, they came to identify primarily as Slavs, which is reflective of their language and cultural practices.It's important to understand that historical identities were often fluid and influenced by migrations, conquests, and cultural exchanges. This fluidity can lead to different groups being known by multiple names throughout history.
@@evoinception it was written about as time term Slavs was coined, there were no "Slavs" before that because at time there was a development of Old church Slavonic and going into Christianity(around 900AD), literally translated Sloveni(Slavs) = Worders. Term Slav is directly linked with going into Cristianity, and developing writing system, also lets not forget early Croat christians were Arian, duality based Christianity with priest calling themselves Grandfathers
There is also a genetics of course
Modern Croats distances to ancient people
1. *Scythian (3.746)
2. *White Croat (3.746)
3. Scythian + White Croat (3.746)
4. Ostrogoth + White Croat (5.097)
5. Gepid + Kievan Rus (5.565)
6. Ostrogoth + Kievan Rus (6.351)
7. Scythian + Kievan Rus (7.048)
8. White Croat (7.499)
9. Scythian (7.508)
10. Ostrogoth (12.14)
11. Kievan Rus (12.36)
12. Gepid (14.98)
*White means west, colours were used for cardinal directions, so for instance Red Croats are Balkan Croats, same as upstairs, BelaRus(WhiteRus) = west Rus
As you can see,Scythian, Ostrogoth, then later Croats, all similar groups, problem we have today is is 19. century German romantic nationalism, where lots of thing about history was faked and that history today is learned like it is legit. We dont get any Scandinavian, or Celtic admixture,which is prerequisite for being Germanic, Codedware + SkandinavianHG + Celts
@@duje44 In addition, the Croats have no distance to the Scythians.
@@mr.purple1779 "The New history" made by 19. century german school is unnatural, tribes had to have their precise beginning, and it revolves around nobility, rather then continuity that changes depending on historical circumstances, and different views(bias of foreign historians, or conquers).
Its basically like late Empire model projected to whole history, where everything is inherited by noble blood. Like Hapsburg model, and the need to suck up to contemporary model of power. 90% of German school history is made up, no historical sources, that is made up historical sources that always have agenda of claim.
Reality is completely different, in Rome for instance, its a rule of socio-economic power, whoever can raise most men for an army, becomes an emperor. Blood and heritage is completely irrelevant in Rome, therefore you had Emperors from various different heritage. Some peoples, especially in Eastern Europe viewed concept of nobility in completely negative light, as a factor of inequality and instability. Its the need to put everything into this "noble blood heritage" box is the basis of German and therefore modern school. For majority of human history, people are tied with culture, to land, to a common cause. This whole concept of noble blood heritage actually comes from Egypt and further spreads with Abrahamic religions who stem from Egyptian religion.
Before it, Europe was culture of heroes, charismatics and capable people, and the names were more akin to political parties today, or even motorcycle gangs, its only after Christianity was needed to have a King, or basically the Pope had to give you legitimacy or rule, and that whole model started with Franks getting christian for west Europe, and development of OCS for east.
@@duje44 The fact of the matter is that you have no continuity, you do not take the beginning there. This is not your history, not your culture. But as they say, there may be a distant external influence.
btw if you would see genetic DNA of today modern Polish people you would be very surprised of findings, on average they care around 40% dna similar of what was consider Swedish Vikings ( we knows Swedish Vikings were mixed themselves).
The genetic overlap between modern Poles and Swedish Vikings shows just how much our ancestors traveled and mixed.
And the visigoths were also at times friends with the huns. Thats how the elongated heads of the visigoths wifes resulted.
And if you look in Toulouse France, up until recently there were people with elongated heads there and it was called the Toulouse deformity. Thats was from the visigoths wich brought it from the huns.
Hunowie wyginęli i nie ma dziś w Europie ani jednego z nich. Słowianie ani Finowie nie mają nic wspólnego z ludami turkijskimi pod względem genetycznym. To są całkowicie osobne grupy ludności. Jedynie Węgrzy byli koczownikami. Twój komentarz ma obraźliwy wydźwięk i szerzy nieprawdziwe informacje.
