@@IveJustHadAPissand yet you’ll be just the next generation to screw everything up. If you think you’re perfect, you’ve got a really rude awakening coming .
Even in classical literature old Romans used to moan about 'the youth of today... no respect etc...'. In the build up to ww2, the older generation wondered whether the youngsters could cut it like they did in the first war. Once you start going on about 'the youth of today', you are officially old !
Do you find yourself enjoying "conversations" with morons that say yo, bro, and "not gonna lie" at the beginning of each unoriginal meme sentence that they've parroted from a streamer?
Yes. There's nothing new under the sun when some old people make it a habit to criticize an entire generation of young people. And doesn't care to learn from them either.
I work in a bar/restaurant and the most disrespectful/entitled people are the ones in their late 40s 50s 60s. Rarely have problems with people between 18 - 35
For some reason anyone over the age of 50 thinks the world should bow down and treat them like royalty And the only ones that actually get the respect the deserves the ones that don’t act entitled, which is like 5% of their generation and usually those are the ones that die. Meanwhile, the rude stuck up brats lived till they’re 90.
@@MichaelDespairs every gen does stupid stuff; look at you and your comment, real stupid. So, go little cretin, go away and play with your festering balls.
@@MichaelDespairs Can we stop acting like no one did stupid things in their youth ? Can we stop acting like old people don't do stupid shit as well ? Younger generations literally have to face climate change, late-stage capitalism and a ton of issues you didn't even have to worry about. You're just hateful.
@@pofficial3345 Yes of course, there's no adult ages only "old people." Do you aspire to stream with a backdrop of plastic toys displayed on shelves? These are a generation of perpetual children who will end their lives streaming from their phones with the final words "Bro, we out."
Old people will never be satisfied because one day they’re complaining about kids being too noisy in the park the next day they start complaining at all. The kids are inside, not playing in there on the devices. The reason why kids stopped going outside is because old people basically took away all the fun, because going out to play as a kid became a daily experience of no don’t do that or go away, or leave us alone in public areas Like I was asked to leave the skate park by some old Boomer because I was using a scooter, but there’s no rule or law that says I can’t, and he literally was threatening to call the cops over a bunch of kids at the skate park I swear to God old people want us to do drugs and drink, and bring down the property values instead of going out to play
I'm neither young or old but I can see that wages hasn't kept up with property prices. Back in the day there was no such thing as zero hour contracts. The long and short of it is the rich are getting richer and the rest are getting poorer. Those who are retired don't see it because they're not exploited by poor wages. Also in their day they didn't have competition from technology, for example self service checkouts. AI could put millions out of work. How would anyone get on the property ladder then?
@thomasandrewclifford how do you prevent universal basic income being absorbed by an inflationary private sector? Much more than UBI needs to come into effect to make it worth while. Overhaul of both private rental laws and public housing; massive investment into the NHS and state pensions; a major tax overhaul to take the wealth from the top and cultural change to ensure the public sector provides not just payment but all basic services for existence.
Only those with materialistic aspirations of all generations worry about it, spend your life slaving, or lower the expectations perhaps? Yes it was easier for those who got the right advice had the opportunities to work for a house now it is almost impossible without a highly paid corporate or professional career. Maybe vote for people who are democratic socialists and not the 2 party Neo-liberal dinosaur one less fascistic than the other? 63 years young time has flown by since I hit 30 and the only ladder I've ever been on is one to pick apples in Aotearoa, life is precious and fleeting way shorter than you think when you are 20 something time and how you spend that time is what really matters.
I'm 26 and flat share because it's cheaper than having my own place but an elderly guy in my neighbouring flat keeps going on about buying somewhere permanently because that's what he'd done when he was my age. He also likes to go on about how I've missed the boat on getting a decent career because apparently 26 is too late in life to sort yourself out. I'm honestly fed up of hearing the same story of how things were better in his day and today's younger generation are lazy because we can't have a job for life anymore.
