Hello everyone! This is not the best gameplay here as it was my first time seeing this fight, and my focus was also diverted to doing callouts for the raid, but I at least wanted to give people a first-look at the encounter from a Healing Mage point of view. I'll plan to upload a narrated healing guide for this boss when I get a chance to record a better attempt. I'll also post a link to the logs for this fight here in case anyone was curious. At the time of defeating this boss this was a 100 Parse, Rank 1 of 839 Healing Mages to have logged this, although shortly after a few better logs came through so it was pushed down to Rank 3, and may continue to fall before the logs batch-post in the next few hours: sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/j1PNnYpTGL3dBD48#fight=23&playermetric=hps&type=healing
Thank you for this, keep up the good work. How are you handling your mana issues. I am completely oom about mid boss fight. Are you just getting chain innervates from the druids? Would love your team's insight on this.
@@leyona.7774 My pleasure, I'm glad that you found it useful. In this fight I did get *two* Innervates pretty early on, and then another one right at the end. There's no way that I could have kept up this level of HPS without them at current gear levels. With more ST gear and a larger mana pool I expect this to become more manageable. As the DPS get more geared the fights should also become drastically shorter which should help a lot as well. Currently all that we can really do is be sure to conjure all 3 available Mana Gems, and bring the best Mana Potions and Mp5 Food Buff that we can afford. Use the first one as early as possible without overcapping on Mana so that it comes off of cooldown as soon as possible, and continue to use one every 3 minutes on the dot. We are pretty much only getting 1 Evocate per fight anyways so when you use Evo is less important than trying to get an extra Mana Pot or Mana Gem usage over the course of the fight. The Scrolls of Minor Evocation are obviously a huge help too, but can be harder to come by. The Epic Crafted Helm from Gnomeregan is also incredibly useful for the 50% mana reduction that it provides if you can time it's buff window well. Beyond that, I'd say that it's incredibly important to keep Arcane Blast stacks as low as possible, and to let Mass Regen casts channel for the full duration to get as much healing out of them per mana spent as possible. A rotation of 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Arcane Missile Procs -> 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Arcane Missile Procs and then repeating is probably as good as it is going to get. Part of it will come down to getting lucky with Missile Barrage and Clearcasting Procs as well. The free Missile Barrages really help to conserve mana while providing stellar throughput, with or without Arcane Blast stacks. And I will sometimes spend my Clearcasting Procs on regular max rank Arcane Missiles, even without Arcane Blast Stacks, which is much less HPS, but at least it does *some* healing while costing zero mana and also keeps you busy for a longer period of time before your next costly Mass Regen to conserve mana that way. There may even be something said for casting Rank 1 Arcane Missiles to clear Arcane Blast stacks, although I didn't personally do that here. Lastly, trying to find some downtime during the fight to just wand (ideally with an Arcane Damage wand) for a few ticks of mana regen can be beneficial. It can be difficult with how much damage is going on this fight, but if your group is minimizing unnecessary damage taken from knockbacks or incorrect tank swaps and you can find some windows to do this then it can add up to a decent amount of mana over the course of the fight. Also during the intermission phases when the fire adds are coming in you can regen a bit of mana this way, since you don't want to be healing here and getting healing aggro until the tanks get control of the adds anyways. Healing Mage is really about timing beacon ramps, and at this point in order to conserve mana being careful not to overheal is important. At the moment on this fight in particular it feels like there is constantly healing to be done with the DoTs going out on the raid, let alone the Tank damage, so ramp windows are less easily defined and it feels like we should be constantly healing. That being said, having each Healer prioritize a group or a set of players so that they aren't overhealing or heal-sniping each other can be very helpful to ensure that you are providing as much mana-efficient HPS as possible. Personally we had the Priests focus on the Tanks and providing emergency triage heals to low-health targets more than anything else, and myself and the Resto Druid were each in charge of doing blanket AoE heals on 2 groups. It's also important to try to track the DoTs that are going out on the raid and prioritize healing those players without wasting unnecessary mana beaconing targets that aren't going to need healing right away. Like I said, with more gear and shorter fights a lot of this will become less important, and the focus will shift towards doing maximum throughput by building higher Arcane Blast stacks and clipping Mass Regen ticks to double up on the buffed damage and healing, but it is definitely too rough on mana to be worrying about that right now. Hopefully some of these tips help to do as much healing as possible without going oom for the time being.
@@SigsPlays Thank you so much for the thorough reply. Was facing friction from my raid team about my hps, but now I feel a bit vindicated since them not letting me get ANY innervates was crippling me as much as i thought it was. Ill have to look into that helm you mentioned. Thoughts on spending the arcane stacks with balefire bolt instead of rank 1 missles?
@@leyona.7774 My pleasure! I'm always happy to talk shop when I have the time. Mana is definitely a huge issue for Mages right now, it's not just you, so we just have to do the best with what we have for now. The Helm is called the Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle. I never got around to making a guide on how to get it, but if you google it there's some good ones out there. It's a rather lengthy process to get it, but it's basically BiS for the entire Phase so I'd say that it's worth going out of your way for if possible. I hadn't considering using Balefire to reset stacks. Thinking about it I don't think that it'd be worth it. If you're just using it to clear stacks to conserve mana - It's 209 Mana vs a Rank 1 Missiles 85 Mana, plus a 2.5 second cast vs the Missiles Instant Cast which you'd probably just break the channel instantly on the 1st tick to reset to stacks and then cast something more powerful right away. It also gives you the -10% Spirit Buff so it's definitely not worth it for mana conservation. It is a really cool spell though, and once mana is less of a concern it could be really powerful for dealing more damage and healing if you're able to let the stacks build up high enough. Currently I think the first cast does less damage than a single Arcane Blast though, so you'd have to be willing to commit to the reduced Spirit / Mana Regen to make it worth it.
