TOP 5 Most Corrupted Bible Verses

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • The Bible has undergone many translations over the centuries. The most popular translation being the King James Bible. However by studying the Greek you will find many errors and mistranslations. Here are the top 5.
    Other recommended Bible videos:
    - 10 Amazing Facts about the Prophets:
    - 10 Greatest Mysteries of the Bible:
    - 10 Amazing Facts about the Apostles:
    1) John 3:3
    Does it really say you must be born again?
    "Yahshua replied and said to him: “Truly, truly I say to you, unless a man should be born from above, he is not able to see the Kingdom of Yahweh.”
    2) John 1:11
    Did Christ's own people really reject him?
    "He came into His own land, and the men of the country received Him not. But as many who received Him, He gave to them the authority which children of Yahweh are to attain, to those believing in His name: not those from of mixed origin, nor those from of the desire of the flesh, nor from of the will of man, but they who have been born from Yahweh."
    3) 2 Corinthians 6:17
    What is the unclean?
    "Come out from the midst of them and be separated," says the Prince, and "do not be joined to the impure, and I will admit you"."
    4) 2 Thessalonians 3:2
    Should we really try to convert everyone to Christianity?
    "And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith."
    5) Galatians 3:16
    Is Abraham's seed anointed?
    "Now to Abraham the promises have been spoken, and to his offspring. It does not say “and to offsprings”, as of many; but as of one: “and to your offspring,” which are anointed."
    Of course there are numerous more verses. But once you understand these you will gain a much greater understanding of the Bible.
    #Bible, #BibleStudy, #JesusChrist


  • @TruthVids
    @TruthVids  5 років тому +46

    I hope you all like the new intro everyone! I hope these 5 verse corrections give you a better understanding of our Holy Bible.

    • @pineappleoverlord9569
      @pineappleoverlord9569 5 років тому

      TruthVids May you tell me what translation you used?

    • @jameszapata7038
      @jameszapata7038 5 років тому

      Truth vids. The devil has corrupted more than five verses in your Bible. God and Jesus did not give you the Bible. God gave you his Holy Spirit and Jesus died on the cross to give you the Holy Spirit. If you're reading from the Bible you do not have the Holy Spirit truth vids. In the New Covenant truthvides the apostles filled with the Holy Spirit did not have a Bible. The Holy Spirit teach them all things

    • @jameszapata7038
      @jameszapata7038 4 роки тому

      @consumed by the sword . No God did not give us the Bible. God gave us the holy spirit in the New Covenant his spirit. I was never taught by a Bible. The Bible cannot speak.

    • @jameszapata7038
      @jameszapata7038 4 роки тому

      @consumed by the sword . In the old Covenant okay to not have Bible books. They had Scrolls. They would have to kill about 2,000 cows to write on these Scrolls. The apostles in the New Covenant we're not led by a Bible. They were led by the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit would teach him all things. They did not have the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. The first Bible book came out in the year 1456 around there. When the printing press came out. But it was only to the elite that had these books. King James Version Bible came out around year 1611. When the printing press came out to the masses. Before the Bible came out in the old Covenant they had Scrolls. Put in the New Covenant the top people by the word of mouth that was God in them teaching. And the apostles wrote letters to each other they were not scriptures.

    • @jameszapata7038
      @jameszapata7038 4 роки тому

      @consumed by the sword . Your Bible is a man-made Bible. King James was an evil man. He killed people and he was a bisexual king. Jesus would never use a killer and a bisexual man to do his will. Jesus doesn't kill with a sword. He told Peter put up that sword and Peter did. No one can live by the Bible the Bible is not complete. There's thousands of Jesus is good works that he's done that would never put in that Bible. All the good deeds that Jesus has done you could put them in books and the Earth could not hold them all.

  • @deprogrammingbroadcastingn689
    @deprogrammingbroadcastingn689 5 років тому +74

    The word Jew is nowhere to be found in the original bible and in the earlier versions. I made a video exposing this.

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  5 років тому +18

      Great I will check it out!

    • @deprogrammingbroadcastingn689
      @deprogrammingbroadcastingn689 5 років тому +49

      Hebrew Words in the Old Testament Bible:
      1) Yehuwdah: Jehudah or Judah
      2) Yehuwdiy: Jehudite or Judahite.
      Greek Words in the New Testament Bible:
      1) Iouda: Jehudah or Judah
      2) Ioudaios: Jehudite or Judahite, or belonging to Jehudah/Judah.
      The word “Jew” is non-existent. Jews of today come from the line of Esau-Edom NOT Jacob-Israel. They have nothing to do with the tribes of Israel.

    • @mremberton7919
      @mremberton7919 4 роки тому

      How old I have a family Bible prob before your family name came to be

    • @karlowalderam362
      @karlowalderam362 4 роки тому +7

      The New Testament was first written in Greek but okay Joo

    • @seeDiersoilcrossrowds
      @seeDiersoilcrossrowds 4 роки тому +7

      Jesus spoke ancient Hebrew. Not at all what is spoken in Israel today.

  • @Ivy-xs8lz
    @Ivy-xs8lz 5 років тому +20

    “... any other novel....” 🤨 The Bible is not a novel....

    • @Uuxaul
      @Uuxaul 3 роки тому

      But it is a good point of comparison. If you look at the common use of the word during that period in time, you can get an idea of what it was supposed to mean

  • @Luke-jh2sx
    @Luke-jh2sx 5 років тому +21

    Great video brother!

  • @bluesky6985
    @bluesky6985 Рік тому +4

    One of the most misunderstood verses is the second verse of Genesis. It is the key 🔑 to unlocking the word of God. If you don't understand the beginning you'll never understand the end

