Plato's Cave- Deeper analysis

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2020
  • So many comments the last while have mentioned the allegory of Plato's Cave/Theatre. So I decided to upload a video based on a chapter of a book I had planned to do. {Added a key comment below about checking the new reality to be sure it is real} I discuss various ways to view the tale, connect to movies like Truman Show and Pleasantville, and give a more depiction of what "outside of the cave" really means. This might actually upset a few people but that is ok, time is getting shorter for examining our matrix reality. Good to shake up some beliefs and ideas and go looking deep while the conditions to so right now are excellent.
    The Butterflies are Free to Fly page (I don't agree with a lot of it, but his groups a the back of the cave metaphor I really liked, so wanted to give proper credit for it)
    My author page if you would like to order my books.
    My paypal if you would like to make a research donation.
    My bitchute...just in case
    My website (I don't post much there, but as a handy back up just in case)


  • @carolknoll3608
    @carolknoll3608 Рік тому +11

    Thank you, Howdie. I am now 80 and found you when I was finally ready. Have been searching for the truth all my adult life.

  • @quantumofconscience6538
    @quantumofconscience6538 3 роки тому +153

    The Matrix (movie) is also Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Neo - "Why do my eyes hurt." Morpheus - "Because you've never used them before." Cypher in the movie representing those who get angry when the man who has seen the "outside world" comes back in to tell them about it. The interesting thing about the Matrix that can possibly be applied to PL-Alleg is Neo and Morpheus are most likely (99%) STILL INSIDE the matrix. They have simply been fooled into thinking they "escaped" so they can be used and played by the master system. If this is true, then perhaps the "man who escaped" the cave is potentially "not really out," but just in a different level of the same deception.

    • @neildbarker
      @neildbarker 3 роки тому +17

      Interesting point and would be just another honey pot/next level animal farm - great way to contain those who keep rejecting the matrix 'reality.'

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +49

      Thanks Matt I TOTALLY forgot to add that part...not about the matrix but getting fooled into thinking that outside the cave is total reality but instead perhaps just another cave. I better add a full comment to this

    • @bradleylambert3284
      @bradleylambert3284 3 роки тому +17

      I know you're not a fan of Plato's cave Matt. You say "why has it carried on through the years" but the ancient world didn't have what we have, the internet etc and they valued these types of stories and myths and it's so simple it's easy to carry on.
      We are experiencing it now, the world we thought was real is not only not true but radically different from what we were told, and we try and inform those in the cave and they shout us down, just like Plato's cave.
      For me it is the perect analogy.

    • @deezerda5321
      @deezerda5321 3 роки тому +6

      I agree Matt, Neo and Morpheus are the positive/negative ends of the same pole. I have often thought that there are other bubbles/caves out there with their own multi screen theater show playing. It's kind of like the different levels of farms in Animal Farm. It has also entered my mind that one of the tricks in this reality is try and place ourselves into the middle (sweet spot) of this magnetic pole. The place where neither magnetic end has any force to pull you. As for places that have powers of influence, my mind thinks of the international timeline. Just the name itself tells me there is something to be found there. I wonder what happens when you physically cross it?

    • @eddieash1669
      @eddieash1669 3 роки тому +14

      Red pill blue pill, same as politics, magnetic poles etc. The Matrix movie tells you right from the start that the choice is the same, red or blue, same old polarity. If it was actually revealing something different, the pills would be yellow and green or grey and brown, anything but red and blue. From that point on the movie is pointless. A lie hidden in plain sight.

  • @rshank1983
    @rshank1983 3 роки тому +80

    “If you wanna be out of the cave, a death has to occur” this hit me hard. I used to be a whole ass piece of shit. Blinded by my ego. Losing my son to brain cancer changed me. Instantly. Ive been on a spiritual path ever since. 6 and a half years trying to figure this all out. Thank you so much man. Your teachings are really helping. And I really appreciate it

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +11

      Wishing you well...

    • @powellc2232
      @powellc2232 3 роки тому +11

      The death that has to occur is your own, which absolutely can be caused by the death of a loved one. Peace be with you.

    • @isthisshit4real
      @isthisshit4real 3 роки тому +5

      Yep. I lost my dad in January of 2019 and my entire world changed. I started to question EVERYTHING. I already knew about the Matrix. I wanted to know MORE. The ALL. The TRUTH. I'm not sure that ego death is possible, but I'm on a journey to find out.

    • @r0br33r
      @r0br33r 3 роки тому

      @@isthisshit4real And how old are you, "Laura"? A fully grown adult?

    • @themissing9824
      @themissing9824 3 роки тому +2

      Loss, death tends to rip the veil so we see, its very hard, but everything we love in life we lose, I'm sorry for your loss

  • @JCredible86
    @JCredible86 3 роки тому +22

    This is by far your best video. I learned a lot from your interpretation.

  • @michelecanhamfree4693
    @michelecanhamfree4693 3 роки тому +20

    It is difficult to free people from the chains they revere - Voltaire

  • @chelseachasecreative
    @chelseachasecreative 3 роки тому +14

    Thank you Howdie! I find myself retreating unto myself again. I stood up and started exploring the cave about 17 years ago...then sat back down. Stood up and walked out in May this year and I've been putting my fragmented self back together ever since. Straddling both worlds becoming easier, death will be a welcome respite. Letting my light shine as bright as it wants to continues to draw & repel others. My purpose still eludes but I have a deeper concentrated peace that I've not known before & thereby grateful to have shattered my false reality. Much love to all on this journey. We are alone but altogether as well. 💚😊🎶🔥👣🌟

  • @howdiemickoskitalks
    @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +35

    Matt below reminded me of something I forgot to say, but was in my notes. That is there is a catch to leaving the cave...that being believing it to be ultimate reality without testing it. It could just be another much larger cave system. This is like Neo when he leaves the Matrix never checks to be sure that the world of Morpheus and the Nebercanazzer and what not are real, or just another finer level of the matrix world. It is so important that I felt I better add this comment. You always have to be testing reality, every step of the way

