Thank you Rabbi for your loyalty to your almighty Creator Hashem in spreading the truth. You are a good and faithful servant . I’m sorry for people that can’t understand the original Hebrew text because they have been blinded by the Jesus story. I will forever be grateful to you for waking me up. I seen your beautiful sweet father on one of your shows today and he’s so precious and so so proud of you. He is in my heart and prayers and so are you and your family. Thank you for being there for the world so they can hear the truth. ❤
@@lovegrace5466: God SPECIFICALLY told us in Deut. 17:8-11, to LISTEN to what the Orthodox Rabbis teach, since they (and ONLY THEY!!) have been studying the original Hebrew scriptures, all the way back to Mt. Sinai.
@@lovegrace5466: Those verses say ".....who shall be IN THOSE DAYS...."!! That means the FUTURE - OUR FUTURE - the times we are NOW living in!! The "Priests" and "Judges" mentioned in the text are called ORTHODOX RABBIS, in our times! LISTEN to what the Rabbis teach, as thousands of us have already done! We're only trying to help you learn God's Truth, so you can leave the pagan, idolatrous teachings of "Christianity", (which God NEVER mentioned to us), behind! "Christianity" is NOT what it appears to be! You DON'T know what you DON'T KNOW - as we once were!
Thanks for your work. Your knowledge and caring for people is inspiring. I do not know specifics of your father's situation, but I wish him the best of health possible.
🙌🏼😍🙌🏼🤗🙌🏼😘🙌🏼👯♀️🙌🏼💖Ahmein!!! This is one of my favorites 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️🔥🙌🏼 Soooo helpful to letting go all the lies one can only fall victim to without true knowledge of Tenakh. ❤️
@@MylaBeth: You obviously have NO CLUE what a "Pharisee" is!! Heretic Paul was NO "Pharisee", since he preached AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai!
@@MylaBeth Paul didn't teach anything that Jesus taught. In all of his writings, he never quotes anything that Jesus said. In all of Paul's writings he only gives his words.
[So] the Lord (Hashem) guided them ALONE, and there was no alien deity with Him. Hashem is ONE and GOD ALONE and He is not a Trinity! Deuteronomy 32:12... See now that it is I! I am THE ONE, and there is no god like Me! I cause death and grant life. I strike, but I heal, and no one can rescue from My Hand! - Deuteronomy 32:39
Yes, Paul invented a new religion by stripping Judaism of its observances, and placing Jesus, whom he never met and with whose lore he was unfamiliar, as the central point of it. And, yes, Paul was not a Pharisee, as many pointed out later, and his knowledge of the scripture was likely limited to Septuagint. Paul's Greek was probably way better than his Hebrew, if he could read Hebrew at all. Remember that Hebrew was already a dead language at the time, and its vowel diacritics were not invented until half a millennium later. So the scriptures were pretty much unreadable to most, the letters serving as a memorization aid, rather than the precise rendition that we have today. Paul is clearly a worldly diaspora Jew, raised within the Greek cultural environment, and pondering how to revive Judaism, as he watched his diaspora brethren drifting away from the Synagogue. And his solution was… drop the burden.
Christians would say he did meet Jesus through a spiritual experience so strong that it changed him from zealously persecuting followers of The Way to becoming one of their leaders. I have long questioned some of Paul’s statements. I also believe that most Christians do not have enough respect for the law and especially for the holidays. It is a shame that Christians brought pagan holidays in place of those celebrated by Jesus, himself. I feel Paul is at least in part responsible for this. In the end, as far as my understanding, even the most dedicated, sincere, and exalted of prophets are still fallible people- including all the prophets in the OT, Paul, and all the disciples of Jesus who knew him when he was on earth. All of them are so very far above me and I can learn from them all. I believe they were all inspired by HaShem. Their writings were inspired because their lives and beings were inspired. But that does not mean their lives nor their writings were perfect. The Bible was not written by G_d taking over their minds and hands. Rather, they wrote out of what their dedication to and love for their Father had brought them to see and understand.
@@kindnesshealsNot sure who Rav Sha'ul ( Paul) met on the road to Syria Damascus. However, his teachings clearly contradict Yeshua Rebbinu Ben HaAdam teachings on works Matt 25:41 and the Torah Matt 5:17 which Paul contradicts Yeshua teachings in Galatians 3:10 Ephesians 2:9. Either Paul's intent was lost in translation or he was a Navi haseker ( false prophet
The truth is that Jews rejected Jesus(pbuh) and Saul/Paul ran with the message and with the help of Greco-Romans introduced a new religion- Christianity.
Shalom! As a hiloni Jew from a Soviet culture (now an immigrant in the USA) I believe that the resurrection was staged by the Romans, as explained in a popular book where I'm from - "The Gospel of Afranius"; like many others, I read it in childhood and never thought about this question again - until coming to the USA and noticing a stark contrast in the discussion of this question. What's wrong with that explanation? This work was praised in "Nature", skeptical biblical scholar Carlos Colombetti called it "a worthy addition to the set of naturalistic hypotheses that have been proposed", and Christian apologist Lydia McGrew grudgingly acknowledged that it is "consistent with the evidence" (!! - this makes them actually shut up, for once!!). Also, I've seen it referenced as a respectable source in a Russian-language Jewish forum (but it was only translated into English very recently).
Historian Hyam Maccoby's 2 books, Revolution In Judaea and The Mythmaker, Paul And The Invention Of Christianity provide useful insight to Paul's motivation in creating Christianity as a systematic defilement of Judaism. His creation was at a time when the Romans were so angry at the Jews for their Revolt led by Simon that they made it a capital offense throughout the Roman empire for anyone to advocate anything positive of Judaism.
I thank you for the great education I am receiving from these informative videos. I always wondered why I doubted the Christian teachings and I guess I am finding out why. I hate to be a traitor to Christianity but it is hard to find fault with what Rabbi singer is saying.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 There is no such a thing. He, as a human being, is obligated to follow God's latest scripture. Moses had a scripture, Jesus had a scripture, and Muhammed had a scripture too.
@@laccess911 It is clear and explicit in the Torah itself (the Five Books of Moses) that it is God's commandment that remains in its original form forever without change, addition, or diminishment - as it is stated, "All these matters which I command to you, you shall be careful to perform. You may not add to it or diminish from it;" and as it is also stated, "What is revealed is for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah." This teaches that we are commanded to fulfill all the Torah's directives forever, to the full extent that we are able to do so. It is also said: "It is an everlasting statute for all your generations," and, "It is not in the Heavens." This teaches that a prophet can no longer truthfully claim that he has been told by God to add a new permanent precept as being commanded by God.
"...Paul was the great Coryphaeus, and first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus. These palpable interpolations and falsifications of his doctrines led me to try to sift them apart." An extract from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Short, April 13 1820.
My only push back to Rebbe Tovia is Rav Yeshua Ben Yoseph never taught he came to abolish the mitzvah' nor the Navi. Furthermore in Matt 5:19 he states anyone who teaches others one dot of the Torah is obsolete will lease in the malchut ha Samayim. Paul Gospel states the Mitzvah are a curse . Two different messages.
@@Isaac5123 "Paul" gave us the Bible as we know it. He was very wealthy and very influential and wasn't a Judean at all. But he could call himself whatever he wanted since he rewrote Jewish history and first century history of the world at large. He was an Alexandrian satirist sponsored by Rome who authored and directed a huge corpus of literature in the wake of the Temple's destruction. The gospels were created to ridicule that tragedy. Nothing new or original is placed in the mouth of the literary figure called Jesus. He is a puppet for "Paul"/"Josephus" himself who satirized the Judean rebel named Eleazar. The same Alexandrian also redacted ancient Hebrew texts into an official Roman approved corpus for the Jews as well. This is why the Jewish preservation of cryptic messages regarding that history in the Talmudic texts was so heavily persecuted. If as American exiles we preserved founding documents that had been corrupted by a foreign empire, we would still have a better idea of what they were supposed to have been about in the first place. We could connect it to other non-empire approved messages (on threat of death) and maybe still continue to function that way. But for sure we would know it was nonsense for anyone to say that MLK was "commander in chief", sacrificed to help us achieve Nirvana and so that fireworks were no longer needed on Independence day. We would know this was nonsense, just as the Jewish world has always known the Jesus story was nonsense.
@@Isaac5123 I agree ,my opinion the only reason the Romans included Rav Shaul's personal letters in the cannon because they agreed with Pauls lazy faith Gospel aka no works required just believe and you're in 😆
@@bullcrap1971 Paul's faith Gospel is anything but lazy unlike your description of it. If my parents told me I had to earn the right to be their child, there would be something wrong with them. But since I am their child, it is wrong for them not to expect me to live in the character of their values. You cannot earn the right to be called a child of God, you can only accept it (believe). But if you are a child of God, and you accept him as your father, then his imprint will be seen in your actions and also your inner perceptions.
"Each and every person has merits and sins. A person whose merits exceed his unrepented sins in God's calculation is termed "righteous" (tzadik), in the sense of being declared to be on the side of righteousness in God's overall judgment. A person whose unrepented sins exceed his merits in God's calculation is termed "sinful" (rasha), in the sense of being declared to be on the side of sinfulness in God's overall judgment. If his merits and unrepented sins are judged to be equally balanced in God's calculation, he is termed "intermediate" (beinoni)." (Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge by Rabbi Weiner and Dr. Schulman, p 153)
I've considered contemporary Christianity a creation of Paul. Even Paul himself refers to the message he bought as "My Gospel". Elsewhere, Paul claims to be a chameleon: A jew to the Jew and a Gentile to the Gentile. Later, in 2 Corinthians 12:16 (NIV) it's written "Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery (guile)!" Per an interview with Dr. Nina Livesey, ancient rhetoricians didn't have the same relationship with facts as we do, they focused on persuasion. For all we know, Paul's gospel could be constructed off ancient Greco Roman mythological tropes and pull from myths like Prometheus; and from Platonic Philosophy, while being vaguely rooted in an embellished charismatic apocalyptic Messianic figure. All smoke and gaseous vapor, nothing concrete nor rooted to the stone beneath your feet.
The subject of Paul requires a lot of study. Far more than can be covered in such a short little segment and it does require context of the politics and culture of the day to be able to decipher what is recorded. I think the church has used this lack of context to create a replacement religion. I think Tovia knows this, but is choosing to use the readers digest version of Paul that the church endorses. Makes it easy to discredit Paul if you use the replacement theology version of Paul vs the Paul that kept Torah. No doubt about how these writings have been used and manipulated to create an idolatrous "Christian" church. As usual things are complicated. It is worth while to understand Paul better. This however does not change the facts that the prophets gave snippets of info about the Mashiach and by taking the time to work through them I don't see how they came to the conclusion Jesus/Yeshua/Yahoshua was the mashiach of prophecy. The story that when he returns the second time he will complete this work does not appear to have any basis in the Prophets that I have seen so far. This has me seriously questioning the authenticity of much of the material that is in the "New Testament". Why did it take so long for these things to be recorded? You would think these writings would have been recorded very soon after the events that took place. Yet we see a very large gap of time. Rome appears to have their fingerprints all over this.
Regarding Paul, there is little evidence that he was aware of or had ever read what we now as the four Gospels. So how could he have invented Christianity?
Paul, truly did, meet JESUS, on the Road to Damascus..Like all Prophets, Paul received the Holy Spirit ,to put GOD s WORD in Writing..Consider this ...ALL The Apostles were Martyred, rather than Deny JESUS ,because they all. met ,and talked to. JESUS after HIS. Resurrection..
