I think the devs are forgetting that they're the creators, and the publishers, of Stormworks, and thus have the authority to really do what they wanted, be it better or for worse. Changing physics to allow gliding wouldn't necessarily break vehicles like the one time the devs temporarily set air density to Earth atmosphere, and really the fundamental argument of "everyone already built to power through our broken physics so we shouldn't fix it because then it'll break their stuff" is flawed itself.
Indeed-I mean it is the community that is also asking for these features after all! There's plenty of creators who would just update their creations anyway I'd assume if the physics change.
@@masterofthelag8414 there wouldn't even be much to update, vehicles have got a fuckton of power in order to fly, and if air physics would be better, it would still fly, you really just can't imagine how "easy" it is to just stay in air if you got a good wing, that's just unworldly, try Kerbal space program at some point and install ferram mod (actually damn real time calculated realistic aerodynamics, based purely on the SHAPE of things) to see how insane it is
@@krolon9786 I have in the past (big KSP fan actually!) and yeah it's night and day. Stormwork's planes drop out of the sky the moment you cut engines, while the alternative is something that flies like an actual plane (nothing taught me what flaps were actually for faster than FAR once I realized how hard it could actually be to slow down for landings)
@@masterofthelag8414 increase drag, lift, and then that applies torque fun things, little corrections, so much to add! and with power on, vehicles will be either same or faster with more proper physics, depending on balance, and that's all i could hope for - more proper, i dont think actual ferram level of aerodynamics is necessary but come on make it common sense at the very least, drag is just velocity to some power times mass and that's it, and the thrust scaling dependant on mass? bullshit
0:00 Intro 0:45 more natural disaster? (+ general development explanation) 2:10 interactible ammo feeding/flexible ammo belt? (+ammo rebalance) 4:06 more train part? 4:44 stronger pumps? 6:09 armour revamp? 8:43 flat highways? 9:36 new Stormworks in new game engine? 10:50 new large island? 11:00 co-op building? 12:56 credit announcement screenshot creators? (I always do it in the first few comment so look there!!) 16:05 new urban areas? 18:22 piston engine? 18:52 more sounds? 21:04 different MEs? 23:15 space? 24:56 something light flare? 26:12 FLIR camera? 27:04 military gear? 27:51 improve flight physics? 30:44 VR support? 32:53 improve wheel physics? 35:30 compact car parts? 37:21 customise blocks? 39:44 spawnable Kraken? 39:59 more steam parts? 40:47 why used own game engine? 43:42 enemy infantry AI? 44:50 fishing? 45:24 MAC audio issue fix? 47:38 old mission UI comeback? 49:20 compressed gas for sub propulsion? 50:00 creation folder? 50:53 bulk goods? 52:19 friendly AI? 53:34 more multiplayer improvements? 56:32 read camera pixel colour? 57:33 Stormwoofs? 57:47 more weapons? 58:15 laser guidance and smaller gimbals? 58:40 Kraken in multiplayer? 59:02 Outro I am hyped about new terrain!! Hopefully finally good surfaces to drive around! Sadly my question about component price rework was not in there.
Let us mod the game! We can make this game greater, much faster than the small dev team ever could. Just give us the tools and we'll show you. Imagine if many of these feature requests were handled by the community, so you could focus on the core, most important elements. We could create new components, new weapons, a richer world and a better experience. The oportunity for growth is right there, don't wait any longer.
Basically if you don't want to waste time on a video, these are main lines: - Yes we know many players want it, request it and of course we won't be adding that/fixing that - You want [some feature] right? Let me tell you how difficult it is to implement - Calm down, we hear all of your requests but you need to understand that we just don't care
I love the game and see so much potential in it. I would be willing to wager that a majority of players would be happy with an update breaking their creations if the update fixed the physics so that they make more sense and were more inline with reality like planes gliding and boats floating how they would irl.
Agreed. There seem to be a lot of things piling up that would break a lot of current creations but that are also extremely popular requests, probably better to do so sooner rather than later. And a lot of workshop creations look/are pretty realistic, presumably if the changes do what they're meant to they'll probably still work! The fluid pressure answer though seems especially weird given the underwater update news, how is diving like presumably many times deeper going to work if it doesn't work that well now?
It is sad to see that with many of these questions the answer is no, despite them being about significant QOL or general improvements. I think with things like wheel physics, adding a new wheel type for example while keeping the old one perfectly usable and then making the wheel physics for these new wheels completely from scratch or giving the option to run the old physics or the new physics would work and be a huge improvement. For most of these questions i would say: Sure its work, sure its gonna break some things, but you could A ask the players whether they want it and B make it optional You guys could just create a Poll of the 10 most requested fixes/alterations/features that would break things, give information about the caveats of changing each thing and then let people vote whether they still want that thing. That way you would be actually respecting players wishes instead of assuming that noone wants something. Besides that it would give you an idea of what players do actually want, as the poll you did a while ago just had no option for things like fix the damn physics. The problem i see right now is that even though the new bug and feature system you guys have works great, the number of bugs has reduced dramatically in the recent months, you guys expand the envelope of what stormworks is so greatly, which is great btw, while not fleshing out the details of these new big fancy things. There are so many small things still that could make stormworks so much better, but instead you talk about space, while you dont have proper temperatire in custom tanks and with fluids, radiators dont heat the space around them, heat travels through walls, fluid pressure and physics are very limiting... and besides that there is one thing from me as a Computer science Student: i am not absolutely sure, but the game feels like you use float type variables in much of the game, which can cause calculation errors and inaccuracy. Switching all floats to double would do alot for physics glitches and your ability to have lighter blocks for example as far as i can tell, while keeping performance similar, as the calculation of double and float variables takes about the same on 64 bit processors.
One other thing i must add as well, that i forgot to mention is that the devs must also take care on how to create polls, as the way a question is asked will totally affect the outcome
please add gliding physics for planes - we dont mind relearning things and we are okay with old creations being broken so that the game itself can be better
27:51 other developers have left particular versions of their games as test branches on steam when making fundamental physics changes so players can revert to a version in need for their creation to work. I think, for a long life cycle product, it is ok but only if the new physics REALLY make the difference (a major physics overhaul) and if the versions separation happens only once
they didn't seem to care about breaking almost all cars on the WS back in January when they changed the Air Scoop hitbox, and then they didn't care about breaking anything using steam when they changed Steam and ommitted that info from the changelog.
@@ohnolookwho241 changing a whole physics could require major changes in a creation though, a hitbox nad different component output is rearanging a few blocks or changing a function in logic.
@@Quantum-Bullet tell that to my multiple steam trains, Ships, Cranes, and land vehicles... I have all but stopped making steam systems since they do not function without steam dumping now. no point in the condenser at all anymore, just dump the steam as fast as it comes since it will not condense anyways.
