The problem is SDA pioneers interpreted the Sabbath based on the Bible without context. A surface level knowledge of Jewish theology and tradition could've avoided the misunderstanding about Sabbath. And let's be honest many people from every denomination gets the Sabbath wrong. If you read the Bible without context it's not hard to conclude that Jews going to the synagogue on Sabbath is like a Christian going to church on Sunday. But observing the Sabbath means to rest from work (melacha), not going to the synagogue. Up to today, synagogue attendance is not a pillar of faith, but communal gathering is important for communal integrity. They interpreted Sabbath observance as rest from work (in the English sense of it and not melacha) and going to church. Something the SDAs cannot fully answer is how do they observe the Sabbath because there isn't one standard. Often times it varies by family. Some will apply a set of the Jewish restrictions while others will apply another set of restrictions. If the claim is that this is God's most important law and it is used as a mark of His people, one would think that it's observance is standardized from the get go. But this is not the case.
@@techwithruud You are relying of a specific version of the Bible for your entire theology. The Hebrew Bible, which the Jews use, translates Leviticus 23:3 as: "[For] six days, work may be performed, but on the seventh day, it is a complete rest day, a holy occasion; you shall not perform any work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwelling places." Also, if you use convocation it wouldn't make much sense as this part of the verse (semi colon) is describing the Sabbath, which is a day of rest. The Bible has to be read in proper context. Also, this chapter is about Jewish holy days. So using this chapter isn't really advisable as you claim to keep only the Sabbath.
@VanThadden5170.2 Whilw the chapter is generally talking feasts, Leviticus 23:3 must be talking about "the" sabbath. There is/are other places where "sabbaths" (feast) are spoken about. How credible is that version of the Bible? I hear some versions are not credible and were edited for the advancement of nefarious agendas of some "people"
@@VanThadden5170.2 The Sabbath has got to be observed the same way, the Biblical way. If people are observing it differently, one of them is doing something wrong
@@okwijames947 "Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand." (Romans 14:3-4)
You may be a Christian but now do as Jesus did. After Jesus arose did he keep Sunday as the new Holy Sabbath Day? Don't be foolish people study for yourself.
colossians 2;16 says. let no one judge you in respect of a religious festival, new moon or the sabbath. this yearly monthly and daily is repeated in the old testament in no less than six verses. It is saying you can keep the old festivals but don't judge
I gave you a thumbs up. Rob Solberg teaches Christians are “ permitted” but not “ required,” to observe Hebrew festivals. I’m puzzled because I can’t figure out how it’s possible to keep appointed feasts given to Israel that no longer exist. The festivals and new moons were shadows of Christ, and are not only not required, but they are non existent, as far as I can tell. Am I wrong. Can you please help me understand? You are right about 6 different ritual chains in Holy Writ. Some are reversed in order. Colossians 2 is one of the most important passages of scripture in Holy Writ because it describes the legal writ of debt that was nailed to the cross. Forgiveness of sin and made legally righteous and justified because the handwritten legal debt all humans owe has been nailed to the Calvary cross. If you can help me understand I would appreciate it.
Fools are blind. Jesus Christ was born into Jewish custom, which included attending the synagogue on the sabbath day. After crucifixion, death, and resurrection, never at any time did he meet with his disciples on a Jewish sabbath day but on the first day to break bread before accending to heaven . This sign of this mystery means a lot for the spread of the gospel for over 2000 years of the redemptive power to save sinners .Otherwise, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ would have been in vain.
Wrong! In Act chapter 1, Jesus was on this earth for 40 days after His resurrection teaching the disciples. That would have been at least 5 Sabbaths. Don't you think if Jesus wanted them to change the 7th day Sabbath to Sunday, he would have told then?
Excellent video. unfortunately, I have used several of the texts cited in this video to show Sunday was being used as a day of worship long before Constanine, but they won't listen.
I can provide plenty of early church writings that confirm the observance of the Sabbath as the day set apart by God: Archelaus (3rd Century): “As to the assertion that the Sabbath has been abolished, we deny that He has abolished it plainly; for He was Himself also Lord of the Sabbath.” (Ad Calcem Disputatio Archelai Episcopi Adversus Manichaeum, 1695) Aphrahat (3rd Century): “Let us observe the Sabbath of God in a manner which pleases His will. Let us enter into the Sabbath of rest in which the heaven and the earth take Sabbath rest; all creatures will dwell in peace and take rest.” (Demonstration 13: On the Sabbath) Pseudo-Athanasius (3rd century): “We assemble on Saturday, not that we are infected with Judaism, but only to worship Christ the Lord of the Sabbath.” Tertullian (3rd Century): “Thus Christ did not at all rescind the Sabbath: He kept the law thereof… Moreover, He exhibits in a clear light the different kinds of work, while doing what the law excepts from the sacredness of the Sabbath and while imparting to the Sabbath day itself, which from the beginning had been consecrated by the benediction of the Father, an additional sanctity by His own beneficent action.” (Against Marcion, Book IV, Chapter XII) These writings show that early Christians continued to honor the Sabbath, recognizing it as a holy day established by God Himself. They contradict the modern justification for Sunday observance and affirm the continuity of the Sabbath as commanded in Scripture. Conclusion In light of this evidence, it becomes abundantly clear that the shift to Sunday observance was not based on biblical instruction but rather on human tradition. Let us remember the words of Jesus: “In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:9) The Sabbath remains holy, just as God declared: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) God's law and testimony serve as the ultimate safeguard against deception. If anyone speaks contrary to God’s Word, there is no light in them. Let us remain grounded in the eternal Word of God and faithfully obey His commandments, including the command to keep the seventh day holy as the Sabbath. The Bible also warns us about how to identify truth: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) The law of God and the Word of God protect us from deception. They provide a clear and unwavering guide to truth, and they command us to keep the seventh day holy-not Sunday. By abandoning the Sabbath and promoting Sunday, one steps outside of the boundaries of God's Word and opens the door to error and tradition that contradicts divine authority.
If God had established a new day of worship, He would have directly stated it in Scripture. Paul mentions this in the book of Hebrews and explains why the Sabbath remains: “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God.” (Hebrews 4:9) Socrates Scholasticus, the 5th-century church historian, provides a striking historical insight into early Christian worship practices. He wrote: “For although almost all churches throughout the world celebrate the sacred mysteries on the Sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do this.” (Historia Ecclesiastica, Book 5, Chapter 22) This is significant for two reasons: It shows that Sabbath-keeping, as commanded by God, was the practice of the majority of Christians for centuries after Christ. It highlights that only the Christians in Rome and Alexandria, relying on "some ancient tradition," abandoned the Sabbath. But what does Scripture say about substituting God’s commands for human traditions? Jesus warned: "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." (Mark 7:13) By prioritizing human traditions over God’s clear instructions, the Word of God is effectively nullified. The abandonment of the Sabbath in favor of Sunday observance is a glaring example of this. Instead of adhering to the sanctified Sabbath established by God, traditions and human authority have taken precedence. Socrates makes it clear that this shift was based on "ancient tradition," not biblical command. Even the Catholic Church openly admits that there is no biblical support for Sunday observance. In A Doctrinal Catechism by Rev. Stephen Keenan, we find the following admission: Q. Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept? A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority. (A Doctrinal Catechism, Rev. Stephen Keenan, 1851, p. 174) This statement unequivocally acknowledges that the change from Sabbath to Sunday observance has no foundation in Scripture. Instead, it was made by the authority of the Church.
OK so the SDA church is a cult. Now answer me this Which one is the true Church of God amongst all these Sunday denominations with different names, different baptisms, different gospels, different doctrines and different practices? Some of them preach that salvation comes by believing in the message of the hour. That's another gospel Some preach that salvation is by believing and accepting Kacou Philippe as the only true prophèt sent by God for our salvation. That's another gospel. Some preach that the coming of Jesus Christ is when the person dies while some preach that Jesus Christ's coming is visible. Some are against secret rapture some are against it Some preach that you can't go to Jesus Christ Some are seen asking and begging for forgiveness from the statue of Mary. So which one is the true Church of God amongst them all? If they are all preaching Jesus Christ why then do you have different Churches Preaching different gospels and teaching different doctrines? If you all believe in Jesus Christ why then do you have different baptisms? If you are sure that you are all followers of Jesus Christ then why do you have millions of denominations with different names, different baptisms different gospels, different doctrines and different practices? Does it mean JESUS CHRIST brings divisions and confusion amongst His followers? 👇👇👇👇 PENTECOSTALISM ZIONISM PROTESTANTISM CATHOLISM APOSTOLICISM ORTHODOXISM Othordoxism has its own denominations Pentecostalism has its own denominations Zionism has its own denominations Protestantism has its own denominations Apostolicism has its own denominations Which one is the true Church here?🤷🤷🤷🤷 Mind you, all these are Sunday churches Looking forward to your explanation?!
@@BlancheDavis-ks9re the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church. Though they are in schism, they ARE the Church spoken of in the Gospels and they have the historical apostolic evidence to back it all up
Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday) In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord. The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day. The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
@@veganix6757 Well, the Catholic Church seems to agree with Ellen! (The Council of Trent, January 18, 1562) "The Sabbath, the most glorious day in the law, has been changed into the Lord’s day. ... These and other similar matters have not ceased by virtue of Christ’s teaching (for He says He has come to fulfill the law, not to destroy it), but they have been changed by the authority of the church." - Archbishop Gaspar del Fosso
QUOTE: Sunday is a Catholic institution, and... can be defended only on Catholic principles.... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first. -Catholic Press, Aug. 25, 1900
@@holdthewinds A document written in 1900 in an American publication does not prove what the church did or did not do in the first century. The fact is, Christians have been worshipping on the first day of the week since the Apostles. This is a fact of history. And as a matter of fact, the Catholic who wrote it was WRONG. There IS plenty of evidence in the New Testament that Christians worshipped on Sunday. He is sooo wrong, that I have to conclude that the author was ignorant.
God Sabbath is spiritual not physical, Isreal Sabbath was physical which was a sign of the covenant (Eze20-20) of things to come, Col2-16 which is now complete in christ, in whom we now have God ture Sabbath in us.
@@Triniforchrist The sabbath is not just a spiritual event. It is the seventh day of every week, brought into being when God created the earth as per Genesis. It was “made holy” from the very first week of the world’s existence and the Bible gives not a single reference to that ever being changed. Man has changed it, but it remains God’s holy day. I choose God’s side.
@CharlieWhiskey549 since Apostles Paul say the Sabbath was a sign and have been complete in christ just as circumcision was, and the Aposttollic churches from the Apostles taught likewise, we really done care what non catholic heretic like you have to say, because your church was not established by christ. Christ taught his disciples how to intrepid scriptures and they taught their disciples who was the early church fathers.
@ In Colossians 2, Paul is referencing the things the church was doing, eating and drinking AND KEEPING THE SABBATH. They had not changed the day, nor did Paul tell them to. And Jesus did not say that the Sabbath had been done away with or for the Jews. “The sabbath is made for man (mankind)”, not for the Jews, not for Adventists, not for Seventh-day Baptists, not only for those that existed before the cross, for everyone.
@ The sabbath is one of the 10 commandments. If it is complete in Christ- and, by your implication, done away with, have the commandments to not murder, not steal, etc also been done away with?? I don’t see anyone making this claim, so why single out the sabbath commandment to claim it is complete/has been abolished? Further, I don’t read anywhere in the bible where God ceded His authority for changing laws. Men wanting this authority was the original sin/deceit in the garden: “You will be like God.”
@@CharlieWhiskey549 wrong heretic, the church was not celebrating new moon and freast day they are fulfill, Acts 15 say otherwise, plus we have the writing of the early church fathers on hiw to interpret scriptures, not some wannabe like yourself, you have authority to teach or interpret scriptures, only the Catholic Church
Adventist's focus on days.... True believers focus on Jesus, not the day itself.... Going to church on Sunday has 0 to do with my keeping Sunday as the Sabbath! Jesus fasted 40 days and nights in the wilderness... Did He keep the Sabbath? Absolutely not,! Did the Temple Priests keep the Sabbath? Absolutely not! Did the Sabbath Commandment exist before the Exodus? Absolutely not! Did Noah take off every 7th day? No! Was Lot, whom Peter and God said was a righteous man, keep the Sabbath living in Sodom? No! Did Joseph keep the Sabbath? No,! The 4th Commandment and Sabbath keeping was the sign of the Old Mosaic Covenant. Now that Christ has come, Sabbath is no longer a sign, it's a daily reality in Christ... Christ is our Sabbath source and we rest by faith in His finished work of the cross... Who's your source of Sabbath, Jesus or Saturday? Everyday is the 7th Day Sabbath in Christ! Because the New Covenant is the spiritual fulfillment and reality of the Old testament... Which is why God said it was a sign between God and the children of Israel forever or until the vanishing point is what forever means in Hebrew.... He said Unleavened Bread and Passover is forever too
WHAT!!!!!!!????? Did NOT the Apostles of YESHUA HAMASHIACH break break on the 1st Day of the WEEK???? Was that on a SATURDAY or a SUNDAY?? I believe the 1st Day of the WEEK is a SUNDAY and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the HONORING and WORSHIP of the Sun god, an erroneous belief vociferously perpetrated by the SDA in order to CHAMPION their cause in accusing that those Evangelical Christians who worship on the 1st Day of the WEEK, ie., on a SUNDAY are WORSHIPING the Sun god and are therefore ANTICHRIST aka having the MARK of the BEAST, ie., the "666"!! No wonder then that SDA rejects does NOT want to believe in the Doctrine of the RAPTURE of the CHURCHES of CHRIST or the BELIEVERS! Isn't that so irony?? I am thinking that the SDA have gotten their religious COMPASS all wrong!!
You can break bread on any day. You can gather on any day but the Sabbath is different as it is holy and needs to be kept holy. Its the official day for gathering as it is considered a day for holy convocation - in leviticus
@@techwithruud _" Its the official day for gathering as it is considered a day for holy convocation - in leviticus"_ Wrong, it is a day of rest for them that are stuck in the old covenant
@@WilliamNordeste And frogs will fly on summer morn, while fishes sing aloud at dawn! The "Sunday Law" malarkey rates right up there with the JW version of the end times.
No, you worship Saturday not Jesus.... Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath....Jesus Himself broke the 4th Commandment because it was a ceremonial Law which is why God gave Israel His Sabbaths as a sign..... Christ's resurrection is the very basis for our faith .. God's beginning a New Creation through Christ.... we're no longer observing the former things because we have a New Covenant in Christ, not under Moses @@JordanAnoh
Myles @answeringadventism is very interesting since he’s a self proclaimed Protestant who regularly co-labors with Roman Catholics in an effort to expose Adventism and “tell them the gospel.” That kind of behavior is comparable to an SDA teaming up with another Protestant denomination in order to “share the gospel” to a catholic or another false form of Christianity. It is unbiblical to co- labor with unbelievers. Myles claims he disagrees with Catholics on major issues, but yet he regularly co-laborers with them. That’s confusing. Other reformed Presbyterians would never do what Myles does. For example, RC sprawl regularly called out Roman Catholicism, but Myles regularly co-laborers. But whenever you call myles out on this, he just says he is “interviewing people” and not co-laboring, despite the fact that he has a common purpose with the Catholics he co-labors with. I strongly suggest other channels rather than answering Adventism- former Adventist Fellowship, academy apologia and examining Adventism are all much more biblical than Myles. Keep in mind just because someone calls out a false religion doesn’t necessarily make the person who is calling out the false religion correct in their theology. I’ve seen other people on this channel call Myles out on this, but he always just dodges the question or gets super personal and aggressive with them. so sad. Hope he changes and gets more humble.
When it comes to the Catholic Church, RC Sprouls didn't know what he was talking about. He was always misrepresenting it. I've seen other Presbyterians and Reformed Baptists doing this too. Some of them may be great at explaining the Bible (at least from their perspective), but when it comes to the Catholic Church, they get sloppy.
. Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566) - *"The Church of God has thought it well to transfer the celebration and observance of the Sabbath to Sunday."* Catholic Encyclopedia (1913) - Entry on "Sunday" *"The Church, on the other hand, after changing the day of rest from the Jewish Sabbath, or seventh day of the week, to the first, made the Third Commandment refer to Sunday as the day to be kept holy as the Lord's Day."* **Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1946)** - **Q**: *"Which is the Sabbath day?"* **A**: *"Saturday is the Sabbath day."* - **Q**: *"Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?"* **A**: *"We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday."* **Source**: Rev. Peter Geiermann, *The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine* (1946 ed.). This Q&A is often cited in debates about the Church’s authority to alter practices. 1. **Cardinal James Gibbons (19th-century Archbishop of Baltimore)** - **From *The Faith of Our Fathers* (1876)**: *"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [Catholics] never sanctify."* 2. **Stephen Keenan’s *A Doctrinal Catechism* (19th century)** - **Q**: *"Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?"* **A**: *"Had she not such power, she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for Saturday, the seventh day-a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."* **Source**: Keenan, a Catholic theologian, directly ties the change to the Church’s authority rather than Scripture. 3. **Catholic Mirror (Official Publication, 1893)** - **Editorial on Sunday Observance**: *"The Catholic Church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday... The Protestant World at its birth found the Christian Sabbath too strongly entrenched to run counter to its existence; it was therefore placed under the necessity of acquiescing in the arrangement, thus implying the Church’s right to change the day."* 4. **Council of Laodicea (4th Century)** - **Canon 29**: *"Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]; and, if they can, resting then as Christians."* 5. **Rev. John A. O’Brien (*The Faith of Millions*, 1974)** - *"The Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her Founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant claiming the Bible alone as their guide has no warrant for observing Sunday."* 6. **Father Thomas Enright (19th-century Catholic Priest)** - **Sermon (1884)**: *"I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ The Catholic Church says: ‘No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.’ And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church."* 7. **Augustine of Hippo (5th Century)** - **Sermon on the Sabbath**: *"The Lord’s Day was revealed to us in the Gospel... not as the seventh day, but as the first day... The observance of the Sabbath is set aside not by the Gospel, but by the tradition of the Church."* 8. **Catholic Encyclopedia (1911)** - **Entry on "Sunday"**: *"The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the [Catholic] Church."*
The early writings references of sunday worship are interesting. So, too, is the avoidance of biblical verses of early church sabbath keeping. It's sad how fiercely Sunday keepers defend or justify their disavowing the day that God and Jesus rested on, sanctified, and blessed in creation - the 7th day. It was not only for the "jews" (Israelites), but for the foreigners (gentiles), and even the land had its sabbaths every 7 years. In Ephesians 2:11-3:8 Paul teaches a powerful message of how in Christ Jesus the Gentiles are no more strangers or foreigners, but fellowcitizens, fellowheirs with the Israeliites. We are one body. How sad are the various efforts to separate us, whether that be Sunday worship, or claims made of a group (like SDA) to be a special, peculiar, remnant church people, excluding the Israelite believers in Christ. May we pray for and study God's Word for "His" truths to be clearly known and followed by all His people.
