The most disturbing part about Fluttershy's remarks to her friends was that it revealed what she really thinks of them. Those aren't words that come unbidden, or as an outburst: she proved throughout the episode that she was being extremely deliberate in the actions she took, and that includes what she told Rarity and Pinkie Pie. She intended to hurt them. She meant every word. After all, she only said she was sorry. She didn't add "I didn't mean what I said."
honestly im surprised how people don't see how interesting this is was, rarity straight up manipulate a guy pinky pie straight up uses deception and flutter shy psychology attacks people basically everyone at fault. the only lesson u can take, is that no pony is good
And I haven't seen this in action myself but Fluttershy's behavior seems pretty realistic. In reading books about assertiveness it says that people just starting to flex their assertive muscles often tend to push too far and head into aggressive territory before reigning it in. Since they're so used to feeling powerless now that they're feeling a taste of power they don't want anyone to take it away again, so they can become hostile instead of being assertive. For quite a few cases Fluttershy was certainly justified in telling ponies off, for jerking her around, stealing her place in line, etc.. It was when it started going to her head that she began to become the bully herself that she started to be in the wrong.
I may be in the minority on this but I am happy that putting your hoof down took place. As someone who bottles anger I know how toxic if can be to hold all that rage in all the time. Its like a bottle of soda that has been shaken so much over time. Unless you are extremely careful it could violently explode in the worst way. The best way to deal with the proverbial bottle is to find a way to let the pressure out, talking it out with someone objective who can put your thoughts and feelings in perspective with reality. all things considered Flutters outbursts were minor in comparison to real life acts of rage with far more dire consequences. Fluttershy learned two valuable lessons in this story, one that every person who bottles emotions like her needs to know. There are consequences to having one of these outbursts and it is better to find a way to deal with it in a healthier way, like talking it out with someone and being honest with how you are feeling. The other, really important one, *is the world is not going to end if you end up letting someone know how you feel.* Keeping these unpleasant thoughts to yourself only makes them worse and could end up having dire consequences to your mental health. Fluttershy, especially in the earlier seasons almost always kept her thoughts to herself and she clearly has thoughts of being a monster or bad in some way, possibly from all the bullying and Celestia knows what else happened to her as a filly. I love that pony but she has enough childhood trauma for a team of shrinks.
I agree with you except for one thing-there is ZERO excuse to treat friends the way Fluttershy treated Rarity and Pinkie. There's a huge difference between being frustrated and being cruel. She was deliberately cruel, and nothing was said about it. There were counters to other things she did but for the most part her worst offenses were made to seem justified. It doesn't matter how people may have treated you, it doesn't excuse doing it to others, In fact it makes doing it to others even worse.
Actually that's not true at all. Science tells us that letting out your anger is habit based. If you allow stress to build, you get better at not releasing it; if you rely on some sort of release, it will escalate the more you use it. It's a common misconception that you should "let out" your anger, but it's pretty widely accepted in the field of psychology at this point that this is not the case.
Aaron Zuefeldt You misunderstand me, I said the healthier way was to let the pressure out through talking about how you feel with an objective party and putting these feelings into perspective with reality, not having an angry outburst. Keeping those feelings in are extremely unhealthy, acting on them rashly even more so. There is a way of handling that pressure in a healthy way, but people who bottle like that don't tend to know how to do it. I know I didn't. for Ziddlers; No one is perfect, and there are times when we say things we shouldn't. Everyone has had this moment, especially with people you are close with. Her friends forgave her for what she said though, if anything it shows the kind of bond they have.
Well, you should address a problem if their is one, but talking about it soley for the sake of release will lead to decreased self control, which will escalate.
***** This scene was necessary. Fluttershy should've made something horrible to understand that her anger is getting the best of her. And no matter how much this scene breaks some reviewer's pink glasses.
If guns don't kill people, people kill people. That means toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast. Wow, that sentence has toast five times in a row.
I now have the mental image of a doormat with Fluttershy's picture on it, looking up cutely. The text around her? "Could you please not step on me...if you don't mind, that is?"
Famus Jamus No, that's Fluttershy accepting her role as a doormat. I meant a doormat of Fluttershy asking - though not very firmly - to not be used as one.
I wonder if Mr. Enter would approve how many sins this got. Oh who am I kidding he probably would want an "random a** holes appearing solely for this episode" bonus round.