  • @jimyost2585
    @jimyost2585 5 років тому +10

    This message came while I was drying off after taking a shower on Saturday April 6, 2019 at around 3:30 in the afternoon (this might not be exactly word for word, but I think it's close). Here's what came:
    "The reason so many Christians are flocking to these false teachers and false prophets and other assorted teachers and preachers on UA-cam is because they're hungry spiritually. And because what the teachers and prophets are teaching is devoid of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, their teachings are empty spiritually, so that when people listen to them it gives them a full feeling for a moment, but then not long afterward they're hungry again, so they run back for another feed. And this goes on and on. And they think that what they're doing is something good for themselves spiritually, when in fact the opposite is the truth."
    This in turn reminded me of something the Lord told my old mentor nearly thirty years ago, which was that the reason so many Christians are moving from church to church is because the sheep are hungry and can't find food. I'm pretty sure the Lord told him that back in the late 80's. Just now I had a remembrance of this verse of scripture in which the Lord told the prophet Jeremiah:
    "My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray; they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace." (Jeremiah 50:6, King James Version).
    Back during the mid-90's outpouring of the Holy Spirit the Lord gave a prophecy in which he said that when the outpouring ended that the enemy was poised to retaliate against the outpouring by raising up the biggest onslaught of religious activity in the history of the Lord's Church (e.g. the UA-cam religionists).
    He said therefore that what he wanted for Christians was for them not to be doing anything religion-wise, but to stay home and learn to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to them, and to develop a personal relationship with him in the quietness at home. He said that meant no going to church, no going to conferences, no running after teachers, and no getting involved in any religious 'good works' agendas. There were several verses of scripture that accompanied the prophecy, which are these:
    "For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved: in in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not." (Isaiah 30:15, King James Version).
    "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10).
    "And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you." (1 Thessalonians 4:11).
    "Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." (Hebrews 4:11).
    Back in June of 1995 I heard one of the Christian prophets speak this message, and toward the end of it he reemphasized that the Lord wanted for his people to forego doing anything religion-wise, and to stay home and develop a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit in the quietness at home. I think the reason he was so emphatic about it was because he knew that the Lord regarded it as a very important move against the coming religious onslaught.
    There are a couple of other verses of scripture that support this message, and which have to do with identifying the false teachers and false prophets who are parasites on the body of Christ, which are these:
    "If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridles not his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is vain." (James 1:26).
    "These things have I written to you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." (1 John 2:26-27).
    I think it's worth mentioning that the Apostle James was one of the Lord's younger brothers and was regarded as having the preeminent authority among the Apostles, also that the Apostle John was the Lord's best friend.
    In the above verse the Apostle John plainly states that Christians who have the anointing of the Holy Spirit don't need teachers, yet most Christians ignore it and go ahead and heap to themselves teachers anyway (per 2 Tim. 4:3-4), mostly because they're lazy spiritually and want for someone else to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. It's really very sad. My guess is that the'll be as answerable to the Lord as the teachers themselves because they keep them afloat financially. It it wasn't for their support most of the false teachers and false prophets (and other assorted religionists on UA-cam) would dry up and blow away.
    Furthermore, not only do these presumptuous teachers and so-called 'prophets' not bridle their tongues, they do the opposite and allow themselves to be used as mouthpieces by religious spirits who drive them and drive them to never shut up. And by allowing themselves to be used that way by the demons they become parasites who end up leeching on the body of Christ, and are largely responsible for the current spiritual stagnation of the body of Christ, especially in America (you can tell by reading the comments people post throwing roses at the false teachers and false prophets that they are devoid of spiritual discernment).
    These teachers, preachers, and so-called 'prophets' on UA-cam exemplify King Solomon's statement that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words. (Eccl. 5:3), as well as his statement: "The horseleach has two daughters crying, give give." (Proverbs 30:15), ("Donate, donate, donate, donate, donate," etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum). They should all shut up and go get real jobs like normal people do. If they had the anointing of the Holy Spirit to have genuine love in their hearts for their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that's exactly what they'd do.The reason they don't have that kind of love is because longtime consortium with a religious spirit kills the heart.

    I think it would be appropriate to close with this famous quote by Carl Sandburg:
    "I won't take my religion from any man who never works except with his mouth, and never cherishes any memory except the face of the woman on the American silver dollar."

    • @jimyost2585
      @jimyost2585 4 роки тому +1

      @@valkyrie8038 ~ "Cruel Jibe" eh? When I read it I had to grin (so thank you for saying it because I needed a good grin), for one thing because it reminded me of the following famous quote by Will Rogers:
      "A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth."
      Moreover, what you wrote makes me wonder what you're doing scoping out comments that were posted a year ago. It makes me think that you must be bored out of your tree, either that or that you don't have much of a life.
      I wrote that comment so long ago that I had forgotten that I had written it. So thank you for replying to it and reminding me because I'm going to copy it and save it because it's even more relevant to the religious scene now than it was a year ago (especially the UA-cam religious scene).

    • @allbets0ff134
      @allbets0ff134 3 роки тому

      So since you are teaching me something with biblical reference I shouldn't listen to you either? God doesn't say not to learn from others infact her encourages us to learn from the elders as well but to be careful and test everything against the Bible.

    • @anonymous3174
      @anonymous3174 3 роки тому

      I have had a similar revelation.

    • @shotpusher
      @shotpusher 2 роки тому

      Thank you.

    • @sofietaylor2573
      @sofietaylor2573 Рік тому

      I agree, but videos such as this are good as they teach and don't 'preach'. Every man i have heard preach has a big ego, so i don't listen to them.

  • @leefromnyc
    @leefromnyc 2 роки тому +4

    the bible got more updates than my iphone

  • @denissutherland3653
    @denissutherland3653 5 років тому +8

    Matthew 24 :36 " No one knows about that day and hour, not even the angels of Heaven, not even the Son, but only the Father."

    • @denissutherland3653
      @denissutherland3653 3 роки тому

      @Karim Mhawesh The Bible that was ghost written by Jesus does not support your demonic viewpoint. God formed the Plans for His Universe in His own mind before time began, He is timeless and uncreated, He is the, was the architect of the Universe if you like and like all architects they don't do the building. In God's good time He designed Jesus to be His builder ie he managed a team of angels that included satan and his vermin, the putting in place of God's Plans. In other words Jesus was thought out = created and made begat by God in concert with His plan for Jesus to be the first angel. From that begotten point time as we know it began. Not surprisingly God is unapproachable and not understandable which is why Jesus is so vital he is the one and only mediator between God and men. He knows what it is like to think like God and to think like men, he sacrificed his blessed thinking and that is what it is all about THINKING and was born of Mary a fallen angel materialized subject to satan, He was spiritually dead as all humans are when born, even conceived and until God told him God's Good News he lived a life spiritually dead, tempted in everyway. At his day of Salvation God wiped out all Jesus's previous sin, involuntary and deliberate and gave him a fresh start and also wondrously dismissed permanently the demon in Jesus's born with lower human nature. From that point on Jesus pioneered sanctification which is the transforming of your THINKING to become in line with Jesus's THINKING after your first resurrection and so to attain God's original design for man before He God allowed satan and his mob to corrupt Hid design. Revelation 1 : 17 - 18 “Stop being afraid. I am the first and the last ; I am the living one although I was dead, and, behold, I am alive for ever and ever…”

    • @keithtauber4153
      @keithtauber4153 2 роки тому +1

      @@denissutherland3653 Wow, get behind me and everyone else who sadly might read your lies, Satan.

    • @denissutherland3653
      @denissutherland3653 2 роки тому

      @@keithtauber4153 I have handed ny THINKING over to Jesus and am delighted to do so, so you are saying Jesus is satan he ghost wrote the Bible and I am quoting straight from his incredible book. It is you that is from satan but like all his deluded and deceived you don't know that and sadly you may never know that so as your conscience tells you you are heade for the torture of the lake of fire the place God and Jesus have prepared for you where you will torture others and they will torture you in the context of dog eat dog.

    • @keithtauber4153
      @keithtauber4153 2 роки тому

      @@denissutherland3653 No weapon formed against me will prosper Satan.

