Ayn Rand: So You Think Money is the Root of All Evil?

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2022
  • Francisco D'Anconica's classic remarks about money, from Ayn Rand's masterwork, "Atlas Shrugged." Narrated by Scott Brick. www.LibertyPen.com


  • @Blake4Truth
    @Blake4Truth Рік тому +21

    “The love of money is the root of all evil”; getting the quote right makes a huge difference.

    • @josephbenoit8640
      @josephbenoit8640 Рік тому +2

      I came here to say this, knowing in my heart it must have already been said.
      To be fair lots of people get St Paul wrong when he says the love of money is the root of all evil

    • @BachClarinet
      @BachClarinet Рік тому

      It wasn't St. Paul who said it.

    • @josephbenoit8640
      @josephbenoit8640 Рік тому +3

      @@BachClarinet 1 Timothy 6:10 For the desire of money is the root of all evils; which some coveting have erred from the faith and have entangled themselves in many sorrows.
      Do you mean St Paul wasn't the first to say it?

    • @BachClarinet
      @BachClarinet Рік тому +2

      @@josephbenoit8640 Just came here to acknowledge that I was wrong. Thanks for the reference!

    • @BachClarinet
      @BachClarinet Рік тому

      @@josephbenoit8640 I do want to say, this is a great passage from Atlas Shrugged. I really dog her thinking in this passage. Totally agree.

  • @morrisa2a
    @morrisa2a Рік тому +21

    Corruption is the root of all evil. Taxes are the fastest path to government corruption.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      Taxes pay for government services.
      Corruption is just a form of 'survival of the fittest individual by any means available' which has worked for billions of years.. why do societies have a problem with this "all of a sudden"?
      I tell you why - because societies require a benevolent monopoly force to violently punish any individual rules breaker (or groups thereof). But the concepts for this BMF so far all assume selfless, moral, trustworthy individuals to occupy those positions of power and you can guess what will happen next..
      If you want to solve the problem - come up with a political ideology that is able to work with flawed selfish individuals that somehow form a BMF to enforce societal rules for all. The free market of political ideologies so to speak.. pure / direct democracy might be a way to do this.
      If you don't the political system will govern OVER the economic system and enforce rules that benefit a few at the cost of the rest - destroying free markets and with it capitalism.
      Things like Patents, IP, Copyright, Picking Winners, Licenses, Tariffs, etc. are all ANTI COMPETITIVE.
      Here is someone who figures this out 250 years ago:
      _"The interest of the dealers [referring to stock owners, manufacturers, and merchants.. anyone really], however, in any particular branch of trade or manufacture, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public. To widen the market and to narrow the competition, is always the interest of the dealers. To widen the market may frequently be agreeable enough to the interest of the public; but to narrow the competition must always be against it, and can serve only to enable the dealers, by raising their profits above what they naturally would be, to levy, for their own benefit, an absurd tax upon the rest of their fellow-citizens."_
      _"The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men, whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it."_ Adam Smith
      Doesn't look like you people made any progress since..

    • @julianj9830
      @julianj9830 Рік тому

      Lol re-read your comment. Taxing revolves around money.
      Corruption is never a coincidence, dude. For example a newborn child is born innocent. It isn't until they're old enough to understand the construct of this world, which is money and power. They're the most common things sought out for. Very few men ever aquire either or both without doing harm. The majority will lie, cheat, manipulate, or even kill for it. You think Mark Zuckerberg has a moral compas? How about the Rothchilds? Rockefellers? The cartel? Politicians?
      It goes on and on and on.

  • @blakefowler1535
    @blakefowler1535 Рік тому +5

    “Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants.” Brilliant.

  • @DogeMcLovin
    @DogeMcLovin Рік тому +14

    This is so eloquently stated by Rand. Thanks for sharing as always.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      Eloquently? She doesn't even recognize that the violent enforcing of private property and personal freedom ( _"nor all the guns of the world can transform those pieces of paper"_ ) is underpinning our economic ideologies so that voluntary exchanges and competitive markets are a thing.
      Not to mention that any currency we have used for the last couple THOUSAND years had a flaw that turned it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY, which is the Evil she doesn't recognize. But she's not alone browsing the comments of this video..

  • @gondalfthewizard
    @gondalfthewizard Рік тому +15

    Reading it right now for the 1st time. Great video as always

  • @skeletalremains3860
    @skeletalremains3860 Рік тому +33

    As usual, great content that many people need to see but far less will get to see. Thank you Liberty Pen!!!!