    • @Ya_Love
      @Ya_Love 3 роки тому +1

      Great thought, Howdie :-)
      Yep, that's possible. Just like in a computer-game, where you simply reach another level within the matrix.
      Maybe that's what all this re-incarnation is about?
      Aren't we all some sort of 'avatars in the flesh' who simply are experiencing different levels of 'reality'? ...
      The good question here is, how to get off the thread-mill altogether, right?
      Do we have to go through all stages to finally being able to leave the game? ... This movie? ... This cave? ...
      I mean, maybe the door is just a door to another cave? ... another room/mansion?
      Another option would be, that after we leave our 'avatar'/body to literally deny another round in the game, correct?
      Here it would not matter either, if anyone made it through the full maze/matrix to reach 'goal', since it seems that this is an endless game where you're never told how many 'Levels' you have to go through to finally complete the last step.
      I've been saying this for a long time now, the only way out is to stop playing in this game, not having to go through all levels for that the hoax is that this game adds on levels all the time, it's endless, and in my seeing also mind-less, but only wants to extract the physical life-force-energy once we turn hue-man.

    • @eddieash1669
      @eddieash1669 3 роки тому +4

      The matrix/cave is the modern world (civilisation). Once that is revealed, you are at the start of the journey in the real world (nature). From there you have to figure out what life is about but at least you are in the correct place to begin the work.

    • @Deuce-G-RC
      @Deuce-G-RC 3 роки тому

      The cave never ends. It seems to be part of “us”.
      All is mind...and yes, many would think this to be crazy.
      I’ll “mind” my own business now. Pay no “mind” to this rhetoric! Haha
      Have a good one!

    • @isthisshit4real
      @isthisshit4real 3 роки тому

      @@Deuce-G-RC - If we are creating it, HOW are we creating it? There must be a way to figure out how to stop creating it. And if we are creating it, why are other people in power? Why don't the masses put THEMSELVES in power, or change the system? If we are creating this, why don't we have control over it?
      I have visions when I meditate. Wtf is THAT? My incredibly powerful brain creating MORE stuff to amuse me? Lol! No. I don't think so. It's WAY too complex for me to have thought it up. I've seen several different types of spirits. A couple of halls with THOUSANDS flowing through them. And one that was.... the most breathtakingly beautiful, puffy, angelic shaped light I've ever seen. I just hung my mouth open. And stared. Then the floor opened up underneath it - and it very slowly - danced. The floor had these complex geometric shapes that made the whole thing more dazzling. I have no way of thinking of or creating something that mesmerizing.
      Nope. No drugs. Just regular deep breaths.
      Are you familiar with Quantum of Conscience? His theory makes a lot more sense. There is a spiritual war going on. And this reality is generated by..... something. It is TOO perfect. Whatever is generating it is trying to push humans down to their base level, through fear, anxiety, stress, whatever way it can. To force them to lose touch with their humanity - their spark. It sucks up all that negative energy - it feeds on it. And spews out more crap.
      There is a whole lot more going on in our reality than just it being fake. The propaganda, the endless psyops, oppression, and cultural indoctrination - plus the whole metaphysical realm no one wants to get into.
      For now I'll simply say we are spirits having a human experience. We think everything is about body and mind. It's not. Mind is centered in ego, which is the most destructive force on the planet. Ego put man ABOVE nature. We are NOT above nature. We are PART of it. If we stopped thinking so damn much and started feeling, connecting, BEING - after all, we are human BEINGS - we just might survive.

    • @Deuce-G-RC
      @Deuce-G-RC 3 роки тому

      @@isthisshit4real I fully believe in your visions - I have had several clairvoyant experiences, even involving exact numbers on stocks that I once traded (most occurred just prior to “waking” up).
      The show goes beyond anything I think most of us can “see” right now, and that is intentional.
      There certainly is a “war”, as otherwise, why would we be compelled to be in the big “show” here? I love Matt/Quantum - he is a part of the show as well, though, just as you and I are (in this moment even).
      I replied to you a few moments ago in the other thread. These are difficult things to communicate via text and even speech. Hopefully it clarifies some thought.
      I have a few things I’d like you to read and contemplate which resonated deeply with me, and made sense of many things:
      I know they are longer reads, but to me they were well worth it - entertaining even. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
      Much love!

  • @BigfootTheaterBross
    @BigfootTheaterBross 3 роки тому +7

    I love this. It's truth. I've tried discussing Plato's Cave with friends this year who believe CNN/MSNBC/Fox is real news and they have responded with either anger or blank fluoride stares and a request to change the subject. Keep doing what you're doing!!

    • @taketheredpill1452
      @taketheredpill1452 Рік тому +1

      I have not the ability or desire to keep people like that in my life.

    • @lemonpickl
      @lemonpickl Рік тому

      Which book should I read as a starting point to this. Is there a book describing Plato's cave & where can I get it.

    • @dragonwarrior365
      @dragonwarrior365 3 місяці тому +1

      @@lemonpicklRepublic Socrates and howdie mckowski exit the cave

  • @angelnguyen1777
    @angelnguyen1777 3 роки тому +8

    Howdie! I recently just discovered you, but your videos give me goosebumps constantly while listening. I resonate so much with your work please continue to make this type of material

  • @kappalicious4207
    @kappalicious4207 3 роки тому +7

    I’ve listened to this 5 times already and I can’t say I won’t do it again. Well structured and intelligently presented material and personal take. Absolutely brilliant! Also, it doesn’t hurt that your voice is pleasant to listen to. Cheers friend

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +5

      Thanks for saying this. I waited a long time to make it as I was not sure how it would be received. Comments like yours remind me that I made the correct choice.

