DAWN OF THE EMPIRE (A Star Wars prequel fanedit) revision
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Edits are listed below disclaimer..
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Wars. All rights go to to the Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilms Ltd. I do not claim ownership of any part of this film or any of the material used. This is a fan production/edit, is not monetized and as such, it falls under the principle of fair use. All trademarked and copyrighted licences are property of their respective owners. Fanedit is only legally viewed by those who own the source material (original films) and is not to be distributed for profit or other personal gain.
This is a fan-production and is not for profit or commercial use or monetized in any way. All trademarked and copyrighted licenses are property of their respective owners, especially the Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilms Ltd.
EDITS: (minus things that are just rearranged or omitted as 5 hours of movies are cut here). Revision. Removed error with a double scene, new edit Geonosis. Changed romance/song scene a bit. Cleaned up many transitions.
THE PHANTOM MENACE: Short line from Obi-Wan from Episode 4 (as this should be viewed in Machete Order and after Vader claims he is Luke's father) about the old republic before custom opening crawl to clear up questions people might have about how Anakin got into space on a ship. Edited space battle with Maul fight as the start of the film. Maul fight music before Obi-wan engages Maul made more primal from original soundtrack. Edited Darth Sidious scene from earlier in original film to make it clear he is behind this. Anakin gives Padme his carving before he leaves Naboo to begin his Jedi training while Padme looks to be dressed incognito visiting his departing ship. Anakin's departing conversation with his mother occurs as a flashback MUCH later and during Attack of the Clones timeline after vision about his mother.
ATTACK OF THE CLONES: 10 years later text added at start of film. Changed alien text to make it clear Padme is the ex Queen when introduced with Palpatine, which could be confusing. Heavily edited assassination attempt, music and sound during it and car chase. Edited bar scene to make it feel a little more exciting. Added deleted scene with Obi-wan and dart to transition to shortened diner scene. Edited later romantic scenes with music from the soundtrack. It works visually without the dialogue. Anakin never mentions he hates Sandpeople children or that he killed them to Padme and instead promises her he will be the most powerful Jedi ever, before breaking down and crying. Star Wars sad medley is played over it while Padme comforts him. This is again to make the love story more believable. Assembly line scene is skipped, with Jango capturing Padme/Anakin. Padme's love confession before arena event is edited and shorter. Arena event is HEAVILY edited and shortened to be more of a rescue from Mace Windu. There is only one creature that is there because Jango Fett kills it. Yoda does not fight Dooku as it never made sense to me from a Sith/Jedi power level perspective. He is also old and his fight with Palpatine should be seen as a last ditch effort, which is why he has to go into exile.
REVENGE OF THE SITH: Three years later text before film. Edited space battle to be MUCH shorter and a little comic relief from Artoo as the gates to the ship where Palpatine is being held close. Artoo whistles to let Anakin/Obiwan know he can take them to Dooku. Crash landing made a little more exciting/shorter. Palpatine's talk with Anakin at concert edited to remove Midicholorians/Grievous and other repetition. Palaptine attacks Mace Windu and company faster with his first strike after landing, so it looks like they had no time to react. Removed Palpatine's message to Mustafar and dialogue before Anakin kills them because it made no sense. Anakin should believe he is doing "good" in a twisted way, by assassinating separatists, which a Jedi would never do. I believe he would find out later the Emperor played him for a fool, but it is too late to change the past. Anakin on Mustafar and Emperor's speech edited together and shortened with multiple video tracks. Anakin no longer says "you will try". Yoda Palpatine fight shortened and Yoda no longer looks up after he falls with disdain for emperor. Yoda doesn't say he must go into exile immediately. He just says he failed. Anakin/Obi-wan fight on tower shortened with Obi-wan swinging to the small platform in the lava immediately. Leia's name not revealed for Machete Order purposes. Vader's first breath is Padme's last breath. Ending with TFA trailer music and video mostly synced to things happening on screen.
Newest version with several changes and shorter running time is here. For some reason I can't get permission to post it on youtube, but it seems to stream ok with the link. All disclaimers apply. drive.google.com/file/d/1n2Tuh6t01mkcU6tqndqthUAjKpQLKbn9/view Main changes. Reinserted edited elevator ride with Obi-wan and Anakin before they meet Padme. Solved following continuity problems 1) Have injured Obi-wan being carried to the bridge of the ship that is landed at the start of ROTS. More Obi-wan dialogue post landing. 2) Show Dooku trying to escape on speeder with the ships and Anakin and Obi-wan spotting him to show how they got separated from Yoda.
