Thank you for showing how to use the bags. The manual was unclear and those clips were not obvious. I am still unsure if they are worth using instead of dumping into a trash can without a bag. Also I cut the top of the oil container and the cap won't fit on it. None of these were deal breakers and it's as close to real heavy duty shredder as I am willing to buy.
Gotta get myself one of those shredders because I never own a shredder in my household ever. Gotta need one very soon because me and my family has so much unused confidential documents we don't need anymore
Thanks for the review. I wish you would have put 20 pages in with a paper clip like you say in your description.
I'll see if we can do an update video for you and include this. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thank you for showing how to use the bags. The manual was unclear and those clips were not obvious. I am still unsure if they are worth using instead of dumping into a trash can without a bag. Also I cut the top of the oil container and the cap won't fit on it. None of these were deal breakers and it's as close to real heavy duty shredder as I am willing to buy.
great video! very helpful thanks
Chubbyemu 😳
Excellent Review. This was very helpful. Thank you!
Deciding on a new cross shredder now - Thank you so much, very helpful
Thanks. I've had it for around 2 years and its been working without any issues so far.
Gotta get myself one of those shredders because I never own a shredder in my household ever. Gotta need one very soon because me and my family has so much unused confidential documents we don't need anymore
Did you get one, Mario? Our's still works great after all this time, too.
@@varietyvideos577 I've had it for months now. It's a good shredder.
Good review, Thanks
Glad it was helpful!
Got the shredder and it's pretty good shredder
Make sure to oil it frequently. Happy shredding!!!
good for shredding... other things as well... if you cut out the safety frame around it...
Does it come pre oiled from the factory? Doesn’t say yes or no?!?!
Where did you buy your from
We ordered it from the Fellowes website itself.