It mostly has to deal with the fact that he keeps reminding us in at three videos which I do get a little tired of now. Mainly because I don't hate any MLP episodes but that's just me and of course hate is what you must expect when watching a reviewer. Just not too much.
i like this episode, as it shows how much rage and inner thoughts you can still have and EXCACTLY for the reason of being scared to stand up and maybe insult your friends and lose them one can bottle it up. and when the moment arrives when someone opens a new viewpoint (iron will intended it to be positive, however with flutters it turned out worse) she bursts her frustration out. I have not yet managed to fight someone before and always backed out, and still don't have the courage to even take the risk of being very angry..... :( So yeah, i really think it depends on the person viewing the ep if they like it or not. relatable or not
So the donkey says to the mule,"You sound a little 'hoarse'." And the mule says,"Sorry, I get it from my mother." And the donkey says,"I know son." [AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! GET IT!? BECAUSE MULES ARE THE OFFSPRING OF A FEMALE HORSE AND A MALE DONKEY!! AHAHAHAHA please don't hate me for this]
I don't know, Progenitor, why? Because you're a sorry little UA-cam commenter, that's why. (This is me pretending to be mean Fluttershy, I am actually very nice, don't hate me... if I offended you, tell me, and I will delete comment.)
Zelda Player DONT BE SUCH A DOORMAT!!! Honestly, I can't quote Iron Will. His words are copyrighted. I need to make something original. And btw you carry a good Fluttershy material. And btw, I'm not serious on doormat thing. People tend to get mean Fluttershy vibe in internet.
I absolutely love this episode... And only a couple of comments down "I HATE THIS EPISODE!" Everyone head over to my channel and Hitler will explain why you are all wrong... Subtle channel plug - *Ding
Ninja_Fish Dear Princess...I don't know, Littleshy - Today I learnt that there are many opinions out there but offering a new perspective to a majority who see something one way is wrong. You should always stick to our own and cover your ears shouting LA LA LA if someone tries to change that. I'm kidding, I'm kidding - What I really learnt is that Hitler's the final solution to pony arguments!
My job is to lighten your day a bit and help push through drama and hardtimes. My video quality isn't the greatest and my sub count isn't too impressive. But with my commentaries my goal is to at least put a smile on your face. Check me out if you want, your choice people. Id appreciate it. Peace
I wonder if one of the sins for the Magic Mystery Cure is going to be a clip of this saying "Not so easy is it?" to Fluttershy it'd be like karma. But still like this episode for the most part.
So Littleshy said Fluttershy is at fault for finding a Loophole in Iron Will's contract. But Iron Will *IS* at fault for creating the contract in the first place saying nopony has to pay for his program if they're not satisfied.
No sin for how much of a complete asshole Angel was. Maybe it was referenced in another video, but I think his behavior in this episode is worthy of a sin.
fucking hell, I don't get why people are so fixated on swear words. English is so creative with swear words, we can even use it in the middle of words like abso-fucking-lutely. Idk if any other language can do that.
The thing about Iron Will's seminar was that it didn't teach you how to be assertive, it taught you how to be aggressive! Being assertive means that you're willing to stand up for yourself, to get what you need and want, but without being mean and nasty about it. Being aggressive is where you're mean and nasty to people, just to get what you want. So, therefore, Iron Will did not deserve one cent of Fluttershy's money, because he didn't do what she was going to pay for. In the end, when she was standing up to Iron Will, she was finally being properly assertive, and not aggressive. Iron Will didn't teach her that, her friends did.
Fluttershy is NOT using a shady loophole. I wouldn't be satisfied either if Iron Will made me act like a stuck up jerk. And he did say that if we weren't satisfied NO PAY!