I’d love to see it, when the devs actually changed the air density normal planes finally felt somewhat real to fly, but my planes designed to go mach2 in the normal physics were completely broken, but I still became massively happy before I realised it was a bug
Space is so far removed from what the game is, it makes no sense. Do it right and make it a completely separate game so you aren't restricted to the confines of what you already have. Fishing (as far as fishing vessel mechanics and not necessarily hand fishing) would make far more sense. It blows my mind that you want to add extraction, refining and space, but fishing is not likely.
TL;DR: Dev team say: "I'm scared of breaking stuff that exists to improve the game, we can't please everyone so we wont try" TL;DR extended: If the devs dont want to do something and its complex: "Players complain that they cant understand the system" If the feature is simple "Its not realistic" Disappointing, my QoL question didnt make it. On reflection though I now realise that the game wasn't ready for a weapons dlc, it seems all of this are features that the dev team doesnt have time for because the rest of the game is falling apart. Like the question on belt fed ammunition, I don't think anyone was expecting you to implement full belt or rope physics, no game has ever done that well, we need the ability (for small applications) for weapons to reload, you could just make the weapon platforms themselves have the ability to gimbal as an option or give us a pivot or hinge which has the ammo feed through it or just give us a jank belt rope thing and let us determine what makes sense, the existing ropes are awful already, do you think we care about logic or physics? The 'air physics' model being changed wont cause an issue because each individual part interacts with the model independantly. Its a poor effort to pretend like everything interacts with the model in a complex way, each wing segment applies force on its own depending on its angle, movement and wind. I bet you could have both 'models' (assuming a new one) function independently on different parts with relative ease. Litterally give me a 'function onTick(inwater, velocity, windvelocity, angle)' (or put it in a single object) and a model will easily be made which beats this (with some trial and error ofcourse), like if a gmod addon can make better aircraft than a simulation game then we have trouble. Also you literally changed steam boilers to output 100x the steam WITHOUT saying it in the patch notes causing all steam boilers to pop and nobody having any idea why so its not like you care about that. Who is complaining that the game is too difficult? I feel most people play the game because of the challenge of it. I think the problem is, the game can't decide if it wants to be approachable by new players and easy to create machines of war or a real time simulation of the environments for making vehicles within. Like most casual players would get stuck at wiring nodes to control things, nevermind the 3 extra levels of complexity with gates, microcontrollers and lua. The game is very inconsistent, some things are complex in an interesting way like composites sound great and allow for excellent microcontroller to microcontroller communication BUT the only way to get that information in is to have each individual component wired separately. Turns sound like a great way to handle the angle of things except robotic hinges and pivots don't take that as an input, the velocity pivot outputs cumulative turns and the only angle detection is through tilt sensors like its a homebuild quad copter not a military jet.
I'd like to add, they realise Unity is build with modularity in mind, right? Sure you can follow a tutorial and do drag and drop code, that doesn't mean you *have* to. Unity is build in such a way that you can make your own datastream handling, your own code for physics, and your own anything. The reason they provide isn't really that thought through. A simple "because we enjoy working with our own code" would have still been a valid answer.
As the flight physics, the reason sounds great at a glance. But I found it the dev looks down players. And actually I and my friends are little getting angry about it. Not to break previous vehicle???? Please don't be silly. You've already broken many many vehicles by suddenly changings of fundamentals. Such as steam generation, modular engines air fuel output, catalytic converter, and so on. Players has been forced to adapt those suddenly changings to keep using vehicles they crafted. Not too late to change the aero hydrodynamics. To improve right now is the best way to make this game much better. Best regard.
I think the answer to too many blocks is not necessarily not adding more. Rather, i think the block selection screen could use a few upgrades. * First off: collapsible sections. I hate whenever i'm piping all my systems that i have to scroll all the way up to get a specific pipe, and then all the way back down because i forgot a fluid port. Allow us to collapse all the sections that we are not currently using. I recently played Space engineers, and so i can't not mention these possible solutions: * allow us to have multiple parts hot bars. Space Engineers does this very well, have multiple hot bars that you can cycle through, so you could have one for pipes, one for regular blocks, another for propulsion parts, logic etc, etc. And you can select them by pressing ctrl 1-9, or use arrow buttons on the side. * Another idea from SE, is rather then having all the blocks separately, lets use pipes for example, it becomes one "compilation" block where you can scroll through all the pipe blocks for whichever one you need. but if you want you can still search for a specific pipe piece and place that on your hotbar.
No scrolling, hit Tab, then type "pipe" or "t" or "cross". There is also, "port", "slot", "intake" Granted, I've been using AutoCAD for 30 years, so I can touch-type insanely fast left-handed. GUI buttons are trash for getting things done, use them as little as possible.
If you don't want to make flight physics better because "it would break old creations" at least make it a toggle in custom options or/and when you are creating a world.
I appreciate the q and a but I'm disappointed with the answers given. This reminds me both of space engineers keen and silent hunter 5 in that. "We don't want to fix our broken game because the workshop exists." I think this is a copout. And the fact that you are already talking about making a new game? if you're doing this just release your code and let your community finish it
I just want too be able to paint materials, like wood, metal, plastic, armor, etc. so ships that are wood are more buoyant or sink differently or different things. So that blocks have different textures that can be painted, and not just blank or paint blocks
you can always use the painable blocks, and besides unless they have importable textures they will probably not be much better then the paintable blocks anyways and i don't even know if stormworks is capable of live importing textures so you would probably need to add them to a file and relaunch the game or something along those lines
@@fewbronzegames i meant like. You could "paint" on materials, not imported textures, just like 5 different materials that can be painted. which is different then using a paint block, there are no paint blocks in any shape but 1 face on a cube.
@@Alffraido i don't see why that would be useful tho, i mean most of us can use the paint blocks fine tho i guess it might be a bit more simple but i can't imagine how they would make them look good as connected textures
Different material blocks would be pretty nice, some blocks could be more buoyant but weaker against impacts/weapons, cheaper but also heavier. The combinations are endless. "This ship is made of wood instead of steel because it was meant to be cheap."
It's been almost 2 years since 1.0 release and removal of mission. Almost 2 years with barely anything to do in game. You can add as much blocks and functionality as you want it's pointless as long as there is nothing to do with it. I lost all hope in this game and this developer. 2 years of constant asking about what makes game a game and not a workshop creating simulator. If i want to create something to only look at i would rather do it in Blender. Im might sound harsh but 2 years is enough time to actually recognize what's necessary to the game to be fun not only to people that likes to create but also to those, who want to use what they are creating. Im also tired of community that keep defending developer dispite paying for the game. You shoud demand, not defend. You are paying for it.