My pleasure, I'm so glad to hear that this video helped you! =) If you'd like to copy my UI and Weakauras I have a video where I show most of them starting at 44:02, and you can find links to them in the Description of that video too! I'll link it here in case that helps =) ua-cam.com/video/GlcJSLxFRUI/v-deo.html
Awesome vid. During p3, i found mass regen expensive even with gear. So i would use it on tanks group/groups taking and would keep a charge of chrono up for singke spot heals as it is much cheaper than mass and regen and quite a large heal.
Thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed the vid! And that's definitely a viable strat. I've never messed around with Chrono much but it's certainly a strong spell that's a lot cheaper than spamming Mass Regen off CD, so a lot of people do play that way as well =)
Thank you for the video and responses to comments. There seems to be a lot of different opinions on mage healing but people do not explain why they do certain things. I found your video and comments helped a ton in understanding certain aspects of the spec. Do you have any recommendation on correct BIS lists or talent trees. Ive read multiple different builds and they all are doing different things. Again thank you for the video. Edit: Also when do you find yourself using Balefire Bolt or is there a better option.
My pleasure! I'm glad to hear that you have found the videos and comments useful =) As far as a BiS List goes, this is the one that I've been using: www.zockify.com/wowclassic/mage/healer/ I've seen other BiS Lists that include a lot of +Healing Gear, which I suppose is good for a Chronostatic Preservation build, but in my opinion the whole reason that you'd take a Mage healer over a different dedicated healing spec is because of the extra damage that they provide in addition to their healing. So for that reason I feel like +SP/Healing gear is always going to be better. Plus, more damage = bigger heals too. As far as Talents, I run all 41 points in the Arcane Tree, maxing out every talent except for Magic Attunement, and Improved Mana Shield. I've seen people suggest running 10 points in Fire for Impact and Ignite, but I don't really see the purpose as there's currently no reason (that I know of) to use Frostfire Bolt or any other fire spell outside of maybe the occasional Fire Blast while moving / to pad DPS at the last GCD of a kill. I find at least some value from all of the other talents in the Arcane Tree with the exception of the 2 that I mentioned, although even those 2 do have niche uses. As far as Balefire Bolt goes, I definitely see it being a fun and kind of "memey" playstyle that could have incredibly high upside in terms of DPS and HPS, but only later in the phase when we have more gear for a larger Mana Pool and are getting quicker kill times from our DPS being more geared as well. Otherwise the drawback of the reduced Spirit is not worth it imo, especially given how restrictive our healing currently is due to mana limitations. Also, I feel like Molten Armor for the 5% crit will end up being a better choice in most situations outside of really fast kills in parse groups or something like that. I'm no expert or anything, but those are some of my thoughts off the top of my head. I hope that helps!
@@unholyshizz705 I'm glad to hear it! And thanks for the encouragement =) I definitely plan to have some narrated boss kills and a full P3 mage guide out hopefully soon
I do not actually have one that I use, although: #showtooltip /stopcasting /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Mass Regen *Might* work if you press the key a second time after beginning the channel to cancel it quickly. I haven't tested that myself though. I usually just cancel the channel by casting another spell as soon as the GCD is up. There may be a better way to do what you're looking for, but I'm not sure what it is off the top of my head. Sorry that I can't be of more help.
Gdday, what are the addons you use to see you spell casting and previous spells? Just about your cast bar and that tally type one in the middle to the left of your screen? Would love to know. Also thoughts on this balefire bolt 9 stack thing? Doesn't seem to make sence with arcane dmg healing. And temporal orb seems to be useless as its party wide not raid wide so seems.
Howdy! The one to the left of the cast bar is called Trufi GCD: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/trufigcd The other the middle-left one is a part of Details!: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details-damage-meter-classic-wow If you go to the details settings (by clicking the little cogwheel at the top of the damage window) and then go to "Broadcaster Tools" there's a setting called "Action Tracker" that you can enable. I haven't played around with Balefire too much yet. The math works out that it can be quite powerful if used correctly, but currently I feel like the -10% Spirit is just too much of a drawback with how long these fights are and how limited our mana pools are. Later on in the tier when we have more ST gear and fights are a lot shorter due to the DPS being more geared I think that it would be fun to play around with building it up to 9 stacks for extra damage (and healing) and then hopefully defeating the boss very shortly thereafter. But currently I agree, it's not particularly useful for Arcane Healers. I agree about Temporal Anomaly too. It's a shame because on paper it seems like such a good spell to have in our toolkit, but it just performs incredibly underwhelmingly. Perhaps if it scaled with Spell Power it could be good, but even with great placement and timing the 125 Absorb just feels so weak, especially on a 1 minute cooldown. I still run it because there really isn't much else worth running on the Helm slot currently, but it does feel like a huge let down.