Sabbath is a commandment. Lord's may is memorial. I was a catholic all my life born in Catholic family. Catholic church never encourage to read or follow the Bible. 12 yerar back I realized that reading Bible is most important to know the truth. And came to know that I as a catholic was worshiping idols. Christmas(feast of sun worshippers) Christ was not born on December 25th. Kissing and bowing before statues (images/idols) Cross, Mary, Infant jesus on feast days of catholics are all disobeying God's commandment. Keeping 7 feasts in the Bible is most important than the false feast as per roman calendar. Even Easter is feast of pagan Eastar (goddess of fertility) Really I feel satan has deceived the whole world. Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. Jesus kept the feast read Bible he went to feast of tabernacles and read Isaiah scriptures on the Last Great Day which is also also one of the last feast of every year in the Bible. Please read your bible and you will be enlightened with the real truth. Suggest read the recommended Bible of your church and generic bible like old bible its all there on biblegateway site. All versions are there and compare. Sometimes Bibles are translated by Churches and tend to tune to their doctrines. Even Revelation shows that all will come to keep the feast of tabernacles and those who will not go to keep the feast there will be no rain(meaning famine) Please read your Bible and meditate on it.
@@TheUntoldStories-e8pand no Wearing mixed fiber for clothes is a commandment too. U r not a Jew. Read book of Acts. We don’t follow the fallen laws. We follow Jesus.
Rev 1:10, the only verse in the Bible with the words, "the Lord's day," does not specify which day that is. Any claim that John meant Sunday or the first day of the week is only speculation.
@ who cares. God gave the apostles authority and succession. So any bishop or pope can help make changes under the guidance of Holy Spirit. Jesus told them that Holy Spirit would reveal the truth. Are you saying the Holy Spirit lied? Did god leave his people astray for 1800 years?
@ that’s why we have apostles and the apostolic succession. They were given authority with guidance from Holy Spirit John student was Ignatius if Antioc and he has writings of how Christian’s follow lords day on Sunday and how Christian’s celebrate on Sunday and don’t follow the Jews inn sabbath on Saturday
When Solomon built the Temple, the Jews did no labor. The Sons of Hiram were the stone masons and dressed the stones off sight and then brought the blocks to the Temple Mount on SUNDAYS. . Now in the Exodus Laws, Both the Sabbath Day and the Day of Holy Convocation was required. So the Gentiles came to the Temple on Sundays to build the Temple, but the Jews stayed home on Saturdays or Seventh Day. So the CHRISTIAN MISSION was a WORK experience , not a Day of Rest. During the Medieval times the Bishops and the Rabbis got together to agree, not to ring Church Bells on Saturday or loud music etc. So Church services that rang bells and loud music was done on Sundays, the Holy Day of Convocation for the idea of all Nations, but for the Jews, the Sabbath Day was a time to rest , but the Jews used the Christians or Gentiles to come into their homes and light the stoves on the Sabbath or Day of Rest. So this is about two days, the First Day and the Seventh Day , back to back. How the Church negotiated with the Jews, is historical in the Eighth Century A.D. during the reign of Charlemagne ,in the "Holy Roman Empire". During that time allot of cooperation occurred between Roman Catholics and Jews.
So tell me please original sabbath keeper s when will you truly keep sabbath? You worship a day more than you worship God let alone the true Gospel of Jesus Christ
Sabbath rest is for man, not for God's benefit. It's edifying. You know so much better clearly. Good thing you aren't like those rotten *tax collectors, right?!
QUOTE: Question: How prove you that the Church hath power to command feasts and holydays? Answer: By the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church. -Henry Tuberville, An Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine (1833 approbation), p.58 (Same statement in Manual of Christian Doctrine, ed. by Daniel Ferris [1916 ed.], p.67)
The Hebrews at the time of Messiah used a lunar solar calendar beginning with a New Moon. The Romans used a solar calendar which uses no astronomical reckoning to begin a month. One cannot synchronize the two calendars and have Sabbaths fall on the same day or have the first day of the week fall on the same days on the two calendars. Around AD 324 Rome forbid the use of the solar lunar Hebrews calendar, thus the reason Hillel II created the calendar the modern day judaism uses. Constantine did change the times and the laws.
If a good Roman Catholic fails to attend Mass on Sunday, is he out of the fold of Christianity? Has he apostaticized? If said person attends Mass on every day except Sunday, is he out of communion with the church? No. I'd say not.
Fails? no. Refuses to worship God on Sunday when there is no obstacle to his attendance? That sounds grave, but being out of the fold of Christianity needs more than doing something grave. Apostasy? No, that has nothing to do with Apostasy. Out of communion? Not directly or immediately, maybe if he persistently refused to worship God on Sunday and also taught everyone else that they should also refuse to worship God on Sunday.
@@rogermoyer4646 I have done so numerous times. Your committing word concept fallacy. “lords day” is only found 1 place on scripture. Revelation 1:10. The Greek is Kuriake hemera. That isn’t what Jesus says when He says he is “Lord of the sabbath.” Due to tunnel vision, you’re missing what Jesus was saying by saying that. It was him declaring that He is the Almighty God, not about the Lord’s Day in Revelation 1:10 being Saturday. Not even the same Greek wording. One must understand that phrase in light of scripture and historical usage of the day. Adventists are supposed to be in favor of the historical grammatical method of Bible interpretation, yet they don’t apply such here. Part of utilizing such hermeneutic requires examining the way words and language were used in that day. We’ve gone over this so many times at this point you can go to our website and read or the channel and watch. We’ve gone over this a lot.
Easy. If modern day judaizers knew what the melachot were they would know you can't write on the Sabbath. It's prohibited. Guess what the angel says to John in the next verse where "Lord's day" is mentioned? Revelation 1: 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet 11 saying, *“Write* what you see..." If the Sabbath is the Lord's day then the angel just commanded John to break the Sabbath by writing.
@@answeringadventism Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord. The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day. The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week. Something else to consider is the apostles and disciples held a council to discuss the rite of circumcision in Acts 15 yet there is no mention from Jews to discuss the change of one of the 10 commandments, especially the Sabbath which was a sign for them ?
You’re spot on 👌 Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday) In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord. The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day. The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week. Also all the instances we have in NT where our current ‘Sunday’ is mentioned ‘first day’ is called just that ‘first day’ and that’s many years after Jesus’ resurrection. So why did not John say in Revelation 1:10 ‘I was in the Spirit in the first day…’ ? Specially since the Gospel writers when writing after the events (past) mention some as occurring in the future like when talking about Judas past story then ‘the one that would betray Him’ (future reference).
@@answeringadventism Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday) In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord. The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day. The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
I do understand Ellen White is wrong together with the SDA church, but we have no reason to defend Sunday and the catholic church is wrong in many areas. Thus you're ruining the reputation of this channel. The Sabbath is the 7th day period, and we don't keep it because we are not required to but nothing is wrong about keeping the Sabbath.
_"we are not required to but nothing is wrong about keeping the Sabbath."_ 100% correct, but now get that in the sculls of Adventists not to force their Old covenant laws onto Christians.
Yes, the Bible says “the Seventh day is the Sabbath.” But you have assumed “…of the week” which is not there in the text. This is called Eisegesis- reading your preconceived idea into the text. The commandment says “six days you shall labor…” then comes the Sabbath. That is a pattern being described here. Work 6, rest 1.
QUOTE: The retention of the old pagan name of Dies Solis, for Sunday is, in a great measure, owing to the union of pagan and Christian sentiment with which the first day of the week was recommended by Constantine to his subjects - pagan and Christian alike - as the 'venerable' day of the sun. -Arthur P. Stanley, History of the Eastern Church, p. 184
QUOTE: The Sun was a foremost god with heathen-dom…The sun has worshippers at this hour in Persia and other lands…. There is, in truth, something royal, kingly about the sun, making it a fit emblem of Jesus, the Sun of Justice. Hence the church in these countries would seem to have said, to 'Keep that old pagan name [Sunday]. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified.' And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday, sacred to Jesus. -William Gildea, Doctor of Divinity, The Catholic World, March, 1894, p. 809
The answer depends on how you define the "Roman" church. If you and I (for example) are working with the definition that the Roman Catholic Church is an organization that developed some time after the Apostles, then my answer is no, the Roman Catholic Church did not change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. If, however, I am speaking someone who understands that the Catholic Church began with the Apostles and includes them, then my answer is yes, the Catholic Church began to worship on Sunday in response to the Resurrection of Jesus under the authority given the Apostles by Jesus himself. Also, according to Catholic doctrine, the Sabbath is still the 7th day of the week. However, the obligation to rest (not the Sabbath itself) has been transferred to the Lord's Day.
@@StefantheWhistleblower jimmu gave the correct answer. When Rome claims to have changed the sabbath they are saying “the apostles changed the sabbath.” They are not claiming the pope did.
@jimmu2008 The obligation to rest, seaze from work, still exist then but just on the 1st day then? You may want to tell Myles he needs to treat Sunday as the Sabbath.
@@StefantheWhistleblower you've been here a while. You should know by now that he is a "first day Sabbatarian." This tells me that you are not listening.
Totally wrong. There is nothing in the Bible as you mentioned Sunday as Lord's Day. Let me give you the references in the Bible. 1. REVELATION 1:10 2. MARK 2: 27-28 3: ISAIAH 58:13 4. EXODUS 20:8-11 Friend, I can tell you that the Lord's Day is Saturday Sabbath. Pope did changed Sabbath to Sunday according to DANIEL 7:25. Stop misleading God's people. Stop your lie. Go back and read the Bible. God loves you my friends
It can't even be Saturday either if we based on the Lunar cycle, which was used back then, so even worshipping on Saturday is incorrect also then. We follow this by the rule of who created the days of the week.
If we accept your assertion, we must conclude that John the Apostle was a Sabbath breaker, as in Revelation 1 (the first scripture you unsuccessfully tried to use as evidence), he wrote down what he saw, which would have been forbidden for him to do on the Jewish Sabbath, as it counted as "work".
You are fooling yourself by following human ideology and false doctrines. Doing Gospel work like healing and preaching is not part of breaking Sabbath but part of human salvation. Stop misleading people. You will be judged accordingly. Repent! Repent!
@@davidmathew920 First, I don't follow "human ideology and false doctrines". That's what you do by adding the false doctrines of Ellen G. White and making the Bible subordinate to them, just like Roman Catholics make the Bible subordinate to their Popes. You are then projecting your own actions onto me. I don't observe any day as a "sabbath", as we have been under the New Covenant for the last 2000 years and even before that it was only given to Isrealites, whom I am not one of.
@@davidmathew920 Second, you are merely displaying your own lack of knowledge of what "sabbath keeping" actually involved, which is based on Ellen G. White's utter lack of knowledge of the same. "Melacha" (the Hebrew word describing what Israelites were forbidden from doing on the Sabbath, usually translated in English as "work", which overlaps in some ways, such as planting or harvesting crops or doing any part of a process of creating anything), excludes some things that modern Western culture would consider "work" and includes some things that Westerners would consider extremely strange to be counted as "work". Examples of "melachot" (plural of melacha) that Israelites were prohibited from doing on their sabbaths inculde writing anything down (as mentioned in my initial reply), lighting a lamp or other light source, walking more than a certain distance, among many other things. It also actually excludes some things modern Westerners would consider "work", such as tearing down a building, for example.
It comes down to this, the bible (GOD) says keep the Sabbath holy(Saturday) and the catholic church says no keep Sunday. I don't know about you but I'd rather listen to God.
periodical gathering is not a sabbath day. Note you said periodical gathering. Which calendar are you refering to. Bible is based on Hebrew Calendar. day is from sunset to sunset. Roman calendar infact the word itself say Roman is enough to understand. Constantine Roman emperor was SUN worshipper who kept sunday(SUN). Constantine saw lot of people converting to Christianity and was concerned of his rulership so he converted himself into Christian and changed Sabbath(Saturday) to Sunday(SUN). You have to remember that there were Cardinals and Bishops in Roman empire who had big influence on ruling Rome. Also remember the Roman / English calendar has first day in first column as sunday and last day of week as saturday. This proves Roman Calendar and not hebrew calendar. Now I heard this is getting changed to make Saturday as column one and Sunday as column 7. Deceiving truth.
Remember the sabbath day to keep it Holy. Exodus 20:8 😅 There is no evidence that the solemnity of sabbath was transferred to sunday. There are lots of bible text found in scripture even in new testament that they kept the sabbath as it was from the beginning. C'mon.😂 This is ridiculous. This is clearly defying the law or lawlessness.
Nice try. You assert that there is "lots of bible text that they kept the sabbath as it was from the beginning", but you didn't provide any of that supposed "bible text" from the New Testament. That's not surprising, because there is zero evidence of any Christian practicing "sabbath keeping" after the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, when the New Covenant went into effect. There is also zero evidence of any non-Israelite being commanded to practice any form of "sabbath keeping" even under the Old Covenant. To the contrary, the evidence that is there strongly implies that "sabbath keeping" was that, while some Jewish Christians may have continued to practice it, they did so out of habit, without imposing it as a requirement on non-Jewish believers. In Acts 15, a dispute between the Judaizers on one side and Paul and Barnabas on the other over whether to impose the Law of Moses on gentile Christians resulted in the Apostles holding a council in Jerusalem. The result of a council was a list of instructions sent to gentile Christians, listed twice in the chapter (Acts 15:19-20 and 15:29). Notably, there is no mention of anything pertaining to a "sabbath" in the list, which would be VERY odd if the SDA notion that "sabbath keeping" distinguishes true believers from those "taking the mark of the beast". In addition, other New Testament Scriptures in which Paul instructs Christians expressly prohibit judging other believers over sabbath keeping or dietary practices (Colossians 2: 8-23 and Romans 14:1-13, to give two examples).
First, strictly speaking, the liturgical week starts Saturday evening, not Sunday midnight or Sunday morning. Therefore, attending Mass on Saturday evening counts as attending it on Sunday-and the Scripture readings are the same. Second, many Catholic churches have Mass every day. Good Friday is the only day of the year when the Roman Catholic Church does not have Mass. (But Eastern Catholics can have Mass even on Good Friday.)
@@barryford1482 in my earlier comment, I failed to note that, even though we don't have Mass on Good Friday, we still have services on Good Friday. In larger parishes, we have Mass or liturgical services up to 365 days a year.
THIS IS COMPLETE BLASPHEMY!! But it FITS the description of the little horn in Daniel. The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even divine law". The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts a vicegerent of God upon earth -Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, art. Papa, II, Vol. VI, p. 29.
You have pope envy. You all quote pope almost as much as Ellen. Well sda you got the cleansing of the temple wrong. No true prophecies of Ellen yet. You make me nervous. Is it true the guy who came up with the dates repented and left the organization but that is all you have to exist?
@ I mean, come on! Adventists are indoctrinated to proclaim Shabbat was established in the garden, and and it’s an eternal and universal law because the holy day was about remembering Jesus is creator. OK, Jesus being creator is a wonderful truth to bring to remembrance and a great reason to glorify God; but Jesus being creator does not bring salvation to any human. Now, Jesus being deliverer is an entirely different matter. Moses exhorted Israel to remember they were slaves in Egypt and were delivered by the mighty hand of God, and outstretched arm of the almighty.
For those of you who follow Myles, please consider the following. Great Controversy, pg. 588, "through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome." Who is Myles really working for?
Quoting the "Great Controversy" will get you about as far as quoting old issues of "Watchtower", the Koran, or Joseph Smith's "Pearl of Great Price". The made-up gibberish of such religions has no power with Christians.
Myles is truly doing the Lord's work. I don't understand your question though, can you explain why a heretical passage in a book of heresy written by a false prophet have to do with anything?
Did you know that Ellen White's SOP writings were plagiarised from these Sunday keeping, immortal soul believing authors? Don't you think God used these authors to provide inspired information? She even copied from pope Gregory I .
@DamonNomad82 The problem with Joseph Smith is he interpreted writings that no one can verify, or at least he claimed to. 2 Peter 1:20. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
@@bibleaday154 Ellen G. White has the same "problems" as Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, Mary Baker Eddy, and the rest of her spiritual clones. All of them claimed prophetic powers and subjugated the Bible to their own interpretations and made-up "revelations". The end result was functionally the same in all cases: a hollow, works-based religion that superficially mimicked Christianity to lure the unwary into being fatted calves for the supposed "prophet's" enrichment.
QUOTE: The Sabbath was Saturday, not Sunday. The Church altered the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of Sunday. Protestants must be rather puzzled by the keeping of Sunday when God distinctly said, 'Keep holy the Sabbath Day.' The word Sunday does not come anywhere in the Bible, so, without knowing it they are obeying the authority of the Catholic Church. -Canon Cafferata, The Catechism Explained, p. 89.
@@maxelltonno it wasn’t. The early church didn’t pray to the dead or worship Mary (Isis) or sell indulgences or send people to Crusades for a place in heaven or burnt those that read the Bible or create an Inquisition….
@answeringadventism I have been watching your channel on and off and have learned a lot of interesting things - thanks for the effort and research. But I did what to ask you or others here that might know the answer based on previous videos and content (note - I am NOT an SDA). There seem to be a lot of people referencing the Sabbath as only being a commandment for the Jews, but there doesn't seem to be many with that position referencing or even acknowledging the words of Jesus in which he says the Sabbath was made for man - Greek anthropos for man in general. I spent a lot of time reading the comments below on both sides and am saddened by the animosity evident on both sides that often comes out. But in an attempt to bring all biblical verses together on the subject, Mark 2:27 should be addressed and harmonized with any position. So, how does one arguing that the 7th day Sabbath is only for the Jews harmonize that position with Mark 2:27? It seems to clearly state the God created the Sabbath for a particular reason for man in general, and not just the Jews.