@@jacobmassey3897 Yeah I've had some of those lol. It's tricky cos you don't wanna rock the boat but you also don't want to let it slide all the time. I usually just wind them up until they give up. So like "Yeah I should have my own place, but I hear your rich. Wanna buy me one?" or I might ask to sleep in their living room or some other absurd suggestion until they think I'm too crazy to waste their breath on. Works a charm 😅
I’ve been given that line back in my day, We had to walk to school and 2 feet of snow for 45 miles both direction. You’re absolutely right they don’t like us generations Z. 🙄🙄🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
There’s no way I could do what the older generation did elderly did back in the day to survive. But however, I can look Information up online or you might as well call me an Information seeker. I’m extremely creative, I can come up with some wonderful ideas for new advanced technologies and I’ve even broken the natural natural order of the universe.
Old people are untethered from reality. I'm almost 50 and I hear people my age always talk about how disrespectful younger people our. I sorta remember being little assholes that went around smashing mailboxes, drinking and driving, getting in fights over nothing etc. We were no angles 😅
It’s only disrespectful now because we can go to jail for doing that kind of behaviour I’ve always found it extremely weird that the generation that had parent that thought Nazis literally grew up to be the most strict rule, following boot, licking, rule, loving people Like they love rules so much that they make up rules and try to enforce them And because people are supposed to respect their elders, you have to agree with that Play, My Generation was bullied off of playgrounds and public parks, because old people didn’t like children playing
You know what I find funny? Whenever I look up ageism, it's always in the context of older people being discriminated against on the basis of age in one way or another, most notably in the job market. Yet the most ageist comments always seem to come from older people. I can't tell you the amount of times I've had my input belittled at work by older people because I'm young or wasn't around when a certain event ocurred. I never hear the opposite where somebody shoots down an older person's input due to their age. So the girl in the vid is bang on. They demand respect without giving it. Not all of course, but definitely a sizeable number
Everyone should be given a baseline level of respect by default. Your actions should determine whether the respect you receive goes any higher or lower than that baseline
Like the young lads at the start said, respect goes both ways. I also think it's something more specific to the UK. I'm Swiss and the older generation here doesn't have that same attitude towards the younger generations. There's still a generation gap for sure but none of this old-school bs that some of the English older generation support that got you Brexit and other crap. Maybe because we were never an empire. I'm 45 yo and I don't feel animosity towards younger or older generations.
The housing argument really falls on it's head when you ask what the salary multiplier was, my boomers told me about 17% interest rates, so I did the maths and showed them the difference on current house prices. My parents were boomers, you can't argue with them. Millennials I have faith you'll have the courage we never had.
Without a doubt the rudest and most entitled people I come across are mostly older people. They were so overindulged as children that they've carried that entitled mentality throughout their life.
Having just entered my seventh decade, I qualify as an older person. I utterly despise Donald Trump and the pathetic self-serving views of most of the older folk in this video. None of them lived through genuine hardship, unlike the generations before, most of whom I believe, from my recollection, had a more generous attitude towards the young. That said, I believe, and hope, that this was not a representative sample of the elderly (though perhaps it is in the area sampled). What a small minded, ill informed, bunch of bigoted, know nothings they were. As a simple example, the inaccessibility of property to the young today doesn’t require genius to figure out. It is simple arithmetic based on property prices and pay. Oh, and there was no such thing as the gig-economy back in my day either. I don’t begrudge young people buying a coffee either. The amount of money that could be saved by not doing so isn’t going to persuade NatWest to give anyone a 5x mortgage. But the most appalling thing was the guy who believes that Trump has a point about “fake news” when Trump himself is the biggest fake going. The gullibility on display was truly shocking.
One thing that boomers really don’t understand is that people with masters degree in practical applications or economics masters people that would’ve made a lot of money very easily 20-30 years ago or struggling to find work
As a Gen Z, i loathe adults to the core. But i find it hilarious that adults were once teenagers themselves and were assaulted by the older generations, and rather than helping younger generations, they instead repeated the same actions and misdeeds the older generations did. 😂
Joe had a really good point there. I worked hard buying my council house, for $15,000 while I was on the dole. Kids these daze shud pull dare bootstwaps oop like we did...
Disagree with you...the housing market has increased in price compared to wages significantly you can google this average wage in the 80s compared to today. It mostly has to do with institutional investetors and ofcourse zoning laws where there is significantly more restrictions on where and how to build also lower interest rates compared to the 80s it means its easier to borrow money increasing prices as a result. Products however have in general come down in price compared to wages which might give the impression that younger people spend money on things they dont need
@@piellamp I agree with you dude. I started it sounding serious and then meandered into a silly point. I literally know people who bough council houses in the 80s and early 90s while not even working, for similar prices to that. A couple of these guys saying that young people should stop worrying about buying houses is a little silly and besides the point when people are spending 2 3rds of their income on just rent. And, if they don't move out they're seen as lazy dependent scroungers. It's all a bit silly really. Also, this is obviously a comment bate video, which is great for the algorithm and getting clicks.