@@pfizerjab2030 The Cast bar above my Meters is called Quartz: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/quartz And the spell icons coming off of it are the Trufi GCD addon mentioned above, I just happened to put the spell anchor for it next to the cast bar. =)
Awesome tha ks I'll set that up tonight as it's a great way to track things. Yeah 100% agree with temporal, it seem it only affects the party we are in aswell not whomever is near it sadly...I saw it pre patch thinking itl be huge like a disc priest sheild but terribly let down. Thanks again and great vid, keep it up
whats ur thought on running chronomatic preservation as single target security for the tanks; especially in the early stages of this raiding phase with worse gear and longer fights. i feel like the raid bosses single target hit so hard and clap my tanks like 70% in one hit. whats ur opinion on that
I think that that's perfectly viable. The last time that I looked at logs there seemed to be a healthy mix of this build and the Chrono build all doing about the same HPS on the high end. I think that it really comes down to preference and group needs. Personally I think that the whole point of taking a Healing Mage is for the extra additional DPS that they provide, because otherwise a different dedicated healing class can provide more HPS throughput at the same level of performance. For example on the first boss our Resto Druid did about 25% more HPS than me, (527 vs 426) and yet I parsed a 95 compared to his 90. That means that I performed statistically better than him (at least when comparing Mage vs Mage and Druid vs Druid) and yet he outhealed me by a large margin. So at that point why would you ever choose to take a Healing Mage when a "worse" performing Druid, Priest, or Shaman can do more HPS than them? Well, along with my healing I also provided 216 DPS, compared to his 22 DPS, so that's where I feel the Healing Mage adds additional value. That extra DPS is definitely not nothing. It helps to speed up the encounter which in turn makes it easier to heal because you don't run the risk off all of your healers going oom at the end of a longer fight. If you're running Chrono over Spell Power then your additional DPS contribution will be way lower, without offering any more HPS as an upside. Now, with that being said, Chrono is definitely a very nice direct heal to have. Our group has 2 Priests and our rule of thumb is to have them focus on Tank healing and triaging low health targets while the Resto Druid and I are responsible for providing AoE blanket heals on 2 groups each. If your group doesn't have the same healing profile, or if you are still finding that you just need more direct heals to get through the encounters, then I'd say that it's worth going Chrono to meet those needs. Personally I've never really used Chrono, and I probably won't unless it pulls ahead statistically in HPS by a noticeable margin. Otherwise I feel like it kind of defeats the purpose of having a Healing Mage in the first place and it'd be better to just take a Priest or a Shaman who have better direct heals and more overall HPS to begin with. That's just my opinion, and as far as raw HPS is concerned both Mage builds seem to perform similarly and be perfectly viable, so I'd say to use whichever one you like more and suits your group's needs better.
So I used Enlightenment over Regeneration for pretty much every fight in here. I typically like Regeneration for maintaining Beacons on the Tanks, but there's a ton of AoE healing on almost every boss and it's just seemed too mana intensive to keep up with the requiring healing with my current gear without Enlightenment. With some more ST gear and a larger mana pool I may move back to using regular Regen to maintain Beacon on the tanks, and then using Mass Regen on the groups that they are *not* in to eek out a little more HPS that way.
Hi! Loving your vids, but it seems to me you're relying on shamans and druids for mana. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but I'm currently running with an ally guild with just a couple of ferals so almost each fight I run out of juice. I'm not able to spam MR as much as I would. Any advice on mana economy? (Maybe you could please touch this topic on your incoming vid guide?)
Hi there, I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the videos! You're absolutely right, the Innervates and Shamanistic Rage / Mana Stream Totems definitely make a *huge* difference, there's no way that I could keep up this level of healing without them, and Healing Mages do have a rough time with mana efficiency on longer fights. I'll certainly try to touch on mana efficiency in some of the upcoming boss guides, but for now I can copy + paste this writeup from another comment where I was giving some pointers on the topic: "In this fight I did get two Innervates pretty early on, and then another one right at the end. There's no way that I could have kept up this level of HPS without them at current gear levels. With more ST gear and a larger mana pool I expect this to become more manageable. As the DPS get more geared the fights should also become drastically shorter which should help a lot as well. Currently all that we can really do is be sure to conjure all 3 available Mana Gems, and bring the best Mana Potions and Mp5 Food Buff that we can afford. Use the first one *as early as possible* without overcapping on Mana so that it comes off of cooldown as soon as possible, and continue to use one every 3 minutes on the dot. We are pretty much only getting 1 Evocate per fight anyways so when you use Evo is less important than trying to get an extra Mana Pot or Mana Gem usage over the course of the fight. The Scrolls of Minor Evocation are obviously a huge help too, but can be harder to come by. The Epic Crafted Helm from Gnomeregan is also incredibly useful for the 50% mana reduction that it provides if you can time it's buff window well. Beyond that, I'd say that it's incredibly important to keep Arcane Blast stacks as low as possible, and to let Mass Regen casts channel for the full duration to get as much healing out of them per mana spent as possible. A rotation of 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Any Arcane Missile Procs -> 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Any Arcane Missile Procs and then repeating is probably as good as it is going to get. Part of it will come down to getting lucky with Missile Barrage and Clearcasting Procs as well. The free Missile Barrages really help to conserve mana while providing stellar throughput, with or without Arcane Blast stacks. And I will