@@e.h97 The visigoths are celtic not germanic. They are the getae dacians and spoke vulgar latin, grew vineyards( non germanic coulture), had celtic names like the gauls, ending in Ric and they even had wings on their helmets like the gauls.
I live in Buzau, Romania, the place from where my ancestors got to destroy the Roman Empire and at museum here, you can see they practiced eleongated heads and thats a feature imported from the huns.
They just made Gotland a colony of Dacians, in order to spread christianity to the real germanics.
@@e.h97 Thats why we say in Romania,, those visigoths were migratory tribes not us,,. Because we like the romans but in reality, the visigoths are the free dacians from the part of Romania that was never conquered by the romans.
About the language, you are right were all related because germanic, slavic, latin languages and albanian too, are all indoeuropean coming from the same language.
Albanian is very old, secomd oldest language after romanian language( its the thracians celts language).
Massagetae from Romania, migrated over Yamnaya and reached India, killed Cyrus the Great, the founder of the First Persian Empire and they spread romanian language in India and Iran, where it became Sanscrit.
Romanian language is not just older than Latin, its older and the ancestor of Sanscrit thua is the ancestor of all the indoeuropean languages.
@@e.h97 True but albanians are pelasgians, and related to thracians.
Albanese is very old, has a lot in common with romanian language.
But romanian is not latinised, doesnt comes from latin. Latin comes from romanian and the celts got it to Italy through the alps, where there still is romansh language.
Etruscans are celts so do the trojans.
Slavs are Yamnaya, steppe people, cow herders, that got,, civilised by the getae,, romanians,,.
Yamnaya steppe people turned from burial to incineration like the celts ( thracians). But the getae got further, reached India and Persia where the Massagetae queen Tomiris killed Cyrus the Great.
So Indians and persians learned romanian wich became Sanscrit.
Sanscrit speakers, budhist monks in China, hindu priest, know its the language of the Massagetae, that comes from the getae.
So the slavs are also indoeuropean, they speak a soird of romanian language, the germanics, all the celts and even a big portion of asians( farsi in Iran, languages in punjab and the north of India are coming from romanian).
Romanian is the proto indoeuropean thats the ancestor of sanscrit.
Albanian is the second oldest.
In the end we are all related, slavs, germanics, latins, our ancestors spoke the same language.
Steppe people migrated in europe but the getae also migrated east, reached India and Iran. Thats how India and Iran got people with I2 haplogroup( albanese and romanian).
Were the occupants of what is now Poland Slavic or Germanic prior to the Goths settlements? Would a Slav or a German have looked much different to outsiders back then, or was it a linguistic and cultural difference?
Prior to the Goths' settlements, the occupants of what is now Poland were primarily part of various cultures, including the Corded Ware culture, which is considered a precursor to both Slavic and Germanic groups.Back then, the differences between Slavs and Germans were mainly linguistic and cultural rather than physical. They would have spoken different languages and had distinct cultural practices, but to an outsider, they might not have looked significantly different. The genetic and physical diversity within these groups would have made it hard to distinguish between them based on appearance alone. Thanks for asking...
@@evoinceptionCorded ware is also the precursor to the Celtics and the Pontic Steppe Aryans like the Sintashta. The corded ware culture is probably the single most important piece of understanding the genetic and cultural makeup of Europeans ever since their own time.
I think they were Germanic. Slavs entered East-Central Europe around 900AD.
@@karlheinzvonkroemann2217much earlier, first distinct purely slavic people appeared in modern day Poland and Ukraine around 4th century
there were some already E-V13 in the Wielbark, i thought they caught from Thracians and Dacians, exclusively.
E-V13 is indeed a haplogroup commonly associated with the Balkans, particularly with ancient Thracians and Dacians. However, genetic studies have shown that E-V13 was present in the Wielbark culture as well. This suggests that there were complex interactions and migrations between different groups in ancient Europe, leading to a more diverse genetic landscape than previously thought. The presence of E-V13 in the Wielbark culture could be due to various factors, including trade, migration, and intermarriage.
@@evoinception a true puzzle, but I won't give up. Thanks for the info and interaction.
