Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising (FULL ALBUM)

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @moumdoh
    @moumdoh Рік тому +108

    Amon amarth is one of these groups where the more you hear them, the better it gets.

    • @A7X1977
      @A7X1977 13 днів тому +1

      seriously dude

  • @DizzyDez613
    @DizzyDez613 Рік тому +21

    I'm a metal head in my 40s. And for some reason I've only recently gotten into this band. I've heard several songs over the years. And I always felt like, yeah, it's ok. But I clicked on this album like a month or so ago, and I've been listening to it like crazy. I gave a couple other albums a spin, but this one is by far my favourite.

    • @lupuflavius7795
      @lupuflavius7795 Рік тому +3

      try to listen to versus the world, its my favourite u might like it

    • @iamlegend1988
      @iamlegend1988 Рік тому +1

      My favorite Amon Amarth album is "With Oden on our Side"

    • @Bakunin-s4j
      @Bakunin-s4j 9 місяців тому +2

      I'm an old slayer fan but the first time I listened to this band i couldn't stop doing it no more! Mi subconscious mind forces me 2 click on amon amarth everytime I go on UA-cam mate

  • @radioactive_hmarka
    @radioactive_hmarka 2 роки тому +213

    This is the kind of music you need to listen to when working on an important project at midnight. Works 10/10. I started listening to Amon Amarth when I was 14. Now I'm 23 and rediscovered them again

  • @dylanrus8117
    @dylanrus8117 2 роки тому +45

    This music makes me feel powerful and helps me reunite with my Scandinavian/Nordic roots!!

  • @pliniofreire4878
    @pliniofreire4878 2 роки тому +28

    "See me die - the Mighty Surt. Destroyer of the universe
    Drowning in waves that flood the Earth. The beginning of a new rebirth"
    This is the most epic verse ever !!!
    The guy is literally celebrating his death in Ragnarok

  • @gummixx6885
    @gummixx6885 3 роки тому +61

    Wrath of the Norsemen has got to be one of their all time greatest songs...,.,., those riffs and breakdowns are just god tier

  • @jsand971
    @jsand971 3 роки тому +88

    Beard Rising (FULL ALBUM)
    01. Beard of the Gods (00:00)
    02. Töck's Beard - Beard's Treachery Part II (04:33)
    03. Beard of the Universe (10:31)
    04. Slaves of Beard (14:12)
    05. Live Without Beards (18:38)
    06. The Last Beard of Frej (23:41)
    07. For Beard or Death (29:19)
    08. Beard of the Norsemen (33:49)
    09. A Beard Am I (37:33)
    10. Beard Over Dead Man (41:10)
    11. Aerials [Beard Track] (47:06)

  • @PIS-qp9sz
    @PIS-qp9sz 2 роки тому +54

    Slaves Of Fear is such a great and epic song. It is blasting me away everytime I hear it.

  • @MrPainkiller1988
    @MrPainkiller1988 Рік тому +27

    Hands down one of the best albums out there. EVERY song is freaking bad ass.

  • @gonzalonieto2495
    @gonzalonieto2495 2 роки тому +7

    Amón Amarth is a voice and him of
    a Legend of Vikings.!!! ⭐⭐🌟⭐⭐
    🇧🇻 🇸🇪 🇫🇮 🇦🇽 🇩🇰 HaiL ScandinaviA!

    • @heikkijohannesalho8705
      @heikkijohannesalho8705 10 місяців тому

      No Skandinavia, it's Hyperboria = Suur Suomi, without Åland. Åland is broken Atlantis. Real portal to hell is in Helsinki, and swedes destroyed that castle in year 1775. I'm White Ra. Aka Mr.Q. ❤ follow your heart and find suitable wife with hair. None without Hair will get to Valhalla = Tuonela. I'm the High executioner Thott. Namaste

  • @jtotheohn1253
    @jtotheohn1253 4 роки тому +122

    01. War of the Gods (00:00)
    02. Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II (04:33)
    03. Destroyer of the Universe (10:31)
    04. Slaves of Fear (14:12)
    05. Live Without Regrets (18:38)
    06. The Last Stand of Frej (23:41)
    07. For Victory or Death (29:19)
    08. Wrath of the Norsemen (33:49)
    09. A Beast Am I (37:33)
    10. Doom Over Dead Man (41:10)
    11. Aerials [Bonus Track] (47:06)

