Scary Dude... WITH WHIPS?? || Iron Man 2 (2010) Movie Reaction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @eviereacts
    @eviereacts  Рік тому +15

    Here's the link to The Incredible Hulk if you missed my post : (and I lied there's no password for this one!) enjoy :)

    • @nothernmonkey8612
      @nothernmonkey8612 Рік тому +2

      The greatest unknown movie in the world is TWIN TOWN a movie from Wales it's a cult classic in the UK

  • @bigdream_dreambig
    @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому +10

    38:56 "You guys look like two seals fightin' over a grape." 🦭🍇🦭 🤣

  • @bigdream_dreambig
    @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому +18

    35:07 Since English isn't your first language, I'll point out a subtle joke that you might have missed: When Tony says he's "fending off a Hammeroid attack," not only is this term a shortening of Hammer Industries Droid (or Justin Hammer's Droid), but it's also a reference to a flare-up of hemorrhoids! 🙈

  • @bigdream_dreambig
    @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому +8

    10:13 Gwyneth Paltrow's "OH MY GOD!" there is just perfect. 😆

    • @ldkinbote
      @ldkinbote Рік тому +1

      Cracks me up EVERY time.

  • @MGower4465
    @MGower4465 Рік тому +5

    What is often missed is Rhodey isn't a sidekick. He went to MIT, that's where he met Tony. He is brilliant in his own right.

  • @bigdream_dreambig
    @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому +14

    You've also seen Sam Rockwell featured in The Green Mile. For a fun film where he's _not_ the villain, I recommend Galaxy Quest (1999).

    • @kuivia
      @kuivia Рік тому

      holy shit i had no idea he was that guy from The Green Mile, I really like him in Mr Right imo that movie is just fun the entire time

  • @quixote6942
    @quixote6942 Рік тому +4

    Ivan Vanko was played by Mickey Rourke. He was a Leading Man back in the 80s/90s... but a botched Plastic Surgery really derailed that. He's made a comeback (of Sorts) since 2000.

  • @Nyarlathotep_Flagg
    @Nyarlathotep_Flagg 5 місяців тому +3

    Unlike how many misunderstand all of this - Widow can do what she does, not just because of training, but because she's a semi-super soldier created in the red room program.

  • @JDdiGriz
    @JDdiGriz Рік тому +6

    My favorite Sam Rockwell movie is the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (2005) with Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel, & Martin Freeman. It's based on the book. Sam plays Zaphod.

  • @thinkbolt
    @thinkbolt Рік тому +3

    This movie is brilliant. The script, the dialogue, the delivery. Just excellent performances all over. Pure entertainment.

  • @tomclark5924
    @tomclark5924 Рік тому +31

    Great reaction Evie! Just one piece of advice; I would avoid looking at cast lists before upcoming movies, because sometimes things are meant to be a surprise and many reactors have had big moments spoiled for them by doing research. Can't wait to continue this journey with you.