@@savardconstruction I don’t claim the sabbath was only for the Jews. I am a first day sabbatarian and have done numerous presentations on my position. So, for me as a reformed Christian, none of these things are a problem whatsoever. In fact, Mark 2:27 is one of my favorite passages to go to to refute the Adventist understanding of the sabbath. SDA Pastor vs: Christian: The First Day Sabbath | Part 1 | @HastingsSDAChurch SDA Pastor vs. Christian: The First Day Sabbath | Part 2 | @HastingsSDAChurch In Defense of the First Day Sabbath & Doug Batchelor's Strawman Burning! | Part 1 In Defense of the First Day Sabbath: Doug Batchelor Rewrites History! | Part 2 Sabbath BEFORE Creation? What Scripture Says!
@answeringadventism appreciate you answering so quickly and understand not writing a lengthyexplanationhere. I'll try to watch those more systemically when I get time. I would still like to hear from any others who might be inclined to give their explanation from the position of the 7th day Sabbath was for the Jews only.
Go read my friend ! They ask the question ,, who changed the sabbath? We changed the sabbath as a sign of our ecclesiastic authority!! What r u trying to prove
Im proving exactly what your comment proves. You guys have no clue what you’re talking about. No, they don’t claim the POPE changed the sabbath. And we discussed what they mean when they say the “church” changed the sabbath. They mean the APOSTLES. They think the apostles were the first Roman Catholics. So thanks for proving the point we’re making. You guys need to better study because you don’t even know what you’re arguing against.
@@premraj2817 here's what you do not understand. "The Convert's Catechism" is NOT an official document of the Catholic Church. It does not prove that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath. It is a modern source written by one man, and not officially. If you want to determine what happened in the first, second, third, or fourth century, you DON'T use a source that was written in 1946. You must use sources that were written in the first, second, third, and fourth centuries. And we have Christian writings from each of these centuries which say that the Apostles taught that we don't have to keep the Sabbath and/or that Christians gather for worship (the Lord's Supper) on the first day of the week.
QUOTE: If we consulted the Bible only, we should still have to keep holy the Sabbath Day, that is, Saturday, with the Jews, instead of Sunday; ... -A Course in Religion for Catholic High Schools and Academies, by Rev. John Laux M.A., Benzinger Brothers, 1936 edition, Part 1.
Constantine became a Christian, then in 321 A.D. To appease the pagans that became Christians, he made Saturday a fasting day and Sunday was the day of rest. You guys need to research the council of Laodicea, the Catholic Church made it official that there would be no Judyizing, pretty much the Jews would have Saturday and the Christian would have Sunday. You may also wanna look in the Catholic Convert catechism. Going to church on Saturday isn’t keeping this Sabbath, you can’t just go to Catholic Church and say you cut the Sabbath. Do you guys ever read the Bible? The more I watch it’s like the more my jaw drops. You guys all need Bible studies.
It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church. -Priest Brady, in an address, reported in the Elizabeth, NJ ‘News’ on March 18, 1903.
Historical records. Also it's in vaticans writing the pope has the authority to change bible and the Sunday sacredness was changed from the 7th day sabbath by order of a pope. It's in thier own words.
Some bit of history here. so we dont forget who is the Catholic Church >>>The Catholic Church dug up John Wycliffe's body, burned his remains, and scattered his ashes in the River Swift in 1428.
@@TenCommandments10 no it doesn’t. Where’s your proof? You’re now going to quote where they say “the church changed the sabbath” or some variation wherein you will insert “the pope” into “the church,” evidencing you aren’t even aware of what you’re citing from and what’s being said.
@answeringadventism your right, the papacy cannot change what God has decreed with his own finger in stone. The Sabbath has always been Friday evening to Saturday evening and always will be The papacy does however think you change times and laws being the Sabbath by saying they have the authority to do whatever they want and so making Sunday Rest their mark. The first day of the week so pulling people away from keeping the Sabbath day holy and this breaking one commandment of God and if you're guilty of breaking one says the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are guilty of breaking them all. Are you guilty or innocent on judgement day? Remember the sabbath and keep it holy.
We do see starting immediately after Jesus went back to His Father that the apostles were chased from the temple and meeting after sundown to have church and share the Gospel. Why? Why? Now on the first day of the week..... To the jews first and the gentiles next. Father shook up the chosen jews from sabbath to Lords day and everyday. As scriptures say. One day or everyday alike. Do it unto Jesus Christ and not your membership in Ellen
@@stephencoe2231 There was no debate on the 7th day Sabbath. Act 17, says: it was Paul's custom to worship on the Sabbath. He did it for 3 sabbaths in a row.
QUOTE: Some theologians have held that God likewise directly determined the Sunday as the day of worship in the NEW LAW, that he himself has explicitly substituted Sunday for the Sabbath. But this theory is entirely abandoned. It is now commonly held that God simply gave His church the power to set aside whatever day or days she would deem suitable as holy days. The church chose Sunday, the first day of the week, and in the course of time added other days as holy days. -Vincent J. Kelly, Forbidden Sunday and Feast-Day Occupations, Washington, DC, Catholic University of America Press, Studies in Sacred Theology, No. 70.,1943, p. 2.
OK so the SDA church is a cult. Now answer me this Which one is the true Church of God amongst all these Sunday denominations with different names, different baptisms, different gospels, different doctrines and different practices? Some of them preach that salvation comes by believing in the message of the hour. That's another gospel Some preach that salvation is by believing and accepting Kacou Philippe as the only true prophèt sent by God for our salvation. That's another gospel. Some preach that the coming of Jesus Christ is when the person dies while some preach that Jesus Christ's coming is visible. Some are against secret rapture some are against it Some preach that you can't go to Jesus Christ Some are seen asking and begging for forgiveness from the statue of Mary. So which one is the true Church of God amongst them all? If they are all preaching Jesus Christ why then do you have different Churches Preaching different gospels and teaching different doctrines? If you all believe in Jesus Christ why then do you have different baptisms? If you are sure that you are all followers of Jesus Christ then why do you have millions of denominations with different names, different baptisms different gospels, different doctrines and different practices? Does it mean JESUS CHRIST brings divisions and confusion amongst His followers? 👇👇👇👇 PENTECOSTALISM ZIONISM PROTESTANTISM CATHOLISM APOSTOLICISM ORTHODOXISM Othordoxism has its own denominations Pentecostalism has its own denominations Zionism has its own denominations Protestantism has its own denominations Apostolicism has its own denominations Which one is the true Church here?🤷🤷🤷🤷 Mind you, all these are Sunday churches Looking forward to your explanations
Golly, you make it sound so complicated. Is that deliberate so you can shut down any answer you receive and stick with your present position? I've never had any trouble finding material and sorting through all of the positions you listed. I use this thing called the "Internet."
Catholic. The church Jesus set up with Peter the pope to lead it after he died. With jolt spirit guiding the apostles. Sda saying Holy Spirit failed at this and didn’t let everyone know the truth for over 1800 years lol😅
@charnelallan7159 so Isaiah 44:6 one of the 3 persons can say and not be a liar, I am the first and the last and BESIDES ME there is no God? You're an idiot dude, shut your mouth.
Bro, what is Myles sin in this Video?? SDA church has made this claim about the Pope changing the day of worship based on the accounts of Ellen White. All he is doing in this video is bringing someone who has an answer to that. Or do you think Ellen White's "prophecies" are untouchable??
@charnelallan7159 Robert is like a kid who can't get an adult's attention so he yells 'listen to me, listen to me'. He was demanding Cliffe Knechthle debating on his channel just like this. His elevator doesn't go anywhere near the top.
It is sad to see that both of you are so ignorant of the Bible. Please, go and read Genesis, Livicitius, Isaiah, Daniel, The Four Gospels, The Book Of Acts, Romans, and Revelation. Do not quote what other writers have to say about what day is the Sabbath. Please pray and reference the Bible as it has all the answers, the Bible plainly states
The sabbath was on the 7th day but the command was given to a specific group of people ,ethnic Israel that's why Jesus nor the Apostles instructed Christian's to keep the 7day holy those that worship on Sunday donot keep sunday holy
When Jesus died and shed His precious blood the new covenant began right? Then why were His believers still keeping the sabbath? Luke 23:56 NKJV - Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment. Did the risen Jesus tell them not to worry about it next week?
You are being deceptive. The New Covenant didn't begin at Jesus' passing. It began at the Feast of Pentecost, several weeks after Christ's crucifixion, resurrection and ascent into Heaven. There is no record of any "sabbath keeping from that point on. You are trying (unsuccessfully at that) to usurp a command that was never yours to keep and binding yourself to a law that was never given to you.
Did Jesus tell them not to worry about temple sacrifices anymore? Did he tell them “okay now, after I die, see to it that you guys all keep the sabbath and make sure to keep meeting at the synagogues even though Jews who don’t believe me will be there.”
@davidmarham9272 did you guys forget the lords supper? Did He not explain things well enough? Matthew 9:13 NKJV - “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
From the guy who goes to a Catholic lawyer when he wants to prove Ellen didn't plagiarize her writings, lol. You cite a lawyer when it benefits you and slam one when it doesn't. You are a walking contradiction.
The Bible does not provide any direct command from God or Jesus to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Instead, the Seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) is consistently upheld in both the Old and New Testaments as the day of rest and worship. Therefore, Sunday worship is a tradition introduced by man, not a biblical command. True Sabbath observance, according to the Bible, remains on the seventh day-Saturday.
It completely went over your head that you can keep the Jewish Sabbath if you are Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox as they have worship everyday. Both apostolic churches have Divine Liturgy on Saturday if you still want to rest and worship if you feel like you must. SDA's pretend there is only one day you are supposed to worship but are clueless most christians worship everyday. Read Colossians 2:16 where Paul is writing to the Collosian church. There are many Jew angry at the converts for not keeping their jewish holidays or Sabbaths and Paul writes to them to not judge on Sabbaths (whether annual, monthly, or daily). The SDA church judges all christians who worship on Sunday and calls them the whore of Babylon. Your institution came into existence in 1863 and yet you call other christians Babylon when a false prophet started your church?
QUOTE: When St. Paul repudiated the works of the law, he was not thinking of the Ten Commandments, which are as unchangeable as God Himself is, which God could not change and still remain the infinitely holy God. -Our Sunday Visitor, Oct. 7, I951.
The problem is, Sunday is not the Lord's Day. Jews didn't believe in Jesus's Resurrection. The One thing that separates the two. Jesus rose on Firstfruits. He is the Manna that came down from Heaven. He is The Lamb of God. There is no other and in Him we commemorate The Sabbath and The Lords Day is yet to come.
@@SoloShagg-Hee John said he was in the spirit on the Lord’s day (Rev. 1:10). That’s the only place it’s found in scripture. Your interpretation is easily eliminated. Furthermore, the day of first fruits was the “8th day,” the day “after the sabbath.” (Lev. 23)
@answeringadventism IF you notice, John doesn't say Sunday is the Lord's Day. As well, there is no other reference that it was ever considered. However The Day of The Lord is. Doh! The Day of The Lord is the Lord's Day that John is referring to. Not a bliss considered day of the week.
Myles,do you believe the idea of a church/state power mandating in the U.S a mandatory Sunday day of worship,with penaltys of no buying or selling for dissenters,if it happened,would be wrong and dangerous? Simple question Myles,a yes or a no.Its the principle of a religious power combined with state power exerting their will thru the state that constitutes the mark of the beast that is the heart of Ellens visions .She had much hubris she added that corrupted this core principle,but the facts remain that at this present time in American politics these religious and state elements are forming and manifesting themself as never before in this countrys history.This church/State power in Trumps administration will burst into the public conscience just as Ellen saw and this is the face of the anti christ power.
There is a big difference on bearing the name of Jesus christ as Christians and practicing our traditions rather than WHAT SAYS THE LORD.Jesus is our example he observed the sabbath the apostasy observed the sabbath before and after christ crucifixion and Ascension. It's not what we think and practice right BUT God's word.Thr church fathers were wrong in observing sunday but the word requires us to honor God in a special way on sabbath which is on saturday
Interesting that you assert all that and don't back it up with a single Scripture. Here are a few things for you to chew on... Exhibit A: the Apostles met in Jerusalem to discuss the issue of Gentile believers being required to keep the Law of Moses, including the Ten Commandments. Here are the instructions the Apostles sent to Gentile Christians after discussing the issue: "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well." (Acts 15:28-29). Funny how there is zero mention of any kind of "sabbath" in there... Exhibit B: Paul's instructions to the church at Colossae concerning the Law of Moses: "So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17). Paul explicitly included "sabbath keeping" as part of the old Law, which was not binding on Christians, as we see from this passage. Exhibit C: Paul's warnings against judging other believers on their diet and what days they worship on: " Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. 4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks." (Romans 14:1-6). Paul is very explicit here: no one is to judge others about their diet or the days they choose to worship! The entire "brand" of the SDAs is built on a flagrant violation of both of these principles. Case closed.
Dude, the Jewish Shabbat begins on sundown Friday and ends on sundown Saturday evening. Therefore, your claim that Catholics can honour the Sabbath on Saturday evening Mass is actually false. You do speak the truth, however, when you encourage Christians to worship God every day! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insights. God bless 🙏🏼
The Sabbath IS the 7th day, PERIOD. Who CARES what people think? What matters is what GOD SAYS!! How about those 3 times God REMINDED MOSES that anyone who violated His 7th day Sabbath -- was deserving to be killed? God does not change. The Lord's DAY remains the 7th day Sabbath.
No one in this video is saying that the Jewish Sabbath isn’t on a Saturday… That is not the point. The point is to show how the early church upheld, and the Bible describes, days for gathering. The man in the video is simply describing that. Evidence shows (the Bible and church history) that Christians gathered in their homes on Sunday. Some early christians gathered on both Sunday and on the Jewish sabbath. This was not an issue, as explained by Paul in Col 2.
I was a catholic educated until i turned 40 . Iam going to set you right , we were taught that the catholic church changed the seventh day Sabbath to the sunday Sabbath. It is stated in the Catachism. It is taught in every catholic school ,, ,, Protestants accept sunday rather than Saturday as the day for public worship after the Roman Catholic church made the change , but the Protestant mind does not seem to realise that in observing the sunday Sabbath they are accepting the authority of the Roman Catholic church. Sunday visitor February 5th may 1950. All i hear on this video is excuses .
If it is stated in the Catechism, quote it here please. Be sure to provide a verifiable citation. Also, please state which catechism that you are referring to.
@jimmu2008 The Catachism of the catholic church The third commandment . It is to long for me to go into it here , I'm sure you can look it up for yourself if you are truly interested. I will say it again. We were taught back in the 1950s the seventh day Sabbath was changed to Sunday by the authority of the bishops . They even changed the fourth commandment to the third commandment , They state they are above the bible . Don't take my word for it .go study the history why the Sabbath was changed and who changed it.
@@gordo191 my point in asking for a citation is to keep you honest. You say "the Catechism." Which one? Trent? Baltimore? The US Catholic Catechism for Adults? John Hardon's? Or another one? Maybe A Convert's Catechism? None of these teach that the Catholic Church "changed the seventh day Sabbath to the Sunday Sabbath." The Sabbath is still the Sabbath. However, they do teach *_with the Apostle Paul_* that Christians don't have to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath. Again, this was taught by Paul in Colossians 2. The Sabbath is still the Sabbath, and it has theological significance in Christian theology for all Christians. We Christians fulfill the Sabbath by believing in Jesus. This is taught clearly in the letter to the Hebrews. That being said, in the Catholic Church, we are to refrain as much as possible from work on Sunday in order to devote ourselves to the Lord and His Holy Word. It is similar for many Protestantists. Again, we are following the example of the Apostles in this (Acts 20:7, for example). When the Catholic Church claims that it had the authority to "change" the Sabbath (as you put it), it means that the Catholic Church is the Church of the Apostles, who "changed" (again, as you put it) the Sabbath. As for changing the number of the Ten Commandments, you have to be pretty ignorant of the Bible to claim that the Catholic Church changed the numbering of the Ten Commandments. The Bible does not number them! Go read Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. See if the Bible itself numbers the commandments. (Verse numbers are not part of the text of the Bible. They were added to the Bible in the 16th century A.D.!) Almost every Catholic Catechism there is includes what you call the Second Commandment. Catholics see it as part of the First Commandment because if you worship an idol, you are breaking the First Commandment by having a false god.
@@gordo191 BTW, the publication you are citing is Our Sunday Visitor. As good as it is, it is not an official publication of the Catholic Church. But you didn't read it, did you? Most likely, you got this quote second- or third-hand. All this means is that you bit into the SDA deception and swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
@@gordo191 you claim that the bishops claim to be above the Bible. Here's what the Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 89) teaches about that: "Yet this Magisterium is not superior to the Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches only what has been handed on to it. At the divine command and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it listens to this devotedly, guards it with dedication and expounds it faithfully." I am sorry if you weren't taught correctly.
@@holdthewinds obviously-we’re aware. What’s your point? Ted Wilson tells us the ONLY approved hermeneutic in the SDA church is the historical grammatical method. That involves examining a word or phrases usage in history that we see in scripture to better understand how the author was using it. History overwhelming confirms the way “kuriake hemera” was being used at the time of John penning the apocalypse. It was to refer to the first day-the day set aside by virtue of the resurrection. Peter applies Psalm 118, “this is the day that the lord has made” to the resurrection day in Acts 4. It’s the “new day” that the psalter foretold of. Which means John’s original audience would have KNOWN what Kuriake hemera meant as it had a standard understanding in their day. What this proves is that, once again, the SDA church doesn’t uphold the HGM. This is all lip service.
It also says to build an ark of gopherwood to certain dimensions to hold two of every kind of animal. Not every command the Bible records was given universally. There are zero examples of any Gentile ever being commanded to keep a "sabbath". That was exclusively for the Israelites, as a memorial for the slavery God had freed them from when He brought them out of Egypt.
Myles what about Isaiah 44:6 I am the first and last and BESIDES ME there is no God, This person has no knowledge of 2 other distinct persons. What a fool.
So the question is if the Sabbath of God and the Bible is still the 7th Day which is and always has been Saturday then we know the Catholic Church and the Pope changed the “Sacred Emphasis” from the 7th Day (Saturday) to the 1st Day (Sunday) near the date of 336AD. This historical evidence confirms that the true Sabbath of God and the Bible is still the 7th Day AND proves that the 1st Day “sabbath” is a false worship day established by the Catholic Church. If you believe that the Catholic Church has authority to change a Commandment of God then Sunday is for you. Now the big question is why do MOST “Christian Denominations” worship on the False Catholic sabbath (Sunday)??? Protestant means “protesting Catholic propaganda”. I’m not supporting or defending Catholic or Protestant beliefs but at least if you’re protesting Catholic Doctrines then Sunday worship should be one of the very first protests on your agenda. So true Protestant churches should reject the false Roman Catholic “sabbath”.