    • @pedrorello5595
      @pedrorello5595 3 роки тому +1

      Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmķh l

    • @Ommfg45
      @Ommfg45 3 роки тому +9

      ARTIST: Amon Amarth
      ALBUM: Surtur Rising
      RELEASE DATE: 03/29/2011
      US Store:
      EU Store:
      01. War of the Gods (00:00)
      02. Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II (04:33)
      03. Destroyer of the Universe (10:31)
      04. Slaves of Fear (14:12)
      05. Live Without Regrets (18:38)
      06. The Last Stand of Frej (23:41)
      07. For Victory or Death (29:19)
      08. Wrath of the Norsemen (33:49)
      09. A Beast Am I (37:33)
      10. Doom Over Dead Man (41:10)
      11. Aerials [Bonus Track] (47:06)
      Music in this video
      Learn more
      Listen ad-free with UA-cam Premium
      Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising (FULL ALBUM)
      Various Artists

    • @reinhardreynecke300
      @reinhardreynecke300 2 роки тому +5

      Not impressed, list the lyrics for all in one comment

    • @a.p.980
      @a.p.980 2 роки тому +1

      @@reinhardreynecke300 kekw

    • @liambredeche7
      @liambredeche7 Рік тому +1

      Thank you!

  • @barbariansrus580
    @barbariansrus580 2 роки тому +29

    This was the first amon amarth album I ever listened to when it released. Thanks for this incredible album

    •  8 місяців тому +1

      Me too, mate! I couldn't believe it. Now I am a fan as long as I live

  • @patx_game4318
    @patx_game4318 Рік тому +11

    Most bands would never dare start a album so strong but Amon amarth always deliver from beginning to end 😎

    • @grampsizzakilla7981
      @grampsizzakilla7981 Рік тому +3

      Absolutely! I just started listening to them, and it is awesome to have such a huge catalogue of great work to explore. One after another!

    • @tobiasgroves8595
      @tobiasgroves8595 Рік тому +5

      @@grampsizzakilla7981 I'm jealous, I wish I could listen to them for the first time again.

    • @grampsizzakilla7981
      @grampsizzakilla7981 Рік тому +5

      @@tobiasgroves8595 I understand. It's like finding a huge trove of buried treasure just sitting there.

  • @wolvie90
    @wolvie90 3 роки тому +14

    Amon Amarth recide in that glorious hall of warriors who release the same album over and over again yet remain fresh and succulent. The allfathers of that hall is of course Bolt Thrower, peace be to their souls.

    • @opticFPV
      @opticFPV 3 роки тому +3

      Bolt Thrower is fucking legit \m/

  • @elliottpaine9259
    @elliottpaine9259 4 роки тому +62

    "Fire, what is fire" ?
    An essential element in any AA cover artwork

    • @killjoy27ful
      @killjoy27ful 4 роки тому +1


    • @codysykes5568
      @codysykes5568 3 роки тому +3

      Twilight of the Thunder God wants to know your location :v

    • @elliottpaine9259
      @elliottpaine9259 3 роки тому +1

      @@codysykes5568 LOL, great band. Favs are Joms, Twilight, and there first one. Vs.

    • @arjyabirhazra1135
      @arjyabirhazra1135 3 роки тому +1

      Jomsvikings want to know your location. They need fire.

    • @elliottpaine9259
      @elliottpaine9259 3 роки тому +2

      @@arjyabirhazra1135 LOL, and Joms happens to be my favorite album too. dope cover

  • @francescomagnani3812
    @francescomagnani3812 Рік тому +13

    this album is a masterpiece...