    • @taketheredpill1452
      @taketheredpill1452 Рік тому +1

      @@kappalicious4207 I don't think he was doubting himself, he was doubting his audience.

    • @kappalicious4207
      @kappalicious4207 Рік тому

      @@taketheredpill1452 I think you’re right. It’s been 2 years already since posting this.. time flies

  • @laureylynn
    @laureylynn 3 роки тому +9

    Viewing this vid was an experience that touches. My friend went willingly to death. I always knew he would because he talked about it throughout the years, suicide, and then he did its. He was always an adventurer and he extremely left me.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +4

      This becomes a trick point. If you want me to answer this for you I would in an email not here...

    • @dragonwarrior365
      @dragonwarrior365 3 місяці тому

      @@howdiemickoskitalksI’d be interested please on this same pov? I’ll email if necessary

  • @gochubattamugga
    @gochubattamugga 3 роки тому +11

    "The Thirteenth Floor" alternate ending has an interesting take on realizing the reality. The main character 'wakes' up in a sepulcher/tomb/cave like area, screams for help, bangs on the wall and finally decides to sit down to laugh/sob while a door opens and sees a silhouette walking closer to him and its the character he fell in love with in his former Matrix. He asks "Where am I?" She repies "Ill show you." A window opens with a bright light and you can hear waves and birds. At first his expression is that of relief and happiness and within seconds as the movie is about to end turns to a more somber, concerned and potentially sad state of being feeling as if he had been hoodwinked into another potential Matrix. This ending is so much better than the theatrical version. Much more emotional and fits the movie.

    • @mizelle4096
      @mizelle4096 3 роки тому +1

      Yes , It’s extremely likely that we’re just in a level of the matrix. And I have made peace with that. However I want out of this level because it sucks bad. I think that the levels we get to after this one should get progressively less terrible, hopefully more enjoyable and the way life is supposed to be in the matrix reality machine, the way when we built it it ran.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +7

      The 13th floor is another real good movie. Also lots in there. And yes I agree the alterante ending is way better

    • @MindFlowersDotNet
      @MindFlowersDotNet 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you for reminding me of the movie! I’ve not seen the alternate ending and will do so.
      I also enjoy Snowpiercer: the protagonist doesn’t win, doesn’t die, they transform into a new form (polar bear) to live in an entirely new world: to face yet another adventure.

  • @thejuicytruth3527
    @thejuicytruth3527 3 роки тому +11

    "It's All An Illusion"
    I have a saying about the world being an illusion, “ If you think this world is an illusion put your hand in a door jam and let me slam it. ” I say that because often those who have looked into the more ethereal qualities of existence often tend to explain the world as if that’s “ How it REALLY is ”. That because there is dreamlike or holographic quality that few can see or experience then by default the nature of reality is “ That way ”.
    Howdie and Matt both say this often... “ It’s NOT REAL , IT’s NOT REAL !” Or “ We live in a dream, a hologram , matrix of illusion. ” I find this expression to be inaccurate. Not wrong, just inaccurate. We exist in a paradox. That is very clear to my own experience. In that paradox the world is both a physical reality and and an ethereal one.
    “ Form is emptiness , emptiness is form. ” They are both present at the same time. This world is not ONLY an illusion, it’s real as well. By real I mean it has form and karma (cause and effect). Cut me with a knife I bleed. Murder my dog in front of me I agonize. Tell me you love me and kiss my cheek I bloom in satisfaction. There is no reason why any of these experiences should be considered an illusion. The illusion is thinking that it’s ALL THERE IS. But the dream like quality of this realm is just the other side of the physical world we exist in.
    “ If you see the Buddha kill the Buddha.” If you have figured it out you are in illusion. As long as we are talking and sharing experience we are in the paradox. We can point to one side or the other in accordance with what is most important to our experience. For instance if your dog dies it is more important to dig a grave and grieve your loss than to walk out the door and meditate for 3 years. Of course you never know for sure but I’m speaking generally to most humans experience.
    When we use the words surreal, or ethereal the word REAL is still involved in the definition of what is unreal. Everybody wants and answer, everybody wants an “out” to this quandary of existence. Of life and death. There is an answer but it is a non answer. The non answer is both are always dancing all the time. There is a reality AND there is an illusion. To be truthful is to honor both “sides” at all times. You may need to focus on one more than the other at any given moment but while we are here both are always inherently present in this realm of existence. It takes practice to get more comfortable with that. Blessings on the path.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +6

      None of that proves reality or truth, only proves an experience. You first must prove if the experiencer is real or not...that is what no one does, they try to test the dream objects not the validity of the one having the experience

    • @emmanouilachladiotis5272
      @emmanouilachladiotis5272 5 місяців тому

      The illusion is the story/ the lie that is fabricated by those in the highest power and its not about a door hitting your arm and that it could hurt and its not an illusion 😂 the illusion is a reality fabricated by them. Its THEIR reality we live in and not our own reality

  • @krisjohnson247
    @krisjohnson247 3 роки тому +4

    Great Talk Howdie. I am grateful that you are willing and able to share your thoughts. Its good stuff.

  • @999NINE99
    @999NINE99 3 роки тому +4

    "You will only be able to end a dream if it turns into a nightmare." That's hilarious. I would add that boredom can also be the nightmare. It doesn't have to be the Iron Maiden. You can also awaken and adjust the dream. Again, it doesn't have to be so violent, it can be a subtle awakening.

  • @ChDSage23
    @ChDSage23 2 роки тому +2

    My soul was fluttering with every second of this video. Just want to share something. This video was reccomended to me by a sweet lady I met couple days ago. I've talked about most of these things (metaphores and thoughts from this video) from my point of view, my direct experience with her. Spent a few days with her afterwards (which felt like a little bit of heaven on Earth), totally unexpectedly. I have fell in love with her (Just haven't told her yet :)). Few hours after we depart she sends me this. And I'm honestly lost for words... Brilliantly put together, coherent, thoughtful video. Saving this for our potential future kiddos :D. Wish You All Good Luck in Your Journeys.

