Positive & Negative Trait About Each MBTI Type

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @xoroseann
    @xoroseann Рік тому +16

    Spot on with the INTJ and INFJ relationship. My INTJ friend and I bonded pretty quickly; we just get each other easily. I felt called out when you got to the negative part of INFJ’s, too accurate 😂 You know us very well

    • @PaleGhost69
      @PaleGhost69 Рік тому +6

      I had an infj coworker who I bonded with insanely fast. Past the second day, we were always seen together which is weird because we were opposite genders with an age gap. It was weirdly intimate with zero attraction on both sides. It didn't strike me that she was an infj until I saw an episode of Star Trek Next Gen that focused on Picard (intj) and Guinan(infj) since they've always had a weirdly intimate relationship. I made her take the text after that and surprise surprise.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +16

      INFJs are supposed to be the rarest but somehow I attract you guys like a moth to a flame 😅

    • @PaleGhost69
      @PaleGhost69 Рік тому +7

      @@justcallmejon22 I think it's because we're Ni doms. We speak the same language.

    • @NugrahaNedi
      @NugrahaNedi Рік тому +2

      Intj here
      I've never had an infj friend. how does it feel

    • @moneymanagement24
      @moneymanagement24 Рік тому +2

      Great video Jon!
      When INTJ are younger they can become susceptible to narcissistic behavior - I knew an ENTP, ENTJ, and INTP they are some of the most narcissistic

  • @epyon02alpha42
    @epyon02alpha42 Рік тому +7

    Another awesome video! I can definitely recognize some of those positive and negative call outs in friendships I've made. And yes, dealing with an unhealthy INTJ absolutely makes me cringe, mostly because I recognize times in the past that I may have exhibited the same behaviors/traits and it's like having a mirror shown to yourself that won't let you forget you can always fall down that same hole if left unchecked. 😅

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +2

      Exactly what you said, that reminder is needed so we don't do it again ✊

  • @adamd9166
    @adamd9166 Рік тому +5

    The main thing to remember about MBTI is that it is a guideline rather than a hard and fast rule. There are very few people who are a stereotype or caricature of their type; people are much more complex than that. Plus, as people mature and shore up those weak spots, they can become much harder to type.
    So long as people treat it as a guideline and a tool rather than a rigid set of laws, it works great.

  • @luna69_69
    @luna69_69 Рік тому +8

    You're quite pleasant for an intj ☺️

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +3

      Thank you, life suflexed me too many times not to be 😅

  • @jamalcole1985
    @jamalcole1985 Рік тому +6

    Oh yeaa great video by the way! I like how you mentioned the positive aspects first. Everyone needs that.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      I honestly appreciate every MBTI type so this was one of the easier videos to write out 😂

  • @TheSilviepie
    @TheSilviepie Рік тому +3

    You have really accurate insight into each type. The weird thing about being an INFJ interacting with INTJs is that we can sort of creepily read each others' minds. On one hand I feel very much understood and intellectually stimulated but on the other hand it's kinda creepy 😅 Neither of us do it on purpose, but we just click. Must be the Ni.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +2

      I've said this so many times in my life that the almost instant connection is so easy and refreshing when meeting another dominate Ni user 🙂

  • @livinglifelazy
    @livinglifelazy Рік тому +6

    Interesting points! (INFP here) I was honestly curious what you’d say about INFPs and was surprised that you actually picked out something most people don’t - we aren’t cinnamon rolls (ugh), we have the capacity and knowledge to really hit people where it hurts when we’re triggered, no matter who it is 🙃 That said, I think when that same focused, sharp energy is applied to something productive (protecting people they love, standing up for themselves in a healthy way, etc), it's actually really powerful. It's a shame that too many INFPs don't consciously work on using it that way.
    Subbed for sure - always love to hear an INTJ's thoughts!