sometimes spend my Clearcasting Procs on regular max rank Arcane Missiles, even without Arcane Blast Stacks, which is much less HPS, but at least it does some healing while costing zero mana and also keeps you busy for a longer period of time before your next costly Mass Regen to conserve mana that way. There may even be something said for casting Rank 1 Arcane Missiles to clear Arcane Blast stacks, although I didn't personally do that here. Lastly, trying to find some downtime during the fight to just wand (ideally with an Arcane Damage wand) for a few ticks of mana regen can be beneficial. It can be difficult with how much damage is going on this fight, but if your group is minimizing unnecessary damage taken from knockbacks or incorrect tank swaps and you can find some windows to do this then it can add up to a decent amount of mana over the course of the fight. Also during the intermission phases when the fire adds are coming in you can regen a bit of mana this way, since you don't want to be healing here and getting healing aggro until the tanks get control of the adds anyways. Healing Mage is really about timing beacon ramps, and at this point in order to conserve mana being careful not to overheal is important. At the moment on this fight in particular it feels like there is constantly healing to be done with the DoTs going out on the raid, let alone the Tank damage, so ramp windows are less easily defined and it feels like we should be constantly healing. That being said, having each Healer prioritize a group or a set of players so that they aren't overhealing or heal-sniping each other can be very helpful to ensure that you are providing as much mana-efficient HPS as possible. Personally we had the Priests focus on the Tanks and providing emergency triage heals to low-health targets more than anything else, and myself and the Resto Druid were each in charge of doing blanket AoE heals on 2 groups. It's also important to try to track the DoTs that are going out on the raid and prioritize healing those players without wasting unnecessary mana beaconing targets that aren't going to need healing right away. Like I said, with more gear and shorter fights a lot of this will become less important, and the focus will shift towards doing maximum throughput by building higher Arcane Blast stacks and clipping Mass Regen ticks to double up on the buffed damage and healing, but it is definitely too rough on mana to be worrying about that right now. Hopefully some of these tips help to do as much healing as possible without going oom for the time being." I hope that helps for now! =)
Absolutely! I'm hoping that on this next lockout I can record some decent fights where I'm not having to raid-lead / do callouts and can focus on actually doing the healing rotation a little more correctly, and then go back and narrate over it to give a more detailed healing breakdown. I do find the state of arcane heals pretty interesting atm. They still seem to have amazing throughput, but at least for now they seem to be struggling with Mana again like they were in Phase 1. Some more ST gear and a larger mana pool coupled with faster kill times should definitely help that some though. But everything definitely feels different with the larger group sizes too. I find myself running Enlightenment on my Chest and just spamming Mass Regen a lot more for those reasons. The majority of healing still seems to come from Chronomantic Healing vs. the direct heals from Regen / Mass Regen, but not to the extent that it seemed to in Phase 1 / 2. A much larger % of my overall HPS is from those direct heals, I guess due to less overheal from all of the AoE damage that these bosses do. It makes me wonder if it's worth running some more +Healing gear over the traditional +Spell Power & Healing gear, but I'll probably stick with the +SP gear since I figure the whole upside and niche of a Healing Mage is that they can also provide a non-negligible amount of DPS to the group *while* also Healing. I do find myself letting Mass Regen channel for either 2 or all 3 of the ticks much more often now though, (whereas in P1 / P2 it seemed better to just break the cast as soon as the Beacons were applied and then do the actual healing with Arcane Blast / Missile Barrage), both for Mana conservation reasons as well as they extra HPS throughput that it seems to provide. I do also think that it's cool that there's a couple viable builds that seem to perform almost identically (Chronostatic Preservation vs. Pure Hybrid DPS). Anyways, sorry for the long rambly reply, but those are some quick thoughts that I have atm and hopefully they can hold you over until I get a chance to get some narrated vods out. =)
@SigsPlays thank you for that response. I did my first one lastnight as mage heals and it kind of feels like it's falling off compared to shamans and priests. Of course I need to get better within the raid too
@@kileNoe My pleasure! And yeah, they definitely can't match the maximum throughput of some of the other healing classes right now, but they can still pump solid HPS and do more than enough healing for the bosses in ST while also providing extra additional DPS, which is nice. A lot of it comes down to timing the Beacons and ramping up before the big damage comes out, and learning that timing just comes with practicing the bosses. That's definitely something that I have to work on too
@@SigsPlays i really hope you do, i'm aspiring to play arcane but struggling so much in this raid! what is it you are using on your UI that shows what you have recently cast?
@@fytz Absolutely, I'm working on it! I'm currently compiling all of the graphics / script outline and then I'll just have to find the time to sit down and record it and edit it all together. For the recently cast spells addons: The one to the left of the cast bar is called Trufi GCD: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/trufigcd The other the middle-left one is a part of Details!: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details-damage-meter-classic-wow If you go to the details settings (by clicking the little cogwheel at the top of the damage window) and then go to "Broadcaster Tools" there's a setting called "Action Tracker" that you can enable. I hope that helps! =)
Hello everyone! This is not the best gameplay here as it was my first time seeing this fight, and my focus was also diverted to doing callouts for the raid, but I at least wanted to give people a first-look at the encounter from a Healing Mage point of view.
I'll plan to upload a narrated healing guide for this boss when I get a chance to record a better attempt.