I actually liked this episode. Explanation : I love the idea of a "week" character that becomes badass (even in the wrong way). That's why Fluttershy's my fav pony (Flutterbat, Flutterhulk are another examples)
Actually, this is my favorite episode of the series. COME AT ME HATERS But seriously, no one hated this episode until Mr. Enter made his review. Seems like no one really had his own opinion and they decided to stick to Mr.Enter's ones. He just didn't like one scene from it, and started to carp to every other scene in order to convince himself this episode is worth hating. Don't people really have an opinion of their own? They always make points same to his ones. And I can debunk, like, every negative point he made about PYHD.
olserknam What's worse, that you consider "it was unpleasant to watch" to be a *bad* reason for not liking something, or that you really want us to fit in with your generalised view of fans? Personally, I didn't like how it relied on making everyone in Ponyville uncharacteristically mean in order to push the "Fluttershy needs to be more assertive" point at the start of the episode (compare to Winter Wrap-Up, for example). And there's the fact that Flutters is in desperate need of stories that don't rely on "Fluttershy needs to be more assertive" and "Fluttershy needs to face her fears". I didn't really buy the level of bullying she reached either, but I'm putting that down to character interpretation on my part.
I actually like the fact that Pinkie and Rarity kept thinking of Iron Will as a monster and a bad guy, even though he totally wasn't. Since the writer actually treated him sympathetically, it means these were supposed to be character flaws on their part, which makes both ponies more complex and interesting.
i like every episode of the show, its a good show, it makes me smile and makes me happy. thats the reason i got into it in the first place, and thats still all that matters to me. that and i love the fan made stuff like this! hilarious!
he missed a couple of things like this i made as a comment. I believe you missed like a couple sins in this episode, let me check them 4 u. 1.Right off the bat it was apperently "Be A Freaking Dick For A Week: as everyone in ponyville were just being plain mean and rude for no reason. 2. When fluttershy was going to buy the cherry, all she had to do was shut up and ask for the cherry for 1 bit (but to me thats bullshit who pays a doller for a cherry?). 3.WHO FUCKING CHARGES 20 BITS FOR A FUCKING CHERRY!? thats not a good way to have buisness in anywhere, literally you will get beat up if you were trying to sell that, (seriously though, she should get 7 cherrys for a bit). 4. when they are at the concert thing ( i didnt watch the episode to know what its actully called, i have bad english.) why is there so many pony's? they are already dicks who stand up for them selves already why do they need advice? (Unless if they were expecting this to be a nazi party of some sort). 5.What training does fluttershy go through to stand for herself, we never see nor get explained on what reason they pay him to make them tough. 6.why couldent the 2 pony's carrying the wagons of garbage just move and talk in the same time? also why would they stop on a bridge why not the side of the road like a normal person would (Again maybe part of the "Be A Dick Week"). 7.At the Shop when Fluttershy yells at the guy who stole the tAxi cab from her (which confuses me why the fuck do they need a cab for a small town not even 2 acres) the driver pony just goes without knowing where she wanted to go. 8.There should be big sin not only for making rairity and PinkiPie cry, but to also change the charecter of fluttershy for being a massive jerk on this episode ESPECIALLY on her friends, good logic to teach kids and adults (Be a dick to your friends who only care about you.). 9.Why does FlutterShy have to pay the Bull? All he did was give advice and a pamphlet and is all like "and that was $50". 10. Also the Bull (who taught fluttershy how to say no to things and get a way with) was fooled by her saying no and getting a way with. (good example of a great teacher everyone). To me almost every is stupid (but that dont mean i hate it the characters are awsome and so is the animation) its just that the logic is dumb because they use different writers for different ideas on the lore which messes it up and ruins it (it like have star wars being about a guy who only stays and earth and do nothing, its just out with the good stuff. ALSO LIKE IF YOU AGREE.!
ok little shy plz respond or anyone else, why does it take u so long to make these vids.....and 2 u should start making animations for anything really but still I respect your choice...oh and /) thxs bro
For each sins video, I usually watch the episode 5-7 total times while developing the script through multiple stages over the course of a week. Then, I take a day to record the audio, which is very draining activity for a quiet introvert like myself. After that comes the 6-8 hour process of extremely tedious video editing, which I usually spread across a couple days to retain some form of sanity. For just about all of season two, I've been putting up a video every two weeks. That may feel like a long time to you, but it sure isn't for me XD (\ Thanks for watching!
The most disturbing part about Fluttershy's remarks to her friends was that it revealed what she really thinks of them. Those aren't words that come unbidden, or as an outburst: she proved throughout the episode that she was being extremely deliberate in the actions she took, and that includes what she told Rarity and Pinkie Pie. She intended to hurt them. She meant every word.