Oh, steam pistons ARE actually planned? Huh. Didn't think we'd ever be getting those at this point, neat. Honestly though, I really think the thing that might get you the furthest, the most interest and respect from the community ect would be really solid mod support. Proper mod support to add or change systems as well as adding simpler components-as an example from what you even talked about yourselves, new modular engine types. Even if it's difficult. So many things people have asked for that in your case, you wouldn't do because it wouldn't work for a lot of your audience, modders would be happy to do anyway and people would enjoy having that option. People have already worked out how to add at least some basics regardless, see the stormloader team. There's *clearly* a want for this! I also would not worry so much about messing up existing vehicles. This always comes up but people clearly aren't happy with the physics or people wouldn't keep asking you about it. Besides you already broke every steam train I had uploaded on the workshop (about eight of them) with one of the I guess fluid updates so you clearly already do make patches that can cause that. Am I mad? No. I know the game's in development. I know this stuff is subject to change, it's really not as big of a worry as I think you seem to believe it is.
On the topic of wheels being changed vs unhappy players: Currently in Stormworks, a physics based sandbox game, you can't park a car on an incline because it will start sliding downwards. And that's just plain broken. :I
0:35 Dev: the footage is pre-recorded (not good at answering at the same time). Me: OK! @ 1:47 his team mate just arrived at their first objective but almost managed to lose his assault vehicle without enemy's help Me: Meh, it just his friend! @ 1:59 Dev accidentally launches a missile... in direction of a friendly craft! Me: Not good at answering at the same time? REALLY? @ just kidding! thanks for the content!
Even the devs computer lagg out. 3:30 is exactly the problem that annoyed me most. Rubberbanding and lags make the game unplayable. What they say to me if i ask for a fix: "Your computer and or internet connection is not powerful enough" 💩
Well it looks like the answer is no, you won't be working on the changes. And yet, your hands are busy as Geometa. What exactly are you even doing if your hands are so busy, developers?
how about instead of armor blocks lets just have a heavier weight block we already have material denser than weight blocks (battle cannon barrel) could be like 100 weight and 2x more protective than weight block
no new armor blocks because they would be mostly just copy paste? sounds like an easy update to me! and this would be a wanted update. just rename them and put a dot on it only seen in editor. that way its easy to tell (like weight blocks but remove the dot or w/e your using to show its armor) The modular engines are awesome, and everyone I know uses them thanks to the extra power and better fuel usage. the issue with overheating is easy to fix, lower the heat build up numbers. poof problem solved. people have made ECU's for players that don't want to try and do the lua or microcontrollers, so that is not a problem. the only problem they have is if you put a small mod engine into a truck then you can hardly use it thanks to one radiator often not being powerful enough to cool it. even if it is just running 10 rps and being so over geared that it hardly moves. the engine still overheats. THAT IS THE ONLY ISSUE AND YET YOU DO NOT SEEM TO LISTEN! on breaking creations with updates... really... you have many times already. look at the fluid ports update. or the one that bugs me the steam update that bricked the steam engines. the condensers died, and less water made more steam. every single steam system I have broke. I have not yet rebuilt all the steam equipment I have made thanks to that lovely idiot who changed that. I would love if you guys reverted that steam change so we can have the condensers back and working but you guys really do not listen to the community that much so who knows. as for wheels. have two styles, the basic prebuilt and a modular style with suspention style and wheel size/grip style that can be built to only the modular suspension/axle. a Differential part would be nice. Diff is nice. axle in power out. SIMPLE. if people are asking for it then it is wanted. when you were talking about fishing and bulk loads it reminded me of something... can we get a crane at the docks/trainyards to be able to move containers onto ships/trains? or conveyors that can transfer loads easier? remember the old research game mode was "not wanted by players"... I am disappointed in the fact that some of the easy things to do, armor blocks for example, are "to much work at this time" or "not wanted because it would make the game hard" yet we have things like Radar and Sonar that requires hard to do things. we have the workshop for a reason. we are not stupid people. yes some of us have a hard time, I dont use much radar personally, but we have people who like to help others and teach them. you say this game is a one block is all material style yet you have normal blocks, heavy blocks, wing blocks, ect. we have different blocks and can use them to our advantage. I have built fuel tanks out of wedges in a 2 tall area to save space already, many players have. please listen to the community and add some of these easy to have blocks. stuff that doesn't "fit the game" that we are already trying to build FOR the game should be helped along. Even after saying I am disappointed with the lack of listening I will also say you have been doing good with a game that is so complex. keep up the good work with it and do not stop putting good content forward. Listen a bit more, Understand a bit more, Maybe drop into the discords a bit more to understand what the issues are. I would love to have a chat about things and help answer some questions that way, in voice, so stop bye sometime. I hope you guys do get around to reading some of this and contact the playerbase on discord; hope to talk, Solderkiller (stormworks username in stormworks: build and rescue discord channel)
About your Modular Engines test, i don't think that's how it is I did a test, and a prefab engine outputted more power for it's size than a 12 cylinder i tested. I tested a larger engine, while it may have matched the prefab, it overheated. The prefab engine was okay with just 1 electric radiator. Edit: Sorry, you actually mentioned cooling, and i didn't read it. But yeah. Modular engines need TOO MUCH cooling compared to prefabs.
would it be possible for destruction physics? im not very amazing at coding, but im sure it wouldnt be insanely hard to make a block go poof at a high amount of damage (say 25% chance or something)
57:10 at what distance do screens stop rendering? i know at some point the entire vehicle isn't in render distance, but is there a point inbetween where the screen stops rendering?
@@11Tits dang that's a lot, they should probably make it closer to 60 meters so that it loads the ones near you but not the ones in other nearby vehicles
@@Ram-lr6ud yeah but the entire vehicle including the screens stops rendering at some distance away from the player, idk if there is a point in between that just stops rendering the screen because cameras in particular can cause a lot of lag so a lot of the devs optimization should be around them and that includes a distance even if in front of you that should stop rendering before the entire vehicle
@@ScotSteam47 Admittedly I didn't play it much, but what bothered me was the lack of physical mechanics. I don't think there's microcontrollers, especially lua coding, and the blocks being 1 meter each makes every creation look like a minecraft build. I'm not sure if there's piping, fluid pressure systems, and the "speed limit" really bugs me. I'm playing a space game and I can only go 150m/s? If space has drag, how do planets orbit stars?
@@incription You need mods in your life haha. There's some great mods for SE that do give you what you need. There is coding you can do in the base game, creating scripts etc. Mods will get you a better speed limit (SW has a limit fyi). Blocks can be large or small and a lot of workshop items don't look anything like Minecraft.
@@ScotSteam47 You're right about the in-game scripting, my bad. I will try it out again, I guess I was just dissapointed that is hasn't changed much in so long. The main issue I have with it is how the game looks in general, the lag and the block designs. SW is a custom engine so it looks really nice and the blocks are completely clear so they don't mess with whatever you're trying to build. Idk, I'll just have to play it and see lol
yeah, and i mean an armoured block wouldn't fit that badly in the game tbh, they already have a weighted block and "armoured block" isn't a specific material
stormworks is the absolute best game ever made it's so underrated but so much better than fortnite and rocket league and minecraft and roblox and eveything! stormworks is increadable awsome work!