@@nathanaelpereira5207 you are welcome, with more advancements in genetics , things will be clearer in coming days, science learns from its mistakes and gets better all the time
00:13 - those aren't goths those are either Sarmaths or Alans.
The isolated race of scandinavian hunter-gatherer were constantly invading inland Europe since prehystoric times. In fact, germanics, celts and other northern and central european cultures were a mix of those scandinavians and local populations.
Goths were just another one of those invasions. A famous one though.
This is why sometimes you can see inland europeans with heavy scandinavians features.
Cool information 👍.
thanks for kind words and support ...
AI's transcription of Polish names ruined the entire work, how lazy of you.
what i find madly facinating is the fact the name for mother in Finnish is the same in Gothic.
Had to check this. It's damn near the same. Also the word for king I think is kuningaz.
Haplogroup I2 Y DNA was in the area first. The R1a Indo European Steppe peoples came in later.
Yea but wasnt just haplogroup I2, there were also haplogroup T and J and E that are older than haplogroup I2.
@@mihaiilie8808 Yes, E is older than I2, but not older in the European and Balkan theatre. I2 was there back to the upper Paleolithic. Upstream haplogroup I is the only indigenous paternal marker in Europe. Cheddar man was I2. I2 was all over Europe and dominant at one time. Pull up an old I2 map, or even earlier a Haplogroup I map. Albanians have a much higher Haplogroup EV-13 and J admixture percentage. The Bosnian Croats (Dalmatians) are 70% I2. The Sardinians also have a high percentage of I2. The Proto Germanic-Nordic I1 is also old in Europe. J is not older than I. IJ was a single haplogroup that split. I went into Europe. It split near the Danube delta. T is an outlier and minimal in frequency as is G and H.
thanks to @mihaiilie8808 and @ancientillyrian6385 for adding some excellent points to the discussion ..
@@evoinception You got the video right.
@@ancientillyrian6385 The thracians that got out from under the Black Sea when it was flooded, didnt had haplogroup I2.
Because I2 its too recent and possibly caused by the conditions from the flood.
But they did had haplogroup T so haplogroup T is in europe before haplogroup I2 even existed.
Its also possible that haplogroup T evolved under the Black Sea so it could be native european like I2.
Who do you think it built Gobekli Tepe ? There was no haplogroup I2, or R1b back then.
And this haplogroup T is found in high numbers in Romania and also in Toulouse and Occitania, where the visigoths migrated.
Varna chief is haplogroup T.
Polish towns were Goths lived have specific names: Radogoszcz, Małogoszcz, Bydgoszcz, Goszcz etc were Goszcz probably is an ancient form of nowadays world gość meaning guest, so they lived as a guest in territory of Poland and at this point the story that Slaves came later should end.
While these place names might suggest ancient settlements or cultural influences, there isn't concrete evidence directly linking these specific town names to Gothic settlements.
He looks kind of like me (my family is Bavarian and Scandinavian)
you carry a wonderful legacy ...
@@gerihuginn Both are bossy, boisterous, big as a house, bearded, maybe blond.
Los españoles tienen descendencis gótica ,muchos nombres y spellidos vienen del visigodo, Ramir, Ramiro ,Ramirez , hijo de Ramiro ,terminacion en ex dignifica hijo de Gonzalez, Godo gunzal ,español gonzalo ,gonzalez hijo de Gonzalo, Roderich, Rodrigo en españolRodriguez hijo de Rodrigo, así cientis de nombres y spellidos wue no son latinos ni ceiberos,Rodrigo , Gonzalo , Slfonso ,fernando , hernando, Ximeno,Ramiro,Adolfo,Manrique , Rodolfo etc
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Tienes razón en que muchos nombres y apellidos españoles tienen raíces visigodas. Los Visigodos, que gobernaron gran parte de la Península Ibérica durante varios siglos, dejaron una fuerte influencia en la cultura, la lengua, y los nombres. Nombres como Rodrigo, Ramiro, Gonzalo, y apellidos como Rodríguez, Ramírez, y González tienen origen germánico, proveniente de los Visigodos. Es fascinante ver cómo estas raíces se han mantenido a lo largo de los siglos en los nombres y apellidos españoles. ¡Gracias por compartir esta información!