    • @denissutherland3653
      @denissutherland3653 2 роки тому

      @@keithtauber4153 Are you saying Jesus is doing the work of satan because if you are then that is MONSTROUS I am quoting his Bible he ghost wrote carried away by God= taught by God the HOly Spirit. Be warned Jesus and God are not happy with you. Psalm 2 : 4 - 12 The one ( GOD) enthroned in heaven laughs and the Lord (Jesus)scoffs at them. Then He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath,( at the second death) saying, “ I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill will proclaim the decree of the Lord.” He said to me,( Jesus) “You are my Son, today I have become your Father Ask of me and I will make the nations your inheritance the ends of the earth your possession You will rule them with an iron sceptre. ( Jesus is about to enter his 1000 year reign) Therefore you kings ( know alls) be wise ; be warned you rulers of the earth.( atheist/gay lobbyists) Serve the Lord( Jesus) with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son,( meaning hand over your THINKING to Jesus) lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.( Jesus)

  • @NewsNotShownonTV
    @NewsNotShownonTV 5 років тому +17

    Yes the church and translators have told many lies about the scriptures. When Jesus was referring to born again in John 4 he was not referring to Baptism of the Holy Spirit but the Resurrection. Jesus Christ demonstrated being born again after His resurrection. Also Matthew 27:52: The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. As Paul said the dead in Christ are raised first.

  • @FiggsNeughton
    @FiggsNeughton 3 роки тому +4

    Absolutely fascinating. Thank you for your work sir!

  • @jackson7962
    @jackson7962 5 років тому +28

    Praise Yahweh the God of the Isrealites and the Isrealites alone!

  • @machinemaker2248
    @machinemaker2248 Рік тому +2

    If born "again" is a mistranslation, then why does Nicodemus ask in verse 4, "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"

    • @machinemaker2248
      @machinemaker2248 3 місяці тому

      @@Mosesthewhiteboy Heresy lost its meaning with the protesters' "reformation." It was necessary to break the hold on interpretation held by the Catholic Church, but with that came individual interpretation. Now heresy is impossible.
      I do agree that his interpretation does appear to be incorrect here, though without going to the original text to verify a descent translation, I can't be sure. For example, Elyon, God Most High, has been mistranslated as a title for Yhwh, but Elyon is a name of a separate being. The deeper I look, the more I see that nothing is what we were told it was.

  • @dancoles2235
    @dancoles2235 Рік тому +2

    Great work brother. I'm grateful that you are putting this rarely-disseminated info out in a quality way! I've been like-minded for a very long time, and often reexamine things from a point of skepticism to test validity. On this issue, I've known many compatible facts and often asked myself ~Why is this important though? The answer is clearer in understanding that God makes covenants with people, and that being a part of a covenant is not synonymouswith a vain superiority complex. So if God did make a covenant with Israelites (all tribes, not just Judah, and definitely not just synagogue of Satan blaspheming antichrists claiming to be Judahites or Judeans), then that covenant is very important. So the popular false teaching that misidentifies Israelites is not a simple misunderstanding, but something which significantly distorts and undermines a critical Biblical teaching, which is part of the greater mystery of our mortality. The covenant with the church, the covenant with the bloodline, and the covenants of marriage are related, incredibly important, and synergistic with the gospel.

  • @aashibhatia5517
    @aashibhatia5517 5 років тому +22

    I love Jesus ❤️❤️

    • @ragaprintingsolutions
      @ragaprintingsolutions 4 роки тому +2

      Start reading bible idiot

    • @TheMrpalid
      @TheMrpalid 3 роки тому +6

      Jesus is a prophet. He was falsely turns into a God by the early church founders. I researched this for decades, today gladly I found the truth about Jesus in Islam, alhamdulillah

    • @ahlisorga5320
      @ahlisorga5320 3 роки тому

      @@TheMrpalid wut😄, were u reverted?

  • @editsdharma108
    @editsdharma108 3 роки тому +3

    Repent even Nicodemus answered by saying " How can someone go into a mother's womb and be born again" and if Born again is false why would he say it? We have to be born again and Repent TruthVide

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba 3 роки тому +1

      It could be refering to if a man born from above born again. But who knows...

    • @allbets0ff134
      @allbets0ff134 3 роки тому +5

      Well we can at least agree the jews are not the chosen ones of God.

    • @keithtauber4153
      @keithtauber4153 2 роки тому +3

      Agree. When people attack the Bible (KJV) it is a bad sign. Satan wants people to question everything because he was like that. He questioned if God really said what Eve said she was told by Adam. Satan questioned scripture with Jesus. Satan still questions scripture today albeit in youtube comments all over the place. Be careful.

  • @ManikiMPACT
    @ManikiMPACT 5 років тому +2

    Thank for These videos keep up the good work and God bless you friend

  • @TedBruckner
    @TedBruckner 5 років тому +11

    The oldest complete Hebrew Bible is standardized Masoretic Text and dated to AD 1009 and is the main one used for English translations. The Eastern / Greek Orthodox today are still exclusively using the Peoples Bible that the apostles handed to the beleevers and have been doing so un-interruptedly. All attempts to get them to use the Masoretic Text have failed. (For their NT, they use the same text-type as the KJV.) The Peoples Bible was the Greek translation by the Seventy Interpreters (which was produced in the 3rd century B.C. by sanctioned faithful Israelite elders anticipating the Messiah.)
    The New Testament is a reliable text and it's an undisputed fact that 90% of the (approximate) 250 direct quotations of the Old Testament in New Testament agree with the Greek Old Testament (Septuagint), but the majority of the quotes disagree with the Masoretic Text. And the Dead Sea Scrolls / Qumran evidence and the Samaritan Pentateuch agree more with the Septuagint than they do with the Masoretic Text.Justin Martyr (AD 100-165) stated in Dialogue with Trypho 71-73 that the scribes / rabbis deliberately removed, altered or distorted Messianic verses in their Scriptures; Irenaeus (AD 130-210) stated the same (Against Heresies, 3.21.1).
    In addition to messing up Messianic verses, the scribes changed “light ye for yourselves the light of knowledge.” to “break up your fallow ground” (Hosea 10:14) as found in Catholic and Protestant Bibles. And in Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 the Spirit of God actually said " … walk in the ways of your heart blameless, and not in the sight of your eyes …
    for youth and folly are vanity." NOT "… walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes … or childhood and youth are vanity."
    God didn’t call Jacob (whom He loves) a worm (Isaiah 41:14), nor say or have the prophet Micah say "Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls." (Micah 1:8) (/he really said "she", Samaria, will do those things). The Spirit of God didn't say "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) The Spirit of God actually said "The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man, and who can know him?" Etc. etc.
    The following names of charts that you can cut-and-paste of will allow you to see more proof texts:
    Comparisons between the Bible and the Septuagint - Ecclesia
    Proverbs Comparisons - The Bible and Septuagint - Ecclesia by Richard Anthony (14-pages organized by topics) has both texts side by side but not the Brenton footnotes.
    Don't use the NETS translation of the Septuagint, it's mostly Masoretic Text. Thompson's translation(1800 A.D.) has been messed-up with Masoretic Text in it's re-printing.
    I like Brenton's translation modified into modern English: LXX2012 by Michael Paul Johnson. who included Brenton’s footnotes.
    Book form: The Septuagint with Apocrypha in English: The Greek Old Testament in English published by Ex Fontibus Company, 2nd edition.
    Digital form: Or from Amazon for $1.99 in Kindle format w/ free software.
    The Orthodox Study Bible is a reliable translation of the Septuagint, but it has “Study Notes,” a NKJV NT, and half of Isaiah 22:22 is omitted.
    An Greek-English interlinear Septuagint with Strong’s #s : The Apostolic Bible Polyglot available at online and pdf and Book. It's not a translation nor a polyglot / many language, but it is very useful to use in conjunction with Strong's and other Greek-English dictionaries.