Then you "know" something that flat out isn't true, as 336 AD was over 100 years before there was any "Catholic Church" or "Pope". Both of those institutions came into existence under the leadership of the actual first Pope, Leo "the Great", who ruled from 440-461 AD. Before him, a "pope" was just a respectful form of address for any bishop, and the "Vicar of Christ" mythology was created by Leo to prop up his dubious claims of authority, which he expanded due to the fact that the Roman Empire was in the process of collapsing at the time (the last Roman Emperor in the west was deposed in 476 AD, just 15 years after Leo's passing).
@ OK maybe the Catholic Church didn’t exist at that time under that name but the group that claimed Sunday as the new “sabbath” was the group that claimed Sunday was the new worship day instead of the actual Bible verses: Read the Text Exodus 20: 8-11. “The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.” Days of the week 1. Sunday 2. Monday 3. Tuesday. 4. Wednesday 5. Thursday 6. Friday 7. Saturday. So regardless of what the group that rejected the true Sabbath was called the fact is that Sunday is NOT the 7th Day. So Sunday is a false “sabbath”!!!
The Sabbath is not a Jewish tradition or ritual. It was given by God to all humanity at creation. When it was presented to the Israelites in the form of the 10 commandments- written in stone by God’s own hand - the 4th commandment starts with “Remember”. It existed for all humanity from beginning to end. The Jews just happened to be God’s chosen people, chosen not to be the only saved race but chosen as the vehicle to share the good news of God with the whole world. SDAs do not think they are saved by keeping the law. We are just trying to show Him the love He deserves as our Maker, Redeemer and King. “If you love me, keep my commandments.”
This is the Adventist theology trying to reinterpret the Bible to suit their beliefs. Jewish theology and tradition flatly refutes Adventism. The Bible has to be read in context to be properly understood. That's why one must go back to pre Messianic Jewish theology and tradition to better understand it. First, yes the seventh day was sanctified and made holy but nowhere was it commanded to be kept by all men. It was God's Sabbath. Even the official SDA website doubles down and says it was kept only by certain people (Noah, Abraham etc.). But this is still erroneous. Jews themselves are skeptical about this. This can be attributed to the SDA claim that the specific 10 commandments was already present before creation (Great Controversy). Second, the nature and name of the Sabbath was only revealed to the Israelites (Jews) during the episode of the manna. This has always been the Jewish claim. Thirdly, this was commanded to be remembered not prevent it from being forgotten, but because it's a remembrance of events that has already happened. "We are commanded to remember Shabbat; but remembering means much more than merely not forgetting to observe Shabbat. It also means to remember the significance of Shabbat, both as a commemoration of creation and as a commemoration of our freedom from slavery in Egypt." -Jewish Virtual Library Fourth, you said it has existed for all humanity from beginning to end, and therefore binding. Will people be judged according to a set of laws never given to them? Doesn't this make God unjust by judging other races as lawbreakers for breaking the Sabbath, when they were not commanded to keep it? Fifth, SDAs do think they are saved by the law. Because it is ultimately law keeping that vindicates God against satan according to SDA theology. Sixth, we have to distinguish the meaning of commandment depending on the context. For a Jew to say commandments doesn't mean he's referring to just the 10 commandments, but all 613 (t/- according to era). That's why they have all the laws that doesn't seem biblical to us non Jews in the New Testament but for the Jews they are biblical. "At Mount Sinai, contrary to common misconception, the Jews received the entire Torah, including all of its 613 mitzvahs, not just the Ten Commandments. The Midrash and classic commentators of the Torah explain how each of the Ten Commandments is really a general mitzvah, and they describe how each of the 613 mitzvahs is included in one of the ten statements." - Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin (Chabad) It speaks volumes when Paul who was a pharisee very knowledgeable about the laws said that gentiles don't need to be circumcised or follow the plethora of laws to be considered followers of Christ.
Your post is a prime example of the equation "A - E = EW". That is "Assertion - Evidence = Empty Words"! There is zero example anywhere in the Bible of any non-Israelite ever being commanded to practice any form of "sabbath keeping".
@@VanThadden5170.2 Thanks for your very comprehensive reply. Your knowledge and breadth of study is clearly greater than mine, but I do have a couple of thoughts… “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.” So the sabbath was not just for God. “There remains then a sabbath rest for the people of God.” So it is still in place . And it will remain in place, even in heaven. “From one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another.” As I tried to convey earlier, I believe the Jews were God’s chosen vehicle to share His love with the world, but He is the God of the whole universe. The Jewish covenant pieces such as circumcision and the sacrifices were done away with at the cross and the new covenant instituted, but the timeless 10 commandments (“I am the Lord. I do not change” and the overcomers at the second coming, the ultimate Revelation of Jesus Christ, are “those who keep my commandments.”) firmly remain - for everyone. And circumcision and the other Jewish things are not in the 10 commandments but the sanctity of the sabbath clearly is. It is unfair to try and lump them together when they are clearly on a different scale.
@@CharlieWhiskey549 Hi. I would say only God's knowledge is greater. And to your point, it's best to see this as progressive revelation. God doesn't give all information at once, but according to what He decides is best for us. He reveals things to us progressively. So let's take the Sabbath for example. In the beginning it was sanctified and made holy, then it was revealed by name to the Israelites, then they were commanded to remember and observe it and finally in the New Testament Jesus said that Sabbath was made for man. Now if we apply what Jesus said to the Old Testament we then condemn all the other races that weren't commanded to remember and observe it. It's quite clear that we cannot apply what Jesus said about the Sabbath retroactively. A simpler example is where I'm from, we have a tax bill that was signed into law in 2017. It's provisions will take effect progressively every year starting 2018. So you cannot look at my tax returns from 2018 and prosecute me for breaking a provision that went into effect in 2025. That wouldn't make any sense. Also, the 4th Commandment Sabbath was always considered to be a ceremonial law. "Shabbat is the most important ritual observance in Judaism and is the only ritual observance instituted in the Ten Commandments. It is also the most important special day, even more so than Yom Kippur." -Jewish Virtual Library It's true that God does not change. But that doesn't mean that we look at an event in the Bible and conclude that's a done deal. The Old Covenant is at the beginning of the story. Remember when Jesus further explained the law to not murder? He said if you think ill of someone else then you are guilty of breaking that law. The question SDAs should ask is how does the arrival of the Messiah fulfill the Old Covenant laws. Jeremiah 31 ³¹ “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah- ³² not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD. ³³ But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
As an SDA, once again I gave this channel the chance to change my mind about my religion and EGW...... instead I am affirmed in it once again. The point this guest made on the Sunday rest change.....yes, Sunday was a day people commemorated Jesus' resurrection, but it would have nothing to do with God's Sabbath. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I can't believe people are continuing to fall for this garbage. Also.... worshipping everyday has also nothing to do with Sabbath. Worship isn't even mentioned in the commandment.
I’ve read your other comments. I think you’re committing the word concept fallacy. What we call Sunday doesn’t matter. Where the English name “Sunday” came from, doesn’t affect whether the Early Church worshipped on Sunday or not.
Calling an account of history blasphemous because it dismantles your worldview and you don’t have anything constructive to say is actually hilarious. Good luck on the quest of growing ever closer to God!
Mathew 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
_"Mathew 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."_ Yeah, it was fulfilled, also the reason you keep on deflecting the next verse. "“For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.” Hebrews 7: 12
@ Jesus became the high priest and so the old sacrificial system under the Levitical priesthood became obsolete. But that does not mean abolishing the old covenant law entirely, but transforming its meaning. The sermon on the mount actually extended the meaning of the commandments as a matter of the heart. Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Has heaven and earth passed and all been fulfilled?
@@tontotings What is your excuse for not accepting what the Word of God wants to teach you in the Book of Hebrews? Go read it yourself that the law was changed. No need for you to deflect it with SDA doctrines
@@nonconformist4802 Hebrews 4:3-10. “So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.”
You can follow Adventism your whole life without knowing that you are worshiping a fake glorified angel god while preaching a cursed gospel. Correct? Yes exactly that.
Isaiah is full of lies by one member of the 3 district person Trinity. The person says I know no other God or persons BESIDES ME Myles.. How can this God say I know no other God BESIDES ME? He can't unless God is only ONE PERSON I AM NOT WE ARE FOR PROPER GRAMMAR.
Your inability to realize that we talk about 1 God when we bring up the Trinity is really fascinating... Answer this, in your theology, what does your version of God mean when he says, "Let 'US' make man in 'OUR IMAGE' and likeness?
So, you are simply saying that the Holy Spirit, by whom God wrote the 10 commandments on tables of Stone Exodus 31:18 (KJV) And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God. Deuteronomy 9:10 (KJV) And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly. Luke 11:20 (KJV) But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. Matthew 12:28 (KJV) But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. and by whom He writes the Law in the hearts of believers, Hebrews 10:16 (KJV) This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; led the disciples of Christ to forget one of the Commandments He wrote saying Exodus 20:8 (KJV) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:9 (KJV) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: Exodus 20:10 (KJV) But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Exodus 20:11 (KJV) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. For another day which we find no Biblical authority for its observance as we do the sabbath? Paul has some words we would do well to take heed of Romans 7:14 (KJV) For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. He tells us that Spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned 1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. And he makes it plain that Romans 8:6 (KJV) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:7 (KJV) Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:8 (KJV) So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Be ye wary of the sin of presumption and pray like David Psalms 19:13 (KJV) Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
You have wasted a lot of ink, you could have use that time better to read just one verse. Hebrews 7: 12 “For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.”
@nonconformist4802 if I may ask you Which Law changed with the change in priesthood 1. The law written with the finger of God aka the ten commandments or 2. The law written by the hand of Moses pertaining to the earthly priesthood? Pray before you answer that question bearing in mind the words of John in Revelation 11:19 (KJV) And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. The Law, written with the finger of God is seen in the temple in heaven. For someone, let alone a professed Christian, to think that that Law has somehow changed in any way,form or shape is presumption of the highest order.
@@Doublegn The law was written by God in stone. Correct? “But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones," 2 Corinthians 3: 7 Go figure.
@nonconformist4802 the same author, Paul has that ground covered in Romans 7. He goes to show that there is nothing wrong with the Law. The issue is with you and me in that we disobey it's requirements and the disobedience thereof leads to death. Romans 7:12 (KJV) Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Romans 7:13 (KJV) Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. Prayerfully read Roman 7 brother.
Self proclaimed Adventist error detector, his aim is to advise people to live their lives carelessly since God's law is no longer existing according to the Sunday pundit
@@nonconformist4802 God said out of your sweat will you eat bread So are you denying us to work to look for our own bread the way God instructed and rest one day in Genesis according to Genesis 2:1-3
@@nonconformist4802 is that really what that verse means???? What time do you Go to the toilet,stores, take kids to school, Play football, study 😭😭😭 Noo ceasing in prayer what time do you do All that?????
@@okwijames947 _"God instructed and rest one day in Genesis according to Genesis 2:1-3"_ The Word of God: “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” John 5: 17 Seems that you are reading from your SDA bible again , FOR GOD HAS NEVER RESTED, HE STOPPED TO CREATE.
Isaiah 45:21, ... Have not I the LORD? and there is no God or other persons else BESIDES ME a just God and THERE IS NONE ELSE ie. no other persons. I can't honor you duffus.
Myles say you, me, and Beavis, claims to be the one God. Would you say I alone am God and BESIDES ME there is no God? No. If you said this would this be a lie? Yes. I know you comprehend your a lying false teacher in light of Isaiah 45:6.
So you're still relentlessly going for the throats of SDA? The Trinity is BASED ON LIES because of your failure to know a lie. Your excuse is I am to dumbed down to comprehend lies by not understanding proper grammar.
@@jayskull935 Bwahahaha 😆😆😆 It's gotten to the point that I only click on his comments when they have Replies, because it's only the Replies that are worth reading... & you did not disappoint 🤣🤣🤣
Isaiah 44:8 Is there A GOD BESIDES ME, yes, THERE IS NO GOD OR OTHER PERSONS, I KNOW NOT ANY. How can I honor you dude? The Trinity is BASED ON LIES BEING TRUE. You're in for a rude awakening dude.
Traditions of men Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. Mark 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Its was Paul's and Jesus custom to keep the sabbath: Acts 18:4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. Every sabbath meaning that it was not done away with. Act s18:11 And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them. for a year and six month so 78 sabbath was kept by Paul. this proof's that the Sabbath was kept and not Sunday. And sabbath was emphasized more in the new testament as well. If Acts was written about 50 years after the ascension, it would have been during a time when the early Church had already grown significantly. The Bible or traditions of Men? Which one would you follow with your life and salvation at stake? May the Holy Spirit guide everyone here to the truth. God Bless.
Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday) In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord. The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day. The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
@ The Bible also warns us about how to identify truth: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) The law of God and the Word of God protect us from deception. They provide a clear and unwavering guide to truth, and they command us to keep the seventh day holy-not Sunday. By abandoning the Sabbath and promoting Sunday, one steps outside of the boundaries of God's Word and opens the door to error and tradition that contradicts divine authority.
Need more of Joe here discussing with you Myles about the Catholic Church and SDA claims.
Agree! They make a good combo.
So after the Catholics blessing for you Sunday and making it holy for you to worship in ,now it's SDAs and Catholics
@@okwijames947 your words don't make sense
@@okwijames947Jesus blessed Sunday
Put a real SDA preacher on your fake program, to answer these mixed-up thoughts.
What are shameful SDA. Form recently and claiming the jewish Sabbath day. Your Helen G White plazarise alot of writings that has already exist.
The problem is SDA pioneers interpreted the Sabbath based on the Bible without context. A surface level knowledge of Jewish theology and tradition could've avoided the misunderstanding about Sabbath. And let's be honest many people from every denomination gets the Sabbath wrong. If you read the Bible without context it's not hard to conclude that Jews going to the synagogue on Sabbath is like a Christian going to church on Sunday.
But observing the Sabbath means to rest from work (melacha), not going to the synagogue. Up to today, synagogue attendance is not a pillar of faith, but communal gathering is important for communal integrity.
They interpreted Sabbath observance as rest from work (in the English sense of it and not melacha) and going to church.
Something the SDAs cannot fully answer is how do they observe the Sabbath because there isn't one standard. Often times it varies by family. Some will apply a set of the Jewish restrictions while others will apply another set of restrictions. If the claim is that this is God's most important law and it is used as a mark of His people, one would think that it's observance is standardized from the get go. But this is not the case.
But in leviticus it says Sabbath is supposed to be a holy convocation. How do you convocate without having an "assembly" i.e. a Church
@@techwithruud You are relying of a specific version of the Bible for your entire theology. The Hebrew Bible, which the Jews use, translates Leviticus 23:3 as:
"[For] six days, work may be performed, but on the seventh day, it is a complete rest day, a holy occasion; you shall not perform any work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwelling places."
Also, if you use convocation it wouldn't make much sense as this part of the verse (semi colon) is describing the Sabbath, which is a day of rest.
The Bible has to be read in proper context. Also, this chapter is about Jewish holy days. So using this chapter isn't really advisable as you claim to keep only the Sabbath.
@VanThadden5170.2 Whilw the chapter is generally talking feasts, Leviticus 23:3 must be talking about "the" sabbath. There is/are other places where "sabbaths" (feast) are spoken about.
How credible is that version of the Bible? I hear some versions are not credible and were edited for the advancement of nefarious agendas of some "people"
@@VanThadden5170.2 The Sabbath has got to be observed the same way, the Biblical way. If people are observing it differently, one of them is doing something wrong
@@VanThadden5170.2 .. so if Sabbath was rest from work why Jesus went to the Synagogue on Sabbath?
Another wonderful video debunking and exposing lies. God bless you both, Myles and Joe. ☦️❤️
@@Jesus_Christ_is_My_Lord. I hear God bless, bless what criticism over Truth swine eaters can never Stop to Amuse me
@@okwijames947 "Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand." (Romans 14:3-4)
Pagan Sun worship is nothing new. If you want to be a follower of Jesus do as he did. Not what these two uninformed men say.
Sunday is a pagan day of worship.
You may be a Christian but now do as Jesus did. After Jesus arose did he keep Sunday as the new Holy Sabbath Day? Don't be foolish people study for yourself.
colossians 2;16 says. let no one judge you in respect of a religious festival, new moon or the sabbath. this yearly monthly and daily is repeated in the old testament in no less than six verses. It is saying you can keep the old festivals but don't judge
I gave you a thumbs up. Rob Solberg teaches Christians are “ permitted” but not “ required,” to observe Hebrew festivals. I’m puzzled because I can’t figure out how it’s possible to keep appointed feasts given to Israel that no longer exist. The festivals and new moons were shadows of Christ, and are not only not required, but they are non existent, as far as I can tell. Am I wrong. Can you please help me understand? You are right about 6 different ritual chains in Holy Writ. Some are reversed in order. Colossians 2 is one of the most important passages of scripture in Holy Writ because it describes the legal writ of debt that was nailed to the cross. Forgiveness of sin and made legally righteous and justified because the handwritten legal debt all humans owe has been nailed to the Calvary cross. If you can help me understand I would appreciate it.
BarryFord How does a Jew save Gentiles????? Give us the science
@ Look 👀 up the word propitiation.
@@Say-hey24Does the word say Gentiles???? Or as usual no answers
@ your pompous Pharisee attitude sucks. Jesus loathes you.
Fools are blind. Jesus Christ was born into Jewish custom, which included attending the synagogue on the sabbath day. After crucifixion, death, and resurrection, never at any time did he meet with his disciples on a Jewish sabbath day but on the first day to break bread before accending to heaven . This sign of this mystery means a lot for the spread of the gospel for over 2000 years of the redemptive power to save sinners .Otherwise, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ would have been in vain.
Jesus was with his disciples for 40 days following His resurrection.
Wrong! In Act chapter 1, Jesus was on this earth for 40 days after His resurrection teaching the disciples. That would have been at least 5 Sabbaths. Don't you think if Jesus wanted them to change the 7th day Sabbath to Sunday, he would have told then?
Excellent video. unfortunately, I have used several of the texts cited in this video to show Sunday was being used as a day of worship long before Constanine, but they won't listen.