After all, she only said she was sorry. She didn't add "I didn't mean what I said."
honestly im surprised how people don't see how interesting this is was, rarity straight up manipulate a guy pinky pie straight up uses deception and flutter shy psychology attacks people basically everyone at fault. the only lesson u can take, is that no pony is good
ikr lmfao
"Sun-butt confirmed for God horse" XDDD your delivery is fantastic
Tia Blue f
I read this comment as soon as that part came Lol!!
@@anuradhamukherjee5091 Same
And I haven't seen this in action myself but Fluttershy's behavior seems pretty realistic. In reading books about assertiveness it says that people just starting to flex their assertive muscles often tend to push too far and head into aggressive territory before reigning it in. Since they're so used to feeling powerless now that they're feeling a taste of power they don't want anyone to take it away again, so they can become hostile instead of being assertive.
For quite a few cases Fluttershy was certainly justified in telling ponies off, for jerking her around, stealing her place in line, etc.. It was when it started going to her head that she began to become the bully herself that she started to be in the wrong.
Fluttershy confirmed for most savage pony
It’s the quiet ones that are the most savage
Ikr dear god..
I may be in the minority on this but I am happy that putting your hoof down took place. As someone who bottles anger I know how toxic if can be to hold all that rage in all the time. Its like a bottle of soda that has been shaken so much over time. Unless you are extremely careful it could violently explode in the worst way. The best way to deal with the proverbial bottle is to find a way to let the pressure out, talking it out with someone objective who can put your thoughts and feelings in perspective with reality. all things considered Flutters outbursts were minor in comparison to real life acts of rage with far more dire consequences.
Fluttershy learned two valuable lessons in this story, one that every person who bottles emotions like her needs to know.
There are consequences to having one of these outbursts and it is better to find a way to deal with it in a healthier way, like talking it out with someone and being honest with how you are feeling. The other, really important one, *is the world is not going to end if you end up letting someone know how you feel.* Keeping these unpleasant thoughts to yourself only makes them worse and could end up having dire consequences to your mental health. Fluttershy, especially in the earlier seasons almost always kept her thoughts to herself and she clearly has thoughts of being a monster or bad in some way, possibly from all the bullying and Celestia knows what else happened to her as a filly.
I love that pony but she has enough childhood trauma for a team of shrinks.
I agree with you except for one thing-there is ZERO excuse to treat friends the way Fluttershy treated Rarity and Pinkie. There's a huge difference between being frustrated and being cruel. She was deliberately cruel, and nothing was said about it. There were counters to other things she did but for the most part her worst offenses were made to seem justified.
It doesn't matter how people may have treated you, it doesn't excuse doing it to others, In fact it makes doing it to others even worse.
Actually that's not true at all. Science tells us that letting out your anger is habit based. If you allow stress to build, you get better at not releasing it; if you rely on some sort of release, it will escalate the more you use it.
It's a common misconception that you should "let out" your anger, but it's pretty widely accepted in the field of psychology at this point that this is not the case.
Aaron Zuefeldt You misunderstand me, I said the healthier way was to let the pressure out through talking about how you feel with an objective party and putting these feelings into perspective with reality, not having an angry outburst.
Keeping those feelings in are extremely unhealthy, acting on them rashly even more so. There is a way of handling that pressure in a healthy way, but people who bottle like that don't tend to know how to do it. I know I didn't.
for Ziddlers; No one is perfect, and there are times when we say things we shouldn't. Everyone has had this moment, especially with people you are close with. Her friends forgave her for what she said though, if anything it shows the kind of bond they have.
Well, you should address a problem if their is one, but talking about it soley for the sake of release will lead to decreased self control, which will escalate.
This scene was necessary. Fluttershy should've made something horrible to understand that her anger is getting the best of her.
And no matter how much this scene breaks some reviewer's pink glasses.
If guns don't kill people, people kill people. That means toasters don't toast toast, toast toasts toast. Wow, that sentence has toast five times in a row.
._. That's really deep...
But people toast toast as well...
Toasted toast toasted toast toasted toasts toasted toast.
***** why? I got it right.
I saw that OOOOOOOOH coming a mile away.
Haley Tube™ Its true though...
But I'm not a rapper
you seem familiar .... have i seen you on Day of Defeat?
Kibbled Bro I don't know what that is, sorry.