I'll also post a link to the logs for this fight here in case anyone was curious. At the time of defeating this boss this was a 100 Parse, Rank 1 of 839 Healing Mages to have logged this, although shortly after a few better logs came through so it was pushed down to Rank 3, and may continue to fall before the logs batch-post in the next few hours: sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/j1PNnYpTGL3dBD48#fight=23&playermetric=hps&type=healing
Thank you for this, keep up the good work. How are you handling your mana issues. I am completely oom about mid boss fight. Are you just getting chain innervates from the druids? Would love your team's insight on this.
@@leyona.7774 My pleasure, I'm glad that you found it useful.
In this fight I did get *two* Innervates pretty early on, and then another one right at the end. There's no way that I could have kept up this level of HPS without them at current gear levels. With more ST gear and a larger mana pool I expect this to become more manageable. As the DPS get more geared the fights should also become drastically shorter which should help a lot as well.
Currently all that we can really do is be sure to conjure all 3 available Mana Gems, and bring the best Mana Potions and Mp5 Food Buff that we can afford. Use the first one as early as possible without overcapping on Mana so that it comes off of cooldown as soon as possible, and continue to use one every 3 minutes on the dot. We are pretty much only getting 1 Evocate per fight anyways so when you use Evo is less important than trying to get an extra Mana Pot or Mana Gem usage over the course of the fight. The Scrolls of Minor Evocation are obviously a huge help too, but can be harder to come by. The Epic Crafted Helm from Gnomeregan is also incredibly useful for the 50% mana reduction that it provides if you can time it's buff window well.
Beyond that, I'd say that it's incredibly important to keep Arcane Blast stacks as low as possible, and to let Mass Regen casts channel for the full duration to get as much healing out of them per mana spent as possible. A rotation of 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Arcane Missile Procs -> 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Arcane Missile Procs and then repeating is probably as good as it is going to get. Part of it will come down to getting lucky with Missile Barrage and Clearcasting Procs as well. The free Missile Barrages really help to conserve mana while providing stellar throughput, with or without Arcane Blast stacks. And I will sometimes spend my Clearcasting Procs on regular max rank Arcane Missiles, even without Arcane Blast Stacks, which is much less HPS, but at least it does *some* healing while costing zero mana and also keeps you busy for a longer period of time before your next costly Mass Regen to conserve mana that way. There may even be something said for casting Rank 1 Arcane Missiles to clear Arcane Blast stacks, although I didn't personally do that here.
Lastly, trying to find some downtime during the fight to just wand (ideally with an Arcane Damage wand) for a few ticks of mana regen can be beneficial. It can be difficult with how much damage is going on this fight, but if your group is minimizing unnecessary damage taken from knockbacks or incorrect tank swaps and you can find some windows to do this then it can add up to a decent amount of mana over the course of the fight. Also during the intermission phases when the fire adds are coming in you can regen a bit of mana this way, since you don't want to be healing here and getting healing aggro until the tanks get control of the adds anyways.
Healing Mage is really about timing beacon ramps, and at this point in order to conserve mana being careful not to overheal is important. At the moment on this fight in particular it feels like there is constantly healing to be done with the DoTs going out on the raid, let alone the Tank damage, so ramp windows are less easily defined and it feels like we should be constantly healing. That being said, having each Healer prioritize a group or a set of players so that they aren't overhealing or heal-sniping each other can be very helpful to ensure that you are providing as much mana-efficient HPS as possible. Personally we had the Priests focus on the Tanks and providing emergency triage heals to low-health targets more than anything else, and myself and the Resto Druid were each in charge of doing blanket AoE heals on 2 groups. It's also important to try to track the DoTs that are going out on the raid and prioritize healing those players without wasting unnecessary mana beaconing targets that aren't going to need healing right away.
Like I said, with more gear and shorter fights a lot of this will become less important, and the focus will shift towards doing maximum throughput by building higher Arcane Blast stacks and clipping Mass Regen ticks to double up on the buffed damage and healing, but it is definitely too rough on mana to be worrying about that right now. Hopefully some of these tips help to do as much healing as possible without going oom for the time being.
@@SigsPlays Thank you so much for the thorough reply. Was facing friction from my raid team about my hps, but now I feel a bit vindicated since them not letting me get ANY innervates was crippling me as much as i thought it was. Ill have to look into that helm you mentioned. Thoughts on spending the arcane stacks with balefire bolt instead of rank 1 missles?
@@leyona.7774 My pleasure! I'm always happy to talk shop when I have the time. Mana is definitely a huge issue for Mages right now, it's not just you, so we just have to do the best with what we have for now.
The Helm is called the Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle. I never got around to making a guide on how to get it, but if you google it there's some good ones out there. It's a rather lengthy process to get it, but it's basically BiS for the entire Phase so I'd say that it's worth going out of your way for if possible.
I hadn't considering using Balefire to reset stacks. Thinking about it I don't think that it'd be worth it. If you're just using it to clear stacks to conserve mana - It's 209 Mana vs a Rank 1 Missiles 85 Mana, plus a 2.5 second cast vs the Missiles Instant Cast which you'd probably just break the channel instantly on the 1st tick to reset to stacks and then cast something more powerful right away. It also gives you the -10% Spirit Buff so it's definitely not worth it for mana conservation. It is a really cool spell though, and once mana is less of a concern it could be really powerful for dealing more damage and healing if you're able to let the stacks build up high enough. Currently I think the first cast does less damage than a single Arcane Blast though, so you'd have to be willing to commit to the reduced Spirit / Mana Regen to make it worth it.