The Arab invasion of Iberia resulted in big piles of chopped off heads on Gothic warriors : a large part of the male DNA ended there during the so called Golden Age.
Send some proof for this trash you spoke.
The Spanish GOTHS never surrender in full to the MUSLIMS and their Swift Arab Stallion Cavalery....
The GOTHS kept on fighting....
Until Spain was regained for CHRISTIANITY again...
As the RECONQUISTA Soon began...
The GOTHS not only saw the ugly sight of Spain...
But kept on fighting until they won final VICTORY in Granada in 1492....
They never gave in...
Always kept on fighting...
From King Don.Pelayo....until Isabel of Castile and King Fernando of Aragón finally prevailed...
I tried to watch it, but I couldn't take the out-of-focus panels on the edges. I hate that crap!
Thank you.
thanks for your support to channel ...
The true Gothic people (who arrived in Spain and Italy) were formed in Romania and Ukraine, where the majority were followers of the Dacians (with whom they lived for 150 years and from whom they adopted the dacian folk clothes and customs), not in Scandinavia and Poland...
The origins of the Goths trace back to Scandinavia, particularly areas like Gotland and Götaland in modern-day Sweden. From there, they migrated south through Poland and into other parts of Europe. The Gothic tribes, such as the Visigoths and Ostrogoths, formed their distinct identities during these migrations and subsequent interactions with various peoples, including the Dacians.So, while their time in Romania and Ukraine was crucial in shaping Gothic culture, their roots and early formation as a people began in Scandinavia.
In Romania( the original visigoths) we are ashamed by the visigoths because they destroyed the Roman Empire and brought 1000 years of dark ages and also they had a heretic religion, arian christianity.
So we say,, they were migratory tribes not us,, but in real they were just geto dacians.
The onlt revered visigoth is Saint Sebas the goth from Buzau( the capital of the visigoths) , a christian martir and a church singer.
Romanians like the Trojan column more than our badass ancestors and theres also the heretic religion that was wiped out from our history.
Their origin millennia ago are Berber Germanic tribes. Over millennia they came to Gutia in east anatolia and Iran. Neighboring Elam to their south. Then they went to Armenia and invented eastern Arrian christianity and Gothic architecture. Then they came to north easter europe in more modern times.
The Goths are generally considered to be a Germanic people who originally migrated from Scandinavia to the regions around the Vistula River (modern-day Poland) during the late Roman period. From there, they moved further south into areas such as Ukraine, where they were part of the Chernyakhov culture.While the Goths did have interactions with various cultures, including the Romans and possibly some Eastern influences, the majority of evidence points to their origins in Northern Europe rather than North Africa or the Middle East. Gothic architecture and Eastern Christianity were later developments that occurred after the Goths had settled in various parts of Europe.
@@evoinception The goths are the same as scythian getae. The royal goths are called Massagetae. Their brothers the Dacians are also called Dehae, who I think is same as Dan.
I dont think germanic berbers originated in “Germany”. Ger means Rex/Reg ie royal.
The goths also use a lot of symbols the gutians use. Only the gutians used them already before 3000bc. For example the swazika and the eagle.
The berbers had arab horses and so did the Gutians.
Since they are indo-european they must have come from the far east at some point.
Just look on Pietroasele treasure of Athanaric on patera and you will see the visigoths grew vineyard. They are celtic because germanics in gotland didnt grew vineyards( because its too cold in sweden).
These celt visigoths wore wings on their helmets like the gauls wich is the most celtic thing to do along with the vineyard coulture.
The visigoths names ending in ric, Athanaric, Alaric, Theodoric, are all celtic like gauls names, Asterix and Obelix.
Being celts means they spoke vulgar latin not germanic.
But they put Ulfillas to write the bible and invent even the runes, in order to spread christianity to the germanics.
Ulfillas himself as well as the visigoths are thracians from romania, known as the getae.
Trust Iordanes!