  • @Katsurenjo15
    @Katsurenjo15 Рік тому +6

    Seconded. Evil seeks value in exchange for non-value, those who cry unfair, who demand reparations though they've suffered no injustice, that they're owed survival by others. Don't accept altruism. It's the greatest misanthropy.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      So you have no "heart and soul" that will take care of the unable, the unfortunate, the weak? That is ASOCIAL.
      Please recognize that specialists are unable to protect themselves 24/7 from opportunist individuals and their 'might makes right' Modus Operandi. The living standard you enjoy right now is based on 'crippled' generalists that rely on a societal framework that cares for disabled / weak / unfortunate and specialized ones among them to generate a high comfort level for all. You sure you understand what you talk about?

  • @gabrielduran291
    @gabrielduran291 Рік тому +12

    Unfortunately this video isn't the full speech. And as such a number of commenters are left concluding that Rand put up a strawman.
    For example this is on page 412 of Atlas Shrugged Kindle edition:
    “Or did you say it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil? To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men. It’s the person who would sell his soul for a nickel, who is loudest in proclaiming his hatred of money-and he has good reason to hate it. The lovers of money are willing to work for it. They know they are able to deserve it. “Let me give you a tip on a clue to men’s characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it. “Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. ..."
    And there is more but you have to read the book.

    • @johnmicheal3547
      @johnmicheal3547 Рік тому +3

      I love the part 'you know your society is doom when money go to the most corrupt' instead of money going to the most productive.

  • @lamann2437
    @lamann2437 Рік тому +14

    Thank you!! Excellent commentary by a great thinker.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      Na, she just looked at symptoms there and declared the outcome fine. Not much better than Marx who looked at the same symptoms and started to counter them. Both of them lack what Adam Smith was capable of - root cause analysis. But yeah, they don't make them anymore like they used to..

  • @mustang607
    @mustang607 Рік тому +7

    This reading gets cut off at the end. The speech continues with, “Or did you say it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil? To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you..." (and so on)
    Anyone can find the Full Ayn Rand money speech on the Internet.

    • @wptx2827
      @wptx2827 Рік тому

      You are right. Thanks.

    • @johnmicheal3547
      @johnmicheal3547 Рік тому

      Not "anyone". Just like not "anyone" can have money.

    • @docsavage8640
      @docsavage8640 Рік тому

      Anyone can have money. If they work for it.

  • @baudgaud
    @baudgaud Рік тому +1

    This video reminds me of a conversation I had with one of those halfwits who thinks we should do away with "money" and change to a "direct barter" system. I said: "You're a construction worker, right? Carpenter, laborer etc? So what if you live in a town with 5 construction workers, 2 dairy farmers, and 1 doctor? That's 3 construction workers who can't get milk and 4 who can't get medicine, because their goods and services are not needed. With money, those 3 workers can leave town, obtain trading cards representing their time and expertise, and then they exchange those vouchers with their local farmer and doctor who can use it to buy things from people who are lactose intolerant or mind-bogglingly healthy."
    My synopsis is simply that money is an improvement on the same old "direct barter" system.
    I am so glad Ayn Rand agrees with me :-D

    • @docsavage8640
      @docsavage8640 Рік тому +1

      Money essentially is still barter, just with symbols instead of actual goods.

  • @gi169
    @gi169 Рік тому +4

    Thank you LibertyPen.

  • @barbarataylor8101
    @barbarataylor8101 Рік тому +3

    Great video Libertypen

  • @bradbecker8982
    @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +7

    Ayn Rand was absolutely brilliant

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      no,she wasn't. Not recognizing monopolies when they stare you right in the face is not brilliant.

    • @RevoltingPeasant123
      @RevoltingPeasant123 Рік тому +3

      @@joansparky4439 Monopolies don't emerge from open markets, they are the result of governments excluding competitors.

    • @craigscott7315
      @craigscott7315 Рік тому

      The Bible says THE LOVE of money is the root of all evil. So Ayn Rand isn’t so smart.

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому

      @@craigscott7315 lol.. If only you knew how silly your comment is, in reality.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@RevoltingPeasant123 _"Monopolies [..] are the result of governments excluding competitors."_ You mean by enforcing Patents, Licenses, Tariffs, IP, Copyrights, Picking Winners, etc. pp?
      Are you aware that LEGAL TENDER is a monopoly as well (picking a winner currency)? Are you aware that the deflationary habbit of metal commodity currencies is a symptom of them being a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY?
      These kind of monopolies?
      Did Rand ever talk about those? No?
      Why the hell not?
      Did Rand ever tell you that open markets trend towards ZERO profit for all involved?
      What, she didn't mention that either?
      I thought she was brilliant? How could she overlook that?
      PS: _"Monopolies don't emerge from open markets .. "_ I agree 100%, probably even more extreme than you do.

