Why is Satan Loosed in Revelation 20? Will Christians Be Deceived & Lose their Salvation?

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @teachingtetelestai
    @teachingtetelestai 4 роки тому +5

    What Hank said about the 1,000 is that incorrect.
    The right answer is the Bible hermaneutically shows us the 1,000 years is literal.
    Revelation 20:3 NASBS
    and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were "COMPLETED"; after these things he must be released for a short time.
    The 1,000 is not figurative, it has a literal context to be fulfilled.
    This is one of those questions the Bible easily defines. We don't have to add context to it that it doesn't give.
    Isaiah 65 gives us a clear picture of the New Haven and earth after the 1,000 years. Context is clear.

  • @70AD-user45
    @70AD-user45 4 роки тому +10

    It's funny how there's more questions about the book of Revelation than all the other books put together. Revelation came very close to being omitted from the Bible canon because of all the hysteria it created, and that was back in the 4th century.
    Revelation was written to a 1st century audience in 1st century Asia minor.

    • @osbujeff1
      @osbujeff1 4 роки тому +1

      Great commentary, as always. We should connect.

    • @stevek8318
      @stevek8318 Рік тому +1

      If rev. Was written for minor Asia churches, does it mean the entire event has taken place already?

      @METVWETV 9 місяців тому

      Not the 2nd coming obviously, though there are those who teach this heresy

  • @xenofonz7640
    @xenofonz7640 4 роки тому +13

    At about 2:30 Hank explains people should not read it the way it is intended. In other words, we should read it in an inadvertent or accidental way to suite one’s own version of the truth. That’s a sure recipe for confusion. God is not the author of confusion. Read Scripture the way it is intended, not in some confusing and contradictory way. It’s clear in Revelation that Satan is let loose for a short time AFTER the “millennium” is over (be it a literal 1,000 years or not) which in turn is AFTER the second coming of Christ. Any deviation from that is telling something completely different to that of the Word of God.

    • @hoganrichard9627
      @hoganrichard9627 4 роки тому +4

      Xeno, that's the way I read it too. God's Word explains itself. If it's meant to be taken literally, God writes it in a very plain and simple way. If it's meant to symbolic He says so and tells you what the symbolism is. I love the way Jesus spelled things out so there couldn't be any question about what is meant. Our God deals in absolutes-all wrong or all right NO "shades of gray". He's the same today, yesterday and forever. What a comfort that He gives His children that level of security. Thank you Mighty Father! Hail King Jesus!

    • @idahoduckhunter
      @idahoduckhunter 4 роки тому +2


    • @osbujeff1
      @osbujeff1 4 роки тому +2

      To read the book of Revelation-described by the angel as being symbolic, or “sign-ified” of things that were soon to come to pass in the first century-in a literalistic manner is a clear “sign” that a person does not understand the genre of apocalyptic. If you are not keenly familiar with Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel and the writings of the OT prophets in general, you are at a severe disadvantage to understanding John’s apocalypse. Numbers are used symbolically throughout Revelation; no serious student of the Bible disputes this. Why do we get hung up on the use of 1,000 in one passage of one chapter of one book of the Bible and create a doctrine based on it (the millennium), when it is not taught by Jesus, the apostles, or any writer of the OT?
      If you read the “millennium” passages carefully you will see that the saints-not Jesus-who rule for 1,000 years, and from thrones in heaven. Jesus rules forever, and his kingdom has no end. But the followers of Christ are said to be seated with him in the heavenly places as priests and judges, right now, concurrent with Jesus who rules at the right hand of God with all authority over heaven and earth. The Kingdom was announced by John the Baptist at the start of his ministry, and continues to this day.
      During this period the power of Satan *to deceive the nations* is bound. When he is released at the end, it is for the purpose of deceiving the nations again. This is so that the gospel can be preached throughout the world and penetrate the hearts of mankind, which is the role of the Church as the body of Christ.
      The origins of the “millennium” as first held by some of the early church fathers came from a Jewish teaching that predated the writing of Revelation by centuries and was decidedly heretical-a hedonistic semi-golden age filled with earthly pleasures. Today’s modern teaching about the millennium is very different from that of the 1st - 4th centuries with one exception: they all believed they were the generation that would see it come to pass, as it is still believed today.