I can provide plenty of early church writings that confirm the observance of the Sabbath as the day set apart by God:
Archelaus (3rd Century):
“As to the assertion that the Sabbath has been abolished, we deny that He has abolished it plainly; for He was Himself also Lord of the Sabbath.” (Ad Calcem Disputatio Archelai Episcopi Adversus Manichaeum, 1695)
Aphrahat (3rd Century):
“Let us observe the Sabbath of God in a manner which pleases His will. Let us enter into the Sabbath of rest in which the heaven and the earth take Sabbath rest; all creatures will dwell in peace and take rest.” (Demonstration 13: On the Sabbath)
Pseudo-Athanasius (3rd century):
“We assemble on Saturday, not that we are infected with Judaism, but only to worship Christ the Lord of the Sabbath.”
Tertullian (3rd Century):
“Thus Christ did not at all rescind the Sabbath: He kept the law thereof… Moreover, He exhibits in a clear light the different kinds of work, while doing what the law excepts from the sacredness of the Sabbath and while imparting to the Sabbath day itself, which from the beginning had been consecrated by the benediction of the Father, an additional sanctity by His own beneficent action.”
(Against Marcion, Book IV, Chapter XII)
These writings show that early Christians continued to honor the Sabbath, recognizing it as a holy day established by God Himself. They contradict the modern justification for Sunday observance and affirm the continuity of the Sabbath as commanded in Scripture.
In light of this evidence, it becomes abundantly clear that the shift to Sunday observance was not based on biblical instruction but rather on human tradition. Let us remember the words of Jesus:
“In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:9)
The Sabbath remains holy, just as God declared:
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8)
God's law and testimony serve as the ultimate safeguard against deception. If anyone speaks contrary to God’s Word, there is no light in them. Let us remain grounded in the eternal Word of God and faithfully obey His commandments, including the command to keep the seventh day holy as the Sabbath. The Bible also warns us about how to identify truth:
“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20)
The law of God and the Word of God protect us from deception. They provide a clear and unwavering guide to truth, and they command us to keep the seventh day holy-not Sunday. By abandoning the Sabbath and promoting Sunday, one steps outside of the boundaries of God's Word and opens the door to error and tradition that contradicts divine authority.
If God had established a new day of worship, He would have directly stated it in Scripture. Paul mentions this in the book of Hebrews and explains why the Sabbath remains:
“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God.” (Hebrews 4:9) Socrates Scholasticus, the 5th-century church historian, provides a striking historical insight into early Christian worship practices. He wrote:
“For although almost all churches throughout the world celebrate the sacred mysteries on the Sabbath of every week, yet the Christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, have ceased to do this.” (Historia Ecclesiastica, Book 5, Chapter 22)
This is significant for two reasons:
It shows that Sabbath-keeping, as commanded by God, was the practice of the majority of Christians for centuries after Christ.
It highlights that only the Christians in Rome and Alexandria, relying on "some ancient tradition," abandoned the Sabbath.
But what does Scripture say about substituting God’s commands for human traditions? Jesus warned:
"Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." (Mark 7:13)
By prioritizing human traditions over God’s clear instructions, the Word of God is effectively nullified. The abandonment of the Sabbath in favor of Sunday observance is a glaring example of this. Instead of adhering to the sanctified Sabbath established by God, traditions and human authority have taken precedence. Socrates makes it clear that this shift was based on "ancient tradition," not biblical command.
Even the Catholic Church openly admits that there is no biblical support for Sunday observance. In A Doctrinal Catechism by Rev. Stephen Keenan, we find the following admission:
Q. Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?
A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.
(A Doctrinal Catechism, Rev. Stephen Keenan, 1851, p. 174)
This statement unequivocally acknowledges that the change from Sabbath to Sunday observance has no foundation in Scripture. Instead, it was made by the authority of the Church.
Thank you Myles GB 🕊️🔥🎺
Correction to sabbath worshippers. You worship Saturday and then Ellen as your gods
May you be born again in Jesus name
OK so the SDA church is a cult. Now answer me this
Which one is the true Church of God amongst all these Sunday denominations with different names, different baptisms, different gospels, different doctrines and different practices?
Some of them preach that salvation comes by believing in the message of the hour. That's another gospel
Some preach that salvation is by believing and accepting Kacou Philippe as the only true prophèt sent by God for our salvation. That's another gospel.
Some preach that the coming of Jesus Christ is when the person dies while some preach that Jesus Christ's coming is visible. Some are against secret rapture some are against it
Some preach that you can't go to Jesus Christ
Some are seen asking and begging for forgiveness from the statue of Mary.
So which one is the true Church of God amongst them all? If they are all preaching Jesus Christ why then do you have different Churches Preaching different gospels and teaching different doctrines?
If you all believe in Jesus Christ why then do you have different baptisms?
If you are sure that you are all followers of Jesus Christ then why do you have millions of denominations with different names, different baptisms different gospels, different doctrines and different practices?
Does it mean JESUS CHRIST brings divisions and confusion amongst His followers?
Othordoxism has its own denominations
Pentecostalism has its own denominations
Zionism has its own denominations
Protestantism has its own denominations
Apostolicism has its own denominations
Which one is the true Church here?🤷🤷🤷🤷
Mind you, all these are Sunday churches
Looking forward to your explanation?!
@@BlancheDavis-ks9re the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church. Though they are in schism, they ARE the Church spoken of in the Gospels and they have the historical apostolic evidence to back it all up
Rubbish @@AbuSefein89
@@BlancheDavis-ks9re The church is the body of believers not some manmade organization. All organizations have flaws--there is no perfect group.
thanks for sharing!
Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday)
In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord.
The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day.
The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
Lovely Ellen. So the greatest commandment is not the first. Cool.
Yeah not watching tv on Saturday or enrolling your kids to play soccer on Saturday is more important than thou shalll not murder 😆
@@veganix6757 Well, the Catholic Church seems to agree with Ellen!
(The Council of Trent, January 18, 1562)
"The Sabbath, the most glorious day in the law, has been changed into the Lord’s day.
... These and other similar matters have not ceased by virtue of Christ’s teaching
(for He says He has come to fulfill the law, not to destroy it), but they have been changed by the authority of the church."
- Archbishop Gaspar del Fosso
Sunday is a Catholic institution, and... can be defended only on Catholic principles.... From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first.
-Catholic Press, Aug. 25, 1900
Catholics go to worship God (Holy Mass) every day of the week.Go to a Catholic Parish and see for yourself!!
bravo!!!!!! bravo!!!!
@@holdthewinds A document written in 1900 in an American publication does not prove what the church did or did not do in the first century. The fact is, Christians have been worshipping on the first day of the week since the Apostles. This is a fact of history. And as a matter of fact, the Catholic who wrote it was WRONG. There IS plenty of evidence in the New Testament that Christians worshipped on Sunday. He is sooo wrong, that I have to conclude that the author was ignorant.
God Sabbath is spiritual not physical, Isreal Sabbath was physical which was a sign of the covenant (Eze20-20) of things to come, Col2-16
which is now complete in christ, in whom we now have God ture Sabbath in us.
@@Triniforchrist The sabbath is not just a spiritual event. It is the seventh day of every week, brought into being when God created the earth as per Genesis. It was “made holy” from the very first week of the world’s existence and the Bible gives not a single reference to that ever being changed. Man has changed it, but it remains God’s holy day. I choose God’s side.
@CharlieWhiskey549 since Apostles Paul say the Sabbath was a sign and have been complete in christ just as circumcision was, and the Aposttollic churches from the Apostles taught likewise, we really done care what non catholic heretic like you have to say, because your church was not established by christ. Christ taught his disciples how to intrepid scriptures and they taught their disciples who was the early church fathers.
@ In Colossians 2, Paul is referencing the things the church was doing, eating and drinking AND KEEPING THE SABBATH. They had not changed the day, nor did Paul tell them to. And Jesus did not say that the Sabbath had been done away with or for the Jews. “The sabbath is made for man (mankind)”, not for the Jews, not for Adventists, not for Seventh-day Baptists, not only for those that existed before the cross, for everyone.
@ The sabbath is one of the 10 commandments. If it is complete in Christ- and, by your implication, done away with, have the commandments to not murder, not steal, etc also been done away with?? I don’t see anyone making this claim, so why single out the sabbath commandment to claim it is complete/has been abolished?
Further, I don’t read anywhere in the bible where God ceded His authority for changing laws. Men wanting this authority was the original sin/deceit in the garden: “You will be like God.”
@@CharlieWhiskey549 wrong heretic, the church was not celebrating new moon and freast day they are fulfill, Acts 15 say otherwise, plus we have the writing of the early church fathers on hiw to interpret scriptures, not some wannabe like yourself, you have authority to teach or interpret scriptures, only the Catholic Church
Is an Adventist going to refute the evidence that the pope or Constantine didn’t change the sabbath ? Or are you sticking to your egw dribble !
You priest and pope have never denied they change THE SABBATH to sun-day.
Adventist's focus on days.... True believers focus on Jesus, not the day itself.... Going to church on Sunday has 0 to do with my keeping Sunday as the Sabbath! Jesus fasted 40 days and nights in the wilderness... Did He keep the Sabbath? Absolutely not,! Did the Temple Priests keep the Sabbath? Absolutely not! Did the Sabbath Commandment exist before the Exodus? Absolutely not! Did Noah take off every 7th day? No! Was Lot, whom Peter and God said was a righteous man, keep the Sabbath living in Sodom? No! Did Joseph keep the Sabbath? No,! The 4th Commandment and Sabbath keeping was the sign of the Old Mosaic Covenant. Now that Christ has come, Sabbath is no longer a sign, it's a daily reality in Christ... Christ is our Sabbath source and we rest by faith in His finished work of the cross... Who's your source of Sabbath, Jesus or Saturday? Everyday is the 7th Day Sabbath in Christ! Because the New Covenant is the spiritual fulfillment and reality of the Old testament... Which is why God said it was a sign between God and the children of Israel forever or until the vanishing point is what forever means in Hebrew.... He said Unleavened Bread and Passover is forever too
WHAT!!!!!!!????? Did NOT the Apostles of YESHUA HAMASHIACH break break on the 1st Day of the WEEK???? Was that on a SATURDAY or a SUNDAY??
I believe the 1st Day of the WEEK is a SUNDAY and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the HONORING and WORSHIP of the Sun god, an erroneous belief vociferously perpetrated by the SDA in order to CHAMPION their cause in accusing that those Evangelical Christians who worship on the 1st Day of the WEEK, ie., on a SUNDAY are WORSHIPING the Sun god and are therefore ANTICHRIST aka having the MARK of the BEAST, ie., the "666"!!
No wonder then that SDA rejects does NOT want to believe in the Doctrine of the RAPTURE of the CHURCHES of CHRIST or the BELIEVERS! Isn't that so irony?? I am thinking that the SDA have gotten their religious COMPASS all wrong!!
You can break bread on any day. You can gather on any day but the Sabbath is different as it is holy and needs to be kept holy. Its the official day for gathering as it is considered a day for holy convocation - in leviticus
@@techwithruud do you know what breaking bread is?
Go read Hebrews..
_" Its the official day for gathering as it is considered a day for holy convocation - in leviticus"_
Wrong, it is a day of rest for them that are stuck in the old covenant
You saying having breakfast is the same thing as worshiping in a certain day?
@@JOHNVALDEZ-e8h this dude says break fast🤣🤣😂
Believe what you want Guy
Boy these comments 💀. The sabbath and sunday is a sizzling hot topic. 🔥
The Pharisees don't like it when their idol don't get the necessary attention.
The sabbath in the SDA sense is their "Molech", on whose altar they sacrifice the unborn in their hospitals.
Sunday laws are coming to America. Get ready.
@@WilliamNordeste And frogs will fly on summer morn, while fishes sing aloud at dawn! The "Sunday Law" malarkey rates right up there with the JW version of the end times.
I for one am s!ck unto deth of the topic, especially when it is used as a diversionary red herring for everything.
Yes, just like the Sda worship EGW.
Sda never. Worship anyone on this planet earth but only god the creator of heaven and earth and follow his word the holy bible and bible only
No, you worship Saturday not Jesus.... Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath....Jesus Himself broke the 4th Commandment because it was a ceremonial Law which is why God gave Israel His Sabbaths as a sign..... Christ's resurrection is the very basis for our faith .. God's beginning a New Creation through Christ.... we're no longer observing the former things because we have a New Covenant in Christ, not under Moses @@JordanAnoh
@@MrCalidan69 no problem you can worship on Sunday and recive the mark of the beast
@MrCalidan69 l worship Jesus because Jesus says if you love me keep my commandments John,14,15
Myles @answeringadventism is very interesting since he’s a self proclaimed Protestant who regularly co-labors with Roman Catholics in an effort to expose Adventism and “tell them the gospel.” That kind of behavior is comparable to an SDA teaming up with another Protestant denomination in order to “share the gospel” to a catholic or another false form of Christianity. It is unbiblical to co- labor with unbelievers. Myles claims he disagrees with Catholics on major issues, but yet he regularly co-laborers with them. That’s confusing. Other reformed Presbyterians would never do what Myles does. For example, RC sprawl regularly called out Roman Catholicism, but Myles regularly co-laborers. But whenever you call myles out on this, he just says he is “interviewing people” and not co-laboring, despite the fact that he has a common purpose with the Catholics he co-labors with. I strongly suggest other channels rather than answering Adventism- former Adventist Fellowship, academy apologia and examining Adventism are all much more biblical than Myles. Keep in mind just because someone calls out a false religion doesn’t necessarily make the person who is calling out the false religion correct in their theology. I’ve seen other people on this channel call Myles out on this, but he always just dodges the question or gets super personal and aggressive with them. so sad. Hope he changes and gets more humble.
When it comes to the Catholic Church, RC Sprouls didn't know what he was talking about. He was always misrepresenting it. I've seen other Presbyterians and Reformed Baptists doing this too. Some of them may be great at explaining the Bible (at least from their perspective), but when it comes to the Catholic Church, they get sloppy.
. Catechism of the Council of Trent (1566)
- *"The Church of God has thought it well to transfer the celebration and observance of the Sabbath to Sunday."*
Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)
- Entry on "Sunday"
*"The Church, on the other hand, after changing the day of rest from the Jewish Sabbath, or seventh day of the week, to the first, made the Third Commandment refer to Sunday as the day to be kept holy as the Lord's Day."*
**Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1946)**
- **Q**: *"Which is the Sabbath day?"*
**A**: *"Saturday is the Sabbath day."*
- **Q**: *"Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?"*
**A**: *"We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday."*
**Source**: Rev. Peter Geiermann, *The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine* (1946 ed.). This Q&A is often cited in debates about the Church’s authority to alter practices.
1. **Cardinal James Gibbons (19th-century Archbishop of Baltimore)**
- **From *The Faith of Our Fathers* (1876)**:
*"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [Catholics] never sanctify."*
2. **Stephen Keenan’s *A Doctrinal Catechism* (19th century)**
- **Q**: *"Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?"*
**A**: *"Had she not such power, she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for Saturday, the seventh day-a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."*
**Source**: Keenan, a Catholic theologian, directly ties the change to the Church’s authority rather than Scripture.
3. **Catholic Mirror (Official Publication, 1893)**
- **Editorial on Sunday Observance**:
*"The Catholic Church for over one thousand years before the existence of a Protestant, by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday... The Protestant World at its birth found the Christian Sabbath too strongly entrenched to run counter to its existence; it was therefore placed under the necessity of acquiescing in the arrangement, thus implying the Church’s right to change the day."*
4. **Council of Laodicea (4th Century)**
- **Canon 29**:
*"Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]; and, if they can, resting then as Christians."*
5. **Rev. John A. O’Brien (*The Faith of Millions*, 1974)**
- *"The Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her Founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant claiming the Bible alone as their guide has no warrant for observing Sunday."*
6. **Father Thomas Enright (19th-century Catholic Priest)**
- **Sermon (1884)**:
*"I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ The Catholic Church says: ‘No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.’ And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church."*
7. **Augustine of Hippo (5th Century)**
- **Sermon on the Sabbath**:
*"The Lord’s Day was revealed to us in the Gospel... not as the seventh day, but as the first day... The observance of the Sabbath is set aside not by the Gospel, but by the tradition of the Church."*
8. **Catholic Encyclopedia (1911)**
- **Entry on "Sunday"**:
*"The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the [Catholic] Church."*
Thank you for all those references.
The early writings references of sunday worship are interesting. So, too, is the avoidance of biblical verses of early church sabbath keeping.
It's sad how fiercely Sunday keepers defend or justify their disavowing the day that God and Jesus rested on, sanctified, and blessed in creation - the 7th day. It was not only for the "jews" (Israelites), but for the foreigners (gentiles), and even the land had its sabbaths every 7 years.
In Ephesians 2:11-3:8 Paul teaches a powerful message of how in Christ Jesus the Gentiles are no more strangers or foreigners, but fellowcitizens, fellowheirs with the Israeliites. We are one body. How sad are the various efforts to separate us, whether that be Sunday worship, or claims made of a group (like SDA) to be a special, peculiar, remnant church people, excluding the Israelite believers in Christ.
May we pray for and study God's Word for "His" truths to be clearly known and followed by all His people.
Lord's day and Sabbath are two different
Sabbath is a commandment. Lord's may is memorial. I was a catholic all my life born in Catholic family. Catholic church never encourage to read or follow the Bible. 12 yerar back I realized that reading Bible is most important to know the truth. And came to know that I as a catholic was worshiping idols. Christmas(feast of sun worshippers) Christ was not born on December 25th. Kissing and bowing before statues (images/idols) Cross, Mary, Infant jesus on feast days of catholics are all disobeying God's commandment. Keeping 7 feasts in the Bible is most important than the false feast as per roman calendar. Even Easter is feast of pagan Eastar (goddess of fertility) Really I feel satan has deceived the whole world. Paul said follow me as I follow Christ. Jesus kept the feast read Bible he went to feast of tabernacles and read Isaiah scriptures on the Last Great Day which is also also one of the last feast of every year in the Bible.
Please read your bible and you will be enlightened with the real truth. Suggest read the recommended Bible of your church and generic bible like old bible its all there on biblegateway site. All versions are there and compare. Sometimes Bibles are translated by Churches and tend to tune to their doctrines.
Even Revelation shows that all will come to keep the feast of tabernacles and those who will not go to keep the feast there will be no rain(meaning famine)
Please read your Bible and meditate on it.