  • @mustang607
    @mustang607 Рік тому +3

    Funny how this quote is from a book that is often banned or even burned.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      If they burn it alongside 'The Kapital' from Marx I'm fine with it.. not a lot of wisdom from these two anyway. Starring at symptoms and either declaring them fine (Rand) or trying to counter them (Marx) doesn't help in any way, shape or form. Unscientific scoundrels, the lot of them.
      Adam Smith at least recognized root causes and addressed them..

  • @freesk8
    @freesk8 Рік тому +1

    Wow, good one. Always loved Francisco's Money speech. Thanks! :)

  • @aceknightgaming1542
    @aceknightgaming1542 Рік тому +4

    Epic video

  • @rikkyjones1536
    @rikkyjones1536 Рік тому +6

    Everything was on point....your content is very powerful thank you very much. It's nice to have conformation.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      No it wasn't. Rand is ignorant about the zero lower bound flaw that turns money into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY.
      Declaring the outcome of this 'fine' and ignoring the monopoly that's staring her right in the eye there is missing the point entirely.

    • @RevoltingPeasant123
      @RevoltingPeasant123 Рік тому +1

      @@joansparky4439 This makes exactly 0 sense. You can't just throw some jargon together and hope that it looks impressive because nobody understands it.

    • @tuckerdunn1791
      @tuckerdunn1791 Рік тому

      @@joansparky4439 There has never been, nor can there be, a sustained harmful monopoly that wasn’t supported by government interference. Far from preventing monopolies, government intervention creates them.
      If you’re simply complaining about people who amass huge sums of money, what you’re really complaining about is that millions of people decided to give them money, voluntarily, on the basis of their productivity.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@RevoltingPeasant123 I didn't see your comment 7 months ago - please read above comment to Tucker and see if that explains what I was talking about. Sorry & Thanks.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@tuckerdunn1791 _2nd part_
      _"If you’re simply complaining about people who amass huge sums of money, what you’re really complaining about is that millions of people decided to give them money, voluntarily, on the basis of their productivity."_
      So you don't understand how money works IMHO? May I explain it how I see it?
      Lets say we use some rare metal for it.. and the population of our economy grows faster than the amount of that rare metal we can turn into money.. what do you think will happen? The money that already is in circulation will become more valuable. This is called deflationary death spiral and a sure way to stall an economy. We've done it plenty in the past. It also gives the current holders of that rare metal a monopoly.
      The way we solved this (several times in human history) is by using institutionalized promises (based on 'communally enforced' trust, which is what the whole peaceful exchange of resources between economic participants is based upon anyway) as money. Their amount can easily adopt to economic activity as they are based on people making promises. We even did this a with metal - see any coinage since ancient times where the ruler enforces a certain type of money for his 'service' of keeping order for all his subjects - this already is a deviation from relying on bare metal as medium of exchange.
      But this still could and did stall the economy when money wound up in a few hands only.
      Funnily an historic accident that worked well for a while was called Bracteate, where the recall of the currency happened regularly and the exchange rate was about 4 old coins for 3 new ones (~5% decay Year on Year) - the remainder was kept by the mint/ruler and an income source which meant it got overdone (a recall every year or even 6 months let to the call for the 'eternal cent' and so this ultimately failed - after several 100 of years functioning).
      Anyhow.. our current fiat money (based on promises) has a tiny flaw upon creating it (copied from metal commodity currency) - fiat is based on promises that are bound to a human to keep them. If that human for whatever reason cant keep his promise - well, the fiat money based on that promise also loses it's value ( I can detail how fiat stems from delayed exchange of product between market participants if interested?). And as no individual, not even governments last forever - our fiat has got an intrinsic value loss built into it - but it is NOT communicating this. And this leads to holders of such fiat (just like the holders of rare metal money) to expect POSITIVE ROI all the time otherwise they withhold it from circulation.. which means for their money piles to grow somebody somewhere needs to create more money to bring it to them - otherwise this money doesn't circulate anymore -> deflationary death spiral.
      With rare metal this depends on mining it.. with the deflationary death spiral as certain outcome (except for when Spain et.al brought back vast amounts of gold from the Americas).
      With promises this depends on more people making promises.. this fails when the amount of people stabilizes and economic growth outlook is low.. and this is why Keynes came up with the solution to let Government take on ever more debt to kick start the economy despite no growth (and accept 2% false promises = this creates inflation), while full well knowing that Gesell already had a solution. Unfortunately Gesell (a child of his time and not an economist) didn't had the 'promise = fiat' connection and could scientifically argue for why money needs to rust to put it on the same level as the products it moves. He argued from a simpler whole-picture-POV, while I just gave you the detailed technical reason for why fiat money (money based on promises) is decaying and must communicate it to not cause deflation.
      Also - inflation for the sake of to preventing deflation (= artificial way to create that decay) depends on creating ever more debt - either via people or via government.. there is a ceiling there which we will run into. On top of this inflation also affects ANY denomination of money, not just the "notes" themselves - which causes all sorts of market failures.
      You seem to be against monopolies. Fine, I'm with you.
      Now please realize that metal commodity currency based on rare metal creates a monopoly that benefits the holders of rare metal at the cost of all others and fails as soon as the economic activity exceeds the amount of rare metal in circulation (not to mention that other uses for this metal can cause all sorts of volatility that you absolutely do not want in an economy).
      So no, _"millions of people decided to give them money, voluntarily, on the basis of their productivity"_ IS NOT WHAT IS GOING ON.
      A medium of exchange that is based on the rareness of some matter (or other thing, see crypto) CREATES a monopoly that will benefit a few at the cost of the rest (and winds up volatile and stalling any economy that relies on it as medium of exchange).

