@@juan___________ going with any style of drumming is never based on "necessity". So as we're saying, he doesn't kill the groove - ergo - very nice. Def an unnecessary negative comment, though 👍🏻
@@juan___________ Hey dude, where's your video, huh? When people, like you, knock how other's play it only means you are jealous and/or can't do what it is you are knocking.
This is a perfect example of why I tell drummers I want to hear your voice. Your not the original drummer to this song. So play with in the song but play what also makes you unique and who you are. You Sir played this song freaking bad ass. I hear YOU loud and clear.
The beauty of RATMs drumming is the simplicity of it, and how it compliments the song overall. Initially I thought with his ability he'd overdo it, but he didn't. He respected the simplicity but added his own fills etc and it was awesome!
La pandemia senza te suonerebbe molto differente...la tu arte de tòcar la bateria es divina!...ti aspetto qui in Italia appena questo schifo sarà passato!!!
I am watching from Burlington, Ontario. We have to adopt him as an honourary Canadian. His attitude and demeanor screams Great White North! Shout out to all my other fellow canucks enjoying this guy's skills!
Knowing this exists is so comforting. People are living miracles. This is an example of a miracle being absolutely honored, honed, enjoyed and shared with the world. A lot of people think that discipline and rules steal their freedom and fun, but discipline really GIVES freedom and unstealable joy. I would point to this person… their talent, their creativity and their absolute bad assery and say this is what discipline gets you. Discipline allows you to do the impossible and make it look easy. It lets you give the gift of miracles too because it inspires so many others.
Que mala bestia!!! Hacia mucho tiempo que un batera no me dejaba tan impresionado, tienes una pegada brutal y una tecnica acojonante!!! Enhorabuena , tienes un seguidor mas
He even got the ending right when he clicked the drum sticks as he finish led the song. Dude the detail in getting this right with your own sizzle is crazy. Nice bro.
My 1 year old son loves watching this video. It’s the only thing that keeps him carm an still for 4 minutes. I think he will be drummer because of you now in the future 😅
I always knew he was an amazing drummer when I first saw him smoking and playing at the same time lol I used to try n do that but smoke would get up my nose and in my eyes n shit, I couldn't handle it! 😄 😆
DUDE. 🤙🤙🤙 First of all, thank you for covering one of my favorite songs EVER. Secondly, I started practicing this exact song last week and now I feel like I got my work cut out for me. NAILED IT!
This song is so underrated. I'm so sick of going to clubs and hearing Killing in the Name all the fucking time and then asking people who say they "love RATM" what other songs they know and they say "tHeY hAvE oThEr SoNgS?"
Awesome dude, playing is sick as always.. I love the editing in this one, all the flashes and color changes are excellent...and yeah, Johnny Sins part nearly killed me haha keep it up my man!
Been watching since before you said you announced to do this full time, your playing inspires me to also play an instrument and im loving the increased production value! Great playing.
I love the fact that he added something of himself without killing the groove.
That's this channel in a nutshell
Edit: That's this channel in a pocket full of shells ;)
It would be impossible for this man to kill the groove. He is groove
The unnecesary fill type of drummer
@@juan___________ going with any style of drumming is never based on "necessity". So as we're saying, he doesn't kill the groove - ergo - very nice. Def an unnecessary negative comment, though 👍🏻
@@juan___________ Hey dude, where's your video, huh? When people, like you, knock how other's play it only means you are jealous and/or can't do what it is you are knocking.
This is a perfect example of why I tell drummers I want to hear your voice. Your not the original drummer to this song. So play with in the song but play what also makes you unique and who you are. You Sir played this song freaking bad ass. I hear YOU loud and clear.
The beauty of RATMs drumming is the simplicity of it, and how it compliments the song overall. Initially I thought with his ability he'd overdo it, but he didn't. He respected the simplicity but added his own fills etc and it was awesome!
There is nothing simple about his rudiments mate
@@brucecharlie8613 Brad Wilk is a solid drummer but no world beater. RATM songs for a drummer are a nice play.
Brad wilk is an amazing drummer nothing simple or untalented at all
This is one of the songs you can ONLY fuck it up doing more.. the drums originally are prrrrrdect.
Its like give it away - peppers.
Using the snare wires for dj scratching was a stroke of genius!
Like how he scratches with the snare wires lmao
Ye...Ive never seen that before. Hes constantly opening my eyes.
And it sounds surprisingly accurate as well!
@@donsonier9423 if you're interested, a drummer named juan carlos mendoza also scratched his snare wires in a drum-off
La pandemia senza te suonerebbe molto differente...la tu arte de tòcar la bateria es divina!...ti aspetto qui in Italia appena questo schifo sarà passato!!!