FlightGear supports multiple different flight-model engines (for player vehicles). So couldn't one actually add in a flight model that would only apply to the player aircraft but not break any of the legacy vehicles/aircraft (as they'd simply run on the old code)? That would seem to be a solution that would work. I believe Arma did something similar at one point for enhanced helicopters too (and Il-2 has a different FM from Flying Circus, and DCS allows different FMs for third party aircraft which can provide their own plugins - as well as uses three different flight models for official aircraft).
Will carrier get some more procedural mission types? The variety of mission types was pretty great pre 1.0 but Post 1.0 seems pretty dry with its small hand full of mission types. I think career could really use the extra content. I kind of see it like this Pre1.0 missions: Lots of hand made missions with a gargantuan variety of things to do. Over time these missions get repetitive as you do the exact same thing over and over the longer you play carrier. Post 1.0: kind of flips this on its head. You get a small number of mission types but the missions change allot overall. But unfortunately it still gets repetitive as you end up only having a small hand full of things to do. For example you never really end up with mission types where toy need to pull stuff out of the water or build a rescue sub. Diving gear really doesn’t have a role anymore Having these different situations gets the player approaching problems differently and gets them changing up their creations to solve new problems. This is a great gameplay loop. The potential is definitely there for that. I think this would certainly break the almost stagnant feel of carrier some of us have felt as of late. Even njersy seems to have this same kind of sentiment wishing for a expanded carrier here and there in his newer videos.
I've always had a huge affection and attachment to this game but I've never been able to play it, please Geometa, I wish there was a version for PlayStation 4 or 5
Greetings, Geometa. I Want modified physics to ships, planes, helicopters ETC. Becuase some of the stormworks uploaders make destructible machines. the reasoning why is becuase clearly there is a blender screenshot in the steam screenshot page, theres some, for a example "failed rescue" which is a rescue plane loosing its wings and falling into the sea. like, i want this to happen maybe early, maybe make a early-prosses in a beta. it maybe take long to work on, but i believe in your strength.
I am extremly disappointed that you aren't even planing on doing a fishing update. It would make the game 200% better with more ways of earning money. PLEASE can we somehow convince you to make a fishing update? At least in a DLC???? PLEASE!! think about it. You could also make an update with like 3-5 more ways of earning cash, like *fishing*, NPC's that need some help (small side missions like "pls pull me car out of the riverrrr" or sth like that), Selling stuff (for example fish or goods that you collect like the money creates) and more...
I do actually think fishing would be a well received update. Might have to work out some kind of net system but personally I'd be down and people already love building fishing boats, they're not a rare sight on the workshop.
the enemy ai feels unbalanced in fighting them, and I don't mean unfair, I mean there is no in between of either using overpowered weapons that they stand no chance like radar missiles for air and tanks or torpedoes for boats launched from a sub, and and using normal guns where it seems you can never hit them unless you are at point blank range but their heavy auto cannon tank can lead and hit your 500 mph jet like a ciws. so basically tanks and boats have like 5x the range of any gun you could make. you could kill them with missiles like I said but that gets so boring like, see ai, press button, ai dead. I wish there was a way to make fighting the ai with just guns more balanced. I mean specifically fighting them with tanks, because they can see and shoot you through trees and things like that.
To be fair the unpopularity of modular engines seems like its due to a number of factors. The problem with all these extra invisible mechanics is these engines don’t seem to pair up well with it’s all in one brothers. Modular engines have some strong points like being able to fit into unique from factors though. You also have an extra control over power and other functions. The thing about the heat design at the moment is you can actually make an engine for a form factor that’s actually too small to properly cool. (Like ultralights for an example) fitting cooling on a vehicle that’s one block wide without busting a look can be pretty difficult as even a one cylinder engine at a decent power level may require a full sized radiator. Air powered heat exchangers are a bit hot as well especially if it’s just a small gas powered generator. Maybe a 1x1 heat sync that can attach directly to a manifold port could help with this. Though it takes up an extra block, it would reduce the heating issues on tiny engines without breaking the look of a build. Just my take on it though I’ve slowly been able to make aviation grade engines but they aren’t exactly easy to work with. The thing about these engines is they need run at a constant high rpm to be flyable which means big cooling and heavy aircraft. it’s not exactly an easy task.
Please add the game to Geforce Now, there I can play the games in higher quality. I would appreciate it, because today I am playing on the minimum settings.
People are complaining alot. You devs are doing well with this game and im always excited for more content you guys release. Only thing i do wish could improve is multiplayer but i understand how challenging it is but all the best!
they go on and on about how they add this to addon and that to addon. just add multiplayer work bench as DLC for that matter or addon. sure it won't be easy but it's one of the most requested features and it gets pushed aside saying how it's too hard. then they go and make weapon DLC and other useless things.
I think the devs are forgetting that they're the creators, and the publishers, of Stormworks, and thus have the authority to really do what they wanted, be it better or for worse. Changing physics to allow gliding wouldn't necessarily break vehicles like the one time the devs temporarily set air density to Earth atmosphere, and really the fundamental argument of "everyone already built to power through our broken physics so we shouldn't fix it because then it'll break their stuff" is flawed itself.
I think there should be a poll to let the players vote on if it should be added or not
Indeed-I mean it is the community that is also asking for these features after all! There's plenty of creators who would just update their creations anyway I'd assume if the physics change.
@@masterofthelag8414 there wouldn't even be much to update, vehicles have got a fuckton of power in order to fly, and if air physics would be better, it would still fly, you really just can't imagine how "easy" it is to just stay in air if you got a good wing, that's just unworldly, try Kerbal space program at some point and install ferram mod (actually damn real time calculated realistic aerodynamics, based purely on the SHAPE of things) to see how insane it is
@@krolon9786 I have in the past (big KSP fan actually!) and yeah it's night and day. Stormwork's planes drop out of the sky the moment you cut engines, while the alternative is something that flies like an actual plane (nothing taught me what flaps were actually for faster than FAR once I realized how hard it could actually be to slow down for landings)
@@masterofthelag8414 increase drag, lift, and then that applies torque fun things, little corrections, so much to add! and with power on, vehicles will be either same or faster with more proper physics, depending on balance, and that's all i could hope for - more proper, i dont think actual ferram level of aerodynamics is necessary but come on make it common sense at the very least, drag is just velocity to some power times mass and that's it, and the thrust scaling dependant on mass? bullshit
0:00 Intro
0:45 more natural disaster? (+ general development explanation)
2:10 interactible ammo feeding/flexible ammo belt? (+ammo rebalance)
4:06 more train part?
4:44 stronger pumps?
6:09 armour revamp?
8:43 flat highways?
9:36 new Stormworks in new game engine?
10:50 new large island?
11:00 co-op building?
12:56 credit announcement screenshot creators? (I always do it in the first few comment so look there!!)
16:05 new urban areas?
18:22 piston engine?
18:52 more sounds?
21:04 different MEs?
23:15 space?
24:56 something light flare?
26:12 FLIR camera?
27:04 military gear?
