Our Cities Skylines 2 Journey Starts Now! Are You Ready? Kettlebridge #1

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
    @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Рік тому +96

    ⭐Pre-Order Cities Skylines 2 here: www.instant-gaming.com/?igr=BiffaPlays - HUGE discounts with my affiliate link - thanks!⭐
    Using this link will get you a steam key at a great discount. Enjoy

    • @williamstaude
      @williamstaude Рік тому

      i preorder mine from instant gaming just a few days before you started partnering with them! should have waited a few days. Can’t wait to get the key!

    • @sour.sparkleofficial
      @sour.sparkleofficial Рік тому +4


    • @ageoflove1980
      @ageoflove1980 Рік тому +29

      Or dont pre-order it, and watch for some performance tests first from us plebs who dont have 4090... :P

    • @Zoe_C95
      @Zoe_C95 Рік тому +4

      Bought the ultimate edition using your link - thank you for all your entertaining and helpful CS videos, I can’t wait to see what you do with CS2! 😁

    • @norbert2921
      @norbert2921 Рік тому +9

      @@ageoflove1980I’ve just been looking at reviews and lots are saying abysmal performance.

  • @Alexnotander55
    @Alexnotander55 Рік тому +84

    The residents of Kettlebridge: “PLEASE HELP US. SO MANY ARE SICK”
    Biffa: yeah we must prioritize this quay wall immediately like right now.

  • @howard494
    @howard494 Рік тому +574

    Never laughed harder than when Biffa anointed the new "Hugo" only to see "Moving Away" as his status

  • @jacobwiens659
    @jacobwiens659 Рік тому +129

    I think that there should be distinct zoning types for heavy industry like chemical, automobile and food processing (I know the last one might not be that “heavy” but I’m trying to include generally the more polluting factories here) and light industry, which is more focused on assembly and doesn’t pollute as much. This would give more freedom to have less polluting industrial parks closer to homes (though noise would remain a factor) and give the player a little more control over their supply chain focuses.

    • @OculusUniversale
      @OculusUniversale Рік тому +4

      An amazing suggestion!

    • @danilooliveira6580
      @danilooliveira6580 Рік тому +10

      that is a good idea, a lot of places have light industry and commerce mixed in with housing, since they don't polute or make much noise, but not heavy industry.

    • @graaaby
      @graaaby Рік тому +6

      Like my city! there is a relatively light industry zone mixed in with upper class housing over on the edge of town, and there is a heavy meat slaughtering plant and power plant up by the lower income housing

    • @putridvomit
      @putridvomit Рік тому

      Don't worry, there will be a DLC for that!

    • @danilooliveira6580
      @danilooliveira6580 Рік тому +7

      @@putridvomit nah, that doesn't feel DLC worth. it feels more like a free update that comes with a DLC that expands industry.

  • @Nimdhar
    @Nimdhar Рік тому +33

    I just noticed, even the map, and all the building are EU themed, yet the sport field for the Highschool, still an american football field. :) Overall looks really good, can't wait to play it!. Awesome videos Biffa keep up the good work!

    • @vrk1131
      @vrk1131 Рік тому


    • @Keikdv
      @Keikdv Рік тому +1

      The people building the game are from Finland, but maked it a true US-game... An EU-choice does not change that much, unfortunaly.

    • @michaelklaus
      @michaelklaus Рік тому

      I mean... the gas station has a diner attached to it... so there is that.
      For the college the whole thing is rather Anglo-American and I am not sure off the top of my hat how many of the mainland EU countries even have something similar.
      EDIT: Oh yeah right... the football field is part of the high school not the college. For some reason I thought of college football.

    • @martinjh999
      @martinjh999 Рік тому

      It has both an American Football Pitch and the markings for normal UK Soccer as well if you hadn't noticed...

    • @psgistheworstclubineurope
      @psgistheworstclubineurope 9 місяців тому

      The fact that they call football as soccer is disgusting.

  • @EndoScorpion
    @EndoScorpion Рік тому +5

    Those oversized giant cemetaries should be signature buildings.... where you can only place one.
    The standard cemetary should be a much smaller plot, and come in two versions... one with a church and one without.

  • @laptopfireman
    @laptopfireman Рік тому +43

    (16.30) Cant believe you put the Crematorium in full view of the hospital !!! All the poor patients able to see their next stop (If they dont get better) !!!! Heartless

  • @joaodfardilha
    @joaodfardilha Рік тому +22

    As someone who lived in the beach all his lide Biffa's need to create Quay's hurts me on a deep level

  • @scooper21
    @scooper21 Рік тому +22

    Dedicated lanes has been the Biffa mantra as long as I've been watching...hopefully Skylines 2 gets on board soon!!