Removed things not essential to the plot the or already shown in another capacity and cleaned up some conversations with edits I overdid and where there was a simpler solution. Example start of Anakin/Palpatine concert scene to get Anakin in the seat. Other changes include editing post Shmi death where it just pans down as if she is looking down on Anakin at the funeral instead of the conversation with Padme where he says the exact same thing he says at the grave. I like that scene but I felt my initial edit didn't work due to the camera angles. Edited start of Obi-wan interrogation with Dooku to skip the line about "oh no there must be a mistake". Cleaned up post Mace Windu death so that the first thing on Anakin's mind is Padme, since that is the major catalyst for him turning to the dark side. Removed Dooku flip and line about Sith Lords being Obi-wan's specialty since he's kind of have a tough time with them so far. I think Obi-wan had enough flair without that line and Dooku is more intimidating without the flip.
Other than that just transition fixes. This will probably be the last edit as I am really happy with it other than the scrolling intro. I should have made it more flowery, but I kept it real simple because I know some people have a hard time reading it. I should have put something like "While battle rages in the skies above, Darth Maul hunts Queen PADME AMIDALA below" Then next paragraph "Answering the child Queen's pleas for help Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn and young Obi-Wan Kenobi have arrived from Tatooine" The rest was fine.
Anyways thanks for all the kind comments and I hope you had fun watching the edits. I think George Lucas is a great man and I always loved the world building and imagination him and his team showed in these movies. I tried to keep the shots with his daughter in as well since I feel they were very important to him and maybe why he decided to make these movies and why older people thought they were a bit flawed. He was a father and like all fathers he wanted to make his kids happy. For children I think the prequels are great as is and I think when he started the prequels kids were his main target audience. While a lot of us were older and there when the OT came ( I still remember watching both Empire and ROTJ at the theater and crying with others when Yoda died) , many kids loved the prequels growing up and it was only when they got older they wished they were a little different. I think he tried to listen to the fans as well on Revenge of the Sith.
This man meant a great deal to us growing up. Not just in movies but in video games and pioneering sound and tech. My first big paycheck as a young man I went out and bought a THX certified Carver Power Amplifier. I grew up on the Lucas Arts adventure games. I hope that people are now beginning to understand how much a part of him was in Star Wars. When Jamie Lannister (Tyr) who is essentially Anakin Skywalker, has his arc finish in Game of Thrones I hope they appreciate the prequel trilogy for doing it first. Maybe people will also notice JK Rowling copied all the story beats from the OT for Harry Potter. Thank you George Lucas and the Lucasfilm team for everything.
hi thers an error it says the file doesnt exist
@@alecthom4001 Disney killed it/reported it and got it shut down. Nothing I can do about it. This is what happens when you aren't a Disney sycophant that kisses their ass on their new awful films. They are hypocrites who can't take any criticism, while their shills attacked all the prequels and Lucas 24/7. All they really killed though was my love for Star Wars and made me not ever want to support them again. So as Obi-wan said..."Good job /s". I will care about the franchise again when Disney loses ownership or all the trash they made has been declared non Canon or "legends" and they make KOTOR and the Thrawn trilogy canon again and fire everyone working at "Disney Lucasfilm." I refuse to support, advertise or defend the IP in any way. The quicker they lose money and kill their own IP the better imo. I was one of the franchises biggest fans. Now? If someone asks me about Star Wars, I will simply say it sucks. TLJ made everything before it pointless. It's completely broken and simply bad and not worth discussing anymore. The next Sci-fi movie or property I will be remotely interested in will be the new Dune movie as Star Trek is just as bad now.
@@hackintosh3899 no chance of re-uploading it that happened once with another video from superman and someone noticed the link wasnt working so he reposted it and things were fine
@@hackintosh3899 Damn that really sucks man.
Has anyone been able to get it reuploaded? This sounds really cool
I failed you senator...
No...no you did exactly what a body double is supposed to do...