27:51 improve flight physics?
30:44 VR support?
32:53 improve wheel physics?
35:30 compact car parts?
37:21 customise blocks?
39:44 spawnable Kraken?
39:59 more steam parts?
40:47 why used own game engine?
43:42 enemy infantry AI?
44:50 fishing?
45:24 MAC audio issue fix?
47:38 old mission UI comeback?
49:20 compressed gas for sub propulsion?
50:00 creation folder?
50:53 bulk goods?
52:19 friendly AI?
53:34 more multiplayer improvements?
56:32 read camera pixel colour?
57:33 Stormwoofs?
57:47 more weapons?
58:15 laser guidance and smaller gimbals?
58:40 Kraken in multiplayer?
59:02 Outro
I am hyped about new terrain!! Hopefully finally good surfaces to drive around!
Sadly my question about component price rework was not in there.
@@Quantum-Bullet it says 11:56 in the description but it is actually at 12:56 thats just a typo
Let us mod the game! We can make this game greater, much faster than the small dev team ever could. Just give us the tools and we'll show you.
Imagine if many of these feature requests were handled by the community, so you could focus on the core, most important elements. We could create new components, new weapons, a richer world and a better experience. The oportunity for growth is right there, don't wait any longer.
@@c4vengineering Not true modding. You are, at most, adding new models that use programming from existing content.
@@c4vengineering too much limitation
i like minecraft mods
@@TheMrFailz not true you can do what you want with it. You just need to be talented
Stormworks Developer Questions and Answers May 2022 in a nutshell :
We have no plan for it for now.
Basically if you don't want to waste time on a video, these are main lines:
- Yes we know many players want it, request it and of course we won't be adding that/fixing that
- You want [some feature] right? Let me tell you how difficult it is to implement
- Calm down, we hear all of your requests but you need to understand that we just don't care
I love the game and see so much potential in it.
I would be willing to wager that a majority of players would be happy with an update breaking their creations if the update fixed the physics so that they make more sense and were more inline with reality like planes gliding and boats floating how they would irl.
Agreed. There seem to be a lot of things piling up that would break a lot of current creations but that are also extremely popular requests, probably better to do so sooner rather than later. And a lot of workshop creations look/are pretty realistic, presumably if the changes do what they're meant to they'll probably still work! The fluid pressure answer though seems especially weird given the underwater update news, how is diving like presumably many times deeper going to work if it doesn't work that well now?
It is sad to see that with many of these questions the answer is no, despite them being about significant QOL or general improvements. I think with things like wheel physics, adding a new wheel type for example while keeping the old one perfectly usable and then making the wheel physics for these new wheels completely from scratch or giving the option to run the old physics or the new physics would work and be a huge improvement.
For most of these questions i would say: Sure its work, sure its gonna break some things, but you could A ask the players whether they want it and B make it optional
You guys could just create a Poll of the 10 most requested fixes/alterations/features that would break things, give information about the caveats of changing each thing and then let people vote whether they still want that thing.
That way you would be actually respecting players wishes instead of assuming that noone wants something.
Besides that it would give you an idea of what players do actually want, as the poll you did a while ago just had no option for things like fix the damn physics.
The problem i see right now is that even though the new bug and feature system you guys have works great, the number of bugs has reduced dramatically in the recent months, you guys expand the envelope of what stormworks is so greatly, which is great btw, while not fleshing out the details of these new big fancy things. There are so many small things still that could make stormworks so much better, but instead you talk about space, while you dont have proper temperatire in custom tanks and with fluids, radiators dont heat the space around them, heat travels through walls, fluid pressure and physics are very limiting...
and besides that there is one thing from me as a Computer science Student: i am not absolutely sure, but the game feels like you use float type variables in much of the game, which can cause calculation errors and inaccuracy. Switching all floats to double would do alot for physics glitches and your ability to have lighter blocks for example as far as i can tell, while keeping performance similar, as the calculation of double and float variables takes about the same on 64 bit processors.
Exactly! More polls are the way to GO!
@@JustaNormalGuy115 i totally agree.
I completely agree, I wouldn’t mind updating older creations if it means that their general performance has improved or become more realistic
One other thing i must add as well, that i forgot to mention is that the devs must also take care on how to create polls, as the way a question is asked will totally affect the outcome
please add gliding physics for planes - we dont mind relearning things and we are okay with old creations being broken so that the game itself can be better
34:19 if your wheels were actual wheels and not a magical physics pad with animation you might not have this issue.
27:51 other developers have left particular versions of their games as test branches on steam when making fundamental physics changes so players can revert to a version in need for their creation to work. I think, for a long life cycle product, it is ok but only if the new physics REALLY make the difference (a major physics overhaul) and if the versions separation happens only once
or you know, stay in Early Access
they didn't seem to care about breaking almost all cars on the WS back in January when they changed the Air Scoop hitbox, and then they didn't care about breaking anything using steam when they changed Steam and ommitted that info from the changelog.
@@ohnolookwho241 changing a whole physics could require major changes in a creation though, a hitbox nad different component output is rearanging a few blocks or changing a function in logic.
@@Quantum-Bullet tell that to my multiple steam trains, Ships, Cranes, and land vehicles... I have all but stopped making steam systems since they do not function without steam dumping now. no point in the condenser at all anymore, just dump the steam as fast as it comes since it will not condense anyways.
I’d love to see it, when the devs actually changed the air density normal planes finally felt somewhat real to fly, but my planes designed to go mach2 in the normal physics were completely broken, but I still became massively happy before I realised it was a bug
Space is so far removed from what the game is, it makes no sense. Do it right and make it a completely separate game so you aren't restricted to the confines of what you already have. Fishing (as far as fishing vessel mechanics and not necessarily hand fishing) would make far more sense. It blows my mind that you want to add extraction, refining and space, but fishing is not likely.
TL;DR: Dev team say: "I'm scared of breaking stuff that exists to improve the game, we can't please everyone so we wont try"
TL;DR extended: If the devs dont want to do something and its complex: "Players complain that they cant understand the system" If the feature is simple "Its not realistic"
Disappointing, my QoL question didnt make it. On reflection though I now realise that the game wasn't ready for a weapons dlc, it seems all of this are features that the dev team doesnt have time for because the rest of the game is falling apart. Like the question on belt fed ammunition, I don't think anyone was expecting you to implement full belt or rope physics, no game has ever done that well, we need the ability (for small applications) for weapons to reload, you could just make the weapon platforms themselves have the ability to gimbal as an option or give us a pivot or hinge which has the ammo feed through it or just give us a jank belt rope thing and let us determine what makes sense, the existing ropes are awful already, do you think we care about logic or physics?
The 'air physics' model being changed wont cause an issue because each individual part interacts with the model independantly. Its a poor effort to pretend like everything interacts with the model in a complex way, each wing segment applies force on its own depending on its angle, movement and wind. I bet you could have both 'models' (assuming a new one) function independently on different parts with relative ease. Litterally give me a 'function onTick(inwater, velocity, windvelocity, angle)' (or put it in a single object) and a model will easily be made which beats this (with some trial and error ofcourse), like if a gmod addon can make better aircraft than a simulation game then we have trouble.