  • @jasiek1405
    @jasiek1405 Рік тому +187

    I know this is gonna be a fantastic journey, for years on end!

    • @opticzc82
      @opticzc82 Рік тому +9

      your mom was my fantastic journey

    • @algee6005
      @algee6005 Рік тому +7

      @@opticzc82 your dad was mine

    • @kole076
      @kole076 Рік тому +6

      Well this thread escalated rather quickly

    • @CoGames_
      @CoGames_ Рік тому +2


  • @__Valkyrie__
    @__Valkyrie__ Рік тому +62

    OMG 😲 Thanks for the choosing my name cant wait to follow this series and play alongside you for all the tips and tricks 😊

  • @CrazzlY
    @CrazzlY Рік тому +15

    biffa, could you please create a new playlist and add this to it, so that it´ll be easier to keep track of this BRAND NEW adventure?! I can´t wait to see how this masterpiece is going to evolve during the upcoming months and years! Love your content. Keep it up! Cheers from Stockholm, Sweden! :)

  • @JWUniverse
    @JWUniverse Рік тому +31

    I love the fact everything’s XP based, it keeps the Game going without slowing you down to react a milestone! Great improvement. This will be the first Build I watch as you do them. So I’m excited but I have to wait till 2024 to play the Game on Xbox. But maybe I’ll have my Gaming PC by then 🤞

    • @PianoKwanMan
      @PianoKwanMan Рік тому

      Yes. Much better than population. I remember demolishing low residential, commercial and industry to get to the next milestone, because I ran out of space

  • @popdartan7986
    @popdartan7986 Рік тому +170

    For being small european apartments they are crazy tall.
    Most apartments in sweden are not taller than 3 floors, because then you need to install elevators :)

    • @5Andysalive
      @5Andysalive Рік тому +2

      also they have a LOT of area left to build more.

    • @alessiobenvenuto5159
      @alessiobenvenuto5159 Рік тому +9

      ​@@5Andysalivei think it's for security reasons, the taller the building is, the more the extra space you need on the sides in case the building collapses from earthquakes or else

    • @kurowasanabe
      @kurowasanabe Рік тому +13

      Man, I wish we had elevators. I live on the 5th floor in the Netherlands and all we have is stairs.

    • @luisdaroczi8181
      @luisdaroczi8181 Рік тому +5

      Uk have tall small apartments 5-10 story small estates have 2-3 and surrounded by 4-5 story, similar in west europe.

    • @mitsurugie3849
      @mitsurugie3849 Рік тому +6

      Where I live in sweden we have somewhere between 5 and 8 floors in most of the area there are some 2-3 floor apartments too but mainly 5+

  • @DJSapphireKnight
    @DJSapphireKnight Рік тому +3

    Been watching your MANY series in CS1 and love you. Could not wait for you to play CS2 and you did NOT disappoint! LOVE your enthusiasm and gusto. You are an inspiration to all the builders in CS1 or 2. Don't ever change my friend! I will keep watching as long as you keep putting them out!! Thank you my friend.

  • @LeverActionLarry
    @LeverActionLarry Рік тому +49

    I hope they fix some of the terrain issues when placing buildings, it seems a bit wonky on uneaven terrain

    • @BlueSapphyre
      @BlueSapphyre Рік тому +5

      Like CityPlannerPlays says: Respect the topography.

    • @TheJwwinter
      @TheJwwinter Рік тому +3

      @@BlueSapphyre That makes sense for roads, but not for plopping down buildings.
      Let's say I want to plop down a large parking lot. It means I want the ground to be flat and the game should do it.

    • @BlueSapphyre
      @BlueSapphyre Рік тому +3

      @@TheJwwinter sure. I guess that’s a preference. I think it’s more realistic to have to level a pad before plopping down a building.

    • @thefourfourfour9512
      @thefourfourfour9512 Рік тому +1

      @@TheJwwinter the fact there is no button to see the terrain heights is disgusting .

    • @JoeyRhubarb
      @JoeyRhubarb Рік тому +2

      @@BlueSapphyre But then gets done at the building stage anyway, in real life. An unnecessary boring mechanic to have to deal with.

  • @piawarn5594
    @piawarn5594 Рік тому

    Thanks!! So nice to see you play.

  • @RLJSlick
    @RLJSlick Рік тому +57

    Great video as always: "An all-way stop - also known as a four-way stop (or three-way stop etc. as appropriate) - is a traffic management system which requires vehicles on all the approaches to a road intersection to stop at the intersection before proceeding through it. Designed for use at low traffic-volume locations, the arrangement is common in the United States, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, and Liberia, as well as in a number of, usually rural, locations in Australia where visibility on the junction approaches is particularly poor."