@@SigsPlays All valid points, yep i'll make that adjustment.
I would love to copy your weak auras. I love your UI set up.
This video helped me learn mage healing. Thank you.
My pleasure, I'm so glad to hear that this video helped you! =)
If you'd like to copy my UI and Weakauras I have a video where I show most of them starting at 44:02, and you can find links to them in the Description of that video too! I'll link it here in case that helps =)
Awesome vid.
During p3, i found mass regen expensive even with gear. So i would use it on tanks group/groups taking and would keep a charge of chrono up for singke spot heals as it is much cheaper than mass and regen and quite a large heal.
Thanks, I'm glad that you enjoyed the vid!
And that's definitely a viable strat. I've never messed around with Chrono much but it's certainly a strong spell that's a lot cheaper than spamming Mass Regen off CD, so a lot of people do play that way as well =)
Thank you for the video and responses to comments. There seems to be a lot of different opinions on mage healing but people do not explain why they do certain things. I found your video and comments helped a ton in understanding certain aspects of the spec. Do you have any recommendation on correct BIS lists or talent trees. Ive read multiple different builds and they all are doing different things. Again thank you for the video.
Edit: Also when do you find yourself using Balefire Bolt or is there a better option.
My pleasure! I'm glad to hear that you have found the videos and comments useful =)
As far as a BiS List goes, this is the one that I've been using: www.zockify.com/wowclassic/mage/healer/
I've seen other BiS Lists that include a lot of +Healing Gear, which I suppose is good for a Chronostatic Preservation build, but in my opinion the whole reason that you'd take a Mage healer over a different dedicated healing spec is because of the extra damage that they provide in addition to their healing. So for that reason I feel like +SP/Healing gear is always going to be better. Plus, more damage = bigger heals too.
As far as Talents, I run all 41 points in the Arcane Tree, maxing out every talent except for Magic Attunement, and Improved Mana Shield. I've seen people suggest running 10 points in Fire for Impact and Ignite, but I don't really see the purpose as there's currently no reason (that I know of) to use Frostfire Bolt or any other fire spell outside of maybe the occasional Fire Blast while moving / to pad DPS at the last GCD of a kill. I find at least some value from all of the other talents in the Arcane Tree with the exception of the 2 that I mentioned, although even those 2 do have niche uses.
As far as Balefire Bolt goes, I definitely see it being a fun and kind of "memey" playstyle that could have incredibly high upside in terms of DPS and HPS, but only later in the phase when we have more gear for a larger Mana Pool and are getting quicker kill times from our DPS being more geared as well. Otherwise the drawback of the reduced Spirit is not worth it imo, especially given how restrictive our healing currently is due to mana limitations. Also, I feel like Molten Armor for the 5% crit will end up being a better choice in most situations outside of really fast kills in parse groups or something like that.
I'm no expert or anything, but those are some of my thoughts off the top of my head. I hope that helps!
@@SigsPlays This helped a ton and felt way better in my last raid. Please keep making content like this cause its super helpful and interesting. :)
@@unholyshizz705 I'm glad to hear it! And thanks for the encouragement =)
I definitely plan to have some narrated boss kills and a full P3 mage guide out hopefully soon
Hey man do you have a macro for no channeling mass regen? Thanks
I do not actually have one that I use, although:
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][@player] Mass Regen
*Might* work if you press the key a second time after beginning the channel to cancel it quickly. I haven't tested that myself though. I usually just cancel the channel by casting another spell as soon as the GCD is up. There may be a better way to do what you're looking for, but I'm not sure what it is off the top of my head. Sorry that I can't be of more help.
@@SigsPlays Found the solution few hours ago thanks anyway
Gdday, what are the addons you use to see you spell casting and previous spells? Just about your cast bar and that tally type one in the middle to the left of your screen? Would love to know.
Also thoughts on this balefire bolt 9 stack thing? Doesn't seem to make sence with arcane dmg healing. And temporal orb seems to be useless as its party wide not raid wide so seems.
Edit: the cast bar about your meters (and below you raid frames) and the previous tally to the left of your raid frames
The one to the left of the cast bar is called Trufi GCD: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/trufigcd
The other the middle-left one is a part of Details!: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details-damage-meter-classic-wow
If you go to the details settings (by clicking the little cogwheel at the top of the damage window) and then go to "Broadcaster Tools" there's a setting called "Action Tracker" that you can enable.
I haven't played around with Balefire too much yet. The math works out that it can be quite powerful if used correctly, but currently I feel like the -10% Spirit is just too much of a drawback with how long these fights are and how limited our mana pools are. Later on in the tier when we have more ST gear and fights are a lot shorter due to the DPS being more geared I think that it would be fun to play around with building it up to 9 stacks for extra damage (and healing) and then hopefully defeating the boss very shortly thereafter. But currently I agree, it's not particularly useful for Arcane Healers.
I agree about Temporal Anomaly too. It's a shame because on paper it seems like such a good spell to have in our toolkit, but it just performs incredibly underwhelmingly. Perhaps if it scaled with Spell Power it could be good, but even with great placement and timing the 125 Absorb just feels so weak, especially on a 1 minute cooldown. I still run it because there really isn't much else worth running on the Helm slot currently, but it does feel like a huge let down.
@@pfizerjab2030 The Cast bar above my Meters is called Quartz: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/quartz
And the spell icons coming off of it are the Trufi GCD addon mentioned above, I just happened to put the spell anchor for it next to the cast bar. =)
Awesome tha ks I'll set that up tonight as it's a great way to track things.
