Will Season 6 re-enforce double support? (My opinion and change breakdown)

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @unknownuser4224
    @unknownuser4224 Рік тому +5

    Imo these are horrible changes and the nimble buffs aren't really needed due to the fact it was already effective for it's low cost and these support changes aren't really a good idea and I hope they go back on these changes.
    Also I dislike the focus they are putting on movement as I prefer the more brawling style meta rather than this high mobility meta where half your fights someone ends up getting away and not ending in a kill or death.

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +1

      The movement meta isn't the worst and sounds like it could be fun, I just don't know how they are gonna push it that was it the current support changes. I totally see that it could just end it hit and run fights instead of a kill tho

  • @lukestanton-deeley879
    @lukestanton-deeley879 Рік тому +4

    This feels like it is gonna make a lot of supports unviable if they're not a straight up healer.

  • @viltautasYT
    @viltautasYT Рік тому +4

    i genuinely believe its a stupid change... every champ was versatile enough so that a healer can carry as a dmg if theyre good enough... I just dont like it at all... why change something we got used to over years

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +2

      It seems like they are trying to fix something that was a problem 5 months ago (double sup meta), and has started to shift but now are unintentionally bringing it right back to it, the sustain meta is really what they needed to focus on fixing it buffing guardian is counter productive to that so Idk 🤷‍♀

    • @viltautasYT
      @viltautasYT Рік тому

      @@Emmy13691 i dont care about meta, i just want POTG, and 3rd person back...

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +1

      @@viltautasYT I don't think that will happen bro I'm sorry 😢

    • @1_Limbo
      @1_Limbo Рік тому

      @@viltautasYT Blizzard patented POTG, we'll never get it back and 3rd person back wtf?

    • @viltautasYT
      @viltautasYT Рік тому +1

      @@1_Limbo hi-rez is hi-rez...

  • @1_Limbo
    @1_Limbo Рік тому +2

    i love Paladins so much, and EM devs are the most resilient one's i've seen, when they set their sights on something they go out there and make it happen, this is how we got Payload back and how they kept the game alive for so long.
    My issue with Re-Mounting is how it allows anyone to simply disengage any encounters with little to no detritment to them, and how it really isn't necessary, like, just play the game mode for a few matches without clicking shift and you'll see.
    Since i know they'll be putting it in there either we like or not, i just HOPE it gets nerfed to the ground, and only becomes useful for doing what it's ''supposed'' to do, my suggestion for Re-Mounting is as follows:
    -15 seconds cooldown
    -3 seconds cast time
    -Only able to re-mount if at full hp and/or out of combat

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +1

      It shuold have a cooldown of that time, and IMO they should do mounting how they do in Realm Royal. It isn't an instant mount, it has a cast time, like you said. And you for sure need to be out of combat

    • @1_Limbo
      @1_Limbo Рік тому

      @@Emmy13691 🤝

  • @depthklocke9009
    @depthklocke9009 Рік тому +1

    i hope they implement the changing talents and loadouts mid game and remounting because i think it will make the game less unforgiving and maybe games wont have the same sticking points and one sidedness as often. It's usually a healthy thing when the tides can turn in a team based game at a moments notice. and the direct nerf to dismounting would make the struggle for touch and the struggle for contesting a lot more prevalent unless they make the overtime mechanic dwindle into comeback mechanic, favoring the team who manages to team wipe from initially losing. Either way, you can't shoot back while you're on a mount, you make noise when your mount gallops and it'll just mean that somebody has to commit more effort into picking you off or trading for your death to lessen the teams chance to recontest. I think the more that overtime mechanic can be made to feel like attrition, the less incentive to preemptively give up games to begin with. i also think that for a game that's been dwindling in popularity, having it be more forgiving knowing that it doesn't have a quality tutorial and that even it's shooting range is missing features that are a given for a lot of other games, it would just make sense to have these kinds of things that you can do in the middle of a match. I mean it won't compare to how in overwatch you can completely team wipe and then change your entire comp quite quickly and counter pick people for free. And it's also not like you can sell and rebuy all different items either. Though that would probably be a nice thing to have.

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +1

      Very interesting take, and I can see that side!