    • @PleegWat
      @PleegWat Рік тому +11

      Correct, and this works because there is a fundamental difference between US and EU stop signs. In the US, the stop sign just means stop. In the EU, the stop sign is also implicitly a yield sign. A stop sign on all roads implies everyone has to yield to everyone else, which does not make any sense.

    • @Winchester1979
      @Winchester1979 Рік тому +7

      Sweden at the very least has a simple to remember rule for who yields in situations like those - if you're going to drive into their driver side door, you yield. If you'll be driving into their passenger side door, they yield. If neither of you will be on a collision course, you both drive. I grew up next to an urban four-way stop (it was next to a school), and we had no accidents in the fifteen years I paid attention. We *did* have a couple of accidents at the stoplight intersection on the other side of the block, but that was because some people couldn't figure out that no matter how wide and straight that road was, the speed limit was 50 kph, not 150, and concrete buildings with brick facades always, always, always have the right of way.

    • @drworm73
      @drworm73 Рік тому +2

      In my US city you never see four-way stops when one or more of the streets is a higher speed street (collectors). If there is no signal, the higher speed street always gets priority, and the slower streets have stop or (less frequently) yield signs.

    • @Robert-pl1gd
      @Robert-pl1gd Рік тому +1

      @@drworm73 Also I believe Avenues have priority over Streets, which have priority over Courts/Place. Courts/Place are more common in larger cities.

    • @drworm73
      @drworm73 Рік тому +2

      @@Robert-pl1gd That's more local. Here the city was started on a strict grid with a system, of E/W are Streets with names, and N/S are avenues with numbers, to determine addresses. A N/S avenue that ends up between two previously numbered avenues is called Place. it is trivially to find something if you know the address. I'm not sure if there are established naming rules here for other types, like lane and court.

  • @ReventiX
    @ReventiX Рік тому +1

    In first 5 minutes in the video, Your understanding of the in-depth mechanics of the game, just blew my mind. I keep failing, never had 100k big of a city. And I am talking about . I am enjoying my weekends with your content. I am watching You! (:

  • @satisabli
    @satisabli Рік тому +52

    Cannot wait to watch this for years, and years!

  • @brianstark1527
    @brianstark1527 9 місяців тому +1

    The home and away sides of the stadium are backwards. The home (larger) side should be on the side of the school.

  • @Michaelwhitehayes
    @Michaelwhitehayes Рік тому +5

    It's like starting a new version Cities Skylines has also given you amnesia Biffa! What happened to everything you learned about city planning, lol. Police in a cul-de-sac by the school, the other school by the dump, the "mansion" on a main road, the dump on the river...it truly is like starting over! :-) That said, looking forward to watching Kettlebridge take shape! 🙂

  • @freshsmilely
    @freshsmilely Рік тому +1

    cant wait to see all the redo's that come along starting a new city. "oo this can go here and add this here" to "well looks like i just have to redo this district." looks like this can shape up to be a another great cityl.

  • @Hive__
    @Hive__ Рік тому +3

    I'd love to See the whole of the starting Island develop into the City Centre at some point
    Kind of like Manhattan or something like that

  • @qazedctgb19
    @qazedctgb19 Рік тому +1

    Its fun that you and city planner chose the same map so we can see the different building styles

  • @zantardis
    @zantardis Рік тому +6

    @Biffa So people know, that discount is not as big as it seems. They include the VAT in the discount then charge it to you at checkout. It IS still a discount, but it's not as big as the website suggests.

    • @Bulwaiy
      @Bulwaiy Рік тому +1

      Yes, I was surprised too. so at least i "saved" the VAT (kind of). aaand I used the link, so that biffa will earn some coins at least.

  • @averymarshall6060
    @averymarshall6060 9 місяців тому

    I love how the apartments on the river with pedestrian road out front is pretty much exactly how it is in my city

  • @IsaiahWells
    @IsaiahWells Рік тому +77

    This is it! The release is just 4 days away, and the hype is real! I really thank you for leading us to this day. Long live Cities: Skylines 2!!!