@@maxsage3362 I don’t deny any of that. But Christ said you must drink his blood and eat his flesh or you will have no life in you. His blood are the words of the Gospel and his flesh is the example he left. He wants you to know him and then to believe in him. Believing in him without knowing him one is easily led astray. Paul met Jesus, but never got to know him that well but if you make a place for him, he and his Father will come and live with you.
@@maxsage3362 Your evidence is Paul met Jesus because Jesus Paul said so! Where in the scripture does it say Paul is a prophet? Paul didn't even believe in what today's Christians claim. Paul believed there is only one God, the father. Christians fabricated a story, then they were forced to make up lies and more lies to defend that made up story. By the way, there is not one single evidence to prove with certainty why was Paul killed. The exact details of St. Paul’s death are unknown, but *tradition* holds that he was beheaded in Rome and thus died as a martyr for his faith. "Britannica" Your entire argument is based on a *tradition* . Christmas is a Christian tradition too, and we know it has nothing to do with Jesus.
After watching the video that explains how pigs are not ruminant animals, it seems to me that the restriction about not eating pork was a prophetic warning as much as a dietary restriction! Do not eat what will be served in the future, so to speak! Thanks for posting this video
Daniel 9: “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The decree of Artaxerxes I is considered to be the fulfillment of the command in Daniel 9:25. The decree concerned the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. This was in 444BC. There would be 483 years from 444 BC when the decree went out to rebuild Jerusalem to the time of Christ. 62 x 7 + 7x7 = 483.
There was no benefit for Paul to start a new religion for the sake of it. Not one that I can think of. Everywhere Paul went he was either attacked, forced to leave town, jailed and even shipwrecked. He paid his own way as a tent-maker or was supported financially by his hosts. There was no money in it for him. He didn't rule any earthly kingdoms or command his own army. The end came when he was beheaded in Rome. He claimed to have received his message by direct revelation from Jesus, not from men. He was a changed man after his conversion.
Sooo.... YOU are calling PETER a liar ?? cuz Peter said that Paul's writings were Scripture in 2Peter 3:15-16. And you are calling the Author of the book of Acts a liar because the Author says that the Church sent Paul out to be an Apostle to the gentiles in Acts 13:1-3. And you are calling the Original Jewish Church imbeciles for inviting and listening to Paul at the Church Council in Acts 15. *There is a reason that Paul's writings make up most of the NT -- because from Peter to the Original Church to even centuries later, everyone knew that Paul had more spiritual wisdom on what Jesus' death/resurrection accomplished for Mankind, than any other "Christian".*
@@Nai61a This vid is talking about Paul, not Jesus. Believe as you wish, but allow others to believe as they wish. Don't be a Marxist/Nazi that demands everyone believe as they do. *Suggest you read Daniel 9:26 -- the Messiah would be killed BEFORE the Temple/Jerusalem was destroyed -- and the Temple/Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD -- so if Jesus is not the Messiah, then who was ??*
@@VictorCrowne And Paul never met "Jesus", yet he is largely responsible for founding an entire religion based on the figure described in the NT. There is no good, credible, extra-biblical, contemporary evidence that the described "Jesus" figure existed. Continue to believe in this "Jesus" if you like. The reason I intervene is because so many of us were misled, and belief in "Jesus" is used to judge, vilify and discriminate people on a daily basis. As to who the Messiah "was", the Jews will tell you that you have the tense wrong in that question.
@@Nai61a YOU: And Paul never met "Jesus", yet he is largely responsible for founding an entire religion based on the figure described in the NT. *ME: Paul simply explains WHAT Jesus accomplished for Mankind -- because Paul, a Jewish Pharisee, had more spiritual wisdom than anyone else according to PETER* -- 2Peter 3:15-16. The converted Pharisee Paul simply explained what Jesus accomplished by his death/resurrection. If you do not believe in it, then so be it unto you. *But Christians understand that Jesus is the FULFILLMENT of the OT -- Jesus is our High Priest and King in the order of Melchizedek -- our final Passover Lamb that defeats Death -- the SEED of Israel that broke Satan's head/power -- the Numbers 21:9 that healed us -- the final sin sacrifice that returned us to the original Faith Contract of the gentile Abraham -- etc* Don't believe it -- nobody cares -- just let others believe Peter and the Author of Luke, and KNOW that Paul's writings are spiritual truth.
@@VictorCrowne "Spiritual wisdom" and "spiritual truth" are just superstitious nonsense. All religions lay claim to "spiritual wisdom/spiritual truth" of one sort of another. Paul cannot possibly explain "what Jesus accomplished for mankind" if this "Jesus" did not exist and certainly if Paul never met him. The best he can offer is what the IDEA of "Jesus" accomplished. If this "Jesus figure did not exist, there was no resurrection. These things are all made up. Like a lot of Jews at the time, Paul was desperate for his Messiah to come. It is not surprising that he swallowed the narrative of those who wanted to believe that their Messiah had already appeared. If you cannot persuade the Jews - whose texts make up the OT - that your "Jesus" was real and was their Messiah, you are barking up the wrong tree. Rabbi Singer has explained many times on this channel why "Jesus" was not - and could never have been - the Messiah. The Rabbi is too kind to tell you that your "Jesus" did not exist.
Rabbi Tovia I want and need to ask this question was JC in Christianity not the Anti christ The christen formed the cross with the statue and it's not only the Roman church bowing doen before this cross and statue but all the other people too. They told people that if the antichris come he will be wounded and his wound will heal and he will make this statue and everyone have to bow down and worship that statue. But that is what Christian do they bow down and worship J C. My daughter in law is now also against me she told me she will honor me as her mother in law. But She cannot partner with me. She told me that If I dont turn to JC which I left years ago I am not part of her family. My son is married to her I love them so much my grandchildren to love them. She told me I think I am saved by doing good works. This all happened yesterday. Rabbi Tovia my C husband just live with another women and my daughter is married to a woman she never ask me how I am. I am just alone here with Hashem I will never turn my back to Yisrael I belong to Hashem It hurt so much if everyone think you are grazy. JC died accordingly for their sin and went up in a cold so JC was the wounded one that got alive and every one wondered after him. Christian is so bad the si everyday lie in business hate their wife's do idolatry and their children do drug ect. So where where is the salvation. Then. ?😢😢😢
What do you mean? There would be no Christian religion without Paul. Paul spreads the message of Christ (which is the love commandments) throughout the Greek speaking world.
I don’t know which of the early Jesus-worshipers you mean or if you mean Jesus; however, I do agree that it is tragic that billions have been led into worshiping a false deity, to say nothing of the millions who have been killed or otherwise harmed in the name of Jesus. 🕊✡️❤️
@@AdaraBalabusta Clearly you mean billions of people have been saved? The portion who have been saved surely far out weigh the portion who have been harmed (by false teachers). Jesus' church is: He is the Messiah, the God living - meaning Adam before the fall. He never said he was the son of god, rather he was the son of man. He was our teacher, a man to be emulated.
If rabbi tovia singer sponsers 10 invindials to become jewish who would grab on and want to be in the 10 student's? It would be so cool to be trained by a real son of aaron when your in a dessert there is nothing to drink so the man walkth by giving water freely .im thirsty
@ToviaSinger What do you think about this? Paul was ķìĺĺing off disciples then Paul became the authority over the remaining disciples he didn't get to ķìĺĺ. Paul claimed to be zealous for the law. So since he claimed to be zealous for the law why was he ķìĺĺing Christians? Now his vision he hears a voice and automatically says Lord? He says Lord before the voice identified himself. Then the voice says to him why does thou persecute me. Now Paul claims to be zealous for the law so why isn't Paul confused when the voice ask why does thou persecute me? If he is keeping the laws and doing what Gd tells him wouldn't he be confused about what he was doing wrong? But yet Paul does not seem to be confused at all. And even when the voice says I am Jesus who thou persecuted Jesus never says yes I am the Lord but Paul keeps referring to Jesus as Lord. And continues to do so throughout his letters. Why would a Jew zealous for the law automatically call a voice speaking to him Lord without it being 100 percent clarified? What do you think about my theory of Paul's vision?
My only push back Rav Yeshua Ben Yoseph never taught he came to abolish the mitzvah' nor the Navi. Furthermore in Matt 5:19 he states anyone who teaches others one dot of the Torah is now obsolete will be lease in the malchut ha Samayim. Paul Gospel states the Mitzvah are a curse . Gal 3:10 Two different messages.
He did it for glory and fame or it was intended and Paul infiltrated the apostles and their circle to distort the true message of Jesus Christ after failing to do it with violence. Notice that he never met Jesus, so that's why he told that he met him in his way to Damascus. Read this and you'll see that very clearly. He fabricated a story but still misses the details. ___ Compare by yourself between this 👇 Acts - Chapter 26 | New International Version 11. Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. In my obsession against them, I even went to foreign cities to persecute them. 12. On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priests. 13. About noon, O king, as I was on the road, I saw 👉a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, blazing around 👉me and my companions. 14. 👉We all fell to the ground, and 👉I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.' ___ & this 👇 Acts - Chapter 9 | New International Version 3. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly 👉a light from heaven flashed around him. 4. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" 5. Who are you, Lord? Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. 6. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do. 7. The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; 👉they heard the sound 👉but did not see anyone.
Watch the documentary "creating christ" to understand... He was a roman agent,paid to create a universal(Catholic)religion that would be used by the roman empire to control men
Dear Rabbi, you stated that the Tanakh explicitly (not by inference) state that when the messiah comes he would be promulgating the old laws and commandments. To prove this you brought up Ezekiel 37:24-25. But those verses do not “explicitly”state anything about keeping the old laws. It does speaks of ordinances and statutes but it is not explicitly stating that the same exact old laws and the statutes would be enforced again. Moreover verse 26 of the same chapter speaks of a new covenant of peace. And we know that at no point in Tanakh a new covenant was ever given without abrogating certain old laws and statutes and revealing new laws. Therefore, the only explicit thing we can conclude from Ezekiel 37 is the promise of renewal.
I keep hearing that non-Jews will keep Purim rather than Sukkot, though Sukkot seems to make more sense. But I also heard that we won’t have to keep Pesach. All this time, I thought I was going to get a break…. Will there be self-cleaning refrigerators, at least?
why aren't the Jews still sacrificing cattle, sheep etc. what Paul is saying is Jesus met all the requirements of the Mosiac law but not the moral law. Paul was a great man and he studied under Gamaliel, he suffered a lot for the gospel and his love for people was exceptional, he even wanted those Jews who opposed him to come in the knowledge of the Messiah.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel. Then, in his days, the observance of all the statutes will return to their previous state. Jews will offer sacrifices, observe the Sabbatical and Jubilee years according to all their particulars as described by the Torah.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 that is true but in the meantime Jacob's trouble (tribulation) where God brings the Jewish nation to it's knees to reveal the Messiah, Jesus, Ezekiel 11:17-18, Zech 12:10. After the judgement of the nations on how they treated the Jews, the new kingdom will be set up, with Jesus, David and the nation of Israel. The sacrifices will be a memorial.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048your false prophet failed? You sound so sure of yourself and assume you are correct but you are one voice with that assumption and always will be but one voice that doesn’t speak for everyone else.