  • @oxhine
    @oxhine Рік тому +8

    Hey, Evie! I couldn't leave a comment in DropBox for "The Incredible Hulk" so I'm posting it here.
    "Incredible Hulk" is often considered a disposable MCU film because most of its elements don't carry over into future chapters in the saga but I quite enjoy it. I felt Edward Norton was an ideal casting choice for Banner. Despite the wonderful turn by Mark Ruffalo, who is later cast in the part, I would have loved to see Norton follow through on the character especially knowing how it all plays out. It's interesting to note how Hulk's publication history has mirrored his filmography. Inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" and nuclear fears, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby tried to replicate the success they had in 1961 with the Fantastic Four's most popular member, Ben Grimm aka The Thing, by creating a new sympathetic monster in 1962. Originally colored an ashen gray before settling on green, the misunderstood goliath only starred in six issues of "The Incredible Hulk" before being cancelled. He was given a second chance in 1964 in the anthology title "Tales to Astonish" which he shared with Ant-Man until he finally graduated to his own title in 1968. Likewise, Hulk's origin film from 2003 was the first failed attempt at establishing a shared cinematic universe until the character was revisited just five years later in 2008 in the wake of the runaway success of "Iron Man".
    Louis Leterrier, director of the "Transporter" films, delivers a fun, fast-paced movie with some terrific 'Hulk Smash'-ing action against the classic villain Abomination! There are fun nods to the comics not least of which is Hulk's facial appearance which is a Mike Deodato illustration come to life! After Ruffalo is cast, Hulk takes on the actor's appearance. Other touches include Betty buying Bruce purple pants, the powerful wind-blast of the Hulk Clap, the correspondence with Mr. Blue from the Bruce Jones run and the stormy cave sequence lifted from writer Jeph Loeb and illustrator Tim Sale's "Hulk: Gray" limited series. A spiritual successor to the popular TV series of the late '70's-early '80's, the film references the show's most quotable line when Norton mistranslates into Portuguese "You won't like me when I'm hungry." when he actually means "You won't like me when I'm angry."
    Any confusion at the start of the film stems from NOT seeing "Hulk" (2003) by Ang Lee before seeing "Incredible Hulk" (2008). The Ang Lee Hulk was the aborted first attempt at an MCU and "Incredible" picks up where "Hulk" ends! The two films were made just five years apart so the MCU Hulk film barely covers the ORIGIN which is what the non-canon film is about. The five-year time difference is even reflected in the "Incredible Hulk" narrative as further acknowledgement of its predecessor. The earlier movie has problems but also tremendous merit and utilizes a comic-book-panel visual style. It features more accurate circumstances surrounding the gamma accident, Bruce's troubled relationship with his abusive father and classic clashes with the Army in the American Southwest never seen in any other film in which the character appears. Ang Lee is a major talent and his filmography is extraordinarily diverse with films like the family dramedy "Eat Drink Man Woman", Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility", wuxia like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", historical dramas like "Ride with the Devil", romantic dramas like "Brokeback Mountain", existential journeys like "Life of Pi" and action films like "Gemini Man". The cast includes Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliot, Josh Lucas and Nick Nolte. It is NON-CANON but connected enough that some MCU fans like myself include it in the chronology.
    Typical of a Marvel production, the replacement cast was equally brimming with talent. Edward Norton as Bruce Banner aka Hulk had a passion for the part with his slender frame, palpable intelligence and haunted angst lending itself perfectly to the role. The lovely Liv Tyler brings warmth and longing to Betty Ross that is quite affecting. She and Norton had great chemistry together. In yet another Marvel casting coup, the great William Hurt portrays the obsessive General Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross. Tim Roth rabidly sinks his teeth into Emil Blonsky aka Abomination with an ever-present slight snarl on his face. Tim Blake Nelson as the helpful scientist Samuel Sterns receives a gamma drip into an open head wound resulting in a bubbling, bulging cranium as the set-up for his transformation into the classic Hulk villain, The Leader, a gamma-powered super-genius with an elongated flattop for a head! Unfortunately, it's an MCU plot thread that has taken 15 years to get picked up as this was the last solo Hulk film due to Universal owning the distribution rights to the character in standalone projects. Ty Burrell plays Betty's rebound psychiatrist boyfriend Leonard Samson who, in the comics, is another member of the gamma family. He can control his abilities, however, and serves the superhero community as a therapist of sorts. Paul Soles plays avuncular pizzeria owner Stanley who shelters Bruce and Martin Starr plays a Culver University computer nerd in a clever Spider-Man Easter Egg to be elaborated upon later. Jiu-Jitsu Grandmaster and famed MMA fighter Rickson Gracie portrays a Brazilian martial arts instructor who teaches Bruce some impressive breathing techniques and ravishing Brazilian TV star Debora Nascimento plays Bruce's tempting neighbor and bottling plant co-worker. In bit parts, Peter Mensah plays a General, Chris Owens of "The X-Files" plays a commando, Pedro Salvin plays a favela bully and Wayne Robson plays a New Jersey boat captain. Blink and you'll miss the amazing Michael Kenneth Williams as a terrified Harlem bystander. Lastly, the sole holdover from the 2003 film and the original green goliath, Lou Ferrigno, provides the Hulk's voice.
    1. Then-Mayor of Toronto, David Miller, was such a Hulk fan that he lobbied aggressively to have the production film in his city by offering irresistible financial concessions.
    2. Edward Norton re-wrote much of the script and even directed some scenes but is uncredited for those contributions.
    3. The events of "Iron Man 2", "The Incredible Hulk" and "Thor" all occur during one week in MCU-time called Fury's Big Week!
    1. The SUPER-SOLDIER SERUM General Ross injects Blonsky with is the one used to transform Captain America in World War II. This is a reference best understood by seeing the films chronologically. The results differ because the serum is meant to be administered in conjunction with exposure to a form of radiation called 'vita-rays'.
    2. The bespectacled university student with the pizza slice is played by Martin Starr who later appears as the high school teacher, Mr. Harrington, in the Spider-Man movies. Kevin Feige confirmed the student is Harrington working on his education degree.
    3. The "Lonely Man" theme from the TV series is heard while a ragged Banner shuffles through the streets of Chiapas, Mexico.
    4. The late Bill Bixby, who played Banner on the TV series, is seen in a clip from another TV series he worked on called "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" as Edward Norton flips through channels on the television in his favela apartment.
    1. Lou Ferrigno, who played the Hulk to Bill Bixby's Banner on TV in the '70's and '80's, is the security guard who accepts the pizza.
    2. Stan Lee is the Milwaukee gent who took a sip of gamma-laced soda pop! He's in the non-MCU Ang Lee "Hulk", too, as a security guard chatting with his partner played by none other than Lou Ferrigno!
    1. Tony Stark approaches a drunk General Ross about the Avengers Initiative but the true purpose of the meeting is actually revealed in the Marvel One-Shot "The Consultant".
    "Iron Man 2" occurs chronologically before this movie as it sets up the end-credit scene with Ross and features a clip of the Culver University rampage on a holoscreen during its conclusion. The next chronological stop in the MCU is the One-Shot featurette called "The Consultant". It provides some surprising context to Stark's barroom chat with Ross and introduces SHIELD Agent Jasper Sitwell played by Maximiliano Hernandez. It is found on the "Thor" blu-ray and DPlus.