    • @aznation4592
      @aznation4592 4 роки тому +1

      At Jesus second coming the righteous are caught up do you know what happens to the wicked at that time? I know the scriptures say the antichrist is destroyed by the brightness of his coming. I’m asking because the Bible says at Christ 1000 year millennium satan is bound. Then once the 1000 years have expired satan is loosed to deceive the nations? Where did these people come from or who are they?

  • @hoganrichard9627
    @hoganrichard9627 4 роки тому +10

    I'm sorry Hank. I'm even more confused than I was before. I'll continue to pray and seek guidance from the Holy Ghost concerning this. My feeble brain just doesn't get it. Good thing I don't have to rely on my own intellect.

    • @minimations8697
      @minimations8697 4 роки тому +4

      Respectfully you may (and I emphasize “may”) still be struggling with Hank’s answer because your understanding of the 1,000 years is that they are literal, 1,000 years; from, say, 2020-3020. Hank is saying, and I agree, that scripture is not saying we will literally have a semi-golden age from, say, 2020 to 3020 where Jesus reigns, and then in 3020 Satan is loosed. No. Scripture is using figurative language to inform readers that those who suffered (and who are suffering) for the sake of Christ do so for a short time, compared to their eternal vindication.

    • @hoganrichard9627
      @hoganrichard9627 4 роки тому +3

      @@minimations8697 well, bless you brother Rodney, for that insight. It certainly didn't make sense otherwise for Jesus to return, redo the whole universe back to perfection as it was in before the fall of man and then allow the Satan free to roam the earth and plague man again.

    • @minimations8697
      @minimations8697 4 роки тому

      Hogan Richard my pleasure brother. Keep the faith!

    • @Chloe-gh5mk
      @Chloe-gh5mk 3 роки тому +2

      Don't worry he's teachings are not right and your mind is more confused because his answer is more confusing.

    • @kelvenguard
      @kelvenguard 2 роки тому

      We are living in Revelation 20 TODAY and our Time line has been Deiceved just like Everything in todays world has been Decieved... Research MUD FLOOD... MELTED HISTORY... FAKE DARK AGES... TARTAIA... STAR FORTS... FLAT EARTH... EVERY THING TURNED TO STONE... THE STONE GAINTS... OLD COINS letters i & j... EREASED FREE ENERGY... NEW MOON in the Bible...

  • @joannelson9571
    @joannelson9571 3 роки тому +8

    You did not answer the callers question

    • @sunitachaudry390
      @sunitachaudry390 3 роки тому +1

      I agree!

    • @colshi4109
      @colshi4109 2 роки тому

      @@sunitachaudry390 But the caller understood that can you imagine? When pipo believe their own mind rather than the truth before them

  • @barbaramartin9838
    @barbaramartin9838 4 роки тому +3

    I don't think you can lose your salvation, it is Jesus's to give freely to us and it's him that keeps us.

    • @windex7_
      @windex7_ Рік тому

      Yeah if you are truly saved you will never want to go back to the satanic bond you had once your eyes are opened to the holiness of God and the deception of darkness from Satan.

      @METVWETV 9 місяців тому

      And that's pertinent to this video, how?