Visi and Ostro just means East and West. Ric and Rix is a suffix meaning King or Chief in the common language of the Easterners that were all called Keltoi by the early Mediterranean. Wake up from your Romanian 'dream'. The Runes were revealed to Odin as a code of relationship from the lake of Mimer. They have mnemonic value, but were never intended to become an Alphabet... Fugarth, but simply a tool for divination. So far, the only thing you have been correct on is that Ostro-Goths aided the Huns, and especially the Rugii tribe, when Odovacer tried to kill them all off after the death of Atilla (his grandmother was a Ru, who married Hun Chief Balambers' son Ewldin, and sealed a fealty where only her male progeny would lead the Huns, which left cousin Odoacer out. His attempted genocide was a plotted revenge foiled by Thedoric of the OSTRO- Goths, long time partners with the Ru.). You got to get your history streight.
@@johnruge1218 Ric and rix ending is celtic like the gauls and its basically vulgar latin like essen, escu, O and A prefix of the irish and moldovans.
So the visigoths, ostrogoths, anybody with vulgar latin name, spoke vulgar latin.
Rex means king but the sufix has nothing to do with rex.
The ostrogoths spoke vulgar latin, celtic language, they had celtic names like the visigoths and the gepids and were basically same coulture, getae dacians.
The visigoths at times were friwnds with the huns, thats why the visigoths adopted the elongated heads from the huns, but only for womens.
You can see in Toulouse France, where the visigoths settled, the Toulouse deformity wich was that up until recently people had elongated heads there.
If your hungarian you dont even speak an indoeuropean language so its harder for you yo understand celt languages.
All rivers and mountains in Europe have celtic names, from Ireland to the Gange river in India, from. Sweden to the south of Italy.
Celtic language means vulgar latin and oldest vulgar latin is romanian thats the proto indoeuropean.
To put it short, all mountains and rivers in Europe have names from romanian language.
And even your hungarian dna is romanian, celtic.
These getae or dacians, got really far, deep into India not just in Europe and over the Yamnaya.
Sanscrit, the language of budhism comes from vulgar latin from the getae, the romanians.
It got to India then later spread into China.
Read why there are 80 million speakers of romanian language in Asia. Thats what indian sanscrit speakers say,they come from the getae and sanscrit comes from romanian or the language of the getae.
@@johnruge1218 And what does Odin has to do with the goths?
Odin comes from Old Norse mithology but the goths are 700 years before that.
There was no Odin when the visigoths lived in Gotland!
The goths are much older than the norse and the first runes are the gothic runes( letters) that were invented by Ulfillas( a vlach from bulgaria) in the region of Muntenia, valachia, south Romania- more exactly in my city of Buzau wich was the capital of the visigoths.
The visigoths are arian christians, they had bothing to do with Odin or nordic mythology.
Before being christian, they had gods, Dyonissus ( bachus), Diana and later Zamolxis.
What on Earth is incredible about this genetic origin ?..That they move a couple of thousands of miles over centuries !..What would be incredible is if they originated in Oceania or the Americas..If you want to talk about incredible migration then I fear we are just now getting started
That they were from Gotland. A lot of people tried to say that such suggestion was far fetched and that they would have other origins, like North Germany (which is the urheimat of Germanics, not Scandinavia) or even Poland itself, where they would not be even Goths or Germanics but maybe "just Polish" or something else altogether. Linguists may be also puzzled because East Germanic and Old Norse are not suppossed to be directly related, etc.
It's credible but goes against what many people have been arguing for many decades.
So did the Goths originate from Africa
The Goths did not originate from Africa. They are generally considered to be a Germanic people who originally migrated from the Scandinavian region, specifically areas like Gotland and Götaland in present-day Sweden. From there, they moved south to the regions around the Vistula River in what is now Poland and continued to migrate across Europe.
Everyone came from Noah and his boat landed in the middle east.
Europeans descend from Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah. Africans are the descendants of Ham, another son of Noah whose grandson Canaan was cursed.
I met a goth girl at a club last night. 🤗
though there is difference between people following gothic fashion and actual goths, any way glad you had a good time ...
I think this needs the Michael Dennin treatment!
There are more problems and unknowns with the Goths.