  • @sersastark
    @sersastark Рік тому +8

    Sam Rockwell has it in his movie contracts that, no matter the role, he gets at least one scene where he can dance onscreen. He loves dancing and hes quite good at it. So while hes always trying to be like Tony, when he's dancing, hes Sam and not the character Justin Hammer.

    • @MGower4465
      @MGower4465 Рік тому +3

      The producers should have lucensed MC Hammer's Hammer Time and had "Justin" dance out in parachute pants.

  • @terrylindsay1984
    @terrylindsay1984 Рік тому +7

    I don't remember if it was confirmed or not but I think the kid that Ironman saves was Peter parker

    • @MrDanteMason
      @MrDanteMason Рік тому +3

      I think it’s been accepted as semi-canon. Tom Holland, I believe, has said that it’s definitely a young Peter.

  • @DonaldHolben
    @DonaldHolben Рік тому +7

    Tony is SOOO humble :)

  • @kuivia
    @kuivia Рік тому +5

    imo the best hair on black widow throughout mcu, only mentioning it because i feel like she had the biggest changes each time 😅😅

  • @FullMetalB
    @FullMetalB Рік тому +4

    The film "Moon" with Sam Rockwell is FANTASTIC!

    • @Filboid2000
      @Filboid2000 2 місяці тому

      I'm not a big fan of Rockwell but that IS an excellent movie.