  • @m_h8745
    @m_h8745 3 роки тому +37

    First album I ever pre-ordered. Still listening to this day. My weightlifting belt turns into Megingjord whenever Amon Amarth is playing

    • @oneeyeman6118
      @oneeyeman6118 3 роки тому +1

      Yes! This, Jomsviking, and With Oden on Our Side are my gym go tos

    • @SirLongBongFatRipps
      @SirLongBongFatRipps 2 роки тому +1

      Check out Fractalizes - Void... just incase you needed to deadlift the sun today

  • @SAM098.
    @SAM098. 11 місяців тому +4

    Doom Over Dead Man best track

  • @olteanandrei5808
    @olteanandrei5808 3 роки тому +218

    I destroyed my leg with this album on legs day

    • @lkisme7601
      @lkisme7601 2 роки тому

      Same 😩🦵

    • @oneeyeman6118
      @oneeyeman6118 2 роки тому +5

      I do both upper and lower body days with Jomsviking album.

    • @mk3ferret
      @mk3ferret 2 роки тому +5

      Can't hear out my left ear lol

    • @allisonmackay3818
      @allisonmackay3818 2 роки тому +8

      But your stump has a beard now.

    • @ernstspitaler4523
      @ernstspitaler4523 2 роки тому +11

      next time you destroy the leg machine

  • @ravslayer2656
    @ravslayer2656 3 роки тому +27

    I love your music love u guys Thank you Croat girl from Sydney australia

    • @johnharlan1757
      @johnharlan1757 3 роки тому +2

      Rock on my Neighbor.

    • @Sniper-hd8wp
      @Sniper-hd8wp 3 роки тому

      Opaaaa aj da netko iz hrvatske sluša nešto normalno a ne cajke
      Svaka čast sis🤘🤘

    • @ravslayer2656
      @ravslayer2656 3 роки тому

      Thanks snipper ,I've loved metal and punk since the 80s when mum and dad said" to je Sramota" to hav coloured hair or a mohawlk, I'm old school love thrash, death, political,alcoholica, and not to much of black metal but saying that I've seen cradle if filth 4 times seen many bands over the years from all over the world I will always love metal , stay safe and thank you "za dom spremni "

    • @ravslayer2656
      @ravslayer2656 3 роки тому +1

      Thankyou sniper ,send to msg but I think I sent to public reply , I'm a dummy not good with technology or new phones I just throw it when frustrated sorry hope you read it" za dom spremni"

    • @lycantrofy
      @lycantrofy 3 роки тому

      @@ravslayer2656 Thats the right way to deal with bullshit tech: throw it against a wall

  • @williamdawson333
    @williamdawson333 3 роки тому +4

    Be True to You, Never doubt your potential... be Great, be Wonderful, Shine as the Moon... I howl this Night to Honor the Ancient Ones!

  • @ГероинГероиныч-и4с
    @ГероинГероиныч-и4с 3 роки тому +26

    Великолепная группа,отличная музыка,вокал в умат,молодцы шведы!!!

    • @graaf666
      @graaf666 3 роки тому +2

      War of the Gods - проигрыш как у Burzum в песне War. Интересно, это какая-то отсылка?

    • @wolfchant3588
      @wolfchant3588 2 роки тому

      Lup9t metal kak kuznetsy = )

    • @evence77
      @evence77 Рік тому +2

      @@graaf666 этот проигрыш был во многих группах, у bathory, у slayer, много где

    • @graaf666
      @graaf666 Рік тому +1

      @@evence77 понял, спасибо

  • @kristinatellefson4149
    @kristinatellefson4149 3 роки тому +10

    I can clean most of a whole school with just this album. Awesome energy!

    • @sombresanctum
      @sombresanctum 3 роки тому +6

      Y... you're the janitor, right?

    • @kristinatellefson4149
      @kristinatellefson4149 3 роки тому +6

      @@sombresanctum Yes! For a while I was the only one and with the power of this album and way too much caffeine, I got most of the cleaning done. And played a few pranks on the principal. A new guy has just started this week though.

    • @Gibbinifuggs
      @Gibbinifuggs 3 роки тому

      Fock yea- rape school. REP EEEET

    • @sethradcliff4042
      @sethradcliff4042 Рік тому

      Something about a head banging chick with a broom that's just Hot! 😁

    •  8 місяців тому

      Yep, those schools whose pupils listen to crappy music 😂

  • @magnusjohansson295
    @magnusjohansson295 3 роки тому +37

    Epic. Absolutely epic. Just like their other albums! No other band within this genre has the same heavy, cohesive brutality and musicality all at once.