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      I've been around INFPs my entire life and even dated a few so trust me when I say that you guys are one of the best when you're at your best and one of the worst when you're at your worst. Fi as your dominate function is no joke 😅

    • @livinglifelazy
      @livinglifelazy Рік тому +2

      @@justcallmejon22 You could technically say that about any type 🤣 But I know what you mean! I think Fi and Ti are some of the harshest functions at their worst (they are the “subjective” judging functions after all)… which makes us INxPs a bit hard to deal with at times 😅 Thanks for making these videos, your perspective as an INTJ is very valued!

  • @chellymarie03
    @chellymarie03 Рік тому +3

    Great video! As an INTP I agree with what you said about their interactions with INTJs. The interesting conversations and battles of wits are so entertaining for INTPs. And I agree that we have trouble taking action. Knowing that you want to see us take action more and accomplish things is kind of motivating! I didn't know INTJs care about that.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +3

      We always care but we also care enough not to hurt your feelings because we know that you beat yourself up more than anyone else 🙃

  • @borderedge6465
    @borderedge6465 10 місяців тому +1

    Jon, this shows great insights for all types and functions. Please do more material that is non-INTJ and technical! From, hungry to learn INTP

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  10 місяців тому

      I have a few videos that I'm working on that are more focused outside of INTJs but my primary objective is to elevate the INTJ community. In regards to INTPs, TI scares me and makes me have to double check my work so those videos tend to take longer 😂

  • @sav242_
    @sav242_ Рік тому +1

    I truly appreciate how you speak about INFJ. I always feel seen.

  • @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes
    @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes Рік тому +2

    "We saw the shift in your personality" So true ! It's one of our Ni superpower. We see every inconsistency. It's surely also because I am Enneagram 5.
    You put words on certains aspects I didn't realize. The INTJ INTJ relation can be both super interesting and scary, to see ourselves on the other person, our weakenesses and faults.
    Some weeks ago I started to write a script about what I like and don't like about each type, it's a little different for me, and also similar. We could see how 2 INTJ can be different, have different or similar experiences, and notice different or same things. I have so much (too much) ideas of video, so much things to share.
    Great video, I really appreciate this. Don't worry it was perfect !
    It happened to me too, record many times and the details who bother us but don't bother other people. I don't record twice anymore (talking take me more energy than do the editing)
    Cool editing, I was wondering what is the dance the character do, because I already saw this pattern/dance somewhere (surely in a Kpop MV, maybe BlackPink)

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      This video was initially supposed to be a meme video but it didn't flow correctly. I also realized the limitation of my software while trying to add my magic to the video. I'm sure your video on contrast will be a lot better than mine ✊

    • @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes
      @Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes Рік тому

      ​@@justcallmejon22 Not easy, I suppose people have to have the reference to understand the memes.
      Oh no, your video are definitely better than mines. Hope to see your magic. We put a part of ourselves in what we create, it's already magic.
      You and your video are funny, and you have skill for animation. (Not me ahah)
      (I am french, and most of the time I read my script, and I can do errors of pronunciations and grammar)
      Even if all INTJ function the same at the core, each INTJ have his own and unique way, preferences and uniqueness, and different experiences, and sometimes similar experiences.

  • @MNkno
    @MNkno Рік тому +2

    Wow. Really good video. You mentioned things that I admire and things that irritate me no end about other people, that I never connected to their MBTI type, I just made little pothole marks on my map of the people around me, and tried to avoid those irritating bits as much as possible.... and at the same time, other things that I really admired about people, where they couldn't fathom why I would find that particular thing so admirable. I think I want to come back to this video, and put each of those things on the MBTI chart so I can keep it all straight. If I know the good trait is in there, then when I get really irked by something, I have somewhere to pivot toward, to keep things going on an even keel.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      It's nice to hear that you're going to use the information in a positive way ✊