    • @FullMetalB
      @FullMetalB 2 місяці тому

      @Filboid2000 Probably the most insane statement I've ever heard, but alright!

    • @Filboid2000
      @Filboid2000 2 місяці тому

      @@FullMetalB Okay, I don't get it: I'm SUPPOSED to like an actor or actress BEFORE I can like a movie?! I can't stand Ben Affleck but "Armageddon" is very entertaining; I think Anne Francis is a terrible actress but "Forbidden Planet" is an excellent sci-fi; you couldn't find a worse actor than Jeff Bridges but "Tron", "Tron: Legacy, and "Thundrbolt and Lightfoot" are all extraordinary movies. If that's insane, then count me among the loonies. 🤪

    • @FullMetalB
      @FullMetalB 2 місяці тому

      @Filboid2000 "You couldn't find a worse actor than Jeff Bridges" Yep, definitely an insane person.
      I think it was clear that not liking Sam Rockwell was the insane part. But maybe that's only clear to sane people. So that would make sense.

  • @TheTomt50
    @TheTomt50 Рік тому +3

    Many great Sam Rockwell movies where he is not a villain: Jo Jo Rabbit, The Way Way Back, Moon, Galaxy Quest.

  • @jimspetdragons3737
    @jimspetdragons3737 Рік тому +5

    fyi, palladium is not very toxic to humans unless ingested and even then, more a factor of irritation than toxic. I'm guessing that would be in small doses.
    Not sure when they start, but beware that sometimes there are 2 post credit scenes.
    Tony Stark is still my favorite character.

  • @dyegorodriguez2126
    @dyegorodriguez2126 Рік тому +7

    Hahahah I loved all her facial expressions

  • @Nightfly_69
    @Nightfly_69 Рік тому +3

    One of my top three favorite Sam Rockwell movies is Mr. Right. He's also really good in Moon.

  • @user-vc5rp7nf8f
    @user-vc5rp7nf8f Рік тому +5

    pepperony banter is the best

  • @akpilon
    @akpilon Рік тому +8

    A very funny movie that Sam Rockwell stars in (along with Anna Kendrick) is Mr. Right from 2016. I don't think anyone has reacted to this movie, but it's one of my favorites..

    • @cobba42
      @cobba42 Рік тому

      Looked down in the comments to add this movie as well, but alas, you beat me to it. One of my favourites as well. Such a nice package of funny, action, wholesomeness.

  • @DavidStebbins
    @DavidStebbins Рік тому +1

    If you want a Sam Rockwell movie where he doesn't play a villain, try Galaxy Quest, which is also just an amazing movie with a wonderful ensemble cast.