  • @nicholasamren7088
    @nicholasamren7088 2 роки тому +4

    Scripture states very clearly that the first resurrection will occur and only those that remained faithful and did not accept the mark will be resurrected. The rest will remain dead until the thousand years have passed Rev 20:5 at which time satan will be loosed for a short time to deceive the nations until the second resurrection, the final battle (Gog and Magog) and judgement day.
    Christ states as witnessed by Mark and Luke I believe, that the first resurrection will occur within that generation… that many will not taste death but will live to see the second coming and to reign which Christ during his 1000 years. That their bodies will be changed and the resurrected will have incorruptible bodies as well and they will reign along with Christ’s as priests. Whether you want to believe that it is a literal thousand years or not.. it isn’t eternal that much is clear. It is for a time, and after satan will be loosed for a short time. Rev 20:7-8
    Personally I believe we are living in that time now.
    Arm yourselves with scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you. Interpretations of scripture are dangerous. For that reason, it’s much safer to offer scripture and let the receiver make the determination if they should understand it literally or interpret it someway. If they choose to interpret it, then a discussion can be had at that level. Accepting someone else’s interpretation without first seeking for yourself seems to me to be a potentially foolish thing. This guy seems to be asserting his own ideas rather than quoting scripture. Rather his ideas actually conflict with scripture as I’ve stated above.

    • @aoeulhs
      @aoeulhs Рік тому

      When you say we are living in that time now do you mean the 1000 year reign of Christ or the the short time after it when Satan is freed? If the former, how do you explain the wickedness of the modern world? Satan is certainly active, exuberantly so.

    • @nicholasamren7088
      @nicholasamren7088 Рік тому

      @@aoeulhs I do not believe for a second that we are living during the thousand year reign. Either we are living in the time after, meaning satan has been loosed or Christ hasn’t returned for his millennial reign. I would lean more toward the former. Given the apparent resets humanity has gone through, and the way history seems to have been covered up.. it seems completely plausible to me that Christ may have reigned and Satan could have made sure that we are all deceived into believing that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t know though. It certainly appears we are living through times akin to the time of Noah. Would love to chat about it more though.

  • @wiserthanserpents3862
    @wiserthanserpents3862 3 роки тому +2

    The everlasting gospel is eternal salvation therefore true believers rose spiritually with Christ already.

  • @denismclean8382
    @denismclean8382 2 роки тому +2

    It seems Hank, (please correct me if I'm wrong) is saying that Revelation 20:7 is a snap-shot of Satan's overall career, God caused the fallen creature to be under, somewhat of a lease for a time, but then Satan was released to carry out his global mission to fully deceive the nation to persecute the Church, in which he (Satan) falls at the Return of Christ.

  • @marquishare
    @marquishare 3 роки тому +3

    You are presenting a confused view. The Lord does not not move in confusion but of peace, love ,and understanding. Take the word for what it is and don't read into it please. We will all give an account for our words, so be careful what you say or teach.