  • @8SaoriKatsu8
    @8SaoriKatsu8 Рік тому +1

    Jon... thank you very much for being the intelligent INTJ guy that you are... 😊 you're almost literally the only MBTI UA-camr who's an INTJ who described the INTJ - ESFJ dynamic perfectly! This is why my best childhood male friend and I get on so well and we know each other for 21 years, that's why the connection an INTJ female friend and I is beautiful and deep, and that's also why an INTJ man and I currently have deep feelings for each other (perhaps it's a matter of time until we are officially in a relationship, don't know haha)... 😜😊
    What you explained is due to the 2 being an MBTI bronze pair, and that aspect is almost never talked about or even simply not known by many other MBTI UA-camrs...
    Most people online in the MBTI community discredit ESFJs and find us "shallow" or "superficial" without learning more about us (even if we're very predictable as we're the 3rd most popular type in the world)... 😂🙄 thing is I then wondered why you think we're the hardest nut to crack... 🤔
    YES we do complain quite a lot though and I try to be careful with that! 😂😳 but let's admit it, there ARE people who expect us to always mother them (even though indeed, it's because we put ourselves in such a position)... 😂🙄
    You even pointed out qualities and negatives in other types that I have seen or read about that rarely do they ever get acknowledged online! You again proved how intelligent you are... deep respect Jon! - female ESFJ

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for the kind words! I think I had a different upbringing than most INTJ content creators where I was raised in a close-knit community where I had the opportunity to engage with people of all types. I do know that a lot of the closest people in my life are ESFJs and you guys do put in a lot of effort in taking care of me. Keep doing you, your kindness is noticed. I hope people end up telling you how much they appreciate you soon. ✊

  • @tanjakragelund3380
    @tanjakragelund3380 Рік тому +2

    You can not stop there! What you said was not enough for me to understand and thus correct. The way we ENFPs love someone can be exhausting? Why? What do we do wrong, or what do we do too much? Please explain - or how are we the ENFPs supposed to mend our ways?

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +2

      Don't take it as a problem that you need to fix unless the person straight up tells you that it's an issue. I think the easiest thing to do to 'improve' is to learn to read the room and the easiest way is to get out of your head and actually see the moment for what it is. I love ENFPs, there is nothing wrong with you guys ❤

    • @tanjakragelund3380
      @tanjakragelund3380 Рік тому +1

      @@justcallmejon22 Thank you! 🥰 You just made my day!

    • @caravue7033
      @caravue7033 6 місяців тому

      @@tanjakragelund3380Mine too 🥹

  • @Jazaltron
    @Jazaltron Рік тому +2

    Great video, learned a lot, can't wait for your deep dive into all the other personality types.

  • @GlitterBunnyNL
    @GlitterBunnyNL Рік тому +1

    On spot! I wish I know how to slow down 😂😂😂 And I can see your reflection on all my INTJ’s friends 😅😅😅 I have a long do list! I wrote it down for the sake to brain bleh 🤫🤫🤫 but they are in my head till I am done w the list…. I don’t even have to peek at it. I have to admit, I am tired to see me never feel like I can stop… I have so many timers in my smart watch (while typing this, one of them is just reminding me to do something again😅😅😅) but I snooze them until I have enough w the stack of my reminders… (song on one of my reminder : calm down by Selena) the rest from One Republic : Run , I ain’t worry about it etc….
    By the way, I am more quirky but not goofy 😂😂😂
    I hope I’ll learn something to calm down from you Jon! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +2

      I bet you're as goofy as you are quirky 😂

    • @GlitterBunnyNL
      @GlitterBunnyNL Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 I googled it and they are not the same 🤪= goofy, quirky = 😬

    • @caravue7033
      @caravue7033 6 місяців тому


  • @justoneweek6983
    @justoneweek6983 3 місяці тому

    Sensing increases the things of feeling a lot and also esfj unconcious is also sensing and feeling isfp

  • @PaleGhost69
    @PaleGhost69 Рік тому +9

    I hate XXXX types. They're so indesisive.
    (This is a joke to diminish the power of any real hate speech)

  • @SK-lz1bh
    @SK-lz1bh 3 місяці тому

    i appreciate your takes and critique, genuinely. not triggering at all and you were accurate.
    however, the order from common to uncommon seems to skew towards sensors particulary high Si users to be 'common' which is bs tbh. where is the source. youtube is infested with the narrative and i don't get it bc the world seems to be very balanced with both, no?