    • @0hhtecMusicianTheNotecianHero
      @0hhtecMusicianTheNotecianHero 4 роки тому

      I have the OSB. What's the missing half os Isaiah 22:22 and what's the consensus on NKJV's NT and the OSB's study notes?

  • @denissutherland3653
    @denissutherland3653 5 років тому +1

    2 Corinthians 11 : 12 - 15 " But I do this and I will continue to do
    it. in order to eliminate the opportunity of those who wish an
    opportunity to prove themselves the same as we are - and to boast about
    it. Such men are false apostles. They are crafty workers. They
    masquerade as apostles of Christ and no wonder! for satan himself
    masquerades as an angel of light. It is then no great wonder if his
    servants too masquerade as an angel of light. It is then no great wonder
    if his servants too masquerade as servants as servants of
    righteousness. There end will be what their deeds deserve."

  • @THEJOKER-ii8wo
    @THEJOKER-ii8wo 5 років тому +5

    Deuteronomy 23:7-8 has to be a mistranslation right?... Because it can be a major stumbling block for our brothers

    • @THEJOKER-ii8wo
      @THEJOKER-ii8wo 5 років тому +3

      @@TruthVids it probably was deliberately mistranslated then

    • @jonashylten6741
      @jonashylten6741 4 роки тому

      SwordOfTheKingdom Maybe racist, but might be some thruths? Like that some of the lost tribes where spread ower The european nations? And then mixed?

    • @jonashylten6741
      @jonashylten6741 4 роки тому

      Hail It is a sin since we are al relatera to Noah and Adam. Cerated in the liknes of God.

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 4 роки тому

      @Acts 2:38

  • @fiadelli14Uall
    @fiadelli14Uall 2 роки тому +1

    Making sense with knowledge.

  • @jonashylten6741
    @jonashylten6741 4 роки тому +4

    Why did Thomas then go to India?😀🇮🇳🇸🇪 (You have a good voice, easy to listen to bur what is The purpose? Racial pride? You know that there where always people who where not Israelites in the bible spoken good of) Some great revelations like "Behold Mail Behold Hand".

    • @peche184
      @peche184 4 роки тому +4

      Whites were in india. Thats why sone indians have blue eyes and look more white than the typicsl indians

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 4 роки тому +11

      We need some racial pride at this point. Every other race displays it in copious amounts and nobody calls them out on it. So why are whytes always in the wrong when they do the same?
      Answer: envy. Contempt for whytes has always been rooted in envy.
      Shrug off the guilt trip brainwashing.

    • @ddman5025
      @ddman5025 4 роки тому +4

      Ezekiel Watters
      They make you feel guilty for being white.

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 4 роки тому +7

      They can try.

  • @nihilistic7840
    @nihilistic7840 2 роки тому +1

    Then why in John 3:4 does Nicodemus respond "John3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?" Doesn't this indicate that Nicodemus was interpreting Jesus' saying as being born "again", not born "from above"? Then in John 3:8 Jesus seems to correlate being "born from above / born again" as being "born of the spirit" which would also correlate with a second birth?

    • @nihilistic7840
      @nihilistic7840 21 день тому

      @spinetingler-007 I don't think you watched the video

  • @lianmassey7913
    @lianmassey7913 5 років тому +2

    The Bible states that lying scribes have corrupted the word. Yahuah is the true name of our Father, our Creator and His son is Yahusha. Baal worship as spoken of in the Bible is going on all over today by way of deception, god and lord mean baal. Yahuah is saviour as spoken of in Isaiah and Yahusha is messiah. Yahuah bless

  • @aashibhatia5517
    @aashibhatia5517 5 років тому +10

    Holy Bible true
    Praise the Lord

  • @mindispower777
    @mindispower777 3 роки тому +2

    Give a verse that Jesus is here for the Israel and only for the Lost tribe of Israel?
    John 3:16
    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
    He said that "whosoever" believe in Him will be save he didn't said that for all Israelites who believe In him but he said for "All" who believes In him will be save

    • @GIANTjackass101
      @GIANTjackass101 2 роки тому +2

      the Israelites are the people who became Christians

    • @sofietaylor2573
      @sofietaylor2573 Рік тому

      Matthew 15:24
      But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 10:6
      But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

  • @keithtauber4153
    @keithtauber4153 2 роки тому +4

    When someone attacks the KJV, it is a serious red flag to me and is my cue to leave.

    • @rapidfire4528
      @rapidfire4528 2 роки тому +1

      Amen to that brother KJV is the only true Word of God I own other translations but nothing compares to KJV ✝️🙏🏽❤️

    • @BggProductions
      @BggProductions 2 роки тому +1

      Is one English translation sufficient for you?

    • @Nicolos117
      @Nicolos117 2 роки тому +1

      Why? How is The King James Bible perfect?

    • @keithtauber4153
      @keithtauber4153 2 роки тому

      @@Nicolos117 If you go down the road that the Bible is inaccurate, it becomes very slippery for you. Be careful. Satan wants to see you fall.

  • @anish2nibiru.
    @anish2nibiru. 3 роки тому +1

    Praise Adonai our Elohim Y'israel Praise His HOLY NAME MESSIAH YAHUSHA HA'MASHIACH. Because He will retrieve His children the True Israel nation the 12 Tribes of Juda which was scattered throughout the world. Praise Adonai for He is worthy to be praised!! HalleluYah!!

  • @jannortje3555
    @jannortje3555 4 роки тому +1

    If you know so much truth, how is it that you do not know where the name jesus and christ come from?

  • @allesgut8506
    @allesgut8506 3 роки тому

    Prima content - thank you. ---- Please chose some other or no music - would be better, not so noisy and not disttracting.

  • @lianmassey7913
    @lianmassey7913 5 років тому +1

    We are told by the son Himself that not one jot of the law will be abolished until heaven and earth pass away yet christianity says not to follow law. Interpretations given are wrong in christianity and a lot of deceived people will be saying lord, lord and told to depart as they were not known by our true Messiah

  • @chaddoyle9009
    @chaddoyle9009 3 роки тому

    Hey brother, I recognise you from RV truth comments. Subscribing now.

  • @JCRstudies
    @JCRstudies 3 роки тому +1

    Are you saying if we ask Jesus in to are lives we won't be saved I am so confused I love Jesus more than anything
    He is my father and he is the father of us all

    • @sofietaylor2573
      @sofietaylor2573 Рік тому +1

      @@mrmister6058 'Faith without works is dead.'

  • @robertmason6366
    @robertmason6366 2 роки тому

    Truth Vids what video making software do you use. ?

  • @DeepsongProductions
    @DeepsongProductions 5 років тому +2

    Great vid, subbed you.

  • @1way142
    @1way142 3 роки тому +1

    Where did u find that John 1:11-13 translation? (2:58 in the video) “mixed origin” is not in any translation I can find

    • @Nicolos117
      @Nicolos117 2 роки тому

      The GNT translation makes it more clear. I’m not sure where the mixed origin comes from but the generally accepted translation is definitely off. Jesus’ people, the Israelites of Judah and of the heathen nations were scattered, the Israelites in Judea did not accept Jesus because the Jewish leaders were corrupt, so Jesus and his apostles went to the heathen Israelites who did accept him.