  • @benjamingisby
    @benjamingisby Рік тому

    Awesome, I just listened to this speech by Francisco d'Anconia in atlas shrugged 2 days ago.

  • @billschlafly4107
    @billschlafly4107 Рік тому +10

    Money isn't the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is. Loving money corrupts the self. Those who love money put things before people.

    • @axisapex
      @axisapex Рік тому +3

      Yes it is the LOVE of it, not thecoin/paper/idea itself. So many people miss this context.

    • @gonebamboo4116
      @gonebamboo4116 Рік тому +1


    • @joesmobody5152
      @joesmobody5152 Рік тому

      The root of all KINDS of evil not all evil. Everyone correcting the misquote is still misquoting.

  • @acctsys
    @acctsys Рік тому +1

    If only money is still as honored as this here instead of credit system goes brrrrr!

  • @axisapex
    @axisapex Рік тому +2

    The LOVE of it. give it's proper context and it makes sence.. saying Money is the ROOT of all evil is ignorant.
    When put into it's proper contect " The LOVE of money is the ROOT of all evil"

  • @andrewdavis8137
    @andrewdavis8137 Рік тому +1

    True wisdom. Yet so rare. We’re all screwed.

  • @bradbecker8982
    @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +1

    I’d love to see a full upload of Galt’s Speech at some point.

    • @equaltoreality8028
      @equaltoreality8028 Рік тому

      That would be 3 hours long and it is already on UA-cam.

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +1

      @@equaltoreality8028 3 hours of necessity. I’ve never seen the entire speech on UA-cam.

    • @equaltoreality8028
      @equaltoreality8028 Рік тому

      @@bradbecker8982 indeed, After a quick search: ua-cam.com/video/2z-VcRwQiCg/v-deo.html

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +2

      @@equaltoreality8028 well, thank you 🙏

  • @rmmm329
    @rmmm329 Рік тому +1

    The love of money is the root of all evil, not only money by itself

    • @docsavage8640
      @docsavage8640 Рік тому

      Maybe read the book as that's covered as well.

    • @rmmm329
      @rmmm329 Рік тому +1

      @@docsavage8640 The question posed in the video is “so you think money is the root of all evil”…. Which isn’t the correct question

    • @joesmobody5152
      @joesmobody5152 Рік тому +1

      The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Its the most misquoted bible verse.

  • @jonphinguyen
    @jonphinguyen Рік тому +2

    No. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      no, societies creating monopolist niches for selfish ruthless greedy individuals is the root of all evil.. our fiat currencies (and metal commodity currencies before them and silver coin before them) just all carry the (solvable) zero lower bound flaw that creates a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY.. this then lets a few 'lucky' ones extort the rest and if you got a moral / ethical take on this you might call this evil.
      But the evil is not the love of money or money itself.. the evil is our ignorance of how things actually work.

  • @philcurtis8420
    @philcurtis8420 Рік тому +1

    Unfortunately this was true when the money was backed by something. Now the evil bastards just print the stuff whenever they need more.