I love those hack frauds. If you haven't seen this one I highly recommend it. Nearly pissed my pants. ua-cam.com/video/FVzc20Bm8Xo/v-deo.html&t=594
I see someone has watched HISHE.
very poor critizism
@@hackintosh3899 What in the fuck are you talkin' about
Anything for you
In any re-edit of AOTC, you have to include the deleted scenes of Anakin with Padme's family. There's probably 5 minutes of material there that goes a LONG way to making their relationship much more realistic. He's actually a likable guy in those scenes and her family thinks they're secretly dating already. Those scenes do a lot to show what Padme might see in him.
I did it
My family is in the motion picture business! When you show stuff without permission or with it! There are tight rules you must follow. If they give you written permission and a outright ok your basically covered.
One would think after all is said and done. They would release all footage they filmed, and really show the fans what they wanted to see.
Just the right amount of Jar-Jar
not enough to me
Yep ,very little
Who's Jar Jar? 🤣
But there’s n- oh.
It's Darth Jar Jar
The biggest thing missing from this is a very needed change in dialogue for one line.
Obi Wan: "Why do I get the sense that you're going to be the death of me?"
Anakin: "Don't say that master. You're the closest thing I have to a father."
Obi Wan: "[I see. Well, that would explain why you don't listen to me.]"
Ya see? It echos Qui Gon.
It rhymes.
Realist Reset anikin was the death of him because darth Vader killed him which means anikin killed him.
@@federalbureauofinvestigati5619 the Engrish is strong with this one
@@sollywobbles death of me, father, don't listen to me, qui gon
P.S. thanks for not abusing the ad situation it makes all the difference!! I viewed an anime yesterday & within 9 minutes there was 4 ad breaks!! Ruin the suspension of disbelief & spoilt the experience!! Cheers 🙏🏻
Vader's last breath being Padme's final breath is heartbreaking.
I love how seamlessly you edited Qui Gonn's death into the rest of the fight. If I saw that for the first time I wouldn't even notice there's a scene in between that got cut
This is the only way I can watch 1-3 now. Thanks man!
This is an incredible edit getting it down to under 3 hours. I didn’t notice the omission of Grievous which highlights that despite him being an awesome character, he’s superfluous to the story.
Yeah I totally agree
I hated that line. It was coarse and rough. and irritating.
And that line was everywhere
Ending was epic. Perfect music for it.
Glad you liked it. John Williams makes everything better.
@Phil Thomas It's from the TFA trailer.
@@hackintosh3899 youtube slashed my account lol that's why the comment disappeared
Im 3 minutes in, but im going to end up watching the whole thing aren't i?
I did 😂
I got 15 minutes in before realizing the same thing. LOL
You can change it
Change it
Great work dude. Had me in stitches that there's only 10mins of The Phantom Menace in here.
Shame to lose the Kenobi/Grevous fight. But no great loss. And thank you for ditching the infamous "Noooooooo!" 🤣
Very good! Love the ending changes with the new piece of music - quite powerful. The flashback to young Anakin leaving his mum was effective too. Well done.
When is the flashback scene, I didn't see it
@@TheKidsOfGroton After he wakes up and is standing with his back to the camera outside.
Now Anakin has become a nightmare
Well done. A very enjoyable watch. The essence of Anakin's character in his rise and fall is better seen when the extraneous material is cut out. Better editing and story decisions would have improved them, but this work proves that they still tell a compelling story in the Star Wars saga. I was surprised that there was more chemistry between Padme and Anakin than I remember--maybe that is because you edited the more "painful" interactions out. Perhaps the best praise I can offer your edit is that it shows that the prequels are still very good movies. The heart of a very good story is there. Something just fell short in the execution in places with Lucas's theatrical versions.
Yeah there is a very good Shakespeare type tragedy there. The romance dialogue sounding like it was Shakespeare didn't really fit though in a space opera, so I cut a lot of it. I still think it is visually beautiful and Lucas has been maligned when he is a wonderful director visually. I also never saw the prequels as a kid, so maybe children like a lot of the kid stuff. I don't mind the Ewoks, because I saw them as a kid. They also came off kind of like Hobbits and as Max Landis said it's awesome that they were seen as so little of a threat the Emperor wasn't even aware of them. That theme of the smallest people can make the biggest difference is something I have always liked and he did the same thing with Willow. I think if Lucas had made it one Braveheart length film it would have been better. I think he simply wanted to give people what he thought they wanted though. More Star Wars, world building and he had children when he made the prequels, who he probably wanted to make a movie for as well. I think it's a shame Lucas has been attacked so much over the prequels.