  • @goliathstrainingschool2467
    @goliathstrainingschool2467 5 років тому +1

    However, Paul tells us that if we confess that Jesus is our lord and if we believe God raised him from the dead then we are saved, 'a new creation' meaning that we are born again at that moment. Cain wasn't born from the devil and eve...if so, God would not have warned Cain about his jealousy towards his brother and tells him if he doesn't do well sin lies at the door. If Cain was of the devil and eve having a sexual relationship, then God would not have warned Cain nor would he have put a mark on Cain so that whomever killed him it would be on his head 7 times. The Fallen Angel's never mixed with humans until way after Cain was dead...and multiplied so much only Noah and his family were the only human beings left. Also, after Christ said that you have to be born again it confused Nicodemus who asked how could a man be born again. If Christ meant that you have to be a descendant of Adam then Nicodemus would not have asked about it. Reading what his reply was, its evident that he did say that a person needs to be born again. When examining the bible, if even 1 thing doesn't add up with it perfectly, then whatever idea ur examining is wrong. However, really nice way to get people interested in the bible. God bless

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  5 років тому +7

      Christ definitely said you must be born from above.
      Here is Nikodemos response more accurately translated. “How is a man able to be born, being old? Is he able to enter into the womb of his mother a second time and to be born?”
      Nikodemos didn't understand what Christ meant. However Christ's parables further explain this.
      There are sheep and goats, wheats and tares, good fish and bad fish. You are either born one or the other.

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 4 роки тому +1

      @Acts 2:38
      The only thing certain here is that you're not whyte.🤣

  • @wildnkarafree
    @wildnkarafree 5 років тому +3

    Wait! What? You're saying the bible is corrupted?

    • @jackson7962
      @jackson7962 5 років тому +9

      Many translators have failed either on accident or on purpose. And many words are not what they should be when we look at the original Greek and Ancient Hebrew

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  5 років тому +14

      Some of the translations are corrupted.

    • @deadtoselfShema
      @deadtoselfShema 5 років тому

      It's impossible to perfectly translate from one language into another language. Due to word for word for one word in one language may not have a word that clearly means the same in the language its translating from. Then idioms, slang, even phrases, then culture. Bible manuscripts are of Hebrew / Eastern thought (active, concrete, cyclical, etc.) English is of Greek Western thought (passive, abstract, lineal etc.) Add the biases of the translator(s). 2 thess 5:21-22 speaks of testing what we are taught and read related to the faith. We will also be held accountable via what resources we had. The Talents parable screams this. We have software both for computers and online. Like blue letter Bible online. Commentaries, interlinear Bibles, Strongs. Best way to test a teacher is if they remind us to test their teachings or not. Many Bibles are bringing back the Hebrew names and some words that have stronger meanings than English. Examples HalleluYah Bible, Institute Scripture Research Bible, and the Et Cypher Bible. Search the reviews od each here on UA-cam. Each has positive and negative. Blue letter Bible site has a section where you can read a single verse in like 30 Bible versions. Paraphrase Bible versions are good for just reading not study, like reading a comic version for kids. Bible versions that didn't use the LXX Septuagent are useless. The Greeks wanted the TANAKH (O.T.) In Greek. Hebrew and Greek Scholars worked together to make this. It's great resource to see what Greek word was used for a Hebrew word then see if same English word is used in both NT and OT for that word. Also can do the reverse see if NT Greek word translated into English is same in OT Hebrew. If not should be screaming in our heads something may be wrong. Check out Jeff Benner channel he teaches great understanding on translating Hebrew. Alan Horvath channel teaches oldest Hebrew (Otiot) letters.

    • @wildnkarafree
      @wildnkarafree 5 років тому +1

      @@TruthVids It's very strange to me that God could give us his Word for living and it be possible to corrupt.

    • @wildnkarafree
      @wildnkarafree 5 років тому +2

      @@TheRealKoolair Unfortunately everything about this world is corrupted, Evil forces rule our government, Demons possess us or try, Poisons contaminate our environment and our food, We slaughter millions of animals every single day for consumption, We march into wars and kill innocent people and call it collateral damage. Medicine kills us instead of healing us. Disease is rampant. We murder our fellow human beings.. not to mention all the animals. Everything that lives dies. and that's the short list!

  • @emko2490
    @emko2490 Рік тому

    Adamites hated Christ? What? Thats a nonsense. Adamites are from Adam too as Israelites are

  • @lactate
    @lactate 3 роки тому +1

    Hello, brother. What is the best translation I should be reading?

  • @bubbadavidson6920
    @bubbadavidson6920 2 роки тому +1


  • @elmernarrazid3160
    @elmernarrazid3160 3 роки тому

    A book with no original text today will surely be corrupted.

  • @tobiahtoviyahgoodnessof349
    @tobiahtoviyahgoodnessof349 4 роки тому +2

    Yet another little gem

  • @newking8395
    @newking8395 4 роки тому

    How they corrupted the word god?
    Where the word god came from?
    -Biblically on torah the word Gad is?
    The text of torah argues means that the name of Gad means luck/fortunate.
    In hebrew deriving from a root meaning cut/devide
    in the sense of devided out;
    Classical rabiniccal literature argues that the name was prophetic
    reference to the manna
    Some biblical schoolars refers Gad to a diety originally worship by the tribe namely Gad.
    The semitic diety of fortune who according to
    The book of Isiah.
    Was still worship by certain hebrews during
    The 6th century BC.
    -In the book of enoch 1
    There is an of an angel
    Book of enoch 69:6-7 and
    The name of the third is Gadreel (pronounce Gawd (Gad-re-el) this is the one that showed all the deadly blows to the sons of men.and he lead astray eve.and he showed the weapons of death to the chldrens of men,the shield and breastplate and sword for slaughter and all the weapons of death to the sons of men .
    7.and from his hand they had gone out against those who dweel the dry ground from that time and forever and ever.
    -In the one dollar bill
    You can see the one eye pyramid and the word in God we trust in fortune We trust.

  • @urbanninja388
    @urbanninja388 5 років тому +7

    Be more careful brother, I have checked all the literal translations I could find and concordances. None come close to the translations you offer or their interpretations

    • @shanestrickland5006
      @shanestrickland5006 5 років тому +8

      Did you check concordant literal youngs literal and rotherhams empacised bible ?
      All of these are more accurate than the mainstream translations.

    • @Nicolos117
      @Nicolos117 2 роки тому

      @@shanestrickland5006 how do I find the true translations?

  • @jonathonwallace4128
    @jonathonwallace4128 5 років тому +2

    the spirit is with you brother

  • @splashcoast7879
    @splashcoast7879 5 років тому

    Rosette, have you heard of brianaustinlambert channel? If so what is your opinion on this man

    • @onysf
      @onysf 5 років тому

      He's a deceiver, already asked rosette about it on her site, can't remember which comment section. His name is basically BAL33, constantly showing wolf imagery on his videos.

  • @matthewsiahaan1312
    @matthewsiahaan1312 5 років тому +1

    Research the Syriac Church.