Maybe Paul has a Pharisee outlook and then gained a different perspective when he found Christ. You claiming Paul must never have been a Pharisee is like saying a person was never raised catholic because they are currently an atheist. You can end up different from how you’re brought up
This so called rabbi is a false teacher and lier! don't fall for his mess! Let God correct you! The old testament talked about this Lord YAHOVAH is Yahshua
Unfortunately, the rabbi misrepresented or misquoted the apostle Paul, a former Pharisee and a leader of Judaism. He studied the Torah under the scholar Gamaliel, and knew the law better than anybody else. He said the law is holy and kept the Sabbath being under the law. Paul was misunderstood even by Jerusalem church teaching the Jews to forsake Moses. Paul taught for sure the gentiles were not under the law, but the Jews were, himself being under the law. The rabbi is not that expert of the whole truth of course having rejected the absolute key of who the Messiah is.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel. Then, in his days, the observance of all the statutes will return to their previous state. Jews will offer sacrifices, observe the Sabbatical and Jubilee years according to all their particulars as described by the Torah.
If you believe in new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem, then your views shall be changed. This old world shall be destroyed, how then can your views be fulfilled?
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Don't you see what transpires in Israel based on the Torah teachings? Don't you see the blessings and the curses the Torah brought to Israel? Why don't you learn the lessons despites the happenings? You needed the Messiah as promised in the Torah to redeem the curses brought in the law. What I mean the Torah cannot be completed without the New Testament.
To even understand who Paul was then a person is going to have to understand Paul's past. Paul use to be Saul from Tarsus. Saul was trained in the Laws. Saul was a Godly Man and there was nothing Saul would not do to uphold the Laws. Saul persecuted early Christians, hunted them down, and on his way to Damascus is where Jesus appeared in front of his horse and his horse threw Saul off onto the ground, and Saul said, "Who??" Are You? Jesus said "I am the one you are persecuting against, I am Jesus", "Saul you are blind". So Saul was literally blind after that and in agony even his soldiers could not believe this had happened to such a fierce Man of God. So they took him to a dark room, and Jesus sent a Man named Ananias to Baptise Saul. So he did. Then Saul could see and this was his Reborn event. Later on Saul changed his name to Paul, because Saul was completely wrong. Saul was under a delusion and thought he was going what God wanted him to do, but his understanding was wrong. Why? This is why all people are wrong that still guide themselves. See If a person is not guided by the Spirit, then he is guided by his own self-made truth from a natural perception without the Spirit. Natural Flesh that is Spiritless is who people are at birth. Just like Saul.
I enjoyed watching master fabricator Pharisee Tovia accuse Paul of fabrications😮!! The ever hearing and ever seeing.......the blind will lead the blind and they will both fall into a pit!😢
We all want easy answers and answers that make us feel good and to unchallenged our misguided views. When I was an atheist and searching for the truth, I wanted truth, not answers that made me comfortable; the world and the universe is God proof He exists, and it is undeniable. During Moses time, the Torah was given to the Jews and priesthood, tabernacle and sacrifice, everything in the Laws was to be observed and obey and every year the high priest was to do a sacrifice for all Israelites for their sins and that includes the high priest; and the high priest was the mediator to God for the Israelites; this in Leviticus. Paul very clear in his teaching and correct; the Law reveals our sinful nature and the need for a mediator ( Our Savior Jesus Christ and High Priest) and we need Jesus which is the substitute lamb sacrifice for forgiveness for our sins. My question is, why did God do away the temple, the high priest, the priesthood, and sacrifice? According to Leviticus, this is forever decree. Did God lied or did He substitute this decree for a better alternative that bring Jews and Gentle to worship God in truth. If you sin you need to bring something to atone for your sins. If you don't believe me read the Torah, don't rely Rabbis.
Psalm 110:1 (ESV) Psalm of David. Thus says the LORD to my lord: "Sit at My right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." This verse indirectly says that King David said that He was God.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 The verse above can also illustrate that during the reign of King David there were no stories about Abraham being thrown into the fire.
Paul did not create chritianity. Paul kept Torah and even mentioned keeping the feast days. In acts 15 mentions the 4 things nessisary for converts to do before entering the temple. And then hearing Torah. Also he mentions don't be hearers of the word but doers. Book of James even mentions sin as breaking Torah. So yeah stop the lies.
I am a Christian, but I feel many of Paul’s statements could be taken as this Rabbi interprets them. I admire that he has studied the NT. I think (at least I hope and believe) he is searching for the truth, or he would not have even bothered to read the NT, which he had no reason to read if he were not sincerely a truth-seeker. I ask G_d to bless the Rabbi and draw him to Himself.
Paul was like rabbi Singer a defender of the temple and the Jewish ways but he took it a step further he hunted Christian’s to wipe out Christianity he tortured and killed them but then one day Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus on his latest hunt. I believe Jesus is going to speak to rabbi singer and he will lead many Jews back to the Machiach the Lord Jesus Christ
The Tempter and Deceiver spoken of in the Torah is deceiving many by using a westernized or distorted version of "Jesus" to lead people into a form of worship that ultimately draws them away from the true understanding of YHWH and Yeshua. Many Christians, particularly in Western traditions, proclaim that "Jesus is God," which can lead to theological confusion or misunderstandings, especially when it departs from the understanding of YHWH's true nature and the role of Yeshua as the Messiah. In Scripture, Yeshua consistently points to YHWH, emphasizing that He came to do His Father's will, speak His Father's words, and fulfill His Father's plan. Yeshua makes clear distinctions between Himself and YHWH, always giving glory to the Father. In John 5:19, Yeshua says, "Yes, indeed! I tell you that the Son cannot do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; whatever the Father does, the Son does too." The westernized doctrine that says "Jesus is God" can blur this distinction, leading to a form of worship that places Yeshua in the role of YHWH, rather than recognizing Yeshua as the Messiah who reveals YHWH. This confusion could make it easier for The "Deceiver" to distort people's understanding of the true relationship between YHWH and Yeshua, ultimately leading them away from worshiping YHWH in spirit and truth. Yeshua upheld the Torah and lived His life in perfect obedience to YHWH's commandments. He never sought to abolish the law but rather to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). However, many westernized depictions of "Jesus" suggest that He came to do away with the Torah and establish a new set of laws, leading many to disregard the commandments given by YHWH. By presenting a "Jesus" who seemingly opposes the Torah, the "Deceiver" is encouraging people to reject the very instructions that YHWH gave to His people, thereby leading them away from the truth of YHWH's word and the covenant relationship He intended. The western portrayal of "Jesus" often includes imagery that depicts Him in a glorified or idealized way-pictures of a European-looking figure with glowing light, or statues that are venerated. These depictions can foster a form of worship that focuses on an image rather than on the truth of who Yeshua is. Exodus 20:4-5 commands against making images and bowing down to them. By venerating images or statues of "Jesus," people may be led into a form of idolatry, even without realizing it. The "Deceiver" uses this visual representation to subtly divert people's worship away from YHWH toward something that resembles but ultimately distorts the true Yeshua. The concept of replacement theology, which suggests that the Church has replaced Israel as YHWH's chosen people, is another way that the "Deceiver" uses the westernized "Jesus" to deceive. This theology often disconnects "Jesus" from His Jewish heritage and from the covenants made with Israel, presenting a version of "Jesus" that has little to do with the fulfillment of YHWH's promises to Israel. By creating a "Jesus" who is disconnected from the Jewish context, the "Deceiver" deceives people into ignoring the significance of Israel, the Torah, and the promises that YHWH made through the Hebrew Scriptures. This leads to a lack of understanding of the true nature of YHWH's redemptive plan, which centers on Israel and is fulfilled through Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah. In western Christianity, especially in traditions influenced by the Catholic Church, doctrines and rituals that are not explicitly found in Scripture have often been elevated to the level of divine authority. This includes the concept of the Trinity, which though meaningful to many Christians-can be confusing when it is used to explain the relationship between YHWH and Yeshua. The insistence that "Jesus is God" within the framework of the Trinity, without a clear scriptural basis or understanding of the distinctions Yeshua Himself makes between Him and the Father, is used by the "Deceiver" to confuse people about who YHWH is. This confusion could prevent people from coming to the true knowledge of YHWH as the one true God and Yeshua as the Messiah sent by YHWH. In many westernized Christian traditions, the use of YHWH's name has been replaced with generic titles like "God" or "Lord." The name of Yeshua has also been replaced with the Greek-derived name "Jesus." While these names and titles are familiar to many, they can obscure the Hebrew context of who YHWH is and the significance of Yeshua's true name. By substituting YHWH's name and presenting a version of Yeshua without His Jewish identity, the "Deceiver" is leading people away from a deeper relationship with the true YHWH and understanding of His Messiah. This lack of clarity makes it easier for the "Deceiver" to insert deceptive teachings or representations that further distort the truth. Many Christians are taught that simply believing in "Jesus" is enough for salvation, without necessarily understanding the importance of repentance, obedience, and a transformed life. This superficial understanding can lead people to a false sense of security, believing they are saved while lacking a genuine relationship with YHWH and an understanding of what Yeshua taught. The "Deceiver" uses this distorted version of "Jesus" to keep people complacent, thinking that they are following the true Messiah while, in reality, they are not fully grasping the depth of YHWH's call to righteousness, repentance, and true discipleship.
5 місяців тому
Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And wasn't the earliest iconographic image of Jesus The Christ in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess? Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty in order to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction.💙
Rabbi, this is the seminary course I missed. Bad news for all of us, according to some ancient Greek philosophers, the whole God-idea is a concocted thing, by human beings. O boy!
Has Jews /Israel been a good example of keeping the laws? David broke the laws , and he got forgiveness from God. Grace was obtained by David from Yahweh. What is the new spirit (nephesh) that Yahweh is offering in Ezekiel?
Any sources? Acts identifies Saul-Paul as a tent maker. Somewhere else, Saul-Paul is flogged a certain number of times because he was a Roman citizen. I was taught that Saul-Paul was supposedly beheaded instead of crucified because Roman citizens were exempt from crucifixion. I do not know if that information is just legend, though. ✡️❤️
@@AdaraBalabusta Nowhere does the Christian Bible say that Paul and 11 apostles were killed for their faith, meaning it is an invented story which is not in the Christian scriptures. See. Why would Paul willingly die for a lie? Another church falsehood. Rabbi Tovia Singer.
True, it is established by Luke, I n Acts, that Paul was raised alongside Herod the Tetrarch... There should be no question of it. Do Christians ✝️ know how to read? Herod the Tetrarch was educated in Rome by the way.
It is right to say that Paul is a Roman but he’s more Greek than Roman. I think his grandfather followed Pompey into Cilicia and was actively a part of the campaign to rid the Mediterranean of Cilician Pirates. When Pompey was assassinated in Alexandria, his grandfather decided it was unwise to return to Rome... thus, within a generation, the family became Greek. Is Cilicia that means they became Mithrans. Paul wasn’t exactly Jewish. He was a Roman without a true identity.
Okay. But I will point out that the Sumerians wrote about The Flood first thousands of years before the Hebrews borrowed it. Jewish historians know that because ancient Hebrews also borrowed from Sumerian texts to come up with Hebrew. How much do you know and are willing to disclose about the real history behind the Torach (Old Testament). I challenge you to answer this truthfully, rabbi.