  • @rubengarciabusto
    @rubengarciabusto Рік тому +3

    One for Metal

  • @vampire443
    @vampire443 3 роки тому +27

    Song 2: is just such a masterpiece! Epic stuff!! This band will resonate forever in the great hall and the afterlife

  • @markuskrueger1197
    @markuskrueger1197 4 роки тому +14

    Most underated Amon amarth album but one of May favorite

    • @Desoliraa
      @Desoliraa 3 роки тому +2

      I remember being at Hot Typic, thinking everything sucks at the demo station (remember those? Wow 2011 such different times.) I stood there in axe and sampled the whole album. Of course I own the extended edition now, Among another 5 or so albums. But this album has a special impact on me. It was my initiation into what would dictate my future music taste from then on.

    • @rm-stuffs2802
      @rm-stuffs2802 3 роки тому +1

      I have ALL Studioalbums from OSFAGH till B.
      My fav. are:
      - The Avenger (1999), The Crusher (2001), Surtur Rising (2011) and Deceiver Of The Gods (2013).
      Greetings from poland / witam waz od polski.

    • @markuskrueger1197
      @markuskrueger1197 3 роки тому

      @@rm-stuffs2802 chech to poland .what do you think about Berserker? In my opinion IT IS Not so strong!No Hit on this Album for real..when the ravens fly maybe!

    • @markuskrueger1197
      @markuskrueger1197 3 роки тому

      @@rm-stuffs2802 raven' s flight

    • @rm-stuffs2802
      @rm-stuffs2802 3 роки тому

      @@markuskrueger1197 ya berserker is not really strong like jomsviking or fate of norns.
      Rest are good to superhellgreat.

  • @jamesmcdonough3762
    @jamesmcdonough3762 3 роки тому +5


    • @Agrippa91
      @Agrippa91 3 роки тому

      Yeah I agree. This was released 4 years ago in my timeline, lol.

  • @stupidsquirrel12
    @stupidsquirrel12 4 роки тому +55

    I had the pleasure of seeing this entire album performed live at a sold out show in Lawrence, KS 9 years ago. Still to this day one of the absolute best shows I've ever attended. \m/

    • @JuicyAssDaddyBoshi
      @JuicyAssDaddyBoshi 4 роки тому +4

      yo same ! That was amazing !

    • @Desoliraa
      @Desoliraa 3 роки тому +2

      Lucky as fuck!! I've seen EVERY SONG EXCEPT LAST STAND OF FREJ!!! Through 5 different adventures, I never got to see it live. Hell, if I had a dying wish it's that song live.

    • @frederikmichale4146
      @frederikmichale4146 3 роки тому +2

      it is one of the best albums ever as well

    • @chadbennett8577
      @chadbennett8577 3 роки тому +1

      Same here saw them do it in Sacramento CA will never be a better show then that

  • @00Noontide
    @00Noontide 2 роки тому +2

    Amon has the best titles of all metal bands.

  • @eduardosilvamartinez5748
    @eduardosilvamartinez5748 3 роки тому +19

    oh man first time listening this band, this is awesome

    • @SamritpalSingh
      @SamritpalSingh 3 роки тому +6

      You're in for a trip. Everything this band touches turns to gold

  • @dylanrus8117
    @dylanrus8117 2 роки тому +5

    The best melodeath band

  • @JpGamer02
    @JpGamer02 4 роки тому +13

    Com certeza os melhores, essa pegada nórdica não tem preço

  • @George-on5rb
    @George-on5rb 11 місяців тому +3

    live without regrets!!!!

  • @Nikusarusan
    @Nikusarusan Рік тому +4

    destroyer of the universe goes so incredibly hard

  • @mikaeklof6158
    @mikaeklof6158 2 роки тому +2

    Korva kuulee, sydän tuntee, aivot nauttivat.🤘

  • @johnharlan1757
    @johnharlan1757 3 роки тому +2

    Yes..would always like to mention... Nor California . many thanx.