I enjoy Red Letter Media mostly, buy I think people will eventually realize how much Lucas meant to Star Wars (creativity) in the future and realize that attacking him with such vitriol was wrong. Especially with the lack of creativity in Hollywood now days.
I was and have never been bothered by the ewoks. Grew up watching the originals, enjoyed the prequels more than more. But again, this edit really helps focus the narrative. I do think that some of the deleted scenes from Episode 3 would have made the story even more compelling (the ones which develop a sub-plot where Padme helps plan the early stages of the rebellion, which helps make more sense of the end when Padme confronts Anakin, and then he flips out to see Obi-Wan). But this edit is really good and I appreciate the work you put into it!
@@hackintosh3899 I definitely agree with the whole RLM thing. I like them too and I get they make fun of these people and it’s kind of funny a good chunk of the time. But they have to Lucas a way other filmmakers didn’t get it. So people then attacked him harder by thinking yea these jokes r kind of right.
Every film has a nugget of good story that can be polished out of it and condensed with highly selective editing; that doesn't make it a good story, even if the potential was there. Good story is good execution of consistent characters, well rendered drama, clear arcs, as well as a believable showing and not telling. This fan-edit, which is about thirty minutes shorter than the shortest film in the trilogy, shows that there was a salvageable storyline peppered and stretched over three films, which... is noteworthy. The editor's work was though, and I applaud them for that. What makes this fan edit *feel* so much better than the Prequels is that the editor eliminates entire acts from the movies, lore that undermines the very spirit of Star Wars, and poorly written dialogue that fails to meaningfully depict sensible and distinct characters. I *just* finished the Prequel trilogy again, which is probably why the algorithm suggested this to me, and that's likely why this is so fresh in my mind.
@@animecrunchtime I'd like to think RLM wouldn't go so hard now with the benefits of hindsight and a greater appreciation for filmmaking. But I just like their stuff so I'm being a defensive shill lol
Drinking game: tip your fedora every time you hear a "m'lady"
when do you drink tho
I bet you never drank in your life. Only kids talk about those games.
@@Jedi_Are_Scum not even close. You’ve just never had fun friends
You have helped me under stand what the whole storyline forget about the little twikes you brought it all together. Once again awesome.
The begining crawl did so Much to give context to everything in the begining
Not perfect but in differnce from other things I understand whats going on in the begining now
Glad you liked it. I tried to keep it as simple and short as possible.
The ‘I like fixing things’ scene was masterfully edited, splendid work.
There can't be a perfect edit that makes everyone 100% happy, but this was really good. Kudos
The beginning needs a little more backstory. We need to see Ani's mom relationship.
Yes. I feel like there's too much cut from TPM.
It starts off in a bad place and the cuts tell me nothing
Anakin as a Chile is unecessery and should have been cut
Then again I think it’s like obi was telling the story so I don’t think he realized Hilo’s relationship with his mom
If only this was the only thing to complain about for the original...
cutting out the yoda fight in episode 2? brilliant
Okay, the loud bong of Jango hitting his head caught me really off guard. XD
Fan tastic! Enjoyed it immensely! Thank you.
So the entire movie just here chilling on UA-cam 😂
wow, wow, wow, wow, wow .... how can someone make a decent Star Wars Film, well, super easy, barely an inconvenience ... a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away a 16 year old watched the premiere of the science fiction film Star Wars, 1977 ... it was, well we all know what happened, but, I have waited 44 years for a sequel ... 44 long years. Thank you. this is the Best Star Wars movie, great pacing, the relationship between the star crossed lovers was well presented and made sense .... action, action, action with intensity and character arc ... and what an ending! Thank you, thank you, thank you ... an old man made happy you have done.
3:42 Thank the maker I can finally breathe. Pacing in the first three minutes was ludicrous!
I like it how Kenobi says "Sith Lords are our speciality" then gets his butt kicked again lol
Only 10 minutes in but my favorite edit so far is the reduction of Gungans being a major faction on Nabokov to, "Yeah there were a couple at Qui-Gon's funeral for some reason."
Thanks x nice edit!! Probably like many people who have watched I’ve seen the prequels more times than I can recall, even so I’ve had this on in the background while pottering around!! Excellent!!