Thank you..I watch Carlos aswell
This is the only drummer on youtube that keeps me comming back
Videos like this remind me why I occasionally search for song covers on UA-cam. Absolutely fucking awesome.
Found this 8 days after you and thought the same exact thing. I just listened to this 5 times. Awesome
You make getting through this pandemic so much better! Much respect and appreciation from Canada!
Where in Canada?
I am watching from Burlington, Ontario. We have to adopt him as an honourary Canadian. His attitude and demeanor screams Great White North! Shout out to all my other fellow canucks enjoying this guy's skills!
Killing in the name (SHORT VERSION) Rage against the machine - drum cover / MAURO GALLI
Best rage cover EVER. Holy snare sound. Perfect every time. Godly ghost notes
Man watching you play drums is like watching Michael Jordan play ball . The best of the best ! AWSOM !!!
Pelé of the drums.
Tom morello scratching impressions😂 bad asssssss dude
This is doubtless the most hype cover I've ever seen of this song.
The energy in this video is fucking insane
In all of his vids he looks so relaxed behind his set, like there is no effort being put in. But knowing how complex these songs are its crazy!
The amazing thing about these covers is that he does put a lot of effort and plays them perfectly and still seems like he doesn't care
Snare sounds so good. Straight up killed this cover.
Knowing this exists is so comforting. People are living miracles. This is an example of a miracle being absolutely honored, honed, enjoyed and shared with the world. A lot of people think that discipline and rules steal their freedom and fun, but discipline really GIVES freedom and unstealable joy. I would point to this person… their talent, their creativity and their absolute bad assery and say this is what discipline gets you. Discipline allows you to do the impossible and make it look easy. It lets you give the gift of miracles too because it inspires so many others.
Samus was right: those are the ghost hits of an angel.
same with those single handed single stroke rolls......
@@jasonmgomez no bullsh*t, this guy might be one of the GOATs of our generation.
That snare drum sound just like a popping gun!
HELL YEAH. Made my day for sure.
That snare and ride sound combo sounds so damn good
Wow. Just wow. Amazing interpretation taking it to the next level. Haven’t felt this level of wow since Clay Aeshliman. Madd props!! 👌
Was watching this while in the gym. Damn near fell off the treadmill laughing during the Tom Morello breakdown. Love it.
Que mala bestia!!! Hacia mucho tiempo que un batera no me dejaba tan impresionado, tienes una pegada brutal y una tecnica acojonante!!! Enhorabuena , tienes un seguidor mas
now THATS playing to the song! Hell yeah man I love what you do
0:24 (sic) this is my ringtone now XD
That ride cymbal 😍😍
Que maravillosa !
Me gusta las golpes sobre la snare drum que suenan como disparos de ametralladora !
Awesome mix
The added flourishes in there are like how Keith Moon would roll in some extra hits in his sequences, very cool...
that snare explodes
Best cover ever ... I love this guy.. best drummer on the planet imo
This is the definition of the word cool.
Those ghost notes are epic.
Thank you for covering my favorite song sir!!! Michael...😊.
That snare tone and those rolls & ghost notes are EPIC!! You could teach a few bands I will not name here how to tune a snare, that's for damn sure :)
man, you have so many dynamics in your hits! you are the exact opposite of an extreme metal drummer, thats why you' re so good! cheers from Greece.
2:28 drogas, sexo e rock and roll. 🤘
Killing in the name (SHORT VERSION) Rage against the machine - drum cover / MAURO GALLI
Super energy. I love the way you hit the drums. Specialy the pedals
Velocidad , técnica, improvisación y mucha imaginación.
Espectacular, como siempre 🤷♂️
That half time break in the outro blew my mind. Genius!
Johnny Sins🤣🤣
Hahahaha... he was getting it😆
@@tammycoates7816 for real
Pasa la niña 😸🤣
Love the mooncake that’s always to your left on your videos man
You’re inspiring me to work harder to be a better drummer
4 hours? Damnit i was about to go to bed 😂😂
Thank you sir, this is my all time favorite song!!! And you played it wonderfully!!! I miss ratm!!! Michael...😊.
Pronto llegará el día en el que incorporarás la botella de Anís del mono al set de batería, será un gran día.
He even got the ending right when he clicked the drum sticks as he finish led the song. Dude the detail in getting this right with your own sizzle is crazy. Nice bro.
That snare sound 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Es un temazo y tú lo has hecho más grande aún, realmente espectacular.