  • @savagephoenix4979
    @savagephoenix4979 3 роки тому +4

    I’m so confused 😩 I hate being confused

  • @believewithyourheart5627
    @believewithyourheart5627 3 роки тому


  • @seanc2788
    @seanc2788 7 місяців тому +1

    Dear caller, let me help you out by giving you the truth so you can see through the haze. This is information that has not been taught widely because sadly, most do not know how to read the Bible correctly. There is mostly literal, but some symbolic, especially in Revelation. They key is to rightly divide the word of God. So let's jump in:
    The 1,000 years of Christ's reign on earth is literal. It is mentioned 6 times in the book of Revelation. If God wanted you to take that symbolically, he would have used it once, as he does in other scriptures like "he owns the cattle on a thousand hills." Using the term 6 times in one book, between 3-4 chapters means it is literal.
    Why is it literal? Because whole sections of Isaiah have to be fulfilled. Like chapters 11, 13, 65, 66. You can't have old testament prophecies that do not come true, otherwise you don't have a true god. For each day of creation, there has been nearly 1,000 years of mankind living in sin on this planet. Since Adam sinned, man has logged 5,990 years of corruption and wickedness. However, there were 7 days of creation to complete the week. So what do you think the Millennial Reign does to complete the 7th day? That is correct, it's a thousand years where the earth rests. During the Millennial Reign, when Christ is physically back on the planet, the earth is going to revert back to the way it was before the fall. Isaiah 65:17-25. The curse that was placed on the earth will be removed. There will be no sickness or disease. There will be freedom from oppression. None of this is occurring in our world today, so we know that it is a future prophecy.
    So why the 1,000 year period as it pertains to humans and Satan. This is the part that most pastors will not touch, mostly because they don't know anything about it. Satan is locked up during the Millennial Reign so that he cannot deceive the earth. After 1,000 years of Christ ruling and peace and prosperity to the planet, Satan is let out again for a short while. Why is this? Because it says that he goes out and deceives the world and gathers one more army to fight against Christ. The reason Satan is let out is to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt the necessity of eternal punishment in hell. After 1,000 years of goodness, some of mankind will turn away from Christ and join forces with Satan. They must be eternally punished because Satan and his followers will never submit to God.
    This means that not everyone on the planet during the Millennial reign will be incorruptible. So that means you can't have a rapture at the end where all the saints get their glorified bodies. It has to come at the beginning, so that some who survive the 7 year Tribulation will repent and come to the Lord. That is why Matthew 24:30 finds the people of the earth in mourning and not in rejoicing. That means there are a group of mortals and immortals on the planet during the Millennial Reign. How do we back that up? Revelation chapter 22. The Tree of Life shows up again. Why was it put into the garden of Eden in the beginning? Because every 1,000 years man was supposed to eat from it and regenerate his physical body. Notice how none of the early patriarch reached 1,000 years of life. It's important to understand the entire story so you know what is coming. There is huge significance to the 1,000 years when it is mentioned in the Bible. It turns out that a day is like a thousand years is exactly accurate when it comes to recorded human history; 6,000 years of man's sinful rule. 1,000 years of Christ's perfect rule. That completes the 7th day of creation for this world. Then it is destroyed and the new heaven and earth begin.

  • @osbujeff1
    @osbujeff1 4 роки тому +1

    To read the book of Revelation-described by the angel as being symbolic, or “sign-ified” of things that were soon to come to pass in the first century-in a literalistic manner is a clear “sign” that a person does not understand the genre of apocalyptic. If you are not keenly familiar with Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel and the writings of the OT prophets in general, you are at a severe disadvantage in understanding John’s apocalypse. Numbers are used symbolically throughout Revelation; no serious student of the Bible disputes this. Why do we get hung up on the use of 1,000 in one passage of one chapter of one book of the Bible and create a doctrine based on it (the millennium), when it is not taught by Jesus, the apostles, or any writer of the OT?
    If you read the “millennium” passages carefully you will see that the saints-not Jesus-who rule for 1,000 years, and from thrones in heaven. Jesus rules forever, and his kingdom has no end. But the followers of Christ are said to be seated with him in the heavenly places as priests and judges, right now, concurrent with Jesus who rules at the right hand of God with all authority over heaven and earth. The Kingdom was announced by John the Baptist at the start of his ministry, and continues to this day.
    During this period the power of Satan *to deceive the nations* is bound. When he is released at the end, it is for the purpose of deceiving the nations again. This is so that the gospel can be preached throughout the world and penetrate the hearts of mankind, which is the role of the Church as the body of Christ.
    The origins of the “millennium” as first held by some of the early church fathers came from a Jewish teaching that predated the writing of Revelation by centuries and was decidedly heretical-a hedonistic semi-golden age filled with earthly pleasures. Today’s modern teaching about the millennium is very different from that of the 1st - 4th centuries with one exception: they all believed they were the generation that would see it come to pass, as it is still believed today.

  • @ricklamb772
    @ricklamb772 2 місяці тому

    It's kind of like when your vacuumingva rug ,and you wait a little while and vacuum one more time to make sure you got all the scum out of your rug.