  • @johnharlan1757
    @johnharlan1757 3 роки тому +19

    At 57 heard most . since Halford had hair. These Gentlemen know how to throw it down.. Great Band.

  • @darthslather89
    @darthslather89 3 роки тому +43

    This album kicks ass when you hit the gym, i feel like a berserk while listening to these guys

  • @Corranhorn122
    @Corranhorn122 3 роки тому +43

    This is my favorite album of theirs. Has better production than their older albums, but is more brutal than the albums just before and all of those right after, in my opinion. Really powerful album, full of life.

    • @JEsterCW
      @JEsterCW 3 роки тому +1


    • @Forferdelse666
      @Forferdelse666 3 роки тому +8

      Their last good effort.. after this one it went down into copy paste spiral. For the melodeath-path they now walk on, With Oden on our side and Twilight is their best work no discussion needed. Not a single bad track on them.

    • @darthslather89
      @darthslather89 3 роки тому +1

      @@Forferdelse666 agreed, but i still enjoy their latest albums, the riffing may be not special but still is pretty cool

    • @Forferdelse666
      @Forferdelse666 3 роки тому +2

      @@darthslather89 Yes.. I really understand that people like em and their newer stuff. They’re doing it well for themselves 👍🏻

    • @JoeKavey
      @JoeKavey 2 роки тому +1

      This is one of the smartest things I have read in a while. I feel the same.

  • @msall9374
    @msall9374 4 роки тому +71

    Holy shit! Every album?! Awesome!

  • @nozomunakajima9107
    @nozomunakajima9107 2 роки тому +6

    Dude! This is awesome. Gives me energy.

  • @thursdayfivenine3106
    @thursdayfivenine3106 4 місяці тому

    Amon Amarth its one of the best heavy metal bands of all time


    i see laviathen....puff the majic atreau....nn every ones of these songs...its about a dragon....flames ..rising the surf..realeasing fire like this album...thank you

  • @lejviator
    @lejviator 4 місяці тому +1

    05:09 goosebump moment incoming 😍

  • @volfgangtwins
    @volfgangtwins 3 роки тому +4

    ⚔️🤘🏻🤘🏻⚔️ Awesome album

  • @Металоман-и2ц
    @Металоман-и2ц 2 роки тому +5

    Жесть, огонь 🔥
    Мой любимый альбом у них!

  • @vampire443
    @vampire443 3 роки тому +10

    Amazing and such an inspirational power, makes the spirit rise!

  • @Napdoc24
    @Napdoc24 3 роки тому +9

    Did not expect that Aerials cover :O

  • @Interessâncio
    @Interessâncio 3 роки тому +8

    I just bought a new Headset and this fortify even more why im AA fan

  • @evensoul2010
    @evensoul2010 2 роки тому +5

    This is such a Glorious album,

  • @knowgreendragonwhole5580
    @knowgreendragonwhole5580 3 роки тому +19

    Metal is for everyone🤘

  • @CarmemThomaziniBass
    @CarmemThomaziniBass 3 місяці тому +1

    Sonseira irada ❤ouvindo na ilha das Bruxas 😊 livre Palestina 🇦🇪🇧🇷💪

  • @alekpo2000
    @alekpo2000 2 роки тому +3

    i got this on CD to help the band cuz i loved this album... and then realized i dont have a single player that could read the CD anymore lol so yeah youtube playlist activate !

  • @jaceksky4064
    @jaceksky4064 3 роки тому +27

    Great classic stuff 🤘🤘🤘

  • @popkrnguy9439
    @popkrnguy9439 3 роки тому +14


    • @liamcooke5038
      @liamcooke5038 3 роки тому +4

      Amon Amarth playing in the thunder and rain. Now that's gotta be fucking badass.

    • @popkrnguy9439
      @popkrnguy9439 3 роки тому +1

      @@liamcooke5038 it was fkng EPIC!

    • @joshballenger3629
      @joshballenger3629 3 роки тому +1

      Mad jealous! I got to see them in a small venue max occupation 300.
      Fukn sweat dripping from the ceilings!! Non stop moshing!!!
      El corazone in seattle Wa!