  • @enicholas5
    @enicholas5 3 роки тому +3

    Funny how we find these things at the time we really need them. Thanks for this. Sometimes I just want to stop looking. Information overload. There’s endless corridors in this maze. We all have to be patient and just continue on the path. It’s the reason we’re here.

  • @JaneLancaster
    @JaneLancaster 3 роки тому +3

    This video was perfect timing for me. Just what I needed to hear... and quite brilliant.

  • @glennclark7472
    @glennclark7472 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks howdie..I took a suggestion from you and started listening while riding a scooter in remote nature only backroad in VA. An occasional farm but otherwise no people,cars.just raw nature..a few hours of that and I'm truely relaxed..and adding your soothing narrations adds to that.thanks

  • @CameTo
    @CameTo 3 роки тому +4

    Thanks for all your efforts and sharing your knowledge and experiences. I stumbled into your channel a week or so ago, glad it was recommended into my feed. Please keep going, you're very legit

  • @fishfire_2999
    @fishfire_2999 3 роки тому +3

    I feel like if it takes me 10yrs to understand 50% of this, it will be time well spent .

  • @lolasaint7370
    @lolasaint7370 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for explaining and bringing forte this allegory ! It is a mind-expanding experience to listen to you ..I feel blessed to come across your work !!

  • @rossashtonmusic9542
    @rossashtonmusic9542 3 роки тому +3

    This is great! Really appreciate your approach and breadth. I liked the ladder analogy. Right at the end I was reminded of CS Lewis’ “The Great Divorce.” Well worth a read if you don’t yet know it. Thank you!

  • @carlissaful
    @carlissaful Рік тому

    My favourite channel on YT for sure ... So many of the questions I have and had are being answered here by your amazing work. Once I thought I was the only one having these questions and looking at this loop with different eyes, but now I know that I'm not the only one, thank you.

  • @evolutionangel1
    @evolutionangel1 3 роки тому +3

    Fascinating. I hope you will do more on this topic. Thanks.

  • @two-moonz2953
    @two-moonz2953 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Howdie, from a fellow philosopher who first stood up in the cave 42 years ago.

  • @RestoringReality
    @RestoringReality 2 роки тому +2

    I wanna see what you saw when you stepped outside of the cave. Fantastic post my friend! My wife adn I listened together. We must have stopped it to discuss what you were sharing several dozen times. I lost track of how many hours it took us to get through this hour long video but needless to say, it didn't happen in one sitting. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  2 роки тому +2

      You are more than welcome. Thanks for the message...its not so much what I 'saw" as what "I felt" at that moment...which was in a sense that this reality was not much real at all, and this other, lets call it area or direction, has a realness that is almost foreign to the world we have come to know

  • @lesleycarol4038
    @lesleycarol4038 3 роки тому +12

    I was seriously ill as a very young child and should have lost my life. I believe that not only is our society run on a predetermined script, but also each individuals life also follows a script. The individuals script I feel stops at the point were that individual should have died. For me this was at age four. I have also felt outside of the group think and noticed some absurdities with reality at a very young age, which my mother did her best to explain away. Only recently have I started to hear more people questioning the things I have pondered for years.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +5

      That is an interesting theory, scripts stop at points "we should have died." I am goig to giv that some thought

    • @kxlot79
      @kxlot79 3 роки тому +4

      I have experienced this too.
      I call it, “Living on Seemingly Unlimited Borrowed Time.”

    • @loriherrington2817
      @loriherrington2817 2 роки тому +3

      This is an interesting theory---"that an individual's script stops at the point where that individual should have died." I too almost lost my life at age 5 by drowning and have experienced what you mention----my addition would be the scripted 'movie' that played every minuscule scene of my 5 years. My final thought (before my father yanked me up from the ocean floor) was, "well that was fast!"

  • @MahaNaimNYC
    @MahaNaimNYC 3 роки тому

    This was a masterpiece ! I haven never heard such a full rounded view of what's going on, the different factions, the dream we are in, including my suspicion that there must be an actual physical place to walk out of this reality, I am so glad I came across your channel, it was timely too, as I have felt I was stagnant and it was time for a further dive into reality/illusion. Thank you for being the guide.

  • @carlosposada3176
    @carlosposada3176 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you.
    Heard your testimony through Crow.
    Your truth resonates with me.
    It moved me to a new paradigm shift and trust me I’m a very stubborn being . I commend you on your Infinite wisdom during this time of so called Uncertainty . You are connecting at a level for those to hear and eyes to see. See you on the other side my friend.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому

      Thanks Carlos...good luck with your journey through Plato's Cave

  • @ronichance2856
    @ronichance2856 2 місяці тому

    I'm very grateful that I found you and I'm getting ready to grab my clipboard and notebook and re-watch this and start taking notes so that I have it on paper in ink. Thank you, thank you, thank you ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

  • @rachel_v_k
    @rachel_v_k 2 роки тому

    Thank you, Howdie. I got a lot from this. As I listened, I understood some things in a different way.
    I want to be "awake," but I don't know if I am. And if not, I don't know how to find that exit door.
    I appreciate your videos because you speak to us, your viewers, as mature adults. There is none of the dumbing down which is so prevalent on UTube or other platforms. This is one of the reasons why I have stopped watching so many channels. I appreciate this very much. In brief, I had been treated like a child by people who expected me to act like an adult. It really messed me up. I had to first realize that I needed to make changes in my life and way of thinking to break out of that unhealthy cycle, before I even started to put it into practice. It's like I was taking myself apart and putting myself back together, which I'm still doing. Who I thought I was had been only a reflection of what others wanted me to be, at which I was failing miserably. Was I the failure and loser I believed myself to be, and I still believe, to a degree? I had to prove to myself, with great trepidation, that I was not that. I had to stop being the "traumatized one" who was afraid of asking for help which I needed, but I didn't need. (If that makes any sense.)
    I hope you see this, even though it's on an older video. I want to let you know that I very much appreciate your videos.
    When Moses asked God to see Him, God said that no man could see Him and live. God is the Creator, the Source.
    Thank you.