@@TheUntoldStories-e8pand no Wearing mixed fiber for clothes is a commandment too. U r not a Jew. Read book of Acts. We don’t follow the fallen laws. We follow Jesus.
Rev 1:10, the only verse in the Bible with the words, "the Lord's day," does not specify which day that is. Any claim that John meant Sunday or the first day of the week is only speculation.
@ who cares. God gave the apostles authority and succession. So any bishop or pope can help make changes under the guidance of Holy Spirit. Jesus told them that Holy Spirit would reveal the truth.
Are you saying the Holy Spirit lied?
Did god leave his people astray for 1800 years?
@ that’s why we have apostles and the apostolic succession. They were given authority with guidance from Holy Spirit
John student was Ignatius if Antioc and he has writings of how Christian’s follow lords day on Sunday and how Christian’s celebrate on Sunday and don’t follow the Jews inn sabbath on Saturday
When Solomon built the Temple, the Jews did no labor. The Sons of Hiram were the stone masons and dressed the stones off sight and then brought the blocks to the Temple Mount on SUNDAYS. . Now in the Exodus Laws, Both the Sabbath Day and the Day of Holy Convocation was required. So the Gentiles came to the Temple on Sundays to build the Temple, but the Jews stayed home on Saturdays or Seventh Day. So the CHRISTIAN MISSION was a WORK experience , not a Day of Rest. During the Medieval times the Bishops and the Rabbis got together to agree, not to ring Church Bells on Saturday or loud music etc. So Church services that rang bells and loud music was done on Sundays, the Holy Day of Convocation for the idea of all Nations, but for the Jews, the Sabbath Day was a time to rest , but the Jews used the Christians or Gentiles to come into their homes and light the stoves on the Sabbath or Day of Rest. So this is about two days, the First Day and the Seventh Day , back to back. How the Church negotiated with the Jews, is historical in the Eighth Century A.D. during the reign of Charlemagne ,in the "Holy Roman Empire". During that time allot of cooperation occurred between Roman Catholics and Jews.
So tell me please original sabbath keeper s when will you truly keep sabbath? You worship a day more than you worship God let alone the true Gospel of Jesus Christ
Sabbath rest is for man, not for God's benefit. It's edifying. You know so much better clearly. Good thing you aren't like those rotten *tax collectors, right?!
We worship GOD in the day HE appointed .we dont worship no day. stop your lies .
Question: How prove you that the Church hath power to command feasts and holydays?
Answer: By the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church.
-Henry Tuberville, An Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine (1833 approbation), p.58 (Same statement in Manual of Christian Doctrine, ed. by Daniel Ferris [1916 ed.], p.67)
The Hebrews at the time of Messiah used a lunar solar calendar beginning with a New Moon. The Romans used a solar calendar which uses no astronomical reckoning to begin a month. One cannot synchronize the two calendars and have Sabbaths fall on the same day or have the first day of the week fall on the same days on the two calendars. Around AD 324 Rome forbid the use of the solar lunar Hebrews calendar, thus the reason Hillel II created the calendar the modern day judaism uses. Constantine did change the times and the laws.
If a good Roman Catholic fails to attend Mass on Sunday, is he out of the fold of Christianity? Has he apostaticized? If said person attends Mass on every day except Sunday, is he out of communion with the church? No. I'd say not.
Fails? no. Refuses to worship God on Sunday when there is no obstacle to his attendance? That sounds grave, but being out of the fold of Christianity needs more than doing something grave. Apostasy? No, that has nothing to do with Apostasy. Out of communion? Not directly or immediately, maybe if he persistently refused to worship God on Sunday and also taught everyone else that they should also refuse to worship God on Sunday.
You clearly don't know what the word "apostatized" means.
Please explain how you feel Sunday is the Lord's Day. When Jesus says he's Lord of the Sabbath. The 7th day of the week not the 1st day of the week.
@@rogermoyer4646 I have done so numerous times. Your committing word concept fallacy.
“lords day” is only found 1 place on scripture. Revelation 1:10. The Greek is Kuriake hemera. That isn’t what Jesus says when He says he is “Lord of the sabbath.”
Due to tunnel vision, you’re missing what Jesus was saying by saying that. It was him declaring that He is the Almighty God, not about the Lord’s Day in Revelation 1:10 being Saturday. Not even the same Greek wording.
One must understand that phrase in light of scripture and historical usage of the day. Adventists are supposed to be in favor of the historical grammatical method of Bible interpretation, yet they don’t apply such here. Part of utilizing such hermeneutic requires examining the way words and language were used in that day.
We’ve gone over this so many times at this point you can go to our website and read or the channel and watch. We’ve gone over this a lot.
Easy. If modern day judaizers knew what the melachot were they would know you can't write on the Sabbath. It's prohibited. Guess what the angel says to John in the next verse where "Lord's day" is mentioned?
Revelation 1: 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet 11 saying, *“Write* what you see..."
If the Sabbath is the Lord's day then the angel just commanded John to break the Sabbath by writing.
@@answeringadventism Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week.
In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord.
The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day.
The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
Something else to consider is the apostles and disciples held a council to discuss the rite of circumcision in Acts 15 yet there is no mention from Jews to discuss the change of one of the 10 commandments, especially the Sabbath which was a sign for them ?
You’re spot on 👌 Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday)
In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord.
The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day.
The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week. Also all the instances we have in NT where our current ‘Sunday’ is mentioned ‘first day’ is called just that ‘first day’ and that’s many years after Jesus’ resurrection. So why did not John say in Revelation 1:10 ‘I was in the Spirit in the first day…’ ?
Specially since the Gospel writers when writing after the events (past) mention some as occurring in the future like when talking about Judas past story then ‘the one that would betray Him’ (future reference).
@@answeringadventism Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday)
In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord.
The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day.
The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
I do understand Ellen White is wrong together with the SDA church, but we have no reason to defend Sunday and the catholic church is wrong in many areas. Thus you're ruining the reputation of this channel. The Sabbath is the 7th day period, and we don't keep it because we are not required to but nothing is wrong about keeping the Sabbath.
_"we are not required to but nothing is wrong about keeping the Sabbath."_
100% correct, but now get that in the sculls of Adventists not to force their Old covenant laws onto Christians.
Yes, the Bible says “the Seventh day is the Sabbath.”
But you have assumed “…of the week” which is not there in the text. This is called Eisegesis- reading your preconceived idea into the text.
The commandment says “six days you shall labor…” then comes the Sabbath. That is a pattern being described here. Work 6, rest 1.
The retention of the old pagan name of Dies Solis, for Sunday is, in a great measure, owing to the union of pagan and Christian sentiment with which the first day of the week was recommended by Constantine to his subjects - pagan and Christian alike - as the 'venerable' day of the sun.
-Arthur P. Stanley, History of the Eastern Church, p. 184
The Sun was a foremost god with heathen-dom…The sun has worshippers at this hour in Persia and other lands…. There is, in truth, something royal, kingly about the sun, making it a fit emblem of Jesus, the Sun of Justice. Hence the church in these countries would seem to have said, to 'Keep that old pagan name [Sunday]. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified.' And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday, sacred to Jesus.
-William Gildea, Doctor of Divinity, The Catholic World, March, 1894, p. 809
They want the first day (Sunday) to be so biblical even their was a time they use Sabbath but observed the first day
The Roman church never admitted to changing the Sabbath to Sunday?
The answer depends on how you define the "Roman" church. If you and I (for example) are working with the definition that the Roman Catholic Church is an organization that developed some time after the Apostles, then my answer is no, the Roman Catholic Church did not change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
If, however, I am speaking someone who understands that the Catholic Church began with the Apostles and includes them, then my answer is yes, the Catholic Church began to worship on Sunday in response to the Resurrection of Jesus under the authority given the Apostles by Jesus himself.
Also, according to Catholic doctrine, the Sabbath is still the 7th day of the week. However, the obligation to rest (not the Sabbath itself) has been transferred to the Lord's Day.
@@StefantheWhistleblower jimmu gave the correct answer.
When Rome claims to have changed the sabbath they are saying “the apostles changed the sabbath.” They are not claiming the pope did.
Really? The usual disingenuous spirit from you then?
The obligation to rest, seaze from work, still exist then but just on the 1st day then? You may want to tell Myles he needs to treat Sunday as the Sabbath.
@@StefantheWhistleblower you've been here a while. You should know by now that he is a "first day Sabbatarian." This tells me that you are not listening.
I'm interested What do Catholics think is the mark of the beast?
Totally wrong. There is nothing in the Bible as you mentioned Sunday as Lord's Day.
Let me give you the references in the Bible.
2. MARK 2: 27-28
3: ISAIAH 58:13
4. EXODUS 20:8-11
Friend, I can tell you that the Lord's Day is Saturday Sabbath.
Pope did changed Sabbath to Sunday according to DANIEL 7:25.
Stop misleading God's people. Stop your lie.
Go back and read the Bible.
God loves you my friends
It can't even be Saturday either if we based on the Lunar cycle, which was used back then, so even worshipping on Saturday is incorrect also then. We follow this by the rule of who created the days of the week.
If we accept your assertion, we must conclude that John the Apostle was a Sabbath breaker, as in Revelation 1 (the first scripture you unsuccessfully tried to use as evidence), he wrote down what he saw, which would have been forbidden for him to do on the Jewish Sabbath, as it counted as "work".
You are fooling yourself by following human ideology and false doctrines. Doing Gospel work like healing and preaching is not part of breaking Sabbath but part of human salvation.
Stop misleading people.
You will be judged accordingly. Repent! Repent!
@@davidmathew920 First, I don't follow "human ideology and false doctrines". That's what you do by adding the false doctrines of Ellen G. White and making the Bible subordinate to them, just like Roman Catholics make the Bible subordinate to their Popes. You are then projecting your own actions onto me. I don't observe any day as a "sabbath", as we have been under the New Covenant for the last 2000 years and even before that it was only given to Isrealites, whom I am not one of.
@@davidmathew920 Second, you are merely displaying your own lack of knowledge of what "sabbath keeping" actually involved, which is based on Ellen G. White's utter lack of knowledge of the same. "Melacha" (the Hebrew word describing what Israelites were forbidden from doing on the Sabbath, usually translated in English as "work", which overlaps in some ways, such as planting or harvesting crops or doing any part of a process of creating anything), excludes some things that modern Western culture would consider "work" and includes some things that Westerners would consider extremely strange to be counted as "work". Examples of "melachot" (plural of melacha) that Israelites were prohibited from doing on their sabbaths inculde writing anything down (as mentioned in my initial reply), lighting a lamp or other light source, walking more than a certain distance, among many other things. It also actually excludes some things modern Westerners would consider "work", such as tearing down a building, for example.
It comes down to this, the bible (GOD) says keep the Sabbath holy(Saturday) and the catholic church says no keep Sunday. I don't know about you but I'd rather listen to God.
periodical gathering is not a sabbath day. Note you said periodical gathering. Which calendar are you refering to. Bible is based on Hebrew Calendar. day is from sunset to sunset. Roman calendar infact the word itself say Roman is enough to understand. Constantine Roman emperor was SUN worshipper who kept sunday(SUN). Constantine saw lot of people converting to Christianity and was concerned of his rulership so he converted himself into Christian and changed Sabbath(Saturday) to Sunday(SUN). You have to remember that there were Cardinals and Bishops in Roman empire who had big influence on ruling Rome.
Also remember the Roman / English calendar has first day in first column as sunday and last day of week as saturday. This proves Roman Calendar and not hebrew calendar. Now I heard this is getting changed to make Saturday as column one and Sunday as column 7. Deceiving truth.
Joe said than Sunday is the jewish sabbath ???????? the Jewish people are laughing about that .😂😂
He never said that lol..
@@Akhgy watch the video and you will see it.lof ...laugh at loud fool
@@JOHNVALDEZ-e8h you should be able to point it out, cause there is no instant.
@@Akhgy - Its right there in the video.for anyone who hears it.
@@JOHNVALDEZ-e8hyou are lying. Joe never said that. If he did, provide a direct quote and a time stamp.
Remember the sabbath day to keep it Holy. Exodus 20:8
😅 There is no evidence that the solemnity of sabbath was transferred to sunday. There are lots of bible text found in scripture even in new testament that they kept the sabbath as it was from the beginning. C'mon.😂 This is ridiculous. This is clearly defying the law or lawlessness.
Nice try. You assert that there is "lots of bible text that they kept the sabbath as it was from the beginning", but you didn't provide any of that supposed "bible text" from the New Testament. That's not surprising, because there is zero evidence of any Christian practicing "sabbath keeping" after the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, when the New Covenant went into effect. There is also zero evidence of any non-Israelite being commanded to practice any form of "sabbath keeping" even under the Old Covenant. To the contrary, the evidence that is there strongly implies that "sabbath keeping" was that, while some Jewish Christians may have continued to practice it, they did so out of habit, without imposing it as a requirement on non-Jewish believers. In Acts 15, a dispute between the Judaizers on one side and Paul and Barnabas on the other over whether to impose the Law of Moses on gentile Christians resulted in the Apostles holding a council in Jerusalem. The result of a council was a list of instructions sent to gentile Christians, listed twice in the chapter (Acts 15:19-20 and 15:29). Notably, there is no mention of anything pertaining to a "sabbath" in the list, which would be VERY odd if the SDA notion that "sabbath keeping" distinguishes true believers from those "taking the mark of the beast". In addition, other New Testament Scriptures in which Paul instructs Christians expressly prohibit judging other believers over sabbath keeping or dietary practices (Colossians 2: 8-23 and Romans 14:1-13, to give two examples).
In Australia I have seen Catholic billboards at their church advertising church on the sabbath Saturday
First, strictly speaking, the liturgical week starts Saturday evening, not Sunday midnight or Sunday morning. Therefore, attending Mass on Saturday evening counts as attending it on Sunday-and the Scripture readings are the same.
Second, many Catholic churches have Mass every day. Good Friday is the only day of the year when the Roman Catholic Church does not have Mass. (But Eastern Catholics can have Mass even on Good Friday.)
This may blow your mind but catholics can and have worship available every day of the week
@@barryford1482 in my earlier comment, I failed to note that, even though we don't have Mass on Good Friday, we still have services on Good Friday. In larger parishes, we have Mass or liturgical services up to 365 days a year.
That's because Catholics worship every day if you are close to the parish.
We are all Catholic now?
THIS IS COMPLETE BLASPHEMY!! But it FITS the description of the little horn in Daniel.
The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even divine law". The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts a vicegerent of God upon earth
-Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, art. Papa, II, Vol. VI, p. 29.
VICARIUS FILII DEI (666) sitting on a white throne between two cherubim signing encyclicals as ‘Us’ and ‘Our’. You’re totally right BLASPHEMY
You have pope envy. You all quote pope almost as much as Ellen.
Well sda you got the cleansing of the temple wrong. No true prophecies of Ellen yet. You make me nervous.
Is it true the guy who came up with the dates repented and left the organization but that is all you have to exist?
Remembering that Jesus is the creator doesn’t save anyone.
@ I mean, come on! Adventists are indoctrinated to proclaim Shabbat was established in the garden, and and it’s an eternal and universal law because the holy day was about remembering Jesus is creator. OK, Jesus being creator is a wonderful truth to bring to remembrance and a great reason to glorify God; but Jesus being creator does not bring salvation to any human. Now, Jesus being deliverer is an entirely different matter. Moses exhorted Israel to remember they were slaves in Egypt and were delivered by the mighty hand of God, and outstretched arm of the almighty.
For those of you who follow Myles, please consider the following. Great Controversy, pg. 588, "through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome."
Who is Myles really working for?
Quoting the "Great Controversy" will get you about as far as quoting old issues of "Watchtower", the Koran, or Joseph Smith's "Pearl of Great Price". The made-up gibberish of such religions has no power with Christians.
Myles is truly doing the Lord's work. I don't understand your question though, can you explain why a heretical passage in a book of heresy written by a false prophet have to do with anything?
Did you know that Ellen White's SOP writings were plagiarised from these Sunday keeping, immortal soul believing authors? Don't you think God used these authors to provide inspired information? She even copied from pope Gregory I .
@DamonNomad82 The problem with Joseph Smith is he interpreted writings that no one can verify, or at least he claimed to. 2 Peter 1:20. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
@@bibleaday154 Ellen G. White has the same "problems" as Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, Mary Baker Eddy, and the rest of her spiritual clones. All of them claimed prophetic powers and subjugated the Bible to their own interpretations and made-up "revelations". The end result was functionally the same in all cases: a hollow, works-based religion that superficially mimicked Christianity to lure the unwary into being fatted calves for the supposed "prophet's" enrichment.
The Sabbath was Saturday, not Sunday. The Church altered the observance of the Sabbath to the observance of Sunday. Protestants must be rather puzzled by the keeping of Sunday when God distinctly said, 'Keep holy the Sabbath Day.' The word Sunday does not come anywhere in the Bible, so, without knowing it they are obeying the authority of the Catholic Church.
-Canon Cafferata, The Catechism Explained, p. 89.
Because the early Church was the Catholic Church, established by Jesus himself.
@@maxelltonno it wasn’t. The early church didn’t pray to the dead or worship Mary (Isis) or sell indulgences or send people to Crusades for a place in heaven or burnt those that read the Bible or create an Inquisition….
Keeping it Holy doesn’t mean worship 🙂↔️
@answeringadventism I have been watching your channel on and off and have learned a lot of interesting things - thanks for the effort and research. But I did what to ask you or others here that might know the answer based on previous videos and content (note - I am NOT an SDA). There seem to be a lot of people referencing the Sabbath as only being a commandment for the Jews, but there doesn't seem to be many with that position referencing or even acknowledging the words of Jesus in which he says the Sabbath was made for man - Greek anthropos for man in general. I spent a lot of time reading the comments below on both sides and am saddened by the animosity evident on both sides that often comes out. But in an attempt to bring all biblical verses together on the subject, Mark 2:27 should be addressed and harmonized with any position. So, how does one arguing that the 7th day Sabbath is only for the Jews harmonize that position with Mark 2:27? It seems to clearly state the God created the Sabbath for a particular reason for man in general, and not just the Jews.
@@savardconstruction I don’t claim the sabbath was only for the Jews. I am a first day sabbatarian and have done numerous presentations on my position. So, for me as a reformed Christian, none of these things are a problem whatsoever.
In fact, Mark 2:27 is one of my favorite passages to go to to refute the Adventist understanding of the sabbath.