This was awesome man. Really well done. Major props - thank you!
Excellent job of editing! You followed the format that George originally used in the first "Star Wars" (Episode IV): Show, don't tell, and don't over-explain. You kept the essential parts and converted appropiate scenes to flashbacks in a tasteful way. Great job!
These are better movies then anything Disney is putting out there. I wish I gave Hayden a little more credit back in the day... He is the only person I can picture as Anakin now. I think I bought in to all the backlash at the time... but RotS might be one of my favorite movies ever, especially after Clone Wars.
Thanks for sharing this!
Rots is awful, but the clone wars completely changed Anakin as a character. They made him likeable, understandable and even sympathetic, they performed a miracle with his character as far as I'm concerned.
Now if only someone can do the same with Kylo
Juts finished watching, first fan edit I have ever watched. Loved it
Great edit Hackin Tosh! I've been looking for a good fan edit and this one is fantastic! You did an incredible job with your edit decisions and love the music layover choices. You made the romance story work! I fell asleep every time I went to see one of the prequels in the movie theatre. This one kept me awake the entire time!
Tht flash back as kid anakin was much needed
When was the flashback?
@@TheKidsOfGrotonthe beginning
What a fail of a fan edit! Why in the world would you skip over the part that Anakin explains why he hates sand?!?!?
acristian ban because everyone hates sand...from a certain point of veiw.
That is in the prequelmemes edit. Seeing I can't get Disney to ok a final release where I solved some continuity errors getting to the Dooku fight, Obi-wan getting carried out of the second Dooku duel, added Obi-wan dialogue in the elevator, post crash landing and shaved like 2.5 minutes, I highly doubt they would ok that one. :) They actually own the prequels in their entirety, unlike A New Hope. To be honest I'm just hoping Disney doesn't shut down my KOTOR remaster mod which is almost done. It's like 7 or 8 gigs with all the textures and I will probably have to host the entire override folder. I started really going to town on it now that they shut down the Apeiron remaster. I understand why they had to do it, but hope they allow just texture swaps and a all in one mod, where hopefully people can just copy it to their override/module/sound directories and it "just works". Then again I could have modders shut it down to, even though I will try to credit anything I used (which is going to be hard seeing some textures are from an obscure russian mod where I have no idea who is the source), even when the modders basically recreate things from intellectual property they don't own lol.
The fun of edits. :)
Because that line is garbage and a meme can't save it
Because it’s fucking annoying
@@ewokshoterz nothing wrong with the line
This is awesome
I love Star Wars so much it makes me feel like I don’t know I don’t watch it for two hours for a day
IDGAF what anyone says, the coolest scene with Yoda in this entire franchise is when he slams those Red Guards up against the doorway so casually lololol
Thank you for posting this . I'm a huge fan of this
fun edit, good job, great quality. thoroughly enjoyed..
I liked Ep 1. Ep 2 made me wanna punch kittens. Ep 3 is my second fav Star Wars flick. Excellent work on this. Truly
Ralph Salvatore I like your picture
spot on EP2 is so boring and slow moving basically shit the worse 1 out of the 1-6 (punch kittens lol funny)
i thought the music over the anakin padme love was genius. their expressions sell the story more than the dialog and it shows.
What? You don't miss the "I don't like sand." speech? LOL
@@rhoadnaroahs it lives on in my love of memes but its still objectivly bad dialog lol
Great job. I enjoyed watching. Thanks for posting.
Best fan-edit I've ever seen. By far!!!
I really liked this edit, much more of a dense story, it must've taken you so much time to edit this and i really appreciate it, came out awesome! Some feedback would be that some scenes felt like they cut out too much leaving us guessing sometimes what happened before. Sometimes also leave a second or two extra too to keep the emotional impact and not cut directly to the next scene. Would've liked some more qui-gon and grievous too personally. But overall a really great edit! With everything unfolding in a much more quicker manner I made more connections too to why people acted like they did and felt like I understood everything better!
Overall it's certainly enjoyable, and I appreciate you doing this and sharing it. My thoughts:
I don't see how you can have the end to AOTC without Yoda. Dooku would have executed Obi and Ani without Yoda at least showing up. If not for himself, for his Master, I can't reconcile this.
I also personally hold ROTS in high regard and think it was unnecessarily taken apart, but I really liked the alternate ending and some of the clean-up.