    • @mr.supernoob7045
      @mr.supernoob7045 Рік тому +3

      Not for consoles sadly

    • @SPACEGOD21
      @SPACEGOD21 Рік тому +38

      Hype is completely dead with the performance issues, lmao

    • @MeMaex
      @MeMaex Рік тому +11

      get your Hype down, it appears the Performance is absolute trash, even if you got a NASA Pc

    • @pornhubmante
      @pornhubmante Рік тому +7

      @@MeMaex who cares lmao its clearly not 2fps and all the features are there. Im ok with a low performance release, not ok with a low performance beta like cyberpunk or no mans sky but weve seen enough to know this isnt it

    • @Lumber91
      @Lumber91 Рік тому +6

      @@MeMaexyou have early access and have tested it on your pc? Or are you going off other peoples word 😐

  • @peperoni3140
    @peperoni3140 Рік тому +2

    must be nice to be among the few with hardware that meets or exceeds the recommended specs for the game

  • @leonardovasquez9011
    @leonardovasquez9011 Рік тому +4

    Thank you, Biffa! Your videos bring me so much peace. They have a relaxing quality that I always enjoy before bedtime or on lovely Saturday mornings with a nice cup of tea. During difficult times in my life, this simple pleasure brightens my day. Thank you from my heart.

  • @rynezuzinec688
    @rynezuzinec688 Рік тому +2

    really appreciated you popping into OE's stream and speaking on performance. was really helpful to know that the "bug" exists where if your desktop is running in 4k and your game starts in windowed mode, the game will be operating in 4k instead of the settings you have set in the game.

  • @mateuszkunda9400
    @mateuszkunda9400 Рік тому +5

    Love the name, Kettlebridge sounds great!
    Seems to me there should be some pretty big parking spaces behind the apartment blocks, this is quite natural for such buildings.
    Btw - hoping to see a UK theme being introduced soon :)

  • @c.morland
    @c.morland 9 місяців тому

    Just started watching through this series. Love that there's tons of content for me to burn through

  • @colmortimer1066
    @colmortimer1066 Рік тому +23

    You know what would be nice is a video comparing the differences between the first and second game. Does this really offer something different? Is it like a lot of sequels where the old game with mods and dlc is still far superior to the new base game? I am very much undecided myself on whether to buy the new game.

    • @jakobwest4811
      @jakobwest4811 Рік тому +8

      I think the way traffic is handled, the progression system, the taxation system, and other really visisble changes are more than enough for me to decide that this game is worth. Yes, its still the same game overall, but the way citizens behave, the way needs are met, the way traffic is handled, and the way the game progresses seems to "fix" a lot of the issues I had with CS1. This seems like the game CS1 should have been and thats all I want!

    • @Satchm00
      @Satchm00 Рік тому +6

      I’m wondering if there is an embargo, none those with early access have done anything to show what it looks like with various display settings from what I have seen. Thinking about refunding my pre order to be honest, just don’t see any point paying full price for something that might not work very well.

    • @iallyl3877
      @iallyl3877 Рік тому +3

      @@Satchm00 city planner plays is doing a stream testing numerous GPU and CPU on different settings on saturday

    • @ccevideo
      @ccevideo Рік тому +2

      ⁠@@Satchm00 I think it is pretty safe to say that the game needs a few more months in the oven (based on the comments of the CEO). I love CS1 and will buy CS2, but not now. I stopped buying AAA games on the day of release a long long long time ago because they always have major problems. This game (as much as I want to think otherwise) will be no different. In time, it will be great but Day 1 or Day 30..not so much.

  • @ammadfsc4839
    @ammadfsc4839 3 місяці тому +1

    32:44 "If no one is complaining about tax that means our tax is too low"
    ~Mr. President Biffa😂

  • @bobbymoore8030
    @bobbymoore8030 Рік тому +14

    In America we have 4 way stops when residential roads intersect. Love your vids!

  • @benjamincarter4290
    @benjamincarter4290 Рік тому

    4 way stops are great when used right. I only really see them on small collector roads and local roads, cheaper than traffic lights and prevents people getting stuck at an intersection for 5 minutes during the morning and afternoon rushes. They're also great in school zones because they slow down traffic going through.

  • @KayTart
    @KayTart Рік тому +9

    Thank you so much for the quay wall/roads tips. I can’t wait to try it out 😊

  • @davidstokes6406
    @davidstokes6406 Рік тому

    I lived in a place called Kettlebridge! A little village in Fife, Scotland. Part of an area that includes Kingskettle and Kettle Hill as well. Your town is already bigger than it is, so it will amuse me as you turn it into a city.

  • @Cookie_Monster913
    @Cookie_Monster913 Рік тому +536

    i take it only content creators can play Cities: Skyline 2 early

    • @Artemie-np3qu
      @Artemie-np3qu Рік тому +159

      Us normal people have to wait till the 24th

    • @kruffles1390
      @kruffles1390 Рік тому +40

      Comes out 24th Oct for steam probs next year for consoles

    • @Cookie_Monster913
      @Cookie_Monster913 Рік тому

      I know that I meant I've just seen streamers play it from today@@kruffles1390

    • @ILoveSkyrim
      @ILoveSkyrim Рік тому +88

      I have to wait until spring 2024 so don’t you complain 😭

    • @theaemulator
      @theaemulator Рік тому +136

      ​@@Artemie-np3quNormal people cannot play even after the 24th .... becaue "normal people" cpu's cannot handle the game!