Yeah 100% agree with temporal, it seem it only affects the party we are in aswell not whomever is near it sadly...I saw it pre patch thinking itl be huge like a disc priest sheild but terribly let down.
Thanks again and great vid, keep it up
whats ur thought on running chronomatic preservation as single target security for the tanks; especially in the early stages of this raiding phase with worse gear and longer fights. i feel like the raid bosses single target hit so hard and clap my tanks like 70% in one hit. whats ur opinion on that
I think that that's perfectly viable. The last time that I looked at logs there seemed to be a healthy mix of this build and the Chrono build all doing about the same HPS on the high end. I think that it really comes down to preference and group needs.
Personally I think that the whole point of taking a Healing Mage is for the extra additional DPS that they provide, because otherwise a different dedicated healing class can provide more HPS throughput at the same level of performance. For example on the first boss our Resto Druid did about 25% more HPS than me, (527 vs 426) and yet I parsed a 95 compared to his 90. That means that I performed statistically better than him (at least when comparing Mage vs Mage and Druid vs Druid) and yet he outhealed me by a large margin. So at that point why would you ever choose to take a Healing Mage when a "worse" performing Druid, Priest, or Shaman can do more HPS than them?
Well, along with my healing I also provided 216 DPS, compared to his 22 DPS, so that's where I feel the Healing Mage adds additional value. That extra DPS is definitely not nothing. It helps to speed up the encounter which in turn makes it easier to heal because you don't run the risk off all of your healers going oom at the end of a longer fight. If you're running Chrono over Spell Power then your additional DPS contribution will be way lower, without offering any more HPS as an upside.
Now, with that being said, Chrono is definitely a very nice direct heal to have. Our group has 2 Priests and our rule of thumb is to have them focus on Tank healing and triaging low health targets while the Resto Druid and I are responsible for providing AoE blanket heals on 2 groups each. If your group doesn't have the same healing profile, or if you are still finding that you just need more direct heals to get through the encounters, then I'd say that it's worth going Chrono to meet those needs.
Personally I've never really used Chrono, and I probably won't unless it pulls ahead statistically in HPS by a noticeable margin. Otherwise I feel like it kind of defeats the purpose of having a Healing Mage in the first place and it'd be better to just take a Priest or a Shaman who have better direct heals and more overall HPS to begin with. That's just my opinion, and as far as raw HPS is concerned both Mage builds seem to perform similarly and be perfectly viable, so I'd say to use whichever one you like more and suits your group's needs better.
do you use Regeneration on any of the fights in here? Or just strictly Mass regen for heals
So I used Enlightenment over Regeneration for pretty much every fight in here. I typically like Regeneration for maintaining Beacons on the Tanks, but there's a ton of AoE healing on almost every boss and it's just seemed too mana intensive to keep up with the requiring healing with my current gear without Enlightenment. With some more ST gear and a larger mana pool I may move back to using regular Regen to maintain Beacon on the tanks, and then using Mass Regen on the groups that they are *not* in to eek out a little more HPS that way.
Hi! Loving your vids, but it seems to me you're relying on shamans and druids for mana. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but I'm currently running with an ally guild with just a couple of ferals so almost each fight I run out of juice. I'm not able to spam MR as much as I would.
Any advice on mana economy? (Maybe you could please touch this topic on your incoming vid guide?)
Hi there, I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the videos! You're absolutely right, the Innervates and Shamanistic Rage / Mana Stream Totems definitely make a *huge* difference, there's no way that I could keep up this level of healing without them, and Healing Mages do have a rough time with mana efficiency on longer fights. I'll certainly try to touch on mana efficiency in some of the upcoming boss guides, but for now I can copy + paste this writeup from another comment where I was giving some pointers on the topic:
"In this fight I did get two Innervates pretty early on, and then another one right at the end. There's no way that I could have kept up this level of HPS without them at current gear levels. With more ST gear and a larger mana pool I expect this to become more manageable. As the DPS get more geared the fights should also become drastically shorter which should help a lot as well.
Currently all that we can really do is be sure to conjure all 3 available Mana Gems, and bring the best Mana Potions and Mp5 Food Buff that we can afford. Use the first one *as early as possible* without overcapping on Mana so that it comes off of cooldown as soon as possible, and continue to use one every 3 minutes on the dot. We are pretty much only getting 1 Evocate per fight anyways so when you use Evo is less important than trying to get an extra Mana Pot or Mana Gem usage over the course of the fight. The Scrolls of Minor Evocation are obviously a huge help too, but can be harder to come by. The Epic Crafted Helm from Gnomeregan is also incredibly useful for the 50% mana reduction that it provides if you can time it's buff window well.
Beyond that, I'd say that it's incredibly important to keep Arcane Blast stacks as low as possible, and to let Mass Regen casts channel for the full duration to get as much healing out of them per mana spent as possible. A rotation of 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Any Arcane Missile Procs -> 1 Mass Regen -> 1 Arcane Blast -> Spending Any Arcane Missile Procs and then repeating is probably as good as it is going to get. Part of it will come down to getting lucky with Missile Barrage and Clearcasting Procs as well. The free Missile Barrages really help to conserve mana while providing stellar throughput, with or without Arcane Blast stacks. And I will sometimes spend my Clearcasting Procs on regular max rank Arcane Missiles, even without Arcane Blast Stacks, which is much less HPS, but at least it does some healing while costing zero mana and also keeps you busy for a longer period of time before your next costly Mass Regen to conserve mana that way. There may even be something said for casting Rank 1 Arcane Missiles to clear Arcane Blast stacks, although I didn't personally do that here.
