.....this one okay why wont they go back to the original verison everybody else took a bite off Miles Original Dirty Diana and made it there own look at NSU... they are killing this arrangment and if you listen to their verison it sound just like the original miles verison just in a different key.. come on pmm can yall keep some history for yourself
Your grammar? Anyways, band does not have to be authentic or original, and it is not in your place to judge how a band plays. Let them have fun with their funky tunes, fun twists always mix things up and make it unique. Are you even in the band?
Y’all are tripping the snares are good. Everyone is good.
.....this one okay why wont they go back to the original verison everybody else took a bite off Miles Original Dirty Diana and made it there own look at NSU... they are killing this arrangment and if you listen to their verison it sound just like the original miles verison just in a different key.. come on pmm can yall keep some history for yourself
Your grammar? Anyways, band does not have to be authentic or original, and it is not in your place to judge how a band plays. Let them have fun with their funky tunes, fun twists always mix things up and make it unique. Are you even in the band?
All the snares together what y'all talking bout⚒
Come on piccolos 😋
Miles college different
Snares hella dirty
Oh man Tubas got it down...snares are trash...take a lap...
Snares did good, it’s just their part that sucks. This entire arrangement sucks….
hm... :/ I like the arrangement... but the execution is really bad.
Sounds bad and snares are dirty
This shit sucks! Go back to the original arrangement!!!