SDA Pastor vs: Christian: The First Day Sabbath | Part 1 | @HastingsSDAChurch
SDA Pastor vs. Christian: The First Day Sabbath | Part 2 | @HastingsSDAChurch
In Defense of the First Day Sabbath & Doug Batchelor's Strawman Burning! | Part 1
In Defense of the First Day Sabbath: Doug Batchelor Rewrites History! | Part 2
Sabbath BEFORE Creation? What Scripture Says!
@answeringadventism appreciate you answering so quickly and understand not writing a lengthyexplanationhere. I'll try to watch those more systemically when I get time. I would still like to hear from any others who might be inclined to give their explanation from the position of the 7th day Sabbath was for the Jews only.
Go read my friend ! They ask the question ,, who changed the sabbath? We changed the sabbath as a sign of our ecclesiastic authority!! What r u trying to prove
Im proving exactly what your comment proves. You guys have no clue what you’re talking about. No, they don’t claim the POPE changed the sabbath. And we discussed what they mean when they say the “church” changed the sabbath. They mean the APOSTLES. They think the apostles were the first Roman Catholics.
So thanks for proving the point we’re making. You guys need to better study because you don’t even know what you’re arguing against.
Cite your source.
@jimmu2008 the converts catechism p 50 1948
@@premraj2817 here's what you do not understand. "The Convert's Catechism" is NOT an official document of the Catholic Church. It does not prove that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath. It is a modern source written by one man, and not officially. If you want to determine what happened in the first, second, third, or fourth century, you DON'T use a source that was written in 1946. You must use sources that were written in the first, second, third, and fourth centuries. And we have Christian writings from each of these centuries which say that the Apostles taught that we don't have to keep the Sabbath and/or that Christians gather for worship (the Lord's Supper) on the first day of the week.
If we consulted the Bible only, we should still have to keep holy the Sabbath Day, that is, Saturday, with the Jews, instead of Sunday; ...
-A Course in Religion for Catholic High Schools and Academies, by Rev. John Laux M.A., Benzinger Brothers, 1936 edition, Part 1.
Of course, myles all things SDA is wrong according to you .
Constantine became a Christian, then in 321 A.D. To appease the pagans that became Christians, he made Saturday a fasting day and Sunday was the day of rest. You guys need to research the council of Laodicea, the Catholic Church made it official that there would be no Judyizing, pretty much the Jews would have Saturday and the Christian would have Sunday.
You may also wanna look in the Catholic Convert catechism.
Going to church on Saturday isn’t keeping this Sabbath, you can’t just go to Catholic Church and say you cut the Sabbath. Do you guys ever read the Bible? The more I watch it’s like the more my jaw drops. You guys all need Bible studies.
It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church.
-Priest Brady, in an address, reported in the Elizabeth, NJ ‘News’ on March 18, 1903.
Sunday worship forced on masses using death penalty around 350 ad.
This is nothing but a lie.
According to who? Where is your source other than because "Ellen White says so"? 😂
Historical records. Also it's in vaticans writing the pope has the authority to change bible and the Sunday sacredness was changed from the 7th day sabbath by order of a pope. It's in thier own words.
@@Dennis-d1pprove it....and not by some vague writings that aren't official Catholic documents.
Source: Trust me bro
Some bit of history here. so we dont forget who is the Catholic Church >>>The Catholic Church dug up John Wycliffe's body, burned his remains, and scattered his ashes in the River Swift in 1428.
Not enough scripture in this video of you ask me...could it be that all the scripture evidence points to the seventh day Sabbath?
The papacy boasts having changed the Sabbath day to Sunday. Dont ignore it because its their Mark.
@@TenCommandments10 no it doesn’t. Where’s your proof? You’re now going to quote where they say “the church changed the sabbath” or some variation wherein you will insert “the pope” into “the church,” evidencing you aren’t even aware of what you’re citing from and what’s being said.
@answeringadventism your right, the papacy cannot change what God has decreed with his own finger in stone. The Sabbath has always been Friday evening to Saturday evening and always will be
The papacy does however think you change times and laws being the Sabbath by saying they have the authority to do whatever they want and so making Sunday Rest their mark. The first day of the week so pulling people away from keeping the Sabbath day holy and this breaking one commandment of God and if you're guilty of breaking one says the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are guilty of breaking them all. Are you guilty or innocent on judgement day?
Remember the sabbath and keep it holy.
There is NO WHERE in the Bible that shows ANY change in God's Holy Sabbath from the 7th day to the first day.
No where after the Resurrection does the Bible repeat keeping sabbath as it does the other 9. How come?
We do see starting immediately after Jesus went back to His Father that the apostles were chased from the temple and meeting after sundown to have church and share the Gospel. Why? Why? Now on the first day of the week.....
To the jews first and the gentiles next. Father shook up the chosen jews from sabbath to Lords day and everyday. As scriptures say. One day or everyday alike. Do it unto Jesus Christ and not your membership in Ellen
@@stephencoe2231 There was no debate on the 7th day Sabbath. Act 17, says: it was Paul's custom to worship on the Sabbath. He did it for 3 sabbaths in a row.
Some theologians have held that God likewise directly determined the Sunday as the day of worship in the NEW LAW, that he himself has explicitly substituted Sunday for the Sabbath. But this theory is entirely abandoned. It is now commonly held that God simply gave His church the power to set aside whatever day or days she would deem suitable as holy days. The church chose Sunday, the first day of the week, and in the course of time added other days as holy days.
-Vincent J. Kelly, Forbidden Sunday and Feast-Day Occupations, Washington, DC, Catholic University of America Press, Studies in Sacred Theology, No. 70.,1943, p. 2.
OK so the SDA church is a cult. Now answer me this
Which one is the true Church of God amongst all these Sunday denominations with different names, different baptisms, different gospels, different doctrines and different practices?
Some of them preach that salvation comes by believing in the message of the hour. That's another gospel
Some preach that salvation is by believing and accepting Kacou Philippe as the only true prophèt sent by God for our salvation. That's another gospel.
Some preach that the coming of Jesus Christ is when the person dies while some preach that Jesus Christ's coming is visible. Some are against secret rapture some are against it
Some preach that you can't go to Jesus Christ
Some are seen asking and begging for forgiveness from the statue of Mary.
So which one is the true Church of God amongst them all? If they are all preaching Jesus Christ why then do you have different Churches Preaching different gospels and teaching different doctrines?
If you all believe in Jesus Christ why then do you have different baptisms?
If you are sure that you are all followers of Jesus Christ then why do you have millions of denominations with different names, different baptisms different gospels, different doctrines and different practices?
Does it mean JESUS CHRIST brings divisions and confusion amongst His followers?
Othordoxism has its own denominations
Pentecostalism has its own denominations
Zionism has its own denominations
Protestantism has its own denominations
Apostolicism has its own denominations
Which one is the true Church here?🤷🤷🤷🤷
Mind you, all these are Sunday churches
Looking forward to your explanations
Golly, you make it sound so complicated. Is that deliberate so you can shut down any answer you receive and stick with your present position? I've never had any trouble finding material and sorting through all of the positions you listed. I use this thing called the "Internet."
The worldwide Body & Bride of Christ is the one true church.
Catholic. The church Jesus set up with Peter the pope to lead it after he died. With jolt spirit guiding the apostles. Sda saying Holy Spirit failed at this and didn’t let everyone know the truth for over 1800 years lol😅
Father forgive Myles for he knows not what he is speaking, lay not this sin to his charge. Sad bro, what a joke.
@charnelallan7159 so Isaiah 44:6 one of the 3 persons can say and not be a liar, I am the first and the last and BESIDES ME there is no God? You're an idiot dude, shut your mouth.
Bro, what is Myles sin in this Video?? SDA church has made this claim about the Pope changing the day of worship based on the accounts of Ellen White. All he is doing in this video is bringing someone who has an answer to that.
Or do you think Ellen White's "prophecies" are untouchable??
@charnelallan7159 Robert is like a kid who can't get an adult's attention so he yells 'listen to me, listen to me'. He was demanding Cliffe Knechthle debating on his channel just like this. His elevator doesn't go anywhere near the top.
Did you get Cliff Knechtle attention the other day? Did he debate you little Robbie?
It is sad to see that both of you are so ignorant of the Bible. Please, go and read Genesis, Livicitius, Isaiah, Daniel, The Four Gospels, The Book Of Acts, Romans, and Revelation. Do not quote what other writers have to say about what day is the Sabbath. Please pray and reference the Bible as it has all the answers, the Bible plainly states
The sabbath was on the 7th day but the command was given to a specific group of people ,ethnic Israel that's why Jesus nor the Apostles instructed Christian's to keep the 7day holy those that worship on Sunday donot keep sunday holy
@Answering Adventism you should make a video elaborating the origin of Sunday and the origin of the sabbath
When Jesus died and shed His precious blood the new covenant began right? Then why were His believers still keeping the sabbath?
Luke 23:56 NKJV - Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
Did the risen Jesus tell them not to worry about it next week?
You are being deceptive. The New Covenant didn't begin at Jesus' passing. It began at the Feast of Pentecost, several weeks after Christ's crucifixion, resurrection and ascent into Heaven. There is no record of any "sabbath keeping from that point on. You are trying (unsuccessfully at that) to usurp a command that was never yours to keep and binding yourself to a law that was never given to you.
Did Jesus tell them not to worry about temple sacrifices anymore?
Did he tell them “okay now, after I die, see to it that you guys all keep the sabbath and make sure to keep meeting at the synagogues even though Jews who don’t believe me will be there.”
@YuShudNoe don't you be mudding things up here with facts this is un fair 😢. Lol
@YuShudNoe did He not tell His disciples that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed?
@davidmarham9272 did you guys forget the lords supper? Did He not explain things well enough?
Matthew 9:13 NKJV - “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
So GOD dictated a day on which HE SHOULD BE WORSHIP.and then came the catholics and changed that day of worship to a day GOD never dictated-hello???
A lot of speculations from a man with a Law Degree. a lot of suppositions .
From the guy who goes to a Catholic lawyer when he wants to prove Ellen didn't plagiarize her writings, lol. You cite a lawyer when it benefits you and slam one when it doesn't. You are a walking contradiction.
@@BamBam74-q1d Are you a catholic ,former sda?
Specifically, what lies were spoken in this video?
Jesus established worshipping on sunday has nothing to do with crap catholics
@joebob, awe your so loving 😍 towards Catholics, lol 😂 Your fruit is showing big time
Your interpretation is still out of biblical context,,
The Bible does not provide any direct command from God or Jesus to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Instead, the Seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) is consistently upheld in both the Old and New Testaments as the day of rest and worship.
Therefore, Sunday worship is a tradition introduced by man, not a biblical command. True Sabbath observance, according to the Bible, remains on the seventh day-Saturday.
It completely went over your head that you can keep the Jewish Sabbath if you are Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox as they have worship everyday. Both apostolic churches have Divine Liturgy on Saturday if you still want to rest and worship if you feel like you must. SDA's pretend there is only one day you are supposed to worship but are clueless most christians worship everyday. Read Colossians 2:16 where Paul is writing to the Collosian church. There are many Jew angry at the converts for not keeping their jewish holidays or Sabbaths and Paul writes to them to not judge on Sabbaths (whether annual, monthly, or daily). The SDA church judges all christians who worship on Sunday and calls them the whore of Babylon. Your institution came into existence in 1863 and yet you call other christians Babylon when a false prophet started your church?
When St. Paul repudiated the works of the law, he was not thinking of the Ten Commandments, which are as unchangeable as God Himself is, which God could not change and still remain the infinitely holy God.
-Our Sunday Visitor, Oct. 7, I951.
The problem is, Sunday is not the Lord's Day. Jews didn't believe in Jesus's Resurrection. The One thing that separates the two. Jesus rose on Firstfruits. He is the Manna that came down from Heaven. He is The Lamb of God. There is no other and in Him we commemorate The Sabbath and The Lords Day is yet to come.
@@SoloShagg-Hee John said he was in the spirit on the Lord’s day (Rev. 1:10). That’s the only place it’s found in scripture. Your interpretation is easily eliminated.
Furthermore, the day of first fruits was the “8th day,” the day “after the sabbath.” (Lev. 23)
@answeringadventism IF you notice, John doesn't say Sunday is the Lord's Day. As well, there is no other reference that it was ever considered. However The Day of The Lord is. Doh! The Day of The Lord is the Lord's Day that John is referring to. Not a bliss considered day of the week.
Mmm and here I thought apostles were jews....😅
@FlyingGentile Jesus is. I'm the stupid American!
@answeringadventism You can impose on the text all you want but it's definitely not saying that. D oh!
Myles,do you believe the idea of a church/state power mandating in the U.S a mandatory Sunday day of worship,with penaltys of no buying or selling for dissenters,if it happened,would be wrong and dangerous? Simple question Myles,a yes or a no.Its the principle of a religious power combined with state power exerting their will thru the state that constitutes the mark of the beast that is the heart of Ellens visions .She had much hubris she added that corrupted this core principle,but the facts remain that at this present time in American politics these religious and state elements are forming and manifesting themself as never before in this countrys history.This church/State power in Trumps administration will burst into the public conscience just as Ellen saw and this is the face of the anti christ power.
Go study the word "χάραγμα" and answer yourself if the so called phantom Sunday law carries any weight at all.
There is a big difference on bearing the name of Jesus christ as Christians and practicing our traditions rather than WHAT SAYS THE LORD.Jesus is our example he observed the sabbath the apostasy observed the sabbath before and after christ crucifixion and Ascension.
It's not what we think and practice right BUT God's word.Thr church fathers were wrong in observing sunday but the word requires us to honor God in a special way on sabbath which is on saturday
Interesting that you assert all that and don't back it up with a single Scripture. Here are a few things for you to chew on...
Exhibit A: the Apostles met in Jerusalem to discuss the issue of Gentile believers being required to keep the Law of Moses, including the Ten Commandments. Here are the instructions the Apostles sent to Gentile Christians after discussing the issue:
"For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well." (Acts 15:28-29). Funny how there is zero mention of any kind of "sabbath" in there...
Exhibit B: Paul's instructions to the church at Colossae concerning the Law of Moses:
"So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17). Paul explicitly included "sabbath keeping" as part of the old Law, which was not binding on Christians, as we see from this passage.
Exhibit C: Paul's warnings against judging other believers on their diet and what days they worship on:
" Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. 4 Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks." (Romans 14:1-6). Paul is very explicit here: no one is to judge others about their diet or the days they choose to worship! The entire "brand" of the SDAs is built on a flagrant violation of both of these principles. Case closed.
Dude, the Jewish Shabbat begins on sundown Friday and ends on sundown Saturday evening. Therefore, your claim that Catholics can honour the Sabbath on Saturday evening Mass is actually false. You do speak the truth, however, when you encourage Christians to worship God every day! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insights. God bless 🙏🏼
The Sabbath IS the 7th day, PERIOD. Who CARES what people think? What matters is what GOD SAYS!! How about those 3 times God REMINDED MOSES that anyone who violated His 7th day Sabbath -- was deserving to be killed? God does not change. The Lord's DAY remains the 7th day Sabbath.
No one in this video is saying that the Jewish Sabbath isn’t on a Saturday… That is not the point. The point is to show how the early church upheld, and the Bible describes, days for gathering. The man in the video is simply describing that. Evidence shows (the Bible and church history) that Christians gathered in their homes on Sunday. Some early christians gathered on both Sunday and on the Jewish sabbath. This was not an issue, as explained by Paul in Col 2.
This Catholic guy is obviously not teaching what the Catholic church actually teaches and admits to. He just wants to cosy up to Myles.
I was a catholic educated until i turned 40 . Iam going to set you right , we were taught that the catholic church changed the seventh day Sabbath to the sunday Sabbath. It is stated in the Catachism. It is taught in every catholic school ,, ,, Protestants accept sunday rather than Saturday as the day for public worship after the Roman Catholic church made the change , but the Protestant mind does not seem to realise that in observing the sunday Sabbath they are accepting the authority of the Roman Catholic church. Sunday visitor February 5th may 1950. All i hear on this video is excuses .
If it is stated in the Catechism, quote it here please. Be sure to provide a verifiable citation. Also, please state which catechism that you are referring to.
@jimmu2008 The Catachism of the catholic church The third commandment . It is to long for me to go into it here , I'm sure you can look it up for yourself if you are truly interested. I will say it again. We were taught back in the 1950s the seventh day Sabbath was changed to Sunday by the authority of the bishops . They even changed the fourth commandment to the third commandment , They state they are above the bible . Don't take my word for it .go study the history why the Sabbath was changed and who changed it.
@@gordo191 my point in asking for a citation is to keep you honest. You say "the Catechism." Which one? Trent? Baltimore? The US Catholic Catechism for Adults? John Hardon's? Or another one? Maybe A Convert's Catechism? None of these teach that the Catholic Church "changed the seventh day Sabbath to the Sunday Sabbath." The Sabbath is still the Sabbath. However, they do teach *_with the Apostle Paul_* that Christians don't have to keep the Seventh Day Sabbath. Again, this was taught by Paul in Colossians 2.
The Sabbath is still the Sabbath, and it has theological significance in Christian theology for all Christians.
We Christians fulfill the Sabbath by believing in Jesus. This is taught clearly in the letter to the Hebrews.
That being said, in the Catholic Church, we are to refrain as much as possible from work on Sunday in order to devote ourselves to the Lord and His Holy Word. It is similar for many Protestantists. Again, we are following the example of the Apostles in this (Acts 20:7, for example).
When the Catholic Church claims that it had the authority to "change" the Sabbath (as you put it), it means that the Catholic Church is the Church of the Apostles, who "changed" (again, as you put it) the Sabbath.
As for changing the number of the Ten Commandments, you have to be pretty ignorant of the Bible to claim that the Catholic Church changed the numbering of the Ten Commandments. The Bible does not number them! Go read Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. See if the Bible itself numbers the commandments. (Verse numbers are not part of the text of the Bible. They were added to the Bible in the 16th century A.D.!)
Almost every Catholic Catechism there is includes what you call the Second Commandment. Catholics see it as part of the First Commandment because if you worship an idol, you are breaking the First Commandment by having a false god.
@@gordo191 BTW, the publication you are citing is Our Sunday Visitor. As good as it is, it is not an official publication of the Catholic Church. But you didn't read it, did you? Most likely, you got this quote second- or third-hand. All this means is that you bit into the SDA deception and swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
@@gordo191 you claim that the bishops claim to be above the Bible. Here's what the Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 89) teaches about that:
"Yet this Magisterium is not superior to the Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches only what has been handed on to it. At the divine command and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it listens to this devotedly, guards it with dedication and expounds it faithfully."
