The story begins in Ancient Egypt, with the prince of the dynasty (Atem), who often spends time at the dueling ground playing against other villagers, and his two friends, Jono and Teana. One night, Atem escapes Simon Muran, his tutor and advisor, to visit the dueling grounds, where he mets up with Teana and a few villagers. After some games, Teana tells him of a festival occurring in the Plaza, and they leave to see it. They watch the mages march around a shrine.
I remember always building my deck to create the two-headed thunder dragon.
Same. It was always the easiest monster to fuse into.
Esse talvez foi o último contato que eu tive com o PS One... E eu acho que foi esse Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories!!! Faz 13 anos... Quantas saudades!!!
ese es el mejor y mas duro yugioh de todos gracias por traerlo de nuevo y saludos desde colombia
Im gonna order this
muy bueno me trae viejos recuerdos
The story begins in Ancient Egypt, with the prince of the dynasty (Atem), who often spends time at the dueling ground playing against other villagers, and his two friends, Jono and Teana. One night, Atem escapes Simon Muran, his tutor and advisor, to visit the dueling grounds, where he mets up with Teana and a few villagers. After some games, Teana tells him of a festival occurring in the Plaza, and they leave to see it. They watch the mages march around a shrine.
Quase todas as cartas estão no Duel Links... Acho que quase todos!!!
Wen are you going to play the game??
This is how you play 90% of the game. The other 10 percent is the story.
Si hubiese pasar al rival 1 turno le haria una fusion con una carta de el