  • @oxhine
    @oxhine Рік тому +2

    Hey, Evie! The second Iron Man entry is a total blast that ups the ante of the first film by having Tony ride high on the celebrity of his public declaration as well as suffer privately from deadly blood poisoning caused by his arc reactor, create a new element as well as a new suit, contend with a vengeful technical genius as well as a corporate antagonist and engage in a colossal three-way armored battle for the climax! The Hammer-Vanko storyline is clearly a tribute to one of Iron Man's signature arcs -- "Armor Wars" -- wherein Tony has to shut down every operation that's appropriated stolen StarkTech including SHIELD! This is also the only film to touch on Tony's alcoholism which should have been the subject of a whole movie as it is CENTRAL to the character. The legendary "Demon in a Bottle" arc has Tony hit rock bottom and turn over his Iron Man duties to James Rhodes which would have been some great material for both Robert Downey, Jr. and Don Cheadle as the new 'Rhodey' replacing Terrence Howard.
    The film boasts an incredible cast with RDJ portraying Tony Stark in full manic mode as a man keenly aware of his imminent mortality yet in simultaneous aggressive denial. He is supported by a nakedly envious Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer, a menacingly bemused Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko aka Whiplash, a lusciously lethal Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow and an earnest, exasperated Don Cheadle as Lt. Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes aka War Machine. Garry Shandling even shows up in a small role he reprises elsewhere in the MCU as Senator Stern. The "His Girl Friday"-like romantic banter between Tony and Gwyneth Paltrow's Virginia 'Pepper' Potts remains a comic highlight with Clark Gregg's Agent Phil Coulson serving as a great straight man. I also really like John Slattery's contribution as elder Howard Stark who looms so large in Tony's life. Slattery's portrayal in Stark's promotional recordings is a hybrid of a young Howard Hughes and a middle-aged Walt Disney. Of course, director Jon Favreau as Harold 'Happy' Hogan and Paul Bettany as JARVIS return. Perpetually p***ed-off Sam Jackson as Col. Nick Fury swings by to drop some dark Stark legacy in Tony's lap as well as drop a hint of Asgardian doings in the Southwest. Leslie Bibb returns as journalist Christine Everhart as does Tim Guinee as USAF Major Allen. Kate Mara has a bit part as a process server and Elon Musk appears as himself!
    1. Natasha's belt buckle carries her sigil which is the red angular hourglass shape that is found on the actual backs of black widow spiders.
    2. The events of "Iron Man 2", "The Incredible Hulk" and "Thor" all occur during one week in MCU-time called Fury's Big Week!
    1. The half-finished, star-spangled convex object Tony uses to balance his makeshift particle accelerator is a prototype of Captain America's shield!
    2. While Tony reads his psych evaluation by Natasha, one of the holo-screens shows a field reporter covering the aftermath of Hulk's Culver University rampage indicating that Hulk's adventure is still in progress while Tony has just completed his which places "Iron Man 2" earlier in the chronology than "Incredible Hulk".
    3. Tony's status as a SHIELD consultant sets up the One-Shot "The Consultant" which accompanies "Incredible Hulk" recontextualizing its barroom end-credit scene with Ross.
    4. The kid in the Iron Man helmet Tony saves from the drone at the Expo is a pre-Spider-Man Peter Parker!
    1. Stan Lee shows up as Larry King complete with suspenders as Tony descends the escalator from the opening Stark Expo!
    1. The end-credit scene is actually an excerpt from "Thor" which shows Coulson arriving in New Mexico at the crater made by the impact of Thor's fallen hammer, Mjolnir.
    The next chronological stop in the MCU is a featurette called a One-Shot that occurs at the end of "Iron Man 2" prior to the end-credit scene which is actually a clip from "Thor". "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer" serves as a little prelude to "Thor" as Coulson travels to New Mexico and stumbles onto some unexpected action. It is found on the "Captain America: The First Avenger" blu-ray and DPlus. Occurring concurrently, the next film to see is "The Incredible Hulk" although it's advisable to see the non-canon, proto-MCU "Hulk" film from 2003 by Ang Lee first if you have no knowledge of the character.

  • @Belhade
    @Belhade 6 місяців тому

    The car scene at the racetrack is hilarious, it's so chaotic! Great reaction.

  • @danharris5999
    @danharris5999 Рік тому

    I still think my favorite moment in this film is after Natasha blows through all but the last of the guards, she downs the last one with simple pepper mace.

  • @cobba42
    @cobba42 Рік тому +4

    Side note to hacking: much of it is done in a command line environment with small and specialized programs.
    You'd start a command, let it run, see what the output is. Use that to run something else, etc.
    Yes, you can use the mouse to copy and paste, but it is often more efficient to manipulate the previous results with other tools...
    I'm aware that by now there are complete toolkits that let you select exploits using point and click for the educationally challenged, but that's another topic entirely.

    • @ivankawnartist
      @ivankawnartist Рік тому

      A mouse cant type code. That pretty much sums it up in layman terms. I was looking for someone commenting regarding this. Ha.