The reimagining of the Ani/Padme romance in AOTC was fucking masterful.
yes, stupid choice. Yoda fighting brought cheers to the audience when I saw it in 2002. Went nuts
Thank you for putting effort into making the prequels more watchable
Honestly i like prequels how they are, i really like them very much but this is very well done edit
@IVN who are you to say that? Can you read minds?
It's true they are great
Hola buenas noches descanse
I agree.. the prequels are not that bad
@@JAMES51990 yes.
The sequels are the problem
Very nice... I wasn't planning to watch this tonight, but I was hooked after the initial crawl. I only wish there was some Gen Grievous scenes, but I understand why he was cut. Nice work overall.
This is really solid. Definitely will show this to my friends.
That tense rhythm, one of the greatest tracks of the soundtrack of Attack of the Clones
It’s a great track and the drum beat reminds me of the music for the tusken raiders in A New Hope
Absolutely loved this Movie thank you so much for sharing
Thanks for sharing this! Love it!!!!!
Been waiting for this. Thanks.
I am so glad that I watched these movies in my mother tongue because the voice-over really changes a lot for these ones.
hackin tosh thank you for the Dawn of The Empire this was really done well my friend
Holy shit. The opening crawl actually makes this seem exciting. Bravo!
People are starting to appreciate the prequels now. This is a great edit. The thing is, the prequels feel more like TRUE Star Wars cannon as opposed to the newer ones which are well crafted but the overall story arc is missing. Good luck too JJ Abrams on this last one. Disney should take a break.
Oh my gosh, the romance here works so much better!
Wow, this is a very good rendition of the Preqs altogether. 😲👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽Brings back memories.😀👍🏼 This was done 6 years ago, dang, I missed it.😒 I'm glad I caught this now, now that I've given up D+.😄
How good was Windu ? He defeats Palpatine , Yoda had a draw .
Wally 1970 it feels like Palpatine lost on purpose so to push Anakin closer to the dark side. Palpatine pushed him on every chance he got.
But remember that when Yoda confronted Palpatine, he said that he will experience the FULL POWER of the dark side. So far all we know Sidious was holding back the whole time against Windu
Considering Yoda's age it probably makes sense he's not the greatest warrior, but was the wisest of them all and probably strongest in the force.
palpatine was definitely holding back against windu, remember the line I have no power left and when anakin cuts of windu's hand then UNLIMITED POWER! he was baiting anakin to interrupt
Windu is the best saber duelist of the jedi order, except maybe obi wan. Keep in mind palpatine was not a fan of using light sabers, and only used and trained with it specifically to counter jedi.
This is great. Probably best if someone hasn’t seen the unedited version to watch those first. This just gives you the important bits and gets it over with in one sitting. It’s great
Yes, it would make perfect sense for someone to go watch the actual movies and THEN come back and watch this
@@anadenantheracolubrina9838 Are you telling me you don't watch films more than once?
Are you telling me that a (potential) Star Wars fan shouldn't watch the originals?
Get fucked you sarcastic rat.
Very Well put together , >> Thank You
sheer enjoyment !!! very brave and consequent editing - LOVE it , sooooo goood !!
Loved this cut 👏👏👏👏
THe Republic is a character too. Episode 1 shows that. And we see Palpatine's machinations and sickening slickness.
Awesome, great job. Thank you
Very well done, enjoyed it very much.
Perfect edit but for the "love scenes"... Great !
It only shows proper editing can make or break a movie. An actual love story that makes sense and feels right? A Character arch that makes you feel something?! A movie flow that has action and slow rhythm in the right places to make things feel good?! WOW! Kudos for this fan edit. There were some parts that the edit was kinda missed like When you see Padme with a complete shirt and then she has a crop top because of the fight with the beast in the stadium was cut out. It felt like a unexplained "shirt edit" It does show how Episode 1 was kinda... pointless LOL
Episode 1 was not pointless. It set up the complaincy of the Senate, the dogma of the Jedi and Palpatine's schemes and the great pod race... and the midichlorians ... such dumb omissions.
IMO, you shouldn't have removed Grevious. Without him and without an explanation via the crawl, the audience doesn't know why Palpatine was kidnapped and by whom. The jedi just stroll up to the ship with no background info other than "the Chancellor is on the observation deck at the top of the spire"
This is an amazing edit. Thank you.