  • @jaybean2436
    @jaybean2436 3 роки тому

    Wow, this is fantastic.I'm so happy I found this channel.

  • @futuresight6005
    @futuresight6005 3 роки тому +3

    This is a really great video!..your channel has helped me grow as a person..Im so glad i came here..Thank you!

  • @4cormacos
    @4cormacos 3 роки тому +1

    Absolutely brilliant. I'm going to use this to describe this realm. It makes so much sense. Thanks howdie.

  • @xavierlongfield6815
    @xavierlongfield6815 3 роки тому +1

    Thankyou! really helpful information to hear in a very tough moment in my life.

  • @SEP7EMBER10
    @SEP7EMBER10 3 роки тому +1

    This Channel is Outstanding!!

  • @Janis364
    @Janis364 4 місяці тому

    Thank you for restoring my hope. The last 11 years I've been immersed in spiritual warfare and was losing the battle. I felt disconnected to Source and completely alone like never before in this life. It helps to know the connection is still there, I just need to figure out how to re-connect.

  • @jonathanbuyno9461
    @jonathanbuyno9461 10 місяців тому

    Thanks for your videos Howdie. I enjoy listening to them and thinking about what you say-resonates.

  • @klaraantal6738
    @klaraantal6738 Рік тому +1

    Every word you are saying has weight, meaning and significance to it!
    You gave me more clarity and more understanding and more realization about the Matrix /or Cave/ reality than the most material or speaker that I have been come across before!!!!
    And I am forever grateful to you for that!!! thank you!
    And yes, whoever is attempting to raise awarenessand and trying to elevate the consciousness of humans has been tried to be silanced throughtout history!

  • @phillipspackman
    @phillipspackman 3 роки тому +1

    Once you pass a point and no longer desire acceptance it is impossible to sit down.

  • @slipknot1.618
    @slipknot1.618 3 роки тому

    This is absolutely brilliant, great advice, THANK YOU

  • @torerasmussen4282
    @torerasmussen4282 Рік тому

    Thanks to you Howdie and Matt, and your fantastic research I have grown personally in ways I could only dream of at the time when this movie was posted, and many years before that as well.
    Thank you again for all the INNsight.
    God Bless you guys 🙏

  • @JohnAdams-rm7zm
    @JohnAdams-rm7zm 2 роки тому

    Very well explained and of course it’s just what I needed at this time 💥

  • @jasonlawrence9733
    @jasonlawrence9733 3 роки тому

    Profound information. Really appreciate you sharing this.

  • @avst9795
    @avst9795 3 роки тому +6

    It's the story of Jesus. He showed us the way to escape, only for those with eyes to see.

  • @rebelspirit22
    @rebelspirit22 2 роки тому

    I'm shur I ran across your channel at just the right time for me thanks for sharing I'm getting closer every day 😘

  • @rosephillips7417
    @rosephillips7417 3 роки тому +3

    Wonderfully helpful. Still feel like one of the little people but that’s okay I’m learning

  • @04111963Q
    @04111963Q Рік тому

    Love your videos Howdie. There have been a NUMBER of movies, TV shows, etc that drop truth bombs. I love your analysis of many of them (Lost, Donnie Darko, EWS, etc). One show I find surprising is South Park. They spill a lot of truth in their episodes. Season 18 Ep 7 - Grounded Vindaloop - explores "the dream" (our current reality) vis a vis reality vs virtual reality. As you know, comedy is an excellent way to explore topics people are hesitant to discuss or even accept. I encourage you to watch this episode as well as the rest of the series. Truths are being presented/discussed more than some might know. Keep up the great work Howdie!❤

  • @alex1701waller
    @alex1701waller 2 роки тому

    New subscriber. Love your content so far 👊

  • @dickchampagne4358
    @dickchampagne4358 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks Howie, this was one of my favorite videos from you. I also really enjoy anything on the Worlds Fairs that topic is fascinating to me. Much Love and Thanks

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +1

      Doing one on San Francisco in a week or so

    • @dickchampagne4358
      @dickchampagne4358 3 роки тому

      @@howdiemickoskitalks 👍🏼awesome! Can’t wait

    • @imjustaguy8232
      @imjustaguy8232 3 роки тому

      @@howdiemickoskitalks i get chills listening to the Ren le Château videos. Its almost like something is watching me and making me feel like I shouldn't know the mystery.. idk its a very peculiar eerie feeling.. I don't know why but it only happens on those videos. Do you have any idea of why that would happen?

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому

      @@imjustaguy8232 I do know that the story has many elements to it. Part of the story I think is truth and freedom (so the egoic part of us would be afraid of that aspect) while another area of the story I think is quite dark and dangerous (so a more wise part might be warning us about that). I can go through a lot of conflicting emotions every time I make one of these...but I think that is important that when we get to the end of the series something very important for us is going to be revealed.

  • @spatelier
    @spatelier 3 роки тому

    I thoroughly enjoyed this presentation from the comfort of my super luxurious cell. Thank you.

  • @abigailj.offenburger2747
    @abigailj.offenburger2747 7 місяців тому

    Thank you!!! First time watching you and I love it! Viva Exodus of of the Cave!

  • @richardsantomauro6947
    @richardsantomauro6947 Рік тому

    I love how this guy casually suggests improvements to Plato’s allegory. 😂

  • @fattyheadness
    @fattyheadness 3 роки тому

    I love your work. I’m addicted! Thank you so much. Quick tip though, if you move your mic down your shirt a couple buttons, it will remove the throat swallowing sounds that are a little bit distracting. Thanks again for your great work.