  • @pr7049
    @pr7049 5 років тому +1

    2nd squeeze. According hadiths over 70% of Quran letters were lost even before Uthman. The kufar in arabian prophet channel is laughing at you. Please refute him in skype debate or live chat.

    • @meerwho
      @meerwho 4 роки тому

      And which hadiths is this?
      If you can't provide evidence,then stfu

  • @mindispower777
    @mindispower777 3 роки тому

    John 3:1-9 Jesus never tell that you must Born from above to be Born again he said you must be Born of "Water" and the "Spirit" and that's trough "baptism" if you already accepted Jesus that's how you be Born again
    Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.(H)6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b]gives birth to spirit.(I) 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You[c] must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

  • @neo3768
    @neo3768 3 роки тому

    Still don't make sense, why are many disciples of Jesus were going preaching far away from Israel/Palestine .st Thomas end up far away to sout India

  • @deadtoselfShema
    @deadtoselfShema 5 років тому +1

    Shalom, 2 cor 6:17. It's NOT Prince. When Prince is used in scripture it is always has a clarification of which Prince. The Greek language has Archon as the word for prince. You need to use LXX Septuagent when translating Kyrios. Where the Hashem YHWH/YHVH is in the LXX TANAKH (O.T.) translation it uses Kyrios. By using Prince is no better than when KJV and other English Bibles replace HIS NAME with a title. I agree with you the KJV and other English Bibles have MANY ERRORS; but doing the same thing by not using the LXX to see what word the Greek uses to translate a Hebrew word into is no better. One must also know the meaning difference of unclean and impure (in Hebrew Faith thought) are. Impure (or purity levels) are related to products like oils. One cant clean an OIL or SALT via washing them. When a person is unclean per sin or something they touched can only be cleansed via WATER or BLOOD.
    I haven't watched the full video, had to pause and point out the problem here. So not sure if you have covered the six verses that say "They met on the first day of the week". These are really the worst corrupted verses in Scripture. Because the Greek manuscripts dont have any of those words. Mia ton Sabbitton, this phrase starts next week during Passover and Unleavened week festivals.
    Mia means ONE (rarely first unless the context calls for it), ton is a connection word (of, and, the, etc.) And a child that can read English can explain what Sabbitton means. All cultures and languages that have a word for Sabbath it's usually close to actually saying it.
    The first 7th day Sabbath during unleavened bread week starts two ways of counting to Shavout / Pentecost (50days) either 7 (7th day) Sabbath's plus one, or 50 omers. (Why Greek it says one of the Sabbath's) The first and last days of unleavened week are high Sabbath's. This year they both fall on a 7th day Sabbath. The day Yashua / Jesus rose was called First Fruits. First fruits of the Barley. Shavout is first fruits of wheat.
    Not understanding the feasts, festivals and fasts in scripture made these 6 verses hard to understand so translators placed their bias of mans doctrine instead.

    • @peche184
      @peche184 4 роки тому +1

      Great comment

  • @robertjohnson2581
    @robertjohnson2581 4 роки тому +3

    Not really sure what you are saying so I will just say this. Christ is the living son of God. He is God with us Adam was not God in the flesh. Jesus is the only way to be saved and the only way to God.

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba 4 роки тому +4

      He is saying that jesus wS White and the savior of white people only.

    • @bombom6003
      @bombom6003 3 роки тому +1

      @@NacerDeArriba No. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba 3 роки тому +2

      @@bombom6003 it means "all whites are one in Christ"

    • @bombom6003
      @bombom6003 3 роки тому +1

      @@NacerDeArriba No, did you read it?

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba 3 роки тому +3

      @@bombom6003 jews and greeks were white. So that verse only include the white world.

  • @nicknickson3650
    @nicknickson3650 Рік тому

    what Bible should we use then if not the KJV?

    • @nicknickson3650
      @nicknickson3650 22 дні тому

      @spinetingler-007 I like the Christogenea stuff, I haven't heard any decent arguments against it. Have you seen the 100 proofs series?

  • @jdaze1
    @jdaze1 2 роки тому

    I guess people have never read Romans 1:3-4.

  • @RobTheFossil
    @RobTheFossil 3 роки тому

    "born again" is about becoming aware as an adult or young person who can differentiate good from evil that is possible as human beings. Then committing to walk the commandments of Jesus Christ in unconditional love for all. Nothing to do with words at all, just a covenant between a soul and God. Ask Jesus how. Start in Matthew 5. Ask Jesus, He answers through the Spirit God set free when the Son of Man became the sacrifice for all Mankind to be forgiven sin as humans tend to emotions and physical needs at cost to others as well as the Self. Enlightenment is a higher form as Jesus teaches to earn eternal life. Ask Jesus how. Now. Feel the peace fill inside as He responds.

  • @Paul--Nobody_Is_Out_To_Get_You
    @Paul--Nobody_Is_Out_To_Get_You 3 роки тому

    In the definitions of again, G509, is "from above" but also "again". Even in the definition you show it shows "again". It's a fascinating thought that all the baptists, or whoever concentrate on that, have got it wrong but I think in John 3:3 it must mean again. From what follows in 3:4:
    Joh 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
    Joh 3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  3 роки тому +1

      G509 is only translated as "again" in the Bible that one time. No where else in any Greek Book does it get translated as "again", the Bible translators simply made it up on the spot.

    • @Paul--Nobody_Is_Out_To_Get_You
      @Paul--Nobody_Is_Out_To_Get_You 3 роки тому +1

      @@TruthVids G509 as "Born again" is also in John 3:7 and 1 Peter 1:23 and I think these were, as you say, mistranslated and "born from above" makes more sense.
      I think what fooled me is that "again" is listed in the usage definitions of ανωθεν because if a word is used in one (different) way constantly then that way makes it into the definition. So because it has been used in the Bible in that (wrong) way it's made it into the definition in some dictionaries and concordance.
      Satan must have got his translators to slip it in to the KJV as one of his biggest deceits is to hide that he is father to so many people, maybe most, on earth. What of John 3:4 which only makes sense with "born again" and not with "from above", do you reckon it's been corrupted? (I'm pretty sure it's not part of the recent Mandela corruptions, must be earlier).

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  3 роки тому

      @@Paul--Nobody_Is_Out_To_Get_You Yes I would agree it got added to the Dictionary meanings because the Bibles invented the new meaning and were seen as Authoritative.
      It may have been done deliberately we can't tell. But there are many other verses that are corrupted in a similar way.

  • @thundarspikershott9594
    @thundarspikershott9594 4 роки тому +3

    this is mixing SOME truth with errors.!
    JESUS said go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.

    • @peche184
      @peche184 4 роки тому +5

      Means go to all white world

  • @amerixnwhre
    @amerixnwhre 3 роки тому

    Hello brother , is the Bible changed or corrupted?

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  3 роки тому +3

      Only the translations are corrupted.

  • @splashcoast7879
    @splashcoast7879 5 років тому

    Who can tell me who did Seth mate with if there were no other whites around????

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  5 років тому

      His sister. Adam & Eve had other children after.

  • @isaiahxp9185
    @isaiahxp9185 Рік тому

    You are being too open on this platform, which is public. Use this site and link a smaller community (Discord or whatever) elsewhere that the apocryphal knowledge can be learned. You could get striked, especially if this channel grows.