As I am catching on the Star Wars experience and story. This one sets the scene for much. Thanks ❤🌹
this is good BUT there is more than 10 good minutes in episode 1, I would of liked to see a like a 3 & 3/4 hour cut with a little bit more qui gon jin
I know like the scene with Anakin and his mother when he gets freed
yeah more Qui-gon is always better
Episode 1 is highly mediocre and my least favorite Star Wars to watch.
nah shitty Disney is the real TRASH
only those who truly understand and respect the values of the prequels are the legit SW fans
no. only pod racing. that is it.
Excellent quality and gr8 movies,👏🏼👏🏼⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤
love it!!!!1
Give me back my Yoda vs Dooku and this is perfect.
While non Star Wars fans wouldn’t understand the first part, it is great and well edited. A fan who has only seen the phantom menace could understand
19:06 if padme had rose out of bed when Anakin first stepped foot on the bed he wouldve cut her head off lol
Before the prequel trilogy, i imagined the prehistory quite differently. Obiwan would still have been a jedi padawan, Amidala was still the queen of Naboo; but i imagined Anakin to have been a rookie teenage pilot around the same age as Luke and a member of the galactic fleet. He would’ve had latent force powers that explained his excellent piloting skills and would cross paths with Quai gon and Obiwan in their quest to protect Amidala. Quai gon would recommend Anakin to be a jedi to the council but as anakin is already too old, the council would advise against it. But with Quai gon’s insistence, they would relent and so begins the adventure of the three Jedi: Quai gon, Obi wan and Anakin. The romance would still exist between Anakin and Amidala (which wouldn’t be as creepy, since they would be around the same age) and would be a deterrent to anakin achieving full Jedi hood, since he can’t fully let go of human frailties as love expected of Jedi knights. Because of his love of Amidala, he abandons the jedi and joins the sith and becomes Darth Vader. That’s how i imagined it.
Great job with the little details like removing 'this weapon is your life" small changes in the diolauge to fit the OT is great.
Wait why does that fit the OT
@@wy0tt43 because Yoda said "wars not make one great!" therefore a Jedi treating a weapon as his life contradicts that. Knowing what we know about lightsabers and the crystals inside though, those crystals are an important link to the Force for a Jedi. Maybe that's what Obi Wan meant
@@visionist7 wars and swords are 2 different things. And crystals are not mentioned in the prequels
I think Padme and Ani relationship in episode 2 is not that creepy anymore. Great work!
But I feel it is wrong to cut the sense to show Yoda as a teacher in episode 2.
Where Yoda doesnt mind discussing the missing planet thing with the younglings and treat them as being intelligent being when Obiwan looks for him. That is one of the few well-written scenes in episode 2 to show Yoda's great character
No grievous 😣
He was a dumb brick in the movie
Not true, you can see his crispy corpse when obiwan jogs across the landing platform to leave Utapau
I've hated the prequels for decades (and I'm old enough to have seen the original movies as an adult). But I kind of loved this. It recaptured the one thing the modern movies don't have: the sense of majesty that is essential to Star Wars. The modern movies seem to mistake mere scale for grandeur. A good Star Wars movie should feel like it comes from the Golden Age of Hollywood, maybe even the Silent Era. It should tell a story visually, not just enhance the story with flashy visuals. By focusing on the characters you've managed to restore that to these films and to remind me of why I used to be such a devotee of the originals. Thank you.
this is a pretty great edit for machete viewing
awesome job... love it!
Fantastic Movie. Thank you ❤
I was “let me check that 5mn” and 1h40mn later I m still there😂. I could say “It’s a trap”. Great job, thanks.
Great work! A vast improvement over what was released.
Great job, well done.
Very nice!
Its fantastic ❤🌹
I am very moved with the scene of Anakin as a small boy. Remembering his mother❤🌹
All in all it gets the job done of telling the storyline. Leaves out a lot of nuance but that's what a condensed version does without going too long. Not the first movie this length. Good job.
This is so much better than what was released.
nope,. not even close.
This movie portrays what is going in the world today.
How this is still up, I have no idea
Hey it’s almost thanksgiving 2020, how we’re all still here perplexes me
@@DonDrip1 almost Christmas 2020, and we're still here
Almost New Years 2021 and we are still here
@@achilles6578 2021!!!!
@@tylarchive i meant New Years Eve.