One of the problems is the Gothic Bible or the remains of the Bible, also known as the Codex Argenteus.
The first fact related to the book itself is the problem when it was created.
This problem is of a technical nature.
At the time when this book was "created", the production technique used was not known.
This technique was created centuries later, which raises serious doubts about the originality of the book itself.
If we know this fact, shouldn't we be careful when explaining who the Goths are?
If we start from the assumption that Jornandes wrote that history and take the dogma that the Goths are Germans, we are informed in advance what to look for.
What if the Goths are not Germans?
What if the Goths are Slavs? What if the Goths are a mixture of Slavs and Germans with a higher percentage of Slavs or with a higher percentage of Germans?
If we start from the assumption that the Goths are not Slavs, we will never find them among the Slavs.
If they started from the assumption that the Goths were not Germans, we would not have looked for them among the Germans and would never have found them among the Germans.
Unfortunately, science starts from assumptions in many things.
The proof that man came from apes is similar to the proof that the Goths are Germans.
In both cases, it starts from an assumption, so evidence is only sought afterwards.
It's not a problem to find something that looks like evidence if we don't doubt the evidence.
you make some very interesting points, some thing that scientists need to work on ...
@@evoinception Unfortunately, everywhere I see the influence of politics or interest groups in science.
Not only in historical science. The science of genetics, biology, global warming, economics, etc.
I hope that what I wrote will help someone.
The so-called Gothic Bible has been examined. The manuscript dates back to the 6th century. There is nothing unusual in the technique used, although it looks like a printed book. This is not a 16th-century forgery. The origin of the Goths is certain. Many features of the Wielbark culture are of Scandinavian origin. Genetic studies fully confirm Gothic origin. It's not preassumption . The fact that the Gothic language is closer to Bavarian than to today's Scandinavian languages is the result of the fact that this language developed fully somewhere in the vicinity of other Germanic peoples (Vandals, Marcomanni, Quadi, etc.). Doubts are raised by those who want the Goths to be Slavs or the ones who claim that there weren't any Goths on the area of Wielbark culture. This is constantly happening in my country. I am Polish.
@@Viator1 You do not agree with the facts I have presented and you as a person have the right to do so.
The problem is that your claims are not true.
The fact that you are Polish does not change these facts.
@@naserivic4018 The Silver Bible is not the only codex containing fragments of the Ulfilas Bible. One of the Codices Ambrosiani also contains fragments of commentaries on the Gospel of John in Gothic. The Codex Gissensis found in Egypt in 1907 contains two paragraphs in Gothic. Only copies exist, because it was destroyed in 1945. The Codex Carolinus is a palimpsest. The Gothic fragment from the 6th century is overwritten with Latin text from the 12th/13th century. Codex Vaticanus (3 leaves) etc.
In 2015, several inscriptions in Gothic, written in the Gothic alphabet, were discovered in Crimea, which contain quotes from one of the psalms and a prayer. The inscriptions are dated to the mid-9th century. Now you have to prove the forgeries in the remaining cases. Will you succeed?
What technique could be unknown in the 6th century that is characteristic of the Codex Argenteus?
The Silver Bible is an example of exquisite calligraphy, but upon careful examination one can notice slight differences between the same letters.
There were no Germanic peoples. The primordial people in Europe were the Getae who stretched from the north of the Sea of Azov to the Carpathian area and south of the Danube.
Through the inflection of the name, Getii de vin Goths at the beginning of the 3rd century, due to the damnatio memoriae imposed by the emperor Caracalla who decreed the death penalty for the use of Getic derivatives. The Geti continue their history under the name of Goths, this representing the white page of our 1000-year history.
''' Until the time of Deceneu, the Goths were called Geti and were called by several names, being divided into several powers. The Ostrogoths, those from the east, the Visigoths from the west of Europe, in any case their main residence being Dacia ( actual Romania ) , which today we call Wallachia and Septem Casta (Transylvania). Nicolo Zeno, Italian historian 1557, in the "Books of the Getis" about the genealogy of the Getic people, from the biblical origins. And other authors describe the same historical realities. The Goths were the ancient Getae, with a modified name. They migrated to western Europe and northern Scandinavia and under the name Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths gave birth to other nations. Many documents. Excluding Germanic peoples, invented by Western historians, without roots in antiquity, in order to have an ancient ancestry. (The Goths did not conquer Dacia but returned to the motherland.)