Bro snapped 👀
Hermosa version!!! El detalle de acompañar a la guitarra con la bordona es fucking aluscinante! 👏👏👏
My 1 year old son loves watching this video. It’s the only thing that keeps him carm an still for 4 minutes. I think he will be drummer because of you now in the future 😅
La colab mas esperada de 2012: Johny y El estepario
0:45 omg that swaggy sound
Zarpado de bueno!!! Saludos a Mister Sins! 😂
"Bat Country" - Avenged Sevenfold Drum Cover?!!
actually he already uploaded that long time ago. You can check his old vid
Going to watch this now!!
You have unique style, editing and orchestration. You are going to the moon on youtube!!! You are a world engine.
Cool: adding new dimensions of camera movement.
Absolute perfection. One of a kind with the snare wire scratching. Nobody comes close to this drum cover!!! 🙌
I always knew he was an amazing drummer when I first saw him smoking and playing at the same time lol I used to try n do that but smoke would get up my nose and in my eyes n shit, I couldn't handle it! 😄 😆
I love how you put a lil of you in this and kept the vibe of the Song intact.
Epic bad ass cover
Hola estepario saludos desde Argentina. Has un cover de "festival del ritmo" es genial a ver que tal te sale a ti
Thank you mr. Estapario, you are a great inspiration to me sir!!! Michael...😊.
-¿Cuantos efectos quieres en la caja?.
DUDE. 🤙🤙🤙 First of all, thank you for covering one of my favorite songs EVER. Secondly, I started practicing this exact song last week and now I feel like I got my work cut out for me. NAILED IT!
Every time I see a new cover this drummer does I am amazed! He does it better than original 100%! Mesmerizing!
This song is so underrated. I'm so sick of going to clubs and hearing Killing in the Name all the fucking time and then asking people who say they "love RATM" what other songs they know and they say "tHeY hAvE oThEr SoNgS?"
I need to know what effect he did on his drums, I just got into using drum triggers.
Looks like the Yamaha all in one mic/trigger that mounts to your bass hoop and then connects to a module, then into your computer.
@@gseifers1 oh shit really? I just bought the EAD 10!
This had me in full on head bang mode which is surprising because I'm laying in bed.
I gotta know how old that snare drum head is brother??
Probably 3 or 4 hours
@@fred933 haha - the way he plays, absolutely!
Rally round the family With a pocket full of shells. Deep lyrics. Awesome drumming🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Y a ver cuando haces alguna de los smashing pumpkims
Ode to no one
Geek U.S.A !!!
@@thedarkcherubs esta es buenísima 🥁🔥
United states o superchrist sería la hostia
more reverb on the snare pls
they rally 'round the family!!!!! with a pocket full of shells..... brutal!!!!!!!!
No sabia que venia con colaboración del pelado de Brazzers
Loved the Tom Morello cameo in 2:27
BULLS ON FIIIIRRREEEE!!! 🙌🏼🔥🎼🙌🏼🔥🎼🙌🏼🔥🎼🙌🏼🔥🎼
Epic - While smoking a spliff 😎🤘🤘 BOSS
Crazy snare rolls
The fucking ghost notes holy 👻
Love this. Put a little of your own spin on it, kept it true and brutal, and also a perfect song for the times today. Well done sir.
Awesome dude, playing is sick as always.. I love the editing in this one, all the flashes and color changes are excellent...and yeah, Johnny Sins part nearly killed me haha keep it up my man!
You f n nailed it…the feel and groove are perfect
Everyone knows that drummers are the coolest members of any band. This guy just proves that point 🤙🤙
Thats a big ass set of cymbals. Perfect darker sound. Sounds dope
He plays so hard, yet the wear pattern on his snare head reflects great accuracy.
Less flash; more RAGE! Perfect performance from El Estepario! 💯
Bro just threw in some johnny sins
Those giant cymbals are unbelievable and unique!!😳😳 Especially the large high hats!!
Snare slides! Love it!
beautiful snare reverse 🥁🤯🔥
Broooooooooooooooooo. The snare drum wire killed me. I LOVE IT!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This is a BRO drummer!
Mirar videos del Estepario es como hacer paradiddles , uno nunca es suficiente.
Bro I swear your face when you’re drumming is soooo cool like how do you maintain this stoic aura?
Your sound is amazing my friend. That snare sound...... Your groove. Your feel. And you are so good to watch as well. Absolutely top top drawer!
Been watching since before you said you announced to do this full time, your playing inspires me to also play an instrument and im loving the increased production value!
Great playing.
3:07 to 3:10 ! HAHAHA. That was inspiring. 🥁