@@petrov_the_blind The fact you see anyone who does not own a house as a scrounger and beneath you proves the haves aka the most competitive in society have usually always been quite mean spirited at heart.
So they’re comparing coffees Saying that we have it better Even though we literally have the highest rate of homelessness, the highest rate of unemployment, the highest rate of rent, and they say that we have it better, because we have coffee Yes, coffee is the reason why housing is so expensive I can give it up I can say no more but I don’t think coffee is the problem because I don’t think spending two dollars a week is the reason why rent it so expensive
The older generations mentality is Richmond, make me rich, so I vote for Rich man They literally have a caveman mentality and 20% of them don’t even know how to read
Not every young people is stupid. Some of us do work hard and stay out of trouble. While the majority older ones go start trouble for no reason just to say " im grown i can do that, but your young so you can't do that". Like why everything many people say is so negative but yet still i see a lot of older ones trying to act young and show clear jelaousy and then force the youth to act grown before their time come to that age of adulthood. This is serious double standard mindset that has brainwashed the whole world and the older generations to pass this type of influence onto the youth instead of actually just teaching them and letting the youth be themselves instead confusing them about their gender. Go examine yourself and stop f**king stuff and stop corrupting the youth.💯💯
Not every young person is stupid but definitely 90% of the Boomer population is fucking stupid they don’t even know how to use Google because if they did, they would realize that they caused all of the problems because there is hundreds of articles and resources and information that confirm with scientific study and social analysis that things are the way they are because of the boomers but they are too fucking stupid And the reason why young people are so fucking angry, because boomers are stupid and we’re supposed to respect them. They are super entitled they treat us like garbage and they don’t want to make the world better. They’re doing everything they can to burn it down.
@@melissadeloach8503 Every generation Blames the one before And all of their frustrations Come beating on your door I know that I'm a prisoner To all my Father held so dear I know that I'm a hostage To all his hopes and fears I just wish I could have told him in the living years Crumpled bits of paper Filled with imperfect thought Stilted conversations I'm afraid that's all we've got You say you just don't see it He says it's perfect sense You just can't get agreement In this present tense We all talk a different language Talking in defense Say it loud, say it clear You can listen as well as you hear It's too late when we die To admit we don't see eye to eye So we open up a quarrel Between the present and the past We only sacrifice the future It's the bitterness that lasts So don't yield to the fortunes You sometimes see as fate It may have a new perspective On a different date And if you don't give up, and don't give in You may just be O.K.
Entitled boomers and illiterate boomers because a lot of them still don’t know how to read or can only read on the basic level I’ve never met a single young person, close to my age that doesn’t know how to read and write Worst days, maybe the writing is chicken scratch but they know how to write. It just isn’t legible. But literally a few months ago, I meant a 65 year old man that has the reading level of a grade 4 and has not got better or tryed Because he says, I’m too old to learn And that is a very common mentality with a lot of boomers if they think they’re too old to learn, so they fall into a pit of ignorance, and make everyone else’s life worse Because they literally refuse to learn They’re literally toddlers, and only like 5% of them actually got their shit together. Meanwhile, the rest of them barely made ends meet and blame us for not having enough money
Hilarious. I greet each person at work I see in the morning with a “good morning.” Most of GenZ act as if you don’t exist. Perhaps they might try some introspection …take a moment to see how others might perceive you. Just a thought.
I'm not sure this video was particularly helpful in combating this issue according to the comments... 🤔 This isn't a new thing, is it? "Youth is wasted on the young" & other such phrases wouldn't exist if it were. In summary; It was easier financially for the current older generation, AND by in large, they had a better work ethic (as they weren't raised with so many instant gratification opportunities around them). I'll manners & exist in both generations but in different forms: older tend to be less accommodating & more narrow-minded, youger less chivalrous. But above everything, all of this is really individual specific, and therefore, it's dangerous to generalise too much. Odd video... not their best work...