  • @jimmears
    @jimmears 8 місяців тому

    "So You Think Money is the Root of All Evil?" No! I think Ayn Rand is a kook.

  • @Adamentin
    @Adamentin Рік тому +1


  • @richlake3290
    @richlake3290 Рік тому

    "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."
    1 Timothy 6-10
    It is man's heart. Ayn is correct when pointing out that MAN is the problem, not money. We are "the Driver."

    • @an-tm3250
      @an-tm3250 Рік тому

      Love of money is A root .... so there is more than one. Read carefully.

  • @HarrisonCountyStudio
    @HarrisonCountyStudio Рік тому

    Crumbs for the Algore rhythm

  • @user-ji2on8eg3l
    @user-ji2on8eg3l Рік тому

    Ecclesiasticus 10:10
    There is not a more wicked thing than to love money: for such a one setteth even his own soul to sale: because while he liveth he has cast away his bowels.
    To love money above productive value is evil. To love productive value implies no force or coercion is involved. Love of money implies theft or failure to pay those who labored. Money is not evil. Theft, force and coercion are. By the sweat of ones own brow will one receive and eat his daily bread.

  • @user-io5fw2dg1v
    @user-io5fw2dg1v 2 місяці тому

  • @morefiction3264
    @morefiction3264 Рік тому +4

    1 Timothy 6: "6But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7for we brought nothing into the world, andc we cannot take anything out of the world. 8But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."
    This is often misquoted and doesn't say what many people think it says.

    • @mustang607
      @mustang607 Рік тому +1

      The King James version of the Bible reads, "For the love of money is the root of all evil...", which is what is talked about right after the video abruptly cut the speaker off.

    • @morefiction3264
      @morefiction3264 Рік тому +1

      @@mustang607 That's not the best translation based on the context around it. That's why I quoted the whole passage. It's a message to Christians to be content and not fall into temptation by loving money.
      The point is not that money is evil or not useful. It's how we exchange our labor for goods. As Christians, it's not the most important thing and we should be content with the providence that God has given us. "Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

    • @docsavage8640
      @docsavage8640 Рік тому

      God never fed anyone.

    • @morefiction3264
      @morefiction3264 Рік тому

      @@docsavage8640 In the garden, all the food Adam and Eve needed was there on trees God planted. The curse from the fall was that now our food had to come by the sweat of our brow but he preserved the Israelites for 40 years in the desert by having manna appear in the morning for them to collect.
      In a more general sense, although we still have to work to earn our food, because God is sovereign, everything we have is from his hand.

    • @Blake4Truth
      @Blake4Truth Рік тому +1

      @@docsavage8640 The creator provides all.

  • @RandomEngineer69
    @RandomEngineer69 Рік тому

    Bioshock recording vibe…

  • @seth5394
    @seth5394 Рік тому

    do not agree with her objectivism philosophy but she can still teach me something i do not know

  • @IntoAllTruth.
    @IntoAllTruth. Рік тому

    The love of money is the root of all evil or crime. Ayn Rand was an interesting intellectual, but was mistaken in her philosophy. Just the idea that she thought the idea was that money, not the love of it, was the root of all evil is a ready illustration.

  • @pierre2458
    @pierre2458 Рік тому

    I understand Rand later in life applied for Social Security

    • @johnnynick3621
      @johnnynick3621 Рік тому

      Ayn Rand was FORCED to pay into social security for 47 years. At the end of her life, she had a net worth of approximately $1,000,000. She did not NEED social security, but damned if she wasn't going to retrieve back as much as possible of what was STOLEN from her. Ten years before she qualified for social security, she wrote that those who were FORCED to participate in this government scheme were honor-bound to take back as much money as they could legally, rather than leave it for the parasites and the moochers.
      She despised hypocrites and she was always consistent.

  • @danieladams1752
    @danieladams1752 Рік тому

    Money is root of all evil
    What is root of money
    Money is result of people working
    Working people are given money by other working people for their work.
    Working people then use that money to buy other working peoples work.
    The trick? How do I get more money for my work(profit) than what I paid into it? Then I can take that extra and buy more than what other working people can.
    All work is nessecary and should be paid for. However, some work is profitable, while other work is not. And yet, it is often the work that is most nessecary that is not profitable. But if you can, through cleveness or underhanded means, somehow make it profitable, you are seen as deserving of the reward of profit.
    The result: Work is nessecary, profit is optional(opportunistic).