  • @suzigemini
    @suzigemini 3 роки тому +1

    You've got my attention. I feel sad that you get anger from people. Keep teaching. You have the education most of us did not get...but because I didn't it is easier to see the Truth with Intuition. ❤️

  • @taketheredpill1452
    @taketheredpill1452 Рік тому

    This is the highest level video I've yet seen. I'm still in the cave. I know about the soul trap and have been preparing to leave for a while now. Thanks

  • @hunabku4508
    @hunabku4508 3 роки тому +12

    Remember - there is only one of us here ;)

    • @thesilenthunter4908
      @thesilenthunter4908 3 роки тому

      In the words of Duncan McLeod from the Highlander Whatever.....
      "There can be only one"

    • @thesilenthunter4908
      @thesilenthunter4908 3 роки тому +1

      ....... & Thanks imaginary friend/other personality of my "god🚢" for

    • @michelecanhamfree4693
      @michelecanhamfree4693 3 роки тому +1

      @@thesilenthunter4908 NIN perfect

  • @lisathomas634
    @lisathomas634 3 роки тому

    Mind blower! Thank-You

  • @michaelrainey6243
    @michaelrainey6243 Рік тому +1

    This is really amazing to find someone who has actually experienced what is called 'illumination', if that is the same thing. There have also been many poets who are said to have accomplished this, for example here is a statement from Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809 to 1892):
    "A kind of waking trance I have frequently had, quite up from boyhood, when I have been all alone. This has generally come upon me through repeating my own name two or three times to myself, silently, till all at once, as it were, out of the intensity of the consciousness of individuality, the individuality itself seemed to fade away into boundless being, and this not a confused state, but the clearest of the clearest, the surest of the surest, utterly beyond words, where death was almost a laughable impossibility, the loss of personality (if so it were) seeming no extinction but the only true life… I am ashamed of my feeble description. Have I not said that the state is beyond words?"

  • @LauraLeaLeaIAm
    @LauraLeaLeaIAm 3 роки тому +2

    Love the healing video idea...💚💜🙏

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks, but I am concerned a number of healers out there might get upset from it, so I have been holding back on it for the last few weeks

    • @JaneLancaster
      @JaneLancaster 3 роки тому

      Howdie Mickoski Talks please do it!

  • @Norannmcguire
    @Norannmcguire 3 роки тому +4

    The cave hides the stars 🌟 yet the stars are trapped in the cave

  • @Javiceeme2
    @Javiceeme2 3 роки тому +2

    If you ever get a chance I would like to see a breakdown of the movie Jacob's Ladder

  • @bigsky3883
    @bigsky3883 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you

  • @stephensonhomemovies
    @stephensonhomemovies 2 роки тому

    This was amazing

  • @ordman3351
    @ordman3351 2 роки тому

    Thank you ❤️ hope you are well

  • @drakeeblis
    @drakeeblis 3 роки тому +3

    Another great video!
    I would just like to say, almost everyone knows of Socrates and Plato, but almost no one ever talks about Plotinus... I think he was the best of all the ancient philosophers... Just my opinion.

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому

      Right...him, interesting dude. I should do a video just on some of what he was writing.

    • @drakeeblis
      @drakeeblis 3 роки тому

      @@howdiemickoskitalks if you do a show about Plotinus, I think the translation is done by Thomas Taylor were the best, out of the many different translations that have been done...

    • @drakeeblis
      @drakeeblis 3 роки тому +1

      @@howdiemickoskitalks here are some books you might find interesting...

  • @the51project
    @the51project 3 роки тому +9

    By 2025, a new type of gviedelverp will be available. You will not need to use the usual tipeltap to use the gviedelverp, even if you use a straddel or a foxelneep for your neidelverpen.