  • @TheSpookster
    @TheSpookster Рік тому

    I can at least personally say, now having lived with these new change for a month that really nothing has changed in mid-high elo games (I am in diamond). People still mostly play double tank, 2 damage/flank and one support, however there are some rare instances where someone like damage grohk or damamge furia are played. Tbh I don't think the new support changes really changed how many people play damage support, they just made them more viable when they eventually are played.

  • @UnicornWashingMachine69
    @UnicornWashingMachine69 Рік тому

    I believe I'm the only one considering this a good change, so I'll wait to be slaughtered here lol.
    The main advantage of Paladins is the talent system. It's great that supports have 3 talents they can use already, but let's be honest, there's very rare that all 3 talents are viable, even for specific scenarios.
    I'm thinking of talents like mega potion on pip, the cripple talent from grover and especially the solar beam from Furia. Those are talents I always wanted to play properly, but felt underwhelming compared to others.
    The implementation of those new support changes might not be the best, but the idea of creating and empowering a clear direction for each talent seems great to me.
    As a support main, there's been countless times I've been roasted for playing binary star or focusing lens, even when I did more healing than the other team and won.
    So at least now it's clear that you won't be playing dmg as solar beam furia, but hopefully the talent will actually be viable as a solo heal talent, and same with the other barely usable talents.
    Much respect for the effort of the video and I see the points you make, really hoping the changes will make sense for everyone playing and keep the playebase growing again as it has since the beginning of the year

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому

      You will not be slaughtered here, all opinions are valid, I love to see the different ones!

  • @bo_unerro
    @bo_unerro Рік тому

    I’m gonna have to stop playing rei I guess. I don’t use focus because I like to be able to envelop whoever, whenever, and I don’t use extension for the same reason as you. Also I love having the backup option of restraint because casual teammates usually aren’t aware enough to peel for me. I don’t want to choose between nerfed healing (restraint) and less flexibility with my envelop/vivify (focus)

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +1

      There isn't just one way to play her! Play her how you love to 💖

  • @lukestanton-deeley879
    @lukestanton-deeley879 Рік тому +1

    Also, as a grohk main who has frequently top damaged/fragged while top healing with totemic ward I feel like I probably won't be able to do that as much now unfortunately lol, which sucks lol but I did feel like grohk was a bit strong with totemic ward personally maybe an unpopular opinion idk, most grohk players I see just suck and so I don't feel like he gets the full credit for how good he is

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому

      Grohk has now had this system implemented in PTS now, my predictions for him were correct. Also, I am one of the Grohk players who suck, it's me lol
      I wanna be good with him but damn, I need more practice

    • @lukestanton-deeley879
      @lukestanton-deeley879 Рік тому

      @@Emmy13691 you just need to learn good totem placements with him and make sure to utilise his ult really, and also make sure to run the speed boost card on his totems, he's one of the best supports to fight flanks, high damage output and if you get low pop a couple totem and ghost walk, once you're out of the ghost walk you'll be much healthier (also it doesn't happen that often but sometimes your totem can body block a shot) and a lot of times win if the flank doesn't retreat, he has a huge amount of carry potential, and his totemic ward healing is very underrated, just not on super spread out maps

  • @somehalonerd1176
    @somehalonerd1176 Рік тому +2

    As someone who mostly solo queues casual as a fill this is going to be devastating. Because now that they are nerfing base healing of your healer goes dmg you are screwed and if the opposing team had double support which I believe will return to meta your team will also be screwed. I also think this will result in certain talents becoming even less viable reducing your actual choice in talent even further
    The shift towards higher mobility which you described is IMO certainly happening and will be detrimental to the game as it will give champs higher skill floors and make it less new player friendly as well as making older champs less viable as they lack the same mobility.

    • @Emmy13691
      @Emmy13691  Рік тому +1

      Not to mention champions like Ying start off with Focusing Lens, which is likely to be the damage card. So this system would not allow low levels to really heal much at all, and favors high level players. Not bringing in and keeping new ones.

  • @anlantico
    @anlantico Рік тому

    Ree I didn't get notified with your video so I'm late

  • @oisinlehane1714
    @oisinlehane1714 Рік тому +1

    I play Rei as a damage with focus and a healer with focus so I don’t want her to get this update lol