  • @tapiorajala1599
    @tapiorajala1599 2 роки тому +26

    Beardlist of the album Beard Rising
    1. Beard of the Gods
    2. Töck's Beard - Loke's Beard Pt II
    3. Beard of the Universe
    4. Slaves of Beard
    5. Beard without Regrets
    6. The Last Beard of Frej
    7. For Beard or Death
    8. Wrath of the Beard
    9. A Beard Am I
    10. Doom Over Dead Beard
    11. Beardials (Bonus Beard)

  • @ericpullen461
    @ericpullen461 2 роки тому +1

    We are still riding to this day, looking for the great beard war.

  • @atmohr257
    @atmohr257 2 роки тому +2

    -Destroyer Of The Universe-
    I rise up from muspelheim
    My fury is sublime
    The sword I bring burns violently
    With wild and lethal flames
    I march against the asagods
    To bring the end of time
    I am pure and endless pain
    And Surtur is my name
    See me rise, the mighty Surt
    Destroyer of the universe
    Bringer of flames and endless hurt
    Scorcher of men and earth
    Swordless frej with horn in hand
    Rises to his final stand
    He doesn't stand a single chance
    I'll split his living corpse in half
    And yet he stabbed me in the eye
    He drove the horn in deep
    The overwhelming, raging pain
    Is driving me insane
    The waves of flames that
    I've unleashed will eat us all alive
    The rage that burns within my heart
    Is uncontrolled and wild
    And now everything shall die!
    Massive waves consume us all, the ocean is released
    Our dying world quakes underneath
    And sinks into the sea
    And now nothing will survive!
    Extinction waits for everyone
    For gods and men alike
    When all are gone of the old world
    A new one will arise
    See me rise, the mighty Surt
    Destroyer of the universe
    Bringer of flames and endless hurt
    Scorcher of men and earth
    See me die, the mighty Surt
    Destroyer of the universe
    Drowning in waves that floods the earth
    The beginning, of a new rebirth
    4. Slaves Of Fear
    They speak of love and tolerance
    They thrive on people's ignorance
    To make you all slaves of fear
    They feed on your anxiety
    To build their dead society
    They've kept you down for a thousand years
    They nurture prejudice and hate
    Condemn the wars that they create
    In the name of whatever god
    They gladly sacrifice your lives
    Increasing power is their prize
    Without regrets they'll spill your blood
    They're feeding you lies
    With calculating smiles
    Enslavement of the human mind
    As long as you kneel to their authority
    Religion is what makes you blind
    They're treating you as mindless fools
    And use you as obedient tools
    It's time to set your spirit free
    This world we cannot tolerate
    It's time to seal all preachers' fate
    And let them hang from Oden's tree
    Your minds are restrained
    Obedience is the chain
    They've locked you up and thrown away the key
    Your souls are for sale,
    And you're the ones who pay
    But still you'll never be set free
    They're feeding you lies
    With calculating smiles
    Enslavement of the human mind
    As long as you kneel to their authority
    Religion is what makes you blind
    11. Aerials
    Life is a waterfall
    we're one in the river
    and one again after the fall
    swimming through the void
    we hear the word
    we lose ourselves
    but we find it all....
    cause we are the ones that want to play
    always want to go
    but you never want to stay
    and we are the ones that want to choose
    always want to play
    but you never want to lose
    aerials, in the sky
    when you lose small mind
    you free your life
    life is a waterfall
    we drink from the river
    then we turn around and put up our walls
    swimming through the void
    we hear the word
    we lose ourselves
    but we find it all...
    cause we are the ones that want to play
    always want to go
    but you never want to stay
    and we are the ones that want to choose
    always want to play
    but you never want to lose
    aerials, in the sky
    when you lose small mind
    you free your life
    aerials, so up high
    when you free your eyes eternal prize
    aerials, in the sky
    when you lose small mind
    you free your life
    aerials, so up high
    when you free your eyes eternal prize

  • @brianalexander1792
    @brianalexander1792 8 місяців тому

    This album was backbone of the soundtrack for my Eclipse trip. Epic!