  • @Ya_Love
    @Ya_Love 3 роки тому +3

    Excellent! ... and Thank you. :-)
    Holes - The skylights/sun/moon/stars.
    The bubble as we know it with the blue sky, it makes me wonder, if we're not already living by 'Project Blue Beam'? ... ;-)
    The 'red door' that says 'D-ANGER'! .... decondition your anger? ... or D-rop the ANCHOR?
    If you go through that door the movie is over and who ever built this 'air-bubble' will not be able to feed off the human e-motional stream anymore.
    As it seems, the builder feeds of negative energy in this human energy extraction matrix.
    People in the back, those different groups.
    Although they are gaining an over-view of all of it they are still not free, nor are they outside of the theater.
    They simple are looking at it from a different angle as they have stepped into a differentiated mental realm of seeing/seeding things.
    It's still a feed-back loop for that these people merely process the same 'gooo' in a diverse manner than the others.
    Those who wish to change their feelings about the movie by literally working on eradicating negative e-motions are those who are promoting the 'New Age Spirituality' type of B$. (Money-making system!)
    Why do I call it 'B$'?
    ... It's because they are desensitizing their emotional intelligence into obedience to the movie without diversifying what is going on inside of them anymore as for what is an emotional intelligence-detector when something has a certain type of feeling-frequency.
    They are literally training themselves to no longer feel what is natural for a human being.
    ... and they still aren't escaping the movie either.
    So here the movie works as a training-program while the effect is to 'de-humanize' those beings.
    When a human being feels 'negativity' it's a sign that something is in dissonance with the natural self.
    It's also a sign that one should distance themselves from what makes them feel ill and brings this type of pain-stalking discomfort so to protect ones health and life.
    Those who want to get to the core of it all so to find the source of the horror movie for turning it off, yes, those are the one who could actually free humanity from this trip, you know.
    The other question is, what happens to those who want to keep on seeing the movie, because they are actually enjoying it? Why wake the sleeping sheep, when they don't want to be woken?
    Does anyone have any right to temper with their free will? .... I'd say 'No'!
    Wouldn't it therefore be better to simply leave the theater? ...
    I mean, those who want to get out have an intrinsic right to leave the theater and it would be most fair to say that they should inform others who want to leave as well, once they know the way out.
    Anyone who wants to leave the theater could then exit as well.
    The rest can stay, or leave when ever they like. After all they now know where 'the door' is.
    This way it's not tempered with anyone's freedom of choice to decide for oneself.
    Religions are Gate-Keepers!
    They don't want the sheeple to leave the theater, because it's the church's energy supply since they are even claiming themselves that they are here to make the connection between humans and 'god' (whatever they claim 'their god' is), and that only they know supposedly, and only they want to be the keepers, and therefore the right granted to manipulate the minds of mankind, of course for their personal egotistic gain which destroys lives in the first place, and that is why 'the cave' was created in the first place.
    The trick here is to hold human beings in beLIEf, accepting information that can not ever be proven or fact-checked in regards to its content of truth.
    They wrote the script eons ago, then playing it out over many centuries while the sheep thinks that someone performed a miracle, just because what was written 'in the book' has manifest thereafter.
    The sheep thinks of it as a present when in fact it is all pre-sent! ;-)
    What the gooneys are doing is black magic!
    ... nothing more, nothing less, and it's a set of mind-f@ck! ;-)
    The church's statement that the only way out is through the physical death, in my assumption that's bogus for that it's 'Them' who don't want people to leave, but to keep sticking around as long as possible where it's even them who control people's death through Big Pharma, the Cancer-Industry, anything that brings them more human life-force-energy traded (traitor!) into their monetary bills while hardly anyone dies of a 'natural death' these days anymore.
    As they live off our physical bodies, riding our backs, and the energy/those frequencies that run through our bodily vehicles is their main interest, if not their only interest so to control it all! :-(
    So here they create the narrative of the 'fear of death'.
    Also, 'to die', to simply changing our hue, i.e. 'colors'. ;-)
    Thank you Howdie for sharing this. I am very much resonating with what you're explaining here.
    Now, I have not been able yet to see out-side of the cave, but I'd love to. :-)
    Also, how could anyone make an honest decision for their life, if they are never given the option to choose for themselves whether they want to be stuck in the movie, or if they would like to leave the cave/theater?
    I feel that it is right here were things must change!
    What are these gooneys scared of anyways?
    There will be enough people left who don't even want to leave the theater, you know.
    Those who are sick and tired of all the B$ won't be great for 'energy harvesting' anyways for that we are vehemently looking to expose this system for what it really is.
    The gooneys are stupid to keep us around by force for that it's us who will make their 'house of cards' drop to the ground, turning it 'Zero', and they should simply get out of the way so we have access to this door into free-dom(e), you know. ;-)
    If they 'kill us off' they are guilty of taking lives that aren't theirs, which will have dire consequences for them, and they know it!
    It is clear that this is why they are using other 'cave-members' to kill those off who may get uncomfortable to their up-keeping of the illusion/matrix/maya, this so called 'wool' they've pulled over our eyes.
    Ok. I have an intended question for you and everyone else here who would like to take it in, and possibly comment.
    When in the theater, or even outside of the theater, experiencing through the physical body, and for mind's sake, ponder this!
    'Who is watching?!' ;-)

    • @fishfire_2999
      @fishfire_2999 3 роки тому +1

      I just keep thinking Mario stuck in the box .Money makes him dance.

    • @Ya_Love
      @Ya_Love 3 роки тому +1

      @@fishfire_2999 - funny! I thought of Super Mario, too. ... All those games literally show you how in this matrix of control, how they manipulate our life-force for the exchange of oppression, or they won't fill-up no more. ....
      I'm literally at the Exit-Door, yet I have not found the key yet to unlock it. I hope I'll make it through within this life-time! :-)

    • @pennywollett3953
      @pennywollett3953 3 роки тому

      The watchers silly

    • @Ya_Love
      @Ya_Love 3 роки тому

      @@pennywollett3953 - That's not so silly at all ;-) Correct, and they are seeing through the eyes of man for that seeing isn't only what any individual human being perceives for the self, but it's recorded by the Archons, stored in the Archaic Records and they are using our human eyes as recording-devices, while at the same time determining how an individual human being sees and also how one sees what is seen. It's called 'perspective'.
      So in this sense, one could ask how far does 'free will of choice' really go?
      There are boundaries due to the physical body as a bio-form-construct while our perceived 'free will' meets its limit here.

    • @pennywollett3953
      @pennywollett3953 3 роки тому

      @@Ya_Love the watchers are the fallen angels that brought destruction to mankind. Still are today.

  • @IamNauk
    @IamNauk 3 роки тому +4

    I wonder how Platós cave relates to the birth canal.

  • @monkeyrilla
    @monkeyrilla Рік тому

    Very well said!

  • @cjstarmonkey73
    @cjstarmonkey73 3 роки тому

    Opening of the Way by Isha has some nice straightforward visits to the CAVE. Simple

  • @chriss5889
    @chriss5889 2 роки тому

    Mind blown! 💥

  • @taketheredpill1452
    @taketheredpill1452 Рік тому

    The part about only being able to talk to people 1 level above or below is a huge validating in releasing that burden to help\awake others who just aren't ready. That topic in general, not waking the asleep, is a big part of this video and I'm eating it up.

  • @consider_the_alternative
    @consider_the_alternative 3 роки тому +1

    Wow I had shackled myself into believing no matter what is on the screen, it’s perfect and unable to alter. As in “god’s creation”. When you said you’ve seen it change, a new light bulb lit up. I’ve read several Castaneda books including the power of silence. The assemblage point***💡💡💡Piecing all of it together feels like the goal or at least necessary to get to the goal. Thank you very much for this video.

  • @diligencehumility6971
    @diligencehumility6971 Рік тому

    This theory makes so much sense and explains so much, it's really scary. It resonates so much with me. I know deep down, at least some parts of this explanation is true, I just know it. I know there is more, and I know it's intentionally hidden from me.

