John Cacioppo: Social Isolation

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @MuckerInMotion
    @MuckerInMotion 10 років тому +47

    Well, at least now I know for sure I will die early rather than have to speculate. Thanks.

  • @AaronMetallion
    @AaronMetallion 3 роки тому +4

    Fantastic lecture!! I'm around people but I have a deep festering ideological and philosophical loneliness. Most people around me aren't into intellectual discourse, not thinking deeper than the surface, they don't resonate with my values like compassion for animals / the philosophy of veganism - one of many examples, and also, they do not understand my introversion or boundries. In fact, when I'm alone, I feel less ostracized and more in control than when I'm in a group. I think loneliness in humans is far more complex than comparing it 1:1 with the animal kingdom, even if the circuits at play are the same. When I'm playing video games with friends online, I feel way more connected and understood than being around my immediate social groups. I also think if you're not aware of your isolation as I was for many years, you don't think you're missing out. Expectation has a huge play, especially when scrolling through hyper curated posts on say instagram, and believing everyone is always having highest quality lives.

  • @zurielzuniga7000
    @zurielzuniga7000 7 років тому +5

    Its very hard to be social with very severe social anxiety loneliness is the only safe place for me i know its not good but its better than trying to socialize and ending up in the hospital with ativan and beta blockers in your bloodstream. :(

  • @bostondian8024
    @bostondian8024 2 роки тому

    I will be distributing this video to State House ifficials!!!

  • @HoneyTribeStudios
    @HoneyTribeStudios 5 років тому +2

    Very cool lecture, very interesting info

  • @tomabbott5259
    @tomabbott5259 5 років тому +4

    I would so like to understand what the man says but he talks with the speed of a rocket please slow down sir so i can reflect and undesrstand you thank you

  • @merlin3427
    @merlin3427 5 місяців тому

    im not the person to think i have all the symptoms and all diseases i learn about but as i was listening to this my only thought was ohhh im fucked

    • @merlin3427
      @merlin3427 5 місяців тому

      nearly deleted my comment but remembered the isolated monkeys and decided not to. dont care

  • @chicagolandable
    @chicagolandable 5 років тому +9

    No point talking about social isolation. It's a reality that if you live under more often than not can't do anything about. Solutions?? What are they?? Tell me what they are?? And don't say counselors... because even when they are free they're a waste of your time. It's not treatment.. just another form of commiserating.

    • @rohangupta968
      @rohangupta968 Рік тому

      I'd say volunteering is something you can do.
      When you're lonely its kind of like you're starving. You've been starving for such a long time. Then you meet someone who you bond with it on an emotional level, and you want that friendship to escalate to the nth degree, because that person is probably the only person you've been talking to. You're so hungry, you want that person to be your best friend. Then you get resentful when they don't want the same type of relationship that you do, you feel like an afterthought. So you start developing certain 'defense mechanisms'. So you start feeling numb, you expect that people are going to reject you, when you see other people form relationships and go out you start feeling resentful. Sometimes you'll even take pride in a lone wolf, because you've been alone for so long anyway so why trust anything anyone says ever.
      I'd say volunteering is a good start because you get to meet people without expecting anything and you start interacting with people. Plus you're helping people.
      I'd say volunteer at your local soup kitchen, or a homeless shelter, maybe even somethign mental health related (big brothers big sisters, there's lots of programs to give support to struggling youth) You may or may not make friends in those areas but I think it's a good start. You'll learn that people aren't bad, and you'll develop lots of empathy and social skills - which is golden to have a conversation.
      Because to have a conversation you just need to listen, you don't have to say anything...
      The other thing I'd advise is to start meditating. Its done wonders for me.
      I'd recommend metta meditation. This is loving kindness meditation, its basically self-love meditation -

  • @1YzeWhoaman6821
    @1YzeWhoaman6821 3 роки тому

    I watched a video titled Moving beyond the survival mentality before I watched this one. Now I need therapy. 😆😢🖕🎊🎉😁😍😋☑️🤷🙏‼️👍😲🤯

  • @wisnurali9617
    @wisnurali9617 2 роки тому

    Kalau Hi u saya y, tapi kalau shark saya mundur😁😎

  • @mente_legal
    @mente_legal 4 роки тому +1

    good research poor presentation, zero impartial, i almost felt like being on an NLP (neuro linguistic programming) session.

  • @meinungabundance7696
    @meinungabundance7696 3 роки тому

    US is a country of volunteers. Thus, why are so many people lonely in the US? This contradicts what prof Cacioppo says.

  • @zachdunn6550
    @zachdunn6550 2 роки тому

    He'll yeah such Duck

  • @bostondian8024
    @bostondian8024 2 роки тому

    LEARN!!!! How ti behave like a human