  • @vasiliykapusta4960
    @vasiliykapusta4960 4 роки тому +8

    Мне они всегда нравились и будут радовать.

  • @ussr2393.
    @ussr2393. 3 роки тому +9

    A storm of cool metal. Good energy. Thank you

  • @joe-loko7583
    @joe-loko7583 4 роки тому +5

    Gosto demais se loko,, Amon Amarth minha banda preferida de rock...

    • @JpGamer02
      @JpGamer02 4 роки тому +1

      Minha favorita tbm

    • @fernandateixeira7654
      @fernandateixeira7654 3 роки тому +2

      top demais

    • @joe-loko7583
      @joe-loko7583 3 роки тому

      @@fernandateixeira7654 Sim conheci em 2015 depois nao parei mais de ouvir topzera..

  • @jasonstouder
    @jasonstouder Рік тому

    im here for the sick solos and the gravelly singing. the catchy melodies and wicked riffs dont hurt.

  • @diegodiniz-zw9fn
    @diegodiniz-zw9fn 7 місяців тому

    Amon Amarth speak to the world in the language of many deities,paganism;Viking heroism and firmly attempt to protect the Nordic culture background.A kind of revisionism historic diving into ancestoring their.

  • @MetalViking1995
    @MetalViking1995 2 роки тому +3

    i have the album art as a tattoo but with surtur and the vikings in black and grey and the rest in colour on my left arm

  • @SanguineKiwi
    @SanguineKiwi Рік тому

    I didn't listen ahead or read ahead on the songs, friend linked me this album, so naturally hearing the bonus track Aerials cover come on was rad as hell.

  • @siiiuu777
    @siiiuu777 3 роки тому +9

    That SOAD cover is soo fking awesome🤘

    • @zombiefinatic7033
      @zombiefinatic7033 3 роки тому +2

      mfw I didnt know that was on this album. Just got into this band, while driving, and Aerials was the last thing I expected to hear... but its fucking great

  • @youngyan4398
    @youngyan4398 4 роки тому +17

    Such a great album!! Even their covers are amazing, I would love to see them do an entire cover album

    • @Huntthee
      @Huntthee 3 роки тому +1

      They do have a short one that came with the collectors edition of Deceiver of the Gods called 'Under the Influence'

  • @timothyjones2281
    @timothyjones2281 3 роки тому +6

    Slaves of fear is what is happening now

  • @ДмитрийЦвилюк
    @ДмитрийЦвилюк 2 роки тому +1

    Fantastic powerful album. It grew up a lot on me as first listening (after Twilight of The THunder God) was so-so, but eventually it is an excellent album.

  • @manopeace9175
    @manopeace9175 3 роки тому +3

    proud of you, sons of odin.

    • @manopeace9175
      @manopeace9175 3 роки тому +2

      I wonder if these guys are playing valheim

  • @joserodriguez537
    @joserodriguez537 2 роки тому +3

    perfect albums don't exi-

  • @wesam8444
    @wesam8444 Рік тому +1

    This album is my gym pre-workout, specially on arms day

  • @fgz7322
    @fgz7322 2 роки тому +1

    im here 8 years later since 10th song remembered me how young i was

  • @albertosandovalvasquez1749
    @albertosandovalvasquez1749 2 роки тому +3

    notable, es demasiado increíble éste álbum

  • @dennis110
    @dennis110 3 місяці тому +4

    Who stil listening 2024 ? 🤟

    • @ChavdarKaloyanov1
      @ChavdarKaloyanov1 Місяць тому

      I have been listening to them levery day this entire year almost. Ver empowering and transformative music

  • @imperatorglaber1752
    @imperatorglaber1752 3 роки тому +1

    Anyone else picture a bunch of Vikings surrounded and fighting to the death at 25:17. God I love that rift

  • @wmelville14
    @wmelville14 Рік тому +1


  • @tachalorah
    @tachalorah 2 роки тому +2

    Came for Aerials cover, stayed for great music

  • @LordOfSweden
    @LordOfSweden 6 місяців тому

    For victory or death is my favorite amon amarth song and surtur rising probably my favorite album from them. Also the cover metal as f.