OK if you want young people to take control, step aside and step down from politics, get rid of all of the old people start voting for younger people with younger policies at the young people seem to be on board with instead of the majority vote voting for the old people and keeping the old policies because boomers still have the majority political control and that’s why a lot of young people don’t bother voting because even if every single young person voted against the boomers the boomers with still win We’ve only got like five more years until we actually have political control and the boomers are making it easy and making sure we’re going into a global recession. They’re making sure that we have a life harder than what their parents are. They want us to live like it’s 1930 if they want to live like the great depression, they want us to be starving and jobless. With high property tax, an impossible rent Meanwhile, they are dead and long gone with all the problems, because to faster and draws humanity in to extinction Because boomers literally were the greediest generation in all of human history They like to see the greatest, but they’re not the greatest delivered the greediest
I know I'm a bit late, but your saying that they want us to suffer the way they've suffered (if one of them were kids in the Great Drepresion)? If so that got to be the weakest cop out they've ever made and to top it of the bommers wonder why we don't want to be around them. Their to old passed their prime and want to act and disrespect the generations after them because they didn't have the inability to change their ways as thr world is changing around them. It seems to me their stuck in the past and the events of the WW2 has serious effects in their mind that if they were to obtain their wealth and status they can control everything. They're afraid that all of that will be taken away again if we were to rise in power. It's not look they can take it with them when they die. Whay do you think?
Wealth has gone up, but it’s all being horded by the boomers There may be a lot more money in circulation, but it’s not being spent in the economy. It’s sitting in bank accounts collecting dust. Or it’s being used in hedge fund managers to be used as monopoly money It’s worth more than it was for absolutely no reason just because it was bought and sold minutes apart There’s a lot more wealth to go around, but it’s not being spent in the economy And when it is spent in the economy, it’s over, at least spent, which makes everything else cost more because there’s a lot more money in the economy Like right now, the housing crisis being caused by the boomers selling their house 10 times its actual value Because the market is overinflated Which means more people sell, which drives up market value even further, which makes it even more impossible to buy so the only people who can actually buy is the super wealthy, elite, and other boomers
I think you need to talk to American kids if you want to see why we hate younger people. No one in the video said "yo, bro. not gonna lie" even once. Everyone seemed intelligent and capable of communicating just fine. Here it's glaringly obvious our country is doomed.
@@keifer7813 American youth is extremely stupid and speak like trash because they watched tiktok all day instead of studying, got straight F's and dropped out of school to watch tiktok full-time. Watch videos of people asking younger Americans questions.
@@keifer7813 Americans youth talk like trash because they watched tiktok over studying, got straight F's and dropped out of school to watch tiktok full-time.
@@keifer7813 American youth talk like trash because they watched tiktok over studying, got straight F's and dropped out of school to watch tiktok full time.
That chilling line " we've screwed the world up for you, you've got to sort it out". Deary me
The only self-aware contributor in the whole line up of oldies.
@@IveJustHadAPissand yet you’ll be just the next generation to screw everything up.
If you think you’re perfect, you’ve got a really rude awakening coming .
Even in classical literature old Romans used to moan about 'the youth of today... no respect etc...'.
In the build up to ww2, the older generation wondered whether the youngsters could cut it like they did in the first war.
Once you start going on about 'the youth of today', you are officially old !
At least they knew that there are only 2 genders.
Do you find yourself enjoying "conversations" with morons that say yo, bro, and "not gonna lie" at the beginning of each unoriginal meme sentence that they've parroted from a streamer?
I can't imagine myself ever doing that lol
Yes. There's nothing new under the sun when some old people make it a habit to criticize an entire generation of young people. And doesn't care to learn from them either.
I work in a bar/restaurant and the most disrespectful/entitled people are the ones in their late 40s 50s 60s. Rarely have problems with people between 18 - 35
For some reason anyone over the age of 50 thinks the world should bow down and treat them like royalty
And the only ones that actually get the respect the deserves the ones that don’t act entitled, which is like 5% of their generation and usually those are the ones that die. Meanwhile, the rude stuck up brats lived till they’re 90.
Gen X here: I totally get the current youth; we have a lot in common. Any X'er that has turned into a boomer, they are traitors!
As a Gen X'er totally get the current youth. Corn Drill Challenge, Spraying Perfume in the Eyes Challenge, Eating Salt Challenge: Absolute Geniuses.