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  3 місяці тому

      The answer is only a google search away my friend. Look for the one that had 16K participants 🙂

  • @jamalcole1985
    @jamalcole1985 Рік тому +4

    #INTJ #SIGMA. I learned especially as a former teacher & current electrician to admit when I'm wrong to eliminate that awkward situation. As far with arrogance, I just keep it to myself as self-reassurance.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      Self-awareness is really a good skillset to have. Sometimes it makes a world of difference.

    • @jamalcole1985
      @jamalcole1985 Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 exactly!

  • @AmishNinjaMaster
    @AmishNinjaMaster Рік тому +1

    18:53-18:59 - - I've never encountered another INTJ in the wild, and I haven't been told i'm arrogant (yet). So, I'll need to do some research, analysis the data and vet probable outcomes for success vs.failure against deviation from my current OS.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      That's great to hear that you might be one of the rate INTJs! I've only been told indirectly that I was arrogant, it was never to my face. Hopefully, you don't go through that moment where you have to readjust your approach to things 😅

  • @coldxois
    @coldxois Рік тому +1

    Hi Jon, amazing video again... i agree on the annoyed part, we get annoyed for anything :P... Also i wanna ask you if you can make a small observation on the future oriented and planning for our INTJ minds, its kind of disturbing how much time we spend only on planning ahead our lives, so if you can help me and others that want to know how to enjoy the present moment it would be amazing; i'm not asking for a whole video about the topic, but if you can talk about it in a part of a video it would be great, i spend so much freaking time in my mind!...that is annoying... i constantly find myself picturing future situations and solutions that i loss sight of the present and get stuck in an endless mind loop of how the get unstuck from planning everything and how to do it, which makes it kind of recursive, i really need help, please! make a small suggestion about it in a video... and thanks for the great content on each video, i really appreciate it. :)

    • @coldxois
      @coldxois Рік тому

      And sorry my poor language im not natively a speaker of english :P

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      Hey brotha, sucks to hear about your situation. I made a video about the Ni-Fi loop and it sounds like what you're going through at the moment. Take a look at the video, it should provide insights and I do go over a few recommendations at the end: ua-cam.com/video/lIOKHHKrklc/v-deo.html&ab_channel=JustcallmeJon. I hope things get better for you soon ✊

  • @jasoncox5505
    @jasoncox5505 Рік тому +1

    INTJ's are careful thinkers who gather information then draw conclusions that are usually right. That is confidence not arrogance. Arrogance comes in when you don't listen at all, being low in the openness big 5 trait. INTJ's are usually very open. We will very quickly adopt a new model with better information. Is our confidence strong? Yes. Is it inappropriate? How many times are we challenged and end up being right? Does this make us resistant to picking up information... Only if we are considering the source from experience.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +3

      Agreed that we're careful thinkers but there's a thin line between confidence and arrogance and I find myself on the other side of the line from time to time unknowingly. I also feel that way speaking to other INTJs 🙃

    • @XZ858XZ
      @XZ858XZ Рік тому

      I think it’s the Te/judging orientation paired with lack of Fe that further intensifies the arrogant vibes

    • @hollistantang9469
      @hollistantang9469 Рік тому

      Oh and sometimes I still fall for arrogance instead... Intj here and even though I tried to gather information correctly, there are still moments when I became misguided and made mistakes...
      Once I got misguided and took the information to be wrong, I would "enthusiastically" attack that person on all sides with arguments and harsh commentaries, as well as shutting myself from evidences what the other person said...
      But if that person could defend himself properly with facts (though most of the time, they couldn't), I would stop attacking and tried to re-learn the plot and re-evaluate the person..
      That's life... Sometimes it happens... And that is why I am seen as a harsh person in real life

  • @mokari9268
    @mokari9268 Рік тому +1

    That was fun :)

  • @Land.of.the.Living.
    @Land.of.the.Living. Рік тому +1

    Great video 🙂

  • @Solarqueenthesoverign
    @Solarqueenthesoverign Рік тому

    I'm too much for INTJs too then there is no hope. Who will keep up with me!! 😭🤣

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      Not all the time, just give us breaks and we're good 😄

  • @kaycevanveer212
    @kaycevanveer212 Рік тому

    Love you Jon!!!! ❤❤❤

  • @kellikakes81
    @kellikakes81 Рік тому

    This was great!