1:56 - 2:15 holy shit. that was a sick burn. how is Fluttershy the element of kindness again? O_O
considering how literally everyone else constantly breaks their element save for pinkie I think I'm not surprised
lesson learned, don't fuk with kindness
I now have the mental image of a doormat with Fluttershy's picture on it, looking up cutely.
The text around her? "Could you please not step on me...if you don't mind, that is?"
Why settle for a mental image?
Famus Jamus
No, that's Fluttershy accepting her role as a doormat.
I meant a doormat of Fluttershy asking - though not very firmly - to not be used as one.
No, that would be a kigmy. (Look it up.)
Chris Barat
I did via google and got no results.
Awwww its just too cute to even want to put on the floor.
I wonder if Mr. Enter would approve how many sins this got. Oh who am I kidding he probably would want an "random a** holes appearing solely for this episode" bonus round.
I was thinking the same thing!
Mr Enter is love Mr Enter is life
But seriously, fuck this episode
He took 12 minutes or less.
Btw, I genuinely love how a video can't be made about Putting Your Hoof Down without people mentioning Mr Enter's review.
It mostly has to deal with the fact that he keeps reminding us in at three videos which I do get a little tired of now. Mainly because I don't hate any MLP episodes but that's just me and of course hate is what you must expect when watching a reviewer. Just not too much.
I remember siding with Iron Will at the end of the episode. He deserved to get paid "something" at least.
"..That no one gives a flying feather" am i the only one who always thinks she's going to say a flying fuck?
2:44 "Pinkie pretends not to see us."
She does so while looking at us because Rarity isn't.
Whoa, it really is Rainbow Dash!
~DɪsᴄᴏʀᴅɪsAᴘᴘʟᴇ876~ Well Bud, you're dipper profile fits you commenting on that comment of perl.
LameBoY743 and my profile picture fits the fact that i dont give a sh!t and im turning my head in shame..
Lol. XD Nice! I just got burned.
LameBoY743 get wrekt m8!
and you did get burned...because my profile picture is on fire o,o oh crap hes on fire!!!
Nice one. I'm glad you adressed how drastic Fluttershy's criticism of her friends was.
2:11 I literally ROFL from my computer to the kitchen, got a snack, and ROFL back to my computer.
Fluttershy is best roaster.
She's a rotisserie (mega chicken roaster)
2:58 turn on captions
"but cant because the simple explanation is pinkie pie being picky pie"
*picky pie*....
I dunno why, but I cracked up when I read this comment. X-D
***** Picky Pie is Picky. Pinkie Pie is Pinkie. Not picky.
Lol so funny
Gerald Barnes Wait, there's election in Ponyville?
i like this episode, as it shows how much rage and inner thoughts you can still have and EXCACTLY for the reason of being scared to stand up and maybe insult your friends and lose them one can bottle it up. and when the moment arrives when someone opens a new viewpoint (iron will intended it to be positive, however with flutters it turned out worse) she bursts her frustration out.
I have not yet managed to fight someone before and always backed out, and still don't have the courage to even take the risk of being very angry..... :(
So yeah, i really think it depends on the person viewing the ep if they like it or not. relatable or not
Holy shit...
When was the last time I saw a Fus Ro Dah joke?
Thank you.
"As Celestia as my witness" that part cracks me up every time
So the donkey says to the mule,"You sound a little 'hoarse'."
And the mule says,"Sorry, I get it from my mother."
And the donkey says,"I know son."
lol not bad
Shannon Rowe :D
amy small That's punny, but hay I can't say anything because in all you're a little hoarse.
The Vintage Gamer O.O ... Are you Zeus?
amy small I don't know...
But that'd be quite striking...
LOVE the parts 1:57 to 2:15. Just love it when fluttershy is just burning Rarity and Pinkie Pie
That's why nobody loves you
Just couse flutters is the element of kindness dose not mean she cant lose her cool
she isnt perfect
please dont hurt me
I don't know, Progenitor, why? Because you're a sorry little UA-cam commenter, that's why.
(This is me pretending to be mean Fluttershy, I am actually very nice, don't hate me... if I offended you, tell me, and I will delete comment.)
Zelda Player DONT BE SUCH A DOORMAT!!! Honestly, I can't quote Iron Will. His words are copyrighted. I need to make something original. And btw you carry a good Fluttershy material.