@@MichaelDespairs every gen does stupid stuff; look at you and your comment, real stupid. So, go little cretin, go away and play with your festering balls.
@@MichaelDespairs Can we stop acting like no one did stupid things in their youth ? Can we stop acting like old people don't do stupid shit as well ? Younger generations literally have to face climate change, late-stage capitalism and a ton of issues you didn't even have to worry about. You're just hateful.
@@pofficial3345 Yes of course, there's no adult ages only "old people." Do you aspire to stream with a backdrop of plastic toys displayed on shelves? These are a generation of perpetual children who will end their lives streaming from their phones with the final words "Bro, we out."
Old people will never be satisfied because one day they’re complaining about kids being too noisy in the park the next day they start complaining at all. The kids are inside, not playing in there on the devices.
The reason why kids stopped going outside is because old people basically took away all the fun, because going out to play as a kid became a daily experience of no don’t do that or go away, or leave us alone in public areas
Like I was asked to leave the skate park by some old Boomer because I was using a scooter, but there’s no rule or law that says I can’t, and he literally was threatening to call the cops over a bunch of kids at the skate park
I swear to God old people want us to do drugs and drink, and bring down the property values instead of going out to play
I'm neither young or old but I can see that wages hasn't kept up with property prices. Back in the day there was no such thing as zero hour contracts. The long and short of it is the rich are getting richer and the rest are getting poorer. Those who are retired don't see it because they're not exploited by poor wages. Also in their day they didn't have competition from technology, for example self service checkouts. AI could put millions out of work. How would anyone get on the property ladder then?
@thomasandrewclifford how do you prevent universal basic income being absorbed by an inflationary private sector? Much more than UBI needs to come into effect to make it worth while. Overhaul of both private rental laws and public housing; massive investment into the NHS and state pensions; a major tax overhaul to take the wealth from the top and cultural change to ensure the public sector provides not just payment but all basic services for existence.
Only those with materialistic aspirations of all generations worry about it, spend your life slaving, or lower the expectations perhaps? Yes it was easier for those who got the right advice had the opportunities to work for a house now it is almost impossible without a highly paid corporate or professional career.
Maybe vote for people who are democratic socialists and not the 2 party Neo-liberal dinosaur one less fascistic than the other?
63 years young time has flown by since I hit 30 and the only ladder I've ever been on is one to pick apples in Aotearoa, life is precious and fleeting way shorter than you think when you are 20 something time and how you spend that time is what really matters.
I'm 26 and flat share because it's cheaper than having my own place but an elderly guy in my neighbouring flat keeps going on about buying somewhere permanently because that's what he'd done when he was my age. He also likes to go on about how I've missed the boat on getting a decent career because apparently 26 is too late in life to sort yourself out. I'm honestly fed up of hearing the same story of how things were better in his day and today's younger generation are lazy because we can't have a job for life anymore.
Same. One of my flatmates is mid 50s though. Cool guy. You should tell your neighbour to do one
@@keifer7813 it's tempting at times. The guy is in his late 60s and a bit out of touch with reality because he's been retired for nearly a decade.
@@jacobmassey3897 Have a feeling you get along with him and he's nice for the most part until he drops a comment or two like the above. Am I right?
@@keifer7813 got it in one. He's a nice enough bloke but once he starts ranting you can't shut him up 😆
@@jacobmassey3897 Yeah I've had some of those lol. It's tricky cos you don't wanna rock the boat but you also don't want to let it slide all the time. I usually just wind them up until they give up. So like "Yeah I should have my own place, but I hear your rich. Wanna buy me one?" or I might ask to sleep in their living room or some other absurd suggestion until they think I'm too crazy to waste their breath on. Works a charm 😅
Boomers seem to be the ones obsessed with Avocados.
I’ve been given that line back in my day, We had to walk to school and 2 feet of snow for 45 miles both direction. You’re absolutely right they don’t like us generations Z.
There’s no way I could do what the older generation did elderly did back in the day to survive. But however, I can look Information up online or you might as well call me an Information seeker.
I’m extremely creative, I can come up with some wonderful ideas for new advanced technologies and I’ve even broken the natural natural order of the universe.