  • @Firleman
    @Firleman Рік тому +1

    First time watcher here, definitely coming back more often!! Love the way you narrate the game and explain what you do. It gets me so hyped to get the game myself.

  • @odenwaldquelle8228
    @odenwaldquelle8228 Рік тому +4

    A honest video on game performance and your specs would be nice.

  • @ArtemisShanks
    @ArtemisShanks Рік тому +3

    The game looks exactly like the first one.

  • @freakingWOWman
    @freakingWOWman Рік тому

    roundabout on the water looks beautiful bloody genius.

  • @jugettaja
    @jugettaja Рік тому +13

    Im not gonna get a pc until next year to play cs2 but atleast i can watch biffa

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Рік тому +4


    • @wiltonm1975
      @wiltonm1975 Рік тому +8

      Your not alone over 80 percent of people cannot run this game adequately

    • @g_webb21
      @g_webb21 Рік тому +1

      I hope you're getting a 3080 or higher or you will be disappointed apparently.

    • @jugettaja
      @jugettaja Рік тому

      @@g_webb21 was planning on a rx 7700 xt

  • @HeBillsHim
    @HeBillsHim Рік тому +1

    Im glad to see they added some of the few superior features from sim city 5 like power lines and water and sewer under the roads to city skylines 2. I think it will make it much easier on new players.

  • @davidtaylor4204
    @davidtaylor4204 Рік тому +3

    Can't wait to play. I stopped playing first edition because it was such a pain to keep all the essential (to me) mods up to date and working. If you need it it should be in the base game.
    Very useful video. I hate the sea wall though. There was a pretty looking outcrop that got demolished. In real life it would have been left and maybe incorporated into a mini park feature with the road/path going round it. And I don't think any sea walls would ever stick out to build roundabouts. A wall around the whole island will just make it look artificial.

  • @bryandensley6220
    @bryandensley6220 Рік тому

    Putting that landfill right next to that beautiful river just gave me heartburn

  • @gavin.d.m
    @gavin.d.m Рік тому +3

    Brilliant start to the new game.
    Given this is EU settings, do many EU high schools have great big sports stadium, certainly not in the UK where we would get a flat sports field with goal posts and pitch markings.
    Do schools etc now have a much better catchment area, the always seemed to be huge amounts of schools in previous city builders?

  • @RamblinRick_
    @RamblinRick_ Рік тому +2

    I just read the specs. Uh, oh! I only have a RTX 2060 (6 gig VRAM). Got 64 gig of RAM for my i5-10500. Given the performance issues I've read about, my RTS 2060 might not be enough. Guess I'll play CS2 vicariously through Biffa for now.

    • @BlueSapphyre
      @BlueSapphyre Рік тому

      Definitely gonna need more vram.

    • @RamblinRick_
      @RamblinRick_ Рік тому +1

      @@BlueSapphyre Can't add VRAM to a GPU card...

    • @BlueSapphyre
      @BlueSapphyre Рік тому

      @@RamblinRick_ yeah, you need a new gpu. 3080 at least, but i’d recommend 4090.

  • @Randallator966
    @Randallator966 Рік тому +4

    28:20 why does an EU highschool have an American Rugby field? shouldn't that be a football field (slight chance of normal Rugby)

  • @leewalker101172
    @leewalker101172 Рік тому +1

    So good to see you in CS2. This one obviously, not the shooty one. Looking forward to following this city's development for years to come.

  • @FlorianXXV
    @FlorianXXV Рік тому +3

    One thing I think might be missing from CS2 is Cycling infrastructure, we have cars ruling the Streets and Pedestrians on their own sidewalks but Bycicles seem to not exist in the CS universe, at least they don't have representation on the infrastructure side, maybe have bycicle lanes as part of the sidewalk upgrades or have dedicated bycicle roads/lanes

  • @Eazynix87
    @Eazynix87 Рік тому +1

    Excellent start to a fantastic new series for Cities Skylines 2. Looking forward to watching it all the way through.

  • @Sonmi-451
    @Sonmi-451 Рік тому +9

    Hugo said he would leave and then he left - No surprise here. Maybe it was the plan from the beginning: Move in among the first, make an easy buck on property appreciation as the city takes off, then move to Dubai and enjoy life tax-free under the sun. Banker on early retirement, I’d guess.