    • @sofietaylor2573
      @sofietaylor2573 Рік тому +1

      'Don't hide your light under a bushel.'

    • @isaiahxp9185
      @isaiahxp9185 Рік тому

      @@sofietaylor2573 Good point.

    • @rybkk6404
      @rybkk6404 Рік тому

      For what it’s free speech noting he said is hate speech

  • @jpowers667
    @jpowers667 4 роки тому +1

    I Love this teaching.. Right on Mr

  • @empirexx1428
    @empirexx1428 5 років тому +4

    Its funny that the person who made this video puts scripture up against the KJV Bible but never gives what version Bible he or she gets there scripture from. 2nd the entire Bible is a translation with that said you can't take the New Testament scriptures which was written in it's translation at the time and change them to another meaning example. God to Elohim. Jesus To Yeshua 3rd to my brothers and sisters do not fall for the confusion that's of the devil I'm not sure of the person who made this video tru intentions but the kingdom is at hand believe in Jesus Christ accept him as your lord and savior repent of your sins be baptized in the name of the father the Son and the Holy Ghost god bless

    • @JCRstudies
      @JCRstudies 3 роки тому

      This upset me I live Jesus with my hole heart it made me wounder for three days what I did wrong because I am x Muslim and found Jesus he saved me made my life today woundful and bless me his love is unconditional this makes it sound like because of your genitics you will go to hell no matter what, punished for what bring the devils son I am so confused, please someone explain I have lurning difficultes

  • @mindispower777
    @mindispower777 3 роки тому

    1+1+1=3 Don't be confused
    Deuteronomy 6 4
    Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
    Jesus is Lord
    Father is God
    Holy spirit is Lord they are One
    So my Brother and father and little brother is One same person? No But they are Just One in entire world
    We only have One God which is the Father and we only have One Lord which is Jesus and Holy Spirit
    Did God gave birth? No because He is God? Jesus is with God since the Beginning of Creation because Jesus is God's "word " and throught Jesus everything is created
    The only reason why Jesus called The son of God is because he was born by Mary and he wear the Human Body
    Why God send Jesus why he need to die on the cross to forgive our sins? Because God is too Holy he Loves us so much But because of sins we are disconnected to him that's why we need to have a Holy mediator which is the Lord Jesus Christ and we are cleanse by the Blood of Jesus .
    Before the only people who can communicate to God is the Prophets, But right now Because of Jesus we can directly ask God everything and his Forgiveness to Jesus Christ our Lord, so Mohammed is not the Last prophet because we already can talk to God without prophet because of Jesus Christ

  • @andrewjackson5729
    @andrewjackson5729 2 роки тому +1

    Christianity is for everybody whoever accepts Jesus as their savior and lord and do the will of father are saved

  • @pr7049
    @pr7049 5 років тому +1

    1st squeeze. According hadiths over 70% of Quran letters were lost before Uthman. The kufar in arabian prophet channel is laughing at you. Please refute him in skype debate or live chat.

  • @jamesposton5737
    @jamesposton5737 5 років тому +2

    The Israelites were scattered around the four corners on the ends of the 🌍

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 4 роки тому +4

      No racial group is more scattered than whytes who have established and built nations on every continent.

    • @johnbreadwinner4186
      @johnbreadwinner4186 3 роки тому +1

      @@ZekeMan62 being scattered by force is different than colonizing. Deuteronomy is speaking of curses and being scattered has nothing to do with white people

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 3 роки тому +3

      It has everything to do with Whytes when you understand it properly. If you think that every day Whytes have any control over their own governments you don't understand the world around you near as well as you think you do. We're as much subject to the proverbial Powers That Be as the POC's who find them oppressive... we're just better at finding ways to thrive within them. And besides, Deuteronomy 28 has nothing to do with what the Hebro's think it means anyway. Study the Biblical Covenant Promises and show me how the blaques in any way fit them. They most certainly don't.

    • @johnbreadwinner4186
      @johnbreadwinner4186 3 роки тому +1

      @@ZekeMan62 you just want to be an Israelite so bad. If it makes you feel better, you're a descendant of Esau, who is the brother of Jacob. Esau technically WAS an Israelite, until he SOLD it. Therefore he is no longer. We have proof Israelites were dark skinned. You're just obtuse and want to feel superior. Just wait until you face judgement and see the wooly haired God. (DANIEL 7:9)

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 3 роки тому +2

      I don't have to want. We are the Israelites... and we are superior. It's the way God made us. You won't have to wait to see God to find out either. He's going to make it plain as day when we defeat all you heathens in battle when you foolishly come for us. Read Ezekiel 38-39

  • @sotheboys
    @sotheboys 5 років тому +2

    Aren't we all descendants of Adam since in Noah's time humans we're whipped out and only Noah and his sons lived so did we all come from Adam and Cain's genealogy was whipped out

    • @jpowers667
      @jpowers667 4 роки тому +10

      The flood was geographical. Not global..

    • @SgtTeddybear66
      @SgtTeddybear66 4 роки тому +6

      @@jpowers667 The earth isn't a Globe. That's a satanic lie.

    • @binary
      @binary 3 роки тому

      @@jpowers667 the flood story isnt real, hate to break it to you

    • @titaniabell8682
      @titaniabell8682 3 роки тому

      The question is who are Noah’s sons wives? Cause somehow we still got Giants after the flood such as Goliath and his 4 brothers.
      Cains line still lived so....

    • @titaniabell8682
      @titaniabell8682 3 роки тому

      @@binary agree. Proof is the Titanic was bigger than the ark. plus each animal has to have so many pounds of feed a day including the carnivores. Also after 1 year all the vegetation under the water would die. After waters went down, what are the herbivores gonna eat when there’s no vegetation? Eventually they would die off and Carnivores will eat the dead but once all the food supply goes down so will the carnivores die off. Extinct.
      The story is just myth. Not actual history.
      If the flood did happen then it was just a localized flood and some guy thought it was the end of the world not realizing how big this plant really is.

  • @wallacewillard3174
    @wallacewillard3174 5 років тому

    So you attack a 400 year old book, are you saying these modern version speak truth? Or word manipulation? If so, where today is the Word that God promised he would keep in written form forever?

    • @TruthVids
      @TruthVids  5 років тому +10

      We still have the original Hebrew and Greek books. God's promises never fail.

    • @churchncoffeewithjoyceowen9594
      @churchncoffeewithjoyceowen9594 4 роки тому +1

      Oh... Sounds like the days of people not knowing the word in their native tongue so they are susceptible to the corrupt interpretations (meanings..The Message) of man. Like the Catholic Church.. using Latin. Therefore the people are under the burden if either learning a different language (not regularly spoken) or being at the mercy of someone telling them what the scripture "means". I think about all of those faithful and brave brothers and sisters who gave their lives to make translations in the native tongue of the people. Then came an awakening (although some priests who knew Latin , protested against the corrupt leaders.. and were excommunicated or killed) among the common people.
      Trust me, I understand the burden if seeing different translations. And personally I choose to not read the modern ones that remove verses (and put in tiny print me bottom KNOWING that most people won't read it) or change them (many watered down). The verses removed or changed are too significant. So my spirit didn't sit right with it. I'll stick with the KJV and the Lord will guide us into all truth. We have to believe that he has protected his Word... Even for the sake of those not knowing an old language.