And btw, I'm not serious on doormat thing. People tend to get mean Fluttershy vibe in internet.
One of the funniest episodes yet, especially the "Menimism" joke XD.
Your videos honestly make my day, idk what it is but I honestly think that they're funnier than the actual CinemaSins channel! xD
Even with cruise control you still have to steer.
All of the Fluttershy fans were crying when this episode came. Rest In Peace Flutterfans.
I absolutely love this episode...
And only a couple of comments down "I HATE THIS EPISODE!"
Everyone head over to my channel and Hitler will explain why you are all wrong...
Subtle channel plug - *Ding
Its almost as if there are thousands of different people commenting on UA-cam videos with each having different opinions and motivation for doing so
Ninja_Fish Dear Princess...I don't know, Littleshy - Today I learnt that there are many opinions out there but offering a new perspective to a majority who see something one way is wrong. You should always stick to our own and cover your ears shouting LA LA LA if someone tries to change that.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding - What I really learnt is that Hitler's the final solution to pony arguments!
My job is to lighten your day a bit and help push through drama and hardtimes. My video quality isn't the greatest and my sub count isn't too impressive. But with my commentaries my goal is to at least put a smile on your face. Check me out if you want, your choice people. Id appreciate it. Peace
2:24 how did fluttershy barricade herself in from the OTHER SIDE???
Fluttershy confirmed for hacker horse.
That was pretty straight forward........
cinemare sins is a f*#&ing badass
-Join an "anti-bully" class
-proceed to being bully
-take the blame on the COW-Man after being hated by everyone
1:50 Derpy ain't blind, she's just special
I lost it at the "OOOOOOOOOOH" part.
Mean fluttershy is the most savage character in the show
I wonder if one of the sins for the Magic Mystery Cure is going to be a clip of this saying "Not so easy is it?" to Fluttershy it'd be like karma. But still like this episode for the most part.
'Sun-butt confirmed for god-horse' I rofled.
"Fluttershy says that the bowl she gave Angel is 'carrots, lettuce, and apples', but there isn't a single apple in that damn bowl." **Ding!**
So Littleshy said Fluttershy is at fault for finding a Loophole in Iron Will's contract. But Iron Will *IS* at fault for creating the contract in the first place saying nopony has to pay for his program if they're not satisfied.
I don't know why some people hated this episode.
I really liked this episode.
No sin for how much of a complete asshole Angel was. Maybe it was referenced in another video, but I think his behavior in this episode is worthy of a sin.
@@-.starfilled_galaxy.- I literally do not care, my guy.
@@-.starfilled_galaxy.- I use "my guy" to refer to anyone, but okay. And sure, guess I'll fix it. You could still understand what I said though.
@@-.starfilled_galaxy.- I'm not that concerned about profanity. Kids will learn it in time regardless. As cursing goes, what I said was pretty light.
@@-.starfilled_galaxy.- Sorry, but welcome to the real world. People curse in every country in every language. That's life.
fucking hell, I don't get why people are so fixated on swear words. English is so creative with swear words, we can even use it in the middle of words like abso-fucking-lutely. Idk if any other language can do that.
”Please don't hurt me” is that you, Fluttershy, behind every comment? (please don't hurt me)
The thing about Iron Will's seminar was that it didn't teach you how to be assertive, it taught you how to be aggressive! Being assertive means that you're willing to stand up for yourself, to get what you need and want, but without being mean and nasty about it. Being aggressive is where you're mean and nasty to people, just to get what you want.
So, therefore, Iron Will did not deserve one cent of Fluttershy's money, because he didn't do what she was going to pay for. In the end, when she was standing up to Iron Will, she was finally being properly assertive, and not aggressive. Iron Will didn't teach her that, her friends did.
Her friends also taught her that it doesn't matter how terribly you act its always someone else's fault. 🙄
Fluttershy is confirmed best burn horse
"I really am a doormat" at the end XD
I know.
0:57 You neglected to point out that everyone there has multiple clones.
I appreciate the hard work that is put into these cinema sins. They are also hilarious
It was this episode that this man learned that the religion in the mlp universe is celestiaism
1:43 This part of the video made my life complete. The Fus Ro Dah thing is... is beautiful! XD
This is my favourite episode because it shows everyone can be a little bad no body is perfect.