  • @amf0078
    @amf0078 Рік тому +5

    Fun fact that little kid in the toy iron man mask that Tony saved is Peter Parker (Spider-Man) as a little kid.

    • @bigdream_dreambig
      @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому +2

      🤦‍♂ Not again.

    • @amf0078
      @amf0078 Рік тому

      @@bigdream_dreambig what?

    • @bigdream_dreambig
      @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому +3

      @@amf0078 ​I'm just tired of people asserting this and me having to argue about it. It makes me want to avoid Comment sections for Iron Man 2 videos. The short version? No, this was NOT Peter Parker when the film was made. Nothing specifies it in the movie or in any other MCU films, it was never in any version of the script, and there was never anything in the comics about it. Yes, the director or whoever agreed to it, but that was a half-hearted fan-service retcon (something like "sure, okay, I guess" in response to a comment or question). In my opinion, saying it's Parker is contrary to the artists' intent when they made the film, so has zero validity.

    • @tomhardy2099
      @tomhardy2099 Рік тому +1

      @@bigdream_dreambig It's been confirmed that it's Peter Parker .

    • @bigdream_dreambig
      @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому

      @@tomhardy2099 *Sigh.* No, it really hasn't. Not in any meaningful way that predates the film's release.

  • @BlackTyler_
    @BlackTyler_ Рік тому +4

    Bring on the whipss 😍😍

  • @Muck006
    @Muck006 Рік тому

    a) the one thing Tony Stark SHOULD HAVE done is ... create "suits" for Pepper and potential other civilians close to him ... to "get her away from danger"
    b) if you like Mickey Rourke ... watch ""9 and a half weeks" ...

  • @davidkrieger1406
    @davidkrieger1406 Рік тому +1

    Happy Birthday EvieReacts! 🎉

  • @ricardoortiz4870
    @ricardoortiz4870 Рік тому

    28:31 Captain America Foreshadowing

  • @CanadaDan
    @CanadaDan Рік тому +1

    Rhodes was played by a different actor from here on out but it worked out better in the long run. RDj is always quite the character, he had a good run for a few yrs, making some great movies, it'd be great if you could react to the Sherlock Holmes movies (there are 2 out) and also Due Date, that one is pretty funny, RDj and Zach Galifianakis, that says it all

  • @notmee2388
    @notmee2388 Рік тому

    Sam Rockwell is somewhat wholesome in "Choke" (2008) and "Moon." 2009.
    And when I say "somewhat," that is a very somewhaty somewhat.
    Both are good movies. Choke was adapted from a book by the same author as the more famous "Fight Club"

  • @MGower4465
    @MGower4465 Рік тому

    7:33 This bit is not throwaway, it is referenced in a later movie.

  • @klaskla8e
    @klaskla8e Рік тому

    Great reaction. Looking forward to the other MCU movies. BTW Sam Rockwell is great in Moon (2009). :)

  • @mambans
    @mambans Рік тому +2

    Happy late birthday! And amazing video, love Iron man.

  • @greenwork2
    @greenwork2 Рік тому +3

    17:15 Is she his bird? 😂😂 ❤

  • @ru_7833
    @ru_7833 Рік тому +2

    JoJo Rabbit w Sam Rockwell. Great movie.

  • @michaelfritz8725
    @michaelfritz8725 4 місяці тому

    The "ex wife" didn't work because the jargon that said has meaning it's a device that has to get to a certain speed before working. It didn't work because it was Rhode's fault

  • @Wreath83
    @Wreath83 Рік тому +2

    Nice reaction 👍

  • @jaydisqus3353
    @jaydisqus3353 Рік тому +6

    believe it or not, Mickey Rourke (scary dude) was handsome in the 80s.

    • @eviereacts
      @eviereacts  Рік тому +2

      I don't doubt it!!

    • @jaydisqus3353
      @jaydisqus3353 Рік тому +1

      @@eviereacts I first saw him in Angel Heart. you'd hardly recognize him from that.