For those who don’t know, Paul was a Jewish Pharisee who was under the guide of Gamaliel. He was a Jewish Roman citizen who persecuted Christians. Look up Gamaliel. About 1 in 1000 are chosen to be under the guide and chosen. Paul was that one. His Jewish name was Saul. Pharisee - a member of a Jewish sect noted for strict observance of rites and ceremonies of the written law and for insistence on the validity of their own oral traditions concerning the law. This is a very simple and unworthy description of the title. Bearing false witness was punishable by death. There is suggestion that he participated in the the Nazarite vow, as he stated he was purified in the temple. This is no ordinary Jew and neither were the practices that he dedicated himself to. Why would a man of this calibre risk his life or suffer retribution? His testimony brings light to this. The gospels or New Testament does not contradict the Torah. In fact the Torah which was later made available after the New accounts or testament only validates it’s writings. Anyone not familiar with the Torah and practices could not put together the books of the New Testament. Certainly no Roman. King Agrippa was familiar and friendly with the Jews for the sake of keeping the peace. The earliest recorded writings of the New Testament was around 40 - 50AD. The word was given to the Jew first and then to the gentile. Many Jews accepted and welcomed the Messiah and there were those who didn’t. You can read this. The disciples or followers of Christ (Jews) were commissioned to spread the word to gentiles and thus churches began. It spread rapidly. Later the Roman Catholic Church formed and adopted idolatry. It was an abuse of power, control and manipulation. God calls people to Himself regardless of religion and background according to His will and leads them onto solid rock. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding. Paul was such a man. It took God to touch him before he believed that Christ is Lord. The word who tabernacled among men. The great ‘I AM,’ God’s new covenant fulfilled and who was foretold by the prophets and God whom He spoke of in Genesis crushing Satan’s head overcoming the wages of sin which is death. Abraham taking Isaac to be sacrificed was a test. Consider the mountain where he was taken and where Christ was crucified. God Promised Abraham that he would be a father of many nations. Through the lineage of Issac. The book of Matthew begins with the lineage of Christ going all the way back to Abraham. Consider when Christ was crucified - during Passover. Blessings.
The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually). And they shall put My name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them (Numbers 6:24 - 6:27) Yom Kippur benediction/blessing.
With all due respect to Rabbi Singer, he seems to be missing how Torah commandments are contained in following Jesus/Yeshua, who said that He has not come to deny the law but to fulfil it. In other words, with love of God, one does the right thing, the moral thing, and follows the Law easily. Paul is saying that love of Messiah (Jesus) both contains and supercedes the Law, which once had a purpose and now leads one to Christ.
What turns off people listening to Judaism is when you speak hebrew, which just causes confusion and discouragement. Some potential converts are left behind because hebrew is not their language.
Well that's what the Torah was originally written in sooo that sounds like a personal problem! Also Greek changed scripts in the Greek Holy Bible corrupting HaShem's true words from what the original really was in the tanakh! This is why tovia is explaining Yes? I can't imagine the strength it takes to get ppl to come from decades of deception to the truth and ppl just won't listen or accept it! But the truth isn't for everyone! I know for myself it didn't take no convincing I knew in my heart from the beginning something is wrong no one could ever explain the virgin Mary given birth to JC and still can't the Trinity it seemed far fetched to me the holy Sabbath day being stolen and changed to Sunday from Saturday would really raise an eye brow as to why.. then finding out all the truth just falls into place I read study the Tanakh every day and listen to the Orthodox Jewish nations because they brought the word of God through decades of blood sweat and tears for US ALL TO KNOW TODAY! The Jewish nation are the lights to the world that God has placed here for a reason to help bring TRUTH to those who have lost their way or don't know and are broken! I have never done so much crying through my process of becoming a Noahide just emotionally overwhelming anger finding out my dedication to praying to a false idol committing adultery and passing it down to my kids is something I'll never forgive myself for! their souls matter the TRUTH matters!
Are you saying that Paul fabricated all the suffering he suffered and the persecution he was persecuted with by the Jewish leaders of Paul's day, and remember ,Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus and ask him, Saul, who became Paul, Saul why are you persecuting ME, proving the Holy Spirit of God is inside every soul who receives Yeshua the Messiah. and Jesus told in Acts 9, to Ananias all that He showed Saul what He would suffer being a witness for Yeshua. and Paul in 2 Corinth, proves his apostleship, not to the Jews, but to other followers of Jesus who were criticizing Paul and Paul gave evidence of his suffering for Yeshua, in Corith.11:23-33, that five times he received from the Jews 39 lashes, three times he was beaten with rods, once he was stoned, and Paul goes on the tell of all his suffering and later he says, "So let no one bother me because I bear the marks of Christ. Because in ever4y beating and hardship he suffered , he suffered with joy for being worthy to be persecuted for his Lord and Saviour. There is no possible way that Paul suffered these things for nothing, he must have known that he had a great reward in following Jesus and he was willing to suffer all things, not for himself but for way lay before him in Yeshua his Saviour. There is no possible way that Paul set up his own suffering, the beatings he went through was never for self glorification, but he bared all things to the glory of Yeshua his Messiah.
Tovia is always right but misses or knowingly refuses to see the flip side of the coin, which is the issue of copy paste of what he calls judaisn from canaanite pagan mythology and torah is full of those pagan practices and gods copied from local canaanitescafter mingling with them for centuries. Shocking but bitter reality. That makes both Paul and Moses forgeries. Let's be brave enough to see the historical truth.
Unfortunately, the righteous science of Almighty God, says differently. Paul, as Saul, was well versed in the word of Almighty God, Jehovah, and saw through many of its faults...all of which involved misrepresenting God's word to the Jewish people. Oppression of the people is an act that provokes God's wrath, more than anything else. When one person benefits massively, whilst a thousand others suffer, oppression is involved. If we lift up our torture stake, daily, we support our flesh better, which, otherwise hangs oppressively from off our own spine. Almighty God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and Moses, unify together on this point.
I think Paul was indeed the architect of Christianity. Jesus was probably just a liberal rabbi who didn’t like the Pharisees because he thought they were hypocrites . The question I have always had is: Why did Paul do this? What was his motivation and why did Peter and James go along with it?
This is my theory Paul was ķìĺĺing off disciples then Paul became the authority over the remaining disciples he didn't get to ķìĺĺ. Paul claimed to be zealous for the law. So since he claimed to be zealous for the law why was he ķìĺĺing Christians? I am assuming he viewed Christians calling jews away from God and to a strange god. Now Paul's vision he hears a voice and automatically says Lord? He says Lord before the voice even identified himself. Then the voice says to him why does thou persecute me. Now Paul claims to be zealous for the law so why isn't Paul confused when the voice ask why does thou persecute me? If he is keeping the laws and doing what Gd tells him wouldn't he be confused about what he was doing wrong? But yet Paul does not seem to be confused at all. And even when the voice says I am Jesus who thou persecuted Jesus never confirmed he is the Lord but Paul keeps referring to Jesus as Lord. And continues to do so throughout his letters. Why would a Jew zealous for the law automatically call a voice speaking to him Lord without it being 100 percent clarified? Paul wanted his own status. Most of Paul's letters are about his own struggles and how he knows what others don't know since he spoke with Jesus after the ascension. Paul is arrogant and clearly speaks for Peter and James we don't have Peter or James backing up the claims of Paul. We only have Paul saying what James or Peter said or did.
@@juannifer32 I just doubt Paul was ever persecuting Christians. And his story of being on the road to Damascus is clearly nonsense. Why did James and Peter ever allow Paul to take the narrative?
Thank you Rabbi for your loyalty to your almighty Creator Hashem in spreading the truth. You are a good and faithful servant . I’m sorry for people that can’t understand the original Hebrew text because they have been blinded by the Jesus story. I will forever be grateful to you for waking me up. I seen your beautiful sweet father on one of your shows today and he’s so precious and so so proud of you. He is in my heart and prayers and so are you and your family. Thank you for being there for the world so they can hear the truth. ❤
Blessings to you Rabbi tovia 🕎
May Hashem bless you, your family and your father. Refuah Shlemah.
Paul started a new religion unrelated to the Torah teachings.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge.
I am praying for your father's recovery.
Paul was the L. Ron Hubbard of his day. 😮
I was thinking more of P.T. Barnum.
@lavieenrose5954 no it's true. Read his words. He contradicts GOD every step of the way.
Dear Rabbi! Wishing and hoping speedy recovery for your father! May the Lord Bless you and your diligent work!
@@Jason-Jason😊 praise Jesus 🙏🏾
@@TheDiasporaMedia - Show me that in the Torah what you call the Old Testament.
@@TheDiasporaMedia: We DON'T care about the "Jesus" character! God NEVER mentioned him to us ANYWHERE in the ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures!
@@TheDiasporaMedia He can’t save you
I am so glad I never fell for the great deception. Thank you Rabbi.
@@lovegrace5466: God SPECIFICALLY told us in Deut. 17:8-11, to LISTEN to what the Orthodox Rabbis teach, since they (and ONLY THEY!!) have been studying the original Hebrew scriptures, all the way back to Mt. Sinai.
@@lovegrace5466 the "new testament" has lied to you
@@lovegrace5466: Those verses say ".....who shall be IN THOSE DAYS...."!! That means the FUTURE - OUR FUTURE - the times we are NOW living in!! The "Priests" and "Judges" mentioned in the text are called ORTHODOX RABBIS, in our times! LISTEN to what the Rabbis teach, as thousands of us have already done! We're only trying to help you learn God's Truth, so you can leave the pagan, idolatrous teachings of "Christianity", (which God NEVER mentioned to us), behind! "Christianity" is NOT what it appears to be! You DON'T know what you DON'T KNOW - as we once were!
Thanks for your work. Your knowledge and caring for people is inspiring. I do not know specifics of your father's situation, but I wish him the best of health possible.
🙌🏼😍🙌🏼🤗🙌🏼😘🙌🏼👯♀️🙌🏼💖Ahmein!!! This is one of my favorites 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️🔥🙌🏼 Soooo helpful to letting go all the lies one can only fall victim to without true knowledge of Tenakh. ❤️
Thank you Rabbi thank you so much
👍🧑🦳 Good night or morning(depends)rabbi!Always good to learn from you! Baruch Hashem🙌
Love ❤ your work Rabbi.
Paul was a Roman it is that simple.
@@MylaBeth Paul was no Jew, that is fabricated like everything Paul wrote.
@@MylaBeth: You obviously have NO CLUE what a "Pharisee" is!! Heretic Paul was NO "Pharisee", since he preached AGAINST what God said to us at Mt. Sinai!
@@MylaBethwhat credibility do the Karaite Jews have? (Ergo, what difference does it make what they say).
@@MylaBeth Paul didn't teach anything that Jesus taught. In all of his writings, he never quotes anything that Jesus said. In all of Paul's writings he only gives his words.
@@hassanabdur-rahman1559 and every other supposed author of the gospels stole directly from Paul.
[So] the Lord (Hashem) guided them ALONE, and there was no alien deity with Him. Hashem is ONE and GOD ALONE and He is not a Trinity! Deuteronomy 32:12... See now that it is I! I am THE ONE, and there is no god like Me! I cause death and grant life. I strike, but I heal, and no one can rescue from My Hand! - Deuteronomy 32:39
Correct. ✡️❤️
@@AdaraBalabusta - Amen
Yes, Paul invented a new religion by stripping Judaism of its observances, and placing Jesus, whom he never met and with whose lore he was unfamiliar, as the central point of it. And, yes, Paul was not a Pharisee, as many pointed out later, and his knowledge of the scripture was likely limited to Septuagint. Paul's Greek was probably way better than his Hebrew, if he could read Hebrew at all. Remember that Hebrew was already a dead language at the time, and its vowel diacritics were not invented until half a millennium later. So the scriptures were pretty much unreadable to most, the letters serving as a memorization aid, rather than the precise rendition that we have today. Paul is clearly a worldly diaspora Jew, raised within the Greek cultural environment, and pondering how to revive Judaism, as he watched his diaspora brethren drifting away from the Synagogue. And his solution was… drop the burden.