  • @Norannmcguire
    @Norannmcguire 3 роки тому +1

    Made so much sense thank you my daughter heard it also she is wise

  • @themissing9824
    @themissing9824 3 роки тому

    Did you make this video for me, last night talking with a fellow OTHER, I made a statement that maybe when we finally understand life that's when we die or leave, she said you gotta check out your channel so im here, I got stuck in conspiracy camp for a long time, but left that camp, been traveling looking for something but didn't know what, this is my missing piece, hopefully I can learn and add to my new group, to find the others

  • @neilgillmore
    @neilgillmore Рік тому


  • @blakemckibben7339
    @blakemckibben7339 2 роки тому

    Great video.

  • @cedarraine7829
    @cedarraine7829 2 місяці тому

    It’s a lot like the new sphere arena in Las Vegas. It’s a 360 half dome with video inside the full dome.

  • @azza-in_this_day_and_age
    @azza-in_this_day_and_age 2 роки тому

    i wonder whats behind the seemingly universal behaviors between people who have often never met and likewise never experienced the same 'realities', such that most never stand up as you call it, and most of those sit back down, and most never go through the door?

  • @bulkhungry
    @bulkhungry 3 роки тому

    The big black pyramid in Lust Vagus is the only pyramid I've been in .
    Worked there a couple hours a week for more than a year ... 2016-ish .
    I hated going there , it felt like the walls were closing in .
    The air of anxiety and heaviness was thick and almost physically tangible .
    Felt like leaving prison every time I left .
    Dig the talks Howdie .

    • @howdiemickoskitalks
      @howdiemickoskitalks  3 роки тому

      Well that is not a real pyramid but a modern fairy tale version of one. Pyramids are built by ancients, in stone, with perfect geometry, harmonics and energy in tact. Make no judgements until you have been inside a real one.

  • @YouDonteverhavetodie
    @YouDonteverhavetodie 2 роки тому

    They told me the movie would only last for 2 hours tops. So i thought why not.

  • @jennifermcclean1308
    @jennifermcclean1308 3 роки тому +1

    I found that was a fundamental problem...that no one ever checks their own shit... And discovered from listening to a rabbi that this was actually the original sin,,. "It's really that guys fault." Which is intetesting whrn you consider that what I found the source of the problem/solution was myself..

  • @didanz100
    @didanz100 2 роки тому +1

    I’m trying to understand why I am wake and most others are not. I have been subjected to the same shadows. Even all in my family are not awake. I’m referring to what’s happening around the world in 2021/22

  • @blksabth45
    @blksabth45 3 роки тому

    That was stirring

  • @jonathanpaulgillette8177
    @jonathanpaulgillette8177 10 місяців тому

    Thank You.

  • @23Josilee
    @23Josilee Рік тому

    Thank you.

  • @Fay-io7jn
    @Fay-io7jn 3 місяці тому

    lot's to think about ~ 👍

  • @mundus3
    @mundus3 Рік тому +1

    Love your work man. Where in Norway are you? I'm in Tromsø. You should tlak to James True

  • @gman100
    @gman100 2 роки тому

    Also in concert with those getting out of their respective seats in the cave are those that reject the idea of leaving the seat, they argue against it and plot against those that rise from the "seating". These are the ones that sometimes make it most difficult to initially even make the decision to rise up and they tend to be comprised of those closest to us. I sometimes find myself rejecting the idea that there are only different levels to this "reality of control", the influencers don't need to do much really in the way of keeping most of us seated, we'll fight to keep those comfortable positions. So, with that in mind, different levels of control wouldn't really be needed, I don't believe reality itself plots against us, it is only the medium from which we can manipulate reality using our own innate creative abilities. In other words, I believe we create that in which we exist, good or bad, the influencers know this (always have) and use technology (media) in order to influence us collectively to create a system of self immolation of sorts, where we've become our own worst enemies in a sense. But, in contrast, we can rise up despite it all and move into a reality, alone or collectively that is beneficial and nurturing. I don't believe reality itself is against us.

  • @osvaldovaldes10009
    @osvaldovaldes10009 Рік тому

    Pretty brilliant…!

  • @debbiesdbest
    @debbiesdbest 2 роки тому

    Fascinating, now do Dante's Devine Commedy 🙏 please and thank you

  • @jasonuren3479
    @jasonuren3479 3 роки тому

    I always thought one aspect of the allegory was somewhat similar to Bentham's panopticon but in reverse.

  • @fishfire_2999
    @fishfire_2999 3 роки тому

    Guess i might be getting hungry, towards the end, every time he says layers, i am reminded of a video lady making homemade biscuits yesterday, she would fold the dow over on it self again and again causing the finished biscuits to have layers .Still all part of the same biscuit 🍪

  • @Lioness_of_Gaia
    @Lioness_of_Gaia 2 роки тому

    Thank you! (:

  • @walkerbear1785
    @walkerbear1785 3 роки тому +1

    I'm struggling to focus on this one, I'm 10 minutes in, but I'm pushing thru

  • @Norannmcguire
    @Norannmcguire 3 роки тому +1

    Death changes the play

  • @pennywollett3953
    @pennywollett3953 3 роки тому +1

    We are spiritual beings in a material body. My body died, flat lined in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. My conscience went to a beautiful place where everyone I loved was there living in harmony with all creatures. No money was need and food was for enjoyment only the buildings were crystal like, beautiful beyond words. I loved it so much there and wanted to stay but I was told I had to return for my daughter's sake by a male voice. Next thing I knew I was in the ambulance looking out the window at my daughter driving behind us to the hospital. The ambulance driver was saying I need you to breathe now ma'am. My lawyer read the hospital transcripts after I told him this story and he confirmed that endeed I had died.
    So death holds no fear for me because I have already seen the other side and it is heaven.