  • @mrbomb1339
    @mrbomb1339 Рік тому +2

    I hope that you had a Happy Birthday!!!

  • @imustbreakyou2170
    @imustbreakyou2170 Рік тому +2

    "Hammer needs a slut" Tony..... language!

  • @almag4571
    @almag4571 Рік тому +1

    Belatedly, Happy Birthday, Evie!

  • @JuniorTimes
    @JuniorTimes Рік тому +1

    If you like Sam Rockwell, you should watch Seven Psychopaths, it’s a hidden gem.

  • @marivera77
    @marivera77 Рік тому +3

    Happy birthday!!!🎉🎉🎂

  • @SeedFactoryProject
    @SeedFactoryProject 2 місяці тому

    The actors who play Justin Hammer and Christine Everhart are married in real life.

  • @curtquinlan9870
    @curtquinlan9870 Рік тому +2

    You may have noticed but, Tony is an alcoholic.

  • @PapasitoBustamante2585
    @PapasitoBustamante2585 Рік тому +1

    Happy beerday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

  • @matthewlangley5794
    @matthewlangley5794 4 місяці тому

    What I heard the little kid that Tony saved that's wearing the Ironman helmet is peter Parker spider-man

  • @abrahamde5080
    @abrahamde5080 Рік тому +2

    Belated Happy Birthday Evie😊 Love your reactions. Looking forward to react to your MCU journey👍🏼❤️

  • @jerbearschannel2208
    @jerbearschannel2208 Рік тому +1

    Happy birthday

  • @fullmoonprepping4024
    @fullmoonprepping4024 Рік тому +1

    Vanko was deported because he wanted to sell the t

  • @skripter9014
    @skripter9014 Рік тому +1

    Rocky II !!!!!!!

  • @18spy82
    @18spy82 Рік тому

    17:16 what..? 😂😂😂

    • @eviereacts
      @eviereacts  Рік тому

      Yes like his girl! It’s a british slang word apparently, not used very much today but I’ve heard it before🙄

  • @Fr-ic4ue
    @Fr-ic4ue Рік тому

    Justin Hammer is so fun to me

  • @KeatonWarner1
    @KeatonWarner1 Рік тому

    Mr. Right 2015 Action/Romance
    Starring Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick

  • @MartinCrouch-r5v
    @MartinCrouch-r5v Рік тому +2

    if the suits are powered by the thing in tony's chest, how did rhodes power his suit to face off with iron man?

    • @Logan_Baron
      @Logan_Baron Рік тому +4

      All the suits are shown to have a glowing chest plate.
      In Iron Man 3, we see them flying on their own though controlled by Stark.
      Clearly they have to have some kind of power source in the suits themselves. Possibly limited with them MORE powered (infinitely) by the arc reactor.

    • @Gengrel
      @Gengrel Рік тому +2

      They are just a power supply and he's been making them smaller. His fathers was huge, the one he made in the cave was smaller and by this movie it's small enough to be part of the chest plate rather than sunk into his chest.

  • @jaredwiggins1694
    @jaredwiggins1694 Рік тому

    So hilarious laughably 🤣😂 funny & bad ass of Tony Stark 2 thoroughly embarrass/humiliate Justin Hammer as well as this incarceration/version of Congress at the hearing!

  • @zcounts
    @zcounts Рік тому +1


  • @FutureBoy85
    @FutureBoy85 Рік тому +2

    You know...I think Black Widow was a villain when she first appeared in comic books 🤔 That would've been a great twist for this movie! I like the way you think. If only they didn't need her to be a good guy for the Avengers movie. Could've made in interesting story arc. Anyway, loved your reaction! ❤ Can't wait to see your Thor reaction.