  • @CaptainPilipinas
    @CaptainPilipinas Рік тому


    • @CaptainPilipinas
      @CaptainPilipinas Рік тому

      -because that is not completely the full saying of those words.

  • @maurices5954
    @maurices5954 Рік тому +1

    Your time is running out!

  • @Zorbawon
    @Zorbawon Рік тому +4

    Digital currency will prove to be evil. Use cash.

  • @dannysullivan3951
    @dannysullivan3951 Рік тому

    She's in the trash bin of history for a reason

  • @jtbranman
    @jtbranman Рік тому +4

    I believe it is the "love of money".

    • @oldblue7837
      @oldblue7837 Рік тому

      You are right, the love of money is the root of all evil.

    • @joesmobody5152
      @joesmobody5152 Рік тому

      @@oldblue7837 All kinds of evil

  • @Daily_Llama
    @Daily_Llama Рік тому

    4:55 Love the content but using Einstein is wrong on many levels. First because he espoused Socialism as the ideal ideology but moreover because his work is not his but the act of communal achievements. He could barely do the math for his own work and his collaborations did more for his independent thoughts.

  • @mtarlo215
    @mtarlo215 Рік тому +1

    I believe there is some major flaws in Mrs. Rand’s thinking and philosophy. But, This is not one of them. A brilliant argument, made into a brilliant speech, that changed countless lives. That initial encounter with her ideas was incredible.

      @WHOWANTZIT Рік тому +1

      What ideas did she have that you think we're flawed. I don't know a lot of her ideas, so just curious 🧐

    • @mtarlo215
      @mtarlo215 Рік тому

      @@WHOWANTZIT I’ve listened to much smarter people who are much more articulate than I attempt to tackle that question and I’ve never been satisfied with their answer. I imagine if we spent a evening discussing this topic over whiskey and cigars I’d wake up the next morning still unsatisfied with my answer. Her impact was great enough on me that the middle name of my first son is Rand. I believe I can safely state that my own ideas and her’s separate not at the level of the individual but at the level of society. I’m afraid this doesn’t answer your question but people are complicated and I run the risk of misrepresenting her and myself if I attempt to explain beyond that. Especially in this forum.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      Rand like many libertarians do not recognize monopolies, even if their lives depended on it.
      Money for the last couple thousand years has a flaw (that can be corrected) that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. The very thing Rand & Co were opposed against with their libertarian thinking.. noobs, incapable of root cause analysis. But Marx wasn't capable of it either.. the only one I came across who did was Adam Smith IMHO.

  • @jahovashalom17
    @jahovashalom17 Рік тому +1

    According to Proverbs, It is the *Love* of money that is the root of all evil..

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      no, money has a flaw copied from metal commodity currency that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. That is the root of evil - because its a monopoly, the opposite of competitive markets.

  • @eddyimpanis
    @eddyimpanis Рік тому +5

    For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

  • @creative-liberty
    @creative-liberty Рік тому +1

    People who rationalize this kind of supremacist crap are evil. It's one straw-man argument after the next. Government is not the problem, you are.

  • @Daily_Llama
    @Daily_Llama Рік тому +2

    The fallacy of altruism is the root of all evil...

  • @zippydoo9533
    @zippydoo9533 Рік тому +3

    Money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому +1

      no, money has a flaw copied from metal commodity currency that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. That is the root of evil - because its a monopoly, the opposite of competitive markets.

  • @JohnWells2014
    @JohnWells2014 Рік тому +9

    No, it's the love of money that's the root of all evil... and that love manifests in a myriad of ways.

    • @wptx2827
      @wptx2827 Рік тому +2


    • @bradengle3491
      @bradengle3491 Рік тому +2

      People who reject Christ don't understand that.

    • @mustang607
      @mustang607 Рік тому +1

      Instead of the love of a store of value, what about the love of power, which many times money can help obtain?

    • @wptx2827
      @wptx2827 Рік тому +1

      I got corrected on this... The video uploaded is incomplete. She does address the love of money in her speech.

    • @gonebamboo4116
      @gonebamboo4116 Рік тому

      interesting, too bad the best part was cut

  • @rlj7647
    @rlj7647 Рік тому +7

    "Lust for money is the root of all evil".
    Money itself is neither good, nor evil - but a store of value. When it becomes idolatry, then it is a sin.
    That is the biblical view.

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +1

      Money is a value and therefor it’s good.. I doubt you watched the video

    • @rlj7647
      @rlj7647 Рік тому +1

      @@bradbecker8982 I watched it. I'm not an objectivist.
      I've read much of her non- fiction.