  • @brucer2152
    @brucer2152 Рік тому +1

    What's interesting Biffa, about the alleyways is that my Grandmother, who lived in Ennis, Texas, had an alleyway behind her house that was just big enough for the trash t rucks to drive down to pick up the trash on each side of the alleyway.

  • @darkman7010
    @darkman7010 Рік тому +4

    I was looking forward to buying this on the first day but now, after hearing the anticipated problems CSII will have, I may have to purchase it at a later date after most of the performance issues have been resolved.

  • @monkeybarmonkeyman
    @monkeybarmonkeyman Рік тому +1

    Just an enjoyable morning sipping me coffee while I watch Biffa gen up a brand new city in the wilds of Lakeland. By the looks of it, investors chose the right person for the job!

  • @thetechvault520
    @thetechvault520 Рік тому +24

    @Biffa, what's your C:S2 graphics settings? I've heard the performance of the game is abysmal for hardware. But, I suppose it will get better over time with patches.

    • @harryswrite
      @harryswrite Рік тому +2

      Got my fingers crossed but not too much. Heard that the issue has to do with using the Unity engine, and because of that, various forums had been showing concerns from the very start of the development. Word is, it’s very unlikely that this will get ‘very noticeably’ better due to Unity engine’s own limitation.

    • @ageoflove1980
      @ageoflove1980 Рік тому +16

      Watch the preview from Worth a Buy trying to play this on a 2080Ti.... Its basically unplayable once you hit 10,000 population. Its not just the general fps, but the stuttering when zooming, panning and just moving the camera. You actually have to wait a few seconds after you move it before you can build anything to let the game sync up because otherwise you build something in a completely different place. Its really, really bad. They should not release it in this state.

    • @BigGamer2525
      @BigGamer2525 Рік тому

      @@harryswriteif they’re not using the new ECS then that would be embarrassing since this kind of game is the kind of game that would very strongly benefit from it.

    • @kieranedmunds2936
      @kieranedmunds2936 Рік тому +3

      ​@@ageoflove1980probably why the videos the content creators were only allowed to get to the small grand village milestones etc.
      I saw that video and it looks like it needs some major optimizations. I hope some of these creators don't have NDAs

    • @ageoflove1980
      @ageoflove1980 Рік тому

      @@kieranedmunds2936 It was just absolutely atrocious. Its not just the fps but the game is so poorly optimized that the camera lag makes it basically unplayable.

  • @Kingsly9802
    @Kingsly9802 Рік тому

    4 way stops are pretty common in the rural US because roads are usually built along the PLSS grid. If you've got an intersection and next to no budget, signs are the way to go.

  • @zentai6921
    @zentai6921 Рік тому +3

    Got to witness the start of Biffa's city in Cities Skylines 2 ❤ What settings and resolution are u using?

    • @mateusaraujo9688
      @mateusaraujo9688 Рік тому +2

      his rig is probably better or equal of the devs rigs.... the game requirements is absurd... (if u want at least a good looking experience) low settings is garbage

    • @japes7
      @japes7 Рік тому +1

      I don't think he is on high. Or he definitely turned off some things because the map doesn't look to give very much atmospherics.

    • @mateusaraujo9688
      @mateusaraujo9688 Рік тому +1

      @@japes7 im sure hes on high. Biffa PC is a bulk one...
      theres a review video showing the game on minimum and recommended settings. Minimum is potato gargabe.... recommended is bellow ok....

    • @henryjohnson-ville3834
      @henryjohnson-ville3834 Рік тому +2

      @@mateusaraujo9688 This is the main reason that is concerning me to NOT buy it.

  • @afacelessname1378
    @afacelessname1378 Рік тому

    You get 4 way stops signs a lot in the US. It confused the heck out of me when I first move there but now I'm back in good old blighty with roundabouts and give way signs.

  • @grayleonhardt8631
    @grayleonhardt8631 Рік тому +5

    I am ready, but apparently the game isn't 😒

  • @danm468
    @danm468 Рік тому

    It's good to see you start a new city Biffa, I had missed your content over the transition between games but I'm right back in for the new city!
    I wouldn't worry about the garage on the pedestrian road by the quay wall, people need a place to park their bike and store the bins! still useful!

  • @Emiliotol
    @Emiliotol Рік тому +42

    The Hype is real! 🥵

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Рік тому +8

      Indeed 🙂

    • @Redisia
      @Redisia Рік тому +11

      I was hyped untill friends said that performance optimization has been neglected. As a german PC reviewer magazine called it 'Stuttering Skylines 2' that really broke my hype and made me think "Well thats a 'sale' title unless they fix it"

    • @Emiliotol
      @Emiliotol Рік тому +9

      @@Redisia Many youtubers are saying that the performance issues are too hyped up and that it isn't that bad at all. Cs2 themself said they're fixing it, but it definitly is playable. Just dont play on 4k

    • @Redisia
      @Redisia Рік тому +2

      @@Emiliotol Maybe, but I am going to be cautious for now. Perhaps if it turns out it is indeed hyped ill change my mind.