Also you literally changed steam boilers to output 100x the steam WITHOUT saying it in the patch notes causing all steam boilers to pop and nobody having any idea why so its not like you care about that.
Who is complaining that the game is too difficult? I feel most people play the game because of the challenge of it. I think the problem is, the game can't decide if it wants to be approachable by new players and easy to create machines of war or a real time simulation of the environments for making vehicles within. Like most casual players would get stuck at wiring nodes to control things, nevermind the 3 extra levels of complexity with gates, microcontrollers and lua. The game is very inconsistent, some things are complex in an interesting way like composites sound great and allow for excellent microcontroller to microcontroller communication BUT the only way to get that information in is to have each individual component wired separately. Turns sound like a great way to handle the angle of things except robotic hinges and pivots don't take that as an input, the velocity pivot outputs cumulative turns and the only angle detection is through tilt sensors like its a homebuild quad copter not a military jet.
41:51 from the depths does this with huge vehicles (granted bigger cubes but you don't want us building very big anyway)
I'd like to add, they realise Unity is build with modularity in mind, right? Sure you can follow a tutorial and do drag and drop code, that doesn't mean you *have* to. Unity is build in such a way that you can make your own datastream handling, your own code for physics, and your own anything. The reason they provide isn't really that thought through. A simple "because we enjoy working with our own code" would have still been a valid answer.
As the flight physics, the reason sounds great at a glance.
But I found it the dev looks down players. And actually I and my friends are little getting angry about it.
Not to break previous vehicle???? Please don't be silly.
You've already broken many many vehicles by suddenly changings of fundamentals.
Such as steam generation, modular engines air fuel output, catalytic converter, and so on.
Players has been forced to adapt those suddenly changings to keep using vehicles they crafted.
Not too late to change the aero hydrodynamics.
To improve right now is the best way to make this game much better.
Best regard.
I come from the future, the devs "not wanting to break previous vehicles" is hilarious
I think the answer to too many blocks is not necessarily not adding more.
Rather, i think the block selection screen could use a few upgrades.
* First off: collapsible sections.
I hate whenever i'm piping all my systems that i have to scroll all the way up to get a specific pipe, and then all the way back down because i forgot a fluid port.
Allow us to collapse all the sections that we are not currently using.
I recently played Space engineers, and so i can't not mention these possible solutions:
* allow us to have multiple parts hot bars.
Space Engineers does this very well, have multiple hot bars that you can cycle through, so you could have one for pipes, one for regular blocks, another for propulsion parts, logic etc, etc.
And you can select them by pressing ctrl 1-9, or use arrow buttons on the side.
* Another idea from SE, is rather then having all the blocks separately, lets use pipes for example, it becomes one "compilation" block where you can scroll through all the pipe blocks for whichever one you need.
but if you want you can still search for a specific pipe piece and place that on your hotbar.
No scrolling, hit Tab, then type "pipe" or "t" or "cross". There is also, "port", "slot", "intake"
Granted, I've been using AutoCAD for 30 years, so I can touch-type insanely fast left-handed. GUI buttons are trash for getting things done, use them as little as possible.
Yeah, just using the search bar completely fixes the issue
no more dev Q&As because it hurts deltard's feelings
I love these videos so much, since I get to sit here for an hour and watch the dev team say no to everything.
Ngl, a lot of theese answers were kind of dissapointing
@@TheMrFailz well i certanly hope theyre lying xD
@@mrviking6892 is that the real mr viking
@@tanko131 😮
If you don't want to make flight physics better because "it would break old creations" at least make it a toggle in custom options or/and when you are creating a world.
Maybe add armour as a paint like tool?
Seems the easiest and most convenient way to implement. It could add weight proportionally to the area painted.
In general, it would be convenient to set materials of different weights using paint. including for wedges.
I appreciate the q and a but I'm disappointed with the answers given. This reminds me both of space engineers keen and silent hunter 5 in that. "We don't want to fix our broken game because the workshop exists." I think this is a copout. And the fact that you are already talking about making a new game? if you're doing this just release your code and let your community finish it
I just want too be able to paint materials, like wood, metal, plastic, armor, etc. so ships that are wood are more buoyant or sink differently or different things. So that blocks have different textures that can be painted, and not just blank or paint blocks
you can always use the painable blocks, and besides unless they have importable textures they will probably not be much better then the paintable blocks anyways and i don't even know if stormworks is capable of live importing textures so you would probably need to add them to a file and relaunch the game or something along those lines
@@fewbronzegames i meant like. You could "paint" on materials, not imported textures, just like 5 different materials that can be painted. which is different then using a paint block, there are no paint blocks in any shape but 1 face on a cube.
@@Alffraido i don't see why that would be useful tho, i mean most of us can use the paint blocks fine tho i guess it might be a bit more simple but i can't imagine how they would make them look good as connected textures
@@fewbronzegames sigh okay nevermind
Different material blocks would be pretty nice, some blocks could be more buoyant but weaker against impacts/weapons, cheaper but also heavier. The combinations are endless.
"This ship is made of wood instead of steel because it was meant to be cheap."
It's been almost 2 years since 1.0 release and removal of mission. Almost 2 years with barely anything to do in game. You can add as much blocks and functionality as you want it's pointless as long as there is nothing to do with it. I lost all hope in this game and this developer. 2 years of constant asking about what makes game a game and not a workshop creating simulator. If i want to create something to only look at i would rather do it in Blender. Im might sound harsh but 2 years is enough time to actually recognize what's necessary to the game to be fun not only to people that likes to create but also to those, who want to use what they are creating. Im also tired of community that keep defending developer dispite paying for the game. You shoud demand, not defend. You are paying for it.
day 1 of requesting that remote controllers need settings like seats.
Oh, steam pistons ARE actually planned? Huh. Didn't think we'd ever be getting those at this point, neat. Honestly though, I really think the thing that might get you the furthest, the most interest and respect from the community ect would be really solid mod support. Proper mod support to add or change systems as well as adding simpler components-as an example from what you even talked about yourselves, new modular engine types. Even if it's difficult. So many things people have asked for that in your case, you wouldn't do because it wouldn't work for a lot of your audience, modders would be happy to do anyway and people would enjoy having that option. People have already worked out how to add at least some basics regardless, see the stormloader team. There's *clearly* a want for this! I also would not worry so much about messing up existing vehicles. This always comes up but people clearly aren't happy with the physics or people wouldn't keep asking you about it. Besides you already broke every steam train I had uploaded on the workshop (about eight of them) with one of the I guess fluid updates so you clearly already do make patches that can cause that. Am I mad? No. I know the game's in development. I know this stuff is subject to change, it's really not as big of a worry as I think you seem to believe it is.