  • @inokekirikiti1898
    @inokekirikiti1898 8 днів тому

    You didn't answer the callers questions

    • @BibleAnswerMan
      @BibleAnswerMan  7 днів тому

      @inokekirikiti1898 Can you expound on why Hank's response on Satan bound in Revelation 20 falls short?

  • @boyo3221
    @boyo3221 2 роки тому +1

    WRONG! 1000 YEARS IS NOT FIGURATIVE. stop trying to read the Bible like a poetry book..ugh

  • @thadcaltagirone5990
    @thadcaltagirone5990 2 роки тому +1

    Worst. Answer. Possible. Lol. No disrespect but it's o.k. to say "I don't know" sometimes. This is like trying to get a straight answer out of a politician. That was quite the linguistic dance to avoid the minutia of the passage. The gymnastics were impressive though. 👏
    All due respect.

  • @sambigg4620
    @sambigg4620 Рік тому +1

    This man answered nothing

  • @michaellindsey9087
    @michaellindsey9087 2 роки тому

    Yes they will suffer for a little while at chapter 7 verse 6 I spoke her to the Y and my see will so join in a Strange Land back into bondage and the tree evil for 400 years the suffering is over now Satan will be let loose not for 7 years but for 70 years Revelation 3:9 says those who say they are Jews but they're not they are the synagogue of Satan who are calling themselves Jews today and when did the synagogue of Satan their Kingdom up in Jerusalem 70 years ago the Jewish people they already admitted that there are not from the original bloodline call David so why are they calling their self Jews because we all know God punish the ones he loved and captivity that takes you back to ask chapter 7 verse 6 those are the Jews the ones been in captivity the last 400 years and that's the one that suffered for a short period of time give us back our book you are doing a terrible job that's why he said at the end time I'm going to wake up the tribe of Judah and Judah would teach the other nations and Judah will be the lights now you understand who is deceiving the whole world how by telling the whole world that Christ fulfilled the laws but how can you fulfill the laws when Romans chapter 9 verse 4 says Israel containment the adoption and the Covenant sorry that is with a s floor the old Covenant and the New Covenant and the giving of the law so how can Christ fulfill the laws if Paul saying that Israel is up under the law after Christ died that's why Christianity is deceiving the whole world and they are helping the synagogue of Satan the Christians and America and Britain set up Satan's kingdom in 1947 in Jerusalem do the man that brings you to about 70 years or more it have to be because we're at the third horse that is famine so the time Satan supposed to set up his kingdom on Earth for not 7 years but 70 years the seals and the plagues and the horses will prophesize you have to remember if you do not receive the mark of the beast that means somebody is trying to give you something in your hand your hand can be extension of your arm or your head you would not be able to buy or sell what did they tell us if we don't get the job that we will not be able to work go to the grocery store we would not be able to participate so what do that mean we will not be able to buy or sell that was the mark of the beast do not get it twisted it has to be because we are on the third horse all around the world they are talking about a food shortage everybody is riding and every country China told their people to save up food at least 44 years so when God release the third horse that mean it's going to be all around the world when you ever seen every country calling about no food thank you

  • @nicsmada
    @nicsmada 2 роки тому


  • @califuturist
    @califuturist 4 роки тому +1

    70 AD
    The New Jerusalem will be 5x higher than the International Space Station. That’s 500%. ½ the width of the USA.

    • @70AD-user45
      @70AD-user45 4 роки тому +1

      It sounds like you'll need a space shuttle to get from one end of your new Jerusalem to the other.😂😂 The new Jerusalem is already here on earth and it's the New Covenant Church.

    • @califuturist
      @califuturist 4 роки тому

      70 AD The New Covenant Church on the same planet with Satan? I don’t think so. I don’t think Glorified Bodies will need air to breath. If so, God can make breathable air 100,000 miles up.

  • @dotlaroc82
    @dotlaroc82 3 роки тому +2

    This is wrong 😑 smh

  • @TheRisenLife316
    @TheRisenLife316 Рік тому +1

    That made absolutely no sense lol 😂