  • @alejuarez8932
    @alejuarez8932 4 роки тому +11

    My fav Amon Amarth's album

    • @magnusjonsson7714
      @magnusjonsson7714 4 роки тому

      good, then u understand some of the norse myth and folklore. Listen to Månegarm! swedish folklore etc and more and sometimes eng sub

    • @DillVicious
      @DillVicious 4 роки тому

      Same here, I feel like this one flys under the radar of most their discography but it’s so good! 🤘🏻🤘🏻

    • @alejuarez8932
      @alejuarez8932 4 роки тому

      @@magnusjonsson7714 Yes sir, thanks for your advice!

    • @alejuarez8932
      @alejuarez8932 4 роки тому

      @@magnusjonsson7714 I really love Unleashed too, Always I read his magnifics lyrics. In my opinion, they have these same vibes (about vikings things and stuff like that)

    • @magnusjonsson7714
      @magnusjonsson7714 4 роки тому

      @@alejuarez8932 y, used to be the same. The german band Rebellion sings about the "Aifur", vessel of the river etc.. too..

  • @jurgenleissing3492
    @jurgenleissing3492 Рік тому +1

    Stockholm❤ Sweden❤Finest

  • @robertrecchia2642
    @robertrecchia2642 2 роки тому +1

    It’s close, but this is my favorite album by them

  • @frederikmichale4146
    @frederikmichale4146 3 роки тому +14

    great music, meaningful lyrics, it just channels energy into you to overcome the last bits of hardships you have to endure. I wish the new album will be better than this one. (so far this is the best one for me)

  • @davidhickman4976
    @davidhickman4976 2 роки тому +1

    Play D&D, smoke weed, and listen to Amon Amarth in any order.

  • @parikos4
    @parikos4 3 роки тому +2

    what an awesome piece of art!

    • @parikos4
      @parikos4 3 роки тому +1

      @Azhag Dark you do realize that i m talking about the music, dont you?

    • @pharaohsmagician8329
      @pharaohsmagician8329 3 роки тому

      @Azhag Dark no one cares, it looks cool, stop complaining about it in all the comments.

  • @liambredeche7
    @liambredeche7 Рік тому

    The riff that starts at 12:08 : fukking perfection. \m/

  • @destanyildiz
    @destanyildiz 2 роки тому

    Like my friend on the same front who picked me up when I fell in battle.when i listen I dig deep into the earth to reach its heart, to reach the true power.ı love them.

  • @killjoebiden5000
    @killjoebiden5000 Рік тому

    A epic masterpiece start to finish. FUKKIN METAL

  • @markuskrueger1197
    @markuskrueger1197 3 роки тому +3

    And once again....slaves of fear...greaaaaaaaaeyat

  • @ericdollarhyde3296
    @ericdollarhyde3296 3 роки тому +4


  • @PactWithLucifer
    @PactWithLucifer 2 роки тому +2

    Solid album. Great for jogging, too.

  • @reneerott8880
    @reneerott8880 3 роки тому +1

    Unbelievable beautiful melodys

  • @WilliamDurrant-km4gd
    @WilliamDurrant-km4gd 11 місяців тому

    Have to see them in may with obituary in Phoenix with reserved seats, gonna break my neck, and Carry the torch 🎉

  • @ollydragon2457
    @ollydragon2457 3 роки тому +1

    My favorite band... kick a** workout music...

  • @perrywalinga
    @perrywalinga Рік тому +1

    Great music thanks!!

  • @januszjankes6423
    @januszjankes6423 4 роки тому +4

    🤘🏿👻👻🖤🖤🖤👻👻🖤🖤👻👻👻👻🖤🖤👻👻🤘🏿 Mocarny fantastyczny potężny i superowy album

    • @runningwilde1
      @runningwilde1 4 роки тому +1

      jaki superowy nazwijmy rzecz po imieniu jest kurwa zajebisty.

  • @jjammmees
    @jjammmees 3 місяці тому

    thanks for the upload

  • @vagarinho1000
    @vagarinho1000 2 роки тому +2

    Don t dispaire, show NO FEAR...🤘