Christians would say he did meet Jesus through a spiritual experience so strong that it changed him from zealously persecuting followers of The Way to becoming one of their leaders.
I have long questioned some of Paul’s statements. I also believe that most Christians do not have enough respect for the law and especially for the holidays. It is a shame that Christians brought pagan holidays in place of those celebrated by Jesus, himself. I feel Paul is at least in part responsible for this.
In the end, as far as my understanding, even the most dedicated, sincere, and exalted of prophets are still fallible people- including all the prophets in the OT, Paul, and all the disciples of Jesus who knew him when he was on earth. All of them are so very far above me and I can learn from them all. I believe they were all inspired by HaShem. Their writings were inspired because their lives and beings were inspired. But that does not mean their lives nor their writings were perfect. The Bible was not written by G_d taking over their minds and hands. Rather, they wrote out of what their dedication to and love for their Father had brought them to see and understand.
The Church did not promote pagan holidays.
Christmas was not celebrated until much later.
@@kindnesshealsNot sure who Rav Sha'ul ( Paul) met on the road to Syria Damascus. However, his teachings clearly contradict Yeshua Rebbinu Ben HaAdam teachings on works Matt 25:41 and the Torah Matt 5:17 which Paul contradicts Yeshua teachings in Galatians 3:10 Ephesians 2:9. Either Paul's intent was lost in translation or he was a Navi haseker ( false prophet
Jesus had Paul write half of our New Testament. Hence the onus is on Him, not Paul.
@@gbeaty57 Oh, I think Paul wrote it all by himself, at least the seven Epistles scholars believe authentic. Jesus had nothing to do with it.
❤ thank you rabbi ❤ your father in our prayers❤ 🇮🇱 ❤ 🇺🇸 ❤
I have a VERY hard time believing that Jesus pushed Paul off his horse! In the Gospels Jesus did not strike anyone!!!!
Greetings and shalom
The truth is that Jews rejected Jesus(pbuh) and Saul/Paul ran with the message and with the help of Greco-Romans introduced a new religion- Christianity.
Thank you Rabbi.
Shalom! As a hiloni Jew from a Soviet culture (now an immigrant in the USA) I believe that the resurrection was staged by the Romans, as explained in a popular book where I'm from - "The Gospel of Afranius"; like many others, I read it in childhood and never thought about this question again - until coming to the USA and noticing a stark contrast in the discussion of this question. What's wrong with that explanation? This work was praised in "Nature", skeptical biblical scholar Carlos Colombetti called it "a worthy addition to the set of naturalistic hypotheses that have been proposed", and Christian apologist Lydia McGrew grudgingly acknowledged that it is "consistent with the evidence" (!! - this makes them actually shut up, for once!!). Also, I've seen it referenced as a respectable source in a Russian-language Jewish forum (but it was only translated into English very recently).
Historian Hyam Maccoby's 2 books, Revolution In Judaea and The Mythmaker, Paul And The Invention Of Christianity provide useful insight to Paul's motivation in creating Christianity as a systematic defilement of Judaism. His creation was at a time when the Romans were so angry at the Jews for their Revolt led by Simon that they made it a capital offense throughout the Roman empire for anyone to advocate anything positive of Judaism.
Wishing a refuah shlema to your father, Rabbi Singer, B'ezrat Hashem. We love you Rabbi.
I thank you for the great education I am receiving from these informative videos. I always wondered why I doubted the Christian teachings and I guess I am finding out why. I hate to be a traitor to Christianity but it is hard to find fault with what Rabbi singer is saying.
If you are a Gentile you are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide commandments.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 There is no such a thing. He, as a human being, is obligated to follow God's latest scripture. Moses had a scripture, Jesus had a scripture, and Muhammed had a scripture too.
@@laccess911 It is clear and explicit in the Torah itself (the Five Books of Moses) that it is God's commandment that remains in its original form forever without change, addition, or diminishment - as it is stated, "All these matters which I command to you, you shall be careful to perform. You may not add to it or diminish from it;" and as it is also stated, "What is revealed is for us and our children forever, to carry out all the words of this Torah." This teaches that we are commanded to fulfill all the Torah's directives forever, to the full extent that we are able to do so. It is also said: "It is an everlasting statute for all your generations," and, "It is not in the Heavens." This teaches that a prophet can no longer truthfully claim that he has been told by God to add a new permanent precept as being commanded by God.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Where is the Torah of Moses? Moses spoke Egyptian.
@@laccess911 The original text is to this day in all Torah-scrolls. Keep the 7 Noahide laws and leave Jews alone.
Clear as day. Thank you Rabbi. ❤
I'm flabbergasted!
Elementary dear Watson
_Paul was NOT a Jew_
I've expressed that same sentiment!
Paul was roman
Paul was a Jew with Roman citizenship
@ingmar74 It is believed that Paul was a member of Herod the Greats family which means that he was an Edomite not Jewish.
He's a zoroaster
"...Paul was the great Coryphaeus, and first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus. These palpable interpolations and falsifications of his doctrines led me to try to sift them apart."
An extract from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to William Short, April 13 1820.
My only push back to Rebbe Tovia is Rav Yeshua Ben Yoseph never taught he came to abolish the mitzvah' nor the Navi. Furthermore in Matt 5:19 he states anyone who teaches others one dot of the Torah is obsolete will lease in the malchut ha Samayim. Paul Gospel states the Mitzvah are a curse . Two different messages.
@@bullcrap1971 Fact. Paul corrupted the scriptures. Full stop
@@Isaac5123 "Paul" gave us the Bible as we know it. He was very wealthy and very influential and wasn't a Judean at all. But he could call himself whatever he wanted since he rewrote Jewish history and first century history of the world at large. He was an Alexandrian satirist sponsored by Rome who authored and directed a huge corpus of literature in the wake of the Temple's destruction. The gospels were created to ridicule that tragedy. Nothing new or original is placed in the mouth of the literary figure called Jesus. He is a puppet for "Paul"/"Josephus" himself who satirized the Judean rebel named Eleazar. The same Alexandrian also redacted ancient Hebrew texts into an official Roman approved corpus for the Jews as well. This is why the Jewish preservation of cryptic messages regarding that history in the Talmudic texts was so heavily persecuted. If as American exiles we preserved founding documents that had been corrupted by a foreign empire, we would still have a better idea of what they were supposed to have been about in the first place. We could connect it to other non-empire approved messages (on threat of death) and maybe still continue to function that way. But for sure we would know it was nonsense for anyone to say that MLK was "commander in chief", sacrificed to help us achieve Nirvana and so that fireworks were no longer needed on Independence day. We would know this was nonsense, just as the Jewish world has always known the Jesus story was nonsense.
@@Isaac5123 I agree ,my opinion the only reason the Romans included Rav Shaul's personal letters in the cannon because they agreed with Pauls lazy faith Gospel aka no works required just believe and you're in 😆
@@bullcrap1971 Paul's faith Gospel is anything but lazy unlike your description of it. If my parents told me I had to earn the right to be their child, there would be something wrong with them. But since I am their child, it is wrong for them not to expect me to live in the character of their values. You cannot earn the right to be called a child of God, you can only accept it (believe). But if you are a child of God, and you accept him as your father, then his imprint will be seen in your actions and also your inner perceptions.
TY Tovia - Concise Overview of the Critique of Jesus of Nazareth by DCS
"Each and every person has merits and sins. A person whose merits exceed his unrepented sins in God's calculation is termed "righteous" (tzadik), in the sense of being declared to be on the side of righteousness in God's overall judgment. A person whose unrepented sins exceed his merits in God's calculation is termed "sinful" (rasha), in the sense of being declared to be on the side of sinfulness in God's overall judgment. If his merits and unrepented sins are judged to be equally balanced in God's calculation, he is termed "intermediate" (beinoni)." (Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge by Rabbi Weiner and Dr. Schulman, p 153)
Is Rasha actually the word for sinful? I’ll check. Weird, it resembles a Zoroastrian word.
How dare I started to dislike or disturbed by Paul's writings 20-30 years ago.🤷
Tovia as usual wise and honest!
Thank you 🙏
I've considered contemporary Christianity a creation of Paul. Even Paul himself refers to the message he bought as "My Gospel". Elsewhere, Paul claims to be a chameleon: A jew to the Jew and a Gentile to the Gentile. Later, in 2 Corinthians 12:16 (NIV) it's written "Be that as it may, I have not been a burden to you. Yet, crafty fellow that I am, I caught you by trickery (guile)!" Per an interview with Dr. Nina Livesey, ancient rhetoricians didn't have the same relationship with facts as we do, they focused on persuasion. For all we know, Paul's gospel could be constructed off ancient Greco Roman mythological tropes and pull from myths like Prometheus; and from Platonic Philosophy, while being vaguely rooted in an embellished charismatic apocalyptic Messianic figure. All smoke and gaseous vapor, nothing concrete nor rooted to the stone beneath your feet.
Thank you Rabbi Tovia.
Dear Rabbi, what is your opinion on the direct translation of the bible that talk about God's?
The subject of Paul requires a lot of study. Far more than can be covered in such a short little segment and it does require context of the politics and culture of the day to be able to decipher what is recorded. I think the church has used this lack of context to create a replacement religion. I think Tovia knows this, but is choosing to use the readers digest version of Paul that the church endorses. Makes it easy to discredit Paul if you use the replacement theology version of Paul vs the Paul that kept Torah. No doubt about how these writings have been used and manipulated to create an idolatrous "Christian" church. As usual things are complicated. It is worth while to understand Paul better. This however does not change the facts that the prophets gave snippets of info about the Mashiach and by taking the time to work through them I don't see how they came to the conclusion Jesus/Yeshua/Yahoshua was the mashiach of prophecy. The story that when he returns the second time he will complete this work does not appear to have any basis in the Prophets that I have seen so far. This has me seriously questioning the authenticity of much of the material that is in the "New Testament". Why did it take so long for these things to be recorded? You would think these writings would have been recorded very soon after the events that took place. Yet we see a very large gap of time. Rome appears to have their fingerprints all over this.
Regarding Paul, there is little evidence that he was aware of or had ever read what we now as the four Gospels. So how could he have invented Christianity?
Paul, truly did, meet JESUS, on the Road to Damascus..Like all Prophets, Paul received the Holy Spirit ,to put GOD s WORD in Writing..Consider this ...ALL The Apostles were Martyred, rather than Deny JESUS ,because they all. met ,and talked to. JESUS after HIS. Resurrection..
@@maxsage3362 I don’t deny any of that. But Christ said you must drink his blood and eat his flesh or you will have no life in you. His blood are the words of the Gospel and his flesh is the example he left. He wants you to know him and then to believe in him. Believing in him without knowing him one is easily led astray. Paul met Jesus, but never got to know him that well but if you make a place for him, he and his Father will come and live with you.
@@peterblesios9495 No one can force you to believe. You have a perfect right to deny everything. Just don’t deny the existence of the truth.