On the topic of wheels being changed vs unhappy players:
Currently in Stormworks, a physics based sandbox game, you can't park a car on an incline because it will start sliding downwards. And that's just plain broken. :I
0:35 Dev: the footage is pre-recorded (not good at answering at the same time).
Me: OK!
1:47 his team mate just arrived at their first objective but almost managed to lose his assault vehicle without enemy's help
Me: Meh, it just his friend!
1:59 Dev accidentally launches a missile... in direction of a friendly craft!
Me: Not good at answering at the same time? REALLY?
just kidding! thanks for the content!
I am a simple man, I just want windowed borderless mode
Even the devs computer lagg out. 3:30 is exactly the problem that annoyed me most. Rubberbanding and lags make the game unplayable. What they say to me if i ask for a fix:
"Your computer and or internet connection is not powerful enough" 💩
Cries in no train update
there will?
Well it looks like the answer is no, you won't be working on the changes. And yet, your hands are busy as Geometa. What exactly are you even doing if your hands are so busy, developers?
Some different sizes of steam pistons sounds like an interesting idea.
I had hope for this game. why can't you listen to your fans and make something good.
If you added a 0:00 timestamp we would have the YT chapter feature.
how about instead of armor blocks
lets just have a heavier weight block
we already have material denser than weight blocks (battle cannon barrel)
could be like 100 weight and 2x more protective than weight block
Imagine wanting to make a tank with that. You'd basically be screwed. 100 weight is too much.
no new armor blocks because they would be mostly just copy paste? sounds like an easy update to me! and this would be a wanted update. just rename them and put a dot on it only seen in editor. that way its easy to tell (like weight blocks but remove the dot or w/e your using to show its armor)
The modular engines are awesome, and everyone I know uses them thanks to the extra power and better fuel usage. the issue with overheating is easy to fix, lower the heat build up numbers. poof problem solved. people have made ECU's for players that don't want to try and do the lua or microcontrollers, so that is not a problem. the only problem they have is if you put a small mod engine into a truck then you can hardly use it thanks to one radiator often not being powerful enough to cool it. even if it is just running 10 rps and being so over geared that it hardly moves. the engine still overheats. THAT IS THE ONLY ISSUE AND YET YOU DO NOT SEEM TO LISTEN!
on breaking creations with updates... really... you have many times already. look at the fluid ports update. or the one that bugs me the steam update that bricked the steam engines. the condensers died, and less water made more steam. every single steam system I have broke. I have not yet rebuilt all the steam equipment I have made thanks to that lovely idiot who changed that. I would love if you guys reverted that steam change so we can have the condensers back and working but you guys really do not listen to the community that much so who knows.
as for wheels. have two styles, the basic prebuilt and a modular style with suspention style and wheel size/grip style that can be built to only the modular suspension/axle. a Differential part would be nice. Diff is nice. axle in power out. SIMPLE. if people are asking for it then it is wanted.
when you were talking about fishing and bulk loads it reminded me of something... can we get a crane at the docks/trainyards to be able to move containers onto ships/trains?
or conveyors that can transfer loads easier?
remember the old research game mode was "not wanted by players"...
I am disappointed in the fact that some of the easy things to do, armor blocks for example, are "to much work at this time" or "not wanted because it would make the game hard" yet we have things like Radar and Sonar that requires hard to do things. we have the workshop for a reason. we are not stupid people. yes some of us have a hard time, I dont use much radar personally, but we have people who like to help others and teach them. you say this game is a one block is all material style yet you have normal blocks, heavy blocks, wing blocks, ect. we have different blocks and can use them to our advantage. I have built fuel tanks out of wedges in a 2 tall area to save space already, many players have. please listen to the community and add some of these easy to have blocks. stuff that doesn't "fit the game" that we are already trying to build FOR the game should be helped along.
Even after saying I am disappointed with the lack of listening I will also say you have been doing good with a game that is so complex. keep up the good work with it and do not stop putting good content forward. Listen a bit more, Understand a bit more, Maybe drop into the discords a bit more to understand what the issues are. I would love to have a chat about things and help answer some questions that way, in voice, so stop bye sometime.
I hope you guys do get around to reading some of this and contact the playerbase on discord;
hope to talk, Solderkiller (stormworks username in stormworks: build and rescue discord channel)
About your Modular Engines test, i don't think that's how it is
I did a test, and a prefab engine outputted more power for it's size than a 12 cylinder i tested.
I tested a larger engine, while it may have matched the prefab, it overheated. The prefab engine was okay with just 1 electric radiator.
Edit: Sorry, you actually mentioned cooling, and i didn't read it. But yeah. Modular engines need TOO MUCH cooling compared to prefabs.
would it be possible for destruction physics? im not very amazing at coding, but im sure it wouldnt be insanely hard to make a block go poof at a high amount of damage (say 25% chance or something)
Nah cause when you remove a block in the editor it changes the complete physics on a vehicle and for ships it would be hell
what if you made it so the armour worked like paint were you would add a coat
to be honest, you could make glide physics work by just deprecating the old wings, and adding proper glide wings.
Cant wait to get steam pistons and generall smaller steam parts to build steam trucks or even cars
57:10 at what distance do screens stop rendering? i know at some point the entire vehicle isn't in render distance, but is there a point inbetween where the screen stops rendering?
200M's I think
@@11Tits dang that's a lot, they should probably make it closer to 60 meters so that it loads the ones near you but not the ones in other nearby vehicles
If you're not looking at them. They just don't render if you look away.
@@Ram-lr6ud yeah but the entire vehicle including the screens stops rendering at some distance away from the player, idk if there is a point in between that just stops rendering the screen because cameras in particular can cause a lot of lag so a lot of the devs optimization should be around them and that includes a distance even if in front of you that should stop rendering before the entire vehicle
This is just me but a Stormworks style space game like KSP would be maybe the perfect game
Space Engineers, look it up.
@@ScotSteam47 Admittedly I didn't play it much, but what bothered me was the lack of physical mechanics. I don't think there's microcontrollers, especially lua coding, and the blocks being 1 meter each makes every creation look like a minecraft build. I'm not sure if there's piping, fluid pressure systems, and the "speed limit" really bugs me. I'm playing a space game
and I can only go 150m/s? If space has drag, how do planets orbit stars?
You need mods in your life haha. There's some great mods for SE that do give you what you need. There is coding you can do in the base game, creating scripts etc. Mods will get you a better speed limit (SW has a limit fyi). Blocks can be large or small and a lot of workshop items don't look anything like Minecraft.
@@ScotSteam47 You're right about the in-game scripting, my bad. I will try it out again, I guess I was just dissapointed that is hasn't changed much in so long. The main issue I have with it is how the game looks in general, the lag and the block designs. SW is a custom engine so it looks really nice and the blocks are completely clear so they don't mess with whatever you're trying to build. Idk, I'll just have to play it and see lol
@@ScotSteam47 You say Stormworks also has a speed limit, but the fact that you had to point it out speaks volumes about SE's speed limit.