The prevailing historical and archaeological evidence shows that the Goths were a Germanic people originating from Scandinavia, specifically regions like Gotland and Götaland in modern-day Sweden. They migrated southward through what is now Poland and into parts of Europe, including modern-day Romania and Ukraine.The claim that the Goths were simply renamed Getae is not supported by the majority of historians and archaeologists. The Getae were a Thracian people living primarily in the area of present-day Romania and Bulgaria, distinct from the Germanic Goths. The Goths and Getae may have had interactions, but they are recognized as separate groups with different origins.The idea that Germanic peoples were invented by Western historians is also not accurate. Germanic tribes, including the Goths, have been well-documented through ancient texts, linguistic studies, and archaeological findings. These sources provide a clear distinction between the Germanic Goths and the Thracian Getae.
@@evoinception Yes, they are an invention and people should finally educate themselves on this. Goth is another name for Getae and also Jats. This is Bulgarian and Romanian history. Why dont you just look at pictures showing Goths and Dacians and see if there is any difference. Just look on wikipedia. What is documented, the fake Bible called codex Argenteus or the cyrrilic script that they see as "german". Jordan was a Goth from Bulgaria. Not the first time Thracian history is stolen, the last time was during WW2 and Hitler that stole the Aryans that were also Thracians. When people steal history they should be aware this could be very dangerous, millions died because of this!!! The real descendants of the Aryans killed noone but the fake did. Read a book Goter oder Bulgaren and see. I have several other books in Bulgarian as well.
Swedes have no idea about anything when being asked, they just repeat Gotland but show us zero prove about any prehistory there. Well, a mighty tribe always has prehistory. This is about science, not about we waz Goths. If you are naive and think history is not politics then you should open your eyes. This will help you understand history and politics at the same time. Good luck!
"He also says that Urphilas19 brought over as settlers to the Roman territory a large body of persons who had been driven out of their ancient abodes for the sake of their religion. These came from among the Scythians, north of the Ister, and were formerly called Getae , though now they are better known as Goths… This multitude of converts were located by the emperor in the different parts of Moesia…” - Philost.Eccl.Hist.5.
"When many Scythians, who are called Goths, had past the river Ister, in the time of Decius, they wasted the Roman empire.
9. Theophanes, under the year 370, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉:
for that the Scythians are in their tongue called Goths, Trajanus Patricius relates in the history of his own time.
10. Georgius Syncellus, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉:
the Scythians are also called Goths in their own language.
11. Jornandeso always speaks of the Goths, Getae, and Scythae, as one people, and uses the names synonymously.
12. Isidorus thus begins his Chronicle of the Goths in Spain, Gothorum antiquissimum esse regnum certum est, quod ex regno Scytharum est exortum.
13. procopius repeatedly calls the Foederati, so well known in the Lower Empire, Goths. Suidas in voce calls them Scythae.
14. Ammianus Marcellinus, lib. xxxi. mentioning the death of Decius who fell in the battle against the Goths, or Getae, calls them Scythicae gentes."
Getae (गेटी/जेटी) or Getai (गेटी) or Gets (गेट/जेट) was the name given by the Greeks to several Thracian tribes that occupied the regions south of the Lower Danube, in what is today northern Bulgaria, and north of the Lower Danube, in the Muntenian plain (today's southern Romania), and especially near modern Dobruja. This was in the hinterland of Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast, bringing the Getae into contact with the ancient Greeks from an early date. Scholars have suggested that "Getae" is the Greco-Latin variant of "Goth".[1][2][3][4] Alexander Cunningham advocated, "Jat is the same word as Getæ, in all probability."[5]
“Getae qui et nunс Gothi, Getarum, sive Gothorum, Geticus quasi Gotticus”.
“Rome should have no longer any Getic peril to fear; for they say that the Goths are of the Getic race.” - Proc. Bello Gothico, V.XXIV.29.