  • @kaycevanveer212
    @kaycevanveer212 Рік тому

    Complaining does no good! The definition of complain means to remain so if you don't like something then definitely don't complain about it bc it will just keep you there longer. I have observed this in my ISFP mother. Still complaining about the same stuff 30 years later... nothing has changed. It's sad. Remember: complain and remain, praise and be raised!!!❤❤❤❤

  • @nerysghemor5781
    @nerysghemor5781 Рік тому

    LOOOL, as an INFP (also a Te user even if it's not so prominent for us) I had the exact same conversation with an ESFJ when she complained about feeling expected to do something that she volunteered for..."Did they specifically ask for you?" "No, I just felt bad that they weren't getting volunteers." "Sounds like you did this one to yourself." XD (Gently teasing but true.)
    Also, I'm always glad to see ESTJ love. This is possibly the type that gets dumped on the absolute worst by every other type. I've had the benefit of having an extremely healthy and balanced ESTJ as my mom (ENTJ as my dad, so I was totally raised by Te-wolves XD ), and while you'd think being an INFP means we'd be constantly going after each other, we actually can and do vibe quite a bit even though there's often the sense the other one is doing everything bass ackwards. XD If you see a cool time-saving thing the ESTJ has that you even just happen to mention you think is smart or you like, guess what you're going to find as a birthday gift, under the Christmas tree, or just because the ESTJ felt like it?

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      Most hate online about types are usually from people who's never met a person of that type or have a single experience with that type or potentially a person who claims they are that type but are actually mistyped. Everyone is human, being human means to love what we love and most of the time it's the people in our tribe. The ESTJs that I know in my life are some of the kindest people but can be nasty if needed.
      In regards to your last paragraph, I mentioned it in my video that it's not okay to attack people and their Fi. That's how trauma starts, and as an Fi dom, you should be the most aware of how trauma can hurt someone indefinately. Trust that your mom know's what she can handle and let her fight her own battle. There might be something that you aunt did for your mom or your family that she's eternally grateful for. Be kind, but if that's too much to do, be respectful ✊

    • @nerysghemor5781
      @nerysghemor5781 Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 Very well put on both counts. As mentioned, I have held back and not gone after my aunt even though it’s tempting.

  • @DiLu-o3p
    @DiLu-o3p Місяць тому

    My ex was an INFP. Nuff said 😂

  • @desertforest2221
    @desertforest2221 Рік тому

    Wait, what was the negative side of INFJs? Maybe I zoned out because I have the flu right now. Oh, was it just to speak up more? Meh. I think a lot of trust needs to be built up, first, before revealing my inner thoughts to others. I've had way too much experience where revealing more about myself just leads to the ending of friendships, so I've learned to just be quiet to other humans.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      Definitely do the approach that makes the most sense for you. That's what I noticed about INFJs and as a Te user, my suggestion is the approach that I'd use in your shoes ✊

  • @crystalchristensen7972
    @crystalchristensen7972 Рік тому

    @JustcallmeJon I was raised and grew up in a system that was a closed construct that completely ignored the 15 principles of critical thinking. In that system I was raised how to be the perfect enabler/codependent. My validation came as I did what the system said I should do. Transactional love and value only if I towed the line.