  • @pr7049
    @pr7049 5 років тому +1

    3rd squeeze. According hadiths over 70% of Quran letters were lost even before Uthman. The kufar in arabian prophet channel is laughing at you. Please refute him in skype debate or live chat.

    • @onlyajoke
      @onlyajoke 3 роки тому

      According to Hadiths? You are bringing such random things out of context you fool

    • @onlyajoke
      @onlyajoke 2 роки тому

      @卐National Socialist Party Of India You decided to comment again? I'm not even gonna bother arguing with someone who spams random strawmans about Islam!

    • @onlyajoke
      @onlyajoke 2 роки тому

      @卐National Socialist Party Of India Vaccination of what? Covid? I swear dude, if you're against covid vaccination I can't even talk with you anymore 😭 Let alone against Islam, bashing it, and having no evidence whatsoever of your false strawman claims

  • @monyeichukwunonso2242
    @monyeichukwunonso2242 4 роки тому

    Talk about Africans, origin, descendants

  • @titaniabell8682
    @titaniabell8682 3 роки тому

    I have a real question.
    Christ is human and God right? Does God have chromosomes??
    Mary can’t have a baby by herself with just an X chromosome. Baby shares DNA from both Father and Mother.
    A human either has XX or XY chromosomes.
    So if he’s human where did that Y chromosome come from? If he doesn’t have XY chromosome then he’s not human.
    So does God have DNA or not?

  • @beautifulaether
    @beautifulaether 5 років тому +2

    Many use skin color in the bible to determine who Our Creator's actual people are. It is confusing to me because the scripture says that Moses married an Ethiopian woman - Numbers 12:1 KJV, then it says in Genesis that the second river Gihon compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia - Genesis 1:13 KJV - This scripture also says Paul was referred to as an Egyptian, which is in Africa - Acts 21:38 KJV

    • @igodohealth9884
      @igodohealth9884 4 роки тому

      Racial pride is / will block many from the truth, truth that's obvious to those willing to see!

    • @peche184
      @peche184 4 роки тому +21

      Ancient ethiopia was white

    • @ZekeMan62
      @ZekeMan62 4 роки тому +5


    • @johnbreadwinner4186
      @johnbreadwinner4186 3 роки тому

      @@peche184 no.

    • @Nicolos117
      @Nicolos117 2 роки тому +7

      @@johnbreadwinner4186 Egypt was white too

  • @bobguerrero2986
    @bobguerrero2986 2 роки тому

    Translators contend for perfection, churches debate for the best translation. . .KJV is the best version & all others that follow its excellence!!!

  • @lianmassey7913
    @lianmassey7913 5 років тому +1

    Our Messiah was not killed on a cross and yes, His sheep hear His voice and are lead by the Spirit and are shown how to rightly divide the word of truth. Thank you for your video. You are right, the dying for everyone, believe and be saved is a lie Yahuah bless

    • @keithtauber4153
      @keithtauber4153 2 роки тому +5

      No it is not. Your words are heresy and are not from God. Whosoever will applies to anyone. You cannot add to anything Jesus did for us and salvation is and always will be by FAITH period. Read Galatians. Then read it again and again and again till it sinks into your head that we are saved by faith just as Abraham was justified by his FAITH not works, We are not saved by works. Our works declares that we are saved through Faith. Let our works prove our faith. But faith is first. You are denying the sacrifice that Jesus made for you when you insist that you have to do something in addition to just believing. How sad.

    • @DD-ld1xq
      @DD-ld1xq Рік тому

      Get lost mud slime.

  • @HunterAmaku
    @HunterAmaku 3 роки тому

    What about Mexicans? They're some of the biggest believers in Christ.

    • @DaniGerman1499
      @DaniGerman1499 3 роки тому

      Because white men from Spain subjugated them and taught them the gospel

    • @Nicolos117
      @Nicolos117 2 роки тому

      @@DaniGerman1499 but they still believe, although they aren’t Israelites

  • @albussubla1020
    @albussubla1020 4 роки тому +2

    Jesus wanted his father to get the cup away from him, and it got rejected.
    Jesus is no God, John 20:17 confirms it

    • @thethirdlife8695
      @thethirdlife8695 3 роки тому

      This is interesting but what about the virgin birth or that Jesus was sinless. I am not arguing against your point but really want to know why you believe this. Lately I seen alot of people posting this.

    • @onlyajoke
      @onlyajoke 3 роки тому

      If Jesus is son of god but he is son of mary at the same time. That either means mary is god or god is married to mary?? 🤔

    • @onlyajoke
      @onlyajoke 2 роки тому

      @卐National Socialist Party Of India 1. Love how you assume I'm Muslim, which is correct. Great job! 2. You have no evidence to support that and just want to bash Islam for no reason or excuse. That's a no n, buddy.

  • @comedyn143
    @comedyn143 3 роки тому

    So this means my asian wife will not go to heaven?

    • @maxih4168
      @maxih4168 3 роки тому +4

      Anyone who turns to Jesus as their lord and saviour will be saved.

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba 3 роки тому +5

      You are a fornicator

    • @sofietaylor2573
      @sofietaylor2573 Рік тому

      Marrying out of your race is a sin to Yahweh, he told Israelites to send away their foreign wives.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 5 років тому

    Vessels fitted to destruction!

  • @christiaanwildtham710
    @christiaanwildtham710 4 роки тому +1

    Its nice to see people are seeking the true history and corruptions .
    But I want to add that the bible never said Jesus is God in the flesh.
    The Godman Jesus is another Roman Catholic corruption.
    Jesus is the messiah and the son of the living God

  • @vicm9637
    @vicm9637 4 роки тому

    As I understand, Yhaweh was the desert pagan god, not our real God.

  • @astutik8909
    @astutik8909 3 роки тому

    Deceitful video. Why use a sun cross for your title.

  • @mindispower777
    @mindispower777 3 роки тому


  • @oniloj5268
    @oniloj5268 3 роки тому

    The real truth is that the children's of the angels are the white straight hair people and the black whool hair people ar the people of God that how u know who is the goat and the sheep is the same thing like humans the sheep represents the black and the goat represent the straight hair people which are the children of the angels thaty y we look difderent

  • @muriirakoome31
    @muriirakoome31 5 років тому

    Thank you for this.
    However, Its not just the Europeans who can be called Israelites....we Africans know that we make up the 10 lost tribes...even Solomon himself was recorded in scripture as black...which would make his father black...and the righteous shoot that sprang out of this lineage would be black...just as Jacob/Israel.
    Yashuah came to save all. Doesn't matter the race...if we know of the gospel and lead our lives as He demonstrated and taught, we will be caught up with him soon enough brethren. Only by the blood of the unblemished lamb...our gift as the bride....the greatest sacrifice of all time. Yahuah bless you all and thank you for sharing.

    • @seekandcrush
      @seekandcrush 5 років тому +1

      LMAO... Take your bhi bullshit somewhere else. Beast bastards are not welcome here.

  • @jdaze1
    @jdaze1 2 роки тому

    The virgin birth and crucifixion stories are the 2 biggest corruptions. Among many, that have led to a strong delusion.