@@peterblesios9495 God is man. If man is the image of God as the scripture says the God is the reality of man.
@@maxsage3362 Your evidence is Paul met Jesus because Jesus Paul said so! Where in the scripture does it say Paul is a prophet? Paul didn't even believe in what today's Christians claim. Paul believed there is only one God, the father.
Christians fabricated a story, then they were forced to make up lies and more lies to defend that made up story.
By the way, there is not one single evidence to prove with certainty why was Paul killed.
The exact details of St. Paul’s death are unknown, but *tradition* holds that he was beheaded in Rome and thus died as a martyr for his faith. "Britannica"
Your entire argument is based on a *tradition* . Christmas is a Christian tradition too, and we know it has nothing to do with Jesus.
Paul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus is sus 🤣. Sounds more like some scripted Harold & Kumar scene 🎬 .
After watching the video that explains how pigs are not ruminant animals, it seems to me that the restriction about not eating pork was a prophetic warning as much as a dietary restriction! Do not eat what will be served in the future, so to speak! Thanks for posting this video
Daniel 9:
“Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing.
The decree of Artaxerxes I is considered to be the fulfillment of the command in Daniel 9:25. The decree concerned the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. This was in 444BC. There would be 483 years from 444 BC when the decree went out to rebuild Jerusalem to the time of Christ.
62 x 7 + 7x7 = 483.
I can’t imagine being this guy, think about it, this dude lived his life attacking Jesus Christ and if he’s wrong good luck on judgement!!
God is not a triune dual natured god-man who let his creation kill him with hammers, nails, and wood.
God gave you a brain. think, before its too late, God is above everything, God didnot came out from a womens womb and became a child.
A man born from a virgin, dies, rises from the dead and becomes god. You can’t make this shit up. Oh wait…..
Baruch HaShem 🙏🏽✡️🌈
There was no benefit for Paul to start a new religion for the sake of it. Not one that I can think of. Everywhere Paul went he was either attacked, forced to leave town, jailed and even shipwrecked. He paid his own way as a tent-maker or was supported financially by his hosts. There was no money in it for him. He didn't rule any earthly kingdoms or command his own army. The end came when he was beheaded in Rome.
He claimed to have received his message by direct revelation from Jesus, not from men. He was a changed man after his conversion.
Sooo.... YOU are calling PETER a liar ?? cuz Peter said that Paul's writings were Scripture in 2Peter 3:15-16. And you are calling the Author of the book of Acts a liar because the Author says that the Church sent Paul out to be an Apostle to the gentiles in Acts 13:1-3. And you are calling the Original Jewish Church imbeciles for inviting and listening to Paul at the Church Council in Acts 15. *There is a reason that Paul's writings make up most of the NT -- because from Peter to the Original Church to even centuries later, everyone knew that Paul had more spiritual wisdom on what Jesus' death/resurrection accomplished for Mankind, than any other "Christian".*
The "Jesus" character, as described in the NT, did not exist.
@@Nai61a This vid is talking about Paul, not Jesus. Believe as you wish, but allow others to believe as they wish. Don't be a Marxist/Nazi that demands everyone believe as they do. *Suggest you read Daniel 9:26 -- the Messiah would be killed BEFORE the Temple/Jerusalem was destroyed -- and the Temple/Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD -- so if Jesus is not the Messiah, then who was ??*
@@VictorCrowne And Paul never met "Jesus", yet he is largely responsible for founding an entire religion based on the figure described in the NT. There is no good, credible, extra-biblical, contemporary evidence that the described "Jesus" figure existed.
Continue to believe in this "Jesus" if you like. The reason I intervene is because so many of us were misled, and belief in "Jesus" is used to judge, vilify and discriminate people on a daily basis.
As to who the Messiah "was", the Jews will tell you that you have the tense wrong in that question.
@@Nai61a YOU: And Paul never met "Jesus", yet he is largely responsible for founding an entire religion based on the figure described in the NT.
*ME: Paul simply explains WHAT Jesus accomplished for Mankind -- because Paul, a Jewish Pharisee, had more spiritual wisdom than anyone else according to PETER* -- 2Peter 3:15-16.
The converted Pharisee Paul simply explained what Jesus accomplished by his death/resurrection. If you do not believe in it, then so be it unto you. *But Christians understand that Jesus is the FULFILLMENT of the OT -- Jesus is our High Priest and King in the order of Melchizedek -- our final Passover Lamb that defeats Death -- the SEED of Israel that broke Satan's head/power -- the Numbers 21:9 that healed us -- the final sin sacrifice that returned us to the original Faith Contract of the gentile Abraham -- etc*
Don't believe it -- nobody cares -- just let others believe Peter and the Author of Luke, and KNOW that Paul's writings are spiritual truth.
@@VictorCrowne "Spiritual wisdom" and "spiritual truth" are just superstitious nonsense. All religions lay claim to "spiritual wisdom/spiritual truth" of one sort of another.
Paul cannot possibly explain "what Jesus accomplished for mankind" if this "Jesus" did not exist and certainly if Paul never met him. The best he can offer is what the IDEA of "Jesus" accomplished. If this "Jesus figure did not exist, there was no resurrection. These things are all made up.
Like a lot of Jews at the time, Paul was desperate for his Messiah to come. It is not surprising that he swallowed the narrative of those who wanted to believe that their Messiah had already appeared.
If you cannot persuade the Jews - whose texts make up the OT - that your "Jesus" was real and was their Messiah, you are barking up the wrong tree. Rabbi Singer has explained many times on this channel why "Jesus" was not - and could never have been - the Messiah. The Rabbi is too kind to tell you that your "Jesus" did not exist.
Rabbi Tovia I want and need to ask this question was JC in Christianity not the Anti christ The christen formed the cross with the statue and it's not only the Roman church bowing doen before this cross and statue but all the other people too. They told people that if the antichris come he will be wounded and his wound will heal and he will make this statue and everyone have to bow down and worship that statue. But that is what Christian do they bow down and worship J C. My daughter in law is now also against me she told me she will honor me as her mother in law. But She cannot partner with me. She told me that If I dont turn to JC which I left years ago I am not part of her family. My son is married to her I love them so much my grandchildren to love them. She told me I think I am saved by doing good works. This all happened yesterday. Rabbi Tovia my C husband just live with another women and my daughter is married to a woman she never ask me how I am. I am just alone here with Hashem I will never turn my back to Yisrael I belong to Hashem It hurt so much if everyone think you are grazy. JC died accordingly for their sin and went up in a cold so JC was the wounded one that got alive and every one wondered after him. Christian is so bad the si everyday lie in business hate their wife's do idolatry and their children do drug ect. So where where is the salvation. Then. ?😢😢😢
That's one thing I agree with you about!!
I Hate that man so much, completely messed it all up and led billions of people to idolatry.
What do you mean? There would be no Christian religion without Paul. Paul spreads the message of Christ (which is the love commandments) throughout the Greek speaking world.
No. Jesus was not about love, assuming that he existed.
If your mom is Gentile, obey the Noahide laws. 🕊✡️❤️
I don’t know which of the early Jesus-worshipers you mean or if you mean Jesus; however, I do agree that it is tragic that billions have been led into worshiping a false deity, to say nothing of the millions who have been killed or otherwise harmed in the name of Jesus. 🕊✡️❤️
@@AdaraBalabusta Clearly you mean billions of people have been saved? The portion who have been saved surely far out weigh the portion who have been harmed (by false teachers). Jesus' church is: He is the Messiah, the God living - meaning Adam before the fall. He never said he was the son of god, rather he was the son of man. He was our teacher, a man to be emulated.
@@wilderness4071 God is not a man.
If rabbi tovia singer sponsers 10 invindials to become jewish who would grab on and want to be in the 10 student's? It would be so cool to be trained by a real son of aaron when your in a dessert there is nothing to drink so the man walkth by giving water freely .im thirsty
@ToviaSinger What do you think about this?
Paul was ķìĺĺing off disciples then Paul became the authority over the remaining disciples he didn't get to ķìĺĺ.
Paul claimed to be zealous for the law. So since he claimed to be zealous for the law why was he ķìĺĺing Christians?
Now his vision he hears a voice and automatically says Lord? He says Lord before the voice identified himself. Then the voice says to him why does thou persecute me. Now Paul claims to be zealous for the law so why isn't Paul confused when the voice ask why does thou persecute me? If he is keeping the laws and doing what Gd tells him wouldn't he be confused about what he was doing wrong? But yet Paul does not seem to be confused at all. And even when the voice says I am Jesus who thou persecuted Jesus never says yes I am the Lord but Paul keeps referring to Jesus as Lord. And continues to do so throughout his letters. Why would a Jew zealous for the law automatically call a voice speaking to him Lord without it being 100 percent clarified?
What do you think about my theory of Paul's vision?
My only push back Rav Yeshua Ben Yoseph never taught he came to abolish the mitzvah' nor the Navi. Furthermore in Matt 5:19 he states anyone who teaches others one dot of the Torah is now obsolete will be lease in the malchut ha Samayim. Paul Gospel states the Mitzvah are a curse . Gal 3:10 Two different messages.
What motivated Paul in doing that?
Wealth? No.
Power? No.
Women? No.
Just for fun? No.
Ambition and glory? 😇
He did it for glory and fame or it was intended and Paul infiltrated the apostles and their circle to distort the true message of Jesus Christ after failing to do it with violence. Notice that he never met Jesus, so that's why he told that he met him in his way to Damascus. Read this and you'll see that very clearly. He fabricated a story but still misses the details.
___ Compare by yourself between this 👇
Acts - Chapter 26 | New International Version
11. Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. In my obsession against them, I even went to foreign cities to persecute them.
12. On one of these journeys I was going to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priests.
13. About noon, O king, as I was on the road, I saw 👉a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, blazing around 👉me and my companions.
14. 👉We all fell to the ground, and 👉I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.'
___ & this 👇
Acts - Chapter 9 | New International Version
3. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly 👉a light from heaven flashed around him.
4. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
5. Who are you, Lord? Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied.
6. Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.
7. The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; 👉they heard the sound 👉but did not see anyone.
Watch the documentary "creating christ" to understand...
He was a roman agent,paid to create a universal(Catholic)religion that would be used by the roman empire to control men
Todah Rabba!
Dear Rabbi, you stated that the Tanakh explicitly (not by inference) state that when the messiah comes he would be promulgating the old laws and commandments. To prove this you brought up Ezekiel 37:24-25.
But those verses do not “explicitly”state anything about keeping the old laws. It does speaks of ordinances and statutes but it is not explicitly stating that the same exact old laws and the statutes would be enforced again.
Moreover verse 26 of the same chapter speaks of a new covenant of peace. And we know that at no point in Tanakh a new covenant was ever given without abrogating certain old laws and statutes and revealing new laws. Therefore, the only explicit thing we can conclude from Ezekiel 37 is the promise of renewal.
The Torah is eternal and immutable. You ignore this because it refutes your new religion.
I keep hearing that non-Jews will keep Purim rather than Sukkot, though Sukkot seems to make more sense. But I also heard that we won’t have to keep Pesach. All this time, I thought I was going to get a break…. Will there be self-cleaning refrigerators, at least?