    • @crystalchristensen7972
      @crystalchristensen7972 Рік тому

      In addition, I know why my negative is the need for validation. After learning about the religion of which I spoke was a closed construct system -- I learned that I had done everything and still wasn't finding emotional safety or happiness in the construct. When I mentally left, I began to see how I was brain washed and abused. I try not to depend on the validation; it's amazing how it creeps up on me though

    • @crystalchristensen7972
      @crystalchristensen7972 Рік тому

      Sincerely, a loving INFP-T and fan of you and your channel

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      I'm glad to hear that you got out of the system. INTJs are naturally iconoclast so I noticed that a lot with the ENFJs in my life and it always gets to me when they do things for validation. On the other hand, it always gets to them when I decide to do my own thing or things my own way. I have a lot of love and respect for ENFJs 🙏

    • @crystalchristensen7972
      @crystalchristensen7972 Рік тому

      @JustcallmeJon, I Retook my test and I feel so much better with more accurate information on me. I appreciate you so much 💕

  • @darrencapaldi6924
    @darrencapaldi6924 Рік тому

    So I am an INFP type 9, really I run from fights and arguments. I’d rather agree to disagree or just flat out run away. I think I learned it from my mom. As a kid I watched my dad berate my mom all the time. He was awful but my mom wouldn’t give into him. She’d sit silently and take all that undue punishment. And it would make my dad even madder because he wants someone to argue with. But I get both sides, he just wanted to be heard but he shouldn’t have been mean, my mom shouldn’t have shut down , she should’ve tried to de-escalate the problem, but she felt trapped. Anyway, I believe the enneagrams complete the MBTI. What are your thoughts on this? It makes sense to me why I’m so massively different from other type 4 INFPs

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      I've dated both passive ENFPs who index more on Fi and ENFPs that index more towards Te. There's a point where you guys are more confrontational but majority of the time ENFPs tend to be more fluid. I appreciate that but please tell an INTJ off if we're being unreasonable or hurting your Fi, we appreciate you more when you stand your ground...but it has to be backed with logic and not purely emotions 😂

    • @darrencapaldi6924
      @darrencapaldi6924 Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 do you believe in pairing enneagram types with the MBTI to get more specific typing?

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      @@darrencapaldi6924 Sure why not? As long as you use both MBTI and Enneagram as tools for self-discovery and not as your identity.

  • @anasking8747
    @anasking8747 Рік тому

    How did you have friend ship with all mbti like entj they some of the are very rare

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      I got lucky and one of the first few friends I made were ESFP and ESFJ. They loved meeting people and loved having me around. The rest just kinda happened.

  • @Austin_Schulz
    @Austin_Schulz Рік тому

    As an INTJ, trigger warnings are a bit cringe. Good video though

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому

      As an INTJ, I'm okay with trigger warnings 😉. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the video!

  • @avngs_32
    @avngs_32 Рік тому +1

    Anyone here dating an INFP?

    • @shawnw.4440
      @shawnw.4440 Рік тому +1

      I used to be in a long term romantic relationship with an INFP. He was so great at making me feel seen and heard. But he had so many self-doubts he went walk-about (actually walked across the U.S. from New York to Oregon) to find himself and never came back. Back in NY he became a hermit.

    • @avngs_32
      @avngs_32 Рік тому

      @@shawnw.4440 oh wow

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      I've dated a few INFPs. I'm still friends with a few of them but we realized that we're better apart.

    • @shellbell8062
      @shellbell8062 Рік тому +2

      I think it depends on how healthy the said INFP is. An unhealthy or unhealed INFP is a nightmare. A healthy INFP is a dream. I have read many Quora posts about amazing INTJ-INFP pairings. One of the best partnerships I think. They share the same values of integrity, critical thinking, individuality, authenticity and loyalty; and their differences provide great capacity for growth on both sides. They also both value growth hugely. Obviously there are many factors that come into play but when it works, it really works.

    • @8SaoriKatsu8
      @8SaoriKatsu8 Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 perhaps this explains pretty much why you described the INFP ways of being so mean to the people they are supposed to care about so well... and I felt how it still affects you from the way you raised your voice explaining that... I relate to that as well: I had an INFP friend who also raged at me and another friend for no particular reason! 😂🙄 that is also well-spot on by you!