    • @PhilBagels
      @PhilBagels Рік тому +3

      She was introduced in the comics back during the Cold War, as a spy for the Soviet Union. Introducing her as a villain here would make sense if the Soviet Union was still a thing. We see more of her MCU background later (no spoilers). Or yeah, I guess she still could have been a villain who eventually gets redeemed and becomes a hero. That happened with a lot of characters in Marvel comics. It would have probably required an extra movie or two to be inserted into the timeline somewhere.

    • @FutureBoy85
      @FutureBoy85 Рік тому

      @PhilBagels I really want to discuss but I also don't want to give any spoilers 😅

    • @PhilBagels
      @PhilBagels Рік тому +1

      @@FutureBoy85 Right! 😉

  • @nvp8191
    @nvp8191 Рік тому +5

    Spoiler alert: The kid in the Ironman mask has been redcon to be Peter Parker. The new element is a synthetic version of the tesseract cube the reason why old Arc reactor didn't work as well as it was supposed to is because of it using earthly elements.

  • @bigdaddy741098
    @bigdaddy741098 Рік тому +2

    Sam Rockwell is pretty wholesome in The Green Mile lol

  • @twistedguy102
    @twistedguy102 Рік тому +1

    Woo a Marvel upload yay

  • @tomhardy2099
    @tomhardy2099 Рік тому +1

    RDJ is truly the godfather of the MCU 😍. Man I miss the old MCU 😔 .

  • @USMCMachine
    @USMCMachine Рік тому

    I hope you do all the marvel films.

  • @Gengrel
    @Gengrel Рік тому +1

    For a more wholesome Sam Rockwell try Galaxy Quest. For a more random, extreme and twisted Sam try Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

    • @eviereacts
      @eviereacts  Рік тому

      Thank you for the recommendations! :)

    • @colleenross8752
      @colleenross8752 Рік тому

      But if you want Sam at his absolute worst, watch the Green Mile. BRING TISSUES

  • @bigdream_dreambig
    @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому

    16::43 What did you say? "Il est oeuf?" No, that can't be right... 🥚🍳😕

    • @eviereacts
      @eviereacts  Рік тому

      The guy said “il est ouf”! Sometimes french people say words backwards so he meant “il est fou” which translates to he’s crazy! Gave me a giggle😂

    • @bigdream_dreambig
      @bigdream_dreambig Рік тому

      @@eviereacts "Sometimes french people say words backwards..." Really?!? I'd never heard of that before! 🤦‍♂ That seems just as silly and impossible to understand to me as Cockney English's rhyming slang! (For example, "Would you Adam and Eve it?" = "Would you believe it?" and "We're in Barney" = "We're in Barney Rubble [the Flintstones character]" = "We're in trouble"!)

  • @Filboid2000
    @Filboid2000 2 місяці тому


  • @ferhathesap2
    @ferhathesap2 Рік тому +2

    You're look like MJ from Spiderman 2002 😂 so beautiful 😊😂

  • @TheGundamsword
    @TheGundamsword Рік тому +2

    The movies never get hacking right. It's for show, nothing else.

    • @eviereacts
      @eviereacts  Рік тому

      That's what I thought hahah hackers be like: *clippy clappies* "I'm in"

    • @Gengrel
      @Gengrel Рік тому +2

      @@eviereacts The mouse was added to make using a computer easier for the general populace and he could do what he did without it. He was opening and rewriting files and having to switch back and forth from the keyboard to the mouse would have been tedious.

    • @alsims2007
      @alsims2007 Рік тому

      @@Gengrel yeah this. the hacking in movies may get things wrong but not using a mouse is accurate. a mouse is user friendly but inefficient

  • @sunnywangpan19
    @sunnywangpan19 10 місяців тому

    One Thousandth Like

  • @kenmercer8112
    @kenmercer8112 Рік тому +1

    I don't like Ivan. besides the race scene, I skip his stuff.

    • @ivankawnartist
      @ivankawnartist Рік тому

      I don't like Thanos. Besides *that* scene I skip his stuff.