The impact of Jesus Christ in the world!! Every time you say today is _ _ 2024 !!your are recognizing this is the year of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
He did not exist. And this is one of the weakest arguments I have encountered.
why aren't the Jews still sacrificing cattle, sheep etc. what Paul is saying is Jesus met all the requirements of the Mosiac law but not the moral law. Paul was a great man and he studied under Gamaliel, he suffered a lot for the gospel and his love for people was exceptional, he even wanted those Jews who opposed him to come in the knowledge of the Messiah.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel. Then, in his days, the observance of all the statutes will return to their previous state. Jews will offer sacrifices, observe the Sabbatical and Jubilee years according to all their particulars as described by the Torah.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 that is true but in the meantime Jacob's trouble (tribulation) where God brings the Jewish nation to it's knees to reveal the Messiah, Jesus, Ezekiel 11:17-18, Zech 12:10. After the judgement of the nations on how they treated the Jews, the new kingdom will be set up, with Jesus, David and the nation of Israel. The sacrifices will be a memorial.
@@denso-d5i Your false prophet failed.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048your false prophet failed?
You sound so sure of yourself and assume you are correct but you are one voice with that assumption and always will be but one voice that doesn’t speak for everyone else.
Rabbi would you do something with Bart Erhman I would love to hear you two compare notes
Maybe Paul has a Pharisee outlook and then gained a different perspective when he found Christ. You claiming Paul must never have been a Pharisee is like saying a person was never raised catholic because they are currently an atheist. You can end up different from how you’re brought up
This so called rabbi is a false teacher and lier! don't fall for his mess! Let God correct you! The old testament talked about this Lord YAHOVAH is Yahshua
Unfortunately, the rabbi misrepresented or misquoted the apostle Paul, a former Pharisee and a leader of Judaism. He studied the Torah under the scholar Gamaliel, and knew the law better than anybody else. He said the law is holy and kept the Sabbath being under the law. Paul was misunderstood even by Jerusalem church teaching the Jews to forsake Moses. Paul taught for sure the gentiles were not under the law, but the Jews were, himself being under the law. The rabbi is not that expert of the whole truth of course having rejected the absolute key of who the Messiah is.
In the future, the Messianic king will arise and renew the Davidic dynasty, restoring it to its initial sovereignty. He will build the Temple and gather the dispersed of Israel. Then, in his days, the observance of all the statutes will return to their previous state. Jews will offer sacrifices, observe the Sabbatical and Jubilee years according to all their particulars as described by the Torah.
If you believe in new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem, then your views shall be changed. This old world shall be destroyed, how then can your views be fulfilled?
@@claromagallanes2877 The Torah is eternal and immutable.
Don't you see what transpires in Israel based on the Torah teachings? Don't you see the blessings and the curses the Torah brought to Israel? Why don't you learn the lessons despites the happenings? You needed the Messiah as promised in the Torah to redeem the curses brought in the law. What I mean the Torah cannot be completed without the New Testament.
@@claromagallanes2877 Keep the 7 Noahide laws and leave Jews alone.
To even understand who Paul was then a person is going to have to understand Paul's past. Paul use to be Saul from Tarsus. Saul was trained in the Laws. Saul was a Godly Man and there was nothing Saul would not do to uphold the Laws. Saul persecuted early Christians, hunted them down, and on his way to Damascus is where Jesus appeared in front of his horse and his horse threw Saul off onto the ground, and Saul said, "Who??" Are You? Jesus said "I am the one you are persecuting against, I am Jesus", "Saul you are blind". So Saul was literally blind after that and in agony even his soldiers could not believe this had happened to such a fierce Man of God. So they took him to a dark room, and Jesus sent a Man named Ananias to Baptise Saul. So he did. Then Saul could see and this was his Reborn event. Later on Saul changed his name to Paul, because Saul was completely wrong. Saul was under a delusion and thought he was going what God wanted him to do, but his understanding was wrong. Why? This is why all people are wrong that still guide themselves. See If a person is not guided by the Spirit, then he is guided by his own self-made truth from a natural perception without the Spirit. Natural Flesh that is Spiritless is who people are at birth. Just like Saul.
Paul's Agenda ...😮
" It's all Greek to me ."
😆 😆😆😆
Paul did not fabricate Christianity. It existed before Paul. Say thank you to Christians without whom Judaism could not exist.
I enjoyed watching master fabricator Pharisee Tovia accuse Paul of fabrications😮!!
The ever hearing and ever seeing.......the blind will lead the blind and they will both fall into a pit!😢
We all want easy answers and answers that make us feel good and to unchallenged our misguided views. When I was an atheist and searching for the truth, I wanted truth, not answers that made me comfortable; the world and the universe is God proof He exists, and it is undeniable. During Moses time, the Torah was given to the Jews and priesthood, tabernacle and sacrifice, everything in the Laws was to be observed and obey and every year the high priest was to do a sacrifice for all Israelites for their sins and that includes the high priest; and the high priest was the mediator to God for the Israelites; this in Leviticus.
Paul very clear in his teaching and correct; the Law reveals our sinful nature and the need for a mediator ( Our Savior Jesus Christ and High Priest) and we need Jesus which is the substitute lamb sacrifice for forgiveness for our sins.
My question is, why did God do away the temple, the high priest, the priesthood, and sacrifice? According to Leviticus, this is forever decree. Did God lied or did He substitute this decree for a better alternative that bring Jews and Gentle to worship God in truth. If you sin you need to bring something to atone for your sins. If you don't believe me read the Torah, don't rely Rabbis.
There is no place in the Hebrew Bible that says that only blood can be used to gain forgiveness for sins from God.
Psalm 110:1 (ESV) Psalm of David. Thus says the LORD to my lord: "Sit at My right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool."
This verse indirectly says that King David said that He was God.
We prefer Rashi to internet experts.
Nope, the text reads, “The Lord said unto my master”
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 The verse above can also illustrate that during the reign of King David there were no stories about Abraham being thrown into the fire.
Jesus never said he Needed An Apostle to the Gentiles...This is a Lie told By Paul...
Paul did not create chritianity. Paul kept Torah and even mentioned keeping the feast days. In acts 15 mentions the 4 things nessisary for converts to do before entering the temple. And then hearing Torah. Also he mentions don't be hearers of the word but doers. Book of James even mentions sin as breaking Torah. So yeah stop the lies.
I am a Christian, but I feel many of Paul’s statements could be taken as this Rabbi interprets them. I admire that he has studied the NT. I think (at least I hope and believe) he is searching for the truth, or he would not have even bothered to read the NT, which he had no reason to read if he were not sincerely a truth-seeker. I ask G_d to bless the Rabbi and draw him to Himself.
Paul was like rabbi Singer a defender of the temple and the Jewish ways but he took it a step further he hunted Christian’s to wipe out Christianity he tortured and killed them but then one day Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus on his latest hunt. I believe Jesus is going to speak to rabbi singer and he will lead many Jews back to the Machiach the Lord Jesus Christ
The Tempter and Deceiver spoken of in the Torah is deceiving many by using a westernized or distorted version of "Jesus" to lead people into a form of worship that ultimately draws them away from the true understanding of YHWH and Yeshua. Many Christians, particularly in Western traditions, proclaim that "Jesus is God," which can lead to theological confusion or misunderstandings, especially when it departs from the understanding of YHWH's true nature and the role of Yeshua as the Messiah.
In Scripture, Yeshua consistently points to YHWH, emphasizing that He came to do His Father's will, speak His Father's words, and fulfill His Father's plan. Yeshua makes clear distinctions between Himself and YHWH, always giving glory to the Father. In John 5:19, Yeshua says, "Yes, indeed! I tell you that the Son cannot do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; whatever the Father does, the Son does too."
The westernized doctrine that says "Jesus is God" can blur this distinction, leading to a form of worship that places Yeshua in the role of YHWH, rather than recognizing Yeshua as the Messiah who reveals YHWH. This confusion could make it easier for The "Deceiver" to distort people's understanding of the true relationship between YHWH and Yeshua, ultimately leading them away from worshiping YHWH in spirit and truth.
Yeshua upheld the Torah and lived His life in perfect obedience to YHWH's commandments. He never sought to abolish the law but rather to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). However, many westernized depictions of "Jesus" suggest that He came to do away with the Torah and establish a new set of laws, leading many to disregard the commandments given by YHWH.
By presenting a "Jesus" who seemingly opposes the Torah, the "Deceiver" is encouraging people to reject the very instructions that YHWH gave to His people, thereby leading them away from the truth of YHWH's word and the covenant relationship He intended.
The western portrayal of "Jesus" often includes imagery that depicts Him in a glorified or idealized way-pictures of a European-looking figure with glowing light, or statues that are venerated. These depictions can foster a form of worship that focuses on an image rather than on the truth of who Yeshua is.
Exodus 20:4-5 commands against making images and bowing down to them. By venerating images or statues of "Jesus," people may be led into a form of idolatry, even without realizing it. The "Deceiver" uses this visual representation to subtly divert people's worship away from YHWH toward something that resembles but ultimately distorts the true Yeshua.
The concept of replacement theology, which suggests that the Church has replaced Israel as YHWH's chosen people, is another way that the "Deceiver" uses the westernized "Jesus" to deceive. This theology often disconnects "Jesus" from His Jewish heritage and from the covenants made with Israel, presenting a version of "Jesus" that has little to do with the fulfillment of YHWH's promises to Israel.
By creating a "Jesus" who is disconnected from the Jewish context, the "Deceiver" deceives people into ignoring the significance of Israel, the Torah, and the promises that YHWH made through the Hebrew Scriptures. This leads to a lack of understanding of the true nature of YHWH's redemptive plan, which centers on Israel and is fulfilled through Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.
In western Christianity, especially in traditions influenced by the Catholic Church, doctrines and rituals that are not explicitly found in Scripture have often been elevated to the level of divine authority. This includes the concept of the Trinity, which though meaningful to many Christians-can be confusing when it is used to explain the relationship between YHWH and Yeshua.
The insistence that "Jesus is God" within the framework of the Trinity, without a clear scriptural basis or understanding of the distinctions Yeshua Himself makes between Him and the Father, is used by the "Deceiver" to confuse people about who YHWH is. This confusion could prevent people from coming to the true knowledge of YHWH as the one true God and Yeshua as the Messiah sent by YHWH.
In many westernized Christian traditions, the use of YHWH's name has been replaced with generic titles like "God" or "Lord." The name of Yeshua has also been replaced with the Greek-derived name "Jesus." While these names and titles are familiar to many, they can obscure the Hebrew context of who YHWH is and the significance of Yeshua's true name.
By substituting YHWH's name and presenting a version of Yeshua without His Jewish identity, the "Deceiver" is leading people away from a deeper relationship with the true YHWH and understanding of His Messiah. This lack of clarity makes it easier for the "Deceiver" to insert deceptive teachings or representations that further distort the truth.
Many Christians are taught that simply believing in "Jesus" is enough for salvation, without necessarily understanding the importance of repentance, obedience, and a transformed life. This superficial understanding can lead people to a false sense of security, believing they are saved while lacking a genuine relationship with YHWH and an understanding of what Yeshua taught.
The "Deceiver" uses this distorted version of "Jesus" to keep people complacent, thinking that they are following the true Messiah while, in reality, they are not fully grasping the depth of YHWH's call to righteousness, repentance, and true discipleship.
Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And wasn't the earliest iconographic image of Jesus The Christ in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess? Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty in order to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction.💙
Rabbi, this is the seminary course I missed. Bad news for all of us, according to some ancient Greek philosophers, the whole God-idea is a concocted thing, by human beings. O boy!
we live in a cursed world, Our body subsists upon it Our flesh is effected by the curse.