Lastly, trying to find some downtime during the fight to just wand (ideally with an Arcane Damage wand) for a few ticks of mana regen can be beneficial. It can be difficult with how much damage is going on this fight, but if your group is minimizing unnecessary damage taken from knockbacks or incorrect tank swaps and you can find some windows to do this then it can add up to a decent amount of mana over the course of the fight. Also during the intermission phases when the fire adds are coming in you can regen a bit of mana this way, since you don't want to be healing here and getting healing aggro until the tanks get control of the adds anyways.
Healing Mage is really about timing beacon ramps, and at this point in order to conserve mana being careful not to overheal is important. At the moment on this fight in particular it feels like there is constantly healing to be done with the DoTs going out on the raid, let alone the Tank damage, so ramp windows are less easily defined and it feels like we should be constantly healing. That being said, having each Healer prioritize a group or a set of players so that they aren't overhealing or heal-sniping each other can be very helpful to ensure that you are providing as much mana-efficient HPS as possible. Personally we had the Priests focus on the Tanks and providing emergency triage heals to low-health targets more than anything else, and myself and the Resto Druid were each in charge of doing blanket AoE heals on 2 groups. It's also important to try to track the DoTs that are going out on the raid and prioritize healing those players without wasting unnecessary mana beaconing targets that aren't going to need healing right away.
Like I said, with more gear and shorter fights a lot of this will become less important, and the focus will shift towards doing maximum throughput by building higher Arcane Blast stacks and clipping Mass Regen ticks to double up on the buffed damage and healing, but it is definitely too rough on mana to be worrying about that right now. Hopefully some of these tips help to do as much healing as possible without going oom for the time being."
I hope that helps for now! =)
Pleeeease need commentary. Would like to hear your thoughts on the state of arcane heals. We didnt get barely any spellpower upgrades... kind of wierd
Absolutely! I'm hoping that on this next lockout I can record some decent fights where I'm not having to raid-lead / do callouts and can focus on actually doing the healing rotation a little more correctly, and then go back and narrate over it to give a more detailed healing breakdown.
I do find the state of arcane heals pretty interesting atm. They still seem to have amazing throughput, but at least for now they seem to be struggling with Mana again like they were in Phase 1. Some more ST gear and a larger mana pool coupled with faster kill times should definitely help that some though. But everything definitely feels different with the larger group sizes too. I find myself running Enlightenment on my Chest and just spamming Mass Regen a lot more for those reasons.
The majority of healing still seems to come from Chronomantic Healing vs. the direct heals from Regen / Mass Regen, but not to the extent that it seemed to in Phase 1 / 2. A much larger % of my overall HPS is from those direct heals, I guess due to less overheal from all of the AoE damage that these bosses do. It makes me wonder if it's worth running some more +Healing gear over the traditional +Spell Power & Healing gear, but I'll probably stick with the +SP gear since I figure the whole upside and niche of a Healing Mage is that they can also provide a non-negligible amount of DPS to the group *while* also Healing. I do find myself letting Mass Regen channel for either 2 or all 3 of the ticks much more often now though, (whereas in P1 / P2 it seemed better to just break the cast as soon as the Beacons were applied and then do the actual healing with Arcane Blast / Missile Barrage), both for Mana conservation reasons as well as they extra HPS throughput that it seems to provide.
I do also think that it's cool that there's a couple viable builds that seem to perform almost identically (Chronostatic Preservation vs. Pure Hybrid DPS).
Anyways, sorry for the long rambly reply, but those are some quick thoughts that I have atm and hopefully they can hold you over until I get a chance to get some narrated vods out. =)
@SigsPlays thank you for that response. I did my first one lastnight as mage heals and it kind of feels like it's falling off compared to shamans and priests. Of course I need to get better within the raid too
@@kileNoe My pleasure! And yeah, they definitely can't match the maximum throughput of some of the other healing classes right now, but they can still pump solid HPS and do more than enough healing for the bosses in ST while also providing extra additional DPS, which is nice. A lot of it comes down to timing the Beacons and ramping up before the big damage comes out, and learning that timing just comes with practicing the bosses. That's definitely something that I have to work on too
Cheers for the vids. A phase 3 healer guide would be amazing thanks :)
I'll try to get one out soon =)
@@SigsPlays i really hope you do, i'm aspiring to play arcane but struggling so much in this raid! what is it you are using on your UI that shows what you have recently cast?
@@fytz Absolutely, I'm working on it! I'm currently compiling all of the graphics / script outline and then I'll just have to find the time to sit down and record it and edit it all together.
For the recently cast spells addons: The one to the left of the cast bar is called Trufi GCD: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/trufigcd
The other the middle-left one is a part of Details!: www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details-damage-meter-classic-wow
If you go to the details settings (by clicking the little cogwheel at the top of the damage window) and then go to "Broadcaster Tools" there's a setting called "Action Tracker" that you can enable.
I hope that helps! =)
@@SigsPlays thank you for replying!! much appreciated I love watching your gameplay!