Old people are untethered from reality. I'm almost 50 and I hear people my age always talk about how disrespectful younger people our. I sorta remember being little assholes that went around smashing mailboxes, drinking and driving, getting in fights over nothing etc. We were no angles 😅
It’s only disrespectful now because we can go to jail for doing that kind of behaviour
I’ve always found it extremely weird that the generation that had parent that thought Nazis literally grew up to be the most strict rule, following boot, licking, rule, loving people
Like they love rules so much that they make up rules and try to enforce them
And because people are supposed to respect their elders, you have to agree with that
Play, My Generation was bullied off of playgrounds and public parks, because old people didn’t like children playing
You know what I find funny? Whenever I look up ageism, it's always in the context of older people being discriminated against on the basis of age in one way or another, most notably in the job market.
Yet the most ageist comments always seem to come from older people. I can't tell you the amount of times I've had my input belittled at work by older people because I'm young or wasn't around when a certain event ocurred. I never hear the opposite where somebody shoots down an older person's input due to their age. So the girl in the vid is bang on. They demand respect without giving it. Not all of course, but definitely a sizeable number
Dude at the end's argument was pataphysical; perfectly terrible, self-destructive, and concise. A bewildering treat.
Respect is earned regardless of age or status……
Say it louder for the people in the back pls 🗣️🎤
@@matildarx you can say it as loud as you want. They’re a bunch of old deaf toddlers who don’t know how to read.
No Respect is a given if youre not a POS, trust is earned
Everyone should be given a baseline level of respect by default. Your actions should determine whether the respect you receive goes any higher or lower than that baseline
I love old people so much. Entitled, hateful, stupid, narrow minded drunks. Take away the boomers alcohol and let’s see how they handle their issues.
Like the young lads at the start said, respect goes both ways. I also think it's something more specific to the UK. I'm Swiss and the older generation here doesn't have that same attitude towards the younger generations. There's still a generation gap for sure but none of this old-school bs that some of the English older generation support that got you Brexit and other crap. Maybe because we were never an empire. I'm 45 yo and I don't feel animosity towards younger or older generations.
@thomasandrewclifford Well said!
The housing argument really falls on it's head when you ask what the salary multiplier was, my boomers told me about 17% interest rates, so I did the maths and showed them the difference on current house prices. My parents were boomers, you can't argue with them. Millennials I have faith you'll have the courage we never had.
Without a doubt the rudest and most entitled people I come across are mostly older people. They were so overindulged as children that they've carried that entitled mentality throughout their life.
Having just entered my seventh decade, I qualify as an older person. I utterly despise Donald Trump and the pathetic self-serving views of most of the older folk in this video. None of them lived through genuine hardship, unlike the generations before, most of whom I believe, from my recollection, had a more generous attitude towards the young.
That said, I believe, and hope, that this was not a representative sample of the elderly (though perhaps it is in the area sampled).
What a small minded, ill informed, bunch of bigoted, know nothings they were. As a simple example, the inaccessibility of property to the young today doesn’t require genius to figure out. It is simple arithmetic based on property prices and pay.
Oh, and there was no such thing as the gig-economy back in my day either.
I don’t begrudge young people buying a coffee either. The amount of money that could be saved by not doing so isn’t going to persuade NatWest to give anyone a 5x mortgage.
But the most appalling thing was the guy who believes that Trump has a point about “fake news” when Trump himself is the biggest fake going. The gullibility on display was truly shocking.
One thing that boomers really don’t understand is that people with masters degree in practical applications or economics masters people that would’ve made a lot of money very easily 20-30 years ago or struggling to find work
What a mess. Like listening to the greatest hits from the print press!
“They think everything is for free”…… says the Boomer who bought a house for 20k while working at Radio Shack.
As a Gen Z, i loathe adults to the core. But i find it hilarious that adults were once teenagers themselves and were assaulted by the older generations, and rather than helping younger generations, they instead repeated the same actions and misdeeds the older generations did. 😂
And we'll end up doing the same one day probably. Isn't it just awful
Joe had a really good point there. I worked hard buying my council house, for $15,000 while I was on the dole. Kids these daze shud pull dare bootstwaps oop like we did...
Disagree with you...the housing market has increased in price compared to wages significantly you can google this average wage in the 80s compared to today. It mostly has to do with institutional investetors and ofcourse zoning laws where there is significantly more restrictions on where and how to build also lower interest rates compared to the 80s it means its easier to borrow money increasing prices as a result.