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +1

      @@rlj7647 so values aren’t good?

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому +1

      @@rlj7647 is a store of value and medium of exchange good?

    • @rlj7647
      @rlj7647 Рік тому +3

      @@bradbecker8982 yes ,if it's based on real(commodity) value.
      I was commenting on the often misquoted scripture.
      She was a critic of fiat money.

  • @bryanboone7363
    @bryanboone7363 Рік тому +1

    So many people get that wrng. The Bible does not say that money is the root of all evlI. It says "the LOVE of money is the root of all evlI".

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      no, money has a flaw copied from metal commodity currency that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. That is the root of evil - because its a monopoly, the opposite of competitive markets.

    • @bryanboone7363
      @bryanboone7363 Рік тому

      @@joansparky4439 Money is not equivalent to metal, and money cannot ever become a monopoly.
      Anythlng in the Universe can be used as money by anyone. In history people have used seashells, salt, spices, tobacco leaves, and fur as money/currency. Direct barter is a more difficult form of money exchange.
      Pure metals tend to be among the best items for a currency/money because they are physical, can be divided many different ways, are durable, and some are rare.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@bryanboone7363 try to pay your taxes with something else than legal tender and you will learn how much of a monopoly money is.
      Then please realize the big picture and that EVERY exchange of product in our societies depends on money and that even if our economies won't grow anymore, the holders of it will still require positive ROI.. which will be extorted from the economy one way or another unless government steps in and creates more of it by taking on ever greater debt.
      Money is a monopoly right now and the symptoms of it stare you right in the face.
      And using metal commodity currency instead wouldn't change this one bit as the flaw that leads to this monopoly is based on them.
      "We" don't have a proper theory of money yet, which is why it's still flawed and turns into a monopoly with all the consequences of that.

    • @bryanboone7363
      @bryanboone7363 Рік тому

      ​@@joansparky4439 That is a problem of government. Not a problem of money.
      Incorrect. There is a vast amount of goods and services that change hands on a daily basis that is not done via money. Money just makes trade easier.
      No it isn't. You are confusing the US dollar for money. They are not synonyms. As I said before money can be anythlng.
      Actually it would. The US government cannot create metal as easily as they can create paper dollars or credits. Therefore inflation is far more difficult with metal currency.
      Yes we do. Money is nothlng but a physical representation of human deslre.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому +1

      @@bryanboone7363 _"That is a problem of government."_ ..what is? Legal Tender? Gold/Silver coins will not behave differently there.
      _"There is a vast amount of goods and services that change hands on a daily basis that is not done via money."_ not between highly specialized strangers which enables complex product chains which makes our life so much more comfortable than just 50 years ago.
      _"money can be anything"_ .. no it can't, as soon as you use products you enter the territory of barter, which means the exchanges get way way less complex and our living standard follows suit.
      _"Therefore inflation is far more difficult with metal currency."_
      And deflation will be the norm - which is nothing else than the symptom of the monopoly of the few who hold metal compared to the rest who rely on it for their exchanges, but can't use it as the holders demand ROI for lending it out.
      You're a metal theory of money believer and don't understand what our markets, our economies, our societies actually are about and what makes them work.
      _"Money is nothing but a physical representation of human desire."_
      Nope, not where it comes from. Money is the memento of an incomplete exchange of resources, where one party delivered product and the other hands over a promise. You are still thinking in the terms of barter which the money concept has left behind thousands of years ago.

  • @djbuschman1889
    @djbuschman1889 Рік тому +1

    1 Timothy 6: 10 The LOVE of money is a root of all kinds of evil…

  • @iamjustsaying4787
    @iamjustsaying4787 Рік тому

    Yes. The love of money is the root of all evil. Even secular wisdom knows that, “follow the money”

  • @grannygear1001
    @grannygear1001 Рік тому +1

    No, the love of money is the root of all evil. (Notice the word love. When money becomes a god or an idol, this is the root of the evil tree.

  • @ryanfatguyinlilcoat2436
    @ryanfatguyinlilcoat2436 Рік тому +1

    its painful when someone has a really good point but over explain it

  • @RPe-jk6dv
    @RPe-jk6dv Рік тому

    no money is the root of all evil.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      no, money has a flaw copied from metal commodity currency that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. That is the root of evil - because its a monopoly, the opposite of competitive markets.