I just want sails in stormworks
id rather have bad looking rope-like flexible ammo belts than none at all
2-wide seats please
What I'd love to see is more industry types so one could make profit by transporting goods.
Could have specific markers similar to paintable signs/indicators in the editor for armor blocks if they are revamped
yeah, and i mean an armoured block wouldn't fit that badly in the game tbh, they already have a weighted block and "armoured block" isn't a specific material
Just add proper aerodynamics already!!!!!!! ( and for the old creations: leave the current model as a test branch or addon )
Arcade / Realistic physics toggle
stormworks is the absolute best game ever made it's so underrated but so much better than fortnite and rocket league and minecraft and roblox and eveything! stormworks is increadable awsome work!
say what you want but it's not true@@thechlebek901
FlightGear supports multiple different flight-model engines (for player vehicles). So couldn't one actually add in a flight model that would only apply to the player aircraft but not break any of the legacy vehicles/aircraft (as they'd simply run on the old code)? That would seem to be a solution that would work. I believe Arma did something similar at one point for enhanced helicopters too (and Il-2 has a different FM from Flying Circus, and DCS allows different FMs for third party aircraft which can provide their own plugins - as well as uses three different flight models for official aircraft).
Will carrier get some more procedural mission types?
The variety of mission types was pretty great pre 1.0 but Post 1.0 seems pretty dry with its small hand full of mission types. I think career could really use the extra content.
I kind of see it like this
Pre1.0 missions:
Lots of hand made missions with a gargantuan variety of things to do.
Over time these missions get repetitive as you do the exact same thing over and over the longer you play carrier.
Post 1.0: kind of flips this on its head. You get a small number of mission types but the missions change allot overall. But unfortunately it still gets repetitive as you end up only having a small hand full of things to do.
For example you never really end up with mission types where toy need to pull stuff out of the water or build a rescue sub. Diving gear really doesn’t have a role anymore
Having these different situations gets the player approaching problems differently and gets them changing up their creations to solve new problems. This is a great gameplay loop. The potential is definitely there for that.
I think this would certainly break the almost stagnant feel of carrier some of us have felt as of late. Even njersy seems to have this same kind of sentiment wishing for a expanded carrier here and there in his newer videos.
Are you ever going to do a console port?
Add more to career!!!!!! whats the point of playing if there is noting to do??
I've always had a huge affection and attachment to this game but I've never been able to play it, please Geometa, I wish there was a version for PlayStation 4 or 5
Greetings, Geometa. I Want modified physics to ships, planes, helicopters ETC. Becuase some of the stormworks uploaders make destructible machines. the reasoning why is becuase clearly there is a blender screenshot in the steam screenshot page, theres some, for a example "failed rescue" which is a rescue plane loosing its wings and falling into the sea. like, i want this to happen maybe early, maybe make a early-prosses in a beta. it maybe take long to work on, but i believe in your strength.
Is it possible for stormworks to be played on console soon?
Can you help me. How can i fix stalling engine
Separate your engine and clutch throttle
Highways and big open spaces to build race tracks??!!! (:
I am extremly disappointed that you aren't even planing on doing a fishing update. It would make the game 200% better with more ways of earning money. PLEASE can we somehow convince you to make a fishing update? At least in a DLC???? PLEASE!! think about it. You could also make an update with like 3-5 more ways of earning cash, like *fishing*, NPC's that need some help (small side missions like "pls pull me car out of the riverrrr" or sth like that), Selling stuff (for example fish or goods that you collect like the money creates) and more...
Fishing in most games is a terrible idea--In Stormworks, it's a FANTASTIC idea.
@@cf453 1000%
I do actually think fishing would be a well received update. Might have to work out some kind of net system but personally I'd be down and people already love building fishing boats, they're not a rare sight on the workshop.
@@masterofthelag8414 Totally agree
honestly, i don't get why people are hating on you guys. i'm perfectly fine with the rate development is going and it's such a nice game.
Deltars Q&A solo!
Well we now know that even the devs will have there vehicles explode
I have a question what happened to the space dlc
It'll never come.
Spoilers: It came and broke the game
why not nj
The Stormworks Modding Community has found new parts in the files, are they going to be added sometime soon?
the enemy ai feels unbalanced in fighting them, and I don't mean unfair, I mean there is no in between of either using overpowered weapons that they stand no chance like radar missiles for air and tanks or torpedoes for boats launched from a sub, and and using normal guns where it seems you can never hit them unless you are at point blank range but their heavy auto cannon tank can lead and hit your 500 mph jet like a ciws. so basically tanks and boats have like 5x the range of any gun you could make. you could kill them with missiles like I said but that gets so boring like, see ai, press button, ai dead. I wish there was a way to make fighting the ai with just guns more balanced. I mean specifically fighting them with tanks, because they can see and shoot you through trees and things like that.
Please add fireworks please and more light blocks please
Will stormworks come to console?
To be fair the unpopularity of modular engines seems like its due to a number of factors. The problem with all these extra invisible mechanics is these engines don’t seem to pair up well with it’s all in one brothers.
Modular engines have some strong points like being able to fit into unique from factors though. You also have an extra control over power and other functions.
The thing about the heat design at the moment is you can actually make an engine for a form factor that’s actually too small to properly cool. (Like ultralights for an example) fitting cooling on a vehicle that’s one block wide without busting a look can be pretty difficult as even a one cylinder engine at a decent power level may require a full sized radiator. Air powered heat exchangers are a bit hot as well especially if it’s just a small gas powered generator.
Maybe a 1x1 heat sync that can attach directly to a manifold port could help with this. Though it takes up an extra block, it would reduce the heating issues on tiny engines without breaking the look of a build.
Just my take on it though
I’ve slowly been able to make aviation grade engines but they aren’t exactly easy to work with. The thing about these engines is they need run at a constant high rpm to be flyable which means big cooling and heavy aircraft. it’s not exactly an easy task.
Please add the game to Geforce Now, there I can play the games in higher quality. I would appreciate it, because today I am playing on the minimum settings.
i know i am a bit late but is there any plans to implement the wind/water curent system from cc2 to stormworks?
I think we sadly know the answer
Reading through the comments, who knew that this tiny community could be so toxic
@@MikeJProto Pardon?
it's sad that most of these answers just sound like excuses as to why they wont do it
what I'm really interested in is a way to increase buoyancy of a build. sea-planes are hard to make because they all sit very low in the water.
People are complaining alot. You devs are doing well with this game and im always excited for more content you guys release. Only thing i do wish could improve is multiplayer but i understand how challenging it is but all the best!
43:42 Will Stormworks ever have enemy infantry AI? pls add ai
they go on and on about how they add this to addon and that to addon. just add multiplayer work bench as DLC for that matter or addon. sure it won't be easy but it's one of the most requested features and it gets pushed aside saying how it's too hard. then they go and make weapon DLC and other useless things.