Products however have in general come down in price compared to wages which might give the impression that younger people spend money on things they dont need
@@piellamp I don't think he was being serious mate. It's good to see the politeness though.
@@petermanuel5043 oh yea lol😂
@@piellamp I agree with you dude. I started it sounding serious and then meandered into a silly point.
I literally know people who bough council houses in the 80s and early 90s while not even working, for similar prices to that.
A couple of these guys saying that young people should stop worrying about buying houses is a little silly and besides the point when people are spending 2 3rds of their income on just rent. And, if they don't move out they're seen as lazy dependent scroungers. It's all a bit silly really.
Also, this is obviously a comment bate video, which is great for the algorithm and getting clicks.
@@petrov_the_blind The fact you see anyone who does not own a house as a scrounger and beneath you proves the haves aka the most competitive in society have usually always been quite mean spirited at heart.
All these old folk with glasses but never seem to use them to read todays facts on why times have changed
The older generation got us into this mess
So they’re comparing coffees
Saying that we have it better
Even though we literally have the highest rate of homelessness, the highest rate of unemployment, the highest rate of rent, and they say that we have it better, because we have coffee
Yes, coffee is the reason why housing is so expensive I can give it up I can say no more but I don’t think coffee is the problem because I don’t think spending two dollars a week is the reason why rent it so expensive
The person who mention trump basically sums up the older generation
What a load of old wibbly wobbly woo.. Generalizations are so ignorant and as narrow minded as those you are criticizing.
The older generations mentality is Richmond, make me rich, so I vote for Rich man
They literally have a caveman mentality and 20% of them don’t even know how to read
there's boomers all over online dating sites gaslighting younger users, getting them banned off
I work at a grocery store for at the moment and i can confirm that people between 46 - 78 are the entitled ones
Not every young people is stupid. Some of us do work hard and stay out of trouble. While the majority older ones go start trouble for no reason just to say " im grown i can do that, but your young so you can't do that". Like why everything many people say is so negative but yet still i see a lot of older ones trying to act young and show clear jelaousy and then force the youth to act grown before their time come to that age of adulthood. This is serious double standard mindset that has brainwashed the whole world and the older generations to pass this type of influence onto the youth instead of actually just teaching them and letting the youth be themselves instead confusing them about their gender. Go examine yourself and stop f**king stuff and stop corrupting the youth.💯💯
Not every young person is stupid but definitely 90% of the Boomer population is fucking stupid they don’t even know how to use Google because if they did, they would realize that they caused all of the problems because there is hundreds of articles and resources and information that confirm with scientific study and social analysis that things are the way they are because of the boomers but they are too fucking stupid
And the reason why young people are so fucking angry, because boomers are stupid and we’re supposed to respect them. They are super entitled they treat us like garbage and they don’t want to make the world better. They’re doing everything they can to burn it down.
Entitled boomers .. yes.
And there's the problem. You cannot expect to be respected while using that term.
Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door
I know that I'm a prisoner
To all my Father held so dear
I know that I'm a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
Crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I'm afraid that's all we've got
You say you just don't see it
He says it's perfect sense
You just can't get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense
Say it loud, say it clear
You can listen as well as you hear
It's too late when we die
To admit we don't see eye to eye
So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It's the bitterness that lasts
So don't yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different date
And if you don't give up, and don't give in
You may just be O.K.
@@sophiepooks2174 Mike & The Mechanics was an underrated band ♥
Entitled boomers and illiterate boomers because a lot of them still don’t know how to read or can only read on the basic level
I’ve never met a single young person, close to my age that doesn’t know how to read and write
Worst days, maybe the writing is chicken scratch but they know how to write. It just isn’t legible.
But literally a few months ago, I meant a 65 year old man that has the reading level of a grade 4 and has not got better or tryed
Because he says, I’m too old to learn
And that is a very common mentality with a lot of boomers if they think they’re too old to learn, so they fall into a pit of ignorance, and make everyone else’s life worse
Because they literally refuse to learn
They’re literally toddlers, and only like 5% of them actually got their shit together. Meanwhile, the rest of them barely made ends meet and blame us for not having enough money
Enjoy your life when you’re young definitely because we’re not gonna have one one when we older
I’m 43 so not “old”, but young people say under 30 are definitely self entitled.