    • @SPACEGOD21
      @SPACEGOD21 Рік тому +4

      @@Emiliotol sub 30 fps on WQHD is not what i call playable. Turning everything to low settings is also not what i call playable.

  • @photoo848
    @photoo848 Рік тому +1

    RIP beautiful coast line. That keywall is destroying quite some habitat AND hurting the city's capacity to deal with floods.

  • @disgoyknows88
    @disgoyknows88 Рік тому +9

    Not sure if I'm gonna grab it till I see more performance based reviews.

    • @henryjohnson-ville3834
      @henryjohnson-ville3834 Рік тому

      Same. Might as well mod the first one and wait six months for the patches of the second one, especially how they didn't add plop-able trees, rocks, etc.

  • @LiamDennehy
    @LiamDennehy Рік тому

    For the first time in years of watching Biffa, I'm actually going to grab a cup of tea!

  • @creeperbrick710
    @creeperbrick710 Рік тому +3

    Im dying from stage four bone cancer and am hoping and praying i get to make at least on good big city on cities skylines 2. Also biffa I've been enjoying your content since i believe 2016 am super excited for a new cities skylines series without many mods available

  • @cmdr_stretchedguy
    @cmdr_stretchedguy Рік тому +2

    28:08 I saw some people say "European schools" on some American theme maps, but in reality a lot of the US schools built through the 1950s timeframe used that same style. The Jr High/Middle school (7th/8th grade) I went to years ago (north central plains US) was built in 1923 as a high school and has that same design as the European theme high schools in game.

    • @vovi4
      @vovi4 Рік тому

      quite interesting!

  • @treycox33
    @treycox33 Рік тому +3

    After watching several content creators after the embargo, I refunded my preorder.

  • @lewisnicolls7933
    @lewisnicolls7933 Рік тому

    The areas where you have to expand land then shave it back on the key wall roundy rounds, would be great places for micro gardens when you have the time and ability. Looking forward to the series.

  • @burntwatr1113
    @burntwatr1113 Рік тому +8

    Hey Biffa, just wondering what graphic settings/what specs you have? It looks great and runs so smooth so i was wondering haha

    • @ageoflove1980
      @ageoflove1980 Рік тому +4

      4090 of course. The game runs confirmed as absolute crap. I watched a bit more objective video from Worth a Buy trying to play this on a 2080Ti.... Its not pretty...

  • @dl1an77
    @dl1an77 Рік тому +1

    i love how the game cant be ran in 1440p high for over 30fps on a 4090, keep it up guys

  • @ToadyEN
    @ToadyEN Рік тому +4

    Disappointing that you never highlighted the horrible performance issues.

    • @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines
      @BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines  Рік тому +1

      Because its not that bad and already improved a lot since all the people moaning about it 👍

    • @ToadyEN
      @ToadyEN Рік тому +3

      @@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines not that bad? For you maybe, but for 90% + of your followers who are running the stream survey average it’ll run terribly.

    • @ToadyEN
      @ToadyEN Рік тому +1

      @@BiffaPlaysCitiesSkylines love your videos btw, just sad I won’t be able to play this with great perf.

  • @miketrickey8143
    @miketrickey8143 Рік тому

    My first look at CS2 and i love all the improvements from CS1 Roll on pay day!

  • @tuvi4643
    @tuvi4643 11 місяців тому +1

    biffa dropping the "people are complaining but still moving in so that's good" line hit hard lmao about to organise a strike for all residents

  • @martinblaha7363
    @martinblaha7363 Рік тому +4

    I don't get why the EU highschool has an American footbal field attached 😅

    • @michaelsinclair8018
      @michaelsinclair8018 Рік тому +2

      I agree. It is silly- I would attach the Football stadium from the park menu instead.

  • @coffeeAddict74
    @coffeeAddict74 Рік тому

    The upgradeable buildings remind me of a certain city builder from 2013. May it rest in piece.
    I do have to wonder why Biffa always paves over his beaches. Every bit of cost needs a key wall to keep the dangerous ocean at bay? Is that island living paranoia or something?
    Does the game have the road dezoning feature? The Devs just added that to CS I figured it would be in this game.