"It is proper first to shew that Scythae, Getae, Gothi, were but different names for one and the same people; as we call them Spaniards, whom the French call Espagnols; the Italians, Spagnuoli: or as the French call the English Anglois; the Italians, Inglesi."
Cremation skews this video to the "unknown". The Swedes wanted to be Thervingi, then Vikings and now Goths- I wonder if this will workout for them this time around.
Thank you for the informative video.
It is interesting to think that both our Gothic and Slavic ancestors were assisted in obtaining a written language, due to the efforts of individuals who highly valued the collection of 66 books we call, "The Bible."
Ufilas c.311c.e.-- c.382c.e., Cyril & Methodius in 864,865 c.e.
Sadly the weeds that Christ Jesus foretold that would arise in the Church, which individuals, the Apostle Paul referred to as "wolves," who would not treat the flock with tenderness, but would speak twisted things, had gained control with the passing of the Apostles.
Thus it comes as no surprise, that the Church condoned the forced conversions of our pagan ancestors and adopted a number of their pagan traditions and practices.
Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43 Acts 20: 17, 29,30 1 Corinthians 6:15
thanks for your interest in topic and perspective ...
You left off the Gothic migration to Northern Africa...
The Gothic migration to Northern Africa primarily involved the Visigoths.In a future video i will cover it .. thanks for bringing this up ..
@@evoinception When you do I am curious about the DNA impact on North Africa.
Most my dna is from Ostergotland. Id love to visit someday. I used to want to go home but The U.S. is still the most free(ish) country. Hail!
That's amazing, Ostergotland has such a rich history and beautiful landscapes, definitely a great place to visit.
Present day Poland has only been Poland for the past 80 years. The Goths weren't Slavs. Don't confuse people.
I want to clarify that at no point in the video did I confuse Goths with Slavs. The video clearly distinguishes between the Goths, who were a Germanic people originating from Scandinavia, and the Slavs, who have their origins in Eastern Europe.While the modern borders of Poland have indeed changed over time, the region known as Poland has a deep and long history, with Polish statehood dating back over a thousand years.
@@evoinception The Gothic people who setteld in Balkans later asimilated for example those who lived close to Slavs Slavinized Those close to Albanians Albanized
All these haplogroups "suggest" boredom.
I wonder what's supposed to be ... how to say ... significant ? And I noticed a picture where, once again, the scythians are depicted small mongoloid people.
The goths interacted with daco-gete people, that some ancient historian said they were ancestors of goths.
you make some good points, thanks ...
Some geneticists and historians argue that the goths did originate from sweden and poland but once they started the migrations into the black sea they picked up and assimilated large groups of other eastern germanic tribes as well as scytho-sarmatians , some alan groups , dacians , thracians (hence the getae affiliation with the gothic origins mentioned in jordanes ) and some early proto slavs as well as captured slaves and other minorities joining the gothic confederation from cappadocia (modern day turkey ), balkans , greece , even some huns joined and slaves joined them from italy as well which could have been a mixture of gallic - germanic and north african and Mediterranean slaves .. once they got into france and the iberian peninsula they were already had a substantial mixture as hinted in some manuscripts that alot of goths were of arian faith and others were pagans ( most if not all goths in the 5th century would have been arian christians indicating those of other ethnicities still practiced paganism ) . Also genetic evidence shows that some of the haplogroups they would have brought to the iberian peninsula and italy would be not as much of germanic origin but also r1a and more Mediterranean haplogroups (further indicating the likelihood of them assimilating many balkans and greeks and byzantines .
You're absolutely right, gothic migrations were complex, and they assimilated various groups along the way, which is reflected in their genetic diversity by the time they reached places like the Iberian Peninsula and Italy. The mix of different peoples and cultures, including Scytho-Sarmatians, Alans, and others, contributed to the unique Gothic identity we see in history. Thanks for bringing this up...
Haplogroup I1a is the oldest European DNA coming from the middle east ...Haplogroup I and middle eastern Haplogroup J had genetic fusion....together.....proving to be proto semitic.
thanks for sharing this info ...