    • @joesmobody5152
      @joesmobody5152 Рік тому

      @@joansparky4439 Are you a bot? Not really a copy paste worthy comment.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@joesmobody5152 _"Not really a copy paste worthy comment."_
      That is just because you don't understand the ramifications of what I posted.
      The stance of ANY religion regarding money (look up the term Usury) stems from the fact that any money human societies have been using since ancient times, has turned into a monopoly that redistributes wealth from the poor to the rich.
      Or in other words - neither 'the love for money being the evil' or 'money being the evil' are correct.

  • @wptx2827
    @wptx2827 Рік тому +1

    Edited: I found the full speech online and she does address the idea of "the love of" money.
    "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils." 1 Timothy 6:10 ESV

      @WHOWANTZIT Рік тому +2

      I think she's attempting to correct the the myth that "Money is the root of all evil" which many people believe and therefore they view money in a negative way and those who accumulate great wealth then are inherently evil. When in fact as you pointed out it's "The Love of money is the root of all evil"
      Not money itself :)

    • @karozans
      @karozans Рік тому +1

      @@WHOWANTZIT I agree with that assessment.

    • @matthewstroud4294
      @matthewstroud4294 Рік тому

      Read the full speech. The love of money is addressed. There is no strawman.

    • @wptx2827
      @wptx2827 Рік тому

      @@matthewstroud4294 I stand corrected. Thank you.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@WHOWANTZIT no, money has a flaw copied from metal commodity currency that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. That is the root of evil - because its a monopoly, the opposite of competitive markets, the very thing libertarians actually stand for.. if you're wealthy based on a monopoly you are wealthy based on "evil". If you don't understand this, ask, I will share.

  • @zachman5150
    @zachman5150 Рік тому +1

    Nope... The love of money is the root of all evil

  • @drgeorgepark3628
    @drgeorgepark3628 Рік тому +23

    My greatest happiness is the $ 28,000 weekly profit I get consistently

    • @raymondaaron1557
      @raymondaaron1557 Рік тому

      This is the kind of information that we don't get from most UA-camrs I will get in touch with him right now

    • @eddyimpanis
      @eddyimpanis Рік тому +3

      For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

    • @zacharytuttle5618
      @zacharytuttle5618 Рік тому +2

      Is anyone dumb enough to not see that this is an spam ad? I hope not

    • @mccartneystuart
      @mccartneystuart Рік тому

      Scumbags! Go get a damn job.

    • @Hendrixdh
      @Hendrixdh Рік тому

      Thanks to Mr Hillary I now own many islands

  • @justinm4497
    @justinm4497 Рік тому

    that's a misquote, money was not the root of all evil, the Love of money is the root.

  • @dagwould
    @dagwould Рік тому +1

    No! It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Money is a very handy exchange mechanism. Nothing wrong with it, but if you run your business to love money and not customers, you'll pretty soon have no customers. Same in your inner life. Love of money devolves to selfishness instantly.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      no, money has a flaw copied from metal commodity currency that turns it into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. That is the root of evil - because its a monopoly, the opposite of competitive markets.

  • @JennWest-Liberty
    @JennWest-Liberty Рік тому +3

    Gold and silver come from the earth. Made by god/nature.

    • @bradbecker8982
      @bradbecker8982 Рік тому

      Human individuals had to dig the metaphysical materials from the ground and produce valuable products with them. Neither humans nor gold/silver were created by a God. You can’t break with the laws of identity and causality by asserting a God exists, and still be correct or sane.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      So you're a metal theory of money believer then? Poor misguided soul...
      I hope one day you realize that metal commodity currency due to its nature carries a flaw in it (zero lower bound) which turns such currencies into a monopoly as soon as GDP growth falls below 2-3% YoY. Not recognizing this is poor form.

    • @JennWest-Liberty
      @JennWest-Liberty Рік тому

      @@bradbecker8982 i am simply including two types of beliefs, i was not asserting any fact of believing or not believing in God. I have read Christopher Hitchens, Voltair, etc. but i do believe in Natural Law. I also believe that i do not need to destroy the beliefs of others to feel okay about my own.

    • @JennWest-Liberty
      @JennWest-Liberty Рік тому

      @@joansparky4439 yes. I believe metals are money or mechanisms of trade.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Рік тому

      @@JennWest-Liberty So you won't get past barter with this kind of thinking.
      What about contracts?
      You are a believer in contracts?

  • @VinnySmiles01
    @VinnySmiles01 Рік тому +1

    No, the love of money is. Get it right.

  • @scotthullinger4684
    @scotthullinger4684 Рік тому

    Money is not the root of all evil. The root of all evil is falsehood - otherwise known as good old fashioned LIES.