Reminds me when I was young we had a Spanish couple next door who loved to garden and always shared with us. Looks yummy. Cukes wouldn’t last long in my house.
@@ThirdTimeAroundRanch I just dug out my 2020 edition of the Ball book to double check my memory. On page 113 under "Whole Kernal Corn", it states 55 mins for pints and one hour 25 mins for quarts. I didn't check any of my older editions to see what they say. How old is your edition?? SR
Great harvest ❤️👍👍👍
Thank you!
Your garden will make for a lot of good eat'n and you can work up a good appetite harvesting-canning and getting ready for the next planting.😃
You didn't say how you make the corn cob syrup. I'd like to get that part.
Sorry, maybe next time.
Reminds me when I was young we had a Spanish couple next door who loved to garden and always shared with us. Looks yummy. Cukes wouldn’t last long in my house.
Pressure canning corn, is 55 mins for pints and 85 mins for quarts. I usually can and freeze quite a bit of it, as it's probably my fav veggie.. SR
My ball book says 85 minutes for both pints and quarts.
@@ThirdTimeAroundRanch I just dug out my 2020 edition of the Ball book to double check my memory. On page 113 under "Whole Kernal Corn", it states 55 mins for pints and one hour 25 mins for quarts. I didn't check any of my older editions to see what they say. How old is your edition?? SR
@@sawyerrob949 You are correct, one of my books say 85 min for both and the other book says 55 for pints and 85 for quarts. Maybe a typo.
@@ThirdTimeAroundRanch Thanks for checking, it makes sense that pints don't take as long to come up to temp as quarts. SR