  • @aocbbl
    @aocbbl Рік тому

    Let us be cereal. Typology is rooted in occultism just as astrology.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому


    • @aocbbl
      @aocbbl Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 you laugh because you know I'm not wrong haha. Smart move to not engage with this comment as it would be a detriment to your overall goals of building an audience with this channel.
      But the whole world is steeped in occultism and esoterica when you start seeing the signs everywhere as Confucius pointed out. Lettuce not be that serious.

    • @Austin_Schulz
      @Austin_Schulz Рік тому

      Justify your position with evidence. You're seriously implying Jung, a very famous psychologist, is actually on par with an astrologer and did not test his theory? Did you even take the test?

    • @aocbbl
      @aocbbl Рік тому

      @@Austin_Schulz did I even take the mbti test? The absurdity of this comment is not even worth addressing. You come off as a dimwit and I'm not going to spoon feed you knowledge. Do your own research.
      Better question: Do you even read Jung? Or just make bs posts for the sake of arguing?

  • @anasking8747
    @anasking8747 Рік тому

    How the way you talk is fils like you wan say exactly what gone make as belive you did you think about every word you use

  • @frankbranson9583
    @frankbranson9583 Рік тому +1

    Note to everyone: the views of one INTJ do *not* represent the whole of INTJdom.
    Other notes:
    - "very unique"? "Unique" means there is only one, so how can there be "very unique"?
    - How can anyone believe the rankings of commonality of types when there is no good way of measuring it?
    - The shot at ESFPs is unfair. They're already in the Ni grip, so don't blame them for their behavior at that time. They're in the grip! It's up to the INTJ to be understanding and help them out of it, not be blameful.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      Hmmmm, thanks for the comment! It made me realize that I should've added a trigger warning in the beginning of the video.
      Providing a transcript of what I said verbatim about ESFPs when you're at your worst:
      " ...so when you're at your worst, you're using the part of your brain that the INTJ uses at our best. So let us guide you. We're not attacking you, we're just trying to help..."

  • @pghoston
    @pghoston Рік тому

    Tell me you don’t know an ENTJ without saying you don’t know an ENTJ.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      Tell me

    • @pghoston
      @pghoston Рік тому

      I was just anxiously waiting to see what you’d say about ENTJs beyond what I’ve heard many times from other UA-cam videos or Google links. I actually find INTJs interesting. I am honestly not completely convinced that I’m ENTJ but seeing as you and I have different demeanor, I’m inclined to believe it.

    • @pghoston
      @pghoston Рік тому

      Also, in my experience, it’s not because I feel the need to check a task off my list, it’s because it makes me uncomfortable even anxious to have a task lingering over me. I just returned library books and while I had them, I was nervous about returning them on time but couldn’t find time to read them, but I didn’t have a need to read them so I couldn’t squeeze a session to comfortably read them without knowing there is something else more pressing that had to be done. But don’t take my comments in anger, I appreciate your videos.

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      @Patrick Ghoston Gotcha! I made a separate video about ENTJs here: ua-cam.com/video/hPTys4Ig6fs/v-deo.html
      INTJ and ENTJ are very similar but super different at the same time but you see the different in Te and Ni, it becomes clear 😅

    • @pghoston
      @pghoston Рік тому

      @@justcallmejon22 have actually watched this video, but I’ll rewatch it to try to catch some details I may have missed.

  • @TamariTamari-ds6wz
    @TamariTamari-ds6wz 3 місяці тому

    Jesus loves u🩷

  • @kaycevanveer212
    @kaycevanveer212 Рік тому

    You are so awesome!!! My new INTJ boyfriend, we have been talking for a while bc i wouldn't go out with him lol, and on our first date he openly admitted that he was arrogant!!! 🫠 That's all it took for me! Self awareness makes this INFJ hot 🔥 lol 😆 ❤

    • @justcallmejon22
      @justcallmejon22  Рік тому +1

      You call that self awareness whereas some people call that a red flag 😅

    • @caravue7033
      @caravue7033 6 місяців тому