I am sorry if you weren't taught correctly.
Mark 7: 1-9: Honoring God with your lips, but your heart is far from Him.
"Lord's Day" -- only shows up ONCE in the Bible.
Rev 1:10
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
@@holdthewinds obviously-we’re aware. What’s your point?
Ted Wilson tells us the ONLY approved hermeneutic in the SDA church is the historical grammatical method.
That involves examining a word or phrases usage in history that we see in scripture to better understand how the author was using it. History overwhelming confirms the way “kuriake hemera” was being used at the time of John penning the apocalypse. It was to refer to the first day-the day set aside by virtue of the resurrection. Peter applies Psalm 118, “this is the day that the lord has made” to the resurrection day in Acts 4. It’s the “new day” that the psalter foretold of.
Which means John’s original audience would have KNOWN what Kuriake hemera meant as it had a standard understanding in their day.
What this proves is that, once again, the SDA church doesn’t uphold the HGM. This is all lip service.
Read the Bible man 😅 it states clearly the 7th day to keep it holy, day of rest. It’s Cristal clear.
It also says to build an ark of gopherwood to certain dimensions to hold two of every kind of animal. Not every command the Bible records was given universally. There are zero examples of any Gentile ever being commanded to keep a "sabbath". That was exclusively for the Israelites, as a memorial for the slavery God had freed them from when He brought them out of Egypt.
You misspoke, you meant to say, when you proof text, it's clear.
Myles what about Isaiah 44:6 I am the first and last and BESIDES ME there is no God, This person has no knowledge of 2 other distinct persons. What a fool.
So the question is if the Sabbath of God and the Bible is still the 7th Day which is and always has been Saturday then we know the Catholic Church and the Pope changed the “Sacred Emphasis” from the 7th Day (Saturday) to the 1st Day (Sunday) near the date of 336AD. This historical evidence confirms that the true Sabbath of God and the Bible is still the 7th Day AND proves that the 1st Day “sabbath” is a false worship day established by the Catholic Church. If you believe that the Catholic Church has authority to change a Commandment of God then Sunday is for you. Now the big question is why do MOST “Christian Denominations” worship on the False Catholic sabbath (Sunday)??? Protestant means “protesting Catholic propaganda”. I’m not supporting or defending Catholic or Protestant beliefs but at least if you’re protesting Catholic Doctrines then Sunday worship should be one of the very first protests on your agenda. So true Protestant churches should reject the false Roman Catholic “sabbath”.
Then you "know" something that flat out isn't true, as 336 AD was over 100 years before there was any "Catholic Church" or "Pope". Both of those institutions came into existence under the leadership of the actual first Pope, Leo "the Great", who ruled from 440-461 AD. Before him, a "pope" was just a respectful form of address for any bishop, and the "Vicar of Christ" mythology was created by Leo to prop up his dubious claims of authority, which he expanded due to the fact that the Roman Empire was in the process of collapsing at the time (the last Roman Emperor in the west was deposed in 476 AD, just 15 years after Leo's passing).
@ OK maybe the Catholic Church didn’t exist at that time under that name but the group that claimed Sunday as the new “sabbath” was the group that claimed Sunday was the new worship day instead of the actual Bible verses: Read the Text Exodus 20: 8-11. “The Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.” Days of the week 1. Sunday 2. Monday 3. Tuesday. 4. Wednesday 5. Thursday 6. Friday 7. Saturday. So regardless of what the group that rejected the true Sabbath was called the fact is that Sunday is NOT the 7th Day. So Sunday is a false “sabbath”!!!
The Sabbath is not a Jewish tradition or ritual. It was given by God to all humanity at creation.
When it was presented to the Israelites in the form of the 10 commandments- written in stone by God’s own hand - the 4th commandment starts with “Remember”. It existed for all humanity from beginning to end. The Jews just happened to be God’s chosen people, chosen not to be the only saved race but chosen as the vehicle to share the good news of God with the whole world.
SDAs do not think they are saved by keeping the law. We are just trying to show Him the love He deserves as our Maker, Redeemer and King. “If you love me, keep my commandments.”
This is the Adventist theology trying to reinterpret the Bible to suit their beliefs. Jewish theology and tradition flatly refutes Adventism. The Bible has to be read in context to be properly understood. That's why one must go back to pre Messianic Jewish theology and tradition to better understand it.
First, yes the seventh day was sanctified and made holy but nowhere was it commanded to be kept by all men. It was God's Sabbath. Even the official SDA website doubles down and says it was kept only by certain people (Noah, Abraham etc.). But this is still erroneous. Jews themselves are skeptical about this. This can be attributed to the SDA claim that the specific 10 commandments was already present before creation (Great Controversy).
Second, the nature and name of the Sabbath was only revealed to the Israelites (Jews) during the episode of the manna. This has always been the Jewish claim.
Thirdly, this was commanded to be remembered not prevent it from being forgotten, but because it's a remembrance of events that has already happened.
"We are commanded to remember Shabbat; but remembering means much more than merely not forgetting to observe Shabbat. It also means to remember the significance of Shabbat, both as a commemoration of creation and as a commemoration of our freedom from slavery in Egypt."
-Jewish Virtual Library
Fourth, you said it has existed for all humanity from beginning to end, and therefore binding. Will people be judged according to a set of laws never given to them? Doesn't this make God unjust by judging other races as lawbreakers for breaking the Sabbath, when they were not commanded to keep it?
Fifth, SDAs do think they are saved by the law. Because it is ultimately law keeping that vindicates God against satan according to SDA theology.
Sixth, we have to distinguish the meaning of commandment depending on the context. For a Jew to say commandments doesn't mean he's referring to just the 10 commandments, but all 613 (t/- according to era). That's why they have all the laws that doesn't seem biblical to us non Jews in the New Testament but for the Jews they are biblical.
"At Mount Sinai, contrary to common misconception, the Jews received the entire Torah, including all of its 613 mitzvahs, not just the Ten Commandments. The Midrash and classic commentators of the Torah explain how each of the Ten Commandments is really a general mitzvah, and they describe how each of the 613 mitzvahs is included in one of the ten statements."
- Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin (Chabad)
It speaks volumes when Paul who was a pharisee very knowledgeable about the laws said that gentiles don't need to be circumcised or follow the plethora of laws to be considered followers of Christ.
Your post is a prime example of the equation "A - E = EW". That is "Assertion - Evidence = Empty Words"! There is zero example anywhere in the Bible of any non-Israelite ever being commanded to practice any form of "sabbath keeping".
@@VanThadden5170.2 Thanks for your very comprehensive reply. Your knowledge and breadth of study is clearly greater than mine, but I do have a couple of thoughts…
“The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.” So the sabbath was not just for God.
“There remains then a sabbath rest for the people of God.” So it is still in place . And it will remain in place, even in heaven. “From one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another.”
As I tried to convey earlier, I believe the Jews were God’s chosen vehicle to share His love with the world, but He is the God of the whole universe. The Jewish covenant pieces such as circumcision and the sacrifices were done away with at the cross and the new covenant instituted, but the timeless 10 commandments (“I am the Lord. I do not change” and the overcomers at the second coming, the ultimate Revelation of Jesus Christ, are “those who keep my commandments.”) firmly remain - for everyone.
And circumcision and the other Jewish things are not in the 10 commandments but the sanctity of the sabbath clearly is. It is unfair to try and lump them together when they are clearly on a different scale.
Then Jesus died on cross. It is finished.
@@CharlieWhiskey549 Hi. I would say only God's knowledge is greater. And to your point, it's best to see this as progressive revelation. God doesn't give all information at once, but according to what He decides is best for us. He reveals things to us progressively.
So let's take the Sabbath for example. In the beginning it was sanctified and made holy, then it was revealed by name to the Israelites, then they were commanded to remember and observe it and finally in the New Testament Jesus said that Sabbath was made for man. Now if we apply what Jesus said to the Old Testament we then condemn all the other races that weren't commanded to remember and observe it. It's quite clear that we cannot apply what Jesus said about the Sabbath retroactively.
A simpler example is where I'm from, we have a tax bill that was signed into law in 2017. It's provisions will take effect progressively every year starting 2018. So you cannot look at my tax returns from 2018 and prosecute me for breaking a provision that went into effect in 2025. That wouldn't make any sense.
Also, the 4th Commandment Sabbath was always considered to be a ceremonial law.
"Shabbat is the most important ritual observance in Judaism and is the only ritual observance instituted in the Ten Commandments. It is also the most important special day, even more so than Yom Kippur."
-Jewish Virtual Library
It's true that God does not change. But that doesn't mean that we look at an event in the Bible and conclude that's a done deal. The Old Covenant is at the beginning of the story. Remember when Jesus further explained the law to not murder? He said if you think ill of someone else then you are guilty of breaking that law.
The question SDAs should ask is how does the arrival of the Messiah fulfill the Old Covenant laws.
Jeremiah 31
³¹ “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah-
³² not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD.
³³ But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
As an SDA, once again I gave this channel the chance to change my mind about my religion and EGW...... instead I am affirmed in it once again.
The point this guest made on the Sunday rest change.....yes, Sunday was a day people commemorated Jesus' resurrection, but it would have nothing to do with God's Sabbath. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
I can't believe people are continuing to fall for this garbage.
Also.... worshipping everyday has also nothing to do with Sabbath. Worship isn't even mentioned in the commandment.
Yeah, you have made up your mind and no amount of evidence will alters that. Not even God
Then Sabbath is not a worship day…
@@nonconformist4802 I don't you can make a judgement of that magnitude.
If you have a problem with anything in my comment, let's hear it.
@@Akhgy Correct..... it's the day of REST because God rested on that day.
@@21divel when it says God rest, what does it mean?
THERE are NUMEROUS QUOTES of the Catholic Church changing the Sabbath to the first day and I have them.
I’ve read your other comments. I think you’re committing the word concept fallacy. What we call Sunday doesn’t matter. Where the English name “Sunday” came from, doesn’t affect whether the Early Church worshipped on Sunday or not.
Your speech is blasphemy.
Calling an account of history blasphemous because it dismantles your worldview and you don’t have anything constructive to say is actually hilarious. Good luck on the quest of growing ever closer to God!
Mathew 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
_"Mathew 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."_
Yeah, it was fulfilled, also the reason you keep on deflecting the next verse.
"“For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.” Hebrews 7: 12
@ Jesus became the high priest and so the old sacrificial system under the Levitical priesthood became obsolete. But that does not mean abolishing the old covenant law entirely, but transforming its meaning. The sermon on the mount actually extended the meaning of the commandments as a matter of the heart. Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Has heaven and earth passed and all been fulfilled?
What is your excuse for not accepting what the Word of God wants to teach you in the Book of Hebrews?
Go read it yourself that the law was changed. No need for you to deflect it with SDA doctrines
@@nonconformist4802 Hebrews 4:3-10. “So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.”
@@nonconformist4802 I hope you understand that there’s been Sabbatarian churches throughout history. SDA didn’t create the sabbath doctrine.
Isaiah 45:6 I am the LORD, one person, and there is NONE ELSE. HOW CAN HE SAY THIS LIE IF GOD IS 3 DISTINCT PERSONS? HE IS A LIAR.
Can you imagine watching over 300 videos of tattoos and they don't make any sense 😅😅😅
You can follow Adventism your whole life without knowing that you are worshiping a fake glorified angel god while preaching a cursed gospel.
Yes exactly that.
@nonconformist4802 hahahahaha Why does your Day begin at one minute past midnight opposing Genesis 1:5 I like Bible texts only for Answers
Hahahahaha Why don't you go ahead and show me where it is written, "And it was evening and morning the Seventh day"?
Can you imagine growing up in a church and not having any idea of truth !
@davidblowe9096 Truth is in the Bible not in human ideas
Isaiah is full of lies by one member of the 3 district person Trinity. The person says I know no other God or persons BESIDES ME Myles.. How can this God say I know no other God BESIDES ME? He can't unless God is only ONE PERSON I AM NOT WE ARE FOR PROPER GRAMMAR.
Your inability to realize that we talk about 1 God when we bring up the Trinity is really fascinating... Answer this, in your theology, what does your version of God mean when he says, "Let 'US' make man in 'OUR IMAGE' and likeness?
So, you are simply saying that the Holy Spirit, by whom God wrote the 10 commandments on tables of Stone
Exodus 31:18 (KJV) And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.
Deuteronomy 9:10 (KJV) And the LORD delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which the LORD spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly.
Luke 11:20 (KJV) But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.
Matthew 12:28 (KJV) But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
and by whom He writes the Law in the hearts of believers,
Hebrews 10:16 (KJV) This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
led the disciples of Christ to forget one of the Commandments He wrote saying
Exodus 20:8 (KJV) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exodus 20:9 (KJV) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exodus 20:10 (KJV) But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Exodus 20:11 (KJV) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
For another day which we find no Biblical authority for its observance as we do the sabbath?
Paul has some words we would do well to take heed of
Romans 7:14 (KJV) For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
He tells us that Spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned
1 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
And he makes it plain that
Romans 8:6 (KJV) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:7 (KJV) Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Romans 8:8 (KJV) So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Be ye wary of the sin of presumption and pray like David
Psalms 19:13 (KJV) Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
Why do you remember and how do you observe the 4th Commandment Sabbath? Is it the same as the Jews, or does yours vary?
You have wasted a lot of ink, you could have use that time better to read just one verse.
Hebrews 7: 12 “For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.”
@nonconformist4802 if I may ask you
Which Law changed with the change in priesthood
1. The law written with the finger of God aka the ten commandments or
2. The law written by the hand of Moses pertaining to the earthly priesthood?
Pray before you answer that question bearing in mind the words of John in
Revelation 11:19 (KJV) And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
The Law, written with the finger of God is seen in the temple in heaven.
For someone, let alone a professed Christian, to think that that Law has somehow changed in any way,form or shape is presumption of the highest order.
The law was written by God in stone. Correct?
“But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones," 2 Corinthians 3: 7
Go figure.
@nonconformist4802 the same author, Paul has that ground covered in Romans 7. He goes to show that there is nothing wrong with the Law. The issue is with you and me in that we disobey it's requirements and the disobedience thereof leads to death.
Romans 7:12 (KJV) Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
Romans 7:13 (KJV) Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.
Prayerfully read Roman 7 brother.
Competition for Jesus Christ 😅😅😅😅
Self proclaimed Adventist error detector, his aim is to advise people to live their lives carelessly since God's law is no longer existing according to the Sunday pundit
Worship God without ceasing everyday except Sundays. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17
@@nonconformist4802 God said out of your sweat will you eat bread So are you denying us to work to look for our own bread the way God instructed and rest one day in Genesis according to Genesis 2:1-3
@@nonconformist4802 is that really what that verse means???? What time do you Go to the toilet,stores, take kids to school, Play football, study 😭😭😭 Noo ceasing in prayer what time do you do All that?????
_"God instructed and rest one day in Genesis according to Genesis 2:1-3"_
The Word of God:
“My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” John 5: 17
Seems that you are reading from your SDA bible again , FOR GOD HAS NEVER RESTED, HE STOPPED TO CREATE.
_"is that really what that verse means???? "_
Go dust off your Bible and get some education.
Isaiah 45:21, ... Have not I the LORD? and there is no God or other persons else BESIDES ME a just God and THERE IS NONE ELSE ie. no other persons. I can't honor you duffus.
Myles say you, me, and Beavis, claims to be the one God. Would you say I alone am God and BESIDES ME there is no God? No. If you said this would this be a lie? Yes. I know you comprehend your a lying false teacher in light of Isaiah 45:6.
So you're still relentlessly going for the throats of SDA? The Trinity is BASED ON LIES because of your failure to know a lie. Your excuse is I am to dumbed down to comprehend lies by not understanding proper grammar.
Old wise man once said, better to be thought a fool than comment on YT and relieve all doubt.
Robert, please get professional help.
@@jayskull935 Bwahahaha 😆😆😆 It's gotten to the point that I only click on his comments when they have Replies, because it's only the Replies that are worth reading... & you did not disappoint 🤣🤣🤣
Isaiah 44:8 Is there A GOD BESIDES ME, yes, THERE IS NO GOD OR OTHER PERSONS, I KNOW NOT ANY. How can I honor you dude? The Trinity is BASED ON LIES BEING TRUE. You're in for a rude awakening dude.
Traditions of men
Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
Mark 7:9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Its was Paul's and Jesus custom to keep the sabbath:
Acts 18:4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.
Every sabbath meaning that it was not done away with.
Act s18:11 And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
for a year and six month so 78 sabbath was kept by Paul. this proof's that the Sabbath was kept and not Sunday. And sabbath was emphasized more in the new testament as well.
If Acts was written about 50 years after the ascension, it would have been during a time when the early Church had already grown significantly.
The Bible or traditions of Men? Which one would you follow with your life and salvation at stake? May the Holy Spirit guide everyone here to the truth. God Bless.
Some interpret the day of the Lord in Revelation 1:10 as a reference to the first day of the week. (Sunday)
In the Greek text the expression day of the Lord in Revelation 1:20 is κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which means “the day belonging to the Lord.” A similar expression appears in 1 Corinthians 11:20 where κυριακὸν δεῖπνον (kuriakón deípon) is translated as “the Lord's supper,” that is, it is the supper that belongs to the Lord.
The expression day of the Lord (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ-kuriakē heméra) in Revelation 1:10 cannot be a reference to the day of judgment, but to the day that belongs to the Lord, the day that he claims as his own. It cannot be a reference to the first day of the week because the only day that God proclaimed himself owner of is the Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13,14). Christ proclaimed himself as Lord, or owner of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8) and not of another day.
The gospel of John was written in Ephesus, after John left the island of Patmos, where he wrote the book of Revelation. In John 20:1 John simply calls Sunday “the first day of the week” and not the Lord's day (κυριακῇ ἡμέρᾳ (kuriakē heméra), which clearly indicates that Revelation 1:10 is a reference to the Sabbath and not the first day of the week.
Not really. It's like a historian calling the 13 colonies before independece USA just because he knows they'll declare independence eventually.
@ The Bible also warns us about how to identify truth:
“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20)
The law of God and the Word of God protect us from deception. They provide a clear and unwavering guide to truth, and they command us to keep the seventh day holy-not Sunday. By abandoning the Sabbath and promoting Sunday, one steps outside of the boundaries of God's Word and opens the door to error and tradition that contradicts divine authority.