The Law was given in a way that it could be kept and those who do it would be blessed and be happy in a good and righteous life.
Please correct the funny image of Saul, a.k.a. Paul of Tarsis. Your image shows him with a full head of hair. He was bald as a badger.
Love this Rabbi,he's not afraid of Christianity and it's hypocrite beliefs.
And who fabricated Moses or David or Solomon ?
Who fabricated the myth of the chosen people ?
It is not a myth. They truly are. And anyone who stands against them will not fare well.
Has Jews /Israel been a good example of keeping the laws? David broke the laws , and he got forgiveness from God. Grace was obtained by David from Yahweh.
What is the new spirit (nephesh) that Yahweh is offering in Ezekiel?
Paul said in Romans 3;2 Oracles of God were given to all Jews what’s the problem with that?
Mel Gibson looking thumbnail 😂
Lol! I thought I was the only one that noticed that.
Why is it here then? Why so prevalent?
Time to put the training wheels back on! ;)
Paul was a Herodian family member,
an Arab
Any sources?
Acts identifies Saul-Paul as a tent maker. Somewhere else, Saul-Paul is flogged a certain number of times because he was a Roman citizen.
I was taught that Saul-Paul was supposedly beheaded instead of crucified because Roman citizens were exempt from crucifixion. I do not know if that information is just legend, though. ✡️❤️
@@AdaraBalabusta James Valiant
@@AdaraBalabusta Nowhere does the Christian Bible say that Paul and 11 apostles were killed for their faith, meaning it is an invented story which is not in the Christian scriptures.
See. Why would Paul willingly die for a lie? Another church falsehood. Rabbi Tovia Singer.
True, it is established by Luke, I n Acts, that Paul was raised alongside Herod the Tetrarch... There should be no question of it. Do Christians ✝️ know how to read?
Herod the Tetrarch was educated in Rome by the way.
It is right to say that Paul is a Roman but he’s more Greek than Roman. I think his grandfather followed Pompey into Cilicia and was actively a part of the campaign to rid the Mediterranean of Cilician Pirates. When Pompey was assassinated in Alexandria, his grandfather decided it was unwise to return to Rome... thus, within a generation, the family became Greek. Is Cilicia that means they became Mithrans. Paul wasn’t exactly Jewish. He was a Roman without a true identity.
It would be helpful if you gave sources for your statements. I am interested in your theory, but I would prefer to see where it came from.
Okay. But I will point out that the Sumerians wrote about The Flood first thousands of years before the Hebrews borrowed it. Jewish historians know that because ancient Hebrews also borrowed from Sumerian texts to come up with Hebrew. How much do you know and are willing to disclose about the real history behind the Torach (Old Testament). I challenge you to answer this truthfully, rabbi.
It's very easy to find conflict with Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those who don’t know, Paul was a Jewish Pharisee who was under the guide of Gamaliel. He was a Jewish Roman citizen who persecuted Christians.
Look up Gamaliel. About 1 in 1000 are chosen to be under the guide and chosen. Paul was that one. His Jewish name was Saul.
Pharisee - a member of a Jewish sect noted for strict observance of rites and ceremonies of the written law and for insistence on the validity of their own oral traditions concerning the law. This is a very simple and unworthy description of the title.
Bearing false witness was punishable by death. There is suggestion that he participated in the the Nazarite vow, as he stated he was purified in the temple.
This is no ordinary Jew and neither were the practices that he dedicated himself to. Why would a man of this calibre risk his life or suffer retribution? His testimony brings light to this.
The gospels or New Testament does not contradict the Torah. In fact the Torah which was later made available after the New accounts or testament only validates it’s writings.
Anyone not familiar with the Torah and practices could not put together the books of the New Testament. Certainly no Roman. King Agrippa was familiar and friendly with the Jews for the sake of keeping the peace. The earliest recorded writings of the New Testament was around 40 - 50AD. The word was given to the Jew first and then to the gentile. Many Jews accepted and welcomed the Messiah and there were those who didn’t. You can read this.
The disciples or followers of Christ (Jews) were commissioned to spread the word to gentiles and thus churches began. It spread rapidly. Later the Roman Catholic Church formed and adopted idolatry. It was an abuse of power, control and manipulation. God calls people to Himself regardless of religion and background according to His will and leads them onto solid rock.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding. Paul was such a man. It took God to touch him before he believed that Christ is Lord. The word who tabernacled among men. The great ‘I AM,’ God’s new covenant fulfilled and who was foretold by the prophets and God whom He spoke of in Genesis crushing Satan’s head overcoming the wages of sin which is death.
Abraham taking Isaac to be sacrificed was a test. Consider the mountain where he was taken and where Christ was crucified. God Promised Abraham that he would be a father of many nations. Through the lineage of Issac. The book of Matthew begins with the lineage of Christ going all the way back to Abraham. Consider when Christ was crucified - during Passover.
The Lord bless you and watch, guard, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful, and giving favor) to you; The Lord lift up His [approving] countenance upon you and give you peace (tranquility of heart and life continually).
And they shall put My name upon the Israelites, and I will bless them (Numbers 6:24 - 6:27)
Yom Kippur benediction/blessing.
With all due respect to Rabbi Singer, he seems to be missing how Torah commandments are contained in following Jesus/Yeshua, who said that He has not come to deny the law but to fulfil it. In other words, with love of God, one does the right thing, the moral thing, and follows the Law easily. Paul is saying that love of Messiah (Jesus) both contains and supercedes the Law, which once had a purpose and now leads one to Christ.
What turns off people listening to Judaism is when you speak hebrew, which just causes confusion and discouragement. Some potential converts are left behind because hebrew is not their language.
Gentiles have no obligation to convert.
Well that's what the Torah was originally written in sooo that sounds like a personal problem! Also Greek changed scripts in the Greek Holy Bible corrupting HaShem's true words from what the original really was in the tanakh! This is why tovia is explaining Yes? I can't imagine the strength it takes to get ppl to come from decades of deception to the truth and ppl just won't listen or accept it! But the truth isn't for everyone! I know for myself it didn't take no convincing I knew in my heart from the beginning something is wrong no one could ever explain the virgin Mary given birth to JC and still can't the Trinity it seemed far fetched to me the holy Sabbath day being stolen and changed to Sunday from Saturday would really raise an eye brow as to why.. then finding out all the truth just falls into place I read study the Tanakh every day and listen to the Orthodox Jewish nations because they brought the word of God through decades of blood sweat and tears for US ALL TO KNOW TODAY! The Jewish nation are the lights to the world that God has placed here for a reason to help bring TRUTH to those who have lost their way or don't know and are broken! I have never done so much crying through my process of becoming a Noahide just emotionally overwhelming anger finding out my dedication to praying to a false idol committing adultery and passing it down to my kids is something I'll never forgive myself for! their souls matter the TRUTH matters!
Your speaking for your self.
That’s not his problem, it’s their duty to study the language. There are many online materials such as relevant courses to study.
Glad to know someone else isn’t into sports either!
Are you saying that Paul fabricated all the suffering he suffered and the persecution he was persecuted with by the Jewish leaders of Paul's day, and remember ,Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus and ask him, Saul, who became Paul, Saul why are you persecuting ME, proving the Holy Spirit of God is inside every soul who receives Yeshua the Messiah. and Jesus told in Acts 9, to Ananias all that He showed Saul what He would suffer being a witness for Yeshua. and Paul in 2 Corinth, proves his apostleship, not to the Jews, but to other followers of Jesus who were criticizing Paul and Paul gave evidence of his suffering for Yeshua, in Corith.11:23-33, that five times he received from the Jews 39 lashes, three times he was beaten with rods, once he was stoned, and Paul goes on the tell of all his suffering and later he says, "So let no one bother me because I bear the marks of Christ. Because in ever4y beating and hardship he suffered , he suffered with joy for being worthy to be persecuted for his Lord and Saviour. There is no possible way that Paul suffered these things for nothing, he must have known that he had a great reward in following Jesus and he was willing to suffer all things, not for himself but for way lay before him in Yeshua his Saviour. There is no possible way that Paul set up his own suffering, the beatings he went through was never for self glorification, but he bared all things to the glory of Yeshua his Messiah.
Tovia is always right but misses or knowingly refuses to see the flip side of the coin, which is the issue of copy paste of what he calls judaisn from canaanite pagan mythology and torah is full of those pagan practices and gods copied from local canaanitescafter mingling with them for centuries. Shocking but bitter reality. That makes both Paul and Moses forgeries. Let's be brave enough to see the historical truth.
Did he do it Alone???? No ,they help him too.
Unfortunately, the righteous science of Almighty God, says differently. Paul, as Saul, was well versed in the word of Almighty God, Jehovah, and saw through many of its faults...all of which involved misrepresenting God's word to the Jewish people. Oppression of the people is an act that provokes God's wrath, more than anything else. When one person benefits massively, whilst a thousand others suffer, oppression is involved. If we lift up our torture stake, daily, we support our flesh better, which, otherwise hangs oppressively from off our own spine. Almighty God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and Moses, unify together on this point.
Were the Jews in anyway intro ducing the gentiles to the God of Israel, or were the Jews keeping the knowledge of Abrahams God to themselves?
Poor Tovia! What a pity!
Paul was right to bring the theory behind jesus,Remember that the jews did not understand jesus in real life.paul studied under gamaliel,your pride
2000 years passed, Paul is becoming greater and greater.
He is probably burning in hell right now😂
@@MaryJane7xoxhaha your right on that
I ❤ listening and learning from you!
This is so great!
Jesus is telling us to do God law and will
I think Paul was indeed the architect of Christianity. Jesus was probably just a liberal rabbi who didn’t like the Pharisees because he thought they were hypocrites .
The question I have always had is: Why did Paul do this? What was his motivation and why did Peter and James go along with it?
Jesus was actually a Pharisee. Every time, Jesus mentions Pharisee, realize he was actually talking about Sadducees.
@@cheryldeboissiere1851 No. Why would you think this? He was an itinerant rabbi. He had nothing to do with the hierarchy of the temple.
This is my theory
Paul was ķìĺĺing off disciples then Paul became the authority over the remaining disciples he didn't get to ķìĺĺ.
Paul claimed to be zealous for the law. So since he claimed to be zealous for the law why was he ķìĺĺing Christians? I am assuming he viewed Christians calling jews away from God and to a strange god.
Now Paul's vision he hears a voice and automatically says Lord? He says Lord before the voice even identified himself. Then the voice says to him why does thou persecute me. Now Paul claims to be zealous for the law so why isn't Paul confused when the voice ask why does thou persecute me? If he is keeping the laws and doing what Gd tells him wouldn't he be confused about what he was doing wrong? But yet Paul does not seem to be confused at all. And even when the voice says I am Jesus who thou persecuted Jesus never confirmed he is the Lord but Paul keeps referring to Jesus as Lord. And continues to do so throughout his letters. Why would a Jew zealous for the law automatically call a voice speaking to him Lord without it being 100 percent clarified?
Paul wanted his own status. Most of Paul's letters are about his own struggles and how he knows what others don't know since he spoke with Jesus after the ascension. Paul is arrogant and clearly speaks for Peter and James we don't have Peter or James backing up the claims of Paul. We only have Paul saying what James or Peter said or did.
@@juannifer32 I just doubt Paul was ever persecuting Christians. And his story of being on the road to Damascus is clearly nonsense. Why did James and Peter ever allow Paul to take the narrative?
B’h 🇮🇱✡️❤️