This showed on my page at a perfect time, I’m looking into getting a 14 cayenne and immediately replace the steering wheel and pretty much got the wheel just had no idea it needed the adaptor, i thought because the steering wheel already had all the functions connected to it and the other steering wheel was the same just newer model you simply had to install without any sort of adaptor, but I’m glad this showed me that it does need something else. Great video!
Couldn’t agree more. I’m holding off on buying a Cayenne GTS because of the ugly Luxor beige base wheel. This was great to learn about. Question: I don’t want controls on the wheel, if I upgrade to the solid metal spoke model with no controls, do I still need to buy that module?
This showed on my page at a perfect time, I’m looking into getting a 14 cayenne and immediately replace the steering wheel and pretty much got the wheel just had no idea it needed the adaptor, i thought because the steering wheel already had all the functions connected to it and the other steering wheel was the same just newer model you simply had to install without any sort of adaptor, but I’m glad this showed me that it does need something else. Great video!
Awesome! Congrats on the new purchase. I’m so glad the video was helpful. That’s why I make them!
I want to give 3 thumbs up. Subscribed. Your videos are great!
@@nanami73_ thank you! I appreciate that
Hey, did you get air bag light when you reconnected the battery?
@@Ugar333 no
I have the same interior and looking to upgrade. Do you have suggestions on where to find the wheel with airbags?
I had to source the wheel and the airbag separately. Ebay and FB groups are your best bet.
Couldn’t agree more. I’m holding off on buying a Cayenne GTS because of the ugly Luxor beige base wheel. This was great to learn about. Question: I don’t want controls on the wheel, if I upgrade to the solid metal spoke model with no controls, do I still need to buy that module?
No. The module is just for the wheel controls
I have an 957 GTS and love it. But the steering wheel is shit man. Can i change it too? And which one is suitable for mine? If u help, i appriciate!
Pretty sure you can change the 957 out, but don't have any experience with this. Sorry.
The all button works without adapter and how much is
Where did you find the airbag? Everywhere I have seen them are like $900+
Ebay. That said, $800-1000 is about right. I think I paid around that.
You can buy a new one from suncoast, I’d recommend that instead since it’s a brand new airbag and it’s around the same price range anyways.