  • @keanuwick8485
    @keanuwick8485 Рік тому +3

    This graphically looks no better than Cities unlimited.....wtf

    • @Jorgoz2
      @Jorgoz2 5 місяців тому +1

      It's not about the graphics it has way more features and he got a old version

  • @DrssaFerri
    @DrssaFerri Рік тому

    Biffa finally a new series for CS2!!!!! one interesting point was the police near the school.... do you really have that is UK? police cars moving fast near a school? Bad people escaping the police near a school? that was strange! :)

  • @makdims
    @makdims Рік тому +8

    Stopping ppl from saying first

  • @michaelhope8899
    @michaelhope8899 Рік тому +2

    I've been away for a good year after my Dad became gravely ill and sadly died in August.
    You can't imagine how much I've missed you, Biffa. So glad to be back with a new series

    • @KyNYC212
      @KyNYC212 Рік тому

      Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing!

  • @a564-c3q
    @a564-c3q Рік тому +16

    Oh no, please no left hand traffic. It confuses the heck out of me.

  • @raulguichard1679
    @raulguichard1679 Рік тому

    The most satisfying cities skylines 2 gameplay so far, keep up the great work mate

  • @diegomazzoni5322
    @diegomazzoni5322 Рік тому +2

    So... the very first images of this game were those of a bridge that was building in stages. Somehow they managed to bring us to a game that don't even have a building animation anymore. Moving crane and then building pops up from nowhere. I mean... this is some kind of weird "realism": we have people doing yoga in the parks but we don't have a building animation?? just confused...

  • @zengrath
    @zengrath Рік тому

    24:01 yep in USA we have a lot of 3 and 4 way stop sign intersections. I drive through many every day on way to work.

  • @phillipcurrey6961
    @phillipcurrey6961 Рік тому

    I have been subbing to you for years. Finally got some free time to catchup on your CSL2 videos. I always have several "Ah-ha!" realizations when I watch your videos. You are my CSL muse. Hope you have been well.

  • @CarinaCoffee
    @CarinaCoffee 11 місяців тому

    Biffa, enables left-hand drive as standard. Sets asymmetrical road to right-hand drive.

  • @fukurowe
    @fukurowe Рік тому +1

    Love your video
    Please do create a countryside in this journey, would love to see a small village scattered around

  • @AlexanderEO5
    @AlexanderEO5 Рік тому +1

    You should consider placing underground parking of the access roads by the river front apartments since it looks like a lot of cars are parking on the street that are close to the pedestrian access quay. Cheers!

  • @Sharky_On_The_Road
    @Sharky_On_The_Road Рік тому

    Can`t wait to start building on C.S.2. Looks amazing.

  • @kikiMarieH
    @kikiMarieH Рік тому

    13:50 In the first episode, Biffa reasserts his dominance as The KING of Roundabouts! All Hail! Thank you for that tip!

  • @macsound
    @macsound Рік тому

    One difficulty of the base game progression is that that require XP, money, and population to gain features.
    I'd love to see a build that works the way the real world does - lots of little towns with fields and shops relatively separated from each other. Then those dozens of tiny towns begin to grow at their own rate, some become big cities, some suburbs, and some stay as tiny towns.

  • @JohBak010
    @JohBak010 Рік тому +1

    Placing an elemantary school, explainig space must be reserved at the back for an additional child care building, and immediately place a road for parking at the back....typically Biffa 😂😂

  • @GaryFerrao
    @GaryFerrao Рік тому

    Winston “Hugo” Keats is really hilarious. Not only is they moving out the moment they moved in, after some idling. They was born in November 2013, which makes them less than 10 years in the game calendar!~ But they is retired and senior.

    • @GaryFerrao
      @GaryFerrao Рік тому

      Get used to gender neutral grammar or specify their gender. 😂

  • @Reign.dropzz
    @Reign.dropzz 11 місяців тому

    Hey Biffa! I met you on OSRS bout half a year ago. Love your conent my guy, keep it up!

  • @roma1qwerty
    @roma1qwerty Рік тому

    TeaPottsville might be a great name for a district in the city. Looking forward to playing this game. 4 days left, can't wait!

  • @drworm73
    @drworm73 Рік тому +1

    One thing that I frequently see Biffa and Phil do is place education building near each other - sometimes in a single campus. Now, it could be that my viewpoint is limited by my experience, but I never see that in my meatspace city. High schools are never spitting distance from elementary (and middle) schools. You certainly never see higher education right next to high schools. Higher education (Community College, trade schools, Uni etc) is often quite spatially separated. I assume that is to reduce negative interactions between the developmental groups, but I have no support for that.

  • @doesitmatter3642
    @doesitmatter3642 Рік тому

    I'm really liking the new system of modular upgrades and add-ons for city buildings - looking forward to this new city Biffa!