I greet each person at work I see in the morning with a “good morning.”
Most of GenZ act as if you don’t exist.
Perhaps they might try some introspection …take a moment to see how others might perceive you.
Just a thought.
"globalist left wing movement", jaysus ppl
If only there was one as powerful as they say, but why label? Not everyone born in a certain time lacks critical thinking skills.
I'm not sure this video was particularly helpful in combating this issue according to the comments... 🤔
This isn't a new thing, is it?
"Youth is wasted on the young" & other such phrases wouldn't exist if it were.
In summary;
It was easier financially for the current older generation, AND by in large, they had a better work ethic (as they weren't raised with so many instant gratification opportunities around them).
I'll manners & exist in both generations but in different forms: older tend to be less accommodating & more narrow-minded, youger less chivalrous.
But above everything, all of this is really individual specific, and therefore, it's dangerous to generalise too much.
Odd video... not their best work...
If you want to feel depressed about the world, watch a shitty Vox pop from Manchester.
OK if you want young people to take control, step aside and step down from politics, get rid of all of the old people start voting for younger people with younger policies at the young people seem to be on board with instead of the majority vote voting for the old people and keeping the old policies because boomers still have the majority political control and that’s why a lot of young people don’t bother voting because even if every single young person voted against the boomers the boomers with still win
We’ve only got like five more years until we actually have political control and the boomers are making it easy and making sure we’re going into a global recession. They’re making sure that we have a life harder than what their parents are. They want us to live like it’s 1930 if they want to live like the great depression, they want us to be starving and jobless.
With high property tax, an impossible rent
Meanwhile, they are dead and long gone with all the problems, because to faster and draws humanity in to extinction
Because boomers literally were the greediest generation in all of human history
They like to see the greatest, but they’re not the greatest delivered the greediest
I know I'm a bit late, but your saying that they want us to suffer the way they've suffered (if one of them were kids in the Great Drepresion)? If so that got to be the weakest cop out they've ever made and to top it of the bommers wonder why we don't want to be around them. Their to old passed their prime and want to act and disrespect the generations after them because they didn't have the inability to change their ways as thr world is changing around them. It seems to me their stuck in the past and the events of the WW2 has serious effects in their mind that if they were to obtain their wealth and status they can control everything. They're afraid that all of that will be taken away again if we were to rise in power. It's not look they can take it with them when they die.
Whay do you think?
Wealth has gone up, but it’s all being horded by the boomers
There may be a lot more money in circulation, but it’s not being spent in the economy. It’s sitting in bank accounts collecting dust.
Or it’s being used in hedge fund managers to be used as monopoly money
It’s worth more than it was for absolutely no reason just because it was bought and sold minutes apart
There’s a lot more wealth to go around, but it’s not being spent in the economy
And when it is spent in the economy, it’s over, at least spent, which makes everything else cost more because there’s a lot more money in the economy
Like right now, the housing crisis being caused by the boomers selling their house 10 times its actual value
Because the market is overinflated
Which means more people sell, which drives up market value even further, which makes it even more impossible to buy so the only people who can actually buy is the super wealthy, elite, and other boomers
oh the feelings generally mutual lol
This doesn't answer the question for me.
I think you need to talk to American kids if you want to see why we hate younger people. No one in the video said "yo, bro. not gonna lie" even once. Everyone seemed intelligent and capable of communicating just fine. Here it's glaringly obvious our country is doomed.
A bunch of us here do talk like that too. What's the issue? You never used slang?
@@keifer7813 American youth is extremely stupid and speak like trash because they watched tiktok all day instead of studying, got straight F's and dropped out of school to watch tiktok full-time. Watch videos of people asking younger Americans questions.
@@keifer7813 Americans youth talk like trash because they watched tiktok over studying, got straight F's and dropped out of school to watch tiktok full-time.
@@keifer7813 American youth talk like trash because they watched tiktok over studying, got straight F's and dropped out of school to watch tiktok full time.
@@MichaelDespairs I asked about slang. You never used slang?
Housing and immigration is the same thing
It's British culture we are taught to point an blame other.
Why are other countries not the same....
Everywhere the internet is social media is. hate and resentment has always been universal though since we first came down from the trees.