I do have the whole video but but its on VHS and the CD I had it put on by walmart has it so I cant post the whole thing. It would let me record all of it in one video. Sorry
@@SifusteveM could you post the remaining part as another video please. I have a Goldmaster Vsat and would love to have the video. FYI here's a link to the manual www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=garrett.com/sites/default/files/pdf/2020-12/GM_Vsat_Goldmaster_en.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiVypr-g7b5AhVIBUQIHVXLDqAQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1CauIyfFen2wV24_ZS4Atf
A really awesome and helpful, old video!
Do you happen to have the rest of the video?
I do have the whole video but but its on VHS and the CD I had it put on by walmart has it so I cant post the whole thing. It would let me record all of it in one video. Sorry
@@SifusteveM could you post the remaining part as another video please. I have a Goldmaster Vsat and would love to have the video. FYI here's a link to the manual
This detector can only find gold, correct? Well, and iron.
Know it picks up all kinds of metals, but its special for gold and silver. It makes a special kind of noise for gold and silver.
It has all metal
Zip Zip :)