Fluttershy is NOT using a shady loophole. I wouldn't be satisfied either if Iron Will made me act like a stuck up jerk. And he did say that if we weren't satisfied NO PAY!
Who knew that Fluttershy could spit hot fire like that (>_>)
2:04 You took the words right out of my mouth there, Littleshy!
This episode: *exists*
Me: element of kindness everybody!
The appropriate reaction to Fluttershy's "flying feather" comment. I'm gonna start using that.
The next two sins starting from 2:27 have clips with Rarity's eyeshadow disappearing multiple times
Lol you're right
The end made me choke on cereal. That's hilarious.
OMG, The fact that the writers used Flying Feather is just. Ni
they said fucking shit in a different way
For all we know, maybe that's swearing in Equestria
Good work, Little.
Especially for an episode that I really love and really hate at the same time.
...Am I the only one who actually liked this episode?
Rarity was originally going to be the element of inspiration but they thought that was too complicated for a kid show
Even though it is NOT a kid show
1:42 Fluttershy is a Dragonborn apparently
The sentence should've been "The Wrath of TheMyseriousMrEnter"
Did fluttershy just go savage 😂
Fabulous. This is my least favorite episode and now everyone can know why
These aren't legit reviews, kid.
Pixle Buttion Then this wouldn't be a good house of reasons for showing people why you hate this episode.
Jawjawjaw3 lol yeah it just happens to be correct lol
I actually liked this episode. Explanation :
I love the idea of a "week" character that becomes badass (even in the wrong way). That's why Fluttershy's my fav pony (Flutterbat, Flutterhulk are another examples)
Actually, this is my favorite episode of the series. COME AT ME HATERS
But seriously, no one hated this episode until Mr. Enter made his review. Seems like no one really had his own opinion and they decided to stick to Mr.Enter's ones. He just didn't like one scene from it, and started to carp to every other scene in order to convince himself this episode is worth hating. Don't people really have an opinion of their own? They always make points same to his ones. And I can debunk, like, every negative point he made about PYHD.
Who the fuck is Mr. Enter?
Theory debunked. :P
I actually disliked this episode before finding his channel.
Famus Jamus
Oh, well, I guess your points are similar to his ones and may be summed up in one phrase "it was unpleasant to watch"?
liberty0383 Oh, well, I guess your points are similar to his ones and may be summed up in one phrase "it was unpleasant to watch"?
olserknam What's worse, that you consider "it was unpleasant to watch" to be a *bad* reason for not liking something, or that you really want us to fit in with your generalised view of fans?
Personally, I didn't like how it relied on making everyone in Ponyville uncharacteristically mean in order to push the "Fluttershy needs to be more assertive" point at the start of the episode (compare to Winter Wrap-Up, for example).
And there's the fact that Flutters is in desperate need of stories that don't rely on "Fluttershy needs to be more assertive" and "Fluttershy needs to face her fears".
I didn't really buy the level of bullying she reached either, but I'm putting that down to character interpretation on my part.
Rabbit season!
Duck season!
Rabbit season!
I'm surprised you didn't bleep out 'feather' and counted it as a sin.
I actually like the fact that Pinkie and Rarity kept thinking of Iron Will as a monster and a bad guy, even though he totally wasn't. Since the writer actually treated him sympathetically, it means these were supposed to be character flaws on their part, which makes both ponies more complex and interesting.
What is the reference at 2:19 ?
That killed me, I always knew FlutterShy was DragonBorn is some way
0:42 Wabbit Season, Duck Season
I feel like a terrible person for laughing when Fluttershy was insulting Pinkie Pie and Rarity, but oh well.
I actually forgot the episode existed until I rewatched it
2:11 could only be complete if they had photoshopped fluttershy's face on Supah Hot Fire
i like every episode of the show, its a good show, it makes me smile and makes me happy. thats the reason i got into it in the first place, and thats still all that matters to me. that and i love the fan made stuff like this! hilarious!
Guns don't kill people, people kill GUNS!! LOL, Nigahiga referencing!!
you did really well on this episode soooooo congrats on making a good video
he missed a couple of things like this i made as a comment.
I believe you missed like a couple sins in this episode, let me check them 4 u.
1.Right off the bat it was apperently "Be A Freaking Dick For A Week: as everyone in ponyville were just being plain mean and rude for no reason.
2. When fluttershy was going to buy the cherry, all she had to do was shut up and ask for the cherry for 1 bit (but to me thats bullshit who pays a doller for a cherry?).
3.WHO FUCKING CHARGES 20 BITS FOR A FUCKING CHERRY!? thats not a good way to have buisness in anywhere, literally you will get beat up if you were trying to sell that, (seriously though, she should get 7 cherrys for a bit).
4. when they are at the concert thing ( i didnt watch the episode to know what its actully called, i have bad english.) why is there so many pony's? they are already dicks who stand up for them selves already why do they need advice? (Unless if they were expecting this to be a nazi party of some sort).
5.What training does fluttershy go through to stand for herself, we never see nor get explained on what reason they pay him to make them tough.
6.why couldent the 2 pony's carrying the wagons of garbage just move and talk in the same time? also why would they stop on a bridge why not the side of the road like a normal person would (Again maybe part of the "Be A Dick Week").
7.At the Shop when Fluttershy yells at the guy who stole the tAxi cab from her (which confuses me why the fuck do they need a cab for a small town not even 2 acres) the driver pony just goes without knowing where she wanted to go.
8.There should be big sin not only for making rairity and PinkiPie cry, but to also change the charecter of fluttershy for being a massive jerk on this episode ESPECIALLY on her friends, good logic to teach kids and adults (Be a dick to your friends who only care about you.).
9.Why does FlutterShy have to pay the Bull? All he did was give advice and a pamphlet and is all like "and that was $50".
10. Also the Bull (who taught fluttershy how to say no to things and get a way with) was fooled by her saying no and getting a way with. (good example of a great teacher everyone).
To me almost every is stupid (but that dont mean i hate it the characters are awsome and so is the animation) its just that the logic is dumb because they use different writers for different ideas on the lore which messes it up and ruins it (it like have star wars being about a guy who only stays and earth and do nothing, its just out with the good stuff. ALSO LIKE IF YOU AGREE.!
RavenBoy99 i don't care, this was a very interesting and entertaining video
Carr Toona i agree, i was just saying since i notcied exactly and thought these up
RavenBoy99 no problem
Still a better episode than The Mysteious Mare Do Well.
I always thought iron will was just overcompensating, and really his bluster is just a bravado covering a sensitive character who just needs a cuddle.
anybody who makes pinkie pie cries deserves to get punched in the face but you can't punch fluttershy so...+1
Unfortunately, it's a paradox in this case.
As the owner of 2 rabbits in giving you a sin for thinking that a rabbits main diet doesn’t consist of at least 70% salads.
Nopony gives a flying feather= Nobody gives a flying f*ck
Good job Hasbro.
2:22 The backround changes from morning to noon but Fluttershy has barely walked a meter which iplies she is going very slow
Why was Derpy a sin at all. If anything she should take points off.
travis pelser her name by the creators is Muffins
travis pelser, it's a joke you dimwhit.
Fluttershy shortly became herself from The Return of Harmony in this episode.
just... how dare you count Derpy like "something wrong"? T_T That's mean!
I lost it at the end when I saw the little Fluttershy plush laying at the front door XD
Wrong, guns kill spoons and spoons make guns fat. They hate each other.
1:35 thank you at least someone noticed.
read my coomment
+TootsieRoll2 Productions I read it! YAY!
Its to long
That's a comment not a coomment
2:06 Kinda crazy that when Pinkie and Fluttershy swapped cutiemarks everyone was depressed. Pinkie is super important-
ok little shy plz respond or anyone else, why does it take u so long to make these vids.....and 2 u should start making animations for anything really but still I respect your choice...oh and /) thxs bro
For each sins video, I usually watch the episode 5-7 total times while developing the script through multiple stages over the course of a week. Then, I take a day to record the audio, which is very draining activity for a quiet introvert like myself. After that comes the 6-8 hour process of extremely tedious video editing, which I usually spread across a couple days to retain some form of sanity.
For just about all of season two, I've been putting up a video every two weeks. That may feel like a long time to you, but it sure isn't for me XD
(\ Thanks for watching!
***** Oh and don't forget the sentence.
cody bain He needs his time. Just quit it.
Tbf Fluttershy deserved to be the one in charge